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Good morning, millennials.


Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast and Happy Monday. Hope everybody's having a great day thus far. Hope everybody's weekends were joyous and wentchie. How was your weekend, Jacks?


Joyous and wentchie, I think, are the exact words I would use to describe them. They were joyous because there was a lot of joy. And it was wentchie because the wentch collection dropped this morning.


Joyous, wentchie.


Yeah, joyous, Amper, Sands, wentchie. The wentch collection dropped this morning, which is so exciting. My weekend was wentchie because I was living and loving life in my new merch, the Wentchmiss holiday collection. It's available now at shoptoastmerch. Com. Claudia and I got some gorgeous picks. The sets are so cozy, they're so quality. If you're looking for a cozy set this holiday season, you want to treat yourself to one, might I suggest The Wrench collection? It is that feel of how you want your set to feel of the quality and material.


And it fits good. You could leave the house in them. That's important. Yeah. In the photoshoot, I'm wearing a size medium. Jackie's wearing a size extra large, but she said it felt too big on her. So she wished she sized down to a large.


Yeah, because my real size would have been a medium. So I only need to do one.


Size up. Yeah. So shoptoastmerch. Com, all the sets are pre-ordered, so you'll be able to get whatever size you want. But we're not going to leave the pre-order up forever. We're going to close the shop probably tomorrow or Wednesday so that everybody can get their orders in and we could start shipping them out and producing them. So there's not a rush, but be mindful of the timing.


Make haste.


Make haste with your merch.


Yeah, that's my favorite thing to say to my husband when he's being slow instead of... What does it mean? Hurry the fuck up.


Love that.


Make haste, my dear husband. Doesn't it sound so much better than, Move your ass.


Slow fuck. Love you, Zach. Make haste, my dear husband, is definitely something people in the Victorian era said to their husbands when they were being slow back then.


They just had a way with words. There is always a nicer way to say something. Actually, sometimes I really... I'll have something to say, and I think on it. I sit on it, and I'm like, I don't know a way to say this without sounding nasty.


I mean, that's life, no?


Yeah, but I'm just here arguing the opposite. But sometimes, there are nicer, more eloquent ways to say something pointed.


Make haste, my dear husband.


Feel free to use it on yours.


Oh, I will. There's definitely plenty of moments I could use that. But I also feel like I have to say it with some accent. Make haste, my dear husband.


Maybe he doesn't know what I'm saying when I say that. He doesn't want to ask me what it means, so he's not making haste.


I just feel like with your tone and the situation, the circumstances, he could deduce what you're trying to say.


I agree. There must be some deduction on his part.


Deduction is being done.


Deduction equals deduced.


Equals haste.


How are you, my dear Teo?


I hate to be so negative and down, but this show is... It's hard to do this show when there are things going on in your life. So I've been updating everyone on Teo's journey. He's been having a lot of health issues. We couldn't figure it out. We thought he had arthritis. I've been updating everyone every time I figure something out. And this weekend, he just took a turn. He wasn't going to the bathroom, and he couldn't even walk. So last night, we took him to the emergency room, and they discovered that he has a tumor. They keep calling it a mess. They don't really know what it is. I have no information. I don't even know if I wanted to talk about it. But I'm just in such a bad mood that people would be like, What the fuck is wrong with Claudia? And so here's what's wrong with me. We were at the emergency room till 2:00 AM. We still don't really get a lot of answers. He's there now. He'll probably be there for the next few days. But they know that he has this tumor mass structure. They don't think it's benign.


It's probably been pushing on his leg, which has been causing all that pain and pushing on his colon, which is why he hasn't been able to poop since Wednesday. And the good news is that they don't think it's spread because when they did the X-rays yesterday, there was no metastasis, which means spreading. So they're keeping him there today to biopsy the tumor to get really clear ultrasound pictures to make sure it hasn't spread. And the best case scenario is that it confirmed hasn't spread and that it's the type of tumor that can just be cut out. There's a chance that maybe it has spread, but it didn't come up in the X-ray. That's not likely, which is good. But there's also a chance that it's just not the type of tumor that can be just extracted. The best case scenarios, he just goes in for surgery and they take it out. But some tumors, based on where they are, or their size, or what they're pushing up against, some tumors can't be removed, and then you have to go with a treatment plan like chemo, which would just be a really long process. I don't know anything, so I don't even know what to share.


But he's been there since last night, spoke to them this morning. They said he's stable. I don't have a lot of information, but it's like this whole last month where we've been just trying to figure out what's wrong with him. It appears that this is what it is. But when we did an Xray three weeks ago, the mass wasn't even there. So it grew really fast.


Right. But it also means you've caught it within three weeks.


Yeah, that's true. That's good.


So he's at- We're just trying to look at some bright sides, but this is serious for you, and I know it's been really hard for you guys.


Yeah. So he's at the Animal Medical Center, and I only heard from them once. I know they're busy, and I'm not mad or anything, but I would love to hear more.


Yeah, but they'll call you when they have information.


Yeah, they said this afternoon. It's like a legit hospital, and they have all these different departments. He's in internal medicine. I have faith in them. First of all, it was so depressing last night. The Animal Hospital in the middle of the night is one of the saddest places to be on the planet.




And it felt like our news was the worst news in the room. I was just comparing people's reactions.


Don't lose your.


Tirty spirit. No one was crying except for us. Well, it was a lot. They just said it's so uncommon and it's so alarming because he's only six. Dogs have health issues, but like, Theo's six.


Yeah. Well, hopefully it's, as you stated, the best case scenario, which is removable, not spreaded. Let us pray for that.


Yeah. I don't know what I will do if it's not that. If it's like you have to have chemo, I'll literally kill myself. I will.


Don't think like that. That's a problem for another day.




Don't stress about things that aren't on your plate yet.


My phone is on in case they call. So we'll just have to cut that. That's fine. Of course. They said they would call in the morning with a morning update. I'm on my phone all morning. I literally go to take a piss.


I mean, always.


And then they call. And I didn't have the right extension. So I'm calling a million different numbers. Men wanted to kill me.


At least for me, they always say they'll call in the morning whenever it's like something, and it's always during the toast. And it's an unknown.


Number, so I don't pick it up. No, they were like, We'll call between 9:00 and 11:00. I'm like, Oh, okay. Yeah, no, I'm just busy during those times, but it's fine.


No, keep your phone on. That's totally fine. We're dup strong. I'm looking at my dup pillow.


No, he absolutely has to be okay. The other good news is that because they did all these tests, they did blood work, they did full body X-rays, and it's not like this is a sick dog. His heart is really strong. His liver is really strong. His kidneys look good. His blood work came back mostly good. This isn't a dog that's very ill. Yeah.


And also now you know what's really ailing him. Misdiagnosis are so frustrating.


So frustrating. This whole.


Time we've been treating him for arthritis.


You were giving him medicine. They don't even think it's arthritis. He's just in a lot of pain. This tumor is blocking his ability to walk.


Right. So at least now, he will get the answers that he needs. He'll get the medicine that he needs, and.


That is good. Yeah. No, they put him on pain meds when they started the X-rays because he had to lay on his back. Honestly, it was so sad. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth. There was no life behind those eyes. But this is probably the first time he hasn't been in an extraordinary pain in a month.




He didn't even complain to his mommy.




He's so strong. He's so strong, and he needs to stop.


I know. You have to be strong for him now.


I know. It's just like the waiting.


Yeah, well, that's why the toast is drugs. That's what.


We do. Yeah, no, I'm actually glad to get out of the house and- Yeah.


To get your mind off it for a few. We have some good stories today. I feel good about them. Okay. And other than this late night, Sunday night, bad news, how was your weekend? It was good.


I don't even really remember what happened before that, but it was just a nice weekend at home. I read. I'm reading Iron Flame. It's very long. I've been reading for a month. I'm at 30 %.


Okay, I'm at 16 %, and I read a little every night. I put emphasis on a little.


I can tell you I'm up to 30 %. Nothing has happened since I was at 16.


Great. I just get too tired. But I also don't start reading till 10:30, so no wonder I'm tired.


I've also heard that the book is confusing in terms of the world building and the rules and the magic and the wards and the venon.


Oh, I thought we were done with that.


No, me too. I thought I was like, Oh, I understand Basquath now. Now I can dive into the second book, totally understanding this world that we've been building thus far.


Also, has anyone pointed out that Navare are where they live, is also the.


Cheerleading troupe. Nobody has, but I've obviously thought of that as well. I'm like, Why do I know Navar?


Yeah, that's interesting. I saw a hilarious TikTok in the Redheads chat. We all chat.


About the parapet?


No, I don't know why that didn't make me laugh so much. It was someone roasting the writer for the writing of this book. She did one sentence, and yeah, it's not grammatically correct. I am.


Rereading, that's for sure. Lots of passages. But also, I did a little bit more research on them adapting it into... It is a movie, but it's Amazon Studios, so I thought it would be a TV show. And I think it's Michael B. Jordan's production company. So now a lot of people are saying Michael B. Jordan could be Zayden.




Oh, sorry.


He's just.


A little old. I know that's the only thing. He is aged out a bit.




But he does have what they say Zayden is, like super hot.


Does that mean that Michael B. Jordan read Fourth Wing?


That's a good question, because I was just watching an interview with Brie Larsen about lessons in chemistry, and she said that she had the role and she optioned the book before it even came out. So sometimes you're with it from the very beginning, and sometimes you just like... I feel like you take advantage of a moment and the momentum.


So she read the book before it came out and then wanted to be in the movie?


She was on the project before the book even came out. So how do you even know a book is going to be popular?


Well, you know it's going to be chosen for Reece or Oprah or Jenna, and it is a machine. When you learn about the publishing industry, it's very-.


No, I forget who I was saying this to.


Under lock and key. They've got it unlocked.


I said this on the toes, but then I had like, Oh, no, I said it on the toes. Goodreads is an industry plan. They're a part of this.


They're a part of this, you think?


Conspiracy, for sure.


I just feel like they're not doing a good job as an industry plan because they don't actually give good suggestions.


No, that's what I'm saying. They prop up books by certain authors, by certain publishing houses that are going to be made into movies. If you have good reads on your side, your book sucks. It doesn't even matter. Your book will be a bit more of a success.


I guess. Yes, we've had this conversation, but I just feel like they know I like historical fiction, and they're always recommending To Kill a Mockingbird.




Totally. Who does that serve? Who's making money on To Kill a Mockingbird today?


Haim. Haim? Is that the guy who wrote Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird?


I don't know. I just want you guys to know I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird. I probably was supposed to at one point. Who wrote it?


One more time? Harper. Harper. Okay, I'm thinking of Haim Potech, who wrote that book, Ben likes.


I'll Google it.


Haim Potech. Oh, my God. I have a voicemail. How the fuck did I miss that?


Oh, my God. Maybe your phone thought it was spam. The chosen?


Yeah. I'm sorry. No, it was someone else. Okay, thank God. Oh, tirty. No, my phone didn't even fucking ring.


It's on Ringer.


No, it's on Vibrate. Put it on Ringer.


Put it on... Yeah, just hopefully you don't get a lot of-.


If I get a text, I don't want to... It's fine. I'm fine. Okay. They probably should... God willing they should call. They're not going to call to much later today.


Yeah, it's like a watched phone never rings.


No, of course not. But you got to take a piss. Oh, it's ringing off the hook. Yeah. Yeah.


What were we talking about?


Iron Flame.


Iron Flame. Yes. So we're both not really making progress, but I will finish it before I start the next Redheads book, which is The Woman and Me by Brittany Spears. Read along with us.


This month. I will finish it before I start my book club book, which is Matthew Perry's book. So we're both in our celebrity memoir era. And with Thanksgiving this weekend, I'm probably going to have a lot of time to read. So I feel confident that I'll finish both books by the end of the week. And then speaking of today and tomorrow are our only shows. So if you're looking for us, we are here Monday, Tuesday of this week, Wednesday through Friday. We are off for Thanksgiving. But, of course, there will be podcast episodes dropping on our patron. We have three episodes left, three days this week without toast. You got it? You'll get it. So if you're Desperado, patron. Com/toast.


One plus one. Equals toast. Patron. Patreon.


Com/thetoast. Couldn't have said it better myself.


Speaking of this week, it's Thanksgiving, which is really exciting. One of the.


Better holidays. Agreed.


How are you feeling about Thanksgiving?


Right now, I'm feeling like... I'm hoping by Thursday, like I have something to be thankful for, you know?


Yeah. Oh, please, turty-loo.


No, I just mean, when it comes to the... I know I'm so grateful. I have an amazing life. That's not what I was saying. Please don't come for my neck right now. It's just hard to focus on really anything.


I understand.


But I do love Thanksgiving.


I love Thanksgiving. I've got to start plotting my menu, printing out my recipes, doing my shop. Very, very excited. I've got some new tableware coming, shopping for table tings, table top plates, chargers, not charging on my iPad. Chargers? There's just, I want it all, Tirty.






It all. That's what I was saying last week about that new crate and bowel store in the city.


Oh, my God. There's this collection of plates from Williams-Sinoma, and I want them all. I want every plate. I want every bowl, every salad plate, everything. What do I do? And the thing is, it's not even the thing where I could just buy a couple. Maybe I could buy four big dinner plates and have my pasta on them at night, but I need the whole thing.


Of course, it's a collection for a reason.


I want to write into Dear Toasters. What do I do? I need the whole thing, but I don't need it.


I know.


I wish I was getting married and I could register for it.


I definitely would redo my registry, but that's just life, you know?


Yeah, there are so many things that I didn't have on my registry that I should have, that I had, that I didn't need. But overall, in terms of the plates that I registered for in my China, I did good.


Yeah, no, same, but I'm not unhappy. I would do it differently now.


I would just add more on this collection from William Sonoma.




Maybe William Sonoma wants to be a sponsor. Perhaps. That would solve my problem.


It would. That's what we would tell the Dear Toaster, start a podcast, rave about William Sonoma, and pray that they reach out.


Yeah. I just need a little credit. Actually, a big credit, but yeah.


No, shopping for homeware really is so fun. And then you get back to your house, and it's depressing because you're like, I could never pull all this off.


No, I could pull it off, but then it would be sitting next to my ugly.


Other stuff. No, and then there's life. You have to keep all the actual crap you use every day that's like crap next to your gorgeous new China. No one's house is really like that, and that makes you feel better. All the shit you see on TV and Instagram, like gorgeous homes, no, those are sets. People have real lives. They have kids, they have dogs. Their houses need to look a certain way.


No, if you have a baby, where's your drying rack? That fucking drying rack is so ugly.


What drying rack?


It's like a little rack. There's a million kinds, but where the bottle is finished drying.


Right, right, right.


Where is the rack? The pasties hang.


Where is the rack?


Plus the sterilizer, which not everybody needs. You could do it in the dishwasher or on the stove. But it's just like, where are your.


Things, my friend? No, that's the thing. Remember, keep in mind when you're like, scrolling Instagram or looking at Inspo, those people's things aren't there. They're behind the camera.




It's about- Cachke Nation.


Yeah. You know what I got, by the way? What? I got your vegetable chopper.




Well, no, I just ordered it last night because I'm on it for Thanksgiving. Giving me a prep.


You need it. We made a chili on Friday, and it cut down the prep time more than half. If you.


Made a chili and didn't post about it, did you even make a chili?


Well, I did make a chili, and I did post about it, but I post about it on TikTok because the last time me and Ben made a chili, people were giving us so much crap about putting Rye's homemade tomato sauce in our chili. They're like, That's a meat sauce. And Rye's saw that. And your girl got a sponsorship. So we.


Posted- Oh, my God.


Yeah, we posted the Chile on our sponsored video on TikTok. Feel free to check it out addressing the controversy. Oh, my gosh.


William Sonoma. William Sonoma. William Sonoma. Yeah, so...


Yeah. So IYeah.


William and Sonoma?


Pottery Barn?


Craton Barrel.


Outdoor, outdoor furniture?


What the hell is that?


These outdoor furniture that I need, I think I'm going to get on Black Friday. I've been like, wait. I've really been plotting my outdoor furniture.


Let's talk about Black Friday.


I've been trying to make a Black Friday plan because it always catches me unawares. And I decided for this Black Friday, I'm going to get my outdoor furniture because furniture is so expensive, and I'm going to shop the sales.


That's smart. The only thing I need right now, I'm so annoyed. I didn't even realize it when I went to Athens, I left my Kindle Oasis on the plane. So that's been really tough for me. I have another Kindle, but it's huge. We got it as a gift. Remember those bedazled ones?


I'm sorry, I thought that's what you were.


Talking about. No, that's my Kindle that doesn't leave the house. It's huge. I couldn't travel with that. The Oasis is so light. I love it. It has that grip on the back. It's perfect for travel. I lost it. I'm so upset. And I'm just happy for the person who's going to pick it up and find a whole ass library.


A whole ass library of dirty books.


No, of Smut and some Holocaust books in there.


As well. Dirty books.


So Amazon do Black Friday. I know they have their Prime Day.


They have their Prime.


But I feel like a.


Kindle- I feel like they definitely get in on Black Friday sales. You're not going to let that pass.


Them by. So I was going to order it. I'm like, Let me just wait and see if it goes on sale. That was so annoying.


That is annoying. But I thought you lost your custom scribe.


No, no, no, no. That one doesn't leave the house. It's so big.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, an Oasis. Sad, yet replaceable.


Sad, unfortunately, but yes, replaceable. And that Kindle and I have been through a lot. The day I got it, I was so excited about it on Prime Day. It was on amazing sale. That day, Ben put it through the wash, and you know what? It survived.


Oh, that's cool. I think Zach put my AirPods through the wash the other day, and they survived.


They're survivors.


Ain't that the truth? What else are you going to get for Black Friday?


The thing is I need so much furniture for my new place, but I'm not settled yet on the- What you're going to get. -what I'm going to get. But hopefully, in the next couple of days, I can settle it so I can take advantage. I also need some outdoor furniture.


Yeah, so outer, outdoor furniture, manifesting. But it needs to be manifested by Friday because I've decided- You're going to pull the trigger. So many times we're playing in the backyard, I don't have a seat. I don't have a chair, not a-.


A lounge, a chase.


A stool. So I want to get one of their couches. They were on Shark Tank.


Oh. Yeah, it's very- What's the best Shark Tank purchase you've ever made?


Well, it's twofold because it's like, did I buy it because it was on Shark Tank? Or I bought it, and it happened to have been on Shark Tank at one point.


You bought it because it was on Shark Tank?


I haven't bought that many things straight away from the episode. The last thing I bought, I think, were those Kudos diapers.


And? Good.


But then my life got upside down. We moved to New York. I left the Kudos and my subscription at home. And by the time we got back all the ones that were delivered, Harry was no longer the size.


Right. I have bought... You're right, there's a lot of products I have that just happen to be on Shark Tank. Like, of course, like a scrub daddy, Cole 87 pizza. That's the best. I don't know. I have watched an episode in Purchase, like I purchased this thing for my posture. This harness, it sucked. I've purchased... It's not.


That much. That would be better for this conversation. He doesn't miss an episode. Olivia, too, is obsessed.


With Shark Tank. Yes, she is.


They should do an episode about Shark Tank.


They should. Beyond the tank. Beyond the toast.




That's the best part of the Shark Tank, it's Beyond the tank. Seeing the actual long term success. The success.


Yeah. Cool.


All right.


Enough about Shark Tank. We're not.


There to do- Enough about a show that isn't ours. Totally.


But the Sharks have contributed to this show by all coming on.


Yeah, Kevin has come on. Barbara's come on. I think that's it.




Oh, Damon, yes. That's it.


Yeah. Okay, Laurie Robert, Mark.


It's good to have goals.


I'm surprised we haven't had Laurie.


She's so toasty. Yeah, and of course, whenever you're watching an episode, a part of the human experience is to turn to the person you're watching it with and be like, If you were on Chia Tank, who would you be? And honestly, ideally, I would pick a team of two. But if I had to really just choose one, depending on what it is, but I think I would choose Laurie.


Oh, I mean, because for our tings, it would probably be Laurie. But if you were the average person, man or woman.


The dream is to have Mark and Laurie, because I feel like they're both the most successful, and they both cover different things. Laurie is very female-focused with products for the home, but she also has this massive network. She's huge in retail. She's huge for B2C, you know?


Yeah. What about Kevin?


But Mark, the thing is, I don't think I would ever come to a good deal with Kevin. He's a tiger, a shark. I think the other two are a little bit more accommodating.


Yeah, I used to feel that way about Mr. Wonderful, but now I'm like, Yeah, you got to be.


Business as customers. Yeah.


This isn't the playground.




So now, without further ado, about to show that as an artist, here are the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


And the Fast Five stories that you need to know are brought to you by the farmer's dog. I'm okay.




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A fresh diet has been found to have all sorts of benefits from healthier coat to skin, better breath, even easier digestion, and smaller, better poops. A healthy diet isn't just important for humans. So whether your dog is struggling with bowel movements, with breath, with energy, there's really never a bad time to switch to fresh, healthy dog food from the to the farmer's dog. So it doesn't matter if your dog is old or young, it's always the right time to begin investing in their health, helping you live more healthy, happy and full years together. That means more magical moments with your dog, but no actual magic is required. Get 50 % of your first box of fresh, healthy food at thefarmersdog. Com/toast. Plus, you get free shipping when you go to thefarmersdog. Com/toast. Go to thefarmersdog. Com/toast to get 50 % off your first box and free shipping.


Thank you, La.


You're welcome, fa.


Our first story, Taylor Swift took the Aries tour to Brazil this weekend with some tragic effects. Taylor Swift's fans begged for water during the Brazil concert, where extreme temperatures caused one Swifty's death. During Taylor's first night in Rio de Janeiro, a sea of fans were subjected to dangerous conditions, which led to one concertgoer's death. After standing in line for hours to get inside the stadium and claim a good spot in the general admissions area, Ana Clara Benavides fainted and had to be resuscitated at the stadium for about 40 minutes. According to a Brazilian newspaper, she suffered a second cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital, dying shortly after her arrival. Following news of her death, other fans were present for the concert gave insight into the terrible conditions via social media and videos posted to X. A sweat-drenched Taylor could be seen pausing her set to urge staff members to administer water bottles to concertgoers who were chanting for it in the middle of all too well. She grabs water from someone stage and throws it into the crowd. There's video of her red-faced, breathing very heavily in between lyrics. It was just a disaster.


She put out a statement about the Swifty who passed away saying, I can't believe I'm writing these words, but is with a shattered heart that I say we lost a fan earlier tonight before my show. I can't even tell you how devastated I am by this. There's very little information I have other than the fact that she was so incredibly beautiful and far too young. I'm not going to be able to speak about this from stage because I feel overwhelmed by grief when I even tried to talk about it. I want to say now, I feel this loss deeply and my broken heart goes out to her family and friends. This is the last thing I ever thought would happen when we decided to bring this tour to Brazil. Then on her last night in Brazil, for her surprise song, she sang, Bigger Than the Whole Sky.


Which was clearly, it's a song about grief. It's a song about death. It's clearly- Yeah.


Dedicated to Anna.


So this whole Rio concert was like a shit show. So apparently, they're experiencing a heat wave in Rio. It's 107 degrees. But inside the stadium, they closed the vents at the top of the stadium. So it was more like, 130 degrees inside the stadium. So it really was like people aren't being dramatic. It was ungodly. Taylor didn't look okay. Nobody in the stadium was okay. And then Rio, outside the stadium has an enormous crime issue. So people were being held up at gunpoint, being robbed in these big crowds. So it was just a mess top to bottom. She postponed the second show. It was supposed to be the night after this event. The heat wave was still in full effect. I think she postponed it like two, three days, and then it was last night. And it appeared to be better. They opened the vents, water was more accessible. I'm sure Taylor is devastated, and I'm sure she's back home ready. I'm sure she wanted to get out. Just chaos.


Yeah, so horrible.


So sad.


Our young person going to an entertainment event, it's just the last thing that you expect to happen. I saw some things about this stadium. It was so mismanaged by the stadium.


They said Taylor should have never performed at this particular stadium. It's known to be very janky, and there's other facilities in the country that would facilitate it better.


Right. And when there's a heat wave, like why do you close the vents?


You don't. No, that's insane.


Yeah. And was there general admission in the US?


No. So this is something that's happening in some of the stadiums that are international. I don't know if it's a stadium thing or it's a Taylor thing, but I think it just has to do with the particular stadiums. Ga in a stadium, I don't think that's the best.


And in a heat wave, it's just a recipe for what was a disaster.




Because- And also, I'm thinking, if some people could barely stand to watch... How is Taylor up there in this heat.


Doing a.


Three-hour show? Under lights. -doing a three-hour show.


Yeah, no, it's dangerous for everyone.




And I feel like our girl... People commend her for her work ethic so much. Through the rain, there's nothing she won't perform through. And I feel like she shouldn't have done the show. How is she to know? No, but it's also just like it's such a double-edged sword. If she cancels when... She has canceled a few shows. She just did it in Argentina. There's lightning. She does it for the safety of everyone, and she gets so much shit when she does. And it's understandable. People travel, they paid money, but at the end of the day, safety trumps everything. So it's like a lose-lose situation for her, because when she cancels, she gets so much backlash.




Yeah, the Swifty community is so mad always.


Well, maybe after seeing this, they'll understand the next cancelation a little better.


Right. That's just what happens when you do stadiums. You are subjected to the elements. Yes.




And so you have to monitor it. And so her postponing the second show was obviously necessary. Yeah. And that video of her struggling to breathe, I can only imagine what people down in the crowds were feeling.




And she's wearing so many layers of tights and boots and sparkles. And she's.


Working so hard.


Yeah. No, horrible.


Yeah, very, very sad. Our next story is some better Taylor news.




Because Travis Kelsey did a wide-ranging interview with WSJ Magazine. Have you seen it? And he's talking all about how him and Taylor got together. Oh, my God. No, I haven't seen this. I think it came out this morning. So in a new wide-ranging interview for the cover of WSJ magazine's December, January issue, Travis is explaining just how his relationship with Taylor began. He said, I don't know if I want to get into all of it. He said during the discussion before ultimately reflecting on his unsuccessful first attempt to meet the musician at her aero-tour show in July. He previously shared that during an episode of New Heights. Now there's some more details, quote, There were definitely people she knew that knew who I was in her corner who said, ' Yo', did you know he was coming? I had someone playing Cupid, he told the outlet, adding that he eventually found that out from Taylor when she contacted him directly.


Oh, she contacted him directly.


He said, quote, She told me exactly what was going on and how I got lucky enough to reach out to her. He told WSJ magazine a few members of the Swift family even assisted in helping get her attention. She'll probably hate me for saying this, but when she came to Arrowhead, they gave her the big locker room as a dressing room, and her little cousins were taking pictures in front of my locker.


No, I'm broken.


As for their first time meeting, he got candid and said, quote, When I met her in New York, we had already been talking, so I knew we could have a nice dinner and a conversation. And what goes from there will go from there. This is.


Just so crazy how much we know.


Yeah, wait. He also said, sorry, that he's never dated anyone like Taylor before with that aura about them. He's never dealt with it, the attention and everything. But at the same time, I'm not running away from any of it. The scrutiny she gets, how much she has a magnifying glass on her every single day, paparazzi outside her house, outside every restaurant she goes after, every flight she gets off, and she's just living, enjoying life. When she acts like that, I better not be the one acting all strange.


No, it's so true. There are very few people who are built for that life, but literally, Travis Kelsey is one of them. I feel like nothing bothers him. Everything just rolls off his back. I don't think he gets bogged down by what Twitter says about him. I think it's, of course, for me, everything comes back to the song Peace. That's literally about this type of life Taylor has and how it's really not for everyone. Would it be enough if I could never give you peace? Whoever's going to be with Taylor, they will never have Peace. You can't even go on vacation without being tortured.


Right, so it might as well be someone who would have that, regardless of Taylor or no Taylor.


Well, no, he wouldn't. But it might as well be someone who can have fun with it, who doesn't take it so seriously. I think that the fact that she wrote Peace while she was with Joe was a reflection of the fact that it wasn't enough for him, and she probably knew that deep down.


Right, but it helps that, Travis Kelsey, when he walks through a restaurant, people are gawking and taking pictures- For sure.


But not on the level. She's not talking about just fame. She's talking about something else.


But Joe had to get used to not being able to walk through a restaurant in Cognito anymore.


No, but also, Joe had to get used to the fact that he was known, and he's accomplished, for sure. He's known as Taylor Smith's boyfriend. A lot of us only know who he is, know his name and what he looks like because he's Taylor Smith's boyfriend. Whereas, like Travis Kelsie, you're right, on his own has that... He gets that reception. Now it's on a completely new level. But yeah.


I don't think, Travis, even just his size, he never walks anonymously anywhere.


And I do feel like, not to always bring it back to this, but I feel like she's been healed. I feel like for so long, she wouldn't... There are very few songs she's never played, and she's never played Peace. And I feel like we all just understood that she never would because it's so personal and it's so real. And it ended up being true. The line of the song is, Would it be enough if I can never give you Peace? And it turned out that it wasn't enough.


Well, do.


You know who broke up?


Her and Joe broke up. Do we know who broke up with who?


No, but I-the next album- I have to imagine this whole conversation was a part of it, you know?


Yes. Wait, there were two more things that I wanted to share from the article. He also called.


Her- Sorry, what I was going to say was I now feel like her singing Peace is a possibility, because it's like she's been healed, you know?




I just don't know what in the acoustic set, how you play piece like alone on a guitar or alone on piano. If you listen to the track, it's like a very futuristic, weird track.


Taylor would figure it out.


Just know, if I hear a coming of age is coming on on someone's fucking live stream, I will die. I will die.


Kelsey also called Swift both hilarious and the genius, and revealed that he and she share a similar outlook on family and work. He said, Everybody knows I'm a family guy. Her team is her family. Her family does a lot of stuff in terms of the tour, the marketing, being around. So I think she has a lot of those values as well, which is right up my alley. That, to me, is a very important factor in this relationship, because I think that he wants a family of his own. And I think that everything that they're doing, they are on the path to marriage.


No, 100 %.


And children.


Nope, 100 %. They'll be the tallest kids on the planet.


Does Taylor want children?


I think so.




I don't know if she's ever outright said it, but.


She's such a romantic. Through all of her music, everyone knows what she thinks and feels.


No, that's true. I guess if you listen to her music, she really is very traditional. She's always been a hopeless romantic. I'm sure a family is something that she wants, and a lot of people speculate that bigger than the whole sky is actually a song about a miscarriage. I have to imagine that that's something that she wants, especially because she loves her mom and her siblings. Family is so important to her.


And also sometimes it takes being with the right person to want those things.


Yeah. And just the fact that he sits down in all these interviews and he talks about Taylor, but he also talks about other stuff, knowing that I have to imagine that everything he's saying is sanctioned by Taylor, she's okay with him sharing. That's just so different from anything we've experienced.


Yes, but I also feel like it's not like he runs by her what he's going to say. So I feel like she reads something like this, and is like, He likes me. He really likes me. She obviously knows, I'm sure he tells her these things, but to have someone gush about you publicly, it's like they also are still human beings. If you saw a guy that you like talking about you positively like this, I'm sure it makes her day.


Especially when you just got out of a six year relationship that was so private because the person you were with wanted that privacy. Joe was not wanting to do red carpets. I think he was nervous about his career being Taylor Swift's boyfriend, and he became that anyway, so we might as well have just milked it.


Yeah, but Travis is very confident and he's very proud. And I think that that must make her happy. Even if she knows he's doing the interview and she knows what things he's allowed to say, that's really nice to see the guy that you like gushing about you and speaking so flatteringly of you.


No, totally. No, and honestly, I'm sure this has been a very challenging week for Taylor. And like you were saying, these are two people who have just been having a lot of fun, and it's all been very positive. They really haven't been through tough times. But part of being in a relationship is having a life partner when life gets hard, and this has probably been a really hard week for Taylor. And I think that their relationship will probably grow immensely during this time. You need to lean on someone when you're grieving.


Yeah, Travis will be there for her.


And tonight is the big Eagles Chiefs game. A lot of people think that that's going to be the matchup in the Super Bowl. Taylor was supposed to be at this game. Apparently, there were reports that Andrea Swift was coming. She was going to meet Donna Kelsey. I'm sure that's all changed now because the shows were postponed. She might still be in Rio. I doubt she is. But I'm sure she doesn't want to be seen publicly for a few days.


Yeah. I'm sure the NFL is upset about that for them because they.


Literally did all of- But the ratings will be.


Huge anyway. But they literally did all of this because they're being thirsty. And the Kelsey... The whole thing is just a little thirsty because they're both in... They wouldn't be playing each other in their conferences until the Super Bowl. But apparently they just- Is that true? Yeah, because they're in different conferences. This game was made up. The NFL puts on random games, like a scrimage, I guess. And that's what this is. It's just like a showcase.


So it doesn't.


Count towards- No, because they're in different conferences. That's why they only played each other in the Super Bowl. Are you sure? Well, as positive as I could be.


Who can- I'm going to ask Taylor. No, I'm going to ask Taylor, Donoghue. Ben is not-.


Say, Is this Eagle's Chiefs game a fake game?


Is this Eagle's Chiefs game tonight? A part of the regular schedule? Does it count towards their- Season.


Season, question mark? Would these two teams be playing each other any year?


Or is the NFL just putting it on for fun, basically?


Or is the NFL just putting it on for fun, basically? I'm protecting my family and my interests. It's literally that scene in qualifications where she's fighting with Kanye and Chloe. Chloe's telling her what to say. She's like, Me and my family.


Yeah, no, it's like... I'm in your ear here on a date and I'm telling you what to say.




Let me know what she says, but- Wait.


She said, 'LO' like, 'Hello, answer me. ' It's a regular season game. She's typing. Okay, so I'm- Even though one is in NFC and one is in AFC, right.




So it counts towards- Do they normally not play each other?


Why are they playing each other? Why now? Is because NFL is thirsty.


No, but I feel like they would never play each other ever during the season?


No, NFC-FC. She needs.


To type faster.


I feel like you need to just call someone.


Yeah. If her next answer doesn't please me, I'll call her. Okay.


Hopefully she pleases you.


I'm so hungry. What are you going to.


Have for lunch? Is just because I'm.


Going through something hard. I think I deserve a big fat lunch.


I think you deserve a comfort meal, you could say, to be comforted.


So the options are endless.


Pizza? Pastor?




What should I have for lunch?


Because she's typing a lot.


I'm telling you, it's complicated. It's not straightforward.


I feel like it is.


No, it's not. It's thirst. It's thirst disguised as something productive for the season.


Okay, I guess we can move on. And when she answers, I'll let you know.


Okay. Anyways, yes, they have their big game. I know, Kelsey Bull plus the Swift of it all, the parents were supposed to meet. Now it's just about Kelsey Bull, which is also exciting.


And NFC will typically play most games against other NFC teams, but teams will always play three or four games outside of their division just to keep it interesting.


And who decides who plays who for that.


And why? No, you're right. Okay, so it's not like it wasn't legally allowed to happen, but they pushed you know- Yeah, they're making shit up. They're making shit up. Wait, also totally separately. I don't know if you've noticed anything different about me.


I know your grayish grandma nails are out the door, and you have this maroon.


I got red nails. You don't understand. Every manicure for the history of my life, like I always get, Jackie hates it. She always makes fun of me. It's or nude or nude. It's like skin tone. I don't like to draw a lot of attention to my hands because I don't like my hands. They're like wrinkly and fat. But yesterday it was just such a beautiful fall day, and I was like, You know what? I'm going to fuck shit up and do maroon, like burgundy. So I thought about it for a while. I did the decision. I have burgundy nails. I feel like it makes my hands look so pale.


Yeah, but it looks nice. I think it.


Does too. I'm obsessed with it. This is Oxblood from the brand Calice and the shalac.


It looks nice. Every time I do, I have that feeling every fall too, and I get a red nail and I regret it.


Well, when it was.


Getting done- It literally happens every year, and then I see on my time hop like, Oh, this week, last year, I also decided to get red, and I'm like, Do I ever change? Or am I just the same? You know what I mean? It's human nature. It's like when you wear the same outfit today as you did on TimeHop, a year ago, and buy full outfit, not just a sweatshirt. You know the shirt, the shirt is the belt. On the same day?


While I was getting the manicure done, I was leaving a life of regret because red nail polish just stains your skin. So when she would get a little polish on my skin, which is normal and you normally would take Acetone, it leaves a red mark. So I did leave with bloody hands, but then I took a bath and it all went away. And now I'm just looking at it and I don't know who this girl is. I look down at my hands and it's giving freaky Friday, you know?


Yeah. It's like you changed with Snitch.


I like it. I think I do.


Because you like it?


Yeah. Cool. No, I love it.


Are you ready for our next story?


Oh, yeah. We're done talking about my nails? Yeah.


Yeah, I just feel like we're moving slowly.


Oh, yeah. What story are we at?




Okay, okay.


This is exciting news. Sookie Waterhouse announced that she's pregnant, and is expecting her first baby with Robert Paddensen.


It's exciting, but nobody talks about how hard it is to see other people living your dream. I am happy for them, of course.


Which part is your dream? Having Robert Patinson's baby?


Yeah. Yeah. And just like, Robert Patonson loving you and wanting to impregnate you, you know?


Yeah. I'm sure that's hard for you. She's also a singer, so she really is living your dream. Who knew she was a singer?


I did. She had such a viral song on TikTok. You think we're the same? The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all. It went so viral. And then I saw a video of her performing it, and I was like, What? This is her?


Well, it's her. She's pregnant with Edward's baby.


And they're going to name it Renesme.


She revealed that at a concert in Mexico City on Sunday. She said, I decided to wear something particularly sparkly today because I thought it might distract you from something else that's going on while gesturing to her stomach. She said, I'm not sure if it's working.


I love these two. I think they're the greatest couple of all time. They're so good looking. They're so in love. They've been together forever. They went to the Aries tour. There's so much here.


They also look alike. If you swap their hairs, they look the same. So their baby is going to look just like them.


It's giving.


Renesmae- It's seriously giving her Nesmé. No, I love them as well. I'm really happy for them, and I'm happy for Robert Patinson.


He just- Honestly, if it couldn't be me, I'm happy it was her.


Yeah. Also, her sister is in the show. I'm watching Buccaneers. It's filled with Nepo Babies, the show.


I didn't even know she had a sister who was in the industry.


Yeah. Now that I- What's her name? Her name's Imogen Waterhouse.


They've got cool names.


Yeah, they do. Imogen Waterhouse. And you know who else is in the show? Who? No, you don't know.


Oh, my God. Imogen Waterhouse is literally gorgeous.


I could die. Yeah, that's her role. She's the gorgeous debuton.


Okay, and who else?


Kate Winslet's daughter.


What's her name?


I don't know. I don't remember. But now that I heard she was Kate Winslet's daughter, yeah, she has- Mia Threpleton. She does look like Kate Winslet.


She does. Actually, wait, does she also have a freckle above her lip? Oh, my God.


She does. Yes.


That's crazy, now.


Yeah, do you think that it's real?


Yeah, no, I just zoomed in on a picture. It's a full.


Blown- Yeah, no, and it's in the show too, but what are the odds?


No, that's literally crazy. Does that mean my baby will come out with a big old mole on his face?


You'll have to talk to easy right there.


God, I hope not.


So happy for the happy couple. We'll keep you abreast. We don't always support pregnancy news, but this just means these two are bound for a while.


You know, and these are just two people who are such artists and so non-traditional. So for them to just be settling down and having a baby, I'm obsessed.


Yeah, me too. Our next story. Are you ready for it?




Kim Kardashian is delving further into the acting world. She'll be producing and starring in a comedy called The Fifth Wheel after her role on American horror story. Right. So Kim will produce and star in an upcoming female-driven comedy titled The Fifth Wheel, which is being scripted by Paula Pell. And Janine Brido, deadline reported on Sunday. She has been hands on in the pitching for the film and even has attended each meeting to deliver her pitch. She has multiple accolades to her name, but appears she has swayed Hollywood as multiple studios are lining up to get in business with her, according to the site.


Well, the reception from American horror story has been really great for Kim. People were really shook at how seriously she took the acting and how convincing she was. They said she was good.


This article says she's received both praise and criticism. I think there were also people- Well, that's just because she's Kim. -and there's always going to be haters.


No, but I watched a whole episode on TikTok in 10 different clips, and she really was giving actress. I mean, her role was literally Kris Jenner. So I feel like she'd been mentored her whole life for this role. But I think she impressed a lot of people. I think the show probably did really well because people tuned in just out of sheer curiosity to see Kim being so serious. But comedy is hard. I would say that comedy is probably the hardest thing to act if you're not a naturally funny person.




So I'd be interested to see this. But she's producing and starring? I don't.


Know about starring. She's producing and starring. Yeah, sorry, star. But what does that mean? Is she the star? Or she's in it.


I don't know, but to be funny is very hard.


Yeah. She has so much going on.


Why do you want to be an actress? I know. Why do you care about this?




No, it's definitely like, I understand her motivation and her energy to be the best in business, the best in influencing, the best in fashion. I get it. This is so random, and she doesn't need Hollywood.


And I feel like all this time, they always would be like... When people would trash the show, they would be like, Well, we're not actresses. We're not winning any Oscars here. And now that's what you want to be?


No, it's a good point.


I don't get it. I feel like- Yeah.


It's random.


Yeah, but I love a female-driven comedy when it's done well, so I'm open minded.


I don't know, female-driven comedy gives cringe energy, but we'll.


Have to say. It does, but it could, in theory, be good.


A female-driven comedy is like bridesmaids. It's one of the funniest, best movies probably ever made for women, by women for everyone. But female dreaming comedy sounds like a flop.


No, but think about Amy Schumer, like Train wreck.


Or- Yeah, no, that's the good, the.


Best of the best. When it's good, it's good.




So I'm open minded.


What do you think is the better movie, Train wreck or I Feel Pretty?


So tough. I feel like train wreck.


For sure, but not enough people talk about I Feel Pretty. I walked out of that movie and was like, I feel so seen. I laughed, but I also felt like- Empowered.


-empowered and this was a film literally about me.


No, it.


Actually was. No, I know. I never felt myself so literally represented in a movie. Yeah. It was really good. But I agree, train wreck is better.


So good luck, Kim. Our fifth and final story is a little more acting news.




Megan Markle commented on the suits resurgence. She says it's wild that suits is breaking streaming records four years after it ended.


I can't believe Megan Markle went to an event.


Yeah, well, she went to the Power of Women Variety event. So if she's going to go to any event like that, that sounds like one she would go to. And she was asked about the show, breaking whatever it did.


I'm 45 billion.


Minutes stream. I'm too tired to come up with the recaps. The fact. She said, Isn't that wild? She said, Although she admitted to having no idea why it's had a research, and she remembered filming the show with Joy. It was great to work on such a great cast and crew. We had a really fun time. I was on it for seven seasons, so quite a bit. But it's hard to find a show you can binge watch that many episodes these days, so that could have had something to do with it. But good shows are everlasting.


Yeah. No, she's right. It's built to binge. It's like seven seasons, maybe even nine, actually, 20 episodes. They don't make that anymore. It's 30-minute shows that are 10 episodes a season. Right. So it's a really bingeable show. It's a good show. And, of course, the cultural relevance of Megan Markle is an important factor in it as well. But I watched this interview. It's so crazy to see her just out and about, just being... She walked right past the Entertainment Tonight Girl, and the Entertainment Tonight Girl asked a question about suits, and she wanted to answer it. So she walked back and was like, Here's what I think. And she seemed really excited about the fact that everybody was watching it. She has wanted to address this. Oh, good. And she found her opportunity.


Good. I'm glad she enjoyed it. It's a win for everyone. People liked watching it, people are watching her. She liked that for them.


She wore a neutral tone dress, which I feel like is so her esthetic. She never really steps out of her, what I'm wearing today. Like very coastal grand, neutral tones, very Jenny Cain, Nancy Myers.


Yeah, she looked great.


She looked great. Harry was not there?


I don't think so. I didn't see him in the pictures or anything, plus his power of women.


Oh, yeah. I'm just so over him. I love when she leaves the house without him. Leave him at home, he seems like so Ms. I feel like she's like this ray.


Of light. That's why she's like, get him out of the house.


I know, but it's like enough already. They said, Marco, Sparkle. That totally comes through every time I watch an interview. She definitely is this joyous ray of light. I feel like he's just this miserable fuck.


I know, but she's his wife. She has to try and You know, cheer...


And you know what?


Therein lies the issue. Honestly, I don't think she.


Should be his wife anymore. You don't think she should be.


His wife anymore. I'm just over him, for real. I really don't like him.


Okay, but do you think that she should still be his wife?


Technically, I would say yes. But I just love when she steps out without him. I need her to go to more.


Girl dinners. Like a TNO.


Yeah, I need her to go out with Beyonce and Serena Williams. I need her to do more on her own, because I really do, and I genuinely believe this, I do believe he brings her down.


Yeah, but they could also do a couple of things together. Together.


No, I'm not interested. I also.


Feel like so much- They moved to her country.


No, let's be real now. He fucked up that whole thing. I think a lot of her misery, I do believe my takeaway from that documentary was.


His fault. Her misery in the UK.


Yeah. So it's like, You know what? You put me through that, bitch.


We're moving to LA. Right, right. No, but I think they're moving to LA and quitting the family and all that was his way of overcorrecting for initially not giving her the tools that she needed when she was there.


For sure. No. So what you're saying is like, she's indebted him, and fine. But like-.


No, not that she's indebted him.


She's got to shake him. She's got to shake that miserable fuck.


If she just left him?


No, I don't think she can leave him, but I think she really needs to start being a gal about town alone.


It seems like this week she has the same idea. She was. Yeah, it's enough for us. It's a couple of paparazzi picks and random places where the paparazzi weren't just lurking. So I feel like she's decided to put herself out there.


Yeah, she's wallowed with him. I just feel like he's a miserable person. I feel like she wallowed with him enough. I miss my family. Fuck off. And now she can fly. That's really how I feel.


Okay. Yeah, I feel like they're in a different stage now. I don't know what's next for them.


But she was also postpartum for a while, so I can understand her being low key for the last couple of years.


No, yeah, she's back in the game.


Right. And I need to see weekly sightings alone.


I agree with weekly sightings. They don't have to be alone, but they alone are so fun.


No, they do. No, they really do. Also, the crowd is out only the first-.


The first half of it, and then the rest comes out in December. I think I'll just wait.


Oh, for sure. I heard they were amazing.


We should watch on our trip.


Yes, I meant to call you over the weekend and tell you that to add it to.


Our list. Okay, good, because I won't have time to watch it before then anyway. So perfect.


Those are the fast five. Those were.


Pretty good. Yeah, you needed to know them. That's what's going on in Hurleywood.






And that is our show for today. We're back tomorrow. Reminder that our merch is now available for a limited time. Our Wrenchmiss Christmas collection is available at shoptoastmerch. Com. All sizes are available for a limited time. Make sure to get your orders in. We'll be closing the shop probably tomorrow or Wednesday to make sure everybody can get their orders as soon as possible. So thank you so much for listening to The Toast the Millennian Morning Show where we deliver the Fast Five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday. And you too, so if you're watching us on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe me. We have a video of thumbs up. We're also available at the podcast and we're a podcast with you on Spotify, Tune, Citra, Public Video, I write a cast box with all the places we've listed on the podcast. Find us the toast of five star view about a beautiful, stunning, and wiggly talented we found at Spotify. Hope you guys have an amazing day and we will see you tomorrow. Love you.


Bye. I love you.