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Good morning, millennials.


I didn't want to say it because I knew you're going to come for me.


No, I wouldn't. I only needed to say it once, and we established your good morning millennials way of doing GMM. Thank you. But good morning to all our millennials out there, Gen X, Y, Z.




Boomers, of course. What's before boomers?


I think I read something recently. I could 100 % be making this up, but have you heard of Zoomers?


Yeah, what's that?


I think it's under Boomers, right?


Under, as in older than Boomers?




Younger. Okay, who's older than Boomers?


No, I don't think there is. I think they're at the top of.


The game. Okay, well, welcome everyone to our show. Happy Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend. What a joyous holiday weekend. We can't ask for anything more than a beautiful holiday weekend. Plus, we have a very exciting episode today because Trout Skin is co-hosting with me today. I'm here. Trout Skin is Olivia, our older sister, because Claudia is out doing do tings this morning. Today is a very big day for due and his recovery. So we are all sending prayers up for due. I have my do pillow if you're watching on YouTube. I think I'll just leave it here. Yes, I love that. Just so that everyone can be reminded of the power of do and how to do needs our thoughts and prayers at this moment.


Agreed. Prairies for Theo.


We're do strong always. So hopefully, Claudia will be back tomorrow, and we'll know a little bit more. But today, Olivia is joining us to do the toast, which is always a delight.


Thank you so much for having me. I absolutely love being here. And I will say every time I do this show, which is rare. It's more frequent these days. It's more frequent these days, but that's what I was going to say. My level of respect for you and Claudia is astronomical, but it gets even higher because the way that I pick myself apart, like watching myself, I don't understand how you do it. You can't watch. And then everybody gives you feedback. You put some bronzer in your part, Olivia. Don't wear this makeup. Don't this. Don't that. And so I feel like today, I came ready to punch out the comments.


Okay, you don't have to read the comments, and you don't have to watch it back.


No, but by the way, sometimes people's feedback is really helpful. I can't see myself right now, so I don't know how I'm looking. And then afterwards, people give you.


Feedback, and you're like, okay. For sure, okay. -if you have to sift through a bunch of crap to find one helpful comment, is it that helpful?


Totally. Yeah, no, my foot is covered, so people.


Don't say anything about feet. They love to.


Come for the raw dogs. I was really all prepared, like I'm ready to go. Come at me.


Yeah, I usually wear a shoe on the show, but sometimes my Instagram story, I guess a bare foot will make it into the frame and the way people go buck wild when they see a bare foot. It's like, Are you guys okay?


And also, everybody has feet.


It's so weird.


And I think my hands are worse than my feet. No, and I.


Don't have bad feet. It's just the concept of seeing feet positively. Some people are a little too here for it. Other people are like, Put those feet away.


It's just my feet. It's just my feet. Yeah, well, we're matching today.


We are matching. We did not coordinate. We're just so simpatico.


Yeah, we are.


And how are you doing since we last.


Saw you? I'm doing good. We had such a lovely weekend of just kid centric family fun, and that was such a high. And then obviously, there are the emotional complexities with what's going on in the world. And so thankful, thank, Hashem, that hostages are coming home, but also just...


It's -not quick enough. -the turmoil around it. It's not quick enough. And it's not in the way that was agreed upon, which was already a shitty agreement if we're going to be real about it. One innocent child hostage for three convicted, attempted murderers is just not really apples to apples. And then they're delaying hostage release. Red Cross still hasn't visited, but we have gotten, I think it was 13 hostages for the last three days. Today, there should be a hostage release, probably while we're recording, so I'm just praying that everyone comes home. It's so emotionally complex, the highs and lows of waiting, hoping, being so happy for the ones who are out, and just being so heartbroken for the ones who aren't. Even they're supposed to release children and their mothers. Yesterday, a girl came out who was with her mom in her captivity the entire time, and then they separated them two days before she came out and said, and then the mom didn't come out. But that's not the agreement. Which is really frustrating. I guess that's what happens when you're trying to make an agreement with an actual terrorist organization. You can't really trust that they're going to be the most forthcoming.








That's definitely added a... A layer. A layer to the weekend, but otherwise, it was a very lovely holiday weekend. We had Thanksgiving. Olivia made a really amazing turkey.


Probably the best- And you hosted so beautifully. We had such a nice time.


We had such a nice time, but probably I always like turkey. I'm not one of those people that's like, turkey, turkey. You know- Yeah, it's so dry. I think that's Claudia, is like,turkey's gross. No, it's not. It's totally fine.


We told the kids it was chicken. We didn't have to tell them.


They picked it up and ate it and they said, Chicken. Young. It's chicken, okay?


I think it's poultry, right?


Like is a- Yeah, if you look at a turkey bird and when they're alive and a chicken bird.


They look alike. They do. A turkey is definitely has a-.


They're of the same Elk. Yeah, totally. But Olivia made a really amazing turkey. Probably the best that I've ever had. And I'm not someone who complains about turkey is what I was trying to say.


I appreciate that.


Thank you. So can.


You tell everyone what you did? I totally can. So this is my second time ever making a turkey. The first year I followed the half-bake harvest turkey recipe. It's the one that's most recommended. And honestly, my turkey last year was really good. It was so good. But my content that I am served is so diverse. I would say 60 % of what I was being served up was turkey related in the last couple of weeks. I really wanted to give Spatchcock' turkey a try. I just kept seeing it everywhere and everybody makes it look so easy to cut out the backbone. I'm here to tell you that it's actually not that easy. I was sweating like you wouldn't believe. I bought a 16-pound turkey, and a lot of the videos that I saw and things that I looked up online was 10-12 or 10-15. So I knew I had a big bird. But I did wind up getting it and you crack the breastbone down. But essentially, you create a flat turkey so that it can evenly cook and it cooks faster. And so I didn't follow the recipe. I just made this herby, roasted garlic paste.


So I did Parsley, thyme, used my thyme trick. Don't forget it. Two bulbs, roasted garlic, and then salt, pepper, olive oil. I just rubbed it all over, put it in the pan with some aromatics at the bottom, celery, carrots, onion, lemon, garlic, and it cooked for two hours. And it really was unbelievable. And also I feel like what I did would be good really with any meat. I can't wait to do that with the chicken. Use the leftovers with my leftover gravy to make turkey pot pie the next night, which was also stellar. That was so good. Because, by the way, we had a lot of turkey leftover, hence the 16-pound turkey. And I have no more turkey left in my house.


I'm completely out. Oh, I need to check my fridge. I only had leftovers on Friday, and then I didn't engage again.


I feel like that's normal. Even for you to even have leftovers in the first place is a big deal.


Yeah, I'm not a huge leftovers person, but Thanksgiving food, I think it translates nicely to leftovers. But I think today is the day where I officially throw away anything that hasn't been eaten. I think that's fair.


I think that's absolutely fair. Yeah, and, Jackie, hosted Your table was so colorful and bright and lovely. We had delicious food, delicious conversation. The kids had such a nice time.


It was so fun. I was saying I was so burnt out from the day. We did a whole episode on patron of Thanksgiving table topics, stories that are going on in the world. I don't think I said one word at the table. I was so...


No, I don't even know what we talked about. Our conversation was so light and airy. We had a.


Lovely time. We didn't have conversation. We really just talked about the food.


I was going to say, I feel like that's what we talk about a lot when we're sitting at to eat a meal. We talk about the food we're eating or other food.


I don't feel like always, but certainly, we all cooked all day. Let's all talk about what's good on the table, what needs what, what we would make again. Yeah, that's the conversation.


Also what we ate last year versus this year, we were talking about food the.


Whole time. Right, but it's also not like we ate for that long. No, I think we ate.


Pretty quick. You also made spinach, artichoke dip. You made lovely things.


Yeah, and I... No, but the sitting down wasn't very long for eating.


No, and it never is. You cook all day for a 20-minute meal.


That's always how it goes. Yeah, so it wasn't that much conversation to be had, and we were both tired. So it.


Was just-.


So dead. -it wasn't.


Like, you know. I couldn't have possibly been as tired as you, though, because you did... I made the turkey, but you did everything else.


Yeah, I was doing fine, and then I just felt like I was.


So broken. You were on your feet all day. That's what my husband said on Friday. On Friday, he played 33 holes of golf, and on Friday night, he's like, I'm so tired. I was on my feet all day. I'm like, How can he... That's not okay to say.


Right, but that's elective on your feet.


Yeah, I wanted to also tell you what did last night because I feel like everyone would get such a riot out of this. But people wake up in the middle of the night, they go to the bathroom or whatnot. And my husband's making so much noise in the middle of the night. This is partially why I'm so tired today. I was just like, What the fuck are you doing? He's like, I just took a shower. It must have been 3:00 in the morning. I don't even know what time it was. I'm like, What's wrong with you? He's like, I definitely have lice. I'm like, What? He's like, I'm so itchy.


We've all been there.


I'm like, Okay, first of all, you would be the last person in the house to get lice. It would be Mikaela first, then it would be me. That hasn't crossed anyone's mind. I'm like, You probably have a sunburn on your head, and it's itchy. Or maybe you're having allergic reactions because he has so many allergic reactions. I was just like, You're being nuts. Go back to sleep. And I roll over. I don't know what time it was. I want to say it was 3:00 AM. He's fucking scrolling on his phone. I'm like, Put your phone down and go to sleep. Because he's the type of person if he feels like he's up, he's up. And I'm like, Uh-uh. We are going back to sleep. That light is not going to keep me up. You are being insane goodbye. So I'm also tired.


So does he have lice?


Absolutely not. Did you get from a lice check? I did, actually, this morning. I was like, Your scalp is red. You have either some reaction, some burn.


Or from the itching of it.


Yeah, the itching of it. He also has dandruff. Get a new shampoo. Do not take a shower in the middle of the night. Wake me up.


I know, but we've all been there where you're just like, I think I have lice tonight. What if I.


Just had lice? And the thing about lice is like, the second someone says the word lice, I can guarantee you for anybody watching the show, you're going to start itching or.


Fucking not. Yeah. I wonder if my husband has ever had lice. I've never asked him.


I don't know if my husband actually has ever had. I just think he immediately went there. We have lice a million times.


We're like girls. We went to camp. We have a lot of hair. I feel like we actually evaded it for so long, and then we got it late in life for lice. But we got it- And then we got it over and over and over again. And it's not like something that once you get once, you're more susceptible to it.


I had lice-.


-became lice girly.


-in high school. I was in the ninth grade when I had lice, for sure. I vividly remember that, but that makes sense because Margo would have been in the third grade, and that would be a time to get lice, and she would have given it to me. Yeah.




Love how we're just slandering her saying she gave me lice. I could have been from anywhere else, but Margo, he definitely gave it to me that time.


I feel like for as many times as we had it, everyone played their part. 100%. I don't remember ever giving it.


Yeah, sure. I don't.


Give Lice, I just get it.


Lice loves clean hair, clean people. -yeah. -so it's like such a compliment when you get lice.


That's what they say. I think that's one of those kid tricks. I don't know.


I think it's genuine. They want a nice, clean surface to amplify.


Their eggs. But say a lice makes it into the head of a dirty, complicated hair. Are they leaving? Are they packing their bags? Or they're just unhappy?


Maybe they're not spreading as fast? I don't know.


They're just unhappily residing. I think it's one of those things to tell kids. It's like, oh, they picked you because you're so clean and your hair is amazing. That's why it happened to you.


That's like a good.


Thing to cheer up kids.


Yeah, sure. Sure.


Okay, well, we have a very jolly good show for you today. Some great stories, some great advertisements. And we have a trout skin here, so you just never know where things are going to go.


Never know. I feel like we keep it on the path.


We actually do. I think Claudia and I, I think, are the worst combination, but in the best of tangents. But that's also...


That's the point. That's the nature of the show, yeah, 100 %.


But with guests, it's easier to stay on track.


Yeah, totally. I consider myself... I'm not a guest in the traditional sense.


Co-host. Guest co-host. Yeah. Are you not that?


No, but I'm not a Bravo star.


Oh, no, but guest co-host. Yeah, sure. Ben is a guest co-host, too.


Yeah. I just feel like Ben, me, Marco, are in one category of people, and then there are other famous people that are in another category.


Of guest co-host? Yeah. Okay, where would you put Taylor Strecker? Because she's also like family.


That's so hard. Why would you.


Do that to me? I'm just trying to make.


A point. -sess it out. I was just trying to compare myself to a page disorder, but we're not the same. Okay. Like she's a queen. You're a queen. No, in a different way.


A queen of a different kingdom?


Yeah, 100 %.


Okay, cool. Well, we have a great show. Also, did you see the conversation? Last week, Claudia was pressing.


Are you roasted for something?


I'm always getting roasted in. Like sports? Oh, yeah.


What did you say?


What did you do? Oh, I said you like this.


Because honestly, the last time I was on here talking about sports, I definitely got a few things wrong. Again, and I got some positive feedback that I learned stuff.


Yeah, so what I said was, the Eagles and the Chiefs were playing each other last week, and I said it felt thirsty. What I said that was inaccurate was that I said it doesn't count towards anything. It's like a showcase scrimage. But I was right in the sense that there are two teams that wouldn't order. They're not the same conference. They were chosen by the NFL to play, but they were chosen because oftentimes the Super Bowl teams do play each other next year, and that game does count towards their score. Right, right, right. So I was wrong about it being a scrimage.


No, of course.


And it was scheduled before Taylor Swift entered the picture, so it wasn't thirsty on that count. But it did still feel thirsty because of Kelsey Bowl.


No, totally. There's a lot of things in the NFL that are just... They really do feel too scripted. Tell me how all of a sudden the Dolphins were playing in New York so that Braxton could be with Alex, Earl's family for Thanksgiving, and her whole family.


Could go to the game. Oh, my gosh. I was wondering- Just what happened. -how she was with her for Thanksgiving when he had a game on Friday.


Because he was down the street, that's how. There's just so many things. And by the way, it does feel.


Scripted, no? I thought he flew in, flew out. I was wondering then I forgot to follow up, and I didn't realize they were playing in New York.


-yeah, I think Claudia was at the.


Game, too. -she was at the game. No, that makes complete sense. And then her whole family went to the game.


Yeah, which is actually lovely. It's very sweet. It's just like...


How did he play?


Tbd, I don't know.


I saw one play that didn't look good for him. He was chasing after someone.


I think the Dolphins had an amazing game. They had a 99-yard touchdown where the ball was thrown and they intercepted it and.


Ran all the way back.


I think I saw that. I think it was a huge team win.


Did they win? They won the game.


Yeah, the jets are terrible. Aaron Rogers.


Of it all. Yeah. Okay, that's a celebration for Aaron.


And then Aaron Rogers apparently got cleared right after the game to be able to come back. I think he's playing this week or something like that again. Don't come for me. I don't know.


He said he was going to be back by December.


He's back. I think he's ready for action.


I love that for him. I've missed him. I'd rather see him out there shaking that thing.


Yeah, there are a lot of scripted Thanksgiving football.


I didn't know that that was a running joke within the NFL. Do you see, there was a sketch. I don't know what it was for. Maybe it was for opening football season. It was like a sketch about how the NFL was scripted by the NFL. There was all of them sitting around a table about things that they were going to do.


This year. Oh, that's funny. No, because there's too many things that are just too...


Because that's the point. One second, we'll say, It's scripted. Yeah.


The more you know.


Any other sports this weekend? Eagles One, they're doing well. Happy for them.


Yeah, we -.


Cowboys One on on Thanksgiving?






Always a big game for you.


-yeah, yeah, yeah. So I was happy.


And Harry is a little.


Cowboys fan. He is. So I was happy for my boys. And that's your sports recap. Love it. Hundred % accurate. All the facts right here.


Did you buy anything for Black Friday?


I did. I was telling everyone. I think I said this on the the page I don't know if I said it on the show. I got my outdoor furniture. Furniture.


Oh, I'm so excited for for you, because I'm excited for myself.


I'm so excited. It's been a while since I've been excited about a big purchase. I guess because I haven't bought furniture in a while, and now I'm I'm I'm counting on the days. I can't wait for next summer. I'm counting the days.


Well, it's summer here all the time, so you're good.


It's from the book.


I know. Oh, my God.


Book, Camper and counselor. Never heard of it. Did you get anything for Black Friday?


I did. I bought a new fridge for my garage because my current fridge in my garage is from the house when we bought bought it, and just wanted to get a new one and just upgrade it. I just felt like Black Friday was a perfect purchase.


Yeah, that's the perfect thing.


To get. Get. And I just bought the kids a bunch of stuff. I bought them a bunch of clothes from memes and Amazon and all the different places. I think my husband, he got a lot of shoes from God knows where. There's always packages showing up at my door. Yeah, same. I got my white elephant gift.


-sacred Santa. -sacred Santa. I like sacred Santa. I got...


I thought Black Friday was the perfect time to buy it. Somebody did remind me to do that. I think it.


Was Claudia. Claudia. I got my sacred Santa gift, too. Did you?


Yeah. I'm so eager to know who.


You have. I'm eager to know who you have.


I bet you are. Are you kidding me? No, it's not.


It's me.


I swear. What are you guys doing? I swear it's not.


Oh, my God.


I'm I'm You're the worst person to buy for. I just bought you for your birthday. I think I'm the easiest person.


To be done with you. I think I'm the easiest person to buy for. When I've been shopping for other people, I'm like, this would be great for me. Me. This, that, I'm wearing a bracelet that.


I got you, though. Though.


I wearing wearing a birthday gift. She got me an evil eye bracelet. It's working, bitches. Tata for now. Oh, my my I'm crying. So sacred Santa. I feel like the whole of the toast is so invested in our sacred Santa.


Oh, I can't wait. We are going to have to Patrick on.


Yeah, we've been talking about it, Claudia and I, on the show. Do you tell Zach Shapiro, your husband, who you have?




You told him immediately, right?


I was just like, should we tell each other who we have? And he was like, yeah. And honestly, I'm really glad that I did.


Did. Oh, I know who has has.


No, I'm saying for me, I needed help.


Oh, you you Oh, so it wasn't me. Yeah, and.


Then for him- We're giving too many clues. No, it's not you. But for him, I also maybe helped him a little, too.


No, that's the point of you. Yeah. Zach and I told each other so that I could help him. Yeah, we've been really helpful to each other. But he had a.


Really good idea. Your husband is amazing at at gifts, finding things that nobody's ever heard of that are the in the world. World. His specialty. Specialty.


This is his specialty, like a $100 cap.


I was saying that I actually hope he has me because I feel like he would get a.


Great gift. Is there anything that you want that you want to put forth to your sacred Santa?


No, what are you saying.


That he has me? No, he doesn't watch this show.


No, honestly, I want for nothing. That's why I feel like I'm personally a hard person to buy for. I have everything I want. I don't need anything. But I just would be eager to see what somebody would need, think I want or need.


You could always get a little crap from Metzie.


Always, yeah. I have tons of crap, and.


I love it. Yeah, I love crap. Okay, let's get into the stories. No more dilly-dilly-yanks. Without further ado, it is time for The Fast Five Stories that you need to know as we pray for you today.


Wow, that was excellent.


Thank you. I always like to put a little something special for the day onto it. You're very clever. Thank you, Olivia.


Can I take a sip of your coffee? Will you.


Kill me? Wow, brazen. That's why you complimented me. That's why she complimented me.


The way that thought process didn't even cross my mind. Is this the the M special?


The the M special.


I could taste it.


It tastes really good. You guys, there's a place called The Cheese Stores in Florida and Long Island, and they have the best ice coffee. Margo, our sister, and Emily, her best friend, made a special flavor. It's called the the M I'm sure you've been seeing them posting about it.


It's sold out already.


Okay, so get a different flavor from from the cheese My.


Personal favorite is Oreo and Vanilla Velvet.


Yeah, you got me onto Oreo. I usually usually do It's just tried and true, but.


I've been been I stole s'mores from your house on Thanksgiving. It was.


Really good. It's for you. I know, well, because you - Reina always drops out for both of us, and I never gave it.


To you. I know, that's why I stole it when I was helping put food away, because I was like, This, I feel like, belongs to me. I took a bottle.


Yay, big. It literally does belong to you, so enjoy. So know, I know. Today's episode is brought to you by Hatch. I love Hatch. We are a Hatch family. And if you don't know about Hatch yet, let me tell you. Shall I count the count Hatch is the best product for falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up. It makes waking up so humane. It makes going to sleep so calming, relaxing, peaceful. And you need to get your Hatch. So Hatch being today's answer is so appropriate because this morning, I woke up five minutes before my alarm sound went off, and waking up to a sunrise on my Hatch restore instead of my phone alarm, put me in such a good mood, and made it so much easier to jump start my day. Yes, Hatch slowly wakes you up with the sun. It takes 30 minutes. It starts getting lighter and lighter until your alarm goes alarm goes off. You wake up before your alarm and it's not the best feeling in the in the So great sleep can be earned with Hatch. 83 % of customers report improved sleep. Improved sleep. What I was trying to say.


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There is a gift for everyone from everyone from Cowroway. Holiday season, you could be could for anyone. Honestly, if you had a sister for Secret Santa who loves to cook, I would suggest would for that person. It's non-toxic, easy cooking, well-loved, and gorgeous. Also, this was the weekend of weekend for Cowroway because I finally got my pink, my set of monochromatic pink pots and pans from the from the collection. I've been talking about eyeing them on the show, and then Karaway sent me them for my birthday, and I'm just... It was the best gift. Best so nice. After my -After my evil library. -yeah, obviously, not my stay, but everything my friends and family bought me, then me, So it's time to make it official and be the family favorite by gifting by gifting holidays are closer than ever, so make sure you order by December 15th to get their gift or yours underneath the tree in time. Also, Karaway is a great self-gift. Give yourself the gift of easier dishes. Give yourself the gift of tastier food. Give yourself the gift of a gorgeous kitchen where you can leave your pots on top of the stove and it looks nice.


So visit So visit to take advantage of this limited time offer for up to 20 % off your next purchase. This deal is exclusive for our listeners and won't last long, so visit carawayhome. Visit to get new kitchenware before the holidays. Caraway non-toxic cookware, non-toxic cookware, Today's episode is also brought to you by Wella. Wella is one of those products I'm actually wearing on the toast right now because it's in my hair. Last hair. I washed my hair, and Wella is the best post-wash product, and you absolutely need it. Wella Professionals has over 140 years of experience, and developed initially for professional use only and previously only sold in salons and consistently ranked among the top most love brands by professional stylists. The ultimate repair, Miracle Hair Rescue, that's what I have in my hair right now, what I've been using every time I wash my hair. It's a leave and spray treatment designed to work on wet hair, so it's going to repair your hair. It's going to do everything it needs to do, and it also smells so good. So I don't have to worry about my shampoo or conditioner smelling smelling good because the because is what's going to make my hair smell good for as long as it's as which for which is four to five days, I'm not going to lie.


So with key with key and Omega-9, you can rebuild the hair bonds inside the strands and replenish the outside barrier of damaged hair. Their bonding Their repairs hair damage in 90 seconds. So Welles new line, ultimate repair is the most premium line to date, and it was developed with developed plus years of experience. So that's a lot of history. You and me got a whole lot of history. Do you know this song?


One direction? Oh, my God.


My I was like, was you think I'm just singing nonsense?


No, I know you.


So here's how I use it. After I get out of the shower, I just spray the ultimate repair, Miracle Hair Rescue as many times as needed. They recommend 5-10 pumps, go a little crazy, whatever. And then you wait 90 seconds before styling. I style my hair in the morning, so it's sitting there all night, and I have gorgeous thick hair in the morning. You do have gorgeous hair. Thank you. You can try the ultimate repair, Miracle Hair Rescue with 10 % off the travel size on Amazon by using promo code 10toast. Now, let's get into.


The stories- Oh, and just one more PSA.




Sprit Society, 35 % off sight-wide last day. I'm pretty sure I heard through the rumor mail that pink lemonade is basically selling out today if it's not already sold out. So out.


So pink lemonade is what you're saying.


Yeah, and 40 % off the new bundles, tropical bundles, and lemonade and which also has pink lemonade in it, which is another way to get it. But last day, 35 % off, biggest sale they've ever done.


Ever com.


S-p-r-i-t-z. Society. Our first.


Story, some happy baby news and the shocking. Thankful Paris Hilton secretly welcomes a second baby with her husband, Carter, Roome and reveals the name. So she's officially a family of four. Paris revealed on Friday that her and her husband, Carter, secretly welcomed their second baby. She posted a picture of a pink outfit monogram with the name the and said, Thankful for my baby girl. So in multiple videos, she called her son, Phoenix, a big a and brother, to her nieces in an effort, about having two babies. I saw this. I thought it was an announcement of a pregnancy. And then you told me that, no, the baby is here, which is so amazing. That's two successful secret pregnancies for her, which I think is the hardest thing to do.


And her kids are like 11.


Months apart. Amazing. Yeah.


I also love that, obviously, her name is Paris, her son is Phoenix, her daughter's London. She went with the city thematic naming convention.


I know. I wish we had the opportunity to guess what her baby name would be, because I think we would have been able to guess it. Guess it. Guessed for her son. I thought his name was going to be Maximilian.


Oh, no, I don't.


See that for her. For her. Hilton. Hilton Hilton. I really felt like that was going to be it.


Okay, well, you were wrong.


Well, she likes the cities. But so if we had to do girl city names, London would be.


Would be Sydney.


It's also funny because London, Tipton from Sweet Life of Zach and Cody, is based off of Paris Hilton. Right. And life imitates art. She named her daughter London. So now we don't really have a London Hilton room.


London Hilton room. Yeah.


We have a room at the Hilton.


I'm actually so happy for her.


I'm so happy for her. And she had spoken about how she really wants a daughter. I think after her son was born, and just in general, maybe it was even in her book that I read.


I do love this era for her in her life. I love it for her. She's like a businesswoman. She's a DJ. She's a wife. She's a mom. She's doing her thing.


And she takes Phoenix everywhere share with everywhere with they're just like such a cute family unit. So I'm really excited that she is growing her family. Her family. And to have two kids so close in age is just so wonderful.


So wonderful. Totally. I'm so happy for her.


Also, speaking of celebrity memoirs, Brittany Spears, The Woman and Me is a is a Redhead. It's book this month. Did you know that? I did.


Because we talked about it last time I was on, and I said I was going to read it and it and not have but I.


Still will. Wow, I need to find more things to share. But it's just a reminder that you should become a Redhead. It's never too late. Too late. When is the episode The first Thursday of December, so next Thursday, next Thursday, and next week. I haven't started the book yet, but another book update. I'm getting through Iron Flame. I'm almost there.


Is it tough to get through? I don't really understand what's.


Going on. Do you know what Iron Flame is? No. Okay, have you heard of Fourth Wing?


I've seen you all post things.


Okay, it's the new Y-A series. It's very hunger games. Okay. Games. Okay.


That's not my.


Vibe, Fourth Wing was a huge success. We got it for The Redheads. Me, Claudia, Margo loved it. Then the new book, the sequel just came out. Claudia and I have been struggling to get through get through because it's just slow and long and verbose. But now I think I'm at 70%. Hopefully, I finish it today. It's good. It's just that took too long.




It's also me. I'm having a hard time reading for chunks of time. That's why I was able to read this weekend, which was really nice. That is lovely. Is lovely. Have a little a little recap on the Redheads episode this month.


Right, because you're all reading it?


Except for Dana, because she would never. She did not like the first.


Oh, okay. I love Dana going against the grain.


Oh, you need to listen to The Redheads. That's all she does. She hates everything because she's so high brow.


That's so interesting, though, because in real life, real life, the most amenable person on Earth. It's like, oh, you want to do this? Yeah, sure. She never is contrarian.


No, when it comes to books like that's her thing.


Oh, okay, Dana has learned something new.


About you. And she's our harshest critic.


Harshest okay.


But okay. Snitch, because the books that books that.


I expect that from Snitch.


From Snitch. -she seems hates everything that Dana would like. Not to Not to say, low brow.


No, they're just different.


Different different. Different brows. Left brow, right brow, we could say. Unibrow? They're not unibrow, and that's the problem. But then with Rebecca and me in the middle, we make a unibrow.


But Becky feels like somebody... She has a similar vibe to Dana, where they're just super go with the with down for anything, so I can see her being.


That person. She has strong opinions. Honestly, I'm the one who's like, It.


Was good. Oh, really? Yeah. I don't.


Expect that of you. I know. I feel bad trashing a trashing Not trashing, but I always reel in what I'm saying just because someone worked so hard on this. If I If the book, unless it was an absolute piece of piece of my country friends, there's something to discuss if someone liked it.


Yeah, for sure.


Plus, it's my job as the host of the show to be a little more impartial, I think. That's really where I sit.


You're moderating the.


Moderating I do I do moderate. Yes. For the Hilton the Hilton.


Yeah, me too.




You think they'll have another kid? I know that's inappropriate to ask, but I'm just going to pose the question. I hate when people ask it to it I'm not pregnant, but I do hope to have another kid.


Okay, thank you. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't.


Some people feel really strongly really strongly they're at two, they're like, I'm done. My family is complete.


Especially when they have both genders, they also feel.


That way. Yeah, either way, I'm super happy for her.




Same. But I feel like we could, in another couple of months from now, it could just- Be another one? -be another one. And I would I would stoked for her, too. Either way.


Either way.




Our next story, next premiered her premiered her in the US this weekend. A lot of stars showing up and showing out. And she looked beautiful in a silver platinum Versace gown. Yes, she looked amazing. So the stars came out for Beyonce's premiere, Issa Rae, Lizzo, Janel Lizzo, all attended the premiere. Taylor Swift was notably absent. Beyonce went to her premiere, but Taylor has shows, and she's still grieving loss of her fans. I don't think she was going to be rocking the carpet or rocking the stage at Arrowhead for that matter.


For sure, was Kim there? No. People were hoping that maybe they would see each other there, and by people, I mean, Liz P. Woods.


Oh, she thought Kim might be there? Yeah. Yeah, I guess she really could have been there. But she wasn't.


She wasn't. She wasn't. Does the movie come out? When can we.


See it? I guess that means when there's a premiere, then it's like a few days later.




Okay, cool. This is like movie season. Also, Taylor announced today that on December 13th, Aries tour will be available on demand.


Oh, good. That's really what I'm looking for because I don't know the last time that I've been to the to the movie scene. I've never been theater, seen a movie, but I love watch movies.


And then also there's the new movie, Wish, the new Disney movie. Okay, I've heard about that. There's Napoleon, which I've heard was god-awful. Oh, really? No. And a front to Napoleon. Darn. Yeah, the reviews were not good. I don't even know if I will see will see.


There's another movie, a Scorsese one also, one Flowers.


The Flower Moon. Yeah, and there was one more that we were just talking about, I think, on think, hunger games prequels. It sounds good. It does? Yeah, it's President Snow origin story.


-you know, that doesn't.


Mean much to me. To you see.


The hunger games? I saw one when you all forced me into the movie theater to watch it 10 years ago, but I understand the concept, but it's not something I'm a part of.


Part never watched the whole series? Whole What do you think about Twilight? You're such a contrarian.


Then I'm a contrarian. These are just not things that I enjoy watching like Vampires and Wolves. That's not my vibe.


What's your vibe? Like CIA?


Yes. Fbi, CIA.


Tearing it down. So do you like movies like Zero Dark Thirty? Is that your favorite movie?


It's not my favorite. I honestly've never seen it, but I think I would like it. It. -what? -yeah, I've never seen haven't.




It? No.


Okay, what about Saving Private Saving.


Private Yeah, no, I've seen that. It's not my favorite, but I've seen it.




Not seen it.


I haven't seen it either. I'm just naming military movies.


Yeah, no, CIA, FBI doesn't necessarily mean military. The types of movies that I love are the Oceans movies, Italian movies, Italian Heister vibes is really my favorite type of movie.


Heister vibes. Did you like the most recent Oceans movies with the ladies?


The ladies? Very did. Very not to not to I just love when they trick you. Now you see me, I love movies like that.


It's so funny. Do you like Kingsman?




Obsessed. Who doesn't- Kingsman could heal the world. Everyone loves that movie.


There was one really bad one with Julianne Moore, and it was.


Still good. It wasn't even bad. Even bad. It was It's always on TV, The Golden Circle.


Yeah, no, I love. They just had another one, The Kings Man, which is the prequels.


It's out? I feel like a like a Kings doesn't come out without Claudia and I knowing about it.


No, it's been out for a few years. You must have seen.


It then. It then. Movie.


When did it come out? 2021, out?


2021, wait. The Stanley, Man, That's confusing just because the other guy looks like Stanley, Toochie. But yeah, you're right. You have to tell Claudia she loves Kingsman, too.


I love. And by the way, I love a lot of movies, but I'm not really into the into the sci-fi, sequel-y, hunger I'll watch them if you're all watching them together. It's just not something I seek out.








It. Bella, Edward, they just don't really do it for me.


She's wrong for that. She's Team Jacob, aren't you? Do you even know what.


That means? Yeah, the were wolf.


Are you Are Jacob? No. Let the record state.


I'm state. I'm I'll be I'll Renesme. You guys used to say that Kayla was Renesme when she was born.


Yeah, why did we say that? Say that? Because she was growing quickly. That's the thing about Renesme. About Renesme. Yeah, I Oh, no, because she would look at you. I guess all babies do this now that I've met other babies. They look at look at they're showing you Renesme's her superpower, which is like they show you all the memories, but she has to stare at you and focus, and that's what she used to do. That's so funny.


Yeah, and you guys used to just say stuff like that, and I'll accept it. Yeah, sure.


It's a compliment to be to be.


Yeah, for sure. But I didn't really fully really what it meant.


Yeah, no, I think it's because it's because showing us all her memories with us. With us. Cute. Was a cute thing we were we were saying, and you Are you ready for our next story? Another cute thing that you might have missed if I didn't bring it to your attention. Please, share. Black Pink brings a girl group girl to the to the Buckingham. I'm going to go to State Dallas with the royal family. You guys, I'm obsessed, and I'm taking this moment to bring up a royal family story. -it's been so long.


So us.


Educate you. Because I posted to my Instagram story, Black Pink met King Charles. I'm not okay. Olivia is like, Who are these people? I was like, It's Black Pink. You don't know Black Pink in your... You don't know... Their songs Their.


Songs How would I know?


Where would I hear it? Their songs are... Hold on, let me... I'm going to play their most popular songs because I do think you would know it.


Is it TikTok music?


No, Olivia, I'm not.


On TikTok. No, I know. That's why I'm confused as to where would I hear this. It's not on SiriusX on the on the interested.


Did you ever you ever watch the All those Boys, The movies.


Isn't it? Oh, no, that's a summer I summer pretty. I watched the first one.


Oh, this one, Kill this Love. This is probably their most popular song. Do you know this song? No, but I like it. It's good, right? I'm telling you, Liv.


Okay, I'm into it. I want to see.


You and the and the Wagoner, Blasting.


By the way, next time you see me, that's what I'll.


Be doing. It's such a good song, but song, but are such a big K-pop girl group. They group. They did Coachella, so talented. They also have a documentary on Netflix if you want to learn more.


About the about the Oh, okay, honestly, love a love a documentary, They.


Turned heads in glamorous gowns. They looked beautiful at the Buckingham Palestine banquet on Tuesday with South Korean artists attending in support of the President and First Lady before the group was made honorary members of the of of the British Empire. The K-pop singers looked regal for Tuesday night's banquet with each member bringing her own style to the to banquet, which was also attended by King Charles Cavalier-Spaniol III, Queen Camilla, the Prince and Princess of Wales, Cate and William, the Duchess of Edinburgh, and the Duchess of Gloucestershire. That's my stab at pronouncing that correctly.


I watched part one of The Crown this weekend, actually.




Really good. I didn't want to watch it because it was only part one, and part two comes out, I think, on December 14th. But I just felt like I had to. I don't want to give it away, but I guess I'm not because it's based on real. But it's the Diana story.


Yeah, which we know. We know that it's about Diana.


Yeah, and I think they do a masterful job, as always. I love it, and I'm excited for part two.


I'm waiting for part two in order to start part one. I think that's fair. I have so much reading to do. I actually don't even have time to watch it right now. It's a good thing to watch with the whole family over the holidays because I think everybody likes that.


Okay, so you're saying you're going to watch part one again?


Is that okay? You said it was masterful.


I don't like to watch things twice. I'm really not into that.


I find it.




Annoying. It's a new thing in the binge era where era where up, when we like something, we watched it over and over and over again. Over again. You watch these shows or movies once, and that's it. That's it, yeah. Maybe for kids, they still watch those same movies over again, but maybe when you're a kid, it's just different.


I think it's a different personality different If you're the type of person that will watch will every night and rewatch the same episodes over and over, I'm.


Not- Well, if you're the type of person that watches friends, period.


Right, or the office. I will not turn on something I've seen already and watch it if I need to mindlessly watch. I'll always seek out something new. I would probably waste all the time that I have seeking out watching something watching something.


New than Just watching trailers and then you go to sleep.


My favorite thing to do is watch trailers. I love it.


Well, I Well, I know that is ending soon, so we won't get up to an episode with Black Pink meeting King Charles. Darn. And that's a loss for everyone, because I would love to know what happened at this dinner. I imagine it was wonderful.


I'm sure it was absolutely fabulous. I can't wait to.


Dive into dive into Look how amazing they look.


Wow, yeah.


The video of video meeting King Charles was so cute. That was just not on my bingo card for things I was waiting for it to happen or even thought about, but it was something that I needed. I needed.


Would love to see King Charles Cavalier meet next?


It's always fun to fun to who meets the Royals. I don't know who he has met. He's been around a while. He's probably met a lot of people. Who do I want to see get invited to a state dinner? Great question.


Think about it.


Like, Elon, has he been? I'm sure they've met. I'm sure they've met. But has he been like an official guest?


I thought he was going to be like Luke Combs.


Luke Combs. Yes, Luke Combs.


I would love to see Nicole Combs. Nicole Combs.


That's what I'm waiting for. And then he can perform for all of them.


And that's what they mean.


Yeah, they like to drink beer. It seems like similar vibes. Yeah. Because they're really into really into pints. You know.


In Britain? Pints and pints? Yeah. You never broke my pints in Britain. Pints and pints. Yeah. And then we'll write a.


Song about it. Pints never broke my something.


Pints never broke my heart.


That's beautiful, Olivia. Thank you.


Yeah, no, that I would... I'm here for King Charles X. Luke Combs. Hundred %. Put it on my 2024 vision board.


Okay, do you do those things? I needed to make sure I was I was.


I don't have a vision board. I have a planner, and I feel like that's.


The - In the beginning of your planner, do you do here all my goals for 2024, and then look back at them and say, and look how much I didn't do.


No. Honestly, I'm the type of person who... I'm the opposite of a manifesto because I feel like if you speak it, it doesn't happen.


Yeah, I totally agree with that.


So it would be interesting to see what my goals are, but I don't have such actionable goals.


Like that.


Yeah, you just want to live your life. My goals are vibes. It's about the energy. It's about the exchange of energy. Do you have a planner?


No. You should get one. I have a Google Calendar.




It works just fine.


But my Google calendar on my phone and my computer are never synced.


Oh, that's a you problem.


I think it's a tech problem.


Also a you problem.


It's the tech. Fix your tech. No, but the tech should fix itself, honestly. What else are they doing? They're so busy in your business. Okay, sync up my up my then. You want my business?


Fine. How many calendars do you have?


I just use my calendar on my phone. When I'm on my phone, I need to make a note of an event, I put it on my phone. My phone. On my computer calendar, it's not there.


Because you're doing it wrong. I know what you're doing. You're not coding it to the right email.


No, email. I'm not coding it.


Because I'm not a coder. No, by that, I mean encoding. There's another area there where it says calendar, and you need to click that and put it to your email. I'll show you. Show you.


I just get a physical planner where I write down everything.


I know, but you're doing that as art. You're not doing that for legitimate scheduling.


No legitimate scheduling. I need to be able to see my week.


Visualize it. How's your week looking? Busy?


Busy. It's a busy time of year. Yeah, it is. I'm busy till the end of the of the year. Really, I have multiple things.


Multiple know, and the.


Weekends are crazy. Are work obligations. Work obligations. I know. I know. The weekends, the weekends, just like...


Just a birthday.


-but it's nice. It's nice how this time of year gets so booked and busy. But then what's going to happen in January?


In depressing. -really? -no.


-i feel like there's still stuff in January. In always stuff. I feel like March is depressing. That's the month.


Of depression. No, because then it becomes like spring break, Passover. I don't know when Passover is this year, but then it's that vibe. There's always something going on.


Yeah. Well, it's not the state dinner that I'm invited to, invited to, but Yeah.


You could have said you, you and Claudia.


Oh, me. Not Claudia. She couldn't stay home. Me. I want to want to me. They should do a podcasting symposium.


And that's never going to happen.


That's on my vision board. Vision board. I'm going to manifest to manifest podcasting symposium. I'm at Buckingham Palace, pod con, 2024, at the palace, us and Smartlist, hobnobbing with the Royals. There it is. Dream on. Now it's going to.


Come true. Dream on.


Are you ready for our next story? I sure am. But I have to let you know it's a story brought to you by Legacy Box. You guys do not skip over skip over because it's this time of year. Of year. Sipping my coffee, but I'm so hyped up on Legacy Box, and I'm okay with it. So it. So is the perfect gift always, but especially this time of year. You've heard us talk about Legacy Box all year long, but now is the time to take advantage of their best sale of the year during their Cyber their event. Legacy Box is the most meaningful gift you can give this holiday season to family or even yourself. It's simple, safe, and has been trusted by millions. And for a limited time, you can preserve your tapes, film reels, and photos for as low as $27, saving you hundreds. So Legacy Box, if you don't know what it is, it's a simple and safe way to digitize your treasured memories: videotapes, filmreels, photos, Legacy Box sends you an empty box. You put any of those things that you have. We have a closet full of old videotapes that we don't have the apparatus to watch anymore, so we put everything in a box, sent it off to Legacy Box.


They digitize it, send it back to back to then we were able to watch all of these old home videos. We were such hams growing up that someone needs to watch these videos. If young us knew that these tapes were just sitting in the closet, they would be so bum. But then we finally got them back. It's so funny to see to see so changed and older, but we're the same. The same. Our personalities are the exact same, and Legacy Box is the gift that keeps on giving this holiday season. It is what you want to give. If you have a have Santa, honestly, it could work for anyone in your family.


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It's like a physical embodiment of them, not just looking at everything on your phone, which is so nice. So nice. Great to give to family and friends with young children or a new a new for a grandparent, a grandparent, I know Claudia loves hers and I love mine. She's always sending me new pictures of due. I'm always sending her new pictures of the boys. It's so, so beautiful. And obviously, finding the perfect gift for family members can be very, very hard. Skylight hard. Is solving that. As a special limited time offer for our listeners, get $15 off your purchase of a Skylight Frame. When you go to skylightframe. To to get $15 off your purchase of a Skylight Frame, just go skylightframe. Com/toast. That's com/toast. Com/toast. The best gift, really. So many great gift options in today's sponsors. Thank you to our to and the Skylight Frame is just like a gorgeous, wonderful gift for anyone. I could I could wax. Go on and on about it. I can't think of a person who would be a bad recipient of the Skylight Frame.


No, also, a lot of moms use the Skylight Frame as a shared Google calendar on their kitchen counter. That way, the calendar comes up, and then you can see all the activities of the week. Someone was literally just talking to me about Skylight last week at a breakfast that I was at, and how it changed.


Their life. Mom hack. Mom hack. Okay, next story. Two names didn't expect to see the same sentence this weekend, but Dave Portnois is denying seeing Raquelle Levis in Illinois despite rumors. So there was a rumor going around that Dave Portnois and Rachel Raquelle Levis from Manor from Manor were spotted in the same small town in Illinois on the same day, just before his ex-girlfriend hinted at her at her Dave. So two things. One, Dave and his girlfriend broke up. His ex announced it this it this it was it that he was spotted with spotted which prompted Dave to post a really mean, nasty statement about her saying, I can confirm I've never met that trash bag in my life, and it's wildly insulting to even be mentioned in the same sentence as her.


Obviously, very mean, but can I tell you what my problem with the story is? So Dave and Rachel, again, I don't want to be a problem with... What's her name?


Yeah, well, her name is confusing, but I think now she chooses to go by Rachel.


So apparently, they were spotted in the same town in Illinois a month ago. And no one decided to write anything then. Do you know what I mean? So there seems like they were making a story up once Dave's now ex-girlfriend said that they broke up. Do you know what I mean? I mean? Month ago, wasn't it like, Oh, Dave and this girl spotted in the same... Do you know what I mean?


Yeah, that is interesting, though. It's a like a They say they don't get a lot of celebrities, and they were both there on the same day, but I don't think that means that they were hooking up. He said that he was there to review Uncle Jerry's Pizza Company.


I believe that, honestly.


Because that's what he does. He does. Was she doing there? Doing there? Said it was spectacular, got 8.3. She was at a coffee place and stopped to take some selfies. I don't know what she's doing there. She's not She's not super - not really on social media social media far as I've seen.


-yeah, it was definitely really mean. But the one thing I will say that I do appreciate about appreciate about Dave there's somebody asking for a comment from him, not only is he going to make the comment, he's going to show you the exact comment he made and make the whole thing even bigger because of his comment.


His comment. Right, Well, okay, so they're not together.


I didn't think that think.


That theyI didn't It just.


Doesn't make sense to me.


1 plus 1 equals 1.


I actually liked Dave with his girlfriend.


I know. I think people are upset.


That they broke up. Yeah, I don't know them or anything about them, but they seem to be happy together.


Yeah, and they were together for a while, and he's been... She tamed him in.


The sense. And she stood by him when he was going through it, too. Yeah, yeah.


So who knows what happened there? I think that was also people trying to make sense of the two of them splitting up being like, Oh, it's because he cheated on her with Rachel. Right. Which is obviously.


Not true. I don't think so, yeah.


So yeah, just.


Wanted to clear that up. I hope that you'll, as I always say, find your happiness.


Yeah. Our fifth and final story is some interesting shipping news that I think people should know. Yeah, they should know. Ups and FedEx are no longer the largest delivery companies in the US. Both UPS and FedEx have been eclipsed as the largest courier companies in the US by Amazon, which delivered more packages to US homes in recent years than both delivery giants. Oh, giants. Amazon surpassed UPS in parcel volume in 2022. That's weird to say it like it like we say 2022. It sounds fine to me.


2022? Yeah, and we're in 2023.


Yeah, I guess. I don't I I was just like-.




Were feeling off to you? I was reading on reading on just starting here. Anyways, Amazon is bigger than UPS and FedEx. That's the T.


That's crazy.


Yeah, so Jeff Bezos.


Is the is Because Amazon is also only delivering stuff from Amazon. Of course. And UPS and FedEx are delivering from everywhere else in the planet.


Yeah, so Jeff Bezos is a shipping magnate.


Yeah, that's why Amazon why has such a chokehold on everyone and everything. I mean, the.


Thing is, I know everyone likes to rail on Amazon, and sometimes I go out of my way to not get something on Amazon, or even found with kids clothes, like I don't love the quality from Amazon. Of course, it would be easiest to buy from Amazon. So I shop, little mom and pop, this and that. It takes forever. I ordered new pajamas for the boys two weeks ago, and they're still not here. If I got them from Amazon, they would have been here. I'm glad that I didn't because, like I said, the quality is not great, but it makes you appreciate Amazon.


Yeah, but sometimes you need stuff that the quality is not great, and that's what.


That's what perfect for. And Amazon is perfect for everything, kitchen. I'm so I'm so I need something, I get it the next day or two days later. Waiting two weeks for a package now is.


Like, what? Unheard of. I know.


And then they're giving it to Amazon. Actually, I love this one place so place I will continue to wait. But it's with all kids' clothes. Not to call it a million brands, but every time I buy, it takes.


So long. I know you've got to shop on memes.


On memes. That's Unless I shop from big a.


Big like Nordstrom.


Or something like that. Like Gap, those ones. H&m takes forever. They came in a few days. Still, it's not Amazon. But where I ordered their PJs from, it's going on two weeks.


I placed an order on H&M.


Charlie is a new size now.


A little while ago, literally. Ago, literally. Were like, were that your order is delayed. Here's 15 % off your next order. It was two weeks late, and also half the order wasn't mine.


Where was.


That from?




Oh, yikes. Yeah, it was big yikes. I appreciated that they knew it was delayed and they gave me 15 % off, but I called them. I'm like, I don't know how to return this because I don't have a return for it. So it's just.


Going back to you. And that's the thing, returns.


Thing, is no.




Thank you. Yeah, and Amazon does make does so easy.


Yeah, they do. But I'll figure out a way to use it implemented in my life before I return. Unless it's a really big purchase that I bought knowing I might have to return it.


Yeah, or the size is really wrong.


But I hate returning.


I mean.


I hate I too. You know who makes returns the easiest?




Oh, do they? Oh, my gosh. You're the easiest. Yeah.


That's so great. Yeah, everyone- And that's why they have a successful business.


Yeah, take.


A page. Yeah.


But I think they're one of those ones that it's like if you return more than you bought, if you become- Are you blacklisted? No, not blacklisted, but you don't have those same privileges anymore. If you become more- Honestly, I appreciate that. Yeah, no, for sure. It's a nice perk. I can say still let you by. It's a nice perk, don't.


Take advantage. Somebody we knew got in trouble with Amazon for doing that.


Yeah, he did.


Do people know that story?


No, I don't I don't think.


Another day.


Another story for another day. Those were the fast five stories. I feel like you needed to know to know I hope everyone had a great weekend.


It has a great week. This is a little unhinged to this episode, more so.


Than our usual. We're usually pretty by the book, but I agree. It went a little off the rails, which I enjoy.


Me too. I enjoyed myself very much here.


I enjoyed myself too. Me too. And it's the greatest time of year, you guys. So I don't know if you have realized that. Let's acknowledge the space that we're in. It's the holidays. The lights are up. The vibes are vibing. The cheermeister is here. Let's enjoy.


Yeah, I love this time of year. It's my favorite.


It's really wonderful. So enjoy it. And we will see you tomorrow. Tis the season. Hopefully, Claudia will be back tomorrow with good news on our boy, Do. Prayer is up for do or Do Strong. And thank you, Olivia, for being here.


Thank you for having me. And thank you, Claudia, for letting me sit in your seat. I appreciate you and I'm thinking of you.


And thank you all for listening to our show, the best show ever that should be invited to Buckingham Palace for a podcast and symposium. We will see you tomorrow. Make sure to like, subscribe, follow. You can follow Olivia on Instagram.


Yeah, follow me follow Great content.


Great stuff. You could always follow me on Instagram. That's always been an option @Jackieashray.


We will see you tomorrow. How many people listen to this podcast and not follow you? I think that.


Most of the people who listen to the podcast follow me, but I don't know. I feel like maybe they just listen as they enjoy the podcast. Maybe they don't follow that many influencers on the day to day.




Day. 100 %. I feel like there are some shows where I follow the show, and it's and I don't follow the hosts necessarily.


Yeah, that's fair.


So let's change that for you if you're one of those people. And have a wonderful, blessed day. Bye. Love you. Bye.