Transcribe your podcast

You. Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toes and happy. The Thursday that feels like a real Thursday. You know what I'm saying?


You know? That's not been my experience.


Oh, my God. Just once, like, just agree, like, for the sake of agreeing, like, nobody cares.


Excuse me?


Like, it's not that deep. Like, yeah, it feels like a Thursday.




Because it is. Like, it's not that.


Okay. Feels like a Thursday.


Yes. I'm so glad you agree.


Yeah. I couldn't have said it better myself.


You look gorgeous. We're both wearing just kind of, like, comfy, cozy energy.


Today we're giving wearing. Sometimes there's nothing cuter than a gray, like, zip up hoodie. I stole this from Olivia, and she's not getting it back. Sorry.


Gray is tough for me now that I've discovered that I think I'm a winter.




So I don't know, is gray a winter or a spring?


Definitely not a spring.


It might be an autumn.


You should just get your colors done.


I know. For the amount that I talk about it.


Yeah. I think I have an email in my inbox. I need to read it and see if the person's in Florida, because then we should do it while you're here.


Patreon. Oh, speaking of Patreon. Probably up today. I started the editing process last night. I vlogged my whole evening last night, which was my book club with my private chef catered affair. It was so good. The book club, like, everyone's talking about it. Everyone said it was, like, one of our best meetings yet. The food was so good. The conversation was so good. It's really a great book club book. Everyone liked the book. Had a lot of very strong critiques of the book. Did you hear about Kitty Carr? Was the name of the book really just kind of like a textbook perfect.


Evening and a great book club book. You would.


I'm very frustrated. It was the author's first debut novel, which is so major, I almost wish she had waited to tell the story. She had a little bit more experience under her belt because she tried to do a little too much. And by the end of the book, it's like she ruined the magic she had created in the middle, and it was on its way to being, like, one of my favorite books ever.




And I was so frustrated with it. I kind of hate it now. It's very confusing, and everybody was feeling the same way.


Got it. Interesting. What are you guys reading next?


We'll find out today.


Very cool. Well, redheads. Speaking of book clubs, we are reading. Actually, this is kind of exciting. Big redheads news.


Oh, my God.


Hold your gird. Your loins. We're reading the Frozen river by Arielle Lawhan, who wrote code name Helene.




Which makes this our first time that we're doing an author twice on the redheads. And I didn't think it would be her. But it's her.


Yeah, but who else would it be?


It could know one of the classics. Sally Hepworth, Jessica Knoll.




But it's Arielle Lawhan, which I love that for her. I loved codename Helene. So I'm really excited for Frozen river. It's a historical fiction book. It's, like, based on a true story, which I love. We haven't done historical fiction at the redheads in a while, and in my personal life, I've kind of been slipping on my historical fiction.


We caught Jack slipping.


He caught me slipping. So I kind of need to get back into the history books, and I think that's a good way to dip my toe into the frozen river.


I am so excited to see you in just a mere two days. Hours, technically, hours at this point. I'm giddy with excitement. I can't wait to see my family. And it's the end of the week. I'm seeing my family. It's the super Bowl. I have my health.


No, everything's kind of coming up. Excitement, joyousness, positivity, fun. I'm going to leave it at that.


I couldn't agree more. So important, like, when you're at the summit of something, is that the right use of the word?


Is the summit at the top or the way up?


Like, it's like you're at the edge of the cliff. Like, you're, like, there.


You're there. Okay.


I guess maybe. No, maybe that would have been. I feel like all I'm trying to say is, I feel like a huge part of maintaining a healthy mindset in life is to acknowledge exciting things coming. And in this moment, I just want to be very present, saying, I'm so excited for what's to come. For me in the next couple of.


Days, the summit is the highest point.


Okay. So I guess I'm about to reach the summit, and I'm sitting here, like, taking a moment of gratitude.


Yeah. And I think the way to the summit, on the way to the summit is in some ways better than the summit, I would agree. Because you have what to look forward to. That's really the message of the climb. Yeah. So, once again, the climb, it's always.


Relevant once again, everything comes back to the climb.


Well, that's the truth. I've been in such a Miley renaissance since the Grammys. I've been listening to endless summer vacation because I was like, I want more.


Of this girl of that energy.


What I didn't realize is the song used to be young, which is one of my favorite songs of last year. We talked about it on the patreon of 2023. Recap is from that album.




I thought it was, like, a new single. She was doing new things. So I'm like, okay, so there are two songs that are kind of, like, life changing for me from that album. I need to listen to the whole album. And I only got into four songs before I was forced to play happy song.


My book club was talking about happy song.


Is it really life saving for them as well?


Some of the mothers in book club, they were familiar with the happy song, and then some of the newer mothers hadn't heard of it yet, and this was like, kind of the passing of the.


Yeah. So I feel like there's someone out here, there who needs to hear this. If you have a fussy baby, there's a song by Imogen Heap, who is a great talent. She sings goodnight and go other bops, but she wrote a song for children called the Happy song that is, like, melodically and chemically written to cheer up your baby. Give it a try.


It's, like, designed to ease the mind.


Yeah, give it a try next time. Baby is, like, fussy. And it's not because they're hungry or they're pooped or need a burp or this or that. Try the Happy song. It works for us. Not all the time, but enough of the time.


It worked magically. Oh, my God, Jackie, I forgot to. I mean, I did tell you this, but I need to talk about on the podcast. I'm going insanely viral, I heard. Okay. So I was looking through my TikTok drafts just to see things I haven't posted, and I forgot that I had made this TikTok while we were on our family vacation, and I never posted it. It was just this funny moment where we all got up from the dinner table and we realized that our sister Margo had eaten her dinner off of the charger, not the actual plate. And it was like this funny, stupid thing. I literally went to bed, and I was like, oh, my. Is that 700,000 views? I woke up this morning now 6.3 million.


Claudia the universal no deal TikTok kerfuffle is great for you. No music.


Okay. For a second, I was like, are you speaking English? The universal no deal kerfuffle.


Now it makes sense, though.


No, you're totally right. Now the comments are really split. People being like, you are just, like, rich. This is such, like, a privilege first world problem. Even though, like, a charger, you can literally get, like, at the dollar store for $0.65. Have you never been to a wedding? And then most people also being like, what is a charger? People don't know what chargers are.


I learned about chargers late in life, too.


I think a lot of people learn about chargers when they get married.


Yeah, when did I learn about chargers? I don't even think it was when I got married because I didn't register for chargers. But I.


No, not registered, like, decor at your actual wedding. That's, I think really when I learned what a charger was.


Yeah. So it's like a plate that's just decorative. It's like a place mat made out of plate.


But it's, like, really not made out of plate. It's not food safe.


No, but it's very akin to a plate. It's of the plate elk.


Oh, it looks like a plate. But I'm talking about material wise. Sometimes they're made of wood. They're not really safe to eat off of.


No, but you could get confused. It looks like a plate. And unless it's. Especially when it's like, whatever.


This is the same shape.


This shape. But even the material of the one that she ate off of was a little confusing. Except for the fact that it was a charger.


Yeah. So I'm just, like, kind of going majorly viral. Like, all these Buzzfeed type accounts being like, we'd love to share your video. Please submit content and consent and approval here. Like, no, bitch. You think you're taking away my views? Eat my ass.


You don't think it's going to help rising tide? Raise your shy?


Do you think I should do it? No, I want all the clicks.


You want all the clicks. But you might need the distribution to get more clicks.


We'll get there. Maybe I'll sign a distribution deal later on, but right now I'm just kind of enjoying my moment. For sure.


But don't overplay your hand.


So true.


And you only have, like, minutes left before the world.


Should I sign it now?


What was the publications? Anything legit?


Yeah, like, you know, like all those big Facebook page type.


Yeah. That's really how you get your name out there.


Should I do it?


I think lad Bible you could do.


I don't. Yeah, like, maybe then we could do, like, I don't know, the toast UK tour or something.


I think it should be publication dependent. Not just, like, all publications can have the video, but, like, worthy.


Yeah. Yeah. I feel like Barstool sports is, like, about to knock on my, like, they love to do.


Would you let them? That's how you go viral.


Because then, Jackie, what have they said about Israel? That's my litmus test. If one Annie Lennox wanted to repost my video, you know what I would say? Turdy says no. That's what I would say.


No. Barstool is marked safe. Dave is.


Would. I would give it to Barstool. I'll have to check what lad Bible's been saying about the war in Israel.


When Barstool, like, then distributes it, then so many more people see it. And that's how you end up on GMA. Today show.


Oh, my God. What if I have to postpone my trip to see you because they want me on the Today show?


But what if they want Margot?


That's interesting.


You're not in the video.


I sound like Madison beer, but, like, I'm supposed to be in the video. I am in the video.


You just can't see me. The star, by the way, so is Shapiro.


He's, like, in the reflection of the window, like, cracking up at Margot.


What if they want Margot and Shapiro on GMA?


Oh, then I won't sign over any rights and everybody can stay less famous.


When I think about examples that are akin to what you're experiencing, it's the person on camera who Hoda wants to talk to. Of course, not the sister who posted it. Unless sometimes the person could bring their sister. And maybe she would bring you.


Maybe she would bring me. Maybe I just won't forward the email that I get from the today's show producers asking to be connected with my sister.


Also, you and Marco look alike. You could impersonate her.


So true.


Okay. You're going to steal the shine.


Yeah. Or maybe I'll just let this thing else. If I can't get famous, no one else can.


Not rising tides raise all shines for the.




Not since you're distant from your.


Yeah. Oh, and that's the other element. Like, I am Aaron Rogers, so. No. Yeah. Cut it. That's a wrap.


You don't even have her email.


Exactly. I couldn't forward it to her if I wanted to.


Sorry, Oda.


We, by the way, have an amazing show. Yeah, because we have the stories. And tell me about them. How are they?


There's a couple that feel like that just tickled my fancy, you know what I mean? And not because they're about royal Caribbean or the royal family. I think I just like things that say royal.


No, don't say that.


I'm going to look into this. And then there's also the know what you've maybe seen in the headlines.


I don't know what I've seen in the headlines, but what I do know is that with our new schedule today, we also have. Dear toasters, we have some very interesting sort of different ones.


I love different.


We have a write in about stand up comedy.


We have a story about stand up comedy.


Wait, also, this next thing has nothing to do with stand up comedy. I just remembered that I wanted to say it. So guess who I spoke to yesterday?




Well, I did. Yes, but that's not what I was going to say. I spoke to my trainer, Hillary. She listens to the toast clean. And she's going to get us into five K shape. She has like a whole plan. She found us a running coach. Like, we're done. We're good.


We're done.


We're done. I'll be able to train in person, but she's going to make a plan for all of us.


Okay. Make a plan. Stay alert. Bring a snack.


Yeah. Stop, drop and roll. Love that.


Okay, great. Yeah. Also, I think what I've surmised is that maybe the five K doesn't have a location because they're not serious about it. And I think maybe we took it really seriously.


Oh, my God. Not me getting a running coach in this whole thing is a joke.


That's what I was getting from the comments.


No, by the way, I think they.


Just like, say.


Oh, my God. They just say stuff and they're not.


Kind of like doing it.


There's no five k. Oh, my God. Jackie. We named our episode title about the five k and there isn't even a five.


I don't know that there isn't a.


Five k, but no, Jackie, Jackie. I was talking about at my book club, I was like, I think Joe Rogan's going to come. Jackie, there is no five k. There's no five k that ever was a five k. And that's why we were.


Divided and that's why he can't tell us the location.


Jackie, there is no five k.


Not confirmed. But it's kind of the vibe I'm sensing.


But I got a running coach.


Maybe we do a toast. Five k.


No, I would never choose to do it. And I was only doing it for the thirsty element, that I would get to meet other more famous, successful people that. Who could prop me up and give me attention and followers and stuff. Let's be real. I don't want a five k for fun. Yeah, I had a goal in mind.




No, sorry. I'll just donate. I'll write a check.




I'll post on instagram.


So we'll stay tuned. I mean, you never know. They could decide to take us seriously. But I'm just feeling like.


And by the way, wait, no. Now that I'm thinking about it, Bert never answered my DM after he. I was like, oh, we never connected. It was just the story.


There was nothing to connect over because.


There'S no five k. Cool. Yeah, there is no five k. Okay, cool. That's so awesome. Me.




And this was just like this little joke on their podcast. And they didn't even mean to, but an unintended consequence of this funny joke from their podcast was like, these two enormous losers showing how desperate and thirsty they are.


I just want to say, this all started because Jelly Roll said he was running a five k. Oh, I forgot.


Jelly roll was going to be there. Yeah.


And so People magazine was fooled, too, because that's where I saw it. But they are fools, so I don't know why I'm looping myself in with them.


I like how we're not fools. We didn't fall for it.


You just can't believe everything you read on the Internet.


I guess it's just so crazy when you find out a piece of information that just rejiggers the way you look.


At the like and it all makes sense.


And why I really relate to this one particular Taylor swift lyric. In this moment, I've never been a natural. All I do is try, try. I am genuinely, at my core, like, a desperate person. I don't really have any need to be. I have a very full life. I'm very successful. Thank God. Knock wood. And this desperation, like, this deeply uncool thing about me, I can't sort of shake. And now I've just been exposed for who I truly am.


Maybe exposing it and showing it to the light is a way to kill it. Sunlight kills, right?


I'm kind of like Edward.


You're Edward.


Wow. Okay, so that sort of shook the foundation on which I walk.


Yeah, but you should still train for the five k with your running coach.


I don't know about that.


Let's get into the stories, because as Turtle stated, we have a lot to do today and best not waste time. Best to make haste. Without further ado, here are the fast five stories that you need to know.


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Thank you. First story, a little comedy drama. Pete Davidson ditches a radio city warm up gig for Matt Rife at the last minute.


Wait, what?


Matt Rife is performing a three night stand at Radio City Music hall.


Okay. On my way here, I passed like a billboard to those billboards that get put on construction sites, and it was like, congrats, matt Reif. Six sold out shows. So two shows a night for three was. That's huge.


Yeah. And Pete Davidson had agreed to open for him, warm up the crowd. But wait, they're friends.




According to Radio City insiders, he backed out just 2 hours before showtime. Backstage sources at the Rockefeller center institution say that Matt Rife's team had to scramble to find a backup and eventually got someone lined up within a matter of minutes before the curtain went up. According to a social media post from the show, John Campanelli ended up filling in for Davidson.


Yeah, I mean, I don't think finding someone new would have been a problem. Like, any comic would be honored to do it, but if they sold the tickets being like, with special guest Pete Davidson, it's kind of a that.


I don't know if they sold.


I don't know. I don't know.


But I'm sure he was really excited. It's his big night. The crowd would be so hyped for Pete. His friend is coming through for him. And then for 2 hours before for Pete to cancel. That's a little.


I also think it's crazy that Matt Rife got Pete Davidson to do something for, like, I don't know why I think that's crazy.


I feel like Pete Davidson, I would have said, has good friends and is a good friend because they're always showing up for him. I feel like he has good friendships, but this isn't what a friend does. And of course, because Matt Rife is kind of rife with scandal right now. Your first thought is like, is he disassociating from Matt? But I don't think that's what it is. I'm sure just something came up.


Comics don't do that. Comics aren't losers who are like, oh, there's a little bit of backlash on TikTok. I should stay away. Like, comics don't give a fuck. I don't think it has to do with that either. I also think, yes, Pete has a lot of friends, but I also think that's, like, the nature of comedy. Everybody just supports one another.


You need your friends in that business, or shall I say in this business?


Oh, right. In our business.


Our business as comedians who run five K's who are top of the charts comedians, we need friends. Luckily, Turtie and I have each other. That's why we don't know anyone else.


No, we have Burton, Tom, until further notice.


And you have tanks.


I will always have tanks.


We actually have a lot of friends, not in the comedy space, but in the influencer space. Like, we're friendly influencers, because you don't.


Know what it is. Most comedy podcasters come from the comedy world. We are comedy podcasters who weirdly came from the influencer world.




So we're just different in that way. And that's why we're not like other shows and we're probably better than everyone else, if I had to guess.


Yeah, sounds right. Speaking of comedy news, something that wasn't a story but I find to be newsworthy is Shane Gillis hosting.


Oh, my God.


And I've been meaning to talk about it.


I'm so glad you brought that up, because I saw and I sent it to you and I was shook because for anyone who doesn't understand why it's a big deal, the first time I had ever heard of Shane Gillis was many years ago when he was announced as one of the new SNL cast members. And obviously, for any comic, that's like the job of the century, and it's like the biggest deal. Then they had announced that he was one of the new cast members. Of course, the Internet did their thing, found some old clips of him saying some unsavory things on a podcast, specifically using a slur, and he was immediately the offer was withdrawn. And I think for any comic who gets to SNL, I don't know if there's anything like, I think what happened to Shane Gillis is like, so many people's worst nightmare.




It was to reach the summit. To reach the summit and then fall.


Down, have it taken away.


And what was so interesting about what happened to Shane Gillis is that he kind of know this lemon and made it into lemonade. And his career really blew up after that. He just pounded the pavement. Podcast, podcast, podcast. He produced his own comedy special, put it out for free on YouTube. It blew up. So much so that the next time he recorded a special, Netflix bought it. And it was like the number one special a few months ago. It was really popular.




And he kind of made himself someone who's a little too famous to even be a cast member on SNL. He's kind of someone who's the guest host on SNL. And they did it, which I think is so crazy. I don't know. If I was Shane Gillis, would I be, like, butthurt and bitter and not accept, I don't know, not for hosts.


To come back in that way. Like, if they had asked him to be a cast member now, I'm sure he would be like, oh, you can go fuck yourself.


No. And he has a huge podcast. He's like below us sometimes, but above. Yeah, he makes a lot of money.


Doing that podcast before he even got the first SNL job. Everything that he's doing now is what he was doing before the first SNL job, and that's why he got the job. And then he was taken away from him. And then he's continued to just do Shane, do his podcast, do his comedy, and as we say, the cream rises. And now he will be hosting SNL, which is completely full circle and a really crazy thing.


And I absolutely have to watch his monolog just to see how this is like, to me, this is, I, I need to see how they're going to address it and they're going to, I.


Mean, how could they not? It's really the elephant in the room.


But also so interesting.


I think that when he was, if you watch his special, and I've seen a lot of clips, I think I watched the special, but I also see clips, he does like an insanely funny and good Trump impression. And I think that's why he was booked to begin with for that impression. Because if you think of who they've had play him in the last few years, after Alec Baldwin, or even maybe Alec Baldwin included, it's like not great.


And the guy who they currently have for Trump isn't a cast member. He just is the Trump guy. He comes in to do Trump, he's.


Like, not even a good one.


Agreed. I'm sure they'll utilize that.


I think they'll have him do that impression, but I think that's why he initially got the job. It would make sense because when you audition for SNL, you like, audition with impressions.


Yeah, no. And when I read Keenan's book, not to be bringing up Keenan, it is very impressions based. It's like old school sketch comedy. It's not. You have to do characters. A lot of people who I think try out for SNL, maybe even get on SNL, aren't like stand up comics. They do this sort of improv. They're from those improv groups. So shingles is very much like a multi talented comic because he does the impressions, but he also writes really good stand up. I'm fascinated by this. And of course, people are like up in arms on the Internet being know he's not. Sorry. But I think this is like such an interesting cycle of a cancelation and we haven't seen it before to me, this sets a precedent, and I'm beyond interested. I also just think it's kind of crazy to have let him go. SNL was making a statement which was very uncommon. The comedy world, they don't do that. So it was very sort of out of character and bizarre. But of course, when the mob comes, you just buckle. That's what people do. So the fact that they did cancel him was such, like a strong move, and booking him is like a strong move in the total opposite direction.


I find it very confusing.


Yeah. We'll see how it plays out and what sort of message they're going to send and what they're going to say about it.


I will be tuning in, maybe perhaps even live. Yeah, that's how interesting.


The musical guest is. 21 savage.




February 24. See you there.


Oh, it's not this weekend.




Who on God's green diddly deli Earth knows where I'm going to be on February 24?


What is this weekend? Let's see.


I don't think there is.


Because it's also the super bowl. Yeah, there is none.


And they just kind of make up their own schedule. I kind of love and respect that.


Yeah, maybe we'll do a show, maybe we won't. Maybe it'll be a re. Yeah, maybe not.


They're just like always keeping us on our toes.


Yeah. Because we're just waiting with bated breath. Are you ready for our next story?




Some really lovely news. 40 megastars have come together for one magnificent image on British Vogue, as they say, a farewell to Edward Ennefell, the editor in chief of British Vogue, who.


I didn't even know was leaving.


He's leaving. The COVID of his final magazine is 40 huge stars, one class picture. They all.


And they're like his girlies. They're not random.


They all had been on the COVID at one point in his career. They all signify the past, the present, and the future for him. They all came to New York on the same day for a photo shoot. And these are some of, like, the biggest stars ever.


It's a real, you know what it's giving?


It's giving. Jenna Rink.


Yes, 13 going on 30. Like the graduation prom scene when they all are, like, in the park and there's leaves and it's like the best scene on television history.


It is. But those were like regular degulars.


No. And by the way, I'm sure the vibe on this set was so toxic and rude. They were, like, eating cupcakes in Jenna Rink's version. And there was know snow in the air. Well, this one was probably just like kind of snow.


The story they're telling is like, it was just such a beautiful, harmonious day. I think it was like a mega factory of getting all the girls ready and styled and everyone comes with teams. I think there were probably so many people there, they shot it at like a warehouse in the city. But the final image is beautiful.


I mean, read me some of the names.


I mean, I saw it, but Naomi Campbell, Kaia Gerber and Cindy Crawford.


Oh, I didn't put that together because they weren't seated next to.


There are a couple of interesting dynamics.


Where it's like, oh, placements.


I wonder how these two got along. Cara Deleving, Miley Cyrus, Victoria Beckham, Oprah, Serena Williams, Anya Taylor Joy, Carly Kloss.


There were some major randoms in there. Jamila Jamil.


Jamila Jamil. Ariana Debose.


Yeah. Like really random.


Yeah, there were a couple randoms. I'm sure they mean something to Edward.


Victoria Beckham.


Yeah, I said her. Love her, by the way.


Oh, actually just met Amber Veletta. Nice lady and very gorgeous in person. What I wanted to say before I had to be annoying and name drop and I forgot what I was going to say.


Shall I continue?


British vogue is so all the vogues, but british vogue is really, I feel highlights, like, how much better american vogue could be doing. I feel like american vogue never does anything iconic. They're always like getting in trouble these days.




No, always for something or other.


It's like Joe Coy and then Trevor Noah. It's like, it shouldn't be so hard. Here you have someone who shows you how you can do your job.


No. And it's literally like, do better.


They act like, oh, it's hard to get a great cover and it's on the pulse, but like, british vogue is always showing it up.


I remembered what I was going to say. Have you been seeing the pre commercial Super bowl commercials for uber eats with the Beckham obsessed? I thought it was ten out of ten. Perfectly executed. I loved that they let her wear her Victoria Beckham shirt that she sells. People are mad. It's like $100 because it's literally like a piece of merch obsessed. What did they call her? Not Jennifer.




Jessica. It's a funny commercial and I'm sure.


We get more commercial at the Super bowl.


For sure.


Yeah, all the Super bowl commercials are rolling out slowly.


I also know that Edward was like a close friend of Taylor Swift, so I'm sure she's busy and she just couldn't make it. But it would have been cool if she was in there.


It would have been. It was in wasn't.


She was free.


She was free and it was in New York. Do you think anyone got this email and didn't?


Taylor Swift.


You think I could see someone getting this and not realizing how iconic it was going to be and just kind of being like, oh, they wanted me to do some celebratory thing for British Vogue. Right? I can't make it.


No, but, like, oprah's there.


Yeah, but then when you see the picture, it's like, if anybody didn't participate, who was? You're.


You know what? You know who I actually think probably did that? Madison beer. She was supposed to be in the video, but, yeah, I love that. I'm sorry, because that would happen to me.


No, what would happen to me is to get an email and not really register the significance of it and be like, oh, I don't really want to do that. And then you see the picture and you're like, I should have done that.


Right? Things I should have done. Stop. Things.


I didn't do that. So, yeah. Hugh James, Salma Hayek, Linda Evangelista. They had a sleepover the night before. The article said Salma stayed at Linda's place.


Oh, not all of the women.


No, just these two.


But, like, is. Why are you saying Salma Selma?


Sorry. Wait, who are we talking about?


Oh, sorry. I think you're talking about.




I wasn't listening to you. Salma Hayek and who Linda Evangelist had to sleep over. That's weird.


And isn't Salma Hayek married to that? Yeah, like, she stayed at Linda's place in New York. Like, you can't get a.


She stayed at Linda's dump.


Like, that's a little weird.


For sure.


That's like Elon too. He's the richest man in the world, and whenever he travels, he stays at a friend's place.


And the way that just would never, ever be me. Like, not in a million years. Literally.


Surfer. It's so crazy.


And the way I travel, I act like I have Elon Musk whose finance. Imagine if I actually did this would never be me, you know? Guys know how I feel about that. Like, rich people cosplaying as poor people. I marry you with paper rings type of things. Like, no, don't.


Kate Moss on the COVID with Lottie Moss. Another duo. Yeah. Cute.


It was really beautifully done. And it was 1000% giving Jenna rank.


Yeah. And everyone looks great individually. And together, it probably took a lot of styling. So great execution. Bon voyage, Edward.


I didn't even know he was leaving.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?




Podcaster Bobby Altoff calls her estranged husband Corey incredible after he files for divorce from need.


And I know people tune into this podcast to hear us explain stuff. I need someone to explain to me what the hell is going on.


Okay, so, Bobby Altoff, for those of you who don't know, she is the one who had that viral podcast interview with Drake. Her show is called.


She was the girl who. She was like a mom on TikTok with decently big platform. She started a podcast, and literally, it took over the world. People thought she was an industry plant. She had guests like Mark Cuban, Drake. Like, it was so weird. It was so random.


It was like, overnight, overnight.


And then it was gone. And then there were at the time, rumors about her husband and rumors about her sleeping with. Like, it was just so crazy. And I was like, okay, whatever. But then now they actually are getting divorced, so now I'm like, wait, what the fuck?


Yeah. Her podcast is called the really good podcast. And months ago, there were rumors that she hooked up with Drake after their viral interview or whatever. She totally denied. And she went on BFF's pod. Yeah, that drama with Dave. But now her and her husband are getting divorced. She posted, as most of you have heard, cory and I have filed for divorce. As sad as I am right now, I'm so thankful for the time I got to be his wife. Our girls are so lucky to have him as a father, and I'm so lucky to be able to co parent with such an incredible father in person.


Now, I don't know anything, and I'm not saying that she cheated on her man, but if she did, this would be the type of caption you would write when you're really sorry. It's like a really nice caption.


Like, I fucked up. He's good.


Amazing. Perfect man, perfect husband. Anyone's lucky to have him. Like, all right, calm down.


Don't be mad at me, please.


Right? Like, sry.


Because when you feel this way about someone that you would write these nice things about them, you should be married to them, right?


And why aren't?


You're a great man. You're a great parent. Okay? So stay married.


Totally random. Totally, like, random. Sidebar. So, you know Toby Keith, the country singer? He passed away from stomach, and I'm sure he was, like, really upset about it. But, like, Luke Holmes posted on his story, like, rip Toby just that, like legend or something. But it was really short.


And what was a picture of?


Nothing. Just black. Black.


Rip Toby.


Yeah, it was all caps, r, capital I, capital p. Not so. It was more like Rip Toby. Not rip Toby. Which is better?


It's still a know.


And I think, you know, Luke was probably just like, acting out of grief. And I can't be mad, but I wanted to note that our king ripped.


You wanted to rip him a new one.


No, I didn't. Also, should we talk about the backlash?


We didn't do Toby Keith.


We got a lot of backlash for not choosing Toby Keith as a story because we're big country music fans and Jackie and I have said this repeatedly and we actually spoke about it. We. Unless it's Queen Elizabeth dying, I really don't like talking about death as a story. It's not interesting conversation because what else are we going to say? Like, oh, we're happy someone died.


No, we're going to say rip.




No, when it's not like a shock, there are some that are stories because it's like, oh, my gosh. But when it's just like, rest in peace, great talent, legend. And it's not someone that we've really spoken about, there's not that much to say. That's why it wasn't a story. But we have the utmost respect for Toby Keith and we hope that he, Alan Jackson. We hope that he rests in peace. Legend, icon. Like red cup.


I pick you up. Let's have a party.


Thanks for clearing that up.


It's not a big conspiracy, you guys, like, we just didn't choose a story.


Yeah, because it's just. I'm not going to say what I.


Was going to say.


It would have been a, like, it wasn't intentionally be a pun, but it would sound like a pun. You know what I mean?


So good. You caught it.


So good. I caught it. Are you ready for our next story?


No. I kind of love the name Toby. Four people.


Girl or boy?




Okay. Toby soffer.


Wait. Kind of love. Cute it is, right?


I feel like Toby is always a kid. Like a grown.


No, I also do feel like for a man, I don't know if I've ever met a Toby who was in really good shape. Like, Toby is a fat boy's name.


Like 1000% one letter away from Tubby.


Also because it sounds and looks like tuba, which is like this huge instrument. That's what I thought.


Oh, I think of Tubby.


Yeah. Tubby. No, for sure. Maybe it's like a curse of a name, especially with, like, my jeans and Ben's jeans. Never mind.


But maybe he was meant to be a Toby. I don't know.


I just kind of like the name. I also like the name Keith, by.


The way, people with last names that are first names.


Firsty, lasty.


That's not a firsty lastie.


Okay. There is a lot of controversy and conversation about what a first Elastie is. Some people think a first elastie is someone who has a first name for a first and last name. Like, Toby Keith is a first name. A first elastie?


Because, no, we don't think that.


But then other people say that being a first elastie means, like, you're the type of person who. You can't just say Jackie. Like, it's Jackie Astra. You have to say the first and the last.


I'm not a first elastie.


No, but I was using you as who's an example of a first Elastie? Honestly? Like Drew Barrymore. Like, no one would say Drew, except.


Her show is like, oh, no, it's the Drew Barrymore show.


Right. Because she's a first elastie. Yeah, that's a first Elassie sound off in the comments. What do you think a first elassie is? Or have you never heard that phrase before? Is that an Oshre family thing?


I feel like it's from the clickbooks. It's giving clickbooks.


It's giving idiotic clickbooks.


So I feel like we can determine what the definition is.


It's in writing, in the text. It's in the scripture.


We can go to the source.


Should we reread the clickbooks?


No. I think it would just make us feel really old and be like, what were we reading?


No wonder I was such a nasty little child. I was reading the clickbooks. And who did I idolize in the clickbooks? Like, the meanest cunt of all.


Of course she was the best.


She was, like, the prettiest, the richest. Like, of course we were going to.


Stylish, like, trendsetters house.


What is Massey doing this weekend? Oh, can we get invited to Massey's BBQ?


She had her in and out list. She was doing it before 2024, right?


No wonder girls our age, we grew up, like, watching mean girls and reading the clicks. No wonder we're nasty, nasty women.


Gossip girl.


The books, too.


That's what we read.


Thousand percent.


Yeah. Now, are you ready for our next story?


What number is it?


It's number four.




So New York City was blessed with a rare sister sighting on Tuesday. And it wasn't us.


Me and you. No. Okay.


It was the Olsen sisters. Ashley, Mary Kate, and Elizabeth stepped out for a sister's night out as photographers captured the trio strolling the streets while braving the chilly weather.


Oh, I need to see these photos. I can't believe I always forget that third one's related to that.


I know, and I just feel like they must be distant because we don't see them together. But they're not, and they are together. And they literally named their clothing line after her. Elizabeth and James.


Oh, my God. By the way, seeing them all together is so crazy because Elizabeth also does that, like, smile.


They're twins. Literally.


Can you tell Mary Kate and Ashley apart?


Yes. Can you?




Also, did you know that Ashley welcomed a baby secretly last year?




A baby boy named Otto.


Well, seeing them all three just, like, being regular girls walking around, and now this article has photos of them together throughout the years. There aren't a lot. It's the craziest thing. Also, how the Elizabeth, the youngest one, towers over them. She's a giant.


She's not a giant. She's probably, like, margot's height, and they're our height.


I just love, love.


Like, and they're so.


Sister done is so impressive. I feel like not enough people talk about the row enough as it pertains to Mary Kate and Nashley. People know the row is, like, this amazing fashion house, but I think a lot of people don't even put together that it's Mary Kate and Nashley.


We just need more from them. And I know they don't want to give us anything, but please, a documentary, a memoir. Like, we need you. The culture needs you. I guess they're giving us clothes. I don't know. Constantly.


I don't know what I want.


Fire the generation and are leading by example with their fashion statements, but we still need more.


I don't know if I want a memoir, really. I'm trying to think format wise. I mean, if they did do a memoir, first of all, we need a title. Second of all, would it be one book? Right?


I feel like they're 37 years old. Like, they want their own book.


Yeah. It's, like, so crazy. They're only 37. Wait, is it. Wait, they're 37?




How on God's green diddly dally earth does that make sense? Like, which part?


They're too old or too young?


Too old. Not that they're too.


They were always, like, a couple because older than.


No, no. I feel like when we were, like, watching full house and stuff, they were, like, younger than us.


No, when we were watching their teen movies, they were, like, older.


We were the same girls a few years older. No, you're right.


You're right.


Like, New York minute. We were, like, in the 8th grade and they were, like, in high school.


Yeah. Okay.


That's fair.




And I love that sister.


How old is Elizabeth? Oh, she's 34.


And what about James brother? Like, what about him? What does he do?


I think he does brother tings. I think he does brother for sale. I think they sold him.


Well, there's a lot of siblings. There's Mary Kate and Ashley and Elizabeth. There is Jake, Courtney, Trent, Courtney, Chucky. Chucky. Wait, I don't see James. Oh, Jake. I guess that would be his birth name.




Who is Courtney? Courtney Taylor Olsen is an american actress. She is popularly known as the half sister of the Olsen sisters, Elizabeth and Mary Kate.




Elizabeth is an.




So there's, there's, there's also Trent.


Must be another half if he didn't get named on the label. Sorry.


Older brother. No, he has played himself in a few of his sister's video series. He's brother for sale, I guess.


Brother for sale. Only $0.50.


What a tangled web that these siblings.


Parents who had, like, six children, two of them being such successful child stars.


So the dad, David, and the stepmom. So there are five children. Some step, I believe. Cool. Yeah. This is very interesting.


Like I said, documentary memoirs of an Olsen.


And when the Olsens got their Hollywood Walk of fame star, they brought all their siblings. I'm like, on this giddy image search right now. Very interesting.


So they had an Sno last night.


I love that.


I want to know where they went. We need a little.


I was going to say, where did they inspo. Right, because where they would go, like, we would go.


That's probably a good place. That's good for sisters and would foster, like, sisterly dialog, sisterly love, sister closeness, love. So we'll have to make a reservation.


Before we dive into the fifth and final story, might I say something?




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You're welcome. Ja.


Our fifth and final story, a little Disney news because Moana two is set at Disney with a surprise 2024 release date. The line where the sky meets the sea is calling Moana. Once again, Disney announced a sequel to Moana will be released theatrically on November 27. That's very exciting. The second moana was originally developed as a tv series, but became a feature film because Bob Iger was impressed with the footage. So Moana two comes to theaters this November. Also, Moana is getting, like, the live action treatment. So there's just like, a lot going on in the world of Moana.


And let me tell you another part of this story that I find so interesting. I feel like I told you this story. Do you remember? I think it was during COVID when those two girls on TikTok, one of them is like a pop star singer songwriter, the other is like this musical composer. They started making all these videos, like, what if Bridgerton was a musical? And they ended up writing a whole album that got, like millions of streams, that got nominated for a Grammy and won. It was like this amazing thing that happened on TikTok. They have been tapped to write the music for Moana, too.


Oh, that's so great.


Which does mean Lin Manuel Miranda's out of a job, which people are both celebrating but also being like, but he did slap the first time yeah, I.


Feel two ways, because obviously, I don't ever want someone to not have a job. But Lynn Manuel has many. So let's open up the field to other people. But as much as we clown on, like, he's responsible for so many hits, hit after hit and, like, how far I'll go and yard welcome. I mean, if not Lyn Manuel, we wouldn't have yard welcome. We love to joke, except Yadwalkum.


We love to joke, but at the end of the day, like we always say, the cream rises and that shit. That soundtrack from Moana one was that bitch. It was top tier.


Lynn is the cream. Question mark. Jen is the cream. Exclamation point.


Lynn is cream, period.


That's kind of like something for me to wrap my head around. I don't appreciate Lyn Manuel in his time.


No. And it's because his personality gets in the way of his talent.


Yeah, but I feel. But again, is that even true? Do we even know him? That Lynn is appreciated in his time? Like, everyone is obsessed with him. He gets every job that's remotely Lyn.


Like, Lyn is a multi multi millionaire. Like, Lyn is hashtag Lyn is fine.


Yeah, but this is a lot of pressure for those girls because, one, a sequel is a lot of pressure. Even if Lyn were doing it, he has to outlin the Lynn.


Disney has a very high bar.


But, like, if these songs. Oh, no. I just got confused for a second. But still, how far I'll go major. Yeah.


But I have followed these two girls stories just because I thought it was so cool that they won a Grammy. And I feel like they literally could win an Oscar now or, like a golden globe. They could be egots and they're know. Two girls.


Two girls. Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear.


Yeah. And they're like a writing duo.


Barlow and Bear.


It's giving, like, pasak and Paul. Like, it's giving iconic writing duo.


Yeah. I'd rather see Pasak and Paul out there shaking that thing.


I wouldn't mind it.


I love me some pasak and Paul.


Me too.


Except what's crazy is Pasak and Paul did la land, and I don't give a rip about la la land.


I didn't like la la land.


Maybe I should probably watch it again. But I would still not give a rip. I just don't give a rip.


No, I know. And when people think Pasak and Paul, they think la la land. We think Pasak and Paul. Greatest showman or Evan Hansen.


Yeah. La la land. That's like, makes sense. I feel like that's like a glitch in my matrix. It's like something I should like that I don't like. There's a couple things like that.


Such a good point. It's such a good point.


Yeah. I guess I just can't be pinned down. You can't put me in a box.


Well, that's for damn sure.


You can't make a movie for me and expect me to like it.


But I am going to pin you down right now because the girlies need your help. Jackie, it's dear toasters time, so sit down and help.


I should do so.


Dear Toasters is our weekly advice segment where you guys write into us, and we'll choose three submissions every week to try and help out the girlies. All the issues, they range know wedding stuff to work stuff, to health stuff, to husband stuff, mostly. So feel free to write us in is the email. Your prompt will remain completely anonymous. If you've written in and we have not read it on air, either your prompt is uninteresting or it was too long. Try and keep it like, concise, need to know information. You can also head to Check it out there. There's a little submission box once you scroll down on the website. Also anonymous. Ready?




Good morning to the wonderful, stunning turdy and the beautiful, wise Jackie O. I am writing in because I am having a predicament. My hilarious husband has recently started doing stand up comedy and is starting to climb the comedy ladder where we live. When he first started doing comedy, I told him that I didn't want him to joke about me during his sets because I didn't want to feel disrespected. Now he's getting invited to host shows, and when I go to his shows that feature other comics, I've noticed that every single comic but my husband tirelessly jokes about their wives significant others during their sets. Am I being an insecure loser? Should I just let him joke about me to help his comedy career? Turtie, have you had this combo with Ben help?


That's such a great question and an interesting predicament. And I feel like you're being very self aware, but I think the boundary that you set is really nice. And if I were you, I wouldn't reconsider it unless he comes to you and says, like, listen, I have this joke and having this boundary is like holding me back a little bit or having him you approve a joke? I would just wait till he mentions it. But if he's having success not joking about his relationship, I think that's really respectable and totally fine.


That's so funny. I was going to say something different, even though I do agree with you. The thing is, I do feel like it's most likely limiting his potential, because so much of comedy is about your own life, and if obviously you're married, like a huge part of your life is your marriage. There's so much comedy to be a.


Better comedian, because if everybody's making relationship jokes and he has to think outside of that box, he might eventually be one of a kind in making different kinds of jokes.


It's possible, I guess. Wouldn't, you know, say anything unless he says something?




And it's very sweet that he hasn't. I never ran it by Ben, but I also know there's a line. I'm not looking to be out here embarrassing my husband. I want to do a show that's relatable and funny and that people can relate to. But also, I'm not the type of person who, I have respect for my husband. So as long as your partner loves you and has respect for you, they won't say something awful.




Even in the name of a joke.


Yeah. I think that if it's weighing on you, you could ask him and be like, hey, is this kind of holding you back? Do you ever wish that you. You could make these jokes and you guys could have a conversation about it? You don't even have to wait for him to bring it up, because maybe he doesn't bring it up because he knows that you would say no. So I think you should broach the subject and ask him, see how he feels about it. And if this is something he's been feeling like, oh, I have these jokes. Maybe you guys could start somewhere where he just runs them by you. And not forever, but just to get you comfortable with it. I think it's awesome that he's gotten so far while respecting your boundaries, but if you're starting to feel like you're holding him back, then just ask him about it. I think this is nice. Yeah.


You both sound like normal, level headed people who can have a conversation, which is amazing.


Isn't always the case with dear toasters or comedians.


Facts. Was that a Burt Kreischer dig? No kidding. Are you ready for our next one?




Hey, Jackson Turd. This one sounds like a novel, like a thriller. My maternal grandmother called me yesterday for a very casual conversation, but towards the end, she mentioned that she and my grandfather were going to get their will made later this week. She explained that their cumulative assets total over $4 million and that the inheritance would be split between my younger sibling and I. This was completely unexpected. She told me not to tell anyone besides my boyfriend. I know this will be so awkward when the time comes and my mom finds out, both she and my dad will be shocked and hurt. She encouraged me to be transparent with my boyfriend. We have been together for over five years, lived together, and planned to get engaged within the year. Can I make him promise not to tell anyone? I don't really want his family to know. What do I tell? Who do I tell? What do I buy? Do I need a lawyer?


This is so weird. Granny's causing drama. Not even the fact that she wants to give it to you guys, which is her right to do, but that she wants you to tell your boyfriend. Doesn't want you to tell your mom. Like, why is she playing games this?


Grammy, whatever you do, do not tell your boyfriend. Sorry. To me. We'll get into your mom in a second because that's fucking awkward and you'll have to figure out whatever, but literally, don't tell your boyfriend. I think you can keep this close to the best. I don't think you need a lawyer.


Yeah, and even if she wants to leave the money to you, why is she telling you now and causing drama between you and your mom? Like, Granny's causing trouble.


It would have been better for her to just, like, when the time comes, pass away, and then mic drop with the reading of the will. Very gossip girl.


But she's like, but putting this thing between you and your mom by, one, the inheritance, and two, like, the secret of it, what's Granny up to?


Yeah, and also, is your mom waiting on this money?


Yeah, I like to respect yacht elders, and typically, if there's a grandma, like in a deer toasters, I'm always going to take Granny's side. But what's Granny got up her sleeve?


Yeah, there was kind of no reason for her to drop this bomb. It should have been posthumously.


Also why she's only doing her will now. People have wills throughout their lives.


Yeah, maybe she's rejiggering it because she's, like, having an argument with her daughter.


And she's, like, trying to get you on her side by giving you two mil.




Granny is being better.


Do not tell your boyfriend. I feel like that's the more important.


That's the other conversation that's so let.


It be, like, a nice thing once you guys get married. Then you really can share. But this is private. And boyfriends. I'm sorry. They come and go.


By the way, I know you've been.


Together for five years. Yada yada.


No, the money isn't yours yet. Even so, there's nothing to say. She could blow it all before she goes.


She does sound also, like, a little bit like a reckless kind of woman.


Reckless granny.


Maybe she changed her mind.


She's giving reckless Granny. I wouldn't count this money as your own just yet.


It's so true. Maybe just sit quiet and it's nice. I guess the only person you can really talk to is your sister.


Yeah, so kind of the sister. I wonder if Granny told her something different. I think Granny's playing games.


Or did Granny not even tell the other sister?


It's giving, like, what's that movie, knives out?


Yes, it's giving knives.


Like, everyone thinks they are getting the inheritance.


Oh, my God. And Granny wants to see what they all do. Keep it to yourself.


Someone's gonna kill Granny. Don't play this game. I wouldn't get caught up in it.


I agree. It's a trap.


It's a trap. Go about your life as if Granny never told you, because you're not getting that money. I'm sorry to tell you.


Yeah, it's giving diabolical Granny.


It's giving diabolical Granny.


Our third and final dear toasters is looking for a little bit more of, like, tactical advice. Okay.


I love tactical. I think we could actually give this girl a good plan advice.


I've heard this actionable.


I've heard this marriage tip recently that when your partner is complaining, that you should say, do you want comfort or do you want solutions?


I feel like that's what you would say to, like, a kid. No, no.


It's like when you're complaining about somebody.


Wait, I love that.


Right? When you're complaining about something, do you want me to actually help you or just commiserate with you?


Oh, my God. That happened to me the other day. Oh, my God. Ben was.


Oh, my God. Because I go straight for solutions. I'm solution oriented, which is why I like this. Dear toasters. That's why I brought this up. But it's a great question to ask. Do you want comfort or you want solutions?


Oh, my God. Because, no, Ben was coming at me with solutions, and it felt like an attack. I was doing something wrong, and that's why I was in this position. And honestly, I got so mad at him, and I was so wrong, and I took my anger out on him because I was angry about something else. Oh, my God, I love that. Can you text that to Ben?


Yeah. Oh, yeah. I was thinking, like, I need it. That's so funny. I think Ben and I are really similar.


Are we? Yeah. But then Ben definitely takes on in terms of emotions, sometimes a little bit more of, like, the traditionally feminine role.




But very emotional.


No, I'm not. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Anyways, I just thought it was good because also, when you just want comfort, you don't want solutions. My.




And it's like, stop. And it also forces a person who's, who's struggling to be like, what do I want to be like? That's a good question. It's good. Marriage tip of the day.


So, speaking of actionable advice, I am a 30 something mother of two, and since having children, I feel as if my vocabulary is embarrassing and limited. I find myself struggling for simple words and synonyms in my workplace. I was an advertising and marketing major in college, and my written communication far exceeds my verbal, mostly because I have time to compose my words. I'm worried when I actually meet people for work, they think I am dumb. You both have such a colorful spoken vocabulary. Would you attribute it to being avid readers or something else? Please help. Please be the cher horowitz to my tie. I hope it's not sporadically.


That is such a good question. I just have to say, if I didn't do this podcast every day, that would be me. Your brain. It's so easy for your brain to become mush. Like, you're talking baby talk all day. Like one word, and you're trying to find the simplest word for what you're trying to convey to your child. So it's totally normal and natural. Literally. Doing the show forces me to exercise my brain, which I'm grateful for. But I do find it harder these days than it used to be for me to reach for words. What was the word the other day I couldn't find recreationally?




So this is so real. And I do feel like I have a very colorful vocabulary, but it's because I practice every single day by doing this show. So I don't know if it's enough for you to just listen to shows like this or other shows where there's a lot of colorful language because maybe you can absorb some of it. But reading, of course, right?


No, but she really said it's not so much her knowledge because she's like.


I can write really well.


She has the words, she has a hard time bringing them brain mouth, like, connecting your brain to your mouth. And I feel like it kind of sounds like she needs brain camp.


Yeah, but what is brain camp in tactics?


I don't know. What is brain camp? I mean, there are, like, a bunch of apps and games. I play this game. It's a board game. It's called anemia. And anemia, the definition of that word is, like, when you can't think of, you know, the word, but you can't say it. It's like the brain mouth connection. It's actually a really fun game, but I also think it's actually, like, a challenge that would perhaps put you on the spot. So a board game.


Yeah, a board game. Also, I think maybe even just calling a friend, having more adult conversations, maybe a friend who's like, your funny, lively friend. And it's just going to be, like, an upbeat conversation that can help you just exercise your mouth.


You can practice. Because when I go back and listen to old episodes of the toast, my God, I sound so stupid. I say sentences, like, filled with nothing, like, yeah, totally. And I'm still not great, but I say much more substance in sentences now. Yeah, it's a skill that you have to fine tune. And when you spend so much time.


Talking to children, of course, it's so natural. But, yeah, trying to find more time for adult conversation. Maybe a word of the day. I've never really stuck to a word of the day, but the few times I've done it, I've gotten something out of it. But I don't know really where I get my new words from. We were having this conversation when I did Shannon's podcast. She was asking about my vocabulary. Like, how do I have such a big, vast, colorful vocabulary? And I do not know the answer. Reading definitely helps, but I've had it since before reading.


No, but the thing for me is I have to see interact with a word, like, ten times before I start to even want to know what it means. Mercurial is a new word of mine, and it's because it was in illicit affairs by Taylor Swift. And I was like, okay, that's a word. I just learned that word. Then it started showing up in books a lot. And on my kindle, I would, like, highlight it. Look at the definition. It means sort of like, unpredictable, mysterious, if you will. And words. I learn words so randomly, like, even one of my favorite words, acrimonious, I learned from friends. So I just pick up words randomly. But it takes a lot for a word to stick with me. Unless you start using it all the.


Time, because then we word share.


Yeah. Nefarious. Of course. Elk classic. That's a big one. Big low key. No.


But don't feel bad about this. And it'll come back.


It comes and goes.


It's hard. It's a total life change. And also, it's physical and mental. It happens whether or not you start talking baby talk. And it also happens because you start talking baby talk. So go easy on yourself. Girly swirly. Go.


That's our show. And tomorrow will be our last one of the week. And then next week, when we are back, Jackie and I will be together podcasting.


So you know what I realized? Fun time? I realized that next week is a short week because it's President's day on Monday.


That's not next week. That's the week after next. President's day isn't like after the Super bowl. It's the following week.




And of course, let's give everyone fair warning. We will be taking off presidents.


Of course we respect the presidents.


I mean, God bless.






And guide her through the light with the night from the bus. Yes.


I love that song.


They're all bops.


Also, like this land is your land.


I love all of those songs of the american elk.


The elk? Yeah.


The Star spangled Banner.


Like the Betsy Ross vibes hits.


The hits start coming, and they don't stop coming.


And, like, chilling.


No. And it's like they were written a couple hundred years ago and they still slay the house down boots, a song.


That I put in that category that's kind of not. And it's modern and it has no semblance, but I just consider them all the same type of song is. And I'm proud to be an american where at least I know I'm free.


Yeah. Lee Greenwood slayed the house down boots. Also like, this land is your land. This land is my land that's right. California all the way to New York island from the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters this land was made for you and me with that. Amen. And you went to you.


Thank you guys so much for listening to the toast of millennium morning show, where we deliver the fastest stories you need to know. Everybody. The Friday and you dips. If you're watching us on YouTube, please subscribe. Video thumbs up. Also available podcasting and wickedly towns we are.


I have a new outro, and it's the perfect way to end the episode.




Where does it go right now? It goes right.


What about love you by I can.


Add it to the end.


Okay. With how wickedly talented we are.


Without further ado, we bid you adieu. Love ya. Bye.


I love it.


Laid the house down. Boots, boats, boats, boots. Bye.