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Morning, millennials.


We're at the Monday where we have such a fucking disgustingly important job to do today.


Which is what?


Carmen is the guy on The Chiefs coming straight home to me.


It's true. We do. That is all forthcoming within the show. That's really all. It's hard to pick stories when there's the one story and then there's the.


Other four. Check it. I feel sick. It's fine.


Why do you feel sick, LaTurd? I feel sick because I am sick. I'm coming down with a cold. So if I sound nasally or angry, that's why.


Give us a little sticky shoes, would you?


My sticky, sticky shoes. It hasn't gotten to that level yet. Right now, it's coming down. Throughout the night, I was feeling myself get sicker and sicker. It was really a dreadful evening of sleep, so I'm just on one today. I've had a.


Morning- Oh, I love when Jackie's on. Why do you think you're going to punch a CVS checkout machine?


If there was one in sight, pow-power.


It's on.


It's on. I'm throwing hands.


I love that.


Yeah. No, it was rough. And then also, I get really bad scalp pain. Do you ever get that?


When I.


Don't wash.


My hair. Yeah.


So my hair was looking gorgeous. I was like, You know what? Let me get myself Monday with my hair on the show, and then I'll wash it Monday night. But in the middle of the night, it was just hurting so much.


Let's talk about that. What is that?


I don't know. And it hurts even more postpartum. So when Charlie woke up at 6:30 to feed, I was like, I have to get up and wash my hair right now because I'm in so much pain. So then my day started at 6:30 with washing my hair, and then I wound up falling back asleep at 7:30. It was just... And then I woke up late in a rush and had to pump, and it was just not my morning. I can't claim this morning.


There are so many things about girlhood that are so unfair, periods. I don't feel like we talk about the obvious ones, childbirth, why can't a man do that? We don't talk enough about the scalp pain. What is that?


I don't know. It's like your nerve ending. And I guess my scalp is extra tender right now. I mean, it was a long time since I washed my hair, sure. Who cares? But I should have gotten this extra. I shouldn't have had to get up at 6:00 AM to wash my hair because that's how much of pain I was in. Well, you look great. Thanks. Well, then I didn't have time to dry my hair, so it's in a slick back bump. But you never know.


You look great. I love when you're in a mood, I feel like it's usually me. So I will be the Jacks today, and you will be the clerk.


Well, now that I'm in the chair, it's all done, and I'm good, and we can go forth with the show. But just getting to this chair was harder than.


Usual today. You know in mean girls when Katie Heron is so mad and Regina says, Put it in the book.




Put it in the chair.


Yeah. But no, now I'm fine. Right, no.


The chair heals all.


Yeah, I just had to get to the chair. But the getting to the chair, I did not fail.


So we have so much to talk about today when it comes to pop culture. We also have so much to talk about today when it comes about us, when it comes to us, because we are important and we are busy.


Yeah. Is this you wanting me to ask you like, How are you? What's new with you? What do you want to talk about?


Not me. If you wanted to ask about me because I had a crazy busy weekend.


Okay, Claudia. How are you doing? What's new with you? How was your weekend? It was.


So busy. Oh, my God. It was jam-packed. Friday night, you were still here. I hosted my very first family Shabbat at my home. It was amazing to have just everyone there, except for Olivia, she was dearly missed, but everyone in New York at my home. I feel like it was great.


It was great.


Ben cooked a gorgeous meal. The kids were there. It was really... What's the word? It filled my cup.




And then I had a super early morning on Saturday because I went to Atlanta for the UGA... Not Atlanta, I'm sorry. I keep saying that Athens. For the UGA, Ole Miss game, I was there doing an event with Estee Lauder. And I don't do a lot of events on college campuses, and I don't feel like we're huge with college students. I just feel like they're a little young. So I was expecting 12 people to show up and whatever. Oh, my God, Jackie, we have to move to Georgia.




Toast is huge in Georgia.


I love that.


Everybody came out. It was so much fun. I really put into perspective for me, how much I missed out on a traditional college experience. It looked so fun.




Small town that when you were driving through was so charming, these houses. And I just know that professors live there, and they have dinner parties for their students. It was so collegiate. And there was a big football game, which was even more collegiate because everybody was wearing the colors and alumni came in, and it was just so cute. It was this whole life that I never had.


Yeah. And what's the anti-Semitism on that college campus?


I'm so glad you brought it up because obviously it was top of mind for me. I was like, What is everybody doing here to battle anti-Semitism? And I didn't really think that there would be a lot of Jewish students, but I think maybe all of them came to the meet and greet because they were like, It's been amazing. The President of the school, the Dean or whatever, immediately put out a statement being like, No - Shut that shit down. We're not going to be one of those schools. So they really haven't had knockwood, many incidents, no hate crimes and no swastika drawn on the side of a building. So I felt good supporting a school like that. And they all were like, It's been really comforting here, and the toast has been booing me. So it was really, honestly, fabulous. I have no complaints.


That's so nice. So it was University of Georgia?


Yes, UGA. Go dogs.


Okay, so add it.


To the - Add it to the - Go dogs.


Oh, yeah. No, that I know. So add it to the list of safe schools for Jews. And so it's a very short list, but it's an important one.


Yeah. So UGA, turning approved. It was just fabulous. And there were just so much. They were just like, nice girls. I just loved it. And then I had to rush home because yesterday I went out to Livingston, New Jersey to see my favorite human being on Earth, Mark Schoenwetter, the Holocaust survivor I met last year. So this time of year, they do this thing called Journey for the Living, where in the month of November, everybody tries to walk 15 miles. Because on one very cold November night in Poland, many years ago, Mark, his sister, and his mom walked 15 miles in the middle of the night to get to a ghetto because they thought the ghetto was going to be their only option for safety. It wasn't, but it was a part of his journey in this long, very cold night. And so we walked yesterday in New Jersey. We didn't walk 15 miles because it was cold and whatever. She is who she is. We walked a mile and a half. We started our journey to 15 miles.


Are you going to complete the 15 miles?


I'm going to try.




So it was just fabulous to hang out with Mark, and I got to have lunch with him afterwards. And it was a fabulous day. So that's why I didn't even go to the game in Georgia. I literally flew in the morning and then out at five o'clock so I could get back to Jersey. So it's like such a busy weekend.


Yes, it was a busy weekend. I came home. I had a nice, home setting day yesterday, cooking up the store, made a chili. So good. So good. I've really, really perfected my personal brand of chili.


It's a chili day.


It was a chili day. We had the game on, the Game Zah. There was Frankurt happening.


I watched the games as well.


And the Cowboys played.


I know, the Jets played and lost.


Did the Cowboys win?


I don't know, I didn't watch. But I did watch the Jets go another game, Jackie, without scoring a single touchdown.


Whoa, zero. Did they get a kick in?


So the last couple of games, they've scored X amount of points, and every single one of them has been a field goal.


Got it. Okay, so it wasn't zero on.


The scoreboard. And this season, this is what they said on TV last night, 50 % of the for the jets have been field goals.


Well, you know what? Let's look on the bright side. Their kicker must be feeling really good about himself.


Aaron Rogers did say his goal is to come back by mid-December, and he says, I know that's crazy, but when you have a great surgeon and a great patient, anything is possible.


I love that optimism, and it actually is a great segue for me to talk about the fact I had a great surgeon, and I was a great patient when I was pregnant. And Dr. Fox, I'm on his podcast again today, and this episode is all about my pregnancy. So the last one was all about me, our girl, introducing myself, life story. And this one is all about my birth story and my pregnancy story. So his podcast is called The Healthful Woman still. We are all helping Dr. Fox in a potential rebrand, but I like the name.


Because I.


It. And he didn't go for What does the Fox say? He wasn't about that.


Okay, well, he's wrong for that.


So you can listen to me today on The Healthful Woman. It's all about my story. And also, we get the expert's opinion about what was going on, and.


It was crazy- And his POV.


It was crazy to relive it. I've literally forgotten about it. It feels like.


So long ago. I feel like that's natural, right? Like you blackout traumatic times once they're over.


Natural for people or natural for me?




Well, everybody handles hard times differently. Hard times are more personal than comedy, more personal than food.


More personal than insurance.


So true. But yet also, just like I feel like in pregnancy in general, you forget how hard it is. It's like your body's way of getting you ready for the.


Next one. So true. Are you ready for the next one?


I am not. I am on hiatus.


Yeah. I'm not ready for the next one either. Theo is just keeping me very, very busy.


Yeah, we're on hiatus. We're taking a break.


So much went on this weekend, obviously in our personal lives, but also in the world as well. I feel like it's going to be one of those things where it's like, do you remember where you were when you saw the kiss and The Chiefs? I remember where I was. I was watching Gossip Girl, which I've made a lot of headway in. I'm now at the Georgina episodes, and I want to turn it off. When Vanessa came in, I was like, Oh, my God. I forgot about this annoying wentch. She made me want to stop, but not enough. Honestly, I feel like I disliked her more as a child. She's definitely weird and inappropriate with a boy who has a girlfriend. But she's not a bad person. She's actually a moral compass, if you will. I don't know if that changes, but she's a good person.


She is a bit of a moral compass of the show, but she makes being a moral compass so dreadful.


Yeah, but with Georgina, Ben, we can't watch it. And then it really got us talking about the trajectory of Michelle Tractenberg's career and how criminally underrated and underbooked Michelle Tractenberg is. She is an incredible actress. The way she's so fucking evil, where you feel it in your bones, you're like, This fucking bitch. What happened to her?


Right, but she also is the Ice Princess.


And- Get you a girl who could do both.


Sweet as Sugar.


Sweet as Sugar in the Ice Princess, which is also- And, of course.


Harriet the Spy.


Of course.


So- Diverical. -diverse.


She just has a really diverse portfolio. And I feel as though she's super, super talented. Where in the world is Michelle Tractenberg? What?


Let's check her IMDb. Maybe she's been doing indie movies.


But the thing is, she is a world-class talent. She needs to be booking... She should be an Oppenheimer. That's how talented she is.


Yeah, I do agree with that. Honestly, she really hasn't worked in a while. Don't forget about 17 again. Really good movie.


Oh, my God. I forgot she was in 17 again.


And Euro trip.


Yeah, Ben was like, I know her from Euro trip. And I was like, I know her from Ice Princess. Sess. But what I also know her from that not enough people talk about is there was a brief period in high school where I was obsessed with the Knicks because I just wanted attention. And I got really into it. I went to a lot of games. I knew all the players. And there was a player on the Knicks called Danilo Galinari. And he was probably the most handsome man to ever walk the earth. He was Italian. He was just not like other players. He was so handsome, and he was really good. And he became this New York socialite almost because he wasn't world-renowned. But in New York, we loved him. And he very briefly dated Michelle, tracked him, Morgan. It was this iconic moment in pop culture. They broke up. He got traded. I did actually meet him two years ago at the Faina Hotel in Miami. I don't think anybody knew who he was, and I was dying. We have a picture together. I was dying for meeting Danila Galinari. I was obsessed with this man.


And I don't know if people talk about the very brief, shooting star moment where he dated Michelle Tractenberg, Georgina.


Yes. Also, definitely Michelle Tractenberg has been blackballed from Hollywood because she was getting major roles, and then all of a sudden she's in Robot Chicken and Sister Cities.


She has been blackballed. What is the story? I need a documentary on Michelle Tractenberg.


Yeah. Also, allegedly, she was in The New Gossip Girl as Georgina Sparks.


Well, last night I was also thinking about The New Gossip Girl. And the reason why it didn't work is because it never could have worked. The show itself, nobody knew when the show was airing or even when they were casting the show that it was going to be this cultural phenomenon. They didn't know that. It just happened to be. It was just a well-written, well-cast, high-budget show. And it had all the makings, and they didn't know it. And then with the second show, they were trying to recreate that, and you can't recreate something like that with that intention. Those things, like Gossip Girl becoming what it was, happen unintentionally.


Yeah. Also, it's just like, Who is it for? Nobody wants it. It was bad. They couldn't have had more manpower behind it, and they couldn't have- Who is it for? That's a good question. -they couldn't have flopped harder.


By the way, but also watching the show now, and I'm just keeping top of mind who Gossip Girl is. And so far, it's possible. The episodes I watched last night, spoiler alert, was that Jenny was dating that guy, Asher, but it turned out he was gay and he really was hooking up with Eric. But he was this billionaire. They're like, How did Jenny get him? And Dan finds out that Asher is gay, and he wants to tell Jenny. But Blaire and Serena are like, Jenny is not going to listen to you. She's only going to listen to girls and gossip girl. So he tells gossip girl that Eric, not that Eric, that Asher is gay. And of course, he told gossip girl because he is gossip girl.


Yes, but that could also work with a different gossip girl.


It could be explained.


I heard a rumor that Gossip Girl was supposed to be Nate, and then it got leaked.




Saw that too. And they switched it. So watch it also from that POV.


Yeah. Okay. But it's just insane. These people are just talking about cocaine and then taking the SATs. It's just not real.


No, it's not real. Also, don't forget that Gossip Girl was a book series that was incredibly popular. So when you say nobody knew it was going to be successful, we all knew. The books were amazing. Blake Lively was coming off of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It was on the CW. I think everybody knew that's a job. If you book that, you're going to do well. It was a perfect storm.


It was a perfect storm.


Yeah, but that's like if Twilight becoming a movie. Yeah, nobody knew.


But we knew. We knew. Yeah, that's true. No, it had all the makings of a cultural phenomenon.


Yeah, because it had an existing fan base.


But a lot of things, by the way, some things do have all the makings of a cultural phenomenon, and then they don't.


Yeah, like Vampire Academy, the movie. Because I think that book was popular. The movie was amazing, but it just didn't pop off. They actually made Vampire Academy on Peacock a series based on the book. They're trying again. I don't think it happened again. Like I said. But I don't think it needed to because the movie was perfect.




Didn't do anything wrong in that. It was just society not knowing what's good, which happens all the time.


I feel as though sitting here and not talking about karma is the guy on The Chiefs. I don't know what we're doing. I'd love to It's true.


But I want you to know that you took us on this tangent, gossip girl, and then Michelle tracked in our rabbit hole. I'm following.


Your lead. I did. I did. No, by the way, I take full, full, full responsibility, but I have to draw the line somewhere. And I think the line, this is me. Look, I've.


Drawn it. Oh, right. Because now I'm talking about my passions.


I'm trying to talk about. No, see?


I want you guys all to see what just happened. I let her wax poetic on her thoughts on Gossip Girl. I try to talk about one movie I liked. It's time.


No, by the way, it's so true. But it is time. Facts are facts.


It was time when you started talking about nonsense from 10 years ago.


It was time then, too. No, it wasn't time, because honestly, and I'm not being a drama queen when I say people are begging me for my gossip girl takes, I swear to God.


So why did you post them on your story?


I did. I did. But, something as big and as important as gossip girl requires verbal explanation.


Yeah, so get on stories and start talking.


I need to reach everyone here.


Okay, well, I just want you to know what you did there. Yeah.


No, by the way. You think I don't know? I know. I'm disgusting.


Okay, great. Accountability equals taken. I will accept that.




Without further ado de du de du about turties, passions, and not mine, here are The Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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Thank you, La.


You're welcome.


Our first story, Erys Argentina. Lots to unpack. Taylor Swift took her talents to Argentina and her tour there this weekend. She performed one night. Very exciting. She performed two nights. Yeah, first night, though.


Yeah, was the big one.


Was the big one? The first one or the second one? The second one.


But there was another one last night. Maybe there's three. Maybe it was the second one. Okay, I don't know. I said one was postponed for weather.


Right. The one that was postponed was the one that he was at.


Well, he got there and yeah, then it was postponed, so they got the night off together.


Yeah. And then he went to the show the next night where a lot of things ensued. First, he was in the tent with Taylor's dad, dancing along, taking pictures and videos of each other. Next, Taylor changed the lyric and karma from, Carmen is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me to, Carmen is the guy on The coming straight home to me. Then she also sang End Game as one of her surprise songs, so that's a pretty obvious Easter egg. And then when the show was over, footage was captured of them backstage, Travis waiting respectfully with his hands behind his back, Taylor coming off the stage, running towards him, giving him a big kiss, and then walking off arm in arm.


It's too much. I don't even know where to begin. Let's begin with The Secret Song because I just have really quick thoughts. Something I've noticed about Taylor recently is she's really listening to the Swifties. So a lot of people were like, Oh, my God, she has to play Endgame. They theorized that, and then she actually did it. It's possible she came to the conclusion on her own. But with the next song, she did the new vault song, Is It Over Now?, but she mashed it up with Out of the Woods. And literally, a girl went viral last week for being like, Is anybody else hearing this? And she sang the mash-up that Taylor ended up singing. So I feel like she's leaning in more to Swifty culture, which I actually just really appreciate because the Swiftys, they're a little passionate, a little too passionate sometimes, but they've got good ideas. Yeah. And I love that.


Yeah. So two very good songs. Endgame is obviously, hopefully he's her endgame, but also because it's very athletic themed. It's athletic coded.


So we love that. Then let's talk about Scott, Taylor's dad, being literally obsessed with Travis Kelsey. I've seen him in the tent. I think he was in the tent with Joe at Point, maybe even Maddie Healy. You wouldn't even know that they know each other. So distant, so cold. Honestly, I think he's more in love with Travis than Taylor is. He was wearing a Chief's lanyard around his neck. He's obsessed. They were together the whole night, just them two.


Wouldn't you be- It's.


A long show. It's three hours.


He's a dream son-in-law.


Dream son-in-law. We know Scott loves the NFL. I mean, he is, I believe, an Eagles fan, but it doesn't matter. He respects the hustle.


It doesn't matter also because it's like the Eagles's brother.




That's true. He could be being nice to Travis to get close to Jason.


That's very true.


Like maybe trying to get Jason's number from Travis's phone while he's taking the video. It's like, Oh, I'll take this picture of you. Meanwhile, I'm going through your phone.


He's using Travis. He's social climbing to get to Jason.


I mean, you respect the hustle.


Respect the hustle. The glee and honestly, just such a shout out to the Argentinean Swiftees. They were on the ground doing the work. We were getting content the minute it was happening. And I have to say something I've noticed that just is the sweetest thing ever, when I've noticed it with Argentina, but then I also noticed it, I saw a screening from the Aaristore in Israel, is like places where English isn't the first language, but Taylor Swift is so beloved. When you hear the fans singing back to the song, they have an accent, and it is just so cute. It's the cutest thing ever, and it really just, I think, is an indicator of how massive Taylor Swift is, because these are people who don't even speak English as their first language, and they know every single the lyric. And it's really amazing.


Yeah, even when they were chanting reputation before Better Than Revenge- And they had a little accent. -and the whole stadium has an accent, yeah.


It's so cute, and I just loved it. And they were just really, honestly, five stars for them. They were doing the work when it came to getting the content to the world in real time.


Yes. So the video of Carmine is a guy on The Chiefs coming straight home to me, there was a girl who filmed it perfectly, and then you see her freaking out.


And you know what? When I saw that, I was like, Great. And I put my phone down because I was like, That's what I needed to see. He was there. I saw him in the tent. He obviously has been studying up on her music because he knew a lot more lyrics. I'm sure he didn't know as many as... I mean, there's so many. So then I saw Carmine is a guy on The Chiefs, and I'm like, Okay, that's what I was waiting for. And I put my phone down and I watched and I was like, Oh, my God. I'm a gossip girl. And, oh, my God, maybe 20 minutes later, I checked my phone again, and I was like, The kiss.


The kiss. The running off stage. The running up to him. The big swoosh. I need.


A body language expert on the toast because there is... If a picture says a thousand words, that video says 25 million.


What is it saying to you?


For me, because I think somebody could look at that video and be like, Oh, she ran to him, and she put her arms around him first. But I think he's very respectful of what she wants people to see, because when she was off stage, she was back stage. But the thing about an arena, a stadium, excuse me, is it's circular.




And so people in the back can see Taylor coming off stage. She's really not fully in the privacy of her own world until maybe three minutes after she's off stage. Just because she's off stage doesn't mean she has privacy. Right. So he knows that. She knows that. And whatever she does back stage because she always waves to everyone. People throw bracelets at her. She knows that that's going to be on tape. So I think he was trying to just defer to her being like, Oh, are we going to embrace here or not? Because there's literally probably 5,000 people behind us. Maybe we should wait till we get in the tent. So I think her running to him and her putting her arms around him and her kissing him is not her being more interested in him than he is. I think it's him totally respecting whatever boundary she wants to put up. She has famously not really shared much about her relationships. She really hasn't even been caught kissing her boyfriends. There's a few instances, and none of them were by her own accord. It was somebody filming without her consent. There's a blurry picture of her and Joe in the ocean.


They didn't know the camera was there. There's obviously that horrifying Harry Stiles' New Year's Eve kiss that's so awkward, it makes you literally want to crawl into your own skin. I don't think she knew anybody was filming then. It's usually paparazzi. It's usually when she thinks she's in privacy, but she's not. She has never knowingly kissed someone in front of people, you know?


Yeah, I also think one, he's respecting her boundaries of how much she wants to show of their relationship. But two, it's like this was her big night. Is there anything more annoying than someone running up to you and making it about them? It's like, wherever she wants to go next, however she wants debrief, but him going in a... No. Let her take the lead. How does she want to exit the arena? I will follow her lead. I'm just here in whatever capacity she wants me to be.


No, it's so true. What's worse than somebody who makes someone else a special night about them? And I feel like he acted so appropriately. It's a hard line to walk because the whole night is about Taylor. But the second he's in the tent, everybody's turning around, filming him. Even when she comes on, they're going to film him for portions of it. How do you navigate that with wanting to hype up your girlfriend, not take away from her moment, but also knowing people are looking at you. And honestly, I think he handled the entire night perfectly. There's not one thing I would change.


Yeah. No, because you want to be interested and involved, but you don't want to give people too much. Too much. You don't want to take away. But you also want to seem interested, or else people will be like, He was... He looked miserable.


Yeah. So now, of course, everybody compares footage from Travis at an Aries to Joe at Reputation. And at Reputation, Joe was famously a hat, incognito, literally. I think there's maybe one video of him smiling. He was very somber. And now because Travis is just being everything that Taylor needs, but also everything that the Swiftys need, the Swiftys are now dragging Joe. And I don't think that's fair because I think Joe was very much following Taylor's lead at that time. She did not want her rep. They weren't not public because Joe didn't want it. Taylor called the shots. Taylor is Taylor. So I think he was following her lead. I'm sure he was a great boyfriend. I don't think it's fair to just completely drag just because we're so excited about Travis. But I get it. You look at the two footages, and one of them is at the airstore having the time of his life. And the other one looks like he's literally on his way to jail.


He's so Ms. Yeah, but also, Travis is Travis. And he's- He's goofy. And not to say Joe isn't famous, but he's a working actor, but he's not really a celebrity like a lot of other actors are. He's in the -.


We really wouldn't know much about him had it.


Not been- Right. So, Travis, if he started acting in a way that wasn't congruous with personality that we know, like he's goofy, silly. He's always dancing when he scores a touchdown, like Travis is going to Travis.


Travis going to Travis. That's an amazing point as well. But also, Joe is a serious guy. He's a British fancy actor. He does time period pieces. He's not going to be shaking his titties to end game. Yeah.


But I also think it's really not fair. Joe was really great to Taylor- He was a good for you, right? -for Taylor at a really hard time. It's really easy for Travis to come into the ten and hype up when all they're experiencing is love and adoration. Joe was with Taylor through it all. And I just feel like you, Swifty, should have put a little more respect on his name, and you don't have to compare.


No, you don't have to compare. You're right. Their relationship was during the tough times, like when Taylor wasn't so universally beloved, and there were people, #TaylorSwiftisoverparty, the Snakes, they made it through all of that. You're right. He was good to her. He was there for her. He was a steady force in her life, six years. It didn't work out, and that's sad. But just because Travis is different doesn't make Joe bad. You're right.


Yeah, of course, Travis is more exciting for all of us.


But he's.


Also, so far, they've only experienced one she's lost. They haven't really gone through hardship together. It's all fun and games when it's all fun and games.


And I also think Taylor probably feels... This is something Taylor would never fucking do, the kiss. It just goes against who she is. And I feel like because she's in this place where she literally can't breathe without getting applause. She's reached a level that I think people are comparing only to Beatles Mania. She has reached a level of universal love, respect, adoration, phantom that she really can't do anything wrong. So it's not something she's ever experienced before, and it's probably such a relief for her, and it's probably fun. So it's like, You know what? Yeah, I'm in love. Let me just kiss my fucking boyfriend after I just worked so hard on stage for three hours in a country 15 hours for my own. That's how fucking globally famous I am, bitch.


Yeah, also, at this level of her success, if she can't act how she wants and be how she wants and just live freely- Authentically. -then what's the point? If she still has to worry about, Oh, am I running too fast? Am I too excited? Am I not kissing him? Live your life, girl.


You're really speaking unbelievable facts today, making really good points.


Thank you. I love internalizing what the Swiftys are going through and just making it more salient for larger life lessons.


For larger life lessons. It's true. What's the point in all of this success if you can't just be who you are?


Yeah, and live and enjoy your life. Also, the first night she sang Labyrinth?


Yeah. Oh-oh. I'm falling in love.


So cute. So cute. So then that was the headline, Taylor sings she's falling in love again.


No, but it's so funny because towards the end of the American heiress tour, people were noticing certain songs Taylor would sing. She was just singing them. She wasn't feeling them. Love her. Oh, my God. That's literally a song about Joe Alwyn. It's become a wedding song. It's one of those staple love songs. And she was just giving it no love. She was doing it and she was killing it, but she wasn't feeling it. And then with certain secret songs that were 100 % about Joe, she was literally just saying them. Her face did not move. And she just sang a song that I think she sang as a secret song at the end of American Eras tour. And the difference just in her demeanor, it's hilarious.


It's so real. Towards the end, the secret songs became less exciting, and they were certainly not coded in anything. It's just like, Here's a song I wrote, and you guys are going to hear it tonight. And then with these Argentinean shows, it was like, Here are songs that mean something different to me now.


Right. And then for people who are still obsessed with Harry Stiles, 1989 era, when she did Is It Over Now and Out of the Woods, two songs that we know are about Harry Stiles. So mixing them together just confirmed that for everyone. And also, if you think about the lyrics, they're telling the same story. Out of the woods is like, this relationship, I just feel so unstable. Like, Are we out of the woods yet? Are we good? Are we not good? And then, Is it over now? It's like, Wait, are we literally even still together? Yeah, also- So they're very much like.


A thread. She's also promoting 1989 TV.




So it's not even about, I'm dating Travis and I'm going to sing about Harry, like, Here, buy my new album.


Right now she's a businesswoman.


And putting the two songs together, it's like, you have to listen to two songs on my album now.


Right, and you have to hear the delux one with the new songs. Delux? Yeah. So it was just an incredible weekend.


Yeah. And they went out to dinner in Argentina. I think the night that the show was canceled, they were holding hands and the whole restaurant was cheering.


And there was just so many videos of them literally walking probably through this corridor that was maybe 11 feet long. But everybody did notice he squeezed her hand three times, which is just a cute thing like boys do, but, squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi. Even though that song, I think, is about Joe Alwyn, but whatever. So cute, so obsessed. And what's so insane is that we have four other stories. We have Grammy nominations, I'm assuming. We have Kylie at SNL. So many things happen, and like, Who cares? It's insane to me that things that are enormous deals, otherwise we would be guffawing over, Literally, who cares?


I don't know about.


Guffawing, but- No, but Kylie at SNL. I literally didn't even see a picture of Kylie at SNL until this morning. I knew she was there, I heard.


Also, I am past the guffawing over Kylie and Timothy. They're just like a stable Hollywood couple now. It's really- It's crazy. -crazy. Also, have you given any thought to what songs Taylor might be writing right now about this thing? What themes and things? What do you think?


And by the way, I just want to say because people are coming for me. You said they weren't even dating. I know.


I was wrong. But, Turti, took accountability. What more do you want? I took accountability.


And then I was against it. But okay, listen, I'm stubborn, and honestly, I'm probably just jealous. So get off my back, okay?


No, but she literally said I was wrong, and she's done in 180. What more do you want? Leave, Turti, alone.


Thank you. If I had to think, because for me, there's so much going on here, but it really is. I see this whole relationship through the lens of a smutbook. I really do. I just know Taylor is getting dick down in Dallas. I just know it. And I think we're going to get some really sexy songs. Very sexy, but what Taylor does so brilliantly is through the feminine gaze. Not what normal people think is sexy, and that's why those romance, smutbooks are so popular, because it's sexiness and it's love. But through the feminine gaze, we don't need to hear about what we think is sexy is different, you know? Yeah. And I think we're going to get some.


Very- It's not going to be like, It's getting hot in here.


No, we're going to get feminine gaze, like hand on the small of my back type of energy, that type of sexiness. It's not overt, but it's very romantic and it's very manly, and that's so Travis. That's what I think. But also, I think we're going to get some pop fun, because I think about how she's feeling right now, just on top of the world, bubbly, nothing negative. I don't think we're going to get ballads. I think we're going to get just cheery pop message in a bottle energy where it's like, you just want to pop your pussy because you're so fucking happy.


Yeah. And just about how they're the biggest people in the world right now, that feeling of being on top of the world.


Yeah, I think she's going to sing, I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation. And the only explanation I can find, that's what I think we're going to get. Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around. Your love left me on the top of the world.


Literally, she should sample that.


Taylor X, The Carpenters.


Or, I'm on top of the world. Yeah. Yeah, also good. I'm on top of the world. Yeah.


Love. Yeah.


I think she'll have a song called On top of the world. I would love that. On top of Old Smoky, all covered in trees.


In snow.


In snow. I left my true loved one.


Ben sings that song differently. He sings, On top of spaghetti, all sprinkled with cheese.


That's why I said trees.


I lost my poor meat. I was a big ball when somebody sneeze.


By the way, that's why I said trees.


You were thinking of the other... You were thinking of.


Taylor's version. I was thinking of Ben's version, cheese.




Yeah, so that's exciting to think about the next era, and not that we could possibly predict, but what do you think that album would be called? The thing.


Is, she never makes it so obvious. We really.


Can't guess it. No, but you could guess a word that might be a cinnamon. A cinnamon.


Yeah, because honestly, I feel like it would be an album a lot like Lover.


I know.


Not in the esthetic, because I think her esthetic has changed so much. She's so sophisticated these days with her turtle necks and stuff. But I do think the vibe, like Lover is really a pop album to its core, and it's also a happy album. Yeah. So I think a lot of the music would... I think Lover is criminally underrated. We talk about this all the time because I just think the marketing and the esthetic of it wasn't right. But the songs in and of itself are so brilliant. Yeah. I think it'll be similar to that. And the name is so simple because she was so happy she was in just like a happy relationship, her Lover. So I think it'd be simple too.


Okay, I have a few suggestions that are coming from thesaurus. Com. Euphoria.


I love, love, love that.






Oh, okay.


Because Taylor is very... She's very wordy. Oh, ecstasy? I like because it could also reference the sexual thing you were.


Talking about before. Of course, but it's a little too- Crazy. -radiadar. Okay, I'm going with euphoria, even though it would be hard for SEO because of the show.


Yeah, even though the show is not coming back till 2025. Like, she has.


Time to get it on. She has time to own the word.


Yeah, to own it, Lisa. Own it.


Or maybe something like dream, dream land, dreamy.


Also, when are we getting crazier? When are wegetting crazier, Taylor's version. It's time.




It's really time. We've suffered long enough.




That would be a crazy surprise song. Yeah. Because it's a song you just play on the guitar. It's a song everybody knows. It's a song that raised so many of us like, just do it.




For an album title? Mm-hmm. No, I don't like it. And she has a song called Wonderland, so.


Okay. Those are my predictions.


The thing with Taylor, she's so much smarter than all of us, and she's such a literate person who knows so many words. Only Taylor Swift could put this in a song. Hold on. I want to remember. I was singing the other day.


It's fun to put down your... What's the word? Predictions, because then you could see how right or wrong you were, how close you were.


No, I'd love to go back in a year from now when we have an album. I would love to watch.


This and laugh. And see what we got right, what we got wrong.


Only Taylor Swifts could use the word Mercurial in a song about having an affair, okay? A dwindling Mercurial high. Okay.


Are you ready for our next story?


What's the point?


We can still think about Taylor, actually, because it's Grammy nominations. Oh, yeah. They are here. So here are the nominees. Record of the Year, Worshiped by John Batisse, Not strong enough. Boy, genius. Flowers, Miley Cyrus, What was I made for? Billy Ilish, on my mama Victoria Monet, Vampire, Olivia Rodrigo, Anti-Hero, Taylor Swift, Kill Bill, Cisa. So Cisa leads the nominations with nine nominations. She's the most nominated.


Yes. So Record of the Year is like a category that always confuses me and just pulling it up.


Because there's also Song of the Year, and a lot of the same songs are nominated, but also Song of the Year is A&W for Lana Del Rey, Antihero, Taylor Swift.


Okay, let's go one by one and just.


Guess- For each category? Honestly, I don't... Actually, I would say Kill Bill Cizza. It's frustrating that Taylor submitted Anti-Hero from this album to win every award or to be up for every award because it's just not as good as other songs.


Yeah. So for record of the year, I feel like it will be Billy Eilish.


Okay. What was I made for?


Yeah, because it's just... Actually, honestly, maybe flowers because that's a... When I think of record of the year, I'm like, What song tortured us this year? That was everywhere.


But I don't feel that way about any of these songs.


I feel that way about flowers, like that song, now.


I hate it. Yeah, I guess it was on Reels a lot.


But what I do think is really crazy and impressive is that Billy Eilish's nomination is a song that she wrote for a movie, not even from her.


Own album. So maybe she'll win an Oscar for it.


By the way, I could see her winning an Oscar. So I'm going to say for Record of the Year, I'm going to say flowers. And I do feel like that would be Miley Sarsis' first Grammy.


Yeah, I'm going to say Kill Bill.


Yeah, okay. I have another prediction for Cisa in another category. So let's go to.


Album of the year. Okay, will do. Also, Victoria Monet. Is she from Victorious?




Oh, no. Daniela Monet on a show called Victorious. That's confusing.


No, that's completely understandable how you got to that conclusion. Cool.


Album of the Year, world music radio, John Batiste, the record, BoyGenius, endless-.


Wait, I have something to say. I thought about it this morning because BoyGenius was just on SNL this week. I just want to say, raise your hand if you don't know who or what BoyGenius is.


Have you sleep me?


Like, Phoebe Bridgers is in it? I don't get it. It's like a band. I'm so confused.


Never heard of it, honestly. Okay. Endless Summer Vac, Miley Cyrus. Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard, Lana Del Rey? The Age of Pleasure, Janel Moné, Guts, Olivia Rodrigo, Midnights, Taylor Swift, S-O-S, Cisa.


So I think Cisa has a real shot here. I don't actively seek out Cisa songs, and I know so many songs, and I started to add her songs to my playlist from this album.


Yeah, no, this album is huge. I think it's going to Cisa.


It's either Cisa or Midnights. I think Guts, I was listening to it in the car yesterday on the way home from New Jersey. It's fucking amazing. It's so good. But it didn't really become ubiquitous like Sauer did. But it's amazing. It might even be better than Sauer, but it's so good. And the same with Endless Summer Vacation, it had two or three real bops, but it's not this album that everybody digested.


As a whole. No. So unless they just choose one of these out like Launadale, right? Even though I don't know one song on the album, and I don't like- They.


Do that sometimes.


They do that.


Where it's like John Batisse or Boy genius.


You're a Beck, that thing. But I do think- But if it works.


The way that it should work, it will be Cisa or.


Taylor Swift. But I think it will be Cisa between the two of them.


Me too.


Song of the Year, A&W, Jack Antinof, Antihero, Taylor Swift, Butterfly, John Batis, Dance the Night, Dua Lipa, Flowers, Miley Cyrus, Killbill, Cisa, Vampire, Olivia Rodriga, What was I made for Billy Ilish. So whichever song was runner up to the other category.


Which I think is Billy Ilish here, or.


Kill Bill? I think Kill Bill would win one and Flowers will win the other. The Grammys likes to do that. All them like to do it these days, give every person one award. It's giving participation. It's giving five year old. No, I love a sweep. Though, I don't think any of these deserve to sweep the Grammys this year. It's like a not a-.


A level playing field. I completely agree.


It's not a super, super competitive year.


No, some years, like the folklore year, it was like, Everybody else should just go home. Folkslor wins everything. It's so obvious. Even when Casey Musk raise one, it was so obvious.


Yeah, or when Adele puts out an album or Beyonce or Bruno Mars, like, Okay, everyone else, stay home. But I feel like this year is not like that.


Okay, I'm excited to talk about best new artists.


Best new artists: Gracey Abrams, Fred Aguain, I Spice, Jelly Roll, Coco Jones, Noah Kahaan-.


The Kahaan. I'm like, are you okay? Kahaan.


Why is there two A's? Victoria Monet, The Warren Treaty.


I just want to say, I'm so glad The Warren Treaty is getting their... What's the word I'm looking for? Not credit, recognition. I saw them perform last year at the ACM Awards. They're a husband and wife duo. And they're, Jackie, you've never heard of two voices like this in your life, and they just sit. They have very gospel types. They have the most incredible voices, and they started to blow up. And then Zach Bryant did a collab with them on his new album, so they're really blowing up. I don't think they're going to win, but I love that they're getting seen. They're a country husband and wife duo, and they're so cute.


That's so nice.


But I do think Noah Khan will win, and I do think he should win.


I think I Spice or jellyroll will win.




Okay, next producer of the year, skip, songwriter of the year, best pop solo performance, Flowers, Miley Cyrus, paint the town red, Doja Cat. What was I made for? Billy Ilish, Vampire, Olivia Rodrigo, anti-hero, Taylor Swift.


I think Flowers is going to take it.


Yeah, and I'm okay with that.




Any other categories? You want to go to country?


Let's just do country because Luke Holmes was obviously, once again, slapped in the face. I'm really over this, like disgusting behavior. Luke Holmes does so much for country music. He's a global superstar. He's so fucking unproblematic. He makes incredible music. Nobody even talked about his song during COVID, Six Feet Apart, which literally changed my life.


Healed the world.


Nobody talks about Joe, the song he writes about people in recovery. He just does so fucking much for music. He's an incredible songwriter. Honestly, I'm fucking sick of it.


I really am. No, it's disgusting. And why? Like, best country- Not only.


Did he not get acknowledged in the big categories? Like, okay, country is always getting pushed to the side. In his own fucking categories, he doesn't get credit.


I'm sick. No, and it's also weird that for song and record of the year, neither Luke nor Morgan's songs were nominated, even though they dominated the this year. No, but the.


Thing is, Grammys is very political, and I understand why they don't want to associate with Morgan Wallin and his myriad of controversy. I get it. Okay, you know what? But let's talk about Luke fucking Combs.


I've had enough. No, I agree. But It's true. And they're both undeniable. But it's like two people that they're just completely disregarding. But also, for even Best Country album, why isn't Luke nominated? Wait, also.


Even when you scroll down, so they go by category, by genre, field number four, the fourth category is jazz, traditional pop, musical theater, and then country. Country is underneath that. Country is the second, maybe third largest genre.


No, the Grammys do not respect the hell of country.


They don't. So Best Country song, he's not nominated.


Randy Clark, Burried, Chris Stapleton, White Horse, Morgan Wallin' last night, Tyler Childers, In Your Love, Zach Bryant, featuring Kacey Musgraze, I remember everything. I just feel like this category just doesn't represent the year of country.


No, by the way, the best country song of the year will be Last Night by Morgan Wallin. It's been number one on.


Billboard for- Right. Do you think that's a win?


I saw so many TikToks, tweets going viral being like, Morgan Wallin has zero nominations, making fun of him, like Making Fun at the end, like Popcrave and those types of accounts. Then I went to look, I'm like, he literally has one.




Had millions of retweets. It was crazy. Not that we should be getting our news from Stan, Twitter accounts, but you would think for Grammy nominations, it would be accurate. Yeah.


Do you think he'll win? Even though that is the country song of.


The year? I mean, if he doesn't win, it's just very clear that the Grammys don't want to award him things and be associated with him because it is the biggest song probably of the last couple of years. It's so big. So it should win. And if it doesn't, I think we know why. They just don't want to be associated with him.


Best country album, Rolling Up the welcome mat, Kelsey Ballarini, Brothers Osborn by Brothers Osborn, Zach Bryan by Zach Bryan, Rustin in the Rain, Tyler Childers, Bellbottom Country, Laney Wilson. To me.


There's not a clear winner. I think in terms of... See, I would say, Rolling Up the Welcome mat by Kelsey Ballerini, but I don't think that was the biggest in-country. It just had bleed over into pop and people... It was great for country music, but I don't know if it was the biggest country album, if that makes sense.


I think Laney Wilson will win. Me too. For the same reasons that she swept the CMAs. Yeah, for the Grammys, it's all optics.


Yeah, but you're definitely right that there isn't a clear winner for any of these categories.


Yeah, which also makes it interesting. Yeah.




So when are the Grammys? February fourth. I don't know. Wow, that's in a long time.


That is in a very long time. It's like giving Super Bowl.


Literally. Why are they releasing this now?


Calm down.


Are you ready for our next story?




Kylea Jenner supports her Bo, Timothy Chalamet at the SNL after-party. Kylea attended the SNL after-party to support her man. The star was photographed arriving at the Starstudded event Saturday evening in New York City following her boyfriend's hosting duties. In the photos, Kylie, who arrived separately from Timothée, showed up to the after-party party, wearing a chic all black look, sunglasses, letal handbag, looking gorgeous.


Cute, like they're dating. I think Kris was there too. She was posting, promoting SNL before it was even out. She's so friendly with Lauren. They're just besties now. 'Cute, ' like cute. I don't really have a lot to say here. It's just.


Good for them. No, and they are just quietly- Going strong. -going strong.


Yeah, it's crazy.


Yeah, I'm happy for it. I have to. I have to say I hope he's a good boyfriend to her.


Did you see the TikTok of the girl who ordered Kai? And in the mail, she got a mini chainsaw? No. That's what showed up in the Kai box?


That's so weird.


No, I know.


Was it a real chainsaw or like.


A toy? I don't know. Oh, that's a good question. I think it was real.


That's weird. The new Kai drop looks really cute. It's all like puffers and cat suits.


Yeah, it's cute. I haven't bought anything.


No, but maybe I'll get a puffer, even though I like my puffer.


And you literally live.


In Florida. But we're going on a ski trip, and I could get cold.


You could.


So maybe I need a puffer.


Okay, it wasn't an attack. It felt like.


One that you were trying to stomp on my dreams of getting a puffer.


Are you okay?


No, I'm okay. No? Okay. I feel attacked.


Oh, well, you shouldn't. I was just simply pointing out that you live in Florida, so you don't need a million puffer jackets.


Okay, you're being Olivia. I don't want a million. I was going to have two.


You don't need a million. Stop. You have so many. You have so many breakfast tacos and so many puffer jackets. It's too much. Jackie, overconsumption is real.


Okay, so I won't get one. Great. I hope you're happy. I'm going.


To freeze. I hope you're happy.


Because I've told mom.


My child is not charging on my iPad.


Are you ready for our next story?


If it's the next story that's brought to you by Cowroway, The holidays are approaching... Oh, my God. Excuse me. The holidays are approaching, and you know what that means. Awkward family discussions around the table. But luckily, your beautiful cowroway pans are sure to be the topic of conversation. Let's talk about this. Add it to the list, Jackie. So in my old apartment, I had the tiniest kitchen. I had one cowaray pan, I had the frying pan. It was great. Yeah, it was a pan. It was cleaned really well, and it was great. Whatever. I got the bakeware set. I got the full kitchenware set. I got the food storage set, and I got the organization. I'm obsessed. Yes, Jackie has been talking about it forever. Sorry I haven't had a big kitchen like you forever. Now I do, and now I have everything. Oh, my God. Okay, let's talk about that, the way they know. It's made for people who live in New York City apartments. That little thing that hangs off the door that organizes your lids? Genius. Oh, my God. I'm obsessed. My little cabinet with all my pots and pans makes me so happy now.


It's not normal how happy it makes me. I got the sage green, which totally complements the vibe in my apartment. You guys, I get it now. It's so good.


It's so good. It makes cooking a pleasure. It makes cleaning up easy. I'm happy to report. It does. I know I've been talking about the pink set for a while. Karaway wanted to send me a birthday present, and I'm getting the pink set. And I'm getting the pink set.


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Love it. Our next story, Nikki Minage is on the cover of Vogue's December issue opening up about her plastic surgery regrets. She says, I was fine, just the way I was. So Nikki Minage joined Runthrough with Vogue Podcast to discuss her new cover for the magazine along with Motherhood and why she regrets getting plastic surgery.


So Vogue has a podcast now?


Yeah, I guess accompanying with their magazine.


And it's called Runthrough?


Run through with Vogue.


That's a good name, like the.


Run through. Yeah, and it's good when they have their cover star on to talk more in-depth about the cover.


Sure. Yeah, that's something they should have done a little while ago. When you want to be on the cover of Vogue, obviously everybody wants to be on the cover of Vogue. And so when you get someone major, they obviously now make them agree to 73 questions. There's a whole list in addition to the interview and the cover. So having a podcast go along with that is a great idea, but they really should have done this two years ago.


Yeah. Well, sorry, Turty. And you know what? Actually, maybe they did. Maybe we didn't know about it. Let's see when the podcast started. So...


And is it a monthly podcast or a weekly podcast?


I'm going to let you know. It is weekly. They have 65 episodes. So maybe it was two years ago.


Well, no, 65 weekly would be a little over.


A year ago. A little over a year.


Okay, I see it corrected.


So she's on the podcast talking about her plastic surgery, regret saying, I guarantee you if you change anything on your body and do anything surgical and all this, you're going to, more than likely, not definitely, more than likely, look back one day and say, I was fine just the way I was, she told the host. And that's what happened to me. I could not believe even some of the photos that I didn't love. She opened up about her reason for going under the knife in the first place, saying, I didn't like being skinny, having a flat butt, having boobes that didn't sit high enough. It was a lot of things. She added that she used to shy away from looking at old photos of herself as she was never satisfied with her appearance. Now she shared, I love the way that person looks physically. She believes her son helped change her tune. She said, I think pregnancy could have played a role because seeing my son did remind me of myself so much, my real self. And it made me think, Why didn't I like this? So weird. But seeing old photos, being able to look at old photos again made me realize those old photos are beautiful.


She recently underwent breast reduction surgery, a decision she talked about in her Vogue cover story. She said, I love it. I used to want a bigger butt, and now I look back and realize how silly that was. Love your curves and love your non-curves. There's nothing wrong with any of it. Oh, man.


First of all, I love this message. I think we hear this a little bit from people, but she's being really honest. Some people say like, Oh, I wish I didn't do surgeries, but she's saying, I wish I didn't do butt. She's giving me details, which I think is really very honest, and I really respect this whole conversation. I think it's a great message, and I think this trend, it's not happening a lot, but I feel like, Kylie talked about it, but she doesn't appear to be undoing a lot of that stuff. But she talked about how becoming a mom made her question some of the decisions she made when she was younger. Black China. She's completely undid everything, and I think she looks even more beautiful than she ever looked. I love this.


I really do. Yeah. Molly May talks about this in her book, how she overdid it with the filler and how she just wishes that she never did. I think it's really easy to get carried away with this stuff, and you really are perfect just the way. And if you want to do something, I would sit on it for a very long time, not.


Just like- Until it really.


Bothers you. -a month, six months, years. I would wait years.




Make sure that it's what you want to do, because I think for a lot of celebrities, they go back and forth and it's easy for them. But for the average person, it's not that easy. It's a.


Huge decision. It's a huge decision. It's so much money. You take so much time off of work to recover. It's not like you can just go in and out of the.


Doctor's office. Yeah. So I think it's really good that she's sharing this message. And also trends do change, and then you're stuck with something that's-.


No, it's so true. I feel like, for the last couple of years, the curvy trend has been so popular. But I feel like we're going more... If you're looking at trends and fashion and celebrities, now everyone's going for the skinny esthetic. And if you just spend all this time money on a new ass, only to look out of style a year later-.


You don't want to make permanent changes to your body that might be out of fashion.




So also, the pictures from the shoot are beautiful. She's really in her fashion, minimalist era. Love. And I love this era for her.


Me too. I really love Nikki Minage. You've done a 180. Honestly, I know she's problematic. And can we just move on? Who isn't? It's so true. I just love... Ever since she went on the Potomac Reunion, and I just love people who don't take themselves so seriously, and who just have fun. You're famous and you're rich and you can do whatever you want. Just have fun. If I was so famous, yeah, I would literally show up to Bravo, Cotton. You know what I mean? I love people who don't take life so seriously. And she's always tweeting nonsense. I just appreciate the unseriousness.


Of it all. Yeah. And so many celebrities keep their real self so hidden. They're so scared to step out of bounds. Everything that they do is just so curated and boring and I'm bored. And I'm not bored by Nikki Minage.


No, it's so true. Because she's just so unserious and she's so funny. And the fact that I don't think every cover star does the podcast, but she loves to talk. She has a Queen B radio. She does like Apple Music radio. She loves to talk. She has a personality. She has something to say. So I feel like I love that she did the podcast because not everyone would. Podcasting is not.


For everyone. No, it's not. You have to have something to say.




So December Cover Star.


Love that for her.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story?




Because you know Krispy Kramer doesn't give out a free doughnut without us mentioning it.


No, it's so true. Let me guess what they're doing.


It for now. You know, think back to this morning in our group chat. You'll get it. You know what today is. Which group chat?


World Kindness Day.


Krispy Kramer is giving out free dozen donuts today for World Kindness Day. A whole dozen? Yep, Krispy Kramer is giving a free dozen in honor of World Kindness Day, but there's a catch.


You have to do a mitzvah.


Only the first 500 guests visiting Krispy Kream Shops in the US will get the sweet promotion and walk away with a dozen free donuts. No purchase necessary. So by the time this episode comes out, I'm sure your local Krispy Kream has already met 500 customers who got...


I don't.


Know if you live- This is why you.


Move to a small town. This is why- You're on the West Coast. This is why.


You- Small town on the West Coast. Go get your free donuts.


Yeah. If I lived in a very small town that just happened to have a random Krispy Kream, and I'm like, Oh, my God. It would be over for you, bitches. I put them out of business.


I just feel like people might think we're Krispy Kream industry plans because they don't make a PR move without us making it a Fast Fine story.


Yeah, but that's because they're constantly innovating. They're constantly on trend.


And I'm sorry. And they're constantly giving away donuts. And this podcast is like- We're.


Going to reward good behavior. You're giving away free food. Love you.


Bye. And this podcast, we appreciate that you guys take the time to listen to it. And in return, we will let you know on any given day where you can get a free doughnut.


Right. Right. Right. It is. Honestly, it's an exchange of services. You listen, we give.


Right. So happy National World Kindness Day. National World.


Okay, Jackie, in the spirit of World Kindness Day, why don't you say something nice about me, and I'll say.


Something nice about you. That's so nice. It's also a joke that it's World Kindness Day. The world could not be nicer. It couldn't be a nasty place filled with un- So fucking true. -un-nasty. -filled with unkind people who are probably celebrating World Kindness Day and thinking it's about them.


No, let's be real. Let's talk about the people who actually engage in World Kindness Day are some of the most miserable fucks on the planet.


People who use the word kind, I find, are some of the worst people. Actually, I'm.


Going to disagree with you there because as a person who talks a lot for a living, I find that I'm always looking for new words because I hate to say the same couple of words over and over again. And I feel like the word kind is actually underrated in the sense like, when you want to describe someone as nice, the word nice is just so blessed. For sure. If somebody is genuinely a nice person, to describe them as kind, I think is actually a much more.


Impactful word. No, I totally agree. That's not what I'm talking about. But I feel like there's a campaign- You mean people who.


Post on Instagram being like, Be kind.


Vote with kindness.


Yeah, like kind, you're right. It's a shield people hide behind.


It's such a shield. Those people who post about kindness are the least kind people. Describing someone as kind, fine. That's a very nice word.


Yes. It's the same way I feel about people who post about herstery and women's issues. Are some of them like, they... Oh, my God. They're so fucking nasty to other women.


Right, or silent about the mass rape of women in Israel.


Well, that's.


For sure. Yeah, those clowns are exposed. Like, come at me again with your herstery. Herstery-come at me again on International Women's Day.


I do love herstery. We've made it our own. People who use it in a serious way, like no. But people who use it like we do, it's funny and herstery, I'm obsessed.


Yeah, no, agreed.


So how do we go about getting a doughnut?


You have to.


Be- Asking.


For a friend. -one of the first 500 guests to visit Krispy Kream. But no, I want to go back to your exercise for World Kindness Day. I'm going to say something kind about you. Oh, yeah. I'm going to say something kind about you. Like a big kindness or a small kindness? Because I think sometimes small acts of kindness are very meaningful. Whatever you want. I love your sweater, turtie. You look beautiful and radiant.


Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I meant you say something kind about someone. I was going to say, You're a.


Great mom. Oh, that's so nice. I was just giving.


You a small compliment. Yeah, but sure.


Talk about my sweater. I was giving you a small compliment.


Okay, so I have a nice sweater and you're a brilliant mother. I'm so glad that we did the exercise.


I feel great. Okay, well then you should have gotten first. I said big compliments are small. I asked the question. But no, it's fine.


Actually, my sweater is from a new toe sponsor that I've become obsessed with. I think we've only done one ad for them so far, but I think they have more coming up. And not enough people talk about loft.


Not enough people talk about loft.


I just got a whole new wardrobe from loft, especially for our trip. I got a bunch of cozy knit items. And this quarter zip that's hot pink is from loft. And I'm just like, Not enough people talk about loft. It's not your grandma's.


Loft, you know? Claude, I'm going to show you something pornographic.


Oh, okay. Oh, wow. Look at that picture of the doughnut. Looks like a butthole. And honestly, I want to eat it.


So it was pornographic.


After all. It was pornographic.


Oh, my God. Look at these close-ups.


No, for real? It's at the end of the show, it's on the search. Let me go to your local Krispy Krem. Honestly, I should. Even though my local Krispy Krem is a tourist destination because it's in types of square. Yeah, you're not one of the first five countries. There's not a doughnut left.


In sight. No, but if you are on the West Coast in a small town, go get your free dozen, give them out to people for all kindness. Say, try and be kind, even though it's so hard for so many of you.


Today's episode is for The Small Town West Coast Girls.


Is it every episode?


No. I feel like.


It is because I like it. It's so cool. And because we come out so early on the West Coast, they're living the dream out there.


Yeah, but why the only The Small Town Girls? Got you there. Because I like it. Oh, because you like it? Okay, okay.


Yeah. So happy World Kindness Day, everyone.


Don't forget to punch someone in the face today.


Don't forget to be a nasty bitch.


In celebration of World Kindness Day. That is our show. I'm starving now. I have to eat something.


I have my cacara lunch waiting for me.


You make fun.


Of me when I eat tacos and make fun of me. I can't do anything right.


Around here. I have my turties, warm, boley today.


Thank you guys so much for listening.


To The Tost in the Monday morning show where we deliver the past time stories that you need to know everybody through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a thumbs up. We're also available as podcast anywhere. Podcasts can be found on Spotify, iTunes, Stitchard, Public Radio, I-R-R- Radio, Cashbox, all the places. This is Wendy to listen to podcast by Neshatos, leaving 5 Star Reveille about a beautiful setting. Giddly talented we are. Are you going to say something?


Love you. Bye.

