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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Thursday. That's right. I don't know if you can hear it in my voice. It's like this skinny nature. I am obsessed. It's Thursday.


Celebrate good times. Come on. Let's celebrate. It's Thursday.


Okay, wait. What did we learn last week? We learned that the joy of Thursday, greater than the joy of Friday. Let's just Be here.


Be present, be in the moment. It's all ahead of us. What do you have planned this weekend? Oh, you have Ben's birthday celebration. Even though his birthday was yesterday, it's giving toddler.


It's giving Margot Austria birthday week when she was 19 and she was like a nightmare.


It's giving 21-year-old nightmare.


Ben is actually really nuts about his birthday. I know. With the toast anniversary party happening right around Ben's birthday. He was on my dick for weeks being like, When's the Toastiversory party? I need to plan my birthday. I'm like, Okay, calm down.


Not even that. It was more so like, Don't be planning Toastiversory on my birthday weekend. It's like, Your birthday's on a Wednesday. I'm sorry to this man.


As a man, that's all you get. You get the Wednesday, and that's it.


But he took Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and he'll take Saturday for the hangover.


He didn't take Thursday. He's actually gone all day today with your husband on a work trip.


Yeah, they are. Sayonara. You know what?


I needed a break I'm like, Oh, my God. Birthday's for me, and I don't know if this is going to... Maybe I'm exposing myself being a little too honest, but that's what I do here on this podcast, and I would love to know if anyone can relate. Other people's birthdays are people that I'm very close to, friends and family. Honestly, just family.


Because you're only close to me.


Literally. But I would only say this about people- Just kidding.


We have a couple of great friends. Shout out to our great friends.


Agreed. We have seven, and I love them all.


They're family.


They are. I would trust them with my life. And Tinks. Of course. Well, Tinks is family. What was I saying? Oh, yeah. So this is going to be a really honest thing of me to say. But when it's other people's birthday, it's you, honestly. We're together or Ben, and I spend the day- Say it with your chest. And I spend the day with someone on their birthday. I find it really difficult to get through. Really, really. It's some of my least enjoyable moments.


Okay, so say it's my birthday and we have a great brunch. Say we go to Birddorfs, and we do shopping, and it's a great birthday. You're having trouble? Yeah.


I find... Because you have to act different towards people on their birthday. You have to be so... You have a hard time being towards me? Honestly, the more I talk about it, I'm really not talking about you. Maybe I'm exclusively talking about Ben.


I feel like you are because also you have to be like, about things that you don't want to be doing. At least when it's me or one of the sisters, we all have the same interest. It's a fun swirly day. It doesn't sound like yesterday was swirly.


Actually, yesterday was really nice. Me and Ben had a fabulous lunch at Chippreony. It was really good. Then I took him shopping because I was like, I could buy you a birthday present or you could just pick it out. Let's save ourselves time and energy of making returns. He got a fabulous product code, being a diva in the store. Then he got a massage. I sent him for a 90-minute massage so I could relax. Then he came home. I did make him do one husband-like thing because Ben has been complaining about the way our cabinet is organized with our spices. I'm like, All right, I have to do the influencer thing. I have to get the jars with the stickers. So we did it.


Do you use my affiliate link for my still friend?


I didn't get what you got. I got a separate apparatus because your spices are in a pull-out door pantry thing. Mine are in a cabinet.


Oh, you got a wrap.


I got a rack. I made Ben spend 45 minutes unboxing, filling up the... He wanted to kill me. Filling up the spices with the funnel, sticking the stickers on the top if they didn't have the right label, writing it in with the a white marker. We did it. It being two people, it really took 20 minutes, but I know he wanted to kill me. That was the one husband-like thing I made him do on his birthday.


Even though it's ultimately for him because who uses the spice as him?


Exactly. That's what I said.


But it's nice looking, that's for you because he would use spices left out on the table. Exactly. Start cutting them up, credit card.


Then we went to dinner with his family at this new hotspot kosher restaurant. It really was a hotspot. I thought I was going to be the only celebrity there. I'm telling you, by attracting celebrity phase, I I told you, I've just been seeing celebrities a lot. Yeah. Who was there, aside from you. I certainly wasn't expecting to see one at Malka, the new kosher restaurant on the Upper West Side. But she's an ally through and through, Megan McCain. She was eating at the kosher facility I wrote in the chat.


Oh, my goodness. You did, but I had so much going on yesterday. I barely got to enjoy the chat. Oh, and that's devastating. I saw what you wrote, but in a mirage, and I never got to come back to- She also gave me a good piece of gossip, and I put it in there, too. Yeah, no, I saw and I was like, Oh, I need to save this conversation. I'll check back in with it later. And I completely forgot. It feels like a dream, but that's exciting.


It was exciting, especially because we have texted and DMed for years, initially about Bravo. And then when we got canceled, she was like, One of the few people who publicly were like, Everybody lay the fuck off these girls, please. And I never forgot. And I always just like, I have a really warm disposition towards her. And then recently, she's been such an outspoken advocate for Israel and the Jewish people. So she's just like, in my book, she's golden. I love her.


She's family.


She's like family, like tinks. Except I've weirdly never met her. I felt weird being like, Megan. I was like, Thank God she recognized me because we really haven't. She did recognize, Don't start, bitch.


Claudia, I know that I wasn't going to say anything like that.


I could feel your energy. Oh my God.


Then your radar is so off because I know how digitally close you are with her.


Okay, no, I thought you were going to make a joke. No. I was pushing off your joke.


What was my joke going to be?


Did she recognize you? No. Okay, good. Good. She did.


No. Your relationship with Megan McCain is like, literal sisterhood compared to your relationship with makeup by body. You know what?


I don't want to get into this because you're just going to... One of us is going to end up hurt. I have a feeling it's going to be me.


Okay, fine. But all I want to say is just stop assuming the worst in me. That's what I want to say. Valid.


I won't, but it's a valid feeling. Thank you. So, yeah, it was just fabulous. And then the day ended and I was like, T, G, because it was a laundry list of things I needed to yell at Ben at, but I couldn't do it on his birthday. So this morning, he woke up super early, went on his flight to his work trip. While he was on the plane and I woke up, I sent him a litany of things I was upset with him about yesterday. They were all so valid.


Can you tell us?


I'll tell... No.


Give us an example of the kinds of things that upset you.


No, I don't want to. I can't because I'll tell you why after. It's too personal. No, it's not. I'll just text it to you.


I'll try to understand why. I don't need you to bear all about your relationship. But sometimes there are universal things that we could just all relate to that are healthy issues to have with your partner. The time he almost missed the pharmacy and getting my migraine medication. Oh, you can't share that. Okay. Oh, yeah. That would elicit a strongly word of text from me as well. Of course.


So, yeah, Ben cheated on me. No kidding. So thank God that's over. And I actually, even though Ben is being a diva about his birthday this weekend, it's so nice to have fun things planned for the weekend. So Friday night, Ben is doing... He's decided to celebrate his birthday with his friends over a really fun lit Shabbat dinner, which actually sounds so fun and not crazy, four in the morning. And we're also going to Olivia Rodrigo, so it'll be a nice weekend.


Oh, that's nice. I have some fun weekend plans that I'll share on Monday. Are they with Mary Orton? No, I'm seeing Mary Orton in two weeks.


Good. I hope you guys have the best time. I hope you guys drink awesome shooters and have an awesome time and just soak up each other's awesomeness.


I just want to say, speaking of Mary Orton, when Claudia is in Israel, I'm doing co-hosts for The Toast, and I shared on the Patreon, some of the co-hosts that I'm having, and I do want to keep it buzzy. But not only do I have really exciting co-hosts, three things are exciting. Exciting co-host, one, actually, no sisters that week.


I think it's good. It's really sweet. Sisters are like last resort. It's good or sweet?


Yeah. No, it's It's a sign of good things, but I miss my sisters. Three, I actually have two people who will be shooting with me in my studio.


That is so amazing.


I've never had a guest in studio with me.


It's toast It's a HQ So Flow, a dish, and it's fabulous. Yeah.


I got to get my AC working in here.


And you got to clean up.


Okay, I will. No, it's just a pile of merch right there that the bins I got on Amazon were too small to accommodate. Of course they were.


Also, so you're doing a week of co-hosts when I'm in Israel, which is so fab because I feel like you haven't done co-hosts in so long, and I'm excited to be a consumer of that content. But then a few weeks later, I've decided I am going to LA for the 5K, and then I'm like, as long as I'm traveling six hours, I might as well make a meal of it. So I'm going to do five episodes in LA. I have Tinks booked. That was the first call I made. But I wanted to go out of our usual circle of people. Out of network. Out of network, especially because it happens to be a big week in LA that week. It's the 5K. It's the Netflix is a Joke Festival. So I've been in contact with Tim Dylan. He said he will do it, but we'll see if it actually comes to fruition. I've also been in contact with Brooks Scofield. Now, I feel like the toosters know who Book Scofield is, and I, for one, am obsessed. And I'm sensing a pattern because the last time I was in LA, I got connected on text with Tana Mojo, and I was like, Tana, will you please do the toast?


And she was like, Oh, my God, yes. Literally ghosted me. I was put on text with Book Scofield, and I was like, Book, I love you. I don't know if you know who I am, I love The Toast. I love you, The Toaster's of you. It's a really great podcast. You'll love it, please. And she was like, Of course. So I go, Hey, let me know who to reach out to. Ghost. So I'm really rooting for Book Scofield to come on The Toast. Another out-of-network girlie.


But I just want to say, Tinks is technically out of network since she's never done it before.


Yes, but I feel like Tinks' content is really similar to ours. A lot of our followers are Tinks' followers, especially since we became sisterhood.


Yeah, she'll be in network soon enough, but it's an inaugural thing. So it's fresh and different, and it's new for the network.


And Ben is traveling with me. So just know if Ben does an episode with me, it's because I couldn't find anyone else.


Of the caliber that you're looking for.


Yeah, of course. I want new people. I want someone who's ever been on. I want to shake it up, Chicago. Shake it up, Los Angeles.


You could do someone who's been on. That's amazing. There are some really good ones out there.


Of course, no. We've had-In Network. In Network, out of Network. We had some fabulous, fabulous people on this show.


I also feel like I barely It broached my network. I was brimming with more people to ask. If you're listening, Oh, why didn't she ask? My text was on its way to you, but then things got confirmed really quickly.


There's also a 4% chance I just extend my trip in Israel. Good to have people on the backup.


Oh, for sure. Okay, cool. You think so?


I don't know. I just feel like I'm going to get there and it won't be enough time. I'll feel overwhelmed with emotion and motivation to keep going and volunteering.


Yeah, and farming. They need farm hands. Do they? For For real? Yeah, because the farms were attacked. They were burned down. A lot of the farm workers were murdered or they're off fighting war. And they totally decimated the farms. It was an intentional thing to get the Israeli economy. I think their production is down 30 %. Oh, my God. Since October seventh. They burned fields. They shot and disconnected the feeds for chickens and stuff. So they didn't even kill the chickens. But in the aftermath of October seventh, they didn't realize that those machines were broken. They were starved. Like, thousands of chickens died of starvation. No one there to pick the crops.


Can we volunteer at a farm? I'm on it. I'm going to save the Israeli agricultural system. I need to get clothes, not fabulous clothes, obviously. I need work clothes. I was thinking about I need work boots.


Yeah, you need work boots. Then I think just like, athlete. Athlete.


I need to go ahead over to aloe, Lululemon, et cetera. We just have a very exciting month coming up at the toast. We're about to celebrate our six-year It was your anniversary, which maybe we'll do a Patreon episode, at a glance, looking back on the years, things of that nature. Oh, for sure. Maybe take questions about favorite moments. That's a good episode.


That is a good episode. Also, speaking of an anniversary, Today is a year ago. Today, I got my cerclage, my first one.


You're lying.


I know. It's really like- Chilling. It's been top of mind for me. Chilling. I've been thinking about it a lot. I feel like I'm thinking about it, I don't know, processing more now than I even did then.


We couldn't really take stock of what was going on in the moment.


No, because we had to keep moving.


That day in your bed, that was one of the worst days of my life, and it wasn't even about me. My God, that was horrible.


Yeah. So that was today, the flight.


Today was the day where we hadn't recorded the episode yet. You were like, I have a scan in the morning. I'll be right back.


I'm seeing this new doctor who's just going to look it in and tell me I need a cerclage.


No, not a cerclage.


The second doctor I was going to see, so that they could look at me, confirm I needed a cerclage like Dr. Fox had been saying over the phone, and then I would get the procedure down here. But they looked at me and they were even more pessimistic than the doctor the day before, and they were just like, go home and wait. And then Dr. Fox was like, If you come up tonight, we can do it here.


So you got the cerclage tonight. We were on the plane today.


We were on the plane today. A year ago today, we were on a PJ.


Pittsburgh, USA. Population, cerclage.


Serious, Pittsburgh. But two pivots Two positive pivots. Charlito. One, Dr. Fox. Oh, of course. No, but I'm just pivoting the conversation because Dr. Fox, who's the goat, you guys, he's a household name here at The Toast. He actually has a book coming out with Emily Foster.


I was just going to say that.


I think anyone who's been pregnant or given birth, like knows Emily Oster because she is the go-to. She wrote Expecting Better, which was the one pregnancy book I did read. And then she wrote Cribsheets, which is about baby stuff, baby book. Dr. Fox co-authored her next book with her. Okay, Dr. Fox. It is about... Yeah. Okay. Not Dr. Fox, being-Celebrity.


No, I got invited to the lunch party. I was like, Oh, okay. Lunch party in this fancy townhouse. I'm like, Okay.


Okay. The next book is about pregnancy after a complicated pregnancy.


That's literally you.


Yeah, that's what he said when he was telling me about it. It's literally me. Check it out. It comes out in May.


Check it out.


What's it called? And speaking of books- What's it called? I'm going to just look it up.


No, you two redheads. I'll find it because it's in my email.


Speaking of books, the redheads dropped today.


So big.


I loved the book.


It's called The Unexpected: Navigating Pregnancy During and After Complications. I like that. Yeah.


If that is in your wheelhouse, definitely pre-order it. But speaking of books, The Redheads dropped today. I love the book so much. I need you to read it because I think you would really like it. Okay, let me- I keep telling you.


I know, by the way, I haven't read a book. It's crazy. I'm so off reading.


No, Claudia, I only read one book a month now, and it's for The Redheads. That's why I'm also grateful for The Redheads because I wouldn't be reading right now.


I've literally, in the last couple of months, only read my Book Club book, and my next Book Club book is Demon Copperhead.


So I'm just- Read this first. It'll take you 2-3 days.


I'm just preparing. But by the way, the last book I read, I believe, was- Your last Book Club. Yeah, First Lie Wins. And then before that, did you hear about Katie Carr? And then before that, One Dumb Romance Book, and then a Book Club. No, my God. I've only read six books this year.


No, I know. But it's just, I guess, not reading, high time reading season right now. But read this, it'll get you back. It'll get the bug. You know the author wrote Tell Me Lies, which we love. So it was so good. The episode was, weirdly, We were... Fighting? It was polarizing. Yeah. Two really liked it, two not as much.


I love when the girlies fight.


Yeah, because that way also the listeners, everyone's represented, whether you liked the book or not. There's something for you in the episode. And as I said, The Redheads Revolution. The Girlies got ring lights. Things are happening. The Girlies got ring lights? We got ring lights because we're going to be making clips.


Clips mean everything to me. I'm so excited. I feel like that actually will turn a lot of people into listeners. Not A lot of people know about the Redheads. The people who listen to The Toast, if they read, I feel like they join the Redheads. If they don't read, there's really no hope for them in terms of becoming a redhead. But I feel like not enough people know that there is this monthly Book Club podcast out there that's really just doing what nobody else is doing.


Yeah. And this book, this would actually be a great time to become a redhead because the content is great. But also this book, I really think most people will like, and it's a fun girly book with also a bit of intrig. And then the next book is a Snitch's Choice, which is always a fun, easy read. We're reading When We Were Enemies, classic Snitch title.


Maybe I'll do two Redhead's books in a row. Also, major reading update for me is I bought this Kindle Oasis off of a toaster. Actually, I was like, I'll pay you, or do you want just a shit ton of merch? And she went for the merch, and I covered the shipping. Everybody won. And then literally, I got it a few days ago. And then yesterday, Amazon reached out be like, We're just continuing the Oasis. Do you want one? We have one lying around the office. So I will have two. But confirmation- You'll need it for when you lose the old one. Exactly. But what do you think is next for a Kindle? What do you think is the next Kindle? Oasis was their big new thing, and they're discontinuing it. For reasons unknown, it's literally the most popular one. I tell everyone about it. It's the best one.


So I think in size, it will be similar to that in paper But I guess when I'm looking at it, the black stripe on the right with the buttons, why is it so wide? It doesn't need to be that wide. Yes, you do.


You need a place to rest like your big ass hand. I don't know.


I think they're just redesigning it. I think it could be more ergonomic.


But I don't know why they're discontinuing this one without launching the new one. There needs to be overlap. There's going to be a drop for a while. And I'm sorry, the paper weight, it doesn't cut it for me.


And do you think there's a correlation between Kindle discontinuing their best product and Jeff Bezos being number three, one billion behind Elon?


I think there's definitely a correlation between the Kindle being discontinued and Jeff Bezos being very lax in his work ethic. He's happy, he's engaged, he's traveling. He had this big 60th birthday. I feel like he hasn't been attending meetings. He's like some men, not a midlife crisis, but he's acting like a teenager again because he's in love. I think that's reflective in the lack of product launches from Amazon. I do.


Interesting. Do you think Jeff Bezos reads on a Kindle?


No, I think he reads when he's drunk, just a little drunk, and he reads the newspaper. That's what I think.


I think Lauren Sanchez reads on a Kindle. For sure. Like smut.


For sure. I've never been more certain of anything in my life.


Yeah, she should become a redhead.


I love Thursday shows because yesterday we were busy. We had Van der Prump Rules, we had Deer Toaster, and we had the stories. It was like a chug along to make sure we hit all the things we needed to hit. Then Fridays, we have Weenie and Queenie of the Week. Last Friday, we had Employee of the Month. Thursdays just have become a respite for me. Like, very relaxing, girly girl, It's a chat. They could be as long or as short.


The stories, I think, reflect that.


They have a relaxed karmic energy to them?


They have a there's not much going on energy to them. Love. I actually need to organize that.


Sure. I have a little bit of business to attend to if you'd like to do that.


Without further ado, here are the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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Thank you, Claude.


You're welcome.


Our first story, Chance the Rapper and his wife, Kirstin Corley, break up after five years of marriage. Shocking. Was that sarcastic?


No, I happened to randomly know about Chance the Rapper. Before he got famous, he had this woman, and he just loved her, and he stayed loyal no matter how famous he got. There was a point in time where he was the biggest thing. All night I've been drinking, all night, I'm been drinking, all night, I'm been drinking it. He stood by, Stand by your man, really stood by her. I felt So strong.


Yeah. Well, she posted to Instagram saying, After a period of separation, the two of us have arrived at the decision to part ways. We came to this decision amicably. And with gratitude for the time we spent together, God has blessed us with two beautiful daughters who we will continue to We kindly ask for privacy and respect as we navigate this transition.


You hate to see it. You hate to see a pre-fame relationship. Bite the dust. Of course, it reminds me. In a different way. Robert Herjavec. Yes. Now, Robert Herjavec, I felt had bad intentions. I don't feel as though Chance the Rapper does, but it just does remind me. I hate to see a man get successful and then leave. No, I don't think he's leaving her. They had kids, and he's not even at the height of his fame anymore. It's different, of course. But I do love when a woman does it. Casey Musgraves in her first marriage. Not Rusty Kelly, the other guy. I was thinking about him the other day, actually.


Were they married?


Engaged? No. You're right, they weren't married. But they were in a seven-year relationship, really long.


I think they were together longer than she was with her husband.


When she got famous, if you watch some of her follow your hour music videos, he was in her band. He was in her band. He's in every music video. He's the the short one with the buzzcut. I'm not going to lie, I loved that era for Casey Masgraves. I did. But when she left him, I was like, This is right. That feels right.


That feels right.


Then when she was with Weston Kelly, I said, That doesn't feel right.


You think? I didn't love it. Because it was your least favorite trope of two people who do the same thing, and the woman is far more successful than the man, and it can never work.


Actually, I was thinking recently about that generation of young women in country who all married men in the industry who were less successful than them and how they all fared. For a while, I was trying to remember, did Maron Morris get divorced? Yes, right? I think so. Yes, she was the last one. At first it was Kece Mascara, then it was Kelsey Ballerini. They both were married to country stars whose names, if you're not into country, you've probably never heard. And then Maron Morris and Ryan Herd. And he's a very successful songwriter. But when it comes to fame and people buying his own music that he released, he wasn't nearly as popular as Maron. So yeah, was that all three? They're all gone. Yeah. That was a crazy time.


So can it work?


No, not in country.


Does it work anywhere else?


Let's think. Two people who do the same thing where the woman is much more successful.


Like a big actress and a small actor.


I feel like a lot of the female actresses, they're really smart. They marry people in the industry, but who aren't front-facing- Behind the scenes. Director Actors, agents, producers.


No, I feel like two actors marry each other is a nightmare, especially huge. Okay.


John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, they're on the same level. I would say maybe she- They defy the odds. They defy the odds. I would say maybe she's a little bit more famous than him.


I think they go back and forth. It depends what just came out. They're so even.


She's more Oscar, and he's more commercial. Like, he does Ryan Jack, Jack Ryan. Nobody watches that show. No, they're so evenly matched. Everybody watches that show, but he wins no awards.


It has to be a perfect match in terms of success.


I added to the list of things I'm always bringing up. In terms of success, perfect match, but different industries and why it works, Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman.


But seriously, both at the top of their industry. So Again, same exact level of success, more or less.


Yes. I think it works even better because they're not in the same industry. There's really no overlap.


Yeah, but there are a lot of country couples big and big.


Yeah, that's a thing. Faith and Tim, Trisha and Garth.


Garth. Tammy and- George. George and Tammy, even though they were together for five minutes, according to the show.


Who else? I love this game. Well, and also, I don't believe Chance's wife was in the industry at all.


No. Oh, yeah, we've gotten completely off-sujet.


Yeah, but it's hard to not get into that line of discussion because it's one of my favorite things to talk about.


Yeah. I guess because it feels too soon, I'm not going to do it.


Oh, you know who's... No, it's too soon. You know who's a couple who... To add into those to Belly Chibles. Well, of course, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, but they're not in the same industry anymore. Who would you say is more famous?


I think it just depends on your POV because for me, it's Beyoncé. Yeah.


You know who's another couple who's equally They're not the most famous, though, but they're really William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman.


Are they still together?


I think so, even though he let her go to prison.


I feel like they're not. I don't know why I feel that because also he went to the Homeless, Not Toothless Gala in Real House. He did? Yeah, they kept saying, William H. Macy is going to be here, and it's like, wouldn't he be with his wife?


That's true. Oh, wait, here. I just googled Ashton & Mila. He's more famous, I think, but it works.




Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Yeah, classic. Classic. But there's really not a ton on this list. Ben Affleck and J. Lo, it's too soon to tell. Oh, I think an O. G. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.


Yeah. At one point, Kim and Kanye.


Yeah, at one point.


That's crazy that they were together.


Yeah, that was a mirage.


Yeah. So... Sad. When I climb into bed, I start feeling sad. Yeah.


No, this sucks. I love a famous person with someone who's not... Well, only when it's a man. I love a famous man with a not famous woman. I hate when a woman does it. It's like, Girl, what are you doing?


But then we also say, Get a businessman bow.


Businessman bow is different. I'm talking about just not famous.


Average, though.


Yeah, no. A titan of industry is different. Okay. Really cool. Ever since I heard the phrase titan of Industry, I've said it now three times on the show, I've realized, it's become one of my favorite things. It's a great term. I heard it in a sad capacity when someone was speaking about how history always repeats itself, and this is what happens to Jews. They're expelled from lands, they go to new lands, they're excommunicated, they're forced to start their own industries, and then they become Titan of industries, and then they become so assimilated, and then there's resentment, and then that's the peak, the arc.


And then their scapegoat.


And then Holocaust. I don't love how I learned the phrase titan of industry. Nevertheless, it's a good phrase.


Are you ready for our next story? Yes. Elizabeth Hurley is reacting to the theories that she took Prince Harry's virginity.




Elizabeth Hurley was shocked by unfounded theories that she was the older woman who took Prince Harry's virginity. Okay, wait. Because in his book- I totally see it, by the way.


It's giving Diana and Nate in Gossip Girl.


Yeah. In his book, he talks about how an older English woman took his virginity in, I'm going I'm going to pronounce this wrong, just leave me alone, Glauce-de-Chir.


No, Jackie, it's Glauce-de-Chir.


And people were speculating that it was Elizabeth Hurley. So she was on Watch What Happens Live on Wednesday. And of course, Andy had to ask her.


Did Harry say it was an actress?


No. Okay. He just said an older English woman. So it could have been someone's grand.


It could have been anyone.


Yeah, no, it could have been a society lady. I think people actually did piece I don't know who it was, but names in the running included Elizabeth Hurley. And she said, That was ludicrous. She said, He said she was English. She was older than me. It was in Glaustershire. And they were like, It's Elizabeth. It's so true. It was absurd. It was ridiculous. This is where Andy- She said she's never even crossed paths with him. I've never met him in my life.


Well, that's shocking.


That is surprising. Two British royals. I know for a lot of people, it's giving Nate and- Diana. What was her name? Diana. But for me, it's the Royals on E. She plays a queen.


Oh my God, that show.


That show was so amazing.


That girl is still married to the guy, right? From the Royals, Alex Park.


She's married to which guy? I don't know.


She married someone- Jasper? Double check. Or maybe they dated, but no, I think they're married.


Alexandra Park. I feel like... No, you're onto something. This is familiar.


Yeah, right?


I wonder if it was Jasper.


Just who's her husband? Is she married?


How do you know who she is?


I have no idea. That's so funny because I never watched the show, and I just remember the actress who played the main girl. Oh, my God, no, wait, sorry. She's married to James Lafferty from Montreal. Oh, cool. That's why her name sounded familiar to me because it triggered me.


I was going to say. I can't believe you brought that up.


Yeah, unintentionally. Moving on. One thing I have to say, this is why you've got to love Andy Cohen, because he's asking the questions nobody else is asking. Yeah. I'm glad we cleared that up. And honestly, her response is hilarious. Although, if I had read the book, I would have imagined Elizabeth Hurley, too, in my brain.


Yeah. Both the real woman because she's just a fabulous English woman, but also because of every character she plays.


Exactly. She is older than Harry. She is British, and she's very sexy. I don't know. It's not that far off. It's not.


Yeah, but unfortunately, it wasn't her.


Damn. I wish it was.


Are you ready for our next story? Yes. What number? Some more Three. Some more inter-celebrity news.




Michael Douglas discovers he's related to Scarlett Johansson on Finding Your Roots.


I love this show.


So Michael Douglas has discovered a fellow actor is also a distant relative, Scarlett Johansson, on the CBS series Finding Your Roots. The host revealed that he is a DNA cousin of Scarlett. He said, Are you kidding? Oh, that's amazing. All right, this is cool.


This is so cool. So Michael Douglas is Jewish?


I was just thinking that, too.


I think he is, by the way. Yeah. It's not like the crazy thing. He looks like an old Jewish man.


Oh, yeah. The two actors, branches of shared DNA, appeared on Scarlett's maternal lines, which stretched back to Jewish communities in Eastern Europe. Yeah, because at the end of the day, we're all related.


Well, of course. Yeah. This show, I don't know what it used to be called. Olivia was obsessed with it. It's like, Who do you think you are? It was like this on TLC, and they got a lot of celebrities to agree to do it. They did these extensive It was an extensive ancestral background checks, and they've learned a lot of things about different families and different people, and then connected celebrities to other celebrities. It was such a great show. Clips from that show are constantly coming up on my TikTok, and it really was such a brilliant concept. I didn't know they were still doing it on CBS, and I love that.


Yeah, that was Ben Affleck, right? He found out that his ancestors were slave owners. Did he? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Yikes. I should probably double check that.


That's giving major Yikes Energy. B-y-e, by Big Yikes Energy.


Ben Affleck's great great great grandfather owned 25 slaves, according to a deleted segment of Finding Your Roots.


Okay, it's not his fault, a deleted segment. Why do they have to delete it? It's just unfortunate, but that's our history.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. Maybe they just...


Wasn't that a thing on Southern Charm, too? I mean, that makes a lot... I mean, it's from Boston, so it's not that crazy. But Southern Charm is a lot of their families because the big families, Calhoun, they all. I would love to get this done. Do you have to be a celebrity to go on the show?


Or are there companies that do it for lay people?


Because when you're of Eastern European Jewish descent, a lot of your history is... Not your history. Your ancestry is fecoxed because we were all murdered at one point in time.


Yes. And of course, the companies that do it for lay people are Ancestry. Com and 23andMe. No, that's not the same. When they're not getting all their data leaked. But people who are going to make you a detailed chart, tell you what this person did, if you have any notable relatives. Yeah, a whole 360. Yeah.


No, ancestry. Com is on the surface, and I don't want to give all my information to this fuck off to company.


I don't know. I'm sure there are PI types who do this privately for families.


I would love to do a big ass family tree. I would like to just honestly hire someone to do it. I don't want to do it myself.


I'm sure this is some people's jobs. They comb through records and they find- Hopefully, someone will now reach out because I would do that. Yeah, I think it's so fascinating.


And imagine getting to go on TV and have someone do it for you. That's the dream. I'm getting publicity and a family tree.


Yeah, unless you're Ben Affleck. And then it's like, Oh, maybe I shouldn't have done that.


Some questionable. Yeah.


Are you ready for our next story?


I don't know. I climb into bed and I start feeling sad. I feel like we're really rushing through these stories.


Not No, not intentionally. That's what I tried to tell you at the top of the show.


You did. You tried to tell me, and I wouldn't listen.


I guess we could slow it down with this think piece.


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Thank you, Claudia.


It's just an absolute pleasure.


Our next story, some big music news. Big money moves for the band called Kiss. Okay. Kiss has sold their catalog, name and likeness, for $300 million to Pophouse Entertainment. So Pophouse Entertainment is a Sweden-based music investment firm that is responsible for Abba's hologram show, like a tour. Oh, yeah. So now, Kiss has sold all their crapola, and I think it's fair to say there will be a- Kiss. Kiss hologram tour, but they've sold all of their- What do you make of that value-wise?


300 male. Kiss, when I think of name, likeness, the makeup, the logo, I think they have probably some of the strongest branding in band history. You could see a font and you would say that's the kiss font. Then the tongues, the hair, the outfits, the makeup, and then, of course, the music. I would say it's extremely valuable.


I feel like they could have gotten more. I would say it's valuable, but that does still feel really high. I'm impressed.


I'm impressed, but I feel like it could have been 500, honestly. What? It's really iconic. It really is.


Okay, A hundred million for a font?


No, not for a font, Jackie, for the brand.


And like- Exactly. For a tongue.


By the way, that is valuable.


Can you name a kiss song? Welcome to the Jungle. Just take me a stab in the dark.


Is that a name of the song? Was that a guess or was that what you googled?


That was my guess.




It's not on their top five on Spotify.


Give me their number one song, just the title. I will.


I will, but I Now I need to see who sings Welcome to the Jungle. Guns & Roses, same thing. I'm sorry. But what does Kiss sing? Okay, Kiss sing. Kiss sing, I was made for love in you.


I don't think I know that one.


Rock 'n' roll all night is that I.


Want to rock and roll all night. And body every day, I.


Okay, I was made for love, and he was almost at a billion streams. I'm just going to take a quick listen because We have to know it.


But we're going to get demonetized.


We don't run ads.


No, I know. But when we know, turn it off, turn it off, turn it off, turn it off. When we get demonetized, YouTube puts ads in our shit without us knowing. It's really annoying. I meant to tell you that we have to stop doing that. Playing music.


I guess we'll never know.


People were coming in like, Why there's so many ads? I was like, I don't know. And it's because we got demonetized.


So that they monetize. Yeah, no, it's bullshit. When we get demonetized, we lose the choice to not have ads.


And then they just put that shit on us. So we were choiceless. Without consent. Yeah. Sick.


Then also Detroit Rock City.


I feel like they have two heads.


Heaven's on fire. Lick it up.


Jackie, that's why they do this.




Okay, 300 feels right.


Yeah, I'm happy for them.


What do you think the toast catalog discography branding is worth?


I mean, to me, it's priceless.


No, but actually, given what we know about our business and the industry, the landscape, if we were to sell everything.


Ourselves included or us, Adbit?


Ourselves included.


We keep working. They don't then get everything. Then without us, it's worth zero.


Okay, no, Let's just say they get everything without us. What do you think our work is worth? I think our work is worth without any future earnings, $25 million. I really do.


I agree with that. That's roughly what I was thinking.


That's what I think the industry would value it at as well. I think I think that's what the Nasdaq would say.


So pop house entertainment, if you're interested in a Toast Hologram tour, that's our price.


I would love a Hologram tour as long as they made me look skinny and tan.


I'm in bed.


Yeah, right. But I'm earning. Obsessed. Great. Where do I sign up? Abba, send the paperwork.


Abba is a client, but yeah.


You know what I mean? Swedish House Mafia. I love Abba. Swedish House Mafia, send the paperwork.


I love Abba.


I'm so glad you brought that up.


I love Abba, too. But I hate Mamma Mia. Yeah. What's your favorite Abba song? Such an important distinction. I think dancing Queen.


And by the way, this is what I mean about Thursday. We could just have these types of conversations.


Yeah, we're in no rush. Honestly, dancing queen, I know it's so basic, but every time I hear that song, a chill runs through my body.


Okay. There are a lot of Abba songs,. That really give me the chills. But one in particular, because I feel like you get added to the list of stories I've said. Have I said this before?


I don't know what you're about to say.


The Winter Takes It All.


I was about to say When it takes it all, too. But I don't know what's your story.


Did you guys ever see the documentary Keep, Sweet, Pray, and Obey? One moment really stuck with me when this girl was really thinking about leaving this fundamentalist, disgusting, marrying young women cult. Somebody snuck her in a Walkman and a CD, and the CD had one song on it. It was an Abba CD with one song, and she went to this mountaintop. It was giving very much sound of music. She's on this mountaintop, Jackie, and she's listening to this Walkman, and it's just this one song that she's listening over and over again. The winner takes it all, and she decides to run away with her boyfriend and leave this cult. Then the next day, he decides to stay and snitches on her. She made this huge decision, and this man betrayed her. But they had this reenactment in the documentary. She's literally in this... It's literally giving this out of music because she's in this frock from her cult and this hat. She's just standing in the wind, and her dress is flowing, and she's like, The winner takes it all. The loser's standing tall. It was really moving, and I just love that song.


It's a great song. I'm glad that that brought you to it. What's another?


Also, Don't go wasting your...


So good. Also, Give me, give me, give me, a Man After Midnight, classic.


So relatable. I feel like it's just a lot of women have a cocktail, and they're just like, Give me, give me, give me.


Yeah. Mama Mia, classic. Yeah, fine. Take a Chance on Me, so cute.


Take a Chance on Me, yes.


Lay all your love on me.


That's what I was just singing. Lay all your love on me.


On me. So good. Super Trooper, Margot's favorite song.


Super Trooper, lights are going to blind you like I always do. By the way, I think I need to add some Abba to my writing playlist.


I was just thinking that sometimes one song will come on, and then I go to Abba, and I just listen to all of them. So good.


So good. I feel like TikTok has had a huge influence on Abba, a resurgence. And I think, honestly, if they went on tour, especially in America, people would go, young people would go.


Oh, my God. It's probably a blast. And I just want to say, I know TikTok is responsible for Abba's resurgence, but the cream rises. I'm sure TikTok tried with others. Kiss. I'm I'm sure even... I'm sure there was also... I think with companies like that, they sometimes will put forth an artist just to see how much influence they have. Can we make this thing that nobody cares about? Can we get people to care about it? But Abba, it's so organic.


It's true. It's talent. Waterloo?


What's that?


No clue. Don't play it.


She won't let me play it, so we'll never know. But it's number one on This is Abba on Spotify.


I mean, feel free to leave the room and go listen to it. For real, I'm not fucking around.


Wait, does this have a headphones, Jack? No. That's like...


Oh, no. I guess we'll never know what Waterly sounds like. And that's okay.


Yeah. Okay. Chiquetita, you were just saying that.


Chiquetita, I know.


What's Money, Money, Money?


I have no idea.


We'll never know because we can't play it.


We'll never know.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story?


Oh, it just feels so final, but I am. I actually have a busy day of things to do, so I shouldn't dilly dally.


Yes. In more emerging news from Quiet On Set, Drake Bell joined the Not Skinny, But Not Fed podcast, and he talked about the crimes against a child, charges was against him, and started to clarify what it was going on.


So, Drake- And I have to say, I did my own research when the documentary came out, and I learned a lot about it, too.


Yes. And a lot of people were like, commenting things about the case Which you have to fact check, but it seems as though it wasn't so clear- It's not black and white. And now he's speaking out about it. And he said, Drake Bell has vehemently denied the allegations that he groomed a teenage girl nearly three years after being arrested for crimes against a child. So he said Tuesday that the claims were not true and that he only pleaded guilty because he had been financially devastated at the time. He said on, not even off that podcast, I responded on some DMs and was incredibly irresponsible and got myself into conversations that I shouldn't have had. I ended up finding out that I was talking to someone that I shouldn't have been talking to, and it snowballed into these allegations that were not true, and it just turned into this big thing. He pleaded guilty in June 2021 to a felony, attempted child engagement and misdemeanor dissemin matter, harmful to juvenile denials. He was sentenced to two years of probation. He said, I just had a son, and I didn't want to put my family through all of this anymore.


I ended up going through the process the way that I did. Very regretful.


Something that I learned during my research on Drake Bell after Quiet On Set was that there were a lot of allegations made against him, and during the actual court process, it was proved that the girl actually lied about her age. Therefore, you can't groom someone if you think they're 19 or whatever. And that a lot of the allegations turned out to be not true. However, like he said, due to his circumstances, he just let it happen. But then also, I think it was easy to believe, and maybe still is easy for people to believe, because that's how abuse works. It's a cycle. You become a victim of abuse, and then you become an abuser. And it's on you to break the cycle, but a lot of people don't.


I think people believe this. Also, he pleaded guilty, so it didn't feel like- It's giving guilty. Right. But now he's explaining why he did that, and that it's not what it seems, and it's not nearly as nefarious as we would have thought. I'm glad he's having this opportunity to clear his name, because I do feel like up until- It was a big question. It was a big question. It was a big question. He was just Discarded. Yes.


As just like- Crazy.


Crazy and also pedophilic. Yeah, creepy. When it's like, there's so much more to the story, and it's not that.


Yeah. But also when When he told his truth on quiet onset and everybody was really championing him, there was also this other conversation being had online. People being like, well, what? And honestly, good on Amanda for asking the question because I think that's probably the number one question a lot of people had for him. It's like, Well, thank you for sharing your story and everything, but what about this? Yeah. Two things can be true.


Yes, for sure. But I feel like now we're getting a full picture.


I understand his explanation.


Yeah. Those are the fast five stories.


You need to know them.


You need to know them. If anything, I feel like it's going to inspire people to listen to Abba today. I feel like we can sleep well knowing that that's our influence.


I feel like today you're going to be influenced after this podcast to listen to Abba and listen to the Redheads. Just an idea.


I feel like you're going to be influenced to read the book.


Oh, for sure. Once I pick up my Kindle, that's what I'll read.


Once she picks up her Kindle, it's over for you, bitches.


Also, the reason I haven't read is because I'm reading Demon Copperhead, and I want to read a physical copy of it because when I'm out and about on I'm on a plane and I'm reading Demon Copperhead, I want people to know I'm reading Demon Copperhead. I haven't started it because I'm not starting that shit on my Kindle. I'm sorry, I'm not.


Because no one has seen you.


I'm not. I'm just not starting it on my Kindle. When I go to Israel, I'll be in the airport. I need everyone to know. Then I'm flying to Florida.


Right now, you'd be reading at home and no one would see what you're reading.


I could only read Demon Copperhead in public so people know I'm a scholarly woman.


But don't you feel like you'll have a hard time processing the words if you're just thinking about everybody looking at you?


No, I thrive off of everybody looking at me.


No, yeah, you thrive, but that's not conducive to reading Comprehension, especially with such a meaty, chewy book.


That's true. I might have to take some time to reading inside.


It's chewy.


Don't say that. I'm hungry.


What are you going to have for lunch?


I don't know. My life has become decentralized to lunch. Dinner is so my energy these days. I'm, of course, having lunch, but it's not special.


Big to do.


I feel like in In recent weeks, we've talked about lunch extensively, and it's really been the center of my day. My whole day revolves around my dinner. It's so excited.


You don't do your TWB or your wrap after this?


I haven't done a warm bowl or a wrap in a while. I was just eating on the go as a working woman, some chicken, some fruit. Nothing exciting.


Yeah, I would agree with that. And dinner is the main event around here. Lunch, maybe some egg YTS. I love dinner. I was thinking maybe a Taylor Farms, but last time I had a Taylor Farms for lunch, it sat out on the table I couldn't even get around to finishing it.


Because we're busy working women.


Yeah. We need a smoothie.


Perfect for a gal on the go. Guys, it's been a pleasure hanging with you. Thank you so much for listening to the Toast and Melanium Morning Show, where we deliver the fast-sive stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. If you're watching this on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe and give us a video of a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast anywhere. Our podcast can be found on Spotify, iTunes, Twitter, public video, or already, Castbox, all the places where we listen to podcast. Find us a Toast TV five-star review about our beautiful setting and what a talented we are. Have an amazing day, and we'll see you tomorrow for Friday.


Love you. Bye.