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Good morning, millennials.


Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast and happy, happy, hump day. A great day of the week, a great day to be alive. Spotify and Raptors here. It's a great day. I'm going to have a good day. I don't know why, but it feels like love's coming my way. And I'm here too. So true.


So true, I'm here too. Yes.


You are here.


As well.


Not even as well, primarily.




Stop. Primarily, you're here.


Primarily, I'm here. Wait. And it's going.


To be a good day. I wrote down two things that I wanted to talk to you about on air.


Oh, wow. Jump right in. Okay.


The first thing is the craziest thing happened to me this morning.




So I was walking to work, and I walked past my old building. And my route doesn't usually take me there, but I don't know, I felt pulled. And I was waving. I saw one of my favorite tour men, and he came outside and we were chatting and he's like, Congratulations. And I was like, On what? He was like, You're pregnant. I was like, No, I'm not. He was like, What? I'm like, Where did you hear that? He's like, I don't know. People are starting rumors about me in my old building.


Wow, the rumor mill. I wonder where that.


Came from. I know.


It didn't come from this world. No. It was your social media. No.


Someone is spreading lies about me again.


Okay, as far as lies go, they could be saying much worse things.


They have, but I just thought that was interesting.


And that's the craziest thing that's happened.


Thus far today at 9:00 AM, yeah.


And what was the second thing?


Just something I found out last night that I cannot believe you didn't tell me.


Oh, am I in trouble?


No, just something major happened to you and you didn't share with the class. Do you want to think for a second?


Is it about my car? Yes.


So Shapiro, Olivia's husband, is in New York for work. I think he's actually already gone. But he came over last night to see Theo and just hang out. We were talking about football and just life, catching up. And he just very quickly mentioned that he was able to get this dent out of your car using rubbing alcohol. And I was like, Wait.


Not a dent, like a scratch.


With alcohol. Yeah. And I'm like, Wait, what? I knew nothing about this car crash.


Not a crash. So here's what happened. I've been driving more, everyone. Kessler and I are back together. Yesterday was my first jaunt to relatively far and back, and I made it. But Zach uses my car too sometimes because I prefer it. And he parked my car in the garage, and it wasn't charging. So I just need to say that, because sometimes you have to park.


It there to charge. Right, so you're saying you got in the accident in the garage, and if it hadn't been in the garage, which it didn't even need to be, you wouldn't have gotten in the accident. Therefore, the accident is Zach's fault.


No, I'm just saying he parked it in the garage, so I didn't park it there, because you could ask if you parked it there, how come.


You couldn't get it out? By the way, your Tesla is always parked in the garage.


No, only when it's charging, and it wasn't charging. He just likes parking the garage sometimes, but wasn't considering I might not know how to back out. And it was tight on one side, and I was squeezing through. And then I realized, oh, I might be touching because I didn't hear anything. But then I saw the rubber of the garage door was bending. So thank God Tesla doesn't have handles.


That come out. Oh, you would have been finished. Yeah.


So I managed to get out of the garage, but I did do a little damage to the car.


But Shapiro said it looked brand new, like his rubbing alcohol got the scratch right out.


The scratch out, but there is a little bit of a dent, I'm not going to lie. But I think there's companies that could just pull.


The dent out. I mean, you can also take a plunger.


Yeah, there's companies that do that more professionally, but it is pretty elementary. They just pull the dent.


Yeah, so I.


Just thought- I could also see them making it worse.


Yeah, I just thought it was interesting because I have been in one Fenderbender in my life. And who was riding shotgun? And in my opinion, partially to blame for the Fenderbender in the shop right parking lot? You. And so we just have this history and this connection to the fact that you're a new driver. This happened to you, and you didn't share it with me, I'm hurt, honestly.


I guess I'm supposed to make a bigger deal out of it because my husband was freaking out about the car. And I'm just not attached to material things like that. No, I feel that. Okay, so my car has a dent. Honestly, it was about time I'm a really bad driver.


Yeah, and I will say I've driven the Tesla once, and I did pull it out of your garage, and it was one of the scarier moments of my life. It's very tight. I don't even blame you at all. New driver, a full driver, it's tough.


Yeah, there's a reason that wasn't for me, but I had to do it. Actually, I don't even think I'm a bad driver. I don't drive enough to be a good or a.


Bad driver. Inexperienced driver.


I'm inexperienced, yeah. But when I'm out on the road, it's not like I'm terrible. I'm just nervous.


Yeah, do you think the other drivers can feel that nervous energy from you? Because when I was a new driver, I would be like, Everybody knows I'm new.


Yeah, well, for a while, I had my sticker on the back of my car, student driver. But then when Zach started driving my car, he took it off. And so I just feel like I have my training nails off. And I'm just like, Nobody knows what they're next to. But then I was driving with fellow drivers yesterday, and people were like, zooming past, and just everybody seemed to really know what they were doing. And then I looked in the cars.


It's so interesting.


And it just wasn't what I thought. I thought it was going to be biker vibes. Because they're driving so fast. And I'm in my KIA soul, and I'm going crazy. But it's just old people. Mothers, fathers. They're driving just like me, close to the wheel. We're all in the same boat.


That's beautiful. So you've officially popped your cherry.


And also, whenever I drive somewhere and I arrive, I tell everyone who I'm with about my experience. I realized that so many other people have driving things too. I talk about how when I'm turning, I always want to know where my next turn is so I can get into the right lane in the initial turn. That's something that everybody's doing because we're all hating changing lanes.


Changing lanes is definitely the worst, and I think a safe bet is to always go in the middle.


Yes, but if you can predict your next turn and it's not too far down, you can turn into that lane.


Yeah, we call that a wide turn.


Yeah, or I have to get in the left legs and making a left turn. So I like the Tesla because it lets me know where my next turn is too.


I love that for you. It's a little bit of a cheat. I was in a Tesla yesterday with the nicest driver. We were so connected. And it was when I was with Theo, I picked him up from the vet. He had a good appointment at the vet yesterday. So he was asking me about Theo, and I'm at the point now where I just tell literally anyone who listens about what I'm dealing with. And when we just got to talking about cancer, his daughter-in-law's mother has cancer, and it's been really hard on his family. And then he told me he's from Afghanistan, and we're actually talking a little bit about Israel, Palestine. And it was just like a lovely... And then it started to snow. It snowed yesterday in New York for all of five minutes.


I saw.


Your story. And we were talking about the snow, and it was just like a magical ride. I don't know. Maybe I'm so desperately seeking signs right now. I'm taking everything as a sign. I'm like, Oh, my God. This light turned yellow when I got here. Theo's cancer is going to slow down. I'm literally insane, desperately seeking signs. But I do think that that driver, he had a light about him.




Beautiful. Yeah.


What was his sign? Or was he just there to provide solace?


He just had this warm voice. And I don't know. He wasAnd then he was telling me he's having this issue with a customer service rep. We were giggling. I'm telling you, it.


Was a sign. Maybe it was the Tesla.




Maybe it was the Tesla. What Tesla did he have?


It looked just like yours, but I think it was black. A lack of tests. A lack of tests.


So model Y is what I have. Sure.


Theo had a good visit to the pet, vet yesterday. And today I found this new vet, and they have a bunch of locations in the city, and at the tribeca one... No, not you scrolling your phone when I'm giving like a to-do update.


Turning on do not disturb because I don't want to be disturbed by.


This thing. Is that a new phone case that's in zebra? Yes, I didn't know if you.


Would notice. It's not zebra. So what it is? It's a high contrast phone case, which these are the sorts of patterns that babies look at, because they can see high contrast colors best. So that way, if I'm ever on my phone, like in Charlie's looking at me on my phone, he's actually getting an education.


Okay, that makes total sense, because other than that, it is fucking ugly.


And I was like- I know, but it's enriching for my son.


I love it. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But before that, I was like, Oh, my God. It's giving like, Millennial Chevron 2008.






Yes, so if I'm breastfeeding, I'm on my phone and he looks up. Of course. It's not just like, Oh, Mommy's on her. Oh, Blong. It's like, Oh, look at this. A game.


For me. Oh, Blong?


It's from Clara and the Sun. Oh, okay. Because he doesn't know what a phone is, so it's just like this device.


Of course. Okay. Well, you know what? I'm glad I asked because the more you know.


Yeah, and the brand is Maisel, as in Marvelous Mrs, if you'd like to get.


Your own. I love that.


They could do a little bit cuter on the high contrast design. Yeah, it's fine. It's a moment in time. It's fine.


So I found this new vet, and that's where we were yesterday. It's called YourVetCare. You are vetcare. They have locations all over the city. And I was on the website yesterday, and I saw they had an herbalist and an acupuncturist. And saying yesterday, I'm really open now to all different types of alternative medicine. So today we're going down to the tribeca location to get Theo seen by an herbalist who's hopefully going to do some acupuncture, which should be really helpful, God willing, if it works correctly for his leg pain. So I'm excited about that.


Turny, you're crunchy.


No, I'm granola.


I'm crunchy. There's something about becoming a mother makes you crunchy.


100 %. I went to the holistic pet store yesterday.


Yeah, granola turtiera.


I mean, I guess I got to granola life by sheer desperation for lack of other options. I don't know if that's how everyone comes to it, but I imagine that's how a lot of people come to it.


Yeah, definitely, because it's another option. But I think a lot of new mamas, at least mom friends of mine, were all turning crunchy.


No, and that's Ben's dream. Ben wants to give up on Western medicine. He thinks it's giving us all cancer. And he's literally like, Denise Richard's husband. He fully is like, if we were up to him, he would get strepthroat and have a tea, but he can't.


Yeah. No, I mean, he can't deal with the pain. Is it just about medicine, or is he crunchy about other stuff too? Does he make his own potato chips in the.


Air fryer? No, he's not crunchy like that. It's really only about medicine. He really believes in the power of Chinese herbs, Eastern medicine, and he's always trying to get me. And I'm like, Please, just take Advil and shut the fuck up.


And he's also loves essential oil. Right.


He loves eugalyptus. So this, us turning to Eastern medicine for Theo's care is Ben's absolute dream.


So does he not want to be doing all the scan, the radiation?


No, he does.


He's not all in.


No, but I could see one day, Ben becoming a Christian scientist. They don't believe in Advil and stuff.


Yeah, there's more to that. I think at Marjorie Post, we read a book about her. Her family was Christian scientists. That's why they made a really healthy breakfast.


Well, I don't judge anyone for their beliefs. That's something I could never fucking do.


Do you know how.


Many tums, Advil, aspirin? Do you know how many shits I take a day? Not shits like poop, shits like medicines.


Okay, but I think on the other side of the argument, it's like you're also putting a ton of shit into your body all day.


No, I'm fueling my problems.


Yes, it's a self-fulfilling thing, whereas if you exited from the whole toxic ecosystem, and you were non-toxic, and you made your own soap, then you wouldn't need to take Advil because you wouldn't have these headaches.


It's a self-fulfilling thing, and I've never been happier. Okay, so leave me alone.


I'm just saying, I'll add it to the list of one day she'll become crunchy.


I'm crunchy. I'm taking my son to an acupuncturist, okay?


You're on your way.


I'm on my way.


Speaking of music, Spotify-rapped, we have a story today, so I guess we'll save that, but that was definitely a big part of my morning. And I actually have a conspiracy. My rap is not accurate.


But that's the whole point, Jackie. It's data, and facts.


No, I know, but I can prove it.


Oh, my God. We're blowing this thing wide to happen.


I can prove it, but I think they might be trying to help me. The investigation later in the show. Stay tuned. Stay tuned for the investigation.


Oh, wow.


It's not bad. I don't think Spotify is doing anything bad. I just feel like they're being dishonest, but maybe for a good reason.


So Spotify wrapped is obviously an exciting time of year, but I think it's more exciting for us because a lot of people don't know this. When you are a creator on Spotify, you can go to Spotify and search for us, you get your own set of wrapped statistics that I watched this morning, and they're general, but they are interesting and they're just interesting.


Yeah, I'm excited. We'll get into them during wrap, shall we?


I guess we'll throw them to your toaster today, so maybe we should just dive right in because we have no time to waste.


No, we don't. Without further ado, du, du, du, du, du, du, here are the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.


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Our first story, Spotify wrap 2023, is here, and Spotify is giving the news of their most streamed artists, songs, albums of the year globally. So the most streamed artist globally of the year was-.


Taylor Swift. Yes.


Number two, Bad Bunny. Three, The Weekend. Four, Drake. Five, Pesa, Pluma.


I think it's so crazy, like every big statistic, The Weekend is on. Do you know what I mean? All these lists, he's always on them. I do listen to his music, but I don't know. It just feels like so random to me.


Yeah. I feel that. I do. Also the rest of the list, six is five, seven, Travis Scott, eight Cisa, nine, Carol G, ten, Lanadell Ray. Very interesting.


Well, this is global, right?


Yeah, this is global, but it's... I don't know, some of these are pretty surprising.


Yeah, and also there's some people I feel who are notably missing, but I guess because I'm thinking America.


Yeah, I was trying to find the American list, but the Spotify, wrapped link is not working.


I would have thought maybe Olivia Rodrigo would be in there. Or Billy Eilish.


Yeah, yeah. There are some big names that aren't here. Beyonce.


Oh, yeah. Beyonce.


And Renaissance came out this year, right? Yeah. That's weird. So it's surprising. It is. Now for most streamed songs globally. Okay. Number one, flowers.




Lying. That's major.


That's major.


Two, Kill Bill by Cisa.




As it was, by Harry Stiles.


That feels right.


Yeah. Four, Seven by Jungcook.


I don't even know. I don't know that.


Kpop? I think it was in BTS.


Yeah, okay.


Five, Ella by Lasola by Pesopluma. Six, Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift. So that's her top song of the year.


Yes, but that's interesting. Like her being number one global artist makes total sense, but logically, wouldn't then the biggest song.


Be- No, because she has song number six, she has song number ten, she might have 11, 12, 13, and Miley only has the one.


Right, right, right.


Seven, Creepin' by Metro Boomi in the weekend and 21, Savage.


I don't even think I know it.


Eight, Calm Down, Remma and Celina Gomez. Baby, calm down.


Come down, youI don't.


Know if I know it. I only know the drama because Haley Beaver posted a version that's not the Celina version. That's all I know about the song. Nine, Shakira song, and 10, Antihero, Taylor Swift.


Okay, very interesting. I mean, this is obviously the year of Taylor Swift, so none of this is surprising to me. But honestly, flowers, that's huge. Miley must be freaking. I feel like success musically that she's really been searching for for a while. And she's had major bops in the last five, 10 years, but this is.


Next level. Like a global hit, yeah. And then for most dreamed albums of the year, first, Bad Bunny.




Yeah, but I guess he was off of that last list, so he needs to make up for it in order to be the number two artist. Right. Two Midnights by Taylored.


Midnights become my afternoon.


Three SOS by Cisa.


Yeah, no, when we were talking about Grammy nominations and stuff like Cisa, might sweep.


Yeah, and she would be right too, because the songs are really good, but also they have such commercial success, and I think it needs to be a mixture of both.




For Star Boy by The Weekend.


Oh, my God. The Weekend is an industry plant. I know he's really famous, everybody knows who he is, but The Weekend is an industry plant. Let me ask you a question. If I have a playlist or whatever, maybe there's a weekend song on there, and I always hear him on the radio, and restaurants and stuff. But has anybody ever gone to Spotify and searched The Weekend just to listen to only The Weekend? I feel like no.


Clearly, people. But I.


Don't want to diminish, he's extremely talented. I thought his Super Bowl performance was very good. He is that bitch, but part of this feels plenty.


I agree. Plenty Mcplant. He's just.


On every list all the time.


Yeah. Five Carol G, six One Thing at a time by Morgan Wallen. Seven, Lover. Eight, Heroes and Villains by Metro Boomian. Nine, Genesis by Paso Pluma. 10 Harry's House by Harry Stiles.


Well, Harry's House didn't even come out this year, so that's super impressive.




Wow. Statistics are so interesting. Who is your number one artist?


Luke Holmes. He's every song of mine. Who is yours?


So mine was Taylor Swift, but then my top four songs were Luke Holmes. You know what my number one song was?






Oh, I feel that you're always talking about Joe.


I love that song, but also it was the first Luke Holmes song we had gotten in a while, so I must have listened to it so many times.


My top four out of five are Luke Homes songs, and my first one is Still, which I.


Love, but.


It wouldn't come to me as like... It's probably my third favorite song on the album. That's not a single. So it must have been in the order in which it was in the album and in my like songs, I just kept playing it.


I do have a hot take about Rap.


Oh, okay, wait. Hold on. I want to hear the rest of your rap. My one was still two, Growing Up and Getting Old, but that's also because it's the first song on the Luke album. So every time I went to press the.


Album, that.


Started it. Three, You Found Yours, which I would say is one of my favorites from the album. And four, Take You With Me, of course.


Okay, so my five songs... Oh, no, four out of five were Luke. Number one was Joe. So random. I'm not a sober queen or anything. It's a song about society. Two, Everything I Love by Morgan Wallin'. That feels right. Three, Growing Up and Getting Older. Is that the first song.


On the album? Yes, that's what I just said.


Four, You Found Yours. That's definitely one of my favorites from the album. And five, Love You Anyway from Luke Holmes as well.


The- I love. And then my top artists.


One, Luke Holmes.


Let me guess. I was going to say two, Taylor Swift. Three, Morgan Wallen. Am I right? He's four.




Would three be? Is it a kid's thing?




Who is it?


Mimi Webb.


I was not going to guess that.


Yeah. And then five, you could guess, who's my queen?


Megan Maroney. No. Oh, who?


Kelly Clarkson. Oh, right. Of course. So honestly, I feel obviously.


Like a data- What's your top genre?




Oh, mine's Contemporary Country.


Contemporary Country was my second, which is interesting.


So my top artist was Taylor Swift, Luke Holmes, Morgan Wallen, Kelsey Ballarini. And then the fifth I was shook by the 1975. That's weird. I definitely got into them this year, but I don't know probably more than five songs. I must have listened to those five songs a lot. Or I literally don't listen to anything other than my top four artists. They just threw one in there.


Yeah. So then where my Spotify rap went wrong, I went to my top songs. And I was also very worried this year that my Spotify rap would be infiltrated by kids' music. Because when Harry once listened to one- -Wheels. -wheels over it, I thought, 'Wheels on the bus' was going to be my top five for sure. And it's not even on my playlist.


So maybe they.


Are doing- Intentionally taking off kids' songs because there's a couple like that that I listen. But then towards the end of my playlist, Daisy Bo Peep Has Lost Her Sheep is on there, which we maybe listen to like... We only listen to them when we listen to the whole Mickey album.


So maybe a lot of the Mickey and Wheel songs become ineligible for wrapped, but they forgot that one.


No, and also Donald went to Horton from the Mickey Mouse album. But it's like if you're going to put anything from the Mickey Mouse album, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Hot Dog, we listen to those a million times. Yeah. So I'm just saying. I appreciate that they didn't ruin my playlist, but Donald went to Quarton. That's Zach's favorite song, not mine.


Do you want to hear some of our Toast podcast statistics? Always. So we had an episode this year that three % of our new listeners started listening to on this particular episode, and they stayed with us. And that was our episode on October seventh about Israel, which makes sense because it's a diversion from what we normally talk about. So it makes sense that we'd find a new audience there.


Yeah, but it's also very heartwarming because you would worry that if we talk about such serious subjects that that would deter people because this is a fun, upbeat show. But no, you guys rocked with us. Thank you. And you sent it to your friends and family.


We were listened to in 133 countries. Obviously, the United States was our top country, with 94 % of our total streams being from the United States. But our countries go as such: United States, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland.


And we're always offending them.


I know. I'm always fucking up Irish history. I won't do it anymore. I'm really sorry. Our most shared episode of the year October seventh, but our most streamed episode of the year, which makes a lot of sense, was August fourth, our final episode before your maternity leave.


That does make a lot of sense.


We charted for a total of 40 weeks, which I.


Feel like it's- What happened in the.


Other 12? Well, no, no. Well, I feel like it's all of them because the weeks starting now don't count towards wrapped.


True. And then we are also- So that's like six weeks. -plus maternity leave. We were off for a month. We crushed that. We charted every week.


We are in the top 10 % of charting podcasts. We could work on that. I don't know what that really means.


No, it's like... Wait, hold on. Of the ones at chart, we're in the top 10 %. Okay, that's pretty good. I thought it was top 10 % of podcast. I'm like, we can get better.


No, of ones that chart, so of the elite.


Of the elite, we are top 10. Okay.


We saw some nice growth this year, 112 % increase in streams. That's a lot. I know. I was shook by that. And we are a top podcast. We are the number one show for 250,000 people.


That's crazy, especially because most of our listeners don't listen on Spotify.


Right. And most of our listeners listen to a lot of other shows. They might listen to us, but they also probably... Maybe they have a different favorite podcast, but we are the favorite.


Right, that is crazy. But also maybe those are some Apple users too, who when the episode didn't go to Apple one day, they listened on Spotify, and now it's their number one show on Spotify.


So I find those wrapped data graphics from the Spotify for creators account that we have. I find that more interesting than my personal music taste. I could have told you my personal music taste.


Fascinating stuff. No, I like to see my personal music taste is like, is it what I think it is? Or am I secretly listening to a ton of something, but I don't identify as a that person fan? Right. You know what I mean?


No idea.


But no, I'm very consistent. Like Luke through and through.




It was a Lukey year.


As it was, yes.


The Lukes were Lukes.


Lukes comes.


Lukes comes. And what I also like about Spotify-Wrapped is we all know it's coming every year, but they always sneak it up on us. It's not like we know it's coming today. It feels early. You know it drops in the middle of the night, and it's so exciting to wake up to, and I like that.


I like it too. What are your thoughts on A, people sharing on their Instagrams, their own personal wrapped?


I'm okay with it as long as I'm interested in you, which is really like anything else. And then what are.


Your thoughts on podcasters or creators sharing however many times they got tagged and someone being like, Yay, the toast is my name. I shared a few this morning on the toast, maybe three or four, but I think maybe I'll stop there.


No, I love it.


It's nice.


I love it. And also when other podcasters do it, when I've seen it, when they share a bunch, I'm impressed. So why not us impress? Okay. Just to impress, tirty-looking. Okay. Yeah. No, it doesn't matter. There's an influencer who I like, Yeah, I want to see what you got down to this year.


What are you about? Cool, cool. I just feel like.


No one would be surprised by what we're about because we're such consistent, genuine influencers, authentic. Right.




You ready for our next story? Someone who didn't make Spotify wrapped, Casey Musgraves and her poet boyfriend, Cole Shafer, have broken up after two years of dating.


I didn't even know they were still together. I remember them being spotted and then it was over. So I thought they were over. The paparazzi caught them and then never followed them around. So I just thought it was a one time deal.


No, they were together. They had a blissful romance for two years, but it's come to an end. Sources told page six that the relationship has been over for at least a month, and say it's all the buzz in Nashville where the former couple resides. They've even stopped following each other on Instagram.


Cool. I love Kacey Musgraves. I wanted more for her in her next relationship. Maybe someone on her level, fame-wise. So I'm not going to cry tears over this. I do want Queen to be happy. And I think a breakup is good for the creative... Juices. Yeah. So I think we'll be getting good music out of it. But I'm not going to... No love lost for me.


Yeah, I don't know him. Maybe they wrote some nice poetry together. I mean, he was helpful for.


Her art. Well, Liz Woods did a funny thing on her Instagram story about this. How can you be a poet full-time? In this day and age, how do you make a living off of being a poet?


You could write greeting cards.


You could write a book of poetry, I guess.


A book? Well, let's look at his work.


You get published... Where do they publish poetry? If you're a writer, like Short Stories, you get your short stories published in big magazines, they pay you for that, but how do you make money as a poet?


You could also... Maybe literary magazines. Yeah, he said on his website, I'm a multi-hyphenic writer, slinging ink in a number of different genres, ranging from poetry, short fiction, memoir, and spoken word.


Okay, so he's more of a writer than a poet.


Yes, and I don't want to... I'm just accustomed to never clicking someone's LinkedIn link because then they see it, but why would I care if he sees? I'm not even logged.


Into LinkedIn. I don't even have a LinkedIn.


I think he has a job. Oh, a job. He's a creative director and copywriter.




Honey Copy.


Oh, he's got a job.


Yeah, and then he has a really long about him that I think is a sample of his writing.


Oh, okay. Okay, that's nice.




You interested? -no, no, please. Please. I'm literally begging you with every fiber of my being not to read that, like Farell.


There's a screen separating us. It's the same screen separating you and the people that could be your customers. It's everywhere.


It's beautiful. It's giving AI-generated. It's staggering what a boot costs.


It's packed full of endless opportunity, but it doesn't come without a few drawbacks. Chilling. I'm going to leave it there.


I'll leave it at that. So let's play a game, and maybe we should add her to our list. She's a very eligible girly, and I didn't even know that she's been in a two year relationship, so she probably should have been on the list before, but now she's officially single. So who can we set her up with?


Let's see who's available. Keana Thompson.


But she doesn't like to date famous people.


Maybe not yet. Maybe she's had enough of like... Oh, you know who I could.


See her with? Who?


Bill Hater. Honestly?


Because she looks like all the girls he's previously dated, like Rachel Wilson. Same vibes.


Yeah. Josh Groben? Even though he has a girlfriend. Wait.


Casey Mascarades and Josh Groben is the greatest couple of all time. Think of the music.


Think of them.


Somebody needs to set them up. Even though I believe he's in a very committed relationship.


Yes, he is. But I'm leaving him on the list.


No ring, no list.


Kenan. Kenan and Casey.


I'd like to believe that these two, honestly... Because, honestly, Casey is goofy. When I say ye, you say ha, you know? Yeah. She is goofy, but I also think she's so serious, and no, I don't think it would work.


I don't think there's anyone on the list for her.


What about Joe Manchinello? Even though he's with someone, and I think they're having a baby.


Yeah, I think that's not too.


So maybe not. But like...


No, there's no one on the list for her. I agree with you. It's going to be an artist.




Like a Taylor Swipp, formerly. Like a Joe Alwyn. Joe Alwyn.


Honestly, totally.


No, I feel like she could eat him for breakfast.


No, totally.


That's the fun you're saying.


Eating him for breakfast. Yeah.


Yeah, but you know exactly what I mean.


Of course, you would eat him for breakfast. Nom, nom. Bon appetit.


I'm so hungry. Are you ready for the next story? Yeah. What did you have for lunch yesterday?


I went from here to the vet.


Oh, no, I don't know what you had.


I had... I don't know why it's so hard. I think I had turkey.




Turkey. Yeah, I had a light lunch, and then I had a big, delicious dinner. I made egg noodles.


What did you have for dinner?


Egg noodles? I made egg noodles, which is one of my favorite things to eat. And I did fancy. So I drained the egg noodles. I put them back on the stove. Butter, cheese, ryeas. Oh, wow. It was really good.




Yeah, I did that. My eye is twitching so bad. Itry.


Just keep it closed.


I need to get an eye patch, honestly. Okay. I'm going on three weeks of this fucking eye twitch.


I'm sorry.


And it always shows up at inopportune times, you know?


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story, which is some relationship news?




Megan Fahey and - Oh, I know. -and Lida Goodell- Oh, I know. Share a kiss at the Bowery Hotel. So the two White Lotus 3 co-stars couple couldn't keep their hands off each other Monday night at New York City's Bowery Hotel. So these two are confirmed together, and I didn't watch their season, but were they a couple?




He was with that annoying Wrench Porsche.


But they were both on White Lotus Season 3, so this is an on-set romance. Yeah, but I.


Don't think they literally had one singular scene together, so I don't even know when they would have met. But I'm obsessed.


In the press, Junkets.


Yeah, no, I'm obsessed. He's so handsome. And I just watched an episode of Gossip Girl, and Megan Fahey was a character.


Who was she?


Chuck was trying to get a meeting with this big time businessman, and she was his assistant. And she ended up being like a sleuth. Yeah, it was amazing. That's a great thing about Gossip Girl because it was so long ago and it launched many careers. There are a lot of people on it. Jessica Pierson from Suits plays Vanessa's mom.




I also just got to the part... I did not know, like Hilary Duff had a four-episode cameo where she plays like a famous person who dates Dan, sure, and ends up having a spoiler alert threesome with Dan and Vanessa. Me and Ben were like, This is not real. I did not remember any of this happening.


I remember that.


And when we first saw her in the first episode that she was on, I'm like, Oh, okay. She did an episode. No, she had like an arc. She had a multi-episode arc.


She was on the show, casted. Yeah, it.


Was shocking. Now I'm very deep into gossip, girl, and I think I can make some generalizations if I will. Sure. Hands down, it's a tie for who the worst character is.




Serena? And/or Jenny Humphrey. It just depends. Like, she gets good and then she gets bad, but she's really just an awful, awful person. Yeah. Best character? Blaire. But honorable mention, honestly, Lilly and Rufus. Okay, Rufus is really the moral compass of the show. Yeah. And when you watch it as a kid, maybe you're like, He's annoying. Let the kids be kids. But he's an amazing dad and facts. Everything he says, facts. Like, No, you can't go to Guadalajara in the middle of the night. The kids are nuts. They're always just going places. And Lily, she's a little bit more relaxed, but she's a very... Okay, so I just got to the episode where Serena is dating Army Hammer. And Army Hammer is this big tech guy, and he's raising money. And so Serena invites him to the co-op board meeting of Lilly and Rufus's building so he can pitch people. So I think he literally ends up getting a million dollars from a bunch of different people, and that night he runs away with it, just like Chuck and Blaire said he would.




So Serena is freaking out, trying to fix this herself. And Lilly's like, No, because if people find out about this, you're going to look like a fraud con woman. So what I'm going to do is tell everyone that the investment fell through and give them their money back, and I will pay it off personally. Queen, what a thing to do. And of course, Serena is like, No, Mom, I can fix this. Oh, God, I can't with fucking Serena. I just got through the trip episodes where she's a dumb bitch and a half. And then right after the whole trip thing, she's dating Nate. I can't with these people. Serena is the fucking worst.


Serena is the worst, I think, because she's meant to be like... We're supposed to like her.


She's so reckless. But, Jenny, is obviously the worst.


But Jenny is obviously the worst, but we all hate her.


And she has bad intentions. She is evil, Jenny. Serena is just fucking annoying.


And just dumb, and just really thinks she knows best.


Yeah. I'm at the point where Chuck and Blaire are together, and I know that... Because I remember she ends up almost marrying this prince. So I know that they break up at some point soon, and then, of course, they're end game. But they don't make it easy for us the whole time. But I'm just really loving living in Chuck and Blaire being together and living together. And he's this businessman. I just love it. I know it's going to end soon, but I love it.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?




So a little almost casting news, probably you haven't heard.


My favorite news.


Bradley Cooper wanted Howard Stern to play his brother in A Star is Born. The role eventually went to Sam Elliot. You know him? Right, right, mustache. 1883 mustache man. But he wanted Howard Stern to shave his head and take the role.


Is Howard Stern an actor? A patron of the arts?


Well, he had his movie.


He did?


Yeah, there's a movie based on his book. It was a biopic, and he played himself.


People say that we say the word biopic wrong. It's biopic. And that's just never going to work for me. It's a biopic.




Potato. Because it's biographical. So biopic.


And it's a clip. And then it's a picture. Right.




No. That sounds like- Myopic. -a surgery, having a.


Biopic change. Yes. No, Theo, we're going to get him a myopic, biopic.




It's biopic. Eat my ass.


Agreed. So yeah, he almost played the half brother manager, but Sam Elliot crushed it. He was amazing. He was amazing.


Yeah, I.


Don't know.


This doesn't hurt me. No, not at all. But I did see a bunch of clips from this interview. It's obviously making waves. And Howard Stern asked Bradley Cooper, Would you rather for this... He's doing with Cary Muligan. Is it the Leonard Bernstein film? Is that what he's doing press for you?


Is it?


That's already out? I don't know if it's out yet, but that's what he's doing all this press for. Just what is Bradley Cooper and Cary Muligan doing together? And he's also directing.


What would Cary Muligan be doing in the movie? Maestro.


That has to be about Leonard Bernstein. He's a music composer. No.


The graceful portrayal of Felicia Bernstein. Yeah. Okay.


So he said, and I guess Bradley Cooper is directing it. Wow, a movie about a Jewish man, not a Jew in sight.


I'm like, Yeah, that's what I was saying. What is Cary Muligan doing in the Jewish flic? No, totally.


Give it to Alex Bernstein. Give it to someone. And obviously, it's a film that's very close to Bradley's heart. He's directing it. I think he was really involved in it. So he said, Would you rather win the Oscar for Bernstein, have Carrie Muligan win the Oscar, and you also win the Oscar for best director, or the Eagles won the Super Bowl. And he said, The Eagles. Really? He didn't even flinch. He was like, No question.


I don't believe him.


Duh. I mean, how vapid would he be if he said the first one?


Well, no, but also the Eagles winning their sports game. When you really whittle it down, it's a game.


Well, no, I mean, you could say the same for both. These are rich actors acting for millions of dollars.


Being rewarded for that. Yeah, for fake rewards that they just pat themselves on the back for it. No, but.


They're both- And they're.


Social constructs. They're both social constructs. No, the.


Super Bowl is not a social construct. Actually, it's the opposite because it's based on numbers. There's no strategy or formula for why someone wins the Oscar over someone else.


Okay, I understand what you're saying, but in the sense that the Super Bowl itself is a social contract that we've all propped up.


No, it's not. It's because it's literally based on winning.


It's based on numbers. I understand what you're saying, but you're just not understanding what I'm saying.


That's entirely possible.


Regardless. That's very interesting, and I just feel like he will look like a loser if he had said the first one. Yes, I agree. It's like a funnier, more relatable answer to say the second one. But don't get it twisted. That's not the truth. That's crazy that that Bernstein movie is out, and that it's out now. Yikes for Bradley Cooper.


Yikes for Bradley Cooper championing one of the greatest Jewish musicians of all time and dating Gigi Hadid, one of the largest known anti-Semites of our time. The math ain't math-thing for me. I know the Leonard family was not mad about the nose, but I thought the nose was literally the most unnecessary thing ever. Leonard Bernstein literally has the same exact nose as Bradley Cooper's God-given nose.


And I saw him explain- Yeah, it's a little traumatic, but also the nose is not our biggest problem right now, so I'm not going to get into the.


Weird- The nose isn't our biggest problem right now. Gigi Hadidas.


Right. I don't even care about the nose, but the Bernstein family, what are.


You doing? Yeah. No, I don't know. It's all weird. I wonder if Gigi will go to the premiere.


It's so weird. Leonard Bernstein's whole thing was Israel, loving Israel. He went to Israel in 1967 when they were at war to play for the troops of Israel because he wants to support Israel because he believes in the Jewish state.


We're just talking about the weirdness more.


That's why I was shocked that Bernstein is what's coming out now, because how?


No, it's so true. They should premiere the film in Israel.


That is crazy.


No, I know.


I wonder if it's any good or accurate or...


I'm sure it's good.


I don't know. Napoleon's not.


Oh, you heard it wasn't good, Napoleon?


Yeah, the reviews are in, and it's like...


It's abysmal. Abysmal?


It's bad, yeah. And it's like an upfront to Napoleon and his legacy, I think. And just not a... Yeah, bad.




So it can be done. It can be bad.


It can be. That's so true.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story?


Am I ready for our fifth and final story?


I think you are.


Oh, okay.


I think you're ready because it's something that we were talking about yesterday, and. But Mark Rubin is selling his majority stake in the Dallas.


Mavericks- I'm so glad you're bringing this up. Something's going on with Mark Rubin, and we have to get down to the.


Bottom of it. But okay, here's what's key, because I sent this... Right when I saw it, I sent it to Zach because he's obviously a huge Maverick fan. And he said that Mark will still have shares in the franchise and will still be running the team.


But he's not the majority owner.


No, he's selling it to the Adelson family.


Israeli, we love. What does that sound?


That was the press conference about- Okay. Yeah.


Now I want to know if these two pieces of information that were dropped on back to back days are... Is it coincidence?


No, Mark Huber is restructuring his business.


Something's going on with Mark Huber. I find this so interesting because I feel like he's super successful. And I wouldn't even say that the Dallas Mavericks is his biggest money earner because he has so many billion dollar companies. But it's the thing he's most proud of, and I think it's the thing he's most in love with.


And I think it's also the thing he's most known.


For, fame-wise. Maybe he's taking a step back from fame. Because both of these things are the two things we know him for, fame-wise. Sharks and the Mavericks. The Sharks versus the jets.


Or he has a huge project coming up that he needs all of his time, and he needs money, like billions because they bought 3.5 billion, was the valuation for the team.


No, I'm so intrigued by this. This is fishy. Fishy.


Yeah, or I think I saw a comment like, maybe he's trying to take time away to spend more time with his family and enjoy his success, which I love that, and that would be my reason too. But why do you have to sell the team? Why not continue on-.


No, it sounds like his new job is more involved.


If there is a new job.


But most owners just own the team. They bring in management and GMs, they don't spend all day working on the strategy.


Yeah, but I think that he's always done that, and he loves doing that. That's what makes him part of the Mavericks, as opposed to other owners who just own.


We don't even know their names.


He does oversee the basketball operations. He's intrinsically tied to the Mavericks, whereas other owners, do they just like, Oh, this is my team. Say hello.




Say hello to my little team.


You know what it is? It's interesting.


It's interesting. And I feel like there will be more news about what Mark Cuban is doing, because he's obviously... I think it's a restructuring of the business, I do.


And then when I heard that he sold this to the Adelsen family, I wanted to refresh my memory. How did the Adelsen family make their fortune? And it's never what you think, charter busses. I feel like we're thinking too small about how to become billionaires. It's always the random shit.


You think we're thinking small or we're thinking too big?


No, I think we're thinking obviously like tech, lottery.


That small?


Yeah. You got to think of random. Remember when we were in and we did that jet ski tour and we passed this enormous house, and the jet ski leader was like, Oh, that house belongs to some guy. And we're like, Oh, who is he? He said he literally has a patent on a door. It's always the random shit.




We got to get a door patent.


Yeah. Instead, we're doing this.


Right. Like trying to be famous and it's never going to happen.


So yeah.


All right. Well, the show is not over yet because we have to your toasters, which I'm excited about, which are brought to you by Skims. We want to tell you guys about underwear that we're obsessed with. It's the fits everybody collection from Skims, and we feel like it's their best kept secret. The feeling is like no other underwear that we've worn before. It's very stretchy, important, and soft. It just melts onto your body and you forget you're wearing it. We love it, and we think everybody should experience this level of comfort. Skims is just a great brand, a trustworthy brand. They are creating the next generation of underwear for everybody. So I talk a lot about the braulettes and the bras from Skims, how they really helped my back. I stand by that. They create products for women. Women.


All women.


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Yeah. No, they're the best things to wear around the house, but I'm in my era of out of the house too. I love the braulette, so cozy, supportive.


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Was worth mentioning. 100 %.


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Are you ready?




I'm not. I can't find it. We're pages app? I don't ever understand this thing. Okay. I thought this one was interesting. Ready? Hi, Jackson Claude. I'm writing to get the opinion of two proud Jewish queens on something my husband and I have been talking about lately. We are gay, he's Jewish, and I was raised Christian, but his temple has been nothing but welcoming and lovely. We are part of their interfaith program.


You look confused. No, two men.


Yeah, they're gay. That's what gay means.


For sure. But I just assume this was a woman, just because it's usually a woman. I'm like, Man and woman? Gay?


Okay. He's Christian man- Please, start.


Can you read that sentence again? We're gay.


I'm ready to get the opinion of two proud Jewish queens on something my husband and I have been talking about lately. We are gay. He's Jewish. I was raised Christian. His temple has been nothing but welcoming and lovely, and we are a part of their interfaith program. That's the cutest thing I've ever heard. We always knew that we wanted to raise our kids Jewish, and with everything going on in the world, it's now progressive to want Jews wiped from the face of the earth, we are more resolute than ever. The only thing I am struggling with is, do you think there's going to be a disconnect later on with my kids, with me not being Jewish? Is that going to be an important part of their identity that I miss out on? Sincerely, an interfaith toaster. So they're going to raise their kids Jewish, but I don't think he's planning on converting.


Got it. So I don't have personal experience with this, but I feel like we know people, and I have friends, and you've heard stories. I don't think that there will be a disconnect. There is no disconnect. If you're all about it just like they are, it would just be like, Oh, my dad is Jewish, and my dad is not Jewish. And plenty of kids grow up like that and grow up to be proud Jews. It's just about what you teach them.


No, and the cool thing is you can always convert. If you do find down the road that you feel left out or something, or there is a disconnect, just convert. It's always something you can do. You don't have to do it now, but it's like a backup plan.




This sounds so nice.


I'm obsessed. Yeah. And if you're in the interfaith program and you're taking them to a synagogue, and that's just like a part of your life, I think there will not be a disconnect.


Me neither. As long as you take it seriously and you have respect and love for the faith, which it seems like you do, I think your kids are very lucky to have both of you. And you sound great.


That was nice.


Okay, next one. I'm having trouble with my iPad today. I hope.


This is the best of us.


I wanted to choose... Oh, I thought this one was interesting. I keep saying that. Dear Jackson, Trudy. Hi, girlies. I recently decided to get sober. I'm going about four months strong. I'm planning my wedding festivities this year, and I was wondering if I could get your advice on how to approach my bachelorette party. All of my friends will be in attendance, love to drink, and I want them all to still feel like they can drink and have fun. But I'm concerned how they will be with me not drinking and the overall vibe of the bachelorette weekend. Any advice on how to approach this? Thanks so much and love you dearly. I feel like.


It doesn't need to be an approach at all. I feel like when anyone goes on a bachelorette party, they are going to do whatever they want to do because you have to remember it's their vacation. They paid for this. I'm not not drinking for one person or drinking for another person. I'm me, I'm going to do what feels right to me. So I think as long as they know do whatever you want, whether that's drink a lot or a little, and it's just an overall place where everyone can just do whatever they want? I don't think there needs to be rules set in.


No, I have three things to say. One, I do think you should tell your friends, By the way, I'm totally comfortable. I want you to have fun. This is for all of us, because I think they're probably thinking, Well, we're going to a bachelorette party, but she's sober. What should we do? What's appropriate? We don't want to be disrespectful. So I think you can tell them how you're feeling. Also, I would just caution a little bit because bachelorette parties are notoriously overconsumption vibes, and it's only been four months. And I think if you don't want people to drink, I think that's okay too, because there are ways to have bachelet parties. You could do a spa weekend.


Yeah. Is she sober? Or she just hasn't been drinking?


I recently decided to get sober, and I'm going four months strong.




So that's amazing. But you could also do a low key spa weekend. There's a million different things you could do for a bachelorette party that don't include drinking. So I would think hard about if you think you're ready for that. It's a lot. But I would.


Also be okay with everyone just showing up as they are. If people want to not drink out of respect to you, that's really nice, and they should do that. And if they want to drink what you want them to drink, then that's good too. There's nothing bad.


No, I would just think very hard about- That's.


A separate thing, if you really.


Are ready. -about your decision, if you're doing it for them or for you? Yeah. Because you want to be like, buzz kill bride. But honestly, I feel like when you go on a lot of bachelorette parties, if somebody was like, We're going to do a low key one that's going to be still really nice. We're going to go to a gorgeous spa, but it's not going to be drinking heavy. I'd be like, Thank God.


I'm a break. I would be so down.


Right, so people might surprise you. Yeah. But I guess my advice would be, if you really are, you feel very strongly that you are ready for this, just tell them. By the way, it's not weird. Do you? We're going to have so much fun. It's how so many people have one night stands and hook up with people on bachelorette parties when the bride fundamentally cannot do that.


Right. The other girls are always going to be rowdy.


Right. Okay, ready for our third one?


Oh, okay, this one was funny. I'm writing in because something horrifically embarrassing happened to me, and I need advice, but I mostly need to unburden myself. After a long day of work, I will often go home and take the edge off with a little weed, pot, marijuana, whatever you will. While I'm high, I just usually scroll on my foot. I just smoke. She's not giving up smoke. While I'm high, I'll usually.


Just scroll- Whoa, I'm not going in that smoke.


By the way, I said it with the same, Whoa, I'm not going in that lake intonation. While I'm high, I'll usually scroll my phone mindlessly doing random bullshit. About a month ago, I did partake in my after-work retreat, and I was doing the usual scrolling through my phone and also having a side conversation with my roommate. I was scrolling on Instagram, just basically liking every photo that went by. Little did I know the entire time I was mindlessly scrolling and liking, I was on someone's profile, liking, yes, every single photo of hers. This girl is someone I met in college, but honestly, we were never friends, and I can't even remember a conversation that we've had. So she had to have gotten at least 50 notifications for me, liking every single one of her Instagram photos, literally mortifying, and I'm just haunted by it. I had to unburden myself. Thanks, ladies. Love you.


Yeah, that's an unburding yourself. There's no solving this. There's only releasing it.


There's only releasing it, but also maybe this should just help you think critically about who you follow. Why are you following someone, a girl from college who you've never even had a conversation with? You need to protect your-.


But it's always better that it happened with someone that she doesn't have to answer to.


No, but okay, let's say this was someone you're close with, or you can be honest with. And they're like, the next day they're like, What the hell?


You can be like, I was high. Wait, but then you're only following five people.


And you know what? Keep your circle close.




If you keep your circle hella close, nothing really embarrassing can happen to you. That's the lesson for me always.


Yeah, but I do follow a bunch. You like to follow people you used to know on Instagram?


That's why you have a second Instagram account that's completely anonymous, like a normal person?


I thought that you detoxed from your FinSta.


I actually did. I'm about two months clean on my Finna. I thought about it the other day. I used to literally check it once a day. I was not okay. And I actually feel better, for real. And I naturally stopped using it. It's not like I was like, I'm quitting. Yeah. I feel amazing. I know I really can't talk about this.


No, because I feel like for a Finster, it's either people that you hate, and so you're looking at them to hate on them, and that's not healthy, or it's people that you're clowning on, but you find yourself engaging all their content, you're their fan. And you should just follow them from your real account is how I feel. If it's really just to hate, follow, you're a fan. It's okay.


Just follow. No, the haters to fan pipeline is extremely small. It's literally just.


Like a stick. But then there's the other sector of Finsa where it's your enemies that you're checking in on.


I do that too.


That's just unhealthy. You shouldn't follow those people from your personal. You shouldn't- Keep up with them. -keep up with them at all, because then you're just holding on to that.


Yeah. So when it comes to actual tactical advice for.


You- There's no advice. It's, well, it happened. It's a good thing you don't.


Have to talk to her. It's really, it's harmless.


Harmless? Just a little bit of a.


I'm sure if you told her the truth, she'd be like, L-O-L. What is she? A Narc?




Watch, she's a cop. Well, that's Deer Toasters, our weekly advice segment where you girls can write in about truly anything. And we'll do our absolute best to help you in your time of need. And if we have helped you in your time of need and you have an update for us, please send us, we are waiting for you to send us an update. Just write us an email to your toasters@gmail. Com and put update in the subject line. We're waiting for you. The toasters are waiting for you. And it's rude to take our advice and just run away and live happily ever after. What happened? Yeah. That.. Yeah. That's our show.




Toastwrapped. Oh, that's totally the name of.


Today's episode. Oh, I feel like we might have called it that last year when we talked about-.


Well, we are consistent.




We're consistent, except we're 110 % up in streams.


Oh, yeah.


Toastrapped. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Did we call it that last year?


I don't know. No, I don't see any of a show called Toast wrapped.


Well, Toast wrapped it is you all. Thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast the Millennium Morning show where we deliver the past five stories that you need to know everybody through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a video thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast. Anywhere podcast anywhere podcasts can be found. So it's at Spotify, YouTube, Stitcher, Public Radio, I-R, Radiocast, Box, all the places. Maybe listen to podcast. Find out to Tost even perhaps or review about a beautiful stunning and good like talented we are. Have a great day. We'll see you in the latter half of the week. That's tomorrow. Can't wait. Love you.


Love you. Bye.