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Good morning, millennials.


Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Chosin' Happy Tuesday, or as I like to call it, Tuesday, because I'm making choices today. And one of those choices is to spend the morning with my favorite girl, this willy on the planet. It's Jacki. Let's see how long I could talk before I let her say a word today.


It's my turn. Hey, turty. I love that you feel you have a choice, but you don't have a choice but to spend every morning with me.


Jackie, there's this little thing called free will. And if I wanted to, isn't it crazy? You and me both, we both have the power to just fuck this shit up and be like, Listen, I'm done with the toast.


The thing is, it's funny that we're having this conversation today because we literally don't... I'm sick as a dog, and I have no power to say, I'm done with the toast today. No, but I think about this a lot. The show must go on.


No, but I think about this a lot. Whenever I'm crossing the street, I'm always like, It's amazing that the car at the red light has free will and isn't just going to run me over. The way that we've all just decided, most of us, to be civilized, it's really amazing. I always think, I'm three inches from a car. What is stopping this guy from just killing me?


It's this unwritten social contract that we've all signed to be decent to one another, some of the time. Some of the time. Not all, as we've seen.


Not World Kindness Day, that's for sure.


Certainly not. But you could just quit. Okay, if I quit, like if you quit, I would continue on, and I'd probably do it with Ben. Okay. If I quit, who would you do it with?


Olivia Margo. Which one? I'd see who wants the job.


Which one?


Whoever wants the job, or maybe I'd make them audition. Maybe I'd put it to a vote. Like, could get really-.


Oh, she'd be testing them.


A-b testing, Q scores.


Screen testing.


Screen testing the girls.


Okay, that's a good answer.


Okay, thanks.




Welcome. Are you going somewhere?


No, nowhere.


Seems like you've given this a lot of thought.


No, I am giving a lot of thought always to just the concept of free will. Do we have it? Sound off in the comments.


I think that we do. What do you think?


I think technically, we do. But human nature plays a part.


Yeah, I mean, we still have a code of behavior and a code of ethics that we all want to abide by, but it's our free will to engage in those.


Yeah, when I'm driving, I could just run the red light and kill some people, but I don't want to pay the price of that. And I also don't feel like killing people, you know? Right. So that's my human nature, stepping in to Trump my free will.


Yeah. Cool.


Yeah. That's what I was thinking about this morning when I was crossing the street. Maybe you didn't think that because you work from home. You didn't pass any cars on your way to work today.


Yeah, and I just know if I don't think that's such dumb shit sometimes. Okay, free.


Will is not dumb shit bitch. Maybe it's because they just read the measure.


Yeah, I actually think we had this conversation. I was trying to think if we've had it on The Toast or on The Redheads. When we read the measure, we were talking about free will, and all of us chimed in on what our thoughts are about free will. I don't know if that was here or there, but my thought is that I think we all have free will. We can make whatever decision that we want, but God knows what decisions we're going to make.


Well, yes, that's true. But then you think about, there are people who literally do plow their cars into crowds of people. And maybe those people took the concept of free will too crazy.




Because that's really... I can't.


Think of another explanation. I don't think that's what it is. That the free will.


Switch just flipped.


I think that there's a different code that they live by.


Or they're mentally ill.




Yeah, okay. So maybe everything's not about free will is what you're saying?


Yeah, there's just more that goes into it.


Yeah. Okay.


So it's Tuesday. And this is a raging debate that philosophers and theologians have been having for centuries. So you and I jumping in on a random Tuesday.


No, I think our experience and our thoughts.


Are valid. No, I'm saying, but we're just part of a larger conversation.


Okay, and then it makes you think of another larger conversation, nature versus nurture. Where do you.


Land on that, Jacks? A bit of both. To me, that's always been my thinking. But then watching three identical strangers prove that for me. To me, that settled the debate. It's a bit of nature and a bit of nurture.


You really can't talk about nature versus nurture without bringing up three identical strangers. If you haven't seen the documentary, you absolutely must. And the way, I just stumbled upon that documentary on a Delta Flight once, and then I was texting everyone I know and Googling it. They're like, Yeah, we all saw it two years ago. That's so me. And then made it my personality and then found a personal connection to the documentary. If you guys weren't a part of that era on The Toast, that was so crazy.


We're like- No, literally, Three I 10th Street and Jersey is our Roman Empire.


Yes, it's our Roman Empire. I was fully convinced that Ben's mom was a part of this study that was done because she was adopted. It was the same adoption agency. I've never got any proof, but I made it about myself.


Yeah. No, you did have a very clear connection to it. I had a strong case. It wasn't a stretch by any means, considering how you could have stretched to make it about you. You really didn't have to do it right there.


I've done bigger back flips to make it about myself.


Hundred %. That was a crazy time. If you haven't watched The Identical Strangers, that's one of the things I would say, turn off the toast and go watch it. Don't wait till the episode is over. Go watch it now.


And then, call your local congressmen and write your representatives to get those papers unsealed at Yale University. Not enough people talk about... As long as we're all talking about what's going on at college campuses right now, let's talk about how Yale has sealed medical documents about this incredibly fucked up study experiment that was done on real people without them knowing. And there are people walking around now who don't even know they were a part of the study because it all happened when they were actual newborns. And Yale University has all that information and could actually reunite families, and they won't unseal it. Let's talk about that.


No, and it won't be unsealed to 2080 or something. To all the people who participated would be dead. Also, they ran this medical experiment, and in those records are the results. So it's like, okay, you were tested on knowingly.


You fucked up all these.


People's lives. You fucked up these people's lives like, what did you learn? And there's so much anarchy going on college campuses, and I'm not really one to advocate for breaking the law, but why not steal the records?


Yeah, I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence. We need Nicholas cage up in this bitch.


Fucking steal the records, okay?


I'm with, Jackie.


#stealtherecords. Why are these records so protected? Fucking steal them. There's no sense of lawfulness on these, there's no sense of ethics, right or wrong. Steal the records, okay?


Jackie, if only Jewish students were protected as swiftly and as fiercely as these documents were.


Well, you know that the documents are about medical experiments that were on Jewish children, so they really don't give a shit about letting them out.


No, but we're just actively living in the cover-up. We saw the documentary, everybody... It blew the thing wide open. And then in 2080, when these things come out, we're going to be like, Well, why wasn't in 2020 people still advocating while they were alive to get the documents unsealed? So that's what I'm protecting my legacy by having this conversation. I did the right thing.


Yeah, no same. And I feel like it obviously moved through the new cycle, it's not top of mind for anyone except for us. And we need to bring it back into the four. I know there's a lot going on in the world, but this is important.


We need to make three identical strangers, like trend again. Somebody needs to post about it on TikTok. You know how they like...


Tiktok, they'll post-Yale archival center is over party.




Yale's been over party.


Yale will always be over party. So it's Tuesday. We've got a show that, I can't tell 100 %, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be fabulous. It already is.


It always is. That's the thing. But I feel like we have some things working against us today.




My sickness.


Oh, I thought you were going to-No, not at all. Okay, free will.


No, I wasn't.


You're worse.


I'm worse than I was yesterday, yes. I'm hoping this is rock bottom and I start to get better. But between the sinus, the feeling, the sneeze, and nose blowing, I apologize in advance. I know it's annoying, but imagine how I feel. Imagine how I feel. Put yourself in my shoes.


Imagine how tired we are of it. Imagine how tired we are of it.


Right. So I do apologize. I apologize for nasalness.


She's slurring.


She's sick.


She's sick. But wait, you know what you might need? A nice warm chili to ease the pain in your throat.


Invigorate the senses.


Warm the cockles of your heart. And very exciting. Jackie and I have been talking a lot. Not actually a lot. We've mentioned a few times recently that we're doing a whole merch rebrand, new company, new website, new everything. Our first big collection is set to come out in a few weeks. But a few days ago, Jackie had this crazy idea for just a random merch drop. And so last night we just put... We put it up on our new website, which is shoptoastmerch. Com, a collection of very chili inspired items. And it isn't like the big new drop we've been talking about. We just had this idea and we wanted to get it up for pre-order at shoptoastmerch. Com. It's chili season merch because it is that time of year. We needed to get it out. We couldn't wait.


We couldn't wait. I was making my chili, and I was like, I need merch to signify this season of my life. I want to wear this every Sunday while I'm ripping up a chili and having a chili day.


It's true. Right. So check that out. The pictures are on our Instagram, but you could just go to shoptoastmerch. Com to get a crew neck, a hoodie, or a hat.


You can get whatever size you want because it's available for pre-order, so it's not going to sell out. You can place your order now. It'll ship in about three weeks, and you can get whatever you want.


But that's not our big merch collection that we've been teasing.


No, no, no, no, no. So just don't get confused and get excited, because what we've been teasing is really exciting.


And we will continue to tease it.


And we've always been teasing it.


And we always will be teasing it.


If that ain't the truth.


So how are the stories today?


The stories are mediocre, which I find sometimes an added value, because sometimes when we have fire stories, we have to talk about them. You know.


What I mean? Yeah, yesterday was very analytical.


Yeah, yesterday was very like, Here's what's going on in pop culture. When the stories are a little less than we have to get creative.




That's when we do our best work. So as I said, I think it will be a great show based on her track record if I was a betting woman.


If history is any indicator.


But there's always a chance that it's not.


There's always a chance. You're right, there are things working against us.


Yeah, the nasalness is not my best sound.


Just giving friend fine. Oh, is it? Yeah.


Okay, that makes it better.


I like she's very nasally.


That makes it better.


Have you ever seen the nanny? Of course. Oh, okay.


Naked night, baby.


Yeah, but you never did a rewatch, right?


No, not yet.


I definitely would recommend it.


I have so much on my content plate right now. So I started Iron Flame last night. I'm three pages in.


The new book?


The new Fourth Wing book, yeah. But I have to... Lessons and Chemistry, which I'm watching with the people, it's episode by episode. I've heard The Buccanears on Apple TV was made- I've heard it's excellent. I've heard it was made for me.




I did see a commercial for it, and I thought the same. Then I have... There was a series I was going to watch. I need to start writing these things down.


I pretty much only have Gossip Girl. I watched three episodes last night. Me and Ben turned to each other in the middle, and we were like, This is the greatest show ever made. To put it simply, there's never been a show that's better.


Really? I thought you were going to say the opposite, like your time has come to.


An end. No, in the beginning, it definitely took a little like... What is this? It was a little cringe, and I dragged it last week. We're at the beginning of season two now. It's just simply incredible.




There's nothing better, Vick, for real. Now I know... And then I discovered last night because I forget what we were talking about. We were just talking about shows like Gossip Girl, and I brought up the OC, and Ben's like, I've never seen it. So that's what.


We'll be doing next. That is such a good rewatch. I rewatched it recently.


Especially for Ben, because Ben is Sandy Cohen.


Oh, my God. Claudia, you need to start it now.


I know. I forget that there's an element of Judaism in the OC. You wouldn't.


Think- Honestly, you need to move on from Gossip Girl and start the OC. Ben's nervous- I know. And he is Sandy Cohen.


Ben is Sandy Cohen. I couldn't believe... Because we were talking about late Mieser. I'm like, Do you know who she's married to now? And he was like, Yes, Adam Brody. And Ben's like, What's he from? I'm like, Oh, he's Seth Cohen. He's like, Who's Seth Cohen? I'm like, Have you never seen the O-Z? That's how we got to that conversation.


Oh, my God.


And... So that's an exciting thing coming up.


That is exciting. Wow.


Yeah. So it's just been a lot about that recently in my life.


I understand. That's good. It's a good place.


To be. How are the boys? Are they sick? Did they get you sick?


Yeah, Harry was the culprit on this one, but I seem to be sicker than he was because it passed for him already, so- Let.


Me ask you a question, because I know part of being a mom is just getting sick because your kid gets sick at school. Everybody's carrying around a bunch of germs. Does it hit different when you get sick from your kid? It's better?


Like anything Harry gives me- We're so simpatico, we're sick together. But to be honest, most of the sicknesses he's had, I'm already immune to as an adult, like he gets sick because he'sittler and getting everything for the first time. So it's been a while since he gave me something. And this is just the calm and cold, it's really nothing crazy. It's just so inconvenient. There's nothing to take for it. And I can't even take a typical cold and sinus medication, because I'm breastfeeding and it will dry you out, because that's what it's meant to do, like dry out your sinuses. It dries up your supply.


Okay, but I would just imagine that Harry comes over and he gives me a leaf. It's the most beautiful, amazing leaf I've ever received in my life. So I imagine Harry comes over and gives me the common cold. Does it feel different? You can be honest.


No, it feels the same, but it's nice to be in the trenches with him. Mommy understands.


Yeah, Yeah.


Mommy's going through the same thing. Well, you're going through? Yeah, and then I know what might be bothering him a little tickle in the throat. Let's have an icy. Let's have a Pedialight icy.


That makes sense. That sounds good.


So I get to experience it. If he can't tell me his symptoms, I know.


You know.


Mommy knows.


Mommy knows best. Mommy knows everything.


And it's good if I get it, because then I get the antibodies or whatever it is, and I pass them on to Charlie. So it's a whole little ecosystem. Let me.


Ask you another question about motherhood, because they say mother knows best. And as you get older, you realize everything you were told as a kid, your parents weren't really always right about everything. So are you coming into you like you're now the person-.


I know. I'm the authority.


-who knows everything? Yeah. How does that feel? And where do you get your information?


That's a great question. I mean, a lot of it, I think, is passed down from what your parents- Generations. -have done and what they would do when you were sick and little things. But then also we go to the doctor, we learn more. I see some stuff on the internet like, Oh, here's a little remedy for tummyache.


Yeah, but what I'm saying is more like... They always say, Mommy knows best. They don't say, Daddy knows best. No offense. What separates you from the pack of your family as the leader?


Mother is intuition.


Mother, that's true.


It is real.


It is?


Yes, 100 %. It's very real, and that's just biological. Because I've seen you become that, and that's on God.


Literally. Because I've seen you become that, even as it pertains to me. I just defer to you. You've really just become that person. It doesn't happen overnight. It's like a slow transition.


Yeah, it doesn't happen overnight, but it's just a wisdom acquired over time.


That's beautiful.


Coupled with mother's intuition.


I just feel like when the day comes, God willing I should be so lucky to be a mother. I'm not going to be a smart one. I'm still dumb. Do you know what I mean?


I know what you're saying.


Are there moms out there? Serious question. Who are dumb? Yes. Okay.


And I was just thinking that not every mother at the outset has all this wisdom. I think a lot of it is learning on the job. You can get sick once, and then the next time you are more prepared.




It's a wising up over time. But you are not dumb. You're not a dumb woman.


Like other women.


Might be. No, but by the way- Like other women might be.


Jackie, I am. I'm really not smart when it comes to common sense. I think I'm very business-savvy. I think I'm smart in different and unique ways. But when it comes to, I find myself the answer to obvious things are always right in front of most people, and they're never in front of me. Do you know what I mean?


Yeah. I mean, every once in a while, I do something incredibly dumb. Okay, that makes me feel better. And I'm like, Oh, I'm so dumb. I think I'm smart, and I'm just a dummy.


Okay, that's a universal experience.


Is that what you're saying? Yeah, I'll do something, and I'm like-.


I wish I could think of an example, but it's like, no... The answer is so obvious, and it didn't even cross my mind.


Yeah, no, I feel like something is on the tip of my tongue of something I did recently that was dumb common sense.


Oh, I mean, I guess when you rolled your ankle, you shouldn't have walked through the weeds of grass. You should have just walked on.


The sidewalk. Yeah, I was thinking that too. But just dumb stuff, even when it comes to cooking, sometimes I'll put my hand on something that's obviously hot.


No, that's so me coated. Totally. You know what? I have a cooking hack for everyone.




I guess a lot of people do this, but we don't because we keep posture. But at Costco and a million grocery stores, they sell just a rotestery chicken that's already cooked. So you just heat it up, and that's literally dinner. Yeah. So I was on Instagram yesterday, and I saw that Fairway had a kosher one. Yeah. Dinner. I literally made dinner, Ben, washook. I'm like, I made dinner.


Oh, so the cooking hack is to buy a rotestery chicken?


Yeah. I know everybody knows that, but we haven't really been able to participate in that.


No, it's true. We don't get to participate in it. And then I think the next level of that is when you use the rotisserie chicken from the store and make a Chicken.


Pot Pie. So Ben does that with chicken salad. He's like a rotist. So when I got... Oh, this is insane. I literally was so excited. I made dinner. Ben got home late. He was podcasting. He went on Chicks in the Office and they went on him. So Good Guys X, Chicks in the Office collab.


Coming out. Oh fun. Was both of the boys?


Well, so the Chicks are in L. A.


I saw they were at the media studios. Were they doing Good Guys?


Yes. So Ben was like the loser on the remote end of it. And he honestly... That never works out. I'm sorry, it doesn't.


I don't think so either. That's why we.


Didn't do that. The girlies and Josh that were like, keke'ing hard. And Ben was like, Loserville Central sitting in this chair right here. What was the point? Where was I going? Oh, so he gets home and I was so generous. I got this rotisserie chicken. Bless you. Let it out, girl. Put it in the book.


I put my mic across the room.


Okay, hopefully that helps. But you can hear me, right? My rotisserie chicken story, it's really interesting. So Ben gets home and he's like, Oh, rotisserie chicken. So I'm like, Yeah, I made some rice. Ben was going to make some veggies. And I was like, That's dinner. So easy. And he's like, No, I think I'm going to shred this up and make chicken salad. I was personally offended. First of all, I bought this for us so we could have dinner for you to then take the chicken that I bought that I spent time on, time sourcing- Sourcing. -and then take it away from me and tear it up for your nasty fucking chicken salad? He couldn't understand why I was so deeply offended by that.


Yeah, it's offensive because it was your idea. It was your rotisserie chicken. Yes. And he's making something that you don't eat. Thank you. He could make a chicken pot pie with it, and that would.


Be better. I wouldn't eat that.


Okay, chicken soup. I'm not sick. You understand what I'm saying, right? Yeah, but- Chicken, Casserole. No. Okay, whatever the fuck.


You eat. Yeah, okay.


If he had made something that was turty friendly, something that you've been dying for, that's a good use of the chicken. But to just be so selfish and unkind? Unworld kindness day.


Unworld kindness day, nonetheless. I knew you would understand.


Yeah. So did he use the whole chicken or half of it? His portion?


I literally said, sit down. We're having rotisserie chicken for dinner.


And that's what we had. And you said, you'll eat it. You'll and you'll like it.


That's exactly what I said. Well, maybe I am a mother.


I feel like as you're entering your home making era, this is preparing you, because now you have dinner on the table. Okay, sure, you have to do it seven days a week, every day for the rest of your life.


Maybe that's why God made men so dumb and incapable to prepare. This is obviously a heteronormative way of thinking, so pardon my- Heteronormativity. -my exclusivity. But maybe God made men so fucking stupid and incapable so that by the time we get married, you're married for maybe a year, two years, three years, in my case, seven, before you have children, so you're prepared for that immaturity and toddler-esque behavior.


It's true, but some men- Well, first of all, your.


Husband is- I refuse to believe.


It that some men are smart.


No, that some men are capable who do... I don't mean smart, as in wisdom. I mean, chores, meals, cleanup, household things.


But your husband cooks.


And thank God for that.


Your husband is an actual chef.


Okay, yes. And while that's lovely to have a cacau van for dinner, what about the dishes? Ben made literally... Okay, Ben last night made just roasted onions and carrots. We just had some stuff, so we had a veggies. Not onions, like carrots, potatoes, whatever. Four dishes. Four pots and pans.


He needs an OPD, a.


One pot dish. But to Ben, if he's not making enough dishes, it's not enough of a meal. Do you know what.


I mean? He doesn't feel like he's really cooking.




I understand that. Also- It's just a theory I have. What I was also thinking is like, when Zach and I... Right now, I'm such a homemaker. I try and cook something every single day I had fresh muffins in my house. I'm just-.




In that era. I'm that woman. But when Zach and I were dating, if he was looking for a home making wife, it would not have been me. I remember one time, I was like, I'm going to cook dinner for him at my apartment, do something special, whatever. Olivia made the whole meal. And the thing that I was in charge of, I think it was just chopping a salad, took me forever to chop. And it's like, if you had... You really don't know what you're going to get when you are with someone young. And then, I mean, looking at how I've blossom, but.


Like- It's true.


-you would have never expected this for me.


I'm so glad you brought up a salad, because the absolute one time I ever cooked for Ben while we were dating, we were together, and he randomly wanted a salad. I was like, Oh, okay. I was like, Let me make it. And to this day, he still talks about the salad. So I cut up lettuce that.


Would- Because it was so good.


No. I don't eat salad, so I don't really know what goes in a salad.


I know lettuce goes in- It depends on your preference.


And it depends what you have in the fridge. So I put salad in, lettuce. I cut up carrots, but they were baby carrots. So they were just these really weird circles.


Yeah, that's hard to eat amongst other things.


Then I put hearts of palm in it, which Ben doesn't like.


Okay, he's wrong.


For that. And then I know Ben loves dressing and he loves sauce, so I just put Russian on top.




Pretty disgusting. And to this day, he still talks about the salad. I can see the salad in my head, the round little carrots. It was not my.


Finest moment. The thing about salads is that typically you have to go with a vibe. You have to select your salad, and then that will dictate the ingredients. Choose your player. Choose your players. So if you wanted to do obviously a Caesar salad, you should have done that because it's just like lettuce, cheese, and croutons, you can buy all those things. Or if you want to do a Greek salad that tells you what the ingredients: feta, onion, olive, cucumber, yummy.


I do a bit of mix and match, but when you're making your salad for yourself, you could do whatever the.


Hell you want. It basically sounds like what you're saying is salad is personal.


Salad is personal.


So I feel like we've dilly-dally long enough, and perhaps- Perhaps.


It's time for the first five stories that you need to know. And the.


First five stories that you need to know are brought to you by L'Oréal. This episode of The Toast is brought to you by the new L'Oréal Paris Bright Reveal Dark Spot Serum and the Broad Spectrum SPF 50 daily lotion. Dark spots, game over. After a summer, I feel like we all took a look in the mirror and we were like, Wow, we did not protect our skin enough. We have dark spots, we have a little bit of sun damage, and L'Oréal is here for you. So the L'Oréal Paris Bright Reveal Dark Spot Serum visibly fades all types of dark spots up to 40 %. After 12 weeks, you can see up to 40 % less visibility on most acne marks, 43 % less visibility on dark spots, and 49 % more even tone. It starts fading in just one week, even the most stubborn dark spots, and after two weeks your skin will look clearer, your skin texture will look refined and smooth. It's made for all skin tones. It's suitable for sensitive skin. Its formula is validated by dermatologist. And why don't you stop dark spots before they even start? We have to wear SPF, ladies.


We're not 14 anymore. Under your makeup, every day you're going out, you need to be wearing SPF. Not me yelling at everyone. I'm not even good with my SPF. What's the word I'm looking for? Consistency. But the L'Oréal SPF 50 daily UV lotion is a stick. It makes it so easy. It doesn't leave a white cast. That's why for so long I was like, I'm not putting this on. It's making me look pale. You can visibly reduce the appearance of dark spots and resist sun-induced signs of aging with this product, the daily UV lotion. 100 % of dark spots are intensified by the sun, and 96 % of women agree that this product does not leave a white cast. So discover the new Bright Reveal Dark Spot duo. Visit Target online and in-store to buy yours today. That's Target, the Bright Reveal Dark Spot duo from L'Oréal Paris. Today's episode is also brought to you by AG1. If you are tired of taking so many supplements and want a single solution that supports your entire body and covers your nutritional bases every day, if you want better gut health, a boost in energy, immune system support, and you hate taking pills and vitamins, but you want a supplement that actually tastes great, start drinking AG1.


You will feel a real difference in your daily health. You also will have more energy, and you will notice a more relaxed feel and a better focus. No one is a better spokesperson for AG1 who literally got... I woke up later than bed today. He sat on my bedside, chugging his AG1. He made it his entire personality. But really, there are so many benefits, especially if you just want to be more... How do I say this nicely? Have better digestive consistency and health. It'll really get you on a good track. And there's nothing better, I'm sorry, than making a big dump in the morning. I'm sorry. And AG1 is just great for that. It really is. It is a supplement that we trust to provide the support our body needs daily, and that's why we're excited to partner with them and welcome them in as a new partner. So if you want to take ownership of your health, it starts with AG1. Try AG1 and get a free one year supply of vitamin D3K2 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase. Go to drinkag1. Com/toast. That's drinkag1, the number one, dot com slash toast.


Check it out. Ben will be mad at me if I don't give him credit for putting me on the AG1 train. Olivia Ashray, too. But really, Ben has brought us into our home. And Sitch. Our family. Oh, and Sitch. We're an AG1 family. Yeah. Today's episode is also brought to you by Thrive Market. We always love a Black Friday deal, but what we really love is a Black Friday deal on groceries. Did you see that meme? It's like, This Black Friday? Put the eggs on sale. That's what people need. Just everything to be normal priced for their everyday. I don't need a flat screen TV. I have.


Right. We're saying we need grocery back Friday, and Thrive Market was like, Hi, we do that.


Thrive Market was like, Wait, hold my eggs. We're excited that Thrive Market is having a Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale. Thrive Market is our go to for all of our grocery and household essentials. The convenience of getting everything online and then quickly shipped to our doorstep is a huge time saver and game changer. Thrive Market, as a member, we save money on every single grocery order. On average, we're saving over 30 % every time. And with their Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale, we are going to be saving even more. We're getting 30 % off thousands of Thrive Market favorites. So you know what would be stocking up for me? The snacks. I was actually on the phone with Jackie yesterday asking her what she gets from Thrive Market because I really have been very conscious keeping good, healthy snacks in my house. So I don't get super hungry and then just have a big meal or get super hungry and eat crap.




So I like shopping from Thrive Market. I like I love Annie's. I love their cheese puffs. I got really good recommendations from you and from Thrive Market for good things just to have in my house to keep me on my journey.


Yes, they also have great food options for babies and toddlers, and they have such great health stuff. I actually have a package that's being delivered today. I got a ton of bee keepers, natural, because we're all sick. And I'm really excited to incorporate those into our immunity, boosting.


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Thank you, La.


You're welcome, Fa.


Our first story is some big divorce news.


The big day?


The big day. Chris Appleton files for divorce from Lucas Gage after six months of marriage. According to LA divorce documents obtained by people, Chris cited irreconcilable differences on Monday with the date of separation as November 10th. The documents also show that a post-nupcial agreement is in place. Chris Appleton, who is a hairstylist to the stars, namely Kim Kardashian, married Lucas Gage in a Las Vegas ceremony on April 22nd with Kim, offitiating. The episode just aired on the Cardassians.


Of their wedding. Honestly, I feel like he was contractually obligated to stay married until that episode aired. The timing is crazy.


The timing is crazy. I don't know about a contract, but it would have been really weird to watch an episode of people getting married who are already divorced. I just felt like for their reputation, let's just wait a few days until the episode airs.


Yeah. I honestly feel like this was the weirdest saga. I don't think this shocks anyone. The only somewhat surprising thing about this is the timing.


Like the shortness or because of the episode?


Because of the episode. No, the shortness, we knew. I think we were all just waiting for the day that we heard. They literally dated for, I think, maybe a month. It was crazy. Then they went to Vegas and got married. It was so cliché, almost.


I know, but sometimes when that happens, I'm like, It's love at first sight. You hear people's grandparents, and this happens all the time.


Jackie, we're not living in those types of times anymore.


We dated for six weeks, and now we've been together 60 years.


No, that's sweet. But shit like that doesn't happen anymore.


I want to believe in the world where it does. So when I saw they were so serious, so and then they take it to getting married, for me, that makes me believe. I believe.


I believe in a thing called love.


That's really sweet. I believe in a thing called love.


That's sweet. I didn't.


Especially because they got married. If they didn't get married and they just got hot and heavy really fast, Pete and Ariana style, fine. Burn bright, fizzle out, fine. But to get married, I'm like, give me 60 years.


I just think about all the people whose wedding songs are Shaneya Twain. It's true. And who would have done anything to have Shaneia Twain perform at their wedding.


Yes, that is true.


And it just seems unfair, honestly, because that song, Still the One, is literally a classic. It's up there with Ed Sheeran. It's up there with Oh, what a wonderful world. Oh, the way you look tonight.


A thousand years.


It was Jackson-Pretney's wedding song. I was out their wedding. I'm sure they would have loved to have Shaneye perform it for them.


Yeah. You know what it makes me think of? Even though it wasn't a Shaneye-Twayne song.




That love is blind, couple that was obsessed with that LeAnne Rymes song, I Hope You Dance.


Bliss and Zach.


Bliss and Zach.


Honestly, Love is blind really should have gotten her to perform.


At least they got the rights to the song.


It's not LeAnne Rymes. It's LeAnne Womack.


Okay, close enough.


That's true. At least they got the rights to the song. You know they're cheap about licensing.


Over there. Yeah, but the song is such a big part of the season.




The memes. They splurged. So they weren't going to splurge for LeAnne herself.


I don't know. I think LeAnne Womack these days wouldn't be crazy pricey.


Yeah, and Bliss and Zach are still together.


They are. So are Chelsea and Kwame. So that's.


Why it's shocking that Chris and Lucas couldn't make it. Other couples have.


Gone the distance. So are Amber and Barnet.


That doesn't surprise me.


No, not what doesn't.


Surprise me. But Chelsea, Kwame, and Bliss, and Zach, their road to marriage was so rocky and their seasons were so awkward. It's surprising. But Amber and Parnat.


Love- They were.


Strong from the second they left. -they were strong from the beginning, just like Lauren and Cameron.


No, I'm actually more shocked, probably the most shocked by Chelsea and Kwame than I am over anyone else. Even though, Blissa and Zach were so traditional and so fast and the boat and the other girl, what was her name? Irina? I get it. But to me, Chelsea and Kwame were more shocking because just based on the footage, it so appeared like they didn't like each other.


No, that he didn't like her.


And that's just the basis of a marriage, is likeness.


But the fact that they're still together-.


Is proof in the pudding.


No, it makes me really question what we see on the shows.




Like them being together is bad for the editors because it's like, Hey, we're a bunch of fuckingI'm not a liar. He's a liar.


Yeah, or maybe some people are just not good at showing affection, especially with cameras in your face. And maybe that's what Kwame is dealing with.


I don't know. The way it made it seem as like he would have chosen Micah. That scene in the pool.


That scene in the pool. It's so crazy how these people get so famous and recognizable for 30 seconds. When you just said, Mike, I'm like, Wait, who is that?




It's really just a flash in the pan.


Yeah. Zach is obsessed with Love is Blind. He watched the most recent season.


And that's just like- By himself or with you?


By himself. But I would look over his shoulder a little bit.


You know what? Olivia and Shapiro are also obsessed with it, too. It's like, elder, millennial. That's who watches Love is Blind.


Then he went back and watched- Wait, Jackie.


Is Love is Blind? Chuggy?


Yeah. Yeah. Then, he went back and watched every season that he hadn't seen already. Oh, he.


Has to watch.


The first season. He needed even more, and he started watching The Ultimatum.


Oh, my God. Is he okay?


He's obsessed. He's just in this era of dating shows. Don't tell him about The Bachelor.


No, you're to blame because he obviously just loves Love Island.


Yeah, but I don't know why he started watching that season of Love is Blind. I'm sure that he heard, Oh, we watched the last season together. That was in the spring, I remember. That was Sir Klaj-Aire. We watched the live finale together. So yeah, I got him into it, and then he couldn't get enough.


That's so funny. And also, that's great news because our list of things to watch for our holiday trip this year as a family is The Golden Bachelor.


So he'll be on board. And he'll love it.


And those shows are so funny when you watch them with a big group.


Yeah. And I've heard Golden Bachelor is really good.


Me too. I'm really trying not to spoil it.


I have only seen that Jerry said he found his match.






I just feel like it's not right.


That it should be Jerry.


I'm sure it's a family name, and it's beautiful, but if you're going to go on TV, your name's got to be Jerry.


I just feel like once we start watching, we'll get used to Gary, and we'll be like, Oh, I can't believe we ever called him Jerry. But until we get there, it's like, Jerry.


By the way, have any of the Golden Bachelor candidates had old tweets? Or are they beyond that?


I don't know. I haven't seen anything.


At this point, there isn't a reality show that pops off without one contestant having old tweets.


Yes, something. Old liked photos.


Right. So did anybody docs the Golden Bachelor queens yet?


I don't know, but don't give them any ideas, Claude.


Sorry. I was just curious.


Are you ready for our next story? Because it's some more divorce news.


Oh, my God.


Different. No one's getting divorced today. Okay. Lisa Hawking is launching an amicable divorce company amid her brutal spit from Lenny. So Lisa Hawking is ready to help others who are headed for divorce. She is launching a service called SplitWell, which is a service to help estrange couples and their marriages amicably and, quote, without breaking the bank. A Bravo fan account posted about the reality star's new endeavor, which Lisa then reposted to her stories and said, turning my pain into purpose. The website isn't fully functional yet, but inquiring minds can add their names to the waitlist for more information. It also notes that it's powered by AI.




Question mark.


Okay, I mean, this is a nice idea. I have to imagine if this was possible, somebody would have done it before. This isn't a unique idea. I don't know.


She's dating like a tech mogul. Like, maybe they're about to- Oh, that's true. -maybe they're about to resolve divorce.


It's giving Christine Quinn.


Also, what if it's an app where two people are getting divorced, they type into the thing, it's powered by AI. So you type in what you want in the divorce the other person types into, and AI comes up with something that maybe you both could live with.


So it's basically like a digital mediator.


Because that's a part.


Of a divorce proceeding, sitting down with a mediator.


We don't know what this is. I'm just guessing.


Yeah, I love turning your pain into purpose. I think that's beautiful. I love that there is a tech mogul behind this.


I think that's helpful. Well, again, just a guess. It doesn't say that anywhere. We didn't get much, except for a screenshot. It says, Divorce made dignified. Join us or sign in. And it says, Coming soon, breaking up without breaking the bank powered by AI.


Join the Wibs. Do you not agree that this is giving Christine Quinn towards the end of Selling Sunset when she was just becoming a digital realtor girl with her tech mogul, Silicon Valley husband?


Yeah, and they were doing like, Bitcoin-purchased homes.


Also, that's another really underrated thing. Christine Quinn is married.


Yeah. Do you know.


What I mean? Yeah.


For a long time now.


She just came back one season with a boyfriend and then got engaged, got married on TV, and they're literally married.


Yeah, their wedding was unbelievable.


Yeah, that was so random.


She has a child.


Yeah. And a business.


Yeah, I haven't heard much about her app, but I'm not big in the... What's it called? Not Bitcoin. Crypto coin? Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency. So I.


Wouldn't know. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency.


Yes, it is.


I think the most popular one.


But I look forward to hearing what this is. I like my idea for it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because imagine if AI could solve divorce, you put in the things that you absolutely have to have, you put in the things that you want, things you could live without, and they generate a solution.


As a society, where did we land on AI? Because I remember the conversations, bad, bad, bad, but then maybe good.


Where do we land? So here's where we're landing.


I think. Because I saw a commercial, by the way, for a company, and they were saying, And we're powered by AI. As if it was like, We're carbon neutral, like a.


Good thing. Yeah, so here's where we're going to land. Ai is an amazing technical advancement. It's going to make a lot of things more automated and easy. Even in my daily life, I've started using AI for some things, and it's fucking hysterical. But it's going to be the end of us. It will be the end of civilization as we know it if we can't reiner in. But here's my question. Can AI be funny?


I guess it's how you define funny, like how.


Low is your bar? Genuinely funny. You know what I mean?




Because I forget what I was thinking I might use AI for, but I was like, could AI be really funny?


Okay. I'm going to ask AI to tell me a joke. Which AI do you use?


To add cheapy T?


Yeah. I'm going to blow my nose. Oh, log in? Oh, my God.


Yeah, just make an account, Claude. It's the future.


I think I did. That's the thing. Oh, look, my iPad has something saved.


So log in.


Let's use a strong password, whatever. Continue. So I'm just going to be like AI. Oh, God, I have to verify my email. This is such a.


Tortuous endeavor. No, it'll be worth it for the really funny joke AI is going to write us.


Oh, yeah, this better be good. Oh, here, open your email, verify. Email verified. Okay. Oh, tell us about you.


Leave me alone. To me, I'm still so surprised when AI isn't just like ask Jeeves.


Literally. I might want my phone number too?


What nerve. I mean, this is what I mean. It's going to be the end of us.


Now I need a code. Oh, my God. I'm definitely selling my soul.


To the devil right now. 100 %. Don't forget your fingerprint.


By the way, we're literally watching the demise of Turny right now.


Turny is selling her soul.


For a joke. Just get me to the chat. Okay, let's go. Tell me.


A joke. And then maybe we could ask you to tell a joke about something specific.


Why don't scientists trust atoms? I don't know.


Because they make up everything.


Oh, that's not bad. Okay, say, Tell me a joke about... What do you like to hear a joke about?


Taylor Swift. Why did Taylor Swift bring a ladder to the bar? Because she heard drinks were on the house. See, that's just taking a joke and putting.


Taylor Swift's name in it. Okay, so let's say, Tell me a joke about... I had one. Or say, write me a stand-up comedy special.


Write me a... I like that. A stand-up, write me, stand-up comedy.


About being a woman?


About being a woman. Love that.


Ai needs direction. They're not mind readers yet.


Sure, let's give it a shot. Being a woman is like being a part of a secret society. We have this unspoken code, like if I see another woman struggling with her outfit in a public restroom, it's an immediate call to action. We become fashion superheroes, offering spare bobby pins, sharing emergency deodorant, and delivering pep talks like, Girl, you rock that jumpsuit. But let's talk about the magical world of handbags. This is so insulting to women. Seriously, my purse is like Mary Poppins bag. It contains everything I could possibly need in any given situation. Need a tissue, lipstick, Band-Aid? I've got you covered. It's like a survival kit disguised as a fashion accessory. This is.


Really bad. Wait, it's bad, but-.


And ladies, can we talk about the multitasking skills? We can all hold the conversation, send a text, and plot world domination all while getting ready for a.


Night out. It's giving Netflix- It's giving Netflix female-driven comedy.




That's crazy.


Write me an episode of The Toast.


Podcast. Yeah. But that is crazy. Someone could get on stage and do that. I wouldn't laugh, but-.


Oh, my God. Wait.




I think they think we're talking about toast.




Yeah, literally, it's velvety. It's smooth, avocado poached egg.


Okay, good. That means they can't do our job yet. Love that. I have to keep checking every few weeks.


Who is Claudia Ashray?


Let's see. They heard it. Who is Turdy Lou?


As my last knowledge, updated in January 2022, Claudia Ashrey is a social media personality, comedian, and author known for her online presence under the moniker Girl with No Job. Wait, she gained popularity from her humorous posts and memes on Instagram and other platforms, firms, and Claudia, along with her sister, Jackie, Olivia, and Margo, has been involved in creating content and building a brand around their unique personalities. Please note that information about individuals can change, and there might have been developments in Claudia Ashrey's career and personal life since my last update. Have there been? I recommend- Is Claudia Ashrey married?


Well, that's an easy Google search. You're lowballing AI.


She was married to Ben Sofer, who is known on social media as point with no job. They got engaged in 2017, and their wedding took place in September 2019. That's not right.


No, that's not right.


Okay, I'm impressed.


Yeah, no, that was interesting. Interesting exercise.


I'm glad I sold my soul for that.


Our next story, speaking of the future, speaking of technology and speaking of the future.


Without technology.


Lauren Sanchez is looking to the future in a new Vogue spread. So Lauren Sanchez, fiancé of Jeff Bezos, is getting the Vogue treatment. She did a sit down interview with Vogue, a shoot with Annie Leibovitz, and a couple were one photo that I saw with Jeff and Jeff's bicep. I had just started reading the interview a little bit, but every time I read something about her or engage with her content, it's always so striking, like how normal she is. She's saying she blacked out when he proposed like, We all did.


Yeah, I was shook to see these two. They're a very unique level of celebrity, where he is a very famous business person. He's a part of this very exclusive category of billionaires, but he's bigger than probably any billionaire, not even in terms of money, but in terms of cultural impact, Amazon. And then she's just this nobody at first. And they were like, Martin scandal. And now they're coming out on the other side, so normal and very famous with the Cardassians and the Markals.


It's so weird. Yeah, and now they're just doing the circuit. I guess when you're engaged to Jeff Bezos, you can do whatever you want, because if they didn't put her in Vogue, he would buy the and the same thing. And I like using your power for Thirst. I do.


Oh, don't get me. If I was Lauren Sanchez, I would be doing the exact same thing, hanging out with Harry and Megan, hanging out with the Cardassians, being on Vogue. She's so relatable. It's disgusting. Like, Oh, I'm marrying the most powerful man in the world. There's nothing I can't get. I want to be on the cover of Vogue.


Yeah, so she was taking pictures all around their Blue Origin compound in Texas. She's in a helicopter. She is a former helicopter pilot. Wow. Yeah, she was a newscaster, then a helicopter pilot. Wow. And now a philanthropist, Lady of Leisure, Mrs. Jeff Bezos.


Literally, I want my tombstone to read, She was a philanthropist, Lady of Leisure.




Ben Sofer. Mrs. Bezos. Watch out, Lauren.


Some of the pictures are really stunning. Some of them are not my absolute favorite in terms of artistic direction, but it's a very great shoot. I follow her on Instagram now because of.


The conversation. Oh, wow. How has that been?


There's not a lot there, but we had a conversation about her. I followed her while we were sitting in these chairs because I was like, I want to know what she's about. There's a lot of clean water, philanthropy, but that's how I saw about the shoot, and she's so hyped about it.


I'm so happy for her. Me too. This is a girl who would, I'm sorry, never be in Vogue as a newscaster slash, helicopter reporter. So this is just exciting to see someone get in Vogue who, if circumstances have been different, wouldn't be in Vogue. So I'm very happy.


For her. Yeah, I hope she does the podcast.


Yes, and talks about life with Jess. I think she's literally going to do a.


Reality show next. That's what I'm saying. It's just giving accessibility.


It's giving like, I'm going to do what I want because I can.


Yeah, and you would think some people in her position, in their position, like, you knoware extremely private, not into the fame and just take themselves so seriously. And they're like, no, we're going to have fun with this life that we have. And we're going to have an engagement party on a yacht. And Leo is going to be there and all these celebrities. And that's what we were just saying about Taylor. If you make it to this level of success and you're not enjoying yourself, what are you doing?


And what's Mackenzie up to?


She remarried, I think, divorced.






We just- She gave away all her money. Couldn't be me.


Mckenzie Bezos would be. Bezos? But I also confuse her with Melinda Gates.


No, they're so different to me.


They divorce most... Okay. Yes, she married someone else for two years.


But it's over. And gave all her money.


Away, right? Well, she does the giving pledge.


So now she's broken alone.


No, the giving pledge, you're still fine.


That was so crazy how she got $36 billion, right? That's how much it was?


She has an estimated net worth of 27 million.


That was just... I'm not really a jealous person. No, I totally am. But I don't think... I think that might be the most jealous I've ever been of someone. She did it right. She married a nerd. She made a nice life with him. That's why you go for the nerds, you guys, because they'll give you $27 million at some point.


Yeah. I don't know. It doesn't always work out like that.


She's the exception. Sometimes nerds become successful, and they think they're too good for the girl who loved them when they were a nerd.


Do you not think that's what happened here?


No, I don't, actually.




Because they were together for a really long time after his success. It wasn't like he got successful. You know who I do feel like that about? And I know you love him.




No. I can't even begin to get into Elon's personal love life. I don't even know what's going on.


It's so confusing.


I feel that way about Robert... I don't know. I've never heard you back. I feel like he was always very wealthy, but then he got famous. Shark Tank, dancing with the stars. And he ran away with his dancing with the stars. I feel bad for the girl who married Robert.


Og, Robert. But do you not like the proof is in the pudding with Robert and Kim?


I'm not denying their love or their... But I think we need to talk about the women who made these men who they are, and then got left behind.


Yeah, but as long as they are appropriately compensated for their time and their vision.


Let's talk about the girl Elon first married and had five kids with. Yeah. We don't even know her name. I'm sure she's well taken care of. Elon is notorious for taking care of all the mothers of all of his children. There's a lot of that Amber Heard's child is Elon's, and that he paid for all of her lawyers during that... So they're all well taken care of. I just think we need to talk about some of the forgotten women.


Yeah, Justine Musk, 2000 to 2008.


Right, five kids, eight years.


But he started PayPal, which was when?


I don't know, early 2000s.


Okay, then, to Toulouse Riley, 2010 to 2012, and then to Toulouse Riley again, 2013 to 2016. That's so Elon. That's a little... Literally what's happening right now with him and Grimes, they're on and off.


But see, and this is where Elon and Jeff Bezos differ, and I think why you and I really are into Lauren and Jeff is Jeff is very stable. Elon's such a genius. They're both geniuses because they both started companies that changed the world. Elon is that crazy genius, and Jeff gives very stable, homebody energy.


Yeah, because he's found the right girl. I feel like maybe Elon has it. Maybe. That's what he needs.




The right girl. Snitch. Lauren Sanchez is in vogue.


Happy for her. Never thought I'd see the day. When I was reading those text messages, I want to get a little drunk. If you'd have told me, honestly, I would have believed it.


You would have? I wouldn't have. I thought those text messages were going to end them.


But that's the thing. We were just saying that. When something is happening in real time, when it comes to a scandal, you think it's just the biggest deal in the world, and it's never that big of a deal. It's neverthat.


Big of a deal. Just a blip.


Yeah, and if you're going through something right now, I feel like that could be a good message. You don't have to be a celebrity. You're always thinking when you're going through something like this is the biggest deal in the world. And then years later, you're like, Oh.


Yeah, that thing that happened. That small thing.


Right. And you're actually grateful some of the time.


Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Am I getting you sick through the computer?


Did you kiss me through the phone?


I'm giving you a virus. Oh, sexy. You need Norton's antivirus. I tell you, a computer.


Are we about to do the fourth story?


We're about to do the fourth story, so please expel yourself.


The fourth story that's brought to you by ZIPrecurator, perhaps?




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Thank you, La.


You're welcome, Fa.


Our next story. Anne Hathaway says she was warned that her career would fall off a cliff at the age of 35, which a lot of women face. So Anne Hathaway is 41 years old, which means she has long defied- Wow, she looks great. Yeah, she has long defied the warning she often heard as a teen actor that her career would not flourish past a certain age in Hollywood. She said, When I started out as a child, I was warned that my career would fall off a cliff at the age of 35, which is something I know a lot of women face. The thing that has evolved during that time is that more women are having careers deeper into their lives, which I think is fantastic. Obviously, it doesn't mean we should have a tick or tape parade. Someone said this to me the other day, There's so much to be proud of, and there's so much to fix. She said- Okay, go.




Anne. It's such a sweet feeling to know that you're woven into someone's life through her acting roles.


Right. That's why it never made sense that there were no older roles for older women in Hollywood because it's like, Well, someone has to play the mom and the grandma. It's true. They would have a 35-year-old being someone's mom. It's like, Come on. Nobody looks like that.


Yeah, grow up. Literally.


Literally, grow up. Isn't acting supposed to be accurate?


Yeah, but I guess the point is you play the mom or the grandma, and.




35- Relegated to that. Yeah, and it's like, That's not the star. You're just the mom or the grandma.


Yeah. No, I guess that hasn't changed. There are roles for older women, but Bond is 60. Has there been a franchise made off of a 60-year-old woman? Yeah. It's insane.


True. Go off, queen.


What would the 60-year-old woman franchise be? I guess they were trying to do that with Book Club and braided for 80. 80 for braided.


Yeah. I didn't see Book Club, but I did see 80 for braided, and I lived to tell the tale.


I did feel a little bit compelled maybe two months ago to watch Book Club. It was a Friday night, we were going to rent a movie. I keep going to Apple to rent Oppenheimer, and every time I do, it's not out yet. It's always available pre-order. So then on the list, Book Club is always on there. So I'm like, Oh, Oppenheimer? No. Book Club? Maybe. I've never felt compelled enough to actually purchase.


But maybe you're part of the problem. I thought about it. Your hesitancy is why movies like that don't do as well, and they don't keep making them, because you-.


Okay, let me ask a question. Fair, but let me ask a fair question. Anybody who saw Book Club, is it good? I didn't hear it was amazing. I like the concept, and I love books. I love my Book Club. Four girlies who are older, they start a Book Club, and it changes. I love the concept, but was it good? Because 80 for.


braided, was it? I feel like Book Club was good because they made two of them.




So that's always a good sign. So I.


Guess Book Club is the Bond for Girls.


Or like Nancy Myers.


Yes. Okay, that's better. Nancy Myers needs to start a franchise.




Like a Bond-like thing where it's just the same... Bonds aren't even special. There's danger. He gets a mission. He almost dies. He fucks a girl. He lives to tell the tale. Nancy Myers needs to do... It's complicated, like a female protagonist falling in love in a beautiful home. She's very wealthy. The structure never changes. It's just a new city or a new girl, you know?


I mean, that's what she does.


Yeah, but it's not a franchise. It's just different movies. I don't know why I'm yelling. I need.


To calm down. You're passionate about the ageism in Hollywood. Ageism coupled with sexism.


Yeah. There's no ageism for men in Hollywood. I mean, like George Clooney's Never Been Richer, More successful, or more famous. Same with Brad Pitt. Yeah.


Well, it's also not just Hollywood. It's just society in general. Like, as men age, they're more dignified. Right. No, let's.


Talk about that. Let's talk about how young girls, not young girls, but girls in their 30s and 40s and even 20s find certain men in their 60s extremely attractive and hot. And I don't see many 20 and 30-year-old boys dating 60-year-old women.


I feel like it's happening more.


You do?


I don't know. Here and there, younger men with older women, not super old.


I don't think so. It's just a trope. We find older men hot and we find older women old. Yeah.


Do you think it- We.


Find them maternal.


Do you think it also has to do with financial success? Maybe. Do you think young girls find old man hot? Old man hot? Who doesn't have money?


I'd like to take money out of it because I'm really talking about attraction.


Because maybe as women continue to age and the generation of women who were boss, bitch, successful get older, they might find favor with young men because they have money.


No, I want to take money out of it because I'm really talking about attraction. I'm talking about how we see, just now, Patrick Dempsey, we all look at him, we're like, Oh, my God, he's hot. We would fuck him. That's the narrative. And with people's most beautiful woman, whatever. Let's say it's like a 60-year-old Julia Roberts. Like, Oh, she's beautiful. We talk about it differently. Yeah. I understand. Not like, Damn, let me get in there, Julia.


No, I agree with what you're saying, and I understand. I'm just trying to get more to the root of it, aside from, obviously, just plain old ageism and sexism, which exists.


But Julia Roberts is rich.




You don't see people thirsting in her comments. Like, Come to Brazil, Julia. Yeah. But they're saying, Come to Brazil, Patrick.


They are. They are. Do you think he's going to go to Brazil?


I do.




I don't have any answers. I'm just asking questions.


It's important to ask questions. That's where we start. It's a start. It's a start. To ask the right questions.


Yeah. Are you.


Ready for our fifth and final story? Actually, a perfect story to sum up every conversation today. Okay, okay. A bio pic about an older woman is in the works, and it will be AI-generated.


What? Just like a general older woman? No.


A specific older woman.


Oh, okay. Why did you.


Say it like that? Because I'm trying to get the themes.


Okay, AI, women, older. Okay.


Edith Piaf, AI-generated biopic is in the works at Warner Music.


Wait, can I ask you a question?


Who's Edith Piaf? You know, that song.


Oh, so she's a singer? No, I know that song. So that's her legacy?


Amongst other things, but that's.


Probably her most- So is she American? Is she French?


I think she's French. She's a French singer. Is a French singer.


And why do we care?




This story?


Because they're going to be using AI- Oh, I guess that does make it interesting. -to recreate her voice and image, and it's a role for an older woman that they're literally giving to a robot.


Oh, my God. It's a voice for an older woman that they're literally.


Giving to a robot. Yeah, Warner Music Group announced it has partnered with Piaf's estate for Edith, set to be a 90-minute film set in Paris in New York from the 1920s to the 60s.


You think the name Edith is going to make a comeback soon?


It's a pretty name. I feel like it could. It is.


I feel like it was like a World War II name. There were so many young girls named Edith.


Yeah, like downtown.


Yes. But then we started to think of it as like an older lady name because all the young Ediths grew up into grandmas.


Yeah, but you know what I also realize? It's like a lot of people, especially I see this with Jews, it's like you name your children after grandparents or great grandparents. So you wind up recycling those old names that become young again.




That's like Harry.




So it's really quite cyclical.


Yeah. Back to AI. Back to- So there was a role- There.


Was a role- The film will be narrated by a-.


-from Meryl Streep.


The film will be narrated by an AI. I never know how to pronounce this word, and I don't know what it means. Fassy smile. You know the word?


What? No. F-a- Wait.


Spell it. F-a-c. Facsimile.


Facsimile. I need to.


Write it out.


F-a- F-A-C-E-S.


No, no, F-A-C-S-I-M-I-L-E. Facsimile?




Wait. Facsimile. I literally.


Never heard this word. It means an exact copy, especially of written or printed material. Hold on, let me play.


And it's.


Pronounced- Wait, shh.


Facsimile. Facsimile. Facsimile. Facsimile. I learned something new every day here.


Vaximily. Vaximily. Vaximily. Vaxim-i feel like I'm like Diplow.


Literally. Diplho, ex-Edith, Piaf. Ex-vaximily. Piel to the soundtrack for this movie.




Hold me closer. Let me go.


This is Laviol. I feel like that's so classic. Whenever an Instagram girl goes to France and she takes picture of... I have an Eiffel Tower on her story.


She always puts that on. And she's walking from behind, maybe looking into a shop. Yeah.


Someone's filming her from behind, and the Eiffel Tower is in front of her, and she looks back at the camera and twirls her hair. Yeah.


And is it someone filming her? Is it a tripod?


It the world may never know.


Okay, let me get to.


The deeds. By the way, I have to say, I'm all for making content out in the wild. I'm always filming myself in the back of cabs. I don't give a fuck. But it takes a different beast to bring a tripod out in public, because when you have no one to take pictures for you and you use a little clicker, it works great and I totally respect the hustle, but that's another level.


Of commitment. I've never done that. For sure. But that's why those girls who do that, they get the shot, they get the brands, they.


Get- They're.


Unabashededly influencing. You've got to be. And they're being successful. They have what it takes.


I respect it. I respect it, but it could never be me. Agreed.


I could barely have my husband take a picture of me without me wanting to cringe into myself and be like, Forget it. No, it's fine.


Forget it. Forget it.


Forget it. I'm literally like, take a picture of me. I go to take it, and I'm like, No, stop. It's fine. I got it.


Then I grab the phone back and I see that I'm like, Forget it.


I maybe got one before I cringed, and it's obviously not good. And then it's like, I'm mad he didn't get a good picture of me, but it's like, I couldn't unfurl myself.


This isn't going to work.


Here are the deeds.


I feel like- No, I feel like that's just enough. I feel like it's better if we actually.


Don't get to the details of the story. I'm going to finish this one sentence, okay? Okay, okay. The film will be narrated by an AI-generated, fashy smile of... What did we say it was? Faximily. Faximily. Of Piaf's voice and to uncover aspects of her life that were previously unknown.


Classic. Chilling. All right, happy for Edith and the whole family.


Yeah, but sad for the older woman who's lost out on this role, who this would have been the role of a lifetime for.


Of a lifetime.




So that's our show.


Yeah, and as predicted, it was a great one.


The thing is, we knew it.


I know, but we had to show everyone because we have some doubters and unbelievers who said, Oh, Jackie is sick. The stories stink. How are they going to make something today? And look what we did.


The doubters and nonbelievers are always coming for us. Before we end today's episode, let me just remind you to call your representatives and tell them #yellasoverparty.


And remind you that Toastchilly merch is available at choptoastmerch. Com.


We love you guys. Thank you so much for listening to The Toast the Millennial Morning show where we deliver the past five stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe and give us a video a thumbs up. We're also available on Spotify and we're a podcast to be found on Spotify, tuned in to your public radio. I'm Rana, all the places we listen to podcast, find us a totally five star view about a beautiful, stunning and wickedly talented we are. Love you.


Love you.


Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.


Bye. Bye.


Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.