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Good morning, millennials, and welcome back to the toast. It's Friday. Hope everyone's doing well, feeling fine, giving fri yay energy.


It's fri yay energy, for sure. We're back together.


We are.


It's a very joyous Friday. We have so much to celebrate. So many cause to celebrate.


So many risenderters. Right?


So many joie de vivs.


So many joie de vivs. Today is Friday. It's giving. Well deserved. It's giving conclusion.


Yeah. To this week, I guess. Yeah. Because next week, next show, you're gone.


Oh, my God. I didn't even put together. This is my last show on earth. No, it's my last show for a week.


Yeah. So next week is guest co host with me. I have such a fun week lined up, but, wow, a lot's gonna happen between this show and the next show.


We're gonna be properly celebrated.


We have a full day today. We have our party tomorrow. Then I'm going home. Then I'm starting toast.




Co host week. It's gonna be really fun. Wow.


Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy. So today is just kind of giving. It's kind of the last time we can talk about toastiversary.


This year.


This year. Oh, this year.


It's crazy that toastiversary happens every year, actually. But we're acting.


Not on this level.


No, not on this level. That's what I just keep trying to say is, like, why now? Why this year? Have we just decided? Balls to the walls. We're gonna make the biggest deal out of this.


This time last year, you were pregnant.


Yeah. That was circlage.


You were having a circlege. We were not, like, stopping to smell the rose toast.


No, I think I posted an IG story, like, happy five years of toast. Wow.


Right? We didn't make reels that went viral.


No, certainly not. I don't even think I posted to my grid.


So this year's just different. Also, five is different than six. Some would argue it's smaller than six, you know, but in some ways, it's bigger.


Question mark? No, but I feel good that we just landed on the number six, and.


I feel good that we just use it as an excuse to throw a party to have you here. Jackson, New York. Nothing better.


Like, we had a girly, swirly night out last night.


We did. We had dinner. We had drinks. It was fabulous.


Yeah, we had a lot of fun. Not to, like, rub it in, rub it in.


Because you guys, like, weren't invited and you never will be. But, like, it was so good to see the girlies, especially. You haven't seen a lot of the girlies in so long.


Irl such a fun night with friends. Friendships are so important.


You know what's so funny? I was actually thinking that at the table last night. Like, it's so good to have friends.


Yeah. And it's like we all get caught up in our own lives, but it's so. It's really just great perspective just to, like, chat with the girlies, hear about them, they hear about you. It makes you realize, like, I feel like you get so in the weeds and stuff, and sometimes you just need to download on your friends.


I completely agree. And I, too, looked around the table, and I said goodbye. Good girls.


These are good girls. We had a good time. We had good food, good food. We drank awesome shooters, we listened to awesome music, and we did indeed soak up each other's awesomeness.


And that's kind of. If you're feeling, like, jax and I look, like, a little weary, a little tired, it's cause we gave it all to the girly, swirly night out, like, emotionally, and I'm not even talking about it. Wasn't that crazy. I was home by ten. It was an emotional dinner. I gave all of me to dinner.


You were emotional.


You were.


Oh, my God.


When you were talking about Shirley, we got a little choked up. But, no, I wasn't emotional. I just mean, like, I gave so much of myself, my social battery.


I gave it all at the restaurant.


Left it all in that little corner booth.


Yeah, it was a great table, too.


You got a round table, which is just so far superior. Half booth, round table roundtables, I feel are, you know, they're not ergonomical. You know, in a restaurant, I feel like you want to fit in as many people as you can to a restaurant, which I think, you know, in New York, when you're trying to make your rent, that's what you do. Square tables are the answer, but round tables, if you can afford the luxury, are that a luxury? They're palatial. They're stately.


No one was left out of the combo. I don't feel like I didn't catch up with. I feel like we were having group conversations. They weren't siloed.


And you have a round dining table in your home, at home, and in your dining room at home. Excuse me, in your home, at home. And let me tell you, the meals I've had there, I feel so well communicated. I feel so well situated in touch.


With everyone we kept in touch.


We kept in touch. We kit.


We kit. So we're gonna keep kit this weekend. We have a really fun day planned. We've got lots of activities. I got Botox and shout out doctor Yeezy for this spot. I just. I feel. I keep forgetting I got it. And then I look in the mirror and I'm like not moving. My eyebrows are. Still.


Takes time.


Grumpy face. Angry birds. But I, you know, it's literally only been 12 hours. But my up top, they are on their way out. So it's just a very exciting time for little to no face movies.


You look literally so different.


Do I?


Yeah. With your botox. Like ten years younger.




You're welcome.


I just feel like it's like. No, I don't.


You do. Like, you look fresh. Do I sound off in the comments? You guys, Jackie thinks I'm being facetious. Yeah, because she tells me I can't take a compliment.


No, because I don't like it. Doesn't make you look different.


No, you do look different. So explain that.


Hmm. Things to explain that.


Things in which to explain that.


Okay, we'll stand up in the comments only with nice stuff, please.


And then the stories. What do you feel?


So here's the thing. There is major, like breaking news today. There's one major story and then the rest sort of like fall by the wayside compared to the one story. I don't even want you to think too hard about what it is. I'm sure you've seen it.




But it's really major news.


Okay, now I'm like intrigued. It's only been six minutes, but should we dive in? I'm dying to know what it is. Is it related to OJ?


No, there's no OJ follow up.


Yeah, I feel like the OJ follow up was Caitlyn Jenner tweeting good and riddance. Like, honestly hysterical. Especially for anyone to say that. Yes. For someone who's like low key, connected to OJ and the whole saga through, you know, Chris ex husband, even crazier.


Yeah. Which is why. Did they start their podcast yet? Keeping up with sports goos.


Keeping up with sports goos. No, they didn't. I mean, I feel like we would have heard something about it.


I agree. But I feel like with a podcast, when you announce it, you gotta start rolling tape.


If you announce it without a first episode, like, what's the point?


It's not like a movie.


It's bad marketing.


Anyways, all is that to say, like, Caitlyn's willing to say it and mention it all. Which is why I'm curious to listen.


To Koose, which is like the makings of a good podcaster, someone who doesn't give a fuck and just says crazy shit. Yeah, you might be onto something there.


Time will tell.


So I'm ready to dive in because I'm actually very curious what this first story is. Where have I been all day?


Just don't even think about it, okay? How further adooded do here are the fast five stories that you need to.


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It's giving swirly biography.


It is giving swirly biography.


Our first story, the big breaking news of the day. Golden Bachelor bombshell.




Gary Turner and Teresa Nist are divorcing after three months of marriage. You guys. Love is dead.


Yeah. This is. I have a hot. Shocking.


I'm sorry. I'm shocked, Zachary.


This is shocking. It's. It's embarrassing. The golden bachelor was supposed to be better than this. Like, this is giving. Who was that couple? Chris souls and Whitney. Well, I think they were, like, the shortest people to ever be engaged for, like, the shortest amount of time from that show. Yeah, this is shorter. Like, this is.


Well, at least these got married. No, this isn't shorter.


This is.


And they got married.


You're right. You're right.


No, I'm worried. The golden bachelor was supposed to be better than this. They were supposed to set the standard. They were supposed to bring the bachelor back to the seriousness that it started as. And this kind of a disgrace. This is disgraceful.


Older people should know better not to be so reckless until, like, getting married to someone who you're not absolutely sure of. Like, I don't know. I hate to judge them.


People should be, like, more sure of things and of themselves and of other people, and, like, know thyself.


This is kind of tacky.


Like, no, I'm sorry. This really tarnishes the golden bachelor brand, which was pretty much pristine. Even Jerry and his hot tub could.


They tried to take him down, and they didn't. But this just might.


Like, I need to know what happened.


And to be completely honest, I don't know if anyone in particular is to blame, but I do. I feel like this reflects really poorly on Gary Jerry, and I'm disappointed in him. I expected more from him, and honestly, I feel like maybe that article was onto something about him. You think?


Character behavior on his part. This is what their statement said. Not that it would ever say, like, anything.


I cheated on Jerry.


Theresa and I have had a number of heart to heart conversations, and we've looked closely at our situation, our living situation, and so forth, and we've come to the conclusion mutually, that it's probably time for us to dissolve our marriage. We have received so much love and support from so many people. Watch golden Bachelor, and I don't think we can tell you how many people told us. It gave them so much hope. We want none of that to change for anybody. I just feel like in some situations, like, famous couples don't want to break up because of how it would affect, like, their fans.


Are you talking about famous couples or famous couples throughout history? Both. Yeah. It's throughout history.


It's a classic trope. Like, you don't want to let down the people. And usually it's like, listen, you've got to do what's best for yourself. Like, you can't stand an unhappy marriage. This situation. They should have stayed together because, like, the message was more important than their personal happiness.


Happiness. No, I completely agree. Like, down with them in their inner peace. What they stood for, for this country was more integral than any sort of, you know, happiness that they would find with any other people. So just, they can live separate lives. We would never need to know about it.


Yeah, I agree.


They should have done more.


They should have faked it till they made it.


They should have done more for us.


And I just don't know why they couldn't make it work. Seriously.


I just expect, like, people to be.


Older to, like, do better.


Seriously. That's the thing. Why this is so shocking is because we expected more. We expected more from when I saw this, like, my initial reaction was just like, you're kidding. I rolled. Like, my eyes couldn't have rolled further behind my head if I tried. Like, you're supposed to be different. You're supposed to be better than the slum. Like, the scum that usually acts like this. Maybe people are gonna say we're being harsh. I'm enormously disappointed.


Or that they were naive to think that, like, this could work.


They should be listening and learning. They should be doing better. And until then, I really don't wanna hear from them.


Like, seriously, we were rooting for you.


We were all rooting for you.


We all were rooting.


And to be honest, like, I am not interested in seeing either of these two people's faces ever again. Like, after what they put me through, I don't. They're not public figures to me anymore. Like, they. Their careers are as over as quickly as they started. Like, I don't want to keep up with Golden Bachelor's Teresa. Find some love. I don't give a fuck. Okay.


I feel like when bachelor people are breaking up, like, they worry how it will affect like their, you know, they care together longer because they're like, yes, will be bad for my career. And usually it's not, but, like, in this situation, this is bad for your career. Like, you should have stayed together for your careers.


Gary and Teresa, if you're listening to this, I want to look you dead in the eyes. You're dead to me. Okay. You make me.


These seriously killed love.


It's so important to just add context checking. I did not watch the show. No, I was compelled to. And that says a lot. Cause it takes a lot to compel me.


They should have just waited at least a year. This is insane. This is childish behavior.


It is a shit stain on the image of the golden patch or on the brand. It has left an indelible mark that I don't know if the franchise will ever seriously come back from.


And I just want to say all the things that they're worried about, like that they were worried about when they put out.


It's not just your anxiety. Like, those fears are valid.


They're true. They're coming true. And you shouldn't have really.


And by the way, given what you've done, I think we should, you know, be the first of many media companies to. We're going to put like an embargo on that. We will, I will not be. I will not reward this type of behavior. Gary and Teresa. Although I do blame Gary more. I just. I don't know why.


Because he made the wrong choice.


I will not be covering, like, your career dead in the water.


You'll never work in this town again.


And I say that with my whole fucking chest. You will never work in this town again.


Hopefully you didn't go on the show for the wrong reasons. Cause if you did, if you went on for the right reasons, then this doesn't bother you.


Remains unaffected. Great.


I can go back to my peaceful private life.


Correct. So it's literally like, it's trash.


It's trash behavior two days in a row. Like news stories that actually have surprised me. Me.


Yeah, I kind of love that. It looks like Hollywood is keeping us on our toes.


Yeah, I do feel like a jaded.


Consumer of no, but I feel like when it comes to this story, I think we're all having the same sort of reaction, like crisis of self. Yeah. I think that Gary and Teresa are probably a lot of hate and they deserve it.


And I just want to say, do not send, like, I hate send hate Gary's way.


Where you their way.


Here's the policy. They are just no longer public figures.


The thing is, you can't send hate to someone who doesn't exist.


No love, no hate. Like, this isn't a hateful message I'm sending. It's like a disappointment. And I have to, like, forgive you.


When I have a bit of hate.


In my message, I have to forget you.


I want to forgive you because I have to forget you.






That's what I'm saying. Like, seriously, don't send hate. Carrie and Teresa's way.


Don't send hate.


We're just all moving forward with disappointment in our hearts.


Yeah. A lot of it. Some of us more than others.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story? A little major podcasting news.




Yeah. Not the usual kind, like singing business deals, which we like.


Okay, wait. Before we go back, I know we usually do weenie of the week at the end of the show. I think we should just call it right now. Weenies of the week are Teresa and Gary.




Okay. We don't have to do that segment.


Unanimous verdict. I wish I had my gavel somewhere around.


It's over there.


Oh, I see it.




Our next story, the big podcasting news. New heights live show. Live show.


It's new heights live show. It's new heights live show. It's a new heights live show. It's new heights live. New heights live.


It's new heights live. It's new heights live.


I like that.


New heights live. Travis and Jason took their show on the road. I mean, their podcast is massive. And that's what you do.




When your podcast is big and you're in the off season, if you're not us.




Is a live show. So they did their show at, like, an arena. Yeah. And a lot happened. There was pyrotechnics. There was dancing. I think Travis accepted a degree from the University of Cincinnati.


That's funny.


And I think they said, congrats, grads. Well, by the way, she's wearing a cap and gown.


I guess we have to wish Travis a congrats.


A congrats grad.


The thing is, like, they're doing, like, stereotypical, like, podcast or things, but they're doing it so in their own way. Like, I've never seen a live podcast like this, let alone at a stadium. They're usually at theaters and with the pyrotechnics in the stage, and they had, like, this crazy intro, and they were dancing. It honestly looked like a blast. They should take it on the road in conjunction with the Arrows tour.


Honestly, they should open up at this.


Rate, they should open up for the arristor.


Don't make this.


They are so goofy. No. And, like, seriously, like, I'm sure it was a great show, but, like, to compare what they do to what Taylor does, like, it's actually disrespectful.


No comparison from me.


Me neither.


Except for, I guess they dance. They have fire. Yeah, I'm sure they're singing.






Yeah. Where was the venue? It looked like where they do come. Like college gymnastics.


Ohio, maybe? It.


Oh, well, that's their thing. They're from Cleveland. That makes sense.


Oh, that would make sense. The new heights.


And do you think they're going to take this on the road? Like in a more formal touring capacity?


I'm sure we could just say new heights slide.


Tickets. Yeah, tickets.


Tickets, tickets. Oh, okay.


Was it like a one time thing?


Related events near you? Yeah, I'm not seeing.


Well, maybe they wanted to see, like, if they liked it, if this would be a successful thing for them to do. Like, when they're. I think so.


I've seen a lot of headlines about it. I saw a lot of fanfare. Me too. Overall, it was really good.


And, like, who do you think was in attendance? Like football fans or swifties?


Not like swifties who don't listen to their podcast. I think the people who listen to their podcast, which is a lot of people, it's number one all the time.


It is number one all the time. It's actually so crazy. I feel like for so long, it was like Joe Rogan, honestly, new. It's gives Joe Rogan. They're probably the only people on the podcasting landscape who actually give Joe Rogan a run for his money, who are even remotely close.


But, like, smart lists, I don't think.


In terms of numbers, they're even like, remember Spotify? Just will.


No, yeah. Okay. No, I'm going to podcast all podcasts.


I mean, like, in terms of charts, yes. But in terms like actual downloads, top episodes, like Joe Rogan's number one. And then there's a bunch of shows that are always like, 23456. I don't think number two through six are even close in numbers.


Oh, I would agree with that.


But I think new heights sometimes is.


Maybe when it's like the Super bowl episode, but right now, their episode from two days ago is like number 14. Like Joe Burger's episode from two days ago on Apple would be number.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that's fair.


So I don't know if he's losing sleep over them.


It's just really crazy how successful they are. He should have them on.


I mean, maybe he has what we even. We would know.


We would know if recently. I don't think they've definitely not been on together. I don't think they've been on separately either.


I'm not seeing anything that would be a good episode. Mm hmm. Mm hmm.


Mm hmm.


Well, jolly good show. Congrats, grads.


Congrats to the grads.




Is the University of Cincinnati not a online school? Why?


No, I don't know why.


It's just giving University of Phoenix, you know.


No, I feel like they did it at their arena of University of Cincinnati. I also feel like there's a chance that's where Jason and Travis went to school.


Oh, you know what? You're totally right.


And is there a chance that Travis didn't graduate and then he just got his degree last year?


Sometimes when you go to the NFL, you, like, declare early and you don't graduate. Fair.


I mean, I'm sure these things. I could look them up. Not gonna.


It's also, like, my version that super crazy that, like, some people, like, like, for years go to college. Like, just graduate by, like, the skin of their teeth, whether it be for financial reasons, whether it be for academic reasons, and then, like, they just give out honorary degrees. Like, that is so crazy to me. Like, if I. I mean, actually, I did earn a college degree. Like, when they give them out, like, yeah, that's low key annoying. Like, I worked hard and I paid for this. Did you?


Yeah. You know, it's never bothered me.


No. But if you think about it, at its core, it's a bothersome ideal.


It's a bothersome idea.


But, no, I don't sleep over it.


No, no, no. Are you ready for our next story, which is some content news from our favorite content creators?


The try guys close. Who are our favorite content creators?


It's kind of a tricky question. I don't think you're gonna get it. But they are. Like, we're always talking about them and their content, or lack thereof.






Okay. I have no idea.


Megan and Harry.


Got it.


Meghan and Harry are launching two new shows on Netflix, featuring a cooking show and a show about professional polo. So Meghan and Harry are in the early stages of production.


Harry, like, try as he may, like, he is uninteresting. Claudia.


He's gonna keep trying.


I'm sorry. Like, I would watch a cooking show with Meghan Markle. You would seriously have to pay me $10 million to sit down and watch a piece of shit show about polo. First of all, like, bitch, this is America. We don't give a fuck. Second of all, we also, like, look, he don't care about you either. So, like, he's really trying to make fetch happen.


This is Harry. I gotta keep trying. Gotta keep my head held high.


The way you just said try. I know the word try means a lot to you. Like, try. Try, guys, was so good. You had, like, you had vibrato. Do you know what that is?




Like, when your voice. I kind of shakes.


But my musical instrument, it's like, do.


It one more time.


I gotta keep trying.


That was good.


Now I think it's because I came at the chorus straight on, so I didn't have to start from, like, I could switch the key.




You know, but when I start the song from the beginning, then when I hit that note, I'm somewhere else in.


A world all of your own. That was beautiful.


Anyways, here are the deets about the shows. Meghan and Harry making good on their big Netflix deal. So she is working on a series celebrating the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining, and friendship.


Friendship. That honestly sounds like the description for barefoot Contessa. How she ends every show.


Joanna, it's with her kids, and they.


Like, no, ina has a dinner party at the end of every episode.


She's factual. And I feel like it's a combination because she also, you know, then goes out to the chicken coop and gets the eggs and then uses the scraps from her meal, the onion shavings, and gives into the pigs.


Yeah, the compost. Like, it's definitely giving, you know. Ina. Joanna. Joina Fusion.


It's Joanna.


But I kind of like that.


That works.


I know.


And to be honest, like, the perfect person to slot in for that.


She's, like, really beautiful to watch. But also, Netflix has no content like that. There's a lot of cooking shows on HBO. Max. That's where Joanna's is. And then, of course, discovery, which is where, like, the Food network stuff is. There's, like, no sort of lifestyle cooking, gardening content on Netflix, right?


No, not that I've watched. I guess, like, great British Bake off, but that's not even original to Netflix.


Competition doesn't count. It's a competition show, right? Yeah, doesn't count because, of course, they've nailed it, which is one of the best shows.


Leah Harriton, who produced Selena Gomez's cooking show. Selena and chef people liked that will serve as the showrunner. And then the second series will focus on one of Harry's favorite sports polo. The untitled project is currently filming at the US Open Polo Championship and is expected to take viewers behind the scenes of the glamorous game played on horseback.


Like, I just know when they were in these meetings with Netflix, and, like, everyone was listening to Meghan's idea, like, what you just described that show to me, that show sounds like an instant success. And I think when she announced her Riviera Orchard, mayonnaise, whatever that thing was.


Called, rom Orange Riviera, American Riviera Orchard.


Thank you. We had said, like, a Joanna Gaines type of show in conjunction with this. This is exactly what I actually.


We said we wanted from Meghan and what they teased. And now this is in line with.


Aro, and this is actually what I feel like we should have been getting from her from day one. Like, more lifestyle content. And I just know they were pitching this, and the people at Netflix were, like, eating it up. Like, yes, Meghan, Mark, this is what we've been wanting for you for ten years. This is why we initially signed with you. And then Harry comes in with his big, dumb idea, and we're all just like, yeah, okay, sure. No, like, mark my words, no one will watch a show for sure.


But I feel like it's fine to just, like, park it at Netflix. They love a sports documentary. There isn't one about polo. Okay, sure, you could do it. And plus, they owe them content.


Well, and, yes. And I feel like they've been waiting for Megan to deliver on this one, like, type of show. Like, this is perfect. I can't really put into words, like, how much I endorse this.


Well, also, they had their documentary spill the tea.


Yeah, spill the tea with Meghan and Harry.


Yeah. Also, the thing about Meghan's show, it's a great idea, and I look forward to watching it. It's gonna be beautiful and, like, vibey esthetic. Love it. But at the end of the day, the success of it will come down to her personality and how they promo. No, not how they promo. She's gonna get all the promo in the world. It's gonna be garage is fabulous. But when you're watching a cooking show, the person you are watching. Oh, is this most.




I need to not hate. I need to, like, I need to relate to. I need to not feel like she's trying to relate to me and, like, talk down. It's all gonna hinge on her personality, and I think she's got it. She's got the markle sparkle. Everyone talks about it.


No, that's a good point. It's not as easy as people think. It's a formula.


The recipe for if people will actually like the show. She could have all the bells and whistles. Like, comes down to her personality 1000%.


I completely agree with that. And I feel like everybody thinks they could do a cooking show, and there are many, many failed ones. Especially, like, you think you're a celebrity and people like you. Like, sure. But you're right. You have to be, like, homely.


Mm hmm.


There's also, like, a maternal thing there. You also. You're right. There's an element, like, this person's cooking from their $10 million home. Like, could I apply this to my own life? Yeah, you have free range chickens in the backyard. But I don't. And you always have to say, you know, store bought is fine. Yeah, it's a formula. I completely agree. I do think she's got it.


Yeah. I think there's so much potential for the show, especially because maybe it's just, like, me living in my own world, but I do feel like things are trending towards, like, more homemade things. Like, even, like, sour. I don't.


Wife energy.


If everything on everyone else's instagram is about sourdough.




But there is a lot of interest in that sort of content. For sure.


Homegrown energy.


And it's, like, not all of us, like, live on a farm and have our own chicken. So, like, how can we. We fuse going to the grocery store with those, like, homemade.


How do you fuse, like, free range chickens in your backyard and free range chicken from the store bought? Like, what's. How do you meet in the middle?


I think there's a real opportunity. There's a pretty good job of it. But that's not, like, her limit.


A little bit unrealistic. Like, a little.


That's not her mission statement. But it is, because she has so much money and she has nice things, but she has a lot of kids, and she cooks for them every night. Like, people can relate to that, period.


No, for sure. I wasn't talking about money. I was talking about, like, the eggs and the butter being churned in the backyard.




And the goat milk. Oh, we want goat cheese. Let's go make some.


No, like, literally, she was making ground beef for meatballs, and I think her husband killed the bear, and then they put it through a meat grinder.


They take farm to table, like, to another level.


But I. Like, that's just interesting.


It is.


Because, of course, she's like, you can get the ground meat from the store. This is just, like, killer meat.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Anyways, I look forward to this.


So do I.


The polo one. I'm not your target demo.


Like, the more I see from these two, like, the more like, he's such a doofus. Like, I really like. I have a lot of hate in my heart for Prince Harry.


I saw he was speaking on a panel. What was it called? It was like uplift. I think he's, like, doing his mental health journey. Yeah. It's like, oh, yeah. He took the stage for a session called Beyond Burnout at better ups uplift summit in San Francisco. Can you think of anything more dreadful and, like, beyond burnout for him?


Like, no. Yeah, it's hard to relate.


It's really crazy that they position him this way.


Like, you don't have a job.


No, it's really crazy. He's their chief impact officer.


Oh, yeah. That was like a thing he did. He joined that mental health company tell.


Like, yeah, things he did that.


Right. It's definitely making an impact. So.


Yeah. Well, that's all you can hope for.




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Thank you, La Turtle yet.


Welcome lefurtle.


Our next story is some biopic news. Another casting, another transformation, other pics that look pretty real. Okay, so there is a young Donald Trump bio pic called the apprentice in the works that's about his early years as businessman. And playing the role of Donald Trump is Sebastian Stan, which, for me, he's from Gossip Girl.


Who was he in gossip Carter? Wait, who?


What else is he from? How else do you know him?


Pam Adami.


I never watched it.


He was excellent. He's obviously, like, being tapped for, like, biopic roles. Cause that was a true story, too. He plays Tommy Lee.


And it's funny because. Do you think Tommy Lee and Donald Trump look alike?


Like. No.




But he was very, very good. Wait, I'm. I'm still stuck on Carter.


Oh, and he was in I Tanya.


I don't like. I saw I Tanya once, and I enjoyed it, but I don't remember it other than, like, tanya, you know?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I remember him like, he was with.


He Tanya's bad boyfriend?


I think so.


Actually. I remember him too. He was very good.


That's classic him. No, he was Carter from, like, he.


Has a real, like, cult following fandom. People think he's, like, really hot. I never really thought much of him until I think the thing I first saw him in consciously was Pam and Tommy. I loved him. He showed his penis. I mean, I think it might have been prosthetic, but still. So he has a good track record for. He obviously, like, is always being tapped to play real people.


Are you now remembering Carter, by the way?


I know Carter. He's there from season one till season six. Like, he always comes in and out. He helps Serena find her dad.


Yeah, that's.


But he was, like, really young and skinny and, like, he looks nothing like he does now.


He also is in Captain America, the first event, like, to us. Right. So I think people have been watching him, but his transformation looks good also, Jeremy strong from succession is in it.


Oh, he's scary.


So I'm happy for him that.


Who does he play?


He played.


Yeah. By the way, we haven't seen much of the succession people doing anything.




I feel like Tom Wambsgams did something.


Pride and prejudice. No.


After. No, I'm kidding.


I'm kidding.


Who? Like, I know that Sarah what's her name who plays Siobhan.




She was in an Apple tv show that I didn't think was very popular, but I saw a commercial for it.




Jeremy strong is, like, culturally famous.


Yes. And the shine of succession hasn't worn off.


No, it hasn't.


But it's good to jump into the next project soon before it does.


Before, you know, you kind of fall into the Game of Thrones thing where, like, you're on a show that's so big, people can't see it. Was anything other than Chevroy.


Yeah. Matthew McFadden is his name.


Yes. He's from Pride and Prejudice.


He plays Mister Karenina. Honestly, that's so crazy.


Like, I think a lot of people didn't even know he was british until he won that most recent Emmy. And he gave a speech, and we were like, excuse me.


Yeah, yeah. He's in, like, a lot of british.


Stuff, but, yeah, he's like a. He's someone, I feel like, who could have been in Game of Thrones. Like, he's always in those sort of, like, period pieces.


He looks so american current, except not as Mister Darcy, I guess.


He looks so midwestern, actually. Like. And that's what Tom swam scams. Tom. Tom's thing was, like, everybody thought he was, like, tacky because he was from Minnesota or whatever. He looked so minnesotan.


Yeah. Yeah.


Well, is this a movie or tv show?


It's a movie. It's a movie? Yeah.


Is it a movie that feels like a real movie?


TBD. I don't know when it comes out, but they. There's the picture, so you can see the transformation. It looks like him.


Who were we just saying could really benefit from biopic? Like, whose career. Oh, Bob Dylan.


He's getting one. Timothy Chalamet. We weren't talking about.


He's not getting one.


Bob Dylan is getting one member. Megan and Harry went to the premiere, but no, Bob Marley.


Bob Marley.


Bob Dylan is telling me. Chalamet, did we say it was or.


That it would like. No, I think we said no.


That was the news. Like, he was spotted in New York filling. Filming as Bob Dylan.


Oh, yeah. Okay.


And then Bob Marley biopic is out.


Oh, okay. Okay. That's where the confusion.


We're saying someone else who would benefit from a biopic?


I think it was Bob Dylan because we were saying how we didn't know anything about him and we should watch a movie. No, there was someone else. You're right.


Like, someone misunderstood, maybe.


No. Or someone who's, like, big and famous?




We don't really. Wait. That's a problem when you have so many stimulating conversations in one podcast. Like, we're never gonna be able to remember what we're talking about. The Beatles.


Oh, yeah. They're doing one on each of the.


Yeah. And we said that was unnecessary.


Yeah, that's a lot.


And then there was Bruce Springsteen with Jeremy Allen. Strong.


Right. Oh, my God, how quickly I forget.


But what. Who were. I think I really was Bob Dylan. Who we were saying, perfect case of a biopic.


For us.


For us.


Because we don't know her.


We're the target demo.


Yeah. So latest biopic news. I mean, a biopic is always a strong movie choice. Like, all the biopics that I've seen. It's always a good way to go if you're a production company. Like, you'll get buzz.


We were just talking about this yesterday, how nobody can create anything original anymore. Like, every successful, and not even successful, every tv show that's announced is either a reboot spin off or an adaptation of a book. Like, nobody makes original content anymore. And you're right. Half the shit that comes out now as a biopic, it's been lived. It's not creative.




Another, you know, stunning indictment on the state of culture.






More bio pics for everyone.




Hopefully they're swirly biopics.




Are you ready for our fifth and final story?


I am. Cause let me tell you the pit of hunger that has encroached itself in the bottom of my belly.


Okay, well, just hold on to that.




It's actually food news. No, no, sorry.


Fifth story. Friday is always food news.


It was about to be.


What was the food news? It was about to be that.


It's 711. It's, like, big gulp day or something.


And you can bring your own cup.


Your own cup. But it could be a bathtub.


Yeah. Yeah.


And they fill it up for $2.


People bring, like, their pickup trucks, and they line it with, like, a tarpaulin.


That's insane.


It's disgraceful.


It's why we can't have nice things.


That's why days like these are on their way out.


Yeah. Really? What are you gonna do with all that slushy?


That's a good question.


Our fifth and final story is that Real Housewives of Potomac star Wendy Ossifo's home was burglarized while she was on vacation. Her birkins and jewelry were stolen, so the burglary took place sometime last week. In Maryland, when Wendy and her family were on vacation in Jamaica. A spokesperson person for the county sheriff's office told TMZ that the theft was reported to their office on Sunday, but shared no further details as the investigation is ongoing.


So is she. What? The third house? Which housewives have been robbed? Kyle Dorit. Wendy. Right.


But a lot of them have been, like, robbed throughout history. Like, Erica. She was saying, I watched, by the way, I watched bet it all on blonde. I don't think I talked about it.


That's crazy.


I was just loving her from her season, and I was like, I want more, Erica. Let me see what's going on. And I enjoyed it. And she was. Happened to be talking about her. Her home with Tom Girardi was burglarized three times while they lived there. That's why they got a really big dog.


Tom's house was broken into.




What's that? Tom's house is broken into. And the burglars, whatever that. It's like a viral tic tac sound. Yeah. Like, in their lives. But I think being a housewife puts you sort of on, like, a robbers.


Jennifer Aydan had her car stolen.


Yes. It puts you on, like, the burglar's map. Because they kind of, like, I've always felt that way about Real Housewives of New York. In the early seasons, they would show the. The housewives buildings from the outside. Be like, oh, Jill, it's time. And then they would show the building, and they would show, like, the awning, which has the name of the building and sometimes even the number on it. Like, they didn't do a good job of, like, protecting where these people live.


Yeah. Even I was just watching something recently, and, like, they come in from the sky, like, zooming in on the house.


It's so crazy.


It's crazy.


And, like, if I was a housewife, I'd be like, you can't show my house.




And then I did think there was a few years where with certain. Just because I was, like, obsessed with, like, New York geography, where they were lying, they would show other buildings and the person didn't live there. It's like, okay, put these people in danger who live in this building.


Like, yeah, we're just confused people.


Yeah. There really is no need. I wonder if any of the housewives feel any sort of way about, like, the outside of their house. Like, it's kind of a prerequisite.


Yeah, no, but I feel like you could show the outside of someone's house. Like, it's different than coming in on the aerial, like, here's the street.


Like, well, then I remember there was someone in Dallas. I want to say it was Stephanie Holman, before she moved into that sick house, who lived in a gated community that I think wouldn't let them film. And they only filmed from the back of her house. We were always seeing, like, the golf course in the back of her house because the HoA wouldn't let the begin the front film. And honestly, like, that was probably the best thing for her and her family.


Yeah. I don't know if the burglars, like, if it's related, but they took a majority of her designer bags, including a few birkins. They also swiped a large amount of her jewelry. Wendy put out a statement to TMZ saying, my family and I are devastated and feel violated by this intrusion. We thank God no one was home.


Oh, my God.


So we feel very blessed. Material things can always be replaced.


Yeah. No, it's always like, thank God Noah's home. But then when you sit down and think, like, that's your jewelry, like, you know, from all your years of life, gifts from your husband, your wedding, like, that's horrible.


Yeah, it's all bad. Yeah.


And it's just like, why you got a burglarize? Like, get a job. What if you just got a job?


It's a great question.


Next time I meet a burglar, I'm gonna say, listen, there's always a job.




And then you can buy yourself things. Get on LinkedIn. Where is that hustle culture with the burglar community? I feel as though they actually have that entrepreneurial spirit. To go and burglarize someone's home is no easy feat. Like, it definitely takes a little bit of self determination and motivation. Now, imagine channeling that towards starting a business. Think about how many Elon musks there would be.


It's sad to think.


It's a sad state to think what.


We'Re missing out on.


Exactly. The industrious nature. We were talking about the beginning of the week, how we don't have that sort of industrious nature. Maybe that's because there's too much burglary.




What are you gonna eat?


Well, I was in the middle of this bar right here, so I'll finish that.


I'm so over bars. Like, give me pizza. You know?


Give me pizza.


I want p a z a. I want pizza. Well, I wanted to bid everyone a farewell. This is my last show until the week after next. Jax's taking over next week. With amazing co hosts that no one will suffer.




Except for me. Honestly, not even. But I'll be of all this content to listen to while I'm on my trip.


So true. I'm really excited for the shows. We have great guest co hosts. We're gonna have a great week. We're gonna miss Turdy, but we're gonna make the most of your absence.


And I'm excited to come back. I feel like I'll have so much to share.


We're very excited to hear about your trip. So I'll miss you all.


Jax, thanks for holding down the fort.


Yeah, it works.


And this is kind of the e o w of Jax in NY. This is, like, your last in person. No, actually, the next time. Name? I'm back. I'm gonna be with you.




So we'll be at Flamingo. So you have a lot of in person content coming at you, which is the Kangen's bussing. Good for you guys. Not great for me.


We'll be okay. We'll get through it.


Love you guys.


Thank you so much.


Listen to the testimony morning show. We deliver the fastest eating today, every Monday, the Friday on YouTube. So you're watching YouTube videos.


Love ya. Bye.