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Good morning, millennials.


Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast and happy Thursday. Hope you're doing well. I miss you all so much. How you doing? My girl, Jackson is back. She is back. She was really sick, but she is back. Now she's still sick, but she feels better enough to podcast, and that is good enough for me. Hey, Jacks, how you doing?


Perfect intro, sums it up. I was sick yesterday. I'm still sick, but feeling better well enough to podcast. So you'll still get that nasally. But I have entered my sticky shoes era. And I'm not going to lie, I've been practicing songs that I was going to sing. And this is the song I decided to sing because I didn't want to do the climb again because you guys know I've mastered it.


Yeah, it's boring at this point.


Right. It's like- A classic. -try to challenge yourself. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. You were bigger than the whole sky. You were more than just a short. I can't hear myself with my headphones. Hold on.


Well, you're like a real singer, like taking your earpiece out.


I've got a lot to pine about. I've got a lot to live without. I'm never going to meetyou. What could have been? What could have been? What should have been you? That's just a little treat for you guys today.


Yeah, so that's that on that.


So that's that on that. And we have multiple treats today. One, the show itself, always a treat.


Treats galore.


Two, we're showing you some new winter merch. You guys, Claude and I have been working on a little winter collection for you using our favorite word that we have yet.


To- Capitalize. I was going to say.


Something like- Design?




When you put it in your- Create. Okay, I'm not going to get the word because I'm sick and I'm in a fog. But we have this gorgeous Wrench holiday merch. I am wearing the cream Wrench Reindeer set. I'm going to move my microphone so you can see, and the matching sweatpants. I'm in a size XL. I could have done a large. Yeah, I'm feeling small.


Yeah, I'm in a size medium. I could not have done a small. I could not.


The quality is so cozy and so cute. There's a little the Toast, established 2018 on the sleeve. This is all going to drop on Monday, so we wanted to give you ample time to know what's coming. Claudia is in our black, wentchy light set.


Toasty lights? We don't know her. Wentchy lights, we know her.


Except it says, wentch, not wentchy. Just want to make that clear. Wentch on the breasts and wentch on the thigh. Double the wentch, double the fun. Also, there's a wentch on the thigh for me as well.


Yeah, holiday collection 2023, greater than everything we've ever done in our lives.


It's so cozy. I'm loving my fit today, so that also just makes it a great episode. The merch is going to drop Monday at 10:00 a. M. Eastern time. Don't worry, we will keep reiterating that to you throughout the next five days. You can get it at shoptoastmerch. Com. Not to be confused again with Shopchannel, Shop Air Maze, but Shoptoast Merch.


Shoptoast Merch, we are dropping our holiday merch a little bit early for a multitude of reasons. One, that holiday shipping ain't a joke. We want to get it out to everyone. We're also doing pre-orders so that everybody can get the size that they want. So the collection will be up for probably two days, give everyone a chance to get exactly what they want, and then we will close it and start shipping out and making the sweatshirts. So we just wanted to make sure A, everybody gets what they want, and B, we have enough time to ship out all the orders. So- So.


That it gets you before the holidays.


Keep that in mind. We're very excited about this collectione. We'll be teasing, getting some good product shots. Jack and I are modeling. It'll all be on our Instagram throughout the rest of the week and the weekend, so make sure you're following the toast Instagram. I feel like that needs to be said.


I feel like we haven't modeled in a while. Let me think.


The last time I modeled... When was the last time I was on set? I don't know. I'm just constantly always on sets. I can't even keep track of my.


Set schedule. I took a hiatus for modeling.


Oh, let's talk about that. Is it because the industry is so toxic?


The industry is toxic. I needed to step away and center myself. Of course. And come back to it with more of a level head. So now I feel ready to reenter the sphere of modeling.


I'm so glad.


Yeah, it was what was best for me. That's good. It is good. So Toast March, very exciting. We couldn't wait another minute. We got our samples, and we were like- Let's go. I have to wear this. There's nothing else I want to wear today is.


The problem. We got our samples, and we said, Let's go, girls. Let's go, girly, swirlies.


Yeah, so you did the toast with Ben yesterday.


I did.


And he wanted me to come on here and apologize for not choosing him as my host if something happened.


He was shook that when I recap that conversation for him, when we were talking on Tuesday, if I were to quit, who would you choose? And if I were to... You know what I mean. And I told Ben, and I thought it was a compliment when I was saying it. I was like, I chose you, and, Jackie chose obviously, Laviour or Marco.


And then he was so offended. And I was like, It didn't even occur to me that Ben would be offended by that. I would think, if anything, my husband would be offended because you chose your Rose was your husband, and then I chose my sisters. I never even thought Ben, but then he said to me, he was like, Well, I thought you would have just chose me because I'm a good podcaster.


Well, that's why I chose him.


And I said, That's a good point. That was a good point. He's definitely in the mix. He's definitely top three.


But that's so Ben to like, I shared with him a nice story, and he only sees that you didn't choose him. Not that- But I chose him.


I just feel like if I had said Ben also, that would have been crazy.


No, not only that. We'd make a monster out of him. We have to keep him grounded.


And it's like, You can no longer do the toast. And it wasn't like, if something happened to one of us, it was like, If you decided not to do it anymore. That would obviously connote something a little negative, something a little negative, even if it was just the toast was bad for your mental health or something. So you're going to put your husband in the arena? I just feel like that would have been a.


Crazier response. No, I think more so is we couldn't have both said Ben for the sake of Ben's big head.


No, but I think that would have been really weird if I said that, honestly. I understand where he's coming from. He's a top tier podcaster, up for.


The job. And the Ben and Jackie episodes, they are great. They're great. Right.


Yeah, the bunch and Swunge effect, we have a great rapport. We really do. He would make a great host, and I would definitely put him up for some screen testing. I just think if I answered with Ben also, that would have been really weird.


Now I'm rethinking my answer because I love, love, love, love doing the show with you. But if I had to say one negative thing, it's about both of us. If I had Mike drugers, it would all be about me. So if you quit and I could have the opportunity for it to be all about me. I might have a rotating... Just so that it's always about me and then the co-host is just fluid.


Oh, no, I don't think that's stable enough. But if you do want it to be all about you, you could have a little producer off to the side with a microphone who you're talking to.


Like Theobon type.


Who only speaks when spoken to.


By the way, I can't think of a job I'd be less qualified for than that role of the on-air producer who only speaks when spoken to. That is my worst nightmare. I'd just be turning bright red. My veins would be popping out, trying not to say stuff. Like that meme? Yes.


Would you rather be the producer who's only spoken to or set up chairs on the beach?


The producer, because he's probably sitting.


Yeah, but you're so athletic now. You would get a tan. You probably are.


Rethinking that. But no, I'm not. And by the way, Jimmy Fallon has one of those speakers. I feel like he's not on the show anymore, but that little guy, Steve.




No, Steve. Yermo is Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy Fallon has that guy, Steve, with the who stands up to the side. First of all, he hasn't been seen in a while. Is he still on the show? And two, Jimmy Kimmel makes his off-air producer who sometimes says stuff, he makes him stand. He's standing the whole time. I wouldn't do that job.


That ain't right. Jimmy, bigger one.


In size or in show?


Physically bigger.


Taller or wider? Because Jimmy Kimmel, I think, struggles with his weight, but Jimmy Fallon is taller.


Oh, shoot. Okay, not the one from the movie with Drew Barrymore.




Is hosting the Oscars. Not a story, but just a note.


It's so not worthy of a story. I literally saw that, and I tried to care less, but I couldn't.


No, I know. And it's not like there was an abundance of stories today. I could have chosen it.




So we could have had the same conversation about hosts and give it to Theo Vaughan or Tim Dylan, but I wasn't in the mood.


Speaking of story selections, did you choose the story about Travis Kelsie's old tweets?


No, I didn't.


Can we talk about it really briefly? Yeah, of course. Now it's a hilarious story, but it's worth noting that people went to Travis's Twitter to find old tweets in bad faith. To expose him. They were bad faith actors. B-of-aiths. They were B-of-aiths. And what ended up happening was funny, but we need to stop doing that. We just absolutely need to.


No, I'm glad that you're mentioning that, and I'm glad it worked out for Travis.


The result was hilarious. The tweets that they found from when he was super young are so mind-numbingly stupid and moronic. He's literally tweeting like, Can't wait to get Chipotle. Naptime. I just saw a squirrel in the park. An actual 14 year old. It's so precious, it's so sweet. And I think it really is like an indicator of he's always just been this big goofball. But let's not forget people went there with bad intentions.


Yeah, they did. Stop it.


Stop it.


Stop. And it's like, they're Taylor fans, but they don't want her to be happy because what if they had found what they were looking for?


Well, they found what they were looking for with Brittany at home. Of course, they searched through her old tweets, the words Taylor Swift, and there was three tweets. They weren't terrible. It was just like, I wonder if Taylor Swift will ever write about anything other than her relationships. And then there was another one that was like, Taylor Swift winning every award. She was obviously live tweeting some award show at the time. Taylor Swift winning every award. Less than, less than, less than, less than, less than.


At this point, I'm mad at the people who go and find those types of things. I don't care that Brittany Holmes 10 years ago was frustrated to Taylor Swift won every award. It's so wrong.


Yeah, but I do wonder how Taylor feels.


About it. It's so awkward.


It's so awkward. It's so awkward. And the thing is, sometimes you meet someone or you know someone, and you don't like them at first, and then years later you end up being really good friends with them, and it's like, oh, ha ha ha. And you as a human being, that privilege of what you first thought of them is like, it's private. Yeah. Now the internet has stripped that away where you just like-.


And it's weird when it's like, you're a fan of someone's and you're commenting on them, and then you know them. It's just weird and unnecessary. Why did you have to go there? We all feel weird about it.


Yeah, let's just not.


When I saw that, I felt.


Really awkward. Yeah, what if we just didn't?


Yeah, that's what I'm saying.


Let's not and say we did. Let's not.


Even say we did.


I, a few months ago, was thinking about a time in my life where my rebuttal to absolutely anything that was said to me was, Let's nod and say we did. And that was such a slay. How cool are you? Yeah, no, it was a slay, and I need to start bringing it back.


No, please don't. It's literally so rude and condescending. That's like when everyone's rebuttal was, You would.


Oh, that's fucking rude. I thought you were going to say when everybody's rebuttal was like, Your mom.


Right, right, right.


Of course. That just lacked creativity. That's not even a.


Good one. But you would. It was so nasty. By the way.


You would. That was dark. Dark. Dark. And then when you were talking shit about someone, you were like, Oh, she would. Actually, I still say that.


No, it's so mean. Yeah, I will. I will, and I can, and I shall.


Oh, speaking of words, I have made significant progress in the book, The Fourth Wing. I'm so glad I stuck with it. I'm 85 % there. I'll probably finish it today. Honestly, everybody was like the beginning, and I kept going. And I was like, 20, 25, 30, 35. And I'm like, This book is not getting better. And seriously, it's literally one word that changes it. 35 %, you're there. I've never had such an instant shift. Usually, it's more gradual. I'm getting more into it, and then I love it. Literally, in one second, loved.


Yeah. Also, I meant to tell you, I know you said Ina Taylor-Joy should play Violet. I disagree. Okay. But when we did Redheads, when I would think of Zaden and Violet, you know who I think of? Who? Jacob and Olivia Jade. He's so tall. She's so small.


No, I love it. I love it.


They should be.


Let's talk about this really quickly. So the book has been an option for a series at Amazon, so we know it's being brought to a screen near us. I did see it more as like a movie franchise. There are so many things in the book that remind me so much of hunger Games.


I think it's going.


To be a movie. I heard series.




And even if it's on Amazon, this needs to be something in the theater. This is going to bring back those big franchises. There's so many Twilight references. Honestly, I see it so much as a hunger games type of thing.


Me too, like Peter and Gayle.


Duh. But, of course, casting comes to mind. And I do really see Violet as Anya Taylor-Joy, except Violet physically is so small and short. And Anya Taylor-Joy is just too tall for it. But I'm sorry, the hair, the face, the body, it's giving Violet Sorry and Gayle. I stand by that.


I understand. But I do think she's also 18.


We need someone.


Really young. Right, I think it would probably be an unknown. Yeah. Kind of like, or an up and coming actress, like how Jennifer Lawrence was, Chris and Stewart, they had worked before, but they weren't household names. I love that.


Yeah, and for Zaden, I don't picture Zaden when I'm reading it so much as I picture Violet. I don't really know what Zaden looks like. I can't put my finger on it.


I think on Redheads, we do the Hollywood treatment. If you've read Fourth Way and go listen to the Redheads episode. We all gave our casting suggestions. I like Jacob and Lauri. Someone said Charles Melton.


I like that. He's very handsome. And I also feel like the only religious scriptors they gave is that he has very tan, bronze skin and brown hair.


Yeah, so it could be anyone, really.


Jacob and Lauri with the spray tan.




But somebody big.




Yeah, and chiseled.


Yeah, chiseled.


And he's 23.


And she's 20. 20.




Yeah, they're three years apart. Because I just started the second book, and she just turned 21.


And my book club has hit a fork in the road for this month because we're reading Matthew Perry's memoir. And there's two or three girlies in the book club who are so against Kindles. We talk about it every week. They just read hardcover books, and the book is sold out everywhere. So they went to go purchase and there are no books.


Well, maybe a toaster is selling.


A copy. Oh, if you're selling a copy, LMK.


There's always people selling copies of books in the Redheads Facebook group.






Things happen. I will source. That's a good call.


Yeah, it is a good call. You're welcome.


So I'm loving the book. I'm going to read the sequel, of course. And everyone was right.


I'm so glad. I was reading the sequel last night. I felt like I was reading so much, and I was at four %.


Oh, that's tough.


No, but it must be in a thousand page book. I meant to look up how many pages it is.


Don't ruin it for me, because you know then I won't want.


To read it. No, but if you love it, then it's just more.




Okay, it is... No, 6:23, same as fourth Wing.


fourth Wing is 600 pages.


Pretty sure.


Well, if I had known that before, I wouldn't have read it.


That's why we keep things from you.


It's true. It's so.


Important to keep things from me. 5:28. 5:28. Okay. Yeah, it's important.


So I'm looking forward to keeping up with the casting of that series or movie or whatever it's going to end up being. That'll be fabulous.


Yeah, very exciting. And I'm so glad you're on board. And then you have to listen to the Redheads episode.


Yeah, of course. I love listening to The Redheads episodes after I finish a book. So I listen to The Measure. What do.


You think? Who would you agree with most?


None of you. Maybe Rebecca, because you guys talked a lot about how you thought the book was very COVID-y. And I honestly didn't get that at all. So Rebecca was like, Oh, my God. I didn't even think of that. And I was like, same.


Okay, that makes sense.


Yeah, but it's such a great way. And also sometimes when I read books, that's why I need to listen to The Fourth Wing, Redhead's episode. Like I said earlier in the week, I'm really not the smartest person, especially book smart. So I feel like stuff really goes over my head, like details or meaning.


We all have that experience with fourth wing where it's like someone noticed something that the others didn't, and we were all learning more because there's a lot of stuff in the book. Yeah. Speaking of COVID-19, I'm pretty sure I have COVID.


Yikes. Stay away.




Thursday. By the way, I feel like now it's November. And before COVID, let's remember, during this time of year, people would get the flu, they would get the colds. It's just like being sick in the winter.


No, I'm literally just sick. I assumed I had a cold, but then my friend has COVID, and she was telling me her symptoms. And I was like, Yeah, those are my symptoms too. And then yesterday, I couldn't taste her smell, and that has never happened to.


Me before. That's true. By the way, that's happened to me, though.


No, Claudia- With the cold, yeah, you lose...


You can't smell.


No, I've never been eating something, and I couldn't... I was eating Everything bagel crisps. That's a flavorful snack.


Couldn't taste a thing. It could have been anything.


Okay, but by the way, that has happened to me many times when I'm sick. I don't feel like that's a COVID exclusive thing. When your nose gets so blocked up, it's math. I mean, it's science.


No, I know, but I've never had the experience of not being able to taste, period. It's coming back today, which is good because it's weird to not be able to taste. It's like, Oh, I should take advantage of this, eat healthy.


Yeah, by the way, when I, the last time I think I was at your house, and I was so sick, I literally ate broccoli because I couldn't taste. I'm like, I might as well.


I know, but it's also I'm realizing so psychological. It's like, Well, I want to curl up with a bag of pretzels.


Yeah, not a bag of broccoli.


Not a bag of broccoli. Even though I did the other day, steam some broccoli and eat it. That's disgusting. No, because last week I was making broccoli egg bites, and I had leftover broccoli that was seasoned. So I just started eating it. I was like, This is so good. I should make this for a snack.


Let's not and say we did.


Anyways, refluence labor to me-.


Refluence labor to you? Do you need to blow your nose off camera? You sound-.


Yes, I'm waiting for the ad break. I'm going to go hard. No, go.


Ahead because I have something else to say, and it'll give.


You 10 seconds. Okay, I'm going to take my headphones off so that I can- Go.


Live your.


Best life. Okay, but I'm going to miss what you're going to say. Very sad. Okay. Just give me a teaser.


No, so I went last night to a dinner to celebrate the opening of the new crate and barrel store in Flatiron. And oh, my God. I've never been a crate and barrel girly. I go more CB2 because it's cheaper. And it's a 25,000 square foot store. It looks seriously like a Costco. It's huge. It was so sick. It was so Gorgina. There was a dinner downstairs for 50 people, but upstairs you could just walk around the store, take pictures. Oh, my God. I'm so in the holiday spirit now. They had Christmas trees and an ornament making thing. It was so sick. And I just wanted to say, it opened today. I'm going to be spending my time at Crate and Barrel. I've never been one of those with my new house.


Yeah, you need to make selections.




Go. I'm actually going to get up and mute my microphone without further ado from this nasely wedge. Here are the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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You do.


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Thank you, La. I feel like a new woman.


Yeah, well, I'm so good.


I'm so glad. Do I sound like one?


Yes, you sound great and clear.


Crystal clear.




I wonder how long I'll have. Hopefully till the next ad break time, I need to expel myself again.


You let me know. I will. We can always cut. It's not a big deal.


Oh, that's true. That's true. I like sneaking it in.


Yeah, I know.


Our first story, not our next one. Fire Festival Two kicks off with zero gravity flights and no catastrophes. If convicted fraudster Billy McFarland, the guy behind the catastrophically incompetent Fire Festival, took you to a remote airstrip outside of New York City and told you to get on a tiny plane to experience zero gravity flight, would you climb aboard? Apparently, some people would. Page six here is that X-Con, Billy McFarland took a group of around 75 of the first people to buy tickets for his do-over event, Fire Festival Two, to an airfield in Orange County, New York, and sent them up in private planes to experience weightlessness. Pilates can create the feeling of weightlessness even inside the Earth's.


Yeah, they did it on The Bachelor.


By flying through a certain arc. Is that what.


Vanessa did? Vanessa Grimaldi when she threw up. Literally me. I have so many things to say.


First of all- So he's doing a Fire Festival too. People have bought tickets. The first purchasers got to experience weightlessness with Billy McFarland.


The fact that there are 75 people who purchase tickets, they are fucking morons. I'm sorry. I don't know what's going to go wrong, but I will not feel bad for them. I won't. This is so stupid. Second of all, Fire Festival and Billy McFarland is a pop culture moment. I am so done with. I don't want to hear him on podcast. I don't want to see him doing interviews. I don't want us to hear about what his next plans are. I don't care. Can we stop? We get so obsessed with these things, and we ruin them. Okay, I understand when the documentaries came out, sure, it was fun. That was years ago. Why are we still talking about this person? I mean, because.


It was such a moment, I think everyone's trying to recreate the moment. It's giving Suede. It's giving shipping container, trying to squeeze through, trying to make a Suede moment. The way I feel about Billy, though, I feel differently. I'm just like, If at first you don't succeed, try. Try. Try again. I love this for him. I think he should keep going. I hope Fire Festival too is a massive success, and he proves all the haters wrong. I hope that for him.


I don't care. That's the thing. Succeed or not, my life remains uninfected. I will never purchase. I cannot... And by the way, not only did they buy a ticket, they also bought a ticket with more dangerous activities. I would never go on a plane that was procured by Billy McFarland.


Yeah, but if you watch the documentaries about Fire Festival, Billy just has this, I'm sorry to say, entrepreneurial spirit that you cannot quell.


You can't deny.


It's an entrepreneurial spirit coupled with a fraudster spirit that makes for this beautiful enigma that is Billy McFarland. Even when he was doing those credit cards, he just wants to build something.


No, he just wants money.


His name should be Bill D.


Bill D. Mcfarland.


Yeah. So you can't crush his spirit. He paid the time for the crime.


He did. He did. But I'm just so uninterested in the comings and goings of Fire Festival 1.02, 3.04. I don't care.


And I think also the people who buy tickets, they just want to be a part of something. I think it speaks to a deep- Desire. -a deep, like- Desire. -lowness and... Deep desire to be in a documentary.


By the way, nobody on the planet understands that better than me. Every day I wake up and I say, What can I be a part of today? But not at the expense of my own life? Yeah.


Getting on a plane? But did.


They die? Did you die, though?


But did you die?


No, they didn't. This time.


Yeah. He has the same energy as that guy who created the subversible company. Yes. Like trying to do something that can't be done for a reason.




A reason? There's a reason why you can't do a music festival on a remote island because they don't have the infrastructure.




There's a reason why it hasn't been done before.


If I never heard the words Fire Festival again, I would be fine. I'm at that place now.


I'm at the place where it's history to me, and I can relive it at a glance. I'm not in it. Now it's far enough away that I can re-engage from time to time.


For me, it isn't love. It isn't hate. It's just indifference. Okay.


It sounds a little like hate.


No, actually, I feel very calm. It's indifference.


Okay, it's indifference.


Sorry. I am indifferent. I feel similar, people are always grouping them together, like he and Anna Delvy.


She did come to mind as a fraudster with an.


Entrepreneurial spirit. Who the media won't let you forget.


Yeah. I guess my treatment of these two is a little different.


Is it because Anna is a woman?


Is it internalized, misogyny? No. I think it's because what Anna Delvy was doing was just specific to her, and I don't even know what she was doing.


No, she was like, No, you're not funny from banks. It's hard to be sad for banks. No, it's not.


Even like I feel sad, but Billy McFarland, it was the influencers, the celebrities. Everybody was involved in what he... It was just so much bigger than him, whereas I feel like what Anna Delvy was doing was only a little circle jerk. Yeah, yeah. It wasn't big enough for me to care about.


No, there were actual victims in the Fire Festival saga. And there were people.


There are all these different layers. No, Jack, if.


Anything, you should dislike Billy McFarland more than you dislike Annadelvy.




Talking about - All those Bahamian Bahamian.


Companies No, I know, but we're not talking about a dislike for the scam they did. We're talking about a dislike for the media cover, the press about them, and them as public figures.


How about this? I don't like either of them. Them.


I wouldn't say I like either of them.


And in terms of the content that was made from their scandals, I quite enjoyed enjoyed Inventing I.


Quite enjoyed the fire festivals.


I never saw them. Maybe that's why.




Because it was really crazy.


I'm sure.


It was just one.


Of those trends I just didn't participate in.


That's like me and Tiger King.


What a blessing that was.


Yeah, to not participate?


Or to not participate.


Or the show show itself?


To not participate.


For some people, it was the biggest blessing in their life.


And that's what's wrong with this country.


There's a lot of things wrong with this country. Can you tell me about this Osama bin Laden TikTok thing?


I would love to.


Please. I think I know what's happening, and I can't believe it. I need you to break it down for me.


Apparently, while Osama was kicking in that palace of his, he had penned this open letter, a scholar, if you will, to the United United with his philosophies and his thoughts on the matter. I don't think it was made waves when it was published, but somebody on TikTok posted about it, and it's gone viral. Viral. And are posting videos, recapping and sharing their thoughts on the letter to to penned by Osama bin Laden. I will say it's important to know most of the people who made videos were women. Just thought that was an important thing to add. Being like, Osama had a point.




Like, Let's talk about this letter. And I'd be like, Yeah, let's talk about it. And if I watched a video, video, I horrified that the thoughts they were having on the letter weren't the same as my thoughts. And I honestly think people like this really need to be watched by the FBI. It's insane.


It's insane. What's Osama's thesis?


The thing is, I don't know.


Is it America needs to be destroyed?


Yeah, it's like the freedoms and that our our government lying to us. It's insane. It's written by Osama bin Laden.


Laden. No, literally Osama. No, and it's.


Not figuratively Osama.


It's not giving Osama. No, in a literal.


Sense, in a physical sense, in a tangible sense, it's Osama bin Laden.


Yeah, but those people on on and who are empathize, these empaths for Osama, they weren't alive during 9/11, most of them, and.


It shows- That's what the response has.


Has But you really shouldn't have to be alive for something to understand. Have Have Not even empathy, common sense.


Wait, that just reminded me of something. The craziest thing happened to me last night. This is major T. I have to share. I told you this. Did you not read my text in the chat?


You did. Oh, yeah, sorry. Okay, crazy. Like, more than one crazy thing can happen. What do people like to say? Two crazy things can be true at the same time.


No, they just... I'm not going to say two things can be true.


At once. But I'm making-.


You're making it your own.


I'm meeting the moment.


So I feel like I'm not supposed to share this, but.


I don't care. Yeah, was it not a private thing?


Oh, it was. Should I not?


I don't know. That's why I assumed it was a private thing.


No, it was. It was. But would this person care?


I don't know him.


Fuck. Fuck. Maybe you're right. I'm really really sorry. Was not cool, guys.


Okay. Maybe tomorrow, if you find out more information. I'm sure someone will actually write it up. I'm sure there was.


A mole. I thought there would definitely be a mole, and that this thing would be on page six. Not page six. And then I could say it was there.


It's not really a page.


Six type thing. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. I would say- Okay, let's stop talking about a thing I can't share because that's so annoying, and I'm really sorry. But you're right. I don't want to get in trouble.


But turning is going to work to find out if she can share.


Let me just ask someone what they think.


Okay, Okay, yeah, then we could circle back to it. In the meantime, I'll tell you our second story.




Usually, haircuts do not make news on this show.


I think that's a policy we should stick by.


But Harry Stiles has given fans a closer look at his shaved head, and he's dividing.


His fans. Wait, I'm sorry. Some notes from Osama bin Laden's letter, because I just opened this text message, and it says... He says that he really feels that people should abscond from homosexuality. Jews run everything. And that was pretty much the thesis.


And so the women- And the.


Women loved it. And that's why I've said it once and I'll say again, I'm not a woman who blindly supports other other because I've seen some of those women's TikToks, and they don't have my support.


I mean, maybe they didn't get to the part about how Osama feels about women.


Yeah. I mean, he loved women.


Or maybe they did.


He married all different types of women at all all different ages, all at the same time.


That is the craziest thing. It's literally Osama. Okay, Harry Harry shaved his head. We talked about it earlier this week. He posted a picture, fans are divided. I'm making exception to the the rule, talking about a haircut because this is big news. They're calling him hairless styles.


I don't love it. I don't love it. And I knew that it was coming. I saw a very blurry picture of his silhouette, so I had a feeling I would know what it would look like. And it doesn't look like what I thought it was.


And it looks bad. So do you not feel like he's David Beckham?


No. So I would have thought he was one of these people who could pull off any hairstyle, and I really don't like it.


I don't dislike it. He's a nice looking man, but it definitely takes away... I mean, he looks a lot older. It takes away some of that boyish charm, which I think he likes.




He looks like a lot of other people now. And I feel like before, he was one of a kind. Yeah. But now he looks like a number, like just like an artist.


Yeah, that's true, actually. That's a great point. I just think, esthetically, it's not my favorite.


You prefer hairful styles.


Hairful styles.


Hairy styles.


Hairy styles.


Yeah, me too. Though I do like like change, you Whenever someone cuts their hair, even if it might get it's not your best cut, I appreciate that you tried something new. New.


Yeah, Harry's always had a multitude of hairstyles. We remember the shoulder lane, with he's grown out his his hair, cut his hair. This most recent one with very bachelor-esque, fluffy. I liked that one for the the love This just isn't my favorite, but you're right. He definitely fancies himself with David Beckham type.


Yeah. And he is good looking enough that it really doesn't matter, but it's different. It hits different.


It hits different this time. Catastrophic blues moving on was always easy for me to do.


Speaking of Taylor Swift songs, I watched the show The Buccaneers on Apple TV. I think it's four or five episodes. And when I started it, I was regretting it because it's not good. But I kept watching because I already gotten into it, and I don't want to take the time to get into another show I'm not going to like. It's just so historically inaccurate. It's set in 1870, but it's meant to be. Be. It's like way that they're behaving, these girls, they would would No one would would ever. About rich American, Gilded Age girls going over to Britain and the Broke Lords want to marry them, whatever. And the way that these American girls are behaving. I know there was a difference between the Americans and the British, but it's ridiculous. They're constantly running around. First of all, in the opening scene, they're showing their arms. I don't think anyone was showing... But it's like they wanted to do a modern show about love and and just set in a different time. And it's just bothering me me how so devoid from historical accuracy, just in terms of like... I like those small cultural things.


Even in one scene, she's giving the baby a bottle, which I'm obsessed with how how people like breastfed rear children, before there were breast pumps, formula, everything. Everything. And bottle is like this little glass boat. I thought that was so interesting. Interesting. And why I like shows like this. You learn things like that. I want more of that. Not Sleeveless Women running around in corsets. They would never be allowed allowed out the house like that.


Wait, you also just reminded me. Nobody's talking about the fact that Gilded Age is back.


Because it's one episode at a time, and the show's not good enough for me to watch it. It's not Game of Thrones, sorry.


No, but I do feel like it could be one of those shows that by the time we hit season three or four, it's so popular, and it gets really good. Because it's there. The makings of it are there. It's beautifully done. Done.


Yeah. I I like it because it's, but it's not the best of the best. No. It's Julian Fellows, but it's not downtown.


No, no, no, no, no.


But it could be. And it does give give There's something about it that's like community theater.


I'm sorry. First of all, there's a lot of things about it, but like Cynthia Nixon playing something other than Miranda Miranda is literally... It's just impossible. It's impossible to suspend your disbelief and believe that she's a woman living in the Gilded Age.


And just the accents.




Comical. And even those newVaut reach people across the street, it's just so put on. You feel like you're watching a fake show. Yeah, that's fair. You don't feel transported.


You don't.


So Buckynears. But now that I've gotten a few episodes, I'm into the storyline. It's good. Christina Hendrix is in it, and she's amazing.


I love.


That bitch. She's so different in the show. She plays the mother, but she is is just really acting She's really acting well.


The fact that we live in a world where Bryce, Dallas, Howard, and Christina Hendrix both exist and they're not the same person, I'll never understand that.


Yeah, but sometimes one of them is working, and so the other one shows up.


It's nice to have a backup Redhead.




There we.


We go, I.


Don't think I could possibly tell them apart, except because I watched Mad Men, I definitely recognize Christina Hendrix more.


As a Redhead, I can tell them them with with Same with Amy Adams and Ila Fisher.


I'm sorry, those two women don't look alike.


Everyone thinks they're the same person.


No, I can tell them apart in a flash.


But those are the four four and then then Chastain rounded out, and we have a basketball team.


The The Sorry, that's disgusting.


It is.


It's a disgusting word. I can't believe I just use that. I'm disgusting. You are. I am.


Are you ready for our next story? I just feel...


You know when you can feel energy in a room?




I feel like there's a mouse in here. I can just feel it.


Maybe it's you.


We've been in the studio for many years. We've never seen a mouse. I just think my time is up. Up.


Itell you, you're the mouse.


But I'm not because I'm a girl.


There can be be mousees.


I'm a human girl.


Is the mouse in the room with us?


I believe it is.


A piece of cheese.


Do you think I have cheese?


Yeah, I think there's a cheese string in the fridge, honestly.


Maybe that's why we have a mouse.


And if it's not there, the mouse already got it.




Any other thoughts before I get into the next story?


No, I've been told I really shouldn't share my tea, and I'm really sorry to have brought it up.


Thank you for the apology. I'm glad I caught you in time.




Our next story is a story that I'm very passionate about.


Wow. What story number is this?


Three. Okay. Bachelored star, Blake Blake is expecting his first baby with Love is Blind alum, Giannina Gidelli. So for people who watch Love is Blind or The Bachelor, Batchelet, you probably know that Blake Hortsman from Becka Season of The Bachelor is dating Giannina from Love is is who was engaged to Damian and she lost her butterflies. They have.


Been- She lost her her.


They've been together for a a while, a year, maybe two years. They met on a reality show where where cast about the reality shows go. I don't know which one specifically.




Mtvx on the beach. Yeah, like Sex on the Beach thing, but not that one.




They've been going steady for a really long time, and now they are pregnant. And I am just over the moon for them.


No, I will say this is the ending nobody saw coming. It's very sweet. I think their Instagram Instagram is insane. Jackie is always sending it to me, I find it very triggering. But that's neither here nor there, because I actually think this is lovely, and I'm really happy for them.


I'm really happy for them. You couldn't write a better ending to both of these shows, even. Even. The fact I think a lot of people, they go on shows like famous in love, crossover shows. They meet someone, probably have a lot in common with them because you've both been on a reality show, but it never lasts. And these two are defying the odds.


Yeah, I agree. It's really nice. The pregnancy announcement was really beautiful.


And it's crazy. And the proof is in the pudding.


It's true. It's true. And I also feel like they're... Even though I was saying their Instagram is just insane. It's a lot. Lot. These photoshoots, it's a I also weirdly feel like they're very low key. I feel like a lot of people don't even know that these.


Two are dating. Not enough people know, is how I feel. And it's my job to share it with the world. And to publicize the nace of them having a baby together. You have to.


Publicize the nace- You have to publicize.


The nace- nace- -of them a baby together.


Yeah. And I I as though nobody really knows either of these people on a real personal level, because they both had these insane personalities on their shows.


And they both had crazy arcs. Right. But I feel like they know each other.


They see.


Each other. They've seen each other at their best and at their worst, and they're choosing to forge ahead. So I believe in their love. Find you a love like Blake and Giannina.


No, it's really nice. I'm happy for these two.


I always forget about his bachelor bachelor in Paradise, I always just think of him as Becka's runner up.


I don't think of him him ever. If I had to think of him, I think of him him as- Now I'm going back- Tardik, right?


Yeah, but now I'm remembering Cailin, stagecoach.


Text messages.


Text messages. Hannah G.


What did Hannah G do?


He just really wanted to date her in Paradise, even though he had already had a thing with Cailin. But he asked asked out on a date, even though Hannah Hannah G there. He was just a mess.


Messy. Messy, Hortsman.


Yeah. Hannah G made the right call. I mean, everybody made the right calls for themselves. Look at Blake.


Yeah, that was a good era of Bachelor and Paradise. I mean, he did get a lot of couples from that time. Cailin and Dean? Yeah. Yeah. Obsessed.


Hannah and and.


Yeah, they just got married.


Yeah. Who else?


Anyone? Tisha, but she didn't end up with with anyone from Jean Paul Jones, that was a crazy time. Yeah. Jpj.


So, Mazaltov to Blake and Giannina.


Mazaltov. Wishing you well.


Wishing you so well. So thankful to have a reason to discuss them.


Before we dive into the next story, let me tell you that the next story and the rest of the show are brought to you by Racketyon. For toasters who are long time listeners, you know that we love Racketyon, one of the quintessential hacks to save money while shopping. Racketyon is an app that gives you cashback on the stores that you are already buying from, which you can stack on top of holiday deals to maximize your savings. Then it lets you deposit your cashback earnings directly into your PayPal, or it's sent to you via a check back to you. And the holiday season is upon us, which means it is the time to be using the app. They are having their highest cashback rates of the year from Black Friday to Cyber Monday, with brands giving up to 15 % cashback on stores that you were already shopping at. So in the spirit of the holidays and all this money that Racketyon is going to be saving you, let's play a little game of my favorite game... Let's play a round of my favorite game, this or that, but it's going to be a holiday gift edition.


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Oh, brands that I love. But here I'm going to have to go necessity, because because I all all makeup.


I have the things that I need- Yeah, this is an unfair question because I was going to say too, like I'm on the tart PR list.


I'm also on the the PR list, is what I was going to say. You are? Oh, my God. Yeah, Yeah, and cream. They also make baby products. I use their baby lotion.


So are you going with keels? I think I'm.


Going to go with keels because, out of necessity, technically I have less keels than I have have I have have makeup a lifetime supply.


Yeah, I agree.


But if it was for you, you, listener to listener, they're both great choices. Yeah, it.


Just depends. Are you a makeup girly or are you a skincare girly? What are your needs? This game is so personal. All right, ready for another another Yeah. Would you prefer a brand new away luggage or a brand new Dyson Dyson air.


These are hard.


I would choose the Dyson Dyson air I.


Have a Dyson Dyson air I.


Know, know, we're going have to talk hypothetically, because I have an away suitcase and a Dyson Dyson air.


Right, but I just feel like you can never have enough suitcases, is how I feel.


Agreed, but a Dyson Dyson air is like a once in a.


Lifetime thing. And also, I use my Dyson AirWrap every day. My My away I would only notice it a couple of times a year, and I'd be like, Damn, I wish I had an away away suitcase. Every day I would need my Dyson Dyson air.


Dyson Dyson.


Air is the winner. I like my my sneakers, but I love my Prana pack. But I love.


My Dyson Dyson air wrap. But I love my Dyson air Okay, Okay, one's really hard. Would you rather get five new Stanley water bottles in any colors of your choice.




Five pairs of Ray-Ban sunglasses?


Whoa. Now I feel.


Like the answer at first would be Stanley. I feel.


Like the answer at first would be Ray-Ban, because if you do the monetary value, that's technically a bit of a higher value.


I don't know, these Stanleys, these collab ones, special.


Edition- I know, know, I'm so in my Stanley era.


By the way, say, my Stanley is my life, but do I need five? Five?


Yes, for every day of the week.


With sunglasses? I really change them up all the time.


I'm going Stanley.


I think I'm going Ray-Ban.


Okay, good. We each got what we wanted.


All right, let's do one more. New New or Stuart Weizman boots? I guess it just depends how big of a slob you want to be that day. It just depends on the day.


I'm going going because I literally just bought bought yesterday because I was like, I'm going to treat my foot. I'm I'm going to my foot right now. I'm treating my foot right now. My My foot. My are so run down. I I have serve a cozy pair of slippers this season. And so I would have gone like slippers.


What about a whole new wardrobe from sacks or all new makeup from Ulta? Ulta carries everything, like high, high, low.


I'm going going sex. I'm going A whole new wardrobe from from they literally have everything.


No, they have underwear, hosery, bralettes from top to bottom.


Yeah, no, I'll go with a makeup-free face.


Yeah, no, I'll be so ugly, but dressed to the nines that that nobody notice. Yeah. So don't forget all of these places that we just mentioned and so many more get you cashback when you shop with Racketyon. The good news is that with Racketyon, you can have this and that because this game...


It's hypothetical.


It's hypothetical.


You don't have to choose.


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Thank you, Claudia, for that fun and engaging game. A pleasure. I feel engaged.


I'm glad. Glad.


Muscle-toed. I'm married.




Plan words. Are you ready for our next story?




It's some exciting news for the children.


Thank God.


Frozen 4 is in the works works that Bob Iger Iger Was.


There ever a three?


It's forthcoming. But before it even comes out, they're letting you know Frozen 4 is coming. Bob Iger revealed the studio is working on a fourth frozen movie in addition to the previously announced Frozen 3, which hasn't been released yet. He said, Frozen 3 is in the works, and there might be a Frozen 4 in the the too, he said on GMA. But I don't don't have to say about those films right now. The director who created the original movies is hard at work on not one but two actual stories of Frozen.


I wake up every day mad that I wasn't cast in Frozen. They didn't even know it at the time. I'm sure they thought it would be a great payday, like a big Disney movie. They didn't know the franchise they were creating when they created that movie. And I just think how lucky, Edina Menzel, Josh Gadd, Jonathan Jonathan Groff-.


Chris Ibelle.


What I meant. I'm so jealous. It's disgusting.


Maybe there's a new character that you could- I would love- -audition for.


I would love, love, love that. Also, speaking of Disney movies, Dwayne The Rock Johnson was on Jimmy Fallon, and he announced that that In the works is a live-action Moana that he's going to obviously play Maian.


Chef's Kiss, great idea. This is what's great about having so much immediate success with new movies. They could also do this for Frozen.


Moana is not a problem-dramatic. So in a few years, when they do it again, they're not going to have to remove the dwarves.


Right. I guess maybe it's a little different for Frozen. I don't think adina Minzal would play Elsa in a live-action Frozen.


No, they're teenagers.


Yeah, and they don't look like their characters. I guess this really only works for for Duane.


Yeah, I don't know There aren't really other famous voices in Moana. Moana, Moana, is there?


Moana herself, about to be in in Girls a musical.


Oh, no way. Yeah. Who is she playing?


I think one of the the Girls.


Oh, I love that.


Yeah, but Duane playing Maui, and also Maui was inspired by him a bit. It was very simpatico.


Yeah, like his culture, his tattoos.


His tattoos, right. So I think that's awesome. I think Moana live-action will be stunning.




All that oceanic panorama.


Yeah, but who would play the the live-action, That's a good question. Honestly, I feel like I keep using her for everything. -renae Rap? -anna? Could totally be Anya Taylor-Joy.


Or El-Song? Does she sing?


That's a good question. And never stopped stopped Zaka And you know we don't talk about it enough as a a He was in high school musical because they liked him so much, even though he couldn't really sing. So in the movies, Drew Sealy is is and Zach Zach is lip-syncing. And then Zach Zach became the guy for musicals. And And he in in The Greatest So why couldn't he sing in high school musical?


I think he steps his pussy up. Yeah. He took some voice lessons. I think he probably has- He was in Hairspray? Yeah, he probably has a pleasant enough voice. He's not like like where there's just no helping, but he could carry a a And I think he had so much potential to be a musical king. He dances, he acts, he's down to clown.


He's so down to clown.


That's an important factor in the movie, musical actor.


No, if you want to get in musicals, you have to be the the most person.


Right. So they were like, like, we could just help.


This man's voice- Unless you're doing like, like, Le Right.


If we could help this man's voice, he'll be unstoppable. And that's what they did.


Honestly, to me, it translates as this is a person who was born to sing. When I heard heard himand Hairspray. It's the ladies, Joyce, Joyce, Joyce. I'm the ladies. Do, do, do, do, do. A-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Like to me is one of the greatest musical performances of our time. And you're telling me that person had to learn how to to and he wasn't just born born Yeah.


I think talent needs to be honed.


Without love, like hello.


But I also think what makes him a great movie musical actor, his voice itself isn't amazing. It's the whole package. Even in The Greatest Showman, I'm not struck by his voice. I'm just struck by the whole thing. So it's just a small part of the magic that is Zach Efron.


And I always thought it was so cool how for a very long time, Zach Efron was the hottest guy in Hollywood. And he just loved to do do It was so sweet and cute, and he was so straight. I was like, This is so crazy.


I never thought about it much, but it's a.


Beautiful thing that he did. I thought about it all the time, how he was just like singing and dancing queen, but he was also like this heartthrob.


Yeah, I really never saw it that way, but it's beautiful.


Yeah, and I guess he was like a young Hugh Jackman. And that's why The Greatest Showman was so beautiful, because it really was the passing of the baton.


Yeah, but also young Hugh Jackman Jackman Gastone. Luke Evans.


Luke Evans. I love that man. I could wax poetic. I could do a whole podcast on Luke Evans, but it's important to note I've literally only seen him in Beauty and the Beast. I'm sure he's worked on other stuff. I've never seen it. But that's.


Sign of a great act, like when someone's one role is enough to sustain you?


We need to rewatch Beauty and the Beast when we're on vacation.


In December.


Because I haven't seen it in probably a year. Year. And it's just And.


You know what? Now with this list, we do have to think about the children.


No, because I feel like I've thought about this. We'll be watching when the children go to bed.


Oh, okay. But no, but that's why it's a great great movie Kayla loves Beauty and the Beast.


Yeah, and that's nice and stuff, but not to be annoying. Watching stuff with the kids is annoying. They're jumping around and we can't focus. Oh, wow. No, we're going to be watching the stuff when they go to bed. We're going to be watching The Golden Bachelor with Kayla, are we?


She would love it.


No, she would be disruptive. And I love her. But if we're going to watch it, we have to watch it.


Wow. Well, soon we can add Frozen to our list of family-friendly movies. Movies. We will I.


Didn't even see see Frozen, I'm not obsessed with Frozen.


It's good. It's really good.


No, it was good.


You'll watch it. You'll watch it and you'll like it.


And I loved what they did, that first movie with the celebrity celebrity Demi Lovato did Let It Go. Go. Was on there, right?


No, they just... It they did like an off-brand.


Oh, they did an off-broadway cover?


Yeah, they did did Every once in a while, I think it was David Foster, he put together an album of Disney covers.




That's cool. Yeah, it was good. And And did Let It Go with Lucy Hale. It's like someone went into.


My brain. Yeah, so you're saying that wasn't a Disney sanctioned.


Work of art? No, it was Disney sanctioned. You can't sing their songs.


Without- But it wasn't official.


It wasn't the official soundtrack of Frozen. It was just some people riffing.


That's too bad.


Bad. Love to riff and raff.






On it.


Our fifth and final story is crazy, and it's just funny the links will go to to not choose Jimmy Kimmel being Oscar host as the story.


I support, what is it? Whatever it it I love.


An escaped horse on a plane forces the flight to turn back to JFK.


The horse escaped the plane? Where did he go? So this.


Is why details are important, because you think like, how did a horse end up on a plane without people knowing? But no, it's- Well.


Horses go on planes.


Yeah, it's not like that. Within hours of taking off, a plane was forced to reroute and return to its departure airport after a horse got loose in the cargo hold. A Boeing 747 took off from JFK on November November ninth. Once it reached 31,000 feet, its crew requested a change in flight plan as one of the 15 horses in cargo had gotten loose. The plane was operated by Air Atlanta, Icelandic. The horses were being transported. There was was 15 they were being transported to across the pond.


The idea of a horse on a plane makes me want to cry.


No, literally. I mean, I don't think much about how horses get around these days, but of course they do.


They breed them- No, and of course, when they go to the big races-.


Well, they usually stay on the same continent, I think.


Yeah, but still, if your horse is in California, you go to the Kentucky Derby, you got to fly, fly, or.


Are you a a I think you drive. You see those horses on the highway all the time. Time.


I see horse on I just imagine he's going from one farm to the next an hour away. Yeah.


I think if you're going from California to Kentucky, you drive because a horse on a plane is an insane idea. No, it's insane. But when I think about horses crossing the seas, I would have thought that they would go by ship. I would would What are you talking.


Well, so I watched this documentary once, and I was sobbing. It's called called and the Loneliest Elephant. And it's all about this elephant during COVID that was in one of these forlorn zoos in Pakistan. It was just horrible. And the zoo lost its funding, whatever, and all the animals, whatever. And they had nowhere to put this elephant. And he was discrepid and broken and sad. And Cher got involved, and they had to get this elephant to this refugee... No, what's.


The word? Sanctuary?


Yes, not refugee. Sanctuary in Cambodia. How do you get from Pakistan to Cambodia? Cher was very helpful. They got a cargo plane, and they walked the elephant onto the plane. The elephant had broken legs. He was in shackles. It was one of these horrible zoos. They had to train him for weeks and months before the plane because he was a little violent because he was mistreated for so many years. He gained the love and trust of this doctor, and this doctor was basically saying it's his job to help animals who are in captivity and then move on from them. It's a very hard job because you get so emotionally attached. He has rules. He won't emotionally attached to these animals, but this elephant stole his his and this Pakistani veterinarian was crying, and I was crying. It was so sad. It's such a good documentary. And then at the end, because Cher is involved, obviously it's a happy ending, and he's thriving, whatever, and then they start playing Cher like, Do you you believe... I have to love... I have to Let me tell you, this documentary changed my fucking life. So I did know that in extreme circumstances, I mean, they got an elephant on a cargo plane.


Well, that's crazy that a plane can take off with a literal elephant on the plane. That's amazing. Okay, so yes, technically, you can fly a horse. But I would just think that... I mean, the journey by sea is longer, but the air pressure, how does that affect horse?


I do believe they tranquilize them.


But still air pressure.


No, of course. And also, horses sleep standing up. So for takeoff.


Is he standing up?


It's not cozy.


And how is there a tall enough cargo hold?


I don't know. And this is just one thing I don't want to know. What if there was was horse on board with with We always talk about the potential dogs, but what about a horse?


That's why it's crazy.


No, but I don't think there are horses on passenger planes. This was a cargo, Icelandic?


It was Air Atlanta, Icelandic.


I believe that's like a cargo airline.


Yeah. One horse got loose. They had to turn back around.


And- But got loose loose like- cargo.


Got out of his stall.




They had to turn back around.


No, because if this was a passenger plane and my ass had to turn around because someone's fucking horse wasn't clipped in, I would be so mad.


Hold on. There's more details about how the horse got loose. But when I first read this story, I thought a horse accidentally ended up on a plane.


Jumped? No, I thought a horse accidentally... They said he escaped to the plane. I'm like, He jumped out?


Mid-flight? According to the chairman of ARK, the company that handles all animal export and quarantine operations at JFK, we have to have him on the toast.


Honestly, I just feel feel I hope he runs a clean business. I feel like I'm really getting upset.


So apparently, this is going to upset you.




Turbulence struck, and the horse jumped and managed to get its two front legs over the front barrier of its holding stall, and then he got jammed. So the horse was then suspended over the barrier with its front legs on one side and its hind legs still inside the stall. So upon landing, he was met with a veterinary care team, and he needed equipment to help get him out.


Okay, that's not as I thought it was going to be. He was probably just scared and uncomfortable for a.


Few hours. Yeah.


But he wasn't probably in any pain.


I don't know. Then the plane took off again. They were going to Belgium. That was the original destination, shortly after the horse was attended to.


This is just one of the things you never think about, like people buy livestock. It happens all the time. Farming is real. This is just one of the things I just wish I never knew.


Yeah, and especially with with I feel like there's all different kinds of horses, horses, breeds. Got your English horse. I've heard they've got nice horses in Hungary.


It's like, how did they get to Hungary? Unless they were born there.


Yeah, no, I think it's a certain horse.


Yeah, it's just sad.


We have horses here, Wild West.


We do. Wild West. The West is wild.


It's going to stay wild. It will forever be wild. That's going to be a daily horse update.


It's going to stay wild.


You should stay wild.


So yesterday when I went to this dinner at Green Barrel, I've seen a bunch of of I didn't know, they were just asking what I do. And they were like, Well, what do you talk about? I'm like, We talk about our horses are wild.


We talk about how horses get from one continent to another.


Honestly, because I feel like a million years ago, I would have said, We're a pop culture show. We are. We're so much more than that. And I feel like saying we're a pop culture show just diminishes the work that we we do for and other subjects.


Yeah. I feel like there's a better word for what we do, which is is like.


How would they-.


Entertainment, but also just just That sounds fake.


We have a lifestyle lifestyle Oh, so you're unemployed?


Yeah. You know what? Let me look at at com. We need a new word.


It's more just just.


Style of living? Love.


I have a style of living podcast. What do you do?


Humanity. I like that.


Because we talk about all things. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we joke.


Yeah, I feel like I need to look at what college- Honestly.


You know what we call it? Comedy.


Yeah. I always always we talk about entertainment stuff, but we're in the comedy category, so it's funny.


Yeah, but we're a comedy podcast, right?


Yeah, we are. I mean, we literally are.


No, I know, but I'm not talking categories. I'm talking if I were to explain it to someone.


Yeah, but that's weird, because it's like, okay, so you just do comedy every day?


Like knock on jokes?


What do you talk about?




Funny things. You need blank with a comedy bent. What? You need need subject a comedy bent.


Entertainment. Now we sound like we don't have jobs.


Pop culture.


World news. Yeah, Yeah, I guess- then they're going to think we're talking about NATO.


Yeah. Hold on.


Unserious world news.


There's definitely a category on people. People. Com, Humanities, honestly.


Human interest?


Okay, they have news, entertainment, Royals, Royals, I.


Think we're a a podcast.


Society and culture.


Should we move categories?


We are society and culture, but that's also not a real...


We have a cultural podcast.


Culture. Culture. Okay, that's pop culture. Not me.


Forgetting that the word culture is in pop culture. Literally. Like I said, I'm not smart.


But we also have society, social issues. But then we're just shouting words.


Social issues- That is what we do. Shouting words, that's it. What do you do for a living? I shout words.




You know, you make me want to shout. All right, that's our our show, Tomorrow's episode is the final episode of the week. We are wearing our new merch. So on Monday, don't forget 10:00 AM Eastern time, our holiday merch is launching. You'll see photos and exact items on our Instagram throughout today, tomorrow, and the weekend. Make sure to follow us us at The Thank you so much for listening to The The the Millennial Morning Show where we deliver the fastest stories you need to know everybody through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a video a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast and our podcast can be found at Spotify, TuneStitch, or Public Video, I/O, Redokast, Pucks all the places web. You can find us on Tost, a totally five star review about about a beautiful and wickedly talented we are. Hope you guys have an amazing amazing day. We'll see you tomorrow.


Love you. Bye.