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Welcome to the Tucker Carlson podcast. It's pretty obvious at this point that the corporate media are dying quickly. But why? Because they lie. That's right. They lie, and they died as a result. But at tuckercrowson. Com, we do not lie. We promise to bring you honest interviews and commentary without Don't fear. Here's our latest episode. So everyone who's paying any attention at all knows that more people are coming across the US border from foreign countries illegally than any time in American history, and that the American population is changing faster than any time in the last 250 years. And that's not just true for the border states, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Texas. It's true for at least 48 of the 50 states, the contiguous states. I mean, small towns in Wisconsin and Iowa look completely different from what they look like two years ago. This is changing the country in a way that can't be undone. There's no bigger thing that's ever happened in American history than what's happening right now. The question is, how is it happening? Why is it happening? Who's allowing it to happen? To answer those questions to some extent, we had a pretty remarkable conversation about a month and a half ago with Brett Weinstein, who's, of course, a scientist and an academic, now hosts a fairly famous podcast called Dark Horse with his wife.


He went to the Darian Gap, which is literally the gap in the Pan-American Highway from South America to the United States in Panama. It's one of the roughest places in the world, famously. He went there with a man called Michael Jan, who is probably the most experienced war correspondent in the United States. Here's what he said about Michael Jan.


Well, I wound up there because Michael Jan had been sending me materials thinking that I would be interested in what was taking place in Panama. Of course, I was utterly fascinated by what I was seeing. Now, some of your viewers may not know Michael. Michael is a former Green Beret who has refound fashioned himself. Well, the last time I was on your program, I talked about Goliath. If there's a Goliath, there's a David. I would argue that Michael Jan is like David's eyes. He's been traversing the world trying to understand a story that as yet has no name. That story is partially in the Darian of Panama, and it's all sorts of other places, including in various UN installations. There's some story that is difficult to piece together, and he's been physically traveling to all of its various epicenters and showing people.


A year ago, it would have been pretty hard to find an English speaker who had been to the Darian Gap. Again, it's famous, this region is famous for being the most lawless and dangerous place on planet Earth. Michael Jahn has now spent about six months in the Darian Gap shooting film interviewing people. We're going to show you a lot of what he's found during the course of the interview you're about to see. But one piece of tape that caught our eye, remarkable, a town of about 300 Indigenous people, only about a dozen working toilets deep in the jungle, completely overrun by thousands of migrants all over the world, including Africa and Asia.


Watch.. All moving to your country.


Now it's happening. That's the end of the United States, the country that you grew up in. Irreparable, forever. People in Washington, the people who control the Congress and the White House seem to be in favor of this. Now they're just saying it out loud. Chuck Schumer, probably the darkest member of the United States Congress, of course, the head Democrat in the Senate. He's telling us that we can't deal with any of that because Ukraine's border is too important. It's Ukraine. It's only about Ukraine. Here's Chuck Schumer.


Let me make it clear. We made the overwhelming sentiment that meeting is we got to do Ukraine now. There are other issues, including border, which we should address, but not now.


Right. If you want to know what evil looks like in 2024, you just saw it. It's Chuck Schumer, the embodiment of it right now. But we did want to see more tape and hear more firsthand account from what it looks like at the other side, the Darian Gap, the beginning of the journey to our country, where this invasion is beginning. And so we are grateful now to speak to Michael Jan, who spent more time there than maybe any American. Michael Jan, thanks so much for joining us. So could you just start with the overview? What role, and maybe I've misstated it, but what role does the Darian Gap play in the invasion underway of the United States?


It's absolutely vital Well, Tucker. As soon as Biden was installed, I was actually in DC for the, whatever it was where they installed him. And then I flew straight within about 24 hours to El Paso because I thought that the aliens would start flooding across the border, and they did. From there, I flew down to Columbia to the other side of the Darian Gap because I thought that the Darian Gap would end up being a major pathway to the United States. And so went into the Darian Gap on the Colombian side, just not very far, just about an hour inside. It's very dangerous over there. And I was there with Masako Ganaha, the famous Japanese journalist, and Chuck Hilton, a war correspondent friend who just got strafed yesterday in Burma. But so we were out there in the Darian Gap on the Columbia side. We then flew over to Panama and went down into the Darian Gap on the Panama side. And I recognized this would likely be the major invasion route of the United States. I just started spending a great deal of time down there. I got to know many of the Imbara Indians and Kuna Indians and others down in the jungle, and I started mapping out the pathways that they're coming in, getting to know members of the government and that thing.


Now, keep in mind, a lot of people have no idea who I am, but I've spent most of my life downrange overseas. I am an American, born and raised, was in the US Army, that thing. But most of my life has been downrange. I would say two-thirds of my life has been in Middle East, Asia, deep. I spent a year in and around China. I've written three books on Chinese information more that are only in Japanese, actually, because I've been working to wake up Japan for years. So in other words, I'm not coming into this flat-footed. I'm not coming into this as somebody who looks at a map and thinks, Hey, this might be the route. I'm looking at this as someone who has traveled in about 100 countries or lived in so many countries. And so I realized these would be the routes, likely the routes. So often when you see me leave Panama, I actually go to another vital terrain, which is Netherlands. I was there with Ava Vlardinger and that thing whom you know. And so bottom line is there's a lot more going on here than just the invasion. Obviously, the invasion is a kill shot to the United States.


Now, anybody that can get their feet anywhere into South America, which is pretty Pretty much most of the world at this point, they can get to the United States very quickly, and they can do this through the Darian Gap. Now, keep in mind, a lot of people ask, Why don't they just fly to the United States? Many people do, actually. Many people come on student visas and that thing. Anybody that can actually land closer, like many of the Chinese, will actually fly to Mexico first. Some will go to Cancun and go on vacation first. If they can get a visa to Mexico, they'll go to Cancun and they'll meet what they call snake heads in Mandarin is what we call coyotes. The Chinese call them snake heads. They'll meet up with their snake heads in Cancun or Mexico City or Tapachula. Then they had to cross up to Texas and whatnot, Yuma, all these sorts of things. By the way, I've been across the entire US border, from SpaceX all the way to San Diego, quite a lot, and on the Mexican side, also quite a lot. But I've been across the entire US border.


Now, many of the actually Chinese will come through the northern border, as do others, but back to Darien. So they don't all go through Darian. Many actually use what's called the CBP One app. It's an application that they can use to fill out this form and get on flights and fly straight from Bogotá to the United States, or they fly from Guatemala to the United States. I was just over in Guatemala checking that out, actually. And so many people do fly in. The US is flying them in 24/7, but not everybody can do that. So now we have maybe 3,000 a day coming in. The number is It's constantly changing, but we know the number, quarter over quarter, is increasing coming through the Darian Gap because more infrastructure is being put in, so it's facilitating it. And the main funder, by the way, is the United States. It's the United States. I hear people constantly talking about how we should punish Colombia or punish Panama or stay in Mexico. That's all nonsense. The people that are talking about stay in Mexico policy have zero idea what's going on. It's like teaching calculus to somebody who doesn't actually know how to add yet.


The United States is the one that's behind most of this. The main engine is something called IOM, which is the... Actually, most of the border patrol agents I talk with, they've never heard of the Darian Gap, and they've never heard of IOM. Iom is the International Organization for Migration. That's the main engine that is doing this. They are part of the United Nations. They have a big office down in Panama, the City of Knowledge. It's right on the Panama Canal, actually. And there's more than five dozen NGOs down there, IGOs and nonprofits. The main one is IOM. You can see people going through airports every day across the United States and Europe and Asia as well with IOM tote bags and that thing. But IOM actually has probably the best office space in all of Panama. It's in building 110 at the City of Knowledge. I was just there about seven days ago. They fly their flag. The City of Knowledge in Panama City, It used to be Fort Clayton. All the veterans of Panama know what I'm talking about. Fort Clayton was the US Army South headquarters, right? That's one of the most vital pieces of terrain on planet Earth.


There's almost no place on planet Earth more important than that little speck of land that overlooks the Miraflores Locks, Panama Canal, the Panama Canal railway, and the Thatcher Ferry Bridge. The Thatcher Ferry Bridge is the bridge for Highway One that goes all the way down from the tip of South America up to Columbia. Then there's that gap. That's why they call it the Darian Gap, because there's a break in the road, which they're about to hook together. Then that goes all the way… That road, and Brett Weinstein talked about it on your show. Brett did excellent down there, by the way. That man loves the jungle. But that highway goes all the way up to Prutto Bay, Alaska. That's a key highway. You've got Panama, such a vital piece of terrain because, first of all, the Panama Canal. Secondly, the Panama Canal railway is important, believe it or not, and that road. Panama, just the location is vital. Now, we need the Panama Canal for trade, for one thing, but we also need it to get our Navy through. We're slowly losing Panama. The NGOs that are causing these invasions, like IOM, Highest, Catholic Charities, and so many more, are also taking over governments.


Now, Now, Secretary of Homies- Wait, may I ask you to pause for a second?


It sounds like from your reporting that the NGOs and the UN are vital. This wouldn't be happening without them. Let's just pause, if you don't mind, and explain. You just mentioned three. You mentioned the UN Agency for Migration, the one devoted to destroying the United States. What are the second two? One was Catholic Charities, and what was the middle one?


Oh, there's at least 250. But in City of Knowledge, there's at 62, 63. I've got somebody doing a study on them now. But the highest is one. That's the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Actually, interestingly, Doug McGregor, whom you've had on your show, told me back when he said, You know, Ali Mayorkas, a Homeland Security Chief, was actually a board member on high as. Then he moved over to the Department of Homeland Security, which It recurses back to what I was just mentioning. These NGOs are working hard to take over various countries. For instance, high as, the board member, Mayorkas, went to take over Department of Homeland Security. Now, Mayorkas was down there in Darien. I got word that he was going in 2022, so I got in front of him, and I waited for him for four days in the Darien because I suspected where he might land, and he did. Four days later, he landed in front of me, four Blackhawks. He went right into San Vicente camp, which I call China camp. He was there with the Southcom commander, Laura Richardson. He was there with also the ambassador, Aponte, and some others. Basically, he was coming down there with fistfuls of money to increase the size of the camps and increase the flow through the camps.


I'll show you drone footage. Actually, I've already given it to your team.


Pardon my dumb questions, but why would the head of the Department of Homeland Security want to destroy the United States? Do you have any idea?


I can't read his mind, but I can read his actions. He's clearly doing it. They're clearly doing it. And Highest has an office 40 yards away from the front gate. Again, Brett Weinstein and Dr. Chris Martensen were down there, and we were down in the Darien, and I said, There's Highest right there. Of course, they hadn't heard of Highest. I waited until we were right in front of them to explain what they were, because Hyas is right there at the camp, 40 yards away from the front gate. That's the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Usually, I hit Catholic charities and whatnot, but when I started hitting Hyas because We saw the impeachment proceedings with Mayorkas. That's why I lifted and shifted from Catholic Charities and others and started focusing on Hias. Of course, the anti-Semite remarks come up and whatnot. But the bottom line is, he did come from... As you know, Mayorkas is a migrant from Cuba. Both of his parents were Cuban Jews, and that's why he was a board member on high as. This all fits together. The bottom line is the United States... That's why I say the stay in Mexico policy is absolutely irrelevant.


It's ridiculous. It's not going to work. We're flying them in every day. They're coming across the Canadian border night and day, and we're the ones doing it.


I'm sorry to ask you to pause, but this feels important. I'll I confess my ignorance right up front. I never heard of highest until right now, but I have heard of Catholic Charities. What's their role in this?


There's many Catholic Charities, by the way. They've got it distributed quite a lot. How many are in Florida? I can get back to you. It might be 18. I'm sorry, I've forgotten. They have many different groups, even here and all over the place, all over the United States. But Catholic Charities is, I think, Catholic in name only, perhaps. But if you go down to the border in Texas or in Mexico, I've been to Catholic Charities in Mexico as well, you'll see them running the camps, running near McAllen, all over the place. I mean, very serious human trafficking. They bring in at least hundreds of millions of dollars. I can get you specifics. Those numbers, of course, change year by year. Highest is the same. I mean, these are big players. But keep in mind, the main engine is IOM.


So all of these groups are working to, I mean, they're working to violate federal law, which in a democracy we send our representatives to DC to vote on, reflecting our will, supposedly. And so these are obviously criminal organizations. So why does no one do anything about it?


Straight up criminal. I mean, we could go on for hours about that. The headquarters for IOM is actually in Geneva, right? And that's where the... Amy Pope, the American, is in charge of highest... I'm sorry, of IOM. And Amy Pope took that position maybe five months ago or so. She's bragging about it. She's got a little sign on her desk up at Geneva, boss lady. She brags that the United States is the number one funder of IOM, and we are. The number two funder is Germany, and the number three is Canada. Interestingly, I was just up in El Salvador. I was just up in Honduras and Guatemala. Where else? Basically, I've been in every country in Central America. But the Bottom line is, in El Salvador, IOM is sharing office space or sharing a building with the Canadian Embassy. In other words, again, Canada is the number three donor to IOM. Up in Honduras, IOM is sharing office space with the Canadian consulate there as well. They're in the same building. We physically went there. Iom is literally with the Canadians in both of those countries. It's unbelievable the things that we see when we go on the ground.


Iom hands out rape kits. I brought some of these rape kits to some congressmen up in Washington. Actually, we brought an Indian up there, Francisco Agape. He's the mayor of 29 of the Imbra Indian villages. He spoke with about 12 congressmen. But IOM actually hands out rape kits because so many of the women and children are raped in the jungle that they started handing out rape kits with male condoms, female condoms, It was after rape pills, abortion pills, those sorts of things. I showed these things extensively. Interestingly, I just got a message from the jungle. There's a team out there right now. I'm looking at it right now. I'm looking at their location. But Ben Berquam is out there right now with Oscar Blue. They got just last night. Actually, I sent it to your team. A bunch of people came in from different countries, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan. This was late at night, deep in the jungle. They went in by helicopter. They're there right now. They were out with Cinefront. Cinefront is the Panamanian border patrol police/army. Panama doesn't have an army, but they're like those three things blended in. They're extremely professional.


They're very fit, they're very well trained. This team right now is out with a Special Forces of Cinefront in the jungle. Last night, they came up on this, or this group came up on them, two groups, and the Cinefront said another group of terrorists just came in. You know what's very interesting is Venezuela, the main Most of the people coming in at this point are Venezuelan. There is a large presence of Hezbollah in Venezuela, which is quite interesting because Hezbollah is extremely dangerous. We've got Hezbollah down there who speaks Spanish fluently, natively, actually. Actually, there's a village in Lebanon where they speak Spanish. There's a lot of bounce back and forth. But the bottom line is, Iranians can fly into Venezuela, get a new passport right when they go there. Venezuela has a close relationship with China and, of course, with Russia. I mean, Hezbollah is thick in Venezuela. In 1994, there was a Hezbollah bombing in Argentina at a Jewish center. 385 casualties, 85 were killed, about 300 Wounded. Within 24 hours, there was a bombing in Panama. An airplane blew up and killed, I think, 12 Jewish people and about 10 others. Actually, I met recently with one of the family members of three of the Jewish people that were killed, and Hespelah did that.


The mastermind of that Hespelah bombing is now believed to live in Venezuela and has a bar, you can't make up this stuff, on Margarita Island. They know who he is. They know where he lives. They know the bar that he runs. And yet, Hayes continues to help Hespelah get into the United States. You can't make up this stuff. Literally, Jewish money is helping Hamas and Hespelah get into the United States. I mean, this is Stephen King stuff. Yeah.


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You've just given us a lot here, and I hope you'll come back. But let me I ask, so you're a war correspondent. I think you spend more time embedded in Iraq than any other journalist, but you certainly know the business of journalism. How many other journalists from American news organizations are spending time trying to figure out how this invasion is happening? How many New York Times correspondence do you run into in Darien, for example?


Well, that's a funny question. I was just down there with Laura Lumer, and I took Epoch Times and some others. And I'm doing what's called force multiplication. Anne Vandersteel and I, we started something called Operation Burning Edge. In fact, we saw that you went to Colony Ridge, which was very good, sir. That's north of Houston. That's that big 200,000 strong colony that's being built north of Houston. You were probably their derivative of our actions. Once we realized that Colony Ridge was what it was, Todd Benzman dialed me in. Todd Benzeman and I, he's an author, he's a former intelligence guy. He's a friend of mine, but he wrote a book called Overrun. In the last chapter of his book, he talks about Colony Ridge. I'm going somewhere. I'm going to answer your question, but I'm going around the block to do it. Todd and I, we went to Colony Ridge because Todd thought that I could blow that out of the water. We went there with drones, and the drones wouldn't get high enough. You've been to Colony Ridge. I said, Let's go get a helicopter. We went to the airport and we got an airplane.


We went back over that day and flew over it. I said, This thing is massive. Let's go get a helicopter and come back with some other guy. So Anne Van der Steel and I started Colony Ridge. We started Operation Burning Edge, and then we brought over Daily Wire. We brought over a couple of congressmen. We brought over quite a few people, and we got them up over Colony Ridge with the express intent on blowing this up so that people like you would pay attention. Now, we then went down to SpaceX, and we spent two or three weeks down there at SpaceX. We never reached out to Elon Musk. We never even emailed or messaged to SpaceX. We went there with the intent of prodding Elon to start paying attention to the border. Spacex at Boca Chica is right on the border. So you see literally people coming across the border onto SpaceX property. And so we got videos, photos of that. And the next thing you know, you see Elon Musk paying close attention to the border. Now, I'm saying all that to set the table for what I'm saying next. So when we go down to the Darian Gap or I go over to Netherlands, I'm doing what's called force multiplication.


And Vandersetel and I, we've taken a lot of people down there. We've taken a lot of journalists, we've taken a lot of Intel people, we've taken two congressmen to the Darian Gap, just a lot. And so how many people spend a lot of time down there? That would be me. And trying to understand this on a global scale, Todd Benzman is trying. There are a few, but Todd Benzman is not I'm not really a journalist, but he's written books about this thing. But there are very few of us, but we would fit in the short bus. Now, people who study this on the larger war level and have done this for years all over Asia and that thing, and has studied Chinese information war, and that's me. When it comes to the top-level stuff and the reason I go to places like Netherlands and I'm watching all of these routes, there's more to this than just the invasion. There There's energy at stake. For instance, you see that the Nord Stream was destroyed, obviously. Now, long before Nord Stream was destroyed, I was warning that Nord Stream might be destroyed. I was warning that for very specific reasons.


I went to BASF, I'm going somewhere with this. It all relates to the so-called migration, the invasions. You need that natural gas to do something called the Haberbasch process. The Haber-Bosh process is one of the most important chemical processes ever invented by man. That's where you take the hydrogen off of natural gas and you combine it with the nitrogen that we're breathing and you make ammonia. You make ammonium nitrate, you make urea. You make these nitrogen as fertilizers. That process was first envisioned in 1903 by a German chemist named Fritz Hauber. He wrote it in a book on thermodynamics, but it was very difficult to do. In 1908, he finally made some, and then it It was very difficult, though. Another German chemist came in, Karl Bosch, and he brought it industrial. He did that first at BASF at Ludwigshof in Germany. That's the biggest chemical company in the world. I'm going somewhere very important with this. That chemical company, BASF, is on the Rhine River, which is like the Mississippi River of Europe, let's say. And that dumps out at Rotterdam. Rotterdam is the biggest harbor in Europe. It's one of the top 10 in the world.


Just south of Rotterdam is Antwerp in Belgium. That's the second biggest in the world, right? Not the second biggest in the world, but the second biggest in Europe. So these are main artery in Europe, right? And so now, Rotterdam is also... There is a railway that goes all the way from Shanghai and other feeders in China All the way across Asia, and it dumps out at Rotterdam, right? That's why I've been to the Shanghai side. I spent about a year running around China, out in Tibet, and those sorts of things. And it goes all the way across Asia, and it goes to Rotterdam. That's why Netherlands is highly targeted with this destructive migration, quote, unquote. It's an invasion. The World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party, keep in mind, they are cosanguinated, they are inseparable at this time. They're going to end up fighting in the future, I strongly believe, the Chinese Communist Party in the World Economic Forum. But they're working to make something called Tri-State City. Tri-state City, three-State City, will be most of Netherlands, part of Belgium, and part of Germany. This will then include Antwerp and Rotterdam, replacing with 30 million people they're coming in with.


You see those Dutch farmers that they're knocking out? I'm out with those Dutch farmers a lot. They're doing the same to the fishermen. Anyway, we could go down that rabbit hole. Let's go back to... I'm going somewhere very important with this. Back to BASF. I did two tours or so in BASF BASF before the Ukraine war, or actually as it started, because I thought Nord Stream might get interrupted, and I thought this for various reasons, because of nitrogenous fertilizers. We're in the plant. It's a huge plant. I was there with Masako Genaha, the famous Japanese journalist, actually. I asked the tour guy, I said, What happens if Nord Stream gets interrupted? He said, Well, BASF is dead, right? Yeah. Then I bought an iPad, which I kept beside me for months. Sorry, sir, I need my water. I have a long history with water. I asked him, What happens if that goes? And he said, BASF is dead. I kept an iPad right beside me, and I bought that iPad only to keep this one website open that monitored the flows through Nord Stream. At one point, it went to zero. I said, Wow, it has gone to zero.


I started calling a few people. I said, Hey, something wrong with that website, or did they just hit it? Well, it bubbled to the sea. Everybody's like, Well, we didn't expect that. I'm like, Well, then you're not paying attention because that was obviously on the menu. So then, well, now you can see BASF is moving to… They're moving their main facilities over to China. You see why I go to BASF and why I'm watching these things? Now, last March, I left Panama and I flew back to Netherlands for the Electrode, sir. Were you going to say something?


Well, again, I hate to reveal my ignorance since I try to pay attention to this, but I didn't realize BASF, obviously because chemical company in the world's probably single most important company in Europe, is moving to China? I didn't know that.


Not all of it. They're also opening facilities in other places or increasing presence in the United States as an example. But that hit on Nord Stream was a direct Now, I also moved. They're not leaving Germany. But as BASF goes, you might say Germany goes, right? For sure. I told that to Jordan Peterson. I had Jordan Peterson out at a farm in Netherlands and that thing. I'm like, Jordan, watch Nord Stream. I mean, that was before it was gone. Anyway, it's gone. So last March, I went up to-But can I ask you a question?


So the Biden administration is responsible for the destruction of Nord Stream. Okay.


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I'm betting Biden. I mean, they did it, okay? They said they did it effectively. But Why would the Biden administration, why would the Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, want to destroy Europe, which they've done? Why would they want that?


There's layered reasons for this. Let me continue to say something else, and then we'll recourse back to that because it'll help answer that question. Last March, I left the Dari in Gap, and I went back to Netherlands. They had elections. I was there for the elections. Then I went to Groening & Gas gas field, which is in Netherlands. That's the biggest gas field in Europe. I was warning that I think they're going to close Groeningen next. People said, You're crazy. I said, Well, I wasn't crazy about Nord Stream, was I? Now they've closed Groeningen, right? Groeningen is also closed now. It wasn't destroyed or anything. They did it through information war. As you well know, the highest form of warfare is information war, bottom line. It's information war that sets the table for these actions. So your question, why would they do this? Multiple questions. If the paradigm that I'm operating under is accurate, and it appears to be, it's highly predictive. By the way, since I was a young child, I was deeply immersed in physics. I always thought I would grow up to become a physicist, and that's all I cared about. I was basically failing school because I was just Rainman on physics.


That's how I learned my base thinking process was reading people like Richard fineman and that thing. One of the things that those very serious scientists of the day would say is if you have a theory and it's wrong, then throw it out. You may have to throw the whole thing out. I call it the paradigm. Over time, since I was a young teenager, actually, I've always worked on paradigms that do two things. One is they don't leave me surprised, because if you feel surprised, and I don't mean waking up with a snake on your face in the jungle, that's a different surprise. But if you feel surprised, then your paradigm is wrong. You need to either tweak it or throw it out. Never get emotionally attached to your ideas. They're not that important unless they turn out to be right. Also, your paradigm should be predictive. That's why when Biden was installed, I flew straight to the El Paso border and straight down to Columbia, the Darian Gap, and straight to Panama, the Darian Gap. That's why I was at Darian Gap. That's why I was thinking that they would do what they're doing now, which they're doing, which is increasing it and making it a major invasion route.


That's why I've gone to BASF twice. That's why I was warning in writing and on interviews, I think something's going to happen to Nord Stream, actually, which would cause BASF to crumble, which is as BASF goes, Germany goes. I think that they were going to close, for instance, growing in gas fields. Now they have, right? It's all just based on listening to people like Feinman and running with it for the rest of my life, developing paradigms that never leave me surprised, and they're highly predictive, right?So.


Now, why would they do that? What you're describing is a war against the West.


Under the paradigm that I'm working under, there are clearly people trying to drive us into global famines. I started worrying about global famine in January of 2020. It's clear that if you want to set the table for global famine, you want to knock out those nitrogenous fertilizers. That's one thing that you want to do. You want to take those off the table because in 1914, when the Panama Canal opened, is actually when they also started doing the nitrogenous fertilizer production at the same year, 1914, at BASF Ludwigshof in Germany. You see the world population starts to explode then. It didn't just explode because we had faster ships, bigger ships, and faster railways, and that thing, but that's part of it. Also, it exploded for other reasons as well, like refrigeration migration and electricity, but also nitrogen as fertilizers is a huge part of it. If you're going to cause famine, what would I do? Let's see, I would cause a war in Ukraine. That's one thing I would do. That's why I was over in Lithuania before the war in Ukraine, warning that something may happen. I was down in Morocco. I was watching Morocco push weaponised migration into Southa and Malila.


These are two Spanish cities that are in Morocco. You've got EU cities in Africa. If you can get into Southa or Malilla, you're actually in the EU. I was down in Morocco and watching them basically needle Spain and the EU with weaponised migration. By the way, I want to be very clear, I'm not talking bad about Morocco. I love Morocco, and you're the first country who recognized us. I always thank Moroccans when I see them. Moroccoans always say, Yeah, no Americans realized that Morocco was actually one of the first countries to recognize the United and we declared independence. We have a long relationship. It's quite solid, right? But they definitely used weaponized migration against the EU in Spain, right? I was down in Morocco and we watched Frontex. Frontex did a report. Frontex is the EU equivalent of border patrol for the EU. They're basically useless. But they told us that the Belarus was trying to push migrants into Poland and Lithuania. I lived in Poland for two years. Also, I knew the Lithuaniens quite well because I was with them in the war in Afghanistan. I called up a senior officer in the Lithuanian army.


I said, Hey, I'm down in Morocco. Why is Belarus trying to push people into Lithuania? He said, Fly up here and we'll take you to the camps. The next day, I was in Vilnius sitting in front of top members of the government. I stayed there for five weeks. They gave me complete access to the camps. I was with them in Afghanistan. They knew who I was and that thing, so it was quite helpful. I got to interview many of the aliens coming in and their routes and that thing. As you see, when I was actually in Lithuania, I started to warn, something's up. This weaponized migration didn't just come out of the blue. When you're doing information war and you're doing... I always watch the information wars first, but weaponized migration is often a precursor for something bigger. But sometimes the weaponized migration is just that is the main weapon. For instance, when I was in Tibet. Excuse me, hold on. Let me go back to China and I'll talk about weaponized migration. I love water. The weaponized migration, it's an old weapon of war. It's been done since space and time. And Tibet. Some of the TB genocide, that's what it was.


It was kinetic, of course. But a lot of it is just Han Chinese coming in en masse. Just moving in an elbow. They're doing the same in Jinjiang right now with the Uyghurs, right? Now, when I was in Hong Kong, I got kicked out of Hong Kong. It was famously kicked out of Hong Kong. I was a bad boy. But one of the ways that the Chinese Communist Party took Hong Kong was they weaponized migration. They were just bringing in Han Chinese every day, 100 to 150 or so per day. Not many, just enough to keep it below the threshold of making people go crazy. They took positions as teachers, professors. They opened a Confucius Institute, of course. Politicians, police, that thing. They slowly took over the cockpit until they just took Hong Kong. That's a low-level form. I was just down in Honduras, and for instance, I had dinner with a retired army general there. He was like their chairman of the Joint Chiefs, actually. I asked to dinner with him, so we had dinner. It went on. The reason I wanted to have dinner with him is because he's of Chinese descent. I think it was his grandfather came to Honduras in 1923.


He's what the Chinese Communist Party calls an overseas Chinese. The Chinese Communist Party works very hard in their information game to recruit people like that. I had specifically asked to meet with this man because he had been invited to China. He They've been invited there to the village where they said his family came from. They had a parade for him. They always do that. They had a parade for him. They took him to the graves of his family. They always do that as well. Now, they've had him in China seven times. Now, as I talked with him for three or four hours that night over dinner in Honduras a few months ago, he said, China is not coming to attack the world. They're coming to become the world. I said, Exactly. Because again, I've written three books on Chinese information, where I could go on for days about it. But the bottom line is, I understand how they're doing this. I was just over in San Salvador. I know you've been over there talking with President Bukele. He's done a great job cleaning that place up. There's a big library downtown with a big Chinese Communist flag waving out front.


At seven floors, I was just in that library because I always go to libraries, I always go to museums, I always go to archeological digs because I'm tracking the trailheads of information war. By the way, that's why I went to Honduras, because the Chinese Communist Party is doing an archeological dig there. They're trying to persuade all the Mayan Indians and others that you are actually descendants of Chinese because you came over the landbridge, and then all these bad white Spaniards and everybody else came and took your land. Those are not called overseas Chinese. Those are called our cousins, right? So you see, for instance, a lot of Information War is all about... Go ahead, sir.


I don't even know if I can digest any. I think we're going to have to break this into multiple parts because there's so much going on that I think I'm going to need to pause, and I've got too many questions. Michael Jan, that was an amazing conversation. Not at all what I expected, much more than I expected. And I hope we see you really soon. Thanks for listening to the Tucker Carlson podcast. If you liked it, be sure to hit subscribe and leave a review. And remember, we only release some of our interviews as podcast. The only place you can get all of it, including past episodes, is tuckercarlson. Com, and we hope you will.