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Today's guest is an entrepreneur. He's a renegade. He's a business mogul, and he is the head of the U. F. C. He's from Massachusetts. I couldn't be more excited to go a couple of rounds with someone. Today's guest is Mr. Dana White.


I'm a rockstar. I'm a rockstar. I'm a rockstar. Do you.


Feel handsomely? You've gotten more in shape?


You guys got to deal with Celsius?


Yeah, it's pretty good.


Yeah, it's awesome, man.


It's good, man. We've had a really great year. It's been fascinating, man. All types of just interesting people, rappers, Robert F. Kennedy. We just had Wayne Gretsky.


I don't know who else we've had. We got to do Trump. Yeah, we'd love to have that. We'll get closer. I'll get you Trump if you want to do him.


Yeah, well, we have Sexy Red on, and she's from The hood, right? She has some pretty ratchet stuff. She sings about her vagina and stuff, but people love her, right? That's her? Yeah, Sexy Red is wild. She is actually pregnant as well. The best part of it was at the end, I was like, Hey, I'm going to invite you to a U. F. C. Fight sometimes. She's like, I'd love to go. That would be awesome. So the hood would really show up for that.


What did you think about Slap?


Well, it's a great question, brother. First of all, I didn't know whatlike being there makes it, you're like, Oh, my God, this is amazing. I like how it's bite size in the way that if you want to hang out with friends and chat, you can be talking to your buddy and you know exactly when the action is going to happen. So whereas UFC, you don't want to miss any of the dance.


That's a really good point.


So I loved how it was very digestible. Okay, it's like, Hold on, dude, chill. Let's focus. This is it. I liked the people that were there. I thought it was really interesting. I can't tell when I'm there, there's moments where I'm supporting, and then there's moments where I'm heckling almost. There's respect, for sure. I don't know, it was weird. Cowboy Cerrone is there, and he's like, Knock him out, them slides. One guy's wearing sandals. I think there's a little bit of a peanut gallery aspect. There is.


There is at USC, too, though. There's a lot of yelling and shit talking at U-C. I think U-C has become a lot more sophisticated over the last 10 years. But before that, it was-.


Was it?


-quite a slap crowd.


Oh, well, dude, I remember when I first heard about U-C, it was like the kids who were not going to finish school were watching it.




It was like they had a VH-It would come in the mail.


That dude.


Yeah, that dude.


Talk about a guy that's become famous just off fucking one picture sitting in the crowd.


Just Bleed. He works with Blood, Dry as Now, too, which is crazy.




You serious? No, I'm not, but that would be actually, it's not a bad partnership. Dude, I'd pour a twelve-ounce O negative for that guy if you asked me to.


I'll tell you something fascinating about the Slap content. There's a woman named Amy Kaplan, and she's a media member, right? I don't know who she writes for, but she comes to everything, U-F-C, Slap, she's sports, whatever, right? When she showed up to Slap on Wednesday, she had 20 followers on TikTok. So she posted the video of Sheena, the women's one, knocking her out. Right now it's at 1.6 million views, and she has 3,600 followers off one post from Slap. How crazy is that? This is the one right here. Yeah, you should have cut that up and put it up. That's why. All the influencers that come, they love it because the content is so powerful. Listen to me. If you take the NFL, the NBA, Major League Baseball, the NHL, USC, www. Nascar, Formula One, PGA, and a couple other ones, you combine all their numbers together on social, multiply them by four, they don't do a power slap though.


No way.


Fucking fact. When you post this content, it is unbelievably powerful, man.


Yeah, other things that I thought really about it, I wish I knew some of the fighters better. I know some of that takes time and get to know them, right?


100 %. This is only our fifth ever event. It's been around for eight months. Yeah, no, this thing is a fucking juggernaut.


Though, man. But I dug it, dude. I'm sitting there with my buddy, Sheldon Sorey, and we're like, Holy shit, dude, this is so much fun. I was excited to come back. I'm not going to say it surprised me, but it did. When the guy almost got a haircut off of his... He has that beard. You don't even know if he has a chin. You're like, What if that dude doesn't have a chin? And he's just fucking out here.


That's one of the things we've been talking about. Some of these beards are so big. It's not where the hell their faces. I agree.


That's hilarious. But I love that aspect of it. It's a little bit of camouflage, dude, where some guy rolls out there with a naked chin, some little fucking-just, you know? You're like, This guy's got to calm down this pervert. Put some grow a.


Beard, man. Did you make it up to.


Red Rock after? No, I didn't.


It was fucking mayhem up there, man. Really? Yeah, we go to the high limit room after and big party up there at Red Rock after the thing. And everybody's gambling and all this shit. But we had done this thing. We did sweepstakes where somebody would get the opportunity to come and gamble with me and Steve and do it, right? So we sat down at the table. You couldn't fucking write this. You couldn't write this. Sit down at the table. I give the guy five grand. We start gambling.


And he just leaves with it?


We start gambling. And me and Hunter were just talking about it. Hunter was his coach. Hunter was coaching him over there on the side. And Hunter said the guy was so nervous. He's like, at one point, he got up to what, Hunter? Eight grand? Wow. He was up to $8,000. He had won. He was in the fucking perfect seat at the table. Up to eight grand. He's up to nine grand now. And I said, Listen, you don't have to stay here. You can leave whenever you want, whatever. He's asking Hunter questions. Hunter's like, Dana doesn't care if you want to leave, you can leave. You can quit when you want to. So he says, Okay, this is my last bet then. Win, lose, or draw, this is my last bet. He puts it up. Steve will do it, throws 1,000 up on it underneath. The guy put up like 4, 500. Steve puts 1,000 under it. He hits a fucking blackjack and wins. I mean, you couldn't write a better fucking story than that. So the kid leaves there with almost 10 Gs, and he won the sweepstakes to come gamble with us and actually got the experience, slapped, got to go to the party after and actually won 10 grand.


Man, wow.


That's incredible. I love doing fun shit like that.


You know what? You do a great job of that, I'll say. Even now there's been in the facility and seeing the kitchen where you guys shoot the Fuck It Friday and stuff, I'm like, Man, that's pretty brave. Were you concerned about it at all at first? Just putting yourself out there like that? Because I think there's always this wall between, is it when people step into putting themselves out in the social media.


Yeah, no, I don't care. I've been doing it for so long. I was doing these video blogs before this whole influencing thing was a thing. You know what I mean? I used to do video blogs on YouTube. They would follow us around in the plane, going to events and all the behind the scenes type stuff. I've been doing this for a long time. It doesn't bother me.


Yeah. What tunes do you listen to? What music do you listen to?


I'm into so many different types of music. I like... I mean, my all-time favorite bands are Rage Against the Machine, The Beastie Boys, and the Red Hot chili Peppers. But I listen to everything. I listen to '80s music, I listen to '70s music, I listen to rap. I listen to-Do.


You remember your first concert you ever went to?


The first concert I ever went to is weird. That was Berlin. I went.


To Berlin. It's a band? Yeah, a used band. I'm not familiar with them. Okay.


No More Words.


Oh, yeah. Wait, No More Words? Play a beat of it.


No more words. No more words.


I'm thinking of more than words.


I'm actually going to the cult tonight. The cult's in town. I'm going to the cult.


And they're British, huh?




Oh, yeah.


You know the cult.


Yeah, you know who I know? Who'd you go with? Okay, I get a little bit of energy now for what's going on there. Will you stop it? Was Michael bisping, the DJ? You know he used to be a DJ? I didn't know that. Dude, he has a great story about somebody stole his records. Isn't this right? Is it Michael bisping? Somebody stole his records, right? He's the fucking DJ, right? Like the last guy you want to steal from, right? Some one-eyed fucking music maniac running Skrillex. He finds out who the dude is, right? The guy denies that he pops the trunk and the records are in the fucking trunk, dude. And-and I think he put the dude in the trunk. Did he really? I think that's how it ended. But yeah. Anyway, he was a DJ. But no, I wasn't familiar with him. I did see Duran Duran recently, though.


I did, too.


They were great. Yeah, I thought it was pretty good, man.


They were great. Yeah, I was very impressed with how good they were. I love live music, so I go to lots of concerts. There's this kid, so funny we say, the Cult. I'm going to The CULT tonight. I see The CULT all the time. Big CULT fan, too. Cult's one of my favorite bands of all time. So I go to The CULT, and some band called Des Rocks is open and form. I never heard of them. So I said, Let's just go walk around. We'll come back later. I come back, and they have a couple of songs left. I was blown away by how good they were. I was so blown away that I jumped on a plane the next day and saw him again in San Diego. And I saw him in Utah. Now, most of the music that you see for U-F-C and Power Slap is Des Rocks. No way. When we do the commercials, like the commercials and all the hype pieces, I use his music.


Oh, it's amazing, man.


Yeah, he's incredible. He's playing the Troubidore in L. A. Next Sunday.


Oh, sweet. I think I'll be out.


There then.


Let's go. You're going to go?


I'm going to fly in for you. You are? Yeah, you want.


To go? Yeah, I have to go now, but yeah, I'll go. Fuck yeah, let's do it. I'll go. I think you guys are going to the Motocross on Sunday.




John Shaheedie, are you guys doing that thing?


I'm doing- Nitro Circus? I'm doing nitro circus tomorrow.


I'm going to go, Oh, it's tomorrow.


It's tomorrow in Anaheim. Yeah, I have a show. Actually, I'm meeting Trump tomorrow morning for breakfast on his plane. His plane is landing here. We're going to have breakfast on his plane. Then I'm jumping on our plane and going to Nightshow Circus.


That's going to be fun. Yeah, I wanted to be over there. What does Trump have for breakfast, you think? -if you have breakfast tomorrow.


-i'll tell you tomorrow. Okay, cool.


What would your walkout song be, you think, if you were a fighter?


Oh, shit. There's so many good ones to choose from. I lived vicariously through the athletes over the last however many years because I picked a lot of the songs for a lot of these guys to walk.


Out to. Do some of them just.


Not want to pick it? Some don't even give a fuck. What?


Could care less. They could die. They're not even going to know what music is on the way there. Nope.


Oh, damn. Yeah, most of them didn't even care in the early days.


You can't die with Hillary Duff when you're going to the.


Fucking war. Yeah. No, most of the music that was picked back in the day was done by me. But the walkout song is important. It's a big deal. It's one of the things that if you're not a big star already and the song comes on and people connect with the song and like it, they're like, Oh, who is this guy? It's a big deal.


Yeah, Bobby Green, I think, does it pretty well. I'd notice he'll change his up, and he brings so much energy, but I think you can feel his energy when he's coming in. Portie has that James Brown.


Some of these fighters come up with songs that I would never dream of could be a cool walk-in song. The walk-in song is a fun but very important part of the live event.


Yeah, I think so. And I want to say too, man, just your bravery in doing and keeping things going during the pandemic, it changed everything. It gave a lot of people a feeling like that there was still somebody that could do something different. It gave a lot of people a feeling that everybody wasn't subject to the privatized tyranny that's going on. Yeah, I agree with you. And man, it made me so much more of an involved fan, dude.


That's awesome. I appreciate it. Listen, the pandemic never made sense to me. And again, because of my close relationship with Abu Dhabi, I knew over there they were doing testing and they were doing all this stuff. I'm like, if they can do it, why can't we do it over here? Yeah. And why couldn't we create this space? They ended up calling them The bubble, but this space where everybody was tested and you knew everybody was clean and we couldn't put on an event. We did it in Jacksonville. We did it in Abu Dhabi. And I'm one of these guys. I love this country. I love America. This country has obviously been very good to me, my family, and a lot of my friends and employees. We don't just fucking roll over and hide in this country, man. This whole pussification of America and everybody fucking scared of everything and whatever. I was like, if this is as bad as they think it is, or they're saying it is, you're fucking dead anyway.


Yeah, we're going to die. You don't want to die. Yeah, just wearing a mask. They can't even see your face.


Hiding in a mask, hiding in your house. Hell, no.


So what do you think your walk out song would be like? Can it just be The Cult?


Sure. I do the cult. I do the cult, She Sells Sanctuary. Listen, you know when you can never go wrong with a walkout song? Ac/dc. You can never go wrong with AC/DC.


I'm trying to think of an AC/DC song. I'm a little-Back in black? Yeah.


For those about the rock?


No, that's the shit. My brother used to beat the shit out of all that music.


Exactly. Did some good ass whoop music.


I have a floating rib that was originally not floating because of half of Allison Chains's second album. Allison Chains fan too.


Big Allison.


Chains fan. One time I go over to Perry Farrell's house, I relapsed. First of all, I relapsed at a one year old's birthday party, so obviously I've had some tough times. But a friend of mine who's in jail now, I think, but at the time he had a child, a friend of mine had a party at Perry Farrell's house because he had a nice home. And it was a one year old birthday. And I go in and I didn't know who Perry Farrell was. I'd listen to him. I just couldn't recognize him. And then there's this dude just mumbling around by this big bookcase. And I go there, I'm fucking talking to the dude about these different books and ended up being him. Anyway, the story is the climactic, but yeah, I met him at a one year old birthday party. Neither one of us knew the child, which I think also made it weird. We talked about that a little. It's weird to be at a really small kid's birthday and pretend that he's bigger or something. Right. You know? What is that, nick?




Oh, that's Shaneade.


Yeah, that's a good one. It was fascinating, too, because I was a big Shaneade fan. I actually didn't go to my high school 10-year reunion because Shaneade O'Connor was playing at the Hard Rock. I went to see Shane O'Connor instead. Then to meet her and go through this whole thing with Conor. She was such an incredible performer and had such a great voice. I think this goes to what you were talking about, about putting yourself out there. She ripped up that picture of the Pope on Saturday Night Live that night. She got fucking just attacked by everybody. I mean, everybody just started coming after her, and she got beat on for so long that she actually got to the point where she would have terrible anxiety when she would go out and try to perform. So leading up to that Conner walkout, we didn't know if it was going to happen or not happen live, even though she was there and we had done the deal with her to come. But yeah, I adored her. She was a really good person. I liked her a lot, and it's sad to see her go. But I was a huge Sinéad fan.


Did you give her a pep talk before? Is there any communication.


Like that? Hundred %. I absolutely did.


Yeah, I can imagine. I can totally relate to what you're saying. You think the media, especially, or some people are on your side and how they would be so scary, especially if you're a singer, to go out there.


Yeah, listen, when you're out in the public or whatever, the thing is with me is I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit what anybody says or what anybody thinks. I have this mindset. I know exactly who the fuck I am. I have my circle of people that I hang around with who know me and know what I'm about and whatever. Anybody else who doesn't like it or doesn't want to? Fucking bad. Okay.


Were you always like that?


Always like that. Wow. I was always.


Like that. Because that's the part that I think these days it gets a little bit harder to create. I work for myself, right? It's nice to have your own space where you don't have to answer to anybody. You have to answer to advertisers sometimes. But at this point, you can also sell direct to consumers. You can say, Fucking cyanade advertisers if you need to.


I will never, ever answer to a fucking advertiser. Never. I've been through it. Believe me. Listen, this is really easy fucking solution. Pay me what you owe me and you go your way and I'll go mine. Pretty easy fucking solution. That's it. Yeah.




Can't ever let these fucking people hold you hostage or try totry to change who you are or what you stand for, or try to determine how you're going to run your business.


Fuck, that shit. Do you think that that is becoming more the commonplace or that it got to be the commonplace, and now we're getting out of that?


I think it needs to be the commonplace. You cannot be held hostage by advertisers. I mean, Dave Chappell has this great comedy thing that he was doing, and he says, Everybody asks me why I don't have a tennis shoe. I've been offered tennis shoe deals. I don't have a tennis shoe because as soon as you do something they don't like, take the tennis shoe away from me. It's gone and all that shit. And you know what I mean? He's right.


That's why I don't fuck with Hollywood a lot, man. I don't do a lot of shit. They say, come do this. Come be in the movie. The guy calls me fucking Ricky Ferley or whatever calls me. You want to be in Dope Sick 11 or whatever the fucking movie is? I don't give up, dude. No, I don't want them to be able to write an article to be say, hey, we took this away from this guy because he said this. I don't fucking need any of that shit. 100 %. And they only came to ask me once I started doing my own thing anyway. So fuck them. Sorry, man. I'm obviously angry about that. But thanks for some of.


The fuck. You're not wrong.


You're right. Yeah, there's a lot of that energy in the world that people don't know what to do.


100 %, that's the way it's got to be. 100 %, man. You let these people come in and these people are paying to be a partner with you to put their logos with you and be with you until something goes... You find out who's with you and who's not when the shit hits the fan. You know what I mean? I say this all the time. It happened with me and my employees during COVID, right? Right. During COVID, they're laying people off and whatever. We didn't fucking lay anybody off.


Did you negate some of your salary or something? What did you guys do?


No, I said I would. Okay. I said, We're going to go through this. We're not laying anybody off. We're going through this. Every Christmas party, I get up on stage and my fucking team how much I love them and how important they are to me. Then the scariest time in our lifetime hits, and I'm like, hey, I love you guys so much. I'm going to fucking lay you off. Some of you have been with me 10, 15, 20 years. I'm one of these guys. The whole fucking ship goes down together or not at all. We're all fucking sinking, me included, or we don't at all. That doesn't exist in this world that we live in today. Everybody's just so easy to pull the trigger and let go of some of their people.


No, it's sound good. I need to hear that, too. As my business grows, I've become more of a boss. I never wanted to be a boss.


How do you do this? How do you do this without these two?


I don't.




But how did these two.


Do this without you. Right. You're a fucking team.


I think we've realized that more this year, I think. But it's become a learning lesson for me as a boss. It's like you think like, I need to just hold on, but you really need to let go and let others help.


You're a team. What you do is when you run a successful fucking business, you do it by building a really good team around you. I have.


The most-You have a lot of great employees, man.


I got the best team in the world, man. I got 350, unbelievable people. When I said, We're fucking Storm of the beach. We're going.




Dude. Nobody fucking.


Said no. There is no experience, man. When I go to the USC fights, it's like, whether it's the assistants or your director, directors or the guys who are opening the cage door, you look over and there's some hero here. There's David Spade or there's Mel Gibson or there's Joe Borough. It just feels like you're in this fun fucking family that's a little bit mentally enhanced, right? I'm not going to say that, okay?


-no, you're not wrong.


-yeah, this family has some fucking domestic disputes, all right? But it just, dude, it feels so much fun. When I leave the event, I miss the people that you work with just as much as I miss the action. That's awesome.


I love hearing that. Thank you. You're not the first one to tell me that. Everybody tells me that. Anybody who interacts with anyone on my team. Everybody here is smart, hardworking, the best at what they do. There's none of that bullshit at the office where there's all this backstabbing and fucking all this bullshit. Those type of people we get rid of immediately. You don't last here being that a person. This is a team. This is a family. And we throw parties here all the time for all of our employees. We throw different types of parties, like parties for the employees where they can bring their spouse or their wife or whatever. Then we throw parties where you can bring your kids because we want their kids to come and see the place where their parents work. And they want them to feel your parents are gone at work all the time. We want the kids to look at where they go to work as a fun place, as a place that's cool. All mom and dad are at work. We love going to their work. You know.


What I mean? I can start a 37-pound weight class, dude. You know what I'm saying?




That's out of line because that's children fighting. But was it hard for you to learn to be a boss as your business crew? What was some of the... Because even you just saying this in front of us, man, it's important for us to hear because I need to do a better job of it. And some of that is just stuff I'm learning as my business has grown in my responsibilities and not feeling like I need to really try to do everything myself. I can be a better boss and coworker a lot of times. It's just powerful you're saying that in front of us.


Delegating. Yeah, and respecting people's ability to do stuff. I was always so used to doing things myself growing up.


Hundred %. Listen, I'm still as successful as this thing has been and all the stuff that we do. I get here every day at nine o'clock, and I'm one of the last guys to leave this building every night still.


Was it hard to learn to be a boss? Did you have a role model with that?


Well, I had my own business before this, but I obviously wasn't... The only difference in coming to the USC was the size, being a global company, and obviously the finance side. I went from dealing with hundreds of thousands of dollars to dealing with hundreds of millions of dollars. So that's the difference. But finance is not my fucking thing. We have a very strong finance team. One of the things I hated the most in being in this business was fucking budget meetings, man. We used to be in budget meetings. When we were getting murdered and we were losing money, we were in budget meetings for fucking it felt like days. And that was the only not fun part of the business for me. And now where we are now, I only do the fun shit. I only do the shit that I really love to do. And Itry to stay completely focused on, which is making sure the production, the live and in-house production is fucking perfect, finding new talent, putting on the best fights we can possibly put on, and star building. Those are the things that I really focus on. So more marketing. I don't fuck with finances at all.


Yeah, good. I mean, just because you like to gamble and because fucking I do too, man. I'm on some site now I can't even get my money out of the fucking thing. Like, Jesus, dude.


Online gaming is.


A little- It's a little strange in it. Yeah, it's a little weird for me. I respect them, and we're happy that they advertise, but also it's a little up to sometimes.


I'm an old school brick and mortar, sit at the table and play guy.


Oh, yeah. I'd rather not be able to pay my tab and have two fucking Italians beat the shit out of me. Because at least it fucking evens out. At least in the I wake up, I'm like, Oh, fuck, I deserve it. It's physically part of you feel like it makes sense. What if I said that the perfect gift does exist, and I'm talking to you about Landscape. That's right. They want to baby them balls. Baby, they want to help you out down there. Landscape's brand new performance package 5.0 Ultra, featuring the new lawnmower 5.0. Watch all your wishes and missile toe kisses cometrue if you hanging some mtoe off that dung boy. Look nice when you're getting naughty by going to manscape. Com and use code Theo for 20 % off. That's right, that lawnmower 5.0, ultra body tremmer. And that weed whacker. That weed whacker. 2.0 nose and ear tremmer. Get in there, boy. You can't smell, you can't hear. I'll jack you out, baby. I'll get you tidy. They'll do it from Manscape 20 % off in free shipping with the code, theo@manscape. Com is possible. That's right. That's 20 % off with free shipping at manscape.


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Yeah, like that. So the UFC is at a point now where guys come to us and want to pitch their brands or whatever it is to advertise with us. Recently, I've become very involved on the sponsorship side. I meet with these guys. I just did an interview the other day with the media at the Scrum at Slap. And it's just I'm at a point now where in my life, in my career, I want to be with people that I'm aligned with, people that... It's not just about the money. It is about the money because it's a sponsorship deal, but it's not just the money. I'm not going to take a bigger offer if it isn't something that I am aligned with and don't 100 % believe in.


Fuck yeah, dude, good for you. It's nice to be in that space. I bet we can probably all be there, but I think some of it's fear. But yeah, I had a business guy.


We were just talking about this. Were you all? About in life. You have to have no fear. You have to have no fear. You have to believe in who you are and what you do and just go fucking get it. Don't be afraid to tell somebody no. Fucking water guy wants to do a deal with you and the money looks good, but there are certain things about that you're not into. Fuck them. Don't do it.


Yeah, the.


Right thing to come along. There will be another one. Exactly. And somebody that you're more aligned with. When you look at these type of things, it's no different than a relationship. If you're going to get into a relationship with somebody, right? Imagine if you had to drop a contract with some woman. Aquafin. You say, some woman, we're going to be in a relationship for six years. But that could be a woman too. Yeah. You have to be aligned, and you have... It has to be somebody that you can be in a relationship with.


For six years. Yeah, you don't want to be three years in and be like, Oh, I'm still drinking Rhonda. You don't want to be three years in and be like, Oh, I'm still drinking Brittany.




Happens too is-I didn't mean to say Rhonda because I know she's a fighter here. I just don't want her to be any weird energy. Okay. There won't be. Anyway, good.


Rhonda was amazing, actually.


I know she's one of your favorites. I know that's what Nicole said.


She said that she.


Named somebody else's favorites. But go on, I'm sorry. I fucked us up. Fuck, man.




No, you don't want to be in a relationship with somebody for.


A long time. The COVID thing, it's like you think you're in this business with whatever product it is, and the shit hits the fan like that. That's when you find out who everybody really is, including some of your sponsors. Oh, yeah. Do you know what I mean? So you're in the sponsorship deal and the phone is ringing every day. You're picking it up and they don't like that you're doing this. They don't like that you're going through COVID. This is irresponsible. Now get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here. You know what I mean? When you do a sponsorship deal with somebody, you have to look deep into who they are and who's running the company, who's making the decisions, and are you aligned?


Yeah, I love that, man. Yeah, because we had Robert Kennedy Jr. On, and we had a couple of companies call after that and say, Yeah, just stuff about him. We're not advertising on this episode. My advertiser was like, You guys need to take the episode down. And we ended.


Up-what's wrong with him? Nothing. Nothing. Guys, fucking brilliant. -you guys are smart.


Fucking guy. I've known for seven years, great guy. I mean, a neat man. Right.


I've never met him. I've only watched his stuff. You got this whole Democrat, Republican, fucking all this crazy bullshit. He's a fucking Democrat, right?


But now they hate him just because he doesn't believe.


This. He's a Democrat with common sense. Right.




Right? He's like an old school Democrat. Yeah. And smart guy, whatever. Let me tell you this. Let me fucking tell you this. This is America. You can fucking have whoever you want on your podcast. You can do whatever the fuck you want to do. Imagine a sponsor that's sponsoring you, calling you and telling you that you can't have this guy. What sponsor did it?


Who was it? Let me think, and I'm not afraid to name them. I don't know if I remember. I really don't.


I don't know if I believe you, but okay. That's fair.


But I really don't know if I remember.


Imagine, and this happened to me, too. This happened to me. I posted a video for Trump, right? On my personal social media. One of our big sponsors called and said, take that down. You know what I said? Go fuck yourself. You vote for whoever you want to vote for, and I'll vote for whoever I want to vote for. That's how this works. I don't even care who you're voting for. It's none of my fucking business. Fuck you.




Ever fucking call me and tell me who to vote for.


Yeah, I think a lot of people feel in fear these days. A lot of people feel in fear that if they don't vote for certain people, they're going to lose their jobs. I mean, it's Hollywood.


For example. Think about how fucking crazy.


That is. It sounds insane. It sounds just like-Well.


It'll keep happening unless more people stand up for themselves and give them the fuck you response.


Well, I'm going to tell my sponsors right now. If you don't like what I fucking have on, I'll tell you exactly what I'll do. I'll end my deals and I'll just sell direct to consumer for a lower price because the people will support you.


Well, listen, man, you can't. It's like this whole Bud Light deal. People are talking shit now. Sell out and all the shit that they'll fucking say. Believe me, I'm the furthest fucking thing from a sellout. Yeah. Bud Light is the right move for me. They're exactly who I want to be with right now, and we are very aligned as far as core values go. You know what I mean? 65,000 Americans they employ. Yeah. That right there should be enough. 65,000 Americans are employed there. Why would you want to put a bullet in that brand off of one fucking thing? How about you go back and look at all the good things they've done?




Right? That's a good point. And where they really stand and what they really believe in. They take care of veterans. They take care of veterans, families, and first responders, families who have fallen. And the list just goes on and on. Almost a billion dollars a year with US farmers. That alone is the reason you should be drinking fucking Bud Light. Yeah. Fuck, I look deeper than just fucking, Oh, they did this fucking can with whoever. I don't give a shit about that. They're showing right now that they're coming with me and they want to be aligned with me. Those of you that are hardcores, some of you guys are fanatical on this shit. You guys think you're all looking for an apology. I'm not going to fucking apologize to you.


Yeah, fuck that. Just because I'm a risky fella.


They had 2,500 influencers that day. They gave everybody their own can.


I know they did. I knew that shit. I'm like, They just gave a can to everybody. Nobody's paying attention. Everybody got a can. If I don't know where I'm at sexually, I could probably use a drink. That's honestly how I feel, dude. That guy's having the toughest day. You can't decide what union to fucking be in, bro. That's a fucking issue, dude. That's a big issue to me. But no, look, man, I think it's important. And you know what it makes me think? I don't look and see who because we're in a place now where I can choose the advertisers that I want. And I never thought about that before. I never have until just now. And I can look at advertisers and see if they have some of the same beliefs and values that I do. Hundred %. And it's important. And that is how you start to build back things the other way.


I wish. And it makes it fun. Whoever you are and whatever you believe in, when you align yourself with people, not just the people that work for you and around you, but the sponsors that you're with, it just makes everything so much more fun. You enjoy your job. You love what you do every day, and there's no bullshit. Nobody's fucking calling you going, Hey, don't have fucking Kennedy on your show. Hey, go fuck yourself. Yeah. Fucking tell me who I'm going to have on my show.


Yeah, go John F.


Fuck yourself. Exactly. There you go.


Exactly. Dude, it's crazy because Lee Harvey Oswald went to the same middle school as me, which is pretty wild. But anyway, I don't.


Know why I told you that. But Robert Kennedy is a smart guy.


He's a great man. He's an environmentalist, first of all, and he helped clean up our environment. He grew up raising homies pigeons. And he has this great story about him and his friends when they were kids, they would give the homies pigeons to the train conductor. And they would be like, Okay, take these to Virginia or whatever and let them off at the same time. You have to promise us. And whoever gets back to the roost first, that's who wins, right? Imagine that game with your buddy, you're just fucking sitting there waiting for a pigeon to come in. The guy is fascinating, right?


That's some rich people.


Shit right there. Oh, dude, that is fucking rich, bro. Something flies by us, dude. Somebody's fucking gunning me down, bro. But we actually had a couple of brothers boss grilling up a dove one time, our neighbors. And I never eaten dove, but it was pretty good. But Robert's a fascinating guy. But that's how he started caring about vaccinations, was he cared about the environment outside of us. So then he started to care about the environment inside of us. So it all makes perfect sense. But yeah, I love the guy. What about, so when you deal with like, how has it been harder? Because you guys are part of William Morris, right? I work with them, right? They're pretty a woke company, right?


Yeah, Woke as woke can be.


Yeah, I think it's woke, Morris Entertainment or something. It should be anyway. But yeah, they're fucking woke. They're always crazy. We had Tucker Carlson on the other day, and they're all fucking, I'm sure, or whatever, putting on their maxi pads.


I love Tucker, too.


Yeah, Tucker is fucking fascinating.


He's awesome. I'm actually going to dinner with him here in the next few weeks.


Yeah, he's a great dude. It was interesting. I didn't know what it would be like. He looks like a guy that gets dressed at Johnston and Murphy in the airport every day. But he was really cool.


He's a great dude. Smart guy, too. Really smart. Yeah, it was fun to listen to him. I don't judge people by their politics or their race or their religions or any of that shit. You're either a douchebag or you're not a douchebag. And if you're a douchebag, I want nothing to do with you. If you're a good person, I don't care who you vote for, or who you sleep with, or what religion you are. I don't care about any of that shit.


How much have you learned about different cultures and this is ethnicity just having your... Because, dude, you bring in... There are people with flags sometimes that I got to look them up.




No, it's true. It's amazing, though. I learned about Ecuador from Chitovera, right? I didn't know about it. But next thing I know about it, I get to talk with him. It's like- from Ecuador? Yeah, thank God I got that right too, because that.


Fucking flagged it. I got it wrong. I questioned it. Cheeto O'Vara is a great dude. He's fascinating. But it is. There will be nights that will be sitting there by the octagon, and I trip out. I grew up a big Bruce Lee fan, right? When you watch Enter the Dragon, it's basically the premises. This fanatical guy got all these people from around the world who were supposed to be the best martial artists in the world. He brings them to one place to fight.


That's a movie?


Yeah, Enter the Dragon.


Enter the Dragon. I've heard of it.


You never saw Enter the Dragon?


I never saw it.


You need to watch that tonight when you go home.


All right. Yes, sir.


Enter the Dragon. So this guy brings them all to this island. The guy ends up being a bad guy. He's corrupt or whatever, and Bruce Lee kills him. Sorry to ruin the movie for you, but- I'll still watch it. -but some nights I'll sit there and I'll think about it. I got this guy from China fighting a guy from Kazakhstan. I got this guy from Brazil fighting a guy from France. You know what I mean? I grew up loving Enter the Dragon and that whole concept.


And then now here you are doing it.


Doing it. -wow. Yeah, it's pretty.


Fucking cool. Dude, laughter and left hooks as a universal language is a thing. It's true. I agree. Because it's crazy. Imagine two guys that can't even speak to each other, then you put Keith Peterson in between them as the mediator. And no offense, I love Keith. He came to a show in New Jersey. He knows I love him. But if that's the fucking moderator and then they can't even speak, but they're fighting, it's really a beautiful dance set. The whole thing is a beautiful dance.


You have these people from different parts of the world, right? And they're training and they're trying to become the best martial artist they can be. And somebody on the other side of the planet is doing the same. And we can actually put them together to see who is the best. It's fucking awesome.


Dude, that's got to be so high, man. It's awesome. Have you had trouble? Do you ever have trouble? I have trouble a lot of times feeling proud of myself is something I've had trouble with. Has that ever been something you've dealt with? Does that make any sense? Can I ask you that?


I don't think. I'm proud of myself. I always look at things like, we're not even close. People ask me all the time. Do you ever look around and say, Oh, wow, look at it. I'm always like, What's next? What's next? What's next?


Why do you think that is? Because I'm that way too. It's hard for me to feel where I'm at sometimes because I always have some vision or something that needs to be done. Yeah. Do you think that comes, because I noticed it's a commonality amongst some folks. Are you able to get in touch with any of that and think about that at all?


No, I don't give a shit. I just keep fucking... I just keep plugging. I just keep plugging, man. There's just so much more work to be done. I just want to do as much as I can do until I can't do it anymore.


Dude, I'm so thankful that you said that about the advertisers because I don't even think about it. We advertise for a lot of companies, right? And we can have an effect on how well they do. We've helped build some big brands. And to think that I should know what some of their thoughts are and their beliefs are so that I can align them with mine, fucking that's cool. That's a way that I can help.


Contribute towards in the world. They're going to have fun doing it. You help build their business. They help build yours. It should be a great relationship, and it should be a good experience for everybody involved. But I can tell you from experience, if you end up with the wrong one, there's nothing fun about it. Actually, you end up in a bad relationship, like any other bad relationship between you and a woman or whatever it could be. -have you guys struggled with that? -nobody wants to be in a bad relationship.


Yeah, have you all struggled with that?


I mean, it happens, I guess. That's happened a couple of times, but yeah.


Oh, Peloton was the... We just got an update. It was Peloton? -it was the people who wanted an ad out, Peloton.


Meanwhile, you have RFKG-So, Peloton? Yeah. What do they sell? Fucking bikes, the stationary bikes?


Yeah, dude. Peloton sells stationary bikes, and they got a problem of Robert fucking Kennedy. Fuck you, Peloton. Who the fuck are they? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. Fucking Peloton calling bitching about Robert Kennedy.


Yeah, dude, you want to go nowhere?


Who's the CEO of Peloton? I want to see this.


Fucking guy. I want to see this fucking lamb, dude. Hey, you know what gets you further than a peloton? Hitchhiking. Okay, how about that dude?


-berry McCarthy.


-berry McCarthy. This fucking weiner, snitzelah.


Let's see, Barry McCarthy.


Oh, my God.


Oh, no. Oh, yeah. Oh, fucking yeah. Barry McCarthy looks like that guy a hundred %.


Look, if you're just listening at home and you're thinking of what he looks like.


You're right. He looks like a douchbag. Yeah, dude. Hundred %. Where's he from?


Oh, yeah. He looks like somebody that eats his own skin a little bit at a time.


Yeah, he is a...


Where is.


He fucking from? He called me up and said this guy was complaining about something. I'd say, Oh, fuck. Francisco, California. There we go. My boy.


Ring a bell, dude. There you go. They've been giving Peletons to fucking vagrants, so that's why they're not leaving.


Fuck you, Peloton. Yeah, I want to-Do we have Peletons in the gym? Are those Peloton? No, there's bikes next to it. We're getting rid of them. We're getting rid of the Peletons.


Yeah, and if they ever.


-four-sari is going to kill himself. We're getting rid of the Peletons. Peletons are out of the gym. Whoever uses.


Them most can fucking have them at home, but they can't use them here, brother.


That's what you do. You stop fucking using their products and you fuck them.


Yeah, and tell them to go fuck themselves. That's the same thing for me. If somebody's telling you that you can't vote a certain way. If somebody's telling you that if your boss is... Make a video and fucking blast them.


Imagine that fucking dork. Fucking picking up the phone, calling you and telling you that you can't have Robert Kennedy, who is a Democrat, by the way. You know that guy is a fucking Democrat, right? Telling you that you can't fucking have him on your show. Who the fuck are you, Barry McCarthy? To think you can pick up the phone to call anybody you sell fucking stationary bikes for a living, you fucking clown?


Fuck you. -yeah, fuck them, dude. God, dude. And what is he? He's probably middle weight. I'll fucking cut 40 pounds in.


Fucking-that guy is the typical fucking pumpous, arrogant fucking douchbag that I cannot stomach.


It's people who don't know. Yeah, it's people that think they know what it's like somewhere, and they've never even been there. It's a story of a lot of our country these days. But I like this. It gives me an avenue to feel like I can fight back. -so I appreciate that. -you have to fight back. -yeah.


You're going to let that fucking guy tell you what to do?


Fuck, no, dude. I will cook that.


Dude's fucking-Look at this. There he is. That right there tells you exactly what fucking Barry McCarthy is all about. Peloton just laid off 500 of their employees in their fourth round of cuts this year. Yeah. You know what, everybody listening? Fucking fuck, Barry McCarthy and Peloton, okay? That's what a stand-up guy.


Barry, is. Yeah, dude. And that's why he ain't, yeah, just fucking….


Let off 500, more of his fucking employees out in his fourth round of cuts.


Yeah, and what's lamer than watching your husband get on a bike that doesn't go anywhere? What wife is like, Oh, I'm so proud of this guy. That's like my dad, man.


Get Borsari in here right now. I need Borsari in here.


Yeah, get him. Is he a bicycleist?


He has.


To be. If he isn't, why does he look.


Exactly like a hikman? He's a workout freak. I'm not bullshit in you. You can film us. Yeah. My guys are going to take the Peletons out of the gym today. We're getting rid of them. We're going to go throw them in the fucking garbage today.


I'll be happy to toss them in.


We're throwing the Peletons in the garbage. We're throwing them out of the USC gym.


I'll be happy to toss them in. What about when you talk about star building you mentioned earlier, and we'll do it, we'll do it. I know you're amped and I appreciate it.


Do what?


We're going to throw this.


Belt on talent. Oh, yeah. No, that's a fact. Yeah.


Fuck, I'm almost excited now. Yeah, fuck that guy, man. You know what he did? They ruined my day. The advertisers calling, they want it down. They want it down. There's the advertisers upset. They ruined my fucking day. I was already having a shitty day that day, and they fucking made it just a nightmare. It was like seven o'clock at night. You got to take it down. In the episode of Ben Up, it's a shitshow, but yeah, screw them. You talked about star building a little bit ago, right? You mentioned it. Is there a toughest class or even gender? Is it tough to build female stars? What is that like, star building?


So if you look at the contender series, right? I create lots of different content to build stars. You got the Contender Series you have, Looking for a fight, The ultimate fighter, which was the greatest star-building show and format of all time. I'm literally doing that same format right now with Power Slap. We bring guys into a house. You find these guys, you bring them into a house. They live, eat and sleep and train together and then compete against each other. And what it does is it does a few things. While you're showing the world who they are on television or online or whatever it is, it's also a pressure cooker. They have to deal with pressure and competing over and over and cutting weight. Then there's a camera in their face seven days a week, 24 hours a day. It's like media training at the same time. And what always happens is no matter what, the best always rise to the top. It is fascinating. All right, so this is Craig Bournear. -he's my head.


Of production. -i know Craig. I know his neighbors.


Yep, there you go. Craig is very friendly with all his neighbors.


Craig is an exceptional guy.


So he was in a situation where he had Robert Kennedy Jr. On his show, and an advertiser called and told him, Get rid of that. You're not posting that podcast. Take it down, blah, blah, blah, because he had Robert Kennedy on, right? It was Peloton. Okay, well, do you know who Barry McCarthy is? No. Barry McCarthy is the CEO of Peloton. Yeah. Let us see Barry McCarthy again. Can we see him again, please?


We got pictures of you and Barry McCarthy together. Yeah, they're actually Craig.


Is that Peletons that we have in the gym? We have Peletons, yeah. They're going. We're throwing them out. Yeah. We're getting rid of them. That's Barry McCarthy. This is the fucking guy that called and told him to take down the.


Fucking… We had an episode of-Does.


That look like the guy that would call him bitch about Robert Kennedy Jr? He does, doesn't he?


Who is that fucking….


Look at that guy. He looks a little like Tim Cook.


Yeah, he does, huh, a little. I don't know Tim Cook. I mean, I'm just agreeing with you.


I don't know him either.


Who's Tim Cook? Oh, Apple.


Oh, Apple. Okay. -so Peletons are gone. They're gone. They're going out today. I'm going to go bike on the road now. No, you just got to use the assault bikes now instead.




Those are tougher anyway. Are they really?


Way tougher than the Peloton.


So it's time to step up.


If I ask you to guess. He called and he wanted Robert Kennedy Jr. Taken down, right? Threatening him on his podcast, right?


Yeah, they were about to go public, I think. Their company is about to go public or something. They're like, This could ruin everything. That's what our ad agency said to us. They're worried this could ruin everything. It's fucking eight o'clock at night on a Friday or something.




You fucking imagine that? And they made us go take an older episode down because of something he'd said in recently in the news. This was like a year and a half, two.


Years ago, maybe. Where do you think Barry lives? Where do you think he's from? Just look at him and listen to the conversation and see if you can tell me where Barry lives.


Yeah, he probably lives...


Craig? San Francisco. Oh, fucking ding, ding.


Ding, ding.


Hey, you just won- Barry lives in San Francisco.


Hold on, you just won four Peletons.




You just won a.


Whole fucking lot of Peletons. You can line them right up in your house. I can't set them up here in the office, so I might as well put them on my own. Those are going right in your house. Congrats. I'll put them on.


My own. You can have a flock of Peletons, dude. Isn't that a band? You can have a flock of Peletons, dude. That's classic, man. Oh, man.


All right, anyway, just had to share that with you. Yeah, I should go figure out my new work. Go get those bikes sent over to your house and send Barry a text and tell him thanks.


Thanks, dude. That makes you feel empowered, honestly.


No, this is what I do.


I like this. I got to do more of this, bro.




I do? And no bike helmets either. Anybody wearing a fucking bike helmet out there?


I bet you Barry wears a helmet when he rides his.


Oh, I bet he wears one when he rides his wife, dude. You fucking come around me with a bike helmet, dude. I would rather get a concussion to die and be seen in a fucking bike helmet. That is awesome. Anyway, what's it like? We'll switch out of this world a little bit. What's it like being a dad? You have a couple of children, right?


Yeah, I got three. I got two boys and a girl.


Was that scary when you first thought about being a dad?


Yes, very.


Wow. Were you already having success at that point in your life? Because I don't know a ton.


About some of your history. Right when we bought the USC, I had my first son. My oldest son, he's 22 now.


Is that Dana Jr?


Yeah, Dana Jr. Sweet kid. Then as soon as you could be with your wife again, after being pregnant. She got pregnant again. My boys are less than a year apart. I had two kids right out of gates.


-yeah, it wasHes took the kids.


Right out of the gate. Then they said after my wife had a tubular pregnancy where the baby gets caught in the tube and the tube bursts, and they said she couldn't have kids anymore. We were like, whatever. Then five years later, she got pregnant with my daughter.


Just miraculously.


Yeah. Wow. It's like all of the Miracle, baby. Yeah.


And what's something that you like about each one of your children, just individually, or that you admire about each one of them?


My oldest one is fun loving and a great kid that he's like a meathead. He plays football. He loves to work out. He hangs around. He's in a frat at USD, and all of his buddies are fun guys. And they're actually having this fraternity auction. They're raising money for the fraternity next week. So I'm going down there and going to their auction and all that shit. It's a beautiful school, too. Then my younger son is very artistic, very talented. He could play any sport he wants to play. He's really good at anything. But all three of my kids are really good surfers, snowboarders, and my younger son loves the skateboard and all that stuff. So he's actually working for a company that Lorenzo Fortita and I own called Thrill One, which is- Thrill One? Thrill One. We own ridiculousness on MTV. You all own that? Yeah.


That's our only show.


Yeah, basically the ridiculousness network. Exactly. Rediculousness, we own the MTV. Exactly. Rediculousness. We own SLS Skate League. We own Nitro Circus and Travis Pastrana's Nitro Cross.


Oh, nice.


My son works for them. Oh, he does. And then my daughter.


Is 17. So he's the artistic one, that one. Yeah. They're all athletic. He's the artistic one. What about your daughter? What's something you admire.


About her? My daughter, she's a cheerleader. Oh, she is? Yeah, she's still in high school. She's a junior. Just getting her ready to figure out which college she wants to go to and all that good shit.


Is it tougher being a girl? For you, was it easier being a girl or boydad? Did you have anymore?


It's tougher being a girl, dad, because I didn't really give a shit what the boys did. They could do whatever whatever they want. She can't do whatever she wants. As a dad, you have to oversee and protect your daughter more than you did your sons.


Interesting. Does that naturally, I don't have any kids, but I would like to, and so does that naturally just happen in a man you think? If you have a daughter, it just.


Shows up more? 100 %. Wow.


Dude, I dated a girl, I remember in high school, and her dad was a fireman, and I broke up with her, and he fucking made me eat probably five hot dogs. I remember he was fucking mad at me because I went to another event with her, and it was this weird energy, and he fucking sat there and made me eat as many as I could. It was just- Hot dogs? Yeah, just unlimited francs, man.


I'm trying to figure this one out.


He just wanted to fucking put me through something, and I think putting somebody through bad fucking pork while they're sitting there, you know? It's just a lot for me when I was a kid. I didn't have a lot of role models, so I think it was a lot. Big holidays, baby. That means big family get-together, baby. You know that somebody's going to be hugging. But you don't have to spend all that money on your Thanksgiving spread without getting something in return. With Ibota, you can get your turkey and all your favorite sides for free. That's right. Starting November first for the fourth year in a row, Iboda is giving 100 % cashback on your Thanksgiving feast. Yep. Just add the offers in the app to redeem for everything you need to make your Thanksgiving feast complete. All you have to do is shop at your favorite retailers and upload your receipt. Boom. Download the Ibottah app now and use code, Theo, to get 100 % cashback on your Thanksgiving dinner starting November first. Just go to the App Store or Google Play Store and download the free I bought a app and use code T-H-E-O.


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Let me think. The throw one stuff that I'm doing, I love it. We're having a blast doing that. Howlerhead, my whiskey, I'm having fun with that. I like building brands, and I love running businesses. And more importantly, I'm addicted to winning. I love to win. I love to get out there and take these niche brands and blow them up and make them big.


Yeah, I know. I'm friends with John Shaheedi, right? And you are, too, man. I love Shaheedi.


He's a neat guy. I love Shaheedi. I love both the brothers, the Nelk Boys, that's my-It's your squad. -that's my squad.


They're my gang. They could be young. I bet they keep you connected to stuff, probably.


Well, you know how I got turned on to them was from my oldest son, Dana. During COVID, he says, Dad, I want to show you something. He took me down in the movie room and showed me the Nelk Boys. Oh, yeah. And I said, Yeah, I get it. I get and then crazy enough, organically, they reached out to me during COVID and wanted to go to Fight Island. So that was how we met and we became super tight. I do anything for them.


Yeah, John's been an exceptional new friend to me in the past year and a half. He's a neat guy. He's inspiring, he's fun, he's creative, he works hard. 100 %. Is there any new places you're looking to fucking get this thing to happen? Like, you're thinking about doing UFC on top of Kilimanjaro, the USC, the Thriller in Manila. Do you guys think of redoing anything like that?


My next big project that I'm working on right now is The Sphere. I want to do The Sphere on Mexican Independence Day and literally create and put on the greatest live sporting event anyone has ever seen. That's my next big project.


How much fun is it when Brandon Moreno comes into the ring? -it's fun, isn't it?


-it's awesome. Yeah, him andIt's so fun. The whole Mexico thing and these Mexican talented kids. Yeah. I've been working on this for 22 years. Wow. Now it's finally starting to come to fruition.


It's so cool, man. I love it when it comes to the ring. Yeah, I've met so many neat people and I've been inspired by so many people from your sport. Dustin Portier and I are close friends, and it's been special. He's like a real friend to me. He's inspired me so many times when I want to give up. I remember things that he says or other fighters say. It's interesting the amount of inspiration that a lot of people get from your sport. Do you ever think about... Yeah, how is the relationship with WMA? Is it good?


Very good. Yeah, very good. Ari is a maniac, man. A maniac in a good way. He is like a fucking serial entrepreneur.


Do you guys have that in common?


He's super fucking smart. And the fact that when we sold, one of his big things was that I couldn't go. So at one point, the Fortitas sat down with me, and they were like, because I thought we were just going to move on and go. We're going to go do whatever next. And they were just like, Listen, this is really good for all of us and this and that. You got to stay. Nobody's going to buy this thing unless you stay. Yeah. So in the beginning, I had a hard time with it because I didn't want to sell. Selling, not. Lorena was done. Lorena was ready to move on and walk, and I didn't want to. So we got in with Ari. Ari, let's me run the business, man. If I need help on something like, hey, I need this connection or I need this or that, he can make all that shit happen. Ari is that guy. If you want to meet the fucking, I want to talk to the fucking-.


Yeah, Ronnie.


Nestlé or something. -president of fucking India or whatever the fuck, he can get that guy on the phone and get the ball rolling. No, Ari is awesome. Other than being in business with the Fortitas, I couldn't have landed with another better partner than fucking Ari. He really is awesome. I love him.


Is it hard to fend off? Because I know you like to gamble. Is it hard to keep gambling out of, and I bet on fights, on U. F. C. Fights online? Is there a point where gambling or the odds makers try to come and infiltrate the actual outcome of sports?




Does that make any sense.


That question? Yeah, I get it. You're talking about point-shaving and shit like that, like that happens with it.


Which would be hard in your sport, I think, because these guys have so much individual pride, and it would be so obvious.


100 %. The problem that we have, it just happened recently, is insider information is the bigger problem. These guys inside these camps, the guy gets hurt.


Like Chase Sherman as a lisp.


Or whatever. No, definitely not that.


And he does. And I love Chase Sherman. And I was just a.


Jerk, Chase.


Oh, so spending the May 8, Coach James Kraus worked with Offshore Sports Book. So he knows what's going on, so he's trying to bet.


So he knows what's going on, so he lets these offshore guys know, Yeah, this guy is going to fight. And he tore his ACL. And he did this definitely? Or something like that. This happened.


It did.


Yeah, this just happened recently, and that's the closest thing to...


Right, but.


There's no- It's more about insider information. I see. But these guys, the thing that's so fucking stupid is when money starts coming in on a guy, these guys know. They know, man. They know the gambling world inside and out. So if anything's fishy, then they end up launching an investigation and they're going to get you. And guess what? Whatever you made on that bet is not fucking worth going to, you see me say this before it's out there, federal fucking prison. You ain't going to the fucking white-collar crime place over here. You're going to fucking federal prison.


Yeah, you can't have people be like, What are you in for? And you're like, Polycasta in the third round. Right. It would just be... It would be as like... And I love Pau-La-Coste. I don't want to know. But it's like you can't have that be what you're in for in a fucking.


Serious thing. There's a big difference when you talk about certain crimes, but this one is a.


Federal fucking crime. Because it's gambling.


And you go to federal prison, that's some real shit.


Yeah. Oh, yeah, I wouldn't like it. What about, and just one more question. But does that happen to sports where they get compromised, do you think? Does that make any sense what I'm trying to think?


I don't know. I mean, it's a great question. How many people have ever said to you, Oh, my God, the NFL is so shady.


Because you hear that a lot.


More now. The Patriots just beat the Bills, and the Bulls were ten and a half point favorites. Stuff like that that makes people go crazy. Detroit just got killed. One of the best there are five and one or five and I don't know what they were, but it's just all that type of shit is what made me stop. You know, I'm a fucking gambler. I love to play Black Jack. I don't sports bet. I do not sports bet.


Was there a bet that took you out of it or just.


That stuff? You know, people say I threw a little money on the game for fun. There's nothing fucking fun about betting on a game. It is the biggest sweat roller coaster of all fucking time, man. It won't be fun or make you happy. It makes you fucking miserable.


With Blackjack, you know the outcome pretty quick, so you don't like that long.


Waiting-there's no doubt about it. You get in there and it's just more fun. I'm actually hands-on and actually playing the fucking game. When you sit there and just watch a fucking game and watch this whole thing unfold and lose your money. There's absolutely nothing fun about it. Or these guys that will do these parlays. I got an 18 parlay, and every fucking team wins, and then you lose the last fucking game on the parlay, right? Yeah. And you bet $10, and it would have paid you $10 million if you fucking won the thing.


And now you spent two days watching it, too. Now your kids are eating fucking coffee. Yeah, that shit is fucking acting, dude. Was there a fighter that retired and it just broke your heart because you just... And it could be more than one maybe. I know you have probably have a great relationship and unique relationships with all of them. But was there one that like, is it hard not to get attached to some of them?


Hundred %. Especially in the early days, we were like a big family. I mean, everybody knew everybody.


Like Barnabas, Bailey almost.


When you go back to Chuck Liddell, Matt Hughes, Rich Franklin, you know what I mean? That whole group back then, I mean, these people would come to my house for Christmas and Thanksgiving and holidays and things like that. Then you had to go up there and watch them fight. It was tough. And Ronda Rowsey, Rhonda and I are super close. That was a tough one. I would say the toughest retirement for me, because usually when it's time for them to retire, I'm happy for them to retire. It's over. You've accomplished everything that you could possibly accomplish. Why keep doing this? Habib was a tough retirement because I think Habib had so much more to offer and so much more to accomplish. But I think when his dad passed away, it sucked the fun out of it for him, and he was done. Plus, he made so much fucking money he never has to do anything ever again.


Oh, yeah, he could buy his own rock quarry over there. No offense, I don't know where they're at, but I know it gets pretty paleolithic in some of those areas. I don't know if you have anything else to talk about, man. Yeah, one thing you said that reminded me was I remember when Trump was running for office and Bill Belichick they asked him about him and he said, That's my friend. I support my fucking friend. Whatever you guys think about it is fine. Because you wrote a letter to him telling him congratulations for running, I think. Is that what happened?


What are you.


Talking about? It was when Donald Trump was running for office, right? And Bill Belichick had written him a letter that just said, Hey, congrats on running for President. I think Trump mentioned it, and then the media attacked Belichick about it. But he said, Hey, that's my friend. I support my friend. Yeah, and people need to be able to stand up. I think a lot of people are in fear because.


I'm having breakfast with him tomorrow on his plane. He's my friend. We talk all the time. We talk about fights. He called me up right after Abu Dhabi and said, Those rides are great. Oh, my God. The Valk.


Yeah, I met him twice at your events, man.


Exactly. -and he was great. -he's a great guy.


-it was niggie.


-politics are dirty, man. It's nasty. It's ugly. And all the shit that's going on with him right now, if he wasn't running, he wouldn't be doing any of this stuff. None of this would be happening. And if he wasn't in the lead, like he's going to win the election, none of this would be happening to him right now. It is what it is. The guy's always been an amazing friend to me. He and I will be friends for the rest of our lives.


Yeah, I'm glad I got to meet him. That's the first President I ever got to meet. I would support any of our presidents.


I always-I'm that guy, too. I'm not volatile over politics, man. This is America. You can vote for whoever you want. You could be on either side of the political spectrum. I don't care. I don't judge you by your politics. I judge what type of a person you are.


Yeah, and if you think the government is going to save your life, dude.


I've always said this. The government.


They're just a.


Fucking-these people that want the government. You want less government. You want them out of your life. You do not want the government. The government is never going to take care of you. Never going to get rich off.


The government. No, dude. Stamp collections get fucked, Tommy, right? The post office is almost out of business, dude. Have you been to the post office recently?


They just tell you how to get to wherever you want your mail to go. Dude, I'll say this. Yeah, there's nothing tougher than there's nothing more ridiculous than expecting the government. But I think we're in a weird space now where we're between the government that we've been used to and a new privatized communism almost. So I think we're in this weird space of almost two governments where one is like almost like a shadow.


Well, there's a battle going on right now. There's a.


War going.


On in the government, one that wants to go one way that most of us don't want to go and one that wants to keep things the way they are. It might be broken and fucked up and needs to be fixed, but we're definitely in that weird place.


Right now. I agree. So get off your peletons, boys. Let's fucking go to war. I love it. Dane White, man, thanks so much, dude. And just thanks for David Spade got to bring me to a fight, and you let me come. I appreciate it, man. You're friends with a lot of my friends, and I'm just grateful. It's been a joy to get to know people that work in your office and just everything. It's added a lot of joy to my life.


Well, congrats on all your success, man. We're happy for you. And I'll see you at the next one.


I'll see you next Power Slap, man.


There you go. Boom.


Now I'm just floating on the breeze and I.


Feel I'm falling like these leaves.


I must be cornerstone. But when.


I reach that ground, I'll share this peace of.


Mind I.


Found I can feel it in.


My bones.


But it's going to.


Take a living.