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Today's episode was taped live at the Durango Casino and Resort over in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are grateful to them for letting us spend time at their beautiful place for gambling and fun and joy. If you like it, you will like it. That's Durango Casino and Resort. Thank you for letting us tape our episode over there. Today's guest is the current middleweight champion of the USC. He grew up in one of the rougher areas of Southern California. He is a complex individual. That's for damn sure. He's a dang 30-sided Rubik's cube of a human, but he's an undeniable talent in the world of fighting. There's something extremely lovable about the guy, and he's not afraid to speak his mind. Now, how good is his mind? That's TBD. But I'm very thankful for his time, and it was a joy to sit down with him. Today's guest is Mr. Shawn Strickland.






To tell you my stories. Shine on me.


And I will.


Find a song I've been singing. I'm on the stage.


All right, I'm.


Ready, guys. Now we're ready. Get the dick wet.


Yeah. Well, I don't know.


I mean... We're going to pay.


For it. There's a lot of other turns we could use. I guess that's one way to do it. Yeah, a lot of for people that don't know, you're the middleweight champion of the.


World, right? Yeah. Fucking weird, right, man? Yeah, the U-of-C has really lowered their standards. You should be class and they let my ass in here. Fucking A. How's your latte? Good?


It's okay, man. I just needed something. I don't do drugs or alcohol. Not anymore. Yeah. That's good, dude. Good call. Yeah. And so then it's slim, pickens on what do you use to get you going? Yeah, or something like that.


Smell and gas. We all got an addiction. We all got an addiction. Mine's caffeine. Are you? Is it really? Oh, I fucking crush it, dude.


I fucking crush it. Oh, wow. How much can you have in one day, you think?


I'll have 10 cups of coffee in a day, especially I'm dieting. I just drink that shit instead of food.


Really? Yeah. And do you still have the ability to eat or to use your hands well.


After that? Ideally, I try not to eat.




But yeah, you're doing big fucking things, dude. You went from a white trash fucking red neck to interviewing Tucker fucking Carlson. You're doing big things, dude.


Big fucking things. Dude, I can't believe they would let either one of us really have a job.


You know what's weird about you, dude? Let me say one thing, and this is honest to God truth. Sometimes did you say some genius shit. You say some shit where I'm like, Fuck, I scratched my head. Sometimes you say some shit where I'm like, This man is fucking retarded. I haven't quite figured out, dude, if you're a genius or retarded, I've had a little bit of bull, I've made a little bit of Rainman in you.


Thanks, man. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, look, I think sometimes it's hard for me to match up my thoughts and my words at the same time. I think sometimes it's like if I really think about it, I think there's sometimes it's like my... I can't tell if my brain starts going before my mouth does or one or the other. But I feel like some of the equivalency or whatever isn't like the gear shafts off or whatever, or the like my I don't know.


Yeah, because you guys before Starless, he was saying some clever shit, dude. Talking about all the pussy he paid for, but it was going really fucking good.


Well, I wouldn't say that paid. Yeah, I would say yeah.


Have you ever paid for pussy?


I don't know.


You don't know? How do you not... It's a very simple question, dude. Have you ever took out your wallet and said, here's 20 bucks, blow me?


Oh, no, nothing like that, brother. Dude, I'll tell you this. One time I went to Vietnam, and so I was a student, and we went there on a- You.


Were a student.


You went to school. Oh, yeah.


No shit. What did you study?




Planning, dude. No shit. You're a college man, huh?


Yeah, I'm an urban planner.


Did you graduate?




Oh, dude, I here I am thinking we're cut from the same cloth. This man's an educated man.


I wouldn't say educated. I have Microsoft Word or whatever on my computer. There we go. But I wouldn't say... Yeah. That's all right, dude.


I say you're in Vietnam, fucking Later Boys. What? Tell me about it.


No, well, I got there and whenever we got there, you can tell the taxi drivers or whatever to take you anywhere, right? And they will literally take you to a... A whorehouse. Yeah. You'd be like, take us to the hospital. My friend is bleeding to death and they'll drop you both off at a hospital. They'll try to like, and you're a frankin barely get an erection because his pulse is low or whatever because of his heart rate or whatever.


Pussy will cure a lot of issues. I can't tell you how many times I've been really fucked up and get some good pussy. You're like, I guess it's not broken. We go hospital tomorrow. We'll do this shit tomorrow.


It is true. The touch of a woman, I think, has always done that for men.


To me, real talk, I can't pay for pussy. I went to the Philippines.


Yeah, I can't either.


I don't know why. If a girl don't want to fuck me, I don't want to fuck her. Mind you guys, I got a girlfriend. I'm doing the right things. I'm doing the right things. Don't cheat on my chick. But back in the day, back in the day, a girl don't want to fuck me, I genuinely don't want to do it.


Yeah, I didn't like. I mean, I would get, well, if I ever paid for women, I would-If I.


Ever paid for... Now you've definitely paid for pussy, bro.


I don't know. It mean, this could also be-But.


There's nothing wrong with that, bro. I mean, you're helping the economy. You're paying for a service.


Yeah, you're right. I think that it's definitely, and they used to do it like on the Mayflower and everything. But I'll tell you this, would be high on drugs, and then I would hire an escort. Can you hear us okay?


Yeah. Yeah, I got you. I'll put it on the mic. But I generally don't. I get a little like, fuck. I'm going to put big black. Really? I get a little fucking scary, dude. Maybe you made it more of a.


Page color. Nick or not. Should we put it somewhere else? Okay, now we're good. Because he looks caged up over there, does he?


I feel really... Well, we're in this fucking prostitute room.




I mean, it's a nice.


Way You got women on the brain today.


I've fucking all I got is testosterone, bro. What do you think? That's all. All I want to do is fucking kill a man and fuck a woman. But I got a girlfriend. I'll cheat on her.


Yeah, sure, dude. You said that so many times. Me and her are.


Wondering if the case. Wait, here's the thing. The moment I stop saying it, I'm going to put my dick in anything that moves. I just got to make that positive affirmation. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it.


I'm not going to move then. But here's what would happen. I would do drugs. I would hire an escort, right?


Yeah, that's fair.


They would come over. I'd be so high and scared, paranoid that there was a guy with a gun or a pimp. A lot of times it wouldn't be the same person in the pitchers. I would go downstairs. I would give the money to them and have them leave. I would be too scared to... Also I'd be so high on drugs I couldn't even get my weiner going and so you'd be so scared. Because the craziest thing is inviting somebody over your house to have sex and you can't have sex, then you're just like...


You just got to talk to them.


Well, then you're just milling around for a while for an hour or something.


When you talk to a hooker, what do you say? Hey, how's your day?


Just ask them where they're from or whatever.


Where are you from? How did you.


Get here? Yeah, what else?


Do you have any good stories from them?


What do you? Do you have any hobbies? I guess. I don't know if that's a crazy... But yeah, I.


Would get so scared. How many dicks have you suck today? I'm kidding. I mean, would you ever wonder that? I've always wondered like, okay, you get a hooker and say you're like the last client of the night.


Okay. Yeah.


There's a lot of fucking semen to get through. You know what I'm saying? Do you ever wonder that? What tag did I get?


Yeah, I think you wonder where... Yeah, I guess where you can be for the lady or whatever. I think, yeah, you don't want to... Like if a lady comes and she seemed like she's been sweating and stuff, at that point, I think you just coach them up. You're almost.


More of a. You take a exam and you look for any razorburn before.


Dude, I'm telling you, I would be so high. I would literally go downstairs, crack the door because I'd be so scared that they would have a pimp or like an official or whatever, or a commander or whatever. I don't know what a lot of hookers have, but it's like, and then I would put the money outside of the door, give it to them, and then go like that or whatever. And that doesn't mean they're Asian or whatever, but I would just do like that. And then this would be the craziest part, though. I would still be texting them like, Did you get home okay? That would be the craziest shit. They're like, Leave me the fuck alone.


Well, you're a lover, bro. You're a nice guy.


I don't know if I mean, I think the whole thing just scared me, man. But Iwomen have always had like that. It's had a big.


Effect on me. I mean, how do you get laid now? Dude, it must be hard to get laid now. You just can't go fuck the average woman. How do you get your dick wet now?




I mean, it's hard, right? You're a fucking famous guy, dude.


Yeah, I guess. I mean.


Let me say it's easy, but then it's also like...


I think you get scared that girls are trying to like... I think not use you for like... I get scared that I don't want to communicate with girls, like text or.




Because they're.


Going to just-Yeah, just ask them to show your pussy. The Theovons is asking me to show my pussy.


I would use that. I would use some charade or something or maybe do like... I'll send two gifts. One is like a curtain open like that, and then a picture of a cat is the second one.


Okay, just lead them on a little bit.


Yeah, but I wouldn't say like, let me... You have to do a lot.


Of-do you ever send pictures of your dick? Never.


Not Snapchat? I've sent a picture of my buddy Jason's dick. My buddy Jason used to for like a few years back, but I'm sure he would still let us use it. I don't know if you can use it more than once, but for 10 bucks, he let you send his cock to a gal.


Was a good looking dick? Was a baby?


It was, but it was. It was like one of those unique mushrooms. I feel like you ever had that chicken where they put those weird-looking mushrooms with it.


Oh, yeah.


No, I got you. Like that Rich Place Chicken or something like that. That gravy and that.


Weird mushroom. Do you know, man, I have a weird opinion looking at dicks. Here's the thing, dude.


Let's just say.


We're in a.


Year old. What is thebecause we.


Haven't even started yet. Let's just say you're in a urinal right now, right? Okay, yeah. You're standing next to me and you pull your dick out. I'm going to look. I'm going to look at your dick. I'm not gay, but it's like me and you're pissing next to each other. I might look at your dick just to see what the one's working with. I'm curious. But you know what annoys me? You'll be in a locker room changed with the boys, right? You're naked, and you'll get some people, they don't want to look at the dick. They don't want to look at your dick. They look away. They're offended by your dick. I'm like, Dude. I'm like, I take it as a personal insult if you don't want to look at my dick. I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why, dude. I'll tell you why. You will sit there in the fucking wee hours of the night, middle of the night just beating your little fucking dick off all night long to big dicks. All different colors of dicks. All the dicks, right?


We're on the inter- On the.


Inter- On the inter- On the inter- So you're saying they're beating your dick off, and then you come time to look at my dick, and you're offended by my dick. Fuck you, dude. If you're a fucking dick at the end of the day, like I mean...


Yeah, I mean, if you- Yeah.


I don't-Like that's closet homosexuality. If you can't look at my dick without feeling shame, maybe you're gay. There isn't nothing wrong with being gay, dude. There ain't nothing wrong with it.


Yeah, look, I mean, look, one of us could be gay. Who knows?


If you've been anything gay?


Well, hold on. I want to think about this. I think if you look at a guy's weiner and I'm just going to say you look at a guy's weiner, and then if you open your first reaction, I think, is if your mouth opens. I'm just trying to think of what are some signals that a dude might have some homosexuality in him? And then I don't think, yeah, I think you're right, man. I think you guys should be able to say, Look at my dick. Yeah, that's my dick.


It's my dick, dude. I'll compliment a dick, dude.


I'll compliment a dick. Nice dick, Randy.


Yeah, there's a...


Yeah. Wow, buddy.


There's this guy named Karl, big U-of-C guy, big black guy, big African man, right? Oh, yeah. He's wearing a single let. Oh, yeah. No cup, dude, no cup. He has this big old fucking big old black dick. I say black dick as opposed to a normal colored dick because I feel like a black dick. It's a little bit more long. This man's wearing a single and his dick is like, I mean, it was like here. Then he's like, Hey, Sean, let me show you something. He gets against the wall and he spreads his legs. He's like, Come put your head right here in a single leg. My car, dude, I think you got a good looking dick. I think it's big. I think it's girthy. I think you could have pregnantated a lot of women with that dick, but I'm not going to put my hair on your dick.


What did you all do?


I said, No, I'm not going to do it. I said, But hey, he'll do it. Another guy came and put his head on.


His dick. Shit, I'll use a thing to roll out my legs. You ever use those leg rolls?


That's what it felt like. I mean, here's the thing. There's a lot of large black men in the MMA. You're in a locker room and you're just like...


We had have a guy this dude, I told the story, but he was at our school and he would come and pee right over your back when we were kids right into the pisser, dude. This dude, Mr. Larry, he was at our elementary school for so long at a certain point that they just make you a janitor, right? Yeah, he'd come right in and just pissed right over your back. But I guess you know what? There should be a different attitude because it is such a thing where you're just talking to people in the locker room, but you're talking at weird angles. And you also don't want to look a dude in the... Now it's weird to look a guy in the eye that's naked, I think. And also because there's both an energy that you both know you can't look at the guys.


I don't have that energy. I don't have that energy. If you got a big dick, I don't got a big dick. My dick, I would say it's average, a little bit thick. I got a thicker penis. I'm not going to say it's like-That's fine. -extra long, but it's like it's thick. At least that's what they say to make me feel better. I don't know. But I definitely got the big ones hurt speech. Yeah? Yeah, but not for me. You got the good size dick, the big ones hurt. Have you got that speech?


I don't know if I've gotten that. I'm going to have to look through.


I mean, but you're wearing these little spandexes. I could see the.


Little dick outline. I was definitely... I was doing exploitation yesterday, so my penis is...


How old when you first started jerking off?


Let me think for a second. Not that old.


What? Not that old, bro. You mean like a time frame.


Oh, my bad. Probably maybe 13. I remember I found.


Some-that's an old age start drinking off, dude. Is it? Yeah. Really? I mean, I was telling the rogen about this, man. By the way, Rowgen, it wasn't cool what you said about me. I'm a fucking nice guy.


From last night?


Yeah, it wasn't cool. I'm going to bring up with the rogen. Okay. But we had a communal porn box. You had siblings? In your town? No, my house, bro. My dad had one.


Oh, yeah. I used to bike across town to go use my buddy's dad's porn. How old are you? Me, I'm 43.


But you had the hard living. Kids these days, man, then how do you not? You just pick up your fucking cell phone and type in Pornhub, bro. How do you not?


I know. Yeah, if I were a child, I could not probably.


I'd have a problem, dude. I'd be fucking yumb and.


Then hammer all day, baby.


I guess kids these days aren't fucking.


Yeah, well, there's a lot of rumors you hear, and you can't ask them, hey, are you fucking because you're an adult? That's a weird fart. So you just pretend that I guess.


You just-Unless you're an MMA coach, man. A lot of coaches are fucking their shootings. But no, this is fact, dude. Kids these days, they ain't fucking anymore. They're fucking weak, dude.


They're just weak men. But why is there a correlation you think between a connection between weak and not fucking? You think?


Well, here's the thing, man.




Here's the thing. I think that the testosterone level of man is vastly decreasing, but I think it's just like I think it's what they want, bro. I think it's like what the system wants. They want you to be a weak man. If you're a weak man, you don't want to fuck.


Well, they want... I want you to be. I mean, if you look at China, right? China is, they don't... You've ever been to China? No.


I don't think I could go there. I talk way too much on China. Winnie the Pooh shit. You do? Yeah, fuck yeah.


Oh, China. But the people there, they don't even seem, and I don't mean this to be offensive, they seem like bots. They don't even... It just seems like they're just working. It doesn't seem like there's any real life.


Let me say, I always say, if I had life in prison and I was going to fuck a dude, I'd rather be a China man. Really? They're soft, bro. They're soft people. Are they? Delicate. They're hair, you know.


Oh, they're delicate. They're hairless.


Yeah, they make good lady boys.




I mean, that's a situation where I'd be like, all right, well, I want to be Sarah Shell with the Lady Boy China man. But the world's getting fucking soft, dude.


Okay, all right, well, let me think about it. So the world's getting soft.


Okay, we'll talk about last night. Okay. You get this fucking chondriosis. We live in this world now where people just could say whatever the fuck they want. I don't think that helps people get hard, right? Yeah. I could go online, or I know I'm not going to the interwebs, and I could start telling you, Go fuck yourself, fuck your mother. Fuck your girlfriend. Fuck you. Any recourse that you do, you'll get in trouble for. Right now, you don't got a girlfriend or anything, right?


Yeah. You got a girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend, but I met your girlfriend at.


The slap fight. Yeah, really sweet girl, right? But let's just say right now you had a girlfriend or somebody you loved, I can get up right now and be like, hey, blah, blah, blah. She's a whore, this and that. You technically can't do anything to me. If you do something to me, you will go to prison.


Right. That's interesting. But do.


You're right. We weren't always like that.


That didn't used to be the case. If you said something you had if Twitter was in real life.


You'd fucking die. But you were celebrated. I mean, take Andrew Jackson, for instance, one of the greatest presence we ever had. He had some weird shit with the Indians, but we don't... Different timing, guys. Different fucking time. But this man killed a man because he implied his wife was a whore. Just the pure implication of your wife is a whore. He killed this man, one of the greatest men of our fucking time. Now it's like, the government is slowly just took the nuts away from men. Even like, so...


Yeah, I agree with you, man. I think it's.


Like-when's the last time that you got like, pushed you a point to where you're like, I'd like to fuck this man up. Do you remember that top of your head? Yeah. What did you tell us? When was.


The last time? Probably one month ago, maybe.


What happened?


I had somebody that I was working with that just fucked something up so bad. I was like, You know what? I would like to abuse this guy.


Like to abuse him a little bit? Yeah. A little different, but I'm saying like, so you take Drykus. We get in this fucking heated fight. He heated press conference. He starts talking about child abuse. I'm like, Your dad fucked you. Again, you guys, Dad didn't fuck me. That never fucking happen, you guys. We all have some bad memories, but we just we chalk him up as bad dreams, and we'd just move on.


From there. Yeah, or yeah. But yeah, if he.


Didn't-but regardless of the fact, it's like, so then I get put in the spot where you have this man next to me. So it's like he's able to speak to me in a way that in all of human history, not even just America, you would never speak to a fucking man that way. You would never fucking do it. But what we have done, dude, we have made people so pathetic that we just sit there and say, Yeah, say whatever you want. Say whatever you want. I'm just going to fucking take it. I'm just going to take it. Fuck it, dude. America is one of the softest motherfuckers.


In the world. Well, a lot of it, I think you said then I think you're probably talking about civil law, like everything has become a lawsuit.


You're going to get fucking sued. You're going to go to jail.


Yeah, when I was a kid, I know that if you said something that was fucked up, somebody would fuck you up. Here's how you knew you couldn't say the N-word because you would say it, and.


Then-you'd get fucked up.


Yeah. There wasn't like some big system online that would judge you or whatever. You knew, now if you had a mixed buddy, you might let you slip it in after midnight or something. But if you were.


Just a- You know, every now and then there might be a phrase that you say like, Oh, shit. You're my man.


Yeah, like, Hey, letthat.


Let's give me a sign to pass on.


That one. Hey, man, it's leapier. Let me get.


One in. I'm at this press conference right now, and he's talking about child molestation, child abuse.


Yeah, I saw it.


Here I am, dude. Now I'm in this weird position where I can't defend myself. Say I'm like, Hey, fuck you, man. My dad never fucked me, but I'm going to come put my dad. If I would have followed up with it, now what am I doing? I'm pretty much saying that what you said by joking about being abused or molested, and I'm somehow a weaker man for that. The fact that that, again, didn't happen to me, but if it did happen to me, I'm a weaker man. By me being in the offensive and clapping back and going back now, it's like, there's some things that were off limits. You don't really talk about a man's wife.




Don't really talk about a man's wife. You don't talk about a man's kids. You don't talk about a kid being abused. These things were all off limits. Dude, once he crossed that, it was.


Like- Wasy. You had the energy that was there whenever you guys were in this...


I tried to ignore it. I tried to fucking.


Ignore it. Were you sitting there thinking throughout the evening a.


Little bit? Oh, yeah, I was boiling, dude. I just told myself like, Hey, just...


I fucking hate that boy. I hate.


That boil. Yeah, I'm just saying there like, I'm just saying that I'm just ignore it. Just fucking ignore it. And he's just up talking shit. I'm like, All right, fuck this guy.


But when you say ignore it, was there already that voice? Some of that remants were.


Still in your head? Yeah, you have that little voice in your head like, Kill this man. This is what people don't understand. That's a.


Crazy voice.


I'm not just saying, Oh, dude. I have like, dude, I have like, I don't know if it's like, I have that voice, dude. Yeah. Like, Oh, it's bad. I'll go 120 and a fucking 30-mile per hour. I have that voice. It's such an extreme. But it's like.


It annoys me. But if it didn't even happen, why did it hurt you so much, though? I think it was-Just the ability that he can say that people can.


Say it. The fact that you can say that with impunity. Then it's a weird situation, man, because I got a big, deep fan base. We all... We all got fucked up. Most of us have gone through shit. Right. I could tell you how many guys do I know that have been molested? I know a lot. Oh, yeah. I know a lot of motherfuckers, a lot of men who've been molested. I know more women who talk about it. But I know a lot of guys and my 2:00 AM hits, you're just bullshaming them like, Hey, man, Sean, when I was this age, it just happens like, Fuck, dude. I know. Now I'm my bad, dude. To have this fucking cunt make a joke about that.




But this is the issue, dude, man. Back in the day, like...


There were some repercussions.


There would and there still would be. There would still be. If Drykis, again-.


Maybe just generally touch the nerve that it's just about kids being abused, that shit. I feel you, dude. There's some things that people could say.


But there's so many like, dude, I'm in your 40. How many more years you got left on this life?


Probably 30, 36.


I mean, 30 if you're lucky, dude. I mean, you know what I'm saying?


I'm fucking doing fine. I'm doing pretty good. I got a low blood pressure or whatever, but other than that, I'm fucking.


Doing good. I mean, you never know. Okay, let's just say even 20. Twenty-five, bro.


Twenty-five. All right, give me at least.


22, dude. I mean, so in the day, let's just say I'm going to die of 60. Everybody in my family dies young, right? I can see that. I got like 30 years.


And you're motorcycle too, don't you?


Oh, yeah, I.


Go hard too. Oh, yeah, dude. I go hard. Bro, you guys are the organ donors usually.


Yeah, for sure, dude. I mean, I woke up. I mean, look, you self-fucked up my knees through my jeans. Yeah. But anyway, I got 30 years left. What does that mean? What does that mean to me? I get to wake up every day and go fight and cut way, need a fucking cheeseburg. In the grand scheme of things, life is not that important.


Right. I agree. I think when you die, you're just like all you care about, all the only things you feel about, even from using DMT and stuff, you have that moment of what it feels like when you die. You don't remember any of life. All you remember is the feeling.


Do you religious, man? Do you think you're going to go somewhere and die?


I believe that you go back into the universe. I think the Lord could be over there. I'm sure Jesus and some of the other deities are milling around. I'm sure they're in the locker room like, Oh, we got to get back out there. Sunday's coming up, JC.


Yeah. I think, dude, I think whenever that brain goes off, you're just darkness, bro.


Just darkness. No, man, you evaporate into something really fucking beautiful. But I think the only feeling is just sheer joy.


But I'm okay with that.


I'm okay. I'm okay. I think what you do in life matters. But yeah, I mean, you could spend it how you want.


Right now, life is good. I got money, I got a belt, dude, everything is good. But you're going to pay me to go fucking relive my life. You said, Hey, Sean, you want to go hit the restart button? Fuck you.




Fuck, no.


But what if you got to a place one day where you were able to be... Because at a certain point, I think people from a tough environment become inspirations for people from a tough environment.


I get guys will call me crying. I've heard some of the shit you've got, man. You get some crazy shit too, dude.


Yeah, we get some guys that have been through a lot of stuff, dude, and the guys that are perverts, everything.


Were parents together?


My dad was real old. My dad was like 70. That's rough. It was just weird, man. I was just embarrassed. But yeah, we.


Were just - When your dad died. He died.


My mom was just worked and my mom didn't.


It. Did your mom remarry?


Yeah, she married a guy. He used to own a car wash. That was pretty cool. He always had a bunch of change on him. No shit. Yeah, and we'd go fucking get all the change.


That's nice. With your mom, you always knew, I'm sorry for this, but it's funny, I always knew the guy my mom was hooking up with, the music she'd be listening to. You'd get some like, I'm not even joking, bro. You'd get some like R&B or some shit. Next thing you know, bro, there's a black guy hanging around. You get somelike, saw some music and he got wand down the street. You're like, I don't know. Fuck. Yeah, dude. Yeah, some fucking A, man.


Did your mom date a lot then?


I mean, she was married. I guess, yeah, she did date a lot.


Well, how does that even make sense?


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Com/theo now to grow your business. No matter what stage you're in, Shopify. Com/theo. My mom, after my dad died, she dated a couple of guys, but not...


Did she remarried?


Yes, she ended up remarriing.


She's doing good then.


She's doing good. Yeah, she's doing good. She lives out in Arizona. My mom's a cool lady.


You call the stepdad?


He passed away. He was in the war or whatever, and then he passed away.


What fucking war?


Yeah, he was. What war? I'm not sure, but he wore a lot of gloves at the end of his life, and he liked having gloves on, I remember.


The war, bro. You're 40 years old, dude. You got like, I don't think Vietnam happened. I don't know what we're talking about, dude.




War, bro. He was in the Great War, the Second War, 1942, 1912.


Pull up a war, nick. He was in the war.


Desert Storm, bro. What war? No, he.


Wasn't in Desert Storm, dude. No, he was in the war. I don't know, maybe the war on drugs or something.


Pull up recent wars or whatever.


The war on drugs. That was that was Bush's wife, right?




What war are we talking about here, dude? Pick a war. Persian Gulf?


Probably that K-dub, maybe Korean War maybe.


Okay, what, 1950?


I don't know. He would definitely I know if we you know what? I know he would take my mom.


To -This is what I'm talking about again.


He would take my mom to Chinese food. But when the waiter walked off, he would fucking say some shit.


But this is what I'm talking about with Dio, bro. I don't fucking know if he's a genius or fucking a d*d. He just goes either way, dude.


How about this? There's way many.


Options in between. You just said your dad number two was in the fucking war.


Yeah, he was, dude. He had a sword at the fucking house, dude. He left it to my mother. He left an autograft sword or whatever. Wait, I don't know where that would.


Be at. Who the fuck that would be. Who the fuck? Autographs? The China man he killed.


Pull up something, nick. Jesus Christ. Look at us. We don't know what the.


Fuck we're talking about. Hey, give this guy a bone, dude. When I did the Rowan podcast. What's Rowan's guy?


What's Rowan's like? Jamie.


Jamie, dude. I was thrown off by Jamie. Yeah. Oh, man. I think Roman abuses him, dude. I think he abuses him. What?


Like, what? Do you like-I don't.


Know, dude. I think I was-Makes him stay.


Up late or something?


I think I was picturing a younger white nerdy kid. No, dude, he's angry. He's an angry man. He's fucking angry, bro. Who? Jamie?


Jamie's angry. Is he? I don't know. He just seems like dialed in. He's like a marksman for information.


I think Logan disciplines him.


Oh, you think?


Yeah, because you'll see it, dude. Every now and then, Logan will let that shit slip.


There he is right there. Look how jacked he's getting, too.


Yeah, dude, that's not Jamie.


That's not Jamie. That's not Jamie. That's Jamie on the left. Can you zoom in on him?


Oh, man, dude. Yeah, but every now and then you'll see, you'll see, Morgan discipline him. He'll speak out of turn, and you'll see, I mean, you guys have seen that. What did he say? But he'll just be like, Discipline. Like, no, Jamie, not that, the other one. Oh, yeah. You could tell it's like that abusive father that is at the soccer game that slips a little bit. He's like, Pass that bitch. You're like, Oh, shit. I wonder what it's like when you're at home by himself. I think Jamie is fucked up a little bit.


I wonder if he does some things or anything like that to him. What if he has a little thing under the thing where he presses and it.


No, do you want to think? The four fingers, dude? Yo, Jamie, let us know, dude. Let us know if you're in danger. But yeah, I think you get disciplines. But you can tell, like Theo don't discipline his guys. They look happy.


I don't know about that. We get into some shit sometimes. But sometimes it's tough because you're thinking and they're thinking and you're not the same brain. You're both trying to figure out.


Like-i mean, they're thinking, bro. We don't know about you. We haven't decided yet. The war is over. We haven't fucking decided yet, dude.


This guy.




Three letters in his alphabet, dude, and two of them are CT. Andy, I'm the fucking deranged guy, dude. You just attacked a guy in a fucking movie theater last night, and I'm the fucking crazy guy.


Well, hey, here's the thing, man. When the time comes to it, and if the time comes to it where I need to kill a man, I hope that I fucking man up and.


Do it. How would you do it?


Well, it depends how bad I wanted to kill him.


But what would you do, man? Is it going to be a beating? Is it going to be a choking? Is going to be sheer pressure?


You know what it is, man? From a psychological perspective, I think it's like, what do they say? I have antisocial personality disorder.


You know.


What that is?


Really? I don't know if I see that though. You seem pretty social. I didn't know. I learned it. When I remember seeing you at Slapfights, I remember thinking, there's something extremely charming about Sean. There's something that is very.


Extremely- High functioning sociopath.


I wouldn't say high functioning.




Functioning. Okay, no offense, dude.


This guy has an autograph, fucking war memorabilia, dude.


I'm fucking trying to help you get a free sword when my mother passes away. You're not even fucking being cool about it, dude. I don't.


Want toI don't want it from the dead China man, bro.


But no, they would go to the Chinese buffet and fucking they loved it, and it was pretty cheap. But as soon as the waiter walked off, my fucking stepdad would say a bunch of shit about him.


Hey, you know it's funny to me, the China man. I hit a China man once, like driving. You hit one? Yeah, it was totally.


My fault. Well, yeah, but they have done it so much.


I remember, dude.


That's what I thought. They started.


It for sure. I remember the moment because I got out to go check on the guy. I put him into a fucking wall, dude. Airbags deployed. Airbags fucking deployed, right? Yeah, so I go and I remember like- I have to go check on it. Well, dude, I mean, do literally fucking 50 miles, 60 miles an hour to the side of the fucking wall. The guy was probably fucked up a little bit. Anyways, I go and the first thing I think like, Oh, my God, I hit a nation. Oh, yeah. But then a part of me was like, man, it's almost probably bad karma.


Yeah. Oh, you think, well, I don't know if I've hit an... I'll tell you this, I remember this Chinese guy. He could have been also maybe Korean, but he hit me one time.


Oh, dude, I love that skit you did with the little Asian guy, the short dude, motherfucker.


He's your friend.


Oh, yeah, Riley. The China.


Man, dude. The China man, dude. Well, he's I think. He definitely got a famous.


Sauce out of his... Oh, yeah, I fought a China man in the Philippines. Dude, look at you, man. No, Japanese guys. Nice guy, dude. Nice guy. Be his ass for five rounds.




Yeah, I know that was a funny one. Did you learn where he's from yet? Is he.


From the China land or? No, this guy's from Hawaii, and I'll say this about him. He's never ejaculated in his life. No. Yeah, he has some.


-wait, who's never.


Jerked off? This kid, Raleigh Mae, and he has like ass burgers or something in his moins or whatever.


Wait, he's never.


Jerked off. Never in his life, buddy. And not even in his sleep has he ejaculated.


Does he fuck? No.


No, no, no.


He's never fucked.


Dude, he's pretty small. How old is he? I don't know.


What does that mean? He's a dick can't make it.


In the hole. I'm just saying.


Small people can't fuck.


I don't know. Dude, sometimes, bro, real talk. Honestly, dude, a plane crashes, right? You got to eat an ethnicity out of the game.


Asian, it's offender.


One man, dude. I've been saying that. And people disagree with me in the street.


I think dark meat would be tough. Like, vascular, vascular.


Black people are in this dance. Now, if you're having a big dinner, if you're having a Thanksgiving or something, and you're still out there.


With -But how come you haven't got that man? I don't pay for sexy, but does he just not want to fuck?


What's the deal? He has some type of STD?


No, Asperger's.


I guess he don't fuck. Why he just can't fuck?


I used to have a couple of mentally unwell buddies, and we would go to the Ramada, dude, and steal all the fucking plants out of the lobby and stuff while the guy was out there smoking.


Were you the buddy? No, you were the mental and.


Well- These guys were awesome, bro. A lot of mentally unwell people are doing great, too. We had a guy on here named Chris Nickage. He won the Iditarod.


What the fuck is the Iditarod?


Ironman. Ironman? No shit. Yep, look at this Sean.


Look at that neck, dude. Jesus Christ.




Do you think that he fuck? How autistic is he?


I know he wanted to go date. He wanted to go out with women. He wanted me to hook him up with women. He likes blonde haired women.


Yeah, but I'm just simply saying, dude, at what point?


I think, look, I'll say this. If he was on a sex team, I bet I would-I'd let him back.


Could he live on his own? Could he live on his own? Does he need a chaperone?


Dude, he can swim 100 miles.


I don't fuck. Does he mean he can't.


Fucking-you think he can't make a cereal, dude? He can swim 100 miles straight, Sean. You think this dude can't fucking make up a fucking crate for something at the house if he wants it? Okay, but-You think he can't find the waste basket? Look at this kid. He can do 90 chin-ups in a row.


This is a true story. I went into the rogen podcast, right? Yeah. Dude, the rogen put me up in a nice little spot. We had four seasons. It was a Midget convention, bro. I shit you not. I'm not even fucking joking. It was one day of the midget convention. Literally, dude, it was just like I feel like it was like a tender, bro. All these you're just going there shacking up and fucking each other. Really? I don't hate on it, bro. I mean, I don't fucking hate on it. But I'll never forget. I'll never forget, dude. This mean, angry little person.


Yeah, well, yeah, some people say a little person. Some people don't care. Some of them care. Some of them don't. I have a friend. Some of my friends, as they say, little people. I don't know enough. I don't have a consensus to know what's the best thing to say.


I'm in an elevator, right? This really fucked up one, like the crippled one comes in. The What do you mean the crippled? Like in a wheelchair.


Oh, wow. At that point, you're down a foot and a half?


There was like a little angry-looking little dude. Every now and then, he gets some good-looking.


Oh, yeah, my mom's ex-husband, same guy that died, the war guy, and he, his best friend, married a little person. Oh, no shit. And they had a child that was a little person. That's so fucked up, dude. It was a good little kid.


I'd be so pissed off, dude.


Look at that. Now you're telling me that? Boy, I'd be pissed on. Looking nice, boy. Imagine that, dude. Imagine you tell your girl it's time to go and she's.


Like, Nah. Just pick her up, walk away.


That's a fucking move, bro. This dude is aa war. That dude is a king, bro.


No, yeah, he's a king of little people.


But that's Tyrant. What's his name? Tyrant.


Jofray Tyrant. Wait, let me finish my fucking story, dude. This little cripple backs his ass up in the elevator, right? And there's a little by the number pad. She goes, Oh, what number do you need? Number eight or some shit. And then Logan put me the very bottom floor. I was in a penthouse, but it was nice. It was nice. I'd expect... I mean, how much is, Logan? How much is your net worth, bro? Come on. You can't give me a sweet. You can't give me a bow day or some shit. What the fuck, Logan? I mean, what the fuck, bro? You know what I'm saying? You can't buy me a dinner, dude. You just fucking you put me in here with the midgets.


Yeah, I.


Think you might did to fuck with me, too, because you know, Logan would do that. Like, hey, let's find this hotel. There's a little person convention. So anyways.


I tell this- Who was sitting there? Did you tell them they were there.


When you went? No, man, me and Logan, dude, we're friends and enemies. I tell the little person like, number seven, and she looks at me. She was like, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to him. I was like, Fuck. You're an angry little person.


But did you say like, Hey, number seven, buddy.


No, I'm polite. I'm a polite man, dude. Really? Anyways, but yeah, so what I'm thinking, dude, the little people are mean. They're not like the Hobbits, bro. They're like the other people.


I'm trying to think. Was there some little people that were famous for being mean? I don't know. Do my favorite show growing up with that show? Did you fucking? God, man. I don't know, dude. The second I'm trying to have any decent thoughts here, everything you've said Sean has taken me completely into the 11th.


Circle of murder. By the way, guys, if somebody would ask me right now, Hey, Sean, what you fucking doing? I wouldn't be like, I don't know. I'm good, man. It's not really my type. If someone put a gun in my head right now and they said, Sean, do you think Theobon is ever fucked a woman? I don't know what I would say. I think I would really... Dude, I'm impressed. I'm impressed, dude. Here's the thing. I have this buddy. I'm not going to name the guy.


You could say if he's a black guy or not, though.


He's definitely black, for sure. Where this is going. I admire you as a man. He's a brave guy. For putting your dick in that. Yeah. We're talking about met that next.


To you. Oh, really?


Oh, yeah. He's a good looking dude. He's a lot of pussy. Good looking dude.


I would get so scared, I think, if somebody was.


Really-you mean like the escort you called?


Yeah, I would just... There were some women that I would just be like, This is just I don't need to be doing this. They don't need to be doing this. It was just not the best meeting.


Yeah, I bet you've done some dirty shit, dude. You just seem like that. You got a mullet, bro. Really? I bet you got some stories.


Just because I look like shit doesn't mean I'm a bad guy or Why.


Are you a bad guy? Fucking horse. That doesn't make you a.


Bad guy. Yeah, that's true.


Might make you a scumbag, but not a bad guy.


But also here's the thing. A lot of women are looking for sex. A lot of women are having to sell sex these days, which is crazy anyway. That's one thing that's a.


Little weird. I'll say one thing about women, dude, and this is something that needs to be said. No.


I'm curious as to what it is.


Think about every mass shooting that ever happened. Okay. Every mass shooting ever happened, at one point, that man went to go get some pussy.


He went to.


Go get some pussy. He had some woman say, No, fuck, I can suck a dick. I ain't going to suck your dick. I ain't going to suck your dick. What I'm saying is women need to put out more. Because no man has ever walked into a mall or school and say, No, I got so much fucking pussy. I got so much fucking pussy, guys. I just couldn't fucking take it. I couldn't fucking take it.


Yeah, you don't see Rick Flair.


Yeah. Oh, my God. There's so much I'm going to lose my shit.


You don't see them shooting up a Chile's bar.


In the-What I'm saying is at what point don't women take responsibility for not- Putting out? -putting out.


But do you think men are appropriate? Do men behave appropriately enough and operate appropriately enough to deserve? That's another thing. Here's the thing. A lot of dudes show up pretty much like, dudes will drive by this yelling, Pussy from me and shit like that. It's like that's not even taking a woman out. You know?


For every really hot woman you guys meet, they won't fuck you. Guess what? She's talking to somebody else. What do you.


Mean about that?


Say you go meet a princess. You meet this chick that you fucking love this chick. Fucking love this chick. She's your world. You want to marry her.


Oh, yeah.


And say she's not putting out. I guarantee, dude, she's not putting out for you, but she's putting out for somebody else.




I'm saying, dude, women, man, root of all problem. We shouldn't have a fucking vote, dude. You think? Oh, fuck yeah, dude. Women suck, dude.


Men vote for all kinds of shitty things. Look at.


That fucking-Why do women vote for that? Because the thing is getting a pussy. For every liberal, for every liberal man, he's doing it because there's some dirty liberal feminist woman he's trying to fuck.


Oh, that could be true. That's a weird... Now that's a.


Pretty crazy-Anytime, this is facts. This is fucking.


Facts, though. I don't know if it is.


What is it? Every time... It's facts, bro, it's facts, bro. It's facts. Every time a man is with a liberal woman, dude, you just see the fucking soul just being sucked out of his body. Liberal women, bro. Fucking A. You got to put them back in the fucking kitchen, dude.


Well, I think if you want to think about, God, there's so many things going on here. I don't know how you've survived, Sean. You're wild. It's true.


Though, dude. It's true, though. What is.


One good thing? Well, let's talk.


About one thing at a time. Okay, what's one good thing a woman never added to society?


Well, you could start off with Amelia Earhart.


Like a bitch got lost.


Okay, look, we prefer the term MIA. Yeah, there we go. Okay, but yeah, she's still missing. I will say that, right? Yeah. But that, I mean, look. I mean.


That bitch should not be playing a game.


You look at this picture, dude, of her getting in his playing. You're like, If this lady isn't going just to the mall, we're fucked.


I like what I'm saying, dude. Let's look at America.


Let's look at this 90s and 90s.


Win, didn't it? But we gave women too much power. Look at Kamla Harrison, bro. We gave these bitches too much power.


Oh, dude. But we.


Did it for pussy, dude, and this is why I.


Try to tell you guys. Okay, this is the part I don't understand. We do it for push. We do it for fucking push. You think guys are saying, Hey, I want to make love to this lady, so I'm going to give them the right to vote or the right to...


I guess, right? When you're a kid, you know you compromise yourself to get laid. Oh, yeah. No, but I'm saying, dude, and this is what I'm trying to tell.


You guys. Yeah, what is it?


There used to be, again, I'm not a Muslim. I don't believe in that shit. I believe take off the fucking burqa.


Slims, we call them.


Yeah, slims, bro. We take off the burqa, put on a bikini. What's that little porn star named Mila Ketif?


Willy Katana. I don't fucking.


Know her, dude. I don't know. I don't watch.


Yeah, but they're watching for sure, dude. I have a feeling now, though.


You know Zuck? I bet Zuck is in some weird shit, dude.


Mark Zuckerberg. But that's because of money.


He's not ban my Instagram, dude.


Is he? But rich people get into weird stuff because they run out of... Because just fucking become something poor people do.


But we got off subject. We're talking about.


Men and women. Yeah, we got off every... We haven't been on a subject.


We're talking about men and women here, dude. What are we talking about? We're talking about men and women. What I'm saying, dude, men used to be men. There used to be a time, a place where we're like, Go fucking chop down trees and go fucking conquer nations. Go fight the Indians. Then all of a sudden, bro, we just let these fucking women.


But I don't think it's because of women. Let me think. Well, here's right here, 10 incredible inventions by women that changed the world. Let's look at some of them. The circular saw.


Yeah, I don't know about that shit, dude.




The dishwasher. Bro. The life raft.


The life raft?


All this shit like, yeah.


The life raft.


Hold on. We didn't need a dishwasher, bro. Why is it all women?


Well, look, of course they're going to invent the dishwasher. That's a no brainer. I'll give you that one. They're trying to.


Make their life a little bit easier. Listen, God made you guys with hands for a reason.


Dude, one of my first jokes was if God didn't want you in the kitchen. If God didn't want you to cook, why did he put milk and eggs in your body?


Oh, well, there we go. It's facts. But what I'm saying, you guys? That's facts, bro. That's facts.


That's just some white guy saying that in the back of the Durango Casino out here in Las Vegas, Nevada, off the strip, but beautiful and safe.


Yeah, we're in a nice place, dude. There's a lot of pussy. You guys like this shit. Do you come swing by?


Yeah, that's another way to advertise it, though.


I think we covered both. But here's the thing.


I can see you being a car salesman, dude. No, get on over here to Sean's cars, huh? And you just beat somebody into the car. You're like, get in the fucking car, you fuck.


Yeah, don't be a fucking pussy. Your wife's going to fuck the neighbor if you don't buy this car. Your neighbor has this fucking car. You want to start fucking the neighbor? No, but I love I'm such an advocate for women, but they've lost their place.


Well, it became financial, dude. That's what happened. Women were tired of like, Oh, men have the money because men started being abusive to women. It wasn't like men were being cool to women. If men were being to women, they'd have been like, Yeah, I can just be a mom and take care.


Of the home. No, dude, what happened? I'll tell you guys what happened. It's going to be a little rant. You're going to bear with me.


Yeah, I've been bearing with all of this.


I'll tell you what happened.


Look, I don't know what happened.


Corporations are the fucking devil. Oh, yeah. They are the fucking devil, bro. They are the enemy of the free people.


I fucking hate them.


Yeah, I mean, they're telling us to get us money, fucking pull out your latte.


Yeah, I'll take a little money from them, but after that, fuck you again.




Are you talking about? Mcdonalds? Who are you talking about? Say it, Exxon.


No, I mean, all of them. It's getting worse. This is where I'm such a big advocate for men. It's that people take me as I hate on women, but I don't. I just look at history for what happened. During World War II, whenever there was a shortage of men making bombs and shit, we had to pull the women out of the kitchen. Worst thing we've ever fucking did, dude. Fuck you, Hitler. Worst thing we ever fucking did.


Because we took women out of being moms, right?


So what we did is-.


And they had to become-.


After World Two, after World Two, we're in a situation now where we have labor.


That's like Rosie the Riveter, right? Whenever they had the-.


Yeah, fuck that.


You ruined.


Fucking America, Rosie. Get your ass back in the kitchen.


But she, I don't know. This woman, I think, also was in the women too.


If you zoom in on her- Oh, yeah. I'm not ashamed of them. That's the only thing I'd like to watch you do. Anyways, so what happened, dude, is you have like... The corporations are aligned with the government to make people fucking slaves. They make people slaves for our cell phones. They make people slaves. What you have happening is they realize that when you get more people working, more people consume. We've artificially lowered pay, we've increased spending, we've done inflation. It is all a scam from corporations that own our government to make men make less, to make men do more, to make the value of man go down. This is why they're trying to blur the gender lines. This is why people think I'm crazy that God fucking kill Drykus. There was a point in American history when you got fucked. For instance, do we want to talk about the government?




We've spent more on Ukraine infrastructure, where the fuck it is, than we've spent in the year in building rope.


Oh, I think it's unbelievable.


We've could have financed cancer treatments for all Americans for what, a fucking five years? I mean, the numbers are there.


Oh, we could have solved crimes. We could have done... What else could we have done?


What I'm saying, there was a point in American history. I'm a January sixth supporter, if you can't tell. It's going to be monetized now. But there was a point in American history.


Take January seventh then.


January seventh. But there was a point in American history where you would tell a man that, hey, we're going to take 33% of your paycheck out of your check, and we're going to go give it to fucking Ukraine. We're going to go give it to fucking Israel. We're going to go give it to where everybody else. It's not fucking you. The only people who haven't been affected by inflation is politicians. You think these motherfuckers are paying pay cuts? You think they're getting you think whenever it.


Comes time- They're getting kickbacks.


Yeah, you think when it comes time to that. But this is what we've done by letting women to infect us. This is what we've done. We've blurred the lines. Look, now they're trying to take away, now they're trying to just.


Completely-that's why I want to make the connection a little bit because I'm with you whenever you get like, yes, they're trying to make men weak. They're trying to make the lines blurred. That's why even when I said what I was saying about China, when you're there, you don't... Everything just seems like a group of people that follow whatever the next notification on their phone is, that go to work, that have no feelings left a lot of times. I'm not judging all Chinese people and just saying a general.


Feeling you get when you're there. It's not women. And it's people understanding that you don't want two sexes. You want a blurred line of fucking working robots. But they've slowly... They look at income tax. That wasn't a fucking thing until what, 19? When did income tax become a thing? 1912? I don't fucking know.


When did they do it? Hold it up, Motherfuckers. I know. See, I tried that. All right.


There was one.




1861. No, that was a short period tax for a war effort. Okay. But they made it a federal law.


When did federal income tax start? Full time.


Yeah, full-time.


Say what? 1814?


1914. This man fucking knows. This man fucking knows. 1914. But what you need to understand, dude, there is a point in human history and being a man. I mean, we fought a fucking war. Yeah, I.


Remember my fucking step that was in it. He was.


Fucking in it. He got a sword from the fucking English. He fought the Red Coat, dude. Fucking this man. I told you, dude. This man has a lineage of heroes. But there is a point where they would say, Hey, you would come take 33 % of my page. I'm going to kill you. You can't.


Fucking do that. And now you don't have a.


Choice anymore. And now you're going to go and you're going to give it to Ukraine. You're going to give to all these other fucking countries.


I agree. I say fuck those other places that we should, and we don't have a choice anymore. No matter who.


You vote for- Because they took the nuts away from men.


But I feel like they did it in this backhanded way where they just- Slowly. Right. Oh, so slowly. I mean, they took a little bit of nut at a time. You didn't even notice it was missing.


And then suddenly-And next you know you got no nuts, dude. Now it's like women have more nuts.


Than we do. Now the women have the nuts, dude. Oh, dude, it's crazy now. If you want to fucking jerk off, you got to ask your wife for your dick half the time.


Oh, man, you're asking you and fucking Gary. You hear about that? Who it is? You and.


Gary, bro. Uh-uh. What happened to him?


Fuck, dude. His wife's a wag, bro. Oh, really? Yeah, a wag. We'll ignore that, dude. We're talking about.


America, dude. I hope she's all right.


No, she's all right, dude. I mean, she's not all right. I mean, she is fine, though. She's fine for an old lady.


She is?


I'll give you a gist of it. Okay.


Ian Gary. Ian Gary. I know who he is.


Young stud, bro. We just got a fucking pneumonia and she had a pull of this fire. Pneumonia, right? I guess that's pneumonia for fear. Anyways, his wife wrote a book on how to be a wag. A wag is pretty much a-What.


Is it? Whites Against What?


I mean, she's fine, bro. She's fine.


Am I missing it?


Wives and girlfriends. It's pretty much she wrote a book on how to fuck.


She wrote a book on how to fuck- She wrote a.


Book on how to- She wrote a book on how to... Yeah, I know.


But that was... And we didn't have any back then. We had one kid that was like, pseudo, Chinese or whatever.


Yeah, I lived in Riverside. It was usually YTS and Mexicans or against the Blacks.


Oh, really? Yeah, Riverside. Dude, you know Blacks and aliens don't get.


Along, dude. Yeah, that's facts, dude.


That's the shit that I've been hearing, dude. You know who told me that? Blacks.


I don't think you say Blacks, bro, it's African-American. Sorry.


African-american Blacks.


Yeah, it's all right. You're pretty much Black, bro.




Wouldn't say that. No, you're Black, dude. I'm not. You get a pass.


I'm not trying to get one. Look, I'm not breaking out my pass in front of people and be like, Hey, this fucking wigo.


I just hope no one ever plays racist chicken with me. If somebody ever plays racist, I'm going to lose, guys. You're going to have to give me some credit because I'm going to fucking lose. I'm going to go racist chicken me. I'm going to lose. I'm going to fucking lose.


Well, I think if you do well enough in a year, I'm not saying you should be able to say whatever you want, but I think they should give you a half hour.


What if it's a song? What if it's a good song?


Oh, that is okay. I think if you paid whatever the fee is on Apple tunes or whatever. Yeah, you should be able to say it. I think you should. But maybe you pay every time you use him, maybe you can.


Tear up. -yeah, we got to hit this thing. We had two fucking this man's brain's fried from drugs. My brain is fried from brain damage, so we're just fucking all over the place here. I can't help you. Sorry, guys.


I think we're doing fine. But what I'm saying is this, buddy, is that if you... What were you saying?


Yeah, fuck you.


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Yeah, fuck you. We're talking about wags. You said, Hey, Gary, bro. He's like this young stud, 26. His wife's like fucking 40 something, right? I mean, she's a.


Good looking woman. They're both very handsome.


I mean, I don't know about that. He looks.


Like-he and Gary is a.




Guy. Look at his child, man.


A beautiful kid. I don't miss that. He looks a little dark. Look at what? I mean, if you look at the skin tone, it's a little dark.


I have no clue what the tones on this monitor are set.


At, but-Don't tell me that his kid does not look a.


Little dark. Go back to the kid. The child looks very happy.


I don't.


Know, man. That kid looks happy.


But yeah, what does the kid look like, though? Does he look like he and Gary, a little twin. It's weird because you're supposed to look like your dad when you're.


Born, too. He's tall. He's Irish as well, isn't he? He's got to be the tallest Irishman. He's very tall.


Isn't he? Anyways, moving on, dude. Moving on. He's good. Moving on, dude, moving on. The wife went through like she got fucking ran through on the soccer scene. She wrote a book on how to be a wag, on how to be a famous woman with an athlete or how to be a woman with an athlete. Bitch wrote a book about this eight years, I don't know, eight years ago.




There's a book on how to be a wag. Dude, she's fine, bro. She's fine for an old lady. She's fine.


Yeah, she looks pretty to me.


Yeah, I know. In 10 years, she's hit that gill status.


You're going to get me beat up by Ian Gary, dude.


I'm fucking Ian Gary, bro.


Yeah, you can say that, dude. I have to just be some guy wandering around, backstaying at a USC event, looking for a water fountain or something, and Ian Gary comes down the hall, dude.


You can do shit, bro. You can do his wife's a whack. So anyways.


Yeah, but that ain't going.


To help me.


When I have to say hello to him.


So this young man who probably hidden and got a lot of pussy, he goes and falls into this black hole, right? Then the succubus is what I like to call her. He's a victim.


But why do you have it out for this guy?


I don't have it out for this guy. It's insane to me that this woman wrote a book on how to fucking date famous. Next thing you know, she's with you. She's like, what, how much older is she than him?




Years? She's 15 years older. She's 40.


30 years older? Thirteen years older.


Thirteen years older, bro.


It's not that much older, is it?


It's not, but you're a young fucking stud, dude, and you're with this old... Okay, furthermore.


Furthermore, I like that.


Yeah, now we'll continue this.


No, I don't.


Yeah, I just never hear it. He changed his last name to Ian Gary Machado.


I remember that.


To match the ex-husband's last name.




Ex-husband? Yes, bro.


No way.


I mean, what do we say to that, dude? What the fuck do we say to that? Ian Gary Machado.


Ian Gary Machado. Iain Machado, Gary. What is it, man?


What? Middle-name, last name. We don't fucking hyphenate a name. We don't fucking matter.


But what is your issue here? I don't understand what.


The issue is. It's not an issue, bro. It's just fucked up. It's like you're just like, it just fucked up, dude. She's a succubus. Okay. Why did this man not have a... I mean, he got kicked out of the gym because of her. So is actually her maiden name.




Been often said that that was her ex-husband's name that he had done, but it was her original maiden name. Okay, so I'm getting fact-checked. Yeah. There's a little Twitter box, fact-check.


Yeah. Yeah, so that's not it.


Either way, either way.


Do you have to fight him or not?


No, I'm not. If I'll fucking starch that man. I'll kill that man.


You have killed. I don't know if we're going to get in trouble because you've killed two people during this thing.


No, I'm not killing. I'm just saying like push comes to shove.


The push always comes to shove with you, it seems like because you just push that guy.


What I'm saying is I would never want to make fun of this. Itry to make fun of you. I hope you and Gary, I hope you and your family, I hope you guys have a long life. And a good thing that they don't make Viagra for women because...




Does that work? How does that work? When you hit like-Dude, you love.


This shit, dude. Do you like talking shit more since you've had more success recently, or did you think about talking shit as.


Much back then? I mean, my talking... I mean, oh, God damn. You probably got that from the ex-husband. Little herpes. Little herpes.


That was a black rapper name. You don't hear much. Herpes is more of a white thing, huh?


I mean, I don't fucking know. You don't.


Hear a lot of black guys like, Yeah, I got herpes.


If you ever went to Fuck A chick who's told you she's had herpes.


I'm not that good at sex, man.


So I don't- Wait, you've never had a girl back.


I've never had.


A stalker. They've never thrown out- I've never had a girl pass by. They've never thrown out a disclaimer like, Hey, I've had hepatitis A once. I think A is a curable one, right? Yeah. B for bad. Yeah. But you never had a girl come throw out a disclaimer like, Hey, I'm on the voucher tracks.


No, actually, you know what? I did date a girl one time, and I don't know what her name was. It could have been Susan, but I don't think it was Susan. But she said that she had herpes simplex or something, so we couldn't have sex. But we didn't date that long. We only went on about three dates. I don't think she liked me that much.


You couldn't.


Have sex? I didn't want to have sex with her. It made me nervous, right? I already get nervous if I have to use just the whole... It all makes me nervous, dude.


You use condoms?


It all makes me nervous. I wouldn't say that.


I'm just.




Like... Hey, someone's going to come up with this man. You go have this man's baby. He's just blowing loads all over the place.


You're a fucking.


Weirdo, dude.


I'm going to tell you that.


You're telling me that you fucking dated Chuck the Herpes and didn't want to fuck her because you didn't use condom.


You just came on here. You freaking bashed my stepdad who died, okay? Who had Alzheimer's, dementia, or whatever, and he wore those nice gloves.


Well, I'm not the one who's supposed to believe he was a war vet. I know.


I'm not saying he was a perfect guy, but I will say this. He owned a car wash, and he was pretty decent. He used to take us to holiday-in to have breakfast on Sundays.


Are you close? Do you give her sister money at all?


Yeah, I do give her some money. What does she do for work? She is a waitress.


I mean, you got to be balling, bro. We're in the Durango, we're in the back room, we're in the velvet room. You got to be ballin', bro.


Yeah, I didn't rent this. This manager let us in. He's out of his mind.


Yeah, I know, but you're like a famous guy now, dude. Dana White, Tucker Carlson, bro. You're the fucking man.


Bro, these are not. It's not.


Like-do you get Trump.


Interview yet? No, I think you would maybe come on, though.


Bro, you got to get Trump on here, dude. You're going to fall on his dick like Colby? No, dude.


You're not going to fall on his dick. I will say this, man. What did you think about... I'm not going to say anything. What did you think about that Colby thing? The Colby thing, first of all, it was one of those fights where the guys just-I don't know.


I think I got to keep the fuck out. That's right.


You had to fucking leave your own job, you piece of shit. You can't even fucking clock in and finish your shift.


That's fair. I've never had a job. No, do you? But, bro, have.


You ever seen trouble? Why didn't they take Du Plessus out?


He was the one that called me out. He was the one to try to fight me. He did it.


Here's what's funny is I'm leaving after the show last night, and he's in the back, right? I started talking. I didn't know that that was him, right? I remember that there was a South African guy.


Yeah, dude, I think his coach might fuck him, actually. Hey, pull it up. Show the man.


What's the coach's name? Ron?


Yeah, just typing Coach, kissing, drykiss, or grabbing his dick. I mean, it should be one of the first things that comes up.


But now some of this is a cultural thing, buddy.


I don't know, dude. You get your dick grabbed law in South Africa.


That could be made up, huh?


Yeah, it could be made up. What about dude?


Wow, he's a strong guy, huh?


Yeah, he's in there, dude.


He's in there. I wouldn't kiss him, but I would fucking... I'd get close to him and tell him goodbye.


Do we grab? We give a little nut grab?


No, I'm not touching somebody's fucking nuts. That's insane. Whoa.




That's crazy, dude.


That's an embrace.


Though, bro. He seems like a very nice guy. But I didn't know that was... I don't think that that's him.


Da, were you sitting by Trump last night?


I was sitting down from him.


Did you go and shake his hand and get a picture?


I went and took his hand. I said, Hey, when he walked in- Did you get a picture?


I didn't get a picture, yeah. What the fuck, dude.


I've gotten a picture of him before.


Is he cool? Yeah. You got a lot of likes?


I didn't put it up.


That's what's up, dude.


Yeah. I just don't know how... I mean, I like Trump. I like... But I don't know. I think I don't know. I wish I knew him better as a person.


Did you vote for Trump? You know, it seemed like you vote.


Oh, I have voted. I voted two times, yeah. No shit. Who did you vote for? I voted for Obama and Trump.


But every white man had to vote for Obama. That was like, I'm not a racist. Vote for Obama.


No, look, I wish they get a real Dark, bro. I wish they get damn trick daddy in that bitch.


Like a Denzel, Washington. You know? Like a Denzel, Washington.


No, like Dark, Zell, Washington. I want to go real fucking out there. Yeah, I want to get like, man... Who's that? Damn, that's him.


Bro, have you ever seen Trump wave? We got to fix his wave, dude. He walked by the crowd, and he has this little gay, limp, breasted wave. Super gay, bro. I don't know why his handle is going to fix that shit.


He's also getting older. He's up late.


Yeah, you still don't have to wave like a f* like a fairy. Yeah.


Do you remember the first time that you went? We got to change the conversation because we've never even started the interview.


I'm looking for a cup to piss in.


Yeah, take a break real quick.


No, it's okay, we can continue.


If you have to peed on a fight, what do you guys do? Does the peed go away after a while?


I think you're trying to kill a man, dude. Yeah, look at the wave. The wave is fucking... That's a better wave. Yeah, like the little wave, like somebody takes a man to wave.


That's good. I did think it was a little like at the end when Kobe was still talking about like, he's like the War of 1812 or whatever, that he was yelling about the Declaration, whatever he was yelling at the end, it.


Was just like-Yeah, no, Kobe is a weak man. You wouldn't let Kobe. Really? He's a weak man.


What do you mean by it?


Kobe was very boring at one point in his career, and it got to a point where they pretty much said, Colby, you got to be more exciting. Then he created The Covington. He created this fucking guy. And I mean, fucking worked out well for him, but he's just like fraudulent. Like, even when it came to George Nassaval, like okay, for instance.


Oh, yeah, him and Massoud all fought each other.


Yeah. This guy threatened his kids and shit. He said some shit about his kids. You don't quote me. I know we got the fucking fact checkers back here, dude. I mean, he was like, he assaulted his kids. Massaval being as Mexican. What's Masswell? Cuban, Mexican? Cuban. He's something foreign. He's something foreign and scary. He's like a guy that if you were at an 18 machine and he walked up behind you.


Maybe. But once he's smile, though, George has the best smile. No. You would know he's there.


For-if that man is behind you at an 18 machine, that little fucking mirror that looks... You're mad at me. I'm not even be.


Looking at it. You would feel alarmed, I think, at first if you just saw him walk up with his hands behind his back.


Oh, yeah. No, that man is definitely going to fuck you up.


Look, this guy. This guy.


Wow. Anyways, and then Colby, he's just a con dude. He's just a fuck guy. You've never sued a man?


I never have sued a man, I don't think. I probably have sued somebody. He's been sued. You probably-You turned into me while I was doing some cocaine on the side of the road I'd parked and a couple of girls. You turned and T-bomb me.


Right there. So you sued them?




Wow. Wait, but you're a wealthy man.


Probably just six years ago.


Well, you were not wealthy. When did your wealth come?


I started making a little bit of money last year.


Oh, so now you're recently wealthy. Yeah, because I remember you, dude. You were like Joe Regan's like, I'm not going to say wacky, but he'd get you on there. You get some hype.


I like going on there.


Joe is.




Interesting guy to talk to. Now you're like a rogen, bro. Don't say there is like the theo of honor. You're an equal now, bro.


No, that's insane.


Yes, you are.


Dude, maybe... No, that's insane. I even thought about that two times just now. That's a really bad... That's a...


No, you're like an equal now. You're like a.


40 equals, dude. Maybe you have. I mean, it's nice you.


To say. I like, dude. I like Regan's podcast, and it was fun.


Regan is so smart. He's so smart, and he's so curious.


You got to get your microphone off the dick, bro. Get your mouth.


Off the dick, bro. I don't feel like I respect who he is. I've thought a lot about this. You're going deep on that.


People say that a lot.


Yeah, you're going deep on that. I think he's a rare individual. I think he's extremely rare. I think you guys are rare. I think there's a lot of... I mean, at this point, you're talking about rarity. You're talking about very rare people.


I'm just fucking... I'm just.


Retarded, dude. Yeah, but you're really athletic at it.


Yeah, I was a weird.


You know how many?


And I'm not going to judge him.


I don't need to fuck with the chaperone, you guys. Shout out to all the fucking R boys where I'm from.


But you know how many mentally retarded people have no shot.


At the level at what you're doing.


Well, fighting, bro, it's easy at the end of the day. Not for everybody.


I got to do this hit a motherfucker. I got to do this hit a guy. But you know-When you jumplike, so when you jump back... After the DuPlas this thing, what's.


Going on in your head? You're like that you think about the stuff he said yesterday, you're like, I'm going to go say something. Well, no, it was just more that he said, Let's fight. Right now- Wait, he said it from.


Right then? Yeah.


You heard him say, Let's fight. And then Gilbert Burns, he has a lovely family. Nobody's more fun to watch the fights than watching Gilbert's family. It is the most.


There should be a live stream.


Just on them watching the fight. Fuck the U-C. They know that I'm stable. They know that I like... Every time.


The U-C asked me to go.


To an event, I'm like, You guys, you know what? They'll ask me to go like- Look at his family, though. They asked me to go hang out with Kid Rock.


And some shit. That's not going to end well. Yeah, and I'm like, You guys know it's just better if I don't leave my house. You're putting me in a bad situation.


They knew what they were fucking doing. They put me in a bad situation. Do you.


Think they did it.


On purpose, though? I think they did it because they wanted a shot, but I don't know if they thought it would go that far. Right, because.


Dana said that it was.


His fault. Well, what they did though, they.


Put kids behind me.


They're smart. Like, no, we're going to do?


We're going to put some fucking little wee lads behind Sean and the.


Coach Fucker. Right. But here's the crazy part, though.


Look at you. Here you go.


Sean, right there. Now, was this stage? Did you guys.


Act this out back stage or anything? No, it's all real.


Then he just sits there running his fucking.


Mouth, dude. He's just running his fucking mouth. Is he saying stuff to you? Yeah, he's saying, Look at me. Fuck you. Then I just.


Kindly asked the wife. Did you feel like you got any good licks on him or not?


I land some good 12-6 elbows.


You seemed totally fine.


When I saw him. But he's this fucking guy. Just telling you, I'm not a judge. I'm not a referee, but I wouldn't have stepped in. Oh, yeah, that's good. You're not trying to get on his day, right? Keith Peterson.


Is my favorite referee, dude. Is that.


A black guy? Just let shit go.


Huh? He just let shit go. Dude, he's white. I mean, he has enough neck tats where he's fucking- Oh, yeah, that guy, the fucking.


Little leprechaun. Oh, my God. He's a fucking legend, dude. He used to play in a rock band, dude. You know, his... Yeah, I bet it's like fucking hardcore white supremace music. He's not a white supremacist. I'm just saying he looks like one. I wouldn't say that. You're telling me that, man. But I'd whisper it. I'm joking, Keith. I love all of these guys. I feel scared talking about some of this because I'm just a huge.


Fan of the USC.


I think I'm really genuinely impressed. Hey, call me for Dana in here. You don't got to suck no one's dick right now. I don't feel like I'm sucking anybody's dick, dude. Jesus Christ, dude. Guys, there's one podcast with Dana next thing you know. I don't think anything. I love the U-of-C. It's the best thing ever, motherfucker. I don't think it's the best thing ever. But I'll tell you this about it, dude. When the pandemic happened, the only the U-of-C became, it was almost like, I realized this last night. There was a moment whenever everybody was standing at the beginning of the show, when the main card starts and the television program starts.


You can feel that energy. It's like they're playing the stuff. Covid don't exist here. Yeah, it was like, but it was the energy of like it almost was the same energy when people used to stand and say the pledge of allegiance. I thought about this last night. I felt like we're all standing. We're all excited. We all are-Unity.


Yes. It felt like a sense of unity. Even though there was going to be battles fought in here tonight, and people are going to agree and.


Disagree that we were all, all unified, right?


And it reminded me of when I.


Was a kid and we would do the pledge of Allegiance, dude. And then that made me think that during.


The pandemic, it became the fucking Pledge of Allegiance. It was the only thing that there was. U-of-c is the last American sport. I mean, not a lot of.


Americans in the sport, but it's like they let us, I mean, they let me say the fuck I want to say. I mean, I literally say women shouldn't vote because you imagine if I was NBA. It fucking kicked my ass.


Out in the heartbeat. No more Bye-bye. Go. Yeah, the.


U-of-c man, Dana. Here's the thing. I'm not going to fucking jerk off Dana like this guy. I would not, and his wife would fucking get mad. I know his son. How am I going to shake his hand after? Yeah, fuck. His son, Little Dana, I think. They just get really ambiance here, dude. Huh? It's okay. No, it's a little bit more romantic now. I feel like- You need to see us? -dio is about to get on the phone and call one of his scared call girls. Things are about to change, brother.


I'm trying to get scared. Oh, boy. I want to know about this, though, dude. Finish off what you're telling me, Sean, because I don't even know what it is. We've been.


Jumping, bro. We've been jumping. Oh, yeah. Me and Joe, me and Joe. Me and Joe Regan, dude, we're too much in line. It's like we're both libertarians. He got a little bit too hard on.


The Bernie Sanders program, but everybody did. I like a bunch of stuff I loved about Bernie. But me and Logan, dude.


We're two in line. We're like, Yeah, dude, we.


Like guns. We like America. We like fucking free. Again, it gets boring after a while. Then you're like, All right, dude. Well, what do you want to talk about? You want to talk about a revolution? You want to talk about freedom? Yeah, let's talk about it. It becomes like this echo chamber.


I'm getting bored now, and I'm like, Well, let me tell you about your friend and why he's a fagot.


Logan's like, whoa, wait.


A minute.


Here's the thing.


I could tell you why your friend's a fagot, or I could keep telling you about shit we agree on.


I'm just getting fucking bored here. That's a great point, dude.


Bored at a certain point, even at.


Thanksgiving, after everybody.


Said the prayer or.


Whatever, everybody said what they're thankful for, somebody at the table needs to call somebody else a faggot. Yeah, you're fucking... I get bored, dude.


But even now, you guys, we're just in.




Talking, dude. Now I'm just trying.


To make, now I'm just picking on him. I'm talking about you're sucking off Dana. Now I'm just.




To-okay, let's say this. You had to go get you had to gay out or whatever with one good fighter in the.


Usc, and it can be any weight class.


I mean, are you.


Talking about physically fucking somebody? No, it.


Can be just a date. It could be, but there's some kissing at the end. And don't pick a little.


Weight class either. No offense to any of those guys. They're warriors. But pick something fucking don't be a pervert. Who is it going to be? Because there's some handsome guys out there. Yeah, there's some good looking seafighters. Oh, man. Am I doing the fucking? I'm doing the fucking right. What?


I just told you you can't. There's no guarantee. I'm not going to see France, Uganda if I'm not doing the one doing the fucking. I'm not trying to die here, motherfucker. Here you go, the hottest U. S.


C. Fighters of 2023. I bet to be on that, motherfucker. You got.


To scroll down. We're about to find out who's.


Number one. I'm going to scroll... Fuck. Palo Costa is number one. Go back up. Let's start with number one. Why don't we? Who's number two? This is why you yell.


At me. But you got to discipline these motherfuckers. I know it's loading. You have no discipline. It's only why we went to number seven before we even started counting. That's how these.


People are. We got Palo Costa.


What do you think? 1-10. Where would you take him? I mean... Beautiful guy. I mean, he's good like Brazilian. Whoa, dude.


I don't know if.


He's been waxed or not. I'm just saying that he.


Seems like he's a handsome guy. I mean.


I would think that he would be...


I think that he seems a.


Little bit more like I.


Think he would take it for sure. I mean, as his persona, I think.


That if there's going to be some fucking, he's going to be the one bent over the shower.


It's going to cost her for.


Saying that, dude.


I don't know. You're probably going.


To have to fight that guy. None of this is going.


To end well. But how does this... But who would.


You take on it? You got to take one.


Guy on a nice night out. Who in the U-of-...


Why don't we replace? I know who I want to fuck because I'm like, come on now.


Well, yeah, I didn't say you're the one who said it. I'm not.


A gay. But I would do... Let's say who do I respect in the U-of-C?


Who do I admire in the U-of-C?


Somebody I respect. And they give me a nice dinner. And the only thing you have to do at the end, say something real nice to him. Long hug, too. But the.


Hug also- Are you a hugger, dude? I don't hug men. I don't hug men. The hug can be from the back.


That's all I'm saying.


I don't hug men. The hug can be from the back. Fucking any dude.


Yeah, fuck this list. Now, Chanler is.


Handsome, too. Jorge is handsome. What about Caryl Gain? I don't know if you get a little step stool to hug him, but maybe. No. He's French, too. He's a nice guy. Oh, Aljo? I don't know about Aljo, dude. You know- He's a good guy.


He's a good guy. Evan Williams, what about him? John Jones? No. No. Yeah, John Jones.


Ain't a good looking dude.


I don't know about that. I just don't know. I don't want I.


Wouldn't go on.


A date with him. No, John Jones.


Ain't the.


One, dude.


Oh, Diago, Moises. Fuck this list.


I'm not on this list. Fuck this list. But in the.


Future, you'll be on this list, man. I doubt it, dude. Really? I doubt it, man. You could be a model for something. I mean, I was there.


You put me at 170 to subro. I'm fucking getting all monster, Jack.


Oh, dude, you could be a model for something probably. What do you.


Think you'd model? Auto parts? You know that guy. That was me.


Oh, my God, dude.


This is you before the... Dude, because you.


Had your motorcycle accident. Do you think after your motorcycle accident, you became.


A different guy, you think? So I was younger, I was like a pseudo white supremacist. Yeah, right. Probably believe.


That, right? Who would have thought that? I was like the pseudo white supremacist.


I'm talking about, let's just say, like six to like- Dude, a lot of that. Yeah, we all go through that.


You all go through that.


As a white man. Yeah. Anyway, I'll tell you why I look like in that photo. I was like, Dude, I mean, it was rough, man. I kicked out of high school for hate crime. Did you? Really? Yeah, I didn't graduate high school. I didn't graduate elementary school. Who would have thought, right? What's your favorite subject, you think? I don't fucking know, dude. Fucking, I.


Don't fucking know, man.


Just pick one of them. I didn't go to school, dude. When you were you there? I was home school, bro. Really? Who was your teacher? I didn't have a fucking Disney channel, bro. I watched a lot of Buzz Light years. If you're fucking watching TV at.


The house.


That's not home school. That's fucking... Sorry, I'm being rude. No, you're making fun. Fuck this guy, dude. You're the one who's saying they shouldn't be allowed to even kiss each other. So anyways.


There you go. What is that? Backstreet. Back to back. Now we get way too off track here.


We've never been in the train, Sean. We never-So, can't let her in that fucking cunt. She's a vice.




All due respect. Yeah. But okay, so you guys have the...


There's a little bit of racism.


Wait, no, no, no. She was something in California, like attorney. I don't know, I think she fucked off some congressman. She was.


Attorney general. Yeah, she did something.


So anyways.


She made a law pass that if kids miss a.


Certain amount of school.


The parents could go to jail.


Me in third grade just ditch in school being.


A fucking idiot.


Staying home to watch a porn box. I'm sorry, man. I'm thinking about the.


Porn box. It's all right, dude. You're out of.


The home. You're watching.


The porn box.


You're the communal one. Then all of a sudden, my mom.


Gets to call a letter in the mail saying, Hey, if Sean's.


Going to go to school, you can go to jail. Now she has a choice: homeschool my kid, she had a full-time job or go to jail. Damn. My little mugly ass, I'm like the wild one, dude. They put my ass home school. I didn't go to school.


I didn't read.


I don't think I learned how.


To read until.


I became.


An adult. Really? How many.


Words can you type per minute? How many words can you type per minute? Fuck, I don't know, dude. I fucking give me.


I remember the T-9 days. I would probably do well, dude.


I'd do well. I'd do well. How fat can you type? I can sometimes type without looking on a good day sometimes. But anyways, I'm not an educated man like you. This guy is just playing a retar. I wouldn't say I'm an educated man. Do you got a degree?




Do you got a degree? I have a degree in urban planning, dude. What is it? Like an associates? No, it's like where to put medians and shit if you make a neighborhood. You have.


A masters?


You have associates? What do you got? No, I got a degree. I know what's like a masters? It's a diploma. Like a BA? What do you got here? I got a BA. Yeah, what's the first one you get? Yeah, this fucking- Bachelor's of arts. I stuck up and grew up in Moha and he's pandering these retars. Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about, dude. I'm just playing with you. Okay, cool. So now I'm just playing with you. I'm not the China man. I'm not going to get mad at you. I love that, by the way. Anyways, I was home schooled.


I was home schooled, dude. Imagine I wasn't socialized, bro. I was like a dog that you.


Have to go let people pet. And where was this at?


Where were.


You guys living? In the Inland Empire. In the Inland Empire? So I go back to school. Ritzy.


Yeah. Now I'm in seventh.


Grade and my mom's like, we should probably put this kid back to school. I fucking worst thing she did. You had some education at that point. But it's hard. They tried to hold me back in kindergarten. I was like.


Zero, dude. Thank God for computers, man.


Anyways, I go to seventh grade and I get kicked out of school for a hate crime. What they do is they - Did you really do it or not? I probably just just somebody or drop the inbomb. But it's also a different time, bro. It's a different fucking time. Racism was way more common back in 20 years ago. Yeah. Anyways, I get put in this thing where they isolate you. They put you in a group that they let you in school like two hours hours and they let you.


Out like two hours earlier. They try to keep you from the kids. I started ditching again. I got homeschooled again again middle school. I went back into high school. Ninth grade, I kicked out of school for a hate crime. I think.


I don't know, I beat up some or something. I beat up a guy and he said, I don't hate fucking gays. Yeah, no, I don't hate anybody. I don't don't I don't know, there's a couple of people that really don't fucking like what - I had a lot of like, dude, I had a lot of fucking trauma. You had a lot of anger there. Yeah, I had a lot of trauma growing up. I had this piece of shit grandfather. He was super racist, big.


White man.


Did he like you at all, you think, though? No, he did. Did. Know he did. But a kid with a piece of shit father, and you just gravitate towards anything masculine. There's a big old white racist red neck, and I'm angry. The next thing I know, dude, I'm like - You're just saying racist racist shit you at the house. Yeah, exactly. I get kicked kicked Then I started training training grade. I started training, and then dude, I realized I wasn't racist. I was just angry. I'll never forget, I always tell.


Tell the first day.


I trained, I got the shit kicked out. We covered covered blood, bro. First moment in my life I ever felt happiness.


First moment in my fucking.


Life I ever felt happy. I get shit kicked out out me. Just all the anger gone. Why do you think a lot of it just comes out when you're... Because I had a moment where I was...


I was just training jiu-jitsu for a.


While, and there would be times after the end of class where I would just start tear. Just so much emotion would come out of you. You. Yeah, all the But I.


Mean, again, dude.


Why I got so.


Mad, Drake? It's like I.


Went through pretty severe trauma as a kid. Like pretty fucked up trauma. I could sit.


There and joke about about it, I mean, dude, I remember I've told the story once, dude.


I was.


In probably third, fourth grade, and.




Man, I.


Was always always sleep in mom's room because I thought my dad was going to kill my mom. I would sleep by the door. To make sure she was all right? Yeah, I'd sleep.


Under the bed. I'd sleep.


By the door because I thought my dad was going to kill my mom. One day, dude is so fucked up. He was just got a bad fight, like third, fourth grade. My dad's like, Fuck Fuck dad, he's not He's not sleeping here tonight.


He's not not.


Like, kick out. I'm army crawling to bed and I'm sleeping under the bed, right? Under the bed? I'm laying on the bed, just laying underneath the the bed as fighting because I think my dad's going to kill my mom. Wow, he was that violent? Yeah, he's just a coward. Anyways, I I we had had dogs. White trash trash the the was flea infested. Do you have a dog in there with you? No, no dog was there with me. But I remember laying laying the bed.


And fleas were just jumping all over me.


I think there might have been a dildo next to me. I shit.


You not, dude.


Oh, man, that sucks. We had this.


Orange-looking carpet. So picture me, third or fourth.


Fourth laying under a bed, bed, jumping all over me. There's a fucking dildo next to me. Yeah, it sounds like a Japanese game show. Who puts a dildo underneath the bed? But it's not sanitary. Put it in your fucking drawer. Yeah, put it in a drawer that has a bunch of gum and coins in it. Under the bed with the the Yeah, dude. Dude. Damn, scary. Anyways, my dad gets on top of my mom. I remember he said, I'm going to fucking kill you. I'm going to fucking.


Kill you tonight. Tonight. I guess it just rough sex.


We don't know at this moment, right? You were under the bed? I'm under the bed. He starts strangling her, and I get out. The only thing I could see is a guitar. I just fucking crack him in the head, call the cops. I run down the street, call this cop, gets arrested. My dumb ass mom bailed him out of jail. But But it's like, I even that, I would think that's the tip of the iceberg. I remember being a little kid, so I would always miss school because my dad would get home home drunk, drinking at six. He would get home at seven and just be up at 3:00 in the morning, just tell my mom - Just drinking? Tell him drinking, tell my mom she's a whore. He's a killer. I remember I used.


To like -.


What a loser. Sorry to say that about your dad, but that's fucking lame. He died of cancer, but anyways. He's on a cancer now? Yeah, he died of cancer. I hate to say that.


He was.


Just drugs.


He lost lots of drugs, pain pills. Why don't do drugs? I remember I used to sit there and just hug my mom's leg in the kitchen. We had this little nook, and she would go in the nook. I would just sit there all night long by the feet of my mom and my dad I'm going to fucking kill you and this and that. I'll never never forget, would talk about like, burn her face with acid.


Mind you, I'm in elementary school. I'm in elementary school, right? That's a lot of responsibility than.


You feel probably just.


To take care of your mom. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Always tell her that if you cheat on on me, and probably was was on on him, you cheat on me, I'm going to cut.


You up and put you in a bottle of acid and bury you. Now you fast forward this, I.


Don't go to school. I'm up till 3:00 in the morning. I couldn't stay awake in school. I remember I was in third.


Grade, no second.


Grade, and I kept falling asleep at my desk. My teacher took my desk away from me and she made me stand up. Me, I'm like, Fuck you. Being this little kid, I just went and fell asleep on the ground. And mind you, the school system is like, Oh, Sean, he's just a bad kid. They don't realize him up till three o'clock in the morning. Morning. I mean, Fuck It's hard to step late and learn.


Dude, I remember laying in bed. I remember I stopped believing God, man. Man. Itried fucking... Yeah, crazy shit, dude. Crazy shit, man. Man. Yeah, okay, man. It's a.


Lot of that sad. Dude, I used to be scared at night. I used to stand up. I heard when I was a kid that it if you peed around, like animals could pee somewhere, that other animals wouldn't come. You know what I'm talking about? You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, man, I got it. Have you ever heard that?


Yeah, I'm sorry, bud. I'm sorry, buddy.


It's all good, dude. We don't have to talk, man. I can just sit here with you for a minute. Fuck. Fuck, just take a a I can just sit here. We can just sit here.


No, it's all all good.


Do six just processing. I'm just trying to think. I think it's one of the hard things that people don't understand, like trauma. Yeah. Sometimes it just comes out. Oh, no, dude. I remember I have a hole in my gum. Gum. Yeah, I was a kid, I used to scratch my gum and have a hole in my gum. Just from being nervous and stuff? Just anxiety. I'm in the day, dude. I'm a grown ass man. I don't give a fuck. I mean, you could post this. I don't care. Oh, dude, I.


Don't have any.


No, it's all good, dude. I mean, it is what it it is, It is what it is. People understand. When I talk about like, Oh, I'd kill a a man, don't don't understand. You're What do you you go that level of of trauma? Just view it a little differently. I have a hole.


In my.


Gum because I'd have.


So much anxiety as a kid, and I would just scratch my gum until I'm.


Just blood. You're in pre-elementry school. You don't know why you're doing doing Yeah. Fucking ain't. I remember suicide.


You don't even know what.


Suicide is when you're a kid. When you're really talking about suicide, being a little kid, laying in bed, bed, just like, I'm just fucking I'm done with this shit. There can't be a God. It makes me sad. Yeah, it's fucked up, dude. No, it just makes me sad that a kid has to feel that way. Yeah, so like-Any kid. Kid. Drykus goes on there and he jokes about that shit. Right.


Like, dude, you have no idea. It lands in.


A real place. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Fucking kill you, dude. You have no idea. I think the issue is, too, when you're a kid and you're made to be a victim your whole life as an adult, you're just like, like, Never again, I will fucking kill you. So as an adult, you have someone that comes and talks to you a certain way. You're like, like, I will fucking kill you. You. The same same chord. Yeah. I mean, and this is like, as a comedian, you got to joke about trauma. People think I joke. I joke about all this shit. Shit. I was laughing. Got to joke about it. If you don't, how do you process that? How do you process that abuse?


I mean, I'll never forget my brother, my brother, we were.


Like upstairs once and he taped and he taped knives. He was fucking fucking I mean, we're talking elementary school. He He going to go sit on the couch couch my dad.


And stab him. It's like, that level of shit.


Yeah. Makes you want to kill a.


A man, yeah, you fucking I mean, we all.


Got to do shit. Okay. Your brother, a pretty nice guy. Yeah, he's all right. He's a close friend. Yeah. It just gives you like, like, shit, can't fucking deal with. Yeah, man, life's good.


I make a lot of money now. I'm happy, but you know. Did you think like, because I remember being so scared when I was a a I was saying like, I remember hearing that like animals if you pee, like animals if the animal peed to where another animal wouldn't come. I would stand up on my.


Bed at night and I would pee.


Around my bed in a circle because I was afraid that things were.


Going to get me. Who were you afraid?


Like, in particular? Just everything. I mean, I was just afraid of everything. I mean, you didn't really grow up with a dad. I I understand Yeah, I didn't have anybody just teaching me about anything. I was.


Just just I don't know. I think I felt worthless, probably. But then.


I think-Well, not having a dad's rough, rough, too. You had a but like... Yeah, but I think not having somebody communicate with you or fucking treat you, I don't know. I don't know what it was, but I was just really scared. That's why I think when I see a lot of you guys, I think there's a lot of guys out there who, fuck, I wish I could have been able to defend myself in my neighborhood or anything. I didn't have anybody to look out. I just didn't. I think you know.


You see guys like you you guys, like at at even though you're fighting each other, it's still still Well, you got to learn that you got to want to be violent. There's some guys like John Jones who's just a fucking athlete. There's a lot of of and there's guys like me who were like, like, it wasn't fighting, I would be in jail. Jail. It's not You You know what I'm I truly have a deep down urge to kill somebody. It doesn't go away. I don't know what it is, man. You just think like, Yeah, it's fucked up, dude. Dude. I train, it gives me tools to process it. But there's definitely something inside me that tells me that the moment I take someone's life, and I I you, we could probably agree that it's because you have so much trauma and you're victimized that that's your way of protecting you and saying that if you go and kill somebody, you'll be happy. I would. I would. If you could let me kill a man, happy happy I can't. Right. Some places. Some places, right? Yeah. Pull up in Memphis.


Do what.


You want. But I don't know.


A lot of times I don't know what it's like to.


Talk to normal people. Yeah. I have some people who know exactly what it's like, who've been molested, who've been abused. I have some people who've been beat up. These people know what it's it's like, you go talk to the average person, man, you just don't know. Some people do, but you don't know what it's like to be able to like, the only thing thing would make me happy is the fucking literally cave in your fucking skull. The only thing that I truly want is is the Make somebody hurt. Hurt. -make somebody hurt. Then the problem is it makes me volatile. Even to this day.


I don't go out much.


You can't trust yourself, probably. I can't trust myself because I want to. It's not like I get angry. When I went to attack, I wasn't angry.


When I went to attack, I was-.


You seemed pretty joyful. I was more than happy. It almost seemed like a Christmas attack. That's the only thing that made me happy.


I'm like, I remember.


Sitting there. Because once.


He started tackling me, and I started dropping these.


12 o'clock elbows. You will get a sentimental feeling. Feeling. I'm just standing there. Was so fucked up, too, and I'm so happy they didn't get it from from right angle.


I bit him. I shit you not. Whenever he went into me, and I remember.


At that moment, you'll watch. He's handsome. Yeah, nice looking dude. So this moment, moment he tackles me, watching you'll see, right there. I started thinking. You see my head goes up towards towards I started thinking, how can I hurt this man? I'm going to.


Take a fucking.


Chunk chunk at I'm going to bite his fucking ear off. Off. Yeah. He goes, goes, You're in a date. I remember telling myself at that moment, like Sean, you can't do that. That's something you can't walk away from. If you do that- Are you going over another line? -if I go then I'm going to jail. Then I'm going to jail. Then you're a cannibal. Then I'm a full cannibal. You don't want to be that. Look, Sean.


We'll accept certain things here.


Whenever you like...


It gets scary because you don't know that line must be be just don't leave.


I don't leave my house, dude.


It's too risky. Too risky. Most people I meet are fucking great.


Most people I meet are great. They ask.


For a.


Picture, but it only takes one guy to be like, Hey, you know what? Fuck you, you piece of shit. Shit. And thing you knew, I'm caving his head on the school, on the ground. Damn, it reminds reminds of when people like my sister, they have pit.


Bulls and you see people. People. 100 %, that was I hate to say that.


Because it's not fair to.


Compare you you with it.


No, it's just what it is, It's like a dog, bro.


Well, it's an animal. I wouldn't say a dog. Yeah, but it's like-But it's like something that can't always probably trust its own. I don't know. The problem is.


It feels good. It's not like... Fuck. I don't know. Everyone's like, Oh, you get blacked out angry. I'm not angry. I'm almost like this in euphoricness. It's a bliss. It's peaceful. Yeah, man. But I'm a batter, dude. Mma helps. I always tell tell I used to think guys with PTSD were the biggest pussies. I'm like, PTSD, what? You can't leave your house? You can't have relationships? You have guys who are claiming PTSD from getting because there's new speed bumps in their neighborhood. But what I would say to that, though, and I have.


So much more sympathy for guys who suffer from that because you got to.


Understand that I was born in it. I was born in the life. I was born... I remember I stopped believing in God when I was in elementary school. I was laying in bed crying, thinking about killing myself. There can't be a fucking God here. How is there a God? Why would I be in this situation? There's no fucking God. It's heartbreaking to think that a child would have to have those thoughts and thoughts. Thoughts.


Yeah, earliest memories, dude, I don't have, when I.


Think of a kid, I I could recall one good memory. Not one fucking good memory as a kid. You cannot pay me to relive my life. You cannot fucking pay me. Now it's fine. But when I said with PTSD, I said, said, look soldiers coming coming home.


You guys are.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Then you you I grew up in the life. I grew up in it. I learned how to cope and how to deal. I learned that don't go out in public, hide away from people, don't go do these things. But I couldn't picture being a a couldn't picture being 24 years old and being a normal guy. I like life. I like chicks. I like going to party, I like drinking. Drinking. And of a sudden, the curtain drops and you're like, Who the fuck am I? I'm volatile. I can't go out. It's It's a man. Fuck. This is why training, I always tell people like-It saved your life. Not in my life.


Life. And is why people.


Like, I want to be a master.


Probably saved the life of about 20 just random random on.


The street, too. I mean, I used to walk. I remember a kid, dude. I used to walk in bad neighborhoods with a knife, just waiting. Give me a chance to kill somebody. Give me an opportunity. But people always like, I want to be a serial killer. I'm not a a high psychopath. You got.


To be so organized, I think.


To do that. What would have happened happened I would have been another statistic. I would have been walking down the street. Some Some guy, would have killed him. I would have been in jail, and then I would probably have been a white supremacist, and that's my life. I'll never forget, I got arrested when I was was younger. Who the fucking thought, right? Yeah, I knew it. It. Two... Yeah, two two family GBIs. I was driving back from from and I was on a motorcycle. This This guy like, guy, I want to hurt someone. I'm I'm I'm pissed off. I'm looking at fucking hard prison time. I'm just angry. He's on a motorcycle, and I guess I cut him off. I manipulated the situation. I manipulated the situation because I wanted to fucking hurt somebody. He pulls over and I get off my bike and I'm literally in this this moment I'm going to fucking kill this man. Then the moment I get off on my bike, he pulls out a badge and he's a cop. I'm like, Oh, shit. I remember the guy. The guy was genuinely concerned Hey, man, are you okay? The fuck is wrong with you?


Because he knew. He knew. Yeah, that's crazy. There was a point in my life, too, where.


I didn't- I must have been grateful.


Then that he did that that almost in a Oh, yeah. I mean, if he didn't, who knows what happened? I remember there was one point in my life, too, where I was just going through it. I was in the U-of-C-2 at the time, and I was just like, I lived in Tameculah, and there was a big motorcycle gang population, like the Vagos or some shit. I remember I just was like, Yeah, I.


Lay in bed and I was was dude. I don't.


Know if it's depressed, but it's like... Well, your body is, as a kid, not supposed to have that much much pain of of This is my 20s now. I remember my 20s. You build up so much with like, I have to do something. I need to hurt somebody to make this go away. I never forget it happened, but I was driving and there's a a.


Of a.


I'm like, like, is the one. What's a vago? It's like a gangbanger. Like a guy who hides in a car wash at night. I was like, like, this is my This is my crime. If I can't get away with it, he's a gangbanger. He'll accept it. I could kill this man somewhere if there's not a camera and there's a chance that we don't get away. I remember I'll never forget I went in front of him and that day and I fucking boom, cut him off and flipped flipped.




Fuck you. Then I was waiting for him to follow me me I had.


It planned out. I was like, I'm.


Going to be in the U-C. I was going to take him to the city. You were already in the the Yeah, Yeah, it in Tameculah. I was going to take him to a dirt road and just fucking kill him, beat.


Him to death. You beat Aaron Hernandez.


Hernandez. I just him to death. Then it's exciting and scary scary at same time you're thinking about doing it. Then he just like, I guess he just didn't want it. He just drove away, flipped me off, drove away. But all it took was was that. It would have taken was one other little thing. Thing.


He to be like, All right, fuck you. I'm going to follow you. Fuck, dude. Next thing you know, dude, I'm going to be in in prison. Handcuffed. Because you're so so you don't think about consequences. You just think about like, I'm hurting so much. There's so.


Much pressure in me. I got to get this go. I got to make it go away. Yeah. Man, it's fucking.


Crazy crazy.


That so unfair that how much pressure sometimes people have to have in them for shit they didn't even do. Well, it's because your brain tells you that this cave is bad. Don't go there. It's like an evolutionary... One of the hardest things for me, it's like I was brought up in a world that doesn't exist. I was brought up in this primitive, primal, fucked up world where my brain was telling me that you are in a very bad place and the the world is My brain evolved to be violent. It evolved to be violent, hypersexual, aggressive. Then as a man, now I'm in 2023. How do I function? I got to go through the world.


This is not what my brain was.


Evolved for. Wow. That's what training helps. You're almost like a time traveler, it must feel like in a way. Well, because my brain evolved in a very primitive way. It evolved in like, like, got to kill this man. You got to fuck that girl.


There was a communal.


Porn box. It's not fair.


But it is what it is. But it is what it is.


You can't always keep looking back at it. You just move on. Right now I'm happy, bro. I mean, you're happy. Your Your life good. You went through some shit. We've all been through some shit. If you look at the statistics of child abuse, we've all.


Been through some shit.


Some people more than others. Fuck, my life was fucking Disneyland to some people. I know. I'm just working. I was.


Like, as I get older, I just stay away from people. Do you think it's gotten better or.


Worse over time? Definitely better. My mental state of mind, like having a girlfriend helps. Yeah, I know you said that.


You're really a sloppy. You're like, Yeah, I really like having this. It's like, dude.


Whenever she's gone, and mind you, I could go fuck anybody I want to fuck. I don't. But whenever she's gone, dude, I would just be in my house and I started looking at all the things I own. I have a couch, a fucking TV. Why do I have this shit? I don't want this shit. You start just getting crazy. I don't do well alone. That's one of the things, too.


Where a lot.


Of people with trauma, you self-isolate yourself because it feels good. You want to be alone. You want to keep yourself away from people.


A lot of of if I'm angry or whatever is going on with me, the last thing I want to do sometimes is is just it around anybody else.


Exactly. You want to be the most like all these mass shooters, all these these killers, want to be alone. You want to be quiet. People make you feel feel outcaste. Don't make you feel right. Right. So you do is you listen to those thoughts and you stay alone. Then the moment you go out, say, I'll be alone. I'll go get food. Like, Like, Sean, get out of the house. Go get food. Right. Do something because it helps. But it doesn't help.


But But it doesn't help.


Because you have so.


Much of that fucking risk potential. I'm in and out and.


I'm looking at all these fucking people, and and I'm just anger is just building inside me. I'm getting fucking fucking My girl has helped me a lot. Function. Function, yeah, she's helped me a lot, dude. Do you have some fun.


Memories from your kid? Was there something fun that you guys used to go do? Like you.


All go trick or treating or or something like My brother was like my dad. Was he really? But my brother was fucking brutal to me. My brother is three years older than me, and and was like my dad.


You're having him raise me as a kid. And all.


He knows is that that shit. Seen or learned. Oh, yeah. So my mommy, he'd fuck me up, beat the shit out of me. I remember every day my.


Mom would come.


Back from from I'd be fucked up with bruises. I bet he feels horrible about it. I mean.


It's hard, dude, because you're a kid raising a kid. Right. It's almost not.


Even fair for him to feel horrible about it. Yeah, I know. I remember we had a fucking prison whip, bro. My dad had a prison whip, and my brother would be like, Fucking if you don't clean the house, I'm going to whack you with this thing. You may hit with.


A fucking prison.


Whip, dude. It fucking takes skin off the bone. I'm going to take fucking skin off. I wouldn't like it. It's not good, dude. It's a big metal plastic whip. You take.


My dad, then you take my my brother. Adds up, dude.


Dude. It scary to think, man. Man. There's many people go.


Through so much shit.


Like that. That. No, plastic, bro.


The prison whip is plastic. You got to go type in prison. That's an expensive one.


Modern Modern prison whip. Modern prison Yeah, there's all the fuckers looking at the 1500s and.


Shit over here.


No, it's a hard plastic rod, bro. Yeah, it's like that, but that's new age.


That's some prison shit. That's a new age shit. Shit. But man.


It's been a good.


Podcast, CO. Good shit, dude. Well, I'm trying to think if there's anything else that we can talk about that makes me... I'm a little bit less less Well, I just think no. I think just like when you talk about that stuff, I do realize when I'm able to share things because one of the gifts that some some have, and I believe this is like, people that went through something that was super really tough, right? And they're able to get through it. Then if they are able to articulate what it was like and how it affected them, if they were able to do all that and get through it.


And still have some way to articulate it, well, that's where it's able to be beneficial. The difficult thing with me, it's like with with I was able to get pussy.


I I was to be.


With women and have that. But most- Big women, too, I bet. But guys, the problem is a lot of guys like me, that's not necessarily the case. They don't train, they don't fight, and they just self-isolate. You just got to to man, it's hard. What I would tell anybody is just don't self-isolate, even though it feels good and you want to to fucking feel good, don't do it.


Yeah, I'll do it. Yeah, because I'll go against that's why I go to recovery recovery meetings and because it makes me go to a meeting. I have to be in a room where people like... One thing I like about recovery meetings is you're able to share how you feel.


In there about about and nobody can crosstalk.


You do recovery meetings? Yeah. Does that help? Oh, it helps a lot. Yeah, it helps.


A lot, bro. It's a lot of people talking about all this shit. Well, addiction is real. Yeah, Yeah, I mean, fuck, man. I mean, we all got addictions. Mine a lot was women. Prior to my girl, I had a bad sex addiction. Not sex addiction, but it's just like all guys. You're a single guy. The only thing that makes you feel good is chasing a woman.


Oh, yeah.


When I was.


Young, dude, once I learned about jerking off and everything. Oh, yeah.


It's bad. All All downhill, bad. If I had a.


Thought, an idea, anything, I would just jerk off.


I I actually get a.


Lot had a good idea.


I'd go jerk off. You know, it's funny. I'll watch watch porn the moment I come, dude, I get pissed off. Yeah. But it's weird. My dad, right? My dad, hypersexual, dildo, commutable porn porn I feel a lot of shame from sex. I watch porn, I'm a bad jerk. I don't really watch porn much anymore. The second I jerk off.


I feel so ashamed of myself.


I feel so ashamed. But I.


Grew up with my dad.


I'll yell at my my Yeah, you're just mad. You went for that temporary fiction. Fiction.


Yeah, it's But you know what? It's the only way I knew to make myself feel good. That was the only good feeling I had in my fucking whole.


Life was just like this. I was like-It's a a chemical, though. Just chasing it. But I'll get on a motorcycle. Last night, I go to the event, dude, my manager is with me.


And I'm driving.


120 through Red Lights. On the back? No, he has another bike, but he didn't keep up. I even told him, I was like, Dude, don't keep up with me. Just stay at home. I'll meet you at the event. We're going the same place. I'm going 120 through Red Lights. Lights. And just like that. Even though you can't, but it just feels good. That temporary high of feeling good. Yeah, exactly. It feels good. Good. Yeah. But I guess.


We could wrap this.


Motherfucker up. It's getting late. Yeah, it is getting late. I would just tell you guys that train, don't isolate. Fucking man. Good luck. I wish you guys the best of luck. I believe that. Fuck, man.


We're fucked, huh? Yeah, we're fucked. Fucked. I have kids. Kids. I don't fucking in.


I know. I know. I know I asked asked we'd actually might be really good parents. Yeah. But when you get so much trauma, you're like, I don't really know. I know.


It is a little risky. Dude, there's days where I'm like, I'd be a great dad, and there's days like, I would leave those motherfuckers one long afternoon. Get some milk, get out.


Of here.


I want to get some milk, brother. Like, damn, that milk's far away. That's the most I was.


Going to be thinking. But fuck, man. At the end of the day, guys, we all know that I'm a little.


Fucked up. Up. Is a little.


Fucked up. We're all a little fucked up. Up. Yeah, all fucked up, dude. Wish you guys the best, man. And what I'd tell you guys, if you ever have those fucked up feelings, come train. Train. Jiu-jitsu, It's a brotherhood there. You'll have a lot of people that are like-minded. I train a lot of normal guys, but there are a lot of guys who have been molested by fucking... I know guys, I've trained on guys who've been molested. Molested. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it's like you're a guy going through some rough shit, a.


Gym is a good home for you or just go to a fucking meeting. Yeah, but a gym, there is something physical about it. Physically getting things out of your body is really interesting because I think there's different ways to do it. I think you.


Can do it physically. I think you can do.


It by going to therapy and stuff like that. Ayahuasca was super helpful. Do you ever do that? I do.


Drug drug dude. Yeah, this is different, though. I would never push a drug on anybody. This isn't something you could go do in an alley or.


Before you go to a club.


I know my inner inner I know what I want. I don't want to put myself in a position to where where Yeah, that's true. Let's keep you chill. Yeah, you know know what.


I Let's keep you on ice, too.


Imagine if I do something, I I don't want to be different. But if I if I start drinking alcohol- Oh, yeah, that's bad. Then that wall that I put up in my brain is going to start coming down a little.


Bit, come down.


I just stay away from that shit. But I mean, no fucking helps.


From what they say. What do we know? Yeah, what do we know?


I don't know. We just a couple of fucking idiots talking, crying the shit on fucking- Dude, you just beat up one of your fucking coworkers yesterday. Yeah, fuck. I fucking deserved it. Yeah. The only thing that I will say with the the.


Is you're very lucky that happened in a fight and not in the world because we would probably both be dead this day if that.


Were happening where else. God bless the the then.


Bless the.


The U-F-C. Thanks man. I appreciate it, dude. Happy holidays. Much fucking fucking thanks, Oh.


Yeah, dude.


Much of of My bad, dude. I think you're the man, dude. I appreciate appreciate you. Let's go, Doug. I'm just floating on the breeze and I feel I'm falling like these leaves. I must be cornerstone.