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After midnight on July 6, 2012, three teenage girls walked into the thick Appalachian woods somewhere along the Mason Dixon County Line. Hours later, under the glow of a nearly full moon, only two walked out. The surrounding forest had muffled the sounds of the sudden unthinkable violence. Where there was laughing, then screaming, there is now silence. Where there was struggle and carnage, there is now stillness.


For months, Skyler Nies' body lay decomposing, hidden beneath a canopy of pine and oak trees, first absorbing humidity, then freezing over with ice. For months, she waited for someone to find her, but no one knew she was there. No one could imagine what had actually happened.


You may have heard about the Skyler Neese case of three teenage girls, a pact to kill, and one violent night under the stars deep in the West Virginia woods.


A young teen classified as a runaway only to be found murdered months later. But for one young girl, a Midnight Joy ride was just the start of a mystery that devastated a small community. What happened to Skyler Neese? So why did they do it? Why kill Skyler? The reason Rachel's given is simple and sickening.


But you've never heard it like this.


And that's where she met the little sick psychopath Sheila Eddie.


No, Sheila like, sideswiped a pole, almost wrecked. I swear we probably almost died 100 times that night. Do you remember the blood everywhere like this?


And Rachel laughed. I'm Holly Mallet. Ten years ago, I wrote about this case for L magazine seen, and I never lost touch with the people in Morgantown, West Virginia.


And I'm Justine Harmon. This is the story of how a triangle of teenage friendship culminated in murder. You'll hear from the family, friends, and law enforcement who lived and are still living it.


I'm telling you, that's serial killer stuff right there. Who kills somebody and then goes to church camp? Rachel looked at her and she goes, They know. She was like, What do you mean they know? She said, They know.


They did not understand the consequences of killing someone.


Nothing unusual. But it is unusual for your friends to kill you.


You're somebody that young to be that evil. Are you born with it?


From Waveland, this is three.


Would you guys rather suffocate or get shot? Get shot. Shot. Wait, it depends on where. In the head. Shot.