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Welcome to What the Fraud, a podcast by SomeSub, where digital fraudsters meet their match. I'm Thomas Traniak, Head of Partnerships at SomeSub, a leading verification platform. Every fortnight, I'll be interviewing experts from the worlds of AI, fintech, crypto, iGaming, and more to deep dive into digital fraud in business. We'll cover the most pressing issues around fraud companies face today, from deep fakes and identity theft to account takeovers, money mules, and even forced verification. This is the podcast where you'll receive the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on fraud, and the place where those in the know will reveal what you can do to protect your business. Are you ready to outsmart these digital tricksters and keep your business safe? Then join us as we'll be telling you how to send them packing. From SomeSub and me, Thomas Turaniek, What the Fraud? Coming soon.