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Hi, everybody, it's Darcy Cardin. I'm so excited to tell you about my new podcast, Wikihole. What is a Wikihole, you ask? Okay, you know when you hop on Wikipedia to look something up before you go to bed? And then on that wiki page, you find a link to another interesting topic. So you click it, and from there, you click on another link, and another, and another, and in what feels like no time, you've spent hours on Wikipedia. You've learned a lot, but you have to be up in 45 minutes. Well, we've taken that experience, and we've turned it into a game show. On every episode of Wikihole, I dive into the Wild, wild west of Wikipedia with my panel of curious comedians. Amazing people like, hi, Nick Kroll.


Hi, we're best friends.


It's Kumele Nanjiani. Hello. Hi, it's Zoe Chow. Hey. Hey. We start off the show with one topic, but that's the thing about Wikipedia. You never know where it'll take us next.


She's like the Susan B. Anthony of sexual Predator. If I did know, I feel like you'd have to look into more things about me.


Okay, you guys, why do y'all know.


That and we don't know? No presidents between the four of us.


Wow. I never knew any of this. Me neither. We do trivia with a lowercase t. It's the same fun competition you and your friends get into when you've got burning questions, a strong wifi signal, and some time to kill. You will have a ton of fun listening, and you might just learn something.


I think we are all winners because what a wonderful time we all had together.


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