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Wondry plus subscribers can listen to Wikihole early and ad free right now. Join Wondry plus in the Wondry app or on Apple podcasts. Hello, everyone. I'm Darcy Cardin. Join me and three of my closest friends on a Wikipedia trivia dive right now on Wikihow. Hello, my angels, it's Darcy. Have you ever been making late night s'mores with your cousins when one of them asks, does Viola Davis have an EgoT? So you jump on Wikipedia to find out, and hours later, after a series of random but related clicks, you've learned that, yes, Viola Davis has an EGOT and that badgers can run at speeds of up to 16 mph. Interesting. Well, this show is exactly like that, only we are keeping score. We start off with one fascinating topic, and question by question. I lead my very best friends on a trivia journey through Wikipedia. Whoever has the top score at the bottom of the Wikihole wins. Woo. Let's meet today's contestants. You know her from the other two. Masters of sex, high maintenance. She's a Broadway star. And she is the hair inspo for producer Taylor's sister's wedding. It's Helena York. Hi.


Thank you.


Welcome. You know, obviously listeners can't see this, but your hair does look fucking great today. And that's just part of who you are.


Does look good today. It's who I know. It's in my corps.


Catch his unstoppable live show, variatopia, at a city near you. Watch his show, the great north, and please listen to him on the neighborhood. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, my God, it's Paul F. Tompkins.


Thank you for having me.


What a delight.


What a delight for all of us. You know him from the other two. The history of the world, part two, bajillion dollar properties and big grande, the Teachers Lounge podcast. It's the gorgeous. The critics choice nominee, it's Drew Tarver.




Thank you.


And depending on when this comes out, maybe I'll say the critics choice winner. I don't fucking know. And neither do you.


Listen, we don't fucking know. Anything could happen at this moment.


That's right.


Can I say, I noticed that I was the only guest who did not get a compliment on their appearance.


Wait, really? No. Okay, let me try again. The glowing, the gorgeous, the sexual, and very fuckable Paul F. Thompson.


Damn, it went almost too far.


Almost. Oh, that was teetering on the edge.


Okay, I want to just dive on in because this is a good one. Okay, I want to tell you what today's top of the hole is top of the hole, if you will. Delish. It's extra exciting because it is the first in the people I've kissed series. It's Lenny Kravitz. That's who the top of the hole is. You may or may not know that we've kissed. You may or may not know that we did a movie together called Shotgun Wedding, where we got to live in the Dominican Republic together for many months. Okay, but let me ask you our first question before we get into all that, okay? Sure. I may have been mouth to mouth with Lenny Kravitz, but I don't know every single thing about him. Like, I don't even know where he was born. So I went to Wikipedia to find out. And now that's our first question. This is going to be a multiple choice question you'll all have a chance to answer. Okay, where was Lenny Kravitz born? A, Los Angeles. B, New York City. C, Rio de Janeiro.


I'm going to say Los Angeles.




I'm going to say New York.


I'm going to say c, Rio de Janeiro.


Oh, great. We have one of each. That's my favorite.




I'm saying c because I did watch the ad tour of his home in Argentina. I don't know if feels right.


I'm snapping for people. I love seeing the work, you know what I mean? Like knowing how people got where they got.


Why does he have a ranch in South America?


Yes. Maybe he was born in Rio de Janeiro.


I'm going for it.


Maybe he was. The answer is b, New York City. Drew. Got it. Oh, the celebration begins. He moved to LA as a teen, and he now owns property in Rio de Janeiro, Paris, and the Bahamas. You knew. You knew. You totally knew. You knew. Okay, we have to take a break, but here is a question for you to think about while we're gone. Three of Lenny's most popular songs contain the word way in the title. How many can my contestants name? Find out when we come back. Welcome back to Wikihole. We're talking my on screen boyfriend from the movie shotgun wedding, Leonard Kravitz. And Drew is ahead with one point for knowing he was born in New York City. But Helena and Paul, there's still a lot of game to go. Okay, getting right back into the question I asked before the break, three of Lenny Kravitz's most popular songs include the word way in the title in some form. Feel free to shout them out. There are three.


Are you going to go my way?


Are you going to go my way, Drew?


Away we go. Mihardees, the seashanty.


Sorry, Paul.


American Waymen.


I'm not exaggerating. I think the only thing I know about Lemmy Kravitz is that house is the house tour.


Like, you're not so familiar with his musical styling.


Did he do a cover of my way? No, I did it.


I would love to hear it. Do you remember a song that was like, no, I don't want to sing it. I don't want to sing it. Do it.


You have to.


No, because, no, I can't do the man justice, right? Okay, I'm going to give you a hint. This one involved. What does a plane do?




Fly away.


Yeah, babe. Okay. And then the last one, I'm just going to say it because you all don't know it. It's called always on the run.


Weren't you guys in a pool for a really long time, or you were. Was that like, filming that? Were you just absolutely waterlogged, Drew?


That's such a good question. Yeah, I think we were in the pool shooting for, like, 21 days. Also, I think he was wearing, like, leather pants, and I believe he was wearing boots. And imagine, like, else would he been wearing, right? Of course. Okay.


Give me a fucking break.


Yeah, but imagine when they call lunchtime and just imagine water logged Lenny, like, getting out of the pool.


I feel like he would have pool boots, though. He's like, hey, if I'm getting in the pool, I got to get my pool boots.


You know what's funny is I remember the day where it was like, where the director, Jason Moore said, and if you're character would be wearing shoes, great. If you would kick off your shoes before you get in. All good. And I remember being like, I'm absolutely going to fucking take my shoes off because I don't want to be in my sandals. I just was thinking of the three weeks that were coming up, but many people's shoes.


That's because you're a veteran.


Thank you.


That's a tough thing to allow an actor to choose, though, because it'd be like, I think my character doesn't even get in the.


Yeah, exactly. I think I'd be sitting kind of on the edge. I'd kind of be like, sitting on the edge, maybe like, wait.


I've had conversations with Drew where he's not said yes to auditions because he reads scenes and he's like, I'm going to be in the back for too much. Like, if there's too much dinners or group scenes. He's like, listen, I know I'm going to be standing somewhere not saying anything for too many days.


I think that's smart. Drew.


That's not true. That is not true.




He's a rock star.




He's a rock star because he grew up in New York.




If you grow up in New York, you just become a rock star.


He was born in New York but grew up in LA. And I'm going to tell you something that actually could be a question on this episode but isn't. Actually. I'm going to make it a fucking question right now, in the moment. Okay. I'm going to make it a question. Okay.


Producers are scrambling.


I know, I know, I know. Everybody, okay?


There's a red light on in my home.


Somebody busts down the door. Okay, so growing up in LA, what other rock star did he go to high school with? Feel free to guess if you don't know. Oh, my God. That's right.


So good.


Did you know that was right? Are you just guessing?




I was making a guess.


That's great, Paul.


That was gorgeous.


They seem like they would be contemporaries in.




And you know what?


I one time waited on slash at tower video when I worked there many years ago, and he had his hair pulled back, and he was absolutely gorgeous. Just a gorgeous boy.


You know what's funny is, I don't know that I would recognize him with his hair back.


No hat.


No hat.


No hat.


It's a genius on stage look.




Because then he can go around. You have no idea.


Right? Yeah. Interesting. I love it. Cool.


I wear a hat actually, in real life, and I don't wear them when.


I work, like a top hat or something.


You'll turn down auditions if it says the character wears a hat.


You guys, there's another question. Okay.




And this is a multiple choice. You'll each have a chance to answer according to a 2023. Whoa. Recent much Esquire article, Lenny employed a professional, what? At one point in his career. A, vibe designer, b, joint roller, c, sunglasses manager.


I'm torn between two of them, but I'm going to say vibe designer.




Yeah, I'm going vibe as well. Wait, what was the last.


It was vibe designer, joint roller. And I'm looking up. Did you see me try to remember them instead of just looking at the fucking script in front of me?


Sunglass manager.


Sunglass manager.


Because he's got such a good vibe and it stays consistent. I think there's management there. I think there's somebody involved that it's just like they're on the payroll to make sure it stays the same.


Right. Okay.


Well, I really do think that the answer is a, but again, I think for funsies I'm going to say b because nobody said b. And joint roller sounds like something a rocker would do. So I think it's a, but I'm going to say b for fun.


Well, the good news is fun wins this time because that's what it is. Yay.


Really? Joint roller.


Joint roller. Although I'm sure like a vibe designer he's had, whether it was called vibe designer or like whatever, the man has a vibe.


Did nobody think sunglass manager for 1 second?


I thought it for 1 second.


You thought it for 1 second between.


Vibe manager and sunglass manager?


Yeah. And would you hire them from the sunglass hut?


Is that who you want, like, to headhunt?


If you're like, my sunglasses are out of control. I cannot get them figured out.


I need them managed.


I only have so many pockets.


My vibe is on point. My joints are rolled. I'll roll them myself. But sunglasses, no, I got no idea.


Here's the deranged thing about joint roller is that like, in no world are you supposed to roll your joints. You're supposed to roll your muscles like you fucking your joints by rolling them, bro.


Oh my God. Wait. I love this so much.


This can't be.


I want to hug you. I want to kiss you.


Wait, hold you.


I don't think it's a joke. And it's fine, it's great. But joint meaning smoking a weed cigarette and I love you.


I want to say I'm really glad this happened.


Let's go back just a little bit.


Because you said that is even more.


Deranged than a joint roller. A professional joint roller. Like, I thought it was going to be a guy because.


Okay, but you even said rock stars need their joints rolled.


Just listen. I'm going because I picture this gizmo that has handles and this rolling rolly thing in the middle and so he has a physical therapist or something that comes in.


Yes. You're not wrong.


Like on his knees. And so that is where my brain.


You think that's less deranged than somebody.


Who'S just rolling joints 1000% because you can roll your own joint. It's a part of the experience. A part of getting high is rolling.


You roll your joints like I would roll a muscle.


But I guess this is what I'm saying.


But that's why I made the comment and that's why I revealed myself to be a big dumb bitch.


No, this is what we do on this podcast.


Wait, is that what happens? Does somebody get revealed to be a big dumb bitch?


That's how you win or lose.


Honestly, this makes me a shoe run. I got the answer right, but also wrong.


The winner gets a generous donation made in their name on Wikipedia, but the loser gets to be a big dumb bitch. The reveal is that they're a big dumb bitch. Okay, we have to take a break, but when we return, I want you to have your answer to this question. Ready? Can you name the famous tv weatherman Lenny Kravitz is related to? Find out after this. Welcome back to Wikihole. We are talking Leonard Kravitz. Drew and Helena are tied for the lead, but Paul could catch up to them with the correct answer to this question. Who is the famous weatherman? Lenny Kravitz is related to Al Roker.


Because his mother is Roxy Roker, who was on the Jeffersons.


Oh, my God. Paul, guess what? You just won yourself a bonus question point. Because that was our next question.


Thank you for the bonus question point. Good.


I know, that kind of hurts.


Wow. He went down the rabbit hole.


He predicted the wiki hole.


We went from the hole.


I know. Wait.


Oh, my God, you're at the top of the hole. And now he's predicting a.


Predicting of the hole gets you two points.


Hold on. Can you go three holes deep, Paul, can you go? You know what I mean? Like, can you now from that to predict? What is it?


Next question is Paul Benedict, who played Mr. Bentley?


Okay, now, unfortunately, you lost one point. That's wrong.


If you go for the three hole predict.


But also, I didn't tell you that you were getting a point.


No, that's part of the game. You make up the rules. We make up rules. Every.


You will each have a chance to answer this multiple choice. Here we go. In 2005, Lenny told men's Health magazine he was remaining. What? Until he got married again. A, sober, b, celibate. C, polyamorous.


That's very funny. If it's c, they all make sense.


I'm going to say celibate. I'm going to say celibate.


Yeah. I'm going to also say celibate. I'm sorry to keep copying you, Paul.


But I think it's polyamorous. I think he commits to polyamory. I really do.


I guess that does make sense. It's just a weird way to phrase it.


He's like, if I'm in a relationship, I'm fucking other people. But if I'm married, that's when I'll stop.


I mean, it is really funny to think somebody's saying, I'm going to be sober until I get married, and then absolute nightmare.


Yeah. I've been sober for almost 30.




My wedding night is going to be so much emotion.


Oh, I love it. Okay, well, the answer is be celibate.




So that's a point for Paul and a point for Drew.




Okay. We are jumping to celibacy. In what ancient civilization was it considered a crime to be celibate? Rome?


Is industrial revolution a civilization? I think you're the Bronze Age.






What are some civilizations? Greek. And that is also Roman.


Is otoman empire considered a civilization?


I want to say. That's got to be one, right?


Just for the sheer hell of it. What the fuck? What just happened there?


Fuck was that? What in the name of fuck was that?


What in the goddamn name of fuck does that mean?


I won. Okay, listeners, listeners, listeners.


Wait, listeners. That was not, in effect, that was me.


Okay, listeners, you need to know that while we're all sitting here on this zoom situation, looking at each other, balloons just rose from the depth to the ceiling in front of Drew's face. Okay? That's what we're all freaking out about. Wait, how.


I'm trying to figure out how to do it.


What happened?


Who did that to me? I love that.


Who did that?


That was very funny. Who did that shit? You better speak up right now.


Do you know what it made it look like? It looked like the industrial revolution.


For the future producers. We should have something like that when.


They get it right, balloons come up.


That was amazing. Or just do it randomly with no.


No idea what that was. But I feel like you hone in on one of the. I'll stop.


Can I say that?


I'm going to say I'm going Rome.


Because they were fucking like, crazy back then.


I'm going to say the Mayans because I don't know anything about.


Great. Great. Okay. The answer is Rome. Yes, of course. And. Or Greece. So, Drew.


Or wait, not greek.


Put the Mayans in there, then.


No, wait.


Can I tell you something crazy? Speaking of Wikihole, I went on a tour of the. In Rome of the. What is it? The market that's next to the coliseum. Anyway, they told us that at their parties, this is on purpose. They would eat so much food, they would gouge themselves on food and then make themselves throw up on purpose so that they could keep going. That was how hard the Romans wanted.


They would indulge to the point of they would barf. They would barf.


They would induce barf on purpose so that they could keep eating and enjoying.


Yes. Boot and rally, baby. Boot and rally. Okay, here's what Wikipedia says. In greek cities, failure to marry was grounds for loss of citizenship and could be prosecuted as a crime. The exception to this celibacy law in ancient Rome was the Vestal virgins. They were priestesses of Vesta virgin goddesses of Rome's sacred hearth and its. Huh. Vestal virgins were powerful virgins. They could free or pardon, condemn persons en route to execution by touching them or merely looking at them as long as the encounter had not been. Wow, wow, wow. Question. The Romans believed that so long as the Vestal virgins'bodies remained unpenetrated, the wall walls of Rome would remain intact. What was the punishment for vessels who lost their chastity?




Did they have to rebuild the.


Great, great guesses. All I've heard. Stoning, I've heard rebuild the walls.




Okay, great. All great guesses, but what is the correct answer? Find out right after this. Wiki hall. Welcome back to Wikihole. To remind you, we started with Lenny Kravitz, then we jumped to celibacy, and now we are on to Vestal virgins. Paul is in the lead with five points. Drew has four points, and Helena has three points. It's still absolutely anyone's game. Getting right back into the question we asked before the break, what was the punishment for Vestal virgins who lost their chastity? In ancient Rome? I heard stoning, rebuilding the walls, and beheading. The answer is being buried alive. Oh, my God. These poor girls kind of rebuild the walls.


Okay, see, I have to ask this question. Drew, are you under the impression that if one of the Vestal virgins has sex, part of the wall automatically crumbles, fall down?




That's what that question implies. Right? Because that would not be a belief.


That would be like. That's absolutely true. That is a thing that happens.


Drew is a kid that grew up religious. He just believes shit.


Listen, I will say the first time I came, my bed fell over, and, I don't know.


Jumping to buried alive. Okay, I want to get you guys more points. You'll each have a chance to answer this. A multiple choice. Okay, which one of the following words means fear of being buried alive? A, cholerophobia, b, galleophobia, or c, tahophobia?


All right, we got to work with some root words here.


Nothing else to do about it.


Nothing else.


Got to work with those root words.


Okay, I'll say it again.


I'm going with that.


Chlorophobia, galleophobia, taffophobia, al rokphobia is not one of them.




I'm doing galleophobia.


I'm doing cholerophobia. Because it sounds like. I don't know, it just sounds like.


Okay, I'm gravitating towards that as well. And I can't tell you why.


No, you don't need to tell me.


Why, but I'm going to go with a as well.


Yeah. Okay. Well, guess what? No one got it right. It's taffy phobia.




What? I know.


Never heard of it.


I mean, I have it.


It's one of the most common phobias. It is one of the most common.


I got it for sure. I'm a.


Imagine not being phobic of that.


Yeah, you know what? I guess I have a phobia about that, too.




Who's the guy who's like, hey, if you have a fear of being hit by a car, it's this. It's like, we don't need words for that. We're just scared of that.


How about the person who just doesn't find that scary at all?


It'd probably be all right. Yeah. That's what you need the word for.


How bad could it be?


Because that's rare. I'm a taphophobe. I don't even care if I get married alive.


Okay, you guys, in medieval Germany, women who were. Yeah, here we go. You know that when my eyes cross, that's when we're starting back in. Okay, in medieval Germany, women who were buried.


Darcy, is somebody making you do this?


Every time I get shocked, every time I read a question, I'm getting electrically shocked through my seat with a gun. Get back to the fucking. Okay, here we go, you guys. Deep breath. Altogether connect. Yes. In medieval Germany, women who were buried alive were later dug up and impaled through the heart to prevent them from becoming. What supernatural creature?




Okay, any other guesses?


Is there like a medieval zombie or something?


Great guess.


Wait, a wolf. A werewolf.


A wolf. A wolf. Okay, a wolf. A wolf. Okay.


Not a werewolf.


This answer. This fun truth. Okay, one wolf. What's it called? Answer this question. This point goes to the beautiful Helena York, a zombie like creature called veda genga.


Yeah, you got.


That's actually really interesting. This is why I love Wikipedia, because it's like, oh, that's like zombies didn't come from nowhere. We've been talking about this like the living dead forever.


Wikipedia rocks, you guys. Check it out. Check it out. This is absolutely not sponsored by Wikipedia at all. It's not. It's literally not. I don't know how they could. That word. W-I-E-D-E-R-G-A-N-G-E-R. Vidaganga. It translates to one who walks again.




Yeah. Being buried alive was the punishment for infanticide, which means killing your own child and or theft. Okay, I know, but in 1515, it was deemed too cruel a punishment for theft, and so the city council voted to drown thieves instead of burying them alive. How do you say that word? How do you say that word?




Okay, but that's hard, right? Can we all admit that that's really hard? It's one of the hardest words. No, I don't think one of the hardest words. Drowned. It should be drowned.






Drowned. Drowned.


I can't even pronounce it.




Buried it alive.


Buried. Drown is a horrible word. It's a horrible word. It needs a d on the end.


Not great.


Not great.


You know why?


Because it sounds like a pleasant thing.




And it's the most unpleasant thing.




Oh, I could just drown right now.


Let's get back into it. Yeah. We are jumping to zombies. You could get a bunch of fucking points right now. Okay, this is called a shout them out. This is called a shout them out. We're talking about zombies. How many of the ten top grossing zombie films can you name? Ready to go?


Night of the living dead.




Zombieland of the Dead.


Dawn of the dead.


Yes. World War Z.


The one with Brad Pitt.


Where they.


World War Z.


World War Z.


Yes. Roker. Yes.


The day of the dead.


The one that takes. Damn. The one that takes place at night with maybe Josh Hart.


What's the John Krasinski?


That's not zombies. That's like an alien. Quiet alien.


Quiet alien.


Quiet aliens. It's the next list. Okay, I'm going to give you guys a hint. There's a couple that have a double digit number in the title.


Oh. 28 days later.




28 weeks later.






Shit. God damn it.


Zombie town.


There have just been so many tv shows that my brain is doing it.


I know.


Walking Dead. The movie.


No, not yet. Okay, I think I'll give you guys five more seconds.




Countdown is so sad. Okay, the other ones are peninsula. Don't know it. Wait. Train to booze. It.


Train to Boosan.


Oh, that's a good one.


That's a really good one.


That's a good one. Yeah. Warm bodies.


I was trying to think of that one.


I remember love story. Yeah. And zombieland. Double tap. Sounds like video game. Sorry. And then resident evil franchise.






Oh, wow.


That would be like multiple movies.


That's multiple movies.


Okay, that one's weird. Okay, that one's weird. But nobody got it anyway, so it doesn't matter. You'll each have a chance to answer this multiple choice question. Okay, are you guys ready?




In the video game and the tv show, the last of us humans become zombies based on what real type of fungus? Multiple choice. So here are the you'll know it when I say okay, you'll know it. A, Cordyceps, b, dicaria, or c, psilocybin. It is a, because we've all watched it and. Yeah, the answer is a. The answer is corcept. That's going to go ahead and be courtships.


It would be funny if it was psilocybin.


I know. Did any of you guys play that game?


I started to, but I couldn't get into it for some reason.


I don't think my husband has ever gotten into anything.


He love it.


People really love it.


It affected him on such an emotional.


Yeah, yeah.


I wanted to be there, and it just didn't happen for me.


I know. I feel like I'm missing out.


That's devastating, Paul.


Yeah. My life is sad.


But did you all watch the show?




So good. Yes.


Great. Great show.


Pedro daddy, et cetera. Okay.


All of it, et cetera.




Wait, speaking of Pedro daddy, did anybody's instagram during that era become only Pedro? And then also now is your entire Instagram? Jeremy Allen White.


It is a lot, but he's creeping into mine.


But I keep him on the side.


That guy is. I swear to God, it's three photo shoots, a walk.


I clicked on him smoking a cigarette with Rosalia, and so happy to see that. Damn. It is Jeremy Allen.


I love when hot people fuck.


Once again, Zad Riz, et cetera.


Okay, you guys, you'll each have a chance to answer this. Multiple choice. Here we go.


Oh, thank God.


I know. Con. Plan eight. Eight. Or counter zombie dominance. Okay. Is a real document that describes a plan for resistance to a zombie attack. What U. S. Department publishes it? A, Department of Defense, B, health and human services, or c, justice department?


I'm going to say B.


Okay, I'm going to go with a, because of attack. Assuming that they've tried to figure out.


What the disease well, you know, there's also such thing as a heart attack, and I think that would be. I'm going to go a as health and human services.




I'm going to go b with Paul. Because the fact that Drew is doing.


A. Yeah, it's annoying, right?


It's not good.


The fact that doing a means drew. Got it. Oh, shit. Fuck in.


And that's a lesson. Sometimes the annoying person is right. You know what I mean?


The 2011 document was written as a fictional training scenario. They used, quote, zombie to avoid political risks of naming a real country.


Oh, great.


Mock scenario. Or so they say.


Great. So it's really just a racist training exercise.


I don't like. I got this one right.


We have the final question. Okay.


Wow. Yeah.


This final question is worth goddamn five points. Okay. You'll each have a chance to answer. It's a multiple choice. What zombie video game has a zombie hunting character that many people believed was based on Lenny Kravitz? Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. A, resident evil seven, B, Dead island two, or c, return to Castle Wolfenstein.


B, dead island two.


Damn the confidence, Paul.


Maybe there's. I mean, they wouldn't do a resident evil without. Oh, no, that's tomb raider I'm thinking of you, fool.


Is the B a? Like, sorry, what was b again? Is it like a part of a series?


Something about an island in the way.


That residents evil seven?


I'm going to say yes. I don't know any of these games, but a, resident evil seven, B, Dead island two.


I got to go b.


Okay, I got to go c, because that is outrageous.


And for fun, Castle Wolfenstein. Wolf.


Castle Wolfenstein.




Oh, wolf.


Sir, the answer is B, Dead island two. The character of Jacob is a british rocker stuntman living in LA that even the creators admit look a lot like Lenny with short hair. So Paul and Drew got it. You guys, I know our brains are zombified. A great word. But let's try to retrace the hole as they count up your. I know, I know. This is not you, Will, trying to.


Climb our way out of.


Do we go climb our way out?


We go backwards to Lenny? Or do we start with Lenny?


Okay, that led us to his mom. It doesn't have to be every single one. Just the biggie.


It wasn't.


Led us to Jefferson. Celibacy.


Yes, celibacy led us to celibacy, which.


Led us to buried alive, to ancient Rome. Ancient Rome. To the virgins.


Wait, which way are we going?


No, you're going right.




You've been right.


This is right.


Yeah. The punishment for the zombies. Zombies, to the zombie movies, to the zombies tv shows, to the zombie games, and then to the.


Wow. So good.


What a journey.


What a journey. Well done. I didn't participate out. All I said was we started with Lenny.


This is another way to show what you're made of. And hey, York, you just showed it.




It's also really like, yeah.


Did she get some for that?


Well, I mean, here's what I'm going to say, though. I think interesting that we got picked to be the Lenny zombie Rome team, because if this had been like, say, a gilded age hole, I would have.


I know. That's the trouble with any trivia show, though, right?


What kind of liquid food is not usually served at lunch?


Oh, soup. Yeah. That's a great Christine Bransky complaint. You're watching gilded.


Okay, guess what? You just got one point for that answer. Okay.




Paul asked the question. That was a deep cut.


I don't know if that's a deep cut for that show. I feel like there was a five minute scene about Sue.


I thought that was deep. I love that show.


Should I watch that show? Oh, my God, please.


I should watch it.


Okay, great.


And go into it knowing it's camp.


Okay. It's the big moment. Here are the final scores. Okay, so in third place, we have. Oh, boy, I hate saying this, Ms. York, if you're nasty, I'm sorry. You know I hate it when a woman loses.


No, I know, because it was like a boy show. It was a zombie show.


Boys love Lenny Kravitz.


That was a boy show.


We don't like the roman empire, we like Kravitz.


Helena, show that boys think about Lenny Kravitz.


That was about virgins. It was about virgins.


Helena, we'll have you back on, please. For a very girly show.


Everybody's girlfriend was.


Give me the jane. Okay, we'll have you back on. We'll have you back on, please come back on. For a very hits forward show.


If you're doing Kravitz 2.0, bring the boys back. Bring the Kravitz.


The Kravitz boys. You guys, check out our other podcast on wondry with Drew and Paul. The Kravitz boys.


Oh, yeah, the spin off. Crap it.


In second place, we have drew Tarver with twelve points. And in first place, we have Sir Tompkins with 15 points.




I'm honored.


A generous donation to Wikipedia will be made in your honor.


Good, because I'm not going to do.


Exactly. Exactly. We see it, we want to do it, but we just don't do it. We say someone else will.




You guys, I wish that all three of you could be the winners. Unfortunately, we can only have one. Paul. I'm so happy for you and proud of you. Let's all clap for Paul.


Thank you, Darcy. But you know what I want to say, I think we are all winners because what a wonderful time we all had together.


Oh, my God. We did have such a wonderful time, you guys.


What a blast.


Yeah. Let's end this show the way we always do, which is kissing each other. Ready? One, two, three. Join us next time for more burning questions. And yet another gorgeous, glorious hole by so good, you guys.


What an amazing sign off. I did not, did not see that coming.


Wikihole is a smartless media aggregate and radio point production created by Richard Corson, hosted by Darcy Cardin produced by Alex Bach, Emma Ho, Taylor Kowalski and Megan O'Neill. Our talent producer is Anne Harris. Our director is Megan O'Neill. Our writers are Megan O'Neill and Mary Beth Barone. Our show is engineered and edited by Ian Sorrentino at Little Bear Audio. Our associate producer is Maddie McCann. Theme music by 21 south music sound services provided by Radio Point executive producers are Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, Richard Corson, Bernie Kaminsky, Michael Costigan, and Houston Snyder. Special thanks to the Wikimedia Foundation a quick disclaimer that our research comes directly from Wikipedia and is up to date at the time of recording. If you feel any information is incorrect, head to wikipedia, sign up to be an editor and work it out there. Don't you dare come for us.


Love you.


Mean it. Smooch.




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