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She had started hooking up with her ex girlfriends and they would hook up with a mask on to be safe. It isn't body fluids. I don't think vaginas spread covid.


Are you ready? Yeah, let's go. Hey, guys, what's up? Welcome back to the pod hosted by I Forgot our podcast name went online, hosted by myself, Lauren and boyfriend Jeremy. I have a little bit of a headache that I'm currently fighting with caffeine. Oh, sorry. Did you want to get your wave in there? I didn't mean to cut you off.


OK, I have a headache that I'm currently fighting with a skinny cinnamon dolce latte. I just learned yesterday when I had a migraine literally yesterday the same time that what was it? Caffeine restricts the. What was it? No. Oh, I don't know why it works. It just does. No, I read it to you. I Googled it.


Why caffeine helps with headaches. It restricts the blood flow or something. But in the right. Oh, because it swelled. When you have a headache or a migraine, things are swelled and caffeine restricts it. So anyway, that's my current situation. So in makes every medical professionals like you.


They do. You Doctor WebMD.


That's my specialty. Anyways, hello. Welcome back to While Till Nine.


We're going to start mousepads now. Hey guys. I feel like total shit. I got get this podcast out of the way.


I mean, normally we're really good about like if we feel like ass we just don't record. But I would say only like Semih s like half ass a little bit s side of ass, like a sprinkle about all the right, all the wrong types of ass.


Not I mean it's definitely not like a whole, a whole trunk. Lauren told me that the day that she wants a dump truck, she goes, no, no, and then what do they say after that? I don't know. Member, Yes, yes, you're like your dad would be so impressed, I was like, wait, no, actually maybe I don't want to dump truck. I think that's too big. I would like an extended cab pickup truck, four door not to four door.


Got it. Yeah. Yeah. So like, I want 20, 21 is going to be the year of the booty. How many tons. I'm not sure. I have no idea. No idea.


And I mean I wouldn't have any else to give you there. So I have no knowledge.


They're like zero zero knowledge there. And so I don't want a dump truck. I think that's too proportionately large for my body, but also have no boobies. So it's like when you have no boobs and just have a dump truck, like, I don't know if I could pull that off.


I think there are plenty of girls on Tick-Tock with that exact same genetic makeup that are pulling off just fine.


Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure. I just don't know if I'm one of them. I don't know if I can join them in the dump truck. So do I. No. Is not the year of the dump truck. Maybe that'll be for next year.


And the dump truck off till twenty, twenty two. Maybe I'm let's get through January literally.


Let's get through this month has felt six years long already. It's been pretty ridiculous.


I would like to hit eject until maybe June. Why don't. This is like wish my life away.


I, I would, I would skip forward six months if I could I think really.


I think so yeah. Ninety six months. I don't know. We're in a civil war right now basically and I just, I don't know if I to be here. It's not a good time.


But what about my birthday. Like what about me. Let me look at just my life. Oh you're. Oh sorry. OK, well January twenty third we can hit eject.


Oh I definitely want to eject myself from the twenty third. There's nothing good on that day. There's nothing good on that day but hangover recovery. Yes. And if I have work. Yes. Be trying to recover in the middle of tons of emails.


Your birthday is actually on a Friday though so that's exciting. You had a birthday weekend or not to do nothing together. Well, welcome back to the pod. We've got actually a an episode today. I'm excited you did it. And I decided to really take hold of this one. And Jeremy gets to react and be like the fun so decent.


I'm like, it could be great.


Could be bad. Oh, no. We're relying on you for the funnies. Oh, I'm coming. I'm bringing the funny. You're bringing the funny. I thought you were bringing the funnies. I told you I feel like a sprinkle of ass. So I, I'm leaning on you for the funny. Use this podcast. Well here we go. Here we go.


OK, so I just new year. New New New Year. New me dumptruck. Twenty twenty one.


If we just describe.


I know extended cab for door though. Just is, doesn't really roll off the tongue when you're talking about how bad you want your ass to be. I get it. So after the bullshit Harry that was twenty twenty in the first couple weeks of twenty, twenty one, I feel like there has never been a more pivotal time for dating because just like the dating landscape has never was it the 1920s that there was the other influenza that like basically like history is repeating itself and then there was the roaring thirties after and everyone like partied so hard and like, well it would be the roaring 20s.


I think it's called the roaring 30s, wasn't it, after the there was like the.


No, look up the I also I also just want to say that I believe this information from another podcast, which I've been roaring and t and let's see if it's followed by 20 or 30 Rock, me and everybody around 20 is, God damn it, the Roaring Twenties.


Jesus Christ. OK, economic growth Segway Sweet 30 Sigue Sigue following sweet Heimlich I Heimlich remover.


Yeah. OK, well I feel the need to message the podcast that I got this information from. Also this is use this is a teachable moment to not get your education from our podcast because I also got my education for another podcast.


That was not correct. You guys know whatever we say. You know what? I got so many messages in support of Segou and how illegal that should be to pronounce it Segway.


Yeah, I got to be honest, I'm not as impressed with our audiences. I guess I thought I was going to be on that one.


That's fucking rude to all of us. That is rude to all of us that you have now. Just group us all together in I mean, I don't know what day I learned how to spell Segway. It was it was two weeks ago for me, so in a lot of other people. Well, let's talk about the roaring roaring thirties. Oh, God, I can't believe the roaring 20s. I feel the need to message the girl of the podcast.


Like I got that from you. Didn't you just heard it on a podcast once and then just like that's it. Right? Right. Well, they mentioned it like three times in the episode. Roaring Thirties. The Roaring Thirties. Yeah, OK. And it's not to say that the thirties couldn't have some roaring moments, but like it was the roaring 20s.


Right. Right, right, right, right. OK, also, this is after the I wonder if maybe this is a British podcast. So maybe the UK had a roaring thirties.


I'm trying to stretch it to make it make more sense. Know that that's. Yeah. Oh my God.


Oh, OK. OK, so this is where it makes sense. But that podcast and myself had the dates wrong. So the Spanish flu was 1918 and then when the holy fuck number of deaths, 50 million. What the fuck. OK, so Spanish flu happened 1918 roaring 20s after that coming out of the pandemic and also a recession.


And World War One. And World War One. Yes. Yes. So anyways, anyways, we're about to go into the roaring twenty twenty ones, I think. Right. You could probably just call it the roaring 20s, the roaring 20s, which is the same as the last roaring 20s.


History repeating itself 100 years forward. Look at that anyways. So the dating landscape has changed a lot in the last. We can all agree on. Right. Let's let's just fucking lay some groundwork here that everyone agrees on. The dating landscape has changed. And so I wanted to deep dive into some really educational articles by Glamour and Cosmo, etc.. All of the most notable. Bloomberg was busy.


Business Insider didn't have anything. Yeah. Nosmo j14 to filter. Nope.


Just Cosmo and glamour but got it ok. Oh and in the in a Yahoo article shot up Verizon.


OK, got it. Anyways I wanted to know what the, the forecasted dating trends we're going to be for this year based on everything that just happened. And so I'm going to run some words by you. And I've also pulled the wild ones over on Instagram. So make sure to follow the website on Instagram if you want to be part of the DeChambeau and the the data gathering, the data gathering. However, you want to say that if you want to see some podcast pops.


Oh, my God, I just posted the cutest podcast pup. His name is Mojie and he's wearing the sweater and is very cute as fuck.


We're not saying we have favorites. We don't not have favorites, but we do not have favorites.


OK, so essentially like could we be single in twenty, twenty one hypothetically and could we survive right. In this new dating millennium.


We could survive. Would we thrive. Questionmark. I really don't. I don't know. I don't know. No. OK, ok. Well maybe you don't want your ahot. You would thrive. You'd be fine. OK, so how did this become an attack on me. I think you do great because you're level headed and wonderful and beautiful and talented.


I think you do do great with bullshit. What do you got for me, Laurie. OK, so we're going thirty six point thirty. Let's go hard. So we're going to and one more real quick add to this. Yeah. Ryerson still just good enough. Good enough. Good enough. OK, we're going to start easy. OK, pretty simple.


If, like, I'm about to fail this test, like some of these are fucked like so like think outside of the box, OK, start start easy. And it's going to be it's going to be, you know, pretty, pretty simple. But like when we start getting into them, like think use your imagination because some of these are pretty, pretty wild.


OK, so the first one hard balling, what do you think hard balling is?


Why I would assume that's when even when you're interested, you keep them like at arm's distance. OK, don't let them know that you're interested even though you're continuing to like, give them just enough via quarantine, like to think that they're still stopping this.


So kind of like stringing them along. Yeah. OK, hardball. Total opposite, absolute and total opposite, knowing what you want and going for it and not accepting anything else than that. Anything less than that. Sorry. People are looking for something more serious after experiencing loneliness during lockdown. So you got no time for ghosting, no time for stringing along whether you're the recipient or not you want. But you know what? You want to take a hard ball to a fastball like like fucking direct.


OK, I think that makes more sense than I think my logic was wrong. I think that makes total sense.


I think that makes sense to when you think about it. Yeah, I feel like I've always been kind of a hard ball player. Like if someone if someone is like unless I also I'm like, then I'm not interested. Truer words. No, that was great. That was half words, half sound. OK, OK, my eye.


I would say that I'm actually although I'm good at negotiating and asking the hard questions, I haven't had to be I have a tendency of being bad at hard balling because to a degree, I think I play too much devil's advocate sometimes for like, oh, but that could be cool or like oh that's an interesting and and like the if they're interested enough in something, even if I'm not that interested in it, I'm like, well that's cool. And that's not always good, right, right.


No, I can argue both sides for you. Thank you. Yeah. So my depth. OK, you're going to hate this next one, Astro Love.


Astronaut love Astro, I assume that's like. Astro astronomy, I would assume that if the the the signs align or don't line that like is like dictates whether or not you should go out with that person.


Good job, boob. Yeah. Yeah. So looking for dating to look for dating compatibility according to your zodiac sign. Astro astrology, astrology, astronomy. Yeah.


So more than one million people out of their Zodiac badge, their dating profile in specifically the U.K. in the past six months added increased chances of a match by 53 percent. Apparently, LEOs are the most matched signs we just gave me. I also got a few messages based on this and apparently are supposed to go off of your rising sign compatibility and apps like Bumble apparently don't have it down to such like a niche sign.


So you go out to my dating app coming at you soon. So while dating, I'm coming at you soon. And OK, so I pulled I pulled the wild ones. I pulled the people to see if how people feel about that, like if they agree, OK, because I personally don't look into someone's like sign until afterwards and I'm like, oh shit, we're not compatible. And then things just keep progressing, you know, as they do.


And I would never like break up with someone because I'm like, oh, my God, you're an Aquarius, right?


So there's no placebo effect there at all? No. We're actually compatible babies in an aquarium. I mean, you didn't have to tell me I can just feel bad. Yeah, our energies are vibrating in the same frequency.


I don't know if that's how that actually works with astrology. OK, anyways. OK, so the people said, would you date someone if your zodiac signs were deemed incompatible and so was an 11 percent to 89 percent split? In favor of yes, they would still. I literally I wanted to phrase it like that to see I was going to say, you know, the secretary finally. So eighty nine percent of people said that they would still date someone.


And let me be clear, it's not that I disagree with the 11 percent.


OK. OK, I don't personally agree with the 11 percent, but whatever, that's exactly what I'm asking a judge for us, whatever makes you tick.


So, like, if if astrology is like if astrology is a huge part of your life and like, you are going to manifestation and like things aligning, like if that is going to throw off your energy towards a certain anything, whether it be a project, a job or a person like that's your shit. But I also think that it applies to anything. If you heard a little secret or nugget about an individual, that's not even true. Right.


But that just knowing that secret or nugget influenced every other conversation you had, it would still have an impact even if that thing wasn't completely correct. So it's like any information can can mess with your brain.


I mean, I feel bad for some of the astrology signs that I have a quote unquote, bad reputation.


But like all of them do. Well, like when Jesus put in a lyric like Crazy fucking Gemini because it's like the two the two twin thing, you know. So some of them have like some more stereotypes than others. But it's literally it's like it's like I know some great Geminis. I do know some crazy fucking Gemini's, but I know some great ones, too. Jerry doesn't like having this conversation.


I just like I don't have people. Shine's my God. Oh, my God. OK, so next we've got Lokke dating, Lokke dating. Lokke dating. I just went Belloc L.L.C.. LOC dating, yeah, is an acronym, it is a no no, no, no country of origin. You know what?


I think this article from the UK. OK, so maybe that you could use it in a sentence.


Um. I'm willing to locating right now wasn't into it before, but now post pandemic, I'm really into locating, OK? Fuck, I got nothing. OK, so people are now more inclined to date locally and want to date in the area that they live in. So I guess because the pandemic has increased anxiety, just like overall. Right. No one wants to, like, travel to go to where travel is that like get in cars and get on a train.


Get on a plane. I mean, it could be either. So I guess I mean, this site just said that, like, people want to date people within their city because, like going on a coffee dated a place you already know with someone that you might have like a mutual friend with is more comfortable than having to, like, go without like outside of your local bubble.


Got it. And local was just too many syllables located. Yeah. Also, I might be pronouncing that totally wrong, but it was L.L.C. connected oneword with dating. And so I thought since based on location it'd probably be like dating. Right. Because like Lokke I don't know. Anyways also this, this could literally only be in the UK and maybe it's not even America at all. And I just pulled it from a UK website.


Let us know in the common America kind of case, UK in the first place. So OK, so this one is actually the total.


Well here I go. You mean the definition. Well, this is not like a guessable one. Borderless love.


I mean so love without borders wherever they are. Right.


So a surge during the pandemic, updating their location, preferences to everywhere and more dating app users open. Oh, and more dating app users became open to a long distance relationship. So this is the flip side. So there was an increase in people wanting to date close, but also an increase in people wanting to be long distance. I've actually seen so many take talks of people who have I think there's like an upgrade on Tinder where you can go anywhere, right?




And they'll like fall in love with some, like, cute French boy over in Paris and they like live in Arkansas or whatever, and they fall in love with a cute French boy in Paris.


Um, I just want to keep you going. Well, but that is really cute, and then they finally meet each other and you know what, like I feel like it's like having a digital pen pal that you could potentially fall in love with. I think the cat fishers have never been so excited about this whole border, this love thing.


Yeah, maybe. Maybe. I mean, Ned is probably having, like, season nine, 10, 11, 12 are all lined up on catfish.


Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Maybe I just like I think it's really cute the take dogs that like recap the ones that work at that like do obviously go somewhere or do I just think that like we need to get better about like identifying and validating who is actually real or not.


I mean yeah that's that's not what we talk about in this podcast though, right. Yeah. Yeah. But it's really cute. OK, so then I asked the people, I asked, are you down with long distance? And I got a lot of like text replies to our World Tonight hotline and also on Instagram to this one. So we've got 54 percent of our audience saying yes, 46 no, which is interesting. That's actually more. That's higher than I thought I was going to be.


Which one I mean, it would basically split like I thought it was going to be I thought it was going to lean towards no, no, got it.


I think it's because you have been in a distance relationship and understand how hard it is. Right.


Maybe it's clouding your ability to, like, be like, why would anyone want to do this? And I agree with you. I don't think that there's a world where I would get into a new relationship long distance. Right. Right. I think that I think how difficult it would be for me to figure out how to be long distance with you tomorrow. Right. I can't imagine just starting new like that. Yeah.


And so some of the responses that I got, like the most common ones, one were that military wives. We have a ton of military wives, wives, listeners who said that because there's an end date and you know exactly like how long they might be deployed is that it makes it it makes it more manageable. And I guess like organized when you know exactly when the end date of, like, when you'll see them next, OK, where and then and then similarly, people who don't have spouses or significant others in the military, they just said that like.


Yes, if there is a Sunday.


Yeah. I mean my last relationship with her being on tour so often. It was. I mean, a different kind of long distance, it's a different long distance specifically. It's like you you map out, you try to map out places like that. You want to, like, see each other, like what cities are more conducive and like the like the tourist type. But like at the same time, you never know when the next war is going to come up or things are always in flux.


It's like you almost like plan, not vacations, because they're on work and you still have to work and you got to figure out how to do at the same time. But it's like a tag along.


Yeah, it's very difficult. Yeah.


It's very I don't, I wouldn't I mean I will say that that is a very isolated thing that people are not going to know a superstar girlfriend.


No, but like I, I think it's as like it's not say like couldn't work out for everybody, but like I think it's very difficult for someone who wants to try and like at the beginning of their career, try and map out how to like do their 9:00 to 5:00 and be on a plane to like meet somebody else once a month. That's difficult, right?


I think also, too, like if you meet someone, OK, like just say I upgraded to the passport thing on Tinder and I met some cute boy and do not have all the upgrades.


I didn't actually even download Tinder when I was single. Bullshit, I didn't I downloaded Bumble Rhia, everybody here didn't really Tinger Horse. Did we talk about a tender horse? No, we haven't. OK. A tender horse. Everybody quick tender. There's a liar in the room. No, no, no, no. Are you going to buy into the horse's name? My mom. Your mother is going to say that she's going to go tender.


Horse was two relationships ago. Is that not when you were single?


No, no. I was single between. OK, I'm for relationships. You're number for Tender Horse was between relationship two and three, OK. And then between three and four you had only one question was Hinge Rya and Bumble.


Probably unmilitary. Have you done a lot of tender. You were single. Oh yes. OK, but tender like four years ago or five years ago, whatever. How long ago that point was very different than tender now. We can do better than tender, we've got better options as women for tender, our standards are higher. I'm going to OK. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here's where I'm going to push back and I'm going to be adamant about it, OK?


It's it's not to say that there are standards that should be raised across all of them. Could be wrong for all genders. What I am saying is tender serves a purpose for both sides of the equation here. And sometimes that.


I'm sorry, can you define both sides of the equation for me? Tender serves a purpose for men and women. You can't just say just because it's kind of a hookup thing that some women don't want to hook up. Oh, it's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying that, like, even if I wanted to hook up or find someone to marry, I like the idea of like especially on hinge being able to sort by like I mean, I'll give you just so many options to filter out and then I just like increases your your efficiency when you're using the app to find a match.


So whether and I think so whether you want to suck some dick or you want to get a ring on your finger, like I think that for me I value my time and it's it's important to me to be as efficient as as possible. And I, I like the ability to have an increased chance of matching with someone. Sounds like, you know what you want. I do know what I want. Would it be unfair to say that some women have an experiment network, what they don't know and that Tinder might be a good opportunity for them?


I mean, here's the thing. Would it be unfair to say that? Do you hear Jeremy being a salesman, this is the shit that gets him. Would it be unfair? No, Jeremy, it's not unfair. It's a simple question. It's not a fair deal, OK? Oh, my God. If you haven't listened to last week's podcast, I need you to add that to the queue of whatever you're listening to. Just go back and go back to the conflict, to the conflict and fighting in a relationship contest.


All I'm doing is there your simple question and shove up your ass.


OK, so I have to get the info question.


OK. OK, so pause. Tinder is great. I think it's just oversaturated. And that's why just like five years ago, Tinder, I think was like the winner, the top dog of all the dating apps. But now there's just so many more options. OK, anyway. Fuck. Well now the Tinder horse. That's a story for another podcast I think. I feel good about where we landed. I think I know where this question started, it started where the border was love and the long distance relationships.


And like the Army wives, which like, by the way, if you are a military wife. Oh, my God. Or military husband. Yes. We thank you for your service. Oh, my God, seriously. Wow. It's not to say that both important parts, but that's really hard.


Oh, my God.


I cannot I cannot imagine specifically because I feel like when you sign up for that, you just have, like, no control in in.


And I would die for someone who like it needs control and structure. I would literally self implode.


Knowing that takes a very specific type of strength. I don't know.


Oh, I don't have to have it. I don't have it. I really don't have it. Yeah. And if someone has been in like this before and it was obviously a weird case scenario, Ducobu, you're all like I. I would have I don't know what career opportunity would have to come up that that had, you know what it is, I would it's not that I would say no to all forms of distance, specifically before I had my first kid.


There would need to be an enlisted on it for sure, no matter what the dollar amount is. I don't think even if someone said we'll pay you a billion dollars. Right. You have to move to X for a certain amount of time and we'll reevaluate halfway through like I don't. Right, right. Right. For me.


So I, I before you through Tinder Horse into the conversation there, what I was going to say is that if you were to meet like so say I was single and I downloaded Tinder and got the passport thing and was able to like match with someone in a different country, if you happen to fall in love and love the shit of each other, but neither wants to leave their country or their state or their province or whatever it might be like, that is such a hard conversation.


Like I can't even imagine starting long distance and like not having a clear like, I don't know when I was my last relationship, like I had plans already to move to Los Angeles before we had even met and things just like aligned our way into like we were long distance for maybe five or six months before I ended up moving and like did that maybe expedite the process by a month? Maybe. But like, there was a very clear and distinct end date to like that relationship being within the same city.


Yeah, I couldn't do it. I don't know. I can do it now.


I can do it so many ways. But you know what? We do have a lot of people that listen that are in long distance relationships. So if there is like a nugget of advice or like, I don't know, just like a conversation that you want to have with our other long distance relationship listeners, please find find each other in the comments because we get a lot of questions about long distance, your support group out there that there really is.


Yeah, for sure. And so if you guys want to start it, I, um, I support that. How often would you say you clear your browsing history?


Never, really? Yeah, never, I mean. Yeah, me too, for sure. Anyways, why do you ask?


Well, I was having a conversation with one of my nerdier friends today, and they were telling me how not only can our Internet provider log and store all of our browsing history, but it gets even worse. They could even sell our data to advertisers.


One, what do you mean, like all of our private browsing data?


Oh, now you sound concerned. I mean, I'm not exactly proud of the amount of online shopping that I do.


I mean, I feel like that's kind of the least of our concerns. But, yes, that that's also definitely messed up anyway. That is why we are incredibly happy that our sponsor, Express VPN, is able to protect our online activity from being tracked and sold.


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OK, retro shading. Oh shading someone on their past Instagram posts. Oh my God. You know really quick definition. No wrong but great. Yes. And love the creativity behind it. Oh yeah. Retro like attractively.


Yeah. Yeah. So it's where we bring back a potential unwanted lover into our lives. The pandemic increased Google searches of why am I dreaming about my X by two thousand four hundred and fifty percent. So apparently locked down is like bringing back old memories. And maybe you just like think about like your most recent or your strongest, most passionate relationship. That's just dangerous. That is dangerous. Yeah. Well, I also think like people when they have too much time on their hands to a degree, like it just brews trouble.


Oh, for sure.


When you also are like forced to be at home with no such social interaction, just like like marinating your thoughts, sleep well.


And like also I am I am someone who is very bad at getting my mind off something that's bothering me. So there's something new to focus on, right. If there's nothing new to move my focus, I'm just here. Right. I can't imagine us breaking up lockdown, continuing and not thinking even if we were fucking loc remote face time. Yeah. Lovers' with the perfect astrological lover. Like I was like I don't have enough memories of the new person to replace the thing.


We're like, oh, when this sound happens that usually means that this is going on.


And I with my ex like just dumb shit like so like has mousses. Tippy top is now replaced right. Yeah. New memories. New feelings. Although I love my old propose, I don't think about them when I think about like you think be happy.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


He has a very specific type of tippy tap. It's so funny. He kind of drags his tongue because he's such like a saunter. Right.


Like my old huskies were both much larger. Yeah. And we had hardwood floors that every one of our apartments didn't make the. Yeah. He drags his tippy top is they're so funny here because as such an eloquent dog, that carries himself as such. Oh, he's basically a gazelle. Yeah, this is our it's our small our top of pig of a dog.


OK, so there's the word bowl is in the descriptor for the breed. Oh, it's the perfect name, right. It's the perfect name. A bull terrier. OK, so I ask people, do you think, ah, sorry. Did you think about your ex. Well, I guess we're still kind of in a lockdown. So currently do you think about your ex more while in lockdown? And we had a 30 to 70 ratio here, 30 percent of people said definitely.


Wow. I mean, that doesn't surprise me. It doesn't surprise me at all. Especially like if you were to have dreams about like travels or like just like your fucking cute last night out like a sunset or something like that. And she's the we're just, like, not doing right now or the shit that, like, really made you mad.


Oh yeah. Think that they were so bad about that bad shit for sure. Yeah.


Yeah, yeah. I mean, you know what, maybe it's healthy for people to like kind of process those emotions.


I think it's OK to think about your ex. I think it's not OK to want to think about your ex and then cover it up with something that is overtly like, OK, well, can't think about these two things at the same time, right?


Yeah, there's actually nothing like a but like one of those little like viral meme page word posts or is talking about how like you should normalize being able to talk about your ex with your now present partner because it's part of your history and is part of your past.


I had a bunch of will send me that that little meme I want to call it means it's like not making fun of anything. But I was like, oh my God, that fucking resonates. Hard info graphic. Yeah. Maybe it's like a text post. I don't know, I'm, I'm overanalyzing this. So anyways, and then the other 70 percent said, you know, OK, no judging.


You know, said I only I only given the options of definitely and, you know, judge or not. OK. OK, next one manifestation manifest date Chynn manifestation Dacian teaching manifestation.


I don't know how to say that any better than you're saying it. So I'm going to let you just chew over it for a while. Yeah. I mean, men here manifestation. No, no, no, no. Manifests date yelchin manifestation Dacian. Yeah. They could be like you say, like Dacian kind of manifestation. Manifest manifestation. Yeah. Manifestation, if you say 2000 just sounds like a manifest, you've got to get the D in there.


Yeah, you really get a Sokoloff and there goes my monetization. OK, so make money in twenty twenty three when you get that dumptruck ass.


Yeah, yeah. Dumptruck only time twenty twenty three to make a go. Yeah. I'm not going to make it on the fans. OK, go ahead. Manifest date Chynn.


I mean it's in your manifesting going on a day with somebody close.


Yeah. Manifest everything we want. So including a new partner. Could be money, could be friendships. A manifest dater goes dating, knowing exactly what they're looking for, manifesting and maintaining a vision as the relationship progresses.


I mean, I think people should probably do that always.


You you said you said sometimes people don't know what they want. That's what they should be on Tinder. I think they should. But at the same time, like, they know that they don't know what they want.


They know they don't know what they want. Yeah. I guess. Yeah. Yeah. You're you're figuring out your path to know what you want, right. Yeah. So you're manifesting clarity, right. Yeah. OK, so then I polled and I said, do you believe in manifestation? And 73 percent of our audience said yes, OK, but you phrase it.


Do you believe in it? Like there are very few felbeck? No, I don't believe in it.


You know what? I actually have a friend who is super against manifestation. It's and I'm sure someone can clarify this in the comments for us. But it is something that it's. What the New Age movement, does that sound familiar at all? There's been a new age movement every age since ages, poor old, like a predestiny.


Let me let me do like a very top level Google and then are more educated and informed. Manifestoes can let us know, OK. Oh, my God, guys. OK, this with this. This led me to a deep wormhole of 45 different articles that I want to read before I make any kind of top level statement that I don't want to get roasted forks. I probably will get it wrong. But if you're interested in Googling more, it's something about manifestation in it being somewhat dangerous when you mess the law of attraction.


And that's like that's all that rings familiar to me when I watched my friend's video. So of manifest as much as you want to manifest.


And I mean I mean, if you're so afraid of making a change that you don't do anything outside of what naturally happens to you. That is that that's a theory.


That's a theory. That's very you know what, hey, I'm going to do my best not to judge you, not for me, but I might I might suggest maybe.


How about in the driver's seat a little bit. The other wheel feels you might like it. OK, there you go. OK, next one, apocalypse saing. Assuming that I at the end of the world is near and you want to find someone to do it with, oh my God, that's so morbid. But yeah, kind of. But like less a kind of apocalypse, less less about the world ending. So treating every relationship like it could be your last and and getting super serious really fast.


And apparently it's popular with Gen Z. Hmm.


I thought it would be popular with everybody, Budgens.


That's what I thought too. Right. I thought like anyone who was like 30 is like and just say they've been going around. They're like, oh, my fucking God, the world is ending. I need to settle down. I need to find my person.


OK. I know, yeah, that seems a little surprise to that, but OK, yeah, yeah, OK, I'm masquerading and I want to be very clear. This is masc k orating. It's so you're a mask masquerading. I don't know how to think covid think covid is it when you masquerade with a mask so you go out and like you're going on dates with a mask, are you fucking with the mask on?


No, no. But I do have a good story for this afterwards, so. No, no, it's fronting that you care about covid safety precautions for optics or to impress a match. So one in five gen's ears are masquerading in front of potential potential dates. So, for example, saying how important it is to social distance. But you're tagged photos have you in fucking to loom in all these places traveling with 20 people? I know if you masturbators.


I know if you mascarenhas as well.


OK, also I so enjoy these polls and questions that I posted yesterday for today's episode.


One of our, one of our mutual friends responded saying that she had she had started hooking up with her ex girlfriends and they would hook up with a mask on to be safe, to be safe because, you know, covid doesn't doesn't doesn't it isn't body fluids. I don't think so. I think I think it's a respiratory. Right.


I don't I'm a doctor. I'm not qualified for that. I don't think vagina spread covid. You know what?


Don't call me on that again. Don't take your education for a bunch.


Now we're going to ask you I don't think vagina spread Cupitt. I think it's a respiratory.


I'm just waiting for like like either vaginas or dicks do. It's going to be one of the two and then would be like well think well we told you so.


Yeah. So she, she found comfort in hooking up with an ex because it was hard to date in the pandemic to find someone new. Yeah. So just to satisfy each other they would hook up with the mask on and only be intimate from the waist down. You do what you gotta do. No, listen. I respect the grind. I just I, I feel like there's going to be some people are going to try and carry that over into.


No, not I'm not really into that. It's more of a down here thing. Like dudes everywhere are going to try and pull that way. Oh no, we shouldn't just. Yes. Just in case we should just probably have sex. I mean, so that probably breaks like the whole six foot social distancing, even with a mask on, but better than no mask.


I think there's probably some creative methods, but yeah, I agree. That's probably to be six feet with your with your mouth. OK. Oh my God. Let's move on.


OK, souce int. Is that a new religion for you? Yeah, no, I mean, you know what, I would follow Dr. Foushee as a religious leader for sure. OK, I trust that man declining to date someone because you don't feel like they're taking covid seriously enough. I'm a fotios. You're going to to me and I'll thought you.


OK, no, you've done a great job. We're not out of your ass. I haven't left. OK, Zululand during.


I love this. It's it makes so much sense, you've seen you've seen a Zoolander, right? Right. OK, so now take it and make it Zoolander and try and piece that together. Think outside the box.


But not really the pull your underwear off without taking your pants. Nope, nope, nope, nope. One of you has Owen Wilson's nose still. No. OK, how do you get that nose? Do we know? I think that when you're born with and then break it and then you're born with it and you're like, there's no way that there's a combination of like a lot to. OK. Yeah. I think goes in seven directions. Really.


I don't know. OK. Oh, you don't know Zoomlion. I thought we're still talking about the nose, OK, so when a date spends the entire time checking themselves out in the camera instead of looking at the person they're on a date with on Zoom, Zoom, Lander, what's funny is that like there's features in Apple and Zoom, I believe they're are built in.


So it makes it makes you look like you're not looking like when you're looking at the screen, you're looking a little bit below the camera. And there you see, I believe, a little bit of correction to make it like I come up with a better angle, huh?


Huh. Yeah, I definitely I, I look at myself. I feel like when I'm on a median zoom, but not because I'm like, do I look good? I'm like, is there is there trash in the back. Is my background fucking ugly. Like are you walking through with no pants on. Like I'm just trying to figure out like is this an appropriate work setting.


That's fair. OK, and so then I asked I asked the wild ones, have you been on a zoom or a face time date? And 85 percent of our audience said, no, I was not surprised by that. I thought to be higher. Yeah, that's it too. Yeah.


I have a friend who at the beginning of the pandemic, we ask again, and how many of you were lying yet?


How many of you are fucking lying? I had a friend at the end of the pandemic who went on like maybe four or five FaceTime dates and she was recently single and like like for her, it was not an ideal time to get to like a year long pandemic. You know, I think that she actually is glad that it happened to give her some time to like, you know, think hindsight's twenty, twenty.


But at the time at the time, she's like, this fucking sucks. So she was really open to the whole zoom in FaceTime dating situation. And she went on a few that were just so bad, like a dude talked about himself for two hours straight. I would just. I mean, what do you even do, because you're like, oh, my God, I can't believe my Internet went out, that's crazy. And I don't and I don't have an unlimited plan where theta.


So by I would I was active on Bumble. No, no, no, I got hacked, too. I got hacked on Bumble. Oh my God. Uh, yeah, I don't know. I like I feel like I rely so heavily on someone's like the physical energy, I guess. Go on. Well, like, I don't know why it's so hard to like. No. I mean like if someone's a shitty texter, so many my friends are absolute garbage texters but we get along so well in real life because you like actually have a face to face.


I mean, at this point I'm a garbage texter to 98 percent of my friends, so I'm not getting Jeremy's friends.


Text me to get to Jeremy because he doesn't text. And the response is like you're texting anyone badly, right? It's like you're on your phone doing something else.


I'll hit him. I hit him cheese or when I respond to them or if they need me. Yeah, I guess. Sure, let me live. OK, stock blocking stock, do you? You block the other person and their fences to the point where they can't, like, stalk you. Yeah, OK, so pretty much making your social media accounts private so your prospects can't creep on you. It makes sense. That goes against everything that I live for, which is you would ruin the shit out of someone.


I would go so far as to say, I'm not sure you would go on a date if you couldn't talk them.


If we had a mutual friend who could vouch for, like, their sanity and like someone is not going to kidnap me and stuff me in a van or something, I would go on that date and I would give them a chance. Like if the mutual friend was like, oh, yeah, he's a good guy, I think you'll really you'll really bond with him. But if it was a random that I couldn't lurk just for, like, my own safety, I don't think I would.


That's fair. Yeah, I think that's fair. But I do love to lurk. OK, so here's how the learning process normally goes.


OK, so like just say you and I were to not have known each other and already met in person. And I, we had managed we had a mutual friend and I had your social media account. I was sort of on Instagram, OK. And I would, you know, scroll the fuck through your photos, OK?


And then I would probably take you for what? I don't know, just taking in just Savane evaluate me. Yeah. Evaluation and be like, oh like does he go on to law. Does he vacation. Does he travel like do we post pics of like lots of other girls or just like other dog picks. Do you have friends with babies like do you love your parents. And then I probably hop on over to do I love my parents.


Yeah. OK, yeah. I mean it's really, it's really cute when like a dude posting a picture of his mom and it's like fucking love my mom. Right. Like so cute. And then I probably hop over to tagged photos because things get more candid in the tag photos. And I feel like a lot of guys who don't pay attention to their social media like don't think to untag themselves and that might not be flattering. So then you start seeing more angles of that person, like physically and metaphorically to be like, OK, they're not faster to themselves for the most part on a tagged photo.


And I would hope that they would not be to be themselves even on their own photos. But it's just a more candid view of how they lived their life, you know, I mean, like from party photos or group situations or whatever it might be. And then after take photos, if I'm seen like a few of the same people reoccurring, I'd like to hear their best use. The second second tier. Yeah, OK. And next year on someone else's profile, I go to the bastards and like see photos and like catch the vibe of like the people that they surround themselves totally, you know what I mean.


Like if they're fuckin masquerading the buds and like maybe, maybe like I don't want to go on a date with this guy, maybe the untag themselves from photos they were masquerading.


You see there with semen. You fucking catch him in his tracks. Yeah.


And then you see that he's tagged. OK, he won't be back though. He wouldn't be like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then after that I would if I had his full name I might check out the LinkedIn. My check. You would check out the LinkedIn. Oh yeah. For sure. I actually hadn't. Even though you knew how to use LinkedIn, I actually used to have my friends log in. So that tells me that.




So that I could go look at people's LinkedIn without it being like Lauren Remak viewed your profile, because then you can verify like how old they're based on, like when they graduated, when they went to school.


My dates are not on my mind for anything collegiate, anything that you could use to like, OK, like you've done that intentionally, though, I feel like most people don't think about that like I have on my LinkedIn, like when I graduated, why didn't graduate, right.


So there's that right. So there's also that I going say that.


Yeah. So maybe, you know, check out the LinkedIn, take a peek, make sure that their name doesn't come up in any kind of like criminal search history or any background search. No doing a background search. But like if if you type in Jerry Michael Lewis and like the six result was like some kind of assault charge, I'd be like maybe not the best thing to do here.


So I do a like Googling like Googling that it I mean, there could be much more levels here, but like do I want to do I want to like really dive into the CIA deep dive that like girls go to the links or do they use their IP address?


I tracked them, although I installed Cookie. I do. A man in the middle of that is great. Oh my God. What was the new.


And we're just learning about Pegasus. Oh, we're. Yeah. For the three of you that know about Pegasus. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, anyways, the Enterprise SAS company out of Israel. Yeah sure.


We really appreciate if people didn't stock block our wait. No hang on. I want our listeners to be able to stock their prospects for their safety.


But what about the people that don't want to be stalked for their safety? Oh, our listeners can make themselves private. Oh, it's just it's just the other day in his podcast. I want to protect you.


I want to protect my kind. Yeah. I loved ones. I want to protect them. I don't disagree. Yeah. Yeah. So make yourself private. You want to be private. But also if you're private, I can't repost any photos or anything that you send me because you're private.


That's true. OK. Thunder.


Thunder, Borking. Thunder birding Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. No, no, I made it up, son, birding, fun, birding Thornburg Sunberg. And, you know, a miss, a Miss Starnberg. Oh, those who care about the environment. Yes, yes. OK, yeah, Thornburg, so named after Gretta Thornburg, becoming more prominent in dating when two singles bond over their passion for environmental change. OK, I love that.


That sounds like some GenZE shit right there. I love that. Now, Baby Boomer, it's not it's not baby boomer. It's actually that that's not true. Gail, my mother is the queen of recycling. Did you know that you can recycle dryer lint? It's compostable. I don't think it's as much as recycling as it is compost then, right, but that's like a form of. You're right. You're right. Yeah, I.


I mean, I would just I would just put it in the trash, but she puts it in with our our like our food scraps and then we would then put into a compost in that goes in the green bin etc. and it goes yes your your dryer lint is compostable.


I haven't taken it there yet. I will get there eventually. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I was just feeling our adrenaline is maybe more toxic than the dryland that my mom of just fucking died. Yeah. It just feels more toxic than what I've experienced.


You've been doing. Yeah right.


There's just so much Tidey that goes through our dryer as well. It makes me a little nervous.


OK, interparty dating is that when you're fucking people that are in your close circle in our party dating. No, no, no, no. Think, think of politics here.


Oh God. It's you want to find the same political affiliation and only date people that have the same views.


Right. So dating within your own political party. So 64 percent of respondents of this survey said cross-party dating doesn't work in modern relationships, up from 53 percent in 2019. And so I have some some pretty interesting replies for this one from the people. So I think the general consensus is that too much has happened this year to date, someone who would have a highly opposed opinion. Right. And there'd be major conflict there. But hang on, let me find the other one.


Oh oh. Someone referenced a situational situation which which I think is is super fair and I agree with. So it's like some political views also tie into basic morals and human rights, whereas the economic side of things I can totally see being more lenient about an opposing view that's not harmful can usually always help you grow, which I think is really interesting. I like to see a new sort of perspective of things, especially on the economic side. Yes, but I mean, I totally agree.


Yeah, I mean, I also look at this and I'll I'll I'll put the caveat. Of course, there's an extreme that's too far for me. But like, I will always look at somebody with a different set of opinions and views as an opportunity to ask why it's genuine curiosity going back to last week, the genuine curiosity piece, because like they might have information that I don't know totally I doubt it, but they might. But like the things that I'm passionate about, like politics and religion, at least it's not just that I know I don't know everything there is to know.


At least know why I believe what it is that I believe. Right. So it's like I expect them to come to the table, not necessarily with something that I don't know, but at least tell me why it is they've come to this conclusion. Right. Right, right, right. Yeah.


I mean, I think I think also political parties are more divided now than they ever have been in four years ago. Well, eight years ago, this might have been a different conversation, but I tend to lean towards it. It crosses past with basic morals and human rights.


I mean, yeah, I don't think that you're wrong by any means. I think the other piece is that, like through asking them why do they believe what they believe? If you have a difference of opinion as to the how to deal with the solution, that's one thing if you have of opinion of how to deal with the solution and why certain things are not a problem, that's probably where the line is going to have to be drawn.


Right. Right, OK. Survey says survey says, would you date someone with opposing political views? And 68 percent of people said no interest. Yeah. I mean, if I had to say like black and white, yes or no, I also would say no. I've dated people who are on every side of me, right? All right, I think I think in this current climate, if I had to make a black and white choice, it would be no, it wouldn't be a no.


But I'd have to respect them for getting to whatever it is that their perspective is.


And it would be, you know, if there's certain things that just like didn't hit same moral situation, I won't call it situational.


I won't call it I might call it situational. Yeah. Yeah. For me, it's a it's a motherfucker. No dog. It is a motherfucking no.


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Shit like this squashes the Kardashians 1000 times. Claudia Conway on talk is the funniest fucking thing that I have seen out of twenty twenty and also twenty twenty one. I mean twenty twenty one for content from pretty hot fire. Ongoing. Ongoing. Yeah. I mean she's definitely had some, some, some drama, some T for sure but so she's also like fucking 16 years old, she's 16 or 17 years old.


You wouldn't be a young Conway I guess. Context. Oh yeah. Who is Kellyanne Conway. His daughter, the current or former press secretary?


I if she got booted. I think she did. I think she did as well. Or quit. I can't remember the circumstances. Yeah. So Kellyanne Conway, Claudia's mother, is super affiliated with the Trump campaign. Right. And then her father is super closely related to an anti Trump campaign. That's right. And Klaudia. Is the child of both of these like very politically aligned individuals and just puts fucking completely misaligned individuals, politically misaligned individuals, Klaudia just roast the shit, the shit out of her family.


And it's like both of them or most mostly just Kellyann takes most of the heat.


I don't know if I've seen the dad on Ticktock, but it is a real life reality show because she'll just like make take talks at home with, like, Kellyanne, just like in her pajamas at the dinner table. And he'll just like bust in, like making a magnetic talk, obviously not in support of Trump. And it is so insane. It is insane. It is so insane to watch. It feels illegal to be a viewer of like that much.


So I guess it'd be like opposite of inner party family. I don't want to say our party family, conflicting party family. It is it is the most insane dynamic that I have ever seen in my entire life, and it feels illegal for me to be watching it.


I mean, like if she wasn't a kid that was like dependent on the mom, I mean, you couldn't just bust in and just take a video of somebody else and then post it online. But not being right. Illegal. Right. For whatever reason, this all kind of makes sense and falls into place for like unless she wants to get emancipated like you're right yet and actually want her to talk to their day, was talking about how the mom is not going to give her the boot, like boot her out of the house.


Well, you got to respect that. Oh, my God, yeah, I mean I mean, you obviously don't align on a lot of things. My kid was running in and being like, I hate everything you stand for. I'd be like, then leave the house.


It's insane.


It is literally insane, I think is going to happen more and more as the youths don't agree with their parents and have a like. Yeah. Free ish way to talk to everybody in the world for sure.


But I also like love that the younger generations have the ability to, like, educate themselves about whatever they want, however they want at any time, you know, I mean, like there is just like more information than ever. I think it that will be good in five to ten years now when we have a better sniff test on what isn't isn't good information. Right? Yes. Yeah.


So there's there is a lot of information. It's not all good information. We are at the like, I think the precipice of the most information with the least ability to filter out what is and isn't quality. Right.


I mean, I feel like even even just in the past, like three months, even when Twitter started putting those, like, little flags on tweets where it's like, did you read this full article before?


Just reading the headline like, did you like this is not based on facts or whatever their little notes were at the bottom of some of the tweets, we just outpaced like the the the corporations society in the way that we like the idea of like Bill of Rights versus the terms of service like which one wins. Right. Right. A current conversation that is nowhere near being done and debated.


Well, on that stressful note, it's my birthday week. This week is your birthday week. This list goes up. Yeah, I got your present already. OK, so you won't give me a real hand? No. Can you give me something? No, I don't give you anything. Here's my issue with it. You admitted to me I haven't x or expressed interest in this thing. Right. And do you not trust me? No, of course you do.


And you didn't run it by the nineteen people you use to ruin everything by by nineteen eighty six. Yeah.


And so brave of you to assume that I have nineteen friends. It seems like you've got to do it like a little lone wolf thing on this one. OK, go outside the box. That's just not true. I asked. Three people about it, but not the three people that you would think that I would normally run things by. Does that confuse you were makes you more excited, I can't tell. Oh, you know, it's time will tell.


Time will tell. Yeah, I will tell you. You're pretty excited. Yeah. It's got to be good. And then. And then just more months in quarantine bay, that's all we got like that. That's it. That's it. OK, you know what podcast is this, Ben?


I told you, I watch three podcasts and I rotate through them on the days of their release and that this is your mom's house. I'm Tom Sagara. I don't know what you're saying right now. You, his wife, your name. I'm the wife. I watched Cody go on. Oh, right. And that was very funny.


OK, great. So I got OK, so I wish I had more.


OK, but maybe.