Episode 16: Save That Tiger
Zack to the Future- 1,367 views
- 18 Nov 2020
Mark-Paul and Dashiell recount the harrowing Bayside/Valley prank war that quickly escalated to multiple kidnappings. Plus a chat with Mark Clayman who played Valley's Stan Clegg and then Bayside's Moose later in the series.
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Again, that's better. Help help. Dotcom Zeti of. Welcome back to The Future, I'm your co-host, Daniel Driscol, joined today by the undisputed prank war champion, Mark Hall, Goslar. Hello, Mark. Paul, the prince of pranks, thank you very much. All right. The prince sorry, the prince of pranks. How could I? I almost said heavyweight champion, but I didn't want to want to rub you the wrong way by putting you in a weight class.
So I just went undisputed. I was I was pushing flyweight in this episode. I did notice, though, I think I'm hitting puberty in these episodes. Both my the frame. Yeah, well, that happened. Well, you know, both me and Dustin are are sprouting up, as they say. Mario is always a, you know, a man when he was a child. So he's kind of he's he's I think he's plateaued already. But I see Dustin and I growing and voices are changing and I feel like I'm a different character in this episode.
Yeah. You're not the only. Well, it's funny you say Mario is already a man. There's certainly some other adult men attending this this high school circuit in this episode. Really? Yeah. Yeah. You're grown up in front of the camera. Absolutely. And the the dye job looks very even this episode, too. I'm kind of curious where we are in the timeline of your hair. The only way I've understood season one is saved by the bell.
Yeah, no, I noticed that too. I noticed that because the sides of my hair were blonde as well, because usually I'd have that two tone, you know, effect going on. And I noticed that, too. I was like I wasn't I wasn't mad at the hair this up. So, you know, I tone down the front visor a little bit. It wasn't as cotton candy like, you know, spun like a woven thing on my my forehead.
But I was happy. I was happy with it. I just I just noticed that there's a bit of, like, aggressive teen boy, you know, sort of flavor going on in this episode between myself and Mario.
Yeah. What do you mean by that? Well, I'll point him out. I'll point them out when they go. But it looks for. But I'll tell the audience what to look for, like aggressive yelling in the first in the first scene.
We'll see that, you know, when we high five, the struttin. There's some pushing in this episode between Mario and I. It's it's just boys being boys. But I noticed it and I think I chalk it up to a bit of puberty. It's like a little bit of innocence is lost in this episode that I noticed. Wow. OK, well, that is very deep. That's quite the lead in. It is also worth noting as we talk about this episode, this is this season one finale, not of this podcast, but of the first season of Sabai Bells, er Marple.
Paul, you you just watched a full season of your show. Unbelievable. And time and time if you say so.
I didn't say we're having fun, I just said it flies. Yeah. Yeah. Sixteen episodes of the show, it's, it's, I'm not going to, I'm not going to lie Dash. It's, it is work. I mean it is, it is work for us. It's not something I'm really into like the Queen's Gambit right now. I can't wait for the crown to start this cuts into my viewing time because I have four kids and I have a wife and I have a job Monday through Friday and it just cuts into my viewing.
This is not the type of thing like, you know, I don't go, oh, I need to catch an episode of Saved by the Bell. I do it because of this show. I enjoy it when I watch it. But it's not something I'm just getting to the to the point of like, I don't I it's not like I'm like I need to watch an episode of Saved by the Bell. Right. You're not like sneaking episodes, extra episodes cause you're like, I got to know what happens with these with these kids.
I know. But also, you know, I didn't grow up with it.
I was I experienced it, but I didn't I didn't grow up watching the show. So, you know, a lot of our fans that that listen to this podcast, this is near and dear to their heart. They can't wait for the reboot to go to air on Peacocke and they'll sit down and watch an episode. And it just brings them back to a time that they loved in a show that they loved. But I didn't have that. So this show, you know, for me, it's it's it's the work that we're putting into.
I enjoy it. I enjoy telling these stories to our fans. But it's not like I sit down and go, oh, I can't wait to turn the show on. But the minute you turn it, you keep doing it. Yeah. Yeah, well, the minute you turn it on and the theme song kicks on and again, it was a different theme song for Peacocke and Hulu. I watch on both. Peacock had the Michael Damián version.
Boo and Hulu had the, you know, the Scott Gaile version. I think it was Scott. Right. But yeah, it's got the good one. Yeah. The good good version. Yeah, the one we want. The one we recognize and love. Yeah. In this house we only recognize one theme song to say by the bell and it is Scottsdale's rendition. And just like that we should probably do. Some are in case you didn't watch the episode, and here it is, it's the annual prank war between Bayside and Valley, culminating in a citywide cheerleading competition.
After a series of back and forth escalating pranks, Belding unsuccessfully tries to broker a truce with Vali's principal leading Zack Slater and Screech to kidnap Vali's dog mascot, which leads Valy to kidnap Screech dressed up as Biocides Tiger mascot who was going to star in the new cheer Jesse created after joining the team, Valy tries to sabotage the chair dressed in the Tiger costume, but the gang foils their plan by dumping ants down the impostors back. The Tiger, which dances its way to a Bayside victory and Bayside, also wins the prank war.
The end thought was this. Did you have any recollection of is this the series or the season finale you shot? I know everything's out of order now, but do you remember if this was like the original season finale?
No, I don't like I said, and I think I was backed up by some of my co-stars most recently, Ed, we had a lot of finales and we had a lot of rat parties that followed, but nothing ever felt like, oh, that was a season finale or, oh, that was the season premiere. It just sort of was a blur, obviously, because that's what I based this whole podcast on. That's the premise. Yeah.
Yeah, that's the premise. But no, I don't I don't think this was a season finale type show because it it kind of has some just like structure wise, some season finale stuff of like Zach and Slater, who are once adversaries, have teamed up in this episode and things are going to come around and like there's a big an all hands in, including building moment at the end, like it kind of does in a way. It does tie up the season.
You know, as much as I'm going to tie up a show like Saved by the Bell, season one. But interesting, I was trying to like I guess you could piece it together by hair would be the only way to crack the case of what was the original finale. But maybe, you know what? Maybe we'll just never know. And that's OK. It's also worth noting the the episode title Save That Tigger, a play on Save the Tiger, a 1973 movie starring Jack Lemmon, who won an Academy Award for best actor.
So there's that, huh? Yeah. Now and now. You know, I didn't know. I didn't know until I Googled Save That Tiger and the Jack Lemmon movie popped up and we might as well just get this party started in Act one. And we are in the max and we're in the max.
And the first fifteen seconds there is some phenomenal bug work going on. And BG stands for background. I thought it was blue, guys. I was looking for the blue people. I thought big and blue guy. So thank you. Right off the bat we see you're his hair has grown. So we could also use him as a as a sort of, you know, where the watermark is in terms of where we are in the season.
Yeah, it's it's like he had a small man bun at the beginning. He has like a full blown like an additional head of hair behind his hair in this opening shot. Yeah. And I'm going to throw it out there, but I have a lot of questions in this episode, so I'm going to direct them to you. I'm sure you're going to be able to answer every single one of them. Probably not, but that's OK. Everyone makes mistakes.
But is this the first time a background artist gets a laugh without having a line? Because of what I'm what I'm referring to is the waitress looks at the tip that you're left behind and kind of like looks at it with disgust and the audience, you get a little reaction from it, you get a little laugh. So I'm wondering if that's the first time BGI gets a laugh. Probably I would struggle to to think of another one. I did notice that I did not like pick up on the actual mechanics of, oh, there's a someone is getting a laugh from not just from their reaction.
Yeah, probably. Why not. Sounds about right.
Well moving forward and you know, as your crosses to the door, there's Dustin and Mario in a deep conversation laughing and giggling. Obviously that's not scripted dialogue that they're saying. So I'm dying to know like what they were doing or what they were talking about. Urie then passes a background artist who's wearing like this green shirt and a black belt. I mean, I'm guessing that was his wardrobe, but, my God, it just it was for me.
I rewound it so many times, just watching this guy, the way he he tries to, like, step down the the stairs, that little two steps at the max. It was like he was looking at at the at the end of a cliff. His hesitation I mean, I can't tell you how many times I went back and forth looking at that. And then when I finally walk in, you'll notice that I kind of strut in and I kind of goes to, you know, things are changing with all Zann and.
Then as I'm giving my my little, you know, what do you say towards the camera? What do you call it? What did I call it? I don't know. We've been doing this talk talk to camera. Yes, that was for me. That was from Peter Angles. Angle's book. Got it. So as I as I as I perform my TTC, I could swear that background artist behind me looks like Kevin McAllister's brother. Buzz, buzz, buzz.
Oh, man. A favorite I it's funny you mention Kevin McAllister's brother Buzz. I just watched the movie Blue Ruin this week featuring none other than the actor who played Kevin McAllister's brother. Buzz, if you want to draw, I'm wondering what he looks like in 2013. Check out Baroon. It's good few minutes. He looks nothing like he looked on home alone, by the way. No, but.
But yet Buzz is still there. He's like in the eyes, like you look at him instantly. I spent so many Christmases with that guy, I would recognize him in a hurricane. It just could not be anyone else but buzz. You know, we talked about the whole puberty thing. I believe that was a real voice, crack of mine, not a trope when I when I say my line to screech at the table and yeah, we get to Max's magic trick.
What do you think of this magic trick with the pocket knife? I got to say, Mark, Paul, having Ed on the show last week was fantastic. And thank you again, Ed, for making the time. If you're out there and podcast Radioland, I just every now, every imagistic, I just picture some writer coming up with something and Ed having to, like, go spend all weekend figuring it out. But I thought it was fun.
It actually makes sense that he uses a big sword for the to to rip up the tissue. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed his magic trick and I enjoyed the context of knowing how those tricks came about on the show. It really adds a layer for me. And then the girls walk in. I tell me if I'm wrong, but Kelly's hair is a darker it is. Yeah, I did notice that for whatever they were doing to your hair, they were doing the opposite to her.
As it looks, it looks substantially darker.
Yeah, I did, I did clock that and I'm wondering if maybe Tiffany grew up here in California and she was an outdoor, you know, type of person. And I wonder if her hair was just getting lighter and they wanted it to to remain. They wanted her to remain a brunette. Right. There's one blonde on the set and it's not it's not like a basket. And you're listening to them. Yeah, I sure am. Every day.
I can't I just can't get you out of my head. So I'm going out. Something funny here, Dashiell. I don't know if you noticed. I can guarantee you did not notice, but my friend Dustin Diamond does it twice in this episode. He sniffs his fucking finger. Whoa, that I did not notice. And that feels graphic. There's just the way you said it. Yeah. Like, what do you what's going on there? When does that happen?
All right. So we're sitting at the table and I think it's around the three twenty four mark. But Dustin sitting there and he reaches down somewhere below the table and then when he comes up, just watch his left hand. Yeah, yeah, he takes a whiff, yeah, he takes a whiff of something, he commits an offense right there. Yep. Hmm. Any theories?
Yeah, I theorize I theorize that that is that is just not discussed it does it any. I don't think I've ever seen anyone in the history of smells or fingers smell their finger and think, huh, I'm happy I was around for that is only a gross experience. The funny thing is that I mean, this is this has been on for 30 years.
Yeah. But you're the only one who's noticing this stuff it took. So you needed to come along and crack the case of all the weird stuff going on that that we all just it was just passing before our very eyes. It also looks like Jesse, if I'm not mistaken, is also sitting backwards in her chair next to Slater. I love that. That's so that's so fun. I did not I guess she was like this. If Mario can do it, I can do it too.
Well, previously, where the boys are sitting at the round table, we all are. Our chairs are facing that way as well.
We were all doing this squat, this later squat totally.
It became his thing, but I guess everyone was doing it. It's cooler. Why not? Baseball caps are backwards. You know, chairs are backwards too. It's it's. Yeah, it's what the cool kids are doing and it keeps your junk, you know, nice and dry. Cool.
Absolutely. It's you got to have dry junk in this town. Everyone knows that. That's that's day one stuff. Slater Slater might have been the originator for man spreading. I mean, he's only using one chair. I think man spreading is partially about taking up more space than you need. But I guess he is the nature of his legs. He is occupying more room than if you. Yeah, you're right. Man spurting. Ed also said last week that he was juggling in this scene.
Someone on Twitter pointed out the juggling is from cream for a day. So we already missed Ed's juggling trick where he literally and figuratively dropped the ball. In case you're wondering why you didn't catch it, because it's not in this episode. It's in great for a day. Moving on, we're in the emergency cheerleader tryouts, which is such a fun combination of words to add emergency to it because someone got chickenpox and we have the return of Rhonda. Ron is back a lover in this fantasy.
She's and she she does that like leg thing again. When she exits the scene, it's like she powers it's like she's like a like an anime character. She, like, powers up her run before she takes off. It's really fun. Yeah. No, I, I so enjoyed watching her and again, I think she's brilliant in this. Yeah. She's great. And also just to keep an eye on jokes that get repeated in the season.
So far there is a sixty year old crossing guard doing a cartwheel, which feels kind of similar to the old teacher playing field hockey joke from a few episodes ago. They were kind of returning to that well of picturing an old woman doing something athletic, you know, to try and keep these writers honest.
You can't repeat those jokes and the teen boys walk in. What do you think about their pranks? Pretty lame. They're pretty lame, right? Like we put the glue on the track and we gave them helium. But now we're like, helium is fun. That's not a prank. They gave them a really good fun, wacky time. And they it was all just a setup to get you guys to do the Chipmunks thing. I get it. But, you know, they did the pranks do feel lame, like.
And then when. Well, I guess we're going to get to in a second. But when you see, like, Vali's retaliation pranks.
Yeah. Those are those are way better. Yeah. Like substantially. When we sing When the Saints go marching in, we're off at the beginning. I blame Dustin. You mean you're off like time wise are all of it.
Well we start and we go Oh one.
And Dustin I think goes right to the When the Saints. Hmm. And I'm kind of like right in the middle where I'm, I don't know if I'm I can't tell if I start to do with the only thing the only one that's really committed to that is Mario. So it's either one of one of us screwing up. But I'm blaming Dustin or Mario. I'm not blaming myself.
Yeah. Why would you. It's your podcast. You don't you have the prerogative. You can you can blame everyone else, but I'll tell you that. Send me to my room.
Mama gets a huge reaction from the audience. Why do you. Why do you think. I don't know. Yes, I see you smirking, but I don't like do you have it? No, no, I just think it's funny. Like it maybe like we learned last week that about about was it it was in Peter Engle's office and he wanted to use, like, the Dustin's catchphrase, like there's not a ton of catchphrases on Saved by the bell, but the use of mammo is like a Slater catchphrase.
It becomes like. A recurring word, so maybe they just were like, oh, the mama thing worked, let's like keep coming back to that. Well, it's a rich vein. Well, I don't know. The audience really seemed to appreciate it, though. Yeah.
I wonder how much I wonder how much input the studio audience had on what became like recurring bits and characters and phrases and stuff, because you had like a a live focus group who was really jazzed. So I wonder if they use that. I would imagine you would. Why not? And we do after you know, we learned that, yeah, they stole a banner and, you know, these are all fine. These are all these pranks are fine and good mcpaul.
But what Valy did to besides hallway was like a prank massacre. They, like, set off a prank atomic bomb, complete with again, this is why you have locks on lockers so you can't get pranked that hard. But it was weird that one shot was screech and Slater opened up their lockers. The camera is like it was like a 3D movie is positioned to catch all of the catch, all the balls for lack of better phrasing. And it is a it's a cool, wacky, fun shot that, you know, very evocative of all the the cartoon energy of, say, by the bell and Dash.
I have another question for you. Yeah. Where was the rest of the school when Valy was doing this? That's a great question. I don't know. I mean, they maybe they pulled a fire alarm in a in a perfect world because we were just we were in the school.
We were in the gym with with you know.
You were just in the gym, right? Yeah. So you're saying how did they like. I don't know. I mean, that again, goes to the point of, like, they were just that good. They earned the win. They were they they got in there where the students. You're saying the students at Bayside like why we're walking in the halls.
Shouldn't we be in class like it?
Shouldn't other kids or anyone? Yeah, you're totally like, where was where was anyone? I mean, you could imagine maybe like a crew of like thirty five students could get it done in two minutes if everyone had a very specific job, you know, like they had like three square feet they had to cover. I don't know, I don't know how they did it or how they got in and out. And I mean, one of life's greatest mysteries.
I will go to my grave wondering, Martha, hopefully not soon, but I will I will die wondering now, when Beldin walks in, Dustan walks up to him and says, Happy birthday from Valy. Did I have to? Yeah. I feel like he loved his line. Right? He did. Yeah. There's a happy birthday from Val. It's like.
Yeah, why didn't we use another take. I don't know. I know. Here's the thing.
I know I know that in previous episodes I said that we we were conservative with our takes. That doesn't mean that we didn't do multiple takes. We were just conservative with our takes when the audience was there. So, you know, we've discussed this in previous episodes, but we would film in the morning with no audience. And then, you know, at night, I think our night show started maybe somewhere around five or six. And that's when we would have a live audience and we try to keep them there for no longer than two and a half hours.
Right. You know, and we've discussed this as well. Most sitcoms can go into the late hours of the evening, you know, trying to get these shows. But we didn't do that because obviously our our our audience were they were younger. And I think it was a Peter Angle thing to we just didn't want to keep people sitting there. And, you know, for comedy, you want to keep it fresh. You don't want to keep it fresh.
So you keep a cold studio or studio is always freezing cold and you want to get in and out and you have the warm up guy there to get them laughing and and loose and then, you know, hit them with a show and get them out. I think that I might be wrong. I probably am. I think it was a Johnny Carson thing to keep the studio cold. That comedy can't happen when it's warm. I believe that's a a Johnny Carson thing, but I might be wrong.
What do I know that still applies to this day? And just throw throwback to Johnny Carson. We filmed at NBC, I believe this first season we were at NBC and we're right right next to Johnny Carson and actually was Jay Leno at that time, but in the same same space. And it still applies to this day because there are stages both for saved by the bell and mixed dish. It's freezing fucking cold, man. Yeah.
Even working in an even working in offices designed for comedy. You want to you want to keep the room temperature cold if it's too hot. Comedy can't live in heat. It needs to live in the cold. I don't know how that works, but it is just a truth. So about in communities like this has got to stop. And we're in the Valley Principal's office, which is so apparently Belding's office, just with a desk in a different position.
It's like, oh, you noticed? Yeah.
Yeah, I noticed that he's also in a wood panel, like it's if the girls bedrooms get. No way with like a paint job in a couple different posters, it is it's very, very funny that they were just like just slide a desk over to that wall and all principals offices look the same, like, what are we doing? And we get to meet Valli's principal, who is Principal Elliot Stingel fun name Sting, Lyle Lovett. He's played by Ronnie Shell.
Ronnie Shell was a real was an actor on a lot of TV shows. He was on The Andy Griffith Show, Charlie's Angels, Dukes of Hazzard, and did a ton of voice acting on cartoons, which is a theme of a lot of the principals and adults were meeting on this season. He did cartoons like the Smurfs and other Smurfs connection here snorks Flintstone kids, fun facts from Wikipedia, from Tutee, from IMDB. He's also an honorary mayor of Encino.
I don't know how hard it is to pull down that title, but good on him. And he played on a softball team called the Reruns with Jack Reilly and Fred Willard, which is just fun. Think of these are these old comics Pallin around playing softball. I like to I like that Fred Willard passed away this this year. Funny, funny man. He was on Franklin and Bash for a few episodes and for a few episodes. And just again, a brilliant comedic Yeah.
Man Beast of comedy. Absolutely. There's I've I've never if smelling a finger is considered gross, then Fred Willard is always considered hilarious because every time I see that guy I just crack up and smile. He's the opposite of smelling a finger as far as I'm concerned.
Well, speaking of smiling, Stillwell's laugh, I mean, yeah, wholely is so infectious. I was watching Dennis during the scene. I feel like he's about to break his wrist. He's holding it back barely. Right.
I mean, how can you not it's like from another era, like, he is clearly a product of like the fifties and sixties. Kind of like it feels like a time machine of of an entertainer dropped into the show, which is kind of some of the magic of some of these adults were meeting them as we're learning their backgrounds. But yeah, I thought it was great and is his delivery on Noisey panties, what a what a combination of words that is, I'll tell you.
And the reaction that he gets from the audience that we talk about to the looms. Yeah. The poison ivy. That was rash.
I mean, he's he's he's he's Kiessling. He's absolutely crushing. This is is truly doing good work here in the city. And I'd like to point out that the actor who plays Stan, Mark Claman, I know Mark, we've kept in touch over the years. He takes that exploding book gag like a champ. I replayed that a few times. He does not flinch before opening up that book. I mean, I don't I don't even know how that's possible.
I've done these gags before recently, I think. And I think there was something I did and maybe on the reboot for Saved by the Bell. But I find myself, you know, what's going to happen, right? And you just instinctually like Maya, you might close your eyes. You might Mark takes it. I mean, it's amazing what he does. You know, the you know, the thing with the end of die hard, how they Allans falls off the building in the first die hard.
Yeah. You know, I'm talking about. Yeah, they told the actor, we're going to drop you on three and they dropped him on two. Oh, that's his reaction then. Yeah. So the reaction of horns falling and die hard is a product of not of thinking something went horribly wrong. Oh shit.
Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. It's fun. There's a fun little fact huh.
That is, that is probably the the most the funnest. Yeah. Of your facts. Yeah. And it's scary. I think they, I think they will let me know all the other facts. But by comparison and it's leading into the holiday season, we get some buzz, we get some die hard. We're like ramping up for Christmas. What a joy. You know, it's funny you mention flinching because I saw an actor take a gag to the face this episode.
Who did flinch before the fuck you now? OK, we'll get to that, right? We certainly will. You know, Martha, these days are getting longer and colder and it's important to switch up your wardrobe to get some nice, comfy, cozy pieces of clothing that you'll look good and enjoy. But who has the time dazzle? Oh, my God, not me. Which is why I use stitch fix. Stitch fix is wonderful. It's a service you sign up for.
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But now now the boys are in full Vietnam camo, ready to rumble with no plan, just sprinting out of the gate. It's a fun energy. And we get Screech Teenage Teenage Mutant Ninja Screech with the old hold a brick so I can kiss you gag, which not not the best.
No, hold this brick while I assault you. Yeah, hold this brick. Which also I mean, if you're going to assault someone which you should not do, but you probably shouldn't also give them a brick right before the assault. I mean like Lizzie turns around and uses that thing post. So that's kind of on screens for getting hit with a brick. How about the I mean, it's always fun to watch a white guy doing an Asian stereotype, too.
That's great.
Yeah. I mean, I would say that's why I have a TV so I can see more of that. I got a big one. Sixty five inches. I want to I want to capture every bit of those horrific accents. And just from keeping an eye on pop culture references, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles not yet a movie when this was still just a cartoon show. So if you're wondering, we were still a year out from the live action film in nineteen ninety, certainly formative for this young man, but I watched the cartoon as well.
Good, good stuff. OK, and I'm going to point out here, Daniel, the second screech sniff. Oh God. I wish you wouldn't go back to talking about Fred Willard. Is that same hand by the way. Oh, maybe he had a I don't I don't know. That's not.
And if you're following along at home, if you just want to go to it, it's it's at the ten, twenty five mark if you're watching on Hulu. Ten, twenty five Mark, he kind of sniffs the back of his hand. It's how it is, what it is as they like to say, oh god.
Yeah it certainly is what it is. It's a it's that's awful. That's, that's, that's. Yeah. I'm going to, I'm going to say I'm going to say the the white person doing a clunky Asian accent is worse, but that's that's still very bad. That's still not a good thing to put on television. And we're in the girls room for for, you know, cheer practice with these these big it's like Jesse joining the team was just like an opportunity to to shit on her for being like a.
You know, for being a feminist, essentially, for being like they should, they should respect our minds and Jesse's principles, take a beating in in series, which is kind of a bummer, like it's always played for laughs. And she's a great character and ultimately, like, is right in the course of history. I mean, Jessie Spano is correct, but she gets like on like Lisa and Kelly, like we should, you know, let's show off our bodies kind of thing.
And Jesse's like, no, no, no. And it's you know, it's for a big laugh. So there's that and, you know, she wrote a cheer, and even though it's dangerous there, they're willing to maybe murder Screech to get a hold up back up here. She wrote a cheer. I get that right. She writes us cheer. Kelly says, Oh, this isn't that bad. Yeah, we will see the cheer later.
She hands over the paper to Lisa and then Lisa says, Oh yeah, you're right. But isn't it dangerous but is I took a note on that. Wow. We have we are synched up today. We took a note on the small piece of paper, right? Yeah, right. So I don't know if you're if you if you're thinking the same thing. I am. But what can she decipher from this? What can she rieper isn't it lyrics that she's reading or is there like is did Jesse put on that little piece of paper lyrics to two songs, one that's pretty shitty and then we're not sure.
It's it's just doesn't it's not funny. And then the second one is we'll see. And then the routine is that is that what we're getting at? Yeah.
I mean, the paper must have just said at which point the mascot does like a triple back flip onto his neck or so. I mean must have just said like it just got to the point where the mascot I wonder how much information could really be conveyed there. It's just funny to to get any piece of paper and be like, but isn't it dangerous. That's a it's a funny reaction to any kind of plan now.
Well, but it is dangerous and they're going to do it anyways. And they don't really care if Scrooge lives or dies, which seems to be a running theme.
Well, that's usually what you do with people who sniff their fucking fingers, right? That is, you don't care what they do. And we're back in Bayside High and we get the reveal of they stole a dog. So the last pranks were just kind of lame, all the bordering on criminal. They did steal a banner stealing a dog. It's pretty fucked up or excuse me, my language. It's pretty messed up, you know, like, I don't know, I am I alone in that?
What's that dog thinking? That dog's got to be scared as hell.
I once stole a dog. You stole a dog? I did. Give me more context, please, Marshal.
I was dating somebody and they had a dog with a roommate and then they were no longer roommates. And then, you know, she felt bad for the dog because the dog was living in an apartment and it wasn't supposed to be living in an apartment. And she says, don't you agree?
And I was you know, we were we were in that first phase of dating where you're like, yeah, whatever you say, whatever you say. Yeah. You've taken you stood no ground yet. I do not to stand ground. Yeah. So your old boy, Zach Morris stole a dog and so you really stole a dog a real, real life, stole a dog, put it in her car and then vacuumed out the car, you know, to get rid of all the dog hair.
But it was pretty it was pretty clear the evidence, but it's pretty clear that we stole a damn dog. And I'm confused on this.
Like you you guys like it was the roommate's dog, but you were like this dog should not be living in this apartment.
Well, here's the thing. It was we liberated dog, right? It was a big dog. What kind of dog? I'm not going to get home. I got to give too many details because it was a big dog. It was more than 80 pounds, let's put it that way. Right. Holy Moses. The thing is, living in an apartment and it can only access the balcony. You're doing the dog a favor. Yeah. I mean, this dog belonged outside.
And by the way, we didn't I was at this point, I was sort of I didn't have a house. I was kind of living at my mom's I was living in this girl's garage converted place. And so we didn't really have a place to keep this dog either. But we were we were liberating the dog, liberating for love, as they say. Dashiell, we got caught and and her the the roommate's boyfriend. I remember he was a Hollywood producer of of some things.
And I, I ended up taking the dog back and having to get sorry. You know, I'm just buddy, I'm in love. You get you get it right. And, you know, they didn't press charges or anything, but it was just it was it was embarrassing.
Oh, my God. But I like it. Wow. Yeah. Wow. We, I, we sometimes we talk before these episodes, we get a little heads up what we're thinking about. I really didn't know coming into this I would find out about your adventures, stealing and then also returning a dog key step in dog theft as we're going to learn in this episode of you generally return home. Wow. What a bummer for that. That that dog to be like, oh, man, I thought I was free, but now I'm back on this goddamn balcony.
Yeah, but listen, there's there's there's three sides to the truth, right?
I mean, that was my one friend, then her ex roommate and then the truth. So I don't know, you know, all I. Is the side of my girlfriend at that time, so right. I you know, you do stupid shit. I was probably what I was. This was later on. This is when I was 18, 19, somewhere around there.
So it's a great age to do stupid shit. Yeah, totally. Man, that's how that's primetime. Yeah. Yeah. Primetime did do it. But again, I didn't I didn't even while I was watching this episode, I didn't go like, oh, I stole the dog once. It just came to me while we were doing this podcast. So, yeah.
You really stand out now. I did not listen. You would think. I'll tell you what things that stand out my my, my, my marriage to my wife, you know, our wedding day, the birth of my kids. Those are things that stand out to do. You know, who needs and they don't come to you at some point, like when when you get your own podcast and you and you're talking to your buddy. But, you know, before then, I honestly, it's probably been twenty five years since I thought of that, you know, since I thought of stealing a dog.
I wasn't it wasn't in my, you know, like, hey, it's none of my resume. Like, Hey, I'm Paul Goslar and I stole a dog and I.
Yeah, you don't have to look. Everybody makes mistakes. They don't have to define you. You can learn from them. And you know what you. Yeah.
Speaking of mistakes, wait till we get to each episode because those were the days. I mean, we were sixteen. We were driving to Santa Monica Beach. I'll tell you, those are going to be some stories there. We'll have to. But a lot of a lot of digging up some old bodies. I can't wait. Maybe maybe by then we can like a like post up at the beach for a week and just record a bunch of episodes.
Wouldn't that be fun? Like, it's like a real, real method recording. That's just an excuse for me to hang out a beach. Thinly veiled, veiled at all. Now going to call this next product, I know you're a fan of its I would say it's near and dear to our hearts, but it's near and dear to another part of our body tushy.
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It's so simple to use that I bought one for my 16 year old son, gave it to him and he installed his on his toilet by himself. Had no problems. Great feeling. Yeah. Yeah. It's one of those changes in your life where as soon as it introduced, you will legitimately wonder, what the heck have I been doing all this time?
Well, you've been doing it wrong is what you've been doing wrong. That's that's the truth. Plus, you've been you've been messing with the environment. Yeah. Because you use a lot more paper products. I use way less now. I used to carry these wipes around with me. Same. And every time I use the Toshie I feel so much cleaner. It's like taking a shower for your butt. Yeah. Now my Toshie product, I just have the cold water feature which is just hooked up.
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This is a special offer for all of ours. Actually the future listeners go to hello Toshie dotcom ETF for 10 percent off. Hello Toschi Dotcom AGF. We're in the locker room and Stan and Dan Clegg, yes, they're cousins, not brothers, have broken into Bayside in retaliation for the Polaroid picture show. By the way, if you're going to commit a crime, don't take pictures. That's like rule one. But they did. You know, Zach wanted to taunt them.
And so Stan, who you said is played by Mark Klayman, isn't a dolt man. This is like this is not a student of anything, a student of life, but not a student of high school. This man is like has a mortgage and kids is he's an adult man.
And going back to filming with with Mark, I don't remember him being that much older than us. I just remember him being big, bigger than us. Yeah, but you're right. I mean, he he had to be in his early 20s, mid 20s.
I guess if you were just hitting puberty as the credits rolled, this guy had that stuff in the rearview mirror in a big time way. He is a adult man. And a little background on Mark Claman or Stan, rather, he will be back in, say, by the bell, but he plays a Bayside student and they never address it.
He plays a student named Moose. So he will be back for some key episodes. He's also into episodes of Alpha and an executive producer on the film Pursuit of Happiness, which I found to be interesting.
Well, you know, to get to the bottom of this, I think I should just call them up and we should have a conversation about his his time at the Bayside Mart.
Claman. Yes, sir. It's been a while. It has. So I'm doing this podcast called Back to the Future. It's it's you know, we've gone through the entire first season. We're on episode 16, Save That Tiger, which was actually the finale of the very first season. And we introduce your character, Stan. Yes. With your cousin Dan. Yes. Can you believe that? We're talking about this show over 30 years later? It blows me away constantly.
I mean, I was down and my cousin was Stan. Wow. I think I was down and he was Stan. But I don't I think I'm pretty. You you do know that you were also then moved. Yes, I've got I do know that. I do know. How is that. Wait, how did that how did. OK, so we could just fast forward. How did that happen. Because my host tells me that later in the series you are known as Moose.
Yes. But how does that like does nobody raise a hand and say, but wait, I was Stan or Dan? Well, the funny thing is and I went to a different school, I because I was at Valley when I was down Klegg and we stole the mascot and all that. And then it's like I transferred over to that to Bayside and then was just known as Moose. It was like, I don't there was never really fully explained.
It's just Peter was so gracious and he reached out to me and said, we'd love to have you on the show. And would you play this character Moose? And I'm like, yeah. And he just kept trying to put me in as much as possible. And it was great. So I didn't know. Yeah, nobody. Nobody people remember Moose more than they remember Stan Clark or Dan Clark were done I think. Yeah. And introduced me now because people like, you know, I'm sure I looked it.
I was you know, I don't know how many ten episodes or whatever. I don't even know. But it trips me out. People reached out on social media and still to this day 30 years ago, obviously. So I'm still getting residual checks for five dollars or fifteen dollars or whatever. But but, you know, over social media, were you that you know this or you know, and I'm like, oh, my gosh, it's crazy.
And then, you know, the pop up restaurant we went to in Chicago and then and I mean, just the phenomenon behind it all. And it just, you know, I think it's just it's great memories for people. But the fact, like you said, like, can you believe we're talking about this? And remember, people would come up to me and remember when you said this and I'm like, no, but if you say I said it, I certainly did, because I'm just it's just a trip and it's it's great and it's humbling and it's mind blowing all at the same time.
So do you remember the process of you getting this job? Because we have a question. How old were you when you when you did that, when you when you played Stan Dan Klegg because you were substantially I mean, you're a big guy. I always remember that about you. But looking back on the episode, you also seem like you could have been a teacher. Thanks a lot. Yeah, I like the way my this is from my co-host.
He wrote that question. That's why it just to be clear. No, I was I was twenty two and you guys were all sixteen and Dustin was like thirteen. And that's the thing when I first when we did a table read it was crazy. So, you know, look, I did a bunch of sitcoms around that time and I would go out and speak in high schools and churches and. Youth groups with Billy Sabga and Doug Jones and all these actors and we talk to kids and we're coming Diegan Yes, Wendy on and on and on.
I mean, just, you know, tons of people, you know, from that time. And I was on a plane coming back from somewhere. I'm sitting next to this guy and we start talk and he's like, oh, what do you do? And I'm like, I'm an attorney. And what do you do? I'm a writer. And we start and I tell him we were just out, you know, talking to kids in high schools and youth groups and all this stuff and talk on the plane.
Goodbye. Six, seven months later, audition for the show, get the role of, you know, Dan or Stan Clag. And we're sitting at the table read and everyone, you know, a table reads like, oh, hey, did we work together here? You know, like there's a guy. And I go, you look familiar like you do to you. And he was one of the writers and he we kinnane like, what other shows have you written for?
He named all the shows. I'm like, oh, I haven't done those. I've done this is mystery right on this. And he's like now couldn't put it together. We do our table read and then I'm like, oh yeah. I sat next to you on an airplane like seven months ago coming back from this and he's like, That's right. And so we do a table read and I'm thinking and all of a sudden Peter Engel comes down, he goes, Mark, can I talk to you for a second?
And I'm like, oh, crap. They they didn't like my table read. They think I'm too old. They think I look too old because everyone else is 16. I look too old they think. And then he calls Diane Barnard over and he goes, Don, can you come here for a second? And I'm like, oh, great, he's going to fire me. And he wants the director there to catch me when I when I pass out because I'm going to fire me because I look too old.
And he just totally the writer had gone back and told him about the story about us sitting together on the plane seven months ago. And that's when Peter just really embraced me and didn't fire me, but then figured out a way to keep me coming back on the show. That's amazing. Do you remember the writer's name? I don't. I don't. It wasn't Ben Tramer. No, no. I've seen Ben it at the at the restaurants after that, and it was a mark.
Think possibly. That's great. Yeah. We always I mean, watching the show now, I mean, I didn't think of it then. I just thought you were a big dude. But, you know, it's like watching the show now. It's like, wow, that that there is a definite, you know, a jarring difference in age there. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you kind of go with it kind of works. In that time, there were like six guys that look like football players that could string two sentences together and make sense.
And we, you know, we all kind of made a living as one of them to you. We all kind of made that that time. CULLISON I played dumb jocks together on one of the TGIF shows, and that's how we met. But there was like, you know, I just made a nice living and playing dumb jocks for a while. And the way Michael Michael cutlets tried out for Saved by the Bell. No, he we would always go up against each other for dumb jocks.
So if there was like a blonde hair dumb jock, he would get it. If it's a dark hair, dumb jock, I would get it. And then step by step, that was that was a first step by step. That was that was the other two. That was quite a show. Higher, too dumb jocks, a blonde and a blonde and a dark haired dumb jock. And we both got it and became friends, you know.
Twenty seven years ago. Now, in your youth, were you a football player? Yeah. Yeah, I played I played high school and then played college and then went, what am I doing playing college? I played XB and I'm like, you know, I'm not going to play pro. And I could play a dumb jock football player on TV and make more money and I get my head bashed in. So I think I'm going to do that.
Did you watch any of the episodes? Did your kids ever watch the show? I watched. I watched in college. It was it was just a phenomena. I mean, I was in dorms XP and people in the dorms would get around them to the dorm TV and watch watch the show all the time and watch my kids watched. I mean, it's crazy. My girlfriend's. 16 year old. He watches the original shows, and she's when I first started dating my girlfriend, she's like Moose, she like right away I'm like, what?
And she's 16 and she's watching the reruns. So it's it's it's yeah, it's it's just it's great. It's just people, I think really love it and love the spirit of it, you know. Do you have any favorite memories from working with us and any anything that stuck out in your mind? You know, look, it was all a blast. And I just I was always jealous off the side for the curtain calls when they won. The live audiences go nuts for you guys and they could give a crap about me.
I was it was great. There's a funny, funny story. So you know how there were regular extras because it was. Yeah, we talked about. Right. So regular. So this kid comes up to me and he goes, hey, man. He goes, how how do I break in? How do I break in and out? And I'm like, well, you know, you're a good looking kid. You are a union. You sag.
And he goes, when I say kid, you know, again, I was twenty two and he was probably your age 16 and he's like, no, I'm not union. And I'm like, well you know, what I would do is I would get a commercial agent because they'll they would take someone that's non-union on first and then they'll tap hardly unique, become union. And then after union you can get a, you know, theatrical agent and then go from there.
And he's like, oh, great, thanks. He's like, any other tips I get? And I think, you know, just go after a commercial agent. I think that that'll open doors for you. So I don't know, six, eight months after that, I'm walking through my house and I look at the TV's on and I walk by the TV and and so people are sliding down this water slide and it's that kid. And I'm like, oh, great.
He got a commercial agent. You got a commercial. That's great. But I don't know. A year after that, I'm walking through Blockbuster Video looking for a video to rent. And I see this cover of this Beverly Hills Ninja. I remember cheesy movie and then he's on the cover. I'm like, oh, my gosh, he got a he got a theatrical agent. That's great. That's great. And about six months after that, I'm watching TV and there's a promo for Party of Five.
And I see him on the promo as a series regular. And it was Scott Wolf. I remember Scott on on our show and like, yeah, I'm like, well, that's pretty amazing. And then so I ran into him in town. I'm like, Hey, dude, remember those tips I gave you? Can I get a job now? Yeah. Can I get a percentage. Yeah, I'll just take a job. I'll take a gig on the show.
Man it was funny about Scott because Scott, I do remember the only I know Scott now we're friends. Yeah. But the the the only time that I remember him being on our show was because he was the extra that was kicked off for getting, you know, the audience to react every time he came on. Oh, no way. On screen. And so, you know, obviously, Peter and the production couldn't have that. So they fired him.
I had no I didn't know him. I had no idea. I had no idea that, you know, who Scott was then. Yeah. But all in all, I knew that he was the extra that was really good looking. Yeah. That was getting reactions from the audience. So it makes sense. He makes had to go. Yeah. Yeah, I do remember this, this curtain calls. I forgot about that because going through this process, you know, it's like I watch these shows and there's things that that I remember, I remember the sets and yeah.
You know, where Belding's office was and where the max was and, you know, the bathroom, the locker room where you and screech and you know, and, you know, you accost Dustin in that tiger suit. Yeah. But the curtain calls. That's right. We used to come out at the end of the show and I think the first one out would be either Max or then, you know, Dennis and then the cast. Yep.
And then would would. And again, this is my memory. Would they have you come out as well. Would they. They would do the guys. Yeah, they would do the guys at first and then they would build up so they would do the guest first. And then it was like, you know, and they would build up to the bigger guys and then then like add and then, you know, Mr. Belding and then you guys and I mean, they were going frickin ballistic.
I got there jumping out of their seats. And it was it was great. It was just great. It was so much fun. It was just just to be clear, though, I got the biggest reaction, though, right. Just to be clear. Right. I mean, absolutely. OK, great. Like at least double. That's what I'd like to hear. You know, now you can come back on the podcast. I'm so glad that that that triple I meant triple I mentioned.
Yes. Would you like to be a co-host? Actually, I'm going to fire my co-host because he doesn't know whether you're Stan or Dan. I'm pretty sure I was Dan. I think I was Dan. I'm pretty sure. So, listen, sounds good to me. I mean, I. You could be Stan, Dan or Moose. I have no idea. It definitely was me. I'm still wearing that moniker. Well, I appreciate it.
I appreciate your time. It's it's it's good to catch up with you, too, man. Is there anything that you want to plug for the show on the show? I'm just really happy, man. I mean, look. Yes, it's genuinely it's, you know, no bullshit that it's it brought joy to so many people, then in a time that we're out in our world and with so many things and those memories coming back with the new show and everything else and just, you know, it just brings back some really great feelings for people.
It was great then. And it's just I think for the people that watch it then, there are grownups now. It brings it back for them now, again, especially with everything that's going on in our world, in our society and for the younger generation to you, they were like I mean, with all the reruns, I'm surprised how many people watch still the reruns of the original shows and to see a new show like that is it's just great.
Is this good stuff, man? It's just need good energy like that, you know, and great hearing from Mark.
It's also worth noting the other guy in the room who is a trespassing on besides property, Dan, played by C.W. Hemingway. And I looked him up on TV.
This is one of his only four times acting ever. He had four total career roles. One of them is Dan Clark. Mark, the holiday season is rapidly approaching and this year give a gift that sparks wonder and creativity Kiwako. Yeah, I love the sponsor. As you know, I have children and it's been really tough in these past few months to keep them busy without putting a screen in front of them. And that's why I'm so thankful for Quico.
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No dotcom kadence. And that brings us to actory where in the hallway and there's like a weird duality of this conversation because Zach, as the friend says, don't you guys care about Screech? And then in the same breath is like, if he's not here, we're going to we're going to lose the prank war. Like, I don't think that cares too much about screwed down like anybody does.
It's does because Jesse says to she's like, but all you think about as a prank war, what about our cheer, whatever our contest?
Yeah. It's like, what are you guys talking about? There is a kidnapped person. This is you need to call the police, maybe the FBI, if they've crossed state lines and we get a fuzzy pink fantasy where Zach is envisioning the horrors of losing the prank war. He came in dead last, but still made the podium. I don't know how that works. There's only three people competing, apparently. Hey, listen, buddy, it's my fantasy, all right?
Yeah. No, it's your fantasy, not my fantasy. There's only three of us. Yeah, sure. I came in dead last with three people in the contest. Right. So you're still on the podium, which seems like a win, but whatever. So now we talked a little bit about flinching. We alluded to it. You first of all, you really take this pie to the face and good on you. But the pie, I didn't I didn't flinch with a pie.
No, you didn't flinch. Not no one is no one is saying you flinched on the pie. OK, thank you.
But when that. You're welcome. But when that seltzer bottle pops up, you're bracing for it.
Yeah. Yeah. And I am dying, trying to trying to hold it in. And I think Mark is as well there. I mean you could see through the pie, whatever that is. By the way, have you ever had a pie smash in your face, you know, had any sort of dairy smash in your face? Hmm.
Have you ever licked have you ever licked whipped cream off a man or a woman? I don't think so. I don't know what you think is going on on the weekends over here.
I'm going to I'm going to tell you right now, Daniel, you can pass on that because I don't know if you've ever had dairy, like, go up your nose or around your mouth or something like stale dairy. Yeah, the smell that that never I got I don't know where this is coming from.
I'm getting like a flashback of like, I swear to God I soon you said that there must have been I think it was like in grade school there was some kind of whipped cream balloon thing or I like there was something. It's the smell it makes when it dries. Yes. That's the thing is you essentially are wearing spoiled milk. Yeah. And dairy dries. Yes, I do know the smell. Wow. That is so if you're right, I guess we all forget certain things along the journey.
I'm, I'm blanking on. Yeah. But I'm familiar enough with that smell. Yeah. Not good. Now I guess that's why the whole thing of like eating whipped cream off is somebody like that's a hard pass for me. Yeah. Yeah. It's one of those fantasy is better than the reality situations which is like many things in life. Just be happy with what you got. You don't need to put whipped cream on stuff you're good.
They used to put like shaving cream to me to make these pies. But I'm I have done this, I think, a few times. But I think when you get shaving cream in your eyes, it stings. Yeah. So I don't remember if this was a shaving cream pie or an actual, like, whipped cream pie. But either way, you're good. It's all it's all over the place and it's all over my hair.
I'm thinking, yeah, this had to be probably done right at the end of the morning filming so that I would have time because what would happen is we'd film in the morning.
We've talked about this I film in the morning, but then we take a lunch and we take a long lunch and get ready for the night show. So I'm thinking that this would have to be done before, obviously the night show and give me some time to to to requalify that hair, because this this was definitely like a full shower shampoo. Oh, my God. Yeah. Everything you got. Yeah. That's that's a real mess. And it also just made me kind of wonder as an aside, like whatever happened to Pies in the Face seemed like they were really having a prime time moment.
Nickelodeon used to love throwing pies in faces. I feel like you just you just don't see that anymore. So it's fun to see kids like it.
I mean, there's a kids game where you smash a pie in the face. It's like a thing. You don't have kids. You don't you know, there's there a there is a game where you you know, you get some concessions game.
I know what it is. Yeah. It's like you press a button. It's like it's basically teaching kids about gambling. It's like this is like it's essentially one of those games where it's like, hey, you can you can be good or bad. It doesn't matter. You might just get a pie in the face. It's a lot like roulette. You know, anyone going back to the scene. You're right. I am. I cannot hold it together whenever Mr.
is well.
Laughs He's just nailing it. Yeah. It's really he's really killing us. He's killing us. And yeah, I'm I'm I'm giggling through that. Thank God there's a pie on my face because I broke I mean, he broke it all the way.
And it is like the whole premise of this podcast is like you just don't remember the things you were doing in this time of your life. It is. So I, I was cracking up watching that thinking like. My God, if someone hit me in the face with a pie and sprayed me with a bottle of seltzer, I think I would record it somewhere along the way. But it's great.
I enjoyed it. And it's a really fun, fun moment in the show. And we get building the whole thing of we need help from the adult, please, please. And he calls eating well.
And, you know, they're going to call off the the the prank war and his laugh on leaving of like, I'm going to go buy my wife some exploding flowers for her anniversary.
What a joke. Just like it is he is he is talking about a one and done performance on, say, by the bell. He just crushes every line he gets. Yeah, I would have liked to have seen them back. Yeah, totally. He crushed it.
Yeah. Yeah. Like what. It does make you kind of wonder, like it would have been fun to see Sting. Well, again, there's a bunch of those along the the run of the show, but they kept it about the kids. Uh, and back in the halls of Bayside, the mascot exchange, uh, them telling Jesse to relax. You never want to do that. Just across the board heads up, fellows telling a woman to relax, telling anyone to relax really often has the opposite effect, but they do it anyways.
And I noticed Mark Paul, when he gets that dog back, you tell him, hey, go walk your dog.
He's sick. Burn. Yeah, Wasiq super lame man. I mean, there's a lot of that with Zack Morris. Like, there's a lot where a dog did go walk. Your dog did. He has a dog. He's going to walk it. What the hell do you think he's going to do, like keep it on a balcony all day until it does, like some people. And then, by the way, I'll go steal it. I'll liberate.
Yeah. Yeah. It's that's so funny.
You have a real life dog stealing, so I'm enamored with that. You know, in this happened in nineteen ninety and the dog liberation probably happened in 93, 94, maybe, maybe this, you know, maybe this was the catalyst for me to die. Yeah.
It definitely laid the fat. I mean whether or not you access the memory consciously, it certainly laid the foundation in your like playbook to be like, well you know, you can always just steal a dog, right?
It's not a big deal, man. It worked on Saved by the Bell, I guess. Valuable card. People do it every day. People steal dogs every day it's covered. They'll grow up and we find out again. Screech and his insects. He's in charge of new membership of the insect club. Just a lot of insect stuff for screech powers in season one. And that brings us to the big ol finish the cheer competition in besides just a very sad gymnasium we're going to see from time to time.
Yeah. And and there's there's a moose or Stan just sitting there by himself in the in the bleachers. Where are the valley students? Where are the other students of the other schools? No, it's just the background of of our our people that we've become accustomed to. Yeah.
I really never noticed that ever until we've been doing this, that like when Bayside competes, there is no one from the opposing team. It is so bizarre. But I guess they just they figured, like, who needs it? We already got these extras. It's fine. One person who cares and we get more like Valley Girl speak in the the cheer competition, you know, certainly introducing a lot of America to the concept of Valley girls in the way they talk and that that whole thing.
Screech says his ants are picnic tested.
I thought that was a very full one. I want to back up. You said something about Valley and the and the other cheer squad. Uh, at least the Bayside Cheer Squad has some diversity, my lord.
Yeah. Did you not did you not know I got it. Yeah. OK, look. Yeah, I mean. That would never fly nowadays, by the way. Right, energetic, and it really should be clear. It really should. I'm not complaining, but why? It's just it's crazy that we didn't pick up on this 30 years ago.
Yeah. I wonder if, like, being a Valley girl felt like it was tied to being white, like, no, no, no, not even really.
Look at the other cheer squad as well. Yeah. I mean, Vali's cheers.
OK, so I brought it up because I guess my mental image was not as crystal clear as what I'm saying. They look this looks like an Aryan master race meeting. This is not this. This does feel a bit much. There it is. Yeah. So I hear you. I do get it. It's not even just being white. It looks like five of the same exact people. And yeah, we get a you know, this is all leading up to the the tiger with ants down its back, which if you're keeping score at home, the second scheme of one season involving dumping insects down the back to make someone itch a lot.
That's never worked once. It has to work again. Yeah. Go back to the well, also, Kelly references the lyrics to their cheer are going to be the beat, the beat, the beat. So like this episode must be after cream for a day. Right. Like the beep beep. But I'm just trying to kind of there's clues and breadcrumbs along the way about how it all fit. It does seem like there's interlocking connecting parts of the season.
Simpson and her Shakespeare class. Ba ba ba ba ba ba beat. So yeah, who knows how it all works out.
But just to keep an eye on the chronology and to tie, you know, my whole sort of theory of me when my puberty and the aggressive teen boy thing going on, I just want to point out, if you're following along, go to the twenty one minute mark and watch it from there. And you can see Mario and I sort of pushing each other around and and wrestling and just just being boys in the background.
Kind of fun. Oh yeah. Like a little well rough and stuff. Yeah. A little rough housing. Yeah. Boys will be boys. Yeah.
It's kind of kind of fun you know. I'm sure no one notices that but I did because I'm just watching me. I know.
Yeah. That's why those 15 seconds that opened the episode were so you were so clued in to them because you were like where am I.
I don't understand this.
Where the hell am we can unpack that later. Well, we'll get to the bottom of it. I'm sure we'll bring that therapy couch to the beach for those episodes. Can we talk, though, for a second about how insane it is that the ants down the back just so happened to make this person do like perfect back flips and like like it like they like how do they how do they not how are they not worried this would backfire and cause Bayside to lose horribly?
Yeah. And also, I'm not so sure that that was C.W. Hemingway who played down. I'm not so sure that that was him and that in that tiger suit, I don't know. I don't know if he was a gymnast. I don't think so. That that happens quite a bit when we film. You know, they just they have an actual gymnast in the in the in the tiger suit, obviously, or in the Spiderman costume. And then you cut away and then you bring in the actor and then we get the the iconic freeze frame.
Yeah. Yeah. The all hands in including building freeze frame, which does feel like this is end of season one energy like gangs all together. Zack and Slater are best buddies, even if they bump up against each other sometimes. And yeah, that's that's a wrap on season one of say by the Bell, but not season one of our show.
So just know that we're coming back to to do some more. And we're not going anywhere. We're not going anywhere. We got we still got some we still got some some legs on this thing. And next week we will begin season two in an episode called The Prom. And if I oversold the iconic nature of what was a God, it's all it's all meshing together. What what even what was the one I said was iconic, that that I got slammed.
It slammed on here, I don't know, not fatal to everybody. Forgot about the Zach tapes. Yes, the Zach tapes. Yeah. This the prom is an iconic episode. And it it advances the nature of Zach and Kelly's relationship and kicks off season two. And it became a new dynamic of like, well, you'll see more, Paul. I don't want to spoil it. No, you just did. You just spoiled it for me.
Thanks a lot. You're welcome. Happy to do it. Yeah, usually.
I mean, you you asked me, like, do you have any thoughts about, oh, are you doing my voice. Do my voice. Actually that was you. Yeah that was you was spot on.
It's like there's two of me, whatever one asked for I please do the homework even though I just spoiled it majorly. And thank you, Mark Claman, for taking the time to talk to us. Thank you, Mark Paul, for taking the time to watch a full season of Saved by the Bell. You're a hero. I don't use that word lightly. And thank you, the listener, for listening. We will see you in two weeks. There will be a week break in between covering seasons one and two.
A little holiday break, if you will. We'll see you then. Back to the Future is a production of Caden's 13, its executive produced by Paul Goslar, myself and Chris Walker, production and direction, led by Terence Mangan, editing and mastering by Andy Jesuit's. Engineering and Production Coordination by Sean Cherry. Artwork by Kurt Courtney with illustrations by Jeff MacCarthy. Marketing is led by Joseph Francis with PR by Hillary Shupe. Thanks to the whole team at age 13.
And to you for listening.