Episode 17: The Prom
Zack to the Future- 1,435 views
- 2 Dec 2020
On today’s episode, Mark-Paul and Dashiell are joined by Kelly Kapowski herself, as Tiffani Thiessen shares memories of the episode where Zack takes Kelly to the prom.
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Welcome back to The Future, I'm your co-host, Daniel Driscol, joined today by Bayside Prom King Mark Goslar. Hello, Mark. Hello, Daniel. How are you? You know what? I'm really good. Let me cut right to the chase. You know who I have with me? Tiffani Thiessen. Smith, Smith. I said that, right? Right. I mean, there is a Tiffany Smith.
Well, legally, Tiffany Psyllium. Tiffany Smith. But but professionally, I'm Tiffany Theissen.
I'm not I'm not hyphenated, OK, but there used to be a point where correct me if I'm wrong, but in the beginning when I met you, it was Tiffany, Tyson, no face.
And those are just people who don't know how to pronounce my name. Right. So I think I was one of them.
Well, it's like when everybody everybody still mistakes you and calls you Mark. And I have to correct them when I'm around you all the time because they seem to forget that yours is hyphenated, you know, but it's uncomfortable when people correct.
For me, it's annoying. I get annoying. I get annoyed for you.
Yeah, I know you get annoyed for me and sort of like, you know, some some other people, like you're not the only one that doesn't have somewhere. I was somewhere recently and someone corrected and I just got really uncomfortable because it was like I didn't really care. I never see that person again. And I only like people in my in my in my you know, in my world basically know me as more Paul. They know me is MP and they always call me that.
If they don't call me that, I know that we're not going to be friends. We're not we're not going to be acquaintances or they don't know you well or it's just.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And if they continue to call me Mark, it's like, you know, OK, I see, I see what you're doing here. What do you do at Starbucks.
I'm empty and then and it goes you're empty. You're empty. Oh that's funny. And then it's an m yes. M p never mind. Just I, my husband actually gets all the time that no one can figure out that his name is Brady.
He has to literally say, like the Brady Bunch and then they get it right.
We just spent about five minutes on names. This is awesome. Yeah. This is, this is the reunion. Fans wanted weed. They got it. You got their letters. They wanted us to talk about Starbucks names.
And by the way, just to set up the scene, it is a it is a late night. Yes. And we are having cocktails. Oh, yes. I am having an old fashioned. And Tiffany, what are you drinking? I'm drinking a bottle of wine.
A whole thing. The whole thing. Just top to bottom. It just opened. That's my girl. So we'll see how far I get.
I've got a cold beer because this is an episode about the prom and fitting on theme of the prom. Everyone snuck in some booze. So good for everyone. That's very it's very prom like behavior. Mark, I know you didn't have a traditional high school. Tiffany, did you ever have any proms in your life and the actual ones?
I was like, Mark Paul. I did not have a traditional high school. Nope, it was tutoring.
It's bizarre, too, because you were so many people's traditional high school and yet you had none of those actual experiences, just kind of kind of quirky. Yeah, but we could be here all day on that one. We should probably just dive into this episode because it is late night and we're all going to be a sleep specialist, right?
Yeah. Also, you know, I thought it was interesting, Daniel, you wrote the season two premiered September 8th, 1990, and Don Barnhart directs all eighteen in a row for season two. It had been nine months since you guys recorded the last episode of or since the last episode of Season one aired excuse me. And according to Wikipedia production codes, which I've been researching now, that's how deep we are into this podcast. This wasn't the first episode you shot for season two.
So this is what, open season two, but not the first one you shot. That would be an episode called Blind Dates. And again, that's according to production code. We can get Franco on the line one of these days and he'll straighten this out. Yeah.
So we actually shot blind dates before prom. That is what I learned this morning, doing some like detective work on the order of everything. We did that quite a bit, though, to if we did that, like all of last season, the the first season saved by the bell, you know, the premiere episode was saved. It was dancing to the max. Dancing the max. How quickly I forget. So it was called Dancing to the Max and Dancing the max was like episode thirteen or so four way down.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then they re they re not repaired. They aired the original pilot, you know where I wake up and then you come down with the volleyball on your hand. What. The picture. Yeah. Yeah they, they aired that like episode thirteen so they did this quite a bit where there was no like logic to where he put episodes, he just put them in wherever he decided.
I think it was probably what he felt like the episode was stronger or whatever. Right. Yeah. He just wanted to move the story along. He never wanted, you know, scenes to be, what was it, more than three pages? Dashiell I think it was two pages was what we learned from one of the writers, Bennet Tramer, who joined us.
Well, that's also because we couldn't memorize more than two pages and our attention span wasn't so great.
Neither was our audience, by the way. And Peter, you know, Peter understood that. And he moved it along the episode that I looked it up. It was the original season one finale was called Screeches Birthday and I. I think that gets aired until season three of the original run, it was like really shelled. So by the time that rolls around, you guys look so much older.
Yeah, because that's really hard to do when you're working with kids that are young, because we change so frequently throughout the seasons.
They just didn't care. They were just like you just. Yeah, no, they they did not give a caring. You know what, the audience didn't really notice it was Saturday morning. They didn't really notice.
And there you will see that there's definitely a growth spurt that I had it from last season to this season. If you're following the seasons, Mario, Dustin grew up a little bit. Mario looks exactly the same. I mean, he's going to continue to look the same for the next 30 years.
You grow up and we all sort of the second season. So it's interesting to watch. But with that, give us a synopsis. Let's get right into it. Yeah. Just, you know, just in case you're listening, you didn't get a chance to watch the episode. It's from Zaken. Slater are making Kelly choose who she wants to go with. Kelly Pasic then learns her father got laid off and gives her dad her prom money for the good of their large family, then can't bring herself to tell Zack Slater asks Jesse to prom.
She says yes. Lisa goes on a date with Screech as a trial run for prom only. She talks all through the movie they're watching, so he dumps her. Kelly tells Zach she can't go. Slater tells Zach why Anzac's surprises Kelly with a romantic prom picnic. Outside the dance, they kiss the end.
So, Tiff, can you believe we're still talking about the show thirty years later? I mean, what are we doing?
I know. I know. And I mean even more.
We're not even talking about we're actually doing it again. That's the crazy shit. That was pretty fun. I had fun doing that. It was fun. Yeah, I did too. All my scenes were with you. I had a I did too. I, I worked on. That's right. That's right. You were there. You were there.
I was on set with you guys because you filmed all of your scenes post covid World. But no it was I didn't even mark the occasion. Thank you guys for reuniting again this week. It's that was really cool to see you guys together again. I can say that as a fan, not just a guy who worked on the show with you, it was really cool.
Well, I'll say this as a person who actually finally watched the first episode this last week. Hilarious, like.
Yeah, charming, funny, witty, a lot of heart, like, really good. Yeah. And, you know, people always thought that we wouldn't do a reboot or reunion just because we we for some reason we didn't, you know, have a great time doing the original and we just kind of wanted to put it behind us. We never wanted to do these characters again. I think I can speak for both of us. That was never really the issue.
The issue is like trying to find a vehicle that could celebrate the product, but also not take anything from the original away. You know, like how do you kind of top what we did and how do you make it feel fresh and like what are we going to be? You and I are going to be back in school.
Yeah, I think also, too, like you see a lot of these shows that have tried to reboot. There's been so many lately. It's almost like trendy right now to reboot an old show. Right. And most of them have failed. And if they haven't failed, they're not that great.
A lot of the really nice praise and press the show got was saying, like, gee whiz, this isn't this is not only is it not bad, it's very good. Like it. They all open with the same thing of like we thought a reboot would be bad because so many of them are, you know, that's just the way it goes sometimes. And it stands on its own. It stands on its own like it's not it could actually be a show that's not a reboot.
Like you could actually watch the show and have never watched the original. Right. Never watch the original and completely love, which is actually, I say my husband, who's never watched the original, and he watched the first episode and he was like, holy crap, this is really funny. This is really good.
Was that what you put out to the universe you were looking for in a man, someone who had never seen, say, by the bell?
That's I don't I didn't I didn't think so.
But maybe maybe subconsciously I did. Who knows? He has never watched anything I've done.
Catriona had never watched a single episode of Saved by the Bell either. That's my wife, by the way.
I think I use context clues. Well, wonderful. I'm glad I'm glad you guys aren't saying how terrible the reboot is. That would really hurt my feelings and make me sad. So thank you. And I'm glad you enjoyed working on it. And I hope we get to make more of that show sometime soon. But let's talk about the show. And we're in Kelly's room and Zack and Slater bust in and kind of reigniting their rivalry over Kelly from that we had all through season one.
And they are demanding she choose who to take to prom. You know, that romantic gesture everyone has done at one point in their life? Definitely the actors had to fill out interest cards for the producers. Like a like I know Mark palp a dirt bike racing and Mario put dancing and wrestling and everything under the sun. It it feels like maybe you get based on Kelly's room, it her interests are everything. And I'm wondering if that did you like, tell the producers you're into skiing and tennis and skateboarding and basketball and baseball because or did you give them nothing?
I must have given them nothing because none of those things. Things that I was into at all, you weren't into Tony Hawk in 1990. I mean, he's cute and all, but Greg Lemond, the cyclist. Yeah, that's so funny. I don't remember filling out a card.
I mean, it must have. Yeah. Maybe you just were like, I'm going to get lunch. You guys go bananas with the room. I trust you, your creative's. And they they really threw everything at the literally at the wall Kellie's. We've talked about Kelly's room, her extensively in this and your interests are wide spanning for sure. Well, it's funny too, because I remember briefly that, you know, she comes from a huge family and I remember that, you know, always that they didn't have a lot of money.
So that's why my room wasn't going to look so pretty like it was it was more like, you know, just stuff thrown on the wall, literally. Yeah.
I mean, of course, they had no money. They spent the entire food budget for the year on posters to line. Kelly's room was also returning to a theme that was very prevalent in season one of Kelly being indecisive. She cannot make up her mind. And Tiffany, I'm wondering if you as a person, would you would you categorize yourself as indecisive?
No, I'm completely the opposite. I am so type A and I'm all about making decisions and getting getting things done and, you know, checking him off the list so I could not be more opposite of that.
Hey, do you remember the audition process of the show? Do you remember everybody? You do?
Well, I remember because it's you know, I hadn't done much work before then, if you like. Truly, this is one of the biggest things that I got. I had done a couple little guest stars beforehand, but that was it.
Like this was my first big sort of gig, which is you can tell I was really bad, you know, like I remember certain jokes and I remember Don going, OK, let's try that again. Like that one joke that we had that I had about, you know, wanting my mommy, remember, like like literally it was such a hard joke for me. I don't know why, but I remember I remember that joke being hard for me.
It's the weirdest thing. I know. But but I remember the audition process. I remember that it was a lot of a lot of girls in the room. I remember being very nervous. I remember getting scale down. I kept getting called back. And, you know, at the very end it was me, Elizabeth and Jennie Garth.
Oh, wow. For Kelly. Wow. Yeah. How crazy is that?
If I have the story correctly, they they I mean, they clearly picked you and Elizabeth, but they kind of created the Elizabeth character based on they they pulled the Elizabeth Jesse character excuse me, out of Elizabeth's personality. And she didn't quite fit the Calica Polski they had in her head. Yeah.
Suppose I don't know truly how it worked with her, but I do know that she tested for Kelly and that she must have done such an amazing job. And they loved her just as much that they created a whole new character for her.
Yeah. And that brings us to a fuzzy pink fantasy sequence where Kelly is wrestling with who to pick. She's using her dream, dreaming of Screech as Heraldo in a very fun Haraldur parody at the max. I love that. I love we've talked a lot about seeing him in costumes and his impression work. It's it's a lot of fun.
I mean, I watch it re watching the show. I never realized how good Dustin was at doing impressions.
He was always good, remember, he was always doing voices all the time. I don't remember that. You don't? Not really. Yeah, I do.
He was always during those crazy voices.
He was always trying to like, definitely make a scene, you know, like he was definitely one of those kids that, you know, was in the right field because he was an actor. Like, he wanted attention. He was always doing like tons of crazy, funny stuff all the time. Yeah.
He kind of craved attention. He loved to make people laugh. He wanted to always be like the center of things. You know, he was younger than us. And that's why he had such a hard time fitting in with us. And there was like this sort of divide between the older kids and him, you know, because back then he was thirteen. We were sixteen. That's a big gap. Yeah. Do the math. Fourteen, seventeen.
So at all times he kind of felt like the outsider. Yeah, totally.
I mean, I sometimes forget that he was that much younger, but then I then I go back and I actually look at it. I'm like, you can see how much younger he is to even looking at him.
And, you know, like now, you know, my wife and I, I think there's a four to five year gap. It's not a big deal in her 30s and 40s. It's not a big deal. But when you're in your teens, three years, two years, even one year, it's like a huge gap. It's and that's exactly what he felt back then. You know, I always felt like we weren't including to him. And it's like, yeah, a little kid.
Go, go, go play with your toys kind of thing. Yeah.
Which I'm sure probably just even more so. Probably pushed him to try to be bigger and funnier and like try to get the attention from us and everybody else.
I just want to point out what's up with Slater getting the the the audience reaction. I mean, he walks into he got a bit of a reaction in the last one about the gladiator thing, and now he's getting another one as he's walking in. You know, interesting.
I would. Do you remember, though, I mean, you definitely remember the audience, right, being a part of the show.
Huge. I mean. Right, I think. I want to say that I remember as the seasons went on and we started actually touring, all of us toured a little bit in the US, but then we started going overseas when the seasons went on and on, those audiences got bigger and louder as the seasons went on, for sure.
And I always feel like there were some that were Prozac or pro Kelly or pro Slater.
You know, there was like, oh, this is your audience tonight, but you can't do any wrong with this audience. This was definitely in this particular episode, which is a shame because it's about you and I. But this was a pro Slater audience. Stachel I'm just going to point it out every time, like Slater can't do any wrong in this episode.
Well, people people I think we're we're definitely always voting for Zack and Kelly, no matter what, like as much as they love. But they loved what they were already building between Slater and Jesse. Right.
So I think it was he he was playing the underdog, even though he wasn't really at it. Does that make sense? Sort of.
You know, so like the underdog, always half the time gets more attention. Right.
But I want to point out, too, that's probably the biggest outfit that was non fitting to Mario and that he ever wore. Like, did you notice that? I'm like, where's his waist? I can't see his shoulders. Like, I'm not used to seeing something so like big and blousy on him. I was shocked.
It's like a big zoot suit. I know it's Kelly's fantasy.
I mean, that's what she was into it. But I just want to add that that maybe maybe the reason he got more of a reaction is Mark Paul. Zak, Zach's character came in and like turned around. Slater came in and did a dance. So, like, you want the crowd to get pumped up, you got to do something. You got to give them something.
Hey, do I need to remind you I was the blonde Tom Cruise. I should be getting these.
You need to. Yeah, that's correct. It's silly that I to have to dance and stoop to that level.
How dare you. Right. When is Tom Cruise ever danced? And then, you know, it's really sweet that in this fantasy Kelly fantasizes about like overhearing Zach loving her. It's a very when we talk about why fans love Zach and Kelly and why this has been like a time tested TV relationship, it's like there seems to be a real core of like this really fantastical.
True love is sweet. It's very sweet. It's sweet. I agree. And that brings us into the halls where. Yeah, Kelly, Kelly breaks the news. You get a Slater the the slow let down similar to on Bachelorette or Bachelor, whether you like say something nice to the person you're dumping before you pick the one you actually like, which I thought was very, you know, very thoughtful of Kelly. She's sweet. You know, she tries my ball.
What do you think about how Zach handles it? I really don't remember that scene. You know, it's funny. I see my son a lot and I well, my son is sixteen, so we're almost the same age, I guess. And I hear I hear my son's voice in in good old Zach there. So it's it's kind of fun for me to watch. I'm very happy with my hair in this episode.
And by the way, we haven't even checked in yet. Tiffany, if you have been listening to sixteen whole episodes of his podcast, we spend most of it talking about Marc Paul's hair when he was a child and and how it has evolved with the show.
Well, also his body, too. This is when you started, like, really starting to work out.
I had to catch up to to tomorrow there. You know, you could see I notice these things with our with our mannerisms, like our handshake. It was it's very like aggressive. There's a lot of, like, tension behind it.
There's a lot of masculinity behind behind it, you know, is it's just there's stuff there you're nodding your head to because you noticed because of course, because I witnessed it, I was on the other side and I totally saw the very like testosterone hormonal like, you know, sort of two guys that were at the same age and they're, you know, becoming popular on a huge TV show, but very different at the same time, you know. Yeah, I saw we all witnessed it.
There was less of it with the girls, but it was definitely there, by the way, between the girls.
Definitely had it. Oh, absolutely. I just think it manifested differently, like, ah, ours was more about how we dressed and like the insecurity is of like my skirt got to be shorter than Elizabeth's skirt or something like stupid like that, you know what I mean, where she was maybe feeling less feminine and what she was wearing, you know, but you guys, it was definitely much more of a almost old school macho, just about like guys being big and strong.
And, you know, just like I don't know, it was kind of funny. Like you again, you guys got along really well. But at the same time, there was definitely that sort of like inner competition almost with yourself. I think that's normal. When you're in your teen years.
Did you have any input on your wardrobe? Were you happy with your wardrobe? I was never unhappy. I was I got to be the girl that got to be dressed pretty hip and, you know, cute and all those things. I never had an issue, but I also did. Have a character that was was anything but like what every popular girl was supposed to be wearing at that moment. I know Elizabeth Elizabeth had a harder time just because she was playing a character that was very different from her.
Yeah, yeah.
She talked about it. Kelly's wardrobe is like still in style, like, I think like a lot of like the Kelly Karpovsky outfits of that day or like you could easily see now.
Oh, so much of it is back in. I mean so much of it and a slightly different way, but still still very much it. I mean I look at that and granted my is still a lot younger, but I see my daughter very much like on that path, you know. How about your hair? The hair. My gosh, the bangs. I would figure like season one was a lot bigger and the hair was bigger and then it started to become a little straighter.
But still the big bangs and then the bangs started to calm down a little bit, too. Do you remember?
Yeah, but I was like for me, I was kind of in control of my hair. And there there there are times where I felt I didn't have any friends because you guys never told me that my hair looked like shit.
I didn't think it looked like crap with. Really. Oh, my God. Episode 13, 12. I mean, I had like this cotton candy floating like rats nest up front. It looked like a visor.
I think the only one I would have said if I felt more confident in talking about it was Mario's air. It wasn't yours. But so I was in control of that, though. So I you know, I, I, I did my hair for most of the show. Did you do your hair were like were you in control of how you looked?
I remember touching up certain things, you know, and probably doing more of like the final touch on my bangs because that was such a huge thing. But I remember sitting in the chair and getting my makeup done and, you know, getting my hair blown out and all that. You know, I think I may have just touched it at the very end to kind of do whatever it was.
At the very end, Martha was executive producing his own hair. My of your holiday season is rapidly approaching, and I was wondering if you had any ideas for what the listeners could maybe get the kids in their lives. Listen, I'm trying to keep my head above water. I don't know if you realize this, but I have four kids.
It's hard to shop for four kids. Here's a company that I'm so glad as a sponsor of ours, because one of the most difficult things to do is to give your kid an activity without shoving a screen in their face. And I'm talking about Kiwako. They're basically these projects, these crafts that come in these boxes, they call them crates. I have one in my hand right here. Look at this. This is called Exploring Stars, and you will build a spinning model of the earth, moon and sun and create a constellation lantern.
How cool is that? That sounds pretty cool. It sounds like a fun way for kids. And I mean, honestly, the kid in you as an adult is as I'm certainly an adult who would enjoy that that activity as well. So cool that it does involve a screen. And it seems like it's about learning and having fun and seems like a great gift. Yeah, this is another one that I'm old and it's called a light up wire art.
And basically what you're going to do is you're going to use electro luminescent wires and circuits and you're going to make electro luminescent artworks. I don't think I can say electro luminescent any more times. I think you said it just the right amount of times. I think I said it correctly, too, which is pretty amazing.
But this is a really cool company. Cutco comes with everything in the box to make these really cool crafts and projects that you can do with your your kids.
They could do it on their own or, you know, at the parents. If you want, you can do them. What a great year to start a new holiday tradition with Kiwako. There's no commitment. You can pause or cancel any time and with different grades for kids of all ages, there's something for every kid on your list. Kiwako is redefining learning with hands on projects that build confidence, creativity and critical thinking skills. There is something for every kid or kid at heart, Akihiko.
So get 50 percent off your first month plus free shipping on any crate line with code. Zac M Zac M at Cutco Dotcom.
That's 50 percent off your first month at Kaixi WIC Dotcom Promo Code Zackham. And we get a brutal scene when in Kelly's room where her dad explains he just lost his job and Kelly gives him her prom money to keep their family of eight afloat. I am to start this off. Your dad is a real asshole, by the way.
I mean, seriously, this guy is a real Shipherd. I'm sorry.
In real life, though, he was actually such a wonderful actor and so sweet. I loved him so much. He actually reminded me of my real dad.
I remember like, he had the brightest blue eyes and I was like, so captivated by him, but, oh, I guess he's an asshole because he took my money. Oh, my God.
I mean, who does this? That's what I was going to say. Like, how much is a prom dress back then? Right. A couple hundred bucks probably because now they're like thousands of dollars. So say it was like, what, three hundred dollars. Like what is that going to do. I get some food on the table for a week.
I don't know. Let's back this up. How many kids are in this family? There's eight total. OK, this guy works at a defense plant, right? He's living in the Palisades. He doesn't have enough money. He's going to take it away from one of his daughters. I mean, this guy's a real asshole. He has golf clubs. Can he just go sell those? Yeah, he can sell a lot of shit. Yeah.
So I guess the question I have for Martha and for you, Tiffany, you're both parents now. How realistic does that one feel to you? That parent would take their child's prom money?
Not very realistic. I mean, Tiffany could attest to this. I mean, there's ups and downs as actors. I mean, you know, it's like sometimes you're doing really good and then sometimes you're doing really not bad. But things are tight. There's never there's no chance that I'm going to go to my kids and take their their their money that they get out of their draw. I mean, that was a very sad scene for me.
Well, it kind of reminds me of like something like my six year old would like if I had a six year old or a seven year old who who would think that those couple of hundred dollars would make that big of a difference, you know what I mean? So it actually felt a little immature of my age to be doing that. But I know they were trying to I mean, look, it's all part of the story. And it and it actually it pays off in the end when you actually do what you do.
And, you know, of course, shows how wonderful and sweet you are as a character. So, I mean, there's a reason, but.
Well, wonderful. It is what it is. Wonderful and sweet. You say it's the first time I ever lied to my father. And, you know, it's like, really, you're 16, you're 16.
You never lied. Your dad. You deserve a award. That's amazing.
It's also like, again, when we talk about why, you know, fans have have latched on to Kelly Karpovsky as a character for so many years. She's like the epitome of wholesome in so many ways where she had to trade her own happiness for world peace. That's like the biggest, like, card to throw down on the table. I kind of love it, though. It's like the most extreme example you could think of that she's she can't go to dances because World Peace is happening.
I used to remember Peter and Don both telling me that that, you know, the most popular girl in a lot of TV shows and movies were always not nice and that they were always kind of a bitch. And and they wanted to not portray that. They wanted to portray Kelly as the complete opposite, which I thought was sweet.
And Kelly's heroes bring us into Act two. We are in the halls of Bayside and Kelly tells her friends, but she cannot bring herself to tell Zach because Zach burst in to announce he already splurged on a limousine and not just any limousine. It has a CD player and also a TV, which was like the height of luxury and technology at the time. Yeah, I remember those days, man. We would, you know, we we would get limo around and if it had a TV in it or better yet, alcohol, I mean score.
I think also those were that's when the cell phones in the car, like they were portable, but they were huge. But you can actually stick them in your car.
I remember that two car phones that that lived in the car. Yes.
Or that you could carry it. Mine, actually, you could take out of my my sports car. I do remember that it was the size of my purse.
Then they got smaller, but they still like clicked in. But yeah, there's like there's like an intermediate phase of like phones being in the car and out of the car.
What was your first car to you're going to remember this. So my very first car that I bought was A to Z. I want to say TI top I think, but it was a stick shift and I could not learn how to drive it.
So then my dad, my dad sold it and then I got do you remember this. I got a black Honda Prelude because of you.
Huh. You don't remember any of this.
I had a black on black Honda Prelude.
No, you don't remember this. He sold you a car and he doesn't remember. No, no, no, no, no, no. He he had one Honda. My my mom had one Honda drove it. He drove he drove it all the time, probably illegally because I didn't have my license.
But yeah, I drove the car a lot. I got my license before you and I used to actually come to Valencia. I pick you. That's right. Yeah. Because that was like that was like if you had a car, I mean, you were like you were king. I got my license later, but I did drive a lot sooner. I'm sure you did. Did I drive with you? Did I drive? Did I would you drive me or would I drive?
Like, would you come pick me up and then I would drive your car? Probably.
I mean, knowing me, I probably let you do anything.
So to be clear, though, you you picked Mark Paul up from Valencia, because for our non Los Angeles listeners, that is like the most true friendship, like, oh, talk about friends, family, guy, friends with the way Valencia even better.
Do you know where I came from? Yeah. Check this out. Well, I was still living at home and I was living in Long Beach. Oh, my God. Long Beach to Valencia. Yeah, that's like. Yeah, that's terrible. That's the worst thing. Well, this is just for us Southern California folks. But that is honestly, hell, I cannot believe you had to do that.
I, I mean, I literally drove from Long Beach to Burbank Studios all the time until I finally moved.
That was where a job was for a job. Yes. But Mark Polan, I mean, we became good friends. I mean, like we literally were like brother and sister. Like, he was like we hung out a lot.
And we're in Belding's office for the, you know, prom planning committee. And we get some of Jesse and Slaters dynamic emerging, you know, like, hey, mama and Macho Pig. And we had Allen, who's back one of our favorite other students who goes to Bayside. We learned Bennett Tramer told us Allen was one of his favorites to Marple. We got some some fat jokes here that just would not would knock it off the ground in twenty twenty.
And that's not a joke. That's that's a joke. Yeah. No, I got that. Yeah. That was in my notes as well.
I mean Zach is trash to Allen in this. You should do a web series.
I see what you did that I think that's what you need in your career as a podcast and a website. Yeah. Yeah. No it's not, it's not great. It's not it's kind of a bummer. But, you know, he handles it well. And Allen is like we do talk about the other background students. There's also Robert who has a great joke at the end of the scene. This rewash has made me appreciate the other kids at Bayside a lot more.
It really has. I there are some real standouts here. Allen, Robert definitely among them. Well Robert is is my spirit animal of twenty twenty. I mean he's got that dude is, is rocking the hair and the, just the whole vibe. I'm, I'm all about Robert in twenty twenty. Alan by the way is played by Deon Zamora. And Deon you talked about Bennet Tramer that he was one of the favorites. I did a deep dive into Deon and Deon was in a movie called Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
And I had a lot of time on my hands today. I really did.
But Deon was in a movie called Lake Lake Cucamonga, and Lake Cucamonga was written by Bennett Tramer. Also, it starred Breckin Meyer. Whoa, no way. Look at that. It had actually a lot of it had a lot of, you know, actors from our time. Jaleel White was in it. Oh, my God. Candace Cameron Berry. John, actually, I know I remember this film.
I actually think I remember this film I might have actually auditioned for. I think we all did. I think we all did. And I was like actually kind of pissed that I wasn't in it. I was like, wait, Bennet Tramer wrote it and we weren't in it. Well, fuck you. Was it pretty saved by the bell now was nineteen ninety. So you know what. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You do the math there Daniel.
Tiffany and I weren't in it so you know, I hope it failed.
Well, it's worth noting we briefly touched on the reboot here. But but Breckin Meyer is now canon saved by the bell. There's a Franklin and Bash joke like MINUT one of the reboot. So now Brechin is officially in the the believers, I suppose, forever. Welcome, Brechin.
It was kind of cool to see, you know, during this scene. One of my favorite parts is while I'm cracking jokes on Allen's behalf, Laerke cannot keep it together. Just watch Laken this. I want to watch and watch her face as I'm cracking this. I just love watching people about to break Léger.
I love that.
I also find it funny, too. Alan is like it's not like he's overweight. Like, no, he's not that there's like these fat jokes that really to me, I'm looking at him like he's not fat. Yeah.
Like Robert might even be huskier than out. Let's call a spade a spade here like Allen is, you know. Yeah, I like that. Dennis made a joke and then he laughed at it and then like coughed it off. I thought that was a really fun delivery on on Nelson Mandela. A joke that a roomful of children are probably not going to laugh at anyways.
No, I feel like that Dennis Haskins set up plays a lot in a lot of his scenes like that sort of laugh and then laughs it off like that whole kind of back and forth. I think he does it quite often, if I remember right.
Yeah, you certainly do. And we're in the gym. I think it's the gym. It's somewhere on base. I might as well be the gym for prom assembly. The theme is Evening Under the Stars. And we already know kind of how this. So ends I didn't I have never picked up on that until right now that the prom theme is evening under the stars and it's going to end with a little outdoor picnic. I thought that was a I thought that was cool.
Didn't never picked up on that before. I don't think I did either. Yeah, I'm sure you didn't pick up on that, Tiffany, when you were around. All right. Hey, look, guys, writers have to go to a room. They have to write the words. And it's look, I thought it was cool, whatever. And Jesse and Slater advanced their relationship. So this is an episode of relationship advancements. And Slater kind of dances around Jesse because they've been fighting over what music to play.
And he very coolly asks her, you know, hey, do you have a date kind of thing? You know, we've all another classic high school thing and they go to prom together and they're it just like Zack and Kelly's relationship is a, you know, taking off. I don't know what I take off stuff is all over this episode. It so so is Jesse and Slaters, and that's fun.
Do you remember watching that scene, though? And I remember like how they started dancing. It was very like that sort of dance was so in back then, the way they actually moved around each other. Do you remember that?
Where would you watch while. Because I remember we'd have to change or something. Where where would you watch this? Sometimes.
Sometimes they would shoot it. Remember, we would shoot most of the time we pre shot the entire episode in the morning and then we'd shoot it again for the audience that night where nowadays they don't generally do that.
But we actually shot two shows fully morning without an audience, afternoon or night with an audience.
So who knows?
Well, I just remember both of these scenes because I also remember the movie scene and I remember how hilariously funny both of those, you know, both Mark and Dustin were in that movie theater scene.
I remember how funny they were while the movie theater scene, which we're coming up to now, I remember watching these. That was clearly a pretape because those seats are where our live audience said, no way. Those are the seats.
And look at that's that's not a movie theater. Yeah. So they shot they shot that in the morning without the audience. That is a fun little fact. Oh, my goodness. That is that is so funny. You guys are sitting with your audience. It's I love it. Yeah. Before we get out of the gym, though, worth noting that song Jessie and Slater are dancing to, that is that is more work from Scottsdale because you guys were not paying for the Paula Abdul or Janet Jackson songs they were referencing.
And Jesse says, I'll pick you up at seven more Jessie Spano like feminist empowerment stuff. It's really cool to say. And that brings us into the movie theater. It is. It is date night. And yes, Lisa did agree to a date with Scrooged, but she also brought every single person she knows on the planet to this theater, which is the rest of her friends. Also, the number one movie at the time this weekend would have been Ghost.
So you guys are watching a zombie movie in this. But those real life, your kids probably you probably have seen Ghost already been out for months.
You know, it's interesting that we have the same people at Bayside in the theater with us.
Yeah, the the background is basically the same. It's all that's all they could afford.
Yeah. No one thought to put them in different t shirts or anything. And why would you one of the Bayside locker room for a little scene here between Zach and Slater, where, you know, Zach just can't understand why Kelly mysteriously canceled on him and dumped him. And Slater explains the the real reason that, you know, she was doing it to that, I don't know, to help her family buy one more meal for eight. But yet she later explains what's going on.
Hey, Slater, nice gym bag. How long did that take you? Is that you up all night now? I was. Did you leave the Thanksgiving table early to go, right? That I did. I mean, look at that thing.
Are you actually noticing the gym bag? Because I can't not notice his bulging biceps to whatever whatever. So the guy can. Yeah, they're bigger than his head. So the guy like, you know, works out a little bit. He drums, he dances, he wrestles whatever, guys.
So what. Yeah. You see him over it. You don't seem upset at all anymore. It's, it's a healthy place to be as an adult. You see me. That's good. You see me punch the locker in this scene by the way.
Really hard that you know that's something. No, Paul, Saved by the Bell is a show that certainly dealt with addiction, but there's one addiction saved by the bell, never tackled, and that's addiction to cell phone games, which is a delightfully fun addiction.
I think you're referring to one of our sponsors called Best Fiends, Best Friends. You are one hundred percent correct. Best Friends is a free to download phone game, a match three, a casual puzzle game. If you're in the know with those kind of terms and I got to play with it, I was playing some best friends before bed and then again in bed during that start of the daytime when you're just about to accidentally drop your phone on your face.
And it's delightful. It's a it's a fun break. Quite enjoyed it. Yeah. You're not alone because it has one hundred million downloads. Yeah.
Once you download best feeds you won't be able to put it down. So get used to telling yourself just one more level. Are you obsessed with the game now. Have I lost you to best. Yeah. I mean I might, I might have to disappear and go to like best friends rehab where they just slowly wean you off the fiends. I just want to remind everybody that it's best fiends, not best friends. So it's best fiends know our download best fans free today on the Apple App Store or Google Play.
That's Friends without the ah, best fiends. And that takes us right into Kelly's room, where her dad comes in looking like he works at the Malibu Sands Beach Club. Let's get a look at his outfit. It is literally your uniform at the Malibu Sands.
Oh, my gosh, it is. And you know, Kelly, first of all, Kelly's dad realizes that she lied to him and I guess their relationship will be changed forever. But then Zack shows up to to save the day with a a really kind and thoughtful romantic gesture. Can I just point out because we're you know you know how I feel about Kelly's dad. You know, my future father in law, by the way.
But he seems Kelly seems a little jumpy around her father. And then, you know, his tone when he says, you lied to me.
It's a bit controlling you.
I mean, last time last time he was in the room, he basically robbed her. So I can understand her concern that he's in the vicinity.
Did you have any of those feelings while you were shooting those scenes? I mean, did you ever think about that while you were doing that? No, no.
I truly remembered how lovely he was and sweet. And I was captivated on how beautiful his eyes were. Sorry. That's me being a teenager and probably having my own hormones.
Oh, wow. All right. No good.
Look, this is this is I mean, you knew I had a thing for older men. Come on. So maybe. I don't know.
I did. You do what? I have no idea what you're talking about now.
I don't remember you, doesn't it?
I was dating that dancer. Oh, that guy that. Yeah.
So that right. That's right. On forget about those things. I honestly I forget about so much depth. That's why we have a podcast. I mean it's honest. I don't remember any of this.
I mean it's somewhere deep in the back somewhere and it gets brought up like when you brought that up. But honestly, I it's just not something that is at the front of my lobe now as a kid, say, believe me, it's not at the front of my lobe either.
I mean, I'm literally watching that scene and remembering that guy.
And then it brings me back, you know, but I think we've talked about this like my my memories of that entire show are outside set. Yeah. It's stuff that you and I did. It's our travels going to Europe. It's, you know, doing things besides being on set.
That's true of mine, too. My my my memories are of my friends and Valencia that I went to school with my my friend Derek, who was across the street from me. Hello, Derek. If you're out there, he's not listening to the show. But but I remember Derek and Nick, you know, these guys that I hung out with. And those are the things, the antics that we would get into. I remember those vividly, but what we did on set, we talked about this.
I think one of the reasons we don't remember is because it was work for us and people. I don't I mean, I would imagine that people who aren't in the industry don't remember scenarios at work all the time. And that's why when it's so interesting, when fans come up to us and go, do you remember? And I truly do not.
I totally agree with you. That's why I say like it's the stuff outside that I remember more. Oh, yeah. That had a bigger impact. US us traveling was huge for me, like huge from huge.
And I think our trip to Paris. Exactly.
Those things have such a bigger impact in my life and my brain and my heart and all those things. And I mean I think if any, if, if the seasons if I had to pick one that really had a bigger impact, I think we both agreed on this one as well as those beach episodes, because we were outside of our normal everyday set and it was different. And we were you know, we were at the beach, you know, like it was it was just a different sort of feel of our show.
And that also I remember a little bit more of that.
And we're back in the smallest gym in America for besides from Allen is in a a ravishing blue tuxedo. And Mr. Belding looks like James Bond. That is good costume work. There's also a student in sunglasses who appears to be on drugs, dancing in the background. Haven't quite figured that one out, but I guess I guess they thought that was like a cool look at the time. Yeah, that is a kind of interesting thing. I don't I don't remember any of the background, you know, because of the background artists.
They were all substantially older than us. We've we've interviewed the twins and a few of the other background artists. And I don't I mean, do you think he was on do you think he was on something like. I don't I just meant like I just felt like if someone put it this way, I did have a typical high school experience. If someone showed up to a dance like that with shades on, I would be like, oh, there they are high out of their mind and think this is helping when it's doing the opposite would be my assessment.
What I was saying.
I don't remember anything like that ever going on behind the scenes. Like, you know, some of the the extras were maybe, you know, taking nips off a flask or anything like it was a very. Professionals said it was a very clean set, very positive, although all the dirty stuff was offset. Yeah, it sounds like Peter wouldn't let anyone fly. From what I understand about Peter Angle, that all the dirty should happen when we went to the barracks after the show.
Yeah, that in ah, what was it, the last episode of the college year or was it the it was the last episode.
Like what happened on that. Yeah. We'll talk about that next. Oh my God. We're going to get all the way to the colleges anyway. That we're going to have all the way to the colleges. You remember the last episode of the college, you know. Boy, that's a that's. I'll text you later. I remember there was an incident where I was I was high for one episode. Was that during the college years? That's it.
Oh, that was awesome. You and I were high. Oh, yes. Yeah. I don't remember again. Do you remember?
We have to talk about this when we finally get to know. You do go to that episode.
But I, I've said the story literally like a very few people.
But it's that's another that's one of the only other vivid ones on set that I remember having, because I remember we both took a hit.
We were like, it's lost show.
What are they going to do, fire us? You know, Mark, Paul and I, again, like we were like super close. Like, we were like friends, you know, like really good friends.
And and so we both and, you know, I was not a neither one of us were pot smokers at all. So we were like, I can't even remember who we got it from. But I remember taking one hit. And I think you have the same. And that very first scene, we you were talking super fast and going through your lines so fast.
And I was like looking at you and I was like, oh my God, am I talking that I'm thinking myself in my head?
And and then I started talking really slow and thinking that I was talking really fast.
And I remember Don literally up in his booth. Cut walked down out of the booth, do you not remember this now, sitting us on the couch and going, what the fuck are you guys doing?
Wow. Oh, really? Wow. That's I guess you don't remember this now. Yeah. He goes shit together.
He's like, I know you can. Come on, let's go. Wow. No, I remember getting high one time in my whole career and that was then. But I never realized that that was the final episode, final episode of Saved by the Bell College Years.
And we were literally the two of us. I remember us saying it was either in your room or my room. I can't remember. We were like, you can't fire us.
Wow. Yeah. You know, I always remembered hearing actors getting high on things and always sort of moving that like, well, how do they do that? Because I could never do that. And I think that that was a one and done for me. And I've never been a pot smoker since.
Like, I actually it's not my thing at all, but it's such a again, a very vivid memory of mine with you on that very last episode.
So when we finally get to that college years, will we can. We can.
Oh, I can't wait to wait. That that. Yeah, I think I know what I'm doing tonight right after this is done and we get in the the crime scene. Screech is like being a real jerk to Lisa, which is a funny thing because he's about to pursue her endlessly until the end of time and ends Slater and Jesse just tearing it up on the dance floor like some real who knows where this relationship is going. Kind of an energy.
It's fun, isn't it?
Also kind of nice to see the role reversal, though, of Dustin kind of doing what Mark's been doing. Yeah. To him this whole entire time. So actually, it was kind of fun to see that he was like, I you know what, I can I can dishes what you've been doing.
I've been auditioning you what you've been doing to me for for so long. Right.
Yeah. Well, you'll continue doing to me the second I leave this deejay booth until we graduate high school and I stay here for another six years. And Zach brings Kelly. This brings to the parking lot, I think, of Bayside or the exterior, at least any you know, you set up a nice little picnic table with that sign from the planning committee. I love that it is a sign that pays off later. It's like, oh, what a sweet thing this is.
This is like the nicest thing in the world for a high school for a boy in high school is this is like Hall of Fame stuff. What I think I think you also saw Zach all the time, always cracking jokes, always like generally making fun of people or, you know, like being kind of the wise the wise ass of the group kind of and to see him sort of be grounded and sweet and have a lot of heart was a big deal.
And it paid off. Yeah. I mean, he did get the school to pay for his fancy sign. So like that at that sign is printed on reflective paper with multiple colors. You know, he saved a couple of bucks. He still did a little and can't help it.
Tough. Do you remember if this scene was prerecorded for the audience or did we actually do this for the audience?
I think, again, I want to say it was probably both, because I remember I thought any time that we kissed on the show and this one was definitely the first one.
The audience went crazy, right?
Yeah, I was a little I was a little disappointed by the reaction from the audience here because it wasn't as big as I wanted, given it our first kiss.
I think that was a choice. I think they I agree. I think they kept it so it wouldn't be like a salacious it was I think it was a choice for it to be sweeter than a like one kind of thing that the kisses usually got now. Well, I could have used a little bit more. You needed more. The kiss wasn't enough. Okay. All right. D.J. Scrooge is going to play one last song, and Zach and Kelly get to dance outside by by candlelight.
It is really funny, like, will you dance with me? It'd be devastating to get a no to that question. In this scenario.
I'm just looking at the the body language between us and I just say, well, we look awkward. I mean, I'm not really like pulling you in and it just feels I don't know what were we awkward towards each other at this point?
Like, I feel like there was definitely I don't know if it was nervousness or like we were we were becoming close because I do remember that we were becoming very friendly and like hanging out. But I couldn't remember. I was trying to remember if I had a boyfriend then, because I feel like that might have been the reason why we had a little bit of a. Sort of separation, you know, where we did want to take it too far, even though I know I probably would have.
Oh, that's right. Yes, I do remember that. Like, your boyfriend would actually watch because he was older, he would come to set and watch this stuff.
Yeah, sometimes he was there all the time, but. Yeah, but he's probably there for this.
He might have been. I don't remember him being there for that. I don't remember him being there for that.
But I think it was more just the essence of knowing that I you know, I don't know, I don't know. But that's what I remember sort of I don't know for sure. But but I do remember because I we were hanging out a lot and we were becoming super friendly and close and hanging out and stuff. But I remember I think I had a boyfriend. I think I was dating Eddie at the time.
And it's the it's the it's the kiss heard round the world on Saturday morning. And just like Jesse and Slaters relationship has escalated in this episode now now you guys are an item. And I read that in writing season two, the writers wanted to pair you guys up. They they knew that this is the way things we need to go. And as soon as you were paired up, they knew, well, shit, we got to rip them apart sooner or later.
Kazak is just more fun when he's scheming, so enjoy it while it lasts and then it'll last again some more later.
Yeah, it was definitely a lot of up and down from him having older women coming around and I older Halterman.
Yeah that's that's classic high school. Yep. And that's the episode.
Tiffany, thank you so much for joining us. I know I really appreciate it. As a longtime fan of the show, but also as a podcast host is just sick of talking to more. Paul, it's good to have another another friendly voice and face. So thank you.
That means a lot for you to be here as well. Thanks for having me. Yeah, it's been a long time coming. I know. And nice to go down a little bit of a memory lane.
It really was. And I died. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us and have some fun with us. And hopefully this won't be the last time that you do this. And Will we'll try to find another episode that that is heavy, Zac and Kelly, and we'll have some more fun, possibly have some more drinks.
You never have to twist my arm with a late night drinking.
So and just before we get out of here, we have homework, of course, for next week for a ball and listeners at home. Zwar, it is the second episode of season two. Martha, you want to take a shot in the dark about what this might be about Zach's war? Yeah. Yeah, saved by the bell. Covered a lot of things, including war. No, I mean, obviously, I'm not. It's that do I is.
Oh, my God.
I'm so flustered by these these titles. Sorry. I mean, I don't mean to take you take it. Is it does it have anything to do with boot camp. Yes. I remember there was an episode. Oh yeah. That was it does. It does. Yeah. Oh yeah. I remember there was an episode if you remember it right where we kind of like did some thing with like say oh yeah.
It's like you don't even have to watch it. Oh yeah. What's going on it. But, but here's the thing. I do remember it because I went to a Marine military academy. We talked about this in previous episodes. I went to a Marine military academy when I was 13 or 14. And I remember taking it very seriously during this next episode, like the movements that we had to do in the marching and stuff. And it was like, you know, I'm sure I was pretty annoying because it was like a mcpaul.
It's just a TV show.
No one gives a shit. Can't wait. Thank you, Tiffany again. Thank you, Martha. Oh, thank you, the listener, for listening. We will see you next week. Zach to the Future is a production of Cames Thirteen. It's executive produced by Paul Goslar, myself and Chris Kaufman Production and direction led by Terrence Mangan editing a mastering by Andy Jesuit's. Engineering and Production Coordination by Sean Cherry. Artwork by Kurt Courtney with illustrations by Jeff MacCarthy.
Marketing is led by Joseph Francis with PR by Hillary Shoup. Thanks to the whole team at age 13 and to you for listening.