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OK, season two. All right, all right, we good, OK. You know, Mariah, your audio. Good. I don't know how to do audio anymore. I got fired. I got let go this season. But as long as you're in a seat, I think we're good.


I can't tell if I got fired or if I got promoted. That's a good way to look at it. It's.


I think it's I think it's promotion because you don't have to do any of the legwork like you're now part of the show association. No more jackass.


Oh, that's good range, because I'm having you guys here every week.


I hear what the people are going to hear. It's so awkward. Are you going to be OK?


What do you mean? I have to have a real conversation. Like, listen, you guys normally. Right, if we get. So you want to switch it up real quick, we switch chairs on down, you know, anything.


We literally sat in this two times. Don't take our chairs away. I know, guys, by the way, you're going to hear a little bit of creaking from mine where you try to put a little WD 40. It did not work. And that's what you get for my you shit on offer up on the budget.


Guys, before we continue, we want to talk about our set right now, because this is the biggest change of all of our body, our entire lifestyle.


We never idriess. Unbelievable.


But let's get let's get into season two. Maybe you guys. Yeah. Oh, my God. Are we doing ba da da da da da da. Oh, yeah. Oh, please.


Oh, baby, let's do that one more time. You're ready for season two. Baby, baby, I've been around. All right.


It is. Call me. Tell me.


Wow, I literally season two, I still don't know how long our song is, and we just kind of keep passing it down. Well, it is just so I can edit that nicely. You know, we want to get all your highlight reels of your your your main hit moves. Exactly. Exactly. This is this is so different, guys. For everybody listening right now, our set is completely changed. I know this is coming out beforehand, but like you have to tune into the video and see, please.


Really drastic that no other episode. Just this episode. Yeah, it's watch the video. We put our heart, blood, sweat and tears into this. This is what we've been working on for the past two weeks. This is why we took a two week break. Right. Again, sorry it took so long. Obviously, we wanted to, you know, keep going. But like, we need, you know, quiet time. Yeah.


Guy, welcome back to say Heath unfiltered to all of your Hosain. And I'm your host. He and our lovely, lovely co-host, Mariah and Kenny audio engineers anymore or fact check. Oh, no, no, no. He's still a fact check. We know that he plays in that chair. We still miss, right? Oh, well, guys, we're so happy to be back. I missed it. I know so much to me.


I know we took it like a longer break from before, like when all the college was opening up. But, man, this felt longer for some reason. It's because we've been trying to get this shit done so quick. And like the time that we had to do something like this is actually incredible. You guys just hit me that this is the same room. Yeah. It's hitting me right now that I don't have to look through five cameras like all these lights in front of us.


Like, I can look at you guys. You guys probably didn't even realize before from watching, but like, we used to have to, like, peek around cameras and like, get a little snippet who I definitely have never looked at Kenny in the eyes. That's that's not entirely true, that I've never looked Kenny in the eyes before on any of these episodes. I always had to, like, just pretend I was lucky because it was a giant bar covering it.


And I didn't you know, I wasn't going to turn every time because it would look weird. But I could finally look at you in your eyes and there's nothing in the fucking way. I know I always had to pick between if I was looking at your eyes or your mouth, I usually picked your mouth to stop thinking. But because I don't like to choose honesty at all and I do want to give everybody listening right now the biggest thank you in the entire world.


Like we are so grateful for everybody that tuned in to season one. And we're just really excited about season two. We got guests coming next week. My first guest. I'm so fucking nervous about that because we're we've just gone to, like, be really good together and now we have to have an extra person. And how embarrassing how what are we going to do? We're going to say, how do we fucking know so? Well, at least our set looks really good.


It's a little one before they would have to, like, shimmy, shimmy through the camera lights. But now now it's open. We're good to go. Yeah. I mean, the reason why we did this was because we're having guys because if we're having guests, honestly, we probably would just suffered the same side. Can we talk about the whole process of what we thought season two was? I don't even want to I don't even want to talk about it.


It seems like such a short time frame that everything came together like weeks ago. Everything was completely different. Yeah. Yeah. It felt like three months ago I felt like three months. We're working on this. So most people other than Zanin here would have planned the shit out months and months ago, gotten this stuff ready, but we we won it. We wing everything. And the reason why was because the last season of or the last episode of the first season, we we hyped it up.


We hype the shit out of season two. We're like, guys, your big things coming. When people say big things coming, nothing's coming. That means they have no idea what they're doing. Yeah, which is what happened with us. So we did that and we ended and we're like, fuck, yeah. Oh my God, guys, we finished. We did this and we sat in this room were like, oh my God, what are we going to do?


We're like, okay, let's let's just get some wallpapers. You know, we'll we'll do wallpaper on each side. I will say that we ordered a couple couches, we ordered wallpaper stuff. It was like custom shit didn't come in on time at all. It's had five to seven business days. It would be here. I still haven't gotten the wallpaper that I ordered. You just go with it. You just got a call today, say, asking.


Oh, by the way, hey, we got your order. So we're looking at the image you submitted. And we just want to go over a couple of things before we print it. I'm like, it's all right. Don't worry about it. Four weeks later, that's crazy. Working in secret. And obviously, like, we're we're like, you know, it's really hard times right now, but damn, it takes four weeks to respond to someone that order wallpaper to get a phone call, to get it, to get it in a week and a half because you ordered it to come here.


You're like, I need this week and a half, four weeks later. By the way, you want to make any changes before we submit this? No, but actually cancel. I don't need it because, again, we've we've been just it's been crazy. But after seeing the. Newstart, though, like, could you imagine if we actually went with no paper, just like us? Oh darn wallpaper, these are walls they they imported from a different state in the country.


Like they're saying, this is right.


I'm sure people are looking at this right now thinking we're like we are in a set like a student. No, we are not in the same room yet.


Don't tell our landlord I'm still renting.


I know we made sure that there is no permanent changes. All this because, again, they're leasing this place. Right behind this wall is a sliding glass door that leads to my back yard. That's so fucking always thinking when we have dust and just go through the window opens up like the Ellenson does. But can he was saying it would look really shitty for it to open up. And you just see a sliding glass door, beautiful wall pulls away to reveal a sliding glass door.


The old set, the the fake brick wall we had behind you guys. Yeah. Oh my God. We come from humble beginnings. We really did, because we had three tripods, a couple of lights. And I was like just thinking about the amount of things that are new.


We have a new logo. Yes, new walls. We have new life cover art cameras, new cover art, the knickknacks. Yeah. Like, it's just everything is different. It's crazy. Yeah.


And, you know, this might not be like I'm sure you guys listen to other podcasts or watch other podcasts and they have, you know, crazy like, you know, crazy or such. But like to us this is fucking insane because sane and Heath.


Come on. Exactly what does it feel like you expect it was not this. Our brand is normally just shit like we are filming from our iPhones, shitty mikes. We're probably filming in our, like, bathrooms or some shit on the toilet. But this is like it feels like we are and like it doesn't even feel like our show, which is so weird. That's like we're all dressed so nice right now because they're like a tie dyed goldenboy kind of psychedelic shit.


Look, I didn't fucking pick this out. I am the assistant guys, by the way.


We got an assistant which stop asking if they need to leave. The spot has been filmed. His name is Devin. He's been great, phenomenal, phenomenal. He's actually right there. He's actually doing Mariah's job right now.


Mariah's job is going to have a talk after this. Yeah, Kevin was like the missing puzzle piece for sure, really. And he's been he's been such a huge help because if he wasn't here, we'd all be out of this house while these beilby, we would currently be crying.


Yeah, we were trying to mock up this room for so long, like us three, like six and I of just trying to see what this room I in a row, we got a girl to go, oh baby, have fun. But you were in Aruba. You were. I was jealous. Yeah, I was in Aruba.


I had a wedding to go to, but I really my whole trip to Aruba, I was like, I'm going to go back and they're going it's going to be my witness said, yes, this is going to happen as soon as I get back.


It's going to be done like this is going to be crazy. We thought that, too, though. Yeah, exactly.


We really like can you imagine Mariah's look when she comes back?


She came back to a bare room with like a couch and in less than it was before then, it we were planning on actually surprising you like weird things like make that video. Yeah. So your reaction to the brand new room that you're going to walk in this room got finished this morning.


OK, go, go, go back from Aruba two weeks ago. Oh, my God. It was worth it.


But I know those pictures, OK, that you're talking about. These are actual actual like real life pictures of how we felt because we had no clue what we're going to do in this room. And we were probably our lowest point of our lives. We were just so depressed and we're just like, fuck, we are not going to give you guys what we told you. We're going to give you. And and I'll be honest, we turn to drugs.


We really did.


Really we really did. Times call for desperate, you know, shit happens. We were like, well, if we can't figure out the set, let's at least figure out some episodes down the road. Yeah. Forward. And a lot of people have been asking highly anticipated, highly. Oh, Candy. Good.


That's what goes on in John's Point song. You both are going to have points for every joke you guys keep.


You don't know me now.


So, yeah, a lot of people have been asking for a high up. So us on on weed, on marijuana, which is sounds like a fucking nightmare, especially for me because I well know it.


It probably doesn't sound like it probably sounds like a normal thing to a lot of people.


Heath, Kenny and I. Well, Mariah was a fucking penis colliding in fucking Aruba with you were hiding.


What are you doing with your penis? What do you know that I don't know where we talk a lot, you know, behind closed doors, you wouldn't know a lot of a lot of Anchorage's.


But we Mahri, while you're gone, we were trying out some some weed products.


I'm never leaving again. We. We're practicing it was practice, we we we practiced it was work it right off. Yeah, we yeah, they were high up.


So it's definitely rote and offer Tanno for sure. Tannum on YouTube. Yeah. Everything she smokes is definitely red and often it contributes to the creative process. We know your last name is Mojo Moto.


I actually don't I just did not know her last name until you saw that. Right. It's my mojo. Mojo.


Are those Mongu or like Monegros. I was Mongoose Manjeet. You know, it's just confusing. What is it? That's why I don't like her. I don't know. Can you check that check?


So we are trying to practice for this high episode and we ended up getting some weed weed like I mean, we had to do it.


We ended up we stumbled across some weed and we didn't like we went to a dark alley.


I don't know tonight. I literally just provided it up on it. I go, I live in your house. It's in your room. In my room. Yeah.


So so we got some weed and a couple of different forms. We had gummies, some Man-Sized a little electronic cigarette type stuff was like little kids. First one is the thing like we are so young to this drug space. I know.


Whose phone is that. Come on. Come on you. Oh come on team. Some things never get your shit together.


I saw him but was the you.


It was me. It was me. Are you sure. You said it was me.


I had the volume up when we were playing bad baby getting high in the beginning I said, I swear to God if your phone goes off on this episode, you're done, you're done placing you. Heat's phone goes off. I there's an exception for you.


I was I was bumping back. I was getting his hyped. We were we were hyped. So we we ended up having a couple of different types of things to try because we're trying to see how we would feel if we were on an episode. So we tried gummies.


We tried means we we probably didn't know honestly, like we probably got simultaneously, like, like every person that we've told, like, oh yeah, we're doing some research for the episode, like we've done edibles and they're like, oh like that's what you're trying Avril's I don't try edibles and that's what we did the first time we did these.


Delicious, delicious. Oh my God. And there were giant and great candy. He gave me he gave me his word that I'd be fine. I know these gummies. Here's the thing. You express that like if you were going to try anything, you were already, like, kind of open to the idea of edibles, like to help you sleep. So I was like, OK, there's no way that Zane is going to be down to, like, spark up a joint.


Like he's already kind of open to the idea of edibles.


So which I've done I've sparked I joined before and I've been fine a little bit. But like, you're crazy. The edible that you gave me was a well, I think it was a fucking lie. They said five milligrams. That shit was twenty five thirty. It was released. It was a weird night.


Same time, same thought his teeth were falling out and wanted to run out of his face. It was, it was fucking hell. At this point you're probably drunk as shit with your cousin shit.


But if you let him come and I was like, where's my hotsy?


He I was running around the game room just like I was like, guys, guys freaking out the question. I feel like you're escaping and I'm trying to keep up with my mouth because I don't want like this is appealing to me.


Like, I don't know why we're trying to sell. Let's just get high with me.


I'm like, I don't want to.


And after these stories, like, it's it's definitely I don't know, it sounds awful, but like I looked over at and he was just like he was like this. Hey, baby, what are you doing here? They're trying to come out here, like making sure, as you asked you go, should I just, like, rip them out?


Oh, me neither. Did I really say you were going about to, like, take your teeth out of your nose. So I. Oh, so I block out when I'm like, hi, OK.


I don't know that I will say this about weed like I can. I can be like, yeah, you get too high, you start thinking about everything and you're, you don't know if you're alive or dead or whatever. And like people will be like that's that's why we fucked up. But if I think about I'm blacked out. Wasted like drinking my.


Yeah. You know, that's what we do baby. No, no, no, no. But like alcohol is just as fucking terrible.


OK, but hear me out. Self control.


What are we do not have we know but we did have self control with the one with the one without one gummy bear.


I'm saying with alcohol you can I feel it with alcohol you can choose whether you get blacked out or not. You can control it. Well, we I feel like you do the weed and then that's it. Like weird edibles with edibles.


Yes. That's why nobody recommends edibles. Yeah, like smoking. It's more like digestible. You can kind of you have more of a control over what you're taking. Yeah. Yeah. So that's where we went wrong.


I only I really feel like, like we talked about, like I only feel like I introduce edibles because it was like the one thing that I was like, oh you're open to it Zaim.


Like is it just like does something better.


Like when I think about weed I'm like, oh fuck, I got to burn this like Bush thing or I can eat a sweet fish, you know, probably, you know what like you probably don't like smoking weed either because it reminds you of cigarettes.


I'll I'll be honest, I love the smell of weed. Don't like the feeling really. The smell of. Oh, I like the smell of cigars.


I think maybe because it reminds me of my family. I don't know. But cigarettes reminds me, I now I feel like that's a huge part of why you like this, because I like to smell cigarettes because it reminds me my uncle's in Lebanon because everything smelt like cigarettes. So yeah, whenever I see it's like opening just like just like Alex over here, he's part of. Oh yeah.


Engineering really got a whole crew when he walked in here yesterday and he's not a little bit like smoke but like also cologne at the same time. And it just it brought me back.


I just wanted to hug him. That reminded me of when he smoked and I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Oh, I like how nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good.


I mean, it's actually good that you fucking cut that shit because you're smoking so much more than I was two packs a day.


I can't believe that you smoke that much like cigarettes. It's fucking not.


I can't believe I'm alive right now. You know, it is pretty crazy to think about. Like I, I was doing marble reds and then as I started petering off, I was sold like a brandell.


Hey guys, were they sponsor in our bio?


How did you not get a cigarette prandial deal?


Because they can't they can't sell cigarettes.


They used to. Have you have you seen the old cigarette commercials, a Marlboro Man do any crazy.


You look just like him when you had your mustache and your mullet cowboy hat. Yeah.


These old cowboy commercials, it was a cowboy commercial, I think. I think it was just like, yeah, they just made cigarettes look cool. I could see you in a commercial like that even today. Riding a motorcycle. Yeah.


Be cool. I like going but yeah, we are.


We're gearing up for what does episode three that we're planning on doing this hopefully. Oh he's putting it out there. OK, now it's set in stone. Oh shit. It's getting hold him accountable. Accountable. Well we planned on doing the hire episode. Episode Hi. Yeah hi. Episode He's all right now so it was a three. So we are doing our best to try to find the best drugs. Oh my God we are such bad role models.


Find the best drugs to help us get through something like it'd be fun to do with a special guest. Like who would be perfect to meet with. No, because you have to like for me, I can't even be around myself to be comfortable.


I have to be comfortable.


I told you guys I go. The episode isn't something that we can just like do like spontaneously. Like we have to actually understand how we are when we are together and when we're I'm going to when I was like like literally highs and lows.


Yeah. Like he would be laughing, being so creative the best time of his life. And he's like, oh, I fucking love this. Like this is so funny. Like business working. And then two seconds later he's like, I wanna die. Am I dead? What is going on? I've never been around any of you. Hi. That's you think so. And hire a lot of it. And he's hired every day and he's actually I've noticed it more in the beginning.


I never knows when you're hiring now, but now I notice that more because when I'm around me.


Yes, there are a lot of me.


Can you disgusting man, it's costing me candy because like when we when we were like during edibles and smoking, I like I was just watching how you acted, how you acted. And I like I took that in. So now I know how you act when you're high and when you're sober now and the curtain has been pulled.


Oh yes, I know I am I am a high right now. No, absolutely not, we're recording our first. He's got to no are you high right now? The world may never know, there's not even the whole episode, you motherfucking rat. Come on, Sam.


This is a way the seven episodes I was on prior were high episodes either, but I'd never run. Oh, and the Seeker questions everything.


Fire. You know, we're going to replace her. If this was a real job, you would have been done. We're drunk every fucking. I know we had a little bit more to drink today because we're actually really nervous today.


Yeah, we're incredibly nervous. But also so excited like this is so celebratory for me.


Like for us.


For us, we're like, yeah, no, of course, obviously it's all about us. But like, I still feel speechless walking in here knowing like that this is our set. Like, it's so fucking cool.


We all like also to some things, some good things come when we're drunk. I feel like we we came up with the concept for the season two photo shoot when we were drunk.


Yes. Yeah we do. Oh yeah. I right. Beach. Oh my God. Oh we got, we got a fun.


We all went, we went to IKEA and we were there all day and we were all miserable.


We couldn't find a rug. We were looking to complete our previous idea with the wallpaper and the like. We're like we just need a rug.


This is how it is now doing that we were going to do it just by ourselves.


Yeah, but then guys like I don't even know if we've explained it enough. Like within a week and a half to two weeks, we hired a set designer of lighting and rigging crew, audio engineer, audio engineer, like we had a logo person design the new look like this all happened so quickly because we were so self-conscious about, like, hyping up the season.


It was so fucking expensive because obviously, you know, we're trying to like, you know, we're on a budget. We want to, like, try to make everything as cheap as possible.


But, man, we put so much money, but it's so worth it. I let you know our budget was half of what it came out to be like.


Crazy, we don't know.


But like, honestly, looking at what we have right now, it's worth it. Yeah, it is so worth it for me. I am very proud of us.


The first season we knew not one thing about flighting audio, nothing. We did so much research. It was like we were in school for it. Like you were researching, right? We do everything. We set up everything on our own. Just the four of us. Yeah. We had nobody at home of the first season. The first season. We were anything like being on YouTube or like a lot of people think it's like, oh yeah, you're a YouTube or that that doesn't fucking mean anything like you're filming on your iPhone.


Sure. It's it's super easy right now.


But what a lot of people don't realize is that you tubers are, you know, videographer's. They have to edit their audio. They've got to dial that in. They got to fucking take pictures. They got a direct produce, everything like that, multiple multiple jobs would be doing. And that's a lot of them all in one. But like you don't really realize until like like right now, like Zane and I like we're not the best of the bunch of stuff.


Like we know what we like. Yeah. But there's so many other people out there that have these jobs that are trained professionals at it. And it's like if they can clearly do it and know this, like the back of their hand, they went to school for it.


Why are we why why aren't they right?


Like, I would I would much rather hire somebody that is way more involved and knows this.


And we've been and we've been learning about that for the past. I feel like a few weeks. Yeah, a lot. Because I'll be here a lot. Oh, my God.


We have a lot of shit coming up like. Yeah, in the next three months we have so many things coming up and we're learning all these things and we're like. He and I are expected to do a lot of these things, even coming up with the idea and like the camera crew being like creative directors and knowing shot angles like, I don't know, I just have fun. Yeah, we just like. Like, imagine you got Brad Pitt or whoever whatever actor come on in and you're like, OK, talking about what?


What's the angle shot? What I associate this light at is aperture. Good. Know what? What game do we want? The audience. Oh, fuck. You know, maybe if we had one of those things to do, we'd be able to learn it quick and get it done. But it was like it's just a lot of things thrown at us. We're like, fuck. And you know what? This is part of our job and we shouldn't know this, but sometimes we need help.


And we got it.


We got the help and the chorus. Yeah.


We've met so many people that are so knowledgeable about these things yet, like, I just feel like the the biggest thing missing from our initial plans were just like a perspective of everything, just a perspective from lighting and a perspective for camera angles. Yeah. Like confessionals, like we've met people this past week and a half that have just like that are just like.


But what's so cool about it is that it's so inspiring. Yeah. Like seeing somebody who like genuinely knows audio engineer and is like no, if you guys want to sound amazing, like we got new mikes for this, we got a whole new set up for everything you guys can tell by now.


But then we got new mikes for this. But yeah.


I mean but yeah no it's inspiring to see people who are like really passionate about each individual craft. That all goes into making a production like this to me feels like I feel like I'm on a TV show right now. Yeah. I still like I feel like we're on like the Today Show crazy.


It's crazy and it's it's getting a little bit I'm yuzu right now, but I know next episode it's going to be like this. Yeah. This feeling again I'm like, OK, we're on set. Oh this is a set.


OK, we got to know, you know, it's weird to us like I feel that. But then I also feel even more relaxed because that's cozy. I'm not seeing everything in front of us. I'm not seeing like. Right. All of our equipment that like obviously we didn't know how to set up, but it was just here. But like, I feel like so much more welcome, like a guest coming on, like it just feels like it up a notch but are a few notches.


We definitely stepped it up, but it feels more casual like we're hanging out. Yeah. Yeah. Because you're right, we had lights and cameras in front of us and that's what we're looking at. So it felt like a set right here. Just feels like, like a room in the house, this really nice house.


I feel like we feel really relaxed also because we have so much to get done and like so much to drink, so much to drink water. Now it's like finally done. It's like a giant boulder, which is often in all of our shoulders. And it just right. We feel like we're just at ease right now. We can rest peacefully.


There are so many things. It just required our attention like round the clock all the time within this past week and a half. Yeah, it's like now like we can just focus on other things and it'll be more digestible now. Yeah, but hey guys.


Thanks, guys. Yeah, we are going to be posting every single week again. There's no more breaks, none of that shit. We are excited to be back. And we did all this. We took this two week break. We just sold our time fucking. What do you hide in there.


Oh my God. Our bad baby. Yo, we've been fucking heavy with that baby we love bad baby. So she's killing. Anything she puts out is just a hit and it's it becomes our favorite song every time she comes out with us. Yeah.


OK, but you just met her arch nemesis, right. Right. Yeah. I'm speaking so fondly of Caraco like. Right. I did, I did so mean a couple of friends.


We went to ranch the other night and I'm sitting there right behind. I turn around, it's woven.


I couldn't believe it. To me, she's like a cartoon character. She doesn't exist. It's like drawn out. There's no way I would love to lay eyes on her. Yeah, I turn around.


I'm just like, oh my God, that's fucking well, Vicky. And we we're talking about we were thinking about having our guests. We're not sure yet, but we're just like, oh, my God, she's right there. Let me meet her. Let me I got I got to do something. So we're sitting there, had a couple of drinks, got a little loose because I can't just go up to people.


I feel really weird during the course. Not so, so good. Took a couple of shots, were just like talking to and then all of a sudden I turn around, I'm just like.


L.A. thing man, and she's like, well, the final three, so we can blast out of the out of the house, so yeah.


So I went up to her and she's like, you know, when you meet people that are like you feel like you're not human, it's exactly what you think she is.


Yes. 100 percent exactly like that.


She you know. Yeah, I love that. Yeah. She's a character. No, no, it's me. Yes. It's not a character, it's not fake. But she is a character. She she was made in a lab and she was. That's funny. She was born out of a tube and then like she's. Oh thank you. Whoa whoa.


Sorry for that burp and intro for me. Yeah. So was she nice to you. She was very nice to me. And she is, she was like, oh my God, I like this.


I was like, OK, let's, let's fucking do it every time you like imitating her, you act like you're chewing bubble gum. Yeah.


Oh I just sitting here.


We have one here. Oh my God. I'd be so fucking fun. Oh my God. I just got to do it. I feel like no disrespect. Whatever. Yeah.


I love you baby but I feel like we're going to have to ask her to repeat everything to me like hey come again. Let's do that again. We're going to I'm REMIC Annunciate.


Let's take a little break. And let's go right from the top. I know we can't wait. We so our guests, we're being very picky this season. We want just like guests are going to bring in juice, going to bring in just online energy, just everything. I feel like she has that, can we not?


So that's why can we say who our first guest is? Oh, no. You know, she's locked in, she's unconscious. She's a very she's a loyal person. She can't trust us right now. Let me know if she actually cancels. It's not our fault, like, you know what I mean? It's it's all you, baby girl. Exactly. So, guys, our first guest is going to be Stoss. Oh, sorry, sorry.


I got excited. Got excited. Sorry. Do it again. Do it again. I cannot believe that you just.


You just said that that is my baby girl. I know. I know. I know. I know.


Not any more. But we'll talk about the next episode. All right.


So our first guest of season two is on a good OK. The first guest of season two is going to. Yes, USAC baby, my true lover, the only the only person that I have a full heart for all. And three of the most important people in his life is a single tier runs on my cheek.


I think I think I think she's a great first half hour episode and I'm in love.


So if I can excite because I have so many questions, I feel good.


I haven't seen her. I haven't seen it. Like I've seen her a couple times here and there, but like I haven't like, really, really, like, hung out and seen her in a while. So I have a lot of hard hitting question. I mean, good, good. I hope she's ready.


That's the thing. I just think in general, like for guests in general, I just feel like it's going to be the first time that people see you guys long format with people.


And it's going to be interesting regardless.


I mean I mean, from my perspective, it's like I've met Stoss once, so I like I'm very curious about her.


I've only hung out with Stoss drunk, so I don't really remember much about being around her. Oh, I was going to ask about you guys kissing but maybe we save that for.


Oh yeah. No, no, I'm just, I'm excited we to do one sided stories here. We have to have the other side right here on the or maybe maybe you say some stuff and then she calls you up for it. Right. I'm talking lying in bed.


I can do it. I want to get a whole glam team when she comes like for me, because I can imagine her looking like Mariah. You get like a fucking like it. She gets that. How are you? We've already we've already gone along for season one.


You might or for the first episode you might as well. I don't have a choice.


I'd be sweating bullets. I'd be so embarrassed. And hey. Right. You both have you both have your own thing. You're fucking hilarious, right.


You're so funny. Let me finish. You have a great personality.


Well, Stoss can't dance like you do. Exactly. She can't dance like you. We can't make anybody do it like me.


I guess I can just ride on both now.


It'll be fun. I'll get my hair done. My hair by Chris.


What is that. What is that. All you guys. We're all really and we're going to be saying he's unfiltered. We might as well talk about everything we going to talk about because there's a lot of shit that we talk about outside of this fucking room.


I want to get my hair done by Chrissy. Is she. Good God, you're getting Stenger's. Yeah, she's really. Oh, yeah. So what's the story? What's the whole fucking story behind this lady?


I don't know the story, but she is a hairdresser in Los Angeles and every tech talker gets their hair done by her every other day, I swear to one.


Wait up for so we know we're going to run this season quick, too, baby. Oh, my God. What happened to our baby? And that's what happens when we do. Did it die? The battery power button on it.


For those of you who are listening, the lights just changed a totally different color.


Like light was supposed to be a surprise.


We got to get your our center light on here. I knew some shit. I have like fifteen hundred wires around the top and sides of this room, so I like, oh, it was bound to happen that this was going to keep the show running like Beyonce right now, if you like, fall off the stage and like you have to go back and go on like, like or Mariah Carey's fucking mind goes out and then you hear a real voice and it says, like, OK, OK, you know you know what's great right now is like people probably watching this from the beginning were like, this isn't zany.


Like it's too it's too over the top, whatever it is. And this shit happens to like that's what we're like back on brand right. Malfunctions. Everything is right. We have a team of 50 right now just running around. Forty nine people are about to lose their job.


You're fired at forty nine because he's the fifty. Oh very nice. Very nice. If you can be nice.


This is so funny. We probably should figure this out real quick.


Yeah. Yeah I probably said yeah right. Let me have agreed. Oh listen, I really do not. All right, let's roll to the ice baby.


All right, guys, before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor for this episode, maybe tell him who it is and that's Mazur's liquid Ivy, my favorite thing to drink, especially when I'm hungover, which I'm going to be tomorrow, because we are celebrating the release of Jason Nash and we'll be drinking a lot of hangover post hangover in the middle of drinking. And it just stay hydrated. It gives you energy boost your immune system.


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So if you're going to be bad your body you might as well take care of it afterwards. To do that should be their slogan. Oh my God, please don't steal that. We'll make it happen. We need our I feel like we need our. Oh my God.


He came out with our own liquid of flavors. Why? It's like we drink it all all day, every day. So we should try to come up with a flavor that'd be fun. Like would I be here that maybe big things coming. We also want to give a big thank you to our sponsor, Harry's. Harry's just came out with their sharpest blades ever. And unlike some other razor companies, they're not charging you more for their product improvements.


Maybe I love that be true to who you are. Exactly. Give us the details. Harry's new sharper blades are still as low as two dollars each. That's cheap. Like razors are so much money. Like if you go to like a store and actually get them, it's disgusting how much they charge.


Yeah. And I just actually used it this morning for the for the our brand new episode actually use it. OK, it's OK.


You know, I use it on my belly here. So it looks like a brand new like a, like a like a baby stomach.


I will say that does look pretty clean and it looks like I have a baby in there too. So that's I think it works very well.


Thank you, Harry, for supporting my naked nude belly.


I really appreciate that.


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That's Harry's dotcom. Dotcom's unfiltered to get your trial offer Tuesday to two dollars each day. Baby, maybe.


Are we back and running, we're good. Oh, yeah, we're running again, I am so embarrassed. We apologize. We are not David. Oh God, David's overegg we are not high end, but not at least not running these these these episodes, this episode. I am an astrologer and I am a Russian.


Devin is just looking like this are never how Natalie's not ok. This would never happen on David's.


David shoots for sure. But you know what it is what it is. And that's Zainah. He's exactly David's perfume just came out.


That's oh right. Right, right. He did a really incredible job, just like the branding and like the PR boxes and everything. And it smells really good to you. Did you like the sandalwood?


Oh, I love it because I like wearing perfume. That's more cologne. I usually buy cologne for myself. I like feminine scents. I like more manly. So it's kind of it's grapefruit and sandalwood.


And I love, love, love, sandalwood. So yeah.


Oh, that's got to be on the commercial aimard. I wanted to be on the commercial like not on set but I want to be on set so bad because I love just being a part of like montages and shit like that.


Is there anything you want to change that you saw.


Oh no. I think it look, I think it looked pretty good record.


Yeah. Off the record. I think it will look like what I what I would have approved for sure.




It looked I think like, OK, I will say one thing like obviously like it was a phenomenal promo video. Yeah. I saw people going crazy about him pulling the hand away and the toothbrush out of Charlotte's mouth.


It was because the face he made was very sexual. Oh, really?


You ever seen you've never seen David just kind of like they have look at the girl in the eyes and like bite is bite his lip on camera.


Yeah, he may have done it with Lysa on like blogs and shit, but like I think in like a commercial, it just it felt more serious because he was he was more acting in that and like like his blogs was natural.


But like that I think he really put a little bit into it because he knew as a commercial.


So I think it like a lotta extra sexy. Right. So it's supposed to be funny. Like a vlog like this is this is an actual thought. David looks sexy in it. Very much so.


That was the first thing I and I know he was he was so sick. He was he was looking he just let me.


But it was funny because like I saw I saw the scene and I'm like, yeah, it was it was a cool scene, but like, oh, man, I'm not sexy.


I just wouldn't have, like, pulled somebody's hand away from the toothbrush. I mean, like, I couldn't I could not do something like that. You could not put me in a situation like that where I look sexy like that. All right. It was different. It was different. Oh, God. I'd be like, cut that cut that entire scene. I don't have to be like, yeah, yeah.


I'm sure it's it's easy because Charlotte is stunning. She's gorgeous. I mean, be completely honest. Like when I have conversations with her, you're her eyes actually kind of like kill you inside.


So you kind of like melt naturally. So naturally, David probably melted a little bit. It was like looking at her because she she's she's a model. And I feel like models can do that. They can like they can give you milk with their eyes. Exactly. It's like a superpower. Yeah. They look at the camera, they're able to melt the people with seeing the pictures and videos that the models are into. Yeah, it was great.


It was the perfect match. Yeah.


And she's great. She's so sweet too.


It's so funny how everybody thought they were dating after it like they thought that was they're coming out like not even close because David is never with any fucking girl, especially on camera. So like he wasn't even like yes, he kissed flies but like he was never they've never seen an intimate side of him.


I never seen him be like romantic or romantic. That's what it is.


And I've definitely seen him romantic in person. Right. There's where he'll like, you know, you'll Demosthenes the most romantic I've ever seen is his like boy crush on Scott.


Yeah. Like, I don't know what else for some reason. Like does he always talks about Scott. His like Scott is my most handsome, most attractive friend.


Scott. Oh my God. You're telling me this all the time. Yeah. Scott's David love Scott's tits. But, you know, you're right, he does have really fucking juicy pecs. But I said no, if I had anybody's body, it would probably be Scott's for sure. That's probably why Hezbollah's doing good. He's doing good.


He is funny. Like, even earlier today we were with David. We had to do a test. We'll get to that in a second. But he was talking about Cameron Dallas.


He was, yes. And it was it was something brought up super quick. It was Cameron Dallas taking a photo for like a Bulgari.


I don't know how to perfect it was because we were talking about his perfume and scrolling through Instagram and it just popped up right there at the mall.


And David was like, Dude, I've always thought he's had the best nipples.


No, no, no, no. Actually, I mentioned his nipples, so I was looking at the picture and the only thing very prominent was his just his nipples. I was like, right, damn. It's like the editor put extra gloss in is nymphos. It was unbelievable. Right. There are really amazing. And as soon as I said that, something special David said David did was like. Dude, I've always thought that even sounds like the fine days Maicon like he's always had the nicest nipples and I was like, who was like who is?


What about his nipples? What about my nipples?


I if somebody said I had the nicest nipples, I'd call them a liar. Why I hate this holiday solid. All right.


Oh this is like tropicals construction site.


They are points but not anymore because you've been working out. I feel like as you work out, it goes like it goes lower. Right. Gynecomastia doesn't go away.


Oh my God. I know. Jules Ghinwa Gynecomastia.


It's it's it's like it's kind of like breast tissue in men for like their nipples like that.


Like so, so when I was growing up I was always self-conscious of them because they're like, they're just like, like if I grab them like I feel like tissue, like I feel like hard stuff. OK, well I definitely feel it too.


Here let me let me like I'm going to fold it OK.


Yeah, go ahead.


You feel like the hard stuff.


OK, I feel that but I feel let me see your shoes and I feel that what's left or right I want to get like it's like oh yeah. Yeah covid too. That's gynecomastia so I have it. Yeah. Oh my God. I'm a guy, I'm a guy named Fashion and he is apparently a doctor.


I'm gonna, I'm gonna pass the OK, so so I always had that and the doctors told me like I remember like being like a young young kid with my mom in the room and they were like, it's going to go away. It just kind of like goes away with like puberty. Bah bah. And like, I got made fun of for it. Oh. And just it just never went away, like I've always had it. Yeah.


Because he's still a kid at heart, you know, he doesn't grow.


So is that something, is something you can like get removed. Yeah.


It's like a it's basically a male breast reduction.


But do you get like scars after like. Yeah. Is that weird. Is that like worth it to get something like that.


Todd Todd got it on. Todd got. Yeah.


The surgery wasn't really like if you look like he has a scar just under his nipple, I've never noticed it because I talked to him about it because I was like who was your doctor. Like I want to, I want to do the same thing, just like the Instagram models.


And we're just like everybody else. Virtually every other verse look like every other big.


Oh, but yeah, no, it's, it's a real thing and like I'm very insecure about it. But is that something you would consider getting if you were like hairline gynecomastia reduc.


Yeah. Which which one. Which one would you rather have like more if you had to pick one off. I think, I think if I like because I'm still losing weight right now. Yeah. If I kept losing weight and I got like fit to wear I want to be. Yeah. I would choose gynecomastia. Really. Yeah. I want my hairline because people see this do like like I got to cap fit but like you're still dissatisfied though.


I feel like the cap kind of satisfies the whole hairline thing. You think that you still look weird and shirts. Yeah.


So like even just how you present yourself to people, he still feels insecure about that. So yeah. But all I am imagining is you getting the surgery and people thinking that you're trans.


Oh like well it's not, it's not under, it's not under the breast OK. It's, it's literally on the top, you know.


I mean I didn't even notice how it got in the first one, but you definitely don't see anything. I've seen Todd shirtless.


I know they're not trans used to do that. I've never noticed like a surgery line under his stitch. I know he got his, like, hernia. We are.


So first of all, those talked just like everybody else. Everybody knows about his hernia. I noticed that line. That line is like you can tell and it's like goes down his, like, belly button. But like, I've never seen you run. I would like to see that. Yeah.


And you have a photo of it that we can reference. I'm just kind trying to put it.


You'll see it tonight. You'll see time we're doing. Yeah.


Can we talk about Jason's. Oh let's fuck it. We'll do it. We'll do it. But we'll cut it out if we can. But we're going to the roast of Jason and I were so excited he actually rented out like this theater is just going to be us. So we're going to be like spread out by like seven seats apart, which means he'll look really funny. But it's really weird because, you know, roast normally consists of empty theater, like nobody showed up.


So roast normally consists of like a lot of very, very dark jokes. Right. That's just how it is. It's super funny. Like you come in open minded, like just don't take anything seriously. One hundred percent offensive.


Oh, yeah. That's the point. Right. You're like you want to like, be right. Exactly.


But what comes with very like a joke is very offensive and there's a ton of laughs. It kind of alleviates it a little bit. It's like OK, yeah that was really funny. But like there's nobody is just going to be like ten of us. Fifteen of us. So I wonder if he's going to put like a lot of time he's going to have to trust me in the back booth.


I am offended. I wonder how he's going to set that up because he has to me. Yeah, I think it'd be funny just to hear, like, six laughs, though. It might be funny.


Larry is knowing Jason, he might actually just do it like that. Yeah, he'll probably think it's so funny. Yeah.


But he's like it's really like he's he's doing like a like like paparazzi is going to be there.


He has really named after us. You told me about that unfiltered drink and there's just a bunch of shit in it that's like the towel that wiped up all the alcohol the night.


Just what do they call that shot where it's like they take the bar mat. A lot of people do this.


They take you know, they have the little rubber mat that runs along the bar and catches all the spillage.


So at the end of the night, they'll take that that like catches the whatever spill shit. And then they pour that into shots. They give that to customers. No, it's it's just like a like a fucked up thing.


Like some people saying that's the shot that all the fans have been offering you. Let's do something.


The super discounted. They're like, can I can I get the barmer?


It's funny. And he's like, normally the first thing when we like when I encounter any of you guys are friends. You guys obviously of course it makes sense.


You want to take a shot with me and it's like I can't say yes all the time because I don't want to die of Jimmy. Holy fuck. Especially when we're out like at a bar. It's like, yeah, you know, I can't take everything and like it's crazy that there's times where I'm just like a guy. I'm good. Thank you. And like hearing dumb walking away is unbelievable. They're so offended. Yeah. They get upset. Yes.


Oh wow. What a life. So what a fucking asshole. He's not talking shit.


I was like, yeah, look at this.


Like a part of want to go out and be like, I'm so sorry but I'm like, fuck fuck you like the way, the way I can like put it into like a perspective is imagine being the birthday boy all the time or girl and it's like, you know, you don't know what I have.


Every everybody wants to take a shot with the the birthday person. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I mean. It's like if the birthday person took a shot with everybody that came to the party, it would be a they would die and there would be in would be fucking right. But that's the thing. You you imagine wanting that person to take a shot every single second, just like, oh, I got you a shot at your birthday guy.


You shot, shot, shot, shot. Nobody else has taken the same shots as you are. Yeah, so it's kind of that same feeling. It's like saying like, oh, I want to I want to buy you a shot. Yeah. I appreciate it. Thank you. I respect that exact. But like, I literally I can't do it. Yeah. And, you know, to play devil's advocate, if I, I feel like I would if I was watching David's blogs and I was not and there was like the drunk person in the blogs, I would probably go up and I'd be the go to please.


Yeah. And I would probably buy the machine and have it right in front of them so they don't have to worry about me. Like asking, do you want to take a shot like I have it right there.


Right. Right. Especially if they're nervous or excited. Like what else are they going to say. I would, I would definitely do that. I would definitely do that. So I'm not judging anybody that does do that.


Yeah, but but when they say like when when you if you do reviews, when they say, oh, we thought you were the drunk one, oh my God, it's like I throw up.


I'm fucked up right now. I do your job, your jobs to get try. I know I'm clocked in. Do not take another one. I'm going to I'm going to end up getting fired. I don't get fired from the David Dobek L.C Industries. I can't help too much to live for.


So that's why I'm glad I don't get recognized like you. Yeah.


Yeah. How do you get recognized.


Well the other night, well I didn't exactly get recognized but we thought I did.


We go out, we go out to get like a drink and somebody stops me on the way back and they go, oh my God, Kenny. And I said, Yeah. And they go, Heilig, I hope you're having a good night or whatever. I'm like, thank you so much. And I keep walking.


I was right next to Kenny while all this was going on too. Yeah. And like we had we had masks on and like we were like going through this place. Yeah.


And I looked at Kenny, I was like, oh my God, he's getting recognized. The girls maybe gay.


Yeah, I thought so. And it's a neighborhood bar.


It's like right around the corner, you know.


So yeah, it's like it's like close to home. I was like, oh my God.


Like people in my back yard. Right. Oh good. In my back yard and our back yard yard. Yeah I know.


But it was crazy because I thought holy shit, that's, that's a big time Kenny fan like they fuck with him.


Oh my God. Then when we were, when we were leaving she was, she was actually sitting like at the table adjacent to us. Right then when we were leaving, I like I try to give the fans what they want and I go over.


I'm still like, are you having a good night? Like, what's going on? And she goes, Yeah. She goes, I don't think you recognize me. I make your coffee every morning. Oh.




It's like the embarrassment that washed over me.


I go, oh my God, you make it better than anyone. That's my favorite. Honey, I'm going to be dead serious. I'm surprised that you did not recognize the person. I mean, we were all in masks. Yeah, exactly. Especially she was in a mask, too, OK? Oh yes, they were in a pandemic. OK, well, if we're fucking sitting in a restaurant, you know, when you fucking man does that for other people, but she she literally was like like, you know, when you I don't know when you go into work, like, I feel like normally she has her hair up in like a certain way when, you know, it's a different vibe here, a different way she's doing.


We we always look exactly how we look. That's like if I'm going to pick up coffee, if I'm going to the bar, if I'm going out to the grocery store, like we always look the same, I feel right. But like when you see somebody in uniform every day, it's like, yeah, I'll remember your name. I know who you are when I come to your workplace.


Yeah, but they like and even being like in retail, like, I would recognize a customer more than they would ever recognize me. Right.


It's like seeing a teacher outside of school.


It's I know it's like watching a dog's hind legs is his eyes are crazy. Yeah.


It was very that but it like it definitely took the wind out of my imagination imagining.


You see, Mike, Mike is the guy is the guy who designed this entire imagine seeing him out at a bar like that.


It's like it's like seeing someone outside of what I would like to think it was.


His uncle was like, can we show like a picture like, yeah, dude, you've never met her uncle, but it is fucking identical.


Twenty videos on exactly what she looks like. As soon as I saw him immediately, my head was like, oh yes, that was the first person to tell me. Yeah. Because once I looked at Mars like curry. That's so funny. Thought, you know, it's crazy.


Today somebody recognized me for my voice and then she said she loves the podcast, but I couldn't tell if it was just from the audio because then she said, like, she loves my dancing videos.


But she was like because she I was like looking at her for a good couple of minutes. And then I opened my mouth and she was like, oh my gosh, I recognize your voice.


And she was like, are you Mariah? And I was like, like, could you imagine? So I just.


That's from just the audio podcast. Yeah. Not filming our podcast, but just hearing I talk like this.


I talk, I talk, I do this and then I do that. That is really cool.


It is to be just recognized by audio like we're all from South Florida except.


Florida, Florida and Florida. Yes, you've heard of Paul and young Ron.


Yeah, I got it.


Looks like Paul and young Ron Paul and young Ron Ron in the morning. They're on big one two five oh oh.


You see the huge Ron? Yeah, I just like radio.


Kind of like one in five nine big that channel. Yeah. Their names were Paul and young Ron.


So like I know their voices, no idea what they look like, but I grew up listening to them every single day. Oh wow. No idea what they look like, but if I heard them I'd be like, holy shit, I know who you are. And that's a really interesting thing to think about. I don't know. You listen to shit like that.


Like the radio. The radio. Yeah. Know I don't know. You listen to like because remember it's about like podcasts. I didn't know you ever listen to a podcast or radio or anything like that.


So yeah. So it was just like my, my parents, my family, we would always put big one 059 on and it was just like just classic rock Bailando vibe.


I don't know what my ex-boyfriend and I would watch anime. I was actually just telling someone this earlier. I thought whenever we would watch anime, I would be able to identify actors even if they were doing a different type of voice or whatever.


I really like the vocal quality.


I'd be like, oh, that's that's like Yuri Loewenthal and my ex-boyfriend always Google. He be like, who is that? I'd be like, oh, they played such and such and this anime, such and such and this and that. And then he will look at us like you're right. And I'd be like, wow.


So so you can hear somebody play five different characters. But no, it's still the same voice. Actor. Yeah, there's like there's a very slight tell that like yeah.


You can tell what their vocal bass is and what they're kind of there's only one person that I can tell every time is Michael Meyers. I know. Yeah. That's a good one. Yeah. Civic voice.


Yeah, I was like Michael Meyers like the like from Halloween following Michael Meyers. Fucking Goldmember.


Yeah, exactly the kind of hat. Yeah, thank you, good, bubba. I got nervous. So good everybody else.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to AT&T for sponsoring this episode. Oh, baby. AT&T coming in hot on the first episode. I have been a longtime AT&T customer. Yeah, I had AT&T before. It was even AT&T. You remember Cingular. You're like grandfathered in. You still have that same plan. I love it, dude. They've always been the best. Yeah, my entire family has it. They all love it so much.


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Yeah, get that coverage was on the other Vahidi get that coverage. Got AT&T, just everything. AT&T is so much better. Yeah. Guys again thank you for sponsoring the first episode. Doc was so, so excited and happy that you could be along the ride with us and. Yeah. Let's get back to the episode.


Mm hmm. Also, those are the only people being recognized, there are someone in your family that was kind of recognized for their potential and someone got a little insecure.


Oh, yes, my little sister, who everybody knows, Hedaya, the queen of the Internet.


She says she she's in Florida right now. She, you know, has a nine to five job there. Signs are she'll get like Internet jobs because she has like a following. Right. Instagram, she'll get like something so crazy. Do that. So sick for her. And I know she like. That's amazing.


This is when we're filming a lot like a lot with each other and everybody love their so like her Instagram. She was so excited because, you know, she loves like post things, but she felt like she so scared to like, you know, post herself or whatever, but she felt very comfortable sa posting, but she got a following and she's really excited about it. So, you know. Sorry, he's hungry. Darling, there's times where she'll get a business email through my email.


I don't know if it's really my emails and an or hers at all, so I don't know how I get any of her. Maybe maybe people will think like you would see it also. Yeah, sure. Just like kind of solidify like they they know if she doesn't, maybe you will.


And I guess I don't see it that far. I'm just like I'm surprised that they even do that. They're like, oh, let's send it to our brother. That's what I mean.


Literally, people like Demming, like I get every almost every fucking email I get or D.M. is always like for.


Can you send this to David, tell him I love him and we want to we want to do this with him or. But that makes sense. But like brains, I feel like they're so professional. Right. But so I got an email for Hedaya sake.


I actually want to read it off my phone because this is I have to I have to read exactly the text because that's you just because you'll understand.


Yeah, I so I get an email Foradil from a brand. The brand has the name.


You can't tell what it is.


It's just a name like it's a generic generic form. Look General. A broad name.


Exactly. So yeah. So I get this email. Hey I hope you're having a lovely day. My name is Blank from Blank, a female self-love and wellness company. I love her and her Instagram account, blah blah and would love to know if you would be interested in a collaboration with us. OK, so their mission is to empower women across the world to embrace self-love and increase their self-confidence, you know, and they want her to post like and feed whatever stories.


And I forward it to our manager. And I was like, hey, let's see if we can make this work for Hedaya. You know, she's working on if five any anything extra would be great for.


Yeah, he emails me back, and this is the funniest email I've ever received from him because I've never received an email from him where he put any fun to read.


So he goes hazing, happy to see what they'd be able to offer in terms of rate, but puts this the font in red for this book. I just want to make sure you know that this is a female sex toy company. Let me know your thoughts.


I know for a diabolo, guys. Phidias, she's a Muslim girl. She's fully clothed. She wears a hijab. Yeah. She doesn't show her ankles or her wrists. Nothing pass and nothing pass her hands, feet, face. It is very, very strict. Yeah. I just don't do anything more than that.


And this company reached out to me so they know who it is. They know who I am. They know that we film together. They know who she is. And I'm just so surprised that they reached out to her for a sex toy company.


It is just completely inappropriate.


It's funny that that our manager put it in red because I know Zane reading that email would scare everything. I guess you would be first and be like, we'll see what we can do. Yes, we're done here today. You've got a job. Kind of so excited. Yeah, he's out of name one, not the rest of the. That's so funny. And that's exactly what he did. You know, I like to me, I saw that as the funniest thing in the fucking world.


And it was a really wild ride. It just sex toy company.


And it's so funny because like like I didn't even know this, but like being around Hedayat, I like I can't shake her hand. Yeah. I kind of just have it like instilled in my brain, just like just being where where we are, where we came from, like going going to shake a hand or give a hug and just thinking about that, like I can't even do that. Yeah. But they're asking her to promote a fucking sex toy.


Like how over the top that is like I don't know if in their eyes are like, oh you know, it's twenty twenty, you know, everybody's open but it's like there's a there's a, there's a I feel a certain point where it's just completely inappropriate, where it's like I think that I don't know, I don't know if it's like well I feel like that's why they reached out to you though rather than going to her directly, trying to convince her to go like I think she was attached to the email.


Hold on. What do you think? OK, you know, she wasn't attached to the email. Do you think there would be a price or she'd be like, forget?


No, no, no, no, no, no. I do no price.


Because that is like. Do you think if they came to her like six million dollars, we got this new toy coming out, we want you to promote it like that. I don't know who that was. My dad and my stepmom might be like, baby, you got to do it everything. It goes against everything to buy a new house.


You with that, those those brain cells are actually really funny because our friends, Carlene, and there are also YouTube birds. They they're part of our friend group. Yeah. They make YouTube videos, they get deals like that. But the way they're like so the way they do it is that they almost like make fun of it. Like sitting there, they're fun. They'll never use it. Or even you said they're just kind of like they kind of just play with it, they use it as a microphone and shit and then their shit gets approved.


Unbelievable promoting it. That's how I think everything should be promoted because. You're just showing how fun. Honestly, it's more natural and so I wonder if that's how my little sister got fronted with that with that deal. Oh, you know, she'll never use it in any way. That's inappropriate. But, like, maybe she'll do it in a fun way. So I'm playing devil's advocate here. Maybe she will use it like a billionaire.


Right. Right, right. Like we could never. That would be such a shame. No, not to say. I'm just saying that I was like, how do you think? Like, do you think they'd be, like, really mad if it was like a huge fucking payout like that?


And that's that's a tough question, to be completely honest.


And I wish they were both here right now to answer that question. I don't know. I'm not saying that in a respectful way, because I'm not saying that money is everything. Right. Who knows? Maybe like maybe there's maybe there's like a little net in the religion where if you donate half of the homeless and you donate it to everything, everything. Everybody. Oh, yeah. My mom would be like if it was a six million dollar job, she goes, that's all going to Jesus.


Exactly. Jesus is money. Do it.


It's like you're kind of working. You're working with both both ends. You're working with God and you're working with the brand.


It's so interesting, like finding what people's tipping points are for on this episode of Girl to Find.


What would you do on What's Your Price?


But I know Mariah got a very, very interesting job. Yes. I didn't get it. I got offered it. Offered no. I hope it never gets this offer, which is crazy. Like, I can't even imagine getting something like this in my email. Twenty want a baby.


I got different. My manager called me and he goes, This sounds crazy. But just in case you're interested, there was a company that reached out and they wanted me to make take talks. First of all, the way my manager worded it was like, do you want to pick any of these nine tracks to dance to on Ticktock for this much money?


I was like, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Because it's a brand. Yeah, right. I go through the tracks and every single track it's not.


They were like 15 second songs cancelling different brands like as a joke or like seriously like it was like, it was like whatever this company was that was like we want to bring down everybody and want to bring everybody talk.


We want you kids.


Let's talk on take talk while getting paid on. Take talk to doing that was the first brand that's the first.


So hypocritical from that company to do that. The song was about canceling tech talk for whatever it was. Yeah.


No, that's like someone talking shit about Amazon and then buying a fucking product right the next minute and imagined to be like tick tock steals your data.


Like that's exactly like that. But different brand. It was like a bunch of different brands. Yeah. It's fucking insane. I was like I absolutely would not do it for any amount of money and what to do.


And it's a weird thing because like Tick-Tock is technically your job, right. Yeah. Like imagine being like.


I'm going to pay you money to do your job while cancelling your job, they thought they were hardcore promoting cancel culture and I was like, this is so ridiculous for a lot of different things that didn't make sense.


My problem with it is that I'm being hypocritical in having you post on tech. I think that's yeah, that was the top line.


It is paying someone to bite the hand. That makes no sense. I won't give you money. Are they paying you like a ton of money, like for once, 15 seconds long? It was a good amount. Yeah, that's pretty. Like I wonder where this budget is coming from. Yeah, I understand what they gain from it. That's the only thing out there is how you're canceling something. There were big names doing it. They weren't really.


Yeah. They posted examples. I was like, no way.


How do you do that. They might as you just saw, the dollar bills and are like, oh exactly. Yeah, that's crazy. I would never. Is that saying that's insane? That's actually like like I'm trying to I'm trying to tell you exactly how I feel about it, but I can't I'm trying to put it in like our shoes.


Like if somebody was to come to us and be like, we'll give you X amount of dollars to be like, fuck you tube. YouTube is disgusting, but we can have whatever thoughts we want about whatever it is. But like, I would never say something.


And like for payment, it makes you decide it's not worth it to really not only do it based on like, give me my money, I'm going to say YouTube fucking so like I would never do that and I would never do that, period. You know what? Unless you actually fucking hate the brand, then I'm like, you know what? Right, right, right. It's authentic. It's like you actually hate the fucking brand and someone's paying you to tell everybody in the world that you hate the brand.


Take it if they actually are a horrible company. Yeah, right. Right.


As long as it's authentic to you. But like you're saying, you saw a lot of kids doing this. I'm just surprised. I just hope they're they feel like that about the brand because it actually does hurt the brand and they're doing it for real.


I'm sure there are brands that are doing shit under the table that like people have done research on, but like who am I to like? I'd never done research on these brands. I don't want my to say something, you know what I mean?


And how many people are just so equipped to, like, just completely hate the brand that gave them their platform.


Like, that's so interesting. It was so bizarre. And the website looked funky. Huh. Goosebumps like movie.


That was another thing too, is that I'm just curious how many people went into these concepts and stuff because the songs were clearly original songs because the original like like parody.


Yeah. Like it was like very pop and it was awful. Awful, horrible. Yeah. Yeah.


And you know, the bigger the name the more money you get. Yeah.


But the thing is people do record these songs. They had to sit in a booth and like have headphones on and have a little lyric script to actually get that.


I would do that, I would do that. And they were like, OK, we're going to cancel this, oh, I need to sing this. I just be like, oh, Wal-Mart.


Yeah. Where are you? A big four wall marma. Right, right. I suck fort's wait.


Do you want to know the price ranges that I saw. Yeah. Oh. Oh yeah. If you're open to talking about that. Yeah.


It went from three hundred to twenty thousand dollars to dance to one song.


I wonder what a twenty thousand dollar company would look like to be like and wait with us.


It's you cancelling.


I don't I have to know who is who's behind this because they're not getting any benefit. They're not benefiting from. Right. Who is right.


Because they're not selling something. It's not like she's putting something out there that's like, hey, there's a product. I stand by it and I want you guys to try it. It's just like I'm going to go with Wal-Mart again because it's the biggest selling or Wal-Mart or these people so passionate about ending these brands where they're putting their own money in.


Are they passionate about the brand or are they passion about cancel culture or are they passionate about their brand and their competition? Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. This. Yeah, which leads into fucking what I was talking about this the other day, like so on Jersey Shore, I'm listening.


I'm listening to my girlfriend.


So I found this out recently and I thought it was the most interesting thing because it's so I don't think about brands or marketing in this sense because it.


I guess I'm just like not in that world, but Louis Vuitton would give Snooki Gucci bags, real Gucci bags, another brand giving her a Gucci bag to wear because knowing that her image is not the best that people look at Snooki me like I don't want to be like that.


Then. Like during during that time of the show, Louis Vuitton would give them a contriteness.


Let. Look at Snooki in a bad light so she'd be throwing up on the beach, fucked up, getting arrested, wearing a Gucci bag. Which is crazy because everybody loves Jersey Shore.


I loved Snooki love.


I don't know anybody that looked at Jersey. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people did.


But like a lot of people actually did, like Jersey Shore, a lot of kids, a lot of people thought it was an East Coast thing, like West Coast.


People were like, what? What?


I think I think, OK, so there's a difference between liking somebody being like, oh, my God, they're so funny and being like, I want to wanting to emulate them.


Right? Yeah, right.


So it's like that's like two huge designers doing that against each other.


Yeah. That's blows my mind.


Do you have any because you used to work at Gucci.


Is that something you ever experience with like you worked at a designer that names the name rhymes with. Yeah. We're not going to say what brand, but yeah, it's very interesting. I heard this the other day and it was kind of interesting because I feel like it's just a sign of the times like them doing that back then. Absolutely. Like a total smear campaign. But I was telling he's like the creative director that refugees is in place. If that happened today, he wouldn't give a fuck.


The creative director would literally run with that.


That would be free from, of course, Louis Vuitton would be like eviscerated because they would laugh at it, make it be like, oh, like because it is a smart play to do to your competitor. That's what I would I would give my product to Snooki if she was going to be arrested. But it's so funny and funny.


Every company being so successful, being like, yeah, you're you're buying my shit to give to somebody else.


Like, it's like to think that I could just see Gucci just being like, oh, wow, like Louis Vuitton, you're buying our product, right? We would never buy our product. And clearly no and no. Like, it's just crazy. Like like the whole brand, like Gucci right now is like built on capitalizing on fake knockoffs and like making real versions of fake.


They have to go ask why write like a bunch of things that are just like very requires that people people made Gucci with a Y instead of and I know this is coming from the actual brand.


Yes, it was it was completely because of online culture, like people were knocking off gooky so much and it was the most knocked off brand in the world. And people were there were hash tagging things on Instagram with Jukwa when anything would look like fake.


Oh, like so they made their fake Gucci but was real good, was real. It was real pricey. Like real everything stand on. That's so cool. That's so small. Like that's actually really funny.


It's very like counterculture because I have like the pieces from that collection and it says Jukwa on it. And I get people that come up to me and they're like, You're sure it's hilarious bro. Jukwa like, that's so funny. And I'm thinking like, you're making a real it's yeah. They don't know that it's real, but it's like that's what I kind of like about it.


Yeah. Well you don't nobody like that. That is something like nobody knows if it's real or not but you and that's what's cool.


You know what I don't like. I don't know. Like how much do you squash shirts. They're just as much retail. This is not what I paid for it but retail. If we were selling it to a customer like a t shirt is five hundred dollars. OK, a Gucci sure is five hundred dollars. Right, right. How much was a Gucci with a y shirt. Like a fake non real brand.


No, no, no. That Gucci put out JC. Why would it be from our store. Any t shirt was I think it would be smart for, for them to put it a little cheaper. So people know. No, but like they don't really need to know to be real because it's coming from Gucci. So, you know what I mean? It's like they're like kind of making a mockery of themselves by doing that.


Exactly. It's like still put it at the same point. Like, people who really fuck with Gucci will be like, I will pay more money for a real Gucci for people to think it's fake Gucci. Right.


Like that is so fucking like in LA Charles. It's crazy.


It's crazy. It would almost like lessen their credibility if they were to drive down the price point. Yeah. If it were not to be an entry level price point for a t shirt people, it would actually make money.


Right. It would make y be lower. Right. Yeah. But not keep it on the same thing. Like if you make a mockery, make a joke out of it, you keep it the same price, but if you lower it then it's like OK, yeah. Gucci and then Gucci.


And that's I don't know, I think it's just because it's coming from Gucci. I think people just like people are crazy. They'll buy anything if they know it's coming from the Gucci fucking warehouse, you know. I mean, like. She's making it doesn't matter what it is, what it says on the shirt, I'm paying a lot of money for this, right? That's why I said that.


Well, the shirt that literally, like everyone has, like everyone has the same job.


It's not my enoki, but that one, though. I was inspired by that.


It's like it doesn't say the why it says jinky. It's spelled correctly, but like the entire, like, logo shirt that has every influence or has been seen and sold out everywhere. I sold a lot of them.


OK, can we get to the point that one was inspired by our creative director, went to a flea market and found fake Gucci shirts and that was the design of them.


And he goes, OK, like I'm going to make oh my God. Because those aren't trademarked. Yeah, he gets a steal.


Oh, my God. He stole money. Mr. Gucci.


On that genius knockoff. Yes. Stealing other people's shit. You're in there, man of your shit. Oh, my God.


It's a very like mike drop kind of. And it's literally just like I don't give a fuck like I say, like, if that's done well with the whole Snooki thing at this day and age, he would run with it. It would be like a campaign of ours. I had to pay no money for Gruchy.


I feel like if that happened, like Gucci would make a fake Gucci that looked like a Louis Vuitton.


But like, you know, like that like I know or I thought you're about to say is or like a picture of Snooki getting arrested with the Gucci bag on her as a fucking shirt. That be a that's some shit they would like would make as a shirt just like a real challenge to the cast.


I would cry my eyes out if we got in the mirror. I think about this all the time. I wish I could. I wish we were. I wish we were. We were in the same time frame as dumb because I feel like we would have crossed paths at some point.


That collab would be in way. It would have been fucking crazy, like literally idol like this is so embarrassing.


But I like idolized Snooki, you know, that I'm like obsessed with her kids, like she's living like my dream. I would like to see you.


I've never seen Jersey Shore until the last few months.


I said, oh yeah, right. I made you watch it twice.


Is this they were mine. They were. They were.


They remind me of home again there for me and my cousins. Like literally. Yeah. They're once again it's just like a family home thing. Like it's just it's comfort. I don't know.


Yeah they're good relatability thing, but like imagine like David was doing his thing at the time of Jersey Shore doing their thing.


Oh my God. And we could like party together. Just imagine the both of us both both of our groups in that same Jersey Shore.


Imagine Todd and Ronnie getting in a fight.


Oh, my God. That was told like that to do it in class with a class. One hundred fucking percent. There would have been in fights every day.


And that would have been again, who would who would have been like against Mike. You guys would be best friends with Paul.


You say I was going. Yeah, if Paulie. Oh, my gosh, forget it. I would love you. OK, we OK.


Hear me out. It's not impossible. They're very social media. I know.


Like Snooki and Jenny especially, they're on YouTube. That's what they're doing. They have their own little like company on the side, but they're doing YouTube like Pauly and Vinny. They have like their show and stuff like that. They're all doing their thing and everybody else has a family or they're not in the spotlight anymore. But I feel like Nicole and Jenny are very possible.


Reachable. Yes. Yeah. It would take to do it.


That would actually be like I could just imagine in those days.


Right. The kids, you're just sitting here just bouncing them on your lap or are you just sitting there? Oh, my budget set for a daycare.


I'm right in my life. That would be so we're what we're doing right now is we're manifesting it. We are like, hey, this is going to happen. Get into exist the secret baby. You got to fucking focus, create a mood board.


It'll happen. I'm always like, astounded by, like, the actual old generations that somehow have an overlap with today's generations, like with tech talk and like all the things that are happening now.


Like, did you hear about Kelly Osborne, who I couldn't work. Is that real? I saw a paparazzi picture of Kelly Osborne and will look with Griffin Johnson.


That's a talker.


I could not I could not believe it's so funny because like when people like I guess when I say the name or me and I think about it, it's like Griffin Johnson should be like who I like. Nurse by day, boy by night, because I didn't know until said that I was like, Oh God, I've got this fucking boyfriend, right, right.


Name former friend of mine back.


And you could go on.


But also still filming with Noah now over the fucking drama. Maybe we want to bring that shit here. That's what we want to do. We want to bring that on both of them right here.


I do duke it out or if they're friends, fucking let's talk about it. You know, I'm saying, you know, apart, we got to I want to get to the bottom. Unravel it, baby. This is unfiltered. We're fucking season two. We are not holding back, baby. We're showing that we have the biggest asses on this show. Exactly. We are bringing nurses. We are bringing Nikki Boyer. We are bringing the boy.


We are bringing scandalous people.


We are bringing controversial people to show that Griffin Dixie were on. Oh my God. It was a nurse show. He still was a nurse. I did not talk to Dixie about that. I got to talk to you about that show. That was crazy.


What, is he jealous we didn't get a show like Louis? That's all I know because we've been working. So we just want we just want to be on something and it's just not worth it.


We're just pissed. Our fucking vampire end of the world. Show that and take off your fucking film.


The final leg. We're so bitter.


We are bitter and I'm fine with it. I'm a better person. Hey, I really fucking own it as long as we know ourselves.


And it is what it is what it is. No, it would be cool to have them anyway. We're worried. Yeah.


Spermaceti. Right, right. Yeah.


So apparently Griffin, the guy, nurse by day, boy by night is seeing on. Yeah.


Dude I heard there are caught in the back of the line. They know you guys.


OK, so they were spotted. The pictures that you guys probably saw were in L.A. They were at Craig's Restaurant on last Wednesday and they're real good.


I know it must be good. No, no. Craig's is like a high end, like, mobster fantasy type of person. You know, you're not bringing your you're going there for business. Are you going there for fucking. It's one of those. And I think it was the fucking because what business does Griffin Johnson and Kelly Osbourne got going? I'm going to cut some ties.


And Zack, it really doesn't seem like it makes sense to have the picture.


And it's like, well, I mean, if he's a boy, like, he's probably into, like, old rock and roll. I don't think he's like, e boy.


I think pretty boy. Yeah, he's a pretty boy. Do you think he's pretty? He's a pretty boy. He's stunning. I'm I'm pretty good. It's crazy how that was great. I don't know. He doesn't have to talk. I'm educated.


It's crazy how accessible these tick tick talkers are to all traditional celebrities.


Yeah, it's insane. It is weird because we never like I feel like I mean, everybody I've ever known. I feel like David has been the closest to actual just interaction with him.


Just like the king. Yeah. Yeah. Lysa like so much. Yeah. That's it.


It's like these tech talkers, their group, every single one of them is like paparazzi that you know.


And I think I think paparazzi was the reason why they're able to hit traditional so quick. Right. Because because you guys didn't have that. We don't nobody likes paparazzi such I will say thank God we didn't get paparazzi when we were things would be so different.


I think we would be done. We would not be here today. Oh, you don't you forget what paparazzi, how it works. You have to fucking call paparazzi. Oh, no.


If you go to Seattle, aren't you getting fucking paparazzi? Because there were called there you don't the paparazzi shows up because they know that they're over there.


No, people definitely know. Yeah. Nobody's calling paparazzi to Justin Bieber's house right now every day. So when he walks, I said, get the fuck out of my face. But the airport, I've seen people being called paparazzi at Parnell's. I know it's a thing. It's like people people definitely call it on their self, but like people that don't is what I'm saying.


Like like paparazzi just knows to go to Seattle. Yeah. But I think in the beginning they will call, but now they know it's like. Oh right, right, right. So I show up every night but yeah. Like weekends, Thursdays maybe. Right. It's like they just know.


But when they show up to places that don't make sense they were called. Yeah, yeah. Parties show up to Jason's roast probably. Right. We're going anywhere to be here.


Every time I watch a paparazzi video they're asking these tech talkers questions. I'm just like ask better fucking questions with our first guest. I was going to just say so peanut butter or jelly on the sandwich.


It's like just reassess, take a step back, think right. And do a little notepad of what you're going to ask before you come up to then ask these questions. These paparazzi just know it's going to do well either way.


I know. But regardless of how much time they put into it, it's going to do well. So why not just to make sure they do? Because I actually found out that the paparazzi who does all of us. Hollywood FOX.


Oh, no, but he he records from his phone upload straight to the YouTube app. He doesn't get it or anything.


Just we think it's almost. Jason, Jason, yeah, you know, just my guts out fucking bullshit go so fucking it's crazy, it's crazy at times.


Like four years ago it was completely fucking different. Completely different. Yeah. Now I'm not I don't see a shred of paparazzi the first five years we're out here and now it's just like everywhere we go, we just see them just in all these places. And it's like even like a year ago, Zain, I think I think what it is, is like when we started.


We weren't taken seriously. It was like YouTube was fucking Vyner, it was just like no one's taken seriously right now. No. Tick tock, tick, tick tock, tick tock. Guys are not taken seriously right now.


The big dogs are asleep, but they're book a job, right? It doesn't matter. They.


OK, I'm not talking about Charlie and Addison. These are I'm not talking about dude. I'm talking about literally 95 percent of tech talk right now.


No, I mean, 95 seems like people who post on YouTube aren't taken seriously. But like, I think like, you know, the biggest tech talkers are taking way more seriously than the biggest winners were people followed people like creators on Vine because they were like, I know if I follow this person, I will get a quick laugh.


I know. I'm just like, I don't give a fuck who they are. You could be whoever I know. If I follow you, I'm going to see a skit, something funny, and I'll just go see my feet and I'm going to laugh people no follow people on. Ticktock, because it's like I think they're hot. I have a crush.


I think it's like it's a more it's an attraction thing is more attraction based. Yeah. Totally different levels.


I literally couldn't tell you like the last funny tick tock that I've seen that's not based around only difference the law and so on.


But they're not like, I don't know, like what he's saying is it's different now. It used to be about more entertainment. Now it's about surface level. It's about like a lot of tech talkers.


They have a lot of talent. I know I can like sing or dance, but they don't use that. They're just like very good looking and it works for them. Crazy like people.


Yeah. Vine didn't follow us because what the fuck we look like, you know, it was like obviously. Right, right, right. So it's like they followed us on Vine because they're like, I'm going to see something funny which we hoped to provide different, but they're like, I'm not going to follow on Instagram. I don't care. I don't care to see a picture of you guys. I don't care to see your tweets, what you guys have to say.


Like, I know if I follow you on Vine, I'm going to see a funny video. Yeah.


And that's just one we're not. So you want to go for that one is bad, right? It's just different. Yeah, it's twenty. Twenty, it's different. People are looking for different things now too.


I will say that like just not with. I have never downloaded Tick-Tock. I don't, I don't have to talk, I don't follow on Instagram anyone that would be described as a tech talker.


It's just like a different market. Yeah. Yeah.


Completely different cell like and if I don't have an ultrasound it's like just like seeing the whole tick tock stuff, like I personally don't get it but I'm still fascinated by it. Yeah. Yeah. Because it is the new wave and I feel like the way you tuba's look at vaginas is how vaginas look at tick tock. I agree. Yeah. Because I know like we, I like I used to look up to a lot of different you tubers. That'd be like holy shit.


Like I would love like quién and jayce. Yeah. Like I looked at them and I was like holy fuck. Do you guys like the big dogs. These are real deal. And I'm sure like a lot of big utopia's looked at us like, oh they're fucking running. Yeah. They fucking cheated their way into a falling because they got six seconds to to make them laugh. Yeah. Great. We had to make ten minute videos. Well but that's the thing.


That's why I feel like there are parallels with talk and Vine is because I think a lot of tech talkers that rose to fame very quickly are experiencing the same backlash that you guys experience.


It's always going to be something to try to discredit anything that you do because they're like it's not that much work. It's like, what are they doing? They're making dancing videos. Like, why are they getting paid this much?


People are just pissed off. Like it all go, oh yeah, people are going to be depressed regardless. It is. Yeah. And it's like, yeah I feel like it's like the way we like we don't get.


Yeah it's obviously not easy. I completely got to get that you get it. But it's different. Yeah.


And you just kind of have to adapt to what the new New Age is do and that's pretty cool.


Yeah. Yeah. You know where that money is baby. It's, it's all you got to go get it. Yeah.


It's so exciting. Just like everybody. I think everybody needs to lighten up just like let it be. It is exciting and it's fun to learn about it because yeah. I don't get some of the jokes either. I'm like oh my gosh this is crazy.


But I try to like like xenomorph I will show me shit like I'm just like yeah I don't get it. Zanin is the hottest and I'm like I still don't get it. Yeah. You're growing old very fast though.


Where am I, an old Honda. You're going. It's ok. It's ok, you know. Yeah.


It's exactly what our parents feel like about what we do and stuff like they don't get it but they're trying. Yeah.


For all of you, just listening to audio, he's actually in a rocking chair and and knitting and orange quijas that that corseted his top.


I'll do my thing. I'm getting calls right now. I think he may be starting soon. Oh, Jason, what time is it at? Seven thirty, probably. Right. Oh, fuck. Yeah, we've been reveillon for two years.


We've been doing it, baby. I think I completely lost track of time until I was like sighted. We just met. I know. OK, yeah. We should probably wrap it. Yeah that's right. Let's get it. Yeah.


Oh yeah. Guys you're going right now to see two suzu to choose one so it feels so much better.


Like I'm just. Say it like you feel so much. It feels right, does be here and always remember where you came from. Yeah, I'm proud of us humble kings and queens, but Dale. All right, guys.


Well, this is the first episode of season two of the fifty one. We are so fucking excited guys that we love you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you for tuning in again. Make sure to tune in to every episode of ours with us on Mondays. Audio version on the Google app, the podcast app, the spot, Spotify, all that junk.


And then we post video form on YouTube, Dotcom, Slouching and Heath every Tuesday. Yup. And guys, for everybody who listens right now, just make sure to check out the video because we are so excited about our site and we want to share it with everybody and make sure you can see it. Exactly, because put we put a lot of moolah into it, so please, it adds up. Yeah.


Guys, we wanted to put new merch out for this episode, but we we just don't have it ready.


This is not falling into our lap in our timeline where we are, how much it's it's our brand right now. So we hopefully will have it by next episode. So make sure to check out for that, which I guess that was the course of us.


So maybe we'll have started and we'll do a crop top.


Oh, look.


Sexy just like that, you know, but our guys, thank you again so much for the last season. And we are so excited to continue season two with everybody listening right now. All right. Let's do a little bow and come on, guys, about.


Oh, I would do a curtsy. Oh, where can you can he out right now.


But that's Alvo. Yeah. Yeah.