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It's a Saturday. Yeah, it's Saturday night where, you know, no, you're not. Oh, hey, Courtney. Courtney, do you not know how this works? You know, here you until after the intro went, oh, God, you're so I just want to make it look like you came in after the intro. That's how I suppose that's why I try to.


All right. OK, for you guys listening.


If you guys I mean. Yeah, for you guys listening not has bleached his hair. Hello, everybody.


Yeah. Well, I got very nervous about our guests coming on and I was just looking at myself in the mirror and I'm like, this isn't enough. This isn't enough.


And so I went to the salon and it still looks like it looks good, but like just a drastic change like that.


It looks like you're going through something like, well, I'll go with something with our hair just to make it more like what is going. I don't know. I don't know if it makes you look older or younger. I'm I'm kind of.


Oh, my God, he's a little baby. And then I'm like, holy shit.


Like my grandpa has, like, almost white hair all around me of that to me. Like a silver fox. Silver fox right now.


I know I look like Ellen DeGeneres. Yeah, they're going to make that joke. Ellen DeGeneres calls.


She wants her hair back. No, I'm already getting ready for the L. No, no, no. It's you look like. You look like Happy Gilmore is catty.


Oh, I don't get it. Very good. Very good. Oh.


Are you OK? Yeah. Oh my God. Mariah, please. Oh the little boy. Yes. Yes. OK, I'll take it.


We were at Coachella and Matt walked in with his Bruce there, but he was completely red because he was like, I don't know if you want to go.


My my hair was white because that's when platinum was really big. And so, like, I went to the salon to go platinum, showed the picture and go platinum. And I, I pulled up a picture of some runway model and I'm like, this looks good. Just because the guy looked really good. I intended to go to LA.


I used to like I would go to the back. Then when I lived in Florida I would go to salons and I would show like scene people like scene boys here is that I used to see in the mall and be like, I want this. And they're just like, we can't give you that. You don't have enough hair for it to be like, this is Supercuts. All right. Before we get too excited, let's let's let's roll it.


Let's get it going. Let's roll the intro.


Very good. All right. It's computability.


Oh, yeah, very serious question.


Sorry, I was talking the whole time in the intro, I thought you were right now. Oh yeah. I have a question after, sir. What's going on?


Guys, welcome back to Zane and Heath, unfiltered AM Heath. And I am Zane. And I am Mariah. And I'm out with Courtney today.


We have Courtney Parchment in the house, a.k.a. average fashion blogger.


Well, for me, I was about to kind of introduce, like, what you do, but like, I don't I don't even know what you do.


You kind of just like to kind of go for it on every block. All right.


Sure. Is model rising star like the big time. Been coming up and growing up and coming.


Nobody will say I love that. What do you do for the people like they actually were to explain it? I would say I do comedy, but I am pursuing acting, OK, and I write and I do take talks and Instagram to get me through the day.


But that's not you're a jack of all trades. Agil of all. You wear many hats.


I mean, what can't you do.


I know and I love that you guys are like finally friends and then you meet kind of coming together. Where where did we first meet? Because I remember I sat in Seattle.


Sounds about right. You came up and you're like, oh, my gosh, I love you guys and your whole stuff and everything. And I said, absolutely.


I think that because I remember it's so clear I was so oh, oh no, I'm so cool.


And we're pretty calm and chill. I was so calm and cool, but that's how I wanted to act. OK, ready. So I sensed it. I sensed it.


I sensed that you were hilarious.


We bonded that entire trip. And then I know that you were already kind of living it out in L.A., but we hadn't hung out yet. And then we went to Saddle Ranch and I was like, Yo, Cornish's here, it's fashion blogger. And you're like, huh? And I'm like, no, you guys did a meet. And you're like, I love your show.


It always did you like for you. Your show would pop up on my first page all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Like because like wow. Because you popped up once and I went to your page and I think be going to your page, take talk. I was like, oh he likes her content. So I just started seeing all your stuff. You liked it. Yeah.


But did you follow. Yes I did fall over. I did.


OK, yeah. I remember that side of it. You were like Zane wants to meet you. And then I was like, no, he doesn't even know who I am.


And then you did it. Yeah, no. I knew exactly who you were. It was like seeing I like seeing you. I felt like I was seeing a cartoon in real life. It was like it was it was crazy.


I was like, oh, I was also blocked out. I was like drawing. So I said, oh, my God, yeah. I was just like it. Like, I was kind of like setting you all up, like on a date. But, you know, I was, I guess, friends, like, I was just kind of matchmaking as friends. Yeah, I see that.


It like it was really sweet. You did pick me up. I picked you up. I always pick people up when I'm drunk. It was really sweet. Thank you.


And I had both my legs off the ground for that long.




So she took that marriage to your pictures. I put my legs up and there was no kiss.


There was no magic happening. But I even feel like it was energy. And like people who are outside the ranch, like watching you guys meet, were like excited that they were seeing this.


It was just say, you know, just to watch, like, people like if I was like you seeing Leo and Sandra Bullock meeting for the first time, our generation's honor to represent them at all like this with you and Sandra Bullock being in a movie together.


No, I'm saying imagine the meeting for the first time like Saddle Ranch, and you're just like sitting at the bar.


It's like when Billy Idol met Justin Bieber at Coachella. Yeah, that was like for you. All right. All right. It was crazy.


Like just because they were both like they were it like they're both nervous to meet each other and they're just like asking for it.


And everybody at Coachella, it was like Coachella. Everybody there was just like, oh my God, they're about it. And they're not like they won't turn their heads to each other because they're just both like it's just seem like they're both really nervous. Yeah. And I'll ask you to watch. I watched your documentary.


Yeah. It was incredible. I saw bits and pieces. Yeah. Really happy for you, Billy. We love you.


Just knowing they did everything in their bedroom that makes you love. I think they're they just like filmed everything. Yeah. It was fucking. Yeah. It's not really cool.


I thought they did their shit in like a high end fucking studio like you imagine you would. You would think. Yeah.


It was almost like filming vlog back then but just not posting it. Yeah.


So Courtney Courtney, average fashion blogger. Yes. Do you like prefer a preference. Do you hate when someone's like are you average fashion blogger.


A lot of people don't know my name, they call me average fashion blogger so I just SFB and I've never gotten that one in. But you're not a fashion blogger though, know? Well, it happened because when I started my account, it was supposed to be just a parody. An account, and so I was just making fun of fashion bloggers, that's why I was called average fashion blogger, but that was like in twenty eighteen, twenty seventeen.


And so now I just do like whatever I want to do has nothing to do with fashion, but that's why it's called. But you can't like, change the name. Yes.


Just kind of stuck with me and no one calls me Courtney. Even Courtney. Courtney. Yeah. Nice.


I don't call you Courtney. I call you Courtney. Why California?


That's just because when I was in high school, I wouldn't respond to anyone unless they called me Corndog, which is, you know, he hated it.


It's like Courtney, like, are you going to do a roll call?


Like Courtney?


Courtney identified myself as a corn dog.


It's corn dog. And and then I went to college and called it Horndog.


Oh, dog. Oh, no.


So they graduated. You grew up. You rebrand. I mean, really corny. And that's it now.


OK, so you would make really funny videos making fun of, like, fashion bloggers. Now, were you a consumer of fashion blogs or did you have a friend who is a fashion blogger and you couldn't stand her in your kind of nothing at all?


Like it was a combination.


I like seeing a fashion. Blogs would be like, I don't get this world. And then I had a friend who was starting to get into it and but I didn't know, like, I loved her. And then she's coming in. I was like, bitch, put me on your freaking blog. And then I was like, wait, I'm going to make my one of my, like, stupid outfits.


And that's how it started. And I think I just hit like now people make fun of fashion bloggers all the time. So it's nothing new. But I think at the time I just got lucky with, like, the timing of it.


Yeah. And so that people were pilgrim.


You're a pioneer, so you're behind you in your report. So what's the word before now. Oh, you were a pilgrim like you would kill in a pilgrim. I would kill. I like to say I was one of the disciples disciples. So, guys, we are you're decidedly corny.


We are your disciples. So guys, I'm putting the buckles on the hat.


It's a really I I'm sticking a feather in my hat macaroni.


I've been seeing a lot of like fashion bloggers on tech talk making fun of fashion bloggers. They're actually turning into fashion bloggers because they're getting like their fashion over, you know, all these different brand deals.


I could never focus on some people I know. Some of them were us. They got me in the beginning, though.


Were you just trying to make your friends laugh?


Like have you had you always been just really funny, just on your own socials, personally, just making friends laugh?


Or did you ever have the intention, like, I'm going to make it, but I want to catch some people's attention on the New Year started out as I was just like a Finster.


And so then I would just make the videos and my friends were like, this is really funny.


Jesus, someone here. So you just watch every episode. I heard that before you opened up the sound like a door open. Devon, can you check? Devon is leaving the room. We're all nervously looking at one another.


Here's the first one. If ever some one person was chosen to leave and to be the person to be sacrificed. I'm not the owner of the house saying, who are you talking to?


I hear like to. He's running Devon. What was it what was it what you said, hello? Our hero is always the one we like. Is anyone there? I have a weapon, so it's not like a hello. Oh, hey. Oh, hey, you're here.


That was crazy. That happens every episode. That's why it would be first to be sacrificed, though.




And like, if we were all running, who would get tripped to, like, tell them that we have significant others say sweet little care of anybody. I know we wouldn't do it.


I guess I go take me. It depends on what the sacrifice would be like.


Are we getting abducted by aliens or are we doing it like Apocalypto style? Oh, no.


Appeasing the gods. I don't like that. I like the aliens. Like, I would like to be abducted to aliens because I kind of want to see what's fucking going on and be so good for the podcast.


Oh, my God.


You guys did you guys see this, like, meteor thing that just happened? Oh, I know. Meteor shower of all those like comets. Like Washington in Seattle. Like when it looked like it was on Tick-Tock, it was like every tick tock I was looking through. It look like fireworks in the sky. Right. Like it was just a bunch of razie. Yeah.


I did not look right, unlike anything I've ever seen.


I mean, it's not just one like shooting star. It's a whole cluster in slow motion falling to earth. It looks like the end of the world. Oh, my God, that's beautiful.


Glucocorticoid. We all believe it. That's right. Yeah, I do. And I imagine sitting there and you're like looking out and you see that I would freak. Oh, yeah. I would think it's the end of the world. Yeah.


It's either a bunch of big fucking rocks about it. Just destroy the earth or its aliens.


I mean, if it's going that slow, it has to be big, right. Because of the small they'd be going faster.


They would have disintegrated. Yeah. Hey.


Or it's the Avengers. We don't know because because if you count everybody in the squad.


Were you a dancer? Oh, I see these girls. Let's go to the movies.


I danced when I was little, but my older sister was like, unbelievable. At dancing. She ended up doing something and dance and then, oh, sister.


But she was too young. She wasn't eighteen at the time but like made it to top 60 and takes them between the story. But she was really good. My mom didn't want us competing because she knew I'd lose.


Like I'm not McKenzie situation. I would have been.


What was your favorite type of dancing, dancing, jazz, contemporary dance. That's what makes it hip like you like, that makes a jam. And so like you're going to talk.


That's like hip hop.


I think so.


I think I was going take up I think Keith and I like contemporary. Yeah. I like when we get drunk we do contemporary.


Absolutely. I feel like contemporary is really cool because that's where like your own personality comes out. Exactly. And you're like making something up to a song and like it's how you feel.


You can say, yeah, that's more into the art. I don't fucking I, i it's contemporary. Yeah. I think it's really cool.


I'm a contemporary dancer. OK, that makes sense. OK, love you. I just, I just never picture you guys going Oh yeah, I love this.


You do tech talk.


No, she's shown me some like contemporary stuff that like insane contemporary.


Like real. You've never seen them dance and they do a contemporary like dance and it's fucking us. Oh. What kind of name of a show is that.


So you think you can dance about it just so you think you could be watching. So I'm sure I was trying to get trying to get on, I audition.


I know you can dance. They don't need to go. So you think you can do you would think I could dance but I got caught after ten seconds. Wait.


Oh no.


I got, I waited in line for fourteen hours in Philly when I, as soon as I turned 18 I was like OK, I'm auditioning. So my mom, my sister came with me with fourteen hours. You wait in line and they have you dance for ten seconds to see if they want you on the show. Meanwhile you're watching people that are bad like make it through because they want those people on the show.


I danced for like ten seconds and they were like, thank you so much.


She was like, shit, I want to I got so it's like they want to you're either really good or like someone next time people get really bad for the first round, like really, really a personality character development.


Like she sucked walking in here. She's been practicing, you know, but you do like you have dancer like like rhythm like you're good.


You're actually good. That's what I was wondering. Yeah.


Cool. Yeah, absolutely. Was there something that you believed for a long time that was true and then you found out it wasn't true?


Is that you know, it's just an interesting question. My mom telling me I was beautiful. Yeah.


And just like that, you can do anything you put your mind to.


You can, Fakhri. I know you can. Oh, you're really, really not right. All the time when are so good? Well, here's a I, I do it right now, TURINO Well, I can't because I would have to cough until I die. We can wait. Oh, that's that's your trick.


Something like. Really?


Oh, that's actually genius. Well, alterable. Yeah. She's doing a scene with Meryl Streep one day she's like, oh no.


Meryl Streep is like, OK, thanks.


Once the tears start going then I can get my head to continue them, but I can't get them to start.


Gotcha. Oh, I got I got about myself on the nose. Dagg, you get hit with the basketball, you just look fine. Oh my gosh. I always think of the pool check that I got on you.


Oh, my dad got me really crying. I hit my nose. I felt so it was hilarious. But I felt so bad because he was hiding his girlfriend's family for the first time.


Yeah, I think he liked his nose and his nose is just fucking like and I was completely convinced I was going to have this like.


So what happened was that, you know, like the triangle for like playing pool when you recall the bill.


So I bet him that he couldn't put his arms through it and then flip it and invert it inside out to come up with that little prick.


We've been you know, I've been doing it for like five years old, like, OK, and if you do it fast, it literally pulls in and snaps.




Like the tip of the triangle. It's a it's a perfectly hits right here. And it was in the thing. No, I don't have one here. It's crazy, but I felt bad.


But Matt did it like he did it on his own while he's so hard. I hadn't been hurt like that in a long time cause you tell him, like, how fast can you do it?


So when it got really dark. Yeah.


And you don't do it once you're like, oh, I can do it fast and you just fucking so you knew exactly who I thought was like I'm sitting in, you know, we used to we used to do it to everybody and I knew what he was doing because I've seen it before.


And I was just like, oh fuck. I looked at him like oh my God, that's going to get hurt because he's just going to do it in three days.


I was meeting my girlfriend's parents for the first time and I'm like, this is terrible.


I'm on the show crying.


Moreover, that or like getting high because and I was like after it hit me, um, like I was completely convinced my nose is going to turn purple and this is going to be a massive bruise. And this is just going to be the worst thing.


And they wouldn't want their daughter dating everyone with a nose like that. So I'm the complete opposite if that should happen. I think that's even funnier that I'm meeting my girlfriend's friends for the first time with what appears to be an icebreaker.


It's exactly what I was going for many different like, yeah, I was processing it differently where I'm like, OK, this will be funny.


But then I'm like, no, this is just sad.


And I like Deal. And Francis was like, I think you're fine. You're actually crying. Yes.


Like full on like. Yeah, because I was just like, this is terrible and it's only when I cry is usually like something that is so self-absorbed where I'm like only pitying myself.


Yeah. It, you know, it takes a lot to admit that. Yeah. Either I'm being very selfish is when I cry or it's something like a movie that's just. So you're about it. You know that right.


I know. I know I forgot to wear green for St. Patrick's Day. I wore green pants. I don't think anybody celebrated St. Patrick's Day this year. I didn't either, but I just thought we would actually try to do something about it. You Irish?


Yeah, I gave it away.


So what are you. Oh, I really don't know.


You know, you have never trained me. Yeah. We didn't do anything in me. Did you see the guy who did 23 and me with his pet frog? No.


When he got to see the stuff, my tech talk is different. You're you're just walking out of you are long gone.


So he did the cotton swab, but instead of doing it like on himself, he did it on his crotch and he swabbed the inside of the frogs.


And it came back that it was like, I forget like the whole time I was like something like it went back to like some line of, like Hitler's what it was like, really.


Does that make you think that maybe this whole 23 and me thing is like I think it's a scam. Yeah. Just to get your DNA. I think it's just think about it.


If you do a frog that's probably been alive for, what, half a year and it's saying that the fact that it's coming up as human DNA, that's pretty clear. And he's trying to give you know, but it was related to his undisclosed, which it's really weird.


Maybe they have a sense of humor there where they're like, OK, but he's like he's like he's dead because they could like they could get like side, you know, like, totally different.


No, my mom did twenty three and me here.


Come here, come here. Come and repeat that. My mom did 23 and. Hi this is Devin.


My mom did 23 and me at the age of 62 and discover that she was Albanian and she was like, oh, I've never known this. So she up her oldest brother and she's like, what's the deal?


Why? Why is this 23? And me saying, Mom, I'm Albanian. And he announces to her, Oh, you didn't know you're adopted.


No. Sixty two, you know, are you serious?


And this whole time she never knew. Never knew late.


Come back. Wait, wait, wait. Got real then. That seems really out of a chair. Wait. So many questions I guess.


Oh it's cool. Oh guys, by the way, this is Devin. He's he's.


I hate the way it's so weird. Assistant I hate it. He helps all of us with every part of the team is part of the team.


But yeah. Guys. Devin hey.


How's it going. So how did she feel when she found out?


I think she was very confused. But the crazy part about this whole story is she comes to find out that her mom is a family friend.


That has always just been there was always just like she would take me and my sister out during Christmas, go it, take us to the mall to go shopping. She's the Albanian one.


And yes. And she was just like a family friend. And that's how my mom knew her.


But really, it was her. Oh, she did. She has a family. Did she have a family, though, or did she just have this baby and like, her lifestyle just couldn't support it?


Yes, I think she was just young and she was a dancer. And she just she she had a baby with, I guess, the instructor of her dance class.


And I guess that's why they didn't tell her, because classes I guess that's the why they didn't tell her because her real mom was too close to home.


So that's what I was I was like that's why I wanted to put out that question. Is that messed up to not tell your kid that they're adopted?


I think it is. I think areas.


But if she would go, well, who is my real mom? And they'd be like, she's in a different place like that would mess with.


Did you. Yeah, it she thought it was a close family friend. Was she like, this makes sense. Like I felt some connection to her. Yeah.


I mean I think there's a lot of unanswered questions considering she's 62. How long ago was this like sixty four.


So it was like two years ago and you know, grandmother had dementia when she found out. So her mom has had dementia at the time.


So she wasn't and she just got dementia too.


Like the year before my mom found out what it was like, really brought her back.


She was just like, you know, oh my God, I didn't want her thinking about it because I think by the time you're eighteen and if you're adopted, you have the right to go and find out who your parents are.


So if she did, you know, know that she was adopted and waited till she was eighteen, she would have been like, oh, my gosh, it's our best friend.


Yeah, I don't know what you know.


It's crazy. She's found out from a lot of the family that they had planned to basically take it to their grave like she was best friends with her sister.


They were sister took it to her grave. My aunt passed away four years ago, took it to her grave.


Don't tell any of us they weren't going to tell. So no one was going to tell her. Yeah, like I never met my mom. Right to nourish me. Just like because there's nothing like it was a different time.


It was a different time.


I think I want to share it. That says though. I don't know. No, no, no.


They all I wish I could talk about one of my friends could come back.


I think I think like this like a low key part of me that thinks I'm adopted because my brother has so many baby pictures, everything of him growing up, the just the fuck you were there you are your mom.


You have your father's eyes. You have there is nothing of me. When I was young, he you know, mothers. You are your mother's child.


You and your dad look a fucking like twins. And your mom. Yes. Yeah, you are. You are like I don't like them. I like you. I have a lot of baby pictures. I just think it's weird that, like, maybe they just didn't love me. Have you guys that my parents. Are you young. Your brother died and most of it is your mom. They did the thing. They didn't. That's how my how my my mom.


But I know what you're.


Yeah, well you are your mom's personality and you look like your dad. You and your dad are identical. Got it. OK, you definitely look at your mom too, but you and your mom have the same person.


So I think that's what he does too. He looks like his dad, but he.


Yes, yes, yes, yes. Exactly. That acts just like again.


Are you going to go ahead? And apparently I made you annoyed on one of the episodes. Of course you did.


So the people not married. Something's off with Ryan Mack. You know, we don't we can't look at each other now, look closely. It's because of myself.


When you're talking, I'm like this. Yeah. Or I'm just like right.


Over the time, if Heath and I were in one, see, and if he was talking like, if the camera's on, me, too, I would look like I was down. It's like we have like resting, resting bitch face.


What does it say? Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Sweet way of putting it. Listen, it rests listening. This is what I mean, because we're just like what are we going to make. We're having a conversation. I'm talking about just being next.


Wait for the pause. Wait for the pause. Wait for the part. How embarrassing. Why? All right. Isn't it weird thinking about, like, one day you want to have kids, right? Like, oh, my kids one day. But it's weird that that person doesn't exist yet.


Yes, I always your kid or your kid, just that person does not exist at all. You just you want to say, yeah, how many.


So I see I can see three.


I'm familiar with you you see.


So she's awesome. Oh I don't know.


I want seven maybe. I think three. I see three in your future. OK, stop.


I see three, two, three or four but I want them all close in age also. It depends on I can afford it.


What do you want to name them. Name. Oh my God. I'm so glad you asked.


Do you have a list. I know but I just figured out my name the other day.


If I have your name, you did my name. So it's not calling.


What are Effi. Oh for a girl. I like you.


Yeah. FYI, that's a sing. It's an artist. I have people in the glove box who call me the part of you bust a nut. That's great.


That's sung by my daughter F.A.A.. I love. I actually think she's only six, I go there. I love it, Effy Lane, I don't know if I want I feel because I told my friend that and he said, it sounds like a furniture store.


I feel like I would shop there. Yeah, I feel like the middle name. Right. Sounds like you're, like, insane and you're like this.


I thought middle names are supposed to be like from your dad or mom's like doesn't have to be whenever you come up with a random. Oh I didn't know that was like oh okay. Yeah. Mahomet, it's um it's oh it's OK. Racist. Racist.


I'm so sorry. Yeah.


I mean Dad's name is Mohammed. Oh, no. He said he said, where are we going to begin? I told you so. We got a job.


It's a little odd. What's my middle name?


Are Ryan OK?


I'd say I knew it because I use no name service or I just didn't know what does it.




And if it was Roger, I would have been offended.


You look like more. No. With that hair, no one came up with another Arabian name and that's what made an offensive.


Mahri keep the center right you assume.


You see now we're told that joke about Roger Ryan and Roger White. Good or not.


Hey, hey. You're getting red. I forgive you. And I.


I'm going to check in with myself and come back.


So we've got Effy. Oh, shit.


I forgot. Where's all of this? That's perfect.


I love that movie or aphelion, but then I it like but then like my little F bomb and the PTA is going to love that.


And then Benton for a boy.


But I like that she she like the show Benton.


But whenever I go from my house to where I run, I take exit Benton and I turn on Effy and I really like this didn't work out that way.


Or you saw it and you got the idea. I saw the name. I was like, holy fuck, I really want to see my kid Effy. And then I was on Benton and I was like, oh my God, I really like that.


Damn, that's actually really cool. Fuck. Yeah, right. Oh man. That's totally my turban emojis. Who's running this racism. Guys, it's amazing. I'm not doing this while you're there.


Are there are there hejab emojis. Yes, I think that's new.


Yes. They just came out with it. Yeah. Oh good. I'm just glad that Hidayat can express herself in emojis.


What's your favorite emoji and what's to say? Which one do you guys use the most? You're the guest. I probably love a good heart, but I like the two hearts. I use the red heart. But it's always like in a sarcastic way, like I'll be like, I don't know your late heart, heart, heart, heart.


Ah, you know, up was a new heart, but it's not like glossy. It's more matte my without or the like. Oh that looks like the ace.


Yes you're right. Yeah. I thought why do you do that. They came up with a more not because people don't like glossy.


I like the emoji with the the glasses and the nose like the fake glasses and those. Okay. It's kind of like the new upside down smiley face. Like when you're just saying something like that you don't have to be.


I like the one that's like this, like, oh I can do it in person. Have you ever seen that one. Yeah, that one.


That one is rolling. The eyes rolling. Yes. I like that one.


Other fingers. No, no. I'm showing it like the eyes are like are like cookie. It's Cookie.


I love that one because I feel like it represents me.


I stopped using emojis when I met Mariah. Yeah. I didn't use them. I don't really use them. We don't text with emoji so I'm just like I just don't you guys are just like boring the boring couple.


I still use the less than three as a heart when I do old school emoticons every now and you remember and hearts kolan and hearts and slot's bold or no greater. Less than bould greater than.


Yeah, I'm an eternal God. I forgot about that.


When you make your MySpace page, you really like these, you would have to put it like the end symbol hearts and then a colon and to get a heart on my head.


If you want to comment something on someones page and you want to make it bold, you've got to put like less than bold grade to that. You guys have Zinga. Oh, yes.


Thanks. Yeah, thank you. Hey, what you say what? Still.


No, but still I Xanga and nobody knows what I'm talking about. I didn't. I was like, I swear it existed because I wasn't allowed to. MySpace was the closest thing I could sneak to have.


It would shut the whole thing down. You cannot even find your profile once again. It was like a live journal. Like it was like it was like a journal entry feeling kind of like hard it.


No, dammit, my parents didn't let me have.


The only reason I know about this is because my babysitter had it and she left one time. And so I went into her Xanga and was messaging her like guy friend.


Oh my daddy. What are you doing. Yeah. Xang the layout's I'm so like fun to look around like my cousin.


I was the same way my cousin had. She was like, just happy. Like your mom won't know.


I'm surprised that, like, Instagram doesn't let you choose, like the color of your page.


Like MySpace would like you do whatever you want. You show your personality on your own. It would look bad. It would give you a headache.


Go into simplicity is like what sells it, I. Yes, well, I don't know. I know it would be fun, fun, fun to keep it simple in the field, but then have the profiles be like very yes, you can make it your own choose color.


You choose everything I'd kill. We're going to wake up tomorrow, so to speak, for your profile.


Remember, you would go in like somebody like MySpace page and their music would be playing and then all their pictures and you would get chills.


Yeah. You just like what's when you go to a MySpace page and like, no, I remember that, like, getting chills going to sleep.


So you go to a girl like that, you like Page and like the song that's playing.


You always remember that song like that song plays and you just remember that song, you know, did play more like Willy Emo, stuff like Beauty in the Breakdown or something.


Remember the red jumpsuit apparatus? Remember when they had the playlist?


So they have an angle and they put like like 20 to 30 songs of their best shit.


And you're just like, oh, this is what they like to listen to. And then you kind of memorize those songs.


And like when you ever you meet them bringing up labels, you make sure to play those songs like Oh My Stressful and your top five friends are top eight.


And the only reason why I'm glad I didn't have my speech, I think that would have fucked me up.


I think I on anybody's stock when I was like, I'm still friends with her. But like you, MySpace is like I love.


When I saw that, she moved me from like three to five.


Were you in charge of it or was it based on, like, your interaction? No, you were you were in charge. You would choose your friends.


So there would be times where, like, you get into a fight with a friend and they move you down on the top a little. So there'd be times where people move me and then like, it would freak me out. I'm just like, what did I what? I didn't do anything. Why did you move? And it's not like they put someone you up there.


So they just everybody there, they just rearranged it and you'd go lower. You're like, fuck, what did I do?


It was so toxic, so toxic.


The way it's like in the beginning days we would put like rape like rape me, to be honest. And then like like this message. Like for teeb. Yes.


Or like for a private message about how I feel about the really hot popular girls would do like video messages and be like Blake.


I'm like, oh man, your status or like your bio on aim.


It was like Mayne's and you were just put their initials like it'd be like maybe eight, eight feet tall and just their initials.


We thought that was the peak of technology to words like this is their living. You can't go you can't go past this. This is like what we're going to be using for the rest.


We should have Tom on the podcast. Tom, how's he doing? Well, how is he doing? I don't know.


A rich as fuck. Who is Tom Foreman? He was always your first friend on MySpace from MySpace.


I never had. Oh, you didn't? Oh, he was automatically everybody's friend. Right. Is smart, but I know the picture. Is it him with the whiteboard in the back? Yeah, yeah, yeah.


He never changed his picture. It was just that picture that you had iconic. Yeah.


Yeah. Isn't it weird when we had to socialize online, we'd go sit down at a computer and socialize. It wasn't this on the go thing.


It was like and you had to wait your turn for the computer. Yeah. Like that computer is always not in my room. They would never allow the computer. My nose have to be outside in the hallway. So I'd be in the hallway and they'd always walk by and I'd be on there till fucking midnight.


And I'm not I don't know what like I don't even remember what I was doing on there, but I felt like I was just on my phone. But I had to be on a fucking computer because if I wasn't on a computer, then I'm doing nothing.


Yeah, I'm just sitting there doing nothing. Video. You plug in your your your parents fucking telephone cord to get it into the Internet. Yeah.


Is weird that we would like text people gtg like because it's at one point we did step away from our phones but now we never say, you never say I got to go or like I'm not your. Oh yeah. It was, it would be right. It was. Yo you remember those books. TFN and teacher buyouts. Oh my God.


Did you ever read the books. I was like ICB. Yeah, that's what it was.


It was more like girly, right. Yeah. Yeah, just girly things. I'm just a teenager.


Post number two. Ninety six. You remember that. But I'm sorry.


I'm sorry. You're twenty five. You remember the same keeping and caring about you book.


Oh no, no. It was the book that like all the girls had that would teach you about your period, the little doll, the American, the little book. And it was those girls like towels. Yeah.


They have towels wrapped around there and it's like, they're like oh it looks glamorous and everything I've been teaching you about it. And it was like cartoony.


But it's like guys, if we ever saw that we were whoever it was corny, you know, and they had the towel wrapped around their head, it was like a baby blue book tumbler in some way. But it was like this green. They didn't I think. I think a marine color.


Yeah. Yeah. And then there was I remember there was like the girl is like your breasts will grow. The girl is like in the mirror and it just gets bigger.


Like it was just it was. Bizarre for me as a kid, having had your parents ever caught, like your pages, like like have you ever gotten in trouble with, like, the pages you had on MySpace or whatever you did? Because for me, like I have so I had a MySpace page. My parents didn't know I had a MySpace page, but my MySpace page had everything I remember. I had surveys on remember, the surveys were just like, smoke, drink.


Yes. So I had those, like, stories on my page.


This is this is like freshman year, eighth grade, where you had this shit on my ear, like trying to hype it up, make it look like you're a little bit better than you really are. So they're seeing I wish you could have seen my page for some reason.


I thought having my entire page fire was set on fire like fucking just fire all over this insane inferno.


Have I ever told you what my e-mail address was for my MySpace pimp Z underscore sixty nine, my cell phone.


Crazy man. I've never kissed a girl. And it's like six months.


And one day they found me because I would go on the computer and I forget to delete history. Sometimes when they they they saw my MySpace page and they saw my entire survey and they really found out who I was in the survey because I thought, oh, you know what?


Well, no, no, the survey was completely true. No, no.


I was truthful in the survey because I was trying to like crack cocaine because I would say drink. Yes. A lot of but sometimes this was like true.


Like I did this and like you said all these other things and there was some sexual things.


I was just like, oh, my God, why would I see people driving everything? Yes, I think one time we got in trouble for we world.


Does anyone remember we World Coke Studios?


We were we were I was like this page where it was like, you make a cartoon character, but you are able to like, go on other people's like cartoon characters and like message them. I'll show you a picture of it. But they were like kids were saying inappropriate things to each other because it was like unfiltered. How do you spell it?


OK, right. Meet me world. Am I confusing.


We it was spelled like m I mean world or me. We world know it was definitely we world. Let me check this. I'm going to find it.


I go to church because I was on YouTube one time looking up. It's not. We were all I really wanted home footage of actors.


Yeah. Because I wanted to be one and it's like look it up.


And then someone's like there's some like home footage of Miley Cyrus on this website. And it was like, Pixie Girl. I don't know. Yeah, I went to it and it was like, I like straight porn. And I was like, I don't know, eleven or twelve.


And I like immediately like froze and just ran upstairs.


And then my mom came home and was like, John, are you looking one of the family computer? No, my dad yeah. I was like, no.


And then she went to my older sister and she was like, no, I don't know. You're talking about.


Oh, God. Oh, no. Yeah. And then I didn't go on YouTube. They even ground me. I was just like, I'm not going to for five years.


So this was it was WECT. This is we world.


But the characters can have like sexy outfits, like there was like lingerie. Like you can make them sexy to look like what you think. Like you couldn't upload pictures of yourself, you would make your character what you look like and how you dress.


It was kind of inappropriate watching your little kids and they're just lingerie. And we were like, look at this unclutter.


Oh, my God, it's Patrick Starwind is the stripper just like Guarnere, like people that had like this hair in these outfits were like the sluts of we world.


Oh. Oh, sorry, guys. We really like the way I remember being sexually attracted to those like that was like that's kind of like the bra, the picture. Oh yes. Looks like it was like always like a girl. Like in an outfit. Yes.


Like this little cartoon with the high and we were. No, no, no. Just talking about just like all MySpace people would have it would be like a wallpaper too. It's like just different girl. Did these look like brats.


Yes, they look like little Bratz dolls. I feel like Tila Tequila had it on her page. You guys remember Tila Tequila? Yeah, of course.


She was like she got big on MySpace. That's how she got big. That's why she got her own show and everything. Yeah, because she blew up on MySpace.


She's the O.G. person of like. Yeah. Doing social media. Yeah. She used to have. So Paris Hilton has left the job. You remember you remember MySpace.


Right. Like how people's pictures would be like everybody would have either picture like this or like this. She would have two pictures of vertical on top of each other. So everybody's pictures would be normal and hers would be this.


Yeah. With two different vertical pictures as one picture.


And she was the only one that there was a kid at my school who hated me and made an exam called Matt King, Lix Dick dot com.


And it was a hate zenga all about me. Wow.


Why would you love. At first, because I didn't know who it was and it was like Matt King sucks and I remember as a kid like finding this page and he would remember it like on Zenga, you would make your post and currently listening to the guys who do Nazi marches. And he that was what he was listening to.


Hey, guys, I hope everyone's having a great day, but I hope Matt King isn't that kid fucking sucks. So is this kid.


So he was obviously close to you like he's like a very close person as you go through this. It was a kid who when I was in seventh grade, we were doing the musical Guys and Dolls Junior, OK? And there was this scene where I think we were at a church or a town hall and we were sitting on these kind of church benches. And I'm sitting next to my friend Jeremy, who's black, and Zach sitting on the other side.


And we're like up at the front. Zach looks over Jeremy and he goes, you know, if we were actually back in this time, you'd be sitting at the back of the church.


Why this? So, so. So you say we hate you.


Jeremy looks Zach and goes, I'm sorry, what did you just say? And he goes, I mean, yeah, that's how like it would have been. He goes, that's not really like funny at all. In Jeremy starts crying and I look at him and I go, did you really just say that?


And so Jeremy's sitting there crying the theater teachers like, I'm sorry, stop what's happening up here. And then Jeremy's crying. And I openly go, Zach just said if he was back then he'd be sitting back in the back of the church and she goes, Are you kidding me, Zach? Exactly what I don't get what the big deal is.


Jeremy sitting there crying and I'm comforting him thinking at all races, calling for you guys at this like at this point, seventh grade. He's in eighth grade. I was I was in seventh grade.


That's a purebred. Rachel's right. I know. That's terrible. Say some terrible racism.


And so so I speak up and I tell the theater teacher what happens. She kicks Zach out of the musical.


Yeah. And so this kid who had spent so long being in the musical in this part got cut because he made that racist comment. And I called him up because Jeremy was crying. Jeremy was upset.


Yeah, he's black. And he's getting, like, completely it doesn't matter if he was upset or not like that.


Like a comment like that shouldn't have been made. There's just no point of making a comment like that. It doesn't benefit anybody with the thing is like, you know, that that was like taught to him. Like, that's fucked. Yeah. No, you know what I mean.


Like, oh, this fake Xanga goes out about me making lipstick and he would just talk about shit about me every single day. And then finally and my mom also was like, what the hell is this? Because she found it like, I don't know, some person hates me and I don't know who it is. She's like, this is an OK, you're deleting your Zenga. And I was like, fine. And then finally he even goes, you know what?


I'm sick of hiding behind this veil. This is who I am. And it was Zach. And, you know, he has sent me like some apologies in the past, like around middle school and high school, apologizing for it and like.


I don't know, in a way like I forgive him, but I just hope that he is very mindful of like that type of like cyber bullying. It didn't traumatize me because I knew I stood up for a good position and I knew that it was one person in everybody who saw that weren't like, oh, yeah, I love this.


There weren't a gang of people hating me. It was just one person who made the site.


But and that person is very pretty crazy. Yes. Totally miserable people down for that.


That reminds me of, like, something that happened back in. Do you remember like, I don't know if you because I remember you you used to go to Sargassum all the time, but like, do you remember the page that was made on MySpace about like the drama around seeing people? I don't think so.


You don't remember that.


It was like it became like a page where people would go to to find drama about that shit that was going on between scene.


People know it got famous in the community like everybody reporters page. Everybody was so like, who the fuck made this page and why do they know so much shit? They know everything like they know everything.


The insider, they're, you know, like, oh, no, no, wait for it.


Wait for this website is up for so long and then come to find out, I find out this is. That made this page was that it's a it's a it's a girl that we both know her name. No, no, we should we should believe that.


But it's funny, though, we have this anonymous instant messenger. Yeah. Person that was messaging everybody. Her name is Switches. And she was like the Gossip Girl and would just stir shit up. And everybody was like, who is it? Who is it? And it was a huge witch hunt in all the girls in middle school because everyone thought it was a girl. Yeah, but it was actually one of the guys who was just messing with all the girls.


It drove our friend who loves what kind of person takes time to do stuff like that. That is. So it was a big weird Twitters. My high school. We would do a bunch of Twitters and like the cops would get involved every time and figure out because it would be so bad.


So I graduated with fourteen hundred people in my grade, so it just like had so much potential the minute it started to be like you graduate in 2013, 2014, in which account did you run?


So I actually ran a vegetable count called Vego, the fashion blog, and I would scream at people for tweeting about vegetables to protect our long course at the time.


Right now it's all vegetable. Were you a vegetarian? Oh, no. It was like all a joke.


Like I said, it was so funny. And so I hate that. But I just want to be like, yeah, fuck you. But you think that's what I really like school. That's great.


Have you ever like I mean, you probably don't need to do this now, but like, I'm sure like I felt like you could have been able to run brains accounts.


Yes. Like Taco Bell's Twitter. Oh.


Have I ever wanted to. Yeah, I feel like you could do that. Yeah, you'd be perfect for that. Yeah. But I think I have I don't think much when I post like I really just like make it and then post it like when I make a story I just having the pressure of an entire brand on your back, I think that they would be like, yeah, this will be great.


And then they'll get to be like, what the fuck is she doing?


But do you think it'd be easier because you have like kind of an idea of what you can make jokes around because like, if you gave me just a bra thing, I would never know. But if you gave me, like, a certain idea or like a like a brain wants to work for me, I feel like it's easier to work with the brain and do it. Video like that, instead of making an entire YouTube video out of nothing because it's revolves around an idea.


What I love about you is like you're so self-aware, you're able to laugh at yourself constantly, like and I mean, it's a crazy journey through this whole social media thing. Like, do you, like, see a lot of your younger self out there, like in the Internet and like, what do you what kind of advice do you, like, have for I don't know if you wish you could tell your younger self or someone out there who really, like, identifies with you how they should look.


I start crying that I would never do that.


We've had people cry. You can cry if you really.


Yeah, I've cried and cried and cried. And stuff is like making me, um.


Oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah. That well, no, I can't do it because I think it's actually so many young kids that watch this. And I feel like I mean, it's not that crucial the thing. But just like what you I don't know.


I think just like if you're like really kind of nice, like you'll find your people eventually, because I think, like, I had a really hard time, like figuring myself out because I had a hard time making friends and stuff. And then as I've gotten older, like looking back, I think of this just like little I don't know, it's just like.


If you're kind of a good person and you stick with that, like your people will come to you and then you'll be like so much happier, but it will take like because in middle school, everyone so like drama and then high school even. And I just like never fit into that and was like so confused it was going on. I just want to fit in so bad.


And then but now that I'm older, I have like I'm surrounded by like the best people in the whole world.


And I think it's just like you people and people that are similar to you. Yeah. It's a good feeling. Everything you just said.


Like, I feel like that's exactly how I feel throughout, like high school and college and finding friends and finding the right people.


It's so wild. As you get older, you look back on it and you're like, gosh, I was so hung up about its tiniest thing.


Like I was not part of her top three on MySpace.


She doesn't like me thinking back like, wow. I like at the time I was like, why isn't this person in front of me? Why can't I be friends with this person? Why doesn't this person like me be like that?


Shit does not matter. You just don't realize how young you are back then.


Yeah, I think that you're so old and you're so mature and this is like the peak of life.


And you need to find your group now and your friends now. And I wish I had known that like every single person, every insecurity I felt at that time, like even the tiniest tiniest ones, every single person is feeling because like you feel so alone and it feels like the reality of it is is like every person, even like that most popular person at school, that you're just like they just carry themselves differently when they're feeling it.


Yeah. Yeah. And it pays off in the end just to like.


I think that's that's really cool about life though, because like we could say this about like our younger selves and then like 10, 15 years from now we're going to look back where we are now and be like, yeah, we really, really thought we had to figure it out.


Yeah. But like, it's just like. Just keeps growing. Just beginning to rise. It's just incredible. It all works out how it's supposed to. Yeah, and nobody knows what they're doing. Everybody's shooting their song with the same amount of humility and not knowing really what the fuck they're doing. And it's like it's just we're all in it together. Yeah.


No one knows what they're doing. Nobody knows what they're doing.


Yeah. And that's OK. And I feel like I feel like the every generation where it's taking us longer to figure out what we want to do.


Yeah. And you put yourself out there. Yeah. Attracted the world that you know you have now. And if you didn't put yourself out there, none of it would have happened. So shut your shot.


I am a firm believer in, like, whatever you like, manifest and like want and like actually tried to do, you will get it. What you think is what you are right.


You are becomes real and like it is crazy to think about.


But like if you want something bad enough you'll get it. Yeah. No matter what you're like and you truly you got to like actually believe in yourself.


And I think that's the most powerful thing in the world.


And God. And God bless. Even if you don't have enough confidence, I think I think being guided by faith and, you know, doing the right thing along the way. Absolutely.


Even if you don't have confidence, I feel like if you just imagine it, it helps a lot to play a game.


Let's do it. All righty, folks. All right, folks. All righty, folks. We are going to play a game and it is called password. Right now in everybody's hand is a stack of cards. In on each one is a word.


The goal of the game is to get your teammate to guess what that word is like this way out of the bottom because so you can't see that we good on focus on the bird. Oh, yeah. So is it kind of like a taboo?


I just talk to my fell on the floor, all of them like.


So I'm not looking, I'm not looking. You let me have yours because you're the same one as Mariah. Why do we mean where I have the same words.


He paired up that so it's so idiot. Somebody said I hate it or something and the idiots always come out first.


But it is.


Good, very good. All righty, all righty, guys, we are going to be playing a game called password, basically everybody in their hands has a stack of cards and on the back of each one is a word. You are going to be paired up in two teams, Heath and Zain, Mireia in Corney. And you are trying to get the person to guess that word on the card. But the only way you can do it and give them a clue is by saying one word back to them.


And we will be looking at the same card at the same time. But we will alternate by you giving him a clue and giving her a clue. Very good.


And then after that, we switch it up to where Courtney and he say the category is the password is Apne.


OK, thanks. And now I guess a word. And as we keep giving clues, you'll get a better idea of what? Oh, yeah. So like just the first thing that comes to your mind.


Mouse, pimple, acne.


All I heard was this is a little girl I. I thought I thought this looked out of like this in my head.


I'm like, how am I going to get her to this word? Like, face bumps? She's got to get to the closest to the. I know, but I didn't think a pimple. I was like, oh, I can't say acne.


So the password. Is Dell guy ready? Yes. Hello, Adele.


Oh, right out the gate. Come on. That was it. Come on. You know, I was going for I was going to ask. I was going to say, can I've been singing when I do this? But then I. I don't even want to ask the questions. I want to give it away. Kourtney would have been like to have been like singer you sing girl girl.


Hey, computer Grammys model nominee.


The password is hampster.


OK, come on sing. We got this. I know what's going to happen. I'm going to give Zane is going to give one and he is going to put those two clues together and say OK you go first, get it wrong, you have to take Mago first. Yes, that's fair.


Zengel first the password. Is Putin OK? Come on baby. Moose got it.


Just kidding.


I'm going to go antler man.


You babe ready. We got it. Chocolate s'mores. Put the clue to go and put the clues together. OK, I'm going to say I know Gelo. Why? Pudding. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you know, chocolate. Oh, I like chocolate mousse, chocolate together. Oh my God.


I have to say that I would have said tapioca.


I don't didn't know that. You know, what would you what would you have thought if someone said tapioca? I would I would have said no.


But you think Bobo would have been on the cards.


It's L.A.. Yes. I was thinking when you said I was like, it's got to be camping.


And then when you said chocolate flakes, you thought of it yourself. Good, good train of thought with yourself was s'mores.


I would never say you say anything like that cause.


No, Courtney, you go first.


The password is sour.


Oh, you get ready man. You OK? Sweet sour. Yeah.


Well, you know, for forgot you know there's no one. There's no way.


Why would you pick the opposite of the word. There's no fucking way. It was the first thing that came in my mind.


Hey, Jay Carney just showing here the other car the entire time.


She's like, you know, sweet and sour. Well, all right. That was great.


She knows how I think we got it right.


Well, now. No, I goes first. Okay.


The password is brain freeze. Good. Like cold.


Mariah, it's hard. It's hard. You got it's going to take a couple of tries.


Face Matthew, Matthew Woods. It's not related. I was making money. No it's not. But no shit. I'm going to make a face.


So people think something's going on when I'm, I'm putting I'm putting in the same this.


But that's not my job. Think of face. He was making fun of me. I was making fun of her saying, hey, I we were doing you can't do that is based not in at all.


No. That was from the first one.


Has nothing to do with it no more. Oh that's cool. Because as you might want go, she's not going to get it right away. It's like being in a jail sentences. Evidence. Yeah. Just just a first word. It should be a quick back and I see.


Very good. That's not it. But good through. Hmmm, cough, drop head, we have icy. That was a good guess, took hold, the tensions are high, what could they be thinking? Teeth, headache. I'm just going to go broad and say sick, OK? Milkshake. You've got cavity pain, then you toss the whole thing off with one of your clues, you did and it made no fucking sense. Did hold on, hold on, hold on.


Looking at it, I'm going to say migraine about I'm drinking. Is it tonsils?


You fucked it up. I know. I'll go, go, go, go, go.


Yeah. Make it like it will go fast.


I thought I knew. I see, I see what she wants to go fast and I can't because I can't, I can't kill thing quickly. Swallow, this is a completely out of the box aftermath, hangover, cheese, close Slurpee. There we go, Marguerita. Oh, my God.


Brain freeze. Yeah, you guys. Labi, that would be the first thing I would have said. I wanted to say milkshake first. I don't get brain freezes out of Slurpee.


Sensitizes the same drink we throw up in your head, you toss it up.


So they're thinking cool like sick. The roads, the roads. You feel a brain freeze in your head. Yes. It goes down your throat.


And then you would think, oh, let's just try to get on top. It was our item. It was a tough word. I probably sound obnoxious, I'm sorry to sound obnoxious, the password is laundry ready?


Yeah. All right. Tide detergent, clothes, laundry. Yeah.


Oh, wow. Good one. Solid insurance going for you.


Said it was hard going for. She said clothes, clothes, detergent, laundry, laundry. I said laundry. The answer I go man, I can't believe brain freeze.


I would have never have gone. I liked how funny I was.


The password is Hampster Pet Dog. Oh, I know what you and I got it.


I know. I know. I know. Oh, my God. Fuck all of you don't get this word.


Mariah, right. I'm walking. I know.


Oh, I wrote it for. No, we're going to say that, right? No gerbil hamster died.


I don't know. I can't think of the word I play to. And I was like, you were, I think, a turbocharger. I was thinking, whole book.


Good job. We're back, baby. OK.


I'm so sorry. Sorry, sorry. Just terrible things.


The password is silk. Go ahead.


Fruitland pajamas. Nightgown. OK, Spider. Like Sue Fabrique. Oh, bedbug soft. I'm thinking of returning then to say something. OK, so that is why I don't understand why you see spider because spiders use silk to make webs.


I don't think that I thought about working on silk. Who fucking knows? The spider webs are made of satellite. Threw me off. I was going to say silk too, but spider silk suede using different fabrics like fucking spiders. You could just fabric was already said I was you. I was thinking silk the whole time and my head was like, well, spider silk I guess.


So that's why so many say Spider was like, oh my spider suit because I'm in my pajamas. Spider silk pajamas, spider bedbugs.


Sure. That's one way to start out. Were you Googling?


No, I was I was just getting bored because I was taking a walk. I can't believe I got it. So now a tie. Oh, no, nothing that good. All right, Sutton. Daddy, Dad. There's no way it's for four, right? We did pretty bad.


They don't be showing you and me here. Did you guys. I got my earrings. Oh, my earrings. We're doing this. All right, good. No laughing this round.


OK, the password is target darts. You said dart like dart bull's eye. Store target, good girl. OK. All right, my first word.


No, why would you say Target sweet and sour? Wal-Mart, Target?


No, no, it doesn't work like that. Well, you don't like that. Me and Mariah, we were maybe what is behind this at darts.


And then my first word for her, if I went first was archery. Yeah. Yeah. Store. Yeah. We got to use the other person's brain like it's like archery in store. Pretty sure she got it. You're goddamn right. But then he said bull's eye.


So in her brain because she thinks of the last words she heard. Yeah.


Yeah. No, no I don't have those. Yeah. Those are perfect. Bull's eye. Yes. Or right. Bull's eye darts. Finish this off, ok.


The password is pastry. Chryson pastry.


Wow. No, no, no. I'm so I'm having so much fun.


I'm really glad you did. You love a good game. We are having fun and I mean, can you play a game after this. Yeah. Like after the podcast.


Let's do camera. OK, this is the final card word. The final password. All right, let's do it. Who's going first?


The password is Ratatouille. Oh, OK. We got it.


Animation. Oh, Mariah. Mariah. There's like one hundred words I could have said, but it would have when I read what she was doing, she was doing something where it would not help me, but it could go back to her and get it go.


She has to guess.


Oh oh I guess to do um. Oh I forgot that she had a guess. I thought my turn.


The television mouse. Tom and Jerry cooking. Am I in the wrong for not getting it? Yeah, I don't care.


Now, just mouths cooking, animation, animation, cooking mouse mouse, a mini Mickey Mickey in Italy, Ratatouille.


It's Paris. It's Paris. It looked like you had you had animation cooking, Mel wasn't the only cook and. The only thing I would say now when all I know is they have to win by went back to Paris, people talk died our work. Oh, come on, this has been so much gross, you know.


Well, he's actually wrong in that entire know.


Yeah. He's he's so a wrong.


Wow. What a good game. That was fun. That was a great ending.


I've had so much fun. No, I want to play. Everybody thinks so differently.


He thinks so literally. We're thinking of like how to get we break the word apart, OK. Let's get you have you have you have to get into the other person's brain and make for yourself Pixar.


You said you would say Pixar instead of animation and then say Remy and I go right to know one no matter what. Nobody knows who Remy is.


Remy the it to me, the musical that tick tock has been like that game between the rival I you owe it to me. I would never in a world remember got your in the mind of the other person has to break it down.


Yeah. Damn man. Got to. I'm a fun host. He is not a ti you know we're going to fucking cut this and we're going to play after and we're going to see how it works for you.


Oh my reactions are all right guys.


Well that's it for today's episode. Thank you so much and thank you for coming on the show.


You can drop the entire drink on the floor on the big dog. I don't remember her name mentioned.


Make sure to follow her on everything. She has a tick tock. She has an Instagram. She has she's the funniest person you ever want to to know.


Who cares about your average fashion blogger? Make sure to follow her on everything. She's hilarious. So fun. This was really fun. I'm really glad you guys asked me to do this sometimes you came next time. Make sure to buy our coffee. We're fully stocked with all flavors, including, oh, we'll give you the new flavors just starting from the top.


We have sweet butter, which is a media. I don't know if you guys can see this kind of which is a caf.


Have you got a guy you can really spell it out? I don't have to read spelling on QVC for the past nine months, a caffeine free blend with bold flavors in a light.


That's OK.


It's not just flavor, but a second out there in the corn dogs can't read one of those bugs, which is like little leprechauns don't teach basketball. The Bailey school kids don't drink pink lemonade. Yes. Yes. Werewolves don't teach summer camp. No.


So, yeah, go to come out, dotcom. Go get the coffee. You guys are going to love the new flavors. And yeah, they're also in bags in every single flavor we have in every place.


That shut the fuck up your coffee trolls don't know how to take tock and the kids are like peeking behind the wall and seeing this troll going like supposed to go to school.


But it's like we have to get some corn dogs. Can't read. OK, stop. We're not going to fucking buy. Holy shit. I know. Watching. We'll see you next week. So much. Love you so much and we'll see you next week.


By the time to also not only feature like lightning and they're like you just shown up.