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Have you heard about what's going on with.


Panera bread? Yes, about the charged lemonade.


That is apparently super strong. There's a second person that just died from drinking it. Three charged lemonade from a local Panera and then suffered a fatal cardiac arrest on his way home.


On the little dispenser, wherever you get the limonade from, it says, Charged limonade, but they should have a huge warning label saying that this is heavily caffeine. First girl who died was 16, but she had a heart condition, but she didn't know that this was that heavily caffeine.


390 milligrams of caffeine. No way. He drank three of them. He had been going there for a week straight leading up to-Dude, that's more than pre-workout. -nearly the FDA's daily safe limit.


I guess there's so many Panera bread locations and they're still dealing with just don't serve it. Figure it out, Panera bread. More like Panera Dead. Yeah, right?


-un believable. -i saw your brain going. Bottom's up.


And the devil laughs. And the devil laughs. They also have other flavors, too, that are charged too. There was the mango one. Well, like bango with your heart.