Transcribe your podcast

Is your crowd pretty supportive?


Our crowd loves us, and everyone else is like, everyone on the outskirts is.


People that hate you.


Hate you a lot.




Kind of fun.


I'm like, I want to get there. I want to get to a point where the haters fuels us or get.


To the point where you get, like, hate in person.


Oh, I've never gotten that same where, like, Bill and I want spit on or something. Yeah.


I want somebody to say something to my face.


I wouldn't do anything.


I would crumb.


Yeah. Well, even today, there was a guy, and he was trying to cut us off in traffic. I rolled the window down. I'm in the backseat.


I go, fuck you, buddy.


Look like whitey bulger.


And he was like, fuck you.


It's never happened in LA, so I'm bringing that here.


Someone hawked a loogie on me at a bar. Like, but they did it behind me, and I didn't know. Well, I was, like, with Patricia, and she put her hand on my shoulder and she goes, what is? And I'm like. And I look down and there's a huge loogie going all the way down because someone didn't like that I was getting recognized and just went up and.




Yeah, he must have been something to his boys.


Something my friend group probably would have. I would have never done that. But somebody I'm with in Florida, 100%.


Oh, yeah, definitely.


And then I'd be like, dude, you have to do that. But I would have just like, that's just him. Okay, well, we have a very exciting episode today. We have a couple of guests. Are we even presenting them yet? Are we just go right to the intro? I don't know. We're not used to guests, so this is a big deal for us. But we have a round of shots ready to go because these are the type of guests that you really got to drink with. You cannot be sober for this.


We cannot be sober around you guys.


Hits that. I get it, because I always see your guys'clips come up on my feed, and every time I see them, like, oh, my. These girls seem so fun. I just feel like I want to hang out with them for one night or go out with them for one night and drink.


Yeah, we're insane.


Which is why I just wanted to do that with you guys for the first time.


Okay, drink a little.


We don't have to get, like, too crazy, but we came with. I just want to feel you guys out on a drunk level. We did.


You guys were pregaming before this liquor.


Store on the way. We also stopped and got you guys gifts. Oh, you got you gifts. No way. So the engraver was supposed to write best podcast, but they wrote best couple. So you guys have to split that.


It's all peeling off a little bit. And I was just like, you know what? I think they dark. Wow.


Congratulations, guys. It's award season.


We're actually going to keep this here for the rest of the year.


Great. And you could put your other presents up there, too.


What else we got?


Okay. This is for Heath here.


Bag of shit.


Yeah. Turkey goblin.


Very cute.


It reminded us of you. Is this for a fish tank? Whatever you want. It's all back up. It's just cute.


Very cute.


Let's put that.


Shelf of shame.


It's the Terminator.




This is for Zane because you guys are getting married, and you're married.


Just freedom. America, baby. I thought it was like the egg from Game of Thrones. Khaleesi's dragon eggs. It's not. It's freedom.


Did you find a yard sale on the way here? Is that what happened?


Pull over real quick.


They had engraving, too. It was wild.




This is for Mariah, because they didn't have Mariah, so they only have.




That's so you.


Thank you. Does it do anything?


No, you're decorative.


And this is for you, Matt.


A dagger, a bullet. I think these gifts were a little mismatched. There's some gifts. No, you are. That's why you got the gift. They know you very well.


I didn't even know. This is great. Thank you. No, I want to keep. Yeah, you're welcome. Our mother's always said, never come empty handed, whether it's trinkets or what you got to say.


All right, well, let's get right into the intro. We have a lovely episode ahead of us. Here we go, baby. It's coffee towel, baby.


Let's go. But thank you, guys. Seriously.


Oh, my God.




Wow. You don't understand how amazing that felt for me. Did you enjoy it? I sure did, baby. As you guys know, this episode is sponsored by the wonderful, the glorious, the only, the best energy drink in the whole entire world, baby. Accelerator.


That's right, baby. They have the best flavors out there. You got the Peach paradise, the island guava. You got rocket pop is one of my all time favorites. They're all delicious.


They also got cherry ice pop and tropical punch, which is their two brand new flavors that are out right now. We should go definitely check out and try.


And also, if you didn't know these things are packed with natural caffeine. You're going to accelerate your metabolism. You got plant based thermogenics and it's all active energy.


You guys know that Heath and I have been drinking this for the past like 30 episodes.


We love these so much.


And this gives us the exact energy or the exact amount of energy that we need to have a good weather workout.


Whether you need a pick me up in the afternoon, it just cuts right through that tiredness and just brings you right back.


You know, I actually drink these to replace my drinking.


Really going out.


Yeah, because alcohol gives me the energy. So I've been replacing it with accelerator because it just gives me that energy that I'm missing from alcohol.


I guess you can put these in a flask and sneak them into your local bars.


I bet you these would taste really good if you mix this with a little bit of, with a little bit of late, you know what I'm saying? That would taste so good.


Just think about it.


Oh, peach paradise vodka. That sounds like a blast of boom bostic. All right, baby.


You'Ve been saying the boombastic word a lot.




It came out really natural.


I've never said that word in my life. It came right here. It was the first thing I thought of.


His brain is firing right now.




And as always, we got a link for you right in our description box below. If you want to get yourself a pack of accelerators, get your favorite flavor, baby, right off Amazon. Amazon is, you're going to get it the fastest over there.


They got it right on Amazon for.


You because they know that we like.


Our rush order, baby. That's what we want. We want to see it. We want it that day.


And, baby, one more thing before we continue this episode. Big news, Ivy. We dropped the Zila dog, baby. It's out right now. Don't watch it yet. Make sure to finish this episode first and then check out the zeal of dog right after. You got a full day of entertainment today, baby.


And it's going to be linked in our description below so you could find it super, super easy.


Love you so much. It's been an intense seven month journey. I'm a changed person, a lot of emotions. We got Heath in it. It's good stuff. So just make sure to check it out after. Love you so much.


Show Zane some love. Make sure to comment. Tell him how great he did and how good he looks.


Tell him he's right. All right.


Enjoy the episode. We love you. Having the time of my life, that was like I have a problem. You know what? I don't drink anymore, but I definitely have a problem. The way my body.


Just how happy you were.








By the way, don't come for me. It's been three weeks. It's been three weeks. My doctor told me I can't drink alcohol for two, three weeks after I. Three weeks. But this is the fourth week.


Oh, here we go.


My esophagus is as strong as. Come on. We're good.


You guys did a challenge recently, right, where you guys were committing to a sober January.




And the punishment was.


Hold on, wait, wait. Can you report? Let's introduce today. Today we have Brie and grace from the plane. Brie broadcast. Thank you so much for coming today.


So happy to be here, guys.


Before we continue, I just want to say how excited I've been since you guys said yes to come on. The big, big fan. I don't know about these guys. Do you see them pop up on your.


It's the only thing on TikTok.


Yeah. Every time I see them, like, oh, that reminds me, like, the girl version of Heath and I. But you guys are, like, a little better.


A more put together. Yeah, better version.


You guys don't stutter. You guys have your thoughts in order. I love that.


You'll see. Transfer some of that. I have a speech impediment now. Fun. I need a dentist. If you guys know anyone.


Oh, I will.


Zane's your guy.


Oh, yeah. His tooth is sitting right there. I've made the dentist so much money.


You know what?


You know what, Grace?


Are you going to give them a present?


I have a present for you. My tooth that they extracted. There's a chip inside it. I know where you're at at all times because that's important to me.


Perfect. Never received a tooth from a friend.


Yeah, they're pretty crazy gift.


And that's spontaneous too. That's, like, a billionaire type of gift. Oh, you know what's in my car?


That's, like, on the golf course, rich people start betting their teeth.


They're like, money means nothing. So they'll be like, I want your front tooth.


Wait, what?


And then they'll go get it pulled out as a gift.


You got to be shitting me. Who do you know? That's Hollywood thing.




It's like, the super rich actors. Yeah.


I want to be at least as.


Like, a memento, because if they were.


To be like, hey, if I beat you in golf, you owe me 200 grand. They don't care about that. So they need to wager something, like, more serious. Like, if I beat you, I want your front tooth.


Oh, my gosh. You got to be shitting me. That is cool.


You're to get, like, Dave, that's kingship.


That's such a boss. And then you got to go to the dentist and get it extracted for no reason, just for the sake of.




That's what I actually did. I'm going to need that back.


I want to get to that level.


All right, Matt, back to my question. You guys did a challenge with one another to commit to a sober January or a dry January?


Dry January. Dry January, yeah.




And that means, like, what? You're still.


But we didn't really do shrooms. We did it, like, once. I did it one time. I went to a dj.


I honestly see shrooms as, like, a medicine.


Me, too.


To me, because I don't take it to trip. I take it. I wake up, I take the shroom pill, and it actually cures me. I think that would be better than my lexapro.




Don't take advice from me. I'm just saying, for me, I think it helps. Better than luxury.


It does. Honestly. I was micro for a while.




We take it now to go to space.




We take it off.


We're actually on two bars right now. Yeah.


I saw two friends over the weekend, and I did shrooms, and it rocked my world.


World equals rocks.


Those guys rock EDM shows like I used to go to a lot. Like, I feel like ten years ago. It's accelerated.


Well, because you're on drugs.


I know.


Yeah. That was the missing piece back then.


Is it still considered, like, a taboo? Kind of like weed was back then right now, shrooms.


No, in New York. You can buy them at the bodega. I live across the street. I walk into the place. Can I get a vape? Six pack.


Okay. No, wait. But those, I feel like, are fake shrooms. The ones that they sell in the store.


There's a difference.


You know what I mean?


Concrete and topped trees for, like, a long time.


Because they'll never sell you the actual shrooms in chocolate.


It's like shroom chocolate, but you have to know the guy to ask for it because it technically is totally over the counter.


It's under the counter in Miami, they have them sitting right on the glass where you can see it, and then you order it. Yeah, that's where. When I went to Miami for sushi's thing, I saw it. I was like, no way. It's illegal in Miami.




And I bought, like, a shit, but it was, like, not good stuff.


I just went to Amsterdam, bought them there. They were just everywhere.


I mean, that's been legal probably for the past 20 year.


Anything over there that was fun, but New York is illegal.


Nobody broke the challenge.


Bob did.


You did.


What was the punishment?


I have to live stream for 72 hours in my studio when we get back.


It was not worth it.


Upped it to 72, and she did a drunk episode, and it was. Yeah, I have to do it. 72. 72 hours. I was three days.


That's a long time.


Yeah. And you could only leave the studio to go to the bathroom. We have no windows in our studio. It's blacked out.


Mr. Beast, yourself.


But I was in Paris for the first time, and all I had was a glass of wine. It was the last day, and my boyfriend. I don't know if I was going to lie or I was going to tell, but maybe I was going to lie, but my boyfriend posted a picture, and there was, like, a wine glass next to me. The Internet exploded.


They threw you under the bus?


Dude, I wish. I just got hammered. I just had one glass of wine. I never had red wine in my life. I'm in Paris. I'm like, I'm going to fucking do this.


And this is the last day of the challenge.


Yeah, last day.


You really could not hold.


Kind of know. Yeah.


What about time difference did it kind of make?


Were you technically second?


Wait a fucking second.


Heath, hear me out.


You could have finished the challenge if it was the last day, if it was at night.


Is Paris ahead? Well, yeah.


New York was 3 hours ahead, so Paris has to.


So technically.


Brie, let them figure it out. Do the developed pictures. You had to get them developed. They were a couple of days old.


Nothing is live when you see something online.


Yeah. No. Okay. You're right. Yeah. Thank you.


72 hours of hell.


No, I'm still going to do it because they're so mean to me, and I'm like, I have to do it.


But, Grace, do you really believe that it was the last day, or she just got busted on the last day?


Well, she told what? No. And she was like, I wanted you to. Yeah, I would have been pissed if you didn't. It's like, you're in Paris for the first time. You've never tried red wine.


It's like, where do you have to do the live?


I'm just surprised you haven't tried red wine.


I know. Weird, right?


All these drugs and everything. You're just talking about.




And I just wanted to try red wine.


Yeah. Red wine is where we draw the line. I get a worse hangover on red wine than like a bender on two seats.


You get really?




If you drink a lot of it. Yeah. You're done.




Oh, I love drinking red wine. And I feel like you like it because you're chatting. You feel like this whole different level of drunk. And then you see pictures of yourself, like, the day after and your teeth.


Are just like, red.


Yeah, that was not me.


This might be crazy, but do men get as horned up on red wine?


Yeah, it's like aphrodisia, Jack, afro, gg, chocolate.


And the red wine.


Yeah, that's why they have it there. The little strawberries, chocolate covered strawberries. And you have oysters before it all works together. It's like a formula.


Yeah. And you have babies.


Yeah. Your little. 72 hours. 72 hours live. You have to do. When do you have to do. Do you do that here?


I'm going to do it when we get back to New York.


I was going to say you could do it here. I'd help you out for at least 24 hours.


Oh, see, that was my thing. I want to have, like, guests come in and out. Just someone to juggle.




Something. We hate magicians, they're time rapists.


Do you have to sleep on the live, too?




Oh, that sucks.


Audio on.


Is your boyfriend going to sleep?


Your boyfriend going to sleep?


Well, he feels so bad that he posted the picture. He's like, I'll come on it.


Yeah, he owes you.


Yeah, he shows me. I'm like, you owe me 24 hours. You're my best friend. You got to come. Yeah, no, I was coming anyway. I'll do all three. So it's going to be brutal.


Is there a bed on set or you have to get a mattress? Are you just going to crash on the couch on the floor?


We have a booth, like a diner booth.




I've slept in it before now.


Is it going to be like an entertaining live stream where you're, like, talking to camera or is it going to be like big brother, just like cameras on in the room and it's just going to be you living your life?


Good question.


You should webcam.


Let's work.


Webcam on the roof.


Oh, wow. Yeah.


I would do, like, security cam style.


Make it kind of.


I think that's more fun. That's more fun to watch and have somebody set up where you bounce, like, camera to camera.


Creeps watch.


Yeah, it needs to be like sim style. People need to see like a.


They need to feel like they shouldn't be seeing this. Yeah. Okay. They're going to do weird things. Yeah.


So I'd like a question about just Barstool as a company and the culture of it. So you came up with this idea that you guys are going to do this 72 hours stream?


Our followers came up with it.


So how does that go down, though, in Barstool? Do you then have to go to Dave or is there just a boardroom? You're going, guys, we need a room. We're doing a 72 hours stream.


We just do it.


And they're supportive of it.


Well, we have our own studio. Luckily, not everyone at Barstool does, so we can do whatever we want.


Are they a little bit worried? Are they kind of like, they don't.


Know anything we do? They don't even know we're here. They don't really check in. Yeah, they just let us do our own thing.


Is it competitive with all the other little shows and podcasts that are all under Barstool?


No, everyone's got their own thing going on and they've got a good thing going on and everyone kind of just does their own.


They're going to be so pissed when they find out you're on the show. They've asked us so many times to come on BF fs.


We're too scared to go on because.


There'S no line on the I don't want a bomb to drop on me.


And then I have to in so long because everyone's terrified to come on bffs. I'm like, we're not that bad.


Based on the clips I've seen, based.


On the clips I've seen, you can ask to cut anything. We'll cut anything.


That is horseshit. And I know it's horseshoe.


No, it's not. Who wanted to cut something?


Wait, everybody on that show just allowed that to air?


Wait, which one?


Just any show. BFF's episode had a guest on there. Really?


What are we talking about specifically?


Damn. I guess bad publicity is good publicity.


Is Dave the type of guy, if you were like, cut this, please don't put it in. He'd be like, yeah, for sure, we'll cut it out.


A guest? Yeah. Really?


As a barstool employee, though, do you guys still have to commit to the normal office hours as everyone else? Do you have to be there at nine to five or since you have, like, a Show, do you just show up when you need to make your own content?


We just show up when we. Because we record twice a week. I record three times a week. And then we do, like, our off. Shit. I think it depends on. At Barcelona, there's, like, levels to how much money your shows make. So if you're not making the company money, you have to be in there nine to five doing the thing. Like, prove that you're working hard. But if you're making money for the company, you just go in, do your.


Job, and you can go, do you still the desk?


I don't go over there. Other people have claimed it. Yeah, people have taken our desks because we have our room that we go to. Yeah. Like this one. Just, like, stay in it.


Then. The Plain Bree podcast is on. Bffs in the BFF's office. Or is that.


No, they added bffs to our studio recently.


Oh, okay.




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That's right.


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Thank you so much, betterhelp, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you so much, and thank you very much.


And just to give the audience just this skinny, because I know your fans probably know your whole origin story and how you two guys became friends. But for listeners of our podcast who don't know, how did it all happen?


Our live shows? Yeah, it doesn't really paint me out to be a good guy, which is shocking now.


I think you're a good person.


Well, she's my best friend. Take it away, kid.


That's why they bring gifts. They're trying to, like, sweeten us up.


A little bit, but they're actually just, like, evil.


We're going to kill you all. Okay, so I moved to the town that we grew up in when I was ten, in fifth grade. Fifth grade, and I came to school. I came from a catholic school, so I was used to wearing a uniform. I had never dressed up for my first day of school before, so I was so excited, I went to target. I got this flannel shirt, this plaid. I remember it was teal and black, and I wore my high Uggs. And I came into school and she was, like, staring at me on the recess yard. And I'm like, love it for a second. She hit puberty in second grade, so she was like, I was tight, dog double d. I was pretty badass.


I'm going to take a cigarette break.


Just to give you a preface here. I was the man, I was the queen of the tomboys. That was my crew. That was all my friends, and I was the leader because I had the double ds in fifth grade. That's just a little preface for you. So then you came around. Yeah, I walked in and I was just like, I got to talk to everyone. I got to be friends with everyone. So I guess I approached her squad and they were like, I like this girl and she's nice. And Grace didn't like that. I got territorial. They all became my friends. And I found out. I was like, yeah, that girl, that redhead was staring at me the whole time on recess. What's up with her? We're like, at the lunch table. I feel like we're all smoker. Sticking with the girl, like, yeah, she didn't like your flannel. I didn't like a flannel. And I was.


What color was it?


It's turquoise. Turquoise?


Not a good color on a flannel.


No, it wasn't. But I was like, bitch, what the hell? And then I was like, okay, I'm going to steal all of her friends. And she was coming from a pack, and so she took all my friends because she's also an alpha. And for years I was begging in Facebook messenger, like, dude, I'm so sorry. I think we'd actually really get along. I got this family party, you should totally come. And for years I was asking her to come. I'm like, dude, no, you were rude at first. You got to give everyone a shot. And then finally you were going camping. I was going camping. Besides us, all of our friends had really good families where they were like, no, we have like a 4 July party and I'm like, well, I'm going to this trashy trailer park with my sister who just got out of prison.


This is not just my scene.


She was the last one on the list. I'm like, fuck, I got to invite her. So then I dm her on Facebook and I'm like, you could scroll for days of messages that ignoring. And then she was like, yeah, I'm coming. I pick her up and then we've been inseparable since we were eleven.


That's cute. Wow, that's a cute story.


When she came to pick me up, I looked like the kid from up. I had all my kids.


Fishing for the first time. We came ready to go because this is my first, my second real friend. That's how we hit it off and.


We smoked a cigarette and then I took him fishing and then he was just like, I like this.


It was like your typical broke back story. It was amazing. It's so funny though, that story how you knew that all your friends were starting to like her. And that's when it gets really sense or really scary. Because it's like you're either on board with liking her or you're about to lose everybody because then you're like oh, you're obviously the problem.


And that was the gamble.


Yeah, that stinks. But look at this. It worked out perfect.


It worked out fine. We've been pals ever since. Yeah, best pals.


I did not think that you guys knew each other that long. I thought it was like very fresh.


People always say like friends for like ten years, but we've been like inseparable since we were eleven. She lived at my house in high school because she moved to towns and stuff. Yeah, that's crazy. She moved to New York with me when I started working for Barstool and I just brought around the office until they hired her.


Hell yeah.


As a friend.


How long did that take though, to like too long.


I was like a year. A solid year.


Were you having a job on the side outside of Barstool?


Total frat move.


You had TFM?


I was knockoff bar stool. I was like I'm going to get it any way I can. This is not a good look. Stop, dude, I got to make some cash. I was doordashing on foot.


In New York?


Yeah, in the snow.


Wait, on foot?




They don't give you bikes?


Well, no, you're supposed to have your own. I was like, I'm God for a bike right now. I got to make. Yeah. Doordashing on foot. It was freezing. That's like those stories your parents tell you. This is how we got to school.


Just exaggerated just a little bit.


Close it. A 78.


You started your holding on TikTok, right? Or was that really when I was.


In college and then Barstool reached out to me and then I tried to do, like, TikTok and school because I was going to school to be going to med school. Like, I was supposed to be going to med school, and I was posting myself throwing up on TikTok. That's where Brianna chicken fry came from because I needed an alias. I was like, I'm not going to get into med school. And then they found me. They dm'd me and I tried to do both, and I was like, what the fuck am doing? Then I dropped out and moved to New York and called her.




Yeah, that happened with us. We were going to be cops. And then we realized we had way too much.


He was going to be a cop. And I was just, I had nothing going on.


Literally like, keith, what classes are you?


Funny, I did not know. And that was like, right when vine started. So I was like, okay, we're just going to do this vine, and I'm going to just take these classes that I have no business taking. And then we got our first, like, 200k. We were so excited.


That was like, crazy.


It's so crazy. And the numbers didn't make sense back then, especially back in the vine days.


Our pact that we made was before the end of the semester, if we hit 30,000 followers, we were going to move to LA and quit our jobs.


What were we thinking? Yeah, that's crazy.


Bolt move.


But we were just like, social needs, confidence, make it okay.


Remember all the hot or not and badoo content on vine? Like, that's all you saw. Heath and I were the face of hot or not and badoo. We were literally all of our everything, like our apartment, our cars, everything paid by badoo and hot or not. Because you know how you get a job and it's like, you get a one time job and that's it. Then you have to find other jobs this one was a weekly salary that we were getting paid throughout the whole year.


It was like, vine.


It was like a vine and then a revine. Remember revine? We were getting paid to revine, too, like badoo and hot on our content. We're like, heath, I cannot believe that this is, like, paying our bills and we're able to move out because we called our vehicles our first cars the Badoo mobile.


Yeah, I feel like I remember that.


We were twerking it for Badoo.


You have to. Sorry, I have add, and I just blurt out things. But how do you explain that to your parents?


Like, yeah, this company, it was very difficult.


They didn't understand.


Our parents were like, what do you mean? You're getting paid to make a six second video? Like, I don't understand.


It's really hard to wrap your head around. Yeah.


And then I think what made it click for my parents? We ended up getting a job for the purge, and they flew us out to.


Wow, I thought you had, like, a speech.


No, I just didn't want to.


The Nollins accident, if you mispronounce it.


And people are from there, is that.


How you're supposed to say it?


Because, you know, they got that Louisiana you're down in. Colonel Sanders would call.


He looks in the mirror.


He's like.


You guys, though, were, like, kind of scamming on YouTube back then, before you had a following, right? You were doing, like, giveaways on YouTube.


Dr. Dre. Beats. Okay, explain what this was me and my three cousins. I was fucking ten, or maybe nine. I was like, we got to get subscribers. All right?


She was nine. So it's good you meant over.


I was like, we got to get subscribers. Here's what we're going to do. We got one pair of beats between the three of us for Christmas. I'm like, okay, everyone make a YouTube account right now. We sit down, we're like, we'll do giveaways. We'll say that you need to subscribe, and then if you subscribe, it was only subscribed. They weren't paying us anything. They were just subscribing. I'm not taking it.


There was no entry fee.


There was no entry fee. I didn't even know what that meant. I only got, like, 40 subscribers, and then I was like, maybe one of you guys will win some beats. So maybe all three of us did the same thing. The same thing. And then one of my cousins would win on my channel, I would win on her channel, and then we'd make a video.


No beats.


Yeah. Nine year old marketing genius, though. This was, like, nuanced. There were three of us, and it was. This wasn't a thing. It was epic. Honestly, we don't deserve anything. Isn't it weird to hear them talking about being on YouTube at, like, ten? Yeah, that was not a thing.


Like, who were you watching Talia Joy at the time?




Okay. So I didn't have any subscribers because I was working so hard for them, and I was like, I don't know. I want to do a q and A. So I just took Talia Joy's Q and A and used all of her questions, and I'm like, ten. Thank you, guys, for all the questions.


Typical influence.


Yeah. But I was like, I'm taking Talia Joy's questions until I get my own. And they were just like, obviously didn't pertain to me. What are you sick with? And I was like, I'm not. I had posters of her. Like, she was my icon, and I thought I was doing her service. She hadn't had passed yet. And it was crazy interesting way to honor somebody not on chemo. Yeah. I was just answering her questions, and I thought I was honoring her. Maybe I was. I don't know.


Well, we all had to scam our way. Like, Zayn and I had our little technique, too, for trying to get big.


Nowhere near as bad as.


No, we didn't lie and deceive people. But we just, like, blast followed and.


No, when it was blast followed online, yes.


And then it'd be like, we would go, like, first vine. So when people would hashtag that, like, they just created an account, and it was, like, zero likes on their post, they're like, who liked my first vine?


It was almost like a promo. And everybody's notifications, like, this person liked it. So we would do that to thousands.


And everybody's like, oh, my God, we got our first. Who just liked it? I guess I'll follow them.


Y'all were verified, like, early on in vine too, right?


I think so.


Oh, I don't know, because the verification didn't happen for a while. But that app was, like, super, super slow, but brilliant. But, yeah.


Did you guys think of that yourself or someone else? No, that was all us.


Wow. You guys were just sitting here like a, like, farm. That's right.


And it worked. We received, like, what, 50%? Like, follows from that.


The Roi was amazing.


Yeah. I still got, like, dude, our trainer today was like, that was y'all. He's like, yeah. He's like, you guys were, what?


Do you really watch those? Because we look at our old videos, and we're like, oh, my God. Yeah.


And, I mean, that's everybody, right? Who has old videos from ten years young. I'm proud of that.


And now since the quality of a vine has just been re upload, reuploaded. It looks like it was shot on a motorola razor.


You're like, it looks like we're like.


The silent film era.


We're just, like.


20,000 times ancient, man. I just got, like, a $10 check for. Yeah. For people posting our vines. I was, like, still making.


I still get money from vines.


Residual, residual.


There was a compilation that was, like, going and claiming the content that would be posted in, like, a compilation video.


That's crazy.


They just detect it. So, yeah, I still get, like, a little over $100.


Okay. All right.


It's not a competition. Jeez.


Bad boy.


Well, if you think about $10 split.


So $20 total, you all still got a split.


Come on, now.


That was tough. We would get low money, and we're.


Like, we got to split it.




We'd be looking at each other like I could because rent was expensive.


Yeah, we ran through our savings.


We did it. We did it.


Yeah, you did.


We're survivors.


Their story reminds me of ours.


Very similar.


Makes me cry a little bit. I think I need. I need another shot.


Go for it.


I'm getting emotional.


Matt and Ben Affleck, they shared a bank account for many years. Who?




Matt and Ben Affleck always say, like, me and married in my head. They shared a bank account and Ben Affleck.


Why did they share?


To be. Because they grew up together. They were buddies, and they made goodwill hunting together.


New York fact that only people in New York would know. Oh, Boston.




Yeah, I made this mistake.


That's what I said.


You cannot make that mistake in front of.


I love goodwill hunting.


Is Ben, like, the hometown hero? Like, everybody is a.


You're either a Ben guy or a Matt guy. She's Matt. I'm Ben. Well, they're a thing, but they're a duo.


I'm a Mark Wahlberg guy.


Oh, I love Wahlberg. Yeah, he kind of lost me when he started beating that asian guy up.




That did happen.


That did happen.


I didn't know about that.


That's what I was going to say.


No, I forgave him after that.


I was going to say when he started waking up too early in the morning to work.


Yeah, that's really bad.


It's definitely the asian guy.


Can you rattle off the Ted names or, like, Tracy?


Yeah. Fuck. Tammy Lyn. Tammy Lyn. Brittany Lee. Fuck. No. Shit. I don't. Can't. What is it? Goodwill hunting. I could do Maki Ricky. What are your brother's names? Maki Ricky. Danny. Tommy. Oh. I usually can do it.


Say I work for the NSA and somebody puts a coat on my desk. Something nobody else can break. Maybe I take a shot at it. Maybe I break it. I'm real happy with myself because I did my job.




North Africa, the Middle east. And once I find the location where the rebels are hiding, 1500 people I never met, never had no problem with, get killed.


Where is this from? Where is this from?


Goodwill hunting. Not Damon Ben Affleck.


I've seen it. I don't remember, though.


It's the best monolog of. All right?


That's who we aspire to be.


You were a big pogo stick girl?


I sure was. Are you serious? Wait, no way.


Mariah was sleeping.


Bring out the pogo stick.


We have a pogo stick on set.


Dude, could you do no hands? I could do no hands. I got a pogo stick and those stilts for Christmas one year. No, up the driveway.


I liked the pogo a lot, but I was more of a skip it.


I don't know why skip it until.


Your friends came by and you got caught doing a skip it.


You were like, I wasn't doing that pastel color.


You'd be up in there, like, on your driveway. I'm killing it.


Virgin. Your crush's name and chalk kicking your leg.


And then you had the one that had the counter on it where it would check how many rotations you had.


And when you maxed that shit out. Wow. I wasn't physical as a child. I didn't do all that.


Poker is all I got, so that's all I can claim.


And wasn't there, like, a clown?


Yeah. So Gary the clown came to the school every year, and he came to our elementary school. Edible mall.


That's weird.


And, yeah, no, it's very weird looking back. He was just a clown that got to pick and choose which kids hired.


From the school to come and teach.


Out in the room when the.


Which ones were the special kids, right?


Anyways, no, but he would come and pick the most talented friggin clowns in the whole school, and they all got to be in the show. And every year it got to fifth grade, and I was like, fuck this, dude. I bought the pogo stick. I got it for Christmas. I asked nicely. And I could do no hands, no problem. And he didn't pick me my last year to do it. And so I wrote him a letter and he never got back to me.


Wrote a full letter to the clad explaining why your pogo skills were there.


Were you good, though?


Oh, yeah. Well, so like I said, I peaked in fifth grade, so all I had to do was put my boobs under the handle.


That's how you did? No.


So you were trying to use your boobs to get to the clown academy.


You got to use the advances you have.


Did you set a headshot?


I mean, all I said was, come grab me out of class and I'll show you. I'll prove it. I'll show you how good I can tell you.


Well, hey, the 72 hours stream.


Maybe we bring him in and bring Gary back.


Oh, my God. The office is nowhere near a school. This is perfect. This is perfect.


Bring him in. And it's really sad where he's at in life now. You're like, all right, you can go.


Did he end up being a.


No, the gym teacher did.


No way.


It's crazy how every school had it. Ours was our elementary school, not janitor. It was the security guard.


Right, our security guard.


Oh, shit.


Our caught fucking a student in the.


Portable, but came back a couple years later and they hired him again.




Did it again?


Oh, Heath, I didn't know.


Yes, yes. He already got busted.


And they let him back.


Let him back. And then there was two security guards.


The other one, this is Florida.


The other one got caught moving. I'm not joking. It was like a half a million dollars worth of cocaine. Up to northern Florida to kingpin.


That was another security guard.


Both security guards.


Yeah. These guys were locking it down. We should have them.


They thought they were in a narcos fucking series. We're going to run this town.


Our janitor just got caught meeting up with. It was like, how to catch a predator. He was messaging a fake, like, fake.


Cop, insane 15 year old. Do you guys like watching those videos?


Chris Hansen, have you.




The people on YouTube do a really.


Good job, but it's like, I can't watch those videos. It's really hard.


There's something about watching somebody's life flash before their eyes and they're just like, realization in that moment that is so you can't look away. And it's hard to explain. And I feel weird, like, watching these.


You're able to watch the whole thing. I have to turn it off.


It's such a weird, busted dude, there's some edits where they make them look really foolish because they are foolish. The remix. Yeah. And there's this one guy and he's.


Like, remixes or do, like, songs to.


It because they're such creepy people. And we got deep on YouTube one night and Chris Hansen videos. We watch them. That was like our thing. Yeah. And then if you go deep into YouTube, they make, like, remix videos of these predators and they edit the videos.


To drop the biggest.


Put the pants in the fridge.


Put the pants in the fridge.


Come on. Nothing wrong.


Those are popping back then. Those are the best videos.


That would have been my dream gig if I was, like, 14 years old. Just to be, like, the bait. Like, just a second.


I'm going to get washed up.




That's pretty crazy, though, that they even had the bait.


I know.


I think that was completely unnecessary, dude. You know what I mean?


Just like, whitney Cummings came on our podcast yesterday and the sound of freedom movie, she was like, it's so weird that they had child actors playing the sex trafficked kids in the movie.




Like, it's just a weird thing to.


For. To be like, here. Act like this is happening.




Because I feel like later in life they're going to look back at that and be like, wait, I wouldn't have done this actually, if I really knew what I was signing up for.


Maybe they just had people that on Chris Hansen show looked younger and they were of age. Yeah, I hope.


No, I saw some kids. There were some kids on there. I remember we're seeing a couple episodes. I was like, I'm just a baby.


Yeah. Well, did you know a fun fact? The last episode of to catch a predator was a politician. And they got him and they arrested.


Him and he himself unalived.


Big season finale.


They never aired it, I don't think.


Yeah, no, I was kind of the end.


Well, who was the politician?


Like a jersey, of course. Senator or something.


After that happened, they were just like, we can't do this anymore because of this.




You're doing something that bad and you get caught and whatever happens after is not your fault.


Oh, yeah, no, you know what I mean? Avoiding going to jail.




I knew a guy who got busted on, like, one of those YouTube vigilante sites where they go and confront him. And this was like a distance friend. I've always known him for years, but probably see him every three months at a party kind of thing.


No, they were best friends. No, we weren't.


They had an apartment together.


No, but I had been to his place before, but.


Oh, God.


You see where was.


But I want to say this.


No, but I've been to his party.


Yes, they were good.


This is what's so disturbing about it, because that's what's so disturbing about it is because I never knew he had decided to him. But pretty much he was, like, on Grindr. One didn't even know he had that lifestyle, but that's his business. But he got caught in a conversation with a guy who was posing as a 13 year old and was reminding him, by the way, I'm underage. I'm underage. And then the video starts off, and this guy just, like, starts recording him outside of his apartment. Goes, who are you here to see, man? Well, I'm the 13 year old. I don't know if it was 13. From there, I turned it off. I was like, no, but was just like, yo, and that's what's the freakiest thing, is that this was a friend I knew. And you don't know what someone is.


Like behind closed doors.


Who are they messaging their phone?


Like, who are these girls on our couch right now? We don't know. We don't know what they're up to. Listen, one out of every nine people are child predators.


One out of nine. Yes, 1278.


We're good.


We're eight people.


Damn Strange about that video is now it's removed. So I'm like, what, did he.


Did he go to jail? Like, you have to go to jail forever. No.


You get publicly shamed. He lost his job, his friends and family.


These days, public shame is like, one friend.


He still got you.


No, I saw him the other day and I was like, went the other way.


That's really interesting that it's deleted off.


It should never be deleted. That should be out there forever.


But that's where I don't know what happened.


Have you heard about the town that is just full of them?




It's like a sanctuary where they all go because they're not accepted around most people, obviously. So there's like an entire city that's full of them because they can't get jobs and stuff like that. La Manhattan. No, small, right? It's. Where is it? City of refuge.


Miracle village in Florida.


Miracle village.


All the priests in the Vatican.


Let's change the name.


It's on Muck city Road.


I saw a video of people interviewing people there, and they're like, saying, it's really nice because nobody's judging us here and we can get jobs and people don't look at our past and things that we've done as. I'm like, bro, remember they tried to.


Add pedophilia to, like, they're trying to.


Make it seem like it's just like a sexual preference.


Yeah, I'm so back and forth because they are humans, too, and obviously they didn't decide on a checkbox, like, into kids. I truly feel like something's wrong with their brain.


It's a mental.


Yeah, something's wrong with their brain. And I just feel bad and, yeah, if they need a neighborhood like this.


To all live at, you know what I mean?


Is there a computer lab and someone's.


Like, they need you to log out. There's no wifi there. No, that's not allowed there.




Can you log out for me?


Yeah, go ahead and log out the.


Amount of privacy restrictions that they have with anything in that neighborhood.


Kids in there, though.


Yeah, I'm sure they got to be having families. Imagine a family just like, on vacation, like, just trying to find, like, a location. Just like a hun, check this. I found somewhere called Miracle Village.


That's a good movie.


This is a community. This is a community I can go for.


It's right outside of Disneyland.


And they're treating our kids with such respect over.


There's no wi fi. Our kids will talk to us. I haven't seen Tommy smile like this. Oh, it's terrible. Yeah, it's really. Yeah. Yeah, it really is. How did we get.


You guys?


It is.


It's them. You've never talked about child pedophilia. Come on.


I think Matt brought it. You got that, buddy. Right?


Not friends anymore.


I'm sorry, Matt. I hate to do it to you.


It's just.


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I just can't wait for Coachella. All right, what else? Truth or dare. All right, here we go. Whisper challenge. Whisper challenge. What else are you guys doing out here? You guys out here for a pr, like, press run?


We don't do that. We don't have it like that. We're just shooting the shit with people on camera is kind of what we do.


Just pretty much just visiting because you're bored and want to hang.


We come every couple months because everyone's out here for guests. And, like, we just talked about Zoom kind of sucks. We like to bank a bunch of episodes. Oh, that's a happy. Yeah. Cool.


Does Barstool have an LA office?




If they did, they won and they start one. So if they did and if they said that you guys could live out here, would you do it?


No. So, okay. We started a rumor. We started a rumor. I went through a breakup, and I was doing a lot of drugs.




And there was one night where we're like, we're moving to LA. So we called everyone. We're like, we're fucking moving to LA. We can't be in the city anymore. And we started a rumor that we're moving to LA. So the CEO at the time of Barstool was like, brie, you want to start an LA office? Like, you can be the LA based. And I'm like, it was like a 06:00 a.m.. Idea.


Like, I wasn't that serious.


We all have ideas, like that bender and fuck. Yeah, I guess. And then it was like a six month period where we're like, yeah, I'm looking at apartments, I'm looking at places, and it never happened. So, no, we don't want to move here. Right? Good choice.


People that live in New York love New York.


I feel like East coast people till we die. It's like, in your blood. I feel from there. I think if I lived out here, it'd be good for me because it's, no offense, kind of boring out here. Oh, it is.


I feel like it's gotten more boring.




Especially in what sense? Like the going out scene.


I have a hard time ever saying no. And I like to go.


You want to go to dive bars and get in a fight with a biker over a game of pool?




Your bars are open up late, too. It's 02:00 a.m. You're like, well, where's the after party? And did we get beer? Because now we can't.


Because it's crazy. Because 02:00 a.m. Is our peak. Usually if you're out drinking. 02:00 a.m. Is like, when you're feeling your best. And then they're just like, we go out at midnight.


That's like when we were eleven.


I'm like, we got to hurry, guys.


3 hours left.


When we were in Florida, we would be like, all right, you want me to come over? Let's start going out. It was like 1230 getting ready to go.


Yeah, because our bars open till like, six.


We would be going out until six.


Yeah, but we'll have friends. We have friends with bars and we'll just stay, like, until the sun comes.


Sunny Philadelphia. What's that show?


Always sunny in Philadelphia.


That's a cool vibe.


That's the best. When you're in a place and they're like, you can do it.


There's something so nice about smoking indoors.


It feels right. But we also. I don't think the La people suck thing is true. We used to think that before we started. I don't hear it's just boring. But I've met even. You guys are awesome. We've known each other for what, like 30 minutes? Yeah, dude, you guys want to chill after this. People here are awesome.


Off camera.


Yeah, for real.




For the love of God. Sometimes you do stuff and you're like, I thought we were friends. And then you never talk to people again. That's the trick. We just think we're friends with everyone.


You guys don't live here, so it'll be a little difficult. But whenever you're out here, definitely hit us up.


Yeah. Thanks.


Have y'all met them before?


No, this is my first.


I feel like I know them because I've seen them so many times on my phone, on my cellular.


Yeah. I know everything about you.




I haven't met any of you guys. Have you met them, David?


No, but that's where also, I feel like we've been online friends. I feel like we comment and like each other's stuff. But I felt like when I first saw them downstairs, I had to be like, hi, I'm Matt.


It's really weird, too, when you go out to a setting where there is a bunch of Internet people and you see them all the time and you're like, I don't know if I've ever met them or, like, you know them.




You just see so much of their face. You're like, I don't know if I've ever actually introduced myself.


Well, that's the thing with us. If we know you on social media, we'll let you know that. And then sometimes people will pretend not to know. I just hate when people pretend they.


Don'T know who you are. I think it breaks attention or breaks the ice. Like, as soon as you say, oh, my God, I watch you, I think that makes it just ten times better where the conversation average is not awkward. It's not like this.


I know you. I watch you. I'm not going to pretend I don't. Then I'm going to say something weird and you're going to be like, how.


Did you know that?


Yeah, I would never go because there are those people. They'll be like, da da da. It's so nice to meet you. Yeah. I'm just reiterating fucked up.


But if they're a big fan of you, then I understand. When I met some of the cast of the gamers, I pretend in a very cool way. Yeah. In a very authentic way where it's not an event thing, but it's like at a party, I have to pretend I don't know because I don't want to look like a crazy person. I don't want them to think that I'm just a person that's going to look at them the whole night, because I will.


It's such a weird line, too, because you don't want to act like you know them and be like this person. But then if you act like you don't know them, then it's like, okay, he clearly knows who I am. Why is he acting like he doesn't know? And that could be even weirder.


I feel specifically Game of Thrones cast at any point. It's just Game of Thrones. Anybody else? I'm just like, I don't give a.


Fuck about you see them out.


There's a few times where I've seen them out, and I'm in shock. I'm in shock. Full panic attack and meeting them, and I have to pretend that I'm not, like, freaking out. And it's.


That's like the cats of the office, they're everywhere. Everybody there are. Oh, yeah. They live in our, so, like, he sees Steve Carell, and it's like, you have to just, oh, my God. We don't see people like that.


I accidentally met him on the road.


Oh, shit.


So he lives in our neighborhood, and I was driving, and, you know, like, the streets are kind of tight. So you do, like, the pull over and let the other person pass?




And he was coming towards me, so I pulled over to let him go, and I rolled my window down because he had just got the new Porsche 911 that came out.


And you didn't recognize him in the car?


No, I just liked the car because I'd never seen one in person. So I rolled my window down. I gave, like, a thumbs up. I was like, I love your car. And then he stopped and then rolled his window down, and he was like, what? And I was like, I love your car. I haven't seen one yet. It looks so sick. And as I'm sitting here saying this to him, I'm like, oh, my God. Oh, my God.


I also love everything else about.


And then he's like, oh, thanks so much.


I appreciate it.


And then we just talked about the car. I was like, the color, too. It's amazing.


Wait 1 second. Let me check out the wheels. You get out of the car like, yeah. Can I take a picture of it?


Get out of the shot.


Celebs are like Pokemon. Like in LA.


You're just like, oh, my gosh. I caught a moment. I got to catch another one. We brought this up so many times. But I want to tell you guys, one of my favorite celebrity encounters also was when we were driving on Ventura, and it was me, and I believe it was me and Tod. We're driving and we stop in Ventura and we see Matt. Matt is just crossing the street, and.


I see Zayn, and I'm, like, goofing.


With him, walking across.


And he's like, hey.


We're like, hey, Matt. He's like, look. We're like, yeah.




He's like, no, look, we turn George Clooney right next to us in his Tesla. We're like, oh, my God. It was a moment where I just wish it was, like, caught on camera, like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's just, like, such a crazy rare moment. He's environmentally causing.


Oh, my gosh. That's incredible.


I thought about that moment for such a long time, and I'm like, imagine how many moments like that are just missed that nobody will ever see.


I think about that all the time.


They're everywhere. Celebs are everywhere. Everywhere.




Who did you see that was, like, rehearsing lines in their car? That was you?


It was wild. I was driving through Laurel Canyon, and I'm just, like, just driving. And then I see her coming around the side, like, oh, my God. And she's literally like that. But you could tell she was practicing lines in the car because there's no way she's just sitting there making these. It was, like, so wild, the faces that she was making, like, she was, like, screaming, and I was like, I think I just saw her reading her own lines on her way to a shoot. This is really Hollywood, babe.


They walk among us.


Get used to it.


I remember my mom came out to LA for the first time, and we went to the Grove. And of course, coincidentally, a whole red carpet premiere is in the middle of the grove. I've been to the grove so many times, never seen it. And there was a whole red carpet premiere for this. You know those holiday movies that has, like, 35 of the biggest actors in it? It's like, what do you call those type of movies?


Just, like, just a star studded money. Yeah.


Star studded investment. And it was like a Christmas movie. I'm like, mom, you're not going to believe it. There's going to be about 35 top celebrities on this red carpet. And we're walking by and just like, all these, like, olivia Munna. She's just. My mom doesn't give a shit about like that. But she was just like, she runs through the crowd. I've never seen her, like, runs through the crowd is her phone. She's going over the thing, like, mom, get back.


She was, like, at a zoo.


My mom took this uncomfortably close picture of Olivia Munn on the carpet like she was paparazzi. I couldn't believe she got it immediately. Over here, over here. Immediately on Facebook, just chilling with Olivia Munn. I'm like, mom, God damn it.


So proud of you for how far you've come.


Our family's gonna see this shit. You don't think they're gonna judge you for this? Obviously, you're on a red carpet chilling with Olivia Munn.


Yeah, you gotta keep your eyes constantly peeled in. Really find them. And the worst is when you go to a really nice restaurant and you want to act like you've been there before, but you sit down and you get your menu, but you're instantly like, I know.


Everyone's looking around. Everyone's looking around.




You're like.


One time, my mom, she came to visit me in New York, and we went out to eat, and then we came outside, and it was Matt Damon, John Krasinski, Casey Affleck, and John Krasinski's wife, whose name's Emily Blunt. Emily Blunt. And they're all there. And it's Emily Blunt'sister, too. And they're all there. And I saw them. And I hope to God my mom didn't see them because she always bought the tabloids, loves. And so I saw them. I kept walking, even though it killed me. I'm like, I got to keep walking.


It's crazy how we walk by them. They're looking at us, walking by. They're going to stop us.


Well, I didn't want my mom to see them, so I'm like, let's go. Let's sealine it. And she spotted them. She stayed up there, and I kept walking, hoping that she'd follow me, and she did it. And all of a sudden, I hear, grace O'Malley, you're not going to believe it. I'm like, mom, they don't know bar stool. Why do you think that's, like, a flex? This is so embarrassing. And I had to go over there, and she wouldn't stop talking. They're like, do you want a picture? I'm like, yes, you, love.


She did all, like, the dirty work. Because that's, like, the worst part. She got the worst part all the way. You might as well get the picture now.


Bother them. And boy, were they bothered.


She got the pick, though.


We got group pick.




I think it's on a Christmas ornament. Have you posted on a wine bottle in the House?


Have you posted it?


It's the best picture ever.


Okay, can we, Josh?


Yeah, no, we'll see it after.


But that's, like, such a wild picture to get to. We went to a japanese restaurant yesterday, and this big guy, long hair, walks by, and we're like, okay. Fabio sits down. We're like, oh, my God. Fabio. Fabio, straight up. We were the only people at this restaurant. Only once. It was completely empty. He sits down there. And my roommate's parents were also with us. We're all eating dinner, and they're like celebrity freaks, right? So as soon as they saw that he was drunk and he was sitting there like looking at him and he's pulling out his phone and he's like on voicemail, he's like, so we're at this restaurant right now on Fabio and I'm like, shut up, dude. He's right there. It's crazy. People don't treat celebrities like we're humans. And again, like a zoo handle.


It's like, stop.


They're probably trying to enjoy their fucking dinner. Purposely came to this nothing like japanese restaurant because they probably don't want anybody to go up to them. And now we have the one person in here, like, isn't there a video.


Of Fabio getting hit in the face.


With like a bird on a roller coaster? He was on a roller coaster.


Bad luck, dude.


It's the most like epic.


It was him. I saw it yesterday. He was in the middle of with.


All these models and he was on a roller coaster sitting front seat and they hit a bird and it splattered in front.


That seems dark. That sounds like a bunch of models around watching.


That seems like, yeah, bad omen for sure.




You couldn't.


His hair.


And just like the blood.


The hair strangled the bird mid flight.


That was blood. Gross.


Wow. But, yeah, just one more thing with Fabio. He doesn't have an Instagram. Very good for him. No, a person like Fabio, imagine his Instagram. Like, how perfect you'd be. Like the hair, it'd be so esthetically. And he didn't have an Instagram.


I was really surprised. Shocking. But I guess he's kind of old.


Did he ever really act? I think he was just the COVID of like, romance guy.




It would be funny if one of you had the book. I wonder how much money is like in his bank account today.


Net worth 10 million. I already checked.


Did you really?


I checked last night at dinner.


True. It says like, ours is.


I know, but you just take that and you either add or you subtract. Five.


Yeah, it's fair, right?


Like mine says. Mine says, like, what? 250k. So you take away more.


Take a few when it's negative. Like, I looked up Drake Bellwood.


Wait, negative network.


It was like negative 425.


That's when he went to Mexico.


Is it still negative?


I didn't think.


Oh, it went up. It went up. He's in the green.


The price went up.


Oh, you know he's big in like Mexico. Yeah.


He is crushing it because he goes, he has trouble here. And then he changed it. What did he change his name to.


He's out there like.


A danish word for Belle.


Oh, that is really creative.




How do I sell this as much as I can?


I'm not going to lie. That little separation between Jerry and Joshua is probably something that you surprised me the most.


Like, no weding thing, just my childhood.


Leading up to that moshe.


You just see them as best friends. Then you realize it's just a show and you're like, oh, I know.


You are soul crushing.




Kind of like us.


It made me really realize everybody on camera is not always like these guys.


In this room, right?


Yeah, except for us. Yeah. Shut the camera. Okay.


But you guys probably see a lot of really cool celebrities through, like, I don't know, events and stuff. Are you a type of person to go up and be like, hey, can I get a picture? Or do you more like the moment or leave them alone?


What are you going to say? What are you going to say that they haven't already heard before?




That's my problem. I'm like, I really want to outshine anyone who's ever met them if I could, and I've seen it with my boyfriend. I see it so much where I'm like, you can't do that. What am I going to say that's going to change this person's mind? I know. I really want to relate to you on an epic level, but I'm just going to say everything. You sound annoying.


Are either of you good at interviews? Like, giving interviews to anybody on the spot? Like, live?


I clam up. She's really good. She's really good.


So it's not embarrassing going up and ask for a selfie. Just be like a reporter. Like an influencer reporter on the carpet. They'll bring them up right to you. So it's not, like, weird for you. They're coming up to you instead of, like, you trying to.


We're working on getting into that.


Yeah, that's good. I wish I could do that, but I would be the absolute worst at, like, I just couldn't do it.


I just choke up. It's tough. I know. And it's also hard when you want to be on screen with them one day. Yeah.


But I think that's a great way to start, though.




Because especially these days, I don't think it's looked down upon. If you look at people like, I don't know, Liza and Brittany, they're always there, like, interviewing, but I feel like people see them as celebrities, like, on.


Another level of good at it.


She's so confident and just very personable.


She's been doing it for like 30 years.


She was born for this. You could just tell when people.


She's a star, actual star. Incredible. She's so good at it.


Yeah, I'm on my 10th year and I still don't know how the fuck I'm in here.


I could barely talk to you.


Yeah, I couldn't imagine. It's bad. I wish you could buy confidence at the store.


Thousands monthly install it equinox seriously sucks.


Beta blockers? Yeah, I got to get me some of those. Have you heard about that? Do they work?


I take one before every episode.


Does it work?


She's like, beta blockers.


When did you get on beta blockers? Propnol, baby, I got it like three weeks ago.


How long does it last?


I don't know.


Did you get on that because Alicia.


Said she got it?


No. Oh, you already know. I actually had it from like a year and a half ago. I just never took not. I don't like pills. It just like, freaks me out. Something that you need to take every day just scares me. It's like, weird. Do we really need that every day? But I take it just right before the podcast. And it's supposed to calm your nerves. But my nerves don't feel calm.


Yeah, you said you were nervous.


Yeah, exactly.


She just starts buying stocks, Robin Hood. Like we're cashing in.


It just sucks, like having all this shit in your head. Because I feel like nothing is working. Why is there anything working?


I know I'll come into something and I have a thousand questions I want to ask, and I just clam up and it's tough. Yeah.


So you tried the beta blockers or you want to into it? Yeah.


So clearly they work.


Everyone's different, but they're not addictive.


No, I don't think.


For like, high blood pressure or something.


No, it's supposed to calm. If you're, like, nervous, it calms you down.


That's what the medicines block the effects of hormone epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. Oh, so it just keeps you like.


You take it before a scary movie, you're like, I ain't scared.


This shit ain't going to scare me. But you know the only thing that has worked? Alcohol.




That works every time. It's never not worked.


I hate to say it, it's like a little confidence boost.


Why don't they do, like, healthy alcohol pills?


I know.


I don't know.


Yeah, but then I always thought like that too, and I'd be like, oh, I need the drinks to have confidence to talk to people. And then I would look back and be like, oh, my God, why was I even saying that?




In the moment, I felt like I was just chatting it up, having a good time, and super likable. And then I'm like, I was probably kind of annoyed.


No, not too drunk. There's a difference between getting very drunk and then just, like, just the amount.


Of time in between, I'm loosen up.


I can have an actual conversation with you. I feel like I sound smarter when I have a few drinks in me.




I'm not, like, stumbling over where it's like.


It's like, I don't know if it's good or bad, but when we did dry January, we were like, oh, this feels good. I feel like I can talk to people and I can do things and be sober and have fun. And then we went out for the first night, and we're like, we had these fur jackets on for some reason. We're like, we feel like grandmothers. Why are we in this bar like creeps? We couldn't talk to anyone. I don't know. It was weird. I guess it's a weird line, but I get, like, the shot in doing something, but then it's like, that's bad. I know it's bad, though.


I know, but it's like. It's just fun.


It's moment. I'll do it every stand up. Every once in a while. I have to have at least, like, five drinks before I go up just to feel confident. And then I fucking fuck up my set, though. I need the confidence, but I also need this. The brain power.




I was going to say, do you enjoy doing it?


I love doing it, but every time I do it, I leave, and I don't feel like it was good enough every time, which is always, like a curve.


You need to do multiple sets, and you got to leave immediately. Go do another one and don't tell anybody that you're doing it. And just. Are you doing, like, ten work of 10 minutes? So important?


Yeah, ten. I've done 15.


You guys have done a lot of live shows together. You guys have done on tour. We have never done a lot.


We're terrified.


We're so scared.


We don't really plan them.


Oh, you don't plan them? You guys just go out.


We're waiting till we're completely irrelevant to do a tour, so only, like, ten people show up, and then we feel good on stage.


Dude, it is so scary. But it's also nice. Like, the people that listen to your podcast will just laugh at anything you say. They love you.


I know, but we don't want to go with that mentality, though, where it's like, oh, anything's okay.


Our fear is people showing up and not having a good time and being like, oh, we just wasted our money. We're so scared to disappoint people. We want people to have a great time.


Yeah, well, we do. No phones. You can't record anything so that we can talk about everything.


How does that work? Are you zipping them up in packets?


Or you're like, we did comedy clubs. Yeah, they walk around, they're like, are.


They annoyed with that? Or, like, people that are.


No, they like it because we say it at the beginning. We're like, will you put your phones away? We'll tell you all the stuff. And we tell them all the stuff.


Maybe that's what we got. To me, the nightmare is the footage is someone recording of just something out of context and then making it to.


We're the only ones allowed, like our team with cameras, no one else.


I love that. I didn't even know you do that.


I love it because people feel like it's like an intimate night, which it is.


It makes it more special, I feel.


Yeah. And we kind of do the same thing every show. Once you get in the groove of it, it's fun.


And you're like, on your live shows, do you have the same thing that you'll run for each show? And how do I explain it? Are you making a completely new show if people come to both of them or anything like that?


We heard this before you said this in Milwaukee.


One show in each city. Okay. That way, people probably won't be repeating the show.




And a couple of things change here and there when we do it. But we had, like, one story that we started with that ended up by the end of it getting progressive progressively. We just kept adding to it. It was surprising both of us. We were like, yeah, I can't believe that happened. Doing a duo stand up the whole time, and then we'll have a guest at each show, and it's cool. The people love it, and we love it.


Do you do, like an hour sometimes?


It would be like two. Yeah, but we would always run the longest. It would only be like 30 minutes, dude. I would not suggest guests unless you know them and you very comfortable with them. Even like, some of the people we thought were going to be great guests got up there and clammed up, and it's, like, really hard.


Oh, wait. Guests you brought on stage that you've never podcasted before?


Some, they would, but then they get in front of a live crowd, and of course it's terrifying.


It's totally terrifying.


But you can't practice before, and then it's just, like, us pulling teeth, and it's, like, awkward. Say something.


How much do you think about after a bad show like that? Do you think about it for a long time, or it kind of goes away right before the next show? You're just like, oh, this is a new night.


We didn't have to. We had a pro after party. After party was party.


You got a party with all the fans.


Yeah. Which is the coolest of you. Get to see your people who listen, like, face to face, which is, like, the coolest part.


And that's how you make up for a maybe bad show.


If it happens, just get blackout with them afterwards.


Yeah. Okay. I'm starting to like this. I'm starting to like that.


And then there's, like, only a limited amount of tickets for the show, so everyone that couldn't go to the show, our after parties are, like, free, and.


Then everyone that's really fun.


This should be our managers.


Yeah. I don't know what I'm doing, but.


Are you ever like, I really do not. Buy me a shot.


Oh, my God. Do you know how crazy these people get? And you can't say no because you're letting them down because they come to the party to take a shot with you.


You kind of have to just let go right that night and just be like, we have to do it.


That's like when we used to go out, it would be like we were known as the drinkers and the partiers, and it would be like they would want to buy a shot, which is very nice. Thank you very much.




But then you're like, you can't say no. And it was just like, here, and.


Then somebody else, and you're just like.


I started saying no because I'm blacked out. I just can't.


You have to draw the line.


Are you doing, like, back to back? Sorry, we're asking all these questions because we've never done it before, so it's always fun to hear about this. But do you guys do back to back shows, or do you guys spread it out through every other weekend?


We did it the last tour every other week so that we could have time to recover from. Recover. Because it kind of is a lot. It's socially taxing too. We put everything into it, and you kind of feel, like, drained for a week, huh?




Yeah, that's something. Because we do our podcast episodes every week. We don't pre record anything, so we would have to do, like, a pre recording.


Is it really tough to get a podcast out, like, on the.


So we'd record the night that we got there and just be like, hey, we're in Philly, and talk about it. But we wouldn't have much to talk about because the show hadn't happened yet. And we have two episodes a week, which gets tricky. It's hard. Two episodes a week.


That's a lot.


Especially when we're traveling and stuff. Yeah, I don't know. We usually have shit to talk about. Yeah, it's just, like, us talking, like we would in a room of just us.


Yeah, just like, kind of. You're talking to the crowd or they'll probably have.


They like us not having guests more unless they're good guests.




I have another bar stool work culture thing. How popular are you guys at Barstool.


Amongst our coworkers?


I guess so. I'm just thinking, are you guys one of the more legit? I'm just picturing the town hall kind of, like, meeting of like, hey, we're barstool. Are you guys just sitting up front? There's just so many of them.


They treat us really well there. Yeah. If. I guess we're doing the town hall in the olden days, I guess we'd also be wearing the white wigs with them.




So you're like. Yeah, you're pretty up.


There's, like, tiers now. We're, like, a mega brand, which is cool.


Does it look like TMZ in there? Like, how many people are working there in the office?


A lot. Yeah, we have two floors. Three. Two floors. Two floors. Like, the second floor is all salespeople and the smart people. And then it's, like, all of us down, not our floor, playing dunk dogs and shit. Our studio used to be up. Yeah.


Is it like a Google headquarter where people are just, like, lounging and eating and it's very laid back?


Yeah, not really changed it. They got rid of 40 desks and just made, like, a huge room of couches because people are just now working off their. Yeah. Well, then they made the Chicago. There's a Chicago office now. They always had one, but it was never, like, what it is now. They just got, like, a warehouse and they have, like, basketball, like, a $20 million office. And we were like, we really missed a train on going to Chicago catering. Every day we get bagels on Mondays. Why? What the fuck?


Like the Google YouTube office. It's like a mall in there.


Like a slide.


It's insane the amount of food you get there. The employees are having it. I wish we had that shit when we were fucking working back then.


Yeah, the office is definitely cool. Yeah, it's fun.


Now you don't even have to go to the office.


Do you guys have, like, id cards you, like, swipe to get in or, like, face recognition stuff?


Id cards, little time. What do you call those?




Yeah, time. Punch code. Yeah.


Like, clock in and out?




What time?


I used to got one of those. So when I was flipping burgers. Punch in, punch out.


Yeah. You were flipping burgers before this?


We flipped burgers together for a short minute. First job.


No way.




In Boston?


I know, but was it like a McDonald's?






Yeah, it's a local place. Was it good burgers when you're hungover in the world? It was a 30 minutes drive from our houses to work there, maybe like sometimes 40. And we would go there when we weren't working just because we were hungover. And that's the only way to cure it.


Was those burgers that's there at Sullivan's Castle island?


That's us.




I feel like it's gotten a lot.


Nicer now that they have a.


Was it more like a bar restaurant?


There's nowhere to sit. You walk in, you order your food, and then it's like a little island where you walk around in Boston. It's surrounded by the ocean.


Oh, cool.


Oh, damn. In my head, I was picturing in the heart of New York, like a hole in the wall type of joint.


Was everyone female working there?


No, it was a good mix. The city kids would make fun of me the most because I would have to commute to get there. Like, why the fuck do you even work here? I'm like, I don't know. It's the only job that's letting me in here.


Yeah, it sounded fun to work there too, right?


Yeah. Do you guys ever go over to, like, seaport? Yeah, I went there one time and I loved it. It was so pretty.


Boston's a cool city.


It was a really good time there.


Is Boston the place where they have that city, that crazy city. Remember you were telling me that there's, like, crazy city port? It was literally.


It was nothing like, on the water. And then some rich guy bought it and just made it into this super cool popping area.


Yeah, I don't want to go there.


Yeah, you should hear our parents, like, when we're driving through there. I can't believe that this went up so fast. It didn't look like this when we were kids.


Yeah, the before and after is insane.


Is that it?


It's so built up. Yeah, it's crazy.


It's really pretty, but they have a.


Bunch of bars and shit now. It's fun, but we never really go home anymore, which is kind of sad now.


What do you like better, Boston or New York now?


I always love Boston. I'll return there. I'll settle down there. But New York?


Oh, really?


The show in Boston or for views at the Wilbur?


I don't even remember where it was. The will happen so quick.


Yeah. We did House of Blues. Our first live show ever was House of Blues next to Femway. We were like, this is awesome. We couldn't believe it. We didn't prep at all for that one.


How many people were there?


I think it's sold out. Yeah, it was seated so it was like 600, but it was our first one off, and then we didn't do one for two years after.


Oh, wow.


And the two of us, we just kept going, it's going to be good. We're going to be fine. It's going to be good. It's going to be fine.


It's crazy how we see her, because whenever you see, like, a stand up comedian, they don't look like they see the audience as, like, oh, my God, I'm so nervous. They just kill it. And then you just go to us when we just want to do a tour, it's like, we're just so relatable. People can really just see themselves in us.


You have a pretty thick, like, Boston Accent.


People say it's fake. Just, it comes out. I think I have, like, a personality.


Like Brittany Broski. She's from Texas, but then she'll go, like, heavy you. But do you have, like, a stick of a butt?


Only when I'm with her or with my family from home. And then if I'm like, when I'm on bffs, my accent goes away, and they're like, what? This fucking fraud bitch? But then when I'm with my best friends, I'm like, coming back, and I go home and I'm talking, like, fucking this. I'm saying, fuck this. Fuck that.


Because that's where you come from. If you want to accentuate your accent.


Talk, you won't understand.


Is Boston super Italian, too. Or Italian.




Italian. Irish.




I'm so irish, I'm basically.


You. Okay. The place where you go sleep in your house. What do you call that?




Okay. But now just say it's a bedroom. It's a room.


A room.




Cellar. Living room is parlor. Click.


The living room is the parlor. Interesting.


What do you call supper instead of dinner?




All right, we're good.




Thank you guys so much for coming on.


Thanks for taking the time to come on.


Nice. Appreciate you guys. I know. Long time coming.




We're going to be going on yours in a couple of days.




So make sure to check that I'll be on their podcast channel, Planbree Uncut, obviously. Make sure to check out their podcast, Planbree Uncut, on their channel and all their instagram, their Snapchats, their twitters and all that. And you can check out these episodes every Monday on all the podcast platforms. And you can check out these episodes every Tuesday on our YouTube channel, slash zanendheath.


We also have a patreon. slash Zanendheath. We do bonus content. We got extra episodes every single month. We do an extended version of the podcast where you can get like a little extra time and. Yeah, perfect.


All right, that's it. See you guys next time. Love you.


Peace. Bye.