Transcribe your podcast

This is a big episode.


This is huge.


This is crazy. Never been done by any podcast ever.


Ever. Never been done before.


The first time you're seeing this anywhere.


But I can't believe it. It's taken us five years to do this.


Yeah. You guys know the show is called Zayn and Heath unfiltered. And for some reason, it's never been just Zayn and Heath. It's always been Zayn, Heath, and four other people.


We bring the party.


Exactly. And having Matt and Mariah is still, like a lot of people. Having four people on a podcast is.


It's a lot.


We do have some interesting things, especially since it's just the two of us.




We don't have Matt and Mariah to just, like, bug us. Get under. Exactly. Just yapping the whole time. We can really get to know each other.




On a deeper level, this is going.


To be raw, real, authentic.


This episode is raw, real. Exactly. And Mariah's not here, unfortunately. But this is, for the first time, going to be raw, real, and authentic.


All right, I'm ready.




Should we just jump into it?


Let's jump into it. We got our new bruise. You know what that means? We're getting euphoric, baby. It's puppetile, baby.


Whoo. Oh, my God. The intro song.


Oh, my God. We do everything ourselves. There you go, baby.


Happy New Year.


Welcome back to Zayn and Heath unfiltered. Let's do it together. Yeah. Welcome back to Zayn and Heath unfiltered, filtered, baby. I'm Zayn.


I'm Heath.


And we are unfiltered, and it is the new year, everybody. Happy New Year, baby.


We had a great holiday.


What is it?


Today is the first that we're posting this, right?


No, I don't know actually what day.


Ends up being actually the new year. Really? Yeah. I think next Tuesday.


No way. I don't believe that. It's the first. Oh, my new year, baby. Legitimately. Happy New Year. All of our audio listeners, I bet you all are hungover as shit. You know you are. You know you are listening to this. And if you're not hungover, then you're probably working out, getting that New Year's resolution started. Yeah, I got mine started six months ago, but I feel like if I didn't, I would have definitely gotten started today. I would have made an admission.


What's your resolution?


Genuinely, that I really want to just start. It's the 27th today, so I have a few days to think about this. But first off, I really need to stop biting my nails.


Oh, that's a good one.


It's so bad you guys don't see it on camera. And I will never just get. I've posted it maybe once or twice in my life either.


On. They're absolutely disgusting.


I was about to say asinine. Is that a word? What's asinine mean?


Asinine. Like, it's crazy.


No, I meant more like disgusting. Yeah, but no, it's crazy, too. It's asinine. These nails. Asinine. Just a new word out there. Yeah, they're really gross. And that's one thing that I'm afraid of for my future girlfriend wife. I don't want her to look at my fingernails and be so disgusted with me that she does not want to continue this relationship. That's one thing that I really worry about.


She's going to break up with you because your nails, it's probably not.


No, it's not.


Break up with me or just not give her a chance in the first date.


No. That's not a shocker to me, though. I feel like when you see someone has really gross nails, you think, oh, they're a dirty person. And then from there, you kind of just assume that they're dirty in other places, too, which I don't like.


This guy doesn't have self control. Yeah, I think it says this guy has a hard time focusing.


And not only that, those are, like, very broad. But I got something very specific, which I think you could really assume that I do. If I'm sitting there eating my fingernails. What else am I eating? You know what I mean? What am I putting my mouth on?


What are you mouth on?


No, but your fingers are so dirty. Your hands are the second or third most dirty thing during the day because you're touching everything. You're touching the faucet. You're just touching rails.


You ever seen under a microscope of what the dirt under your fingernails looks like?


I don't imagine seeing mine, because your mouth is the dirtiest place.


It would make you not want to bite them anymore. Yeah, it's actually disgusting. Like living things under your fingernail.


And if you took a microscope to your mouth, you would want your mouth shut for the rest of your life.


Yeah, that's true.


It'd be so disgusting. But I've tried different ways to stop.


I've put the gross shit tasting stuff.


I don't like the taste of it. It doesn't work.


Why don't you just go old school? Just throw on mittens?


I tried that for half a day, it's impossible to get anything done.


It was like kind of like what I had to do for my transplant because I kept scratching in the night.




So I had to put socks over my hands because remember I scratched my head so hard I started bleeding everywhere.


Yeah, that's wild. They even allowed yourself to do that. You see, I just do the pat method.


I was in the middle of the night, like, I didn't know I was doing it. Like I was sleeping.


While you're sleeping, so you can't help it.


Digging my plugs.


Okay, so that makes sense. That's when you have to wear, but you're also sleeping, so you're not going to really even notice. I'm fully awake and conscious in doing this. So I just need to figure out a way where I almost need to reward myself like a child to not bite my nails for every millimeter my nail grows. There you go. I buy myself something nice.


It turns into the opposite addiction.


You come out like foot long, but there has to be like, look at it. Oh, man. Just tell me ways to make it better.


I would say you want to go.


Low profile, chop your hand off.


Yeah. Thimbles.




Just five thimbles.


I bet you won't put your fingers in your mouth if you chop them all off.


But I think just really focus.


Do you remember when I did attempt to stop biting it for like a month or two and it was actually growing back and I was really excited about, I was taking little update pictures every week because I wanted to do.


You wanted the before and after?


Yeah. Do you ever screenshot different pictures and then you go back and forth really quick. So that's what I was doing with my nails and it was working. I was so excited. And then I just fell over the deep edge again. It's kind of like a diet, right? Or like the fitness transformation. You're starting to see results. It's really exciting. And then you just stop. Since this is my second time with the transformation, I actually kept going this time and didn't quit. Maybe if I do it the second time.




Sometimes it meant nail biting.


Sometimes you got to give it a couple of tries.


Exactly. Because you quit once doesn't mean you exactly. You're a failure.


You just never not don't quit.


Wow, this is such a positive episode already. I'm really excited about this one, especially in the new year. People are going to be so motivated to start with whatever they want to.


Get started because I believe in you.


Thank you. I appreciate that. Cheers to that. All right, so I'm going to stop nail biting. Right? Another thing that I really have to quit. I mean, you already know it. It's the vape. The vape is very bad. It's killing me. It's causing me a lot.


Giving you the black lung.


The black lung. I would love to see a fast. I feel, like, back and forth before and after with my lung out of.


Your body because of that. I feel like that's what you need.


And you know what's crazy? Everywhere in my body right now is like, whoa, they're having a great time. Six months, I haven't put really alcohol in my body. Right? Eating all this, like, clean shit. Everybody in here is just, whoa. And they're looking at the lungs. They're like, boy, come on. He'll get there. He'll get there. Because the blood's flowing everywhere. Have you actually tried genuinely put it down for. I mean, I may have put it down for, like, a day, maybe. It was like traveling, right? I couldn't smoke it on the plane, so it was just in my bag.


I wake up in the middle of the night to go pee. Are you on the way to the bathroom? Grabbing it to hit it a couple of times?


Heath, that's not even the problem. I wake up with it.


I wake up in your hand.


In my hand. Where is it?


So your body's vaping while you're.


Yeah, yeah. I wake up, like, swear. I swear it's in my hand. When I wake up this morning, my mom scared the shit out of me today. We were in a deep, deep, deep psychosis sleep, all right? We were exhausted because we were, you know, going back from Florida to here is, like, the worst because of the time difference. Like, you just get so tired. And I was in a deep sleep for, like, an hour and a half. And then I wake up to my mom's figure right above my bed. I'm like, what? And my flies, right? You got startled. Launches, right? I'm like, mom, what? And she was sleeping next to me. She wakes up too, and it's not Danielle, by the way. My little sister's here. She's in the audience right now.


People think everybody's like, I knew it.


People think me and Danielle are dating, which is. Anyways, yeah. Launches out of my hand, and I'm like, mom, what? And she goes, there's someone in the house. I'm like, mom, the house makes noises. It's an empty house, right? We're still filling it up.


Boy, that's green. Light for me. Bulletproof vest on night vision.


God, he is up and out. He's already dreamed about that. You already hear the safe opening the.


Beep beep, beep, beep. Eye fingerprint, eye retinal scanner or whatever?


Yeah, that's like, heat's favorite words. Favorite words of the book.




I think somebody's in the house. And I keep telling her, like, mom, I'm telling you, then it kicks in.


Right, right.


What if someone's in the house? I'm like, God, what if someone's in the house? There's been intruders before. There's somebody that snuck into my house once and stole a fly zapper.


I still don't understand that.


Why wouldn't somebody be in the house right now? Maybe it just happened to be the time that my mom.


Maybe they thought you were still out of town.


Exactly. So I get out of my room.


What's your game plan if there was an intruder? Are you waking up? Are you grabbing something? Are you reaching like you have a bat? Do you have, like, a candlestick?


Absolutely. So I got up, grabbed my piece.


I go to the staircase, and bliss.


And my mom's like, just listen. And I'm not going downstairs yet. I don't want to be stupid. I'm not, like, running right in the middle of the attack.


You got to be tactical about it.


Exactly. I'm thinking men in black. I'm thinking call of duty at this point. And she's like, listen. And goes, I'm like, ice machine. Immediately in my head, I was like, it's the air. I've heard this noise before. And then we hear it again, and it's not the same tempo. It's like a different tempo. It wasn't this time.


It was that. Okay.


You know what I mean? And then I was like, okay, mom, that was a different tempo. Let's wait for it again. And we hear it again. And then it was clear of the vents. I'm like, oh, my God, mom. She's like, I'm so scared, honey. I'm going to go sleep on the couch. I'm like, that's fine. You can sleep on the couch. But there's nothing in the house. People were probably sitting there like, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I left you hanging like that. But, yeah, nobody was in the house. I don't even know where I was going with this. Where was I going with a story? I think I just want to show off that I have a piece. So don't come to my house we keep us safe in this house, especially when I got the family in town. But I generally don't know where I was going with this. I think it's. Oh, vaping. Yeah. And that's why. Because I almost hit my mom in the face with it.




So I need to quit vaping because I need to protect my family.


She could have lost an eye.




Moral of the story right there.


No, I mean, just, like, just real talk, though. Vaping is just so bad, and I just have to stop, and that's all I have left right now. If I just quit that, I'm pretty healthy.


You'll be amazing.


I'll be incredible. I'll be at 100% compared to what I was.


I wish I could be like, this.


Is the best I've ever felt.


You know what I mean? Obviously, you're going to feel better. Yeah.


And you know what? I can't even tell people I'm healthy because that's just a lie.




Like, yeah, I exercise every day. I eat really good now. Alcohol, my body.


Dane, you're a smoker.


You're a smoker, and you have that label. That's probably top two things you could put in your body that's, like, very bad for you. And one of the two is smoking.


What's crazy to me is that the studies haven't even come out yet. I feel like in 30 years, I don't need studies.


Heath, once you open, I don't know who it was. Whoever opened that vape in front of me, what it looks like inside that vape.


Oh, it's disgusting.


That was it.


When you see, like, you don't need any the filtered system.


You don't need any studies, any studies to tell you that that shit is bad. Once you open up a vape, guys, take your vape. Right now.


Take your vape.


Yeah, guys, you're going to freak out. You're going to freak out when you see how these vapes are made. Okay. I have this very pretty flume one that you'd get, like, at a gas station. Right? They make it pretty. Yeah, they make it tough. They don't want you to. They don't want you to know.




The person that showed me, they opened it with, like, a hammer. It's tough.


That makes sense.


We have to show it.


Do you want me to break it open?




Do you have an extra one? Let's do it.


Break it. I don't need it.


Let's do it.


Just knowing right here, I have ten fresh ones in my bedroom waiting for.


Me, because you can't get them out here anymore. Like the flavored ones. So he's got a lady on the.


Load that he goes to.


That he buys costco wholesale to.


I'm trying to be a better man.


All right, we're good. Are you right? Oh, Zane.


This looks like it was made in a garage. Look at that. And this. You're just smoking?


Yeah, this is a child's high school science project.


Give me the.


Don't squeeze it.


You ready?


There it goes. Boom. What scares me about that stuff is the fact that normal, like cigarettes, things like that is like a dry smoke, Zane. That's wet into your lungs. You're breathing in that moisture.


Wow, that's disgusting. That made me want to smoke at least 15% less. And I hope to get to 100 by January 1.


It was really brave of you. I can't wait to tell you about my.


No, I just told you my New Year's resolution.


Oh, you want to hear my resolution real quick?


Yeah. Why do I look like the one that needs to problems that I need to fix?


I haven't put too much thought into it yet. So this is going to be me just kind of winging it on the spot of what I would like to change.


Oh, you're just too. Oh. I can't think of anything that I could better myself.


I would like to get back into the shape that I was in, Zila. Okay. I'd like to start doing more cardio again. I realized how out of shape I was.




When I was coming back to LA when I just had my flight here.


Really? I feel like you don't look out of shape, you don't work out a lot, but you're maintaining your eating, which is good.


I'm decent with eating. Obviously. I have bad days or whatever and things like that. I've been on a sweet kick since I've been in Tennessee. I've had, I think, cumulative, probably 6000 cookies.


60 cookies at least. It's the holidays, man.


At least my mom's been baking fresh every single day.


There's a reason why she does it when you're.


And I'm not going to do that to my mom. I'm not going to do that. If she bakes fresh cookies, just eat them.


Don't put that on your mom.


No, because then she's going to feel bad.


Don't put that on your mom.


I'm doing it for her.


No, I know. She's watching this and now she's feeling like shit. You just did that. Now no, she's making cookies because she knows you don't eat like that here.


Exactly. It's a treat. Exactly. When I went to fly back to LA, so there's no direct flights from where my parents live. So I have to do a commute. One stop and then go. So stupid, by the way. You got to go out of the way to Charlote and then from Charlote back here. But I had my first flight, and I had about an hour ish layover between that and then my flight to LA, and we land early. I'm like, oh, this is perfect. I'll get off, maybe get a little Snack, kill some time. We sit on the Runway for. I'm not joking. 45 plus minutes. Because none of the terminals are open.


Exactly. And they probably weren't prepared for you to arrive 45 minutes early. Right. Well, we were like, why?


We were like, 20 minutes early.




But we still sat there and just waited and waited. And then I'm looking at my phone and my next flight started boarding. As I'm still on the plane, I'm like, oh, this is bad.


And they don't care. They don't care.


I have 30 minutes before my flight takes off. Yeah, they're boarding. They're boarding. Dude, the reason I don't check bags is because I don't want to have to deal with checking it on, getting it afterwards, dealing with that shit. But I don't know why I always get stuck with having to check a bag. My carry on.


You had to do that again?


Dude, I'm going carry on only so I don't have to do it. You keep it above whatever I get up there. They give me a bag tag, and I'm like, please.


Are you getting there last?


It just depends on your boarding group.


Were you in the back of the plane?


Kind of like middle.




But it's also a small plane, but this is new. I don't know what this is, but they gave me a valet bag tag. So it goes under the plane, but it doesn't go to your next destination. You have to sit there in that tube and wait for somebody to go. I didn't either. You have to wait for them to go under the plane and start bringing the bags up to you in that little walkway when you get off the plane.




So now my flight's taking off in 15 minutes, and I'm sitting there waiting for them to bring my bag up. I'm at terminal e. I got to get to b in 15 minutes before this thing's taken off. Finally, they bring my bag up, I grab it, and I'm not joking, Zane. Full blown sprint. Full, like, charging through this and there's no, like.


And it's the holidays. You don't want to miss a flight.


It was insane.




So I'm running as fast as I possibly can, and I'm, like, getting queasy because I'm pushing myself.


Because you're out of shape.


Yeah, I dead ass think it was probably a mile, mile and a half I had to run. Yeah, it was so far. And it's embarrassingly fast how I'm running.


It makes you look like that. People are like, don't have your shit together. It makes you look like you showed up late and now everyone's waiting on.


You, and you're running full sprint, and people are looking. You're asking for all the attention. Yeah, and, dude, if I would have saw myself, I'd have been like, jeez, it's not that serious.




You know what I mean? I hated this feeling. I finally get to my gate. As I'm running up, I see the sign on the tv where it shows, like, where you're going. It says closed. I run up to the lady, I'm like, please don't tell me it's closed. She's like, yeah, we just closed. And there's a guy next to me that missed it too. And he was like, yeah, as of 30 seconds ago. And gave the lady a look. And I was like, please, I'll do anything. Like, I need to get on this flight right now. I have to get on this flight. Sorry, it's closed.


The plane is still there. You could see that. You can. Clearly, it's not like the plane.


Exactly. It's five minutes before takeoff time.




So I'm like, please, I cannot miss this.


Well, did he tell her the situation, that it was a one stop?


I was like, we landed 45 minutes ago. I've been sitting on the plane waiting to get off. We finally just got let off, and I just ran here. She's like, nothing I could do. I'm like, you got to be kidding me. So I'm sitting there, and just as I'm about to walk away and call it, because this is the last flight of the night, I would have had to got in a hotel.


Oh, my.


Waited till the next morning to fly. As I'm getting ready to turn around and walk away, her phone on her desk rings, and she's like, yeah, okay. All right. Hurry up. Get on now. I'm like, oh, thank you so much. So I run onto the plane, and then you're that guy that they've been. You're sitting on the plane. Why are we not taking off? I was that guy that had to come walk on, but I got on the plane, so I was super excited. But I'm dripping. Like, I'm actually dripping sweat.


And those acs aren't powerful enough in the plane.


But, man, was it brutal. But I made it. I did it.


Did that guy next to you also make it?


That made me realize I was like, I need to get back in shape for that reason.


Plan your day better.


You want to know what's really funny?




There was. Oh, man. You know how people talk really loud to get attention? They don't need to be talking about what they're talking about in public.


Yeah, I can name a few.


There's a couple. It's a little couple. And they have a baby, right?


It's a little couple. What do you mean?


They're little people.


Oh, little people. Okay.


And they are in the row in front of me, and they're like, with their kid, the kid can't talk. It's like, maybe like one and a half, two, something like that. And she's like, talking to the kid. The kid can't talk back. And she's just like, that's okay because we have more money. And I'm like, now my ears are freaking. I'm just like, here we go.


She just says one thing that makes no sense to a baby, right?


You're like, why are you talking to a child about it?


And she's not talking to her husband at all.


No, to the child.




She's like, right, baby? Because we're going to be millionaires, baby.


Right, baby?


Isn't that right, baby? We're about to be millionaires. And I'm like, what is going on? She's like, you did good on season two, right? We just got to hope they get us back for season three.


And I'm like, she just wanted someone to ask her, what show are you on?


Yeah. Well, that's why you got to be good, baby. You got to be good on season three so we can get season three again because we're going to be multimillionaires.


Season three.


I don't know.


Sorry about that.


I tried looking it up and finding them, but she just on and on about, that's right, baby. Because how much are we going to have? We got millions of dollars.


I mean, there's not a lot of shows with little people on there, is there?


I think there's quite a few.


I've already tried looking, all that nosying around you, you couldn't just figure out. I'm sure. I know Heath and she wanted so bad for someone to ask her what show she was on.


I know she should have just asked. I didn't want to give it.


Imagine she was like, stop being so. Get out of my business. That would have pissed me off.


It was just so funny how.




Baby has no idea what you're talking about.


Yeah, but are you sure she wasn't like, you know how they talk to the babies, but they're, like, trying to nag at the dad or something? They're using their baby to talk to somebody.


Well, they were fighting a little bit on the plane when they first got.


On, so maybe she was doing, you know, when a mom or dad would talk to the babies and they would say some, for example. Well, that's because daddy doesn't make enough money, and it's, like, directed towards the dad and wants the dad.


You don't know if you're being really messy today. I guess you do take after your dad. Yeah, those type of.


But you're saying the dad was nowhere around?


No, he was just in the opposite seat on the other side. But it was just really funny. But then I ended up talking to her because she was waiting for her bag at the end or. No, she was waiting for a stroller.


So you did end up talking to her.


She was just, like, really frustrated about having to wait, too. Yeah, that she had to wait for a stroller where? Under the plane. So they checked my carry on.


Okay. I thought this was, like, while you guys were sitting on the flight, you guys were at midair, and she was just howling about her seasons, although you had all the time in the world. Three, baby, season three. We can figure this out.


I know if Mariah was here, she would have been.


It would be up on tv right now. Yeah.


But she ended up being a really nice lady. From that brief conversation that I had.


I thought were about to say the show name. She ended up being that really nice.


Lady from little people, small world.


Everything was that show with a little people. Big world. Little people, big world.


Yeah. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, Sea Geek.


You guys know a lot of artists are on tour right now, including Drake. Drake is actually coming to my hometown, Sunrise, Florida, baby, and I'm going to be there. I'm going to be the first one in the front row.


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Thank you so much, Seatgeek, for sponsoring this podcast. We love you.


Getting to the airport, going to Florida, miserable. By the way, remember I showed you like, I showed you off a little? I was using your duffel bag that you just got me from the last episode.


Everybody commented, said you didn't like it.


Well, I mean, I can see why, because the way I hate watching myself, especially on the podcast, because it doesn't look like I was excited about the bag, but I really was. I was just confused in the beginning, and then I got really excited because it actually needed.


He liked it. He sent me pictures with it.


I do like it. I like it. It's just hard when you're on camera. The next day, I was going to Florida. I packed up my bag. I was really excited to use it. I could fit so much in there, blitz fit, my laptop, everything pretty much that I needed to get. I didn't need to bring like a carry on bag and my backpack, right? I just brought that one bag and I was thrilled. I was like, now this is what I'm going to be using. And I'm on my way to the airport. I leave much earlier than I'm supposed to, and gps says like 40 minutes. And 40 minutes is pretty good, especially during the holidays. You're like, oh, okay.


That's like double the amount of time. But you're like, okay, it's expected.


And as we're getting closer, this is what I hate about GPS and maps. Right on your phone, it never tells you the traffic inside the airport.


Oh, yeah. Just to get even.


Like, when you put a terminal, it doesn't tell you the traffic in there. It just shows it green. Yeah. Until you're right there in your Uber. Once you start getting closer and closer, and you're like, maybe like a mile away, then it just updates, and then it's like, okay. Oh, now it's an extra 35, 40 minutes. I was five minutes away.


Yeah, you got to wait until you hit, like, in and out to see how bad it's going to be.


Fix it.




If there's actual traffic in there, put actual traffic in the map so I can leave 2 hours before if I need to. But anyways, we get there, we're about to get into the airport, and it's just back to back traffic. It said it was going to be like another 35, 40 minutes actually on the thing. And I'm looking at the traffic, and it's just not moving. And I had time to walk it, but we were still pretty far, and I'm seeing other people starting to get out, and I was like, fine. And it was right before that ramp, you know? That ramp? Yeah. So was right before the ramp. I was like, all right, you're good to go. I don't want to keep him stuck in this traffic with, yeah.


People that are getting out in the middle up there. And then that driver is stuck there for an hour.


I didn't want to do that to him because he doesn't get paid during that trip. So I was like, why don't you drop me off here? And then you can kind of escape from this? And I get out, and I am starting to realize how heavy this bag is because everything is in this bag, and it's too heavy to hold on, like, one arm the whole time. So I have that lanyard thing that, where you can kind of switch. You could bag like a purse. And that shit was just hurting my shoulders, and I kept.


Did you have a rolly bag, too?


No, I only had that bag. That was. No, like, no, that was my bag.


Carry on bag.


That was my carry on bag.


Got it.


And, bro, I had to walk legitimately, like a mile and a mile and a half to get to the terminal. And, bro, it was hurting so much. And I've never hated this bag more. That's funny than this.


Funny. I specifically got you the ones without the rolly wheels because I was like, you'll never use.


Oh, my God, that have been. Dude, I really needed the wheelies because, dude, I felt really good. I was like, oh, I'm cool in his jacket. I'm not sweating. I was drenched by the time I got to the airport. I was so hot. I couldn't get any cooler than what I was before. I get on the plane and I'm drenched. Acs are blowing, but it's just not cooling off. I'm like this, and it was a red eye. Everything just started to suck very badly. And then I got there and that was fine. And then coming back with my mom and little sister was really bad.


You had turbulence too, dude, mine was.


It was definitely the worst to date when it came to turbulence. Taking out that cancun trip. There will never be anything worse than that cancun trip. The cancun trip where it was so bad. We're going through a tropical storm.


Oh, yeah.


People were screaming, we're all going to die. And everyone's screaming. Nothing was worse than that. But this one was definitely right there next to that cancun trip, bro. It was rocking and it was rocking bad. People were starting to cry. There was a lady right next to me, like, on the other side. She was just howling. She was just, like, just screaming. And I thought, I didn't know if she was laughing because it wasn't exactly the way I sounded right now, but it almost sounded like she was just laughing nervously.


Uncontrollable noises.


Yeah. And I was like. Because it was so bad where it was kind of funny because it was. It was just like, oh, this is.


Like, it wasn't uncalled for.


Yeah. And not only that, it felt like there was nobody flying the plane. It was almost like the pilots disappeared or they got a heart attack. And now this plane is just, like, kind of going off. And the lady, I look over and she's hysterically crying and it's just getting worse and worse. It just keeps getting worse. And it gets to the point where the pilot just starts apologizing on the intercom.




When he starts apologizing, that's when he knows too bad because there's been bad turbulence. And he doesn't even call it out. He's calling it out now. That's how bad it is. Flight attendants, they're still serving this lady. Is she a rock star? She's sitting there serving the meals, and she's bringing me my hot tea, right? And I'm just like, I don't need it right now. There's no way I'm going to be able to drink this. And I don't want her to get hurt or burnt or fall. And I'm like, no worries. You don't need to bring me my tea. And she's just like, no.


I'm picturing like, cat in the hat.


It was crazy. There's times where they don't even do service when it's like half of that. But this girl just wanted to, she was showing. Yeah, she was not only showing up, but I think it was a good practice for her, too. In case of emergency, if ever there's ever a hostage situation, she needs to grab something for the terrorists. She wants to do it all. She wants to be able to do it any trying to get on hurricane. Yeah. So I think she knew what she was doing, but she was amazing. And as I was going on, my mom and little sister, there are like four seats, four rows behind me. I'm like, oh, my mom is probably freaking out because she's much worse than me when it comes to flying. I'm bad, but she's really bad. Immediately. As soon as there was, like a good 30 seconds of calm, which was rare, I get up and I run to my mom's seat. Madison's, like, laughing with the bag. Madison's laughing. I'm like, oh, my mom's probably really bad right now. I look, and she's literally in her seat like this in tears. I thought you were saying she had the mask.


She pulled it down. Tears. And she looks at me, she's like, honey, you need to get me a fucking drink right now. And I go to the stewardess, I was like, can you please get my crying mom a drink? She really needs it bad. She's really bad with flying, especially with turbulence. And she's like, oh, is your mom the one that's crying right now? I was like, no, it's another one. And I want to know so bad how the back of the plane was, because the back of the plane is always the worst when it comes to turbulence. I bet it was so bad. Even the pilot on the intercom was like, and a big apologies for the people on the last few rows. I'm sure it was, like, very bad for you. I've never heard a pilot speak that much after a turbulence situation like that.


Because he was probably getting word that you got people in the back, hysterically crying.


Yeah, because who knows how many people are crying in the back of the.


Plane in the poor people section.


But, yeah, that was for sure an experience. And I felt so bad because I was kind of like, you guys should come. Come back with me to LA after Christmas.




Yeah, it was just like, kind of traumatic. Traumatic for all of us. I don't know why I wasn't freaking out. I was, like, laughing the whole time.


You got to make light of the situation.


No, I wasn't laughing because I was scared, but I think comical that this was probably it.


Yeah, you came to.


This was probably it. Wow. Just right after the holidays, baby, we're going down.


I was going to the bathroom when turbulence hit on my flight here. Yeah, we hit turbulence, dude. I'm very germaphobic when traveling. I don't touch, like, door handles. I'm the elbow guy.


Yeah. I'm the complete opposite. It's gross.


Especially in an airplane bathroom. I'm feet up for the toilet seat. Feet for the flush, everything. Yeah. When I walk in, I do this. I go feet up. And then I'll flush, like that. Seat down.


So how do you unlock the airplane?


The door.




Elbow. And then the little lever. You got to slide.


Elbow. Why didn't you just wash your hands after or, like, do sanitizer in your seat?


I don't have sanitizer with me.


Why do I feel like you don't believe in hand sanitizer? Do you believe that it actually removes.


I've never actually thought about it, but.


You'Re the type of person that I feel like would not believe in sanitizer.


No. Look into it.


I think you trust washing your hands with soap much more than just something in a bottle like that.


I never really thought about it. I do use sanitizer. If it's around, I'll just be like, get a quick little clean. Yeah, but I was literally in the middle of going to the bathroom on this plane when we started hitting turbulence. And I am bouncing up and down, trying. I couldn't stop going, so I'm trying to aim, and then I'm falling forward. I'm no handing this. I'm literally back and forth like this, like, trying not to touch the wall.


It's the worst because, you know, you have to put one hand on your piece.


Yeah, exactly.


It's not going everywhere, right?


Dude, horrible. I was all over the place.


I'm surprised. Usually they make, like. They're pretty good at knowing when turbulence is about hit. And they'll tell everybody take their seats.


No, it's very unexpected.


Out of the blue. Were you flying frontier or something?


American. I was in the back. We were hitting it bad. Oh, you're in the back backpack on that flight? I was on the back, yeah.


It's like a roller coaster. You know, the roller coasters. The back seats are like kind of fun, though. The second best seat kind of fun.


But, yeah, it was pretty insane. But we made it. Now I got to catch a flight in 4 hours to go back to Tennessee.


Yeah, guys, Heath just flew in last night from Chattanooga, or you have like a one stop so you're flying from somewhere to get here. And less than 24 hours he has to be back on a plane because he decided to bring Deanie Weenie with.


Yeah, I got to go back and get.


It's because of him, right?


Yeah, pretty much. So my mom and dad are watching Dean right now. Mariah is in Pennsylvania still. She's going to meet me back in Tennessee and we're going to fly back from Tennessee here with the cat and everything. It's just a lot like I didn't realize because he's very on edge and stuff when traveling. And you have to take them out. You got to hold them while you're doing the scanner. And then you got your bags, you got this. And then I have my film cameras. And you can't put the film through that, so you have to hand those over and get the film hand checked. So it's like, can you tell us.


The process of bringing an animal through an airport? I thought it was as simple as leaving that animal on that conveyor belt and letting them go through the ts.


I thought, literally, you just do it. I thought, if it's in that size, you're good to go. We showed up with him as we were getting our boarding passes, and I was like, do I check in like an animal with you? Or how do I go about the bringing my cat?


Or you let him walk through the. It turns and the cat has to. He puts his hands up like this. Oh, man, that'd be amazing.


Feet on the yellow.


It just reminds me of puss and boots. Like, why did I imagine puss and boots?


But I thought it was going to be super easy. And then the lady's like, you need to call ahead of time if you're bringing a cat. I was like, what are you talking about? There's only so many that are allowed on the plane. You can't just show up and check them in. Okay.


So that was one thing I know for sure. That I wouldn't have done was to just show up with a pet. I would 100% called or something to let them know, like, hey, what do I need to do before getting to the airport with a pet?


I searched it on TikTok.


I'm surprised you didn't think of that.


I searched it on TikTok, and they said, you just got to check them in.


We all get our information from that app. It's so embarrassing. Literally just type it in Google. But, no, we'd rather do it on TikTok. Well, I mean, there's a reason why, right? Because there's somebody right there verbally telling you, verbally telling you from an experience that they just experienced. And I most watch it just went to TikTok and just said it. And sometimes it is better. And I get why you did that.


But, yeah, they didn't say, like, on that video, you need to call ahead. But apparently, if they already had so many cats, I could have not been able to bring the cat.


And how many other cats did they have on this plane? Let's be real.




Do they keep pets under the plane?


No. You put it under your seat.


Then I don't see a lot. Then I feel like I keep an eye out for people that are bringing it.


To be honest, on my flight back here, I didn't even notice it, but the person next to me had a cat. All of a sudden, I saw them bend down and grab their bag and.


Go, are the bags getting very street now?


Yeah, they're just like small little carriers that you slide underneath the one in front of you, so it's like you would never even know. Okay. But, yeah, so you do that, and then they put, like, a little bag tag on the pet carrier.




And then when you go through to take the stuff out, to go through TSA, you have to put the carrier on the conveyor belt, and you have to walk the cat through and hold it.


You think anyone's ever been caught doing that? Like, using their animals? Horrible, by the way, just using their animals to bring in stuff. It's kind of genius.


The cat shits itself while you're holding. But, yeah, so then you do that. It goes through. You get your bag back, and then you're good. But, yeah, so it was just, like, a lot having to deal with the rolls of film, hand checking. Mariah was doing the cat, so we just wanted to do it together again on the way back.


Are you bringing Dean next time?


I still would much rather do this than put him up in like a pet shelter.


You don't trust anybody out here to watch your cat?


Absolutely not.






Do you genuinely not trust anybody? There's got to be a reason why you don't think that someone will kill, not hurt him. But I don't think anybody. I would forget to feed them or something. Because you're paying them for a service.


It's not the forget to feed. You're saying, like, friends, wise friends or.


Professional cat professional people that.


The thing is, I know somebody that had a dog that they put up in a shelter to go on vacation for a couple of days. And obviously a dog is different, but one of the other dogs ate their.


Dog and killed it. Oh, wow. Okay. That's a rare situation.


So they came back and went to go get their dog, and they're like, sarah, something happened where they just give.


Him the other dog because the dog is inside the other dog. I feel like especially for.


Best, say his full name.


I think the best for him would be a private one, not somewhere where there's like a ton of cats. Like someone that takes care of maybe like two or three and is in.


A. Yeah, it's just like he's still super young, and I just don't want him to get into things because then if he eats something that he's not supposed to, then we got to do another $4,000 surgery to cut it out of his stomach.




And then our friends, it's just like, if a door is left open and he ran out, it's just a lot, you know what I mean? But, yeah, I don't know. I didn't mind it.


So the cat is with your mom right now? Yeah, she doesn't give him cigarettes and shit, just secondhand smoke. Come here.


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Okay, well, that's good. What did we do? We didn't do anything in Florida. Oh, man, this shit is getting boring. It's not boring. It's just becoming very uneventful. It's not feeling like Christmas anymore. Yeah, it's crazy because we've talked about this before already, but just ten years ago, Christmas really felt like Christmas. And I was talking to my mom about this, and she's like, it was because you were younger. I was like, I don't know. You didn't feel like it was Christmas when we were younger. It really felt like Christmas. She's like, no, I think it's when you're getting older. We knew it felt like Christmas for you guys, but it didn't feel like Christmas Christmas for us.


I was like, okay, like getting in.


Maybe it is like kids that really just see it, but I don't know. Sometimes when I look at, I feel like Mariah's family all really feel.




Even when they're older. So I don't think it's an older thing.


I think it has to do with the size of your family. Because I know Christmas for me hasn't felt like Christmas. Because we used to have everybody over when I was a kid. It would be a huge party. And your cousins are there, your aunts, everybody.


Someone's always coming up with an idea to do something. And all those ideas together, all those brains together, is like coming up with different Christmas stuff every year.


It's just been smaller and smaller and smaller.


We couldn't come up with jack shit. We're all sitting there watching tv and we're like. We just don't know what. Even for dinner, it was Christmas Day and we're like, let's go out to dinner. Everything was closed. We genuinely just couldn't come up with anything to do or even leave the house or we had to just stay in there. But it's just like. It's just tough. It's tough with a small family. Like, you're trying to come up with something Christmassy to do and then you feel guilty. I think we all felt a little guilty.


And then your parents come back. They still want it to be special for you. Yeah.


And I felt guilty. Don't get me wrong. I felt guilty, too. I felt guilty that I can't come up with anything.




But it's hard. It's hard with a small family. You have the Christmas tree, you have the gifts, but then what?


Yeah, I think that's why Mariah, her family is 300 people that get together. You know what I mean?


Yeah. I kind of envy that.


It's a lot. It's a lot going on. It's a party.


It's overwhelming, but it's, like, fun.




It's never a dull moment.


It's intense.




Hers looked so funny this year. Did you see any, like.


Yeah, I saw the stories. Yeah. She was showing. Just flexing on all of us. She knew.


Her and Matt, they both got, like, the big family gather.


Yeah. What happened to us? What about our time to shine? When it comes to families, we just.


Have to have ten kids each.


Yeah, maybe that's what it is. Like, people that have grew up with small families, they're just like, I want a lot of kids. And then that's how that generation happens. And then from there. It becomes really small when you have that big generation with a lot of kids and cousins. All those cousins, if they don't have a ton of kids, then it starts to get small. It's really weird how that happens.


Have as many babies as you possibly can.




We're thinking about having 14.


How many would you actually.


I think four would be nice.


I think four is a good number. Yeah. I have a feeling Mariah is going to want, like, eight.


That's a lot.


That's a lot.


Because if you think about it, that means if we start having kids when she's, like, 31, you're popping babies at, like, 40.


Yeah, but 40 is the new 30 when it comes to popping out kids.


Yeah. Not when it comes to their health.


You start running after that baby comes out like, you're good, but. Yeah, no, I remember my mom had. How old was mom when she had you guys? She wasn't 30. I think she was 40.


How old is she now?


She's 56. 55. 54. Once you get into the 50s, you're not supposed to really know their age.


She was 38.


She was 38.


You were this close to.


I felt very shitty. That made me feel very shitty that I thought my mom was 40.


Well, that's not bad, but. Yeah, it's just like. It also becomes harder for the mother to have babies at that age.


For me, I don't mind having kids when I'm that old. Is that weird?


Well, I've been thinking about this a lot recently, just because, obviously now we're engaged, we're thinking about the future, and I get everything. And I'm so jealous of the fact that. Of me, my mom and my grandma are so close in age.


How old are they?


My mom is 63.


Your mom is 63?




She looks great for age.


Thank you. I'll tell her that.


I'll tell her that.


And then my grandma, I think, is 80.




17 years.


Yeah. That's not bad at all. That's really good. Yeah. That makes sense, I guess.


I think about when I'm 80 years old, you know what I mean?


And your kids are 63.


Like, they would be 50.


That's just a longer life with your kids.




Of the day.


And I like the fact that I've had my grandparents for so long.


Yeah. When you think of it like that, you do want to be with your kids as long as you possibly can, because once you have them and once they turn, like, 1520 in your head and you're getting older, or if you have kids late and they're starting to hit their twenty s and you're already really old.


I want to be able to. I want to play with them. I want to be able to throw the football around. I don't want to be like, you.


Want to get old with your kids in some way. Yeah.


But, yeah, it'd be nice to pop them out as quick as possible. We're probably going to try to just bang out a couple of sets of irish twins.


Irish? Who's irish?


Yeah, I just found out about it. I think it's the coolest thing.


You're half irish?


No, it's just a term for it. So basically, if you have two kids in the same year, they're called irish twins.


How do you do that?


So if you get pregnant nine months later, you give birth.


Oh, you'd have to immediately.


Do you have to immediately.


Do you think Mariah is going to like being pregnant?


I think she will, actually.


Yeah, no, she will if that means that she gets the kids. Oh, yeah.


But that's pretty crazy. You can have two kids born in the same year.


I think Mariah's going to hope to have twins and triplets. Just make more at one time.


Honestly, that would be ideal. It saves so much.


I think my mom, at first, she was terrified that it was twins, but I think we had this discussion where she was like, oh, that's great. We don't do it again. It's all happening at once.


I think about my brother. I feel bad for people that have twins, that their finances aren't the best and they have a hard time affording different things. My brother and his wife are having a hard time with a baby. You know what I mean? Financially, it's very expensive.




Because they can't have another kid because they can't afford it. But if they were in that boat and they had twins.




It's not something that you're trying to do, but you could get stuck with twins and then you're like, what do I do? You know what I mean?


Is there some sort of, what do.


You call it, a pay it forward system with a baby?


Not a pay it forward, but more like some sort of charity where it helps out people that could only afford one kid, but they ended up popping twins that don't want to give it up because that's tough. I wish there was some sort of organization where they could.


Zane, did we just come up with a charity?


It's a cute charity.




Because your situation with your brother, that sucks. Like having twins and you genuinely can't afford more than one kid. Like, what the fuck do you do now? You got to pick one. Got to pick your favorite.


Yeah. How would you even do it?


Or you just give them both. Everyone's just like, oh, hey, just get another job like the rest of us. Which makes sense, but having a kid is very expensive because they both have to work, right?


Like, they both work full.


The kids, yeah, put them to work. Put them daycare.


If he was in an asian country, he'd already be working right now at two.


Oh, yeah. I wish I was working as a kid. I'd be so good now. Imagine how awesome I'd be.


I feel like I was working as.


A three year old.


I would have been such a good child labor worker.


Oh, yeah.


You know what I mean?


I wanted to work when I was, like, five. I wanted to get a job. I didn't know how much it sucks.


I will be hustling for that. Yeah.


Mowing lawns and shit. But get me started early. But that.


Here's the thing.


Together, you need that reward.




You know what I mean? But what sucks is that, like, kids, we're so stupid. We look at money and then we look at candy. We're like, ooh, candy.


But imagine that I would have worked for candy.


Yeah, but I was making minimum wage. But, like, everybody else, as a kid, working as, like, a three year old, and I was getting minimum wage, and I started 18 years old. Forget about student loan, it just doesn't exist anymore. Because all that work that you've been.


Doing, dude, if you started at 18, you'd be like, yeah, I got twelve years of a resume already.


Insane. But imagine the work history is just so funny. From dishwasher to dishwasher bed maker. But it's like, so specific. Like, how many years they've been working each field.


Mining, lithium mining.


Lithium minting.


But, yeah, I was saying, my brother, because they both have to work full time, and it's $1,000 a month for daycare.


Wait, I feel like that's a pretty good price for how long?


The hours are good price for what it is.


Yeah, that's pretty good.


But on top of rent, on top of everything, I feel really bad because there's so many people out there in similar situations that are. It's very expensive to live nowadays. Everything is just so expensive. The housing market is just really hurting a lot of people. Really bad.


All right, so I have a name for our charity we're going to come up with.


What is it?


Twin gate.


Twin gate.


Twin gate.


Seems a little, yeah, it's bad epsteini.


Oh, well, why did I say gate? Well, isn't gate something where it's like, oh, this is an issue.


Like Ocean gate.


Ocean gate pizza gate? Yeah. What's ocean gate? What's ocean?


Ocean gate was the submarine that went down.


Yeah. There was no kid. There was no pedophilia involved in that. Why is it called ocean gate? I think the word gate after is because it's a problem that everybody's talking about. Okay, am I getting this wrong? What's the word gate mean after it?


I don't know.


Why is there the word gate after something that people are talking about? Like something, this gate, like, you open.


The floodgate of the flood.


Oh, is that what it is, the floodgate?


I don't know.


Am I making sense here?


Yeah, no, it sounds good.


Where did it start from, though? Did it start from like, the Epstein thing?


I don't know.


And it's involving kids, maybe that's not the best. I'm going to change it. I'm going to change it. I'm actually really bad with coming up with names for a company or something, so I'm going to end this conversation.


We'll put some thought into it. Oh, it's, Bill Gates has charities. It just has to do with Bill Gates.


Is that bad still? Is that kind of iffy? Bill Gates, is he a weirdo? Yeah, Bill Gates is a weirdo.




Is that like publicly known?


I think it's pretty public.


What do people think he did?


Was he was boys with. Oh, and that's why his wife left. She like, talks about it.


Is that like something that everybody knows? Yeah, that's something that you watch some stuff and you're like, oh, that's definitely.


I don't know, there's like a whole rabbit hole of Bill Gates stuff and what his plan is for the future and what he's trying to do with the world.


This is such an eye roll, what I'm about to say. Epstein's like, list, or the list that they're about to come up, or, I've been seeing it again all over my TikTok about, oh, the list is coming out. I feel like we go through this every year where it's this list that's about to come out, but every time I feel like whenever I see it on my page, it has no views or no likes, so it's hard to believe it just, to me, just when I see something like that, I just.


Can'T believe it's still not out yet.


But here's the thing. It's a thing. It's a thing.


It's out there.


Out there. Like, Jeffrey Epstein had an island where he brought little kids to, and they were like, it's a thing.


It's a thing.


It's just crazy that people don't talk about it more. Why is this such, like, this? Yeah, why do people see it as, like, right winged? Why do I feel like people see it as, like, a conspiracy or, like, right winged or something? The topic in general, is this something that I feel like people are seeing it as, or.


No, I think everybody's pretty much on board. Like, the whole Epstein thing was pretty terrible, and everybody wants it exposed.


Is it also, like, a touchy subject? Because there's a lot of powerful people on that list, so nobody.


Well, that's why it's not coming out, because those people are not letting it come out.


But I feel like a lot of people don't like to talk about it because of people that are connected with people on the list. Yeah, maybe, like, if there's somebody I knew on the list, I probably wouldn't be, like, yapping all about it all the way. I'd be kind of scared.


If one.


Of your boys, not one of my boys, but one of my boys is boys. Boys is on that list. I just think that's a big target on me. If that person were to see it.


Maybe hung out with them, they're like.


Oh, why is your boy saying this shit about me? And then I'm just like, next, right? I'm just dead. A heart attack. And then people put, like, vaping to it. It would just be so unfair.


Okay, so you think if you were taken out, like, a hit was on you, they would try to cover it with vape?


Yeah, which is so unfair. Let me go out like that. And then everybody believes, obviously, like, oh, look, have you seen Zayn's drunk compilation? Obviously he died of a heart at that. And then that's how I would perish. That's how people remember me. And then we'd have people like you and somebody else in our group that would just make a bunch of posts about me. He didn't die. I was like, shut up. Fucking get over it. Move on. Just call your conspiracies for the rest of your life. You're trying to avenge me.


I would.


I know you would. I would fight for you, and I'd be on the sidelines. My ghost, I'd be on the sidelines, and I hope you would do that for me.


I would. Absolutely.


I'd be really bad at it, but I'll try.


I would turn this entire podcast into.


Just pictures of me, memorabilia everywhere.


And every single episode would be about how you didn't commit suicide.


I think it'd be a very interesting show to watch. People would keep up with it, but I don't know how long they would keep up with it. I think at some point people would be like, Heath needs to get some help. It would get really sad at that point, and I just wonder how long that would let it go.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, Rocket Money.


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Thank you, rocket money, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you.


Oh, wow. You want to hop into our little question?


Oh, yeah. We want to get serious right now. Well, not serious, but I don't know, just get to know each other a little bit more.




Because I'm curious of your thoughts and I kind of want to just have a little bit more anxiety after. Oh, is it bad? I forgot to take my. No, no, it's not. No, no, it's not bad.


At Zane.


I'm hyping it up for.


So Zane called me earlier and he's like, come up with, like, hard hitting questions.


Well, not hard hitting questions.


I didn't have time to prep any because I got in and I was unpacking my bags and packing again to get ready to come over here because I'm leaving straight from the airport. So I don't have any questions pre written to ask you. So I'm just going to go on the spot. I'm going to base it off yours. I'm going to try.


Oh, fuck off. So it's whatever question I ask and you're going to go, well, how do you feel like that about me? That's not fair.


No. I'm going to gage where the conversation is going.


I like that.


And go from there.


You just kind of cherry pick and then you.


Yeah. Do you have something in mind you want to kick it off with?


Yeah. I'm going to hit you with some questions that I've never asked you before about me.




Oh, no, it's not for you. I'm putting you on the spot about me.




Very bad for my mental health, by the way.


Is this like hot seat?


Is it hot seat? No, hot seat is more like you.


Grilling me about who was the last.


Girl that you slept with.


Got it.


But it's like putting you on the spot for your own deeds. This is kind of. I'm putting you on the spot for you. For my own deeds. Yeah.


Got it. Okay.


Which is a little. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself, but do you want me.


To hit you back with some or you just want to just.


You can hit me back with some. You can do whatever you want.


It sounds like you.


Instead of doing hot seat on you, I'm going to do a hot seat on me.




Got it. Here we go. Okay. What was your genuine first impression of me. Did you like me? Did you think I was weird? And did you feel bad for me?


Is this a real question?


I'm just curious. My mom and my little sister, we all came up with the questions that I would just love to, because what if you did just feel bad for me in that moment? I would totally get it. Yeah.


I hated your hair.


You didn't like the straightened hair?


I hated the swoop. What was it? What was it again? Genuine thoughts.


First impression of me. Did you like me? Did you think I was weird? Did you feel bad for me?


I thought you were really funny.


That's good.


Couldn't stand the skinny jeans with sandals.


That was my look, though. I know. You know what? I was trying to go for? Jeffrey Riot.


I'm Jeffrey riot. But I thought you were really funny, and I felt that competitive edge between us.


Competitive edge? Never heard that one before. All right. What's something you want to say to me that you think might hurt my feelings?


Oh, you're tacky, and I hate you.


That question was a little too broad, but I'm going to keep it.


Something that I want to say to you that I think would hurt your feelings.


Yeah, maybe you think about it, and you're just like, I'd rather just not say it to him. And just. You know how sometimes you go about life, you just don't say something to somebody because you're just like, yeah.


You want the truth?


Okay, here we go. As soon as that came out of my mouth, I was like, what am I doing?


I think you could work on responsibilities.


Fucking hate this. I'm choosing to look bad on my own show.




What do we start? I don't know.


January 1?


Yeah, right? No, but this is great, right? January 1. This is like. It's time to change shit up time. Be a better person. We all need to.




And I'm sure everybody listening is going to now look at their friend after hearing this and going, what's shitty about me? Stop it. That's good.


I like that.


Start taking more responsibility or start being more responsible for certain things.


Being more responsible.


Just like. Just kind of. Just do it.




Instead of expecting shit to happen. Shit to happen.




All right. You didn't need to say exactly, but I feel like I know what you're talking about. Okay. That's good. We're going to fight after this. Yeah. We're going to have a long time, so. Defensive gun tour ahead. Yes. I'd pull the trigger. Me and Mariah, there's a gun to our ahead. Who are you saving, Mariah?


Is that even a real question?


Good answer.


Oh, I have a question. I keep seeing people talk about this on TikTok. I'm so curious what everybody's answer is. Yeah, what's the order?




Wife, your daughter or your mom?


For what?


Just order. Life or death. Who are you saving? Most important? Just whatever. Extreme. What's the order?


That's really tough. That's really tough.


Let's do this. Everybody's going to die. You can only save one. Or just like, yeah, just give me. What's the order?


Because how old is the daughter?


Doesn't matter.


Oh, you want to hear something messed up? Okay.


Five. You're like, if she's 20 minutes.




Because I have my order, but it's not what people think. And I see girls commenting and they're, like, saying, not the order that I was.


I can't wait to hear your order. Okay. And I'll tell you my order.




Me and my wife are doing great, right? Yeah. We're all doing good. Yeah.


Everybody's got an amazing relationship.


What a horrible thing. I just asked, how are we all doing? Am I on the brink of a divorce? We're all doing good. Okay. That's the thing. If you're on the brink of a divorce, that changes shit up.






It's a very happy, loving family.


Okay. My wife, my kid, my mom. Sorry, mom. It's a very rare situation. I know that she doesn't know like this.


Just tears as soon as.


Yeah, right. My mom would be last because that's what my mom would want. She would be so upset with me if I didn't do it that way. The reason why my wife first, then my kid, because you could always make another one.


Oh, interesting.


Look, it's a bad situation, right?


Oh, no. We have. Because there's so many different answers. Like, a lot of people were saying, like, mom first. And obviously I love my mom to death.


That's why I asked, how old is the kid? Because it was like a brand new infant then. It's like, you don't even like the thing yet. Typical situation.


I just found out my brother didn't like his kid until, like, just recently.


How old is the kid? Eight. Just turned two. Yeah. You know, it's the terrible ones and terrible twos. I get it. Yeah.


But that sounded really bad.


He loved it. No, it's really bad. It's really bad. And, like, having to make that decision on the spot is tough, but I think that would be the order. I think that order makes the most sense to me. Okay, what's your order?


Obviously, I don't have children yet, so I don't know. But in my head I go, child, wife, mom.


And I think that would been my second one. Because in the moment, you're not going to let your child go. I feel like a lot of people, even me saying wife, kid. But I bet you if you put me right there and I had to make a decision, there is a good chance that it might just hit me and I'd have to save my kid.


But I also look at just anything like that child has. If it was my kid or somebody else's kid, the child has more life to live. So I would always go for somebody that's a younger age. Yeah. If there was a car that was drowning in a lake and there was a child and an adult, you would save the child if you could only pick one regardless. But the adult is Jennifer Lopez from the block.


From the block. Mariah would want me to rihanna pregnant.


Save both at the same time.


My kid could be a serial killer. Right, right. So I'm looking at my kid extra hard at this moment because I got a pick and I'm like, is my kid going to be a little shit? Little spoiled brat?


Right. If he's an honor roll student or.


If he's got like, no, to me, honor roll, I don't care about honor. I think just as long as they're like a kind, I think that they're going to be a good person. Can you see that when they're five?


Yeah, I think they got some personality.


I think every time there is a serial killer or somebody really bad, I think parents were able to see it when there were five.


There's got to be signs.


There has to be signs. I don't think parents want to admit it.


I feel bad saying this, but I guess that's why my cousin is somewhere.


I'm sorry I told you about this.


No, my cousin that tried to.


It's a murderer that tried to kill.


The other cousins, I think.


Wait, how old was your cousin?


I think five to eight maybe, actually, yeah. In the middle of the night he would go grab knives and try to stab them.


Holy shit. I did not know that.


Yeah, I don't know if he has like schizophrenia or something. It's kind of like a taboo topic. Nobody in the family really talks about it.


No, it's sad, too.


Yeah. I don't know for sure where he is.


How old is his cousin now?


Maybe 1920 now.




I think so, yeah. We don't really talk about it. Nobody really knows. But he was a violent, very violent child that had some sort of mental disorders.


That's so sad.


And kept trying to attack.


And as a parent, when you have a kid like that, all you're thinking about is what was in my body that did this. You know what I mean?


How many little sperms in you do you think are, like, serial killer genes?


It's got to be like that, right? There's nothing like a bag of works.


And then one of them in there has got to be like, the next Justin Bieber.


Is it like.


And then one's got a different color.


Is it tinted a little bit? Like if you put all those eggs under a microscope, when you look at it, you're like, oh, this one is up to no good. What is it?


It's got to be something.


Another charity saving sperms or.


Very good.


We take all the sperms, we put it in the facility, and we get microscope, and we have people look at each one.


And any psychiatric you do you feel.


Like you're learning as you're watching the podcast? As a viewer, Madison, and what have.


You gained from this episode?


Have you lost brain cells? Good.


Mission accomplished.


And that's the show.


Hit me with another hard hitter.


If you were a girl and you were dating me, what is one thing you think we would have a really hard time with?


Communication. Okay, elaborate.


He didn't know how to communicate in that moment. Do you think this is, like, pertaining to issues I have already, or you think I just don't care for communication?


No, this is me as a friend to you.


Fuck off.


You think people know what you're thinking? Does that make sense?


Yeah, that's my middle name right there.


So you think people can read your mind?


No. I'm shocked because I've known this. I just was way too afraid to admit it, really. It was nice to hear coming out of someone else's mouth.




I've never had anybody tell me that. That was just like a train hit me.


You'll come at me and you'll say.


Something, and I'll get very annoyed that you didn't read my mind before.


Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about.


And it's crazy that I just go along with that.


Yeah, you'd come up and just be like, they were green. I'd be like, what was green? And then you. The car. And I'm like, you didn't say that.


Yeah, and you did it. That was very surface level. But there will be times where I'm just annoyed that somebody's not doing it the way that I would do it.


That's another thing. Yeah.


How the hell are you supposed to.


Know how you would be upset if, say, you wanted something in a specific order in the house, right?




You wouldn't tell them to put it in that order.


I would just expect.


You would just expect it, and they don't know that you would want that, so they would do it a different way. And you'd be like, why aren't they?


Yeah. Very poor communication.


Got it.


Next question. That's really good. That's a perfect example, by the way. You assign me with a serious task that I need to get it done. What is that one thing you would least trust me to do?


Like, what's a responsibility that I don't think you can hold up on?


Guess we already went over this, right?


I would just say anything in a.


Time, anything that has to do with.


Moving, anything that has a deadline.


Okay. Yeah. Just like very last minute. Me not having my suit ready for Matt's wedding. Yeah, for Matt's weding.


But I also think you're a type of person that strives under pressure. Like, you won't get something done unless it's do or die. Does that make sense? You need the urgency and the stress of it all to be able to execute.


That's true.


I think my man is trying to settle down here.


I think he's trying to prime and.


Prep for a relationship.


Yeah, no, it sounds like it. And, yeah, I just want the ladies to listen to this and then kind of comment below. And I just want to read a ton of shit about me that I probably not going to want to see.


I think you talk before thinking about what you're saying.




I think you're excited to give something in a conversation. You know what I mean? Like, you'll just start saying things, but I think if you took your time.


But for some reason, when I do take my time and it comes out of my mouth, it doesn't make sense even more so that's why I feel like I need to rush it out of my brain, because it makes more sense than when I do sit there and think about it.


I think you know what you want to say. Yeah, but same thing with Mariah. Her mind is so far ahead of her words that her mouth is trying to catch up with her thoughts because the thought is going on to the next thing. So she's just trying to play catch up. I think you guys both have that, but it's not bad.


But it's amazing. I love it. Deal with it every day.


Try to slow down. I have a piece of advice.


That wasn't one of the questions. I'm good. Thank you.


This is about finding love, right?


That's good.


This is about finding love.




Okay. You don't initiate anything. You expect things to just happen and present themselves without you putting any effort into it. And I think you need to start trying more. The way you look at relationships. You need somebody to meet you at a bar and just be like, you want to have a drink? Let's have a drink. Okay. Tomorrow. I'll see you in the morning. You're my boyfriend. We're dating now. Does that make sense? You're not going to spend the time to go on date after date after date and get to know somebody and then let a relationship build. You don't put the time in to see if it would go somewhere.




Like your other relationship. It just was like, okay, we're boyfriend girlfriend. I don't know how this just happened. I just met you, but we're doing this.


I'm a spontaneous person. I love it.


But that's what I mean right now. It's either somebody's going to be like, hey, I'm seeing you tomorrow. You're my boyfriend. Or you have to start trying to.


Yeah, I know. I see it like a movie. Right? Like a Just quick. It's easy. It's fun. Yeah. No, but you're absolutely right, though. It's work.




Especially for a serious one. It's work. You have to treat it like it's good for it to be natural, but it's also precious at the same time. You have to go on dates, feel it out, vibe it out, and if it happens, it happens.


Now let me ask you some questions.




What's the most dates you've been on with a person that didn't work out? Was there a girl that you went on five dates with and you're like, this just isn't for me. Since your last relationship?


I'm pretty good. Or, I know. After one. Okay. One date is a long time because it'll be through a dinner. Right. We'll go out for Dinner. We're sitting there for a good two, 3 hours. You get to know a lot about a person in like two, 3 hours, especially, just like, the way they are, what they're talking about.




I think it's, like, easy for me.


Has there been anybody that you went on a second date with no. Wow.


I'm not dating a lot right now either, just because I feel like I'm just so focused on everything else.




I feel like my relationship right now is work. It's just like this podcast, you just everything. Work wise, I see that as a relationship in my head. I'm just like, I can do this, this, and this to make sure that this relationship is doing better, which is kind of unhealthy, but I also don't mind it. And that's why I love. To me, work is so important and anything relationship wise is second. But that's why I kind of want the relationship to come, like, so left field, because my focus right now is work.


I feel very lucky and grateful that I work with Mariah. I have her there to help me with work. But also we have our relationship together, and it's like we're pushing towards the same goal. And I think. I don't know. I really like the aspect of a relationship where the couple works together.




I love the fact that we wake up and we attack the day together as a team.


It sounds honestly just more fun.


I think that's why so many people find relationships in the workplace. Like, a lot of people start dating coworkers because you're around them so much. You know what I mean?


You're with them a third of your day.


Yeah. You get to see how they problem solve and you get to see how you work together with them. Very lucky that.


I guess it makes sense that you kind of want to be with somebody that can problem solve just like you do.


Somebody that understands your scheduling, the way you can manage your time. I think you would have a better chance of relationship success if they did something similar.


Yeah. It just makes sense, and I feel like it flows better. Your days are better. You are able to attack the data together.


Any influencers you were into?




Nobody's catching your eye?


No, not in the influencer world. I also don't watch influencers, so it's really hard to. I also haven't left my house in six months, so that probably doesn't help a lot.


Any fitness gurus?


I need to start watching more gym content because I feel like I don't watch any. Yeah, I think once I'm done, I'll have a lot more free time. I've been so focused. It's crazy with this whole. Just this whole transformation in general.




To me, just saying no to everything has made this.


It's empowering.


Yeah. Has just made this a lot. I wouldn't say a lot easier. It's made it much more graspable. Just saying no to everything. Now I know that I can finish it. Yeah, you just have to say no to everything. Like, not being able to go out with my friends for dinners or part. It sucks. And you're going to want to go even if you're not getting wild or getting crazy. I mean, if you don't drink or do any, like, that helps a lot.


It was very hard in the beginning for me to. I stopped completely going out of my house and doing anything for the first few months while I was going sober because I couldn't handle being around other people drinking. I would be crawling in my skin because I needed to have a drink, and I wasn't able to handle it.


Because luckily they're just having so much fun.


I felt sick. Like, I was like, I need to drink with these people right now. I am not myself. It was probably like that for, like, five, six months. And then now I don't even think about it. If I go out or we go to a wedding or we go to an event or something, it doesn't even cross my mind.


I have a question for you because I feel like I've been experiencing this a lot, and obviously it's just our own brains. But when you go out with other drunk people, do you start to feel like they're all upset with you for not drinking with them?




But it's not true, though. But why do we feel like that's what happens every time we go out and you're sober, but everybody else is drinking? Because I know when I'm drunk and I see a sober person, the last thing I'm thinking is, what are you doing here? Or, like, why aren't you drinking? You maybe ask once, and once they say no, you just like, that's been.


Mariah's life for the past six years. You know what time we go, everybody would just be like, lighten up, have a drink. And it was just like, once you hear that over and over, you're like.


But it could be a mixture of obviously being around a bunch of drunk people when you're sober, it gets annoying. So your face probably is not going to look the most excited. So when a drunk person sees that immediate, they're like, oof, they're not very happy with me. I'm going to leave them alone. And then maybe that miscommunication or that.


I think there's different layer. I know what you're saying, but I think there's different layers to it. I think there's a subconscious thought process that happens when you're drinking and you see somebody else that's not drinking out and they're having a good time. There's a little bit of maybe jealousy. You would never, in your head be like, oh, I'm jealous. They're having a good time. But it would be the fact that I'm drunk right now. I needed to get drunk to be having a good time and enjoy myself, and they don't have to.


I could never get jealous of somebody, like, sober having a good time. Honestly, that's, like, great.


I would feel like, oh, you would feel that? I think there's that thought process that happens. I would look at other people that would be able to go out and have a good. I need to have a drink right now because I'm not having a good time. I needed to let go and courage, relax and lighten up and have a good time.


Interesting food for thought. And that's why I quit drinking. No, I'll never quit. I honestly can't wait to drink New Year's. It's fun having a goal to drink or planning it out, because I never planned it out. I woke up, I'm like, I'm going to drink in an hour. But now I feel like I would never do that now. I don't think I could ever do that again. Even in the beginning or before the transformation, I was planning it out pretty often.


Oh, the best is when you just start drinking, and it's not a plan.


My best days. My best days. But that type of life, it leads you to, you just stop everything.




And that's like, the life you choose. It's just like, oh, if I'm going to drink every day, I might as well just be eating like shit too. And then back to where you started. But I really don't want to do that. But now that I have the control, the self control for literally anything except for my chocolate chip cookies, but I still will have self control. Even when I take a bite out of fucking cookie and I eat it, I feel like I just gained 30.


Pounds because I did the same transformation thing. It changed me for good, if that makes sense. It taught me that I could be that person and be disciplined and have the self control, because before that, I didn't think it was me. I didn't think I could do it. And then when I did it, you now know that you can do these things. So I don't think you'll ever go back to being out of control.


Yeah, I can't. It would be really tough for me to get back there. If I ever get back there, just know it was really hard to get there. That means shit's going really bad.




That means shit's downhill, and you're not doing good. You should sit me down and be like, zayn, what's going on? Because I'm making up for something.




For intervene. Watch for those signs.


All right. You want to jump into the unwind real quick.


And then before we go to the unwind, I have a present for you.




Your gift came. It just hit me. I'll be right back.


Should I close my eyes?




I'm ready.


Ow. Fuck.


It sounds big.


Oh, it is. So I know you recently had to give this up. It's very sad because. Because I know you really enjoyed this thing. So I decided to bring it back in a scale where it's non expensive, doable, and I feel like you're going to keep it around for a while. And you could also just, like, once you're done with it, maybe you could hang it up, put on a shelf, let your kids play with it. I don't know. So in that case, open your eyes. Oh, yeah.


It's RC.


I saw it on TikTok. I saw somebody playing with it. I was like, what is that? It's so detailed, it's not even funny. Real truck. It's crazy, but I saw it firsthand being played with.


This is really cool.


And it had your name all over it, dude, the detail. Yeah, dude, look at that. Are you kidding me? Just watching. Watching you be watching you take this thing apart. Do you get practice. Do practice on this car before you do the deed on your real cars.


Look at the suspension on this thing.


Oh, audio listeners. What do you even call, like, a toy car? It's not a toy car to me.


It's an RC car for offroading.


They didn't have the brand truck that you had, but it was pretty damn close. Like, it looks just like the truck you had.


No, that's fine. This is a taco, baby. This is really cool.


Fun, right?


I love this. I've seen, actually, people build setups in their house. They put, like, ramps and shit around the kitchen, and you can drive it off road.


Imagine putting Dean in the trunk of that. You have a lot of fun with know, actually, I love this.


Thank you.


Dress up Dean as, I don't know, like a pilot. And then you just.


This is really.


I can't wait for you to set this thing up.


Thank you. No, I genuinely really like this. This is cool. Thank you.


That's it. But, yeah, guys, it's a new year. 2024.


Yes, 2024. That's so weird.


Just remember, sometimes you lose things, but then they come back.


That's right.


Trying to come up with. Trying to go with something deep.


Sometimes you have to let go and let God. Yeah.


Sometimes quitting is the best thing you can do.


If you quit, that just allows you to start something new.


That was good.


I just came up with.


That's what I meant to say.


Sometimes saying goodbye allows you to say hello to somebody else.


Wow. Did that have to do with the mother daughter?


I don't know. We could tie it into it.


All right, we're going to get into the unwind. Thank you guys so much for tuning into another episode of Zayn and Heath unfiltered. You can check out these episodes every Monday audio form on all the podcast platforms. And you can check out these episodes video form, which is always the best way to watch these episodes and listen on our YouTube channel, Zane and Heath. We post every Tuesdays. We also have a Patreon where we post bonus episodes, unwind episodes, where we leave the cameras running for another 30, 45 minutes and we just continue the episode. Or it's like a mini episode. Yeah, we also have, like, live Q and A's. We have a private discord. And we also just kind of keep you guys updated before anyone else on the interweb.


Bonus episode every single month, either drunk, high on some seltzers, something feeling good.


Yeah, baby. And you can get all that for $5 a month. And now you can do a seven day trial for free. If you don't want to commit the $5 a month, try it out.


See if you like it.


Yeah. Put your credit card info and you try it out for seven days. And then you unsubscribe the 7th day or the 6th day so you don't get charged. And you guys can try to eat up as much content as you want in those six days.


Yeah, we're going to jump into that right now. So we'll see you guys soon. And we love you so much. Thank you for watching and we hope.


You have the best year ever. Let's make this year 2024, baby, your year, baby. This is your year. Love you.




Peace and blessings, y'all. Bye.