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There's a wind advisory, like, warning. Today it's.


There was one last night. You should have seen me insane the.


Last, like, three days.


So what's the. When they warn, when you get in your car, you type in the location of where you're going, and it goes, warning, wind advisory. What? Okay, I'm driving. Should I be worried that, like, the wind is gonna knock over my.


No, you've never driven where. It was, like, very windy outside, and it's actually, like, hindering your driving. It's so windy out.


Maybe like, coming back from, like, Coachella or something.


Yeah, I guess.


I know.


But no worse than a Coachella wind. This is like turbulence wind. Like, it's so windy where it's pull you. It'll pull your car just a little bit. It's like nothing crazy, but still, it's like they should warn you if anybody.


Has a jeep, every time you turn your car on, there's an advisory for some sort of weather that you have to accept because it's a jeep literally every time.


Especially, like, the jeep Grand Cherokees, right.


Never got that. My jeep.


Your jeep didn't have a screen.




It also didn't have.


Do wranglers tip over as much as grand Cherokees are the ones that tip over a lot.


I feel like that's a myth. Everybody's parents told them.


I saw a video, though, one time of, like, a road test of a jeep Grand Cherokee, and it was like, it was pretty intense.


But you turn sharp enough, and you'll get that thing on the side. A jeep?




You should attempt it. You'll get it on its side.


Are people still doing ducking? Is that a thing where you leave the little rubber ducky? Do you have a bunch of ducks in your.


I've only got ducked once. I thought I was being ducked. I had a look.


Well, that was a good experience then.


Almost every time I see a jeep, there is a duck.


What's the duck like?


Susie just got ducked, like, a few weeks ago, and she was like, oh, my God, Susie, you're fine.


Yeah, I didn't know either at first.


Where do you put the duck? Do you put the duck anywhere.


Anywhere on the jeep?


You just turn on, like, your car, the rear view mirror. It's just the duck.


I remember when I first got my jeep. It's probably still a thing now. You kind of wave the jeeps every time you see something.


Every time.


It's still a thing now.


Still a thing. And I love it. I love family.


When I first got a jeep, in Florida, the amount of times I was just looking for other jeeps just so I could say hi and wave to them because I was so excited about mine.


Yeah, it's like a brotherhood or some sort of.


We're a cult. Oh, yeah.




Yes. It's a state of mind.


Jeepers creeps. Yeah, my cult called the jeepers creeps.


Isn't it wild how the tire.




American tire we all use on our car still has to have air in it? Why haven't they figured out how to make a tire that doesn't rely on having air? Just. It's a full on tire. Like the structure of the tire is the tire, it doesn't need the air.


Like just straight rubber?


Yes, just straight rubber. A durable tire.


That's a really good point.


I've never answered.


Yeah, people have tried, they have different prototypes and stuff of ones that are basically like an outline of a tire that are rigid enough to hold the weight but will.


Almost like a 3d printed tire.


Yeah, there's stuff like that.


But also I think having tires like that are good in case of someone trying to escape from cops. I feel like tires are always a good way to go when someone is escaping in a car.


Right, good point. Did you see that pursuit that happened yesterday?


No, I missed a. I think it.


Was down kind of in Long beach, every time there's a pursuit, I'm like, ooh, where in LA is it? And I can never recognize wherever it is.


So what happened?


What was the story? A guy, when I turned it on, it was a U Haul. And this guy was going so fast, like, u Haul.




A U Haul. Like a U Haul? Yeah.


I mean, did he like rob a bunch of places and then had everything in his U Haul?


What was the. I bet it's pretty easy to rob a U Haul.


He robbed a U Haul?


I bet he did. Most car rental places, the keys are in it. U Hauls.


I feel like, what a terrible vehicle to pick to try to outrun the cops.


Yeah, not a good pick. But again, what did he do? I don't know.


They never really say that during the pursuit, like how it all started. They just get up there and they just, they should.


If people are watching it, it's like a show kind of catch them up.


Fun to watch them live, though. Like when you catch it live and you can sit there, Kevin, text counting.


And you don't know how long it's going to go on for because I thought I was like, oh, this is going to go on for five minutes. I was watching it for the whole 20 damn minutes.


We got sucked into one that was like an hour and a half, and we were like, 30, 40 minutes. And we're like, I guess we kind of have to see what happens now because we've already invested so much time that you don't want to be like, well, I just wasted 45.


This wasn't the one where it was a kid. He was hiding behind a blue car, and the cops could not find the print. Did you see that clip?




Was that the same chase? Because I saw it yesterday. So cops are running after this guy, and this guy was hiding behind this car because they were filming it from a helicopter. And you just see all these cops keep running past the guy that they're running after, and he's just in plain sight, and the cops just cannot see him. And there's somebody, like the news anchor that was, like, reporting live from the helicopter. He's like, and they just cannot find him. We're trying to alert the police. He's right there, and he keeps circling around him, and they end up going right past the car, and he's right there. And they're just like, we cannot find. And you see it all from the aerial shot of the helicopter. I thought it was the same shot. That's why I was like, oh, I think I saw.


I wonder if the helicopter guys are in contact with the cops, too, to.


Oh, yeah, that's it right there. This guy is hiding right there, and they're running back and forth. It's insane.


Imagine your heart rate. That's like ultimate hide and stage.


Yeah, I would get a lottery ticket.


Right after stage if I was in a cop like chase. Go to a mall, park in the parking lot. The camera is going to follow you. But once you're in the mall, go change some clothes, go buy some new clothes, blend in. Go buy a movie ticket and go sit in theater. They will not find you.




I'm just now thinking of, if I was in a pursuit, where would I go?


It'd be fun to put us in a situation like this and see what we would actually think of in the moment, because it's probably hard to think of them all in the moment.




The thing is, if they've got your plate and they see you, you're kind of screwed. But if you have a stolen car.


Then you could do it. The world is your oyster.


Should we run the intro?


Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, welcome back, Matt. We haven't seen you in a very long time. No, it's good to have you back in the city. Okay, let's roll the trail. Ready, babe? Yep. It's covenantile, baby. Let's welcome back to Zayn and Heath, unfiltered. I'm Zayn.


I'm Heath.


I'm Matt.


I'm Mariah.


And we are absolutely unfiltered. Welcome back to another episode.


We are a full team again.


We are.


Yeah. It's been way too long.


We've been trying different methods since the new year.


You're experimenting. Experimenting a little bit.


Great. Why not?


This is the year of realizing things.


Yeah, of realizing things. I feel like we've missed so much since we've been recording every week, but we haven't talked about anything that has been going on.


Yeah, we kind of just been venting into the mic.


Yeah. Which has been nice. But we've missed Saltburn. Happened a month ago.


What'd you think?


Haven't seen it.


You haven't seen it?


You saw it? I loved it.


I honestly don't know what it's about.


Kind of go in blind. I think that's kind of the best way to do it. Lately I've been anti movie trailers, unless I'm in a movie theater.


Since you've told me I don't watch trailers anymore, I just go right into the movie. It's the best way to watch a movie because you start it, you're like, I have no idea what I'm about to watch. And it just makes.


They give away the whole freaking.


They give away way too much.


Like, there's this new Austin butler movie where he's like the fighter pilot in World War II and then that Barry kid from Saltburn I think is in it. He crashes his plane in the trailer. I'm like, well, now I know that he crashes his plane when I watch the movie.


Yeah. Giving away too much. But I'm seeing that new movies they're making, the trailers not give you too much.


That's good.


Did you notice that? No, just in general. Have you noticed that it's more than an atmosphere? Yeah. Even in Saltburn you could watch a trailer. You have no idea what anything is about.


That's good. It's so much better that I think trailers now have gotten to a place where the trailer itself is almost like a mini movie because back in the day, it was like in a world earth next with this person and that person, and you're going to have a great time.


It's crazy. Those trailers weren't that long ago. Go look up at like a 2006 movie and look at the trailer. It's set up just like that. That's crazy that it's not even that long ago that they had horrible trailers like that. I wonder what in a world.


Yeah, it was just like, let's just let it speak for itself, you know?


Yeah, but, yeah, that happened. It's just old now is out of jail. Gypsy is out of jail.


Gypsy Rose.


I'm glad that we waited a little bit to talk about her, actually, because we got to kind of watch the whole thing unfold. Right. People excited for her to get out of prison. She's out of prison. She's doing all these interviews. She's on TikTok now. She's done a lot in the past, like, two weeks.


She is on a damn press tour.


Press tour.






Fresh out the bars.


I'm not going to lie. I didn't really know much. I knew a little bit. I knew the show was out, but I didn't know much about, really, the details of the story. Once I started seeing everybody excited about her, that she was about to get released, it was, like, maybe three days before her release. Yeah.


People are posting those, like, meme videos, by the way.


I didn't know that it was, like, a real thing. I thought it was, like, one of those just meme jokes that people are just like, when Gypsy gets out of jail and everyone's just excited, I thought it was just, like, a joke. But then finding out that on the news that she was actually being released out of prison, I was kind of want to. I kind of want to catch up with the story and just see what it's about, just so when she's out, I can be caught up. Watch the show, watch a little of the doc. Insane, insane ride. This girl has been.


Are you familiar with the story?


I know a little bit, but not too much.


Basically, this all happened.


I know she was kind of, like.


Tortured, had a mom who had Munchausen by proxy, which is that mental disorder where mothers are so overly protective of their kids, they think that they're suffering, like, multiple diseases and stuff. They think they have the illest child and suffocate them.


But I don't know much about the aftermath of that. I know she was in jail. I know she had, like, a boyfriend. Go kill her mom. Yes, but that's pretty much the extent.


She's our age, I'm pretty sure. So I think she's 32.


Yeah. But the way she was treated, she was always treated like a little girl, and her mom lied to her about her age and all this. She was just always young.


She always acted like a wheelchair or on public. She would just force her to be just this. It's just wonderful that miracles can happen, not just in fairy tales.


They would be getting benefits because of she was sick and her.


Oh, government.


She said she remembers growing up and her mom telling different people, different ages that she was like. She kept changing her age and backing it up so she didn't really know how old she was.


Forced her in a wheelchair. Whenever she did something bad, she would, like, tie her up to the bed and then made her stay there for days. And it was pretty much like, there's different, I feel like types of kidnapping. Not kidnapping. Child abuse. Yeah, sorry, different forms of child abuse. This was just one that is just, I feel like, just so rare where.


How it's so front facing. My daughter's sick.


Exactly. And the daughter doesn't know anything. She believes everything her mom is telling her, but she just wasn't actually sick.


Crazy story. She was involved in a murder, and she recognizes murder is wrong and all of that. But I just want to meet Taylor Swift. But if you were Taylor Swift, I'd be like, okay, I got to go. But the thing is, yes, we should praise gypsy. She's out. She's doing it. But at the same time, it's like, just take a bit and take a moment and heal. I can't imagine being behind bars for ten years, and then suddenly you're going on a damn press tour. People are putting microphones, you're sitting down on podcast.


I wonder if she knew it was going to be this insane as soon as she got out.


She was probably told a few weeks before her release, because I'm sure her team or family saw TikToks and shit, so I'm sure they're relaying that information. But this wasn't.


Here it comes.


This wasn't that popular before the whole TikTok storm. I think because the show came out, people knew about it, but it got really heavily hyped the weeks before she did.


You guys know about it, like, years and years ago before.


Yeah, I knew about it for I.


Knew of the story, but no more than just, oh, yeah, I know about that.


To me, it was equivalent to, like, a Ramsey case. Yeah, like, people are following it.


It was, like, big on the news.


It's a good story.


It's a great story. Yeah, it's crazy. It reminds me of another case that's getting figured out. The Natalia one.


Natalia Grace.


She's innocent.


I can't believe it. We first brought this up on this podcast, I think years ago when the story first came out that there was a couple who had adopted a daughter, I believe from Russia. If it's not Russia, forgive me. The orphan one.




And the couple suspected that they had been lied to and that this little nine year old girl that they had adopted wasn't nine years old, but actually 22 years old.




And they said that she was a menace. She was threatening to kill everyone in the house. They even bought her because they felt that they had been so wronged by the adoption agency to purchase her own apartment and then ditched her there. Now she has a new adopted father. They do a DNA test, finally to realize her true biological age. At the time when they were suspecting she was in her 20s, she found out she's 23, meaning when she was younger, she was still just a child.


So it was the adoption parents that just didn't want her anymore, so they made up this lie saying that she was really older than she was to get her out of the house.


That's insane.


It's really sad. And in the HBO or the Max documentary, she sits down with the adopted father, the one who kicked her out.


No way.


And this guy acts like a middle school or high school drama teacher. Like, this guy is off his fucking rocker where she's like, so why'd you do this to me? Or whatever? He's like, you know, I am a victim as well, and I know you are.


For what?


Neurotic? Because I think he kind of blames the wife at the time that she was convincing him I didn't watch the whole thing. I should be more, well, it was just them too.


No, I'm saying, does she just have dwarfism? Yes, she has dwarfism, and that's all she had.


That's why they couldn't pin her age. Exactly. And when I say she was nine years old, hopefully I'm getting it right.


I'm pretty sure they're making another orphan movie, which they probably shouldn't do now they're making another sequel. I heard somewhere that they're making like orphan four or something. But this has nothing to do with the true story now. But I think it's time.




To put an end to the franchise.


Some people were commenting that the couple stole the idea of the orphan for their case. They wanted it to be.


Oh, wait, no, I thought this movie was made because of that case.


No, the movie the Orphan.




No, the movie the orphan.


Orphan. Orphan.


Yeah, with the Isabel Furman. That was like 2000 and like nine.


I thought the movie was based off this person.


I thought that was the whole thing.


We were talking about. Oh, no. A lot of people are commenting. This just feels like so much like the movie the orphan.


So this came out after the movie came out?




Oh, so they definitely got the idea.


Yeah. Interesting how we live in this day and age where when someone like Anna Delvey, it's kind of this similar situation where interesting. She committed some crime, she conned people out of tons of money, goes, surfs her time, comes out. She's a socialite.


Yeah, superstar.


Where now it's going to make me interesting. Obviously, Gypsy's situation is very, very different. But people turn like them from being the criminal, the public's eyes that you guys like me now, like George Santos, the politician who conned everybody, lied about his whole background.


Oh, is he the one that's like doing podcasts and cameo and. Yeah, yeah.


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God, we love you. Hate to bring up the top. Every episode. Every episode. We're talking about planes. We're talking about flights.


I love motif.


It is. Y'all saw the plane? The plane, yes.


From Portland.




With the door that ripped completely off mid flight.


It was a door that was replaced. It used to be exit door, and they just replaced it with a panel. I just don't understand how it flies off halfway through a flight and everybody was so calm. I don't understand. I would be screaming on the plane.


So the kid sitting next to it was wearing a seatbelt so he didn't get sucked.


Nobody was sitting there sitting next to it, luckily.


Whose shirt got ripped off of them?


A child's shirt. I did read in an article. A child's shirt.


Yeah. And their parents were holding them.


The airline must have known that. Oh, there's a possibility it couldn't have been luck.


My first question when these things happen, I'm like, where's the door?




Where did it land?


Because it was an old emergency door that they had turned into just a normal.


I understand that it's somewhere. Imagine a door flying from the sky.


It did come down and so did a cell phone that was opened up on an email, apparently from that flight that they could track it back to somebody.




And it still worked. The phone was intact.


Can you imagine if the video was like, if she was just recording, like, lana.


Oh, my gosh.


But yeah, they found the door.




Was it just in the middle of nowhere in the water?


I think it was in some guy's backyard.


No way.


Bob sour found the door plug from Alaska Airlines plane speaks about discovery.


All right, Bob. Shout out to Bob. He's like, I hadn't realized. What does he say, that top quote.


That the debris, all of Portland was looking for it. Oh, that's a dream.


I hope they let him keep it. Yeah.


Dude, that thing coming down like that, I'm surprised it wasn't sliced a house in half. Yeah.


737 Max nine. I saw a TikTok of a girl who's like, there's a reason why I do not fly these planes. Next time when you're booking your flight, click this link. Make sure it's not a seven.


And she was making all these TikToks before this incident. Like, I will not get on a Boeing 737 because they are not fully up to date. I just don't understand how everybody was so calm on the plane.


I guess in that moment, though, that's when the oxygen masks come out. You're face to face with death. All you can do. There is. Pray. I don't know.


Look, I'm not the one to sue, right? I think suing people, unless it's, like, something. You were really wronged this situation. I don't care how good I was. I don't care how far away from that door I was. I would sue the shit out of United Airlines if I was on that flight. I don't care where I was on that plane.




I'm walking out of the plane with money.


You're not.


Because I'm traumatized completely. I would never get over that, and I would never get on a plane again.


How are people.


Because of that?


Deaf. I feel like that would just bust my eardrums completely.


The video didn't sound loud from the wind coming through it.


Sometimes iPhones are weird when it tells, like, it's, like, so much noise, they'll.


Kind of, like when you're jumping out of one of those planes, if you're skydiving. How loud is that? Do you have headphones or anything?




Because there's a big open door.


Like, the engines soaring at that speed because you're going about how hundreds of miles an hour?


Or maybe the wind is just passing by it just perfectly where it's not.


I guess so. But thank goodness. Thank the Lord nobody died.


I could smoke now.


Oh, yeah, right? The windows open?


Yeah. Don't tell me my vape would be coming right out.


You had the oxygen mask.


Sir. You can't smoke. I'm like, really? Oh, I can't smoke on the plane. You about can do anything on this flight right now, ma'am. There's panels missing. Imagine her coming with a mask. Sir, can you put your trade table up, sir?


It was so.


Robbie's so upset.


This flight was out of Portland, which was that. Patricia and I, we were in Portland. We took the train back. If this happened, less than 12 hours of us.


Where was this flight going?


Portland to Chatsworth, California, or some random California city. It was a short flight.


This is a little blessing in disguise, though, because I feel like everyone's going to have their seatbelts on now. There's a lot of people that are guilty of keeping it off, but I feel like nobody's going to get up.


I don't know why. Even when I'm sleeping, I always have it on. Always have it on. I don't think about that situation like that situation is now. I will always wear my seatbelt. It's weird.


I'll put it on in a plane, but not in, like, a bus.


They didn't even have seatbelts. School bus.


Were you on our bus when we crashed? That. I mean, the bus barely moves.


You were in a bus crash?


Yeah, that bus went right over there.


Yeah, I told you this.


I talked about this on the podcast.


I don't remember.


Wait, really?


Maybe years ago?


Yeah, we were on a school bus, and she was making a left turn, and the car was coming. It was her fault, our bus driver's fault. She ran right over this little red car. And we look, and we're like, oh, they're dead. All of a sudden, eight people come out of that car. All eight people. And one person already had a sling. We're like, oh, shit, this is bad. But we didn't even know we were in a car crash. We stop, we're like, what happened? The car was completely under the bus. You don't feel anything on that bus.


I don't get how bus drivers don't get in accidents all the time. The way people are just able to maneuver. You're telling me, get a steering wheel like this, and I got to rotate this vehicle just right in downtown traffic.


Even the busses that have, like, you know, when the busses are really long, they have to separate it with. What do you call those?




Like an accordion. Yeah, those busses. I would just be stressed all day driving that.


That's why even with the bus drivers being, I'm like, I don't blame you. You do your thing. What you are doing, I respect.


That's why they're always in a bad mood. And I get it. I get it. Yeah. That is a very stressful job.


Of course. Shout out to bus drivers, Miss Juicy. She should have told us some more. Bus.


Chart. Would you charge them? You know how they have the box where they put in their coins or tickets? Would you just let them go? If I was a bus driver, I would just let them ride for free.


Have had situations like that where I've been on a bus and I'm like, wait, I didn't know that I had two. And they're like, fine. It depends where you're going. In New York City, they wouldn't talk.


They're cheap, right?


Bus rides now, they just do Apple Pay. You just go up and go, boop, boop.


I know, but how cheap are bus rides?


Is it still like.


Probably, but the inflammation of her times.


Bring back the trolleys. I love myself a trolley ride. Get me on a trolley. I'm at ease. Car.


You get there in three times the.


Amount of time you're on a wooden ass seat. But you look good. Feel like it's the 1940s out here.


Good day, everybody. The entire side is open. You're just, like, sitting.


They should have the carts where you feed people on flights.


Oh, a trolley. On.


A trolley. They should have a trolley on, like, a city bus.


Yeah. You think so?


Yeah, it's a good idea.


But trolleys. Trolleys are usually, like, in hilly cities. Well, like San Francisco. Oh, that's a tram. I don't know, but then I feel like you're in Florida, you just see trolleys with, like. It's just a car.


Oh, just go to Nashville. They have those all.


Oh, that tornado in Fort Lauderdale.


Oh, yeah, dude, he sent me that. There's never been a tornado. Not in Florida. Sorry. But in Fort Lauderdale. There's never been anything like that in Fort Lauderdale. Right there.


Tornado. But just the way it was ripping through the city, it was terrifying.


Oh, yeah. It was like blowing up the power.


Transformers that are blowing because it's going.


Not built for tornadoes like that. That's for sure.


It's weird when you see a tornado in the middle of a dense urban area like that.


It just doesn't make sense. And that was right after. That was like, what, two days after the cops situation? All those cops. You saw that, right? We talked about this last episode, but all the cops that were in Miami.


The giant aliens in Miami.


Yes, but there was just, like, way too.


It was just like 150 cop cars and the president was not there. Why is there 150 cop cars just circling around that area?


Was it because also some kids were lighting off fireworks and people thought it was an accident?


It doesn't matter. Instead, kids lighting off fireworks, 150 cops.


But there was an alien. They all have body cams. Show us the footage.


Even a shooter. There. Done. Bring 150 cop cars.


I'm sorry if I was a police officer, in all respect to officers, and you're out there fighting for your life, and you got an SD card full of a ten foot alien. See a force. I'm taking this to TMZ. Matt would have been up there like this, trying to record everything.


Just, like, getting his angle.


Ten foot alien. It is ridiculous. I'm sick of the horseshit, though. I just want to see it already pixelated videos. I'm just over it. I want someone to be like, guys, introducing the alien and just lift off the curtain and have the whole world see it. Yeah, trust me, we're not going to be that shocked by. We're going to be like, finally. Oh, whoa. Okay, send them off now.


Yeah, it would be crazy if we find out aliens truly are real. There's, like, the most hard, concrete proof. And how interesting. The world would be, like, seven days go by, all right, what are we doing? People would just be, like, moved on. Our attention spans would be so short.




I'm actually very curious. What would happen if they did come out with something like that. Would it cause, like, mass hysteria?


Or would people just be like, all right.


I don't think it would.


It depends. If the aliens were, like, talking, if they were, like, in arrival, like, how those big bean, like, things just came and sat for a long time. Or it'd be like, district nine, where it was just they couldn't get home, and it turns into a slum. And we hate the aliens. It all depends on what they bring to us. But there's this movie called another earth about. It's. The premise of the movie is that one day the earth just replicated in the cosmos. And you walk outside and you look up and there's earth. Oh, yeah. So there's a whole nother version of you out there. There's a whole nother version of us doing this podcast, and we're like, shit. So we could interview the other unfiltered crew. In this separation of the cosmos? How insane would that fucking be?


We'd be like, I would hate myself. I don't want to meet him.


You get competitive with the other one, the other one continues in zealot transformation.


You're back here going, that little bitch, he's surrounded. He's like. He's, like, a year ahead of me.


Yo. See, that would, like, ruin the world. I want to know. The whole movie is based on this girl who got in a car accident, and she just hopes her other self is not the one who was killed. Somebody. Okay, but that's what the whole movie is. But I'm like, how would be the rest of the world truly be if there was an exact replica of you? Would there be wars? Would there be peace?


I think me and my double can do a lot of things, and he's.


Like, oh, so you're trying to scam me. I see how it is.


You're both trying to get the other person to do what you don't want.


We're both trying to just manipulate each other.


You know when you're, like, booking a flight and it says, like, emissions negative 35, this one's, like, plus five?


It's like, wait, where are you seeing this?


When you're booking your flight on Google flights, like, you just go to Google flights before you really go in to book the flight, but you just want to see what's possible and it will list out the airlines. And then there's like this emissions bit where I'm like, I don't give a shit.


What is emissions like?


Your carbon footprint.


Which flight is going to release the worst amount of air on, like a negative?


Are they doing that just to appease the genuinely.


I'm all for people being like, green and saving the environment, but if you're on Google flights and you're like, oh, this one, I could get home faster.


But this one got one that's $100 that gives off plus five, or the other one is 600 and you're negative emission. Not one person is going to pay. The more expensive.


I would like to meet the person that's actually looking at only emissions when he books flights.


Why do they even put it up there? I didn't ask for a chemical compound.


It gets people excited, makes you feel better, right? When you buy a package, you buy chocolates or anything, it says, like, what's weird? Organically made or something. But it's like, truly not organically made. They could just put that on there. It's probably the same thing where it just makes somebody feel better when they.


The plane is still going to go and carry the people.


The plane is still going to fall apart in the middle of the fucking sky.


But I get like, if you'renting a car, you're like, you know what? No, I'll take the ev. I want it to be a little bit more environmentally conscious because you're driving it. It's your car. The plane will still take off without you and will still book those people without you. Why do you tell us the.


I mean, you can say that about anything though, right?


I just think it's strange.


The plane thing, the cow is still going to get butchered with or without you eating a burger.




Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, Sea Geek.


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And get them to the shows that.


Everybody'S been dying to get to.


Baby, let's go. Let's have some fun. Get your tickets, baby. It's 2024, new year, new show. Let's go. Did you guys see on net? They made a show on Netflix called you are what you eat. They did a study on twins where they would.


One was vegan and the other, they.


Had one do a vegan diet and one do like an omnivore diet. Both healthy. Both healthy diets. And because twins have similar dna and similar, they did a whole series on it, which was so interesting, but they realized that the vegan diet was a little.


Oh, but did you look at who funded the project?




No. Who funded the project?


I didn't want to burst your bubble. The whole thing is funded by, like, a vegan.


I just don't trust anything anymore. Also, sorry, guys, if I'm a little low energy, I'm still coming off the sickness. And I also had an appointment this morning that kind of, like, ruined my day.


Oh, no. What happened?


I've had, like, a couple of panic attacks today, and it's been a little one.


Are you okay?


Yeah, I'm okay. Just like, in the back of my head this entire time as we're recording, and I can't stop thinking about it. I had checkup on my eye after my Lasik. Yeah. And there's, like, a growth inside of my cornea of cells that's expanding and it's starting to mess with my vision. So they have to go in and do surgery and cut it open and scrape out these cells that are growing in my.


Oh, my goodness. And it came from the Lasik?


Yeah. It's cells that will just get in and underneath. So it's underneath the flap of where they went under, and it starts spreading. So I guess it's spreading.


What kind of cells?


What is it called?




Epithelial cells. Okay.


Because it's, like, blurred and I have, like, the lights that I see have, like, a smear, if that makes sense. Yeah. So there's, like, halos when you look at a light. My halos are, like, smeared.


Strange. You had PKR, right?


No, I did smile.


Oh, smile, though. Wasn't your incision, though. Yours was very small. Yeah, and then that's how they went.


So it was a small incision. Then they went under and started scraping around in there and then pulled it out of that. But I think that little incision, it can happen where, I guess cells from the outside can get underneath, and if it's underneath, they'll start multiplying and expanding and growing like a. Oh, my goodness. Almost.


Is the eye doctor that you're going to the same kind of eye doctor that Lasik centers would have, or is this only eye doctors?


Yeah, no, he's going to do it, but they have to do, like, the whole peel it back and then they're going to scrape all that stuff.


Are they optimistic about it?


Yes, but I looked it up, and apparently it's, like, a 40% chance of coming back again. I don't want to keep doing this shit. And I've been having, like, panic attacks.


All day because, buddy, I'm sorry.


I really didn't want to do this again because it was like. Yeah, I wanted it to be done.


You just didn't want to get into your eye after that one Lasik. You're talking about the one Lasik?


Well, because I didn't want to do the hole where they pull the flap back. I didn't want that procedure, which is why I did the small incision. But in order to fix it, they have to pull the thing back. So they're going to have to go in and do that.


Was when you got your Lasik surgery that time? Was it just like a really bad experience? You really didn't like them on your eye?


I hated everything about it.


Well, yours was very intense.


You did the full flap where they opened your flap?


Yes, I did. Bladed. Like, traditionally.


And why do they have two different procedures? Is it just pretty much, like, preference?


I know that for PKR or the other one was for athletes or, like, fighters or people who are like a football players. People in heavy combat where they felt like things are going to be in their face. They get that one because I think it has a little bit more durability, but it's a lot more expensive.


Got it.


So as opposed to skinning the entire thing off and then putting it back on, you can either make a small incision. So if you get hit with in your eye or rub it, you could slide that little flap and it could be moved and get messed up.


The one you did is more secure, like more protective. Okay. I feel so fucking bad because I was like, heath, you're going to get it. My mom got it. She wish she got it sooner.


I know.


I looked it up. It was like 0.2% chance that this could happen. With the smile thing, I'm like, of course the guy was looking at it and he kept looking at my eye with like, the light and going back and he was just like, interesting.


They could see the epithelial cells in it.


Yeah, I took a picture. Mariah took it on my phone just like in the car. And you can clearly see like in.


Your eye right now.


Yeah. That whole big. Oh is the growth.


Oh, my goodness.


But it's like getting into the pupil portion. So it's like I can, my vision is like blurred.


Right. Optimistic side about now that the one thing that you were scared of, of that being open though your eye, though, is, and I'm saying this optimistically.




Your eye is the fastest healing organ in your body. So hopefully the way I'm looking at it, and I know that you say there's a 40% chance of it coming back, but hey, you had the bad gamble with the 0.2%. I want to be optimistic and manifest that they'll clear it out. That whole thing will heal and you'll.


You haven't had any issues with your lasik?


No, and most people don't. That's why it sucks sometimes it happens to you.


Dryness, but very, like, maybe my eyes look a little bit more red in the morning.


But I wonder if my mom, I should ask my mom. I don't think we've talked about it since she's. Because she got it at a late age, which is kind of. It could be more complications or more problems if you wait to do it and you're older.


I have to do it on the 23rd.


Ask for a ton of volume. You all owe me on this one anyway.


Sorry, I was just explaining.


No, that's scary. No, you waited to tell us on the podcast. Fuck.


It was the first time you've heard about it?


Yeah, I just heard it.


I just had the appointment.


I'm so sorry, man. When will they proceed with the procedure?


On the 23rd.


On the 23rd? Sorry I missed that. Two weeks. Well, we'll keep an eye out.


Nice. I bet you there's at least two people listening to this that are about to do it or have done it before or who.


Dad's an ophthalmologist. Let's have them on.


Yeah, I just don't want to have to do it again and again.


Anything on the eye, it's like, I hate anything on my teeth.


On your teeth?




Teeth scraping.


Dentist. I'm at the dentist all the time, but it's a nightmare every time. I hate people in my mouth touching my teeth.


I know every time I'm there at the fucking dentist, I'm just like, surely not everyone else is feeling the way I'm feeling, or like, I have to get myself to this point of just accepting the suffering.


I don't have good teeth at all, so it's like I'm walking into a battlefield. I know that I have.


I don't mind it at all. A dentist, I kind of like, well, it's probably.


You have good teeth, right?


Even still, like, I've had cavities that have been filled and fixed.


You don't mind the. On your field?


No, I love cleanings. I like when they cover your eye with that wet blanket and they spray salt water into your mouth.




What bougie ass shit you're going to? I don't get any of that.


And then you get, like, a massage.


Where the hell are you going?


You never had, like, the salt water spray where it's like a bead sandblaster.


I mean, I have that, but it's not salt water. It's like regular.


I'm always like, where the hell is this going? And it's like you're telling me there is just this tub that someone has.


To throw, and then there's like that magic dispenser with the blue liquid. I love that.


And you get a sticker when you leave.


Cleanings are interesting to me because I feel like cleanings, they only make your teeth that clean. Only for that day. By the next day, your teeth are right back to where it started.


It's like getting the plaque off, and then you could feel.


But we don't get that plaque off, though, when we brush our teeth on floss.


Do you have good gums or do you have.


Hell no? You want to see something crazy?


You want to see my gum?


He looks like.


Look at this. Right? So I need a root canal right here. Look at this. You see that, Zane?


Let me see.


Zayn. Oh, my.


Let me see.


That is a so right there. That was a. My dentist, maybe like, six years ago, did a root canal on it, and he didn't fully get the. What is it?


Plaque or the.


You have to fully clear out the nerve. Fully take out the nerve, and then you fill it. He didn't fully take out the nerve. There's a little bit of nerve in there, and that's not good. Right? Over years, it just starts to infect.


Is that an infection in there? So that's, like, full of.


Oh, yeah, heath, from here to here. Feels like a giant bruise. Like, when I touch here, it hurts, hurts, hurts. Oh, no, it's really bad. I've had so much to do. I was like, I'll wait, but I'm going to do it.




All over again. Paying double, right? You don't get a free root canal because a dentist fucked up on your teeth. You got to pay again for that fuck. What? Yes. Because I'm not going to the same dentist. I don't know which dentist did that mistake.




So you have to pay for.


It's crazy.


Root canals are not cheap. So expensive to get a root canal because it's technically a surgery. Because they're opening your.


There's been a lot of talks, thinking that root canals could actually be, like, the cause of cancer.




They've realized, like, people who've suffered from certain, what? Sorry.


We got eye cancer, y'all.


In my prayers. We pray for both of you.


Whatever. At least we don't have clients. We all got something. Mariah, what?


Do you have any ailments, crippling anxiety? Whatever's going on upstairs. I feel like I'm kind of. Well, I have this weird something I've noticed in my body.


It's not a competition, Matt.


I know this is, like. I'm not trying to sound like I'm one upping you guys, but it's a good thing. Since having my appendix removed, I've realized I haven't had any stomach pain. You know, if you're like, trap gas or you're like, I haven't had any of that since my appendix.


Well, doesn't your appendix hold a lot of, like, that vial, vial and shit?


Yeah, I guess maybe that's it. But then I'm like, well, then that whole time I was having random pains, was it my appendix. I don't have those pains anymore, which.


Is weird, because usually maybe you started fresh. Like, once you got it removed, it's like a clean slate.


Yeah, I don't know. It's kind of freaky. I was just like, I haven't been in pain.


Mariah highlighted exploding toilet leaves customers stinky and injured.


I thought it was a good segue.


You had Duncan up the whole time? And I was going to say that. I just found out two days ago. My brother worked at Duncan for, like, two years. I had no idea. While we were Duncan, you guys used to go, um. No, I don't know which Duncan, but he worked at a Duncan for a. Wow.


Where'd you think he went for those two years?


I thought he was going to a friend's house.


You were working at Duncan and you couldn't bring me back?


I just don't remember ever him bringing some home donuts. Like, I never saw Duncan at the house.


Yeah, you think you would? I feel like that's. I had a college roommate who worked at Kane's chicken fingers, and it was the best because he would come home after his shift with all the chicken fingers that they didn't sell and whatever that is, so. Dude, and we had cane sauce. We'd get it, like, by the fucking jug.


Wait, how long ago was this?




Wait, raising keys has been out that long?


Raising canes has been out since I was, like, in high school. Oh.


I thought it was, like, a new.


It's Texas based, but it started out.


It's new out here.


Oh, got it. Got it.




Did it get better?


When I go to canes now, it's really good that it's become so big. It still slaps every time, but sometimes I'm like, it used to be kind of like a chick fil a. Sometimes when you go into a canes, you kind of catch it, and you're like, this feels like a little bit of mayhem's gone through. Like, you go to the ice machine, and it's, like, already empty, and there's a huge mountain of it because people don't know how to use it, so they're, like, kind of dirty.


I feel like hot. Chicken's not the same. Do you remember Dave's when it first location, when the tenders were that big?


They were that long.




You would get two tenders and be like, I'm disgustingly.


I think that it's still. Dude, they're hockey puck Zane.


They used to be massive.


It's probably because people weren't eating all of it.


I feel like also, too, when you start expanding like that and you're buying high quality chicken, like good size, then you need to start buying more and more and more to provide for all cheaper. You have to go for a farm where you can get that much, probably.


But yeah, that has to be it.


They used to be massive.


It's pretty crazy. I saw a sunken pirate ship. I went to Oregon.


What do you mean you saw a sunken. You went snorkeling?


No, I got to see. It was a shipwreck. It was a shipwreck. Sorry, not a sunken pirate ship. A shipwreck that happened in like the 19 hundreds. It's called the shipwreck of Peter Iredale. It's outside of Astoria. Yeah, but the whole thing is really long. But that's, like the front of it. But it's just wild that you're, like, seeing this.


Where'd the rest go?


The rest is, like, in the sand. They have some pictures that are from above, and you can kind of see the shape of it. I've seen some drones.


I'm guessing they just don't touch it just because it's cool. It's just a landmark.


Cool. It's out, like, in a state park, and you can.


It's just fake. If I was a city and I was like, we need more people to come to the beach. I would just get some metal and just make a fake fucking wreck just so people can.


Tourism is.


That's it from above, so you can see kind of how long?


I'm surprised it just never got cleaned up. They just kept it there.


That's kind of like that one thing they left off the coast of. Where was it? New Jersey. And the dead bodies on it started to smell, and they were like, all right, we should probably clean this up. And it was just such a huge thing that it would have been hard to clean. And then also it started attracting people for tourism to try to. They were going there for it. They're like, all right, we should wait. And then all the bodies that were on it, I guess, started to smell. Then people were like, all right, this is kind of disgusting. But, yeah, apparently that whole area is, like, super haunted. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, fume.


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They should be here in like a couple of days. But they look so sleek. I just need something with good flavors, too, because that's like, right now what I'm.


Yeah, you just want that flavor, something good to taste.


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And I really like the esthetic of it. Like the wood, it just looks really nice.


Yeah, it looks like quality. It's given like a number two pencil.


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Thank you, fume, for sponsoring today's episode. We can't wait to start our good habits. You guys know the breaking bad house now owned by this crazy lady? The Karen and. Yeah, the Karen. And just people drive by it. She's out there, yells at them. They go away. It's still happening today. This lady just lives on that driveway and just sits there and just screams at people all day long.


She gets her kicks.


Yeah, no, that's a person with a personality disorder.


How can you just sit there and just.


She likes.


That's your life.


She's a narcissist. She thrives off that. That woman is more of a menace than just people coming up and taking a goddamn picture. If I live next door to the breaking bad house, which goddamn can you imagine? You bought this house, and turns out the house next to you is the breaking a locations count. Went there and was like, let's do this one. Not that one. And that house is probably worth selling that house. Somebody would buy that house for millions and millions and millions of dollars. Do it. That woman should get off her fucking stoop.


But then her life has no meaning. Yeah.


Her purpose in life is just being like, can you believe these people? I'm going to go, no. And just, like, loves the.


That lady definitely has no friends.


Just build your wall higher, then nobody make it. Just the most boring thing ever.


But I think there's a law where you cannot have, like, a wall just surrounding your house, right?


Yeah, there probably is. Move. But you know what? If that's the homeowners association's rule, then I think they should also switch it up and get that woman out of that house.


I think so, too. I would be upset if I was in that house next door. I'm proud of it. It's so cool that this house wasn't breaking bad. I'm in the neighborhood. Cool. I'd be so frustrated if there was just a lady screaming outside of my house every day because people wanted to take pictures.


How do you buy it after it's popping off?


I think she already owned it in the beginning. I don't think she bought it when it was on.


Are you sure?




And she was fine with it being on tv.


She was fine with renting it out.


Making money off of it.


Hey, girl, did you hear some new show called Breaking Babble? Hopefully I'm going to be breaking even in my bank account, thanks to all this location scout money.


But, you know, what? Maybe she didn't get paid a lot. Maybe that's why she's just so angry.


But your house is worth so much. We were in Astoria, Oregon. Is it Astoria or Astoria? Never figured it out, historia. Well, what was so historic about it was the Goonies houses there. We got to see the Goonies house. And what's cool is that a guy recently, I think last year, two years ago, I don't know, there was an auction for the house. A guy who was an entrepreneur, I think, in Missouri. Sorry if I have that wrong. Bought it for $1.6 million because he just was a huge Goonies head and always wanted to do it. And I'm pretty sure the house next door, the one that data zips across, is like one of his friends and he bought it too.


That's cool.


And they preserved it. They now hold like little mini events and parties for people to come and see and enjoy that.


That's how you take advantage of a situation. This lady should be having parties. Her neighbors should hate her for being so proud of her house. You know what I mean?


Look how nice it is, Barb. You could have just opened up your heart to all these people. See how many happy people here today.


Imagine she was like such a sweet lady. I feel like she would make so many new friends. Yeah. People want to come over for like, barbecue Sundays.


What was cool about the Goonies house?


When you pull barbecue Sundays, I would definitely fly in for one Sunday to look out. Yeah, that'd be such a good story.


It's cool when you go up to the Goonies house because obviously they get a lot of cars trying to pull up and see the house. Right when you're getting up close, they have this big sign that says, hey, you guys sick? Perfect. It's awesome that you're attending or seeing this part of the community. Please park on this street right here and walk up. I was like, this is great. He has a little donation box. I venmoed a couple bucks.


There you go. You see Venmo? Oh my. It's.




That lady would make so much money off Venmo if she just had a barcode up there.




Ignore Karen.


That's funny.


Oh, wow. I didn't even see in port you said Portland. Portland is where we landed. We rented a car and then did the Oregon coast.


How was that city? Do you like it?


Portland? We didn't explore Portland at all.


I've heard some story. I've heard like, crazy shit happen.


No, it was looking rough out in Portland. I was like, ooh, Portlandia. But I know there are really cool parts of Portland. But, I mean, we then took the train home, so we were down, like, in the thick of it at Union Station.


Did you go to Tillamook?


We did go to Tillamook. Went to the Tillamook creamery. I should have brought you.


Is that ice cream cheese?


And ice cream cheese, too.




It was so cool getting to see them make the cheese. I love me some assembly line. What do you call it? Like, the manufacturing?


Yeah, the belt comes down.


Well, I can watch that all day. And those people out there legit cutting the cheese, I love that.


Even Krispy Kreme, it's not, like, that big of a factory in there, but it's fun to watch the donuts come through and then the icing comes falling down.


It feels like almost like a science project.


Yeah. I think more places should do what Krispy Kreme does. I think it's so sick. It makes people want to just kind of stand there, chill a little bit longer.


You know what?


You appreciate the art of the food that they're making.


After this, I'm going to go drive by and see if the hot and ready lights on. We should do that.


The hot and ready light for little caesars.


For Krispy Kreme, baby. Little Caesar's light always on. It's always hot and ready, baby.


You deserve it. You deserve it.


I do.


You got cells in your eyes.


You deserve a donut.


Back at it again at Krispy Kreme.


What other places can they have a mini factory like that? I think they can have a coffee, like in coffee shops.




Well, it's got to be something that they can do that stays, like, maybe like, a bagel joint where they're cutting them all, and then it's got, like, that slow toaster conveyor belt that rolls.


Even, like, a fake one. Just do a fake one.


Or have you ever been to, like, a mexican restaurant? And they got the tortilla machine going, and they got the woman there at Uncle Julio's.


We had it.


Just a person who comes in, they do the tortilla.


When we were in Tennessee, there was a vending machine for fresh cotton candy, and I'd never thought of it. I'd never seen one before, but I was blown away. It is one of those machines, like.


A centrifuge kind of thing that you.


Would see, and it's got the stick, and it starts blowing, and it's wrapping.


Did you have one? No.


There was a kid in front of.


Me doing it, I have a tough relationship with.


I just wanted to watch the system, but, yeah, it was really cool.


Cotton candy is great. But then I'm like, what the fuck am I doing? It's just sugar.


Yeah, it's just for kids. Adults should not be having cotton candy. It's just not an adult thing.


But when you were at a sports game and they came out with the fucking. It looked like they were going into battle for, like, cotton candy. Like someone has the big stick and you got pink and blue and you can pick that shit when you're a kid and you're the stick. I'm talking about chips, popcorn. I'm talking about the ones that came in the bag already made. That was on that cone. And you eat that shit at a sports game. It was like taking whippets.


They only do that at baseball games now, right?


Baseball games are, like, definitely by far the best food wise for any sort of.


The only place I would ever have a lemon chill. Never would I sit there and eat just. Oh, yes.


They don't got that shit anymore. There's no way.


It's one of those things that you buy that. The bag of peanuts, everything. You buy it and you go, I'm going to have a couple of bites of this. I'm not going to finish it, but I want to taste. And then by the end of the game, you've got empty bag and you're.


Like, I really just did that.


I bought one of the jumbo roasted peanuts, and I was like, I'll just have a few of these. I got started and I was cracking. I ate the entire thing.


Just like, suck it on the whole. Put it in because it's just so good and salty. I love me some ballpark nacho cheese. You got that in that corner. Oh, my God. You'd be like. You would just put your finger in that cheese. You can feel the rit. The inner rich.


Yeah. When you guys go to a movie theater, are you the one ordering, like, chips and nacho cheese? I think it's horrendous. People order that shit at movie.


Mariah gets it and I pick at hers.


I think the only appropriate thing in movie theaters are just popcorn, soda, and maybe some be. You shouldn't be having a meal too.


Dark for nachos in the theater. Yeah, but then you get up and you're like. You're like, I did that. You'd be looking at that shirt a few weeks later going, that's from the nachos that it was at the theater.


I remember once, you know how I order at restaurants? I order everything. So I remember once I was in the movie theater, I ordered everything, right? I spread out my knees and I just said, the nachos, the hot dog, the sample platter, everything. And I probably looked like a disgusting fucking pig just sitting there. Because it was just for myself, it wasn't for anybody else. I wasn't sharing it. Somebody tries to squeeze by you.


I'm a messy popcorn eater, though.


Me too.


And I think I'm doing my job. And in that moment, you get up there, it's like, damn, is that you? I feel bad, but.


Like, did you.


Ever eat at Logan Steakhouse, or did you ever have, like, a place in your town that would just.


Roadhouse, they would give you the peanut floor.


Like, okay, we're in a movie theater.


There was a place in every state that had one. There's called different name. Was it owned by the same roadhouse?


Texas Roadhouse?


Texas Roadhouse is like a really big chain. They're pretty much everywhere.


And it's called Texas Roadhouse. There's no Florida roadhouse, dude.


There's a Texas roadhouse at the bottom of the Burj Khalifa.


No way.


Right next to a red lobster. I think I said this on the podcast when I came back from Dubai, but that was like the craziest thing out there.


Texas Roadhouse.


There's a red lobster, and it's packed. Texas Roadhouse, packed all in Dubai. There's a cane's chicken fingers down it. Yeah, packed.


Yeah. That's probably exciting to see that shit over. Like, you know, I bet you it's better than here. Probably. Bet you it's better than here.


Oh, yeah.


Probably make it real good. They take their time with the lobsters.


I don't think they let you throw the peanuts on the floor anymore. I think they stopped that.


Bring it back, your hands chopped off.


We should just start doing it at five guys too.


Oh, yeah, five guys does that.


It just doesn't make sense. At their restaurant, though.


I want to love five guys and their shit slaps, but I'm like, I'm sorry. $25.




And I got a cheese static.


Wait, that's how much it costs.


It's like target. You go in there, you think you're buying one thing, and then they ring it up, and you're like, what did I do?


And then you're like, embarrassed. You can't be like, they're already building it.


They're cool. You don't even want to give a big fuz you're like, all right, a.


Burger, fries, and a drink is $25.


It ends up like, well, what else.


Are you ordering there? What else they got out of the place?


I don't even try to order the fries.


Chipotle nowadays is like $25 for one person.


Don't even get me started on Chipotle.


You see that TikTok? Who brands at Chipotle? Like, hey, Chipotle. This is a measuring cup. You could actually make a cup. We would know the right portions we are getting every time. But you guys seem to use this. Oh, a spoon.




A spoon.


It is crazy that they take the spoon. Not only they pick it up, but then they shake it a little bit where half the chicken falls off the spoon and it's a spoon.


They're trying not to make eye contact with you. And they're like, and then when you.


Ask for a little bit more, sure. The second one, big fucking scoop.


It's almost like an attitude.


It's like, oh, now I have triple, but I got to pay for it.


They're going to get the fucking audit. You know what I mean? If they're putting a.


And you want them to, like, you think that they're being nice, and then suddenly they pull out this marker that's like, this one had double.


They always ask too. It will come up, be like, what do you get? And I'm just like, what do you get? Triple chicken. Fuck off. And their guac, is it just me or is it just avocado smooshed in a cup? Like, where's the ingredients? Guacamole has salt, has lime juice.


They used to have really good guac.




Their guac used to look like it was like gelato.


You would see ingredients in there like guacamole, but there's no ingredients. Is this green? It's green putty. It's green putty.


It looks like the one that you get from a grocery store now. And you peel the wrapper.


Yeah, or it's a powder. You seen the powder shit. The powder shit. Where it's just avocado. And then the powder. That's guacamole. I think that's what they use.


The thing is the guacamole, though, you better eat it that day, because the moment you put, like, chipotle that had guacamole in it in your refrigerator, you're like, I'm going to save that for lunch. You open that up.


It's crazy how quick avocado that shit goes bad.


And it's not that bad to eat? Like, I'll eat a brown avocado.


It's crazy how quick everything goes bad in the fridge now.


Oh, yeah, we were talking about that. Have you noticed in your fridge, just. You'll buy like, a thing of strawberries, right? It's in your fridge the next day, there's already white fungus growing on it. So quick food is just going bad at an alarming. Just quickly. It's crazy. You don't notice that in your fridge?


Yes. I'm all, nothing is last.


It's because he buys and then he goes out of town for three.


She buys all the berries and fruits. I don't get that. I use frozen berries if I'm making a smoothie.


But you're a big postmater. And then you save the food for later.


Celery. Oh, yeah. That's when I was, like, living here. But now I'm like, yeah, I have a wife.


You make food now every day.


Oh, good cooking all the time. But I just love celery. Just stalks of celery that are already top right there. Get some peanut butter. But just. Do you do snack on celery all throughout the day?


Do you ever do ants on a log?


I love ants on a log or a bug in a boat.


Wait, what's ants on a log?


Mariah made them for me not too long ago.


Celery, peanut butter raisins on top.


I do it with chocolate chips, though.


Yeah. Wait, chocolate chips on celery.


Peanut butter in like, the little gall.


I know, but celery as the.


Try it.


Oh, they put anything on their goldfish.


Yeah, you can go crazy.


Oh. Movie recommendation of the week, equalizer three, society of the snow on Netflix. It's a plane crashing movie. It's based on a true story. It's really traumatizing, especially if you don't like flying. But it is such a crazy, beautiful story. And to me, this story was all about friendship and strength and pushing through and staying alive. It's a true story. It's filmed in Spanish, so.


Yeah, it's Spanish. Which, if you're like, oh, four language movies aren't for me. It's not that dense.


No, it really isn't. I think this was supposed to be filmed in Spanish because that's the true story. They were all Spanish. It felt so much better watching it in Spanish. It felt more real to me. I felt like I was watching a documentary or just something real.


Best plane crash I've seen.


Like, oh, my God, dude. Matt, he tells me he's like, you have to watch this plane scene, because for some reason, I'm scared of flying. But I love Disaster scenes. Fucking weird. I don't know. But that was definitely one of the best plane crash scenes I've ever seen in my entire life. There's some special, like, they actually crashed a plane. How did they film that? I don't know.


And when that snow comes in that.


One part, I was like, what, Matt?


I can't believe how that they went through that. I think you'd appreciate.




It's like they're in the wild.


I think you will be nominated for best foreign film. But it was nominated for Golden Gloves, but it didn't win. It should, but I'm not going to.


Lie, Heath, watching this, I imagine it was us. It was me and you in that plane. What would we do? How would we move forward? And what would we do in that situation?


Patricia and I, we were watching. We're like, kill us now. There was a point where I was like, no.


I was thinking, like, being cold for that long, I think my body would rather just die instead of just be alive, because it's just torture. It's a torture, really. I know you don't watch, like, a ton of movies, but I really want you to watch this. I think you'd actually really like.


You said it was on Netflix, right?


It's on Netflix. The way it was shot, shot beautifully. I've never seen that style of film. It felt, like, new to me. Like, the style, refreshing.


It's so cool when you see a foreign film, though, because they're doing all this stuff that's big in their culture that they want to express that.




Isn't your typical american director, Heath.


It would make you want to go to the wild, I think. I think it'd make you want to go camping. I swear to God. Make you want to go out there.


Or when you were a kid, did you ever see a movie, and you were like, I'm going to walk out this movie a little different. I saw treasure Planet when I was a kid. I was like, that guy's so cool. I'm going to be like, the guy from Treasure Planet. I'm going to get an ear piercing and try to wind surf the skies.


I walked out feeling like something watching spy kids. Three D. Oh, yeah. I thought it was better than Junie B. Jones.


Carmen Cortez.


Carmen Cortez. Why did I say Junie B. Jones?




Elizabeth Ama mita. Apla Cortez. Access granted.


I thought it was the coolest thing so one of my close friends back that lived in West Palm beach, her friend was cousins with Alexa, Alexa Vega. Vega. And I felt the amount of people I told that I was connected to her. I thought it was insane. Yeah, that close to my friend's friend's cousin was. Boy, he spread that shit.


There were some girls in my town who saw, like, Jake Ryan from Hannah Montana at a hibachi grill. And I felt like it was my duty to go around and tell everybody else that story. I wasn't even there. I would try asking my parents, could we go to the Hibachi grill that he was at? Even though that kid is long gone.


Nobody gives a fucking shit about you.


Yeah, I remember watching him being like, damn, why am I not him in high? I was at the time, I was watching Hannah Montana in secret. Anyways, I would never tell. Yo, Zane, you see that new episode of Hannah Montana?


You were truly watching that show?


Me and my dad watched that shit every day.


Your dad watched Hannah Montana? Oh, what a loser.


I watched it. But you didn't talk about.


We were old to watch it all in silence.


I didn't miss an episode.


You know which show I watched as a kid secretly? Kim possible and teenage robot.


Impossible was good, though.


What was that with sitch? Something. Teenage robot Jenny. Robot Jenny the teenage robot. I just want to know. You know the.


Even Stevens cast, how they have, like, a podcast and.




What are they talking about? After a while, I feel like you got to run out of.


Do you hear the shit that they're talking about on the.




They're just going off the road. The girl was talking about how she was giving, like, blowjobs.


Christy Carlson Romano.


Sorry. It's the Ned's declassified podcast.




You see those clips? I'm like, oh, my God, this is. I feel like I should be saying this. I'd have been a perfect coconut head.


Yeah, you would have, Jordan.


Why was that so funny?


What was the show Steve Urkel was on was like, did I do that?


Family matters. Do you remember Steve Urkel's car?




The little BMW. And the door is in the front.






That's a real car.


That's like something Mr. Bean would drive. You walk up to the.


Like a fridge. Yeah. Why are more cars like that? Actually, it makes sense.


You'd never have to open your door and ding somebody.


Or, like, car. Did I do that?


Matt is like the white version of Steve.


Did I do right?


All right, let's get to wanting wind.


Close this out, babe.


Let's close this out. Thank you guys so much for tuning into another episode of Zane and Heath, unfiltered as always. We do have a Patreon where we post bonus content. We have these unwind videos where we keep the cameras rolling for 20 to 30 minutes after every episode. We also have a private discord on there. We do live Q and A's, high drunk episodes, all that good stuff. And we do have some news coming up very soon on the Patreon, so make sure to check that out. zaneandheath. You get all that for $5 a month. You can check out these episodes audio form every Monday on all the podcasts platforms. And we post video versions of these episodes on our YouTube channel on Tuesdays at zaneandheath.


That's right, baby. Also, make sure to check out the best coffee in the world, Komoda. You can get it. We've got cake cups. We've got bag coffee. We've got tumblers drinkware. We've got all sorts of accessories and a bunch of different flavors of coffee. We also have matcha. So yeah, again, to try it out.


All right, we'll see you unwinders in 5 seconds. Love you, pesos. Peace and pesos, xnos and love you.


Love you. Bye, baby.