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Come on, Mariah. We're going to have some fun.




Are already out. You got your fidgets, Mariah? Yeah. I got your fidgets. Especially because you're here.


You got your holy water.


I make her nervous.


You got your holy water. Bless the set.


Did you guys make sure to pray before this is a big episode. You've been very highly requested.


Wait, what? Where's my bag? Right here.


Why? Your cross, you need to have that on you.


Hold on. Hold on. I got my rosary bead. She's got to do something. Okay.


Yeah, it's fine.


Mariah looks so nervous.


Okay, that's cool. What is that? Holy water?


She's going.


To bless.


The son. Never leave home.


Without it.




It. She's going to go, I know exactly what she's going to do. She's going to.


We all see our son needs it. I'm not going to lie. We need a little bit of blessing in this room. God bless your new home.


God bless this set.


Thank you. Oh, thank you.


You have to talk directly into it.


I can't.


Talk add it. Did you hear what I just said?


I heard you. I don't think they did.


But is there any special things that you do at new houses, like when you first move in, like sage or how do.


You bless a house? We bless. When we first moved to our house in Pennsylvania, we had a priest, not a priest, a deacon come in and bless.


The house. A deacon? What's a deacon?


It's like a priest, but not.


A-he's a priest, but.


You can't-He's not a priest.


That microphone. All right, everybody calm down. Calm down.


It's just another quarter of.


The church. All right, that was a little practice round. You guys did great. Terrible.




It was a good practice round.




See. All right, should we just get right into it?


Do we want to do the intro? Do we want to do an intro? Do we want to just hang out?


How are you feeling, buddy? Let's do the intro. Jordan's not here. I got to get.


Up and see. Also, before we start, it's lovely to have Mariah back into the studio after a long.


Two weeks.




Trying to figure out ways to sneaker back on here. You got to bring these guys on. We got to figure out another way after this.


What? Mommy said. What? That you need to be back on.




You. That you.


Need to be back on. Yeah. All right. Guys, this is going to be a great episode. We're really excited. A little nervous, but we'll get through it, baby. We got drinks in everybody's hands, and Keith and I got some non-alcoholic soda that's.


Going to get us going. This is what we drink on our patron for our messed up episode.


Oh, yeah. We've been really going down on these because they bring us back.


They feel so good.


Keith and I don't want to say exactly how it makes us feel like, but pretty much it makes us feel like we're drunk in the most amazing way possible.


Yeah, if you haven't checked out our patron, patron. Com/zane and Heath, we post a lot of extra content, bonus episodes, extended cuts of the podcast, early access, ad-free.


And sometimes you might see us without.


Shirts off. You never know. All right. Are you ready?


Yeah, we're ready. Let's go. It's Coffee Talk, baby. Let's go. This is the part where we dance.




Had to get up to do the intro.


Yeah, Matt's out of town and Jordan's out of town.


We have an in-house team right now. Mariah is everything. We got producer, she's back as a host. She's going to be working the screen. She's got a lot going on, and she's got her parents here. So it's a lot of work that she's juggling today.


All right, Jack of all trades, here we go.


All right, so today is a very special episode because not only the-.


The most requested video ever.


Honestly, since maybe the 10th episode, the 10th episode, and especially since we brought both our moms on, which were both amazing episodes, you guys should check that out, too. Today we have the glorious Mr. And Mrs. Amado.


The original Staten Island mom.


Tina- Forget about. -and nick.


Tina and nick. Thank you so much for coming on to you guys' first episode. This is our second guest of Season 5. So exciting.


Very good. Thank you for.


Having us. Of course.


We do have a lot of really good stories ahead that we're going to jump into. Yeah, where are you from?


Los Angeles. Oh, sorry. Well, let's say that this is probably their third time coming to Los Angeles, right? Yeah.


The last time.


We were here- My third, your fourth. My third, your fourth.


You came without me one time.


She came without me one year.


One, two, three, four. Okay.


They're here. I'm the one that's drinking.


Go on. No, it's going to be fun. You guys are here for Thanksgiving, which is so nice. We're about to have a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night, all of us. I'm really excited about that.


It's going to be really special.


My mom is in town, too. She's doing herI'm going to do a lot of Ceela interviews downstairs. This house is just a full.


House today with- It's a full.


Production going on. -full production day going on. We are working. How are you guys doing right now? I know we're about a few minutes in. Yeah, introduce yourself a little bit. Yeah. How did you guys meet?


This is a long story, but anyway.


No, it's not. The same way.


Heath and I met.


We're going to be recording for a good hour and a half, so we have all the time in the world.


You want me to go first?


I'll go first. Oh, do your side of how you met. Yes, do my side. Because I know they're going to be different.


Well, a good friend of ours introduced us on a blind date.


Shout him out.


Jeff Castelano.


Hey, Darna, how are you doing?


There you go.


He throws that pinky ring up. He just got up.


Gosh. This is the discipline ring when people get out.


Of line. Yeah, that's a fat ring right there.


Yeah, it's a big one.


What is that? Is that your college ring? What is that?


That's what.


My parents gave me for graduating high school.


That was almost a deal breaker. You want to know how we met?


Yeah. Microphone.




Want to know how we met?


She needs the head thing with her.


His ring almost caused us not to meet, I swear.


That ring.


Right there? That ring almost caused us not to meet. And you're still wear it?


You were almost not born because of that ring. Toss it away. Trow it away. Trow it away. So that has to do with a lot of how you met?


That has a lot to do with how we almost didn't meet.


Oh, okay. So which one are you want to be one of the first?


I cannot figure out how this is going to happen. Do you know this one? I can get it. Yeah.


What happened?


What happened? His friends and microphone.


His best friend and microphone.


His microphone and my best friends.


This is crazy.


Stop. There has to be another way.


There has to be another way.


Think about putting it to.


Your chin. No, no, no.


You got any duct tape? No, like Tielmine is resting like this. You don't have to... Ma, ma, ma. Just like...


All right, listen, let me tell the story. Bend your elbow more. This way. We're never.


Going to get to the movie. This way.


We're going to be in six hours.


All right, go ahead.


Tell the story, man.


Tell the story. His best friend and my best friend were married, okay? They were introducing us on a blind date. But first, my girlfriend showed me a video of him from him at the wedding. She's like, Wait, I have a picture of him on my wedding video. He had a mullet.




Earrings, a pinkie ring, this black turtle neck shirt with a suit jacket. I'm like, No, not going to happen.


Mullet was an Italian thing back then? It was.


Like a '80s disco.


Okay, so everybody had. I thought it was always.


The- It crossed over all sorts. Everybody was wrong.


Okay, I thought Mullet was only like a certain-.


The Pinky Ring?


The pinkie ring is what did it for you? Absolutely, no?


Yeah, because he's on the microphone in the wedding video saying, Congratulations, Dawn and Jeff. That's all I saw was the pinkie ring. That's all I saw. I said, no.


It's because he was doing this or the ring specifically?


The ring.


It's what it says about you. Like if you're throwing-.


He was a Guido.


He was a Guido, Italian New York thing. Got it. Even though I was Italian New York, so it just... He's a guido. I don't know. Just wasn't my type, but anyway.


But I feel like you've turned into a guidette now.


I turn.


Into a Guidette. I'm a guide.


I see you as a Guidette. What's a guido?




Looking at it. To me, a guido is a strong Italian. Jersey Shore. Yeah, Jersey Shore.


That's how I say it. There you go.


Jersey Shore. I get it. But I wanted to break away from that stereotype. I didn't want to marry that stereotype and get involved with that stereotype.


Okay. Were you in sanitation at this time?


Yes, I was still working- And he was a bartender. I was a garbage man.


He was a bartender. His friend was a bartender. I went to the bar to talk to his friend saying, Do you know anybody? I want to meet somebody. He's like, Well, I got this guy, nick, but you have to prompt. Like, he's older.


Don't make fun of.


His ring. He doesn't want to get married. He doesn't want to look for anything serious. I said, No, I want a casual date. Then he gave him my number.


She fell head over heels.


I did not. I did. You know what? I could fuck.


You up. I did.


You did. Not me. You. You did. You proposed in a month.


You see that there's something... It's not like it happening quickly back then, which makes it just fun.


How many dates did you go on before you propose and say how you propose? Because that's interesting.


We went on our first date and then I went on vacation. I didn't see you for like two weeks?


Yeah, two weeks.


Well, back then, that.


Was a long time ago. Okay, and then- Do.


You see how parallel this is to our story?


Yeah, the immediate vacation.


Two weeks after that. I think you said, you know...


Well, we went on a blind date on June first. That was our first date. I brought her to my brother's house for fourth of July, and she got to meet my family.


That was a month later.


That was a month later. I think it was what, like a week after that that I had told her I wanted.


To- How did you tell her?


-take a look for her.


How did you ask?


Go ahead. I want to know. Where were you? I walked into your apartment, and there was candles, and a bouquet of flowers. My pristine apartment. Okay. There was a little note saying he wanted to spend the rest of his life. Not a proposal, but it was more like a commitment. Yeah, promise. -like boyfriend-girlfriend now.


All right, now say the proposal.


Oh, so then it's just cool.




On. It's not that easy because it's Daddy. Daddy does not do things normal.


All right, go ahead.


That's me. That's how it should be. It'd be different.


Why? So then we said- I can't hit a.


Moving toilet. I think she can't remember it. Yeah, she can't remember it. Tell them. I could have told.


Them the whole thing.


I remember he didn't propose officially. We set a wedding date. We booked a church. We booked a venue. We booked the band. We booked everything.


You planned an entire wedding before being engaged.


I planned an entire wedding before he even proposed.


Wait, let me jump in here.


That means, wow, that was love right there.


We planned a wedding before he proposed.


All right, Doug, go ahead.


From what I recall...


Were you guys on drugs?


No, that's what the.


Problem was. It thought that was another deal breaker. I thought he was on cocaine. What? I thought he was on cocaine.


What? He says his personality was just like, was he high energy?


Pinky ring, I'll say, gives off big time cocaine guy. Okay, all right. Track suit, Pinky ring ring. You had.




Suit on? I'm having a problem with you right now.


Oh, right now? I didn't even realize.


This is it.


No, I love it.


We go to the Mets game, and I had it all planned. One of the ushers at the Mets game was a friend of mine. I used to work in sanitation. I said, I want to put it up on the scoreboard. No problem. Tina, will you marry me? Get there.


We're waiting. Wait, it was on the scoreboard at the game?


Well, this is what happened. We get to the game. I'm waiting. Third, winning, fourth, 15th, I said, It's not happening. I had a backup plan, but I put a ring in a little velvet pouch and put it in a crack-of-jaxx box. When I gave it a crack-of-Jack, she opened it up. I get down on my knee, and I exited a married man.


During the seventh-inning stretch. The seventh-inning stretch, yeah.


Everybody was.


Clapping around. Everybody's standing up, and he's down. I'm like, What are you doing? What are you doing? Get up. During the.


Seventh-inning stretch.


It's a good thing I had.


The backup plan. So the scoreboard never happened.


You know what happened? A week before I was going to do it, he says they stopped because they had a problem with it for some reason.


I don't know. Okay. It would have been nice for them to let you know through text or through beeper.


Yeah, they don't let.


You know. Oh, wow, that's the.


Picture from the game. Oh, my God.


This is it. That is amazing.






Incredible. That's our very first picture taken together. Look at the mullet. Look at the ring.


The earrings. That's the ring, right? She's killing me.


It looks good. Oh, my God. How do you look younger now?


Oh, I love you.


That's insane.


He reminds me of your dad in these pictures.


A little bit. All right, how old do you think we were?


In both pictures?


It's the same. It's only a month ago.


Back then, people were getting- It's only.


A month apart, these pictures.


-getting married younger back then. I would say 24.


For who? Me or him?


Me or her. Don't you dare say me. I would say him, 26, and you, 24.


10 years old on me.




Was- I was 36 years old.


-and I'm 23. Oh, wow. First time we had our first dance together. We danced to Malifemana.


Oh, my mother's favorite song.


That was his mother's.


Favorite song. Okay, I'm not going to lie. You look like you run the cartel. I'm not going to lie.


It's Giving Mom. It's Giving Mom.


That's probably why she was scared.


And his T-shirt, that was like... In this style, you had to cut off the neck of your T-shirt. So that's like a cut.


Off neck. You got to show off the chest meat.


My dad did.


That too.


We had the acid wash jeans. We had the acid wash jeans.


Did you think he was made when you first met him?


Like in the shade? Self-made?


Made in the shade? Come on.


Don't you know what that.


Term means? Like created.


But- Wait, I don't know that term either.


They're playing dumb.


Everybody, you know.


What I'm trying to talk about. The mob.


They're talking about? Like the mob. Was he a made man? Did you think he had ties? Because sanitation is...


You can move a lot through sanitation.


Yeah, you can move some bodies.


Yeah, you definitely can. But anyway, we.


Should put in the light detector.


I had the black caddy at the time. Coupe de.


Ville, black. What time? This time? You had the truck. You had your Blaza.


I had the... Jimmy then? Oh, yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.


That's why we have to have you both on here to correct each other.


Was it still pretty prevalent at the time when you guys were first meeting that there was like.


- Like mafia?




Are we allowed to say that? Yeah.


We've talked about it right now. You're talking about it right now? Like you're scared of a past that you guys have?


No, I'm not right now.


I don't have.


Any problem. We got nothing to hide.


But anyway, before I worked for the city sanitation, I did work for a private outfit.


What does.


That mean? It's a.


Private outfit. It's like a private sanitation.


Who would need a private -That's more connected. -who needs something private?


-private garbage. -what are they disposing of?


Dad, you picked up garbage at the godfather house, right?




Longfellow, yes, I did. I'm sure it was very heavy garbage.




Many bins? And that was a con. That was something on my checklist. Like if someone who I.


Want to -It was like a red flag. Oh, a pro. That was a con.


Well, that was a pro. I definitely wanted like a blue-collar worker.


Oh, that's good.


Okay. And sanitation in New York is like a really respected career.


Yeah. When he said he was sanitation, that was like, Oh, all right, great job. Good job.


What age did you retire from sanitation?


I was 47.


You retired and then that's when you guys all moved to Pennsylvania?


Yes. I did 20 years to the day and then we were having a house built in December of 2000. By July of 2001, we were out of there. We were out of New York.


That's why. Wow.


Yeah, we didn't want to bring them up on Staten Island. Not there's anything bad, but we just wanted a little better life in the country.


You know what's crazy? That obviously I hear you guys, you call it Staten Island Dump. You know what I mean?


Yeah, because it has one of the.


Biggest landfills. I just thought it was just like something to say because it.


Was like a-You can just call it a dump over there. Yeah.


I didn't realize that the entire Staten Island is built on a dump.


It's not all built on a dump, but a good portion of it. It's the world's biggest landfill, and it's in the Guinness Book of Records, if you look.


It's right next to where people live. It's just the smell is everywhere. Yeah, it's good. Why don't they try to fix that or at least move it to somewhere where people- It's.


Not that anymore, right?


What if we pushed it?


They covered it up.


They covered it up, yeah.


That was greeny pastures.




Trees on it.


They do different things with it now, but they had plans for it back then. They were going to build a park. They were going to do a few things. I think those plans are in the works, but it just.






Day. -never came to fruition. Last time I was there, Mariah drove me through where all the crazy houses are.


Toad Hill? Toad Hill, what? The expensive houses? That's where.


He did the garbage. Yeah, that was.


His route. I took him.


Through that. Okay, so you have four kids?




Who's your favorite one?




Everybody's his John. Okay, can you be honest?


Do parents.


Have favorite kids? Is that a thing?


I think it's a thing. It has to be a thing. Because everybody likes a-They.


Have different qualities.


John was just the least problematic, I guess you could say. He's just mellow, funny, smart, chill.


Okay, that makes you like them a little bit more.


Than the rest of you. I am her. My older brother is my dad.


We were obnoxious. I think, Nicholas, is more me when it comes to confrontation and everything. You're more like Daddy because you're non-confrontational. Yeah. So you're more like Daddy that way, personality wise.


Right. Until push comes to.


Shove in. Yeah. I think, Nicholas is more like me when it comes to we like to argue and stuff.


Speaking of, let's get into some stories.


Right now, Mariah is my favorite. Oh, okay. Right now.


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They were born in Brooklyn, and it truly was a different time. I'm just going to say that. Let's start off, okay, I want... Well, this one's the both of you. I want you to tell the story where, Daddy, you were work in the bar, you were there, and the guy came in and tried to rob the bar.


That's Staten Island.


Right, but- Yeah, yeah. Okay.


Wait, Daddy wasn't there.


Yes, he was. Why is his picky.


Like that? Oh, when he got mugged at his bar. That was before we met. Yeah, it is a match. I thought you were talking about another bar that I worked at.


We're going to do that.


We're going to do that now. The world's got to hear this story because.


This is crazy.


All right. This was right before we got married.


All right, go ahead. You were a bartender. I don't I was a bartender. I was a bar. Shout him out.


I was a bartender, talk of the town in Great Kills. But anyway, I was bartending one night and I was getting ready to close. It was a neighborhood type of place.


Like a local dive bar?


Yeah, really. Big time dive.




It wasn't big time dive.


It was a dive bar.


It's a hole in the wall.


It paid for a diaper.


Shot to be a police.


As long as it does that.


If they come in and they want to some crazy drink, I told them, Go cross street to the Chinese restaurant. They'll make it.


For you. Okay. It was.


Just shots. I was closing the bar. I had the gates down. I was just getting ready to walk out the door. Now I don't carry any money with me. It always stays in the place. I got my car running on the sidewalk, warming up, ready to go. I come out the door. I'm putting the key in the door, and I felt something over my shoulder. I turn around, here comes somebody at me with a hoodie and a ski mask on, and he had a knife. So me reacting, I grabbed the knife like a moron, grabbed the knife, I crack him. We go down the stairs, and I don't even realize my finger's cut. He drops the knife, and he stands there, and I go like this. I said, Okay, now I'm going to put one in you. So I may believe I had a gun. That night, I.


Didn't have- He pretended to reach.


Wow. I tended to reach, which is a very bad thing to do. Yeah, I.


Wouldn't have.


The voice to do that. He just stood there, and then I said, Well, come on, come at me. Come at me with the knife, and one of us is going to die here. Throws the knife at me.


He threw.


It at you? Throw it at me. It was a frigging-.


Do you still have it? A steak knife?


I still have it.


It was a steak knife?


It was a long knife. But anyway, he runs around the corner. Now I chase him like a moron. I pick up the knife and I'm chasing him now. I'm going to get him. Nothing happens. Then I look down and I see my pinky hanging. What happened was when I grabbed the blade of the knife, he pulled it out and he cut all the tendons.


Look at his pinky.


It doesn't straighten it. That's why he wears the pinky ring to.


Cover it. It doesn't straighten.


-oh, is there a scar under the ring?


-you can see the stitches.


-wait a minute. How did you get your ring off?




There? How did you.


Take the ring off. -that's for another day, honey.


Wait, right there?


Yeah, you see the stitches?




Think I do. They're a zig-ag back and forth.


I think it healed up very nicely because I could barely see it.


You're killing me here.


I can't keep like this. I think it just healed up really nicely. No, it's a compliment.


You did a good job.


No, it's good. So it wasn't almost chopped up. It was just like right down the middle, like sliced down.


The-he cut the tendons. Completely cross cut the tendons. I picked the knife up, put in the car. Now she's living with her mother, and I go to the house, and she's sleeping. I wake her up, I says, T. I said, You got to take me to the hospital. She's like, What the fuck are you talking about? There you go. I didn't.


Say that. You woke her up from her slumber. I get it. I'm the same way. I said what?


I said, What the frig?


She didn't. Yeah, right. What the frig? Whatever. I said, You got to take me to hospital. She says, What happened? I said, This, this, this, and that. I had a wrapped in this- I.


Called him a moron.


You called me a moron? That's a loving thing to see. It was two months.


Before our wedding, and he has this huge cast on his arm.


Well, he got mugged.


This was in December.


We were getting married. He ruined our wedding pictures.


No, don't listen to it. All right, get ahead. Keep going. In March, we got married, but I had the cast off. It was crazy. I had this giant cast with this rubber band through my fingernail, keeping my finger in this position. I'm like, This is insane. What are we doing here? But it wasn't in any of the wedding pictures, so it worked out. I thought it worked out pretty well.


What was the other story where you at the bar and someone went to Robbit and you told Mommy to.


Grab all the - Watch my money. No, he said watch the bar. He told me watch the bar.


She came in -.


Make it quick.


This is a quick one. All right, quick one. Anyway, same bar and bartending, right? She comes in one night. You were out one of your friends maybe? No, I came in.




See you. So a fight breaks out. A fight breaks out by the shuffleboard table. So now I tell her- I used to play on the shuffleboard. That's right.




Tell her, I should just watch the cash register because sometimes it's a setup. Yeah. I run out from behind the bar and I'm trying to break the fight up. In the meantime, all these people are watching the fight, and she's running down the bar like this, robbing all the money.


Took all.






What? Wait.


He told me he watched the bar because he had to jump and try to break up the bar. Okay. Everybody's watching the fight. He's told me watch the bar. Watch the cash register. I just saw nobody's at the bar because they're running out and watching the fight. I just saw a whole lot of cash on the bar because people leave the cashand she was on tips and stuff, and I just went like-.


So you're the one.


That went and stole it all. I said, Honey, look what.


I got. I made out tips for the night.


I made out really good that night.


She was watching tomorrow, right?


Yeah, she was.


Watching it. Then he threw everybody out. Everybodyout. Bar is closed. Everybody out, bars closed.


So everybody had to leave. As soon as she robbed the money, I'm like, Everybody out. Bar is closed.


We're out of here. I got you.


We got extra divers that night. You got extra divers that night. They got Gerber. You all got the Gerber. It was a.


Different time. Name brand, baby food.


We didn't get to know thrills that week.


That's for sure. All right, one more bar story.




Weren't there, but you were a coat girl at a restaurant bar?


I was at a coat check girl. How old were you? At a mob bar, 17?


I think it was 17 or 18. So you were a coat check girl. So when people would come in, she would take their coats and put it in.


The closet. Okay, at a mob bar.




As soon as you walked into this restaurant, the coat room was right there. I would take everybody's coats. And that was a tie. That place had ties.


They were made.


Made it with fur?


Yes. Anyway.


Please, the fifth. I worked there every weekend. I was there because my boyfriend at the time, he was a waiter there. Who? Pete? Pete.


Oh, here we go. Oh, who's Pete?


Here we go with Pete. I've been here with Pete for.


30 years.


That's not his name. That's not his name.


That's her cat's name. Why did you name her cat Pete? I don't know.


Okay, so one night, his sister didn't have a job, but she needed money, and she said, Do you mind if I work? And I worked there every weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I was there every night. And then she asked, Can I take one shift? Because I made a lot of money. Tips. They didn't pay me. I worked on tips.




Tips. Yeah. She said, Do you mind if I work one night because I need money? I'm like, Yeah, no problem. That night, gunman comes in.


Oh, my God.


That's shooing up the place, grabs her, holds.


Her hostage. Your friend that took your... Oh, my God.


Like she would have been working that night.


That could have been me.


That would have been Mom.


Same position. You would have fought too.


That would have been good. Everybody runs out, grabs her because her only escape was through the front door. There was no way. Everybody ran out the back. He was in the front. Everybody ran out the back. She had no place to go except right into his arms. He held her hostage for hours, hours, and he wound up... She handled it pretty well. She was only a year older than me.


She was smart, though.


She got his head. She played it very smart. She was making him a drink. She was getting to know him or whatever. But unfortunately, right in front of her, he wound up taking his own life. So she ran out. But that could have been me. And then my father said, You know how my father said, he had such faith. You know how my father said I would have fought back? Yeah. My father said he would have shot me.


Yeah. It's a good thing she took. Yeah, I don't think he would have made it because it.


Would have fought.


I don't know. It was very smart of her to get in.


His head. She played it very smart. She was a very smart girl and she saved her own life. How is she doing?


Did she make him feel bad or something? Or did he end up.


Feeling bad at - He wasn't in his right mind to begin with. He wasn't in his right.


Mind to begin with. Some people are patient with that type of situation where they'll just get into the role.


A lot of kids that get kidnapped, they escape because they're smart enough to get in their head and ask what your family is like, this and that, and get to a personal level, well, they'll let.


Them go. And she tried to talk him out of what he was doing and try to tell him it's okay or whatever. He just wasn't in his mind. He chose that restaurant because he knew the owner. It was like a revenge. He was getting back at somebody, I don't know, but he wasn't in-.


Jesus orchestrated that. No, I'm saying it was going to happen. Somebody out there was like, We need to switch. -i was scared my life. She was going to talk. I know, I.


Believe that. Because Tina would have been like, You don't got the balls to do it.


Come on.




Right, go ahead. Do it. Right here. My thoughts that I would have screamed and he would have shot me. I'm like, Thanks, dad. Wow, my goodness.


That's wild. Is that a normal thing that happened back then, in that city, around that time? It was.


A bad neighborhood.


It was down on Bay Street, right?


That place is closed now, right? We looked it up.


It was a quiet area.


Where not too much traffic was there. Yeah, but it was a popular restaurant. It was a very popular restaurant.


Was that Roberto's? Nick.


Here we go. -we don't know who's alive.


What's a big deal?


Probably it's a parking lot. Seems like you're scared and running from a past.


I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear people...


I don't care. I just don't want to hear comments.


I don't think.


Anybody's going to know. Oh, I know that. I know that person. I know that girl. I know what happened.


Did that put a weird thing between your friendship? Because she asked you to take the shift, was.


She- No, not her. I guess I felt like a little survivor's remorse. It could have been me or I felt terrible. I felt terrible because she was out of work. She needed money. I did a face.


There is no way you found this article. I found the article. I felt that I felt the article. I felt the article.


How much - I felt the article. How much - I felt the article. How much - The hostage taker kills himself November 30th, 1985. Good job, Mariah. What? -what?


-what? -what? -wow. -wow. -wow.


-in't know. -are you serious?


I wish I can zoom in and.


Read, but... Does that look correct? Do you recognize the newspaper? New York Times, of course. No, sorry. Do you recognize the story? Do you remember seeing that story in their paper? I can't see the stories.


I can't say. -you have to pay. -i got to pay for it. -you have to pay.


New York Times makes you pay for this. Just zoom in. How much? How much? We'll pay.


We'll pay.


A dollar a week. A dollar.


And then- Subscribe.


Oh, you're actually.


Getting it? Oh, I'm so curious.


Wow, this is a business expense.


Then my boyfriend called me from the payphone. He called me from the payphone. He's like, We're all at the gas station. And he was telling me what happened. So my brother drove me down there and the cops wouldn't let us through. My brother's like, Her husband's in there. Her husband's in there. I'm like, My husband's in there. My husband's in there. And he's like, We can't let you through. I'm like, Crying because I thought my boyfriend was going to get killed.


Yeah. 1985, November 30th, 1985.


That's almost.


November 25th. I was 18. I just graduated high school in 85, so I was 18.


I don't know how to get it out of that.


I'm so excited to see this article.


I can't wait to read that.


I can't believe we found that, Mariah.


Mariah, it's completely different from her story. It's completely different. I'm not.


Going to be. Obviously, it's not going to say she switched shifts with the other co-check girl.


But you know what? If I was in New York Times, I would include that in because that is really interesting.


I'm curious if it has.


Her name.


Love a good story. If it has any names.


Did you guys used to read the newspaper? My parents would sit outside on the weekends and read the newspaper.


For hours. We would do the crossword, and we would read.


The - The fundies? Yeah, the fundies. I would read only certain articles. I wouldn't read politics front page news. I would read about like, celebrities and -.


My mom's the same.


-local news.


Like the fun stuff.


I've bought the paper just the sports section, like The New York Post, The Daily News.


I actually banned the newspaper because I didn't like you reading all the news.


I said, Why don't you read this? You got to read The Funnie, but he couldn't.


Read his sports. There's a lot of things going on when you marry somebody like this, really. No, he would read the.


Headline news and said, Do you believe this? I said, Stop. I canceled our subscription to the newspaper.


Do you miss the newspaper, though? Are you serious? I feel like my parents miss that activity of sitting there doing it.


I think with a cup of coffee, I think it's a vibe.


My mom would just be out there smoking.


Cigarettes, flipping through. I think my grandpa still does that. He still reads the newspaper with a cup of coffee in the back.


You really never read a newspaper?


I have. My parents would get it and they would just give me the- The cartoons. -the advertisements. I would go through the shopping magazines to look at toys or whatever.


You got to do that? Yeah. Every time I saw that section, it's untouchable. I would only do either the games or.


The cartoons. No. Yeah, I would just sit there and sift through toys that my parents knew they would never get me. It was just like my window shopping thing I got to do.


Oh, that's nice. We did the same thing to.


Our kids. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, BetterHelp.


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We love you. Ma, explain a little bit. You were raised...


I was? You were raised by animals, by wolves.


You were raised... Well, grandpa, he taught you guys self-defense. That's what the family is into, boxing, karate.


My father was a boxer. My uncles were boxers. My brothers are boxers.


There's a ton of stories of you in school.


I think Tina sees where this is going. Using what you learn. I think Tina sees where this is going.


So explain to us... Dad, did you go to school?


What was that?


You don't need to hear that story. Wait till you hear that story.


I dropped out, too. Explain, both of you explain how school- I know how you were in Brooklyn and St. Island. The schoolyard, were you able to leave off the- Oh, interesting.


Now you have to understand. Yes, we were both from Brooklyn, but he was from a different, I don't want to say different generation. Yeah. I was an older generation. He was raised in the '50s, '60s. I was more '70s, '80s.


So explain if you were in school, was there a designated smoking area?


You get to leave school for lunch.


But elementary school, we got to leave school.




Elementary school? No. We either went home - It was a.




Time. Wait, that's crazy.


We either went to the candy store, the pizzeria, we went home. We had like an hour, probably.


Wait, and how would you get there? Would you get picked up? We walked. Oh, you just walked everywhere?


We walked everywhere. Yeah. That's crazy.


Was there a chaperone? Like a teacher walking.


Around with you guys? No, we were set free. As long.


As we were back - Were your parents worried that they're - Are you kidding? No, grandma and grandpa. I'm just saying if I had a kid that was six years old, I'd be-.


Back then, you probably-.


It was a different time.


We walked to school in the snowstorm up to our knees.


School was close.


My brother was in kindergarten. I was first grade, second grade, and then my other brother's third or fourth grade or whatever, and we're walking to school in a snowstorm and the school was closed.


But how far was the walk?


To answer your question, no, they really weren't concerned.


Yeah, it's like, You go to school, we're seeing if we get back.


Yeah, there was no... That's what you did. You walked to school, you walk to church, you walked to your friend's house.


Your mom said her mother would send.


Her with a note -Yeah, she would go buy cigarettes for my mom when she was a child. She would just walk to the gas station with a handwritten note from my grandma saying, The cigarettes are for me. This is my daughter.


How old.


Was she? Probably 10.


Wow, I love that time. I know. That's great.




Me your backbone. I do. I don't think there was any more kidnapping.


Worse things happening. Did you hear about like, hey, so-and-so got picked up off the street and he's gone. Oh, and it didn't stop anybody.


You said there's no kidnapping.


No, I said there wasn't any more kidnapping today than back then. People got kidnapped back then. It was in the newspaper missing on the milk cartons. The kids told that were missing. I wonder what changed though. We had a serial killer in our neighborhood.


Oh, my God. They still let you guys leave the school?


We had a serial killer. You know what that's kids used to do? We used to sit on the corner and wait to hear gunshot.


And try to find them?


Try to find them. The parents didn't say, Don't go out. There's a serial killer. They were like, Please get.


Out of my picture. Really? Yeah.


The Son of Sam.


This is so crazy.


To me. Everybody remembers the son of Sam.


That was the serial killer? He was the.


Serial killer. He usedI'm.


Sorry, I don't have a.


Documentary about this. He used to kill couples. Couples. Like Lovers Lane.




David Berkowitz?


Yes, David Berkowitz.




I've seen him.


I've seen a picture of him on Netflix.


Yeah, he's a.


Popular one. There's a.


Documentary on him. Isn't he on Netflix? Yeah.


Yeah, our parents didn't tell us.


Don't go out. So you were trying to find this guy?


Yeah, we would go around the block. It's insane. We would make up these theories like, okay, if you hear three... Now we lived in... It was a good neighborhood, but there was still crime. You heard gunshots all the time. You heard things all the time. We used to say, okay, you're going to die. I'm doing better than you. All right, that's going to sound like you hear three gunshots, that's him. We might hear one and then sit there, wait for another one.


He shoots his victims three times?


That's the-No, they made that up. They were kids. Through the neighborhood, they were telling all the other kids the three gunshots means it's him. Oh, my God. We would have done the.


Same shit. We just sit on the co-down here. You started a lot of rumors then, too, back then.


That is crazy. It was a different time for her because she's a lot younger than me. So anyway. What were.


You doing when he was wrong.


On the streets? I'm going to tell my story now.




Washe was a sidekick.


He was the Robin, the Batman. He was made. He was being made.


I was in Staten out at the time. I was older. I was already going to clubs, so we were aware of it.


They're 13 years apart, to be clear. I love it.


They're 13 years apart. They're 13 years apart, yes.


You're in.


The Jersey Turnpike? No, no, Jersey.




Were 23. Wow. You were 23. I was 10 years old. No, wait. Was that your.


First day?


Yeah, 13. 10 plus 13.


Yeah. Yeah, first day, Jons...




Who's editing? Are you editing this? Yeah. Okay, you know what to do.


So we were aware of, son of Sam. Yeah. And the whole thing was it's when you went parking with your girlfriend in the car, that's when he used to... He would just walk up to you and kill.


Those were his targets.


Those were his targets? Yeah, he used to kill you. Boom. But anyway. She was in Brooklyn at the time. That's where a lot of the killings went on, in Brooklyn. Now, I was in St. Alan, but we were very aware of it, but it never stopped us. If we were going to go parking with somebody in a car, we went, we just were a little bit aware of everything.


If we were going to go parking in a.


Car, or something. Did a lot of people carry on them back then? A lot more people probably carried than now, right?


You know what? Or it wasn't-Nobody really carried guns back then that you knew about. But there was a few people that.


They used to carry. You would think that everybody would just have one, especially during those times.


You just used whatever was laying around. Like he said, when they used to fight in the street, they used to take the antennas off cars, right?


Oh, that would hurt.


Yeah, just whatever was laying around.


It was like improvised fighting. You just look around and fight around.


I don't.


Expect that. It was raw. You just.


Pick up anything.


They would break the antennas off the cars and they would just start.


Whether you're anything. Was the boxing culture really big? I know you like your whole family box. Was it big in New York at that time where everybody wanted to be a boxer?


Everybody. Yeah, they hit the gyms. You had wrestling, boxing.


Because I feel like everybody I know that's from New York is very into boxing.




Ballboard. Our two younger brothers. I mean, one of them fought in the Golden Gloves.


Yeah, my father and.


My uncle- David, you guys know.


Uncle David. Wait, what's the Golden Gloves? Oh, it's a fight. It's a big fight.


Boxing tournament. Oh, got it.


Okay. It's not like heavyweight boxing. It's like different classes. -like my father, my uncles, they were golden gloves. My brother, golden gloves.


Do you guys watch fights still now or you guys are over the world?


Oh, man, I don't like it.


At all. I watched them.


I watched them. I was raised that way, but I don't like it. I could fight.


That's what I'm saying. You want to fight. You don't want to.


Watch fight. How many street fights did you get in, Titi?


Here we go.


I was never in a gang fight. There was gang fights. I was never in a gang fight.


I was never in any gang fight? No, because we were in a gang.


How about a group fight? We were in a gang.


Like girls. Oh, like Brawls. Did you just say you were in a gang? Me and I have been in a.


Couple of Brawls. You were in a gang?


You know, like friend groups?


I don't call my friends a gang. No, we used.


To call.


Them gang.




Was our gang. -this could be their gang. -rankroof was our gang.


You two, when you fought, that was your crew, that was your gang.


Yeah, they were certain gangs. Each street had their own gang of friends. Got it. But it.


Wasn't- We should tell her about our brawl after.


She tells us.


About it. You and him?


No. We fought other people together.


-we did it. We had a brawl.


-in high school? No, out here.


No, here in L. A.


As adults?


As grown adults? Yeah, no, we'll tell you the whole story after.


Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, yeah. But tell us who was first. My last.


Street fight, I was 16. My last street fight.


Sixteen? Yeah.


That's a good age. Did you win? Yeah. Yeah.


All right. I didn't.


Think I was going to- High school, right? Sixteen. What's that? Senior? Junior.


Junior. Okay. I didn't think I would thought I was dead. I thought I was dead, but I stood up for myself.


That's good. What exactly was going on that made you have to defend yourself?


We're walking in the street and this girl, her boyfriend was an ex-boyfriend of mine. I don't know what he told her. What an ex-boyfriend? Now she was my friend. She was a friend of mine who started dating this guy that I used to date two years prior.


Not a good friend. That's some shady stuff.


I didn't care. It was a.


Different time. You're right. That wouldn't fly now.


They were older than me. He was older. She was older. I was still in high school. They were in college. They were older, so it didn't even matter. It wasn't even like I was dating him for like a month. Yeah, that's fine. He was silly. Anyway, I'm walking through the street and he and her are hanging out in front of her house. I don't know what he told her about us or about me. I don't know what he told her, but she hated me for some reason. Hated me since she started dating him. We're passing the house and she called me...


Try it.


Oh, just say it. What?


She called me a slut.


Oh, no. Okay. I'm just walking past a house. I was doing nothing.


I was going to my other friend's house. I was with my friend, and she's like, You slut.


I'm like, What are you doing?


I can't picture people back then saying this. That seems so fresh and new to like... I agree.


-yeah, like that.


-it's very modern. I feel like the word scank would be more popular back then.


Slut was the word. Slut and...


-i feel like it would have.


Been like... -but it was a hoa. -we called them a hoa.


-a hoa. -you know.


What I mean? -lucey.


Did they say like fluey? No, that was my mother's. That was our mothers. They were called fluezy. -fluzy, yeah. No, our mothers weren't Lucey.


That was.




Mothers. -yeah, that was our mother.


Okay, sorry. She called.


You, this mean word. She called me, you called her a hoah.


A hoah.


A hoah. She said, What did you call me? Now she's a big girl. Yeah. Big girl, mean, tough. She fought all the time with name, call and back and forth. She came over, she goes, What did you call me? I says, You're a hoah. I saw her. I saw her curl up her fist, and I thought I was dead. I thought I was dead. She punches me in my face. Thank you, Tess.


No, she was good.


She was actually good. She punches me in my face, and I'm still standing. I didn't budge. She hit me hard.


Now, she's a twig.


Tiny- I'm 16, 20, I'm like, Harc, right? Yeah. Imagines at me in the face. I'm still standing. My reaction, my knee-jerk reaction was to swing back.




She punched me. I'm like, I punched her back. Then we just went at it, and I knocked her down.


That was for you.


Teener 1, Big Girls 0. I knocked.


Her down. My friend's trying to break it up. Her boyfriend's trying to break it up. Her mother comes running out of the house, screaming in a different language. It was crazy.


Front yard fights, man.


Yeah, people like, What happened? I had these three scratch marks on my face. I'm walking through the neighborhood and people like, What happened? What happened? They're like, Oh, she just had a fight with so and so. I'm not mentioning names. She just had a fight with so and so. They all look like, and you're still standing because this girl was tough. But that was my last fistfight, but not my last threat. There were threats that could have led.


To fight. You think that fight gave you a little respect around the neighborhood?


It is, yeah. A little respect, I guess. Yeah.


I remember after that one fight in high school, I got a tiny bit of respect. Mind you, she was a girl, but I still got a lot of respect. Because she was tough. She was tough. I guess-She beat people. She beat guys up.


-wait. This wasn't Princess, right?


Absolutely. No, it wasn't Princess. -wait, her name was Princess? Her name was Akira. Oh, pretty. Akira. -akira. -shakira. I liked her too, poor thing. I liked her and she did not like me. Then she beat me up and I defended myself. I remember I got a good... I got a little pat on my back. They're like, Zane, good job, man. You did it. She's tough. I was.


Like, Zane, good job. She's tough.


This was in middle school. I was young.


That's like lose-lose, though.




100 %. Do you want to tell your fight and then she'll tell the.






Yes. Oh, yeah. Okay, this is the time where Heath and I and all of our friends got into a big brawl.


This is before Moralee.


This is before Moralee. Before we start, Tina, this was not our fault. We were just defending ourselves. There was no fighting these guys, all right? We just want to let you know that before you judge us.


All right, Keith. It's a good one. We're at a bar out here and stuff has been going on. We're having drinks, hanging out. We didn't know it at the time, but somebody had bumped into Scott's girlfriend and Scott turns around and says something like, Hey, watch where you're going. Then the guy didn't like that. Then they start arguing. All of a sudden, somebody comes out to me and like, Hey, Scott's getting into a fight outside. I was like, Oh, wow. We go running out and this guy is in Scott's face and he's yelling at him. I'm just sitting there watching from behind and the guy goes like this to cock back and punch Scott. That's how much he did. I ran up as he was cocking back and I threw him in a headlock like I was choking him. I was like, Stop. Just stop. Then he starts going like this, reaching back, punching me. I was like, Hit me one more time. I'm going to put you out. He just kept swinging. I just tightened it and then he goes limp.




Soon as he goes limp- That's.




Baby. -all of his friends... He literally goes like this. His friends come running out and see that. Then I'm holding this guy that is just like this. Then they come running and I just threw him. I went like this. I went, What? Then me and this guy, it was crazy. Our group and their group just immediately found somebody and paired up. It was so perfect. I got a guy, Zane got a guy, Scott got a guy, and I'm sitting here, me and this dude are hockey style. We have our collars and we're just going like this, just eating them and just throwing punches.


The way these guys are fighting, it wasn't like a quick thing where it's like, Oh, you're hitting our friends. These guys wanted us dead.


Apparently, we found out they wanted it the whole time and they were known for trying to start stuff.


The fight just all of a sudden moved onto the street.


Now cars are going by.


Cars are going by. They're all changing lanes and they're going fast and everybody is fighting. Boom, boom. Like me.


Personally- He's not a fighter.


I cannot- No, it's because they were out for blood. I don't fight at all. I hate fighting. I try to avoid it as much as possible. If I see if-.


Mom, where's.




Microphone? Wait, I'm not saying anything.


I'm just, do I have to- I try to avoid it. If I see if we're all drunk, Keith is being a little, just being a little, I don't know, what's the word?


Yeah, we don't look for any -.


I'll try my best to break it up just so a fight doesn't start because I don't like hurting anybody.




You should have seen me, Tina. You would have been so proud. We were swinging. We got Scott's girlfriend. She was stomping the phone to this guy just to get off Scott. Everybody was...


It was a war. It was slow motion because as me and this guy are doing this, I'm looking around. I see Scott booming a guy. I look over, I see Zane going at it with a dude. I'm like, This is crazy.


This is crazy. It's not like us at all to be doing this. The girl looks like a girl. It's like a girl. And then we had Joe on it. We had Joe there. We had Jay there.




Was insane. Todd was macking on a girl inside.


Todd would have had all three of us at the same time.


Todd had no idea what was going on until they very... And he's like, What happened? He walks out after the whole fight is done. He's just like.


What the hell? I bet he was mad he missed it.


Oh, yeah. Because that was the only time we've ever gone to anything like that. But we really held our own.


-we did.


That was awesome. I'm trying to figure out something crazy that happened within that moment. I know there's a lot of crazy shit I just can't think of.


They tried to start back up afterwards, too.


We were all pretty.


Beat up. It was crazy because that happened. We're in the street fighting, whatever, and the cops were coming. We could hear them and see them coming. We ran and went to the restaurant across the street and we asked the hostess for a table. She was like, Did you see what's going on over there? We're like- We.


Were all in blood.


We were like, What happened? She's like, A bunch of guys just started fighting in the street. They're crazy. I can't believe this. I was like, , there's blood coming out of my nose. I'm like, Oh, I could not believe that. She was like, Isn't it crazy?


I was like, I'm like- We all saw that, but yeah, can we just get a table here? She's like, Absolutely.


We're just eating chips and salsa in silence.


The cops come by and you're like, What happened?


Yeah. But- No, we.


Didn't see that. I probably shouldn't say this on camera because this was just in the moment and these guys wanted us dead. This was like fight or flight. You were protecting your friends. These guys want you dead. You were doing anything you could to have them stop. The cars are driving by.




You're bad. The cars are driving by and I'm like, okay, I have a chance to get to throw this dude in front of this car.




That thought.


Went through your mind. It went through my mind. It was like, Oh, I have a chance to get this guy because he wouldn't stop. He was hitting everybody. I just took him. I had a half a second where I could throw him.




Oncoming traffic.


Intrusive thoughts.


I almost did. I almost did, but I didn't. But it's crazy that you have to just think of any other moment like that where you would never do that. But in the moment where you just feel like your life is in danger or other someone else's life is in danger.


At least you're capable of coming up with scenarios.


To protect yourself.


Yeah, exactly. And you can think quickly and be rational.


So if you think about it, I was made, you know? I had a little mob in me.


You did karate.


Growing up. Yeah, I did do a little karate.


What belt?


What color belt? I made it to high blue.




Thought you.


Were going to check.


The camera.


Everything just popped.


Yeah, you heard that. That's crazy. I'm not going to lie.


What was that noise?


Before we continue, we want to let you know that this episode is brought to you by the McDonald's app.


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Experience, baby. I personally, I'm using it today because I don't want that face-to-face interaction.


You know what I mean? Because this holiday season, there's stuff going around again, and we just got to be careful.


I just want to boop, boop, do the loop on my phone, pull up, grab and go.


That's just the way to go, you know what I mean? You got to think about those nights when you're with all your friends, you're coming back from a good night, and we just want to be in the comfort of our own home while we're eating McDonald's, baby.


You know what feels really good, too? When you pull out the app and you go, Hey, what do you want from McDonald's? I'm ordering it right now.


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A best friend ordering from the best place.


I'm a hometown hero, baby.


So order ahead in the app to save time. Prep while you're on the way, excludes drive-through at participating McDonald's. Copyright 2023 McDonald's. You know what I'm saying?


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You got to get it.


I got to get it. Trademark that. Ain't nobody stealing.


It, baby. Exactly. That's what you got, McDonalds, is that trademark. Not special.


Thank you so much, McDonalds, for sponsoring this podcast. We love you and we will see you so soon.


Mariah, have you ever been.


In a fight? I've never been in a fight.


Do you think you could hold your own in a legitimate fight?


I think I could.


I think you could, too.


I think I could. I would like to see you. The only people I fought were my siblings. Frank and I, me and nick.


You physically fought-Yeah. -with them because, yes, I was raised to defend myself. I wasn't in that many fights, but pretty much. I was applauded by my parents as long as you win. But I always my kids weren't going to be raised that way. They were going to learn to defend themselves nonviolently, let's put it that way. Like I said, he's not.


A fighter. I think you raised them pretty well, though. I think they're very good kids.


Yeah, as long as they-I think they could defend themselves without. For some.


Reason, there was opportunities in high school where for some reason there was girls that didn't like me, and there would be rumors that they would want to fight me, but nothing happened, and people would say that they were scared to fight. I was like, Wait, what? I've never even been in a fight. I guess I came off as like, I could fight, so nothing actually happened.


But the way you dressed, you do look like you fought. Yeah, It look like you.


Looked like you fought.


Yeah, I had the poof. There is nothing scarier than being in school and somebody comes up and tells you, Hey, this person wants to fight you. Goose bumps down. I can go back and remember the feeling of hearing that this kid wanted to fight me. I remember being on edge because you never know when you'd see them. I remember walking through the halls just being on high alert.


See, when I heard it, I didn't feel anything. I was like, All right.


The kid that wanted to fight me is...


Who was the kid? Wait, was this in middle.


School or high school? Do you remember you telling me this?


Yeah, I don't know. But it was over. There was nothing that happened.


It was just like, Bully. If somebody wants to fight me, what.


To do? I was nervous because the kid that wanted to fight me, apparently, it was a known fighter, and he had already smashed one of my other friends' faces and shattered his eye socket. And you.


Were and you were a wrestler.


And I was a wrestler.


What did you say that made him want to fight you? Nothing.


Wow. Okay, go ahead.


Yeah, I just heard about it. Then I asked my other friend, I was like, Does he want to fight me? He was like, I don't know. You better watch your back. I was What? It turns out it was just a prank. He didn't want to fight me. They were just trying to get me.


Worked up. Oh, your friends pranked you, not Alex?


Yeah. Well, what was the fight that actually happened where you grabbed the kid?


There was this guy who was a senior, and I think I was a junior. We went to this party. We're all hanging out. He started arguing with my best friend at the time, Gabe. He got up in Gabe's face and he was being disrespectful to this girl that we were all.


Friends with. You met Gabe. We were in Florida. We had dinner with him and his family.


We went to dinner with his parents.


Yes, so him.


Pretty boy, Gabe.




Think everybody knows... I think everybody knows him as.


Pretty boy, Gabe. He was Pretty boy, Gabe back then, too.


Yeah. He started pushing him. I was like, if he pushes Gabe one more time, I'm going to do something. Do you smell?


What? No, I was smoking a little bit.


What are you doing?


I was like, What are you doing? Hey, get out of here. I was just doing a little...


I'm watching him sneak. Oh, my God.


Just doing a little Bam-Bam.


He's pushing Gabe and I'm sitting there across the room. I was like, All right, if he pushes Gabe one more time, I'm going to do something.


I like that shit, man.


I was a 130 pounds. I was really tiny. This kid was 6'4, like a big dude. I come running. I'm full speed across the house. He pushed Gabe. I just ran up, boom, across his face. He just goes, What the fuck? He looked at me. He's like, I want nothing. He was like, I wasn't even talking to you, man. What are you doing? I was like, Leave Gabe alone.


That scared.


Him really. He's like, Now we have a problem. I have a problem with you now. I'm like, We just want you to leave. Because this was like, he was being really nasty to the girl. He used to date her and was like, Whatever. We start trying to push him out of the house. It was three of us pushing him, and he's got his fingers across the door frame of the front door, and he's not letting go. He didn't want to leave. I'm like, Just leave. Nobody wants you here. He's not doing -That.


Would just kill me. Imagine someone saying that to you?


Just leave. A house full of people. Nobody wants you here.


He's holding the door frame, and I'm looking at his fingers across the wood, and I just ran over and I threw my elbow across his fingers that were holding the door. He's like, What.


The fuck? -what the fuck?


-you know, the MMA. He's freaking out. We go outside. I'm going to be honest, this was my first time ever drinking was at this party when this happened. Oh, really? I don't know. I guess I was feeling good. I had my confidence going.


You had a couple of four logos.


It was like six lemon... What are they? Lemon drop shots? That was my first time drinking lemon drop shots. -okay, that'll do it.


-that just trying to figure out what that sounds about.


That'll do it. We go outside and I was like, Just leave. We don't want to fight. Just get out of here. He's like, No, now I want to fight you. I was like, Okay, I just got myself into this. I got to do something. I was a wrestler at the time, so I felt confident being on the ground.


You were like, But we got to take this on.


The ground. Yeah, I was like, If we could just start in a... I was like, Let me just wrestle this kid. We go face to face and I just shot a takedown and I grabbed him, got him down, and I'm on top of him and I showed him mercy. I was like, Just leave. -oh, he's so giving. I showed him mercy. I was like, I'm not going to hit you. Just leave. It's done. Just leave. He's like, All right. All right. All right. I go to get up. Then as I'm standing up on one leg, he grabs me, rolls me over, and he gets on top of me, and he hit me in the face. I took it and I was like, Oh, my. I just got hit in the face. I was like, This is happening.


I didn't see it coming. Yeah, you're good.


I rolled him off real quick. We both stood up and he's like, What? Would you want to hit me now? It was the corniest thing. He's like, Would you want to hit me? I was like, Yeah, I do. I'm sitting there looking up at him. I was like, Yeah, I do. I charged and I jumped up.


How did you have the time? Wait. Yeah, this is the longest part. I didn't hear this the first time. I didn't know that exchange even.


Though I don't know. There was more that happened. I tried to speed the story along, but I'm.


Getting into it. Oh, he must have been.


Buzzed up. He had.


A whole conversation.


I was like, Yeah, I do. I looked at him and I charged him and I just jumped up and I grabbed his face and I went, boom, and I threw my knee into his face and it split his whole head open. Then he went running and he took off. Then I got a call, I don't know, like 30 minutes or an hour later. It was his sister like, My brother is in the hospital. What is wrong with you? He's getting stitches. Then, yeah, that was the end of it. Respect. The next day at school, I was walking around and everybody was looking at me. They were like this.


Hey, your teeth.


Yeah, that was my fight story.






Damn, did you get a little respect after that?


I did, and from all of his friends too that were seniors. Oh, wow.


Yeah. Any funny Mariah stories?


Like funny Mariah stories? No? No?


Just funny. You didn't lose Mariah.


Who did you lose? I was just a kid that was like, Ma, look at this. Mom, watch this.


I'm trying to think if I did ever.


Lose Mariah. Was it John that you left?


We left John in Ohio.


We left John in Ohio.


Wait, what do you mean you left John in Ohio? I mean, she had.


Four kids. She would leave us everywhere.


John, we always left. Oh, not accidentally.


There was one time.


Where- Yes, accidentally, we would lose them.


She went to pick me up from preschool, and she had my sister in the carriage, right? The carrier. The carrier. And she walked out with me and the school called and said, We have Frances here. She was under the table. I think they're under the table. -she was how old was she? She was.


In the eighth grade. She was just born. I brought-She.


Just left.


Her at preschool and took me home.


Just trying to figure out ways to just.


Get her. Did you ever leave a kid on top of the car at a gas station and start driving?


Oh, my heath. That just gave me chills. No, I don't have to feel like it. Just gave me chills. No, that's insane that that happens.


Yeah, but it happens. I don't judge people for that. It really happens. You leave.


Your kids. Tell the story. Last time you came to California, when you hopped off the plane and the people in the front with the baby in the carriage.


Oh, that's already on one of your...


It's already on TikTok. We did talk about it.


Yeah, we talked about it. We definitely-You.


Talked about it.


-you talked about it.


Oh, I told the story. They folded the baby in the carriage.




Was crazy. Yeah, the baby crying.


That's insane that they got it fully folded.


Mariah's stories.


Never got in.


Trouble for anything. We were good kids.


They were very good kids. They were good. You want to know how Mariah was as a kid? You're looking at her. Same personality, same corkiness, funny, nervous. She was a nervous kid.


She told me that as kids, they were really good in public, but when you guys were home is when they would act up.


Yeah, it was a little chaotic, but.


I think, especially my teenage years, me and my sister, she would accuse us of doing... She thought we were out.


She thought we were- I didn't trust her. I did not trust my kids.


Then it clicked. Once we got older and started hearing stories, it clicked to me and my sister, that because she did everything.


She was projecting. Yes, she.


Did everything and assumed. Meanwhile, me and my sister are terrified to leave the house. We went and asked to go to birthday party. We were just scared to get in trouble.


It was reversed what you did. You're smart.


We never snuck out. We never did drugs. We never drank. We just didn't. We didn't do anything. That was mommy's emo. We didn't do anything.


That's good. That's why we moved to the country. In Staten Island, we would sneak out, either hop on a bus, or call a cab, or hop on a train, and just go and then come back. I said, I'm moving my kids to the country. The country. People would be like.


Aren't you? It was an.


Hour away. The country.


Yeah. I'm going to do as I say, not as I do.


I said, My kids aren't sneaking out. Where are they going to go? The backyard, there was no lights, no street lights, no public transportation. This is where.


They're going. When you were younger, who were you more scared of to ask?


My mom. What are you, nuts?


So if.


You wanted-If we were to ask my dad, he'd be like, Ask your mother. Ask your mother. Because he would just be like, Yeah, whatever.


He'd say yes to everything.


But as I got older, I didn't ask to hang out with friends because even when I was 16, they would be like, We have to meet their parents. That wasn't cool for them to show up to the door and be like, Nice to meet you and hang out. That wasn't cool. Elementary school, I was fine. But as I got older, I just kept the same friend group. I'm like, All right, she knows them. I don't want her to like - Just make it easier. If I asked to go, God forbid I asked to go to a garage party or something, they would be like, where are the parents? And are we invited?


Let me meet the parents. I think it was a blessing in disguise that my older brother did everything because I was turned off by it. I was like, I don't want to be in that position. And if he would get in trouble, I would just learn from that.




I was just like, You know what? I'm not going to bother doing anything. I'll just.


Stay here. Did your older brother fight in school? Yeah.


Yeah, he did. He did. I wanted them to defend themselves. I didn't.


Want them to be passive. Yeah, that's the thing. I knew if it came down to it, I could defend myself. I didn't want them to be scared of conference. I never had to, but I know I could defend.


Myself if I had to. The only time I regret it telling the boys something when they were.


Younger-you're going to fight?


She won't remember. Nicholas, I forgot what happened, but somebody was giving him a problem on the boss, and he said, Dad, he's big to me. If he's big than you, I said, pick up a pipe and hit him with a pipe.


He always said that a pipe.


Or a bat. Pipe or a bat, I said. If he's big then you hit him with... She's like, What are you telling them?


That's how I was raised. Pick up a bat. I didn't want my kids to do that. You could.


Kill somebody. Okay, here. When they were younger, they were all in sports and stuff. Did you guys ever get in any arguments at Little League events? Because my dad was always yelling at other parents that were like... I just.


Remember- Doing what?


Because my dad would coach Little League when I was in soccer or baseball.


Or football. You feel like he was the main coach? Or was he like that the parent?


No, he was the coach.


I coach the boys through everything. Then I umpired later on because I wanted to stay in it. But I didn't do it for that. I just do it because I wanted them to learn how to play the game right.


Did you.


Fight with parents?


I never fought with parents, but if somebody got a little unruly, I would say something.


To them. Hey, Johnny, Peg.


And Donut.


Take it easy.


In my own Take.






Do me a favor. Take it easy. Like if a.


Period of thought you made a bad call as well.


Let them play.


Let them play. No, I used to stop the game. I used to say, Look, you're not abusing the umpire. That's number one. What are you saying? I said, These kids are like 10 years old, nine years old, and you want to get in my ear about my calls?


No. Did you ever skew the calls for your kids? Did you give them a strike?


Actually, I called John out, and he's like, Dad, what are you doing? What do you mean what are you doing? You're out. You're out. Get out. You go sit down.


You know how parents will just be on the sidelines and they just yell things and- They yell other players. I just think my dad just doesn't take shit from people, so I feel like he would just give.


It back. He'd grab the lot pipe.


The baseball pipe. Get the pipe.


It works. Speaking of bats and weapons.




Love bats. I love Halloween. Do you want to tell the Double Dutch.


Story really quick? Oh, I thought you wanted to tell the bat story.


What's the bat story? What is the bat story.


I didn't hear that one.


Where you got hit in the... Oh, there was.


A hammer. And I hit me in the head with a hammer. A brother. He hit me in the mouth with his foot.


What did you do then? I have four siblings, and I'm in between two brothers who fought. They were boxers. I'm the girl. We used to play box. One brother would be the referee, and then me and the other brother would box.


We were three.


There was one time where I grabbed my brother's foot because he was throwing a karate kick, and I grabbed his foot. But he came around with the other foot and kicked me in the mouth and I had braces and blood.


That's a good kick. How do you.


Do that? Stitches. Very flexible. Just like this round-off kick. He's good.


Wow. He's really good.


With the karate. That was when we were teenagers. But when I was a baby, I think I was one, he was three. He hit me over the head with a hammer.


Oh, wow. I was making a joke. It was right at three.


Because I was playing with the hammer. My mother wanted to hit me with the hammer. A real hammer? A real hammer. Why -I was playing with a hammer. -you were playing with a hammer.


-that's what we did. -he's a different time.


It's a different time. When there's no toys, you just...


Whatever's laying around. My mother asked my brother to get the hammer from me, but I wasn't giving a pound. I don't remember it. My brother remembers. Apparently, we were tug of war with the hammer, and he grabbed it and he hit me over the head with it. I got a scowl. Wow.


Yeah. I know someone that was in a similar thing, but she didn't make it, though. -what? -john Bené, Ramsey.


Enough. Her house is up for sale, Ma. You're going to go to the open house?


I don't like talking all this violent talk.


We're going.


To get to the moment. We never talk.


About violence. I don't condone it. I don't like it. I don't watch it. I don't like anything hitting in the face. I don't.


All right. So anyway. I'm a different person. You're doing Double Dutch.


It was a recess, and we were playing Double Dutch. Me and my friends were playing Double Dutch, and there was another group of girls in a different friend group. Different gang. And they kept jumping in the rope and messing up our game. How old were you guys? I want to say I was fifth grade. Fifth grade and this girl was sixth grade.




Kept jumping in the rope and messing up the game. Happened all the time. It was just like that's what kids did.


But not in Tina's world.






Not this day. They kept doing it. Then I told my friend, the next time they jump in, pull the rope.


You're fine. This one girl jumps in, and I give the signal. This one girl will call her Neddy. That's good.




Cute. Okay. All right. To... She jumps in. We pull the rope and she trips and everybody's like, Oh.




She gets out of the rope, as she's walking away, she shoves me. Then you hear more ohs.


Yeah, I know. Now she's in sixth grade, but she's been held back a few times.


She's been held back a few times. She's a big girl.


Taller, tougher. A little stronger, yeah.


Tougher. Her whole friend group was a bunch of tough girls.


A little bit of a beard.






18. You know what? I have to say, I never started a fight. You never started that. I never.


Started a fight. That's good. Zane, pull the rope.


She shoved me, so I shoved her back, and then we just started brawling.


You get a good group?


She was considered a tough girl. She was the bullet in. It gained a little respect. It gained a little like, Oh, Tina. I was tiny. I wasn't like.


You know. People would have been tweeting about it back then. Oh, yeah.


Uncle David said you got on top of her and just, boom.


Boom, boom. Oh, it was that type?


Nice. I don't think.


Were into the ground. I think we were just fighting.


I think we were just fighting standing up. Great show, bully down. Then the teacher came and broke it up. The teacher came and broke it up. I remember we were both crying, though. I do remember we were both crying.


You made.


Her cry.


You made.


Yourself cry. I was crying. I wasn't crying because I was hurt. I was crying. I think just the whole situation.


Was like overwhelming.


Yeah, it's very intense.


I'm not crying.


Then - Uncle David's in school.


He's left in elementary school. And he was picked.


On a lot. This is now the Golden Gloves boxer. He taught us all how to fight. But when he was younger, he was a scaredy cat.


Well, he was picked on. We even picked on him, siblings. He was the youngest of five, the youngest of all the cousins.


That's okay. Family is okay, but now.


When- He was picked on a lot. And in school, picked on... Everybody picked on everybody.


But- Here's the difference.


You're from Brooklyn.


This one group of kids, they were picking on him, and one of them brought a knife to school.


The rumor started where it was like, Ricky brought a knife to school. He said he's going to kill you. Tell Uncle David.


Oh, yeah.


He went home and told grandpa.




And said, Ricky brought a knife to school. So grandpa gave him a bat, right? The bat. The bat.


To bring.


To school.


She wants you to continue the story because it's your story. Oh, I don't know the story.


Oh, you don't know the story? No, I only know the story because of Uncle David telling it.


School gets let out, and Ricky comes out with his gang. And the knife. Ricky has the knife, and it's him and Uncle David head to head and Ricky brings the knife out, but grandpa stayed behind. And'ricky' is about to attack him, and Uncle David brings out the weapon that he has, but he's shaking.


Sorry, elementary school. It's elementary school. It's elementary school.


Uncle David brings out the weapon, but he's shaking. He's so scared. He's not doing anything. He's just shaking. My grandpa ended up following behind and pulls up and he.




Oh, you know what? Uncle David even said he tried to be tough when Ricky was let out of school. He goes, Hey, Ricky, you're looking for me? Then he pulled out and he was like... Couldn't back up when he was yelling. That's good. So grandpa came behind him and he said, Ricky. Ricky turns around and he goes, Do you know who I am? Yeah. Ricky turns around and looks at my grandpa and is a deer in Headlights terrified. He goes, Do you know who I am? He goes, Yeah, your Tina is, and he runs. Now everybody is scared because Uncle David was her brother. There you go. -and they knew that she beat people up.


I used to beat people up to defend my brother because he wasn't a fighter when he was little and he was picked on. I used to go after the.


People that were- It's usually how it works. The ones that get picked on are the ones that.


Take up boxing and become like- Once Uncle David was being bullied, Uncle James was in a totally different school. He would show up to the cafeteria of the elementary school.


How are you getting around in this- He.


Was a lot older. -and he was a lot older. -he was a lot older. -remember, South? You can walk right through those doors. It was easy.


There was no security.


There was nothing like that. -going from school to school.


-we were.


Able to.


Go to school. They would hear that Uncle David's being picked on. Uncle James would leave his school and show up at the elementary school in the cafeteria and threaten all the kids that were threatening.


Uncle David. They'd be back for class in.


The afternoon. In those days, they took attendance twice, once in the morning, once in the afternoon. Really? You could leave after the morning and not come back, and you would just be marked absent for the afternoon. You could leave and come and go as you please. It was very weird. You too?


Dang. Yeah, dad, were you bad?


I just don't know.


He never said that. Did you ever have to defend Guy or anything? The guy? Guy. You're Guy.


He was crazy, my younger brother. What are you, kidding me? I had three fights in my life. Oh, that's a lot. One of them was with Uncle Guy.


One of them was with his brother. Oh, and I was around.


Yeah, it's a long story. That's another part.


As long as you.


Won, you won. I was in the picture.


No, I just- Nobody won.


He was a lose-lose.




Fight. Yeah, don't fight.


No, he's a beast, my brother.


Pull the rope. Pull the rope. Put that on a shirt.


Put it anywhere.






Rope. With a wank on the back. Good But now you're.


Total opposite. I still have a big mouth. I still have a mouth. I like to fight. I like to have fun.


You like to have fun. I like a little conflict.


She'll yell at us for not being confrontational towards her. There's nothing wrong. I learned growing up, if I open my mouth, I would get in trouble. I keep my mouth shut. Now she's like, Why don't you speak up? I'm like, Why do you think this? But you.


Still could.


Speak up. What I have to do? I do. But it's with friends.


If I could defend a friend. Right, in a comfortable setting.


In a comfortable setting. If I know I'm right, I'm.


Going to be. Which people I'm comfortable with.




Anything else you could think of before we wrap up?


I feel like I just got to experience a motto, Thanksgiving dinner.


It's going to be like.


This tomorrow.


Tomorrow. You should see all of them all together, the entire family.


I know. I really want to experience that.


I will. The six of us? The six of us? With the cousins and stuff?




That's crazy. It's very a little obnoxious. Yeah, it's obnoxious.


It's very big because we're very family-oriented.


Yeah, and I.


Love that. That's what we love about.


Our family. But everybody's fighting.


But that's the best thing. I love that.


That's crazy. The way that they talk is it seems like they're upset all the time. Right.


Everything sounds.


Aggressive, and it's just a normal conversation.


Normally, people will be like, Why are you being nasty? You're like, We're just talking. We're just talking. Yeah, we're just having conversation.


The first picture that Mariah said, I'm in love. I'm in love. I said, Mariah, who, what, where, when, andshe sends me a picture of Heath.


I didn't give her his Instagram because I selected pictures because there was pictures of you and him with your shirt up.




Was dressed like a skanky cowboy.


I had to select what pictures to show them and be like, no, he's normal. He's a.


Nice kid. You don't understand that? The amount of times I think about my Instagram page, whenever I'm like, it sucks. But yeah, I know our Instagrams were really bad back then, especially around that time.


Really bad. We didn't get the whole content thing when you were doing that. I'm like, What.


Are you do anything? There's no context to anything that they're seeing on Instagram.


They're like, But what does he do?


I'm like, What does he do? Is he like a lawyer or?


nick calls me heat.




Sends me the picture and says, He's a cowboy, Mariah?


He's a cowboy. Well, Matt, that's why our stories line up. The way we met, I immediately thought of your story. Our friend hooked us up, introduced us, and I looked at him dressed like a cowboy, smoking a cigarette. I was.


Like, Jess. Cowboy hat, cowboy boots. I'm like, Mariah, what are you doing?


You wanted us to move to the country.


That's what you get. Yeah, the.


Country, exactly. But then we met, Heath, and he's so sweet. He was very sweet, very quiet. Thank you. I was waiting for him to crack a joke because we only knew him from his videos. You can't.


Give too much away, though, and that's very funny. Yeah, exactly. Because then it'll look like you're trying to like- Yeah, but.


You know what? We only knew him as being funny. So when he wasn't.


Being funny-.


Come on, funny guy. Tell me a joke. Exactly. I was like, What is going on?


Hey, that's funny, guys. I'm not very- Boring. I'm very proud of you.


You didn't say the F word once. I was a little nervous.


There's no way you've been keeping track.


Oh, hell, yeah. I haven't.


Said it once.


He said it once. Remember I hit him.


With other parents, I try not to cuss as much. I think my brain naturally just doesn't want to cuss.


Good. It's not necessary. My mom, I cuss a lot though. You curse with your mother?


Yeah, we're both like that. It came out once I was like 25, 26, and we.


Were late with it. I'm trying to remember-I remember when I felt comfortable cussing around my mom.


You said in a normal conversation, you just cusses.


Come out. I try my best not to. Sometimes I'll slip up if I'm excited.


It has to make sense. I think if you're trying to make something comedic, maybe you'd throw in that F word.


I'd never curse in front of my parents.


They wouldn't throw it. Remember you accidentally did? Because they spoke Italian?


We're talking Italian.


Yeah, right. So that was-.


My parents were arguing.


Me and Italy. Oh, yeah.


So they both grew up their parents. Your parents spoke Italian?




Mom did, yeah. Both their parents spoke Italian, but they didn't teach them because they were American. They were like, You're American. You speak English. But they would speak to each other in Italian, and she just wanted to.


Fit in. Well, my parents were arguing in Italian. I don't know what I was.


Thinking, but I wanted to be like, Look at me.


It was like one of those look at me. Stop fighting. Look at me. But they were arguing in Italian, and I went, which.




Very bad. Very bad. Very bad. And my father just cracked in the heat of the moment, backhand. I'm like, What did I say? I didn't know what I said. I didn't know what I said.


You just knew it.


Was bad. I knew it was an Italian word because I've heard it. They were arguing. I just knew it was an Italian word that was used often, and I just picked that one. It was the wrong word to pick.


When we were in Italy, we were at a restaurant and heath went over and bought a table shot and everyone was like, Salud, whatever. Heath goes,.


They got so excited.


But not the whole restaurant, we had the napkins going. Everybody loved him.


Did you know what you.


Were saying? Yeah, I taught him.


What he was saying. That was one of my favorite days. Definitely top 15 days.


That moment was so much fun. The entire restaurant, when we showed up to the restaurant, we took like a boat there. When we showed up, it was nice and quiet and everybody was eating with their families. It ended up being like a club because.


We showed up.


It was insane. Everybody started becoming friends with each other.


The kids, the owner came out with a cigar serving people. It was like - They liked tweets.


-they liked tweets. -have you guys been to - They've.


Never been.


To Italy.


They've never been to Italy. Oh, you've never been to.


Italy at all? No. Our vacations, growing up, Ohio. We went to Virginia.


-little Italy and Ohio. We get a little Italy and Manhattan.




-we went to... But you know what? Because we didn't go on vacation, when we went to Ohio, we couldn't sleep. We were so excited because we're going somewhere.


Ohio was nice.




Virginia. George, Jersey Shore.


Yeah, Seaside was our beach. We'd be like, in the summer, we're like, Oh, we get to go to Seaside and we would just go to Seaside.


We took.


You on a cruise once. -that's so fun. Yeah, for your birthday, we.


Went on a cruise.


We should take all of our parents and go to Haley.


I would.


Love that. Like Jersey Shore. It's his.


Dream, family vacation.


Jersey Shore family vacation.


Exactly. But yeah, they didn't care that I said that. They got excited.


That's a few.


It's like a go-eff-yourself.


You're saying it in a very positive way.


They knew we were American and they just were excited to hear us say something in Italian. It doesn't matter.


Which is crazy because usually they don't.


Like American. It could have.


Been me saying potato. That was the difference between France and Italy. France, if you tried to speak French, they would speak English back to you. They did not want you to even bother. Italy, they loved that you were trying. They were so excited. Yeah, it was nice.


I love Italian. Then they started saying it and we were all chanting it and we were taking shots. It was insane.


It was really fun.


Yeah, I think it's one of the worst curse words, right?




Does it mean, though? It means like FU in the...


Yeah, like u-b-rip.


Oh, nice.


You could say it. They could edit it out.


It's like the C-word for us, for Americans.


I learned all my bad words from my mother.


-she used toAnd we learned.


From you.


-and you're saying in Italian. Okay, we got to do it. Is it sauce or gravy?


They both say something different.


You say gravy. -gravy.


But why do you say it different?




What? Spagetti sauce.




See, there you go. It's mad enough. Now somebody's going to say, Well, we're having gravy tomorrow with the turkey. No, we have gravy on the managots.


We're having managots tomorrow.


Like, sauce. I thought gravy is the consistency of a certain sauce. That's what makes it gravy. No?


You could tell the story.


Go ahead. Is it because you... Why is it different?


My mom calls it gravy. It's called gravy. If you cook the meat in the sauce, they call it gravy. If it's without meat, it's sauce. The difference between sauce and gravy. But it's both sauce. The reason why there's a difference between sauce and gravy is when they came over to America and they needed... And they didn't speak English and they needed to get meat for their Sunday sauce. They would go to the butcher to get the meat for the sauce. But the butchers were American or Irish, or whatever. And they said, We don't have meat for sauce. They couldn't understand what meat for sauce was. They're like, We have gravy meat. We have meat. We have meat. I don't know. They had to call it gravy. So the butcher would understand what they wanted.


Oh, so it seems like gravy and sauce are both not English words.


But there it is. I believe the word gravy came with the immigrants from Italy.


Yes. Okay. When we moved from Sten to Pennsylvania, she would go to the deli in Pennsylvania and asked, Could I get mozzarella? Could I, whatever? And they were like, Huh? You had to.


Change your - Well, one time I ordered... I said, Can I have one with mozzarella? Well, I ordered mozzarella, and then- Mozzarella. -and then, Mozzarella. Mri is like, Why did you say mozzarella? I says, They don't understand mozzarella. They don't understand mozzarella. You got to say mozzarella.


That's why I was saying this morning at the bagel shop, I was like, You say, Bacon, egg, and cheese. They're like, Repeat that.


Bacon, egg, and cheese, salt.




Ketchup? Yeah.


Bacon, egg and cheese is like one word.


In the East Coast. Two hours and six minutes you all. We killed it.


We can go for another hour.


We have to be unwind. We have to unwind. We're going to be the unwind. It's much more comfortable.


Can I say hi to a couple of fans?


Yeah, go ahead.


They're not my fans. They're your fans. They love you guys, but they've been so nice to me. We really keep in touch.


Kit, that's where KIT comes from.


You really keep in touch with some people? Oh, yeah. Oh, nice. Yeah, shout them out. What's her name?


Chef Bernardi. She's a big fan.


Of Chef Bernardi. I want that steak, that comota.


Yeah. But there's the first fan I started talking to is Shelby. She's such a sweet young man. She's very sweet. -young mama from the south. Shelby. You know Shelby? Yeah. Wait, how do you know Shelby? We chat chat. She's a fan. She's a very loyal fan. Very nice girl.


She's been with us for a long time. Okay, show me her after.


You know, Leah, she's a mom of five. She's always after the podcast, she'll send me a little note how much she enjoyed it. That's nice. Just very nice, very personable, very nice people. I love that. Caitlin. Oh, my goodness, I love Caitlin. She's a true fan girl. Hi, Caitlin.


She should run that side of-.


Jordan, pumpkin spice, Jordan, another- She's the sweetest. Jordan, pumpkin spice.


Tina is like, You want to get to the boys? You get through me. Oh, my God.


This is so nice. You got to get.


Through me. She came to our meetups a long time ago.


Yeah. Yeah, she's very sweet. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, they got a really nice... And Just Ralphie, he's a great young-.


Oh, the artist. -young artist.




But I think that's it. I'm sorry if I missed anyone, but those are the top four fans.


Thank you for being sweet to her, guys.


Very nice. Thank you for being nice little comments about you guys. Oh, thank you. I love Mariah. Mariah. I love Mariah.


Do you guys have anything you would like to promote?


Any last words?


Any last words? Any businesses? Any projects that you are currently working on?


Eat at Crack-A-Barrow. Come to Crack-A-Barrow.




Cleans the floors. Wait, what do you do? Oh, no, what do you do? I come to a crack-a-barrel. What? A maintenance?


You're the cleaning lady, a crack-a-barrel.


You guys should go to.


Crack-a-barrel and say hi.


Yeah, shout out. What's at Crack-A-Barrow? Fogasville?


Fogasville crack barrel.


Tina, you're going to get everybody. You're going to get a meet and.


Greet live. Can you imagine?




Can. She might see.


Me, my dad. You might get a raise because you're bringing.


In customers. And dad, shout out at.


Your job. I'd like to say hello to JT Lilo Trucking from Walnut Port, Pennsylvania.


Pays the bills. Pays the bills.




Driver. Even though you didn't go to school.




Do you mean?


I didn't go to school enough for Darren.


That's what it was. This is so funny, Zane, listen to this. What? It's so funny.


Oh, my goodness. I told my little nephew, he's nine years old. I told him that I thought I was going to impress this little boy by saying, Uncle Nicky drives a dump truck. All right, well, little boy does don't like dump trucks, right? Yeah. I said, Oh, yeah, Uncle Nicky drives dump trucks. He goes, He does? I'm like, Yeah. He's like, He didn't finish school? I'm like, I'm nine years old. He's like, What? He goes, Yeah.


He didn't go to college. Like judging?


Yeah, and not... Whoa. He didn't finish school.


He didn't finish school. Oh, so he.


Didn't finish school. Get rid of his...


He has a phone? Because you know, you can't pick any job. If you go to college, you can pick whatever job you want. But Uncle Nicky had no choice because he didn't go to college.


Call him out.


Darren. Isn't that crazy?


This is-Oh, she's a first name. Wow.


Isn't that crazy? That a nine-year-old is saying that?


Yeah. I love you, Darren. They know too much. But you don't need to go to college to get a good job and carry your family.


Too much. You can work at Crack. I did. I went to college for two years.


I forgot he did. He was going to be a gym teacher.


Mine was liberal arts, non-science.


Those that can't do.


Teach -teach.


-and those that can't teach.


-teach gym. -teach gym.


-teach gym. -am I right?


That was good. Is that what you're going to say?


I forgot. I lost my train of thought. What did you say? What did you say? What did you go to college for? I said, I was aerodynamics. I was.


Taking up space. You said aerodynamic?


No, aerodynamics. I was taking up space.


Oh, that's funny. That was Zane. Zane was taking up space in college.


-that's really funny. I really was. I was taking somebody else's spot that deserved to.


Be here. No, he was taking my work.


Yeah, you know Zane just signed up for the classes he did, so they were both going to be cops.






Imagine being a cop. Joy, bad boy.


Hey, turn around. -hey, turn around. -zane, imagine we got put together as partners and it was me and you rolling around in a cop car all day.


-it would be 21.


Jump Street. -yeah, we'd get fired immediately.


-yeah. -that would be so fun, though.


Oh, my God. That'd be Dude, imagine our cop, like Vines. We've been recording.


For a long time. Thank you guys so much for watching.


A toast.


Make sure to check out our patron, patron. Com/zane and Heath. We post bonus episode every single month. We do early access. You get a few days early. You get it ad-free. We do the unwind after we keep these cameras rolling and you get an extended cut. We have a Discord. We have.


- We have the unwinds where you keep the cameras rolling. Did you say that already?


Nice. Okay, perfect. Yeah, it's a really fun time. Make sure to check it out, patron. Com/zaneandheath.


We post these videos every Monday, audio form on all the podcast platforms. On Tuesdays, we post a video form of this podcast on our YouTube channel, YouTube. Com/zaneandheath.


All right, guys, thank you for watching. We love you. Ciao. Say goodbye.


Oh, bye.


Oh, yeah, say bye. We say-Bye too? Yes, sir. Bye. Thank you for.


Having us. Thank you for.


Having us. Thank you guys for taking the time. And, Bria, thank you very much.


You were Xed and we delivered.


Throw the pinky up. Throw that pinky up. I got to pick together. Come on. Perfect.


All right, now we can.


Relax and hang out. All right, now the unwind starts.