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Did you guys see the teacher? Who, first day of school, got busted being drunk. Were you the student? Trust me. That was like a big flashback to when I reported for people who don't know. My Spanish teacher, I caught her drinking. Was it every day or just one day? It was just one day. We smelled it right on her breath and we distracted her. I thought it was every day. You really... You couldn't do your drinking. I don't know. It was just one day it was so apparent we could smell it on her breath. We went behind the computer. She had this water bottle. She was tucking away on her desk. We smelled it and it was straight up wine. Then we all went and rat it on her. That is pretty... What time was it? At 7:30 in the morning. Wow, that's crazy. 7:30 in the morning on a school day. We never saw her again. I'm sorry about it, but you all, it was your pack's paying dollars paying for that woman's salary. She's drunk on the job. If I was not getting A's. We weren't. She was a shit teacher. That's why she was drinking because she was teaching a bunch of rats.

