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Why did you throw your puff wrapper in the toilet?


Because? What's wrong with that?


The whole plastic wrapper was in the toilet.


Oh, no, I didn't throw it in the toilet.


Well, the plastic case that it's in was in the trash next to it, but the whole plastic wrapper was in the water.


Oh, I must have left it on the counter, and then it blew over through the toilet. I was like, This is different. Yeah, obviously starting off the New Year's hot.


Happy New Year's.


Happy New Year's.


It still feels like New Year. It feels like we just... It feels like today is the third of January for some reason.


Wait, is it not the third of January? It's not.


It's the fourth. Oh, wow. Wow.


It just feels like Probably because it is.


This year is flying by.


Zane, your intuition is spot on this year.


Yeah, I'm good. That's how the rest of my year is going to go. I know we just did our first episode by ourselves for the new year.


Glad you guys enjoyed that.


I was thinking about that for a while after we filmed it, and it was just really nice. I'm not talking shit, Mariah, about you not being there, but for some reason, it was just really nice talking to one other person. It was nice talking to just one other person. It could have been anybody, honestly.


Because it was a deeper conversation we had. It wasn't like a normal...


Yeah, but not only that, but just the one-on-one, it was just really nice. I just felt like I haven't talked to anybody one-on-one on camera in a really long It just felt good. I felt like my head was clear.


It felt like coffee talk in the truck. It felt like we were in Big Red.


Yeah, except not smoking a ton of cigarettes and being violently hung over on our way to the gas station.


We've upgraded. We have. We have changed.


Dude, we talk about this all the time, but I'm just so happy. We looked so horrible the first seven years of our life.


We only had room for improvement.Of our time here.


I was looking at myself today. I was like, Dang, I'm really healthy. I almost got sad that I just didn't do this for the whole time I was here. Then it just hit me. And I was like, no, Zane, this is actually really good that you looked as bad as you possibly could have on camera for seven years. And so when you look better, you just looks like you've matured.


It looks like you have your things together.


Yeah. When in reality, I really don't, but it just looks like I do.


What's really cool to me is the fact that I'll look at pictures from seven years ago, and I I look younger now. It doesn't make me feel bad. Because normally I feel like I would look back at a picture and be like, Wow, I've aged a lot, or, Man, I wish I was younger. I feel good right now.


Time is flying by. It don't stop. It don't stop. I remember my grandmother telling me, What was it? Ten years ago, it was right before I moved out, she said, once you hit your 20s, you're 30, and once you're 30, you're 50. I just feel I'm 20 years out from 50, but I can feel the 50 coming. It's so close, and it's going to hit us like a train. I think I'm going to look good for 50.


You'll look like you're dead. You'll look good. Yeah.


I have the genetics.


But he continued to stay healthy, so you're going to understand.


Yeah, I need to figure out a way to just stay on top of it because my dad plays soccer a lot. He plays every few days. That's a shame. He's on a team.


He keeps his body, and I'm not athletic.


But I don't mind working out in a gym as part of my exercise. It's not as fun as soccer because I can't kick a ball to save my life.


I would go to say that you'reI'm a toe kicker. You're probably going to be benefiting more by being in a him than you would just kicking the ball, other than cardio. But if you're lifting and you're staying fit, you'll be good.


But my time is almost done. I know.For the transformation.You're getting close. Getting very close. And I didn't show my dad, or I didn't show my dad my progress at all throughout the entire thing. I showed him I was doing my posing classes for the Zela shoot that we're doing. I did a posing class in Florida at my mom's gym, and she just had it available. I was like, Oh, yeah, sure. Let me just hop in this. It'll be fun. I filmed it, everything. I sent one of the poses to my dad on FaceTime. I was like, Oh, Bobo, by the way, look. And I just sent it to him because he has no idea what I look like. He hasn't seen me since before I started.


He freaked out.


Complete opposite. Him, my stepmom, and I all go silent.Silent, right?Weird. And I was like, Buba, isn't that crazy? And the first thing he says is, Buba, he calls me Buba, too. We call each other Buba. Buba. That's us. He's like, Buba, you don't need to do steroids and drugs to get to... Shut up. I swear on my life. My stepmom, she was like, You don't need to do these type of things to have muscles.


Wow, I would be flattered.


Isn't that the greatest thing. I'd be so proud.


I was in shock, especially my dad. My dad works out. He has a great body. For it to be coming out of his mouth, I was-That's funny.


Their brain first went to, saying, You really shouldn't be doing...


Which I understood, whatever. It was probably a shock because they didn't see me. I didn't send them progress pictures. It was just flat out.


To them, it probably looked like it happened overnight. Exactly. Not realizing that you've been doing this for six months. Yeah.


Didn't recently, didn't you send your dad another progress picture, and all he sent back was a picture of himself?


It was a sin. He didn't say anything. It was like a certain... It was like a mirror picture, but I only sent him from my chin to my waist. And he sent one just like how I sent it to him. He didn't say anything.


He sent him a picture back. That's funny. Like end?


Yeah, we all had. Mind you, if somebody was looking over my shoulder, it just looks like two dudes sending each other partial nudes, which didn't make me feel very comfortable.


You have to click it to open the phone. But when I got that, I was completely flattered because I haven't taken anything. That was the best feeling when I finished Zela and posting the TikTok and seeing all the comments that, Try anything as possible. I ate that shit off. I was like, give it to me. It was the best feeling in the world.


People don't understand that you're spending hours a day because you're not filming everything, right? People don't realize that you spent a lot of time doing this. The diet, all that is so important. People don't see that until they watch the doc and then they'll see it. But still, people are commenting that on the doc. It's just crazy. Let that fuel you, baby. Honestly, I'm so glad you... I feel like you motivated me to also do it. I would have not done it unnatural, but you doing... I didn't even take Aminoac. I didn't take anything that I was supposed to. Also, the vitamins and all that, I I usually don't take vitamins before. I didn't take vitamins before, but I feel like it would have helped a lot just when it comes to just my body flushing out shit that it needs to. But it was really nice doing it natural. The only thing that was unnatural that I did was the creatine. I don't know if that's considered an enhance.


I don't really know too much about creatine. I know there is creatine in the Zela pre-workout. So whatever's in that is all that I had. But I know you can take additional creatine supplements on top of that.


It's a naturally occurring substance.


But I-Naturally, there you go.


But I don't know because growing up, my friends used to take creatine in high school, and Before class.




They would just tell me that it makes you retain a lot of water weight. So your muscles are inflated with water so that you look bigger, if that makes sense. Yeah.


I don't know what happens to your body when you take creatine, but you have to drink a lot of water. Is it because it dehydrates you or something? Or creatine is like... I don't want to sound stupid. I'm just going to end the conversation right there with creatine. I'm not here to speak on that.


Honestly, Zane, I'm very proud of you.Thank you.To.


See you go through and finish it.Thank you. I was really proud of you last year for continuing to go after I quit.


I felt like I let you down so bad, and I felt so guilty when I quit.


I felt like I let you down heavy. Yeah, it hurt. I just I just wasn't ready.


It's all right.


I just love food.


You had to wait for your time.


This is how I was seeing quitting the food. It's like quitting the vape. It's like you start You just start getting angry, right? When I leave the vape down for a few days, I just start getting angry. You feel like I'm about to relapse and my body just... That's how I felt about food. It was just practice to get through that. The Those months of just dieting like that. Then you trick your body into thinking that healthy shit is really bad for you. When you enjoy that healthy stuff, it's like, Oh, yeah. Then the ice cream and the really, really bad food just tastes so bad.


You get I'm used to different diets.


Yeah, it doesn't taste bad. Don't get me wrong. It still tastes amazing, but just how bad it makes you.


If any desserts are out there watching this.


I love Oreo. I love you, Oreo. But when it's in my body after I digest, I genuinely feel horrible.


Yeah, you feel how bad it is for you. Yeah, it's crazy. But I will say, as soon as you get over that first week of feeling bad, I'm going to say, But I'm waiting for that.


Oh, I'm waiting for that. I can't wait to let myself go. I'm a baby. I want to I get fat with you again. That was so fun. Oh, the Denny days, man.


We get fat. You know how people say food doesn't taste as good as abs feel?


Oh, lies.




I don't care what trainer tells you that nothing tastes as good as food does. I know this is very unmotivating right now, but nothing tastes, nothing feels as good as food tastes. I've learned that we're both here. We both had abs. That's right. We could tell you right now.


Been there doing that.


I'm glad that we get to go. We're going to be able to have phases. Yeah. Like, plan for it. We'll be like, heath, from March third to March sixth, let's get crazy. Yeah, let's get crazy. Let's go to these restaurants. Let's eat this.


I'm excited to enjoy food again with you.


Biger people are happier. They're happier people. They really are. Boy, I was happy when I was good. I really was. Now, I just feel like I'm- You're stressed. You're constantly thinking. I'm constantly thinking about it. I'm overthinking It's like Italians live the longest.


People in Italy, they just eat pasta, they feel good, they drink wine, and they have longer life expectances because they're so carefree. Ain't that a bit?


That's what I'm talking about, baby.


Oh, we got to jump into the intro.


This is also a roller coaster of fucking-We're like 40 minutes.


How long has it been? Sixteen.


One hell of an intro.


The longest intro of the year. Let's go.


We should do it at like 50 minutes.


All right, baby. It's coffee talk, baby. Let's freaking go, my dude. No cussing, no cussing this whole season. I'm going to change it up. Changing it up with the cussing. So welcome back to Zane & Heath unfiltered. I'm Mariah. Welcome back to Zane & Heath unfiltered. I'm Zane.


Skinny Queen. I'm Eve. I'm Mariah. And Matt is still out of town, unfortunately.


Matt is out of town. He actually comes in late, late tonight. And because this episode It has to be edited and posted on the Patreon.


And up early for Patreon. If you haven't checked out our Patreon, make sure to do it. Patreon. Com/zaneandheath. You get early access to all these episodes. You get a bonus episode every month. You get live Q&A's every month. And it's all $5 a month. Or right now, we have a free trial. All you have to do is sign up, and then you can start your free trial, see if you like it.


And if you don't like it, it's just too much, too much goodness on the Patreon, then you make sure to cancel it before the seven days is up.


That's it, baby. It's been-One week since you looked.


I think it's been a good positive 2024.


I've been feeling really good this year.


Since we started, I've been watching a lot of different videos of people talking about how you need to go of all the negativity. Very, very cliché stuff. We hear it every year. Every year we hear, Let all that negative energy go. Just start a flood.


Breathe in the good, exhale the bad.


I never really listened to those people. When I watched stuff like that. It was never motivational for me. I'm just like, yeah, yeah, yeah. But this time I really just took it in because I feel like it was just important for me this time.


Do you think it's because you are ready for it and you're willing to accept good and put that behind?


I just think I just really need it for my mental health. Okay. I feel there's just so much going on up here. I think Mariah can attest to this. There's just a lot going on up here. I also watch a lot about people telling us that In the end of the day, nobody cares. Nobody cares about what you're doing or what videos you're posting. There's just so much stuff out there. Just post it or just do it. Do it. Just do it. Because in the end of the day, nobody gives a shit. No one's really thinking about you that much.


You're your own worst critic. Exactly.


I believe that. Mariah, you heard that? More sign on mom TikToks. I'll break it out. You know what I mean? We're all waiting for it. I'm sitting here refreshing your TikTok page. She was down in Florida. She was in Florida. Exactly, which is the perfect time for you to post some content, and we're not seeing it. I sound like a Stan. You sound like a crazy fan.


Come in.


But yeah, I just want to say that. Also, another great start to our year this year is we got some big news. We got sponsored by Accelerator, baby. Oh, again.


That we're waiting in the new year.


For the next six months, our favorite energy drink in In the entire world, it's a new year. If you're like me, you're looking to get into a nice fitness routine to start off the year 2024, baby. There's no better way to accelerate your fitness with our favorite zero sugar energy drink, Accelerator, baby. You know we've been drinking this juice for months. I don't even know when we started.


Tropical Punch is busting.


They got new flavors right now. They got Cherry Icepop and Tropical Punch. I haven't tried it yet because I wanted to try it for the first time on the podcast. Banging. They sent this to me a week ago, and I've been dying.


Oh, yeah, get the ASM. No, never mind. Oh, I'm sorry.


You like that? All right. Oh, sorry. I looked right up her eyes like, You like that? Cheers, baby.




All right, how was it?


This is unbelievable.


Okay. Cherry's my favorite flavor in it for anything, for any type of candy, drink. Yes. Yes. No, look, In the best way possible, I love when cherry is so close to cough medicine. Yeah.


My favorite is fake cherry and fake banana. Oh, my. Fake banana tastes nothing like bananas, but it is the best flavor in the world.


Wait, what do you mean?


No. Yes, it does. Banana runts taste nothing like bananas.


It's because it's banana runts. Runts don't taste like it.


No. Every single runt that is associated to their flavor tastes like that. Anything fake banana, it's a made up.


That's a horrible example of a banana-flaved candy.


I'm dead serious.


Maybe say like Laffy Taffy.


It doesn't taste like real bananas. Yeah, it does.


No. You know what you're eating, Keith? I think it's the smell of banana that you're eating instead of the taste. You know what I mean? Because it does smell like banana. If you open up a banana, it smells like it.


It'll smell like it. I think bananas are actually... Artificial banana flavor is based on the original banana that doesn't exist anymore. There's like a specific... Okay. Bananas aren't the same as what they used to be, and it's a different banana. Apparently, that's what it used to taste like.


Who told you this? Where'd you see this?


I could be making it up.


Something felt like you were just coming up with this shit on the spot. No, I'm serious.


I think I saw something on Food Network when my parents used to watch how it's made. Okay. And banana runs are the best runs, obviously.


That wasn't the argument.


It says it in the article. Bananas you eat today are not your great granny's bananas. Sounds sexual. If you bought bananas in the first half of the 20th century, it is likely you were buying the fatter, more flavorful cousin of the modern banana, the Gross Michael, a cultivable remember that was top banana in its day and comprised the vast majority of banana exports. Then along came the Panama disease, a fungus that has been the bane of banana growers since the 1800s. It wiped out the Gross Michael of the planet from the 1960s as the fungus decimated crops. A less popular, less flavorful variety, the Cavendish, was discovered to be resistant to the pathogen. Crops were quickly replaced with this new fruit.


I feel like I'm in school. Let's go. Let's finish it off.


It's not the same. This is a different banana.


Okay, so right now the banana flavor is not banana flavor right now.


It's what the original bananas were.


Before they became extinct.


Got it. Okay. You have it.


All right. Yeah.


All right. Look, I'll give it to you.


That's banana.


I love I got to eat a banana every day.


See, I got that shit stored up here from when I was 10 years old.


You like bananas?


No, just random information like that.


No, I'm not going to say, do you like bananas, though?


I hate them.


I love bananas.


Only banana flavor things. Banana flavors. Okay.


Like, start a banana smoothie.


Pretty good.


Very good. Not very good.


I lean more towards the strawberry.


I'm a big strawberry banana freak.


No, see, the banana throws me off. I don't think I like the textures of bananas. Yeah. And apparently, the original banana used to have big seeds in it.


Oh, yeah. Okay.


Type that Gross Michael thing, whatever that is. I don't even think I'm pronouncing it right. Damn. Yo, somebody on the black market has to be selling these old-school bananas. I would kill to try one of those. If it tastes like banana runts. Yeah, look at the inside. See how You know where those seeds are? Oh, wow.




Look at that.


Wow. Okay, we're looking at pictures of bananas right now that have giant seeds in them.


That's freaking me out.


I don't like that. Yeah, there's a reason why we don't eat those anymore.


I would like that.


But anyways, It's accelerated. Guys. Get it. There is no better way to accelerate your fitness than with our favorite energy drinks, baby. It's got zero sugar, sustained energy from natural caffeine, accelerates metabolism, and enhances focus. It's all available on Amazon. We got a link in our description below. Make sure to go get some and then post and tag us. Let us know how you like it. But yeah, another thing about the New... Did you guys watch a New Year's Ball at all? It's all we did.


We literally stayed at my parents house.


I remember it being on every year, for some reason, at a party or anything. It'll always be on the TV. This year... You didn't watch it. This is the first year that I didn't watch the New Year's Ball drop. But I did learn some things about everybody that goes to the ball dropping. Did you see that video? I was thinking about it. Of people wearing diapers, waiting there for about 16 hours. Yeah. For what?


And then you just soil yourself and sit in it because you can't take that off.


And they're proud, too. They're pulling out their diapers. Oh, I'm proud to be standing. What do you mean?


It's disgusting.


It felt so like hunger games to me. Oh, he's coming out, everybody. The peasant's all waiting for the-The king.


And we're the sorry people.


I just don't get it. And I'm sorry if I... It's just crazy to wait for a ball where you could... It's not like concert where you're next to the artist or you're an arm's reach from the artist. I understand. I get that. To them, it is. I get that.


The ball is up all year round. You could see the ball.


Is it really?


You could see it from a three-mile radius. The closure you get, it doesn't get any closer.


You could go to Times Square at any time of the year, and the ball's up there.


That's what I did not know that.


Soiling themselves. It's an iconic moment, but it's not worth it. It's embarrassing. My brother lives in Queens, which is right... It's a borough right outside the city. He had the best view. He went to the rooftop of his apartment complex, and he was able to hear and see all the commotion from his apartment, which was like- That would be fun.


It's cool to see the- Living in an apartment right there.


The camaraderie of everybody, the fireworks and people going crazy.


Seeing the people throwing their shit at each other down in the bottom. That'd be fun to watch. It's just not...


I don't think it's worth it.


And is it all people that live there or tourists?


I think it's both. People that live there, they get out of there.


Yeah, I feel like- I feel like if you live there, you don't go there. I don't see a local New Yorker being like, We got to get in there. No, you get out of there. I heard there's no food being handed, there's no alcohol, no water.


I would not want to start my New Year with a poopy-diapy. Yeah, and sober. Imagine all the people kissing on New Year's had just shit in their pants, and they're all on each other. I couldn't have a poopy-diapy and pick you up and give you a kiss for the New Year.


Okay, all right.


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Thank you Shopify for sponsoring today's episode. We love you. Cha-ching. Were you guys getting married again, Pennsylvania?


Or New Jersey.


Or New Jersey. I'm invited to that, right? Yeah, of course. Maybe. Okay. What do you guys do for New Year's?


Wait, real quick. Did you see them interviewing that one guy on the news who was talking about the whole fact that you have to go to the bathroom in your pants? And he's like, I'm prepared. And he pulled a panty liner. Yeah. But it was a panty liner, and all the comments were girls like, just wait. Use a maxi pad. Just wait until he realizes that shit ain't going to cut it. It's so funny.


Oh, God. What did you guys do for New Year's this year?


We literally just stayed at my parents house?


No, actually, it was pretty eventful. We saved a life.


Did we? You did?


Yeah, we did.


An animal. Oh, we did. That was on New Year's.


That was a few hours before the ball dropped. That's right. We were on the way back from dinner, and he's parents live in the middle of the mountains, so the middle of nowhere. So there's no streetlights, there's no houses. It's just all the way up the mountain, one street to their house. And we're driving up the mountain We're probably 15 minutes from the house. And there's a dog in the middle of the street limping, walking back and forth, and clearly not aware of cars and just walking around.


Looked terrified.


Mining his own business. Miss, continue.


Just leave it.


Don't tell me you scooped him up.


Probably drunk and having a good time.


It's New Year's. It's New Year's. Poor thing.


Oh, my God.


He's trying to get home. He's just stumbling.




Anyway, we took his keys. Our savior.


Pulled them over.


We made a citizens arrest on New Year's.


You need to leave animals alone.


They come to me.


I'm sure, Snow White.


You should have seen her try to get them to the car.


So all we had were granola bars because we were worried another car was going to come the other way. And like I said, there's no lights. It's pitch black in the mountain. So there were cars coming, but we were calling the dog towards the car. But this dog is like...




Almost 200 pounds.


What dog was it?


I'll show you.


The big fluffy one. It was a great Pyrenees.


Huge. Ginormous.




It was like... So big.


Zane, sopping wet.


Muddy, wet. Soaked. I felt bad. And it's freezing.


It was like-He didn't have a tag or anything?


No. So there was a collar, but no tag, and soaking wet, and it was like 20, 30 degrees out, cold. So I felt bad.


So I felt bad to me.


So we were giving him granola bars, and he's eating it. And then we're like, We got to take this dog because it's going to... It'll die. It's going to get hit, and that's going to be it. So We opened the truck door and I lift this dog into the car.


I don't know how you did it. It was like one of those mother super strength. You know what we talked about the mom's strength.


Zane, this dog was a lot heavier than me. A lot heavier. It was probably like... Lifted this dog up, threw him in the car.


It's funny she did it from the back end. I watched it happen. I was like...


We brought it to the house, but they have a dog, so they didn't want to...We don't know this dog.Just in case. It's on the deck at first, and we give it some hot meals, and it's eating like it hasn't eaten in days. Loved the food, wanted more, more, more. Water, food, put out a blanket. Long story short, the dog ended up in the house. We knew it was happening.


I thought you were about to say died. I was like, Oh, my God.


We knew it was happening. It was like an hour before the ball dropped, and now we have the strange dog in the house.


Just sitting there looking at us.


Just sitting looking at us. And she was so sweet.


Because it was abandoned, and we didn't know if the dog had been out for a week.


Get a better owner. Don't lose track of your dog. I don't know.


I'm just saying she ran away for a reason. That's true. Yeah.


So then Happy New Year.


Do your parents have a new dog?


No. Well, they were anticipating having a new dog, but we posted it online on Facebook.


Yeah. My mom's like, There's a Facebook page for people in this neighborhood. Oh, really? I was like, I don't think somebody's going to see it. Because they live in... Well, I guess if you live in a town of 300 people, they're probably- Facebook is popping off in middle America. Like the older community?


Oh, yeah. It's like they discover TikTok. I was just discovering TikTok. It's like their Facebook, for sure.


So we posted pictures, and then the dog slept over. It was a great night into the new year, surviving. And then 8:00 AM the next morning, there was a call, and it was this guy's dog, and he was like, Her name's Ruby. So we went over. We tested it. Yeah, we tested it. Responded to Ruby.


It looked.


And then he came to pick her up. She didn't seem crazy to see Yeah.


Well, she's probably old, right?


Like seven months old.


May. She was born Mother's Day. She was a baby.


So the dog run away from the...


So I guess he said that she ran from the fireworks, which also doesn't make sense because she started running during the day because it wasn't New Year's yet.




So he said the fireworks scared her, ran off.


How far was his house?


Far. Zane. Miles. It It was miles and miles.


No way. In a mountain.


And I felt now knowing she's a baby and she was soaking wet, we thought... So going up the mountain, there's just guardrails on the side. We thought maybe she hopped over the guardrail, fell into a river.


Because there's a creek that runs along She was probably terrified.


She was probably so scared, yeah. And she was limping, but she ended up loving us. She did not want to leave us. We were feeding her. We were treating her like a dog. It turns out she's a working dog, so she herds animals and stuff like that. So she sleeps outside, and it's just sad.


No, the owner deserves the guillotine.


Oh, he also went to pick her up, and she, pity, walked over to him. Yeah, I would, too.


But if I just ran three miles.


But then Zane, she started running away from him.


She took off. Okay, good. He's running after her again. Come on, Ruby. Good girl. No, this is my dog.


And now we're all questioning, is this really your dog? I would have followed. Because they're expensive dogs, I guess, right?


Yeah, it's a nice dog.


Yeah, she didn't seem too thrilled to see him, so I feel bad. Ruby, if you're out there.


We love you, Ruby.


She was so big.


Big ass dog.


Did she smell really dirty?


Yeah, she stuck. She's just wet.




So we saved the life, New Year's. No biggie. It's really cute. What else is new?


For my New Year's, My mom and little sister came into town for a few days. I actually went there for Christmas, and we... Wait, hold on. Did we record... After Christmas, we did.


Remember, you guys came... Or he came up for a day.


Yeah, because I flew back.


My mom and little sister were here. Yeah, your sister was on the unwind. Dude, I'm getting my whole week. It's crazy. Why don't we feel like the last time we recorded, my mom and little sister weren't here? Yeah. Madison was on the unwind.


She did the unwind.




Wow. Yeah.


Something's going on. Something's happening. I need to get a full brain scan. I swear to God, I need a full brain scan. Something's happening in here. It ain't good.


I think there's tests that you could do.


It Well, that full body life scan, whatever it's called, now everybody's posting that anybody can just do it.


Yeah. The chiropractor, I forgot his name, Dr. Thierry, he was telling me that I should get a brain scan with him. I just never did it. I think he even saw it, too. He took five seconds to crack my back. He was like, We should scan your brain.


Not a part of his job at all. We should set up a brain scan.


I didn't ask.


Oh, man. Me and my mom, my little sister, we went to just a karaoke bar down the street with Todd and Danielle. We didn't go to any big New Year's Eve parties. We didn't go to any big house parties, nothing like that. We just went to this karaoke bar and we just had a good time. It did not feel like New Year's at all because we go to the bar when there's, obviously, nothing else happening.


Did anybody sing Princes 1999?


Can you sing it for me?


We're going to party like it's They say, 2000, zero, zero, party over,.


No, it was just the normal... You know the typical karaoke songs, the Sweet Caroline and the Disney songs? A lot of Disney songs now. People love the Disney songs in karaoke now.


It's a little quirky.


It is, but I see why people like to sing it.


It gets the people going.


It feels just enchanting. I don't know. I get it. I personally wouldn't sing it, but I get it. Yeah, Me, I'd go more like straight for M&M.


There's only one Disney song that you could do at a karaoke that I would fully stand behind, and that's Mulan.


We are the... We are mad...


You must be That goes hard.


That whole movie was incredible. Did they ever make a live-action remake for that? They did. For that bit? They did. I've never seen that. Good. You've never seen the... What other animated movies have you I've not seen that. It's weird that you haven't seen yet.


Probably all the Disney ones.


That's why there's something off. I knew there was something off. I know I've seen...


I know I looked at the TV when Lion King was on, but I don't know what it's about. And I know the Tarzan songs that I really like.


Okay, but you've never seen Tarzan?


I think I have, but I think I'm confusing Tarzan and George the Jungle.


Same thing. Oh, cool. No, it's not.


Georgia the Jungle. Georgia the Jungle wasn't even a live-action of...


George of the Jungle was real.


Was just its own world.


We had George the Jungle on VHS, and I love.


That was a good movie. That's the one with one of my favorite- Don't remember it, but I love it.No, I'm talking about the love interest. What's her name?




What's her name? Judd Abitaw's wife.




G-u-d-d? Yeah. What's his wife's name?


I love how you said G, but put J correctly.


Apa. Oh, God.


No, you had it right. J-u-d-d.


J-u-d-d. Leslie Mayne.


You like her? I love her. I've seen her.


I talk about all the time. I want my wife to be just like that. Her personality, her character, she's a great actress.


Manifest it.


I will.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, Better Help.


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But yeah, that's all we did. And that was it. I didn't drink too much. I drank a little bit. I did. How did it feel? I broke. It was fine. I drank a decent amount. Not like Zane 2021, New Year's Eve, but I definitely enjoyed my night. I woke up next day. I was a little hungover, but I stuck to my diet next day, and then I felt fine by the night. And then I got right back into it. I was really worried about this week, this weekend. I was like, it's going to send me back two weeks. I only have two weeks left, but I'm fine. Good.


You got this. Your body bounces back quick.


That was it. Then my mom was crying so much this morning when she left.


Was she?


Yeah. It wasn't because of me. It was really windy outside, and she thought she was going to-Eyes were watering, pretty dry. Yeah. No, she was crying. I was like, Mom, no.


Because she was scared for turbulence?


Because it was so windy today.


Oh, that's funny.


It was so windy today, and she was like, Honey, I really don't want to fly today. And I was like, You'll be fine. And she was fine. No turbulence. Nice. It's weird. When it's really windy here, I swear, the plane just goes right through that wind, and then you're fine by the time you're over the clock.


Yeah, you just got to get up over it. Yeah.


Talk about the guy that was supposed to be on our flight.


I have the video. Supposed to be? What do you mean?


He was not allowed to make it on.


You saw a guy get escorted off?


We saw a guy fight with cops before we got onto our flight. We were boarding. Well, we saw this guy doing laps around us as we're in the waiting area, and we kept looking at him, and then all of a sudden, everybody started looking at him. He was all over the place. On the phone with a rolling luggage, but the half-size one that a pilot would use. You know the little one. I was like, That's our pilot. But he's rolling it around. He's on the phone. Do Do you remember Tekken?


Yes. One of my favorite video games.


Do you remember the way the old guy would move and he would be like this?


The drunk guy? Yes.


I don't remember his name, but he looked like that and he would catch himself before falling, and then he'd be back this way. It was Zane all over the place, and he's talking on the phone. I'm like, there's no way he's even on the phone with somebody because he is just...


The way he was talking, Keith was like, he's... What's the word? Tweeking.


He's tweaking. It was, I don't know. He's tweaking.


He was tweaking.


Because I was like, oh, this guy's drunk. And he was like, no, I think he's on something because he was so all over the place talking to so many people on the phone.


Remind me of that one lady. Were you next to me? I remember when we were just like, oh, the lady that was just tweaken and she was talking about her ex-husband.


Oh, no, she was just a crazy lady. Oh, okay. This guy was bizarre.


Oh, you got this on camera? Of course, baby. On candid camera. All right. Very good, guys.


I had to do 0.5 because I didn't want to fully film, so it's hard to see.


I need the visual. Thank you.


People then just formed the circle waiting to get on the plane, waiting to board. And he was just standing in the circle, pacing back and forth on the phone, on the phone, on the phone. This is what we see where the cops showed up. Hold on.


Yeah, I don't think so.


This is probably his calmest. He was going back and forth across the entire thing before this.


I'm sorry. Girl, where's your Zoom?


Zoom. She didn't want to point it towards him, so she did point it down with 0.5. But now at this point, cops start coming back and forth watching him.


So somebody obviously called, or you think somebody working there saw that?


I think the front desk person called. Isn't it crazy? Because he was obviously trying to get on her plane, and the cop showed up, and they were so calm. They stuck in that position, this one, where they're holding on to their invisible backpack. And they're standing there and they're just so calm. They're like, All right, how much have you had to drink tonight? And he pointed right to his nose and went, One beer.


In his face, aggressively.


The cop didn't even flinch. He was like, Right. And they were screaming, and he was like, I can't wait to get back to a liberal state.


It's crazy how people People just don't care if they're on a no-fly list. How do you go into an airport and just-He's not going to be in a no-fly.


It's crazy.


I don't think he knew he was at the airport. The conversations were not making sense.


You know how hard your life would be if you're just on a no-fly list? That would suck.


I would feel like that's the way of feeling a ref would get giving somebody a red card would be the same as somebody at TSA giving out a No fly card. I would raise it up as soon as somebody starts mouthing off, get them out.


He was manic.


Was this LAX or was this Tennessee? That was in Dallas.






Great airport.


Oh, yeah. I think all airports in Texas, I think, are amazing.


All the designer stores. I was like, I'm not going to freaking go shopping.


I'm not going to freaking get an apartment here.


I'm going to get an apartment. I'm going to pay rent.


Oh, speaking of mall, did you see what's going on in Florida a couple of days ago?


Someone got mauled.


Face ripped off. Ripped off. Bath salt.


Oh, no.


Not again.


What happened? In Florida, Miami? Yes. Of course.


So everybody was posting about it, but nobody's really talking about it. Nobody knows the actual the whole story. Okay. But people were recording from their balconies, and there is 60 cop cars rolled up along the street, and they were blaming it on some issue with kids. People are like, this doesn't make any sense because 60 cop cars is absolutely absurd.


Yeah, it's a lot. It's almost like the President is-Look at the streets completely lined with cop cars.


That's going to be every cop in Miami.


Where is that exactly?


It was like an outdoor shopping mall. I forget the name of it. Jordan, do you remember what the mall was called?


Bayeside. Yeah, that looks like there's about 10 active shooters in the mall. That's an insane shot.


There was even a response like this for an active shooter, but they were it was like a scuffle with kids. Then people started coming out that were in this area saying that they saw 10-foot giants. There was a whole bunch of weird... Wait, what? People were like, No, something is super suspicious about this whole thing. They kept saying people were seeing giant aliens, and that's why this response was so extreme.


Oh, my. Wait, can we see a-There's no news footage.


Apparently, the kids were shooting off fireworks.


What? So It went from fireworks to-I don't know.


It's just really funny that people are coming out saying that they saw giants.


And that's all we got?


Yeah. There's not much about it, which is so weird.


I just need to know why there were 60 cops.


Oh, my gosh.


That's crazy. That's a real picture that somebody took outside of the mall.


That's annoying. What was it?


Apparently, it's kids with fireworks.


In our hometown?


I don't know. It's a crazy response.


And Is there any footage of somebody that was there? Not that I've seen. No.


They're taking it off the internet.


Thanks for fucking teasing me.


I know.


I appreciate it.


I'm really rooting for giant aliens.


You want that to happen so bad. You just want some outer, just forced to just come down and shake it.


It shake shit up. Shake it up. Last time I said that COVID happens.


Did you hear about the new law that they're putting in place in California? A a cop when they stop you, they are not the first... You know the first thing a cop tells you when you get stopped?


Like the first question. Do you know why I pulled you over? Yeah.


They're not allowed to ask that question as the first thing to ask you when they stop you.


It's also pretty stupid.


It's pretty crazy. People are saying, Well, yeah, why would you answer that? But I think-What are they?


They're trying to get you to admit to something? Exactly.


It's almost like-Entrapment? Yeah. It's always been a funny question because it's like you're already treating the as a five-year-old. Do you know what? Yeah. As not a respectable citizen of the-It's either I say yes and admit to a crime, or I say no, and you're going to tell me anyway, so let's just cut this in. Speed it up here. Yeah, or they're just leaving it open for a lie or for you to say something other than why they actually pulled you over. But yeah, I thought it was really interesting, and I do like that they're not allowed to say that.


Now I want to get pulled over to see if they-And record it. It's almost-Lassue gets some money. I wonder if they could get in trouble if they say that.


Yeah, you should probably find, right?


That's got to be hard to be a cop and adapt to new laws when you're so used to something. It's almost like you're on autopilot and you're just saying things. You can get in trouble for this?


It's like, if they do it, like Chick-fil-A, if they don't say my pleasure, you get a free meal.


Is that how it is?


I think they have to, right?


By law.


No, that's a myth. I feel like that's been something- Or Derry Queen has to. Wait, no, they don't do that anymore, though.


No, Derry Queen, if they don't serve it to you upside down, you get it for free. But do you really want to be that guy that's like, Ah, ah, ah?


But why even come up with a rule like that? You're just leaving so much possibility just to have fuck-ups everywhere. Imagine all the locations, just one day that she just wasn't the coldest. I did see something else that they Well, they just unbanned in California.


What did they call it? It's like cruising. California unbanned cruising.


Yeah, I saw that with old cars.


Yeah. What do you mean cruising?


Prohibiting low rider bans and anti-cruising ordinances across California. So people that have low rider cars and just old cars, apparently, they weren't allowed to go on cruises, just up and down the street, just like that lifestyle of being like, what?


That makes no sense.


Yeah, like a low rider community.


They do it a lot in Whittier, California. They have really cool ones.


They just did that now?


They just made this-Unbanded.


They unbanded. Oh, okay. Oh, Mariah. You edited the last episode. I was like, did I tell you I was going to quit biting my nails for New Year's? But you saw it already.


How's it going?


Not good. I chewed off a lot of my middle finger today, but I was going to buy the... A lot of people suggested a certain brand in the comments. I was going to get that. That was going to be the first thing I started was the nail biting. The no vaping, I was going to start after my journey is on my fitness. It's over. Nice. But I wanted to start with the nails. This will be crazy to me. Seeing my nails fully grown. I just don't think it's ever going to grow fully in again.


They'll come back.


I don't think so, Keith, because it's been so long since I've been biting them. I I think when they do finally, if I do let them grow for the next two years, I think it's going to just have this permanent shape.


You know what? My grandpa, he has something. It's his middle finger. He calls it the claw.


I'm going to have 10 claws.


It terrorized me when I was a child. He would be like, It's the claw. It's going to get you. But when he was younger, something happened and he split his nail in half.


That's really weird.


Something hit it and it split the nail down the middle. For his entire life, it's never healed back into one nail. He has two nails with the split.


Oh, down the middle.I don't know.


I don't know how that happens because usually it grows from the base. But something happened where it's two nails with a cut down the middle of it.


Kind of sick.


It's like a clot. It's pretty cool.


I thought you were saying the top of his finger got chopped because it's weird because my stepdad's finger also got chopped.


Oh, his got chopped?


Yeah, it was from the... I think he was saying it was the bike, the the workout bike. Oh, what? I think it was that. I remember him saying how it happened. Like a Peloton? Yeah, it was something like that where it just... It chopped his finger off, so now he has... Pretty much his finger looks like all my fingers. It looks like all my fingers. But yeah, I thought that's what you're about to say. I was like, That's really weird.


Have you seen those saws that'll stop sawing if it touches your finger?




They test it out with hot dogs and stuff.


It'll stop So it's sawing? Yes. You're talking about the electric saw?


Yes, like a full-blown skill saw. It has a sensor in it where if it touches meat, I don't know how it works, but it immediately sucks the saw into the base of it.


But it still cuts you.


It's so crazy. I don't know how you have this technology where it would know and be able to stop it that quickly.




Isn't that crazy?


There's no way. Wow.




How do you know if it detects a finger, though? Maybe just hot dogs.


Yeah, right?


And the consequence is not bad.


No, it's not.


It's not bad at all. It was just like a little freaking...


It only works for hot dogs.


I mean, they have to try an actual finger for this to work. Right, that's what I'm saying. And not only one finger, many fingers. Yeah. Yeah. We need real tests in order. You can't expect people to buy this.


You can't put that out and claim that unless you've run your finger into it.


Exactly. This guy, whoever is the founder, I need to see a full video of him putting his finger.


Would you do it for 500,000 to test it? Me? Yeah. No.


No way.


That's crazy.


Things invented in Los Angeles.


Eggs invented in Los Angeles.


We should come up with a new sandwich, right?


Try different-Did I really just guess that?


Yeah. Put different shit together in a sandwich. It'd be completely original.


There's got to be a new peanut butter and jelly out there that hasn't been invented yet. That's going to blow people's mind and become a staple in every kid's- It has to.


Blt is a little off. They're amazing, but who thought of- I can't get behind a BLT. Really?


I like BLT. It's missing the main part of it.


Yeah. It's just more than bacon. It can't be just a bacon sandwich. That's a topping.


It's like bones, no guts.


Exactly. I love BLT. A bacon is a topping. It's a seasonal.


But who thought of that?


Yeah, it's an accessory to the sandwich.


You got to think of a sandwich like that with a nickname. Blt is cool.


Like a club sandwich. Bbl. Great sandwich.


Great name.


Club sandwich is the turkey ham, lettuce, tomato?


With three levels of bread. What? With bacon, lettuce, tomato, turkey, B. Some people put ham.


The club has a bread in the middle?


Yeah, it's a three-tier.


I never understood the triple bread. I never understood that. Never understood that. It doesn't eat it.


It's a little excessive.


It just doesn't eat it.


It's like a Burger King Wapper.


Yeah, I just don't get it.


It's like a buy one, get one 50% off.


Do people think that they're getting like a- You get a sandwich and a half? Just a double burger?


Zane would come up with this. Ham, cheese, Oreo.


Oh, my God. The thing is that the Oreo would really overpower everything else. But why do I feel like it would taste good? I wouldn't mind it. If I had to eat, I wouldn't mind it.


I definitely wouldn't mind it. I don't mind. As long as I like each individual ingredient, I don't mind it being together.


Really? Yeah.


I still stand by peanut butter, pickle, hot fried cream cheese.


Yuck. Have you ever had ketchup and rice?


No way. No, you don't.


Well, it's a Middle Eastern delight.


K ketchup on white rice? Yeah.


All my herbs out there, if you're listening, you know exactly what I'm talking about, ketchup and rice.


I thought he said, All my herbs.


All my herbs.


Yeah, shout out my herbs.


K ketchup on mac and cheese, though. Jail. Death.


Yeah, that's wrong. Death. I knew a kid who used to put mustard on his corn. I don't know if he just yellow with yellow. I don't know if that's where his brain went.


I guess it wouldn't be that weird.


Mustard with corn.


Actually, it wouldn't be that weird. I don't like mustard at all, but I feel like that could go pretty well together. Like, roasted corn? Oh, yeah. You just grill it. Again, I don't like corn or mustard, but it sounds like something that would be good.


There's not a condiment I don't like.


Any sauce.


Unless it's like a fish thing, but besides that.


Tartar sauce?


Any sauce, sure.


You like... What's that? Horses radish?


Horses, DOV ears?


It has an H in it. Horseshire?




That's that one, whatever. You like that?


I don't... You cook with it, though. You put into things. It's not like an A1. I love A1 steak sauce.


I haven't had A1 in.


I wish I like barbecue sauce, steaky, steak, saucy type. I wish. I love sauce. It looks so good.


You know what I used to do? You know what I used to do? A1 on burgers.


Yeah, me too. We loved A1 in our house. But isn't that frowned upon A1?


If you put A1 on steak, it's like...


I love it.


Oh, yummy. You're ruining the steak.


It's like a, why would you do that type thing? Especially at a restaurant. It's like a-I hate-Wrapping a Lamborghini.


I hate the rules with food. Eat it how you like. I'm just saying that because I like my steak burnt.


Burnt with sauce on it. Yeah. It's like a disrespectful thing, I guess, to a chef. If you're ordering a nice steak, you're basically saying, I don't like the way it tastes. I'm going to put it in sauce. It's big with sushi. Sushi.


Sushi, I guess. Sushi is like, it's prepared- To use soy sauce.


I never really like soy sauce with my sushi.


I really like to enjoy the sushi on its own. For some reason, I think it's the best way to eat sushi. Unless it's like that Yum Yum sauce. All the Benihana sauces. I just want to pour it like this on my body. Oh, my God.


That's what you should do for the final shoot.Yum Yum sauce.Yum.


Yum sauce.


A Benihana shoot?


On the table.


He's cooking for the friends for Zela.


You guys cooking all the fat that I lost?


Oh my Gosh, that's really good.


You know what you should do for the amount of pounds of fat you lost? You should get those fake rubber, like one pound fat.


And visually see what you lost.


So you can visually put that on a table next to you. You know what I mean?


Yeah. That'd be pretty cool. Like a mold of it.


If you lost 30 pounds of fat, have 30 of those sitting next to you.


You know the-Oh, that with mustard?


You know the molding of my body, of my old body that I just have? Yeah. I should do one of the fat that I lost.


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Did you see the video of the guy in court that attacked the judge?


Bro, I thought it was fake. I was like, There's no way. Mariah, did you see it? There's no way.


I did see it. Where the hell were the court officers?


He flew.


How do you allow that to happen?


I don't understand how he even got there. How Did he reach to her, just to her area in general?


I don't. That took a long time for him to get there. How did nobody grab him?


The amount of time that he was beating on the judge before they could get him off is absurd to me.


Because that wasn't a court officer that first grabbed him, right?


It lasted so long.


And apparently, he was verbally saying things to her before he even attacked, so that should have been the red flag.


That is- The only thing I saw was that clip. But what was he being charged for? I want to see what she was saying right before this happened.


What he did and what the penalty was? Yeah, I just- To be able to act like this.


Imagine he got 72 hours of community service. Nine misdemeanors, multiple DVs. Got a lot going on, sir.


Redden saying he was working to his life around, but Judge Holdis denying his request for probation.


I appreciate that, but I think it's time that he gets a taste of something else because I just can't with that history. In accordance with the laws that stated out, this court-Oh,.


Redden then leaping over the bench, landing on top of the judge, and brawling with court officers and attorneys. Minutes later, Judge Holdsis standing up.


That's terrible. So scary.




Imagine what he would do to Judge Judy.


I would personally Finally, go find him if he attacked Judge Judy. Yeah.


That is... Oh, he's done.


Yeah, that's bad. What the hell was that?


I think I watched probably 50 episodes of Judge Judy while I was at my parents.


She's so good.


She's so smooth. I love her. She's the best.


She doesn't do big cases. Hers is very- Small claims. Very, very small claims.


She's retired. She's got to be retired.


I think she still does it.


Why doesn't she do bigger cases, or is it because she's just seen as just a personality more?


It's just crazy to me.


She's 81.


She looks great for 80.


Yeah, she does.


She's hot.


Okay, easy.


I would take her to pound down. I'm not going to lie.


She's going to take you to court It take me a course.


Book me.


2021, she retired.


Oh, she did. She could put me in fluffy handcuffs.


After 25 years.


She's so good because she's so fair and she's so funny.


Basically, I think the way it works for her show, her show flies those people out and pays for everything. Oh, that's nice. In order for it to be on TV.


I'd commit some crimes to get in that room.


I think so whatever the decision is, she pays for from the show. If the person owe somebody $1,000 at the end of whatever the decision is, I think her show covers that for them coming on.


Do they know that?Yeah. Oh, so So the fact that they both know that already, I feel like it loses the authenticity of the case.


No? No, because you're still... It's an actual trial.


No, I understand that. But if their charges are being covered, why even stress in the courtroom? You know what I mean?


Because if you feel like you were wronged and somebody owes you $1,500, $3,000, and you don't win, you still are technically losing.


But The other person isn't losing.


If I owed you $3,000 and I made the mistake and Judge Judy covers it and pays you, I'm not out of my pocket. But you would still want to win the case for your own sake of like-Interesting.


That's so interesting. Yeah. How every person on that show that's on trial is just like-I'm pretty sure she pays for everything. Do you think people purposely try to cause something to happen to get on her show?


I don't think so because it's all like-They're tiny cases.


But she just she goes and searches for them. It has to be in the city that it's happening in, right?


No, they're all over the United States.


Oh, okay.


And they fly out to do the show.


I thought when it comes to that stuff, it has to be in the city for it to be like...


Have you seen like...


I might be here for Halloween.


Type in Judge Judy Networth. You don't understand how wealthy she is.


Oh, no, I know. I've seen it before. I think we talked about it.


$440 million.


I'm so happy for her.


I'd be smacking that gavel for the rest of my life. 440 mil.


Imagine how horrifying it would be if she was your mother, the way she interrogates these people. If you're lying, if you're like, Dude, she is so in your face, aggressive with it. Imagine her just drilling you every time you got home.


Imagine her and Dr. Phil had a show.


Both of them? Yeah.


I'm not crazy about Dr.


Phil. No, I'm Not either, but I just feel like those are two personalities on a show doing things. Imagine just watching that.


We watched Judge Caprio. He's the one, I think, Rhode Island.


He's like the older Italian guy.


He's got cancer right now. We watched him a few times. Well, there's this Judge, Frank Caprio. He's cancer right now. He's really good. A lot of his clips go viral on TikTok, but there was a trial of a guy who was explaining I think he got a speeding ticket or something, but they ended up talking. He likes to dig into people's lives and how they grew up, what's going on in their life. He just likes to have a personal connection with people. So this guy ended up saying that there was a movie called The Town with... What's his name?


Mark Wallberg? Or no.


Ben Affleck.


Ben Affleck, yeah. The guy who got the speeding ticket, that movie was about him.


He just got out of prison for 37 years for the bank robberies in We saw that clip and we watched the movie this past week, and it was-Such a good movie.


You've never seen the town before? No. Oh, shit. Yeah, it's a great movie.


It's cooler seeing the real person that it's about. It's got to be one of my favorite movies right now. So good. We watched that. I recommend The Town.


I think it's called Town. But yeah, for Frank Caprio, his show is pretty cool, too, because people will donate, and the judge will use those donations for people that he feels need a second chance. He was basically had speeding tickets or whatever that the guy couldn't pay for. He'll go, I believe you. I know you're trying your best to get back on your feet, be a better person. I know you can't afford this right now. We have people that donate that I want to use towards this. Oh, nice. He'll say, So and so donated $150 and wanted me to put it towards somebody that I believe in and I want to help out. I love that. So he...


So he's the donation. Cool.


I mean, not cool that this guy, Rob Banks and shit.


You know what?


It's nice. He's turning his life around and paid for his $150 ticket.


I think that would be the most exhilarating thing in the world.


A movie made about you after you're Robin a bank.


No, robbing a bank.


But then they made a movie about it.


Yeah. What? Oh, I'd watch that shit every night. I'd be like, That's me, this is me living here.


Yeah, right? And then you get to watch it with all your friends in prison. What?


What? Imagine that feeling of robbing- And then Ben Affleck paid you.




Come on. I'd be like, run me my check. Where's my money? I just gave you a movie that made millions of money. I'm the hero. Crazy. Do you think you could pull it off?


A bank robbery? I'd be so bad at it.


Imagine that feeling of your heart just like, here we go, here we go.


The feeling would be exhilarating. Absolutely. That feeling, I want that feeling every day.


I wish I could Can he be in that role and not have to experience the aftermath. Imagine you could go in rob a bank and know that...


Obviously, you're not going to- Nothing will happen to you, but this is just a... It's a simulation. Yes. Absolutely, yeah. But I don't want you to tell me it's a simulation. I just want it to happen. Yeah. And then it's like a prank in the end. You're on a show.


You either get away with it or you get caught, but you know you're not going to do the time. Does that make sense? Yeah.


Because Robin Banks seems so far fetched. It seems like it only happens in the movies. That's not a very practical crime.


It's crazy how pop... I feel like I could have got away with it back in the Western times.


Did Bonnie and Clyde do Banks?


I believe so.


Bunny and Clyde.


But that could have been us.


All right, check me out.


They were bad people, though.


Check me out.


This guy's a good person. He just wanted a little bit. He just wanted it.


Imagine this scene, right? Imagine Me and you are playing a prank. We're pranking Mariah, right? We have this whole production crew. We have it all set up, right? There's this bank out. We're driving far out, like three hours to go somewhere, and we're like, Hey, Mariah, can you stop the bankroll car? I need to pull out cash. But it's just the fake bank. There's fake people going in, fake people coming in. Extras. Everyone is actors. And imagine we both are in there, and she's just waiting for us out in the car, and then we just run out with duffle bags of money, cash, just flying everywhere. We get in a car, Drive, drive. And then now, imagine that feeling that she would feel, but it's all fake. And she's driving. You have to switch seats because she can't drive. And then she's just in the passenger. She's just like...


I felt it. I saw us running out. Now, everybody does that.


It sucks that we know, but imagine it's exhilarating. Well, maybe flip it to you. You're the one that we're pranking, right? But That feeling. Imagine being able to feel that. Then in the end, it's like a show. It's a prank.


It would be there was that one show that did a really good job with their pranks.Not.


Punked.lance to 10?


That's him. But I feel like that would be something good on there to do that, just to get that reaction. I'm so curious, though. I want to know if I could do it.


There's no way. Come on. Actually, like Robin Bank, if you can get away with it. There's no way. I don't think you could. It's much tougher than you think. It's not in your blood. And also movies are-Yeah, they just make it look so fun.


I want to go in- You have to have a psychological issue. I want a laser cut of vault door. I want to fucking be there.


Rob a bank like Daniel Craig or Tom Cruise.


I want to do the super spy way.


Like now you see me. Yeah.


Okay. All right. See, that's a different story. In my head, The traditional go in, hands up in the air, put all the money in the bag, and then escape. No, I want it to be.


I want to be super stealthy with it. I want to track somebody for months and get pictures of their eyeballs and get contacts made with the same exact- While your buddies are in the van, they have all this tech shit around them.


They're like, All right, walk in right now, head to your right.


I want that. I want to drive an RC car through the AC ducts, blow a hole on top of it, enter from...


I think I think the three of us can make a really good team. I think we all have something specific that we can offer in this. We couldn't do it on our own. But when you have a team like this, I'm thinking of us like Oceans 3. This could work if we wanted.


Jordan is like the mule.


You know what I mean? Yeah. He's like the one that we're like, he's the front facing man. No one's going to question Jordan. Right.


Like, he walks in first. The distraction.




Mariah is in the car with headset. She's got X-ray on the building.


But we're forgetting one person. Matt would not be good in this. So I'm taking Matt out of this.


Matt's calling the cops. Yeah, they're coming in. Yeah.


I told him not to do it. He wouldn't work for this team. He would get us caught easily. One person that I think would do really well with us is we need someone with just balls, right? In the end of the day, who's willing to get right in the middle of it. I think we have you, but someone who doesn't really care about it.


I'm not crazy enough. Yeah. Todd, shotgun, butt to the head.


I'm more technical, like behind the... Kind of like setting up, organizing, Organized crime. Isn't it fun?




Scheduling. What's our call time when we hit in the bank?


Zane, you're late. I thought it was tomorrow.


They should have an escape room, but instead of escaping, you're robbing. So they let you do all those little things that you just said.


Good. The opposite of an escape room, like an enter room. You got to break into a home.


That's a good idea. I don't know why they don't make shit like that. But do you think that's encouraging people to...


Where you got to pick a lock to get into the house.


Is it encouraging, though, like breaking in and robbing people? Escape room is good because escape rooms help you get out.


You're put in a bad situation.


You're put in a bad situation, exactly.


I guess you could apply the same principles, but in reverse.


I guess. Yeah, or you have to save somebody from inside.


Yeah, you could spin it in a positive way.


You're stealing the money to feed your kids.


There's a hostage situation inside of a house, and you got to break in to get the hostage. Oh, I would do that.


I could do that.


Yeah? Yeah.


Yeah, easy.


You could save the hostage? Yeah.


Hostage rescued. Mom, someone's at the door.


We don't deserve this channel. We don't.


We don't deserve this. I'm glad we did it, though. I really liked this episode a lot. Oh, yeah?


Yeah. That's good.


Oh, interesting.


Oh, nobody else? Oh, Now, looking back at it, we talked about banana flavors. That was it. I had fun.


Sometimes I feel like this is our first podcast. Really? I loved it. No, it's good. No, no. It's It's fine. Every artist has flop albums. I was just watching TikToker talk about this. Every artist has their flop albums. It's okay. Not every episode has to be perfect.


It really doesn't. We're in our flop era.


Yeah, it's fine.


Maybe it's an artist that thinks they put out a banger and it doesn't do well. Maybe that's what I feel about this episode.


You know what? It's easier for us because it's just an episode. I like it. It's not a whole album that we're working on. It's different. It's different. Yeah. There's not much pressure. In the end of the day, we're just turning on a just posting. Who cares?


All right, enough with the inspirational video.


Yeah, right. Is this going on Patreon?


All right, let's close it out. All right, guys. Thank you so much for watching. We love you. Oh, yeah, the Patreon. We also do Unwind, so Keep these cameras rolling. Keep hanging out so you get an extended cut of this.


We got bonus episodes. We got high and drawing episodes.


All of it. Patreon. Com says they're in heat.


As always, make sure to buy the best coffee in the world. Cromota at chromota. Com. We got so many flavors out. We got Blueberry Pancake. Oh, also chocolate chips. It's one of our new flavors. It's not new, sorry, it's been now, but it's one of our latest flavors.


We also have Canned Coal Brew, which is unbelievable. Again, chromota. Com to check that out.


And of course, you could check out these episodes every Monday if you want to listen to the audio form of these podcasts. If you're on your way to work, you're working out, doing anything active, we post on podcast platforms. And then on Tuesdays, we post a video form of these episodes on our YouTube channel, youtube. Com/zaneandheath, where you could watch and listen at the same time.


All right. Well, we love you guys, and we will see you soon on wine. Bye.


Peace and blessings, you all.