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Before we start the episode, we want to let you know that there is a new Pretty Ex unfiltered episode out right now. If you haven't watched it, we get into some a little bit of legal trouble. It gets a little crazy. It's out right now. If you guys want to go watch it. We also have four other episodes you guys can watch, and it's all out right now at youtube. Com/prettyx unfiltered. Make sure to check it out. It's a new show that we came up with Alicia and Remy. It is awesome. It is fun. It's different. Everybody's been loving it, and I know you will, too, If you haven't checked it out, make sure to click the link in our description box below to check out the episode and let us know how you like it.


Critics are raving two thumbs up.


Critics are giving it a five star.


So make sure to go check it out, and we love you guys for supporting us.


It's so funny when we're about to record, instead of just shaving my whole neck because it takes a long time to get everything, I just line it up. So I'll trim just right under my beard. I don't know if you notice, but you see the line clear, but there's still hair under it. It's clean right under my beard. I do that all the time when I'm too lazy to do my whole neck.


What is the proper area to where you need to stop shaving under your neck?


I think everyone's different depending on where your neck ends. Some people have a bigger gobble.


You mean where you trim the beard line?


Yeah, where does the beard line supposed to start?


It's supposed to do one finger above your Adam's apple.


Oh, did not know that.


The Adam's apple is right there. It's the That's the hard thing that comes out.


So put your finger above that.


Oh, so I'm definitely higher than that.


Look. Yeah, you're rocking a chin strap right now.


Oh, so is that not good?


It's a different style beard.


It's just a chin strap.


The Adam's apple.


That doesn't sound good.


The Adam's apple is such a funny just phenomenon we have with our bodies. You grow. Obviously, our voice changes.


I've been growing mine for a while.


Your Adam's apple continues to grow.


I do Adam's apple workouts.


Can you move yours?


Can you show us some of those workouts?


But we as boys, when our voice changes, does that mean our Adam's apple has formed, or do we not have Adam's apples pre-puberty? I don't know. I don't know if that's a thing that just grows.


I don't think you see Adam's apples on little boys. Yeah, I guess you do. I feel like you'd really notice it if they had them.


This is freaky. We have this thing in our throat that just grows out and makes this more resonant voice box.


We should do Adam's apple party like Stas with her, like a LASIK surgery. It's just boys, whenever you see Adam's apple, you just throw a giant party.


Some people got some crazy... Like a sharp angle.


Yeah, it just juts out like a... It's a third peak on them almost. It's pretty wild. You can see it cast a shadow down.


My mom, hers is just sharp. Huh?


Your mom, that's your mom's Adam's apple?


Just large. Mama.


Were you guys late bloomers with your voice changing, or were you early on in your friend group, late one? Do you even remember it? I feel like it just happened overnight.


I don't remember the whole puberty process. I have no idea.


I think, honestly, by fifth grade, I was pretty deep.


I still feel like I have a high voice.


Yeah, I do, too.


My voice isn't like, Hey, What's going on, guys?


I don't notice how deep my voice is until somebody mimics me.


Then I'm like, Jason will always mock me, and he'll just go way deep.


I'm like, Is that really how I sound? Everyone's just like, Yeah.


You have a pretty deep voice.


I have a very deep voice. I can get high pitch like this.


That didn't change at all.


I can get high pitch.


I think that's why... There's got to be a reason why I lose my voice. I think people that have deep voices, they lose their voice really quickly.


Yeah, I guess so. Probably.


Talking for you seems hard.


Very hard.


I think it's not...


I'm using a lot of muscle to talk.


Also, I think you lose your voice because you have really bad hearing, and you don't Because you talk at... Yes, your voice is deeper, but you also talk so loud.


I just can't. Can't control it? I can't control it.


Patricia loses her voice all the time, but it's because she sings too hard. If she's going out...


Patricia does have a deeper voice, though, than a lot of women. Oh, yeah. Patricia is like,. I think it has to do with that. There's another friend that I know that had a really deep voice. She would lose her voice all the time.


Do you think if you were a singer, would be a bass or a tenor?


Oh, I'd be bass.


Bass down here. You're singing Zane, you can get up.


You can hit a high A of a... What is it?


I can't. Have you seen her sing?


She can hit a A of a high C.


Yeah, not many people can do that. I haven't thought about that quote in a while.


I can't do high pitch. I can do high velocity.


Oh, are you?


No, it's like...


Falsetto? Yeah.


I only feel good in falsetto.


I just try, and it just never hits. It's the worst.


I'm only good at lip syncing. I can lip... Like a TikTok lip sync?


Oh, yeah. If you were a drag queen, you would win the race.


I would kill it as a drag queen. Oh, my God. I'd be zany... Zany... Zanelicious? I don't know how they come up with their names.


Should we run this intro? Let's get it, baby. All right, let's go.


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Rocky, baby. Okay.


Welcome back to another Zane & Heath unfiltered show. I'm Zane. I'm Heath.


I'm Matt. I'm Mariah.


And this is unfiltered. Thank you so much for coming back to another Coachella episode.


Coachella episode in South Korea.


We'll talk about that. In South Korea, this is the fifth consecutive year in a row that we're talking about. Actually, no, fourth because of 2020. But we got another wild one for you guys. How are you guys feeling?


I feel unbelievable. Good.


Usually people are exhausted after a weekend.


I remember you did not feel good that weekend.


I was just tired. Yeah. But I feel good.


Oh, good. Tired in terms of energy, your legs.


Just like leg exhaustion, a lot of walking. We were also doing workout classes at the house. It was a lot of leg, lower body workouts.


I know. When you have a friend who is a fitness brand, you got to help support it.


The last thing anybody wanted to do to work out during this, and we just did it. They're getting their video. We wanted to be supportive.


What time of day was he making you do it? Midday. Midday. Okay, so it wasn't like banging pots and pans and blowing the whistle still in the hole.


No, we did have to wake up early just to get work done for guests, but that was it. But that was easy.


Let's backpedal to the beginning of the weekend. You guys are part of the guests. Happy hour.


Guests invited us back to the compound for the third year in the row. They're known to be so hospitable. They put us in this compound where there's a ton of houses. They all look exactly the same, but they're just like, lay out a little different.


It's like a perfect little community.


Yeah, it feels like, you know the movie, I was about to say when Harry Met Sally, Don't Worry, Darling. Oh, right. You know how everyone's in the same neighborhood, everyone's doing the same thing, and then this shit starts getting weird?


That's what this compound- It felt like that.


It shit got weird. But no, they just put this in the compound. This year, they were pushing out their guest jeans line. We got to go to the factory. We got to see how they make their new jeans. That was really cool.


In the guest factory, they have stores set up as a display to show other retailers what the look is going to be for that season. When you go to a mall and you walk around, you see the storefront, it's got the advertising, the branding, the mannequin set up with the clothes. There are multiple stores all in this warehouse. House, set up, but they're not real stores.


Just for the staff.


Just to show people who are looking to put guests into their stores what they want to look at.


After we passed out, we got to see how they made their jeans, and we also got to see the models doing photoshoots for their campaigns, and we got to see it all happen in their house.


They actually had the guests models. The actual people who are on the billboards.


We would walk by them, and then we would walk out to the stores, those pop-up stores, and we would see their face blasted on the stores. I'm like, Oh, shit. They're doing all this right now just to get the stores ready. That was really sick to get to experience. I did not know all that happened in a warehouse.


Wait, just into backstab, too. You guys took the flight over, you did the jet. Third time taking the jet. How was that?


It's so nice. It honestly is.


It just makes us feel like T-Swift.


It makes us feel like we're going on a trip with Tart to borrow a board. It feels good.


A 30-minute flight.


We never get We've never been on a branded trip like that with any company.


This is our one time a year. We get to feel treated.


That's why we just get excited for this week and every week.


Nobody missed the flight. You guys weren't on the runway. No, we did good.


Everyone was... I mean, mind you, it's only our little group, so it's really hard to miss a flight unless you're really late and they're just like, Hey, you're going to have to drive. But it's like one of those jets that they have for flying short distances. Yeah, it's like those commercial-grade private planes.


They're semi-private. It's still nice. It's still nice. It's still nice.


It's still nice. It's still nice. The seats are still facing forward. The seats are facing to each other. No way.


Those celebrities are not riding in these, but it's still so nice. I mean, it's luxurious. Then we fly and we get there. We're there a day earlier, before the festival. We touch down at 10:30 AM, and we get to just chill the whole day. I think just get settled in. We're making some content. Also, we started off with a Welcome dinner.


I saw that. That looks so cool.


Yeah, so nice. That's where everybody in all the houses gets to all come together. We get to see everyone's face for the first time. Oh, who's staying at the compound this year?


It's like a reality show.


Mad it is. They should really have a camera out at all the time, just getting faces. When people go in, you see who's there, and then you get their faces. I feel like it could be a whole reality TV show.


Any new faces of people who haven't been to the compound before? Because I know I was asking last episode, Oh, who are the hot new influencers coming on It was Leray and Quin.


I think the new hot ones were Quin, Leray. Ricky T? Yeah, he's been going. Oh, no, he's a veteran. He's an O. G. He's been going since the jump.


I miss him so much.


Brettman Rock was, I think, a first-timer in there.


Did he bring his chickens off the plate? Can you take this?


No, but he did have a luxurious just flowy hair. Yeah, it looked beautiful.


But you guys got a new house this year? Or was it the same one you had been staying at?


It's the same builders, right? The old compound was 30 minutes away. This was a completely different compound with more houses in it, but they're identical. It still felt like the same vibe, but just a different location.


Okay, cool. Now, when you guys get there, are the rooms already assigned or do you guys got to claim them?


It's full sprint, like when Jersey Shore gets to a new house and you have to clean your rooms.


The rooms are already set up for us. You have their name on the thing. You walk in knowing that you have a room already. You're just hoping that you have a room that's close to the kitchen. Me, personally, I love my room close to the kitchen.


Or you don't want to be too close to the backyard by the pool because if people are partying too late, if you want to sleep. I just love convenience, but my room was the furthest away from the kitchen.


Still happy, though, but it was far from the kitchen. But yeah, house was really nice. We were all taken care of in that last week. We were really happy. It was like, Oh, yeah, fuck it. This would be a great weekend. Then we do the welcome dinner. We see everybody. We celebrated quite There's five, few birthdays that night. I saw that. There's five birthdays. We had he, Todd, Scott. We had Nikolai, who's the owner of guests, and then one more other person.


Right in the middle of Zane singing Happy birthday and making the announcement, they come out with the cake with these massive sparklers on it, and it sets the alarm off in the middle of the happy birthday speech thing. It was perfect timing. It ended up being really funny.


Nikolai, five, four, three, They made me make that whole speech. They were like, Hey, Zane.


I saw that, too. I was like, Zane's up there?


They bring me up there like, Hey, Zane, can you come here real quick? First, I thought I was in big trouble, right? Big trouble. So I had a few glasses of wine, right?


You voted off the island.


Wait, Matt, this is so funny.


So I had a few glasses of wine. You know how I get? I'm just always just like...


He's being Zane.


I'm being Zane, yeah. And then I'm talking to Heath Mariah about something. Then one of the staff member who's also working as a... She's bartender. She comes up right here, she's like, more wine? And she scared me. I was like, oh, oh, oh, oh, and the two of you, genuinely, It was out of nowhere. My hand went like this. Oma, you scared me.


But my hand went up like this.


Went up like over here, and I tapped, and then I went back. Then that was it. That was all in my head. Then heath and Mariah are both looking at each other, and they're like, Zane, she's really upset. I was like, Ha ha. Okay. They're like, No, Zane, she's really upset. You need to say something. I look back and she's walking away, and I'm like, Oh, wait. She didn't like the whole tap thing. She's like, Yeah, no, Zane. That was That was not good. That was not good. You need to do something about it.


Her face the whole time, she was like, Don't touch me type face.


Don't touch me, bitch. It was...


What did Zane learn a lesson with people's personal space?


You can't just touch people's faces. I You know what? And I did apologize. But I remembered, I kept looking at her the whole night because I was like, Oh, I'm going to be kicked out. There goes my weekend. And then the guest staff goes, Hey, Zane, can you come here for a second? And I look at you tomorrow. I'm like, Fuck.


This is it.


I'm done.


That's it. Pack your bags.


Hasta la vista, baby. And then they bring me up and they're like, Zane, we really would like for you to make a A speech. I'm like, Huh?


Like public apology.


A speech. We have a few birthdays today. We want you to intro the dinner. Lovely to have everybody here. Then we're going to bring out the cake. I'm like, That's not cool. That's not fair. Out of everybody.


Whose idea was you? Even though I love that they considered you to be the spokesperson of the event.


It was Drew. She's the head of the whole campaign for this. We're friends. I think she just thought it would be hilarious to have me do the speech. I didn't think it was. Then they had me go behind the DJ Booth. And then I remember, I turned around. I turned around at the wall and I was like, Hello, everybody. Welcome to the... It actually helped. When I don't look at everybody and I look at them, it helped a lot. I felt like I was on a podcast because everybody's listening, but you don't see it. That was really good. So I introed it, started saying, Getting fire alarm went off, and nobody could hear me. Oh, the whole time. It was nice.


Yeah, it drowned them out.


And that was it for that night.


Did you guys go a little too hard that night, though? Because the festival is coming up the next day, but did everyone pace themselves? No.


A few of us kept the night going.


So then the next morning comes.


The next morning comes.


Day one of the festival. It is time.


It is time to go to the festival and we're like, Okay, something felt different this year. We just didn't know what it was. Then as soon as we get to the festival, we're like, whoa.


No pre-parties or anything you had to go to before day one? I don't think so.


No, not really. Not Friday. It was pretty much just a casual day. Just hanging by the pool, relaxing a bit.


Because that's the most stressful thing about Coachella is then all these other little parties you got to go to, and then you're already in a great location next to the festival, but it's like, No, there's a big party, but it's in Palm Springs.


I try to say no to the extracurricular and stuff. Just because it is a mission and the traffic there is terrible. Then we walk in and immediately... Well, first of all, all the staff was so friendly. Usually, I feel like they're more up tight, a little standoffish, but we walked in and everybody, Hi, how's it going? Thanks for coming. Good to see you. We're like, Whoa, okay. We go through the whole checkpoint thing, the bag check.


We're also noticing that it's It's really easy to get in. There's no line. Normally at 5:00 PM, even at 5:00 PM on a day festival, there's a bit of a line.


Then there's ID check, all of that. There's a lot.


We get through immediately, and there is no ID check at the end. You know where you'd normally go sit in line to get your wristband?


You get that Heineken wristband.


It's shut down, so we're like, Oh, this is so weird. We walk in, there's nobody around us. Finally make it through the entrance, and you know that whole open area, like the VIP, where it's like the bars and the restaurant, whatever.


The main area. As soon as you walk in, you see everybody you know. It's like the cafeteria at lunch.


Empty. What?


This is 5:00 PM.


We couldn't believe it.


Day one, getting in tonight, nobody there. If Coachella, like the previous years, were running at 100% capacity, this, I would say, was like-30. No, I would say maybe 50, 60.


I don't think so, man. Why do you think that is? Is it because of the lineup? I think it was the lineup. Or has Does Coachella reach this point where our generation that used to be the full front hype and crowd behind it?


No, I think it's generally the lineup.


The lineup, just nobody-Yeah, that's true, though.


The lines at the bar, you know how you have to sit there for 45 minutes to get a drink?


Never had to be in line? No.


The cashiers were open.


It was open the whole night.


You can walk up and just get a drink every year.


You were at most waiting for one person in front of you. That was the most you were waiting on.


Every time I go to Chela, I would have to buy two beers at once because I didn't want to go back in line.


Because you couldn't squeeze through people to get there.


You would beg a friend if you were already down in the crowd being like, Can you please just get me one beer?


You can go to GA main stage in the crowd, go back for a drink, and make it back in five minutes. Wow.


If you were to walk out and just beeline it straight to another stage, you would not have to move for anybody.


I even heard the camping situation was half capacity as well. There were many empty... Oh, that's nice. There were very many empty lots in the camping zone as well. That also goes to show attendance.


I just think it was the lineup.


Yeah, it Hopefully, they're not in a tank, right?


The thing is, I was talking to a lot of people about it, and everybody kept saying that there's strict rules when it comes to Coachella, people performing at Coachella. On the contract, the stage said you can't do anything outside of Coachella.


I think for that year.


It's a weird... I don't know exactly what the rule is because I'm sure you can't look it up. I feel like it's specific for each artist, but it comes with rules whenever you do sign up for Coachella. A lot of people, a lot of artists probably didn't I want to perform at Coachella because look at Lollapalooza. Have you seen the lineup this year? No, I haven't. Best one I've ever seen.Oh, damn.I love Lollapalooza. It's in two months. Why aren't any of those people performing at Coachella? You know what I mean?


I wonder if some artists ruined it for other people. Maybe they have had to make their contracts tighter with their artists.


I think I heard something that you're not allowed to play other shows for the year leading up to Coachella in California or something like that. That way, they have the exclusivity to make people want to go to Coachella to see that huge performer. You know what I mean? You can do other states and stuff, but I think they own in their contract the rights for you to not be able to perform in California or like, SoCal area, whatever it is.For.


Total PR publicity reasons.


Like a year leading up to it or something like that. Strange. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, Mood.


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Thank you so much, Mood, for sponsoring this podcast. We love you. We get in whatever. We just hang out and are basically just waiting for Lana to come on.


You're not moving to any other stages to catch anything else. You just camp it out.


We just didn't care to her.


Yeah, I don't blame you.


It was nice because normally you bump into friends here or there, and it's impossible to find them again, whatever. It was so open that you just saw different groups of people. You could just go like this and look around and be like, Those are my friends. Those are my friends.


How was the cell phone signal this year?


Dude, full service. The whole time? The whole time.


You could have FaceTined perfectly.


From Sahara stage to the two-a-day.


You could hear them.


It was insane. Because that's the worst thing is when you get to Coachella is that good luck if you get separated because none of your techs are going through.


It was so We'd be calling each other. Hey, what's up? Hey, where are you? Cool, cool, cool. Okay. No screaming, nothing.


Then I wonder if that's because of the density of if there's too many cellular devices, it junks up the service because I don't think they built another cell tower out there.


No. It was working. The cell tower was happy this year.


Because that's usually another reason why I convince myself I don't want to go is just because there's bands I want to see. But if I get separated, I can't find it.


I can't wait to see how it is a week and two. It's going to be so empty. Because week and two is always a little less crowded. That one would be really interesting. But Doja Cat was a great performance. Was it?


Was she number one?


I didn't see it, but I saw clips the next day, and she did a really good job.


How was Lana?


She was really good. She was good. I just couldn't hear her. We only got to see the first three songs, though.


Okay. And then what, you left?


Yeah, we left. We had one shuttle, and it was like, if people wanted to leave, you're like, Okay, we have Okay. Otherwise, they would take the shuttle, and then you'd have to try to...


Did you get to see when she brought up Billy?


Or was that right now? No, we left right before she came.


We left right before that.


Damn. I was just so livid that Vampire Weekend got announced. I as a last minute performer for Weekend 1. Oh, really? Yeah. I was like, right there when we get into Soul, I pull out my phone and it's like, Vampire Weekend goes, vampire weekend 1, in parentheses. And I go, You have to be kidding me.


When did they plan? Why?


I don't know. I think it was Saturday. They brought out Paris Hilton. They brought out Abraham Lincoln.




Abe Lincoln?


They brought out the most realistic Abe Lincoln impersonator. And why? For just fun, I guess. I think they did it for their song Gold Rush. I haven't watched the performances because you know when it's your favorite artist and they do something really cool, and it was something that you could have been at, you're like, I need to wait a little bit to watch it because I just didn't want the FOMO to hit me that hard. I just couldn't believe I didn't go to the Eclipse show for Vampire Weekend. I told myself, I'm not going to Coachella. I'd rather go to South Korea, and then find out my favorite band is performing at Coachella. I still got tickets for them in June at Hollywood Bowl.


I think they had to fill up some artists for sure. I think it was at the last minute, they were like, We need to sell more tickets.


That's night one. Do you guys go to any after parties after night one? Or do you just go back to the compound?


I think we had an after party at our compound.


Any celebs come to Timothée Chalamet? Guess who?Actor?Actress?Yeah.Actor. Jacob Alorty? Mm-mm.


The Sprouse? I don't know who you're talking about.Zack Efra.


Robert Patinson. Whoa.


Okay, Suki Waterhouse was performing. His wife, they just had a baby. Man, I can't believe it. I swear she just had a baby a week ago, and now she's performing at Coachella. Oh, really? Oh, wow.


Is it just me or does he look like Harry Potter?


He is in Harry Potter. Yeah.


He's Cedric Diggory, right? He's the one that was- He's not her.


Patinson's in Harry Potter? Yeah.


Yeah, he dies in the Goblet of Fire. Sorry, spoiler alert.


No, not Goblet of Fire, the second movie.


He dies in the Goblet of Fire during the Tri-Wizard Tournament.


But he actually looks like Harry Potter.


He dies at the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the band still playing. Anyways, but yeah, I get what you're saying.


But yes, Robert Pattynson was there. Who else came through?


Leo De Cap, Leonardo.


Emma Robinson. I mean, no.


Was Leo DiCaprio a mask and everything, or was he a little bit more out in the open?


A masquerade mask.


Was he really like, eyes wide shut? Yeah.


And a gown.


It's crazy that he loves doing that. If I was that famous-I'm kidding, he wasn't wearing it. Okay.


It would have been really creepy, though. Justin and Haley.


Oh, yes.


Ricky T. Ricky T.


Ricky T.


He was funny this weekend. He went up to-He is hilarious. He went up to Keith and I at the festival. He was just gone, Oh, my gosh.


This is so funny. This is like the quote of our trip. Ricky Thompson, he goes up to me.


He puts his hand on my back and just rides it up.


He looks at Zane, he goes, You, looks at me, he goes, You and you at the same damn time.


I lost it. Dude, he is so funny.


That's great.


It's so funny because he looks so intimidating in his Instagram pictures. But then when you see him in person, he's just such a... Not a bad way, but he's literally like a fairy.


He was a fairy.


Just a fairy, just like, brancing around. Just like, it's really funny.


Okay, so Robert Patty and all, they show up at the guest compound. Are they talking with you guys? You're influencing?


No, we're not even... We're just with our friends.


It's just different tables. Okay. It's like a club scenario. Got you. They had tables set up at the backyard.


Was Neon Carnival a thing this year?




Did you guys go?


Yeah. I think the carnival is better than the festival.


Also not as packed as usual.


They didn't shut down alcohol service at all?


They did. At 2:00.


At 2:00.


At 2:00. At 2:00. At 2:00. That's when everyone's showing up.


I know, but they keep it open till 5:00.


I thought you said they should have done it.


They're also expecting people to have their own alcohol and shit on them. They're probably like, Oh, let's just keep it open till 5:00 because why not?


Busta Rimes.


You saw Busta?


No, I left early.


It was really good to be there when it was that empty, though. It felt like it just felt good. No stress. Not once did we all hold our hands to walk out of something.


That's nice. It's just nice. I heard that there was a bit of a phone thief. There always is one every year. I feel like, what, Alicia Alicia lost her vlog camera. Did it get snatched or just fell out of a purse?


I don't know. I feel like Alicia just left it somewhere. She was gone.


Remi's out there doing splits.


You know when Danielle was really drunk? Her and Alicia together.


Lethal combo.


Lethal. Dark. It was funny. It was fun. We got to see our first K-pop performance. Which band?


La Seraphim. La Seraphim.


Oh, La Sarafem. Feerless. Yeah, I'm fearless. It's not like an anagram. I'm fearless.


We watched them at Artists, so we got to see them up close and personal.


Bad ass. Did Remi take you to that? Yeah, she did. Mariah, didn't you have a friend who was dancing with them?


Yeah, I went to see... I knew Remi was a fan, and I never listened to K-pop before, but I know I would like it because they also dance. I was like, Hey, my friends are dancing. If you go to artists, I'll come with you. She was like, You have to come. You're going to love them. It took us three seconds of watching them. I'm a super fan. Suddenly, this is a second. Seeing my friends up there was insane. I was getting cool pictures of them, but watching these girls dance and sing to that extent is unbelievable. They are so entertaining. They should do the Super Bowl.




Honestly, that would be really good. That would be just one of them, the biggest one.


It reminds me of what our early 2000s pop used to be.


Yeah, it's It's very Backstreet Boy. It's full dancing.


They celebrate each member. Every member has their own-They have their highlight moment.


Almost like the shoe-up, the step out, they get...


I was torn because there's rumors about K-pop groups and how abusive the practice is, right?


Yeah, I've heard that they really have to commit their full life and time to it.


When you're watching them, you can tell the amount of fucking stress they're probably put through.


They just seem on autopilot, just very I was like, Are you a robot? But it was really fun. The main girl, I guess, is from New York because I was like, she's really... I don't know who the main person is, but I asked Remi, I was like, Is she American? And she was like, Yes, she's from New York. So it was a cool dynamic and seeing the other girls speaking English. It was just fun.


Someone was telling me that they're trained from when they're little. They don't make it that big for years. They're in years of training and being perfected. Somebody was telling me that one Some of them, someone in one of the K-pop groups, they got kicked off after a month. They worked their way all the way up. They were part of a big K-pop band. She got cut in a month because they found out she was bullying a girl back in school. It's that-Cut throw.cut throw, which is so crazy to me.


You memorize all the moves and you just go on this sideline. The girl who goes to Disney, have you seen the girl who just wants to be a Disney dancer? She goes to Disney every day When the dancers come out, she just does the whole routine with them. The dancers are like, We got to hire this girl.


You finally get your big gig next year for Coachella, but nobody's there.


I know. That was when we first started going to Coachella, I said, I would love to be performing on stage so that everyone can come see me. And now it's the new Woodstock. I'm telling my kids about Coachella. They're not going to believe it.


Next year, they're making that lineup change. They're going to be like, Whatever rules we have, we need to cut it down a bit.


Next year is going make or break it. If it's bad again, done.


It really is.


If they don't come back next year with something insane and bring it back, I think it's going to be...


I will say, especially me and you, we didn't mind it because we were able to get a pizza pie in 30 seconds.


That was nice.


That line was- It was enjoyable.


Yeah, it was nice. We could hear each other. We didn't have to scream over each other. Nobody in our group got crazy. Normally, it would take us- Everybody enjoyed themselves. Everyone can find each other. We just communicated and we were like, Hey, meet here in 10 minutes, perfect.


I'll be great. Honestly, this might promote more people to come next year because they see how empty it is. You know what I mean? Because a lot of people probably get really stressed out. People that are car camping or G8, it's probably a nightmare to try to get through every set. Going to Sahara so far, but how empty it was, it was a really nice walk.


Last year, it took us 45 minutes to get a $300 pizza, and this year, it only took a minute to get a $300 pizza.


$300 pizza? Pizza.


That is so expensive. Those prices need to go down.


For the full pie.


People are spending so much to go.


It's so expensive.


I don't get why they do that. The ticket's already expensive.


Yeah, make it like the masters.


He bought the pie. It was $80.


Yeah, it was $80.


And then I went back and got an ice tea, $7.99 for an ice tea, in a cup. From a drug. I don't know why they do that.


I think other people were posting chicken tender prices and burger prices.


They really want people to sneak in shit.


I guess so.


You know what? I think people do. I think a lot of people sneak in those-It's like, what's in your pocket?


What do you got? Drugs? No, a protein bar.


I Oh, you can bring anything in your pockets now. You can bring food now. Everything.


Yeah, they'll a sealed pack of cigarettes, though. They sell cigarettes there.


There was no pat down. There was nothing. You just metal detector, phone up, and you're in.


Mariah, cut that out. We don't want Coachella to see that. We love the way they're doing it. But a lot of people, they'll put... You know those inflatable flasks? Yeah. I think a lot of people put it right here in their junk.


Like the fake tampon shot.


Your junk is the best place to put anything because they cannot touch you over there.


Except for one time. One time, I had the cigarettes along with some other substances in my... I put it right there, and I was deep down the line. I swear I was 20 people deep. I remember I hit a joint, so I was already a little high, a little paranoid, just to touch on my belt, making sure everything's good before I walk in. And a guy at the security thing goes, What's that? I'm like, I'm so far away. Surely that guy. There's no way he's talking to me. He's not looking at me, and I'm like, You, tall fellow, right there. I go, Me? He goes, Come right here. He saw you do that? He goes, What do you got going on in there? I saw you adjusting. I go, it just... He goes, No, I could see there's something What is it? I'm like, It's just an open pack of cigarettes. And he's like, 50 bucks, and this never happened. No way. Gave him 50 bucks, and I walked in. That was like my second...


That's his side hustle. You know that guy's just sitting there.


He probably didn't even work there.


Yeah, right? My heart was pounding because I was so far away. Yeah, that's what you want. And I'm so high, and I'm like, I'm being paranoid.


He had a good eye, though.


You, tall fella.


I'm learning quickly that money takes care of anything. If a cop stopped you for a I'm willing to bet you just pay that cop off and you're good with that ticket.


Yeah, but that's... Not nowadays. Because they got body cams. Oh, shit. Yeah.


Back in the day?


I would. I'd pay anything because just to have that off your record is just so worth it.


And they would rather the 150 bucks goes to them than you pay the fee. Exactly.


Sometimes that ticket is a lot. He can see that ticket price. He's like, You got to give me more. That's what I would do. You got to pay more than this It was a ticket for me not to push this through.


Did you see No Doubt? Yeah. We did get to see No Doubt. That was great. What night did they perform? Is it the last night? I think Saturday. Saturday. Second night, yeah. Badass.


In 10 years. Performing in the first time in 10 years. She was great.




I mean, Gwen Stefani-Fold of energy. She brought out Livy Rodrigo.


Was she like, No doubt, Gwen Stefani, or was she like, The voice, Gwen Stefani? She was No Doubt. She got the rhinestone on her face.


She brought it back. I think she recreated the last time she performed at Coachella. She recreated a moment that she played with the audience. That's cool.


Which was cool. I'm just a girl. Let's hear it. Just the boys. I'm just a girl.


It definitely felt like we stepped back in time. Even the visuals and stuff, it looked like, remember the No Doubt album? It was all black and red. The whole thing was black and red.


How was the weather? Was it hot?


Was it fine? It was not chilly at night? It was perfect weather the whole weekend.


It did get pretty chilly at night. You definitely needed a jacket.


That's the worst when you're like, It's so hot in the day. You're like, I don't need this. Then you get there and you're just-We would go at 5:00 PM every day, so we would come prepared, bundled up.


It was nice.


Good transition.


Jay Balvin was unbelievable. His set was-Oh, yeah.


It was like alien theme. So sick.


It was crazy. He brought out Will Smith.




Will Smith? He came out and did, Here comes the man in black.


Man, I bet he hit that.


I was waiting for that, too. I thought he was going to do some fun little slap thing. He didn't.


Probably wouldn't be good for him.


Did you get to get to the point where he was like, Are you going to get to the point where he was like, Are you going to get to the point? No. I think it was just that. At the end of it, Zane looks at me and he goes, He should pull out that thing and flash the audience. And then not even 10 seconds later, he pulled it up and then all the stage lights flashed it right when he pushed the button. And I was like, Dude, You called it.


I should have filmed it.


It was pretty sick.


But I missed it, though. I didn't see it, right? It was as I was telling you guys. You just did it. You just did it, Zane. That was really cool. It's all about the performance now. It's not even the singing. If you have a good performance, then it's a good show.


Most people were talking about how... It seemed more people were talking about the music this year than it has been talking about all the activations or bad brand deal events and all of that. It was really focused on the artist and who they brought out. That's dope.


But when it comes down to juicy shit, there isn't much this year because there was not much people there. You know what I mean? Would we go next year if it was empty like that? I think I would. Yeah, I would.


The last day of Coachella, I hit my year of sobriety.


I did it. Congrats.


Everybody give a round of applause to Heath.


I did Coachella sober.


Was it hard? No. No? It's been easy.


It was fine.


That's great, man. I felt like that weekend was pretty easy to peace over.


It wasn't bad at all.


It wasn't easy for me, but I like- Also, it's crazy seeing people the next day and just looking at them.


I'm like, it's crazy. I don't feel like that right now because normally I would have.


It makes you feel really good when you see other people look like that and you're like, I feel amazing.


When you see other people in pain, hurting, dragging ass.


You feel strong because I remember that feeling that past seven months. Oh, God, that felt good.


It's insane.


It's good, man. Are you going to get a coin?


I told them I was like, I should get a little sobriety coin.


I should go to a meeting. You can get them on Amazon. You can buy a coin for yourself. I don't know if that is disrespectful to the AA community, but I even remember when David Alvarez was quitting nicotine.


No, I don't think that has anything to do with the meetings. I think you get yourself a coin. Yeah, buy it.


I get a coin.


Bad ass, man.


Zane tried to introduce me to Justin Bieber, and I was like, Please no. No, Zane was a little drunk, and Justin, we were like, in arms.


Where I'm like, I got this. I was in one of his music videos. I'll introduce you. I didn't even want to do it. I was like, I really don't want to do this.


Do you think he knows you're in the music video?


If I said hi to him, I've met him a couple of times, so I feel like he would...Put.


It together and be like, Oh, yeah.


I would never say it. I was in the pop star. Hey.


Oh, I would. He'd be like, Oh, yeah. What were you doing? I was in the pop star video. He'd be like, Oh, yeah, man. Yeah.


Brian, imagine I go as your meeting. I was like, Hey, you should definitely pull her whenever.


There's also nothing. That's what I was afraid of. It was not the moment for it. Friday night, there was the after-party, and The next morning, me and Heath didn't go. The after-party is the house next door to us. We're house seven. The after-party was house six. They're attached. The next morning, Zane goes, Mariah, you're going to kill yourself. I was like, Why? He was like, Justin Bieber was there. I was like, No. He's like, Justin and Haley were there. I was like, Damn it. I was like, I'm not missing another party. So then the last night, there was a party, and Heath said, Justin Bieber is behind you. I was like, Okay. I didn't think they'd go twice. I believe him. When I turned around, I saw the tattoo, and I was like... And Zane was like, Listen, he's right next to my friend. I can introduce you if you need to. We'll just window away. And I'm like, Zane, it's okay. And you're like, Don't say I didn't try. I didn't know how to explain to you. You were being so nice.


I am confident when I'm drunk. Yeah, you were very confident.


And I was like, This is not the environment. You don't want to be that person to be like, Can I meet you? That is just not the place for it.


It's also way too loud. Music's bumping. You could barely hear anything anyways. And somebody you don't really know trying to introduce you to somebody you don't know.


They were dancing their asses off. Him and Haley were like, Hey.


Then if you did meet him, just like a dab up saying, Hey, love your stuff. That's it. You don't want a full combo, or do you?


If it happens to be a full combo, that'd be great. I just know I'm not the best conversationalist. I'd be like, Hey, Mariah, that's it.


I'm really bad at it.


I don't know how to think of anything.


I'm really bad. You have to talk. I'm really bad. But those moments are the best time to meet somebody, though.




Because you're almost on the same plane.


Because you You pass all of these boundaries. You're not that crazy of a fan where they're going to be worried about you. But yeah, that was our weekend.




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Dope. Sounds awesome.


You went to South Korea. I did. You skipped out.


I'm so excited to hear about it. All right, run me through the entire trip.


Run through the beginning.


So we took the flight. It was like a 13-hour flight. Wasn't too bad. We got the food on the flight. It was all right. It was all right.Chopsticks?Chopsticks. They gave you chopsticks. Nice. And you could have a plastic fork as well. They gave you some stir fry. And then I can't remember what the second... Shoshido peppers? No, Shoshido peppers. Shoshido peppers are more Japanese than they are Korean. Shoshito. Nice. But the flight was like a breeze.


Any crazy people on the flight?


No. No crazy people. Any cigarettes smokers? It was a pure Korean flight. So all the entertainment was in Korean. Thank gosh, I brought all my movies on my iPad.


What's wrong with Korean movies?


Nothing wrong with that, but they only gave you just a limited selection, and I'd rather spend the time. I've been watching Korean movies all leading up to this trip.


I just think it's nice to dive into their culture.


Patricia was watching some stuff. I didn't really ask her what she was watching on the flight. We get there, we land, we take the sub, we get to our hotel. We stayed at a Japanese hotel called the Dormi Inn. What was cool about this Japanese hotel is that they had an onsen, a spa that was accessible from 3:00 PM till 10:00 AM every day. Oh, wow. So had a cold plunge, dry sauna, silky bath. What's a silky bath? A silky bath is... It's like these bigger tubs that you get in.


Oh, is it that?


Yes, those are the ones... This is the exact room I went into.


Oh, that's nice.


They have almost these micro bubbles that they release into it, and they believe that the micro bubbles, the way it passes your skin, it helps clean you up even more. We needed that last week. The best was 3:00 PM till 10:00 AM. If we were out till 2:00 AM, we came home and we went down there and just had our full spa treatment to ourselves.


You said from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM.


No, 3:00 PM till 10:00 AM. It's open all throughout the night.


Are they similar to Japanese culture where you can't have tattoos or anything like that in these spas or not really?


I don't know about the What do you call it? A third-party spa. Staying at this hotel, there was nobody checking you in, but it was a full naked one. We're always used to locker room culture, even if we're in a steam room.


Only locker room, though. You always got a towel?


No one was bringing in their towel. It's Are you fed? No, no. Men and women, separate. But it was a bunch of Japanese businessmen. At first, I was like, I brought in a towel with me into it just for modesty. Then I realized everybody is naked.


You were like the outcast. You felt like you had to-Just walk it around.


I felt just like a child.


So did you just-Yeah, you dropped it?




He was the only one not wearing it, so you don't want to feel the weird one.


I went in and I realized I'm the only one with a towel here, and this looks a little weird. I went back to my locker and put it away.


Wow, I would have gone home.


But it was great. It was awesome. In the sauna, they had the golf channel. Just teaching you how to perfect your swing.


Matt is meeting everybody. He's like, Hi. It's shaking everything.


I only got to say, Oh, I only got to say it. No, everyone was very quiet and civil in it. That was just the best, having access to that. It was so good. High quality, and they had a free ramen bar from 9:00 till 11:00 every night. I only had it once.


Was it good ramen or was it like hotel ramen?


It was miso ramen because it was at a Japanese hotel. It was good ramen.


It was good ramen. Fantastic service.


That was the hotel situation. Korea itself, Seoul, I mean, South Korea. It's the best when you get to go to those types of countries. The same thing we experience in Tokyo is the civility and the cleanliness. On the subway was quiet people ever. Nobody is talking.


Quiet in Japan?


I felt It was, well, Patricia and I, we really figured out the transit system because when we were in Tokyo, we mostly relied on the cabs just to get around faster. I was able to figure out how their subway system operated on my app, and we were in and out and following. That's the best. The best about international travel and getting abroad is you're going to encounter stressful situations where you have to pay attention to the signs, have to figure it out. Then it's such a grush when you do figure it out. Patricia and I, we were loving getting the hang of it. We were in subs with We were the only Americans, the only white people in there. Just their sense of order of lining up before you get onto the sub, making sure there's an area for the people to get off. There's the seats for the elder people. There's a seat for the pregnant lady.


We don't follow any of that. We're right in front of the gate, knowing that people need to leave.Pushing.


People out of the way.We're.


Still in front of them. People have to push. Yeah.


Crazy. The nightlife was amazing. I wrote down a whole bunch of different observations that I made when I was there.


Oh, wow.


I'm I'm realizing right now that where I went to karate, it was a South Korean-owned-Karate spot. Because that was the flag that was everywhere. Oh, yeah.


That was on the back of our... Our Guzguzguz.Your Gi.Gui..


It's on the back of our.


Okay, Karate Kid.


It's on the back of all our. I also felt like there was a big enthusiasm for American culture when I was there, especially the nightlife.


A lot of the bars, I felt like... You saw a lot of Irish pubs. There were a lot of beer. Oh, really? These American-themed places. You can go play beer pong inside of them.


I love that. I don't know.


It was really American.


There was a lot of Irish pubs. What you see out here, you see a lot of Irish pubs. That's what I meant. And beer pong, a lot of American college-themed vibes I was getting when I was out there. I did feel like when I was watching your stories, it did feel like it felt American in some way. Who was that kid that you met up with?


Hijung, I believe, is his name. Did you know him or you met him for the first time?


I met him through my friend Diane. He was awesome. I wish we met up with him earlier on in the trip just so he could have shown us how to get around. It was like we had our final dinner with him. Hijung. Yeah, that's how you say his name. He was the best. Love that guy. Shout out to him and shout out to Diane Kang for setting it all up because he bought us baseball tickets. We went to a baseball game. That was it. It was the baseball game that I saw that it felt like you were home. Matt, I thought you were home for a second when I saw that.


I was like, Oh, he's back.


No, we went to a Korean baseball game. That's so sick. We were at this massive mall called the Co-Ex Mall. It's like a mall you would go see in Dubai, Mall of America.


It's just massive. They kept seeing all these people walking around wearing Korean baseball jerseys. I was like, Are we close to the baseball stadium?


Because you always think the professional sports, especially in America, it's such a schlep to get out to where the venues are. Especially in LA, we can't take a subway down there. But so we get there and we don't have tickets. I'm reading on Reddit how to get tickets. Guess how much just their standard baseball tickets are?50 bucks?10 bucks.10 bucks.10 bucks. For most of the seats. There's nothing that's hundreds and hundreds of dollars unless you're in this massive VIP area. But even massive VIP area, what do you spend in?


500 bucks to probably get up there?


Probably, yeah. Because that's how the difference in $10, that's crazy. But But I was reading on Reddit how to get tickets, and people say, you just go up and buy the tickets at the stadium because the apps that they have are heavily deep in Korean. You have to add your credit cards. It was very complicated. We get there and I walk up and it says, Sold out. I'm like, What? Sold Sold out. And we already have bought-Sold. There are you. We have bought jerseys. And what's cool there, when you buy the jerseys, they don't have them already etched in of the certain players that you get.


You know how when you go to a professional sports game out here-The last name.


But the jerseys at a sports game are usually their top most selling players. You're only getting the top dogs. At this place, you buy almost like a blank jersey, and then you get to go pick whatever player you want. I saw 65. Was I want a common one. I want 65, and then I want 35.


They were like, 35, Soto.


I'm like, Yeah, Soto. Is that his name? Yeah, give me Soto. He goes, No. Then a guy goes, He's saying sold out to you. I was like, Oh. I was like, Yes. Yeah, Soto.


I thought he was going, Hell, yeah.


It's like the Covey of the team. He's like, No, man, no. I'll just get the letters that looked the coolest. Whatever letters looked sick, I'd be like, I want that one. It was 17, and he was like, Okay, so I got 17, which I think is their backup pitcher.


He's watching. You get to take their patches. They iron them on for you. But we still couldn't get tickets, and I was devastated because it was basically like the LA Clippers versus the Lakers.


The two Home to-So it was a big game. It was a big game, and we didn't realize it. I was crushed because we couldn't get tickets. That was the most stressful moment of the trip. But we found out that they had a game the next day, and my buddy was able to get us tickets. Wait, they had a game the next day? The next day. The same team the next day. What? Yeah. I don't know that.


K-pop groups are overworked, baseball players overworked.


No day to rest.No day off. I think going to a concert or a game or something in another country, I is it should be done just to see... Because that's where you see everybody all in one place, all for the same thing. You get to bring in your own beer, get to bring in your own snacks, and they still sell snacks and beer. But I brought in four tall boys of beer chugging it. They have these cheerleaders on top of the dugouts that are... They have one guy who's almost like the emcee and four cheerleaders. Each team has their own songs that are renditions of American songs. You hear the harmonies and you're like, I think that's I want to your hand, but they're doing it to their own team. All the crowds know the songs, and it's just nonstop fun. That's sick. We love doing that. Also, I went to see North Korea. Did you really? Oh, my God. I haven't shared photos about it because I don't know, sometimes because of the political climate of North Korea. Wait, you went- Went to the DMZ, went through the border, all of that. I haven't shared photos from it because I just I don't know.


I'm worried about getting flagged or whatever, just because if it's North Korea, Instagram and stuff can be like, I don't know. We bought a tour. They picked us up at 8 AM. It was an English-speaking tour. They only send in 50 tour busses a day into the DMZ. I don't know if you know. Did Patricia go with you? Yeah, she went with me because she was on the fence and I'm like, Babe, I'm going to be telling this story for the rest of my life.


It's saying that I've looked into North Korea.


I'd love for you to be a part of that conversation. We get on a bus and we're excited. We're in a good mood. It's early in the morning. We have an English-speaking woman, and she's telling us the whole history about Korea, about North Korea, how they were split, the Korean War and everything, and even making jokes about Kim Jong Un, calling him the big fat chubby man, all of that stuff. Felt pretty safe. But then we're getting an hour, we're an hour out. Now we're getting justMorgan movies, they set up those barricades up in the roads because you have to zigzag. Did you start feeling nervous at this point? A little bit, but then at the same time, it felt really safe because we'd have these checkpoints where the military would come on, and they had a list of everyone who was on board, and they had to go and look at each one of your passports and just verify all of that. We're being told we can't take photos of certain military bases as we're getting closer. That also felt serious. Then we go to basically an area where the woman has to basically get our tickets to enter the DMZ and get a really great tour of all of that area.


Then we finally get to go up to this observatory and look out into North Korea and see the border.


It's this big old fake town.


She told us this is basically a fake city that North Korea has has built. No one really lives there. But there's tons of these little viewfinders where you get to look into the country. She even has this high tech one where she's zooming in and capturing movement. We got to look in and you could see North Korean citizens walking around, a guy on a bicycle. I saw a truck go by, and she goes, That's very strange because they're not allowed to have cars, so they must be doing some construction over there. They were saying it's a fake town just Is it more you guys to see that, or is it more North Korea, I think, wants to keep their citizens in a different area? I don't know. Nobody can see them. It was also interesting, in the South Korean side, right near the border, they have a thing called a Peace Village, where only 200 citizens get to live in. It's called the Unification Village, a Peace Village. Only 200 citizens can live there. They live there tax-free. They don't have to serve in the military. We should move there. Because in the country, you have to serve in the military for one and a half years, I believe.


Everybody, every guy has to. But even if you're the most famous person ever, like in BTS, the only way you get exempt from being in their military is if you win a gold medal in the Olympics. You're exempt from joining the military. I think there's another medal, the guy who I think is the big baseball player who I think plays out here. He won some best MVP title, and he didn't have to serve. But those people are exempt. They don't have to pay taxes, but they live in this tiny village. They have a curfew at 07:00 PM. Every single night, they have to go to bed, and the military has to check that they're not housing any escapees from North Korea. It's wild, one, seeing the North Korean citizens, seeing it all play out, and just knowing that these people are being held against their will. It's a tough thing. You're taking photos of it. You're like, Should we take a picture? But you're like, But no, this is so serious.


Why should we even be smiling about this?


It was really wild just to see that it existed. We also got to go through something called the third tunnel. We weren't allowed to take photos. It was 400 meters deep. We had to wear hard hats. They basically South Korea has discovered these tunnels over the years of that tunnels that North Korea has built to invade South Korea. We went down this third tunnel, dude, and we had to pick up our helmets just like this and go down so deep into the ground, freezing cold. Then I was hunched down four feet high. That would freak me out. I couldn't do that. It was the most claustrophobic thing I'd ever done in my life. All just at the end of it, just to see through this little window of this area where they were growing plants. But it was really cool to do because you feel so, I don't know, proud and deep in the element like, Oh, shit, we're doing this. That was fucking bananas. There's just a tiny hole at the end of the tunnel to look at? Yeah, Yeah. What is going on there now? Did they block it up? They blocked it up, but they opened it up on the outside where there's like, Yeah.


We went all the way down this tunnel and then went further down another one, and then there was a water tank, and then there was an area where I think the little camera icon, it's these plants.


Patricia looked at it and was like, You don't even want to look at it.


I was like, Screw it. I'm not going to look at it because there were more people in line and shit.


We were sweating.


Our ball was off.I thought it was cold.It was cold.


But no, but because your back's been down and you're walking, it was physically exhausting doing it. But it was so fucking cool to do that. How's the weather out there? It was perfect the entire time. '72 and sunny. It felt like it was LA, our entire trip. It rained our last day, but we were perfect weather. How was the overall food? Food was great. We never really ate anything we thought was disgusting.


Did you Did you have any Dim sum? Yes, we did have Dim sum. We did have Dim sum one night. Compared to Japan, what would you say was the-It's a little tough because I think that they are both awesome and need to be seen in their own element for you to discover what you like more.


I would say that Tokyo was way more like New York City, and I got a vibe in soul that it felt like LA. Just because there were so many different boroughs It wasn't... The buildings weren't too much of a monstrosity like Tokyo was. That's a really good description of whenever you travel to a country, you're like, what was the vibe? Was it New York? Was it Miami? Was it LA? Was it Texas? Yeah, it was I felt… But I still, at the end of the day, I did prefer Japan more. Seoul, I felt like people were a little bit more serious, especially customer service-wise. They weren't rude. They were just serious. But they do bow, slight nod here and there. I felt like in Japan, if we're just walking into a store, the customers are just full on greeting you. Japan was a little more smiley?


A little bit, but they definitely weren't rude in Korea, I just felt them to be a little bit more serious.


I feel like the architecture was still very modern in Seoul. I feel like Japan has its own cultural influences in things.


It could be a new building, but there's old Japanese elements. I still feel like Seoul was modern.


Once again, guys, these are just my observations of what I saw. I know that there's more places to see and explore there. Did you wish you could stay longer or were you like... Actually, it was perfect timing. I wish I could have done a... Can't really do a day trip to Buzan, but I would have liked to have seen more of the country.


The train to Buzan? Yeah, the train to Buzan, that zombie movie.


How long were you there for? Five days? Six, ? Six. We got there on Wednesday, and we left on Tuesday. So I guess it was five days of travel. But the nightlife was awesome. The clubs were great. We enjoyed it so much. That's good. What was crazy? These are just tiny little things that I observed. Oh, my God. That looks like we're at Austin, Texas. Yeah. Austin, Texas Nightclub. We were out in the thick of it. It was cool. I was running into people we had mutual friends with. People were coming up to me. Of course. Because I had a friend from college who was out there partying for two weeks and living out there, and a bunch of Americans had met him and were like, Wait, you know this guy?


We were just partying with him a week ago, and it's crazy.


He It's a huge airsoft scene.


Oh, yeah. Big old airsoft-like shops and bars where you could drink and just- Japan is super into airsoft, too.


Their tinted windows are so dark, especially on the windshield. Really? You can't even see the driver driving. Is that all of them?


Most. I felt like 75% of the cars I saw-Yeah, what's the cars look like over there?


I would say similar to Japan, but also I felt like maybe less- Japan car scene is pretty insane. Actually, I felt like there was a lot more American luxury cars.


I felt like I saw tons of Mercedes, tons of Range Rovers, Land Rovers.


I guess I didn't really see the tiny, tiny Japanese vehicles, but occasionally you would see. Was there brands that you'd never seen before? Yes. Oh, yeah. We saw these one car where it's a one-seater and then the one-seater behind you, and it's a smart car. It looked bizarre, but fun.


Like, skinny? Very skinny. Weird. That one was really cool.


Are KIA Soul's big? My KIA I didn't... Yeah, I guess, yeah, I saw a lot of those. Okay, Keia Ray.


It's so cheap. It's so cheap out there. We would eat...


Same way in Japan where we would eat like, Kings and we get the bill and it was like 50 bucks.


And you're like, How is it that cheap? Did you try any fruits out there?




Fruits are such a good thing to eat.


I know. In other countries. That's my go-to thing now. It's such a different experience. You know what? I don't think we had many fruits. We had a lot of like, pickle vegetables with our food. America has had the worst fruit. Every country I've been to, the fruits are always better.


I also just love the customer service when they hand you your card, they do... Really?


They do the sheesh? When they grab it, they do It's just like...


I think they did that also in Japan, but it's just this... They clearly teach you that in customer service when you have to hand someone's card. It's this inward pull of one hand, and then you do that. It closed you off.Weird.You off for the exchange. I notice that a lot. In Japan, too, remember, it was always that tray. It's respectable. Don't put it on the tray first.Put it on the tray. You could tell how celebrated children are out there. Children, they have children's Day, which is a big holiday where every kid gets to be celebrated that day. You felt like there were a lot of daycares, a lot of facilities to encourage curiosity, knowledge, all of that. Parents really seem to love their children. I felt like friendships out there, too, were very, very strong. When you see people who are sitting down at dinner, nobody is passively on their phones or waiting for the next thing. People are so deep in their conversations out there, which was really beautiful to see that. A lot of the nightlife scene, as a solo person, I felt like it's a tough place to go to because you really can't get a drink and sit at a bar.


They sit you down at a table. There's not a place for individuals to be. Oh, really? Yeah. You have to be amongst people every time they see you. They really cater to just going out but making it a communal experience for your thing. Are they super vending machine friendly, too? A lot of vending machines, but not as many as I saw in Tokyo. Yeah, not as many as I saw in Tokyo.


And what else? We saw a famous Korean person at the airport. Who? Hordes of people were following her and taking pictures of her. I don't know. I don't know if she was a K-pop star, an actress, but this girl had blonde hair, and she was shopping in the duty free.


All of these people are looking at her, but she's just not even given them the time of day. She was blonde. I don't know. Blonde, short girl, grassy blonde hair. The fan scene in other countries, I wonder what that's like. Because it's considered very It's rude in America if you're clearly just...


Yeah. I don't know if people even go up to the Masker photos, but they just observe them from afar. Maybe, yeah. Take pictures of them. Internet influencers are probably a big thing out there.


They are. Yeah, the guy I met up with, he's a manager for collab, but in Seoul. And so he deals with a lot of the internet celebrities that happen out over there.


I wonder how respected they are in other countries.


It's pretty much a similar scene, though. Where it's like, oh, they're internet influencers. I wonder if it's that type of... I'm curious on the metrics because we're a country of 340 million people. They're a country of 50 million people. Yeah, 50 million people. So I guess if you're the most famous person, I don't know if it's like... If you have a couple of hundred thousand followers, you're massive versus a million. I don't know. But I We really did enjoy it.


We had a fantastic time.


We got such a travel bug doing it that we definitely want to go. I think we really want to go to try go back to Japan in the wintertime because I want to see the snow.


Just see more.


Japan and see all those cozy villages and stuff.


Their boarding is insane. Remember when we found out people surf out there? I can't even picture people surfing in Japan. Yeah, the skiing scene is really big out there, too. But we I loved it.


I feel like I covered most of it. Did you bring back any currency? You know what I bought?


I bought North Korean money. No way. Yeah, they sell it at the border in one of the gift shops. You can buy North Korean money. It's real? Yeah, it's real.


It's pretty cool. I was expecting you to wear something from South Korea.


I got this hat.


Oh, okay.


I got this hat from a brand, Little Riddles. You guys would have loved it. It was this American Western-inspiredired store. They had a lot of those in Japan, too. Yeah, this place was really cool. I got you guys gifts.


Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah, I got you guys some material.


Mariah, this is for Wait. Yes, Mariah, this is for you.Thank you.Sorry, the packaging's coming up.That's okay.


How my burritos come out when I roll.


Zane, this is for you. And he, this is for you. Matt, I don't read.


What's You shouldn't have. Well, you definitely can't read this.


It's in a different language. Pasta. Korean pasta? It's a weight training.


Oh, my gosh. That's really funny.


This is so... Look at this book, hon.


Oh, that's funny. That's really pretty.


That's really cool.


Yeah, but this is so funny.


I don't know if they're real guns, if they're airsoft.


Is it Airsoft? That's so funny.


Yeah, it looks pretty sick.


That's really cool.


Well, what are you going to make?


I don't know.


I can't read it. Get out Google Translate. Oh, yeah.


If you put your phone in.


That's really cool. Thank you.


That'd be a good TikTok, trying to make a Korea, Boston dish.


What if this is what made me insanely shredded. I just followed this guy. Like, Guys, you need to buy this book. You just have to translate it.


This is so interesting. Oh, this is so sick.


I'm actually going to translate this. I want to see how they're...


If there's any new fitness takeaway It's that you could have.


Oh, look, this is what Todd does every day.


Look, Keith. I think that is Todd.


Oh, shit. It is. Well, thank you.


That was very sweet. Yeah.


And the trip's a lot of fun.


I want to go there. It does sound... I really wish I could have seen the DMZ zone with you.


That would have been sick. Did you take a video?


Dmz? Yeah. You have videos?


Yeah. All right, maybe you want to close this out?


Yeah, guys. Let's do it. Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Zane & Heath unfiltered. We hope you enjoyed it. You could check out these episodes, audio form on every podcast platform every Monday and every Tuesday. We post a video version of the episodes on our YouTube channel, youtube. Com/zaneandheath on Tuesdays.


We also have a Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneandheath. We post bonus content on there. We do a bonus episode every single month. We do a live Q&A every month. We also keep these cameras rolling after every single episode for another 20 minutes. You're going to get an extended cut of every episode. It's just a little bit more time to hang out if you want. Again, patreon. Com/zaneandheath if you want to check it out.


Perfect. How do you say goodbye in Korean? I don't know. Opposite of comes, so, we'll see you next week. All right.


Love you guys. Peace.