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There's this new thing that kids are doing to make money, right? Basically, on their car, they get paint markers, and they write, Girls trip. They put their Venmo, and they're at, buy us a drink, bachelorette party. There's this guy that does it. He writes all this, like Girls trip stuff, and he'll drive around. He said he makes more money doing this shit than working a full-time job. Because people are just sending money.


To the Venmo. People do it, and they drive through rich neighborhoods. Like areas. They're like, Wow.


They're like, Wow. They're like, They're like car-parked at a downtown area. That's genius. Does he put on a wig and a sass.


That's why I wonder if his windows must be tinted or something.


Then other people do just married Venmo- And where are they driving? It doesn't matter.


Just any car. Because the trend right now, people go on bachelorette and they'll write the Venmo and be like, Buy us a drink, whatever. Now people are taking advantage of it and they're going to ruin it for people that were wholesome about it and they were getting a little bit of money for their trip. Now nobody's going to send anything because this person ruined it. But it is brilliant. There's people that quit their.