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You want to know how we met? Microphone. Microphone. You want to know how we met? His best friend and my best friends. This is crazy.


There has to be another way. There has to be another way. We're never going to get to the movie. We're going to be here six hours. -maybe six hours. -especially because you're here.


-you got your holy water?


-you fell head over heels. I did not. -yeah. -no, not me. -you did. You proposed in a month. Were you guys.


On drugs? That was another deal breaker. I thought he was on drugs.


Track suit, pinkie ring. -you had tracksuit on? I'm having a problem with you right now. I grabbed a knife like a moron. I crack him. You don't got the balls to do it. Come on.


All right, go ahead. Parents didn't say don't go out. There's a serial killer.


It was a different time for her because she was... She's a lot... I'm going to tell my.


Story now. That's why we moved to the country in Staten Island. The country, it was.


An hour away. I was already going to clubs. -do you have a Jersey turnpike? -so when they... No, no, Jersey.


-you were here. -are you editing this? Yeah. Okay, you know what to do. I'm.