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You took two shots. I did take two shots of mescal. My first time drinking since your wedding.


Oh, my good.


No. Was your weding first or my brother's?


Your brother's was first, and then you came to mine.


Yeah, I think yours. Unless I'm forgetting something.


I'm in.


On a Wednesday afternoon?


Yeah, on a Wednesday afternoon. I was just saying that my brain wasn't working, so I felt like I needed a shot. But I also don't want to sound like alcoholic.


No, it's okay.


An hour before we started recording, I was like, my brain's not working today, and I don't know what to do. And normally, alcohol just kind of gets rid of that. It's like a jump start. It feels so bad for me to say that, for it coming out of my mouth that I just need that to just clear my mind. Well, it's a problem.


You didn't even know where the alcohol was in your house, so that's a good sign.


I was like, where's alcohol? That's. No, you're right. That is good.


Yeah, you're good.


Will we start drinking again on this damn podcast, though, once you're done with this health kick? Because I want to be. Look at our old episodes. All the good times we had were hammered.


Mariah, what was I saying last night? What was I saying last night?


You were saying a lot of things.


But what was one thing I said? I'm bringing drinking back on the felt. It was just fun. Please. I just forgot about the cameras when I was drinking, and I just want that feeling to come back, because right now, I just feel like we're on the morning show, and I'm just like, we're live, and I just can't make a mistake. And that's why I'm just so on edge all the time, and I just want to just do a little smack.


Smack is.


I thought the smack was, like, the smack. Smack the wine bag.


Oh, smack.




A little goon. Slap the bag.


Wait, did that sag as we were?


No, I just looked over at it.


It wasn't like that when we started.


Recording, because it was.


No, it wasn't.


Yeah, it was.


Roll the tape.


I think it was.


Roll the tape. You all want to talk about that? Let's roll the intro, baby.


Let's do it.


Welcome back to unfield third. I'm Zane.


I'm Heath.


I'm Matt.


I'm Mariah.


And we are unfiltered comostas. How's everybody doing today?


We be in. We be good.


Very good. How's everybody's week been?




Pretty good.


I'm doing all right. I partied all weekend because everyone's having all their Christmas parties. It's that weekend right before everyone starts leaving town, there's a bunch of parties. I went to a Christmas party. I swear, every freaking night this past weekend. And now I'm feeling it. I'm feeling damn sick, man. I don't feel good. I don't have Covid.


Sick, as in like. Oh, no. I thought you just meant, like sick. Just run everything.


No, dude, my throat feels like sandpaper. My nose feels on fire. I don't feel the need to cough. But I'm just like, all I want to do is crawl up and die.


You know what helps now? I do this every time. Exercise, a healthy diet.


I've exercised every day this week. I've been on a fucking grind.


No, that's good. Do you still work out every day?


I started working out last. I worked out every day last week and then worked out every day up to this week. That's good. But it was my first time in like a month. I hadn't worked out since my wedding.


So you've been to quite a few Christmas parties?


Yeah, quite a lot.


Have you heard of any?


I haven't heard of any.


I haven't heard of any.


Oh, man, you guys are missing out on all the invites.


But no, honestly, I've been loving staying in. I'm just getting old very quickly. It's been nice. Like when I wake up on a Saturday or a Sunday and I'm just, like, on my bed, I'm just like, not hungover. It's just like, fuck.


But then I love a Sunday where you do nothing because you're so hungover.


I'll be right back, though. Like, when February march hits, I'm going to get crazy again. I think it's usually the summer months, right? Or. No, it's spring. Sorry. From March to August, I think is when I really lose myself and then I get back on track.




I think because your birthdays, you do like alcoholic hibernation.


That was real funny, Gilbert.


But when Christmas break rolls around and you're spending time with your friends and family. I'm drinking every day.


Oh, really? You see, I'm the opposite. I feel like with my family, I don't need to drink or like friends from back home, I don't need a drink.


Oh, really?




I think my parents love when I come into town because they're excited, because they get to drink every day because we're around.


Yeah, that makes sense.


I don't know. I like drinking with my parents.


No. And I do too, but it doesn't come up.


What, are your parents go to drinks if they're making the.


My mom is a mojito gal.


Mojito? Like at home, like private little.


They don't drink at home. Like, if my dad does, it'll be like after cutting the grass, he'll have a beer.




But if they go out, my mom will get, like, a mojito and my dad will just get some sort of beer.




My mom's a margarita.


Margarita, classic. Skinny, salt on the rim.


I think. Just classic. I'm trying to think of any. My mom used to be a big fan of Smyrnoff ice. She would drink that religiously. It's funny looking back, because now it's like, nobody drinks that, right? Unless you're icing somebody. But no one's coming with a pack of Smirnoff ice. It just doesn't happen anymore. Especially since they are good, though. They are good.


But when you drink sugar, is it real sugar? There's not like, fake sugar.


It feels like you're drinking like, a bag of cotton candy. It's just so heavy. You're drinking like, oh, God. And drinking a whole six pack. But my mom would drink that religiously. And that's the beer that I used to sneak into high school was Smirnoff ice. I'd put it in a bottle. One beer, one smart off ice. Thinking that that was going.


Sharing it with, like, six. Like, are you feeling it?


Isn't that crazy? Drinking one beer in a water bottle? Take a sip. That's why I got bullied. They're probably like, Zane, that's so sick. They'd all go home and be like, what? All taking shots. Didn't even know what shots were yet.


I do love, like, the red, white, and Blue smeared off ice, though. Like, the rocket pop smeared off ice.


Didn't. Never heard of.


Oh, they have them around like, 4 July times, I think.


Mariah Pinnacle.


My life used to be hell because of pinnacle.


Pinnacle was the move.


Whipped cream pinnacle.


Yeah. Look, all the flavors.


That's the one.


I remember the spins that would put you through. My God, I miss it every day.


Going to bed would be like riding chic rock.




You would just be.


Because Dane was drinking cake, pen was.


I was going hard. And because of the people that I were drinking with, I was always crossfaded this shit. I would drink that, and I always have that blunt right with it.


That blunt right with it. It seems like these brands just create, like, these alcohol brands are made just for underage drinking. Who's an adult going out and buying pinnacle? You'll be surprised.


I think my mom would be like, oh, wow.


A lot of middle America shortcake vodka. Drink that shit.


Yeah, maybe there are more people.


My mom's top cabinet, so my stepdad shit was all, like, whiskey and that type of shit. And then my mom's shit would be, like, flavored vodka, flavored tequila. Like, flavored shit where she didn't have to really mix it with anything.


I get it because my mom loves Malibu.


I love Malibu even though I never drink it, but I love it.


Yeah, they like that sweet stuff.


Yeah, that's nice. Malibu.


Oh, my God. I feel like I'm betraying. Happy art, guys. Happy art tequila. Salsars are also amazing, which you could buy at any Bevmo and Ralph's. Where else is it at?


Whole foods.


Whole foods.


Total wine. We're out here. We're in Texas. We're in Florida, all over New York.






Very good. Yeah. Make sure you get yourself a package.


I love Bevmo. Is such a great store. Have you been into Bevmo? They hook you up with, like, you join the Bevmo club, which is free. You get it at a sale price. The employees are so nice. They have such a great collection and selection of seasonal brews.


Is it pretty much like the Sam's club of alcohol?


It's not like you're not buying it wholesale, but they just carry a lot of stuff that normally you wouldn't get at Ralph's or your typical grocery store. So, yeah, it is crazy.


Just a whole store, like, that. Big, dedicated to just alcohol.


Yeah, baby.


Has anybody tried real moonshine?


No. I've seen, like, the gas station ones where it says moonshine, but that's not real moonshine.


So that isn't real moonshine. There's a shit with, like, the strawberries in it.


You can't buy it at a store. Like, it's something where somebody has to make in their backyard.


Yeah, but, no, I don't think I've ever had real moonshine.


If you watch the process of it, it is the most terrifyingly beautiful, scientific thing I've ever seen.




Crazy wars that you just put together.


Like, you watch it, and you're like, first of all, how does anybody figure this out? Why would you even drink this in the first place?


Isn't it, like, over 100% alcohol? Isn't it a crazy amount. You take, like, a few sips and you're seeing shit.


There's like, copper piping. You let it evaporate, and then you take that evaporated water up top, and if you drink like, that, first one that comes out, you will die.


Who sits there? Remember the movie Eurotrip, what they drank and then she made out with her twin brother, I believe. No, that was absent. But I think that's moonshine. Is that same world as absence, where.


It'S like a borderline psychedelic?


I think it's just so potent. Just very potent.


Yeah, it's absurd.


Do you just take one shot of it and then you're like, fine.


I think you just have one sip and you are in trouble.


Damn. And that takes some serious engineering for someone to be that heavy of an alcoholic and addicted to 190 proof. And what's a normal. I don't know. My proofs very that well. What's like maybe 30? Oh, my gosh.




How much did we spend still to this day? Remember you and me on the cruise? Yes. You and me had a shot of Louis the 18th or whatever. That the most expensive.


It was like, what, $500 a shot or something? Something. Or ridiculous.


It was absurd. And we were laughing about it because the price was for a half of a shot.




It wasn't a full shot.


Is that it?


Yes, we had a drink of that, the Louis XII. But the $5,000 bottle, it was insane.


So we were looking at the price that they had listed, and we were like, there's no way anybody's buying this. There's no reason. But we were laughing because we had to try it just to get it out of our system almost.


Yes, because we kept looking at the damn sign.


We all split a half of a shot.


You and me split a half a shot.




And we were just like. It just didn't make any sense.


How much money was that, though?


I think it was $350.




For half of a shot? Oh, God. I thought it was cheap.




But I guess split it wasn't that bad. It was fun for the memory.


Can this cruise. And I know they can get in trouble. Yeah, this is very illegal. But why do I feel like so many people do it and they can get away with it, especially for a part of a cruise. Anyways, imagine they had this bottle, right, and they just filled it with some cheap. Just something similar to it. Or people that are like, all right.


Imagine our first time tasting it. We couldn't compare it to.


Exactly. So why do I feel like, when people like us come up and they're like, oh, my God, we want to try that. All he's got to do is just pull his backup. That's not actually Louis XII and porousette.


You know what I mean? He could. But that's so risky to do that, because if someone did catch you and busted you for that, you'd be in some serious trouble. I think he wants it to be real, because also, some people maybe really know their taste, and they do know what the real thing is, and they're going to pay it.


That's true.


If you wanted to pull a perfect con job, that would be a way to do it. But you just have to bank on that. Your patrons are going to be that dumb.


I'm sure they could have done it to us because we were like, what.


Do you think of David?


It could have been anything. And I would have been like, oh.


This is not been a good joke. If he gave you that first shot, and it wasn't. It was just like Jack Daniels. And then he. Then he was like, you know what? This is actually it. That's me as a bartender. I would do that. Oh, guess what, guys.


Tell me, Zane, what is it?


I just got summoned for a jury duty.






Wait, this is the first time you've gotten it?


My first time. Guess what I did with it.


Threw it away.


No, you did. Y'all. The first time you do it. I think you can do that. But your second time, you cannot do that.


I'm not doing it. You know why? I'm not a good person to judge someone else's trial. I'm just not good at it. And I'm also a liability, right? Because anything that happens in that courtroom, I'm going to bring red back to the podcast, and they're not going to want that.


He didn't just do it because he thought he would be on the next show. In my head, you would read it and be like, oh, my gosh, they're filming season two. I should probably do this.


But you know what? They would do that. Maybe.


Should I do it? Wait. He's like, the thing is, leah, go through the trash.


Here's the thing. Look, I know it's, like, my duty as, like, an american or whatever the fuck. It's my duty to do jury duty. But what if this shit just goes for a really long time?


You can't pull out. Okay, Zayn, the thing is, you get summoned, you have to go to basically this mini audition thing where.




Yes. They get everybody around and they'll start asking questions to see who's mentally sane enough. That's when you go and you wear your, like, I'm going to come t shirt.


Can I say, like, oh, you should.


Just say, I want someone to go to jail today. Like, I am all for the death gunnel, baby. Yeah, I don't want to make it too.


I kind of want to say, oh, my God, I have a podcast. I can't wait to talk about this.


Sure, yeah, you could say that. And they'd be like, oh, maybe you're not the best person for it.




So that's what we have to do. But now that you've said no the first time, they're still going to hit you back up again, asking you to.


Have you ever done jury?


I have been summoned. And then when I put in my information, they go, okay, check this website every single day for the next couple of days, and then we'll ask you when to come in. I did that all the four or five days and I never had to go in and I'm done, so I'm out of the system.


Oh, wow.


Unless like, Zane, you're good.


So in order to get out of doing jury duty, you have to have a physical or mental impairment.


Oh, perfect. I'm good.


No form of transportation. You would have to travel a long distance to attend the court date. That shit's for or provide care for a dependent and cannot afford to pay for care.


But what if it's like the next OJ trial or something?


Yeah, but then that's even worse.


I know. That's the last thing I want to.


Be in one where you can get it done in a week if you're part of a huge national trial, that sucks. That sucks.


But it sounds exciting in the moment. And then you're just like, after you're in there, you're like this. But it is going to take.


If you had a typical nine to five job where you really fucking hated going to work.




And you had an go do jury duty. I mean, hell yeah.


Because they cover your pay, right?


Yeah. And I think they feed you.


This might sound just so unrelatable. I don't know if I was able to come back and talk about it and just trust everybody watching and listening that they're not going to talk about it. That would be awesome. Just doing it and then doing my duty, like, sitting there and actually listening and participating and coming back and being able to talk about it, but it just doesn't go anywhere further than the viewers listening and you guys, I think I would do it in a heart.


You know what goes down in jury duty, though, right? Like, you go into a room and I know I have to sit there and collectively agree on the decision before you can go out, which is. It can take hours. Forever, maybe.


I've seen jury duty.




That's all I know. I've seen the show. I've seen the show.


I don't really understand the whole. You have to collectively agree.




Kind of takes away the point of you should have your own opinion about it.


I know, but the thing is that they have to collectively make a decision. They can't just each make a decision.


Okay, but what if one person doesn't agree? It just keeps going and going until that one person caves and doesn't technically agree.


Well, I don't think exactly, but I think that it just leads to more conversation and talking about it and discussing. I think that's what you should see the movie. That's a whole point.


Twelve angry men. Have you ever heard of it?


I've heard about it, but I haven't seen.


It's a great airplane movie because it just all takes place in this courtroom. But these guys go in and agree and have to vote because there's this kid who's getting convicted and thinks that he murdered, like, his neighbor. And originally everybody is saying, guilty, guilty, guilty. And one guy goes, not guilty. And they're like, are you fucking kidding me, dude? We all want to get out of here. And then he goes back around and he explains his argument. And slowly by surely, everybody starts seeing what this guy's point is. It's a great movie, but, yeah, it's kind of intense.


It is crazy that decisions are based off of random people that are just in the courtroom listening. That's insane.


Knowing my fate is up to them.


It's insane. And we all know how people are in the end of the day. You know how they vet people or they get rid of people. You know how easy I feel like it is to probably just bypass that and sit there and just knowing that your decision is locked on somebody just because of anything, just because of who they are, like what they look like or their skin color or anything, you can still bypass that and you can still judge somebody by that. I think that's crazy. Just like random people.


If I was a jury duty, my biggest weakness, I would be too animated listening to the people talk, like after a lawyer be like, and this is why he did not commit the murder. And I'd be mean.


I think it should come down to, you know, like the supreme court. They have like judges and they're the ones that make decision. I think that's just how they should set it up too. And I know that's like, there's a way they can do it where it's not just random ass people, it's people that are experienced and have seen or have seen a lot of different situations that I feel like should make that decision. Not random ass people that you're grabbing out of just their normal everyday life to do this job and expect them to.


Is that the lawyer who is fighting for the person? Like if they did it and they know that the person did it, they got to go up there and lie and fight against that too. That is fucking insane to me.


That's crazy. That's after they know, like, I couldn't be a lawyer.


Know that you murdered somebody. I would never, you killed a child. And I had to go up there and be like, he didn't do it for this reason, this reason, this reason. I as a person would not be able to do that.


But it's not even this person didn't do it. You would come up with an excuse why it was okay for him to do it and why you should lower his sentence. Because he had to. Because of this. Because it happened. Right. But they would come up with excuses.


But there was no proof. You know what I mean?




If it was up to speed.


Everyone has a right to be defended. Yeah.


People have the right to a speedy trial. Have the right to.


It's crazy.


Have it. I know it is wild. But that's also a good lawyer's here to argue both ways. They got to teach you that.


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What else?


I'm not going to lie, I'm not only very drunk, but I think I blacked out that whole time talking. Yeah. Did I make sense at all?


Yeah, you were good. Really?


His tolerance went down.


My toes went down by a lot, dude. I took like baby steps too.


Have you seen the guy that makes food at hotels?


Like a chef?


No, he's just this random dude. But he'll cook meals without traditional means of cooking. Like no grill. He'll grill a steak with a hairdryer in a hotel room.


This isn't the dorm room. Is this like guy, I've seen the guy who has like the pot in his dorm and will make lobster in his bed?


Yeah, there's people that are doing it. But the guy will go into hotels and things like that. But he just did one where he was on a plane.


Finita was talking about this. Go on.


And he goes into the bathroom on the plane, brings like this battery thing with these connectors, and he starts boiling shrimp in the sink and cooking like mashed potatoes shrimp. And then he puts it in the barf bag to bring back to his seat. Hell, watch this cooking process.


Oh my God, this is a real plane. Oh no.


How did he get on the plane with that stuff?


Exactly. And wait, can we pause this?


You can bring batteries on the plane. You just can't have it in your checked bag, Keith.


You know the amount of chaos that would cause if someone caught him? Just that. I know just that on the bathroom sink. Because that looks like I would freak the fuck up. Like, what? It almost just looks like a bomb.


That he's creating, but who's not smelling like sous vide? That is disgusting. I wouldn't even eat that afterwards.


It doesn't matter how well you clean that sink. That's fucking disgusting.


I'm so curious what flight he took to make this happen. He had to have gone on.


That's Delta. It's Delta. I can tell.


And then brings it back.


He opens it up, and can you imagine the person on the other side going, what are you doing in there?


That is wild.


I'd love eating garlic shrimp and mash.


Matt, imagine you're on the seat over, and you look over, you see him. You just see him film this whole thing.


Oh, absolutely not, bro.




I wanted to think that he had, like, staged this shit. That is awful. Shame on him.




But I can't even believe he's showing his face.


Look, obviously in his head. He was like, this is going to get insane views, because this is crazy. Yeah, right? Cooking a meal in the bathroom sink on an airplane. If I thought of this, I probably would have done it.


I think there was another one where they opened the toilet and laid kind of like a grilling rack and grilled something in the toilet with meat on top.


Wait, what's the rack, like, between the toilet seat and.


Yes. He's like, got a rotisserie going on.


You are not that hungry that you need to make a meal on the flight.


You get hungry in economy. Those bitches take a long fucking time to get to you, and then you don't even really get a meal. You get, like, snacks. I get it.


I don't get it how excited he is. It's just that double battery pack that's.


Yeah, I'm surprised that you can just take that on a plane, but I guess it's a battery. It's okay.


It looks like stuff to make a bomb, though.


You know, when they're like, lithium ion batteries? Do you got it in there? I'm like, I don't.


That is definitely worse than a lithiumion battery.


Patricia had this suitcase that I was just borrowing, and they go, ion battery? I'm like, nope. She goes, well, what's this. And she presses this button and a whole battery comes out of the side. So why do they put the batteries in these brand new suitcases when they're not allowed? I'm not sure because these charging ports that they build into the luggage, but every time I go there, they're like, we don't accept these.


I'm pretty sure that it's checked. Bags can't have batteries.


Okay, carry ons.


You're allowed to have batteries.


Weird, because it's all going to the same place.


I think it's just a safety thing. Like if something, like all the bags below the plane, if something happened to the battery, it exploded, caught fire down there.


It's probably harder, you just won't know.


To get to or something like that. But if a battery exploded on the. Probably be scarier if somebody next to you's battery popped. But I don't know. I guess it would be easier to solve the situation.


I don't know if you guys saw, but saw eleven was just announced yesterday or saw just announced yesterday that they're making another movie.


Are you going to be in it?


I don't know. I'm doing my best. I am working, but whatever. I know the producer said all that on the thing, but it doesn't promise anything. That's just how it is. But I am.


That would be sick.


Imagine seeing my name somewhere in the credits. I would have.


Just seeing your name in credits is pretty.


Even as an extra. Even as like janitor or water passer. Just something. I'll make it work.


McDonald's is putting out like a new restaurant called.




Oh, yeah.


So what is it?


It's basically like a dutch bro. It's a drink.




So it's going to be like a drive through drink place to get like coffees.


And I think the one in Illinois opened.


Oh, really?


I think so.


I'm super excited for it because we love beverages. All we want to do is just.


Have a place that makes a ton.


Of beverages and they're all like energy.


Sour cherry energy burst island pick me up punch. Blueberry ginger boost.


Ever since panera bread, I don't know if you should be making any energy burst drinks. That's true in a place.


I'm super excited for it. I think it's going to be really cool.


Hot damn, that does look kind of fun.


I'm surprised that McDonald's didn't come out with something like this already just because they're doing so well. They have so much.


They're going to make something over with.


This cosmetics, you don't think it won't be like a trend? It's going to come and go really.


Fast because of how many? They've already said that they're opening.


How many are they opening?


They want to do over 50,000. 50,000 what?


How many McDonald's are in the US?




Wait, millions?


There's like, at least a millions.




Is that too bold to say?


I think so. Here. 40,000.


Oh, shit. What do I know? But wait, they're going to put more cosmics than McDonald's?


I don't know, man.


Dude, I'm terrible with numbers.


No, I just know that was way off.


Do you think you could go into a room? I'm always fascinated by people who can look at people. You're at a party and go, how many people do you think are in this room? And someone will be like, someone goes, oh, 100. I'm so 40. Yeah, it's crazy. People have.


Even if you showed me two rooms and you're like, 171 is 100. Which one? Even if you gave me 5 seconds, I couldn't tell you which one it was.


It's like the jelly bean jar.


Yes, the jelly bean jar, man.


It could be 500 or 150,000 and.


I couldn't tell you. I just don't have the brain for that.


I just have to count Mick.


Cosmics. Is it like, no cosmic?


No cosmics. But that's not a bad name.


Is it supposed to be like, a play on the cosmos? Like, out of this world?


It's named after the alien guy character.


Hold on.


There was an alien guy. Part of the.


They keep popping up. Grimace did not exist before a year ago.


That guy, I do not remember him.


I don't remember him either.




I want to see what they do with.


They're going to do every character. I think you're right. The grimace took off and they were like, this is it. We should do every character.


Hamburglar penitentiary.


Ronald McDonald is just such a scary idea.


Wait, the clown?




I mean, that's when clowns.


But that's a perfect killer. They should make an a 24 movie of Ronald McDonald being. Just murdering. It looks like succession.


And then the hamburger.


Wait, I thought the hamburger was part of Burger King. No, Burger King. Why did I say it like that? Burger King.


No, that's. The Burger King is in Burger King.


I know, but I thought it was Burger King and also hamburger.


Love that. They just, like, encourage endorsing crime. Our burgers are so good.


You're going to steal them.


You're going to steal.


Burger so good. Make a steal boy.


I don't blame the Hamburglar, though.


But they don't have any of those characters in anything for McDonald's anymore. Right. They kind of got rid of them in all these.


They stopped getting rid of the playgrounds once the playgrounds went. Starbucks has been trying to become like this grab and go place. They don't even want you sitting down at a McDonald's.




I get the vibe it's not a place of spending the day at McDonald's.




Everything's going super automated, especially because order ahead through the app.


Just getting Doordash and all that. Yeah. That's like making people just want to kind of chill. I saw a TikTok very interesting. I saw a TikTok where a guy was talking about how this country has. There's no sense of a third place anymore.




Did you see that?


This is a topic to bring up.


I don't remember exactly what he like.


They're talking about a lot about the youth. So the youth would always, you have your home and you have your work or school. You have a place where you go. People love having a third place. And for the longest time in culture in America, your third place would be the mall. Since malls are dying down, people are at a loss of where their third place somewhere.


Like an escape to go to when you're not at home or work.


Exactly. And there's no point of going out to eat or going to spend $20 on a drink. You might as well just stay home and just invite somebody over.


And there's no sense of community outside of your work and home.


Exactly. Yeah. I just found it really interesting because it has happened, especially in our time. Even in high school, there was, I feel like, a sense of community. We could all meet up and hang out somewhere, like, every week, but I don't even know what high school kids are doing these days. Is there even a sense of.


They just go home and they log on?


Yeah. It's so crazy.


I feel like it also has to do with hobies. I feel like your third place kind of revolves around your hobby. If you're into bowling, you're at the bowling alley or golf course, whatever it is. I feel like people don't really have hobies like they used to.


Is bowling expensive?


No. Especially when you.


Especially when you own your own ball and shoes.


There's nothing to rent. You're just paying for your time. And I bet you already you can sign up for a membership where you get the lanes for free. I think it's a great little hobby. The thing is, though, it's like chess. Bowling is always fun until you're playing against someone who's really good at it, and then you're like, all right, guys.


Bowling is kind of like golf, where you're only playing against yourself, like you're getting your own score.


No, you're still playing against all the other people in bowling.


Yeah, but you're still playing.


You're still trying to get better.


It's not like somebody else's move determines your next one.


Oh, good point. Right?


So it's like golf, kind of literally, you're in a competition with yourself to get your own highest score.




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Thank you so much, Sea Geek, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you so much. And, baby, happy holidays to you. Did you guys watch that last movie that came out on Netflix, leave the world behind?


Yes. Did you like it?


A couple of nights ago, it was.


A fun watch after watching that movie. I know it's just a movie, but it's crazy how much we all just rely on the Internet, right?


And technology in general, if the Internet.


Were to just kind of disappear, people would slowly. It would. It would very quickly go from boredom to going insane.


Losing it.


Losing it. And people never needed the Internet back then. Think about like, fucking 30 years ago, nobody was using the Internet and everybody was like, pretty fine. But now you get rid of that world would literally flip upside down. Just think about it.


I'm curious how long it would take for me to start going insane about it. Because if everyone's in the same boat and no one can have it, then I'm like, well, no one else can get on it, so what am I getting so antsy about?


But the thing is that you would, though, because it's a part of our everyday life and we've been doing it for years, it'd be really hard to just like, oh, that's fine. It would only be easy for people that are not on their phone.


Yeah, because you can't even call somebody.


You can't do anything.


No gpu.


No, you could call. Right, because no signal unless, well, you.


Have to have a house phone. Yeah. Like a landline.


Like if the power grid went down.


Then, oh, well, then that's bad.


Is that what happened in the movie, the power grid went down or the.


Service went down, Internet went down. And then eventually I think the power did go out, right?


No, I don't think the power ever went out, did it?


Well, no, it did in the middle of the night like that one.


But, yeah, I think power grid going down is where it gets real scary. Yeah, because your fridge doesn't work, your food's going bad. As soon as you're out of food, people will be going wild. And that's when real stuff starts to pop off crazy.


See movies, like sometimes right now, this moment in life, we're like, once I have my own property, then I'll get into prepping my own self. But right now, ignorance is bliss and I have to have faith that nothing will go wrong.


That's so true because it's really hard to prepare for anything here. Yeah.


When you'renting.


No, I feel like just in the city in general, it's just very hard, I feel like, to prepare. But when you're out in the middle of nowhere and you can have a bunker and shit, I think that's so easy to prepare for literally anything unless.


There'S so many people here just stacked on top of each other. It would be very difficult. Yeah, but definitely I think everybody should have food and water stocked up.


Right? True.


Just in case.


If it start getting bad, though, get me the fuck out of Los Angeles.


I know, but by the moment that you're like, I need to get out of here, everybody's already thinking that and trying to get out of here is already a lot of people.


And I had the mindset of a get out bag or a get out plan. I think your best bet is to stay in and ride the wave for a minute. Let the madness kind of like settle and then get out. Because as soon as something happens, I feel like it's going to be gridlocked on the highway, everywhere. You're not going to be able to do anything. People are just going to be going crazy. Stay in your home, protect your home for a little bit. And then I think the best plan is to get out after that.


It always seems so fictional when we talk about this. I feel like a crazy person whenever we talk about this because it sounds like it only happens in movies, but this could happen at any moment, just out of nowhere. And then you're just like, oh, I'm not prepared. What the fuck are we going to do?


Oh, man. Now I'm thinking I need like, that's what I'm going to ask for for Christmas is like a bunker.


Yeah, just build me a bunker.


You can buy like survival packs. I feel like on Amazon too. That come with.


Remember that target video? We.


There'S a, there's a couple few sites that have long term food options. And I forget the website I used. I think it was my patriot supply. Yeah, they have like a six month package.


Okay. I would love to be friends with a prepper who would be my next door neighbor and say, hey, I feel like, you mind if I build a bunker into your yard?


Kevin Bacon's reaction though is exactly what's going to happen. The guy that was doing it the entire time that warned people, get food and then all of a sudden now shit pops off and you want to show up to his door. No.


Very realistic. When I saw it too, I was like, that is so realistic. Because that would happen with people that are always prepared and that get made fun of for always being prepared. And that's exactly the reaction that they would give. Yeah, no, when I saw that, I.


Was like, oh, yeah, but I'm the personality hire. Okay, you want to go spend the rest of your times out of that bunker? I'm a good conversation we can play games.


I got good ideas. You know the amount of money we can make after all this shit blows through? I had the ideas that I have for us. I got ideas, man.


Let me in.


Business partner.


Put it right here.


Yeah, look at that.


Survival pizza.


Mariah's looking at what she's already. She already has three in her cart.


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Six pizzas. Wait, six pizzas for $77?


Not bad.


But yeah, so they do it based on like 2000 calories a day.


So it gives you enough.


I feel like you don't need that much calories a day. You could do like 1500.


It's just a good base because I would imagine if this is happening, you're going to be doing a lot more physical work around the house than you normally would. You're going to need more energy or food for energy.


Have we talked about this? So I've been watching the Walking Dead lately and stuff. How down for survival are you, though? Okay, wait, what do you mean? Because I'm watching the Walking Dead now. I'm on season five of this shit. At that point, it just seems like they're running into misery after misery.


You're prolonging the inevitable is what you're thinking.


I would doubt my own will to survive if I know it's just going to be this dark for the rest of the way. I might just go, I'm checking out.


And you just walk into that?


Or are you like, I must survive till the very last moment? I can. Is your desire to survive very soon?


I'm in it for survival.




I think just because I'd be so curious too. I want to keep living for the curiosity of what is going to happen. True, too. Because obviously if you still have a family, you sell family, you still have kids, you want to keep on going for them, you want to protect them as long as you can. But if you're by yourself at that point, I think it's just merely for entertainment. I just want to see what's going to happen and if I'm able to live through this. Fuck, yeah. You know what I mean? Like, oh, my God. I'm one of the people that actually survived this.


And the movie leave the world behind was very biblical without big time.




And I think it was also the power cyber attack thing, but also mixed with, like, the rapture.


That's when the daughter, though, she references that story from the west wing where it's like the guy is waiting, a flood is coming. And they're like, a ship comes. They're like, sir, can we save you? No God will save me. Right? Another thing comes. No God will save. Then they die and they get to the pearly gates and God's just like. And then he goes, why didn't you try to save me, God? And he goes, I sent you three ships.


Yeah, I'm with the survival. Like, get through the trials and tribulations and make it to the rapture.


Yeah, I think the people around me would keep me going, but if I lose my wife, my kids, my best friends.


Yeah, you would.


I'm hanging out with people.


I don't mean that's a lot of strength to keep going. Honestly, a lot of people, I feel like, couldn't even make it through that. We were even talking about just traveling alone.


Oh, yeah.


A buddy of ours just went to Japan by himself, and I was telling, like, that's crazy that you can go just to another country by yourself and just try to experience everything without somebody by your side just to even chat with. I feel like that just helps.


I think it's so good for you, though. Like, that soul searching, being in another country alone, going through all these crazy life experiences, not sharing it with somebody I feel like is very good for.


And not coming back and being like, you have to talk about it to everybody.


That's the thing.


Internalize your own enjoyment. That's so important.


Like, find out what you like alone, I think, would be really good for you.




You ever go eat by yourself? Yeah. Have you ever sat down at a restaurant? Eat by yourself? I love that.


I've done that many times.


Yeah. Patricia and I were, like, touring about, like, a restaurant. She's like, well, I don't want that. I don't want that. And I'm like, if you want to go eat somewhere, you can. I'm like, I can? She goes, yes, go. I'm like, okay. Do it by myself.


Do it. And keep your phone in your pocket the whole time.


Oh, yeah. I don't know. That's a little tough. I got to kind of entertain while I eat.


Yeah. I definitely don't mind doing that for, like, I could do that for most of the day. I could do that for a whole day. That's fine. But I think it's just, like, leaving the country or leaving this. I think that's just, like.


It's kind of fun sharing it with somebody.


Yeah. Honestly, just anybody. Just to kind of.


I think because we're in relationships, obviously now, I would want to share it with Mariah, but if I was single. Yeah, I think that would be so good for somebody to go do a trip alone. Go travel somewhere, and it will be difficult. It would be hard. It would be, I'm sure, stressful and frustrating at times, but I think the lessons that you take out of a trip like that would be so beneficial as a person.


Keith, you know what that is? Type two fun.




100%. Type two fun. The whole time you're just sitting there. You're just like, I think I'm enjoying. And then you're like, I think you.


Would learn a lot about yourself, what you like, what you don't like.




Yeah. How to be single. That's like the end of the movie of how to be single. When Dakota Johnson goes up on that mountaintop and she has a whole monolog about, it's important for you, being alone, understanding what you like, adventuring it for yourself. I'm alone and internalizing it. It's good.


What do you like?


What do I like?


Yeah. Do you like that you could go enjoy by yourself?


By myself?


I like going to the movies by myself. I love just not having to wait around for someone else to be like, well, this person, will they like it? I don't know. Sometimes I hate going to movies someone and just being like, are they enjoying this as much as I'm enjoying it? I just like going by myself, I.


Think just, like, work. Like, getting work done and errands. Errands. I never mind doing that by myself. I can't think of anything else. Errands? Yeah, errands. Work. Anything work related?


No, I want to do by myself. Outside of, like, if you went on.


Vacation, what would be entertainment?


Yeah. What do you enjoy doing?


Like, a hobby or, like, I mean, you travel. What do you really do? You either hike.


You walk around, hike by yourself. Do you ever go hike by yourself?


I've done it before, yeah.




But I do it because I just need to do it. Like, I need a hike. I need to work out. But if I were to travel by myself and try to do it, honestly, I would walk around and I'll just be like.


I'm sure it would be more fun with people, but, yeah, to.


Me, going outside, unless I have to do it, then I'd rather just wait to go with somebody and do it.


There's a lot of mundane that I want to go explore that for some other people will be like, I'm not going to. Like, I want to go to Fargo, North Dakota. I want to go just out there and go into a random bar and just see what those types of people are like. I want to go to the mall of America. I want to go see Minnesota. I want to go to all these liminal spaces in the world and just make sense of it.


Pop up in, like, Boise, Idaho, and just see what's going on.


I want to go to Boise.






I want to go, like, I get jealous when you see people. Like, we're going on tour and they're going to all those places I'm like, I would love to go to that random little town.


To me, because you're getting work done. That is a perfect opportunity by myself, if I was, like, by myself and I was on tour by myself, I'm having so much fun because I am getting something done along with it.


But you can perfect content.


That's a perfect example, though, of how that would be fun for me.


Yeah. Or like, there was a guy who like, I'm going to every rainforest cafe in the entire country. I'm like, that sounds kind of fun. You're on there for a mission to make content, but you're going to all these weird, crazy, mundane.


That's crazy because they all look exactly the same.


Well, I mean, every rainforest cafe is a little bit different, but your experience at them is different. That, though, does sound fun because sometimes when there are places that are too popular or everyone's just like, oh, you got, like, Paris. I still have never been to Paris. Been to France many times. But I don't really care. I don't fucking care about seeing the Eiffel Tower. I want to go see some other.


Weird nooks and crannies that nobody has.


Because I'm eventually going to see it. It's going to find me. Like, I'll never buy tickets to a Snoop Dogg concert, but sure enough, Snoop Dogg will find you. You're going to be in a situation where Snoop Dogg's going to be performing at some club and you're going to be like, it's happening. You got to go in a little weird.


I've never liked touristy shit. I think it's so fun to just go with a local somewhere and they just show you all the spots that nobody knows about. You want to walk into somewhere and you don't want to be with a bunch of tourists, people that are not from the country that you're visiting. You want to just be surrounded.


See what the culture and the place.




You don't want to see people from all over in an area.


Yeah, I'm trying to think of a place that we went to where it was just like, you just saw. It was just Americans everywhere. Literally. It felt like walking into a Sawgrass mall.


Mykonos was like that. Mykonos was just tourists.


I felt like it was like nothing else, but just.


Mykonos just felt like an island off of California, like a really expensive island. Did Japan not feel like that?


No, Japan felt like barely.


I think about the golden guy, that area with all those tiny little bars. I think about it once a day.


Wait, say that again.


The area that had all the tiny little bars that were over the golden guy. That area. I wish that area just. I could go to it.


Every time I think of Japan, that's the first place I think about, too. Is just that.


Yeah, that was amazing.


I wish I could.


Not as big as couch.


It was so.


Yeah, I loved that place.


I really want to go, Patricia.


We really want to go to Korea, though. But Korea is still kind of different. But it does look cool, I think.


Having the chance to visit every country.


Every country. Just fall. Every. I don't know if you got someone.


To do it with and if you have the time.


Yeah. The thing is, though, I'll admit, and I know myself, I'm a bit of a snob. There are certain places where, like, this is not for me. I'm out of here because some places, you got to rough it. I need ac.


You would love Singapore.


I need ice water. Like, there are times where I would get a little irritable. But if it's for you, it's for you.


Honestly, after Singapore, I don't want to be anywhere that is not. That's hot. Yeah, that was brutal. Like, we were getting sick. Have you ever been sick because it was so hot outside?


No, but there's nothing that I hate more than sweating and being, like, hot when I don't want to be just 24/7 working out and I'm sweating. Awesome. I'm working for it, baby. But when I want to be comfortable in a climate and I'm hot and there is no getting away from it, boy, I get irritable.


Yeah. No way I could do heat as.


Long as it's not humid, like, Arizona. Brutal temperatures.


Yeah, but it's doable.


But I'm not sweating in it. I'm not walking through.


You know what I hate?


Hot cloud.


Or this time of year, you're like, oh, we're going to a little thing. Maybe I should put on a sweater because it's sweater season, and then you get to the fucking party and it's too fucking hot and you got to take off the damn sweater. I love being, like, putting on the outfit, and it's perfect. You can wear the fucking outfit to wherever it is.


You never do a backup shirt under it where I do have the backup.


Shirt, but it's not even that fun wearing the damn backup shirt. I just hate layers. And then you can't wear the layers in the place that you're going to this time of year. I'm like, hopefully the AC is good where I'm going. And I'm not saying I'm putting on too many layers like this. I put on this today. I'm like, hopefully the room's nice and cool.


Yeah. Usually for me, it's the outer. That's like the shitty thing. And then under, I always come prepared because I know I'm going to go.


Next thing I know, I'm walking the streets with, like, another sweater wrapped around my waist.


Hey, it's trendy, though.


Like a freaking hula sweater.


It's very Shia Labeouf.


Yeah, I guess it's just. I don't know.


You want a Jordan almond?


Oh, can we look at that house?


What house?


There was a house that was on TikTok of. People were just, like, going, what the fuck is.


Oh, it's like a zillow catastrophe one.


Oh, yes. Let's see it. We haven't done one of these in a long.


Let's rip this.


This was one I had it like. I love a good cringy zillow catastrophe. This was one where I was like, what the hell is this?


All right.


Okay. This is the house.


Let's go full screen, baby.


All right. The price is at $956,000.


And it looks like a typical, like. I don't know how to describe it. It has this kind of, like, red barn color on the outside. Wide balcony, just like a standard country.


It kind of looks like a high school portable. Yes. On the side. Yeah. That's what it reminded me of. Plantation metal.


So it just looks like an old.


It looks like a house in middle America.


Okay. And then you walk into the front door. Front door we walk in.


No, hell, no.


And there's already a jacuzzi there in the floor. And then these stairs that go up to a tiny little nook balcony in the living room.


You know that shit stank. Oh, my God.


And there's fish on the wall.


Well, because it's like the pool area, obviously. It's the spa, bro. Is that the front door right there?


Yes, that's the main living room is already a jacuzzi. We go downstairs, we got kind of a movie theater. We got Grandma reading her book.


This is a cute room. This doesn't look too strange to me.


They go back. Go back in the bedroom over there in the corner, we got a dryer. It looks like a dryer.


Oh, my God. I didn't see that.


Oh, is that a body hanging? Is that an arm right there?


I think so.


No, I think that's someone standing there. Waiting for.


And he got carpet, like on top of the dresser, too.


Oh, my parents do that. They put towels down on top of dressers. I don't know why.


My grandparents do that too.


It's for the noise.


It's like setting things down maybe. Really? I don't know. And then we got now the washer in the bathroom.


It's connected to the water from the hold.


Also, what kind of mirror is that? Above the sink where it's like, look.


At the light and then the mirror.


Wait, what?


No bathtub should be that color.


Was it originally white and it turns that yellow?


No, I think it was yellow because it's all yellow.


No, that's how computers, like old computers, will turn yellow. Just look yellow after it gets exposed to too much oxygen. It does change colors.


Maybe that is it.


This place is just, this is like a liminal space. Truly 7000 sqft.


Why is this so small in here?


Is that half a bucket hanging on the wall? Just quirky. Oh, this is getting a serial killer. This is Chris. Oh, God. He built this for his victims.


It hurts my head, like, looking at it. It's just everything.


Oh, my God.


I kind of like this room.


It seems like everything just peaked in like, 1989. And then they. Oh, look at this color combo.


Wait a minute.


And look at it.


Look at that.


A microwave in between the two chairs.




That's a toaster, Zane. That's something we would do, though.


We would.


It's coffee, Tom.


Just popping popcorn.


I'm not going to lie. That room, Matt, if you went to me and you said, okay, we want something like blue and purple. Make it funky, make it cool, that's probably what I would do. I have no sense of just what looks good.


There's a mini golf course in the backyard. And I do think that it used to be like. And there's a locker room.


What is that? Full basketball court, dude, that looks like medieval time.


Like a rec center.


It's like a daycare, like a YMCA, like a recreational home. But it is just the saddest, most depressing thing. We got that in the backyard.


God, is that a mini golf course? Dude, that's the biggest one I've ever.


This was somebody that had a property and was like, I'm going to start a business. We're going to do it from here, babe.


And they got this massive slide in it. I don't know. I guess if all of that must come with the house.


God. Yeah. This was a school or something. This doesn't make sense.


This is like if Michael Jackson didn't have money and wanted to build Never Neverland on a budget.


Yeah. Is never Neverland still around or the actual, like, how far is that from here?


I don't know.


I don't have no idea.


It's in California, right?


I think so.


You know, remember, I remember actually looking it up on Google Maps and it was like, out know.


I think though, like, a startup bought, like, or something. They use it as their company's retreat headquarters now, which is insane.


Los Olivos, sycamore, Valley ranch.


It's in Santa Barbara county. Okay. Wow. Yo, who fucking bought. That's.


And that's where he lived? Or was that just, like, one of his properties?


That was his escape, that heath.


I'm talking about, like, where he lived. Is that where he bet.


I bet he had multiple properties. It's probably, like, where his fun place was. He wanted just to get away from all the hub up of.


Oh, look, there's your carousel that you want in your yard.


Well, that's a good start, I guess.


Matt, wait, Matt. We found a wedding venue on the east coast where there's a carousel inside.


In the venue, in the.




The wedding party is, like, sitting on it. It goes.


There was, like, cool pictures of people at the wedding on the carousel.


Was it like a good size?


Yeah, it was a regular size one.


When people get married, how long do they wait till they get married again? Don't they do, like a second.


How cool wedding.


You're saying when you want to renew.


Your vows, renew your vows?




Is that, like, a thing that every couple does, or is it.


My grandparents did it on their 60th anniversary.


It's just for fun.


It's kind of like, yeah, it's just like you've been together and you want to renew them and show you're still.


Committed to love each other.


It's just like a damn.


If a couple is willing to do it again, that means they're going strong.


Some couples who've gotten it done, and it seems like they needed to get it done. Really?




I don't know.


Oh, my.


The please touch museum. That's what it was.


But it's kind of fun. I kind of like, it's unique. Everybody would remember that. They certainly would. It's very memorable.


And then there's just one cassie at every wedding.


And then some drunk uncle gets messed up and falls off the carousel horse.


Oh, no, no.


You know what I want in the middle of the wedding.


You know, the.


The one that spins around in, like, what is it? A tilt of world that goes like this, and it's got the workers running in the middle, and they'll jump and be. And come back down on the other side.


Yes, I've seen those. And I've seen those with La Rona in the middle or like the nun. Like, I've seen those in Mexico. You know, the ones that. It's not a gravitron, but it's almost like a big kind of.


Oh, in the middle. Why do they have that one person in the middle?


It's their worker. And then they'll, like, jump.


But why are they wearing that? It's not Halloween. They'll stand in the middle of that.


The most I've seen of nuns was from grounded for life.


What's grounded for life?


You never watched grounded for life?


Grounded for life was a good show.


That was one of the best shows ever created.


I loved Matt.


You don't remember that show?


I have no memory of really grounded for life.


Zane was Uncle Eddie.


Yeah, I was.


They were in Staten island, right?


Was it only on for, like, one?


No, no, it was on for a long. The. I did the AI trend on TikTok. You know how they show a picture and then it blows it up?


Yeah. It expands it.


Generative fills it expands it.


Look what it did with this picture.


Okay. Oh, my God.


I don't know if I want to.


See what it did to that picture.


That's when you got your belly button pierced. And then what? Whoa.


Isn't that crazy?


Is it really easy to do that?


It does it in, like, 15 seconds.




I don't understand.


How did it know the rest of all of our faces in that picture?


The picture went from the top of Scott's head to the bottom of Todd's mouth. AI generated the rest. AI generated, like, Todd's arm, his rest of his shirt, my pants, my jeans, the belly, everything.


That's crazy.




It's unsettling.


That's pretty good.


It's scary.


AI is too much.


How do you create AI? I just don't get it. How did they create it?


Because they're sifting through all these other images that look like that, and then they source whatever that.


No, but just how do you create that fucking system?


I know. It baffles me. Apparently, AI recently just did 800 years of research on organic compounds. If this makes sense, what would have taken 800 years for scientists to go through and identify compounds that, like, how we make plastic? That took forever for us to discover plastic. An AI just went through 800 years of research. So basically, Google's DeepMind just announced the genome project, which used AI to discover 2.2 million new materials, including 380,000 stable materials that could power future technologies. So the AI just discovered these new compounds that we can use as alternatives for all the stuff we have used. That's crazy.




That is where people are, like, going. This is what we really should be freaking out about, is that we just figured out all of these new advancements in science and technology. It's like exponential growth. That's where they said the AI would eventually, once the AI accelerates it to this next point, it just happened.


All right.


And that's all we have, folks. Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Zayn and Heath unfiltered. You can check out these episodes every Monday, audio form on all the podcast apps and platforms. And then you can check out the video form of these videos or episodes on slash Zanend Heath.


Also make sure to check out the Zane and Heath. We do early access to all these episodes. You get it a few days early, all ad free. We also do a bonus episode every single month, and Mariah's in those. So if you want to check out more Mariah's, make sure to do that. We also have a live Q A every month. We bring people on to chat, hang out, answer questions, and then we also.


Cat got your tongue? Dean got your tongue?


I'm trying to think.


Also, stop talking shit about me not having shoes on. I like not having shoes.


People talk shit about me.


Both of us, they don't like that we're not wearing shoes.


Like, it's more comfortable.


They say it's not professional. But we're in my house and in my bedroom, so that was unprofessional. That should have been on silent. But, yeah, we don't like wearing shoes. It's comfy, and the rug is really nice. Mariah spent a lot of time trying to find this carpet, and I want to feel it.


I found the rug.


Oh, you did? Okay, well, all right. Love you guys so much. We'll see you unwinders in about 5 seconds.


Oh, that's what it is.


We keep these cameras rolling. You get extended episodes of the podcast. We just keep hanging. Know it's a good time. So, yeah. slash Dane and Heath.


Beautiful. All right. Peace. Peace and blessings, y'all.