Transcribe your podcast

Is everybody picking their unibrow right now? Oh, boy, you're a unicorn.


You got it? Nice. Thank you.


Do mine.


Look at this.


Do mine. You can make a wish on that one. I have one.


It's not sticking out long enough to get a grip unless you had a tweezer.


Oh, I heard that. That came out. You guys heard that?


It was a big follicle.


Good job, Mariah. Nice to see you guys again after.


Yeah, how are you?


It feels like two days.


Yeah, careful with the footsies. People are commenting.


Oh, really? I didn't notice I was doing that. I tap you when I wanted to say something to you. I do that.


But I don't notice that. I think I know why that is. I don't know if you grew up the same way, but when I'm talking to people, I like to tap them, and I didn't realize it until recently where I tap, and I'm like, That's really annoying that I do that. I think it's because growing up in a big family, you're not always completely paid attention to. So I'm always like, Hello. I feel like I'm right here. So I naturally tap because I'm just like, Are you paying attention? Are you here with me? Otherwise, I'm going to feel stupid.


Kind of childish of us to do that.


We haven't grown out of that. I don't know if that's what it is, but that's what I'm thinking of.


I think it is. I feel like if you're touching somebody, I think it's like you haven't grown up. It's something you need to grow out of, I feel like.


I think so. But you want their full attention, though. If they're in the room with you, but they're not fully paying attention, you really want to say something, I just give them like, Oh my...


It's like a dog. Or if it's something really exciting, I feel.


Yeah, Yeah.


You're not going to believe.


Yeah. Oh, sorry about my... How much noise is making. We have a lot to talk about, discuss on this podcast episode today, so we're going to get right into it.


You ready, baby? Yeah. Let me crack this cold one.


Let me crack this cold one. We got Accelerator.


It's coffee talk, baby.


Let's go. Hey, let's go. We got $5 here. $6, $7, $8.


Going once, going twice.


I can never tell if the song's over started or not because I don't have the headphones.


I like to guess. I can barely hear it because I don't have headphones. But I think I got it that time. But, yeah, welcome back to Zane, he's unfiltered. I'm Zane. I'm he. I'm Mariah. And we are unfiltered. Thank you for coming again.


Thank you.


You guys came again. Thank you so much. That means Sometimes we're all surprised. You guys are still here. It's really cool. It's really cool that you guys are here still. It's cool.


It just reminds me of all the videos I see where it's like anybody could buy a microphone and have a podcast nowadays. It makes me feel horrible inside.


We're getting these comments a lot now on TikTok.


Because we're reaching a new audience that doesn't know us.


And I'm like-No, there's a new one. We're starting to get this quite a few on our TikToks. It's horrible. This one, Bro, let's make a podcast. Every time I see them, I'm like, Oh, no. No, whatever. It's hard. You podcast for five years and tell me if there's anything else to talk about after five years. It's tough.


You could literally do that with any podcast.


Okay, that's giving, Try being an influencer for a day.


Try being my size.


No, I'm saying the first year is the easiest. It really is. There's so much to talk about.


Especially when we weren't seeing each other as often and we were catching up with each other. Now we see each other every single day. What the hell else do we talk about?


Yeah, it's tough.


But even looking back at old episodes-Champagne problems?


Whatever. You guys can tell. I mean, success, right?


Succession. Quite a few has happened this week.


A lot. Right after saying that, quite a few has happened.


Back to you, Zane. Thank you, Mariah. Quite a few has happened.


Quite a few has been.


Yeah, we have some health updates.


Yeah, so you guys know, some people posted about it, but I did my body reveal, right? Where I've been working out, I've been busting my house for the past seven months. Naturally, by the way, people I'm already seeing comments. It's all right, just ignore. I know. It's tough. I mean, it's not tough, but it's just like,Ego-based. I thought I wouldn't care, but then it's just like... But you can't blame them. You can't blame them because they don't see anything.


What about all the women?


I can't wait to see my DMs. Have you gotten-I can't wait.


What? Have you gotten an influx of attention?


I've gotten an influx for him. Not really. My DMs are flooded right now, and it didn't even come out. And they're like, please tell Zane I'm really... And it's like their resume of how...


Because I'm not getting... See, I'm not getting those DMs. I feel like my friends get them all, but they're not coming into my box.


I'm not going to lie, I do stalk all of them and see if anybody really is a good candidate.


Oh, that's good. Well, thank you for checking. I do. It's tough. Every time I find someone that's like, oh, she's good, private. Every time it's a private account, you can't waste your time on it. You just got to go.


You're not just going to throw out that follow to get that quick little.


Exactly. Quick little. But my other friend is like, Todd, one time I was going through Dod's. I just can't believe it. It's insane. It's insane comparing his to mine. I'm I think I'm refreshing it. I think mine's working.


I must have some blocker on here.


But my DMs are broken. They truly are broken. They really are. It's been broken for a few years, but it's just-What does that mean? Broken. Oh, mine are too. So my top DMs are all from 100 weeks ago.


Yeah, mine too.


You have to scroll through a lot to get to the recent ones.


They're not chronological order.


Yeah, I think it's by how many followers they have or something.


Well, you know there's a button you click and it'll change that.


Mine doesn't work. It doesn't matter. It still doesn't work. What are we talking about? Everyone's like, what the fuck are they talking about? Shut up.


So what happened to your health?


Okay, so what was it saying? Body reveal. A lot of reveal. Okay, so for the documentary, for the Zeal documentary, Elia wanted to do a whole reveal in an auditorium in Beverly Hills, so he rented out a stage. We invited-Beautiful spot, by the way. Yeah, it was really nice. You should have seen what he was trying to get before. I was like, we have to change it.No, I saw the picture. We have to change it. So they changed it and we-It looked like a Bingo Hall before. It looked like a talent show for an elementary school. It was bad. Imagine seeing stories if it was in that other location? No. I'd have been like, Nobody can post, and the doc can't go out either. It was really nice.


It was really pretty.


Ilya decided to invite 200 people when I didn't even want.


Did you know any of those people?


I didn't know most of the people.


I wonder if people were just random.


I saw the list. I saw the link list, and the only people I knew were probably, what, 30? Yeah. I didn't know the rest of the people. But it was all probably Ilea's fitness business guy. I don't know. I didn't recognize a lot of them. But yeah, everybody was there. I spent the night before in the day of preparing my body for it. I got a lot of advice from my mom because my mom used to do competitions, and a lot of her friends do competitions, too. So they gave me some advice on what to do. And they were saying how I have to really dehydrate my body in order for my body to look the best it can. And we were doing a lot of photos, filming for the doc. So I wanted to just try to look as good as I possibly could, whether it was the healthiest way to do it or not. That's just the world. It's just for a quick little time. Yeah, That's just what you got to do, especially if you're in a competition. But I wasn't. But it was still as important.


You were competing against yourself.


Competing against myself and making sure it looked the best on camera. So I pretty much... I probably had this much water the whole day. For the whole day? Yeah, I probably had a total of six sips of water, six to seven sips of water throughout the whole day. And guys, this is not what I was doing every day. It was just for Wednesday, just for the reveal, the day of. I had maybe a rice cake with a little bit of our flavored PB powder. Amazing, by the way. I had that, and then I... What else did I have? I had a little bit of Gatorade, and then I had an apple. So not drinking water was actually easier than I thought because I forget to drink water a lot. So to me, it was like, Oh, this is pretty easy. So not drinking, but still has effects when you do this.


Your muscles will start cramping. You start feeling tight and weak.


I just I just felt really just weak the whole day. On top of that, since we're taking pictures, and I was pumping it out. Because I would go on stage. Every time we rehears, we would take more pictures, and then I would just do a pump before coming on stage. How many times did you do that? I probably did a full body pump three times. Oh my gosh. Before you guys even showed up. I felt great. I I felt really strong when I was lifting. We had 30 pounds, 30 pound weight. So I was just doing every single workout I could till I was tired. And then when we were doing rehearsals, I would come out and I would flex really hard. Flexing on its own is its own workout. It's tough. Yeah. They had me doing all these poses, and we were taking pictures, videos, everything, and I started to get really, really really tired before you guys even showed up.


Were you getting light-headed? Because I know when I did mine, I was seeing stars and feeling really faint. I remember when I was doing my video, I was standing there not even aware of what was going on.


I didn't feel like I was about to faint. I just felt really exhausted. I was just overworking my body to the max. I was in the green room the whole time just preparing myself. It was really funny. I had I decided to wear competition underwear. It was competition underwear. It's crazy. You could literally go on Amazon and find competition underwear. I didn't think you could find. You could find anything on Amazon. It's pretty remarkable.


This is what bodybuilders wear when they're doing a bodybuilding competition.


I'm surprised how comfortable those... No. Keith, it was more comfortable than anything I've ever worn.


More than briefs?


Yes, because it was... You know how underwear like that, it's really see-through and it's really like... It's just not really... The coverage in this was insane. It was like it was made for my body.


But you didn't do the-But I would never- You didn't do the thong one.


I did that one. You had cheek coverage. Yeah, no, that's exactly what I wore. It was that. I didn't have... Did I have cheek coverage? You had some cheek coverage. Oh, I don't remember. Oh, yeah. It wasn't like a thong-thong. It was definitely-It was very professional. Well, it is a competition, so it probably has to be... It was modest? It was very modest.


No, the back of your underwear was wider than the front of your underwear. Yes. That's good.


Everybody started to show up. Ilea was having a mental breakdown. He was so nervous.


He was freaking out the entire time.


He was freaking out, which is strange because I wasn't that nervous for some reason. What was he so worried about? I think it's because I didn't have to say a word on stage.


What was he panicking about?


He was panicking. It's just that he had a whole speech. He had a whole speech for me. He had Slido's pretty much entering the trailer where you guys saw it for the first time, talking about my body fat percentage and just my journey in general.9%.


By the way.9.7.That.


Is unreal.Yeah. I didn't know. We didn't know that.


No, I didn't know you hit 9.Yeah.


He was super nervous right before we started. So stupid. I can't believe that I thought this was... I think it was just in the moment, and it was seconds before we came, like LA came out to start. He was like, I got to take a shot. I was like, I'll take one with you. And we're both We decided. This was the moment that we were really preparing ourselves for. And once this is done, it's over. But let's just take a shot. Let's enjoy this moment. So we both take a shot. It goes down like, wow, that burned, right? And then second shot, third shot. And this was before we even got out.


You were doing shots before you went out? Before, yeah.


Because remember we looked at Ilia and I was like, Did you have anything to drink? And he was like, I'm drunk. He was like, I can't do this.


I thought he was kidding.


He was nervous. Yeah, he was really nervous.


He was really nervous because it's like a one shot thing. Yeah. Confetti and everything.


It was a one-shot thing. Don't get me started.


Don't get me started.


We'll talk about that later.


But he goes out. He does a good job, I think. I didn't really hear him. He did good. The minute I came out, I blocked out. Oh, really? Those shots hit me like a train because my body's just-Yeah, you weren't eating, you weren't drinking water.




There was nothing in my stomach except for tequila. I was like, whoa, I shouldn't have done that. I pretty much blacked out. I remember seeing a few faces. I saw your guys. I don't know who was there. I couldn't tell you who was there.


It was pretty much all the friends, and then the rows behind us were all-That's crazy because after that was all done, I was trying to remember who was there, and I had to second guess who was there.


I don't remember seeing-Do you remember? I didn't see Todd. I didn't see Todd. I didn't see-Do you remember seeing Mark Wahlberg? Just in the back?


Obama was there.


Yeah, just the most influential people.


Were you embarrassed? Okay, so to When you paint the picture, Zane walks out on stage and two people are covering him with a sheet, and they're walking sideways.


It's like a red curtain.


It's like a magic show. It's like a magic mic show.


Basically, they walked out with him. He's behind it, and It was just like... Teasing. Yeah. Then all of a sudden- By the way, nobody knows I'm wearing this underwear except for maybe you guys. Then all of a sudden, they dropped the curtain. Body reveal. Everybody pops this giant confetti bombs. Confetti everywhere.


It looks pretty crazy on camera. When Leah showed me the footage.


It looked crazy in person. It was a great shot.


Did everybody have confetti in their head? Yeah. Oh, every single person in their seats? Yeah. Wow.


It felt like you won the power ball.


Yeah, I didn't... We didn't get second-hand embarrassment at all. No, I thought- And I normally do for things. It just looked so... Because you looked good. So it wasn't like, oh, Zane being funny, having this funny body. It looked good. It looked professional.


I'm glad you're really honest, because that's something I would have worried about. If this was Keith or anybody, a close friend of mine on stage, the first thing in my head was like, I hope there's no... Because I know how they're feeling. I just hope it doesn't resonate to the audience. No, it It was like, cringe or not.


It was a perfect balance between- Because I didn't feel cringe when I was out there for some reason. Yeah, it wasn't cringy, right? It wasn't. Because it was like, your personality was still there. You were still being funny with it, but you were doing professional poses. So it wasn't like you You were trying too hard and you were trying to be cool.


Really? You were smiling and having fun with yourself during it. So it didn't look like you were trying to be Mr. Cool. Macho. You looked like you were like...


I wish I had a little bit more fun with it on stage because I feel like I was ready to just get off the stage in that moment.


Well, you felt that way. It didn't look that way.


Oh, okay. Yeah, I definitely felt like that.


We were surprised because we knew how you felt before going out there. You were panicking all week. But seeing you out there, I was like, he looked so comfortable.


I was pretty be drunk.


Exactly. So I think it was worse in your head.


I also felt way too exposed, right? I would imagine.


You're an underwish.


When I was up there at some point, I was just like, oh, this is like, I feel like I'm being looked as a naked animal. I got to get it. You saw how I picked up the- At the end?


You were like, Can I have a towel? As soon as it was done, Can I have a towel?


I was like, I got a towel. And then I was trying to be serious with the mic because I wanted to get a certain picture, a certain shot. I was just like, Hey, guys, So by the way, can we just get this done?


No, it was a good balance. Even you snapping into work mode where you were like, I need to get another shot. Can everyone listen really quick? It was so smooth. Everyone did it, and it was over with. Everything was seamless, I thought. It was really good. And Nobody's seen your body, even the friends, nobody's seen it.


I've been trying to avoid showing just like you guys, just really show because I wanted- I'm glad we didn't see it.


Also, too, when you are oiled up and tanned like that, it is way more-Oh, my God.


It's insane when you You can tan yourself and oil up. I think for me more, it was the tan than the oil because without the oil, it still looks insane. But when you-You see the definition. The definition when you're darker is crazy. If you guys are working out, just hop in the tanning bed here and there, you'll see results. If you don't think you're seeing results, just get a tan, and then you're like, Oh, shit. It's actually there. I just didn't see it.


But you have to be fit. Like me getting tan right I would not.


Oh my God, no. When I was after a month, I got a tan. This was not when I was doing the tanning bed, but when I got a tan, I felt like it defined just even the little muscle I had.


It's like wearing the color black. It just makes you feel...


Yeah, I get that.


Yeah, but Can we do a little boost.


What did you guys do before you came? Because I didn't see-We were getting pop...


The concession stand was open.


Oh, you were able to eat there? I thought you weren't allowed to eat or drink anywhere in there.


We got food, drinks.


I was trying to order a pretzel dog.


They had food?


Yeah, it was a real movie theater concession stand. Oh, damn.


It was weird. It was weird to think about because we were in line getting popcorn snacks. I was like, literally, we're going to watch Zane take his shirt off. It was just funny when looking at the whole situation.


Jordan was like, I'll do a chilly dog.


It was so funny. But I was like, literally, we're just going to sit there and just be watching.


It was such a funny concept.




It's so funny because people didn't realize. People thought we were just doing this for no reason. Because when people were posting, they're like, oh, wow, these guys are just doing a reveal. It's like the hunger game. No, it was strictly for the doc, just for that shot of the confetti and all that. But we decided to just, why not? Why not have fun with it.


You know what comments I hate seeing? And it's bothering me for you. What? On the trailers and stuff that were posted on TikTok, people saying like, I hate it how he sounded in No, you sounded great.


No, the trailer.


Just the like, you don't realize how many times you say like until it's all edited together like that.


And as an editor, I'm the first person to pick that out. I did not pick that out from that trailer. Really? I thought you would. Watching that trailer actually gave me goosebumps. Like, Heath's line, your mom's line, all the shots of you was perfect. It was so perfect.


Oh, that's good. Okay, wow.


I can't wait to see it.


I hated seeing comments of people thinking that you did this whole trailer thing for yourself, not realizing that it's like a Zela doc for a fitness company. Oh, I know. That you're doing it for. And it was like, okay, you did not need to do...


You're not a celebrity. I know. I know I'm not.


It's just for Zela. It made me so mad for you because I was like...


I know, but it's like, you're not going to get 100% positive comment. I saw that. I was like, yeah, that's normal.


I guess it's just the people that comment without knowing anything. But that means you're reaching outside your demographic. There you go.


We're hitting the discovery page.


You're hitting those couch potatoes.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. And hey, I once was one, one, two. Did you know that?


Back to you, Zane. Thanks, Ryan. I was once one, one, that, too.


So, yeah, we got it done. It was completed. I felt like it was a success. It was amazing.


After everything, I got back-It wasn't a success?


Wait, what?


Oh, the-The cleanup?


Oh, the... Guys.


There was, I'm not joking, had to be at least a million pieces of confetti.


This was annoying, though, because Ilia was told, or Ilia told them that there's going to be confetti everywhere. He told them that everyone's going to have confetti in their seats, and they were like, Oh, that's fine. That's cool as long as you clean it up. That was all that they told us. After the confetti was all in for, we're like, Oh, wow, this made a big mess. Cleaners came. We all got together. We're like, Okay, let's help clean up.


Keep in mind, there's probably a couple of rooms two extra large shop vacs, three normal vacuums, and garbage bags.


It was already going to take a little bit with these bags.


They only gave us an hour to clean up.


Yeah, an hour to clean up.


An hour. So we were like, no problem. Everybody grab a vacuum. Everybody grab a broom. Get down on your hands.


Easy peasy. We're going to get this shit done in an hour. We'll be in and out.


And a blower to blow all of them down the seating. So you get it piled up there. Then you shop back at whatever. So we go to get the vacuum and start winding it out. And the guy that is running this whole operation that works for the theater is like, you can't use a vacuum. And we were like, huh?


Just like the regular.


He's like, you can't use those because dust is going to get everywhere. And And we're like, I thought he was joking. It was like the way it was set up was a joke because it was literally going to be impossible to clean this confetti up without a vacuum.


The only logical explanation was to use a vacuum. And he kept telling us it's going to kick dust everywhere, and we can't have that. But he wasn't suggesting what else to do. So we were like, what do you normally do? And it's a carpeted area. We were like, you don't vacuum the carpet. And they were like, we sweep it.


It's not just a carpet It was a good area. It went back and forth between cement, carpet, cement, carpet. There was different lips. All the seats. So all these lips and shit. So the confetti was just... It was not going to go anywhere unless it was vacuumed up, section by section.


So we were like, okay, I guess we'll sweep it. So then we use the brooms that we had.


No, tell them. We asked for brooms.


Oh, the ones that they brought out?


They come out with these Halloween ass witches brooms. Brooms of this. With three pieces of hay, and we're struggling. I'm dragging Jordan across the floor to try to sweep it all into one pile, which works, Jordan. Did you see that?


Jordan laid down. It actually worked.


Oh, yeah. He was using his body to-Yeah, it actually worked. Which I'm surprised that that was a lot, but not the vacuum, because I feel like That could do more damage to the floor.


We swept. I think I swept the same area for 30 minutes, and it didn't make a dent.


Because the thing is, there were maybe 10 or 15 of us sweeping, but with the broom, you're picking up this wind and everyone's sweeping in a different direction. So everyone's confetti is blowing back into your area. So it was pointless.


At some point, we just all started laughing because we just knew that this wasn't going to get done.


Because the guy was in the back of the room crossing his arms, and he was like, One hour left.


Wait, wait. The way he was sitting there looking at his watch, I'm like, Come on.


I'm really thinking about it. What's the difference if you're brooming dust around or vacuuming it? To me, a broom would be throwing that shit everywhere. That's exactly what I thought.


That's a vacuum just sucking it in.


That's what I thought. A vacuum doesn't just create dust.


I know. I'm pretty sure he was talking about the kickback, but there's not a lot of it, and it stays on the ground. A broom, if you're doing this on the stage, he was worried about it hitting the screen when the screen was up on an elevated stage. I don't get it.


We were sweeping below. I honestly think he was just messing with us.


No, because he charged for everything.


Oh, yeah. Did you know he was charging for absolutely everything?


No. What do you mean?


If he saw one person sit on an arm of a chair, it was $100. So he was tally-marking extra cost on top of everything to air drop and download your documentary video to play?


Anytime anyone air drops to the screen, $100 per air drop.


And it was a charge. He was making up prices.


Wait, what? Yes. It was crazy.


They charged for everything you added onto it.


This guy knew what he was doing.


It's worse than a wedding venue.




Wait, that sounds like a joke. Every little thing.


To show your screen of you went from this body fat to this body fat, you had to pay.


Then someone- Then someone- Absurd. Someone leaning on the armchair or sitting on the armchair at the end, $100.


Isn't that insane?


But he ended up giving us the next morning, right?


Yeah, but the next morning, they had to run out and buy the only vacuum that was allowed. It was like a...


It was a HEPA filter, some expensive type vacuum or something that would be allowed in this place.


I think it was like a $600 vacuum. It was crazy. So they were like, If you give us till tomorrow, we'll go buy those vacuums, I guess.


I just can't believe the guy didn't say something in the beginning when he knew that there was going to be confetti everywhere.


That's the thing. He knew.


He knew he was going to make the money.


Yeah, you guys can do confetti as long as you clean it up in an hour. Perfect. We got it. Oh, wait, no vacuums.


And you can't use your hands.


It's like the squid games.


And you have to be blindfolded.


I think we did say, while we were doing it, it felt like a Mr. Beast type challenge.


Yeah, we were like, there is one piece of confetti with a million dollars. House rules. That was crazy. But it's going to be worth it, I think.


Yeah, it's going to look sick. I think it's going to be the shot. I don't think they're going to use much from there. I think it's just going to be like B-roll stuff.


They didn't press record.


Because I don't think they're going to put that whole speech on there. I don't think it's... I think that was honestly just for you guys.


Yeah, I think so.


The whole speech, I think.


It gets the crowd going. Yeah.


As always, this podcast is sponsored by the best energy drink in the entire world. Accelerator, baby. You guys know we've been drinking Accelerator for the past eight months now, and it honestly is the most flavorful energy drink I've ever had.


Absolutely. They've got bangers. Right now, we're rocking the Rocketpop.


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Thank you so much, Accelerator, for sponsoring this podcast, but also just getting us through our days.


We love you, baby. After we finished, obviously, Basically, in Zane fashion, I took maybe three, four more tequila shots on an empty stomach. It was just really bad, right? I'm drunk, I'm excited. We Me and the Zela team are on the outside of the theater, and we're just shot for shot. We're all just having fun, and I feel fine at this time. Then I was going to go home, which I should have, but I was like, Let's just stop at Barney's. We stopped at Barney's, and we got there.


I ate-Oh, you still hadn't eaten at this point.


I ate steak tacos at Barney's. I had two steak tacos. It was great. It was pretty healthy. Then I go home. As soon as I get home, I start feeling this chest pain. I was like, Oh, that's probably just felt like tequila.




Yeah, just tequila chest pain. It's nothing I've never felt before. It was just a little bit more extreme than usual, but I thought it was just because of the diet that was on that day, whatnot. I was like, Let me sleep this off. I fall asleep, I go to sleep, I wake up the next day, and it hurt so bad. I felt like my entire chest from my throat to my abdomen was filled with just unwanted air. I felt like I was suffocating. My whole throat felt so inflamed. It felt like I had Did it feel-like a rod in it. It felt like... My mom was telling me to get checked for strep. Imagine strep, but three of them all It was just in your throat.


Did it feel like a... What's it called? Like a stomach acid type burn, too, or not really? You know, if you throw up stomach acid or like, bile, it'll make your throat feel like raw and like, like...


Like that. It was like that, right? And it wouldn't go away. I remember breathing, breathing in, breathing out. Both just hurt. It was wild. And so I thought it would have been smart to puke. I was like, I'm going to puke, and maybe this feeling will go away. You know, sometimes you puke when you have a stomach ache or something, it just goes away immediately. I remember puking. Did you do your trick? What trick?


You put your head in the toilet.


No, I actually put my fingers on my mouth this time. You changed it up? Yeah, I just wanted to change it up because I'm a model on that.


Getting into character.


Yeah, right. I get it all out. I get all that, the liquids liquids out. It was just all liquids. I was like, That didn't work at all. I actually feel a little worse now. I remember I cleaned myself up and immediately rushed myself to the ER. I was like, This isn't getting any better. I started thinking about heart attack, everything over here. I just started thinking the worst things that could possibly happen.


Did you think you were having a heart attack?


No, because I feel like heart attacks come pretty quickly after you feel something. It was probably hurting the whole night. I just was asleep for it. You know what I mean? I realized when I was very calm and not breathing, really, then it stopped hurting. It must have just stopped hurting while I was sleeping, and then when I was awake.


It hurts my chest thinking about that.


Yeah, it hurt a lot. I checked myself in the ER and I...


But it must have been really bad because normally you always go to urgent care. If ever something happens.


Even when it's really bad, I'll just go to urgent care.


It must have been really bad for you to be like, I need to go to a hospital right now.


Yeah, I was afraid for something serious to happen in my body that I would regret not going to a hospital instead of urgent care. I go to the closest one to me. I don't want to say the name of the hospital because I'm about to talk a lot of shit right now. So I get to... And it wasn't a good one. So it was not a prestigious hospital. It was just like something just down the street.


You also didn't think you'd be spending so much time there. So you were just like, Let me go to the closest thing.


Exactly. I just wanted someone to tell me what it was. Maybe I just maybe get some antibiotics. I also didn't want to wait four hours or three hours in an urgent... I know when you go to the ER, you get help pretty immediately. That's what I thought, right? So I get to the ER and I go in, it's starting to really come up. I remember I was on the phone with my mom, and I'm like, Mom, I'm really scared right now. It's getting worse. I feel like just everything is starting to shut down.


It also feels like something that stress and anxiety would make it worse. So if you're feeling it, then you start panicking, and then that would just make everything feel even-And I was panicking.


I was panicking, and stress was high, for sure. I get to the window of where the emergency, where you're going for emergency? Yeah. So the doors open up. I get in there, and as this lady, I was like, Hi, I can't really... I can't really describe what I'm feeling right now, but my chest feels like it's really tight. I'm breathing in and out. It hurts so much. I need to... Something needs to... I would never come here. I couldn't really explain what I was feeling.


You don't want to sound dramatic.


I also didn't want to sound dramatic, but I sounded dramatic, probably because everything that I was saying was just the normal, what probably everybody walks in with saying, I can't breathe. Something hurts. My stomach hurts, yeah. But it was genuinely hurting so much, and I could not stop it. I told her everything, and she was looking at me like I was just another person. It really sucked. She gives me this giant packet of just 20 pages to fill out. I was like, I literally can't fill this out right now. Can you please just get me inside?


I would personally think you were having a heart attack and just be rushed in.


Yeah. No, I had to fill all this out. I get in my seat, I'm filling this out, and my pen just starts dropping. I dropped my pen and I was like, I physically can't do this right now, and I'm just going to sit here until something happens. So I just sat there, sat there, and then the lady gets up and she's just like, Sir, we'll take you in right now. It's just like, Thank you so much.


Why does it have to get to that point?


I don't know.


Why do I have to die in the lobby in order to- And so I get in, and the first thing they do is they have me sitting there.


I was sitting in a seat. This is before I even get into a room, right? So they're taking my vitals. They're doing everything they need to do. I'm seeing this patient being walked by police. So it looks like, I don't know if it was a prisoner or something. Everything she was saying was probably everything I was saying in the room before.


It hurts.


I can't. I'm just like, oh, my God. I don't think I'm going to be treated. I don't think I'm going to get the right treatment in this hospital. They're probably going to just leave me in You really are just another face. It's just another face, right? And they get my vials and everything. They look up and they said, your oxygen levels are great. I'm like, that really sucks because it really feels like I'm about to stop breathing. It really feels like I have zero. Yeah. I know when I have panic attacks, if you really feel like you're about to die, right? I genuinely couldn't get a breath in and out. It just wasn't going... It was hurting, right? It was in such pain. I told him, Look, I wish you could just feel what I'm feeling right now. But seeing the oxygen level sucks because you probably think I'm being over dramatic right now. But truly, this hurts, and it's getting worse and of ours as we're sitting here. They bring me into a room. I'm finally getting a room, and I'm next to somebody else.I.


Hate when they share rooms. Somebody else.


But before you get a room, there's a differentStages.Stages, right? This was a stage where they just throw you in this room where you're sharing rooms, but then they bring you into an actual room after if you need it, right? Yeah. I think when I dislocated my elbow in Chicago for Nale's birthday, I was in a room like that the whole time. I never got my own room. They just broke my... Got my elbow back into the plate, put the cast on, and then let me go from a room like that. I just figured that I was going to be in a room like that. It was just so uncomfortable. It felt so cold and just gross.


There's nothing worse than you being sick or being in a position like that, looking across at somebody who else is not feeling well, and you're like, I should not be this close. And then there's just a shitty shower curtain.


It was pretty shitty. They're always hacking. I'm like, Oh, God, I don't want to be here.


You're going to catch something else.


People think just because they're in a hospital, they could just let loose.


You got Got to give it to people that work at a hospital because they're walking through that shit all day. Yeah.


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Thank you, Quince, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you, and thank you for keeping us cashmere Different doctors start coming in. I probably saw five different doctors come in. A lot of them didn't speak. I couldn't really understand them, and that just made it worse when it came to the conversations, right?


Because I-You got to repeat yourself six times.


Yeah, it was really tough. They said the same thing, your oxygen levels look good. I'm not sure what it is. I'm just sitting in there in pain. I'm just like, I don't know.


Meanwhile, they haven't given you anything to help them.


They haven't given me anything, and it's just hurting more and more. I was there for probably an hour, hour and a half, and then they decide they want to give me a chest X-ray, like a chest. They put this machine right over my chest. They take a picture, and then they go, and they say, It looks like everything looks fine from this chest X-ray, but we're actually going to bring you to another test where you have to drink a liquid. It's like a CT scan where you drink a dye, and you watch the liquid go down. That was really crazy to see because I was actually-It was live? Yeah, it was live. I was able to see what they were looking at while the dye was going down. The dye tasted insane, by the way. It was such an interesting thing I had to drink. I was watching it go down. You see it go through my esophagus and my... You don't really ever think about your body. When you sit there and you're stretching and stuff, just Just think about what's under that skin. It's disgusting. It's just filled with blood and muscles. You never think about that.


When I saw that, I was just like, wow, our bodies are really precious. We have to take care of it. Try to take care of it as much as possible. They did the scan, and then they said that they saw somewhat of a little tear in my esophagus.Oh.


Would you look at that?


Some leakage, they said.Right.


And they doubted you.Yeah.


And they doubted me. So it was pretty much air was coming, air was getting through the tear and was going into my mediastinum, which shouldn't have air in it.


I have to look all this up.


I want to get the paperwork because I want to explain exactly what I had. But you know what? Let me get my paperwork.


So it's like a pocket in your chest cavity or something that shouldn't have air that it was going into?


Yes. That's why it felt so tight. It felt like I had bronchitis or pneumonia. Pneumonia or bronchitis, but extreme, Because I've had bronchitis, I've had pneumonia. It's bad, but I don't go anywhere. I go to urgent care. I go to urgent care, and I know I need medication immediately. But this felt past pneumonia. It was worrying It's just crazy how it happened in a matter of hours.


Oh, yeah. It is like a little gap between it looks like your lungs or something and your breast plate.


Yeah. So air gets between your breast plate and your lungs.


It probably felt like a balloon inside of here expanding.


Yes. Imagine you put a balloon in me and then you just start filling it up.


Is there a way for them to alleviate that air and pressure? Can Did they pop it?


No. And that's the thing, right? I kept trying to burp because when you have really bad chest pain and you burp, get that good burp out. Yeah, nothing was working. Nothing of the sort was working.


Nothing of the sort.


Nothing of the sort was working.


The air is crazy. Did you swallow maybe glass? Maybe a screw?


I did mention to the doctor everything I did the day before, right? I was completely honest. I said I did no water. I barely eat any food. I was flexing. I was pumping it out. I did a lot of exercise. I overworked myself.


I was honest. I told him I didn't drink water and I was flexing.


Then I told them that I threw probably seven to eight shots of tequila down that hatch with nothing in it. Thank you, Jordan. With nothing in it. I have some homework that I had to do.


Open to page 25, everybody. Let's give you a little knowledge on what What we got.


Oh, does it say the hospital in here? Good. Okay. What's it called when you get diagnosed? They diagnose me with pneumomediastinum. Pneumomediastinum. That is the presence of air in the mediastinum. This is the area of body that is between the lungs and behind the breastbone. Mild cases of this condition may not cause problems, but severe cases can interfere with the normal functions of your heart and lungs, which I had because I had a tear.


Oh, baby, you got no monomotor psychoschottium scoloschomuschanical meosis.


Yeah, yeah. What are the causes? The condition happens when air leaks out of your lungs. That right there just sounds horrible.




Air leaks out of your lungs. Oh, makes me feel uneasy. Airways or intestines and interior media sign them. This condition may be caused by childbirth, an injury to your chest, lung, intestine, esophagus or abdomen, asthma. They cast me a million times if I had asthma. I said no, so that's probably why.


You should have said yes, so you got attention quicker.


Rapid ascent during scuba diving. The bend. Which you've probably done. Yeah. Inhaling or ingesting certain drugs or chemicals.


Did you do any of that sort?


I did. I did a little bit that day. An infection in your face, neck, chest, or abdomen. Extreme strain during coughing or vomiting or breathing an object into an airway. I was doing just a lot of everything, it seems like this entire day.


What's the healing process? Is it just weight type thing or is there Something like something? They pretty much said that I can't exercise or lift weights for 2-3 weeks. That's a good thing you just finished.


I mean, not really.


Yeah, but if this would have happened three months ago, you would be-Oh, yeah, that would have sucked.


I can't drink for 2-3 weeks, which is fine. That was my punishment for not going home, straight home. I can't eat anything spicy or acidic for 2-3 weeks also. They said once it starts feeling better to go I'll get a chest X-ray from my primary.


Just to make sure.


Yeah, I feel a lot better already. I think in a day or two, I'll feel 100. Actually, Thursday, I think I'm getting my chest X-ray done, and I'm going to have my primary who I trust tell me exactly what I can do. I've been home for the past few days, and it's been such a shitty feeling. It's been such a shitty feeling, though, because I just felt like I was just punished for completing You also don't want to make it worse, so it's good to just lay low. It was a really shitty, depressing feeling. I was such on a high that day. I finished it.


You were celebrating.


And then landed in the hospital.




I'm too unhealthy, I get in the hospital. I'm too healthy, put me in a hospital.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


You know, it's a fucking shit show. And And then it says over here, At least your lung didn't pop.


Something could have ruptured.


Obviously, they were a little scared at some point, so they started doing all these exams on me. It could have gotten bad. I think if there's more air coming in, that could have stopped mine.


It's a good thing you went when you went, though.


Yeah, dude, it was just bad enough where I was like, I have to.


Remember, if you see something, say something.


If you feel something, Say something.


I feel like a lot of people, too, they just push their way, and they stay in their house. If there's ever a moment where you just feel or you just have this little feeling in you, just go to the ER, go to the... It's much better. I just can't believe they left me in pain for four and a half hours until I... Twice. I kept on... You know the button that you get? So they ended up putting me in a room, right? And I pressed the button twice, and nobody was coming in the room, and Leah was with me. I was like, Leah, I'm going to look like a crazy patient right now. I'm just going to leave. I have to leave. I need something to stop this. There's got to be something you can give me to at least either make me fall asleep quick or just stop the pain in some way, something. The lady comes in, and she just looks annoyed at this point. I was like, I would like to get checked out. I want to leave. I'm going to go to a better hospital.


They were trying to keep you overnight, too.


They wanted to keep me overnight. Yeah. I was like, First off, I had this. You know what they inject into your arteries or into your veins? Like an IV. Yeah, so you can get an IV.


Keith called you and he was like, well, do they have you on an IV? And you were like, yeah, but it's not connected.


They had me. They injected me with an IV, but they didn't plug it in anywhere. I was sitting here for an hour for Two hours with it not plugged in anywhere.


Plugged in.


Plugged in anywhere. Somebody plugged me in.


Is that the right term?


It was like a little charm bracelet that I had attached to my hand. And I was like, Why don't you attach some morphine or something? I was like, I got to leave the hospital. I was like, I'm going to go. And they were like, Okay, we'll get you some morphine. I was like, after three hours, after four hours of me backing-They didn't want you there to begin with, and now they don't want you to go.




Which one is it? It can make sense. I wish you would have done the crazy person and just walked out rolling that thing. Yeah, all right. And just start ripping it off slowly.


I finally got some morphine in me, and then immediately I just started... Relaxing? My anxiety When my knee went down. I started breathing really minimal, where I didn't feel like I needed to breathe so... Yeah. Get so much air in and out, we were prevented from hurting. I was able to just doze off a little bit, but not fall asleep, but I could have been there for another four hours because I wasn't in pain anymore. And that's all I wanted. That was maybe the reason why I wanted to know what I had. But I also just wanted to... You wanted it to go away. I thought going to the ER meant that there's a way that it would just stop hurting.


You know what I mean? The first word in E. R. Is emergency. Let's have some...


All I know is that I was getting shit fucking treatment. That's all I know. From personal experience, from the moment I got there to For the moment I left, I was like, I might as well should have just stayed in my bed.


I would like to be in the hands of somebody that's enjoying their job and not stressed out.


Being stressed out is fine, but just look like... You look like you care, at least 5% about my well-being being in this room.


Hook my IV up.


Hook my IV up to something, either liquid or more, just something.


It's not like I'm taking one of your bags. It's not like it's coming out of your... Just give me something. You're going to spend $15,000 for the bag.


Oh, I can't wait to see the bill. After just being hurt the whole time and getting nothing to relieve it, bill is going to be what? $15,000?


And then telling you afterwards that we don't take your insurance.


We don't take your insurance, by the way.


Then what's the point of insurance if nobody takes it? Everywhere we go, they're like, No, we don't take that. Then what do you take?


I'm done.


Isn't that something? Then what do you take? Everywhere we go. An arm and a leg.


They don't take our insurance. That's what they want. Travis just told me, You have the best insurance. I was like, That's crazy. Because I feel like no place takes my insurance, ever, ever. No. It would be so much. It's so expensive. And then why don't they just have one insurance that everybody has and every place takes it? It's terrible. I just don't get it.


It is pretty crazy that there's so many different ones that aren't accepted or accepted this type.


Insurance should just be insurance.


Yeah. Yeah, the closest one that you have is an hour away.


So we're going to have to-Oh, it's always an hour.


It's always an hour away.


The prices should just be normal. It doesn't need to be $500 for a bandaid.


Ask for it itemized.


I love that breakdown.


Oh, I can't wait. I can't wait to see the breakdown. I've seen enough TikToks. I know what I'm talking about now. But if the prices were normal-I want to see a breakdown.


They charge you for every minute in the waiting room?


Yeah. If it was normal, you could just pay it and you wouldn't have to have insurance. Yeah. If you would have 500 bucks, you would have been way more happy with that than having to spend all this money every single month.


I'd have been happy in my bed.


I'd have been happy if I just felt better.


In my comfortable bed, I got to just watch TV.


We would have came over.


Mariah, I feel like if you just made me some herbal soup or some shit, why do I feel like I just felt better?


Keith was sick. Tell him how fast you healed. Tell him.


Tell me.


It was a day, not even. It was like a day or two. Wow. Soup, garlic, honey, lemon.


I wanted to come... I wanted to come back just to see if I Can I get exactly what I needed in this house, in my bed?


Probably. Well, I told Keith, I was like, Is he sure he doesn't need somebody to pick him up? Do we need to go over there?


You would be an amazing nurse. You really would.


Oh, thank you.


I think you would.


You would. I like... Even if I can't physically do anything, I like making people feel better.


The doctor wants you to take all this medication, but if you chew on this garlic and put it in your ear, you're going to be good. Trust me.


Let me put this garlic in every hole in your body and forget it. I always carry some garlic. Some garlic. I just walking by.


Oh, just the garlic.


That's like that Spongebob episode.


The garlic nurse.


Am I ugly? The garlic nurse.


Stick your toes in some sweet potatoes. You'll be good in 20 minutes. What? It's so funny. All the videos you were showing me of guys and girls, how they react when they're sick.


Women versus men when they're sick. It was the girls. It's so funny. It was the girls coughing and sneezzing, but still getting shit done around the house. Vacuuming, And then the men have a 97 degree fever, and they're like, oh.


Oh, 100% true. Yeah, we'll take that. I'm not going to make it. Why don't we make it?


I don't know.


Why is our sickness just so much worse? Or why do we make it so much worse?


Yeah, I don't know.


I think guys just want to be taken care of.


I think that's what it is. I think instinctively, you want to just rest. It just feels so much better.


When girls want When I'm back, we just give them a hard time.


He's so lucky I don't get sick.


Never. I think you've been sick one time since I've met you.


Six and a half years. When's the last time you took a pill?




This girl's never taken a pill in her life.


Even when I got my wisdom teeth out, I didn't take any pain killers. No pain killers or nothing.


We just were just, Honey.


She's stuck in. In my gums. Zane, she got the tooth removed and stuck a garlic clome in the hole. Honestly.


Just a clove. What's the black? When you put in rice, the clove, right?


Well, a clove of garlic is.


Yeah, okay. So that, you-No, what is that?


What does that do?


When you have a cavity and it hurts, you take that and you put it on the tooth that is hurting. Really? And it numbs it.


No way. Natural medicine is the most amazing thing.


No, it actually can't be beat.


I love it.


It cannot be beat.


Holistic approaches to healing.


Sign me up.


My My dad was all over the shit when we were kids. You should have seen the shit. He was making us drink. He was making the sour milk garlic shit that we...


But you felt better immediately, right?


It was disgusting, but it worked.


My arm could be falling off and my mom is on that stove The honey, garlic, lemon, every olive oil, and it would go in our ears, in our nose. We would swallow it. She'd be like, How do you want this taken?


We forget because how are people doing it back then? You think there was a factory making pills, a powder form? This shit did not exist. How do you think people were getting treated?


I swear by it. I've never taken anything, and I swear by it.


To be fair, back then, they were also dying at 25.


They were also dying at 25.


Hey. Their whole life, they never took anything. Dying at 60. But I'm 29 years old, and I'm extremely healthy.


We have living proof.


And I do not watch what I eat.


I now do not wash my hands.


The amount of times I've taken a bottle of olive oil and poured it into her ear is crazy.


It's warm olive oil. If you have an ear. Or when I get off the plane, my ears get clogged. So they'll either start to hurt, not excruciating, but just to relieve it, hot olive oil down the hatch.


Oh, and it doesn't go into your- That's where it's supposed to go because everything's connected.


So that's why my mom says, Do you want to eat it or do you want it to go through your ear?


Well, you usually do it through your ear.


I like eating it because I don't mind the taste. But I'll have him squeeze it into my ear and you tilt on your side. My mom would do it to us. She'd pour it down her ear, we'd take a nap, and we wake up and we're cured.


But then you wrap a banana peel around your head. No, he's making that up. So you put the banana peel and then tape it.


I might try that. I was about to say, if you put it through your ear, just throw a couple of noodles in there and you can fucking cook up a nice little-Yeah. It's like fishing in there. Yeah. I don't know. I'm going to throw a couple of garlic in there.


Galic, I swear by garlic.


Call that the- A little marina. A little marina. A shrimp cocktail. I'm Do you want some cheese on top of that? All right, tell me when.


I swear. Yuck. Disgusting. But I don't know.


But yeah, Ever since, again, I know quite a few of you are probably listening to this that we're in a hospital and I just got a shitty experience, and I hope I never have to go to the ER ever again unless I break my arm or something.


I feel like hospitals are great if you're like, something is broken, a live bullet.


Because my mom was furious because my mom used to be a paramedic, and so she deals with this all the time. She always used to have to bring people to the hospitals. She gets it. She was on the phone being completely honest with me. She was like, Look, to be completely honest, if you don't have a live bullet in you or you're not just stabbed seconds before, go Coming into that, you are. Chances are you're not going to get really looked at.


I feel like it wasn't like that. I remember growing up and my brother's a minor injury or something, and everybody would be taken care of right away. Oh, yes, right this way. Let me get you a room. Instead of like, What? Have a seat. We'll see you tomorrow. Okay.


The DMV.




That's a good show. Getting people from the DMV to work at the hospital and getting-There should be like, Real housewives, but DMV. Yes. Wow.


That would be so fun. That'd be so fun. In their home life.


Yeah. We're glad you're feeling better. Yeah.


Thank you. Yeah.


Look at that. It was nothing. You know, they were right.


I think I just really overworked myself that day. I should have toned it back a little bit, and I should have never I got alcohol on me. That was crazy. When I told my mom, I was like, That was pretty crazy. You drank any alcohol with that. I was like, Yeah, that's pretty wild, especially since I was really good with not drinking. That should have been even more of a reason why I didn't drink at that moment. Because if I was going to drink any day, this is the worst day to do it. When my body is at an all-time low.


Because you were excited. Yeah, you were excited. I think you felt good.


Even if I did go home, I didn't even drink at Barney's. All the drinking was done in that green room.


Yeah, So the damage was already done.


The damage was done in that room, for sure. It's so funny. They had a mirror that said... Somebody brought their mirror from home. The mirror said, If it's something about being a princess, well, if the crown fits. It was perfect with the underwear that I was wearing.


Do you have a picture?


Yeah. I want to actually-Apologize.I want to apologize real quick. I want to take back everything that I said. I want to apologize real quick about to the hospital community.


The hospital slander.


Yeah. This was just based on my own experience, obviously. This was just how I felt when I was in there. I'm sure it's a much better experience than other hospitals. I think I just went to just a not good hospital. It was also like a two-star hospital.


But there are good... I've had experiences with doctors and hospitals that have been like, this guy was absolutely incredible, and it was a wonderful experience. But then I've also been to ones where I've been there for 14 hours, and then they gave me a pamphlet and told me that I had a headache when my head felt like...


It's just like, You know what?


I just really want to apologize.


It was just this hospital. This hospital sucked. It just sucked. That was my fault. I should have went to a better one instead of just assuming that I was going to be in and out. I take responsibility for that. I could have just taken the time, do a little research, and go to a better hospital.


I'm just going to say for $15,000, though, you would expect.


Oh, hell, no, I haven't seen the bill yet. I haven't seen the bill yet. I'm so scared to see that bill, but I'm just going to try to come up. It's going to be at least. I'm going to work it down. I got it. Oh, I got it. Honestly, I'm going to just let my mom do the talking because She knows everything in and out about a hospital. Even Tali, too. My brother's fiance, she knows, so I feel like I can get some advice. It's your sister-in-law. It's your sister-in-law. Speaking of my mom's in town.


Yeah. Yeah. She came here to be supportive for my eye surgery.


For your big day.


But also found out she's pretty much here to get away from the country. She was like, Man, am I happy to see City Lights right now?


Yeah. The second she landed, she goes, Oh, it's good to see lights.


Yeah. I heard them talking in the kitchen today, talking about how the only thing they could postmates was Lil Caesar's an hour away. The only restaurant available.


The only thing they could postmades. That's insane. But yeah, so she She's supporting, but she's also excited to be in civilization. It's nice to have her here. I'm excited. It's going to be a fun little week. It's going to be a fun little week.


It's perfect weather right now.


Are you healing?




Nice and chilly, but comfortable.


How's your nerves? Or a little better?


I feel like you're still debating on whether you want to do it or not. I know.


I didn't want to say anything.


No, I can tell. Oh, really? Yeah, you don't have to say anything.


You could read me? Yeah, of course. I have a feeling I'm going to walk in and be like, I can't do this. You have to do it. Yeah, no. I'm definitely going to do it.


Just don't think about it. Then once you're there, it's like, Okay, now I'm here. Yeah.


You know, it's so funny. Real medical hospitals, you don't get taken care of very well. But if you're going in for Botox-Oh,Campagne?


Yeah, what is that?Champagne.Chocolate, anyone?


Everybody gets their own purse on their-Oh, you get a robe engraved.


Somehow they already have your indercent on it.


You're not getting a Peepee cocky fucking scrub?


I'm all sticky.


You should have seen. They had immediately... I didn't even need one, right? They were like, Sir, we're going to put... I think they wanted me to look like I belonged there, right? I was like, I don't need this. And for some reason, the minute I put it on, I have a diarrhea. I don't know what happens as soon as I put those things on.


It's like when people say, I don't know what happens when I walk into Target or Home goods or something.


You have to go to the bathroom. That's a thing.






That's so funny. I've never thought about that, but that's really funny.


I don't know what's in that CVS air.


So I put it on immediately because I have my own room at this point, and Leah's in there, and I'm like, Oh, God, I got to go. Okay, this is like Bibi Gaki talk. I'm so sorry.


Those walls are paper-thin, too.


Paper-thin, right? I'm sitting on, heath, I have never No, no, no, no, no solid. All straight liquid.


But at least it sounded like you were peeing.


Keith, I was so shocked. I had to take a video. No, you didn't. Yeah.


I was worried.


I was about to send it to my mom, and I was like, I should probably not send this to anybody. It was, Rouraya, imagine opening the hose, turning on a fire hose.


A fire hose.


A part of me really wants to hear.


Wait, can you play it? I don't want to see it, but play the audio. Play the audio.


Should we post it on Patreon?


Imagine that's how we get people to subscribe. Not you saying that. Jordan's throwing up. Jordan's puking.


I think Jordan- Jordan just exited stage left.


Oh, my God.


Zane, on the end of that video, was there... So in the middle section, was there music playing at the end or no? I think Jordan hit a button and it was twinkling stars at the end. I wish you guys just heard that. Did you hit... Did you hit music?


Zane. Mama, he just showed me the video.


It wasn't just the ceiling?




I'm not going to see that.


Zane, can that traumatize you?


I literally can't look at your face right now.


All right, don't make him feel bad. We asked for it.


That's concerning, right? Concerning.


Wait, was Leah in that room?


No, this was at home. Oh, all right.


You're going to have to take that coffee cup off the desk right now because that is all I see.


That's what I just watched. No. It was the thickness of this.


But same liquidity.


Consistency. Guys, people are definitely shutting this off. There's like, how can you make it- Bro, let's start a podcast. Bro, let's make a podcast.


We should buy microphones.


Okay, let's end that conversation. We should have ended it. We should have ended it with this because I can't continue this. There's some pros with all this. One of the pros is that I've decided to start my no vape journey. Yeah, how is that going? Because I cannot smoke right now, obviously. Yes. And then I figured why just not start? Because I was supposed to start January first anyways. So this is like-This is a blessing in the sky. This is him saying it's time.


It's time. But it is nice when you have something that you're trying to quit that you don't want and can't have right now. It's not like you're trying to quit and you're like, Man, I need it. I want it. I want it. I could do it if I wanted. You know that if you were to smoke right now, it would hurt and make your situation worse. Exactly. You're like, it's-How are you doing with it? It's day three.


The thing is that it still feels a little tight, so the feeling goes away of wanting to vape. Once it's all earlier, I think that's when it starts to get very hard. But your body, when you don't smoke, what is it? When you stop smoking vape for a day-Withrolls? No, just a day or two, your body's already starting to regenerate and repair itself. That's crazy. Because vape users, they're smoking at all times of the day, every single day. They don't put it down, especially just users like me. So not having it for a day or two. My body's probably like...


Feeling better and starting to clean yourself. Has it been hard or no?


Yeah, it's been pretty tough. It's only going to get harder. I know I want to try... My friend was telling me about the Zen... Something like Zin. I was going to try that. I've never liked like, Nicarat gum or anything like that. It gets me so light headed. I don't like the feeling at all. But there's got to be something where I can take that.


You could do the patch.


He used Could you do the grinds coffee?


Well, that is-I don't like the... I wouldn't like the coffee flavor of that.


It's basically like a coffee pouch. But you could do a patch so you're not chewing Nicaret gum. And the patch gives you nicotine, so you're not having those nicotine withdrawals, and you can get through with breaking the habit.


I just don't understand how that works. It soaks in your bloodstream. How does that feeling make you not want to grab it?


Because your body is still getting the nicotine, so you're not-I feel like it's definitely hard for people who have the oral fixation.


They just want to...


Instead of focusing on the feeling, obviously, the feeling is what they're addicted to, but it's just also being You're so used to having that in your hand. I love the-When I was smoking the vape thing, I tried doing a vape without nicotine, and it wasn't the same. It wasn't.


It is the oral fixation It's like the thickness of it.


It's like that.


But it gives you that burn, that light-headed. It's the nicotine that you're really chasing.


If I had the patch and then a water vapor thing, you think that together It should be like heaven. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm starting. You got it. I will keep you guys updated every week.


Stay strong.


Don't let your mind-I think this pain is happening for a reason. What? I think it's helping you wean off of it.


We not?


Don't let your mind convince you to do it.


Yeah. I just need to figure out-Alternative? Yeah. Just like, I found alternative with my desserts. I was able to figure it out and find something. I think I just have to shop around and see what the best alternative is. I'm sure I'll figure it out. I've been pretty good with that.


I forgot to say when we were talking about my mom, another reason she's I did to get here is because their house almost caught fire. They were sleeping the other night and their dog was just barking out the window. My mom was just like, Jagger, stop, stop. It was just brushing it off because dogs see things and they start barking and he just would not stop. Finally, my mom gets up to go look out the window to see what he's barking at. They have a pump house at the front of their property for their water and stuff. And she looks out and that is on fire. They live in the woods, so there's trees everywhere. Luckily, the dog saw it and caught it in the middle of the night because the fire was starting to spread. Basically, one of electric power cables that run out there snapped off because it's zero degrees there right now. They're freezing cold, snowing and everything. But it snapped and landed in the grass, and it was still running electricity through it. It was just sparking, causing everything to catch fire, and it was just starting to spread.


There could be big forest fires and a cold climate like that still.


Well, luckily, it was cold and damp, so it didn't get out of control. But it would have kept going if they didn't catch it. They called the fire department and then fire. Took them an hour It's a fire truck right there? Yeah, pretty much. Getting the fire truck up the mountain did take a while.


I'm surprised they don't just get a helicopter over there, especially if it's a fire. I feel like that's something you want to get to.


Yeah, because I think she said it took 45 minutes for them to get to her.


That's really bad when there's a fire.


The house would be completely gone. Yeah.


But luckily, it is further away from their house, but it could have caught the woods and stuff around. But yeah, she was like, I will never be mad at my dog again for barking. Yeah. Because It just saved their life. You know what I mean? Yeah, pretty wild. Wildfires are crazy.


They are. I really don't. I hope to God there's not another one anytime soon in this. I know. Whenever the fires are, the fires are crazy.


It's just when that wind starts ramping up, it just spreads it.


It's so scary. Just seeing those videos of everyone just driving through hell.


Like your mom and our friend Austin, just so much respect for firefighters. To see a burning building and just walk into it is the craziest thought process.


It's already hot as hell under that gear.




Even when I was doing that training, the firefighter challenge that I did with my mom for the dog.




That alone was like, how?


I did see a really cool video of these two firefighters that were in a burning building, and they had a hose that sprayed a cone up around them. It was basically like a force field bubble to keep the fire from getting to them?




I got mad respect. I really do. I do. Honestly, firefighters look so badass.


Yeah, they do have the best uniforms, I think.


It is so cool.


They look so cool.


They know what they're doing.


Way cooler than an astronaut. Oh, yeah. Anyways, shall we wrap?


Yeah, let's wrap it up.


Jump in the unwind?


Yeah, I think that's a great idea. Well, thank you again for tuning into another episode of Zane and Keith unfiltered. You could check out these episodes every Monday audio form on all the podcast platforms. And then we post the video version of these podcasts every Tuesday on our YouTube channel, youtube. Com/zaneandetheath. Zane and Ether. We also have a Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneheath, where we post bonus content, high and drunk episodes. We also have live Q&A's, which we're going to do today, right after this episode, we also have... What else we got on there? We do unwind.


So basically we keep all these cameras rolling even after the episode. Now they're like 20, 30 minutes, whatever. We just hang out. It's like an extended cut of the podcast. You get to enjoy it for even longer. All of that for $5 a month at patreon. Com/zaneheath. We also have a trial going right now, so you can try it out for a week. See if you like it. If you don't, you're wrong. Again, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath. Also, make sure to try Cromota Coffee, Cromota. Com. We've got bag coffee, we got cake cups, we got matcha, we got a bunch of different flavors, we got drinkware, we got it all. Cromoda. Com.


Thank you so much again for tuning in. We'll see you guys next week, and we'll see you on Wonders in 5 seconds. Ciao. Bye.