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Welcome, welcome, Norm, armchair expert Dan Shepherd, I'm joined by Miniature Mouse. Hello and best friend here weekly.


Well, today we have Sarah Gilberton. We had a great conversation with Sarah. Of course, Sarah is an American actress, director and producer. And you first met her on Roseanne back when she was a wee child. And you've come to love her on the talk, the Big Bang Theory and currently on the Conures, which returns October 21st on ABC.


So please enjoy Sarah Gilbert.


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Monica, how are you staying in contact with your sisters and brothers during this challenging time?


It's hard. Email. Do you have a virtual hang with some of your Atlanta boroughs?


I did all my girlfriends. It was so nice. We should have been doing that the whole time.


There's a lot of things now where we're like, why haven't we always been doing it this way? Exactly. Driving all over town to like pitch things and whatnot.


What's up on that zoom? Yeah, we don't need it. Right. Click over to the next one.


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He's in our chat. Hello. Oh, my gosh, I think I recognize where you're at, are you at Radford?


I know you're jealous of the couch. Yes, I'm at Radford.


Yeah, there's something about the tiled ceiling and the junction with the collar. I like it's Unmistakeably Radford. It is.


And, you know, it's funny, my dress uniform I had here for years, I totally did because I was there for so many years on the talk or on the talk, and it was hard to leave.


When you have a good dress, you know, it becomes like your little cocoon.


You know, I don't see this as being a very consistent male female difference on sets. Like I'll go into Lauren Graham's trailer and it's in Eden. It's like a in there. And then again, I go over to Monica Potter is same thing going to Peter's. There's like a bag of peanuts on the table as his decoration and saying, maybe I have one picture of my daughters.


For me, it's like anything I bring there, I'm going to have to carve out at some point.


And just knowing that keeps me from doing anything.


No, I'm totally like that. And it's only because it was a job that was like forty something weeks. A year.


Yeah, nine years. So you really start to go like this is ridiculous. After a few years, you're there all year, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Did you go so far as to paint the previous talk office. It was extreme seagrass wallpaper.


There was like one wall that had wallpaper and then there was painted dark. The rest of the walls, you know, the tiles in the ceiling. I made them wood. Oh, wow.


I always think about that in terms of the White House, like how many coats of paint are on the walls there because every four years or eight years you get a totally different aesthetic coming through. Right.


I feel like they probably have like the paint desk you're allowed to use and there's like four colors.


Yeah, well, this is kind of a role reversal for us, which I really like. Yeah, yeah.


Your history is way more interesting than I ever knew, which is not to say I was assuming it wasn't. But your grandfather created The Honeymooners. That's so exciting, I guess. Is that common knowledge? I did not know that.


I don't know if it's common knowledge. I mean, probably people aren't tracking that so much. But yeah, it is. I mean, it's cool. And it's the kind of thing when you're a kid and you hear it, you're like, yeah, yeah, that's cool, whatever. And then as you get older, you really grow to appreciate how significant it is.


Well, yeah. And as you enter the business, I'm sure to you recognize like. Well it's really I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners. Cheers. You know, Seinfeld, I mean, it's literally one of five historic. You know, it's Citizen Kane of sitcom.


I guess I also feel like a special connection to it because it's a working class sitcom. I heard a story where he had done a segment with Jackie Gleason of it on Jackie Gleason's variety show, I think. And he had said to Jackie, we should make this show. And Jackie was like, you know, no one will care about this. These are just the people from our neighborhood, you know? And he was like, no, that's why people will care about it.


So I just feel proud of my grandfather in a way, I guess that he was connected to this idea of tapping into the working class and representing them on television.


He was also kind of flawed in a way that I don't think until Roseanne came on when I was a kid, it was mostly like, you know, The Cosby Show. He was a perfect person, silver spoons. The dad was everyone was perfect. So there was also some weird shared DNA there that the lead character was, like, not evolved. We'll say, yeah, we just like that.


You got to be like real people and see real people. So that was nice. Yeah, I think the eighties was like we were coming out of a tradition of feel good television, which, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. I certainly watched my share of silver spoons, but I think then people were hungry for, OK, what's the next step in this evolution of television?


Yeah, and here's another fun thing I learned about you. I was born exactly twenty seven days before you were. Whoa oh.


So you're like almost a New Year's baby or January 2nd?


Yes, ma'am. One thirty am I missed it by an hour and a half. Is that frustrating for you or good.


My father was furious because had I been born thirty six hours before he would have been able to duck me on his nineteen seventy four tax returns. And this is something he lamented about pretty often.


Couldn't he deduct you on his nineteen seventy five tax returns.


Yes, but again he just, he would love that deduction the year before as well. Right. Yeah.


In his mind he lost out on a grand bargain. Thirty six hours. Yeah I see.


I missed it. But when you turned 18 he got a few extra or whatever. He got it on the back end. Yeah.


That's a good way to look at it. Although he no longer was in a position to use me as a deductible. But you. In theory, that would have come out in the wash. Had he not left at three. Yeah.


I don't mean to laugh, but no, you should. So I have a nosy question, but I'm just very curious. So you grew up in Santa Monica?


I was born in Santa Monica, but I grew up in the Valley.


Now, a show like The Honeymooners that had been still syndicated, I assume it's on somewhere and one probably the most syndicated shows of all time was that kind of like a generational wealth, like where people able to just be economically independent because of that show?


No, they weren't.


No, I think it was like structured also really differently back then. I mean, my grandfather was certainly fine and he did all right and made his way through life. But, you know, I think, like, the studios really, like, got their the lion's share. Exactly. Exactly. I mean, I think business people always seem to make out a little better than creative people, but back then it was probably more pronounced.


Well, also, if I can now that I'm thinking about it, there probably wasn't even a concept of syndication yet. So there's nothing exactly. Oh, you know what I want. Should you ever resell this a thousand times? I want X amount. That wouldn't even be. It's kind of like the merchandising pre Star Wars. No one would have even thought that there would be billions of dollars of toys coming out of a movie.


Right. So I think like the business people just own at all when it starts out. I mean, I'm not very informed on the subject, but that's kind of my guess. Yeah.


Although I do believe that's why Lucy and Arnez, Desi Arnaz, they owned that whole show.


Those two, they were ball busters.


They were I mean, they started like the first independent studio. Yeah. MultiCam.


And I mean, they were really like forward thinkers.


Yeah. Another fun thing. Everyone knows this but me because I said it to Monica, I said, you know, her brother and sister were like the stars of Little Four. And she goes, Yeah, Melissa. Yeah, yeah. Everyone knows that.


But I'm curious. They're older than you, I imagine, right?


Yes. So were you kind of watching them do that and did it appeal to you? And if so, what aspect of it appealed to you?


Oh, it definitely appealed to me. And I mean, I've told this story before, so forgive me anybody who's heard it. But probably people aren't reading my press that closely.


They did like a remake of The Miracle Worker in between filming Little House and for Christmas, all these gifts came for my family like that was involved and not for me, obviously.


And they also got Welles because of like the well in oh, you know, that like so they were like mock up recreations.


But LifeSize and I was just like, this is the coolest thing ever.


And how do I get in on a well with a plaque with my name on it.


So yes, obviously I still don't have that because we're going to get I haven't done my version of the miracle worker makerspace.


Yeah, but we've got a great fabricator. It's going to be made out of Styrofoam, but it'll look good.


What you think is like cool when you're a kid. Whereas like now if I had like a life size well with a plaque, I'd be like, where do I put this thing?


Yes, of course you'd be so embarrassed when people came over and they're like, oh, cool. You still have you're well. OK, that's great. Yeah. I guess when I was that age, if someone had sent my brother a free dirt bike, whatever thing he had been involved with, I would have sprinted towards to get that. So that would be my equivalent.


Exactly. So I was like, I've got to get in on this show business thing.


You got work in commercials and all kinds of stuff. Prior to getting cast on Roseanne when you were thirteen, were you feeling like it was going well or were you measuring yourself against your brother and sister who were on a hit show?


No, I mean, I actually I did it for a few years and then I was realizing it was hard to do gymnastics or ice skating or all this other stuff that I wanted to do. So I quit for a couple of years, like around eleven. I stopped and then I was like, wait, I really miss that. And that is the most important thing to me. And I went back to it around thirteen. But at that age I feel like the measuring and the low self-esteem comes later in life.


You know, that's probably true. It's starting around that. Right, like junior highs where you really start going. Hm, I know my terrible outcast or what. Yeah, that's true.


But I had booked the show by the time I was in like eighth grade, so then I kind of felt like, OK, I'm doing OK at this. And I think also there's just the naivete that, you know, now if I was lucky enough to get a new show, I would be so scared that it was going to fail. Or will anybody like it? No one is going to watch this. And all the negative tape's running. Whereas like a kid, I was like, this is.


Great, this is going to be a huge hit I, you know, made it you know, it's a very misleading first experience, by the way. I constantly think of people. Their first thing is like the smash it so rare.


And yet it have to be bad info to make such bad intel. Yeah, people see nothing and it's impossible to book the thing you want to get. And again, it's for sure bad intel.


I am curious, did you immediately do school on set?


Yes, I did school on set and it was great because I was better at school on set than not on. So I had a teacher that helped me focus and learn and figure out how to study essentially. Yeah.


Like without that in your life, do you think your trajectory would have been yal.


No way. No way. It's my teacher Sharon and actually I got her to come on and teach the kids on these two seasons.


Oh really? Yeah, because she's just the best teacher ever.


It's special to right. To have someone in your life that's known you since you're 13 yet.


I mean, there's so many people here like that that I'm connected to.


Yeah. And now I'm going to ask you a couple of questions that I know you can't answer, but I'm going to ask them anyways. And the reason I know you can't answer them is because what would you be comparing it to? But from our point of view, the notion of being the number one show in America at 13 or 14, and clearly you go to malls and you go to Burger King or whatever you do, I'm going to ask what that was like.


But of course, that was just your life. So I'm sure you don't have some crazy perspective.


But I'm just curious, at that age, I'm trying to imagine if that amount of attention would have scared me or if I would have loved it, inclined to think I would have probably loved it and exploited it.


I know at the beginning I had this feeling like it would be successful and I felt like I was supposed to be on a successful show. It's all sort of like narcissistic, grandiose, sort of young thinking, right? Yeah, sure.


And so as it was happening, I was kind of like, OK, well, this is what I had planned, you know, absurd and like, ridiculous and would never happen to me as an adult. So I think I took it in stride at the beginning. And it's also what I knew from my siblings. Right. Yeah, that's helpful.


Yeah. And then as I moved along in it, I would say like later teen years, 16, 17, then I think it was a little more challenging because you have weird I mean this probably happens anyway, but I think when you're forming it's a little more strange, your personal life versus your public life. And so I would feel very like do a show. Everyone's amped up. They're screaming, they're clapping, they're laughing. You're pumped. Cut the night's over.


You get in your car, it's quiet. It's a little bit lonely feeling you're just a teenager. That's awkward. That's navigating you drive home. So, I mean, that dichotomy, I think is a little challenging for a teenager.


OK, two things. One, I love that you admitted what you just did because I said similarly, when people started recognizing me, I wasn't like, oh, this is crazy.


I was like, finally, well, look, if we didn't think we might succeed in it, this is for everybody. They wouldn't try to do it. So there's some part of everybody that's trying to do it that does believe it can happen.


Yeah, you have to. I had never done a sitcom. I did a sitcom for the first time two years ago. I joined the show, The Ranch, and I had not had that experience. The live audience, they go, but they think your Chris Rock, it's like the most surreal experience.




I know I'm not nearly as funny as that audience thought I was. And I was forty three at the time. I had to start walking home from Netflix because if I just drove home and got into my house too fast.


Yes, too fast.


And so I started either walking home or riding my bike home so that I could kind of just lower back to Earth before I walked in my door and acted crazy to my family totally.


When we do live tapings, I mean, we're not doing them this year for obvious reasons, but getting home like, well, first of all, a stay and like have a glass of wine or something with a couple of my friends on the show. So that's like an hour or two. And then I get home and it's still like another hour, take a bath like TV. I mean, even though I'm so tired, there's definitely not a normal night of sleep that night.




I mean, I imagine there's some people that don't have that. But look, I think that's why Broadway runs the way it does. Like those actors are up all night sleeping through the day.


Yeah, it's great if you're, like, predisposed to be kind of bipolar, which I think I am. I got me added twenty or two. You know, it's probably like, funny because.


Are, I imagine, pretty sensitive overall, because there are people that, like can or want to play in their emotions and then you're putting them in this, like, heightened crazy situation, there's nothing like a sitcom experience.


I mean, literally, I've never done I've done improv live. I've done well plays.


Yeah, but the laughter that contagious laughter and yeah, I guess a funny play, but if you're in a dramatic play, I can't even imagine you feel that crazy explosion.


Right. It's like vocal approval. They can't hold it. I agree.


Tasty, dangerous and wonderful.


Now, OK, and then there's another thing I found out about you that I was very excited about is that in the fourth season you wrote an episode and you would have only been 17 at that point, I imagine 16, 17, 18. And I wonder already at that moment did you think, oh, I want to be involved in a lot more ways than just saying it?


Yeah, I did feel that way, but I really can't take credit for writing that episode. I mean, it was like I was really learning and they were like, OK, what if the stories this you know, I mean, I really didn't read the episode. Let's just be honest.


And that's fine, because that's not even what's interesting to me about it. It's just that you are already deciding at that point that early on, oh, I'd like to be involved in other areas of this thing for sure.


I mean, I think that probably happens to most people. Right. And especially like the longer you're doing it, I think it's also just like a survival mechanism in Hollywood because you can't bank on one thing because it's like hard to stay alive out here sometimes.


Well, great. So that's kind of my follow up question, because there's a lot of different reasons. One would want to do that. I'm a control freak and I kind of want as much control over every moment of my day as I can have. And I just saw all that as a road to like, oh, I could actually be seeing the lines I already wanted to say and I could be picking the shots.


I really want you know, I agree. I don't see it as control that creative expression, you know, like wanting to create or but it's probably my more positive way of spinning control. Yeah.


I actually find like I was motivated to like, let's say create or try new things and branch out. But now that I've had the opportunity and I felt the amount of creative control you get, it's very hard to go on set and not have it. Oh, big time.


Yeah, I spent four years just directing and writing and then went back to acting and two things when I was like, oh I have no say in any of this but also oh none of this is my problem, which was very nice as a break.


That part's nice but you'll see a big mistake. And you're like, oh I did. I saw them all the time. Like, Oh, they did not do a reverse of that. Oh, they're not like they're going to be fucked in the edit. For that reason.


I was just like, oh, not my problem. Right. I felt really nice to not at all be your problem all the time. Like the actual job of standing on a mark and saying lines is quite easy.


It's so easy compared to the other jobs. It is. It is. Now how do you decide in the midst of all that to go to yell? Because I imagine initially when you decided that you're like, well, I will have to leave the show to do this.


Yeah, I mean, I ended up being able to do the show like part time so I'd fly back and forth, but I'd give my mom a lot of credit because she probably just made it like a non-negotiable. And even though I graduated and I was seventeen, but I took a year off, so by the time I went to school, I would have been eighteen. And it really was just my choice. But I think at that age, you really do listen to your parents a lot.


And she just she really did make it like, OK, which school are you going to. Wow.


Because it would have been very tempting to go well, these things in the best case scenario, I'm going to go seven years. So you just get some damn money for the next three years, then go to college. What's the big deal? You start at twenty one instead of eighteen. That's a pragmatic argument.


It is. I mean, and look, I took a year off because I felt like I wanted to just have a year where I worked and didn't have to work and go to school. But my mom convinced me that if you take that many years off, you're never going to go back. And it's kind of like developmentally you want to be somewhat in the same space. And I started school a year young. So by taking off a year, it just kind of put me at the same age as everybody else.


And so, you know, it worked. I mean, I'm grateful for it.


I'm wondering, like, is it helpful to show up at Yale and everyone sees you on TV or is it like you just feel so self-conscious?


Well, I was a little bit, I guess, uncertain what it was going to be like. And I was aware, like, will this be different? And then I got there and I just remember meeting people on the first day and, you know, one kid would be like, well, I played Carnegie Mellon when I was twelve. And, you know, like, these people were so phenomenal that I started to just even be like. I'm just on a sitcom, you know?


Right, right. Yeah, there's a grand chess master there. Yeah, exactly. It was kind of like I was such a small fry in the, like, world of accomplishment there. You know, I would say the only time that really changed was when I was a senior. I think the freshmen I could feel like some of the freshmen had watched the show. And maybe it was just because they weren't exactly my peers. They weren't shy about saying something.


Yeah, but when it was my class now. Well, there's something about it.


If it's your peer and I have to recognize you, there's something about that action that makes you vulnerable. It kind of gives you status. So people maybe would be inclined to not. Whereas if you're four years younger, you already have the status. So there's nothing to lose, you know.


Exactly. Exactly. That's kind of that's kind of how I took it as well. But definitely I mean, I you know, people were like curing diseases and building spaceships.


You know, it's like what was your major art or photography?


Well, I was a fine art major, so photography was part of it.


OK, OK. Now I'm friends with some of the people that were deeply involved in that whole show. What Tom Werner did a movie I was in, I became friends with him. I love him. Tom Arnold, I know very well, very chaotic set just historically. The first nine years, very, very chaotic. I wonder being, you know, kind of formative age 13 to 19 or 20, whatever it was, seem that much conflict.


Did it make you more adverse to conflict or very comfortable with conflict?


You know, I didn't see that much conflict because I would say we were pretty protected from it. It was really like with the writers, producers, you know, it wasn't something that I was so involved in. Huh.


I like to seek out conflict for unknown reasons, but it's not that, OK, I'm hardwired for conflict because there was a ton of it in my childhood and I'm just used to it. It doesn't bother me too much for better or worse.


But, you know, it bothers me and I try to avoid it. And I find it. I must subconsciously, like, you know, create it sometimes in my life.




And can I ask just in that first run, who were you closest to? Like, who did you have a real beautiful connection to?


Well, Lisa and I were basically the same age, even though we were playing a couple of years apart. And so we were best friends. And, you know, we obviously were the only people going through that exact experience.


Yeah, her and her mom stayed in my guest house when they first moved out and we would watch the show every week and get frozen yogurt like there was something wholesome about.


Yeah, there was something that we made wholesome about the whole thing. The country's best yogurt.


It was Humphris, I think probably no. Yeah. We used to go to Pagliaro Cheese for lunch. I think that's gone.


And then it was Humphris Yogurt because I think TCBY why was the like raining yogurt that was the Supreme. Well, Humphris was cool because you could put your own toppings in it, so I would base it. I wasn't vegan at the time. I was vegetarian. So I'd basically pack as much cholesterol as I possibly could into one yogurt flavor. So I was like the peanut butter, cream cheese, banana cream, cream, cream, green, whatever.


Well, I'm not going to use some melted Swiss on top.


Yeah, it was it was intense now and we'd watch Wonder Years was our lead in, so we'd watch that and then we'd watch our shows. Kid, it was like a sweet ritual.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you have like crushes on other actors and then get to see them up front and stuff.


I did. I mean I remember like having a crush on an actor as a kid. I mean this is kind of like a wild story. There was this actor, Corky Namik. I don't know if you remember him, Corin Nemec, what show was it? I can't remember what show he was on, but I had a big crush on him and we were supposed to go to some network part, some big Hollywood party, and he was going to be there.


And I mean, look, he was like a few years older than me. And it's like liking the, like, prom king when you're that seventh grade dork, you know? But I was just excited about seeing him at this party. And I was doing a scene with Lisa and we had a pillow fight.


And the crew, they let it go on after the scene was over and they were cheering us on.


And Lisa went to hit me with the pillow and her elbow hit me in the mouth and I felt my front teeth go back in my mouth and my legs buckled like, you know, when your legs buckle and suddenly you're on the floor and you're like, how did I make it to the floor? And why aren't my teeth in the. I think something's wrong in my mouth. You know, just the pure shock. Yeah, I went to my dressing room and I was like, you know, I had like a bloody mouth not to be gross.


And I could see that my teeth were sticking back and it was like four or five o'clock. And we had to shoot a show the next day. This was like either a rehearsal or an pretape or whatever. And there were no dentists open, but there was like a periodontist, like a dentist, whatever. And I'm like, fine, let's just go there. And we went there and he was like, look, you got to like wear braces and slowly move these teeth back over like six months if you want a chance for them to live.


And I was like, I don't know about you, but I'm shooting a show tomorrow and I'm not on TV with, like, teeth sticking straight back like there's no way. Yeah.


Or conversely, a big set of braces you didn't have in the previous scene.




Which is problematic, but probably not as problematic as like the grotesque like no front teeth, like sticking back crazy. I mean, crazy situation I had going on. So I said, no, you've got to like pull the teeth back even if they die or whatever. So he pulled the teeth back into place.


Oh, how did that feel?


I'm sure he numbed the area, but I do remember that I had to wear like he's like put this gauze behind your teeth and basically bite on it all night so that the teeth stay where they're supposed to stay.


Oh, my goodness. It's like a story you would only hear from a hockey player. Yeah, I know.


It's horrible. And then I went home. The long story short is I couldn't go find Corky Nemec, although I do wonder and I'm going to tell Monika's thing, which he's told here.


So I'm not I'm not talking at school. But Monica had an interesting experience in high school where she didn't think any of the boys liked her.


Well, they did it. I disagree. But whatever.


I'll tell you her story. No, no boys liked her.


So her trick was to like people that were so blatantly out of her league, whether they were older or they were the football star, it was subconsciously but intentionally picking people that it could not ever be a possibility so that she wouldn't have to really get rejected by them.


Really. Right. Because if they don't like you, you're like, well, I pick Brad Pitt, so obviously. Right. Yeah.


So I'm just curious, at this point, you're probably aware that you're a lesbian and ah, you may be picking people. So it seems like. Oh yeah, I like guys too. I like this guy is never going to like me so I don't have to ever confront it. But, but I'm expressing I like a guy. Do you think any of that was going on.


No, I genuinely liked him. Yeah. I genuinely had a crush on him. OK, right.


I was wrong little. He makes lots of theories here.


I'm open. I'm open to any theories. I make theories based solely on her life experience or mine. I have now learned to project through her. I always knew how to project for through myself, but now I try to do it through Monica.


I love a good theory. Stay tuned for more armchair expert, if you dare.


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Now, once college ended and the show ends, now you're old enough and you're savvy enough, is it occurred to you at that point while I was on kind of a get hit by lightning happens once a generation thing, or was it kind of a rude awakening when it ended?


Well, it was a rude awakening, not because of the success, but because my life changed so much all at once. I finished the show, I finished college, and I got out of a relationship all within two, three months. And they had been like a four year relationship.


So I was like my life looked one way and then my life looked like someone else's life. And so I was kind of freaked out. And being in your twenties is hard enough, but like to have all your anchors go away. And I was living in my own place and then I had a roommate that I was like really close with. And then at some point he started getting successful and he moved into his own place. So then he was gone and his girlfriend and all that community.


So I think it was just like very difficult to go from being connected to all these institutions, anchors, relationships and have that fall away. And you're like, wow, who am I?


Yeah, all the pillars of your identity just vanish. Yeah, exactly. And I guess we don't realize how much the things we do and the people were attached to define our identity until they disappear.


Well, I would argue you only learn to anchor your identity in something substantive by learning the hard way that those other things just go away. I mean, I think that's how you learn to try to drill into, oh, I'm actually a good friend. I'm a great mom.


That's true. That's true. Because like now, when things fall away, it's a little different. Like, I feel like my identity is a little more established on its own.


Oh, me too. Me too. You know, if you asked me who I was 10 years ago, actor would have been the first thing I said. It would have been for a bunch of other things.


No, totally. And then you get to a point. We were like, oh, well, I don't actually have to act to be a person. Like, it's so much of your identity. Like this is what I must do.


Yeah. Now you certainly work. You work for the next ten years. You're on E.R. or you're on a lot of stuff, but ten years goes by before you're on Big Bang, which again, what are the odds that you'd end up like two of the five biggest shows of 20 years is just kind of statistically improbable in that period, those 10 years, were you ever, like, evaluating.


Oh, maybe I want to do something else. What were you going through in that period before you found then constant employment and creating shows and all this stuff?


I was working a lot right at the beginning and doing a bunch like indie movies. And then I did a pilot. And when that pilot didn't get picked up, I was super disappointed.


I felt like I hit a bit of a lull. I felt like the industry was like, oh, we gambled on the Sarah Gilbert series and that didn't get picked up. And now she's had her shot. You know, that kind of like the mentality. So I was working here and there, but I definitely have stretches where I wasn't working and I would start thinking, like, should I do something else? And probably that led me to create opportunities for myself more.


I think it's like, you know, if you're not the drop dead ingenue lead, it's a little bit more difficult sometimes. And even I'll read scripts now from a producer standpoint. And I'm like, yeah, I can see why sometimes I'm not there. Go to pick because I'm quirkier and a little more offbeat and people tend to classify to make things easier in their mind. And if you don't fall into a certain type, it's just like, OK, that's not right.




You're trying to build the architecture to be so clear and easy to understand that then you can spend your energy, whatever creative thing you want, you know, in another area. All right.


It's like I'm almost sympathetic to it.


I like to have that same thing where it's like I got three big shots on movies and then that kind of was like, all right, well, those were your three up at bats.


And I was like, OK. Oh, yeah, I right. I've been writing the whole time. I'm just going to start writing. And then writing led to another thing and then all of a sudden I'm you know, I'm in a meeting about something I've written and they're also putting together this show Parenthood, and they're like, you should do this. And I'm like, great. But I think from a lot of people, either they get to that point and you're so aware of the fact that you have no control over it.


You're just waiting for someone to like you. And I think that either crushes people or it turns them into creators.


Yeah, you have to find your way. Another ambition of mine is just like, OK, keep getting better so that your undeniable sometimes I'll watch ten auditions and when you're watching the ten best, they're pretty decent. They're not all that different. And then once in a while you'll see one that's like, whoa, that is undeniable that we have to hire that person.


You're so right. But it's like, how do I get myself? To their yeah. OK, now what gave you the idea to create the talk, you are a tremendous actor, but I don't think up until then I saw you as someone who was dying to be living out loud in public. Does that make sense? Yeah.


I mean, I definitely wasn't. It was such a weird departure. I was literally in the bathtub and I was like thinking. And I was like, why isn't there a talk show for women that are like moms or girlfriends or just talking to each other about normal, everyday stuff that I talk to my friends about. So that's kind of where it came out of and it had started where everybody on the panel were moms, you know, because I'd been in this mom group and I saw how these friendships evolved.


So it wasn't necessarily just supposed to be about parenting, but just about like friendship and community and connection, essentially. And when I brought it to sell, I was on the fence and I had said to them, look, you guys are probably going to buy this because I'm not sure I want to do it.


You know, I was like dare to be out there, that I almost took it as like a spiritual test. Like, can I put myself out there and talk and, you know, slowly found my comfort zone. But I was definitely never the one that was revealing the most.


Right. It's the most ideal way to sell something when you almost hope it doesn't get bought. Right. That's like the best position you can be in.


Yeah. If you're not feeling desperate and they probably sense it, you know, normally I'm like, please take my first born.


Oh, I can do it. Oh, you want an exit? Oh, shaved head. Yeah. All right. Now, once you there like major professorial duties on that show, I have to assume that it would only be smart to construct it in a way where you're going to have much different points of view from the hose, different, hopefully contradictory points of view so that it can drive story and drama and that am I right to assume that that's got to be one of the ingredients?


I think it wasn't so much about like varying points of view as it was about different personality types, you know, like because it's like the show is never political.


So it wasn't like, oh, I need somebody who's very conservative and very liberal and moderate. And Bob was kind of like, oh, this person is really outgoing and funny and gregarious, whatever.


And this person is more thoughtful and, you know, depressed when you're putting that group together. Is it hard to manage the personalities?


I felt like the show was pretty much mostly a dream. Like I thought everybody got along really well and it was a very easy place to work. I think that made it hard to leave.


Well, I've been on that show several times. I don't know how many. But yeah, I've always felt when I went there that there was no, like, tension in the air or anything. Right. And it's a good vibe.


Right. Like you go and it's heavy and very I mean, you could tell the truth. I mean, I'm backing you into saying this, but.


No, no, no, no. The only weird thing that ever happened on that show, which had nothing to do with you guys, it was like I was on and then I'll not say who, but some other person was on and that person had some skin care line or something. And then their representative came to my green room and dropped this huge basket of stuff. And I was just being polite. I don't want skin care stuff. I'm like, Oh yeah, that's great, I'll have that.


And then like fifteen minutes later, someone comes over and wants me to fill out like a tax form because they're going to write that off as some three thousand dollar gift to me of skin care. And I was like, OK, whoa, whoa, whoa, this is crazy. Now I've got to be rude. I don't want the skin care. Just take that back. And this is all before I go out there. Right. So I'm just like, how did I get myself this big over?


I just it's like I was afraid to say I don't want it.


And now all of a sudden they have a tax form for me to fill out what just happened.


But that had nothing to do, you know, probably know.


That was probably like any time they do like a big TV giveaway to the probably the show was giving it to the whole audience. And so they probably were giving it to all the guests as well. And they had everybody who gets over a certain amount, gets a tax form. So it's kind of like Standon. It didn't come from the other guests, I'm sure. I think it's like standard.


Kind of like, OK, everybody who gets this. Yeah, I just was like, I got to know, get this form to my accountant so that I now can declare this three thousand dollars worth of skin care for women I don't want. It was great. Yeah.


That's funny. I've had that.


No I've had that before where I'm like you can keep this like Bowflex or I mean look, we're so lucky, right. That Oh yeah, give us some. But then if they want to charge you and it's not something you can use.


Yeah. It's. Just one of those many times or is like, you know, my instinct was to say, oh, thanks but no thanks, but I didn't want to be awkward. And then all of a sudden I have I really awkward because I didn't just headed off at the pass, but yeah, I know I never had any problem.


Never on the show is always, always fun. I love it. Good. How did you get the idea to bring Roseanne back.


John Goodman came on the talk show and we did like a recreation of a little scene from the show.


Like a little parody. Uh huh. And when we did it, it just felt so right. And I mean, I went back to my dressing room and I literally like was crying like it's so weird to say. But I was like, oh, my God, I'm so moved by that. And I so miss doing it.


Yeah, it felt like the right time in the country, like it didn't feel like doing it just for the sake of doing it. It felt like it was synchronicity on a lot of levels. And I always thought that none of the cast wanted to do it. And then I first I talked to Tom and and got their blessing. And then I started reaching out to the cast and people were like, yeah, when I'll be there.


No kidding. OK, so it comes back. It's enormous. I mean, even I've got to imagine in your best case scenario, I mean, the ratings were that they had not been seen in like 20 years. It was just so enormous. I remember I went to work that day and just every set in Hollywood was talking about, oh, my God, did you see how big that was? Like it was just like a Super Bowl. Yeah.


You have stick to edness or something. You have fortitude. You figure out how to move through that and keep the thing you love alive. What made you not give up on it?


How do you see it through to become the conures, which is also a hit show. We followed you all the last year and you were enormous.


How did you just not quit or not give up on that thing and just became the less painful option? I think everybody was so heartbroken and, you know, we felt like our audience wanted to see more stories and we wanted to tell more stories and wanted to keep our crew together and having a place to go to work. And so I don't think it was an easy decision for anybody, but I just think that it became the one that made the most sense.


Is it at all rewarding, self-esteem wise, to know that the little girl on the show is the one who grew up and kept it all together? I think you should feel really cool about that.


I don't really take any credit for this show. Honestly, I think it has a life of its own, and I'm lucky to be a part of it and feel like I was sort of handed this like pot of gold, of amazing people that came together, stories that came from Roseanne's life, the cast. You know, there are so many things that lined up that I don't know. It's very hard to, like, take any credit for it or feel responsible.


If that makes sense, it makes total sense.


I can see why you would say that. But I can also tell you that if I get a call from Savannah Page, who is seven years old on parenthood, and she ends up putting together this whole show, and it's not Peter Krauser or Craig Nelson or Lauren Graham, that's something it's very cool.


I think it's fucking cool. So I'm good. I'm glad you're modest, but the facts is the facts. You called everyone and you and you did it.


What is it, do you think that makes the show so successful?


I think people probably connect to like a real life quality to it in terms of our economic struggle and these imperfect characters. And no one's trying to win a beauty pageant. You know, it's kind of like hopefully people turn it on and they just see regular looking Americans that are trying to show what it's like to get by.


Yeah, I think there's a lot of humor, obviously, and a lot of love in the family. I feel like people sense that we really love each other and that maybe is part of it too. And there's probably some nostalgia to a scene where everybody is now.


Yeah, well, there is an X factor in casts, which I'm sure you've experienced a bunch of times, which is like sometimes there's magic and sometimes there's not like, again, sorry to keep bringing it back to parenthood, but, you know, we just genuinely love the shit out of each other, like so much so happy to go to work.


And who am I going to be in a scene with today? Oh, my God is great. I haven't seen me in forever. Yeah. Me and may get to play all day to day like there was such joy in interacting with one another that it's palpable I think. Yeah it is.


I mean and I've had that also before conversely. And then you think it's great and you watch it and you're like oh well it didn't translate on screen, you know, a thousand percent.


But again it's all kind of just magic. You can't really design it. You just got to hope something lucky happens in some way. OK, I just want to spend a couple of minutes because I've got to meet him several times. And I just have this enormous affinity for him, but as John Goodman, the greatest guy on the planet, I mean, John's incredible. I just study John and Laurita, too, for, like, how they take a scene apart, how they put it back together, what they're doing.


You know, John's a serious guy. He's not probably what people picture.


He's very serious, but very polite, very hard on himself.


So he really wants to get it right. Yeah.


But, yeah, an incredible person to the core for sure. Yeah.


And the life is fantastic, isn't it? The short two years I did a sitcom, I just was like, this is heaven. I get to go play and I get to go home and I get to be a parent. And it's just it's pretty lovely, isn't it? But I guess because you're producing you're probably there a lot longer than everyone else know.


It is a great schedule and I have such an amazing team of people I work with that make my load lighter, and especially right now when people can't go anywhere or see anybody that worked in this opportunity, where people are figuring out a way to do a lot of testing and make it as safe as possible to come someplace, I just am so grateful. And also, just as you're watching the world, the older I get, I'm just grateful to be alive.




Would it be fair to say that one of the appeals of your show is that you have these characters on it that span the whole political spectrum and yet everyone loves each other? That that's a message that, like we are all very much longing for? I hope that people feel that way.


I mean, I definitely felt like when the show came back together, I was hoping that we would strike a chord with we don't have to be so divided because we believe different things. But can we find some common ground because we love each other?


Yeah, I think that's part of the secret recipe that has made it so successful. I really do. I think it's like something a great deal of us wish for. I'll just speak for myself. I wish for it so much.


I mean, I think almost everybody, no matter what you believe, no one wants to feel like we're in this relationship with the other side. That feels bad.


Yeah. My analogy is like, hey, guess what, we're married. No one's going to secede from the union. We're going to be married for life. So we want to have. That's exactly what I was thinking. Yeah. Yeah.


We're in a strained marriage right now, you know, and it's like, what are the paths to understand each other instead of just like, OK, here's my story that I'm sticking to.


Like I'm shouting at you. Yeah. How can I try to understand and get our stories more on the same page somehow? Did you watch Social Dilemma about the Internet and all that?


Yeah, I did. I watched like half of it. I need to finish the other half. You know, sometimes when it's in your house you're like, oh, OK, I'm getting tired, but I'm coming back to it. And I was to make my kids watch it too. And just as a cautionary thing, and they were like, you know, got to go do tick tock.


See you later. Yeah, I think I think when we watched it, we were like, oh yeah, we think we're really smart and we have to admit we're not nearly as smart as an algorithm and they're just leading us down a path.


Man, it's they are every time I click something, I know it and I'm like, oh, but I just want to click it anyway.


Yeah. Well, Sarah, I love you. I've always enjoyed coming on the talk and getting to hang out with you for a minute. You're a good egg. Thank you. Yeah. Really quick. What do you think post conures. You'll just continue to probably create. Do you like that process. You'll create more things and produce more things.


I'm excited to produce more things and I'm working on it now and maybe time to start writing, maybe with a partner or I'm not sure direct. I mean, there's so much that I want to do. I want to act more for sure and more diverse projects like try to find different things. And, you know, hopefully I'll get the opportunity to to do that. Well, you'll make your opportunity. I hope so.


But yeah. And I think you're so awesome. I love you, too. And I really this is such a great podcast. What a fun one hour. Thank you. All right.


When this country's premiere, we premiere Wednesday, October 21st, it's a new night. So we were on Tuesdays. So get ready. Big change Wednesday night.


Will you be debuting with the Halloween episode? We're not debuting with a Halloween episode, but the following week. It's so interesting because of covid, nobody knew when they were going to air. Yeah. So we didn't.


And the networks were like, don't basically make holiday specific episodes because we don't know what's going to happen or where things are going to be. Right.


But now that we know we are putting together an episode that deals with Halloween because it's a very different Halloween for most people. So. We want to address that and then also it'll be a few days before the election, it's October 28th, I believe that is this episode. So some tension, divisions in the family sort of related to the election in your career, you must have found yours is much longer than mine.


And I think I've been a part of like five Halloween episodes. And they're always the funnest episodes you can ever shoot, aren't they? Or maybe not for you.


I mean, I'm not like a huge look. And it is like the legacy of the show to do these big Halloween episodes and stunts and whatever.


And I am sort of more in the like. What's the saddest story we can tell?


Like, even though it's a comedy that's like my sensibility.


So whenever there's like a huge stunt with blood squirting in someone's head coming up, it's not like right in my wheelhouse. But I learned to appreciate it, if that makes sense. But I'm kind of like, yeah, how can we, like, deal with major tragedy? Right.


Right. I like it because I'm way too lazy to come up with a great costume. So the fact that there's a costume department that made me look like Evel Knievel was like I always wanted to put together the costume this good. That's my satisfaction with it.


It's like it's unbelievable. Like we always laugh that, like the conures have spent like three years of paycheck's on Halloween. It's the one time when we don't really try to stay in reality of what they could afford or, you know, I think I'm just not a costume person in my own life. I don't like attention in that particular way. So I feel even if they make me a great costume, I feel embarrassed walking out, you know, it's good.


All right. Well, Sarah, we love you. And October 21st, everyone wants the conures and then prep yourself because there is a Halloween episode coming.


So we all have something to look forward to. Thera's. All right.


Talk to you later. Bye bye.


Stay tuned for more armchair expert, if you dare.


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And now my favorite part of the show, the fact check with my soul mate Monica Padman. Hey, hey, our boyfriend's back. Yes, he is back by popular demand. Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. You two are the best in the biz.


There was so many sweet comments about Aaron. People were pumped about DGB, as you would expect. Sure.


But a lot of people were even more excited about best friend Aaron Weekly.


Someone trademarked it, which I like. What does that mean? Like they wrote best friend Aaron Weekly trademark.


Like it's been copyrighted. People are fun. Palm trees are real hot. They are speaking of them.


Many of them asked why there wasn't a fact check last week. Oh, right, right, right.


There was one. We recorded one and we had a big debate and it was about politics. I was of the opinion. The episode was political enough and that not everything has to have politics in it. There should be places that you don't hear about that if you've come for another reason and and you have a very solid opinion, which is it's existential and you want to express your opinion.


Yeah. Did I sum it up fairly? Sure. OK, so we cut it so there is no back.


Well, additionally, people were coming in and out of Monica's apartment with a fecundity I'd never seen.


There was a lot of knocks at the door. There's a lot of grocery there, some food.


Someone from L.A. DWP, that was the real pop out because you open the door expecting to see someone holding some chowder. That's right. And there was a man in full uniform. And I got to be at least care because I was thinking, what a great disguise.


Who's not going to let the L.A., L.A., L.A. DWP into their house to check the meter? Do you want to hear a sad story why this is taking a dark turn for real? But it just reminded me because we had Sarah Barela san. Yeah. Who did the music for waitress. The writer of Waitress was murdered in her house by a situation like this.


Like someone came to the door, like the plumber, OK, and he murdered her. Oh, I know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, it's really sad. Happy Halloween, everybody.


Well, no.


Some spelling. Yes. Oh. Thank goodness. OK, I'm going to take that accidental Diet Coke spillage to just jump genres for one sec, right off topic.


So Delta, who's now going to be a sponsor? Not your daughter. Not my daughter, although she's also a sponsor of the water faucet company. I think broadly, you could call it more than that. Is that too limiting? And you're in you've done some maintenance in your life.


Have seen the delta, everything when it comes to Fixer's and. Sure. Yes.


OK, so I want to limit them to Faucet's, but they sent a super cool fosset. By the way, I've had this idea before. Huh.


I've grown so accustomed to my kitchen sink faucet that you can pull the handle, you know, you can pull the spout off and then move it around. It's got a hose inside and you can get every corner of your sink, which is so helpful.


Now, in my bathroom, I'm in there for an extra six minutes. When I shave, there's little beard hairs all over the sink. Yeah. And I got to splash it with my hand like a caveman.


Or like when you drop your toothpaste in there, you have to use your finger to get it. I hate that. Yeah. And so you're splashing in.


There's water going everywhere and some of the beard hairs are splashing out. Well, they have this faucet, the Kaira pulldown fosset, and you can pull it like the kitchen sink one. And I shave the other day and I, I don't know, six seconds. I kept spraying just because it was funny. It felt so novel to be doing it in my my bathroom. I almost want to do some dishes in there. Oh my gosh.


I'll be ordering one. That's lovely.


We've got to get you on at your house for sure because you're doing all kinds of things in your sink, right.


Oh, God. Sunsilk stuff in there. Too much stuff. Right. Wash the dog that is good for wash vegetable, shave my chest.


And I just want to add to that these use 20 percent less water than industry standard. So it saves you money without compromising performance.


And again, it's the coolest thing ever.


It's got a lifetime warranty and I love it. And now I can't wait to shave and make a mess just so I can clean up the mess.


Oh, well, you were saying that we just got back from a trip, I think is what you're about to say. It was. And they did not have those faucets, which was aggravating.


They had some old fixtures.


It was a haunted house. Definitely. Haren Sosin spirits.


Yeah, not as many as some people did, but we were going to buy a Ouija board and try to talk to someone's spirits.


That's all. I wanted to actually bring a medium in. I know. And maybe talk with the spirits.


I'd be scared almost every night.


I wish I almost went to Monica's room because she was very scary in that room by herself. It was scary. And I know America's the only other one alone.


Yeah, that would be the greatest excuse to try to get into bed with Monica. I think I saw a ghost of her.


You wouldn't have liked it. My bed was too short for me to know. My feet were hitting the back of the bed and I was like, who could have ever slept in this bed?


Oh, wow. Yeah, we thought of a really funny idea because can I tell people that you had a midnight poop like. Yeah, you had a nocturnal evacuation. I did. And I was thinking how funny it would be if you had tiptoed into Erin's room and his family in the toilet.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not Claire. Yeah, yeah. No, it was in a toilet. But I was thinking, how funny. If you had tiptoed into Erin's room and did your nocturnal evacuation in his toilet and then didn't flush it.


Yeah. So that when he woke up he'd be so confused like, oh my God, I guess I took a dump in the middle of the night.


I don't remember. It doesn't smell nearly as bad as the ones I did. Good news and bad news. I don't remember taking it down and how much healthier than I thought I was. I would have been a really good prank.


It would. Yeah, I shoot it. Can you do that next time? No. OK, I'm never going to do that.


But it was a fun trip around the lake, glistening water. Well, never had been to Lake Arrowhead.


You really feel like you've traveled to Switzerland. I know. In a mere eighty five miles from L.A. again, they're not a sponsor.


Lake Arrowhead just want to say neither is L.A..


Yeah, I was thinking when I was driving there that I'm so grateful to live in California. Me too.


It's such a great place. The taxes are insane, but it is a great place.


You think you get what you pay for. Yeah, minus the mosquitoes. The new mosquitoes. That's unacceptable. Yeah. We don't like them. No, not with the bill you get at the end of the year. It'd be like eating in a very nice restaurant in there being fingernails in your face.


You're just expecting like a Burger King.


If I get a fingernail in something I'm like, yeah man it was three ninety nine. What did I think was going to last for her? Oh my gosh. That reminds me. Remember we were in Fort Worth, Texas.


We went to was it a Burger King, our own Jack in the Box, Jack in the Box. This is a real story. Monica, tell me, apex of summer, right? It's hot.


Is Haiti's in Fort Worth, Texas, and we're hungry. It's like 11:00 at night. We've been washing cars all day and we go into the jack in the Box. All the employees had their shirts off. Yeah, this is for real. Yeah, their shirts wear off and they were cooking and taking orders.


Oh wow.


I remember now this was earlier in high school. Yeah. Yeah. This is like the last time. Yeah. I remember a lot of a lot of back and forth profanity over the walkie.


Two guys had microphones so you had the guy at the counter at the cash register and he's yelling back what people are ordering. And then there's also a guy who operate in the drive thru who's also yelling back and they are saying, fuck the whole shebang.


Yeah, they were angry with me and it was hot in their defense.


They had to have their shirts off their backs. And we're the only ones who had shirts through. All the customers had their shirts up in.


The guys were gone like I got a whopper, extra mayonnaise. And the guy was like a double cheese and a fucking mayonnaise.


I was like, oh, my God. He just said, man is over.


The thing was incredible. And reminds me of one other quick one. We had a car show in Padre Island during spring break and we were only like 19. So we were jealous. All these kids were on spring break and we were there working and we had to wear these khaki pants and purple shirts.


And we went to Pizza Hut, I think it was. Yes. And there's all these beautiful girls in bikinis and dudes like in board shorts.


And we're in there. There's like six of us to talk about with our collared shirts. And we were nineteen polyester. I was right. Yeah, right. Oh yeah. How did it percent polyester purple colored shirts.


So we all took our shirts off at Pizza Hut. We were like, well there would be better to have our shirts off. And then we just all had matching khaki pants and no shirts off at Pizza Hut and we were asked to put our shirts back.


Oh, I respect Pizza Hut for telling you to do that.


Surprised me to spring break. There's bigger fish to fry in spring break.


There's probably people are making love in the bathroom. God knows what is happening.


Ray. Yeah. This spring breaks.


We were not on spring break and it felt like it waking up at like 5:00 in the morning to wash cars. And you see people like staggering home off the beach about to hook up.


Did you guys ever drink while you were working? Yes, but there was no drinking on shows. Drinking was like not allowed.


I discovered, like, people were drinking in their hotel rooms and I don't know, we were like twenty six at this point. And I said to my mom, I'm like, look there, everyone's drinking in the room. Like, this is crazy.


So I kind of spearheaded changing the policy, which was a big mistake, right?


Oh, definitely, yeah. Because then, I mean, everyone we worked with was drunk, including us. And yeah. Then it just went crazy and everyone was drinking all the time.


Yeah. Yeah. Till 4:00 in the morning then waking up at five thirty.


Yeah totally. I remember on that show we all have to meet at whatever time, six a.m. in the parking garage, in the parking garage. And as I was hiking up it right at five to six I just fucking started puking and I was like, I got to hand it to you.


You're out of time every day.


She said, you're on time and in uniform, but you cannot drive a car. Oh, yeah. Because I was so hammered. So you had to hand out keys. Just held all the keys for the car.


Lucky you had a mommy is your boss. Yeah.


OK, Sarah, she wrote that episode and she couldn't remember how old she was.


Well I said it, it was in the fourth season so she was seventeen.


She started at thirteen years old and so she was either seventeen or sixteen depending on it was 92. Ninety two. OK, and she and I are the exact same age as you. Seventeen.


OK, there we go. Oh well I'm sorry I'm twenty seven days younger than her. Are older than her. Yeah. Yeah. Basically the exact same.


This is crazy because we interviewed her a week ago and I think I remember her birthday was the twenty ninth of January and that she was thirteen.


I'm feeling good. Feeling good. Yeah. Your memory is back. That's good. Sobriety brain. Oh. Do you feel good. I absolutely do. You said your hands don't feel clammy anymore.


That's finally the seemingly last side effect of of withdrawing. Yeah.


I had clammy hands for three weeks in. I did not like you to remind me of high school when I had too many hormones in my hands, are always claiming I was always panicked a girl would touch my hands.


I did make the equivalence that it seems like your withdrawals were very similar to PMS, right?


Yeah, probably. Yeah. I couldn't regulate my body temperature.


Oh. Huh. Oh, it's a common thing. Like night sweats. I get night sweats sometimes during my thighs. Sure.


We had a real fun joke when we were watching the vice presidential debates when that fly came out and was on top of Mike Pence's head.


Oh my God. We theorize that maybe some of them had their flies in the audience and that it attacked his hair.


Yeah, that was funny.


Someone who's likely to have been on their period in hot.


Sure. Yeah. So the abundance of attack flies.


Oh, man. I wish I had control of my flies and I could sic them on people.


I think you could. I think you just. Yeah. You need to communicate better with them. They're not there to harm you.


Maybe I'll do a Ouija board for my flies. Oh that's a good idea.


To summon them and communicate with. Also I think you're thinking of your flies as an infestation or pests as opposed to fairy godmothers, OK.


Yeah. They're there to like whatever you would want of a pumpkin turned into a carriage, regular slipper turn into a glass slipper.


They're like but they're all like fairy tale fairy godmother. So they're not caught up to 2020. Oh, you're afraid that they're still like in another genre where they're sexist or something?


Oh, OK. That makes sense. Can I air a grievance about Cinderella story?


Yeah. So at midnight everything goes back to normal, right? The carriage is a pumpkin, the horses are donkeys or whatever the hell. They're hot dogs or mice.


The glass slipper is still a glass slipper the next day. In fact, it's a glass slipper for a long time because he's walking around the village. But it was a good the glass slipper not. They made her glass slippers.


She didn't own glass slippers. The fairy godmother made her glass slippers. Right.


And everything at midnight went back to its original state that the horse horses turned into mice in this glass slipper was still glass and he went all round the village, letting people try it on and it was still glass. That's a big error.


Supply Silajdzic error. Yeah, you're right. Here's a tidbit that I know. You know, if there's a kid on set, they can only be on set for so long. And once their time hits, it's called They Pumpkin Now. Yep.


Or turn into a pumpkin. Yeah. Yeah. That was that's just a coincidence. No, we're talking about Cinderella.


It's a ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding, ding, ding. Oh, OK.


So Sarah had a crush on an actor when she was a kid. His name was Corky Nemec. Corin Nemec was his name, but he won by Corky Namik. And what was the show he was on? Let's see. His first major film role was Tucker the Man and his dream. That was in 1980.


Oh, that's a great film, you know. Yes. The man, Tucker, he had his own car line and it was a much better car than the Big Three were making at the time. Jeff Bridges played Tucker in the film.


Wow, I can't believe you know this. And they ran them out of business, but I think he was the first person to have safety glass. He had a tracking headlight that turned when you turned the steering wheel and a lot of innovation.


Oh, the big three were threatened by God.


It was Corky played the song. He played the Big Three.


OK, Mr President of General Motors in Henry Ford Jr., the name Corky, there was a very famous Corky who was an actor who had Down syndrome.


Later, life goes on.


What year was that movie show? Oh, a TV show. Does anyone know I can look it up?


I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. It's me. Middle age. What's it called. Yeah, life goes on. Life goes on.


Nineteen eighty eight. There you go. This year of our life. Yeah I thought I did. I have a friend named Corky that's.


Well now the actor I remember I had a I guess it was a psychology class and we were learning about Down syndrome which is trisomy twenty one.


You have three chromosomes on your twenty first pair and they were talking about the vast range of IQ and that many kids with Trisomy twenty one can have an IQ in the nineties. And they used Cauchy as an example. There was an interview in this documentary with him, the actor.


OK, so he OK, so he was on lots of shows. He earned an Emmy nomination and then nominated one of your peers. Yeah, exactly. For the show. I know my first name is Steven, but I watch that I've.


You seen it. No, OK.


But, you know, and then he was in Parker Lewis can't lose. That's a show. So I'm going to guess it was Parker. Lewis can't lose at the. Time, because that was ninety to ninety three and Roseanne was in that time early, Roseanne was going to guess that's the one.


OK, how many times did you guest on the talk? According to IMDB three, but I feel like maybe more.


But on IMDB it just has you is three. Well OK.


A I feel like I've been a guest more than three times and I was a host one time.


Right. So it says you and Panya. OK, then you cohosted with Christie Brinkley.


That's who tried to give me the all the makeup or all the oh all the lotion that I didn't want. Oh my God.


You should have taken it. And she's like, she's a huge model. I bet this stuff was amazing.


What am I going to do with it, though? It was all it was for me. It was feminine.


Give it to and my skin is so dry.


And then Wayne Brady, I was on with Wayne Brady. Yes. Those are the three times it is listed, man. Well, I know I've been there with Kristen. That's what I said. But I and I know there I've been there solo, not hosting and not with Penya.


So who knows? The important thing is I didn't get taxed for any of that facial care product.


That's right. Can I do a fact check from this episode? Yeah. Yeah. One episode being the fact check we're doing. Yeah.


It's a real time backchat. Oh yeah.


That's where we go when we're when we're guessing what year life goes on. Was the new set 1989 decks had the best year of our lives.


Fact check in 1987. In fact, the best year in my lifetime. I thank you for saying that because I don't I think you missed it. But he said nineteen eighty nine and I said no, nineteen eighty seven. Then he said oh yeah, I did completely miss it. OK, but I'm glad you said that. I got double fact checked on it. Yeah. I just wanted to relate to 1989. Sure.


Because sometimes Daksha says things are the best all the time and I have a little bit of a qualm with that, so I thought that was happening again. Now do you know why I said it?


And I wonder, Aaron, if we have the same thing, like how do you remember what year we were in eighth grade?


Because I know you're about the yearbook says and the end of the eighties. Yeah, I literally go, oh, and the eighties. Eighty nine was the end of the eighties. I just think of the eighties out of yearbook.


So I did do by the way, we looked at the yearbook.


Well we were we were at Lake Arrowhead the last five days, but prior to that we had that yearbook out. We've never, ever seen each other and not got the junior high yearbook out.


There's always a question that's driving us crazy. And in this case, it was Charlie Noel, Charlie Noel trying to figure out who was the tough kid in sixth grade.


And he was Melissa Cooper's half brother.


Half brother. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we regaled about how much we loved Melissa Cooper. Mm hmm. Yeah.


Oh, in love. I remember trying to have sex with her when I was like a oh.


Oh wow.


We dug a hole in the yard and oh I would love to know if she remembers but I remember looking at her belly.


But you know, the whole confusion of where you put it.


Jane Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And not at all thinking it's by the but yeah.


Cause you already wanted to have sex Jane.


He probably didn't want to. Well obviously wanted to. Is digging a hole and. Well tell me about the hole. Well how does that come into play. OK, well she didn't dig the hole. I dug the hole. Sounds like now you're going to kill her.


No, I dug the hole to put tree branches over it so it would be like a fort like, oh, underground for it. Oh, my goodness.


OK, so I had like a deck of playing cards with naked girl oh oh oh torn pages of Penthouse.


And by the way. So is that like your lair or are you making it for her. I mean for me I was making a no for me.


OK, yeah.


That sounds more like this wasn't how I planned on you know. Yeah. Seducing her. Yeah. But I remember taking her there.


Oh sure. It's your spot. I loved you Melissa. I feel this and I still do.


I always will. I will say you're probably scared for Melissa.


But can I tell you a little about. But Melissa, your toughest girl in town. Toughest girl in town? Yeah, yep. She would have beaten Arun's at eight years old. Definitely. Yeah, I think she did. Yeah, sure. I'm sure you guys wrestled. She did. Yeah. She got the upper hand. Yep. Yep. And then just prayed.


She didn't call her half her step right over joining us. That's all for Sarah Gilbert.


Well, I love you. I love you. I love both of you. And we're leaving tomorrow. We are leaving tomorrow.


And hopefully we'll have a cider mill update. Can't wait. We didn't have the full plan last time, which is we're going on for one day.


We're going to have breakfast, lunch, dinner, cider and doughnuts, and then we're going to have a snack. Great. So we'll update everyone. Kahnawake love you.


Love you.