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Hey, everybody, is Jarno Cauldwell, you may know me as a national political analyst, but today I'm here to tell you about my new podcast series OutLoud with General Caldwell, the sworn enemy of PC culture. I'll interview national guests from all walks of life and real people discussing issues on culture and politics, as well as the controversies that have social media blazing.


Listen to OutLoud with General Caldwell every Monday on the radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast.


Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. And on this day, the Lord has made it is an incredible honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh to be able to chat with you at 800 to eight to 288 to I have one of these in my collection of radio memorabilia. You may have one of these. In fact, I've got multiple flavors of these. I have a bumper strip, I have T-shirts, I have a button, and I have a book of sayings that people collected from Rush Limbaugh.


And it says on each of those says Rush is right. And I'm proposing that outside now the the Justice Department and the FBI that we go and don't want to I don't want to commit or cause to be committed a felony or even a misdemeanor. But it might be wise to right now go paint across from the DOJ and the FBI, maybe paint in bright yellow letters. Rush was right. And Trump was right. Barack Obama knew. He knew that the intelligence so-called.


That was used to attempt a soft coup. In the United States of America was born out of the most corrupt. Family in the history of American politics. This was cooked up by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama knew this. These are declassified memos and John Brennan's notes. And a briefing. So the the single most criminal president. An administration in history. Knew that the single most corrupt. Political family in history. Had invented from thin cloth using and this is impossible to track.


I think about this is a Hollywood pitch. And back in the day I used to I used to work in Hollywood when I was in tech, can go down to the talent agencies and I just I'm imagining this pitch. You know, here's what we have. We have a criminal we have a criminal president and a corrupt secretary of state using a spy, a foreign spy who has been banned from working for the FBI. Who secondary source is a national security threat.


To create false information, to plant into a presidential race and to lie to the FISA court. And there's one of two things that happens. I mean, your screenplay is is adapted immediately and it's cast and they got to make sure that all the all the players are Republicans. If you went and said, no, no, they're Democrats know it's not believable. 2020 is many things. It's an attempt to take your vote away from you again. It's an attempt at collusion that's never been done on this level, ever.


The wall of lies around the covid, we'll talk about that later in the show. This is going to be a big part of the debate, the debate tonight between Vice President Pence and the personalities that make up the body of Kamala Harris. She's multiple people. That's going to be a huge topic, what with the silly plexiglass between them. The wall of lies around the culvert and then the walls of the propaganda of silence around this. This is political theory that I've developed.


That bias is spotted in the media it's scannable. There is a I think I think she's a political reporter I just saw this tweeted out that Mark Meadows was was being incautious with his mask and there's video of Meadow's saying, hey, everybody, move back. All the reporters move back before I take off my mask to talk to you. There's video so we can spot that. It's say, look, she didn't tell the truth, he told them to take off the mask, but the propaganda of silence is such a powerful tool.


There are people to this day. Who believe? That Russia hacked the elections and they firmly believe that and you can't disabuse them of that. Just like the average American for some time and maybe still a poll showed that the average American believe 30 million Americans had died from the covid flu, 30 million people. I mean, the the somewhere around 100000 or so that actually died with or from it in the two hundred thousand total, it's that's bad enough.


And the silence around that issue. The media refuses to talk about the survivability rates, you win these things up. And now the propaganda aside, that's about what we've learned. I mean, you and I, we pay attention to politics. One of my struggles, honestly, not that she had any reason to care about a guest host for Rush, but maybe we share the same struggle. My work is my show prep. My life is now show prep.


And I've had RUSHY like this show prep. But I mean, I can't get away from this because it is a phenomenal thing to behold. I'm I'm, I'm worried, but I'm enthusiastic. I'm worried and I'm enthusiastic. And I'll tell you why I'm enthusiastic is because now I'm watching the left pull out every possible stop. We'll talk about this next segment. You have people saying, oh, I can't testify because of the covid you can't testify at home on the zoom meeting.


Oh, well, that would be unfair.


We have now another Hail Mary from The New York Times, pretending that the president had zeal, he was anxious to separate kids from families at the border, that he, Jeff Sessions, said all this will be fun. It's based upon the notes of a person that's pretty good sourcing New York Times notes of a person. I think they were a little bit more specific than that, but noted someone familiar with the conversation, it's phenomenal. So on that front, I'm enthusiastic because I see them continuing to throw things at the wall.


But in another front, I think that we have a responsibility. That responsibility is to ask any reasonable Democrat we have in our life, any reasonable Democrat and there are some left and reasonable Democrats in my family, not the leftists, they're gone to ask any undecided voter if they know a couple of things. One of them is, do you know? That that entire three and a half year discussion about Russia hacking our democracy is the left would say, do you know that we now know that came from Hillary Clinton?


Do you know that that's now confirmed? Are you comfortable electing as president Vice President Biden? Who knew about all these things? Are you comfortable electing Joe Biden who participated in the greatest crime against our participatory democracy that's ever, ever, ever occurred, a Republican form of democracy? This was an attempt to steal the results of your vote. And I am a big fan of trying things in real life, take what they did here and try this in real life some day, I encourage you some time I don't, but I kind of do in traffic court to go present some documents.


It's, oh, the officer was off duty and and the judges say, oh, where'd you get these? Oh, friend of mine made him up. Pardon? Yeah, a friend of mine. I just had him type him up. He's a Russian. You will go to jail where you belong. Meanwhile. We are told. That the big issue. Is President Trump's tax returns? The president lost ground in court. He's going to take it to the Supreme Court, we're told that this is now the issue on which we need to focus.


How did the president make money before he got into office? We are told that that's the issue that matters when we have had the nation's highest officials from the president to the vice president to the secretary of state, to the heads of our intelligence services, lying to a secret court, the most powerful court, it's not Skoda's may be important. And we're going to talk later about Amy Barrett and what they intend to do. The Democrats intend to do to her role as a guest on to talk about that, who helped get Brett Kavanaugh his seat on the bench?


The FISA court is a secret court that can spy on American citizens. And we had the nation's highest officials lying to it. No, I don't know, I think it's sort of a big deal. Maybe that's just me. Do you remember this? Please remember this. And please communicate with your independent friends and and your reasonable Democrat friends, and the links to this stuff are always in Rush Limbaugh, dotcom, the stack stuff he did with guests like myself and Ken and Mark.


Never forget. That after the election, fifteen hundred or so Obama administration staffers and lawyers had a meeting. In Washington, D.C., how do we slow walk the orders of this president, how do we say no? How do we refuse to implement his orders even in government departments that report directly to him? How do we refuse to implement? The results of the election. However, refused to take orders from the American people. How do we refuse to play a role as a so-called civil servants?


If you remove yourself from politics. And I know that's hard for us, this should kill everybody. There's no spirit of truth in this. There's no spirit of transparency, there's no application of truth or transparency, and Joe Biden wants the job. Tonight, Kamala Harris is going to call Mike Pence a racist and a bigot. We're to talk later in the show about how parents, by being calm and compassionate, Mike Pence can draw Kamala Harris or Kamala Harris into being one of her most grating personalities.


And in that way, he can win, there's so much to get to as we continue to determine in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network. Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. Great. Thanks to my friends. It's a news radio 590 KQ a.m. in Spokane, Washington. Let me use their phone studios in Iraq for their staff. Great honor to welcome to Rush's show. Greg Jerrett of Fox News, author of a book called Witch Hunt The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History.


Greg, welcome to Russia. Show us Todd Herman.


Todd, it's great to be with you. Thanks for having me.


You know, it's a real pleasure. And I was thinking of you and so emotionally because of the news today, there was actually broke yesterday that these notes appear to show that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama knew Hillary Clinton set this entire thing in play to distract from her probable felonies. So I wanted to talk with you about that as a lawyer and a Fox News host. How are you doing this thing?


You know, these newly declassified documents made public show without a question, it was Hillary Clinton who invented the Russia hoax. She financed it. She disseminated the false accusations against Donald Trump and the intelligence community in the summer of 2016. Caught on to it. They figured out what she had done. They had the evidence and it was so powerful and persuasive and credible evidence that then CIA Director John Brennan rushes over to the White House to debrief President Barack Obama immediately.


And it's all there in Brennan's top secret notes that just came out yesterday. And it was buried for four long years, tortured by the vast intelligence apparatus that hates Donald Trump. And what's truly reprehensible is the CIA, the FBI and Barack Obama himself concealed what was vital information. And, you know, if they had told the truth, it would have dramatically altered Donald Trump's presidency. It certainly would have spared the American public this national nightmare of an investigation, not to mention saving about 30 million dollars of taxpayer money in a phony probe.


It turns out it was Clinton who should have been investigated for promoting and inventing a lie, not Donald Trump. I find it really disturbing that Barack Obama sat there for four years and remained silent. He did it to protect Clinton and destroy Trump. He watched as the country was convulsed in turmoil. He didn't utter a word about what he knew and what he had seen. The damning evidence that Hillary Clinton created it all.


You could liken this, Greg Jarrett's, to someone saying that there is a massive, dangerous fire in a building and people running out of the building and running into each other and God forbid, jumping out the windows and people, you know, affecting their momentary and long term mental health. This happened to our entire country. And I know your legal analyst and I want to get to the legal aspects of this, but I wanted to ask you, as a human being who's worked in the legal profession, how do people do this and then go to bed at night and say, oh, it's a day's good work.


They do it because they have no conscience, they have no scruples, they are deceitful and corrupt and, you know, they're immoral. And Hillary Clinton I mean, how conniving of Clinton to do this. But, you know, when you look at her record, it's classic Hillary Clinton. Her malevolence, as I wrote in a column today, knows no bounds. You know, she she victimized Donald Trump with a contemptible hoax and a baseless, exhaustive witch hunt that she triggered.


And, you know, so I'm applauding President Trump for renewing his demand of six months ago that all the relevant documents pertaining to the Russia investigation be declassified and released to the American public. And that includes all the redactions. I mean, look at Brennan's notes released yesterday filled with redactions. What's blacked out in those pages is of critical importance to the American public, deserves the full, unedited, unadulterated truth and no more of a cover up by the intelligence operatives, the deep state, as they've been branded.


And I think that's good branding. Greg Geurts with us. We have linked to Greg's column on this new news. It's at Rush Limbaugh dotcom team. Maybe put that up there, Greg. Get a couple of minutes left and right. So did Hillary Clinton commit another felony with this? Think of it this way if I lie to a police officer or get out of the station and file a false report, I'm charged with a felony. Same thing applies under federal statutes.


If you deliver false information to a federal law enforcement agency, in this case, the FBI and the Department of Justice, which is what happened, it is a potential crime. A couple of them, 18 USC 1001 false statement to government. And the other is a conspiracy to defraud the government with phony false information that Hillary Clinton appears to have fabricated with herself and her acolytes. She approved the plan to drum up this phony story about Trump Russia collusion.


In my mind, as a lawyer, it strikes me as a crime.


Yeah, we've got about a minute or so left with Grigoryev from Fox News. I just I would say this. This is how I'm doing. This is she committed, probably committed a felony to cover up felonies because letting the classified emails go to all these other hands. I've heard that those are national security felonies. So is is if we re-elect President Trump, is there any chance that we see what a lot of people want is people to face justice, like like other people who face justice?


Is there any chance of an arrest or any any real prosecution?


Well, I think it will be up to U.S. Attorney John Durham has been assigned by the attorney general to do a deep dive into this. And he's been doing it for, what, about a year and a half. So I think it'll be up to him. But, you know, as more of these documents are revealed, the plot that was so insidious and odious is being unraveled. And, you know, as I wrote in in my book, which hunt, it's easy to invent a lie.


Uncovering the truth is hard because the truth always has its enemies. But, you know, the president is dedicated to revealing the truth, and I'm optimistic that it will eventually come out.


All right. Well, I hope so, too. Greg Jarrett's a great joy to have you on Rush's show. We've linked to your column. The book is called Witch Hunt. And enjoy watching you on TV. Sir, go with God's good grace. And thanks for joining us on the EIB Network.


Thanks. My pleasure. Coming up, another reason to say God bless Donald Trump.


He did something no other president would do. That next on the EIB Network.


Absolute honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh on the largest and biggest and broadest radio show in history. If you're not yet a rush 24 seven member, I just guarantee this is going to be something that adds to your life. You always have access to Rush. Even when someone like myself or Marc Stein or Ken Matthews are in, you have that access you can go back to. Didn't Rush say? And he did. Rush said this went to Obama.


We can go find that moment as a 24/7 member and go say to our friends, see, this is why we so valued the show in this network. Andrew McCabe. It's trying something that, again, wouldn't work in the real world. He has been subpoenaed by the Congress of the United States of America to testify, and he's saying I'd rather not. It's true that trade with your boss. Your boss calls you hey, Mark, can you come up now?


I'd rather not. Pardon? I'm not feeling all. I'm afraid I'm going to get the flu. Andrew McCabe says he won't testify through Zoome because it would be unfair. So get messed up, go with the stupid plexiglass like they're going to have tonight, because the covid, when you exhale it, it blasts up against the Plexiglas and it dies. It's a certain cure. It's phenomenal. That we can't do this in our real life, we just had Greg Sheridan from Fox News describing this this memo, what it says, that Hillary Hillary Clinton invented the Russia scam and Barack Obama sat on it.


And let the nation stew, I read, and I can't find it if a listener can find this, me and I bless you. I read a poll that indicated that the Russian meddling by Hillary Clinton and CNN and MSNBC in The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times and the Hill, et cetera.


Shifted the midterm votes to the Democrats for the life of me, I cannot find that I know I read it. So if anyone can find that and appreciate that. Let's talk to Ron in Charlotte, South Carolina. Ron, you are the first call this morning. Set a great tone on the Rush Limbaugh program. Is Tom Foreman filling in Iran? Hey there, Todd. Good to speak to you. Well, I've been doing a little reading, Donna Brazile, book hacks and all the dates in her book seem to line up with a conspiracy of conspiracy theory.


Actually, I'm admitting it that I have had for a couple of years Seth Rich murder.


It was reported then that he was probably the person within the Democrat DNC who did the damage with the. With with the spying on their emails and stuff. Well, as you know, he was he was murdered. He was murdered the day conveniently that Donna Brazile was holding a Bernie rally way over in Florida, far away from where the damage was done. Well, just a short time after that, she had a special meeting with the with the FBI people and she took the two of them.


I believe the idea of creating the Russia situation between Trump and. Russian and Russian brought in separate them from the knowledge. That's where I wanted you to get because I think what you're saying, Ron, is that one of the things we know is that this was an attempt to distract from that e-mail scandal, to distract from the National Security Council. So you think Donna Brazile was tied into this?


Let's go back to another e-mail scandal and explain to you why the Hillary Clinton email scandal. One of the last times I heard her speak on this, she was denying that she had gotten rid of them after she was subpoenaed. OK, I think she got rid of them when she was sick in her house with her aides and stuff before she was subpoenaed and actually answered the subpoena. I think all of that stuff was destroyed and gotten away with and I think it was done in conjunction with the FBI.


And I believe that because of that and other things like the tarmac meeting and the and the well well, 157 billion or one point, what was it anyway? The billions of dollars. I think it was 157 big.


Yeah. But anyway, I believe all of that put together brought them to a perfect a perfect escape to be able to come together there and decide what it is about. Russia will make this about.


Got it. Ron, I love you put the pieces together because that's exactly what they did, they make it about Russia and Trump. It's a huge distraction play. Thanks for doing the research, Ron. Appreciate you joining us with Greg's book, which on Greg Jet we just had on talked about the greatest, greatest scandal, the greatest witch hunt, the greatest mass delusion in political history. But I think there's another one going on. And it is my belief that tonight at the debate you're going to watch Kamala Harris.


I have two things to go at Mike Pence on. One, pretending he's a racist and a bigot. We're going to talk about how he counters that. There's some specific things. I'm counting on the VP to do some names. I hope he has memorized some stories. I hope he has to tell. But also I hope he'll say what I've heard he said about this Plexiglas that it's stupid. I don't mind it, but it's stupid. It doesn't accomplish anything.


They've both been tested. The covid can rise above eight feet and go to the ground, et cetera. It's not going to block anything. It's a reminder to people who are afraid of covid and the president saying don't fear it's he didn't say go get it. He didn't say if you're if you have comorbid conditions, go contract it. He said, don't live your life in fear of it. This has been the greatest fear campaign I've ever seen and control campaign and in New York City.


And in New York State, you have Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio teaming up at the Jewish community to like I've never seen. We'll talk about a fake photo that came up there. But we're also now looking at selective lockdowns in New York City. Folks side by side. There's a declaration by three of the world's most respected epidemiologists. We'll talk about this coming up in the show, what the declaration does. It's the Berrington declaration. It's demanding an end to the lockdown's to go to a humane approach to this, to recognize they don't work, that the mass would accomplish anything to trust in herd immunity, which was the president's instinct from the very beginning.


And where we should be at, so instead we're going to shut down selective zip codes in New York City, Eli in New York City during the Rush Limbaugh program, is Tadamon filling in? Hi, Eli. Welcome to the program.


Hi, Pat. Thank you for taking my call. My pleasure. This is ridiculous.


What's going on in New York City over here. They're openly taking away their First Amendment rights and there is no no pushback. Where are all the people that are for the First Amendment? I mean, they're trying to make this into a Jewish community thing. And I constantly hear that on the news zipcode or HUBBARTH. This has nothing to do with this stuff. This is a First Amendment right.


And you're right.


Yeah, I just made it clear that people around the country get this. The Jewish community has bird masks and said, we're done, we're done being targeted. You've locked up our playgrounds. You welden them shot at the same time that Black Lives Matter incorporated in antifa to domestic terror groups were out terrorizing the city. So you you believe this is a targeting of the Jewish community and you're right to speech.


It's the targeting of the First Amendment. Its targeting of any religion that has nothing to do with the Jewish community is has to do with religion, somebody that has to do with the First Amendment that's being taken away from us. Yeah, and it's happening across the country and here's how I describe it, Eli, because I see the hot spot in New York City and the excuse that it's a hot spot. What's happening across the country is the great flipping.


You're watching churches shut down and everybody knows that. You've seen you've seen John Roberts say, oh, it's OK to shut down churches and leave casinos open. It's a great flipping of society. At the same time as we're being told that this is science and data, I'll challenge anybody to go find the science and data that says taking your mask off and on what you eat is a good idea. Like Gavin Newsom has said, I'll challenge anybody, anybody, anywhere, anyone who can bring in and make a ten thousand dollar bet on Rush's show, My Own Money.


Bring me the scientist who can show me, like the governor of Washington state pretended that that's that substantial appetisers make you safe from the covert or that allowing people to have one form of speech, an angry form of speech and sometimes destructive nonspeech rioting, that this is somehow not going to spread the covid. I'll take 10000 of my own money. I'll debate any epidemiologists, any so-called public health official, anywhere in private, in front of any sort of debate commission.


It's phenomenal, which we're watching, and we have a chance in this election. Mark my words, if you want shutdown after shutdown, if you want someone to say we've got to shut down the economy a little while just to stop carbon, don't think they won't. They're already floating the idea. That we need to shut down occasionally for so-called climate change. We must have 100 percent Republican turnout, we must re-elect Donald Trump. Come back on the Rush Limbaugh program.


It's Tom Foreman filling in on the EIB Network. Welcome back to the Rush Limbaugh program.


Todd Hermann honored to fill in on the EIB Network. Another reason to be excited to vote for Donald Trump. The left is not excited to vote for Joe Biden. No one's excited to vote for Joe Biden. No one's excited to vote for four zero percent. Kamala Harris. The president said, I'm not going to proceed debating a so-called covid relief bill with this with with Nancy Pelosi that. Would bar voter I.D. in 2020, nothing to do with covid for state to count, states to count absentee ballots that arrive as late as 10 days after the election.


The Democrats want chaos. They want every chance they can to to impose themselves on this election. They wanted to impose same day voter registration everywhere. Right now, only 21 states allow this. This is from this is from all the reports in this. Promised the school district's 225 billion, but only five billion. Only two percent of that. Goes to making schools safer, they would say, with air quality, et cetera, the rest of it simply is this, that if you are a school, decide to be efficient with your pay now.


Now, you're not going to get any of the covid funds because this is really just money going to the teachers union. The president said, no, I'm not going to do this. Lots of I don't know any other politician, any other leader that would say, no, I know this is I know people want this 100 bucks. I know we've got Americans hurting because of these lockdowns in these Democrat states. But no. And then he said to Nancy Pelosi, Are you listening to me?


I will sign a pork free bill. Are you listening to me? I hope tonight we hear Mike Pence bring this up in a crisp way. I hope he asks Kamala Harris on stage. Will you say to Nancy Pelosi, let's just do one thing in this bill. Let's provide money for people to make it through and then let's get these states open back up. Will you do that, Senator Harris? He has an opportunity to put her on the spot tonight on a number of things.


That would be a gorgeous one. I don't think that's what we've learned about Hillary Clinton being the source of the Russia hoax is going to come up tonight. Maybe the vice president can work that in. I doubt it. He needs to be very focused on the issues that matter to independent voters.


He can talk about China, he can talk about the closeness with China between Joe Biden and I understand that Kamala Harris husband and other people in the Democrat Party. And I think this is open territory to talk with people about, because China is not and where are they a frenemy? What what are they how do we define them? The other instance tonight in the debate that I want to see with the vice president is a humanizing. And by humanizing I mean this, I've met Pentz and I don't go around trying to meet politicians.


In fact, I shy away from it. So it's something I like to do because I don't I don't I don't want to. This sounds terrible. I don't want to be friends with them. Because I sometimes have to be very harsh in my assessment of them, so I've I've always shied away from that. Even Republicans are people I respect and there are people I admire. And I might have a chance to meet them or have a dinner or talk to them, and I take that as an opportunity to do research.


I don't take that as an opportunity to glad hand or to become part of the circle, in fact, I try to stay out of the circle. But met Pence, he knocked on the door of my office when I worked in D.C. at the RNC. Introduced himself as Mike. Her dad hired some people who worked in technology in Indiana. He wanted to know how they were doing. I stood up immediately, called him Congressman, it's not no another when we're alone, it's Mike.


Want to see some humanity because he has it. He has a lot of it. That faith he has, that's real. Part of his faith, his love for humanity. I don't sense that from Kamala Harris right now. Look, I got logs in my own eyes and she's got specs in Herzen, but there's this. She called the family of Jacob Blake and she called Jacob Blake, Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, he was paralyzed because he fought with police and look like he tried to kill them to make.


She called him and his family amazing people. I want to see Mike Pence ask her, did you go meet with the family who called 911? Because they're black, too. What did you think of them? The black women who called the police saying Jacob Blake is here and we're afraid he's going to rape our our sister and her niece again, and so would you please send some police officers to our house because we're very scared. Because as they reported, he had abused them sexually before.


And intend to do it again and and to say to Kamala Harris, Senator, did you meet with that family? Did you talk to them about how scared they were when Jacob Blake was trying to drive away with their kids?


Were they wrong to call 911 one? Are they an amazing family? I want the vice president to have occasions to defend the people that the Democrats will not defend. They will not defend crime victims.


When you're talking about defunding the police. And you have big time Democrat players like Keith Ellison, the attorney general in Minnesota. Saying he doesn't want cops to respond to rape calls. I hope the vice president is is prepared to show this compassion and this protection for people and to show Kamala Harris for what she is, someone who lets people like this out of jail. It's going to be a big night, so much at stake, his tournament in for Rush Limbaugh.


The EIB Network gets you a lot more of your calls next hour, 888 to 202. It's tadamon on for Rush Limbaugh. We're talking about New York and this this incredible. It just it is an assault, as I see it, on on the Jewish community. I do not recognize that Democrat governors have gone nuts. Someone just it's like someone flipped the switch and said, go full crazy. Go go full tyranny. Just flip the switch and let's shut down the churches.


And let's make this clear that, hey, listen, you can. Right, we got that's that's all. That's all news. Here's the new news. Andrew Cuomo. Andrew Cuomo went and used a 14 year old photo. To pretend it was today's Jewish community. Lining up to go into synagogue. And he made this threat that directly to the Jewish community. I mean, if you don't obey the rules, I'm going to have to shut things down and they they put it up, it's a 14 year old photo.


This is legal insurrection court, this legal instruction, dotcom. Without without alternative media like this, without websites, blogs like that, and shows like this, he get away with this. This is the same Andrew Cuomo whose brother got the coveted. And ran around with it with no mask. This is the same Chris Cuomo did that. This is the same Andrew Cuomo who is himself caught on the street with no mask.


It's a thing of phenomena and we have a chance to stop it with this election thottam and in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


Hey, everybody, is Jarno Cauldwell. You may know me as a national political analyst, but today I'm here to tell you about my new podcast series, Out Loud with General Caldwell, the sworn enemy of PC culture. I'll interview national guests from all walks of life and real people discussing issues on culture and politics, as well as the controversy to have social media blazing.


Listen to OutLoud with General Caldwell every Monday on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast.


It is an incredible honor to fill in for Rush. It always will be on this day the Lord has made. I want to ask you if you heard the first hour of the show to listen for a continuance of an idea and a theory.


OK, we talked last hour and we can revisit this with calls at 800 to eight to to eighty two with this phenomenal finding from the Brennan notes that we now know that Hillary Clinton started the Russia hoax. Now, we had a sense of that and Russia had said this happened and the president had said this was the case. And they're both right now. We know also that Barack Obama knew. Right now we know that CNN and MSNBC in The New York Times and Los Angeles Times and the Hill and the political they all know.


Let's see how they pay attention to it. It's a political theory that I hold. That the media caught onto the fact that there are shows like Rush's well, there's no show like Rush, but there's Rush and then there are smaller shows and there are alternative websites and there's, you know, little morning shows like mine in Seattle that we counter. The mainstream media narrative, the liberal media narrative, so we can spot the bias and call it out.


What's difficult to spot is silence. And sometimes the national media and liberal media sources choose silence, like about Brennan, Fox, Greg Jarrett joined this last hour. You can hear that at Rush 24/7. Jada Fox News, author of With Witch Hunt, I'm asking you to listen for a continuance of an idea. Tonight, the vice president is going to debate Kamala Harris with a piece of Plexiglas between them placed there because the Harris campaign demanded it that that Plexiglas is a proxy for a walk mask.


I've done countless hundreds of hours of research unmasks. I hold that they do nothing to stop the transmission of the virus. I know the people have different points of view, and I'm all fine with your freedom.


Where would you like that? Plexiglas?


Can't stop it. Because the virus can go above, over, under around it. It's there to remind people that there's a virus and the Democrats have invested in convincing the country that the president has mishandled it. I hope that the VP is ready with some crisp facts. To counter this overwhelming narrative that has led at one point, the average American to believe 30 million people had died from the coronavirus in the United States of America, Kamala Harris benefits from that belief.


And far too many in the media have let that belief fester because they talk about cases, cases, cases, and in more cases, in cases don't mean you're sick at all. Far from it. So I hope, first of all, the vice president will point out that this country did more testing per thousand than any other country.


Our numbers are from September 11th to 2020 up to them, or 292 tests per thousand human beings. Russia, who reported their numbers, I don't know if we trust or not, 280 United States, United Kingdom, probably Australia, 275 were the top four tests. When you test more, you find more cases, I hope that the vice president will take this opportunity to talk to independent voters who are not yet insane with fear, because Kamala Harris is going to be saying, well, the president just he was spreading the Kofod all around, then he's a super spreader and then he doesn't take it seriously.


And he said not to be afraid. VP Pence has to counter her and. The silence. Of the major media sources. And he has to be able to say we ran more tests, which mean we found more cases. Now the cases. So important to be grounded in facts. Here's the facts, even the New York Times reported this, this this is a New York Times story. Ninety percent of the cases, cases, cases, cases means that people have barely any virus in their body, what it means is they have a shred of the DNA of the virus that can't replicate.


It can't make them sick. But it can make them immune. It can build immunities. So when we hear cases, cases, cases, it's very scary. I hope the vice president will calmly communicate. That I hope you will talk about the survival rates. Dr. Scott Atlus changed more minds in one appearance on Fox News. I mean, I'm broadcasting from 590 community in Spokane, Washington, and I'm staying in Idaho, which we have a home there.


And I'll go down to my little convenience store, it's been there for 100 years, and I noticed the lady who runs, it's not wearing a mask. And I said to you, hey, you're not wearing your mask today. She said, I watched Fox News last night. Do you know that young people ninety nine point nine nine seven percent of people survive and she went through the numbers? She said, even people my age, I'm 72.


And I'm healthy, I've got a 94, 95 percent chance of surviving this, why are we doing this? I hope that the VP will make these numbers clear on national television. Because the silence from the rest of the majority of media. Refuses to state these things, do you see how building on facts? Change is the concept of what this virus is. Because the silence from the media yelling cases, cases, cases is like yelling, fire, fire, fire, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake killer, killer, killer, active shooter, active shooter.


Oh, the active shooter. Yeah, he's he's in jail. The fire, it's a campfire. You changed the context because you deliver the facts. So we go from cases, 90 percent of cases means that people aren't sick, they're asymptomatic, they can't get sick because there's not enough virus in their body, but they can build herd immunity now. We know that herd immunity is part of. Our survival mechanism, and this is how bizarre this has gotten.


The left, Obama's former attorney or surgeon general, and I wonder if he was aware. Speaking of that, that Hillary Clinton started the Russia hoax, I wonder if has the surgeon general he was concerned about how that affected American's mental health. You think. He has been participating in trying to rebrand herd immunity as herd mentality. What's his modus operandi? I don't know. Scare people, politics, I don't know, corruption, I don't know. But epidemiologists who aren't interested in scaring people or Scott Atlus at the White House.


We'll explain the herd immunity is a known thing, we've known about it for 100 years, we understand how it works. I hope the vice president can communicate this, that these people who are asymptomatic really can't pass it on, and I hope that the vice president will be super crisp on a couple of really key factors in this election, because it's covered, because they're going to say the president's a super spreader because of the plexiglass. I hope he will say there were five states that caused the United States to be at the top of the death numbers.


They are Democrat states. I hope he will point to New York. I hope he will ask Kamala Harris. Did you call Governor Cuomo and ask him why he was putting covid positive patients, actual sick people in with elderly people, the population most at risk? Did you ask him that, Senator? Did you look for an investigation on that? I hope. That he will lean on the work of Dr. Andrew Bostom, who's doing research for Scott Atlas and say 70000 tests, positive tests of college students, meaning that there were shreds of virus in their body, 70000 positive test, my friends.


Five. Five hospitalizations. These kids are literally more likely to die playing football, and I hope that the vice president has this on the tip of his tongue. I hope he will communicate as San Francisco. Southgate Dotcom, San Francisco newspaper is pointing out that California has seen zero links. Between school openings and the virus spread none, not one. Children are uniquely not at risk for this. I hope he's ready to make these points because the national media, the liberal media has been so silent on this.


Do you see the continuance of an idea? The propaganda of silence, the national media will not tell the story for large part that Hillary Clinton hoaxed this nation. That Hillary Clinton hoechst it and Obama knew. That Hillary Clinton hoax that Obama knew and by knowing and not calling it out, participated in Biden knew. And the FBI members knew where I should say the leadership knew. They knew they were hoaxing the country. They knew they were trying to negate the results of an election.


No one said anything. What does this say? About the leadership. As a leader, does the followers do. What does this say about a Biden White House? What does it say? That the national media. For large part. A silent. What does it say that you. Now, no more. About the context of the covid flu. The people who watch ABC News every night. Read The New York Times every day. VPI has a chance tonight.


To fill that space with knowledge and compassion. And accomplishments, I hope he takes it seriously. Tom Foreman in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


It's Todd Hirmand filling in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. Such a joy to do this, by the way. I just a bunch of people on Twitter just ask me, hey, can you send us the covid links? Just go to Rush Rush Limbaugh dot com. After the show, the team puts this stuff up even when it's a fill in host like myself, a Markstein or Ken Matthews that's there for you. It's another reason, though, to become a rush 24/7 member, because then you can hear Rush's analysis and read his stack of stuff, which is a great opportunity to share with friends, particularly.


I just quoted The New York Times on something when there's the occasion where four journalism slips in and there's this occasional truthtelling I mean, let's take advantage of it and show it to friends. Let's talk to Joe in Houston, Texas. Joe, you are on the Rush Limbaugh program, is thottam and filling in. Hi, Joe. I have a good day. Listen, I'm a musician, 51 years and almost everything we're hearing on radio and TV and very simple is a lie.


First of all, let's talk about this covid. What is it? It's a droplet now. It's a micro droplet. It's even smaller. It's a micro droplet. No plastic shield is going to protect anybody from this, especially in a building that has an air conditioning system. In four or five minutes, it'll be sucked up into the air conditioning system and spit out over the whole stage, if not the whole auditorium. And it's just worthless to put any kind of shield.


And, you know, I go shopping at every store, has a shield. You know, the only thing they're doing with that is they're helping the economy.


I have a friend of mine told me that he's now a multi-millionaire making these shields.


It's the greatest thing that ever happened to him. But anyway, the next thing is the mask. Unless you have a medical grade and 95 mask, almost all these cloth masks that everybody has aren't doing anything for. It's a micro droplet infection. The next thing. Is by spreading it out and trying to keep a low profile of this infection across the country and a low curve, rather than allowing a spike and drop off, more people are going to end up sick and more people are going to end up dying.


And it's going to go on for a year and a half, maybe even two years. I hate to say that, but it will continue at least that long because of the way it's being handled. Instead of allowing a spike and getting it over with. It's like any other plague. It's a plague. Let's stop calling it what let's call it what it is. It's a plague that's going on worldwide. And we have the plague and the West and we have this.


Joe, this is I'm so pleased to have a doctor say these things. We have this we also have this, you know, the covid. It's so selective. This is the part that drives me nuts. And I know you've probably read the Barington declaration about these three epidemiologists saying, hey, please protect the vulnerable people, let the rest of society go on. And you know what? A lot of countries in Europe are practicing the Swedish model, but they won't even talk about that.


They won't even talk about the fact that Sweden is down. You have doctors saying, I haven't seen a covered case in six weeks, Dr. Joe. They did exactly what you're prescribing. They let the virus run its greatest model.


It's perfect. It's perfect. Yeah. If I don't care this thing, about 60, 70, 80. My dad was 99 years old last week, OK? He goes out, he does everything. I'm 80 years old. I go out, I do everything. I don't wear a mask. It's useless. If you're going to get it, you're going to get sick. And that's it. Unless you're going to go out with a 95 mask, are like Sleepy Joe High in the cellar and stay with everybody.


I hope that this fella is air conditioned and that's sucking in the air.


Yeah. By and that air has a virus in it and it's circulating. So unless you're in it, 1995 mask in his cellar, it's not doing you any good. I show up on stage to get over this thing and start realizing it's a plague. It's born worldwide. It will run its course until we have herd immunity. And for those who don't know what herd immunity is, 85 percent of everybody gets the disease and gets well, all of them all, but most of them well.


And when that happens, you'll have antibodies and we can go on living the way we did before. Yeah, because we're all antibodies. Yep.


And let me put some let me put a really fine point on a great call from Dr. Joel. There was a there's a paper now out of Germany. It's a study of a plant. It was a meat processing plant, is a meat processing plant. They had twelve hundred workers. They had one hundred percent mask compliance. Guess what percentage of workers got the covered? One hundred percent, all of them, most of them lassies, most of the case, 95 to 98 percent of them were asymptomatic, meaning that they weren't that sick or sick at all.


So that's a great call. Thanks for joining our program. I appreciate it very, very much. Now you see that you see what you just got from Dr. Joe, what I've just shared in these little bits of information. This covid is going to be part of the debate. And I hope that the vice president is super crisp on these things because of the propaganda of silence that has been perpetrated around this issue. But also we to drive Republican turnout.


Do you want Vice President Biden to be President Biden when he knew that Hillary Clinton started the Russia hoax, when he knew that Obama knew it is the biggest political crime in history and the world is watching. Let's talk to Dave in northern Ontario, Canada, we're often told by liberals the world is watching. Well, northern Ontario, Canada is listening. Dave, what can the Russians show us? Tournament filling in.


Thank you to the world. Absolutely is watching. And a lot of the world very quietly and a lot of cases really, really likes the Trump administration's policies. But South Korea, Japan, India, you name the place. The world is safer under Trump. There aren't any wars. I know we'd be at war with North Korea right now if Hillary Clinton had won. My my main concern is the undecided people listen to you. How can you not how do you have such short memories?


When Obama was president for eight years, there was ice. There was a flood of refugees into Europe. There was such chaos. And we now learned that they were spying and tried to do a coup on a duly elected president, Trump, Brenin and Clinton and Obama. Such corruption. And yet, according to your news sources, which I think are complicit there, Biden's going to win. I really, really hope you all know the world likes your President Trump.


And really.


Yeah, for another four years, we wish we could say the same of your prime minister. He's a little bit out there. I hope you guys are able to bring in some other governors there. Thank you for sharing that. It is meaningful to know that our neighbors in Canada like our president and it's also meaningful to hear this memory. Let's remember what we're voting for, a man who said, no, I'm not going to pay off the teachers union in a so-called covid relief bill.


He had the courage to say that just before an election.


Next, let's talk about reasons to vote for the president's top government for Rush Limbaugh.


Eight hundred to a two to eighty two. I would love to chat with you. Step back for a second. Let's we've we talked so much on the show. I just want to make sure that we stay grounded in some of the really important stuff that is is also happening. I want to get back to Hillary and her invention of the Russian hoax and how how I wish this could be a fundamental portion of this debate tonight. I just think there are too many other things the VP has to be crisp on in going after Harris next hour.


I want to get deeply into that next hour. I want you to hear from an heroic mother who helped get Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court and is going to help Amy Cooney get on the Supreme Court. When mothers get involved and get organized, politicians get scared and they should. So we'll get to that. Here's some things that are happening around the country. We're seeing reports and thankfully, there are local media. There's FOX, there's some others who are reporting insane problems with mail in ballots.


People I talked to, a listener whose mail in ballots chase for a deceased relative. Chased them down in Canada. Where they had lived for 15 years, they hadn't seen a ballot for this loved one until now. We're getting reports from New York and Pennsylvania, people getting ballots for dead parents, and they've not seen these ballots in 10 years. And we're hoping that the people who verify signatures. Have been trained for more than 20 minutes, but they've not been.


What the Democrats are willing to do. To gain power should tell you about what they're willing to use power to do. If Democrats are willing to wink and nod and smile and giggle at that city's being burned down like, you know, Portland, do you know that the woman who's ahead to replace Mayor Wheeler, so-called mayor, do you know that she's an avowed Antifa member? Did you know that? Did you know that the woman who is the legislative director for the the Democrat speaker of the House in the state of Oregon, her legislative director is Antifa.


She was caught, arrested at a riot. This is what they're willing to do to get power. We've seen what they're willing to do with power. Even Hillary Clinton, who wasn't even specifically in power, she former secretary of state, invented a hoax during a campaign merchandise that to keep state actors in the intelligence community, Barack Obama knew and by knowing participated. And where is the media coming to her? Where are these media people who told us all this time?


Rush was that that Trump was a Russian asset. Where are they coming and demanding Hillary Clinton come on their show and explain herself? When people are willing to undertake these things to get power back, just imagine what they're willing to do with power. I could look at an era of the lockdown. I could look at Joe Biden destroying small businesses. In service of large business. Big business loves big government. That's been another flip that's gone on. Let's talk to Jennifer in Park City, Utah.


Salt Lake City is the site of the debate. Jennifer, welcome to the program. Is Todd Hermann filling in? Hi, Jennifer.


Hey, Todd. Thanks for taking my call. I just want to know how Joe Biden is allowed to stay on the ticket when we know now that he knew that Hillary made all this crap up and he still on the ticket. I want to know, is there a law that makes it so he can't run for president? He no.


Yeah, well, I mean, in his defense, Jennifer, he's forgotten that he was VP, so.


Well, he. Oh, it's so aggravating. If it is a Republican, they they would be making up laws to get him off the ticket. I want to know how he's allowed to stay on.


He's allowed because the Democrats have one thing in mind and that is retaking power and going right back to the thing that started with Barack Obama, which is forcing you to buy products from companies you don't like at prices you can't afford for services you do not need.


This should make every moderate Democrat, everybody on the fence so angry, so frustrated at the system that they are allowed to do that. And that should make it so easy to vote for Trump. I agree, and this is why the propaganda of silence is so potent, Jennifer, because people don't know, you know, here's what I'm going to ask you to do. Can you get in touch with a couple of reasonable Democrat friends of yours if a couple of independents, Jennifer, if you have friends like that and tell them tell them the story.


All right. Well, I mean, maybe just I do.


I also point out the Democrat platform and give it to him. I'm like, do you know what they're running on?


You know what you're voting for? Yeah. And I highlight it for them. Like this is where you're going to vote for. Oh, I'm so angry. I'm sorry. No, wait a minute.


Wait a minute. Don't be sorry for being angry. B, b, b righteously angry. There's such a thing as righteous anger and being angry at what's being done to people. So I appreciate the call, Jennifer. Thanks very much. Pakzad, beautiful place to talk to. Jason in Kensington, Maryland. Jason, you are on the Rush Limbaugh program. It's Todd Hermann filling in again.


I told you, I'm going to stay and live here in the state of Virginia for 28 years. And I just want to let you know that China is continuing, continuing a really hard push into the South Pacific by buying a lot of farmland they own they own the Port of Darwin and they are also acquiring a lot of Australian companies. And this this push will continue if Biden is re-elected because he had promised at the moment is sort of sort of taking a hard line against China a bit after the covid virus.


But the problem is we really need an alliance from the U.S. and other neighboring Asian nations to stop this push from China, which is going to continue at a faster pace because Biden, if he gets, you know, sort of reaffirmed what China is doing and decides to continue what they were doing, but at a more aggressive pace and it's kind of scary. A lot of Australians don't get the proper news. We get to the leftovers from CNN and channel, you know, the mainstream media.


So we sort of get these sort of stories from the states. And I've talked to a couple of people out there. They had no idea what's going on here as far as the corruption with the media and all the different hoaxes that have been going on. And basically they're just getting all the fluff.


Let me ask you this question, Jason. Let me ask you, because you raise a really solid point and it is something to be concerned about. Look, China is is clearly trying to acquire power, trying to corner the world's fresh, you know, fresh water, trying to acquire the world's sand, which doesn't sound like a big deal until you understand that's where silicon comes from. They are the producer of 90 percent of the psychotropics or antidepressants in the country.


Those are addictive meds. And some people need them and some of them are blackbox. Addictive meds are scary in some ways and people need them. And Jason, I want to ask you this. In Australia, the lockdown has been bizarre. I've watched people arrested in their home for organising no mass protests on Facebook and its drone coverage. And I hear this and I want to I want to slap myself. Don't talk about these things that can't be happening.


That can't be real. What do you hear out of Australia that you're saying they're trying to acquire parts of of the South Pacific? Is is China inspiring into this? I know that sounds like a weird question I'm just asking.


Yeah. I mean, it's basically in Australia was sort of like I mean, as far as people don't really know, but they're fairly socialized in Australia and any form of socialism sucks. I mean, it just it just it is that it was sort of moved here because it's a very startling environment out there as far as small businesses. And, of course, the police can bust in the house and arrest on any sort of suspicion and stuff. So it's it's it's a very rich site.


It's a very complex sort of environment, even though the law was great growing up. And once you once you've sort of reached the working age, that's when you start feeling the restrictions. And as far as China goes, yeah, it's it's a scary thing. And a lot of people are sort of scared of China down there as far as what they're doing, as far as acquiring things like dairy companies, food companies, land farm land, the port of Darwin, which they own, which they have a 99 year lease on, and a lot of the raw materials and of course, water companies, which is once you start giving up your water rights, you know, you're screwed.


Yeah, absolutely. And this is so important to hear what Jason is telling us living in our country. And we're glad you're here, Jason, to understand that China has a model and they're not going to treat the United States differently. They're not going to say, well, this is the USA. It's it's apple pie and baseball. And and we can't attempt to do these things here. And Joe Biden has sold a sold through, you know, his kids access to to Obama, the greatest criminal in the history of the presidency.


This is what's at stake tonight in the debates. Jason, glad you're in the country.


Thank you very much for calling. Rush's show has taught Herman in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


It's Todd Hermann filling in for Rush Limbaugh and the EIB Network. Huge thanks to the Mahat and to both Nordley and Tina EIB for always making. That's easy because they're incredible pros, incredibly, incredibly caring about you, it's always about you, you know, with the EIB team and what does the audience deserve? And I just I want you to know that that's just it. And it goes from everywhere. It's not just the on our team. It's the business team as well.


I want you to know these things because I'm like you. I've grown up with the show. That's why when I tell you it's an honor, I can't use enough words to tell you that. And I want to get back to the flow of the program. I just want you to really understand, I mean, that it's 800 to eight to to eighty two if you want to participate in the show. So a couple of things about the debate.


Next hour. I'm going to go through the fundamental steps that I think that that pense must take, including emotional appeal and tone. I think he can cause Kamala Harris to to just slowly burn into a repugnant rage because that lives within her. It's there is righteous anger, there is frustration, then there's repugnant rage. And I think that lives within her. She continues to say when she's elected president, she continues to slip. That's a Freudian slip.


That should tell us something. Clearly, there's speculation that Joe Biden might not make it even two years in and not wishing many ill will. I don't do that. But she clearly has a voraciousness to control you in any which way, and not even particularly ideologically, just so much so that she's in control. I think pets can bring this out of her. And if he does. For these sainted undecided voters and good lord in heaven, how can you be undecided?


But, you know, the media treats him as saints when they're not lying about him, NBC, was it NBC? Yeah, I think it was. NBC had this town hall with Biden and oh, we've got some undecided voters, except the last time they were on TV, they were they were Biden voters. If she gets into repugnant rage mode. It's a win for the vice president because he's not going to get their. This is very common, very controlled.


Let's talk to Donna in Chester, Virginia. Donna, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. It's Todd Hermann filling in.


Hi, Donna. Hi, Tom. How are you doing? Doing fantastic, thanks for calling. So when it goes to commercial break, the news here in Virginia is reporting that Dr. Fauci is coming out today saying, you know, don't don't trivialize this virus, 400000 people could die in the fall and winter of this year. Here's something that we must understand about Tony Fauci is every every so often he'll speak a truth. And here's how you know, OK, this is my theory.


There was pre covid science, which is the result of evidentiary data, the scientific process, robust research, observation, repetition, the ability to to to prove wrong a theory all that. Then there's post covid science, which is a moving target. If that were to be the case, we would have to see a hockey stick straight up in the air and we'd have to forget how to treat people. She says these things at the time. What do you what do you think?


He's saying it, Don. Why do you think? Because we know his pocket.


He's in. It's absolutely disgusting that anybody is still listening to this man.


Did you ever read or see his love letters to Hillary Clinton? No, I haven't. Oh, Donna, I'm not kidding you. It goes like, dear Secretary Clinton, your speech tonight was a thing of beauty. It's the sort of nuanced message the world. And he goes on in this way and then runs as he's wrapping up. I give my kindest regards to you, Madam Secretary, and of course, your kind staff. It's literally like if you were to touch the note, you might want to look at that.


Does that does that have Foushee slobber on it? It is phenomenal to see this man as deep state as he is. And Donna, how thankful are you that the president brought Scott Atlus on the team? I love President Trump, I love him. Yeah, I think you're going to go vote for him. Oh, absolutely.


Wild horses couldn't keep me away from the pole. I love it. I love it. Donna, thanks for the call. Appreciate it very much. There is with Foushee and with the CDC watch. There's covid science, which is a scientific process, observable, measurable, testable, falsifiable that knows things like Lockdown's don't work to members of Tony Falsies Team. Apocalypse said Lockdown's don't work.


All the sudden they worked. For months, Falchi said, yeah, wearing a mask in the middle of a pandemic might make people feel better, but it doesn't provide the sort of protection people think it does. In fact, it might lead to some harm. Several weeks later, I wear a mask because it's the right thing to do. It sends the right message. Note that he didn't say they're effective. So there's this prie covid science, the result of robust study, peer reviewed, randomized controlled trials.


Lockdowns don't work, there's pre covid science 2005 Tony Foushee wrote that hydroxy chloroquine, this drug made controversial by the mainstream media. He said it's a potent inhibitor of SARS like viruses and access, part prophylactic and part vaccine. Tony Falchi. After covid, all of a sudden, I would be very careful about that, OK? I deal in facts. So I look at the facts, I can observe and I see a shift in treatment. Tony Ford, she said this today, because there's a debate tonight.


Tony Fauci wants to move himself to the center of the debate. If we want to talk about deaths, let's talk about the fact that the CDC is counting six to eight week old deaths as having happened today. It's called death harvesting. In the world of data analysis called data stacking. We can talk about that all day long. Next hour, want to get into how vice president wins this debate tonight, more of your calls, 800 to 222 Thottam Todd filling in for the great Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


Thanks for listening as a fill in for Rush today. My name is Todd. Do radio show and said candidate Kate Dotcom and it's great to chat with you at 888 to 202. Let's get to more of that. Greg in Rochester, Minnesota. You're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Is Todd Hermann filling in? Hey, Greg. Hey, Todd.


Hey, just a quick thing. Pre posted on covid before covid-19, we got vaccinated for herd immunity. Now, one of the justifications for vaccination now the herd immunity doesn't work.


And I know in point. No, it's look, here's something to understand that should kill you. You have medical professionals trying to rebrand herd immunity like some sort of flat earth theory. And and exactly that. Vaccinations are a proxy for natural herd immunity. The reason that so few people, you know, have gotten sick, that the infection, fatality rate, if you understand whose new numbers about how many people have actually had the virus in their body, the infection fatality rate is 13, one hundredth of one percent.


That's remarkable. The reason that exists is because we have some instant immunity. This is another thing that for years we knew t cell immunity, crustal immunity. We have immunity built in an immunity we gained through life often because we had the common cold. This is protected society. And Greg, you raise a brilliant point that it should kill people, that you have Foushee and others wanting to scare people away from herd immunity.


Let me, in fact, welcome you and thank you for being with me on this, the day the Lord has made and it is crunch time tonight for VP Mike Pence. Mike used to be a talk show host back in the day. And if you've ever listened to archives of a show is a very good one. And tonight, he is on stage with a woman who has the capability to be one of the most uniquely unlikable human beings who's ever existed.


VP Pence has a tendency sometimes to come across as not he just I don't think he ever comes across as cold. I think he comes across as reserved and removed a little bit.


Now, forgive me for speaking in emotional terms about this debate and on what to chat with you about it at 800 to eight to 282 and your views on it and what you think needs to get done. We've covered so much ground on the show today, the revelation that Hillary Clinton that Barack Obama knew Hillary Clinton started the Russia hoax. The facts that the VP is going to have to talk about tonight with the covid and get all this stuff at Rush 24/7 as you wait for the man himself to return.


The fact is sad fact. The people who pay the least attention to politics have the most control. It's a very sad fact. It's axiomatic in politics, in fact, that the more enthusiastic you are for a political party, the less you matter to them, except.


With President Trump. You matter to him. Now, whether that's an emotional attachment, whether that's an attachment of love, whether that's he understands it's a business arrangement, that you vote for him, he gets to do these things, he gets to be go down in history as a great president. I don't know that it matters. I know that his base matters to him in ways that I don't think it does to other politicians, and I still don't think that the president has become a politician.


I'm very pleased about that. VP pense tonight. With stupid Plexiglas separating them. Which is simply a serves to be a reminder to scare people, be afraid. It needs to be the calm Mike Pence. The unflappable Mike Pence. As Kamala Harris tosses insult after insult. Tries to make him into a bigot. I want him to be able to go on on offense in some very key ways, I want him to insert some things into the debate that the media will have to pay attention to like this.


Kamala Harris promoted the Minnesota Bail Fund on Twitter, the Minnesota Bail Fund has been responsible for bailing out hardcore criminals like murderers, like child molesters, like long time felons. Because right now they're using their violent tendencies to try to overthrow the country. Not just the election, but the country. VPI pants gets to say to her, Senator Harris. Will you join me tonight? In stating that we do not want violence in our streets, that we do not want to see our communities burned down, will you delete that tweet?


Will you take that down? Make her decide. Are you going to reveal. That you will not take that down. Are you going to suck the wind out of the leftists who are propelling you to this position? The RNC convention, I was gifted to be able to host for Rush in the midst of that convention. And to talk about some of the voices. The people who spoke, particularly people who had been taken out of prison because they were nonviolent, because they had redeem themselves and they went on to be people who gave who still give so much to society.


I hope. VP Pence has their stories ready further. I hope the VP will personalize some things. And I hope he will turn to Kamala Harris and say, you went to the hospital to meet with Jacob Blake and his family, Jacob Blake is paralyzed from the waist down. He fought against police. I'm asking you, Senator Harris, you called them an amazing family. What do you think of the black family who called the police on Jacob Koblick?


Because they were afraid that once again. Once again, he was going to rape a family member. So these black women called the police and said Jacob Blakey's here were very afraid he's going to rape one of us. Oh, my gosh, he might take our kids. Kamala Harris, are they an amazing family or did they make a mistake in calling 911 one? Call her out on these positions in a calm way. Have the names on the tip of the tongue.


Hopefully he's met with these people. Make her be what she is, which is a person seeking power. And reveal the multiple versions of Kamala Harris. The multiple versions. When Kamala Harris tries to be pro law enforcement tonight, I hope the VP says so. Again, I ask you, will you take down that tweet, this bailing out hardcore criminals? Again, I ask you, do you decry antifa? Do you recognize that you can believe the lives of black people matter, which is why we cannot back?


A Marxist organization called Black Lives Matter, Inc., that's a risky move, but think about the logic, please. It is a morally objective fact. But the lives of black people matter. No serious person thinks otherwise. How to live still under Marxist organizations. How has Black Lives Matter Incorporated demonstrated a love for black lives? Well, being responsible for the taking of black lives. Senator Harris, did you hear the wife of Officer David Dawn? Officer David Dorn was murdered in one of the riots for which you bailed people out, Senator Harris.


Did Officer Dorn's life matter just as much or just a little bit less? Then Jacob Blake's life matters to this day. When you scratch at the surface. Of intersectional politics, none of it makes sense. You look at the intersectional totem pole of victimhood hate when you can change your gender and move up the totem pole. It's all made up. It's all invented. I hope that the VP. We'll see to Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris said the multiple versions of her.


When you laughed about putting the parents of truant children in jail. Largely African-American children, as I think you said when you laughed about that. At what point did you feel bad? At what point did it make sense to you that you had spent a career putting in jail? Parents of truant kids and then turning around and bailing out murderers, people like murderers and people who committed felonious assault in these riots.


What point did that make sense? Call her out for these things. She'll go at him on his faith. Except she will call it faith. She'll go at him and talk about his bigotry, his disdain. For people because of their sexuality or identity. Sexual points of view. And I hope that Mike Pence is ready for these responses to say, you know, Senator, I thought more view than to go after my faith. I thought more of you.


Maybe you could point to some specifics. We've treated people poorly. And if I have, I'd love to apologize. Because I make an effort, because my faith indicates to me that I love people. It can hate things that I do. When I fail. People see these things, they see the sincerity. Kamala Harris can't be sincere. She's a clone of herself. In the integrity of clones, break down over time, copy after copy after copy after copy, there's I don't know that she really knows who the genuine Kamala Harris is.


I don't think she knows. I think Mike Pence knows. Is Mike Pence has been the same talk show host Mike Pence is the same as Congressman Mike Pence is the same as Governor Mike Pence is the same as Vice President Mike Pence. And we talked last hour about him having crisp responses to the. He must have crisp responses to his approach to the covid and the president's because it has been a good response. It has saved lives. Remember, we did far more testing than other countries, which means far more cases, 90 percent of cases do not make people sick.


It means that 90 percent of the time they're not sick. They have barely any virus in their body. People who aren't sick don't pass the virus on. Kids are not at risk. College kids are not at risk. And with the Barington Declaration. Some of the world's most respected epidemiologists are saying open the country's up, open the state's up, the lockdowns are killing more people. Then the Corvette, by the way, the math on that, it's very compelling.


Let us pray. But that faith that Mike Pence believes so much in. Comes tonight to his service because it's also our service, we come back on the Rush Limbaugh program, I'm going to introduce you to a woman who helped put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, and she's going to help put Amy Koney baratz on the Supreme Court.


Kimberly Fleischer from Moms. Rebecca joins us next on the Rush Limbaugh.


It's Todd Hermann filling in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network. There's a saying in politics that when moms gather and show up for things, political politicians pay attention, particularly when they show up in person. And it's a truism. I've seen it many times. We have Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Many people say because Moms for America showed up to help get Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Their leader, Kimberly Fleisher's, on the line with me.


Kimberly, welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. It's thottam and filling in.


Oh, it's great to be here. And Todd, you are my favorite guest host. I just want to say that.


But that's very kind of you. Thank you very much. I love listening to Ken Matthews and Mark Stein, and I appreciate the opportunity.


This as we wait for the Marja's return, which is most important of all, talk about the Brett Kavanaugh experience that what you saw, what you felt, what you experienced.


Well, it was absolutely crazy. And in the beginning, you know, these these women who were there, they weren't insane when we first got there. They were really nice, went door to door with their believe women T-shirts.


It wasn't until the Jeff Flake thing happened that they turned psychotic and they were literally going up and down the elevator, stalking the halls, accosting senators. And the Democrat senators were walking through the halls, no problem talking to their aides. And the Republican senators were hiding behind doors and smoking in elevators. I mean, it was crazy and they were just they were mean.


And Bahamut and I, I talked to several of them and they said things like the Constitution was propaganda. They didn't care if all the things that they said about Brett Kavanaugh weren't true. It didn't matter. They'd straight out told me it was about abortion. And so, you know, we didn't make this about politics, but they did. And so when we were there, we had no idea the impact that we were having until literally the last few days before the confirmation hearing.


And senator after senator told us, until the moms showed up, we were losing this. It was DOA. There was no way it was happening. And what we did is we just showed up with an alternate voice and we said, you know what, we want this confirmation to go through. And some of us were victims ourselves. And it wasn't about having it was about the Constitution. And what we did is we gave all these men who were afraid to stand up against these these radical women saying, don't you believe me?


We gave them another voice to listen to and gave them an opportunity to stand up and say, no, I'm going to do the right thing because these women over here want this to happen.


It's a phenomenal story. And to be at the center of that and to see that insanity, I've seen that that rage and that insanity from people in D.C. and it can be frightening. And you said something really key which was giving these Republican men cover to stand up. Now, what's going to be different with Amy? CONI Barret's ends in Moms for America are going to be there. How do you think the attacks will be different if they're different at all?


They've already started. So if you can just visualize remember what it looked like when all of those women showed up and they were screaming and wearing their, you know, silly little costumes, those same women are now hitting virtually. So we're all kind of what kind of sitting back going, OK, what's going to happen? You know, I called Bailey to find out, you know, what is the update on the hearing right now? They're still scheduled to meet on the 12th, but right now it's just going to be Senator Grassley and Judge Barrett.


And then we're just kind of kind of see what unfolds. But I know they're sitting in the wings waiting. In the meantime, they're not wasting time. They are going on these Facebook and Twitter pages where Joni Ernst, for instance, in Iowa is is in just a dead heat. You wouldn't it doesn't make sense that she's in a dead heat with a person she's up against, but she is. And the ads that they have putting out there, they're dumping millions of dollars.


And so all of these, you know, radical feminists are now hitting their Facebook and Twitter feeds and everything is don't confirm, don't confirm, don't confirm. So what we're doing is mobilizing our moms first virtually on standby to head to DC and be there in person to meet with these senators. And we're not saying go on their Facebook pages, go on their Twitter feeds and be the counter voice. And so that's what we're really calling out moms to do.


And the other thing we want them to know is how important their voice is with with this vote. I mean, everybody is talking about the suburban mom. And, you know, what we've realized in the last 15 years working with moms across the country is the vast majority of conservative women of faith aren't voting and most of them aren't even registered to vote. And this is a. Actually, the reason why we need their voice, because we can get these incredible constitutionalist candidates nominees to the courts, when your voice is heard, your values are represented.


And so we're we're pushing for confirmation now and we're also pushing mambos. Get out there and get your voice heard, your votes, your voice for your values.


Kimberly Fleisher's with this moms' for America. And this. What did you think of the women who testified against Brett Kavanaugh when they were were making these claims of rape and and and group rape and and obviously being a woman, you want women to be listened to. But did you instantly say this doesn't seem right? Or were you were you concerned or what was your response to that?


Because it switched so fast. And I really dealt with feminists for quite some time. And so I know how fast the switch flipped its lips. And what happens is they do a call to arms and a lot of them are on children's futures, which is which is devastating when we realize that not all teachers, but several of them have been infiltrated into this. So when the when the switch goes off and it happens that fast and the force is so big, you know, there's something going on.


And the way that they attacked him and the things that they were saying, the way it was coming in, one after another after another, all they did was switch gears from attacking the president to attacking this man. And the first thing that that I thought is, oh, my gosh, where are we at in our country when you are going to politicize something like rape and assault? And where does that put the women who actually are raped and assaulted?


It puts all of us in a very dangerous position. And then as a mom, we're looking at our sons and our husbands and going, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What happens when the woman is lying? Do we believe women all the time? No, we should not. This is it has to be about truth and justice. And just real quick, there was a guy who is coming out of a of a big little rally outside of Senator Murkowski, his office during the hearing and huge media mob.


And the media was just following these women everywhere. And they didn't want to hear anything. We had to say. They straight up told us we only want to hear from the protesters. And this guy comes around the corner and he's a really tall, good looking black man. And he's probably about 25, 26 years old. And he's got this big believe woman T-shirt on. And at the time, you know, Black Lives Matter and just started.


And that just didn't make any sense to me. And so I asked him, you know, you're wearing your Believe Women T-shirt. And he said, yeah. And I said, well, should we believe women, all women all the time? And he goes, Well, yeah. And I said, So if I go downstairs right now and I tell the Capitol Police that you assaulted me in the elevator, should everybody just believe me? And he looked at me like a deer in headlights and he said, I'm just paid to be here.


And I'm like, dude, maybe, oh, you got the admission. Oh, I love this. If people understood the Kabuki theater nature of what goes on in D.C. and rent a mobs are a real thing. Rent a protester. I think there are companies that advertise the services that can say, oh yeah, we'll get people to show up. I'll tell you what, it is an honor to to chat with you. Moms for America. Kimberly Fleisher, real quick.


Got about fifteen seconds. How can people hook up and help you?


Moms for America, U.S., we would love to have all your moms come out there and support us. We are in the fight for our lives. So join us, Moms for America, U.S.. All right.


Thanks for coming on Rush's show. Kimberly Flycatcher, Moms for America, U.S. Lots more to get to. Thanks, Kimberly. It's Todd Hermann filling in for Rush Limbaugh. We come back. There is someone waiting in the wings who is leaning back and forth voting for President Trump or not.


We'll chat with Laurie on Russia show.


You know, there is a saying that information is power. It's almost true, its potential power. So when do you use information to make a decision? Like when do you decide to make your home more secure? Not everyone has the same answer. Rush has thoughts on this.


You know, folks, some of us are much more proactive than other people. Take the idea of installing a home security system for some of us here about the safety and the protection of the system. And they say, well, better safe than sorry. And they put it in immediately. Other people are reactive. It takes a home break in in the neighborhood before they will say, you know what, we may ever get a security system here in both personality types.


Understandable. Either way you get there, you eventually contemplate how do I make my family and property safe? And the answer, whenever you start asking yourself this question is once you remember, the answer is simply safe. That is the name of a home security system is going to give you the protection. And peace of mind that you want simply safe protects every door, every window, every room of a house. The system is state of the art. It works on Wi-Fi throughout your home.


There aren't any wires. I got to tell you, that simplifies things. It doesn't cheapen things. Well, cost wise, it does, but it does not lessen the effectiveness at all. In fact, it may even improve it. Motion detectors, HD cameras, sensors, sirens, whatever you want. If you want to get really intricate, you're going to have sensors that detect the sound of glass breaking. They send you all the components that you say you want, all pre configured, pretested, you install them.


It all takes less than an hour. You want 24/7. Monitoring connects to the cops. That's fourteen ninety nine a month. No contract. You're going to love it and you're going to really appreciate just how effective and simple, simply safe is. Just go online, see the system there. You buy it there. Simply safe USA Dotcom. They're going to throw in a free HD camera when you buy a ninety nine dollar value. Simply safe USA dotcoms don't even use my name websites it.


That's all you need. Simply say USA Dotcom free HD camera.


Tostin, take you to the Mahat Solt 888 to 288 to want to talk now to Laurie in Hamilton, Montana, leaning on the fence to vote for Trump because she does not want to vote for Biden. Let's see if we can help. Lori, welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program.


My name is Todd, filling in for Rush. I voted for Trump last time, I really I really want to vote for him again, but I am I am an environmentalist. I'm not someone that chained myself to trees and gets a little crazy. But I am specifically concerned about the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge. It's a serious issue for me, and I really don't like the fact that he's opening that up to oil drilling. So here I am sitting here going, crap, you know, how do I vote once those wildlife lands are gone?


They're gone for good. And I'm tired of seeing foreign corporations come into our country and mine and drill and then pack up their crap and leave and leaving us with a mess that the EPA or that our tax dollars have to clean up. So help me out. Sure.


Tell me about the communist socialist country that has a great environment. Well, you got a point there. I mean, let's and let's examine let's yeah, let's examine it. No, it's for a matter of fact, while we talk about the Alaska Wildlife Preserve, I live in the mountains, so I obviously want it preserved and been to Alaska, obviously want it preserved. And I think that we can do both things. I think we're good enough at that to do both things.


You know, the computer industry, you are you on a smartphone right now? I am all right, friend of mine, dearest friends, since ninth grade, who does a lot of business with Microsoft, and he got away from his government handler and went to the rural parts of China with a friend who lives there. And, you know, what he saw was the so-called recycling of American computers, which involved breaking them open in the river to take out the precious metals and then leaving the parts in that river upstream from where people draw drinking, cooking and washing water.


He witnessed it with his eyes. So this is the reality of what what is hidden in the good intentions in the in the happy talk from the left is that they're funded by Silicon Valley. Everybody knows in the computer industry there's no such thing as it being recycled. Or let's look at Venezuela since since the takeover there. I mean, have you seen the environment there? The trash or or let's let's do this one last thing, one last thing.


Do you know what's beginning to show up in the salmon, in the fat layers of salmon and other fish in the Puget Sound outside of Seattle? You know, it's beginning to show up. Probably the classic heroine. With heroin and meth, and you mentioned the plastics, the president in a trade deal and a trade negotiation with China and other countries, which is where 95 percent of those micro plastics come from, has demanded that they stop that.


So I don't see Joe Biden demanding China change anything. Well, no one seems to believe that one of the survivors of the vote for Biden is going to be the president. People don't know that, but I really want to protect that refuge. And I don't want foreign countries coming into our country and letting it grow. So what are you going to do instead of going into the president? Something like this?


Because here's here's what I think about here's what I think you do in three weeks. We have a decision. Does a country look and you've heard Rush say it, we're in a death struggle with communism. Do we go the path of everything's unsustainable, of there's heroin and meth showing up in the fat layers of fish all across our separate countries, our cities, because that's what's happening. Do we go to unmanaged forest lands that continue to burn down and cause all sorts of carbon to go up in the air?


Do we go to that? Do we go to pretend environmentalists like Al Gore with his, you know, six homes and private planes, or do we vote right now for the president and then communicate to him and to his people and through our elected officials? Let's make sure that we do these things wisely? Because I would say you're communicating a knowledge that voting for Kamala and Joe Biden means an end to a country that has and this is a true fact.


We have reduced carbon output more than any other country on Earth. If this becomes a communist totalitarian nation, what what voice do you have at that point? Remember, you vote for communism once and you never get out of it except with a bullet. So what I suggest you do is you vote for the president, vote the way you know you should vote and then work on making sure that these things are done responsibly.


Can we agree to that? I agree with that. I think that's a yes, yeah, I'm not going to tell you I'm going to vote for him because I certainly have not decided yet. But I'm working on this. I'm going to keep looking at.


So let me just see if I can if I can maybe reclose here because I was trained to close in the reclose. What what signs do you have that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are serious about protecting anything in relation to our environment? I don't think that Joe Biden is serious about anything, and I think whatever he told, so I would have to do quite a bit of research to answer your question.


OK, as is Joe Biden in the pocket of any known polluter's. Oh, yeah, OK, yes, Joe Biden. Is Joe Biden going to continue to pressure China to stop putting Micra plastics into the water? No. Is Joe Biden going to pressure other countries to stop putting micro plastics into the country if he's in the water, if he's in their pockets? No, no, and that's the dilemma that this thing is, and I, I don't I'm not really focused on the microphone sticks and all the other police and I think out of our out of our reach right now.


But I want to protect I'm a veteran and I want to protect this land, our earth, our country that we fought for. I don't want my family coming into Minnesota and drilling and then destroying the waterways where the world's messed habitat. I mean, this is an important issue for me. Yeah.


Let me let me offer you let me offer you this. Let's let's I want you to vote for Trump this time. And if I get the gift of hosting again for Rush, why don't we talk about ways that we can do this responsibly and revisit this issue and see if we can't communicate it to the White House? I don't know if I'll get passed back. If I am, I'll tell you what. We'll try to make a segment about that and we'll try to get that into the ear of the president.


How about that?


Well, I think that's great because I think he would get new voters because a majority of Americans want to preserve these places.


Yes. I mean, do that improve?


And when you get on the website, the more and more Americans want to preserve people. And so I think if he came out in favor of it, he would actually get more voters.


So let's do this. Let's give the guy let's we know what's common with communism and heresy and heroin in fish. And once there's heroin in fish, it's in the fish eggs. Then it's in our bodies. There's human feces washing down the hills in these cities. It's literally the grossest thing you've ever seen in San Francisco. You can wash it, walked out, washed down the hills. You can step on heroin needles. They don't care about the environment.


Look at any of the socialist communist countries. Here's my prayer, Laura, that you decide to vote for the president. And if I get to ask back, you call me. We'll have a whole segment on this.


If we can sell that. The EIB. I got to run. I want to thank you for the call. God bless you, Larry. Thanks for calling.


Russia show textualists today. It's been an incredible thrill and honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh. My name is Todd Hermann and to talk to you at 888 to 202. We just chatted with Lori from Montana, who's on the fence. I think maybe we pushed her a lot closer to voting for President Trump. She's very concerned about the wildlife preserves in Alaska, specifically. Cassandre from Greenville, South Carolina, joins us now on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hey, Cassandra, my name is taught.


I'm filling in for Ushi. Hi, Todd. You know, I heard your last caller and I just want to give a couple of things out. Trump is the environmental president. He truly is, and people don't hear about it. August 4th, 2020, he signed a three billion dollar a year grant for the Great American Outdoors Act, March 13th of 2019. He signs the biggest wilderness protection bill in a decade and designates 375 thousand new acres of protected land.


I mean, amazing things. He also this is also of in 2019 March, he added one point three million acres of new wilderness and expand several national parks, created five new national monuments. Amazing, amazing. He is donating a 100000 dollars of his salary to an environmental cause. I can't remember what it was. It's it's out of my head right now. But we've had the cleanest air that this country has had in over 40 years when it was tested.


He's doing fantastic things. He did great things down in Florida for the Everglades. You don't hear about that stuff. However, the Sierra Club does have something going right now where they want a million letters to be mailed on October 30th in order to get Trump, as they say, ejected and get Biden in. That is their plan to cram the mail system on October 30th. And this is from the Sierra Club. This is what they've asked for.


So they are against him. The only reason I could figure it out is that President Trump is making sure to give all of this money to the actual parks and people who need the money instead of to the EPA, who gets to first sift through the money and then give it to people. So I think that they're not happy with him because of that. He is fantastic. I love our president.


This was so well done. Cassandra, I just want to thank you. This is so well done. The knowledge that she held and you just helped an enormous number of people. Sixty million people listen to your show. It's phenomenal. Let's not forget that it was the EPA that was warned. Hey, if you do go in and try to clear out this old mine, you're going to destroy a river system. And they did a great point, and that was Senator Barack Obama.


Cassandra, thanks very much. Let's talk to Susie in Palmyra, Pennsylvania. Susie, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Is Todd Hermann filling in? Hi, Susie. Welcome to the Russian show.


Thanks to Todd. I listened to that earlier segment by Kimberly. And I wanted to say I was a mom that was kind of sitting on the fence, hadn't been politically involved, and started listening to Rush back in the late 80s. And I mean, he just solidified so many things that I believed. And I started becoming a table talk kitchen table to volunteer for a young man running for Congress who later became a U.S. senator. And I worked for him for 12 years in Texas, Senator Rick Santorum.


And I just wanted to give Rush a shout out because he was the turning point that really solidified my my politics, my politics and my conservatism.


That's that's great to hear. Thank you very much, Susan. Appreciate that. In a rush. Appreciate that. Thank you very much. Quick conversation with James in Clayton County, Georgia. James, a real tight on time. Welcome to Show Shots Tournament Fulminant. Hello, Todd Hermann. I really appreciate what you do. I continue to believe the free market is the answer to corrupt media, and it's really comforting to know that people like you are out there on the subject to covid and tonight.


And the debate tent can make brilliant salient points based on fact and logic. And you and I both know what the common retort is going to be from Komala. Yeah, and so here's my suggestion that there is not time to re-educate the entire public about the the wall of lies around the covid, she's going to nail him on this death, death, death, death, death. He needs to be me. Right. And that's the no. And here's one of the things that I think he should do.


You know, any number is too much. And I really hope that Governor Cuomo and I'm forgetting the governor of of of New Jersey. I really hope that they understand that putting sick people covid sick people in nursing homes was a tremendous mistake. We had some comparisons, Senator. We had New York and New Jersey with 10 times the rate of death of Texas and Florida. I really hope they've learned that lesson. I'm so glad that the Trump administration has realized that we can protect the truly vulnerable and open up the rest of society.


I wish we had more time on this. James, you spent a lot of time on it today. You're exactly right. The debate's going to be about the covid.


We'll wrap up the show next on the Rush Limbaugh program. Tirman filling in on the EIB Network.


Thank you so much for welcoming me and putting up with me as a fill in for Rush Limbaugh and to join Ken and Mark in this honor. It's that's an honor and of itself. Mike Pence tonight. Obviously, we know the stakes and I don't know that we need to repeat the stakes. There are enormous. They're enormous for our country. There are enormous for our children and our grandchildren. They're enormous for him because Mike Pence loves this country. There was a book I read a couple of years ago that discussed a test about prayer and some Ivy League people set out to show that it didn't work.


So they did some double blind studies and some people in the hospital for dread diseases were prayed for. Some weren't. Some new they were prayed for, some new. They didn't know the words, you know, double-blind upon double-blind.


And they had to run the test again. I did the test the first time. I had to run it again because it got the wrong answer. I worked. Couldn't be right there in it again. The group that did the best. Were people who knew they were being prayed for that second group that did the best for the people who didn't know they're being prayed for. Mike Pence believes in God and Mike Pence is a Christian. Tell Mike. On Twitter at VPE that you're praying for.


I think it's going to make a difference. I believe it will. We'll see you next time on the EIB Network. Hey, everybody, is Jarno Cauldwell, you may know me as a national political analyst, but today I'm here to tell you about my new podcast series OutLoud with General Caldwell, the sworn enemy of PC culture.


I'll interview national guests from all walks of life and real people discussing issues on culture and politics, as well as the controversies that have social media.


Blazey listen to OutLoud with General Caldwell every Monday on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast.