The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Apr 06 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:53:55
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken discusses the Rush tribute streaming special available now at Tom Cotton: Social justice warriors at MLB moved All-Star game from Georgia to Colorado, which has more restrictive voting laws, requires photo ID. Rush's warning to pro sports leagues that they should push back against the woke left or they'd lose fans who want escapism, not politics, from sports. CDC says the covid threat from contact from surfaces was far less than we were told. Rush called the covid scare from the beginning. Fauci on covid passports. Germans to allow certain vaccinated individuals to have rights not granted to the unvaccinated. Biden hypocrisy of not vetting illegals for covid at border. Biden is rehabbing Obama's legacy by negotiating with Iran. MLB is hurting Georgia small businesses with All-Star Game pullout. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Ken on the EIB video special on Rush, including interviews with President Trump, VP Pence, Clarence Thomas, David Limbaugh and more, narrated by Kathryn. 60 Minutes smears Governor DeSantis. CNN's Jim Acosta still complaining about Trump. Rush looks back at Little Dick Gephardt and how Democrats stigmatize success by delegitimizing it by talking about the winners of life's lottery. Rush on how Democrats demonize police. Ketchup packet crisis, food prices rising. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Andrew Cuomo proposes massive new tax hikes, with record numbers already fleeing the state. Rush on leaving New York decades ago. Caller wants to know where conservative organizers are, why they're not protesting fences in DC. Trees can be racist. Rush was the treasure map to the truth. Viral video of Marine father's first salute to son. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Apr 05 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:56:14
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews kicks off the week as our guide. Biden news. NPR issues apology on Hunter Biden story. Nobody read the Georgia voter law, labelled it as Jim Crow anyway. Democrats decide to call all their spending "infrastructure". Words mean things: Rush on how Dems corrupt the language. Georgia voting law. Rush on Biden's lies. Ken talks to Mark Steyn about the reaction to Democrat lies about the Georgia voting law, MLB and big corporation hypocrisy on China. Steyn hosts Fox News Primetime all this week at 7PM ET. Media dances around Hunter Biden's hard drive. Steyn on how hard Rush worked in the last year. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The media never investigated Biden's Ukraine corruption, but Rush did. Caller on Naomi Wolf and the covid passport. Rush knew the Obama crowd would be back in charge, reinventing the Iran deal. Rush saw that the Biden administration would begin the great decline of America, devaluing of our liberty. Covid regulations are still limiting freedom around the world: A Polish pastor chases the police and health inspectors out of his church in Canada. Price of everything is skyrocketing. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: MLB fell for Biden's Jim Crow lies about the Georgia election law, but partners with ChiComs. Charles Barkley on how politicians divide us by race. Rush discusses Barkley on another occasion when he told the truth, made sense. Media stops covering murder of Capitol Hill police officer after attacker is identified as Nation of Islam follower. Call from 2007 where a former Nation of Islam member credits Rush with transforming his life. Blind caller on rejecting victimhood pushed by Democrats. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Apr 02 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:54:27
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush called it: Biden resurrects the Iran Deal. Biden and Democrats attack capitalism, collude with authoritarian corporations, squeeze small businesses. Big Business against Georgia voting law. Rush on the real Clarence Thomas. David Limbaugh tweet on the love between Rush and his listeners. Rush teaches a lesson on why corporate tax increases hurt workers. Rush on California as the closest thing we have to the old example of the failure of communism in the Soviet Union. Rush on freedom vs. free stuff, using the epic 2009 sound bite of Obama voters waiting for free money from Obama's stash. Mayor Pete's plan to tax you by the mile. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Mayor Pete's tax-by-the-mile proposal is really a surveillance tax. Mayor Pete busted staging phony photo op pretending to ride a bicycle to work. Loyal listeners miss El Rushbo, but love this show. Clip of President Trump talking about Rush from this weekend. Biden calls for MLB to boycott the All-Star game in Atlanta. Rush on pro sports protests for liberal causes. Incident at the Capitol. Rush on President Trump's greatest accomplishments. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: CNN lies about corporate stances against the Georgia voting law. Rush on Obama disappointing liberals by breaking his promises on immigration. MTV exec vows to remake programming to improve the mental health of young people. Rush was on the cutting edge of the degradation of the pop culture. Update on incident injuring Capitol Hill police officers. Media doxxing the George Floyd jury. Rush on how police officers went from heroes to enemies in America: You're either with the BLM mob or you're with the first responders. African-American athletes proudly celebrated the flag and first responders after 9/11. Capitol Hill police officer reportedly killed in incident at Capitol. The Democrat gas tax proposals. Todd on the meaning of Easter. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Apr 01 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:55:30
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Excerpt from A Tribute to Radio’s Greatest of All Time — Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, which will start streaming at tomorrow at 3PM ET. Biden proposes massive tax hikes. Rush on why Democrats want to flood the country with illegals who will become dependents, vote for redistribution of wealth. Rush on how the media and leftists were shocked by the success of the Reagan tax cuts, Bush capital gains tax cut. Rush explains how a corporate tax cut spurs economic growth and how Democrats have demonized corporations and brainwashed everyone into thinking they only exist to supply health care to their employees. Caller remembers hearing Rush for the first time back in Sacramento. It's Opening Day of the baseball season, so we go back to Rush recounting organizing ceremonial first pitches for the Kansas City Royals. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush destroys AOC's argument on the Trump tax cuts. Rush playing a phone prank during his days as a DJ in McKeesport, PA. Rush deconstructs how liberals compromise the language with phrases like "sustainability". UAW worker converted by Rush sends a message to the Democrats. Rush on his childhood pranks. Clip from Vice President Pence that will air in the Rush video special. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Trump couldn't have been elected without Rush's support. Rush on keeping the faith, the Trump agenda. Rush on Trump as a new form of diversity in Washington. DeSantis, Abbott, Noem governing in the Trump mold. All of us are required to be the opposition to woke leftism. The only "clean" money in politics is money laundered through Democrats. Rush on when the EIB Staff gifted him a replica of his Hall of Famous Missourians bust. Rush exposes Democrat dark money hypocrisy. Rush describes his classic picture phone, department store prank. President Trump talking about Rush in an excerpt from the video special that will start streaming at 3PM ET on Friday. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 31 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:55:33
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Hour-long video special coming this Friday at A Tribute to Radio’s Greatest of All Time -- Rush Hudson Limbaugh III. Clip from the special: President Donald Trump talking about Rush. Border crisis is chaos Democrats want. Rush on the atrocities of the ChiComs and all other communist regimes. SCOTUS says Hillary doesn't have to testify about her emails. Kamala's cackle is reminiscent of Hillary's cackle, which Rush compared to the sound of the "Arkansas Broadbeam." Rush's Bill Clinton impression. Rush explains the true story of Hillary's emails. Biden's massive infrastructure spending proposal. Rush on Democrat spending. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush is still the only person telling the world about the Jimmy Carter-James Baker report that wrote a roadmap for how the Democrats stole the 2020 election. Clip from Rush tribute special coming this Friday: Justice Clarence Thomas on his friendship with Rush and Kathryn. Rush describes the night he met Bill Clinton at a New York restaurant. Rush takes on the food police on sugar. Rush on the folly of wind power. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush saw what was coming from Dr. Fauci and the technocrats: covid immunity passports. Classic Rush bit: Rush interviews Bill Clinton playing both parts. Professor Limbaugh hatches a plan to take down academe. Donald Trump Jr. clip from this Friday's video special: A Tribute to Radio’s Greatest of All Time – Rush Hudson Limbaugh III. Caller wants conservatives to cancel social media, Big Media subscriptions on July 4th. Caller wants to reinstate the draft, make young people serve their country. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 30 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:54:38
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Biden backtracks on putting Harris in charge of the border. Biden says not taking covid seriously will risk more cases and "desks". Rush on Biden as a trojan horse for socialists. Chauvin trial. Rush on the George Floyd case. Rush on how liberalism has made blue cities like Baltimore into lawless wastelands. The border crisis and unaccompanied minors. Rush feared Dems would find a way to forgive student loans. The Deep State is still going after Trump. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The Deep State is still going after Donald Trump, as Rush told us they would because he's not one of them. Romney gets a Profile in Courage Award from Caroline Kennedy for his vote to impeach Trump. Rush pushed back against wokeism in corporate culture. Caller on her student loans and responsibility to pay them back. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush sounds the alarm: Don't count on a massive rejection of Democrats in 2022. The covid hype continues from Biden and the CDC. Rush implored us to go back to normal post covid, not "new normal". Brutal carjacking rocks the nation, reminds us of epic Rush television monologue: America Has Lost Its Soul. SCOTUS rules in favor of Hillary in emails case. It's the 40th anniversary of the assassination attempt against President Reagan. Rush remembers Reagan's 1983 NRA speech. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 29 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:52:01
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guides the show this week. The border crisis. WA Representative Michelle Caldier talks about why American foster kids are being tossed out of a home to make room for illegal immigrants who are minors. Chris Wallace grills Jen Psaki on barring media from border control facilities. Rush describes how Republicans must fight Democrats on gun control: Give them nothing! Why Democrats want to tax you by the mile, want higher gas prices. Rush debates a libertarian caller on the politics of medical marijuana. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Democrats push covid vaccine passports to limit your freedom. Rush on Victor Davis Hanson's take on the end of the Trump era and the surveillance state that awaited us. Caller on the border crisis and covid lockdowns. Rush provides an amazing history lesson on Democrat hypocrisy on the filibuster complete with archival sound bites. Caller on the trafficking of kids at the border. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Lil Nas X sells Satanic shoes. Muppets introduce new black Muppets. Amazon won't sell Clarence Thomas documentary. Minnesota Cinderella performance canceled because cast is too white. Rush on the culture wars. Rush's optimism. Todd doesn't want the the covid vaccine and thinks masks are meaningless. Universal Basic Income. Rush on how Democrats use "stimulus" bills to enshrine socialism. Janet Yellen was doing it then, she's doing it again now. More of why Todd is against the covid vaccine. Rush on Bezos and Trump. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 25, 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:55:54
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews guides our program. Biden's first press conference is today. Rush on how Biden sees illegal alien children as the future of the Democrat Party. Democrats leverage another shooting, Rush's past comments on shooting plug right into the Colorado shooting. The shooter in Colorado was an angry, Syrian-born leftist, but Democrats and media still blame Republicans. Authorities and schools aren't acting when they see potentially dangerous behavior from leftists, but they're all over kids in MAGA hats. Duckworth and Hirono refuse to vote for Biden nominees if they're not Asian or gay. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush explains why Democrats can't allow voter ID laws, even though we require IDs for everything else. Ken JIPs Biden's attempt at his first press conference. Biden on immigration, unaccompanied minors, why migrants are flooding the border, why he put Kommie in charge of it. Biden fields preplanned questions, so far, none from Fox's Peter Doocy. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Biden says he plans to run again in 2024. Kim Jong-un's sister threatens Biden. Rush on how Clinton and Obama allowed North Korea and Iran to run amuck. Biden sputters at end of answer on filibuster. The price of everything is going up and Rush told us why. Caller recalls Rush's 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. UFO news. Dr. Rachel Levine. Cuomo gave his family early covid tests. Classic Rush: Liberals have two sets of rules: one for them, one for everyone else. Caller wants us to ignore gun laws the way Democrats ignore immigration and voting laws. Democrat Party wants to nationalize voting. Kathryn on tomorrow's Great American Business Awards. Biden took scripted questions, none from Fox News. Harris and Bill Clinton to discuss women's issues. Voting irregularity news. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 24 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:56:02
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Brett Winterble guides today's show. The Rush Limbaugh Show will continue. Ahmed Al Alawi Al Issa and the Colorado shooting. Blumenthal says all Republicans are complicit in shooting. Rush knew more gun laws will never stop a criminal or terrorist who wanted to shoot people. Rush on why Democrats so aggressively want to open the borders. Rush on AOC, Green New Deal socialists. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: New York lawmakers take first step toward impeaching Andrew Cuomo. El Rushbo has been a thorn in the side of Mario the Pious and the Cuomo family for more than 30 years. Houston Caller loves what we're doing with the show, concerned about skyrocketing crime as result of illegal immigration. Caller wants to know what Rush would do. Rush on the Big Tech guys testifying on Capitol Hill. Rush nukes guaranteed basic income. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: A 1992 clip from Rush's very first episode of the groundbreaking Rush Limbaugh, the Television Show. Kathryn explains the Rush Limbaugh Great American Business Award. Rush on the difference between dying with covid and dying of covid, the reach of Big Brother. Rush on just how radical Trump's America First foreign policy was for the elites. Biden puts Kamala in charge of the border crisis. Rush's cousin Stephen N. Limbaugh III writes a touching tribute to Rush. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 23 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:53:39
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: The Rush Limbaugh Show lives on, using Rush's timeless wisdom to cover today's news. Left rushes in to politicize Colorado shooting. Harris cackles when asked if she's going to the border. What Democrats stuffed in the covid relief bill. Rush reacts to the Democrats exploiting another mass shooting: "I dread these days." Trump didn't put kids in cages, Obama did. Rush on sanctuary cities, unaccompanied minor illegals and the Flores ruling. Arizona caller's idea on how to deliver the border crisis message to Washington. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Biden proves Rush instantly right, calls for new gun control legislation in wake of Colorado shooting. Rush on reparations. Rush predicted the disastrous impact the lockdown and working from home would have on New York City. Rush's prediction that Democrats would eventually make elections irrelevant could be realized with H.R. 1. Caller: GOP controlled White House, Senate, House in Trump's two years and didn't fund the order wall. Democrats push for D.C., Puerto Rico statehood. Rush on Democrat-sponsored violence and riots to extort voters, defeat Trump. James Madison on D.C. statehood. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: New Secret Service name for Biden: Tripper? Rush on how his father taught him about debt and government spending: It's hard to beat Santa Claus. Massive fraud and waste in these massive bailout bills. Caller objects to Jason's joke about Biden tripping. Project Veritas wins major victory against New York Times. Rush on O'Keefe and Project Veritas. Rush on slavery, white supremacy. Liberals have fought to preserve systemic racism in public schools, segregated big cities. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 22 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:53:56
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Jason Lewis guides the program. Rush and Kathryn's love for and support of small businesses. Rush on how small business is the backbone of America. If we don't support small businesses corporate socialism will crush all of us. Kathryn joins the show, talks about how she's dealing with the loss: Rush would want us to all carry on. Kathryn talks about Rush's love for the show and how they started the Two If By Tea business, supported the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. Rush planned the Great American Business Award before his death, now we are carrying on his wishes. Rush wanted to honor the people who made the country work. Kathryn will join the show on Open Line Fridays, starting this Friday, March 26, to announce the first winners. Go to to nominate small business owners who were inspired by Rush. The difference between small businesses and big corporations. Covid has disproportionally hurt small businesses. Biden DHS chief says there's no crisis at the border. Jason on the dangers of socialism. Caller on how the pandemic has hurt his small business. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Democrats used covid lockdowns to change America, rig an election. DHS secretary says the border is closed. Elections have consequences. Rush on homelessness in blue cities, how Democrats used the "kids in cages" lie during the Trump years. Small business owner on the mistakes he made and overcame to stay in business for 44 years. Rush on his love for the troops after his visit to Afghanistan. Democrats want to get rid of the filibuster so they can pass HR 1, rig elections legally. Republicans didn't have the guts to go after Big Tech. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Jeep to keep Cherokee name. Rush on how America will survive the assault on our culture, traditions and our system of government. Small business caller had a dream and went for it, built a business for 30 years and was shut down by order of the Michigan governor. Parents don't even try to fight back against the influence of leftists in schools. Call from a veteran. Rush on woke Monopoly game for Millennials. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 19 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:54:05
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Kathryn will join us on Monday's show to share details of the forthcoming Rush Limbaugh Great American Business Award. Nominate a business owner who was inspired by Rush at ChiComs meet with Biden officials in Alaska, tell them off, demand apology for American racism. Rush on how Trump was aware of the China threat for decades. Amnesty is back again. The Limbaugh Amnesty Plan. Rush on China and the NBA. Author tells story of calling the show and having Rush plug his book. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Biden trades insults with Putin. Biden calls Harris "president". Rush saw it coming, knew that Biden was just a placeholder, would be replaced if necessary. 12-year-old says Rush inspires her to run for office when she gets older. Rush on the Cy Vance Trump taxes investigation. Biden falls down trying to climb up the stairs to Air Force One. 2015: Rush saw cancel culture coming before they had a name for it. Caller's story about how Rush became her best friend when she lost her mom. Rush on the environmentalist wackos and the food police. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: The Day of the Dittoheads: We go back to 1993 when Rush shook Washington by asking callers to call the Capitol Hill switchboard for the first time. Collusion between China and Big Media. CDC reduced social distancing advisory for schools from 6 feet to 3. Cancel culture. Liberals are always trying to divide us by race, even in science. Hunter Biden. Caller's poem for Rush. Cancel culture. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 18 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:52:32
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Many people are in disbelief about what is going on with the Biden Administration: Biden calls Putin a killer, Russia recalls their ambassador. Biden's border crisis. Rush explains the simple answer to the immigration problem: Enforce the law. Air Force General Glen VanHerck, Commander, U.S. Northern Command says he's concerned about the border. We have an open border in a pandemic. Rush told the truth about Biden while the media was covering for him. Rush on media covering up the situation at the border. Military man on how liberals are weakening the neaning of the uniform. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Special announcement: Starting next week, the EIB Network will be highlighting small businesses that succeeded and were inspired by Rush. The media is recycling the Russia story again: Rush predicted they would feel a steep decline without fake Trump news. Cancer patient: When Rush said "Don't Doubt Me" it changed my life. Rush: Biden is impaired, trojan horse for radical liberals. Rush on the filibuster. Caller became an American citizen to vote for Trump. Rush on Biden killing the Keystone Pipeline. Former Democrat recalls calling Rush. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush on the Washington Establishment and the Russia Hoax, the greatest political scandal of our lifetimes. Governor De Santis bans teaching of critical race theory. Drag queen story hour. Biden proposes the largest tax hike since 1993, so we go back to Rush on the Clinton tax hike of 1993. Caller on Rush's generosity. Virginia teachers compile list of parents who oppose the school district curriculum. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 17 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:54:11
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: One month since Rush passed, now it's up to us to carry on his legacy. Rush on getting older. Never before seen Rush video at Rush shows Rush at his home, earlier this year telling us to never give up. Trump, echoing Rush, emerges to rip Biden on the border crisis. Rush explains why the Democrats are the party of the rich. Classic Rush word invention: The disgronificator. Caller remembers calling Rush, Rush telling him he was "absolutely right". PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Washington Post busted for publishing fake Trump quotes. Rush on the dishonesty of the Drive-By Media. Rush on how Reagan battled the media the same way Trump would. Rush on Rio Linda. California bans screaming on roller coasters? Bedridden listener describes listening to Rush for 29 years. Advice from Rush: Always be yourself. Caller remembers meeting "regular guy" Rush. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush remembers Milton Friedman. Friedman schools Phil Donahue on capitalism and freedom in 1979. Montage of Rush on how sex scandals are resume enhancements for Democrats. Biden on Cuomo, says believe all women -- except Tara Reade. Rush on Operation Warp Speed: Only Trump could've gotten it done that fast. Montage of Rush mentioning some of the many charities he helped over the years. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 16 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:53:16
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush anticipated Biden's Take Your Money tour. Rush explains how Democrats use white guilt as a pretense for raising taxes, separating you from your money. The media called everything a crisis with Trump, but refuses to say we have a crisis on the border. Caller wants to go see Biden because he's so popular and great, but he hardly ever goes out in public. McCarthy and Pelosi on the border and Dr. Suess. Rush answers the question: Why do Democrats want an immigration crisis, open borders and refugees flooding the country? All problems Trump ended. Ken's looking forward to the new Top Gun movie. The battle against leftists in academia: Rush didn't just talk about it, he did something about it, reaching young minds with the Rush Revere books. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush reminds us how important it is to keep the MAGA momentum going, keep the MAGA agenda front and center because it's a winning agenda. Rush thought Sarah Sanders would run for governor of Arkansas when the Drive-By Media was calling her a liar and saying she had no future. Rush on how liberalism killed big city schools. Four out of five NYC office workers aren't coming back, as Rush forecast. Government cycle of printing money, giving it away and raising taxes. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: The Washington Post admits they lied about what was said during Trump's conversation with Georgia election officials, quotes that were used in the Democrats' second Trump impeachment. Rush's definition of Drive-By Media. Meghan Markle considers run for president, reminds us of Rush's testical lockbox bit about Hillary. Is there an awakening to fix voter fraud? Rush on the social justice warrior takeover of the Grammys, Hollywood awards shows. The Grammys want to anger you. Dr. Fauci and the Biden administration demand Trump call on his supporters to get vaccinated. Harris to Pence at VP debate: She wouldn't get vaccinated if Trump told her to. Rush and Trump keep us all in the fight. Trump is like the shark in Jaws for Democrats. Pentagon attacks Tucker Carlson. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 15 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:54:09
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Brett Winterble guides the show. What a difference a year makes -- and Rush warned us about all of it. John Barrasso on the covid relief bill. Rush on the welfare state. De Blasio calls on Cuomo to resign. How the media changes the language: Kids in cages become child detention centers. Pelosi blames Trump for the border crisis, but Rush explained the origins of the immigration crisis back in 2014, when Obama was in charge. Trump's the only president in the last 30 years who tried to fix it. Brett talks about caller on the left's socialist agenda and how it's become popular with younger voters. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The downfall of Andrew Cuomo: If the media makes you, the media can break you. Rush on how overrated Cuomo was during the height of the pandemic. Rush on how Andrew Cuomo caused the subprime mortgage crisis as Clinton's HUD secretary. Rush and Trump on the danger posed by the ChiComs. Rush on how China takes advantage of the Washington Establishment's superpower guilt. Republicans have to keep their focus on taking House back in 2022, not speculation on whether Harris will replace Biden. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Another weekend of leftist violence in West Coast American cities. Epic Rush monologue imploring all of us to push back against the left's attacks on America and our history. Father of eight's heartbreaking story about losing his wife, but keeping the faith, talks about what Rush's words meant to him, especially after the George Floyd killing. Rush on the Democrats' false promises, blaming of problems on Republicans because of white supremacy. Retired African-American military officer on Rush's common sense. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 12 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:51:16
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Biden speech on covid. Biden says that if everything goes just right, we may be able to have small gatherings on July 4th! Rush on Biden's banal speeches full of bromides and meaningless pap. Rush's theory that Obama would be running the Biden administration looking better and better. Liberal caller defends Biden's covid bailout, debates Todd. Brilliant Rush monologue on the repeat cycle of massive Washington spending bills as reaction to crises, real or imagined. The spending is not sustainable, but when will the breaking point arrive? Australian listener on how he discovered Rush. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The classic and brilliant device Rush invented to get around Obama's use of race as a shield against criticism: The Official Obama Criticizer. Rush on Washington politicians playing Santa Claus. Caller on Cuomo. Rush's unique take on daylight savings time. Cuomo refuses to resign. Rio Linda caller reminds Rush of "safe talk" in Sacramento. New listener glad the Limbaugh legacy will continue. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush on how millions of white Americans voted for Obama to end racism and racial strife and instead it all got worse. Caller remembers Rush's take on Obama's "You didn't build that" insult of business owners. How do we stop the march leftward? A conversation between Rush and his great friend, Ken Hutcherson, on the false claims of racism against Rush. Settlement in George Floyd case. Rush's interview with William Shatner. Caller with brain injury wants to be the Official Biden Criticizer. Todd on faith and prayer. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 11 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:52:59
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy blasts covid bailout bill. One year ago, Rush predicted exactly how leftists would exploit the pandemic. Todd's series of uncomfortable questions about the technocrat response to the pandemic. Biden takes no questions. Rush knew Biden would repeat an Obama-style Porkulus. Rush Baby grew up thinking the radio was called The Limbaugh. Psaki: Covid relief bill is most progressive ever. Rush dismantles the term "progressive". Democrats engineering back-door reparations. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Biden to read a speech tonight. Rush told us over and over again that Biden wasn't up to the job. Border crisis and human trafficking. Caller recalls the first time he heard Rush's "America Held Hostage" intro during the Clinton administration. Rush on a communist theory called "Lysenkoism". Rush was skeptical, a truth teller, but never negative. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Epic Rush monologue on race. Rumor that Colin Kaepernick could sign with Seattle Seahawks. Former NY police officer on Rush Is Right bumper stickers on police cars. Democrats are engineering back door reparations starting with black farmers, which Rush exposed in the Obama years. Rush talks to a young African-American caller. Latest Cuomo groping allegation referred to Albany police. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 10 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:53:00
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Biden celebrates a year of lockdown, Rush looks back on the start of the pandemic. Trump was the one guy throughout the pandemic fighting to keep the country open, keep the economy going. Rush on how liberals, government shrink the economic pie, make people dependent on government. Rush: Democrats sell benefits, Republicans sell features. As Biden brags about massive covid bailout bill, Rush explains how Obamacare took over 1/6th of the economy. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: We have profound crisis at the border again. Rush on unaccompanied minors at the border in the Obama era. $1.9 trillion covid bailout bill math. Rush busted Biden early on his politicization of the virus: We have to learn to live with it. Rush and Trump were right about hydroxychloroquine. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush on the real history of the now-cancelled Aunt Jemima. House passes Biden's $1.9 trillion covid-relief bill that has very little to do with covid relief. Cancel culture and Dr. Seuss. Rush's conversation with a female, minority CEO. Emotional listener passes Rush Revere on to grandchildren. Rights come from God, not government. Learn more about your ad-choices at
The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 09 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:49:12
PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Biden “porkulus” stimulus used to pay off unions, just as Rush explained it when Obama did the same thing. Rush explains how Democrat stimulus bills launder campaign contributions through unions. Caller says GOP not taking Rush's advice. Rush was an unheralded psychologist, said Democrats had BDD -- Budget Deficit Disorder. "The Age of Rush", Fox Nation's four-part series on Rush narrated by Vice President Pence, premieres tomorrow. Caller discusses religion with Todd. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Why do Democrats want open borders, unlimited illegal immigration? Rush's conversation with a California doctor about the ramifications of illegal immigration during the pandemic. Caller wants to hear Rush's commentary after 9/11 and more of the Medal of Freedom story. Clip from Fox Nation's four-part series, “The Age of Rush.” Caller on colleges and covid rules. Rush on open borders during the pandemic, put a mask on the Statue of Liberty. Biden forgets the name of his secretary of defense. Biden looks lost at photo-op. Biden afraid to give State of the Union address. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush's conversation about race with The Breakfast Club. Senator Tim Scott on wokeness. The never-ending debate on race, systemic racism. Rush's explanation of the soft bigotry of low expectations in an analysis of commentary by Shelby Steele. Cancer patient diagnosed on the same day as Rush thanks him for his inspiration and bravery. Caller credits Rush with inspiring him to start a magazine. Learn more about your ad-choices at