
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Rush Limbaugh Show, the most-listened-to national talk show in America, features the “Doctor of Democracy’s” unprecedented combination of serious discussion of political, cultural and social issues, along with satirical and biting humor, which parodies previously “untouchable” personalities and topics. Limbaugh’s passion inspires millions of Americans to be the best they can be and keeps the country on course to a bright future.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 08 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:52:07

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guides us from Seattle. Biden, Democrats push through massive spending bill that has very little to do with "covid" relief. Rush on how massive spending spawned the Tea Party. GOP tried to stop checks from going to Boston Bomber, Dems voted it down. Cuomo. Washington Post on the covid bill, lockdowns. Rush told us there would be no unity. With Cuomo mired in sex scandal, we go back to the classic Rush take on Eliot Spitzer: Love Client #9. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Trump sends cease-and-desist letters to GOP organization warning them not to use his name in fundraising. Rush on how Trump is responsible for everything the GOP won down ballot in the 2020 election. Caller raised on EIB wants to raise his children with Rush. Valuable Rush call with a JFK-era Democrat. Facebook won't ban Calypso Louie despite what he says about the vaccine -- which Rush exposed months ago. Thank the Lord, Rush Limbaugh's On. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: With the George Floyd trial coming up, we listen to Rush's wise words on identity politics, the George Floyd incident. Rush on the left's never-ending quest to alter human nature. Callers share their appreciation and the meaning of Rush to them. Caller recalls the moment he learned about Rush. 15-year-old Rush Baby will continue to learn from him. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 05 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:52:18

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews guides us on Open Line Friday. Congress passes ridiculous COVID relief bill. Rush on how Washington uses every crisis to pass huge spending bills with your money. It's Open Line Friday: What was your Limbaugh Lightbulb moment? Rush on what makes a great teacher. Caller's lightbulb moment: Rush's analysis of JFK's speech to the Economic Club of New York. The Limbaugh Immigration Bill would actually fix the problem. Female caller says her lightbulb moment was Rush talking about feminism. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush nuked the fake news about the Capitol riot, Democrats ongoing narrative that Trump supporters are a threat to commit violence, planning more "attacks" on Capitol. Rush on the fake news narratives used against Trump. Caller's lightbulb moment: Rush's one-week anniversary TV show. Memorable and informative Rush monologue on educating liberals on American Exceptionalism. Police officer's lightbulb moment: A friend asked her to listen to one show, and she's listened for the last 10 years. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Supreme Court dismisses sanctuary cities cases at request of Biden DOJ. Japanese businessman offers to bring 8 people on trip to moon. Rush's advice for Democrats like Andrew Cuomo on how to escape sex scandals. Cuomo harassment scandal distracting from nursing home deaths. Caller's story about how her son knocked on Rush's grandfather's door, was invited in and talked to him for an hour -- then went to Rush's mother's house and did the same thing! How Rush debunked false narratives. Rush's sense of humor sticks with you. Classic Rush call with an immigrant from Argentina. Caller's lightbulb moment: Rush inspired her to become a teacher. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 04 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:51:08

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews guides us through today's program. When the world celebrated Andrew Cuomo, Rush told us he was an empty suit. Trump was the person who cared about the country, cared about people. Cuomo only cared about himself. The media covers up for Democrats like Cuomo. Christopher Wray claims there was no leftist or Antifa infiltration in the Capitol Hill riot. The White House cuts off a feed of Biden right as he says he'll take questions. Rush foresaw the Phantom presidency of Biden when he campaigned hiding in his basement. Rush warned us Biden would take credit for the Trump vaccine. A third of the Capitol Hill riot cases have been dropped. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Cuomo's lawyers. Washington Football Team introduces male cheerleaders. Rush on the chickification of America: The Man Shower. One of the greatest EIB montages of all time: Gravitas! Rush's epic commentary on the impact of social media on young people. Your motivation in life shouldn't be fame, it should be achievement and excellence in a field you love, and, if fame comes with it, that's okay. Rush and Kathryn call contest winners -- who had confidence they would win! Rush loved giving presents. Ken reveals he once waited on hold for an hour to win an iPhone from Rush. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush plays The Battle Hymn of the Republic from the welcoming ceremony President George W. Bush held for Pope Benedict, asked how he could hear the music with his cochlear implant he said: "I can always hear the music of God". Rush monologue: Liberalism Is a Religion. Caller on how the media lies to us. Ken on how the media is reporting lies on "threat" to the Capitol, what's going on at the border. Rush teaches the true history and meaning of the Statue of Liberty. Rush's famous unintelligible Ted Kennedy sound bite. The Battle Hymn of the Republic and the greatness of America. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 03 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:52:34

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Former Congressman Jason Lewis guides us through today's program, opens the show by discussing the 113th Congress in which he served, everything that was accomplished in President Trump's first two years. Rush on how the learning never stops at the Limbaugh Institute. The difference between how Democrats and Republicans use power, Kristi Noem is an example of a Republican who gets it. A third party wouldn't even be discussed if the GOP united around conservatism and using power to defeat Democrats. Rush on how Democrats use identity politics as a distraction from their disastrous policies. Is it worth running for Congress? Election integrity. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush on how the Democrats used COVID restrictions to change voting rules, further their goal of wiping out elections. Rush took a call from a mail carrier on mail-in ballot fraud. Rush talks to a caller about how Establishment Republicans were squandering an opportunity to save the country because they refused to embrace conservatism. Conservatism works every time it's tried. Caller on devotion to the truth. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush tells stories that show his love for his cats and dogs. Rush on meeting Mikhail Gorbachev at George H.W. Bush's birthday party. How Gorbachev's birthmark moved to Rush's head. Rush relives his classic Reagan-era innovation: The Gorbasm. Dittohead: We need to stick together and carry on the fight. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 02 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:51:33

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guides us through today's program. Rush's rebuttal to Joe Biden's assertion that America and Mexico are "equal". As he explained to a 13-year-old caller: Becoming an American citizen should not be easy. Todd airs a private conversation between Rush and Kathryn about planning Rush's "event". Kathryn Limbaugh joins us and describes and shares Rush's funeral and burial in St. Louis. Kathryn takes calls. Caller explains how Rush inspired her to speak up for her conservative values in high school and college. Kathryn plans to do more Rush Revere books. Kathryn on Rush's love for the military, and their pets. Kathryn on how Rush pushed through cancer to do the radio show that he loved. Rush didn't know he had done his last show, and he took it one day at a time and knew it was all God's plan. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Kathryn continues to take calls on our beloved Rush, shares a prayer Vice President Pence recommended to her, promises to come back again. Classic audio: Rush's original gag endorsement of Bill Clinton in 1992. Rush remembers William F. Buckley, Jr. Caller on how Rush inspired her to keep fighting for America. Rush taught us a lesson in the way he handled death. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush told us it would take more than one election to save the country. Classic EIB Caller: Mick from the High Mountains of New Mexico. Cancer survivor thanks Rush and Kathryn for their contributions to cancer research. El Rushbo skewering the Cuomo brothers a few months ago. Illustrating absurdity by being absurd: the update themes. Callers on what Rush's sense of humor meant to them. Todd replays Rush and Kathryn's conversation about his funeral. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 01 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:47:04

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1:                                         Brett Winterble guides us through today's program. Trump honors Rush in CPAC speech. Kathryn delivers acceptance speech at CPAC as Rush is inducted into the Conservative Hall of Fame. Trump echoes Rush: The Republican Party is the party of love. Trump and Rush on election integrity. Rush on busting the Establishment Republican desire to be Washington's lovable losers.                          PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Trump on Biden reversing his immigration policies. Rush on the principled opposition to amnesty. Callers on Rush, CPAC. Trump on Biden separating families and detaining children at the border. Rush told the truth about the "kids in cages" lie. Obama and Biden did the same thing Trump did at the border. Now Biden is doing it. Trump on how Biden's open borders policy will impact you. Caller: Vast majority of illegal immigrants are all fleeing socialist countries. Election integrity and immigration.                             PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Remembering Rush's grandfather, Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Sr. and Rush's mother, Mildred. African-American conservative who's been listening to Rush since 1988 says that many African-Americans are instinctively conservative but don't realize it. Caller who started his own business based on what he learned from Rush. Clip from 1992 when Rush talked to Charlie Rose about how environmentalism is a tool for socialists. Caller: Rush warned us about what was coming with the Green New Deal and cancel culture. Caller will fly his flag at half staff all summer in honor of Rush. Trump at CPAC: Rush is irreplaceable. Caller who discovered Rush after his first book, The Way Things Ought to Be. Alcoholic caller on dealing with losing Rush. Retired military man on Rush. Trump: Rush is irreplaceable. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 26 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:36

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush explains his famous "I hope he fails" comments about Obama. Biden bombs Syria. We relive Rush's famous take on actor Ron Silver and "Those are our planes now" at the Clinton inaugural. Caller asks Rush what he'd miss most if he could no longer afford it. Caller says his female co-worker is getting an EIB tattoo. Recalling the Rush Babes phenomenon. Caller still has her Rush Babe magnet. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Governor DeSantis honors Rush in CPAC speech. Rush from 2008 on what would result from massive government spending and bailouts. Caller remembers talking to Rush's mother. DeSantis was emotional talking about Rush. The time a caller asked Rush to start a dating website. Contest winner missed a call from Rush and Kathryn telling him he won a contest. Caller says Rush gave him the courage to become self-employed. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush's analysis of his CPAC speech. Rush: You have to be honest about who you are. Touching call from Air Force Brat and military wife: Rush is Home. Call from soldier who escorted Rush on his trip to Afghanistan. The story of how Rush nicknamed Chatsworth Osborne, Jr. Caller discovered Rush on TV. Russian immigrant learned about America from Rush. Rush's many comebacks and triumphs over adversity. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 25 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:40

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews guides today's celebration of Rush. Rush explains American exceptionalism. The inspiration for Liberty of the Rush Revere series. Rush exposed the left's climate change fraud. It takes a special kind of stupid to be this acquiescent to The State. Tribute to Rush at CPAC this weekend. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: CPAC will honor Rush this weekend. We review Rush's 2009 CPAC speech. 13-year-old reads beautiful poem about Rush. Rush explains why young people are liberals. Rush reminisces about the Sacramento days. Rush's voice reassures America. Ken talks about meeting Rush. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush talks about success without going to college, what he learned walking among the elites. Caller's story about the first time he heard Rush, how Rush kept his mother alive after his father passed away. Caller who operated one of the famous Rush Rooms. Rush on dropping out of college after failing speech class. A caller on what she encountered in college. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 24 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:35

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman hosts today's tribute to Rush. Governor Ron DeSantis orders Florida flags to fly at half-staff in honor of Rush, Florida Democrat Agriculture Commissioner refuses the order. Rush talking about Governor DeSantis, his desire for an honorary degree from the Limbaugh Institute and his guts in taking on the left and Big Tech. Rush on the lesson of Tiger Woods' comeback: Don't worry about what other people think of you. El Rusbho had Dr. Fauci's number from the beginning, covered him with his one-of-a-kind combination of humor and serious discussion of issues. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush on the Mars Rover, his love of technology, space exploration and flight, inspired by his family. Obama and Springsteen launch a podcast, Rush told us why. Caller says Rush converted him from socialism. Democrat Ro Khanna admits that Democrats are using minimum wage to kill small businesses. Rush makes the complex understandable on the minimum wage and how Democrats have become the party of Big Business. Caller speaks for all of us: We miss Rush so much. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush on how Democrats survive on good intentions. More on the minimum wage. Remembering the day in 1992 when Rush "endorsed Bill Clinton". The Maha Rushie on how to be happy. Recalling when America partied in Rush Rooms. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 23 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:49:41

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Former EIB call screener Brett Winterble hosts today's tribute to Rush. Montage of Rush talking to Mr. Winterble. Rush on how Ronald Reagan inspired the people who make the country work. Rush's reflections on his 25th anniversary of this program. Callers tell stories of how Rush inspired them to succeed. Caller who told C-SPAN he chose Rush over his wife and got divorced. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: When Rush realized this was more than just a show: Rush remembers his days in Sacramento, Dan's Bake Sale. Caller talks about how Rush would calm him down after a weekend of bad news. Rush recalls the Slim Whitman gag and how it taught Rush the impact of the program. Caller calculates how much of their waking hours listeners devoted to Rush. Nobody could hold an audience like Rush, created generations of Rush babies. Rush always wanted to be challenged. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Classic segment where Rush gets song requests. A Rush Baby raising a Rush Grandbaby. Caller remembers visiting Rush Limbaugh, the TV Show. 2005: Sergeant Clay thanks Rush on behalf of military members all over the world. Caller tells Rush that he saved his life. How Rush overcame obstacles: Follow your passions. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 22 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:33

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guest hosts and talks to Kathryn Limbaugh, who announces plans for virtual memorial for Rush. Kathryn talks about the first time she met Rush. Caller tells Kathryn how he lost his mother and Rush in the same year, what Rush meant to him. Kathryn on how Elton John came to sing at their wedding and Elton and Rush's surprising friendship. Caller tells Kathryn how she loved Mondays because she got to hear Rush after the weekend, how she bought the Rush Revere books for her grandchildren. Kathryn talks about how they came up with the idea for Rush Revere. Caller asks about Rush's daily routine: He never stopped working. Rush on the Rush Revere books. Caller compares Rush to Churchill, Kathryn agrees, reveals there is a painting of Churchill in Rush's library. It's not time to panic. It's up to us to carry on Rush's legacy. Caller who listened to Rush since 1988, felt Rush was a part of her family. Rush belongs to all of us. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Hour 2 of Kathryn taking calls on Rush's life and legacy. Veteran caller thanks Rush and Kathryn for their support of the military. Kathryn on Rush's generosity and how Rush would help people privately. Kathryn describes their first date, gifts Rush gave her, trip they took to Monaco. Caller suggests battle cry for the Rush Army: Rush Strong. Caller on how Rush was like a father to her, homeschool grandma teaching Rush Revere to her grandkids. Kathryn hopes to continue the Rush Revere series, possibly do an animated cartoon. Kathryn is a descendant of John Adams. Rush was a modern-day Founding Father. The Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation is starting a scholarship in Rush's name. Rush and Kathryn started charitable foundation of their own. Rush from 2010 talking about how he met Kathryn, and describing the wedding, the happiest weekend of his life. Caller on the first time she heard Rush and got hooked in a matter of days. Kathryn thanks the audience and shares her loss with them. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: The Rush Limbaugh Show and the Limbaugh Institute are not going anywhere. Montage of Rush talking about his love for Kathryn. Rush and Kathryn's favorite song, "Your Song" by Elton John. Rush from 2019 on God and Truth. Rush's all-time, top-ten favorite female names. Caller who describes getting up the nerve to call Rush. Rush from his last Christmas show. Caller on Rush's talent on loan from God. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 19 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:51:13

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn hosts a tribute to Rush. Margaret Thatcher's words from Reagan's eulogy. You can send condolences to the Limbaugh family via the condolences tab at RushLimbaugh.com. Rush explains how he got his theme song, My City Was Gone by Chrissie Hynde. Montage: Everybody remembers the first time they heard Rush. Kathryn will join us on Monday to take calls from you. Clip from Rush on an early leased access cable show from the ‘80s. Caller on what Rush meant to him. Conservatives live in a left-wing world. Liberals are never exposed to conservatives, but Rush could convert them. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush discusses his induction into the Missouri Hall of Fame and how he took a different path from his family full of lawyers and judges. Rush interviews Justice Clarence Thomas. Rush's classic fard-ing joke. Rush God Rest Ye Merry, Gentleman gag from his TV show. Caller on how Rush made his father laugh. The first time you heard Rush. Ron DeSantis to fly Florida flags at half staff in honor of Rush. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush discusses his legendary parodies. Rush's Born Free Andy Williams Animal Rights Update. Mark tells story of his first email from Rush about a Bobby Darin record. Rush debates a caller: Do you become a jerk if all you eat is organic food? Truck driver remembers finding Rush at 16 years old in a car with only AM radio. Rush's grandfather lived past 100. We all expected Rush to be around for many more years, but it wasn't meant to be. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 18 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:49:48

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts a celebration of Rush. The EIB Network is not going away. Rush has left the stage, but he has not left us. We will continue his legacy and shine the light on his memory. Rush was not an overnight success, he worked harder than anyone. Rush was a teacher. Rush's bravery working through cancer. Rush loved life, pursued happiness, wanted that for every American. Rush's optimism. Montage of conservatives calling Rush the greatest of all time. From 2018: Rush talks about his love of music, admiration for Aretha Franklin. From 2019: Rush advises a caller on how to achieve success. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush's impact goes far behind politics. How many businesses did Rush make successful? Rush loved the team that worked with him. Ainsley Earhardt tells a story about Rush's faith as told to her by Rush's niece Christen. Todd tells story of Gold Star dad reached out to by Rush. President Trump on Rush's passing. Rush from 2008: Don't allow yourself to be defeated by self-imposed limitations. Rush from 2020: Recalling the Sally Jessy Raphael-Paul Harvey story. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: From 2013: Rush talks about how humbled he was by the success of his books. The companies that became huge by advertising on this show. John Rich about a $100,000 donation Rush made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Vice President Mike Pence: There will never be another like him. From his 30th anniversary in 2018: Rush plays old tapes from his DJ days as "Jeff Christie" and early Rush to Excellence Tours, discusses his 20-year journey to overnight success. Perhaps Rush's final lesson was his acceptance of the will of God. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 17 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:44:07

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Kathryn Limbaugh pays her respects to her husband and your host, Rush Limbaugh. From today on, there will be a tremendous void in our lives and on the radio. On behalf of the Limbaugh family, thank you for your prayers. Let’s continue Rush’s mission. God bless Rush and God Bless America. The rest of the hour is a Best of Rush tribute. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Best of Rush tribute PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Best of Rush tribute Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 16 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:46:54

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on Tuesday. Millions without power in Texas amid Winter Storm Warning. Rush audio monologue: Your host had Cuomo pegged from the start of COVID. Worldwide curfews. The Afghan War of public health crises. Red state power falls into blue hands. Texas panhandle. Florida is the only free state on this continent. Cuomo is the savior and DeSantis is the opposite. Backlash against other officials with COVID mandates for nursing homes. Janice Dean calls for signing the petition to impeach Cuomo. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Make this show, and Rush Limbaugh, a part of your homeschooling curriculum. Biden isn’t making the important calls; Harris is. Why is the vice president so important now? King Cuomo should be removed from office or just lose his emergency powers. Taliban has a workplace accident. With the swamp is back, endless wars are back. The time will never be right ever again. A one-shot "armed insurrection." Half of the country demands we live with a blizzard of lies. Becoming hard totalitarian: The criminalization of opposition. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: China is in a hurry as they know they’ll be the world power by the end of Biden’s term. Trumpism needs a Trump-sized figure. A history of modern American conservatism. Oregon says showing work in math is white supremacy. Blue states botching the vaccine rollout. Do you know how to circle back? China uses a combination of military force and theft to its advantage. We still treat China like a developing nation. The biggest mistake of the pandemic. China must be punished and Obama is to blame. Remember Ashley Babbit’s name. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 15 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:47:54

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Monday. Rush’s predictions. Washington uniparty can’t give up on going after Trump. The left raises government up as God. Abraham Lincoln’s warning. A hallmark of tyranny. New York Times quietly edits story about Capitol Hill cop’s death. Wait, was that Harry Reid? Professional Republicans chose to ignore what was happening in America. Nancy Pelosi didn’t want to take the stand. Warnock’s “getaway car.” PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Governors that need to be impeached. De Blasio wants a full accounting of Andrew Cuomo’s obstruction of justice. Gavin Newsom’s unequal protection. Kate Brown gave stimulus money to rioters. Jay Inslee enabled violence. Fauci should be fired, impeached and taken to civil court. Leveraging fear for money and power. Caller: Trump should run for governor of California. A shattered Mitch McConnell’s comments about Trump’s acquittal. Operation Chaos, the sequel. Jen Psaki breaks Democrats own rules with transphobic statement. Trump exposed the lack of normalcy in our system. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Abraham Lincoln’s warning of “mobocracy.” The left’s “mobocracy” and the Turtle did nothing to stop it. Peace and tranquility is when there is equal treatment under the law. By not stopping the rioters, you helped the rioters, Mitch. Our role in cooling the political pressure cooker. Eric Swalwell’s mystery wife disappeared from the internet. Caller: Democrats helped get Trump elected. Rand Paul’s hypocrisy. Trump defense attorney Michael van der Veen’s literal mic-drop moment. Leave D.C. and just hang out with normal Americans. Why today is the day God has made. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 12 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:48:22

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Open Line Friday. The political hit on Andrew Cuomo. Nikki Haley back to hating Trump. A professional Republican third party to counter Trumpism. Trial of the bizarre is an indication of what reforms the Republican Party needs. National Pulse links what Dems say and what they accuse Trump of doing. Caller: I was in the Capitol and I’m proud of what I did. The media incited storming the Capitol. Justification for authoritarianism. Climate change wacko: We need to break your will.f PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Cuomo hid nursing home death totals to avoid DOJ. Prayers to the families affected by Cuomo’s lies. The only apology was for the political inconvenience to Democrats. Biden wants to restrict travel to Florida, but Cuomo is in the White House today. The political hit on Cuomo has the advantage of being the right thing. DeSantis: Florida travel ban a farce and political revenge. How to get started in politics. Unpeachment hearing update. Cynthia Johnson’s threats. FBI hypocrisy when it comes to Trump supporters and Antifa. TIME admits collusion and meddling with 2020 election. Caller: I hope Trump wins again, but I still won’t vote. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: TIME’s accidental piece of journalism. It’s not an impeachment, it’s an indictment. Nick Kristoff wants to put Fox News on trial. New York Times blames talk radio for violence. A list of issues for Republicans to address. Why Republicans are afraid to tackle election fraud issue. Unnoticed victory: In a time of universal deceit, we have not been deceived. Flexing of technocratic muscle. COVID hysteria. Expand your prayers for Rush. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 11 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:27

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Brett Winterble guest hosts for Rush on Thursday. We are witnessing Trump Derangement Withdrawal. Hillary Clinton is the most suspect political figure in years. It’s all about getting Trump. Rand Paul’s history of being threatened with violence. A series of impeachment tells. The Lincoln Project’s impeachment ad. Conservatives stand with law enforcement. Don’t fall for the Democrats’ trap. Prison inmates are receiving stimulus checks. Lucasfilm fires actress, fighter Gina Carano because of social media post. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The left’s obsession with lists and labels. Gina Carano fired while former “The Mandalorian” co-star Pedro Pascal goes scot-free. Liberals have no idea what white supremacy is. Caller: Trump made me feel like an American. The elite’s message to you. Leftist fantasy: To be a Trump supporter is to be a white supremacist. Fighting Irish? Is Notre Dame culpable? Critical Race Theory being taught in schools. How progressives chose to protect José Inez García Zárate at the expense of Kate Steinle. James O’Keefe and Project Veritas kicked off Twitter. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: We are watching cancel culture going into colossal overdrive. This is about the elites keeping power. Big Tech kneecaps Project Veritas to protect itself, Big Media. Those driven from social media will find encrypted apps. Antifa gets a pass for its violence. Gas up 18 percent under Biden, could go up to $4 per gallon. Caller: Replace Republican Party with Freedom Party. Child of power, Lisa Murkowski, defends who is in power. Rush Limbaugh, the original social media. Minneapolis diner owners sue mayor for violent riots that burned down business. Filter out the nonsense. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 10 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:53:21

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Brett Winterble guest hosts for Rush on Wednesday. Capitol riot not in doubt, the culpability is. Impeachment trial is religious zealotry. There’s no direct connection from Trump to attack. Democrats use Jan. 6 acts to flip script on Republicans. Jamie Raskin better than Schiff and Nadler at impeachment. Dems hail Founders that they otherwise wish to cancel. Leftists on Discord admit they infiltrated rally and incited violence. Long game of impeachment. A tale of two realities. Washington is force. It’s all about control. Guilt by association. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Joaquin Castro’s incitement. Dirty little secret for impeachment managers. John Sullivan incites violence but Democrats use his footage for trial. Eric Swalwell’s Chinese penetration is fair game. Bill Cassidy virtue signals after impeachment vote. Mark Cuban panders to China and the woke, ditches Star-Spangled Banner. Dems repeat the same things over and over at trial. Sullivan has more capability than Trump. Colin Kaepernick’s social justice SPAC. We, the people, should remain patriotic. Trump impeached for having a different opinion. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: An overwhelming majority did not storm the Capitol. The left’s fear. Legitimate questions. It’s about dollars in coffers, not opening up schools. Dirty little secret: Teachers unions feel safer at home. Rush is right again! Salesforce says 9 to 5 workday is dead. Underwhelming Trump attorneys. Another 9/11? No, the Capitol riot was another Benghazi. The Great American MacGuffin. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. A first 100 days to crash and burn. If we stay united, we can’t lose this fight. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 09 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:52:59

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Tuesday. Impeachment turns Senate into a Twinkie. Rand Paul stakes ground on equal treatment. The importance of whataboutisms. NPR’s dirty tactics. People left the Republican Party over doing nothing about leftist riots, not storming the Capitol. D.C. Republicans don’t have a backbone. The attempt to collapse the country to install communism. Why not impeach Truman for Japan bombings? NFL gets rolled, Super Bowl ratings hit 14-year low. Trump offered National Guard support before Jan. 6th. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Todd Herman interviews The Federalist senior editor and Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway. We are groups of people who are not deceived. Second impeachment: A historic, nefarious farce. The threat against the republic itself. People who want to topple the system. Progressive public system indoctrination. Top three things Mollie would address to save the country. "Unpeachment" update. Congress attempts to shift 1/6 blame with impeachment trial. Roberts takes SCOTUS election fraud case when no remedy can be made. Election security is the most important issue. Good Republicans and ones with their heads screwed on straight. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Solutions for America. Demand school choice. Seize your Republican party. Election transparency. The Fair Tax. Be an amplifier of the outrageous truth. USA Today fact-checks biology in women’s sports. Government a la carte. Home run idea: Virtual Congress that can be viewed by the public. Cut off the funds by removing Congress from Washington. Go back to the Constitution. Admitted conspiracy by TIME. Combatting the poison in politics. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com