
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Rush Limbaugh Show, the most-listened-to national talk show in America, features the “Doctor of Democracy’s” unprecedented combination of serious discussion of political, cultural and social issues, along with satirical and biting humor, which parodies previously “untouchable” personalities and topics. Limbaugh’s passion inspires millions of Americans to be the best they can be and keeps the country on course to a bright future.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 08 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:53:52

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Monday. The “un-peachment.” Examples of Democrats inciting violence could take weeks. Call these dis-illusionist Dems to the stand. Oppression of reality. TIME writer brags the media is a part of the leftist cabal. Independent thinker Tom Brady wins seventh Super Bowl. Where’s the outrage over Biden’s Super Bowl flyover? Election fraud in two counties, nowhere else. Make Democrats own up to the farce. If they can impeach Trump, can we impeach Obama and Clinton? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Hunter Biden still entangled with Chinese BHR firm. Everything mockingbird media is mad at Trump for, Biden has actually done. The Super Bowl halftime show debate. Demand cleaned-up voter rolls. Republicans have lost big business. Inmates get vaccines before grandparents across the country. Race-based vaccine distribution. Bruce Springsteen wants unity after calling you a deplorable for four years. The NFL and its social justice hypocrisy. The Omar Act to combat Ilhan Omar’s fundraising scheme of a marriage. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Low-trust society. Mitt’s motives and moral beliefs. We know the impeachment is unconstitutional. Lawlessness reigns in cities like Seattle and Portland. TIME article is the article of the year for all the wrong reasons. Media is waiting to blame COVID all on Trump. Cardi B blames Republicans for demise of WAP success. Perkins Cooie and Obama. Saving your red state through zoning commissions. Springsteen’s plan for unity. How to handle the impeachment trial. One nation under God. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 05 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:49:20

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews guest hosts for Rush on Open Line Friday. Biden’s secretary of state orders standdown to investigate white supremacy. Hunter Biden’s memoir is a victimhood game. China mandates manly boys. Time confesses Democrats stole election. Rights we are losing and have given away. AOC first Latina to win Jussie Smollett award. The damage Biden has done in just 16 days. St. Louis considers spy planes to fly over city. Good side of 2020: America is awake now. Schiff wants to appoint Newsom as attorney general. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Ken Matthews continues on a very big Open Line Friday. Newsom recall gains steam. Wisconsin dictator overrules the legislature that overruled masks order. The lovers of the swamp. Government isn't driven by common sense. Maxine Waters claims Trump planned the "invasion," "premeditated murder." No new wars from Trump, but Biden invades Syria again. The deep state is still hiding Russia hoax documents that President Trump declassified (they started trying to take him out in 2015). SAG. ChiComs worry about feminized boys to be manly, while Rand Paul has to call out the absurdity of letting American boys compete against girls. The GOP let Trump down.  PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Ken Matthews wraps up an exciting Open Line Friday. The media ignores the progress of patriots on exposing voter fraud. Jan. 6, like COVID, is bad, but don't break from reality. Michigan liberals unaware that electric cars are powered by fossil fuels (usually coal). Another day, another Republican throwing Trump under the bus. Trump didn't realize that so many people in high government office would be sleazes. We have fun with the left's attacks. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 04 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:15

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on Thursday. We are in a post-political age. The Democrats plan to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from House committee assignments. Military Times: 60-day standdown to remove extremists from military. Hunter Biden to publish memoir “Beautiful Things” April 6th. In 9/11 terms, the “domestic terrorists” have won. The Democrats are moving forward. Trump is ensnared by a thousand predators. China to enforce prevention of feminizing boys. Military didn’t root out the Fort Hood terrorist. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Freedom of movement has died. John Kerry has no choice but to take private planes. We’ve degenerated to a permanent hereditary ruling class. If America loses its freedom, the world will lose its freedom. Democrat stimuli are just payoffs to the lobbyists. Fox News lays off person responsible for calling Arizona on the night of the election. Democrats demand Trump testify at second impeachment. Trump should turn the impeachment into a glorified episode of “The Apprentice.” Arizona Senate finds Maricopa County board in contempt after failing to comply with subpoena demanding access to election machines. Trump has resigned from the Screen Actors Guild. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Leftist lawyer responsible for Russia hoax is still permitted to complain about election fraud. Form the single-issue party, the Paper Ballot Party. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s private security is not an example of domestic terrorism. Democrat media complex concocted domestic terrorism narrative. Most liberals are happy to be pulled to the left. House votes to strip Greene of her committee assignments. Peruvian lawyer has sex session during court Zoom call. Why not strip Eric Swalwell or Ilhan Omar of their assignments? When the rules only work for one side, it’s not a game anymore. Wisconsin State Assembly throws out mask mandate. What could have been done to prevent everything from Jan. 6 and on. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 3 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:52:03

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1:                                           Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Wednesday. Rejecting the left’s notion of normalcy. The New York Times’ evil idea of a truth czar. How manufactured reality cost Trump the election. Would Biden’s duplicity be called out by the left’s truth czar? Facebook is a truth-manufacturing system for Democrats. The violence of the left. Cuomo doesn’t care where people die of COVID. Reality policing in only one direction. Ground yourself in truth. The left wants the question of “why” stomped out.                                        PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2:  The truth now and then. Israel’s cases up despite vaccine effort. Gavin Newsom can be recalled. Moments of awakening. It’s good for people to ask the powerful question of “why?” Why some institutions won’t call out hypocrisy. Joe Biden and China. Why is Mayor Pete in charge of transportation? Why are we becoming less energy independent?                                       PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Todd Herman interviews Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean. Rush on Janice Dean’s situation. Andrew Cuomo’s deadly hypocrisy. The age of deception. Why is the Cuomo story not mainstream news? Threats on Janice Dean. If Cuomo was a Republican, he’d be in jail. We care if loved ones die in nursing homes. Question the election. Simple why questions can help us win our country back. Three Idaho guardsmen die in helicopter crash. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 02 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:44

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Democrat impeachment filing filled with lies designed to keep him from future public life. Washington Post wants to stop Trump from having a presidential library. Saudis donated to Bush, Clinton libraries. Trump library would become biggest tourist attraction in America. Second impeachment is extension of four-year effort to destroy Trump popularity. Karl Rove says he knew about Lincoln Project founder John Weaver since 1988. Journalist Ryan Girdusky says Weaver was biggest open secret in Washington. More old Weaver audio saying Trump was morally unfit for office. Biden State Department spokesperson previously said cops were the biggest national security threat to America. Biden cancels first major speech because of 2 inches of snow in Washington. Biden administration considers withholding intel briefings from former President Trump. AOC's gross manipulation, ties trauma of January 6th Capitol riot to her own past alleged sexual assault. Caller on Trump impeachment, AOC's alleged sexual assault. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: People experience all different kinds of trauma. AOC's trauma story. Prosecutor and former abuse victim on Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh. Rush apologizes if anyone thought he was making light of sexual abuse victims. AOC and BLM aim to use January 6th as reason to push for expulsion of 100 House members who contested the election. AOC accused Ted Cruz of trying to get her murdered, was she telling the truth? Former New Yorker moved to Arizona to run for Congress, seeks advice. DeSantis cracks down on Big Tech. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush advises Trump supporter thinking of running for office to go for it. DeSantis cracks down on Big Tech. CNN still talking about things Trump. Miranda Devine on the Big Tech oligarchs. Jen Psaki says White House will monitor for violence across the country during impeachment trial. Psaki says "um" and "circle back" all the time. Psaki pre-screens briefing questions. Jim Acosta: Media shouldn't make Biden presidency into must-see tv. CNN fact-checker doesn't think he has to check Biden, because Biden doesn't lie. How you know the GameStop story is political. How many Keystone workers voted for Biden? Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Feb 01 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:54:55

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Everybody knew Trump-Russia collusion was a hoax. ChiComs assure citizens they won't waddle like penguins after COVID anal swab. Biden gives Peter Strzok's wife a job. Capitol rioter planted pipe bombs the night before Trump's speech. LA bans TVs in bars. Harris says fired coal miners can get jobs "reclaiming abandoned land mines". #BidenLied trends on Twitter because he promised $2,000 checks, never delivered. Kudlow: There is no economic crisis outside of NY, CA shut downs. Lincoln Project founder John Weaver exposed as sexual predator toward young men, excommunicated from Never Trump movement. What was Kamala Harris trying to say? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Weaver was very close to McCain. MSNBC never asked Lincoln Project guests about Weaver until today, even though the story has been out there for weeks. The Never Trumpers aren't successful in the marketplace, they're taken care of by the establishment. They couldn't make it in the private sector. Caller wants to know why Trump didn't shut down the Russia investigation, when everyone knew it was a hoax. Trump on advice of his lawyers, cooperated with the Mueller probe in the beginning. Mueller's two goals: Target Trump, cover up for investigators who had broken the law. Everyone in Washington knew Mueller's real purpose. There was never any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Media, establishment protected Hillary. Deep State still trying to destroy Trump. Left has no coalesced power and is trying to erase our past, renaming schools, opening borders, destroying lives for free expression. Caller says Rush epitomizes one of her dad's favorite sayings. Corruption in Washington is deeper than we ever knew. Nobody was able to stop it. Kinzinger wants to take back GOP from Trump. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Never Trump Rep. Adam Kinzinger wants to take back the GOP, hand it back to the establishment. Dozens of George W. Bush staffers reportedly plan to leave GOP over Capitol Hill riot, Trump, conspiracy theories. Why must everyone swear to the legitimacy of the election? The establishment is scared to death of Trump rising from ashes. There is still hope of informing people about what is going on. Many Keystone Pipeline workers probably didn't know Biden would kill their jobs. Stephanopoulos insisted Rand Paul say Biden's election was legitimate. Abandoned mine land reclamation and re-forestation. NASA's Mars Perseverance rover to make complicated and dangerous landing on Mars. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 29 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:52:55

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Everyone talking about Rush's unique take on the GameStop story. Rush is his own best PR guy. Same people who got bailed out in the 2008 financial crisis still in charge of Wall Street. Pent up frustration with the elites is what let to Trump's election. Establishment was not going to allow Trump to win in 2020 and now they are reversing everything he did: Tearing down wall at the border, erecting a wall at the Capitol. Why the GameStop story is an endorsement of capitalism. Massachusetts governor calls for return of kids to classrooms, blue states open restaurants. Establishment GOP wants to end MAGA movement. Russia hoax plotter Kevin Clinesmith gets no jail time. Why all tech entrepreneurs are liberals. Nothing will happen to Andrew Cuomo. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Tom Brady and kinesiology. Tech entrepreneurs are all liberals because they want to be elites and you can't be a conservative. Maxine Waters to investigate hedge funds. Janet Yellin took 800K from hedge fund. Rush Revere fan chooses books over football. Kristi Noem: Republicans have to toughen up and learn how to use power. Democrats never suffer from their hypocrisy. The difference between resistance and insurrection: Democrats protest, Republicans riot. BLM nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. Countries like China and India will never obey climate treaties. Atlantic writer: Gatekeepers of GOP must choose presidential candidates, not Rush Limbaugh. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Dems want $15 national minimum wage. The arbitrary minimum wage is an assault on small business. How to argue with a liberal on the minimum wage. Andrew Yang's guaranteed basic income. Third parties. Caller wants "none of the above" choice in elections. Democrats found a judge to issue injunction against all of Trump's executive orders. Texas judge issued restraining order to Biden's deportation halt. Trump speech on January 6th does not meet the threshold for incitement. Construction contractor gets call from mother of 24-year-old employee telling complaining about the way he talked to her son when he was late for work. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 28 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:53:20

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: GameStop story is fascinating because it parallels what's happening in politics. The Establishment will crush anyone who games the system and uses it like they do. Normal people played hedge fund game, drove up price of GameStop, which had been shortened by hedge funders, engineered unauthorized transfer of wealth from financial ruling class to middle class, Big Tech clamps down on Reddit to stop GameStop sales. Regular people on Reddit "short squeezed" the big hedge funds. Robinhood app shuts down trading of GameStop. Donald Trump caused a panic in the political establishment just like the one we're seeing in the stock market. Millions of Americans voted for socialism, voted for the cancel culture, voted for fascism. To think Republicans will automatically come back in 2022 is wishful thinking. New York AG accuses Cuomo of undercounting nursing home deaths by 50%. Redditor GameStop trader calls the show. Biden is fronting Obama's third term. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Susan Rice is running the Biden White House for Obama. Keystone pipeline worker on how Biden took his job and the election. Schumer says his agenda is summed up in one word "climate". Climate change is the gateway for the left to control every aspect of your life. Biden climate change advisor Gina McCarthy says climate change is the biggest public health crisis of our time, which is a lie. Kerry admits we could go to zero carbon emissions tomorrow and the problem isn't solved, tells workers who lose jobs to go make solar panels. Biden kills more jobs, halts border wall construction. Traditional American politics as we've known it is no more. Don't count on Democrats overstepping and Republicans winning in 2022. Millions and millions of Americans voted for Biden and the socialist Democrat agenda. ChiComs roll out anal swab COVID test. Short selling and day traders. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Biden admits he's just restoring the Obama administration policies. Keystone worker responds to Kerry. Jay Inslee: We don't want to shackle people to temporary jobs that will only last another 30 years. Kerry doesn't understand opposition to Biden climate policy. Rand Paul's great speech on the unconstitutional impeachment scam. Biden forms panel to pack the Supreme Court. Justice Roberts refuses to sit for Trump impeachment trial. Leaky Leahy taken to hospital after being sworn in as presiding officer. Rand Paul calls out Democrat incitement to violence, deranged hatred for Trump. Victor Davis Hanson on life after Trump. A look at the world in the year Rush was born, 1951. The New McCarthyism of the Democrats, blacklisting Trump employees. Democrats are using their power to eliminate the need to persuade voters. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 27 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:49:26

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Wednesday. Todd Herman interviews Kentucky senator Rand Paul. The era of the Great Deception. California decides it will ease lockdown restrictions as predicted. Dr. Birx shocked she wasn't the only one giving Trump virus information. Democrats, the party of brute force. When conservatives hide their free speech, Dems take over. Impeachment is open to Kamala, Bernie, Obama, and Rush. A very dangerous time. The establishment is afraid when moms get involved. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Todd Herman interviews Donald Trump Jr. The cult of the left. A sign that the metaphorical fight isn’t over. Pressure for actions to secure elections. Challenging the professional Republican mindset. Donald Trump Jr.’s first moment of disgust with Chuck Schumer. With RINOs like Romney, who needs Democrats? Censorship from Dems is not shocking. The Trump base is longing for someone to fight. Lost stories of blue state lockdowns. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Why Republicans step back and let things happen. Steps to take back the Republican Party. Blackjack for ballots. Put the Republican Party on notice. Get your kids out of government schools. Technocrats don’t want to give up their power. Wearing a lie on your face. How to combat mask shamers. Caller: Conservatives have neglected education for decades. America is still living and breathing. Fight for this country like she fought for us. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 26 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:49:15

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guest hosts for Ken Matthews and Rush on Tuesday. Trump creates “Office of the former President.” Rasmussen poll: Patriot party would knock Republicans to third place. Why is everyone married to a two-party system? The Turtle folds on the filibuster. It’s China’s world and the U.S. taxpayer funds it. Portland mayor pepper sprays citizen. China is laughing at Biden’s executive orders. Only the American left can beat the American right. Wuhan is the last party town left on Earth. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Mark Steyn interviews My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell following his Twitter ban. Trump’s third party would make the Republicans the third party. You should be able to speak freely about the election. Woke billionaires are more powerful than most G7 nations. Chuck Schumer calls on Biden to declare a climate emergency. Twitter stole Lindell’s online identity. The Wall Street and woke-left alliance. Paid protesters, corrupt bureaucracies, and made-up trolls. The Worst Governor of the Year award. Transfer of power and wealth to the elites. Mission Impossible 37 isn’t an essential business. A state of permanent emergency. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Roger Koops’ “Year of Disguises.” The Orwellian psychosis of Twitter’s identity theft of Mike Lindell. Boston Globe’s “Fresh Start” program to change old stories. We are literally in year zero. This is the time for a third party. Instead of the Patriot Party, how about a Paper Ballot Party? Extreme orgasm is something you can die of that won’t be counted as COVID. Moving from soft totalitarianism to hard totalitarianism. Media mimics Soviet-style ideology enforcement. Get in the Democrat Party and hollow it out from within. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 25 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:49:59

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on Monday. Articles of reimpeachment to be delivered today. How can you impeach a president who is not president anymore? Either Kamala or Pat Leahy will preside over impeachment. National Guard to remain in D.C. for trial. The Swamp mimics Oliver Cromwell’s posthumous beheading on Trump. Knife-wielding squirrel advances on Canadian woman. Congress pushes domestic terrorism legislation. What date would Trump be removed from office? John Brennan’s long list of domestic terrorists. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Dr. Fauci is the highest paid federal employee. California lifts COVID lockdown in all regions. Rising student suicides force Las Vegas to reopen schools. Miley Cyrus under fire for preferring breasts to testicles. If hypocrisy suits the Democrat agenda, it’s in. We’re in the midst of a blizzard of lies. Rand Paul refuses to adhere to Drive-By’s narrative. How can lockdowns be lifted when dogs and cats spread COVID? Caller thinks Trump’s Patriot party is a bad idea. The 40 percent capital gains tax. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Victor Davis Hanson’s premise of woke totalitarianism. The left’s monopoly on people you must think nicely about. Biden lacks Obama bonus points so he must be radical. You fight for every hill. TSA agent gets 60 days in jail for tricking a woman into showing him her breasts. Australian caller reminds us of the lockdown’s price to be paid. Happy Invasion Day, Australia. Andrew Jackson to be replaced by Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. Biden Unity Moment: Maine residents attack man for Vermont license plate. Why would anyone be afraid of radical socialism? Trump Republicans should primary RINOs. Caller: Rush should mentor Trump to be a radio show host. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 21 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:44

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Hundreds dead so far today from COVID-19 due to President Biden's mishandling of the virus. Biden will use same tactic Obama used when he took over: "It's worse than we thought." Trump fixed the American decline that the Obama administration managed. First suicide bombing in Iraq in two years. Antifa riots after Biden inauguration. Biden orders mask mandate on federal property, then failed to wear one at Lincoln Memorial. Antifa attacks Democrat Party HQ in Portland. Biden called Antifa an "idea" in debate with Trump. Katie Hopkins on the contrived inauguration with nobody there. Tho Bishop on the Washington Establishment's fear of 50 million voters who think the election was fraudulent. CNN: Virus numbers suddenly improving in 43 states. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Sickeningly sweet Biden/Harris headlines you knew were coming from fawning media. CNN's John King reports good news for Joe Biden: Virus numbers suddenly improving in 43 states. The Democrats' meaning of unity is the communist version: forced compliance. Rush reads Biden's speech, short vapid sentences meaning little. Not the greatest speech anyone ever heard. George W. Bush told James Clyburn he was the "savior" because he endorsed Biden and Biden is the only Democrat who could've beaten Trump. Bush never fought back when he was president. Many Trump supporters thought something would happen to keep Trump in office. Former Obama speechwriter: Radicalization of GOP base will continue as long as Fox News and Rush Limbaugh exist. Two callers use Nazi comparisons to describe Democrat election theft, crackdown on rights. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush on treatment update: He's rounded second and can see third base, but it would be a major theft. Antifa riots in Portland. Biden team: Trump didn't leave vaccine program. Headlines from Trump's inauguration were over-the-top negative. Clyburn on what Bush said about Trump's inaugural address. Former liberal was converted by this show because it's compelling. Biden restarts Obama-era taxpayer funded slush fund to left-wing groups. Mind-boggling GOP fundraising emails ask for money to stop Biden. We had the guy, his name was Trump! Joel Pollak on Trump and the GOP. Why are you a Republican? Trump's parting speech more watched online than Biden speeches? Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 20 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:51:52

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Establishment thinks they have it all back, but they have no clue. Plugs inauguration has no crowd under guise of security, because they were afraid nobody would show up. Inauguration seems arranged, rather than something earned legitimately. Mall filled with flags and troops, looks like Chinese Olympics. Watch for shift in media coverage of COVID-19, climate change. Pentagon finds no plot against Biden by National Guard troops despite days of lied-filled reporting, but there was a plot against President Trump. Trump-less media reduced to reporting about Harris' shoes and Biden's love of ice cream. NY Times. Biden must build an economy equal to Trump's. Scott Adams on Biden's terrible start. Biden calls us domestic terrorists in inaugural address, then calls for unity. Biden economic team can't build an economy like Trump's because they don't know how, they're not capitalists. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Establishment is basking in false praise for something they didn't really do. They didn't vanquish Trump, they didn't allow an audience at the inauguration. ABC News joy at getting rid of Trump. Politico reports on Biden's cognitive decline. Flashback to Trump's speech when he came down the escalator in 2016. Garth Brooks. America isn't a democracy, it's a representative republic. The Democrats will overstep. They are not as popular as they are telling themselves they are. Trump got 75 million votes despite four years of smears and attacks. McConnell yucks it up with Biden and Harris, the insiders are in charge again. Did Garth Brooks turn on his base? Comey: Burn down the GOP. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Audio of McConnell yukking it up with Biden and Harris. They have their club back. Comey: Burn down the GOP, purge the 95% who backed Trump. Trump's farewell speech should be required reading for every child in America. Trump's achievements and accomplishments are not talked about enough. Howie Carr's thank you to President Trump. More clips from Trump's escalator speech. Dems will overreach. Clips from President Trump's farewell address. Ricketts to start news network, J.D. Hayworth would make good anchor. Montage of media lamenting that millions of Americans don't think Biden is legitimate. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 19 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:53:02

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Strangest inauguration in our lifetimes. Trump leaving with higher approval than George W. Bush. Recent Gallup poll: Trump most admired man in country. Drive-Bys call 75 million Trump voters a cult. WaPo: QAnon discussed infiltrating National Guard to disrupt Biden inauguration. Acting SecDef: no evidence any members of National Guard targeting inauguration. Washington can build walls to protect themselves, but not the border. Trump's America First policies were rejected by everyone in the swamp, but they worked. The only thing that stopped Trump was the pandemic. TMZ: Biden hires private firm for inauguration security. Show of force at inauguration meant to make you think Trump supporters have destabilized the country and to tell you that Democrats are back in charge of the military and are ready to use it on you. Mark McKinnon, former Bush media guru, says talks are underway to "leach out the poison" of right-wing talk radio. Caller says Biden inauguration looks like a military dictatorship. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: McConnell throws down marker, says Trump fed the Capitol mob lies. Peter Schweizer on McConnell and his wife Elaine Chao's business ties to China. Biden hires private security firm for inaugural. McConnell audio from the senate floor saying Trump provoked the Capitol mob. Thomas Loopy Friedman calls for a civil war within conservatism, compares Trump to Bin Laden, says liberals must support Liz Cheney, calls out media for not censoring conservatives enough. Liberals have smeared all of you as mind-numbed robots for over 30 years. Talk radio and the church. The best way to protect talk radio is to patronize the sponsors the left tries to run boycotts against. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Would it be mean to point out that McConnell was happy to have his wife in Trump's cabinet for four years? Ron Brownstein blames McConnell for enabling Trump, still amazed that Trump supporters have stuck with him. Biden ties himself to MLK, says National Guard patrolling streets after MLK assassination motivated him to go into politics. Rush has never seen the level of mobilized opposition to Democrats as he sees now. Yes, Democrats control everything, but they'll screw up. Mark McKinnon emails Snerdley to object to what Rush said about him. Trump's political identity is MAGA, not Republican. The MAGA agenda can and will succeed again. Rush's optimism about the future of America, despite the Democrats winning while trying to end Western Civilization. There is no purpose in pessimism, no point in giving up. Never count Donald Trump out. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 15 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:53:25

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush's 70th birthday. AOC wants a commission to censor conservative media. Republicans turn on their most successful president since Reagan. Swalwell compares Trump to Osama bin Laden. Dems impeach Trump for inciting riot with speech, even though CNN reports the riot was pre-planned and started 20 minutes before Trump's speech ended. Former Democrat Harold Ford on Fox with a picture of Mao over his mantle. Pelosi brags about one-week impeachment, but she's not sending it right to the Senate. CNN accidentally proves Democrat impeachment was based on a lie. Robby Mook: Dems want to get impeachment out of the way to focus on COVID relief. Cuomo, Lightfoot suddenly want to open up. Democrats shut down the economy to destroy Trump. It was unnecessary. Biden promised $2,000 checks, proposes only $1,400. UK talking about wearing masks permanently. Dershowitz says the Senate cannot impeach a president who has already left office. What will Trump do next? Will he start media company? FBI says they warned of violence at Capitol before Trump's speech. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Peter Navarro: Democrat impeachment is wrong, Trump won the election, Trump will win 2024, tech companies "pincer" move on Parler violates anti-trust laws. Rasputin Jack says Trump was just the beginning of the purge of conservatives from Twitter. Rush said back in March that lockdowns weren't sustainable. Cuomo and Lightfoot suddenly want to end lockdowns, open economy. Caller who was at Trump march says left wingers organized the breach of the Capitol. Harvard students demand the school revoke the degrees of Trump administration officials like Kayleigh McEnany. Little Brian Stelter of CNN says it's up to Rush to "delete the feelings" of his listeners. Poll: GOP voters still choose Trump. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Axios poll shows GOP voters still would choose Trump in 2024 over a "traditional Republican". Nobody can separate Trump from his voters. Nobody can break the bond between Trump and his voters. Trump delivered on the agenda he promised his base. BLM/Antifa, left-wing operative arrested for Capitol riots. Admitted on tape that he poses as a Trump supporter or a reporter. CNN interviewed him as reporter/witness on night of January 6th. Trump did not betray his base. GOP Rep. Brian Mast, who lost both legs defending freedom in Afghanistan, smeared by CNN's Jake Tapper. Brit Hume: Establishment GOP thinks Trump is a "curse" on the party. Matt Gaetz: Pelosi started it all when she ripped Trump's State of the Union address at the State of the Union. Would Rush go back on Fox News Sunday? Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 13 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:51:45

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on Wednesday. Republicans want to purge Trump from the party during the second impeachment. Donor cancel culture to hit Cruz and Hawley. There is no equality before the law. The self-importance of Congress. Quebec makes a 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew unless you want to walk your dog or your husband. A perversion of government. Combining Trumpism and Reaganism. Expect a party-state merger on Wednesday. Curt Schilling dropped by AIG. Zoe Lofgren doesn’t need evidence for drive-thru impeachment. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Trump was an affront to both the left and right. Western civilization is collapsing and we know it. The election was for the Democrats, the impeachment is for a return to small ball Republicanism. Big Tech and big state merger set for Wednesday. World leaders speak up against the censorship of Trump. What’s so important about the Capitol building? It’s full of Democrats! You have to get enough votes in order to make stealing votes work. Caller: We the people will form our own networks. Idaho internet provider blocks Facebook and Twitter for censorship. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Send Rush a belated birthday greeting. The Turtle schedules trial to remove Trump from office after Trump leaves office. Compromised Swalwell compares Trump to Osama bin Laden. Will the Patriot Party penetrate the two-party system? Proceeding past the Deep State and the bureaucracy. House of Commons and House of Lords make politicians less important. The Orwellian merger of Big Tech with the state and the importance of “1984.” “Big Nonbinary Sibling” is watching you. It’s an exhibition game and the Democrats are the Harlem Globetrotters. Trump didn’t launch any new wars, but he was ignored. Happy Birthday, Rush! Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 12 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:49:02

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews fills in on Rush’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Rush! Using discernment. Big Tech’s insult to injury for conservatives. It’s fair to say if Republicans can disappear from social media, their votes can disappear from elections. We’ve entered the game with the Constitution violated. The ACLU finds Big Tech censorship troublesome. Maxine Waters’ message is not one of healing and unity. Chris Cuomo’s “brilliant” analysis. RINOs are the biggest sellouts and blockade for the party. The purge is not just for conservatives. What if there were 100 Trumps? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Bennie Thompson wants Hawley and Cruz on the No-Fly list. The GOP is finished. Maxine Waters’ violent rhetoric. Trump’s response to impeachment. What have your Democrat representatives done for you? Pelosi should be charged with sedition. Now you know how much power we allowed our government to take. There are good people on the other side like Tulsi Gabbard. What do these National Guardsmen think of this president-elect? The myth about Donald Trump in Washington. What Tulsi said about when she first got into Congress. It’s official, Communism has arrived. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: The fog of cyber warfare and misinformation. Our country is not divided, but our government is. The Constitution is an imperfect work of art. Michael Moore’s clown show overacting. Rush shines a light on the darkness. I hope Trump continues to make America great again. Three new branches of government: Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook. Caller tells the truth about what happened at the Capitol. Don’t forget to leave Rush a birthday message. Happy Birthday, Rush! Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 11 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:54:22

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: House Democrats introduce article of impeachment with 9 days to go. Why isn't anyone playing Trump's speech that supposedly incited a riot? Trump tweets that Twitter cites as "incitement to violence" weren't. Twitter says use of word "patriot" is violent. If Democrats can erase conservatives from social media, is it so hard to believe they erased our votes? The Titans of Tech face no consequences. Don't forget Trump's accomplishments. Trump didn't have to run for president, he and his family endured more than any president to put America first. Steelers loss to Browns was predictable. Nickelodeon broadcast of NFL playoff game. Caller who was at Trump Washington rally says the president's speech was flat, didn't incite anyone. Drive-By Media went nuts when Rush deleted his Twitter account. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Democrats' impeachment push is designed to pressure Pence into invoking the 25th amendment. The 25th amendment is for incapacitation, not punishment. Democrats want to make sure Trump can't run again. Piece outlining the last year of Democrat-inspired violence. Trump's accomplishments. GOP isn't a real opposition party. John Brennan says all Republicans must repudiate Trump. Corporations denounce Trump support, suspend donations to Republicans who challenged election results. Caller wonders if Biden will pardon Trump. DC Mayor urges people to stay away from Biden’s inauguration. Kristi Noem's warning for the GOP.  PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Media montage on Rush leaving Twitter. Communism is praised in America now. CNN media reporter praises and extols shutdown of fellow media members. Rep. Hank Johnson claims, without evidence, that Trump is asking supporters to riot again in Washington for Biden's inauguration. Babylon Bee satire on Trump's alter ego. The Epoch Times. In what world is American greatness a problem? The Democrat, communist world. Wake the hell up and understand what we're up against. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 08 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:51:48

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Trump won't be forced out before January 20th. Trump voters aren't going anywhere, but they might not trust elections. Rush revises his affirmation of Obama's insistence that presidential elections can't be rigged. The MAGA agenda won't go away. Simon & Schuster cancels Josh Hawley's book. Facebook limits reach of Rush's Facebook page because of Antifa story. Caller: Republicans got rolled again, riot at Capitol distracted from substance of election challenge. Story on 28 times Democrats excused and encouraged violence. Pelosi: more support for impeachment this time than last time. Infantile Democrats and media blame Hawley, Cruz, Rush for violence. Clinton blamed Rush for Oklahoma City bombing. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Pelosi talks to military about withholding military codes from Trump. Swamp scared of what Trump will do in next 12 days. Trump knows a lot about all of them. One wrong word... Rush takes incoming to shield others. Democrats falsely blame him for fomenting violence, take his comments from yesterday on Thomas Paine and Samuel Adams out of context. Biden doesn't want to unite the country, he just gets credit for saying it. Caller since 1988 on why we won't abandon Trump or the MAGA movement. Ben Domenech piece on Democrat hypocrisy on protests and riots. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush reads the rest of Ben Domenech's piece on the consequences of the Capitol assault. Caller upset with Lindsey Graham's claim that he did all he could to help Trump. Cleveland caller on the Brown's and Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy on political violence. Caller: Democrats always hold out one or two counties and then dump votes to overcome GOP lead in tight races. We attempt to change minds, Democrats attempt to smear, eliminate and defeat us. Caller wants Trump's children to run for office. Democrats worried about what Trump might do in the next two weeks. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 07 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:54:12

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush returns after a tough couple weeks health-wise. Everybody who desires a life in Washington must condemn Trump. Rush from October 2016 about how the Establishment wanted to teach Trump and everyone who came after him not to try what he tried. Hank Johnson calls for arrest of Trump, so nobody ever tries to do what Trump does. Again. Lindsey Graham says he's had enough of Trump. Not enough citizens, not enough elected leaders are educated about the left. John Adams on the Constitution and morality. Where was all the burning and looting in Washington yesterday? Democrats have protested at the Capitol for generations, Code Pink gets into hearings all the time. Anti-Trump protests were held inside the Capitol, now they're calling it the worst crime in our history. Callers outraged over the way Washington has treated Trump. They want you to denounce Trump and it's beginning to work with elected Republicans, Washington Republicans. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Schumer calls for Trump's immediate removal from office. Democrats want to impeach him or have Pence invoke the 25th Amendment. Jim Cramer's tale on the market. Business leaders consider cutting funds to Republicans. Elite socialists now control the stock market. Democrats are now party of the rich, will alter tax code to slam the middle class, help rich donors protect wealth. Shopify bans Trump gear. Flight attendants union calls for MAGA protesters to be stranded in Washington, not allowed on flights home. One wrong word... anyone who dares defend Trump to be canceled. Karen Bass and Mike Florio see completely different double standard between BLM and Trump supporters. McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao resigns from Trump administration. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Biden says there's a racist double standard in treatment on BLM and Trump supporters. Democrats think Trump is Godzilla, fear he'll come back, want to impeach him so he can't run again. Callers who were at the Trump march suspect Antifa infiltration. Pelosi says she will impeach Trump if 25th amendment not invoked. Leftists infiltrated well-intentioned Trump supporters, but it doesn't matter because of the media narrative. BLM and Antifa get a free pass. Rule of politics: Who benefits? No benefit to Trump supporters to storm Capitol, but it's a boon for Democrats. Pelosi threatens to impeach Trump. Caller inspired by Rush to come out of retirement and work in politics for the rest of his life to save America. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers