
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Rush Limbaugh Show, the most-listened-to national talk show in America, features the “Doctor of Democracy’s” unprecedented combination of serious discussion of political, cultural and social issues, along with satirical and biting humor, which parodies previously “untouchable” personalities and topics. Limbaugh’s passion inspires millions of Americans to be the best they can be and keeps the country on course to a bright future.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 02 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:48

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Sleepy Joe going to Kenosha after saying Trump shouldn't go. Pelosi caught at hair salon, SF media protecting her. Trump to commemorate end of WWII in North Carolina. Goodell says NFL needs a new audience, will embrace BLM, write off traditional NFL audience. Trump showed empathy in Kenosha, trip was a success. Trump plans to crisscross country campaigning, well on way to victory. Plugs reads stage direction off of the teleprompter. Audio from Trump's Kenosha visit. Sacramento Bee skewers Pelosi hair salon visit. Where are all the big-name post-convention polls? Trump polls improve in battleground states. Liberal journalist tweets that Pelosi video might be illegal. Many 80-year-olds in America are scared to death to go outside, why isn't Pelosi? Democrat hypocrite governors, mayors caught breaking their own shutdown rules. NYC restaurant industry on verge of being destroyed because of Democrat shutdown. Pelosi blames salon. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Shouldn't Pelosi quarantine now? Pelosi ripped Trump RNC speech for lack of masks, social distancing. Sacramento Bee chides Pelosi for "stupid" salon visit. California DA tells cops to consider needs of looters before arresting them. Betting markets turn toward Trump. Mark Penn: Trump Kenosha visit worked. Van Jones: Democrats losing to Trump on violence, should go back to economy, virus. Dems go from ignoring riots to blaming them on Trump. All of Dems attempts to get Trump have failed. Bill and Hillary tell Biden not to concede. Kennedy dynasty is over. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Los Angeles allows hair salons to open to provide Pelosi cover. Kennedy dynasty over. Coronavirus cases receding. Portland Pajama Boy Mayor Wheeler is moving after rioters target his condo. Do we have anything in common with the left? Major polling shift to Trump forced Biden out of the basement. Biden blames Trump for closed schools, loses his place again, explains why he's going to Kenosha. Caller thinks black voters have been brainwashed by the left. The Hawaii shutdown is killing business there.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 28 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:51:18

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush opens the show updating on his health, take on RNC week. Trump's RNC speech was inspiring, uplifting, our best days are ahead if we reelect Trump. Ivanka's great line: "Washington didn't change my father, my father changed Washington." Dems are nervous, internal polling must show a disaster. BLM support plummets in Wisconsin. Biden comes out of basement, goes up to first floor. Pelosi says Biden shouldn't debate. NFL coach Bruce Arians tells players protesting doesn't do anything, urges them to take action. Biden can't debate Trump. Democrats want a race war, Trump is the only person who can save the American way of life. It's Trump's GOP now. Ken Matthews takes over for Rush. March on Washington on anniversary of MLK speech. Thoughts on RNC. Virginia makes assaulting a police officer a misdemeanor. U.S. Marshals rescue missing children in Georgia. Caller says he's abandoned Trump over border, lockdown and riots. Rand Paul attacked by mob after Trump speech. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Ken Matthews: Some of these RNC speakers brought me to tears, not just talking about the president, but how they escaped the situations in which they found themselves. Alice Johnson speaks about President Trump's compassion freeing her from prison and helping reform the system for others. Trump is what leadership looks like. Trump signs executive order to cut our reliance on China for medicine and health supplies, to bring manufacturing home. Aussie caller weighs in on the choice America faces. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush explains his absence and thanks you for your patience, followed by recapping news items including the diverse GOP convention and Trump's uplifting speech. Praise for Tampa Bay's Coach Arians for daring to say that protesting doesn't solve anything; action does. Pelosi tells Biden not to dare debate Trump. The left wants this nation pitted us-versus-them constantly. Former NFL player Jack Brewer, one of the most powerful speakers at the RNC -- who triggered Jake Tapper to go on a racist rant. Why do the Democrats hate the minorities at the GOP convention so much? Caller sees "old, weird, stale and loud" Joe Biden as a sacrificial candidate because Democrats see they have no chance.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 27 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:54

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Thursday. Todd Herman interviews former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker about Kenosha riots. Nancy Pelosi says there shouldn’t be debates. Media realizes people are waking up to their riot lies. The full story on the Kenosha shooting suspect. Dan Crenshaw speaks of everyday heroism at the RNC. Media cuts away from blind Chinese dissident describing the horrors of CCP. The left wants a civil war. Don Lemon surprised Jacob Blake’s mother shows respect to Trump. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: We haven’t shied away from our struggle stories. RNC is crushing myth of systemic racism. Biden says Trump is fueling the riot fires by handling the situation. Frustration over media lies. People are realizing this violence has nothing to do with black lives. The opportunity to be the alternative to the lies and violence. Abby Johnson’s speech at the RNC was chilling. Abortion reminds caller of ISIS-level barbarism. Real Americans have made this a different RNC. Madison Cawthorn stands for the pledge, but NBA players refuse to play. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Left’s sock puppets blame violence on Trump. We’re winning -- the convention is changing people’s minds. The Democrats are starting to panic. Kayleigh McEnany takes the high road on Lincoln Project and CNN whiners. Time to retrain our citizens, not the police. I pray the president has a segment about the medical reality of COVID tonight. CNN’s gaslighting. The COVID images Americans must see. The election is our job now.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 26 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:49:43

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Pennsylvania's Ken Matthews sits in for El Rushbo and gives us all the latest on the GOP's most energized, diverse and youthful convention ever. This administration is on the case as hurricanes storm up the Gulf. Bette Midler dumps hate on the beautiful, intelligent Melania's speech. The BLM riots seem to be escalating as Portland hits 90 days of lawlessness. Syracuse professor placed on leave for referring to Wuhan Flu as "Wuhan Flu." Melania's speech epitomizes the American dream as offered to the world.   PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Hillary: Biden should refuse to accept the election results, not concede no matter what! The left is entirely intolerant of you if you don’t agree with every last thing they say. Herschel Walker: Democrats and Biden are an insult to me. Pelosi declares the president a domestic enemy, spreads conspiracy theory about the post office suppressing voters. So many smart speakers at the RNC. The worst part of the mainstream news media, according to Ken Matthews. Democrats don't realize how many law enforcement officers they've turned off with their shenanigans.   PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Incredible callers! Ken Matthews is not a convention guy and doesn’t attend live. Tiffany Trump nailed it last night. This president is great at hiring people. Caller wasn’t on the Trump Train in the primaries because he seemed too liberal, but recounts how he was coaxed aboard. Ken praises Trump’s book that applies now: The Art of the Comeback. Immigrant who escaped socialism in Africa: God has given us this great land. Kaepernick vs. Hershel Walker. What are liberals feeding their kids? If you’re throwing bricks and burning buildings, you’re not a protestor; you’re a thug. Trump scores best job approval ever. When Democrats speak, the president’s numbers go up.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 25 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:49:18

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Seattle's Todd Herman sits in for El Rushbo as the Republican National Convention rolls. NY Times in full panic and cliche. Marxism will not perfect America. Tim Scott's fantastic speech. Right to fail is fundamental. Cuban-American businessman Maximo Alvarez denounces communist Democrats at RNC. A convention of clarity. Cop-hating leftists find another situation to support as cops shoot Jacob Blake in Wisconsin. This is a battle between good and evil. The president, like Todd on his show, sometimes says stuff that nobody can explain. The pro-mask media refuses to accept the science behind plasma treatments because President Trump announced it. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Todd Herman: "I choose to listen to Maximo." Remember Mitt Romney's bizarre claim to be "a severe conservative"? The riots are coming to the suburbs. Joe Biden and the left have turned their back on the police and cities like Milwaukee. Callers relate that stories of abuse, bullying, and even rape occur across racial lines without regard to victims.  PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: We'll have four years to find the enemies, foreign and domestic, behind these riots. Nikki Haley described the thieves and murderers in the United Nations. People are begging the mayor of Chicago to bring in the cops. Fortnite vs. Apple. Caller quotes Dr. King; asks us to realize this is a spiritual fight against evil. Segregation returns in government training. Nobody is perfect. Todd Herman on lessons learned from his late father, a social worker.  

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 24 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:38

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews guest hosts for Rush on Monday. Kenosha, Wisconsin riots. Have you ever seen so many people embrace the Post Office? Never Trumpers won’t feel the brunt of leftist policy. Who has done more harm: Trump in three years or Biden in 47? We wish Kellyanne Conway well. Shaun King’s Kenosha response shows left has only threats, no solutions. Google Cardi B interviews Biden for comedy gold. New York Jets players had false positive COVID results. Caller explains Obama cuts to USPS perfectly. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Biden ally of light who can’t find the light switch. Most of Americans are fed up with media demonizing Americans. Trump speaks at the Republican National Convention. Time to do the research on sanctuary cities. There’s nothing moderate about the so-called moderates. Antifa brings a guillotine to the suburbs. Twitter fact-checking algorithm makes no sense. High profile idiots egging the rioters on. Post Office lost $8.8 billion in fiscal 2019. United States should be energy independent in all sectors, then it’s your choice. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Trump and the RNC are live, the DNC was not. Media scrubs social media to protect Democrats. Stephen Colbert endorses Plugs. The Post Office union’s troubling endorsement of Biden. Caller lays out the reality of illegal immigration. It’s not in the media’s best interest to share both sides with you. Trump’s “Art of the Comeback” is a template for what is happening now. The stupidity of the news media. Kellyanne Conway will be missed. Jemele Hill compares the U.S. to Nazi Germany.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 21 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:15

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Bar set so low for Biden, the media says his speech was great. Biden senility. Dems displayed huge flags, waved flags in parking lot outside convention. Where was the kneeling? Biden speech sounded better than it looked, Biden looked old, scared. Speech filled with cliches. Biden speech was filled with inside-the-beltway lies. Trump's inaugural address compared with Biden's bromides. NFL eliminates sidelines reporters. Trump Rasmussen approval at 51% for second day. Trump and Biden tied in Minnesota. Trump starts to recapture 2016 magic. We're supposed to feel sorry for Biden because he's lost family members and his mental acuity. Biden's handlers know, despite speech, he can't debate. Rush remembers giving speech at Council on National Policy. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Biden repeats Charlottesville lie. Trump denounced Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Trump speech at Council for National Policy today. Trump on dark DNC vs. American Greatness. Rush tells off-color Kennedy joke he told at Council for National Policy in the ‘90s. Trump speculates on election dragging on through January, theory that Speaker of the House could become president. Left thinks Trump won't leave White House if he leaves. Trump won 2016 election fair and square and it bugs him that they are still trying to delegitimize it and take it away through spying and lies. Democrats want chaos to beat Trump. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Will chaos and protests end with the election? If you want riots to stop, stop empowering leftists. ChiCom newspaper endorses Biden. Journalists triggered by Trump ads on WaPo website. Rove destroys Dems, Biden on coronavirus lies. Open Line Friday question: How to speed up play on PGA tour? Montage of Biden's slurs and flubs in speech. Caller wants Trump to use Kamala's attacks against Biden in ads.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 21 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:15

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Bar set so low for Biden, the media says his speech was great. Biden senility. Dems displayed huge flags, waved flags in parking lot outside convention. Where was the kneeling? Biden speech sounded better than it looked, Biden looked old, scared. Speech filled with cliches. Biden speech was filled with inside-the-beltway lies. Trump's inaugural address compared with Biden's bromides. NFL eliminates sidelines reporters. Trump Rasmussen approval at 51% for second day. Trump and Biden tied in Minnesota. Trump starts to recapture 2016 magic. We're supposed to feel sorry for Biden because he's lost family members and his mental acuity. Biden's handlers know, despite speech, he can't debate. Rush remembers giving speech at Council on National Policy. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Biden repeats Charlottesville lie. Trump denounced Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Trump speech at Council for National Policy today. Trump on dark DNC vs. American Greatness. Rush tells off-color Kennedy joke he told at Council for National Policy in the ‘90s. Trump speculates on election dragging on through January, theory that Speaker of the House could become president. Left thinks Trump won't leave White House if he leaves. Trump won 2016 election fair and square and it bugs him that they are still trying to delegitimize it and take it away through spying and lies. Democrats want chaos to beat Trump. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Will chaos and protests end with the election? If you want riots to stop, stop empowering leftists. ChiCom newspaper endorses Biden. Journalists triggered by Trump ads on WaPo website. Rove destroys Dems, Biden on coronavirus lies. Open Line Friday question: How to speed up play on PGA tour? Montage of Biden's slurs and flubs in speech. Caller wants Trump to use Kamala's attacks against Biden in ads.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 20 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:45

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Democrat convention was dark, sad, people poisoned with hatred for Trump. DNC ratings down, Rush web traffic up. Democrats duplicate women in Harris Zoom crowd. Harris speech was terrible. Reporters ask Trump about QAnon. Obama speech laced with hatred. Harris is perfect angry, hateful, anti-capitalist leftist, but she couldn't get any votes, so she's been appointed. Obama barely mentioned Biden, Harris. Rasmussen: Trump 51% approval. Media is limiting DNC television schedule, because they don't want to give Trump any time and they don't know what Trump will do, worried GOP will put on better show. Democrats obsessed with getting their base to vote. SCOTUS rules against Democrat effort to allow felons to vote. Democrat Party has done more to undermine the integrity of elections than Putin every dreamed of. Obama's speech trashes Trump, violates all norms. Dems pushing Harris based on her race, gender, not her accomplishments. Democrat internal polling must be bad. Obama is fighting for himself, wants Trump defeated so his coup won't be discovered. News cycle turns bad or Democrats. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Fox commentators perplexed by dark, angry Obama and Harris speeches. Democrats have set up Harris as a victim, when she's not a victim of anything. All the things the Democrats didn't mention at the convention. Harris says the virus knows we're racist. She implies Trump is a predator, when she supported the woman who accused Biden. Caller wants Trump to talk about how he reversed Obama's war on the suburbs, rules on "affordable" housing. NBC News coordinates with Democrats, runs "Plan Your Vote" PSA. Harris speech was boring. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Steve Bannon indicted for doing things the Clintons did with their foundation. We have a different justice system for Democrats and Republicans. What would Democrats have done different to fight the pandemic? Trump needs to generate live drama at RNC with live audiences. Media worried that Trump's convention will be unpredictable. Trump should pattern speech on Mount Rushmore, 4th of July speeches. Caller waiting for Trump at PA rally. No expectations for Biden speech.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 19 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:57

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Drive-Bys cover up for pathetic convention with pathetic ratings. No excitement for Kamala Harris. She's not really historic, we had the first black president, we've had female VP nominees. Identity politics not exciting. Trump echoes Rush on going live. Rush to Excellence Tours were precursors to Trump rallies. GOP needs to go live at the RNC. Biden accepts nomination in library with a couple of streamers in the ceiling. Fabulous economic news: Target sets growth record, Apple worth $2 trillion. Trump's v-shaped recovery is happening. MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Trump supporters. Barr announces Operation Legend arrests. Goodyear backs down after Trump tweet. Never Trumpers at DNC aren't persuading anyone. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Drywall establishment Republicans at DNC aren't influencing anyone. Fox commentators fawn over the Democrat Roll Call. Biden looks scared when streamers come out of ceiling like snakes attacking him. Caller concerned about Trump tweet against Goodyear. Goodyear believes Drive-By Media narrative that everyone hates Trump and that’s why Trump has to push back against it. 401(k)s are back, but small business is still hurting. Kim Klacik commercial trounces Michelle Obama speech in digital metrics. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Baltimore GOP congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik commercial beats Michelle Obama speech in digital metrics, social media enthusiasm. The Drive-By Media narrative on Michelle Obama isn't real. Rush replays the Klacik ad. Is Goodyear appealing to customers or pandering to leftist employees? Big Business backs Democrats. Brit Hume: Kamala Harris speech is important because Biden is obviously senile. Plugs comes out after wife's speech. Jill Biden says questions about Joe's cognitive ability are "ridiculous". Plugs can't remember when he became VP, remembers for "black guy" Barack Obama to pick him up to take him to the inauguration. The debates are going to be fun. 17-year-old on teachers union and school closures. Everything is political. Photos surface of Clinton getting massage from one of Epstein's girls.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 18 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:51:01

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Dems phone in, mail in the convention. No great Big Tech, Hollywood production values. Michelle Obama taped speech week ahead, didn't mention Kamala Harris. Taped convention had no life. Dems don't mention riots in cities. Michelle Obama focuses on empathy, misery. When Democrats win, they win on hope and optimism. Biden is generic candidate, placeholder, no enthusiasm for him. Michelle Obama's "shtruggle". Some Drive-Bys not thrilled by DNC. Epstein's buddy Bill Clinton speaks tonight. How could Michelle Obama ignore Kamala Harris? Dems play 57-year-old Buffalo Springfield song to end night. Whoever's running the Biden campaign has a lot of power. Bad reviews for Democrats show. Photo of mailboxes in cage goes viral. Kasich embarrasses himself. Did Michelle Obama threaten more and worse riots during speech? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Democrats misjudge the country, think Twitter is America. Rush trends #1 on Twitter over Media Matters story on Rush. Democrats are nervous, know Biden has never won anything on his own. Michelle Obama's depressing, dystopian speech. Caller mishears a line from Michelle Obama's speech. Trump ad contrasts diminished Biden with Biden from a few years ago. Great ad run by Baltimore Republican congressional candidate Kim Klacik. Rush explains how Democrats and media misunderstand Twitter. California power outages. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Did Michelle Obama say "unlike" or "and like"? Rolling blackouts in California are man-made due to liberal policies that restricted energy production. DNC ratings disappoint. Surveys show people vastly overstate deaths from COVID-19. Number of coronavirus cases is dropping. Alex Berenson on the success story of Florida, Governor DeSantis on COVID-19. Trump on Kasich eating pancakes. Hannity's book. DNC ratings drop from 2016.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 17 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:51:06

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Virtual Democrat convention. Major American cities will never be the same. New York restaurants going out of business with Broadway, Lincoln Center shut down until next spring. Patsy's owner Sal Scognamillo emails Rush, thanks him for being upbeat amidst despair. Does Sal really have anything to be upbeat about? People have learned they don't have to live in NYC. CNN poll shows Biden lead evaporating, down to 4 points, 1 point in battleground states. CNN poll might force Biden and Harris out of the basement. Post Office hoax is a distraction. Trump return to nightly coronavirus briefings has helped Trump. Trump to counter program the DNC every night. Media hates Scott Atlas. Minneapolis Democrat governor reverses ban on hydroxychloroquine. Uganda has just 13 deaths from COVID-19, uses hyrdroxychlorquine for malaria. Rasmussen poll: Harris choice didn't help Biden with blacks, or in electoral college. Kamala Harris' father says family in Jamaica owned slaves. Chris Wallace amazed Biden and surrogates aren't doing interviews around convention. Biden was never up double-digits. Media coverage of DNC will be hard to watch. Did Biden pick Harris to appease Big Tech? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Why did Democrat Minnesota governor come out in favor of hydroxychloroquine? DNC will be fun to watch. Obama and Obama aides rip Biden in devastating Politico story, basically call him an idiot, who repeated 3rd grade, didn't go to Ivy League. BLM co-founder says she's met with Harris to get her mind right. Trump hopscotches battleground states during DNC week. The decline of Democrat-led cities like New York. Video of BLM protesters beating up white man. Trump in Minnesota: Democrats sided with the rioters, I'm here to help you. Obama called cops "stupid" 6 months into presidency. Pelosi Post Office stunt. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Avalanche of bad news for Biden. Poll: Only 47% think Harris is qualified to be president. Jill Biden's ex-husband says they were still married when Joe stole her from him. The death of New York City. The cheapness of high-speed bandwidth is killing big cities. Blue-state governors in their zeal to shut down and get rid of Trump have shown people they don't need to go there. Rush reads piece by James Altucher who makes the case that NYC is dead forever. James Clyburn on lack of enthusiasm for Harris, says he cringed when Biden said "You ain't black" if you vote for Trump.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 17 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:51:06

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Virtual Democrat convention. Major American cities will never be the same. New York restaurants going out of business with Broadway, Lincoln Center shut down until next spring. Patsy's owner Sal Scognamillo emails Rush, thanks him for being upbeat amidst despair. Does Sal really have anything to be upbeat about? People have learned they don't have to live in NYC. CNN poll shows Biden lead evaporating, down to 4 points, 1 point in battleground states. CNN poll might force Biden and Harris out of the basement. Post Office hoax is a distraction. Trump return to nightly coronavirus briefings has helped Trump. Trump to counter program the DNC every night. Media hates Scott Atlas. Minneapolis Democrat governor reverses ban on hydroxychloroquine. Uganda has just 13 deaths from COVID-19, uses hyrdroxychlorquine for malaria. Rasmussen poll: Harris choice didn't help Biden with blacks, or in electoral college. Kamala Harris' father says family in Jamaica owned slaves. Chris Wallace amazed Biden and surrogates aren't doing interviews around convention. Biden was never up double-digits. Media coverage of DNC will be hard to watch. Did Biden pick Harris to appease Big Tech? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Why did Democrat Minnesota governor come out in favor of hydroxychloroquine? DNC will be fun to watch. Obama and Obama aides rip Biden in devastating Politico story, basically call him an idiot, who repeated 3rd grade, didn't go to Ivy League. BLM co-founder says she's met with Harris to get her mind right. Trump hopscotches battleground states during DNC week. The decline of Democrat-led cities like New York. Video of BLM protesters beating up white man. Trump in Minnesota: Democrats sided with the rioters, I'm here to help you. Obama called cops "stupid" 6 months into presidency. Pelosi Post Office stunt. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Avalanche of bad news for Biden. Poll: Only 47% think Harris is qualified to be president. Jill Biden's ex-husband says they were still married when Joe stole her from him. The death of New York City. The cheapness of high-speed bandwidth is killing big cities. Blue-state governors in their zeal to shut down and get rid of Trump have shown people they don't need to go there. Rush reads piece by James Altucher who makes the case that NYC is dead forever. James Clyburn on lack of enthusiasm for Harris, says he cringed when Biden said "You ain't black" if you vote for Trump.