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Hey, everybody, is Giono Cauldwell, you may know me as a national political analyst, but today I'm here to tell you about my new podcast series OutLoud with General Caldwell, the sworn enemy of PC culture. I'll interview national guests from all walks of life and real people discussing issues on culture and politics, as well as the controversies that have social media blazing.


Listen to OutLoud with General Caldwell every Monday on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast.


Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. No, no. What you have to understand, the Hunter Biden laptop is actually not about Hunter Biden. None of this is about Hunter Biden. This is about Joe Biden. It isn't about Hunter Hunter. Hunter Biden may actually be worthy of our sympathy. Oh, I know. Come on, Rush, don't start getting stuff done. I'm not getting soft on anybody here. Fact, folks. I'm getting harder and harder as a rock as the days go by here.


Great to be with you. Telephone number 822 two two eight eight two if you want to be on the program. And the email address. L Rushworth, EIB Network, U.S.. So here's the FBI now has the laptop. The FBI has what are you laughing at? Not going to be known at all. No, no, that's not what I meant. No, no, no, no. I'm talking about muscle, baby muscle. Not tube steak, I wasn't.


What do you think I would possibly you're the guy got to on the brain in there. No, no, no, no. Anyway, the FBI now has Hunter Biden's hard drive, and it says here that it may contain images of underage girls from China.


I still maintain that this is not about Hunter Biden. Let me ask you a question. In all seriousness, folks, your hunter, Biden, you're the son of the vice president of the United States. And a former United States senator and your father has put you in these various positions. That result in you sending him money, you, the son, Hunter Biden, have to send your dad money, that's the purpose. That's that's what your gig is.


And you know that it isn't right, you know that it's just not you're not living your life, you're not living your life, you're living your dad's life. You're doing what your dad needs you to do, except that you're not 17 or 18 years old. You're a full fledged adult. So you get this laptop of yours and it's got all the stuff on it. And what are you doing? You take it to a repair shop in the first look.


I don't want to insult anybody here. But if you have a. High on top of the line, Apple, MacBook Pro Computer. Well, you might take it to a computer repair shop rather than Apple. You might do that. Yeah, let's leave that aspect of this aside, the fact is he did he took it to a repair shop, a computer repair shop in Delaware and then didn't pick it up. He left it there for 45 days.


Why do that? Because he wanted it to be seen. He wanted it to be spotted. He wanted what's happening now to happen. I think he was under a lot of pressure. I think he didn't want to be doing all of this. There might have been some resentment. We don't know the Biden family dynamic, so we don't know if Hunter had begged to get out of these arrangements. He's got charisma over in Ukraine. He's being paid mountains of money for things he's not qualified to do.


He's got this arrangement in China with the same thing. It just it just so he takes his computer with all of this data on it. All of this incriminating David, and he leaves it. And a computer repair shop and signs off on the fact that if he doesn't pick it up in forty five days, he loses possession of it. So my my point is that I think exactly what's happened is what Hunter wanted. To to happen here. Senator Joe Biden's out there saying reports of illegal behavior on behalf of his son are smears of what we now know with 100 percent certainty.


There were no smears. There's been outstanding reporting that went on here. And here's Roger Simon, an epic news hunter. Biden was trying to tell us something, and I pretty much said this. I think this poor guy is a lost soul, and his leaving that laptop might have been a conscious could have been an unconscious, deliberate act. I'm not going to say it's one of these desperate cries for help, but I think that he was desperate.


He didn't like the arrangement. He thought that it wasn't going to end well for him.


But look at what happens here, who in the world could live for a year without noticing you had left your laptop somewhere, you put your laptop somewhere, you don't go back for it 45 days or longer or a year. Could this have been. A way of turning on his father without actually turning on his father. I don't know. I know that this guy, Joe Biden, has a very volcanic temper. And this circumstance, it's becoming. More and more pointed.


Unfortunate now the FBI has got hunters hard drive and in breaking news, just moments ago, the FBI, the DOJ, the director of national intelligence all agree Hunter Biden's emails are not part of a Russian disinformation campaign. This is what this got kicked up over the weekend, if you'll recall. And that is James Clapper, our old buddy, James Clapper, this guy. Who is lying on CNN every day for the past four years? You remember James Clapper, he's the director of National Intelligence.


The Obama administration, oh, Obama has been sent into Philadelphia to do a car rally for Obama. A car rally for Obama. I will explain why that's necessary in mere moments anyway. So you have. Klapper on television every day on CNN claiming the Russians. Have meddled in the election, the Russians are using Trump. Trump is an agent, Trump is a tool of Vladimir Putin. Think all this on television at the same time. And this is true of John Brennan at the CIA, too.


At the same time, these two guys are testifying under oath to various committees on Capitol Hill and they are admitting they have not seen a shred of evidence that the Russians had anything to do with the 2016 election. It's the most amazing thing. They were lying through their teeth on television. They were lying every day. They were on TV for three years about Trump meddling and stealing the election, coordinating it all with the Russians, but. Under oath, they said they never saw one shred of evidence, so they revived this.


This laptop surfaces. This is a Russian disinformation, the Russians put that stuff on that laptop and now everybody involved is denying that the Russians had to do with it. You realize how vacant these people are. This is all they've got. Anything comes up provides them a problem. What do they do? They instinctively go blame the Russians. Did they realize what a joke they have become? But it's exactly what is happening. Yes, my friends, Barack Hussein Obama is in Philadelphia today campaigning for Biden, the car rally.


They actually go out and they talk to cars, it's like a. Drive-In Theater, rowdy bunch of cars show up there, presumed to be people in there, and then Obama is somewhere at the concession stand inside with a microphone rallying these guys or these people to show up. And the purpose for this, Obama is supposed to drive in votes, black men. Why? I thought Obama had that locked up. And Biden has that locked up, I thought I thought these guys on the block, oh, I forgot 50 Cent you're with 50 Cent said 50 Cent said he don't want to be 20 cent.


He don't want to be twenty, said he wants to be 50 Cent. They're losing the African-American vote in certain places, they're having big troubles, they have Obama and Obama is not good at this. Obama does not. His endorsements do not carry a lot of weight. They don't help but ask Hillary. If you if you doubt me, the reason Obama is in there is that Biden's Pennsylvania lead has been cut in half. President Trump has pulled to within one point one percentage points in the brand new Trafalgar, Pennsylvania poll, Biden to forty seven and a half percent, Trump at forty six point four percent.


That's a difference of one point one percent, Trafalgar is the group that got it closest to. Right, all the battleground states back in 2000 16. So I think, ladies and gentlemen, the trends here are moving away from Biden, and they don't quite know what to do about it because the candidate is hiding in the basement, ostensibly hiding away from covid. But it's I think, actually worse than that, let's move to Trump Trump last night at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.


I love this Trump last night. He's innervating. On his own rally format, he used a technique popularized by this program, he used a technique we were the first to do these montages on Rush, the TV show and these montages now have captured American media. The Russian TV show was 1992 to 1996, we popularized the video montage and then here on radio, the audio montage. So here is what Romney's in Erie, Pennsylvania. This is an energy sector state.


It is a portion of the state that is is very dependent on energy. And Biden and Kamala Harris have both promised to ban fracking and to get rid of fracking and to get rid of fossil fuels, and they're out denying that they've done that. Kamala Harris is denying she said it. Biden is denying it. So Trump has a montage of these two promising to get rid of fracking and fossil fuels. And here's how it sounded last night, the Trump rally in Erie.


Take a look at this clip. We had it made up. And I think you'll like first time I've ever done this.


Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration? No, we would we would work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated. And no more subsidies for either one of those here. No more no no fracking, not gradually move away from fracking, and I think it's critically important on day one that we end any fossil fuel leases on public lands. What about stopping fracking and stopping the pipeline in structure and saying they want to do the same thing, they want to phase out fossil fuels and we're going to phase out?


There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking. And what we don't show is his book, Current Version. Oh, yes, we'll have Fratkin and the fake news. They don't do anything about it. If he's elected, he will wipe out your energy industry only by voting for me can you save your fracking in Pennsylvania.


Last night, President Trump at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania. You ought to make an effort to see these rallies. They're not they're not as widely televised as they used to be, but he's doing them left and right this week. And you ought to make you ought to make an effort. One American network has them every night. C-SPAN carry some of them. There's a number of places you can go. FOX will do some of the rallies. They don't go wall to wall with them.


But there are plenty of places. And you really folks, you really should make an effort to see these rallies, especially if you haven't seen one in a couple of weeks. It'll totally change your mind and your attitude about our chances and what's happening out there, you'll see an upbeat President Trump appearing confident in the zone on a roll. It's really worth your time to find these rallies as they happen and watch them. He's got them down pat. Toomey comes in about an hour, maybe just a little over an hour now.


So it's and the reason I mention this is, is that I was talking to a couple of people and they were down in the dumps about things because all they're watching and seeing is mainstream media has said, well, you're missing the rally. What rally? I don't know. But that rally there. Yeah. What rally and what rally. Now, Trump's doing four or five a day. Sometimes in two or three a day. He's doing four or five in a week.


I mean, you've got to make an effort to find these. They're out there and they are being. Televised quick time out, my friends were off and running another excursion into broadcast excellence hosted by me. We'll be right back.


My friends are a lot of things that I know and there's plenty that I don't know. But one thing that I know in twenty, we have to reject this narrative, this idea that a certain race or a certain gender cannot succeed in our country. It's just bogus. This is the message of the left, the message of the left is that America hasn't changed from the days of our founding. We are still a racist slave state. If you're African-American, you're locked, you're stuck.


You don't have a prayer of moving up. You don't have a chance at succeeding. If you are gay, if you're Trami, you don't have a chance of moving up. This stuff has to be dispelled, it has to be new, it has to be swept away, the whole notion that America's best days are behind us is silly. America's best days are always ahead of us, but that's what's on the ballot, what will America's best days be?


How tough is it going to be? To continue writing. This. Massive rocket that is the United States of America. We have to reject the idea. That you have to vote Democrat if you are of a certain race or background. And the way to reject this idea is to simply point to the people who have been voting Democrat for the last 50 years and then tell people you notice they're still complaining about the same things, they're still unhappy about the same things.


They've been investing in the Democrat Party with their votes for 50 years. The Democrat Party has been promising to end discrimination, to bring about social justice, police, justice, whatever justice they've been promising to fix, economic inequalities and all that. And yet every group of people that votes for the Democrat Party is still complaining. About the very things they continue to vote for the Democrat Party to fix. It is fundamentally racist and not true to say that the only chance you have.


If you are of a certain race or background is to vote Democrat and in fact voting Democrat May. Be the worst thing you can do. In terms of achieving the American dream, in terms because they don't believe in the American dream anymore, folks. The whole point of the Democrat Party is to convince you it doesn't exist, that it was only ever for a very few select number of people, it was never for everybody. It was a gigantic trick.


And they're trying to get you in as many people to believe that the American dream itself is phony and nonexistent. Well, it's not. The American dream is still attracting millions and millions of people from all over the world every year. Take a few moments, educate yourself. Nakhon Little project educate yourself and others. On what Donald Trump's policies have actually done for minority communities and what his plans for the future are.


Before the pandemic hit, African-American unemployment reached an all time low since records started being kept in the early 1970s, African-American and Hispanic and women unemployment record all time lows. The fact of the matter is that all Americans. Have an opportunity for a remarkable future, a great future, no matter where you begin. It's all there. Waiting for you to come grab it and taking it's all there, waiting for you to give it your best shot to grab it.


Don't let people tell you. You can't. You can't. Hi, welcome back. We're going to get to your phone calls on Quico telephone number 800 two eight two two eight eight two. You want to send an email? It's Rushworth EIB that you asked for the second straight day. A bright light shines through the gloom of a darkening covid outlook this fall.


That's right, yesterday, the good news was that fears of schools becoming mass incubators of the coronavirus appear to be overblown and positivity rates across a sample of tens of thousands of students and staff in New York City are miniscule. We told you this yesterday that the percentage of infections was infinitesimally small. And once again, the panic mongers and the fear mongers were wrong. It is abundantly clear that we can have. Safe in class instruction this fall. Now, the news today, even better coronavirus cases are exploding in Europe and they are climbing towards a new peak in the U.S. This is true.


But there's a tantalizing emergency or mystery, I should say, that has emerged, and that is the death toll is not accompanying the new peak in reported cases. And so many experts are out there running around, scratching their heads, asking, why aren't we seeing. The same crushing death tolls in hotspots that we saw in the spring. Now, in Europe, deaths are rising from their summer lows. But they're nowhere near the gory levels of April, even though both countries, U.K. and France, we're talking about here, are setting records in the number of daily cases.


Bottom line here is that fatality rates from covid are dropping sharply everywhere. And of course, the scientists are scratching their heads and trying to figure out why. Does it make sense, especially with all of their model projections? That we're projecting mass deaths in a manner that we wouldn't be able to tolerate.


Oh, it was going to be horrible. And the deaths are just not happening commensurate with the reported number of cases. Which is. Ultimately, great news. Considering what it what it could be, and I think it just we know so much more about the virus, we certainly know much more about how to treat it, how to deal with it. And this is, I think, abundantly clear, folks. There's there's reason for.


Maybe you want to hear about optimism, but there's reason for feeling upbeat out there today. More than you would be naturally inclined to, and if you don't feel it yourself, trying to feed off of me. Because there are reasons to feel upbeat today, Mitch McConnell. Said, he said yesterday. That the Senate is going to vote Monday, October 26, to confirm Amy Koni Barrett to the Supreme Court. It's going to happen. They're going to make it happen.


It is going to happen, Chuck Schumer tried to stop it, tried to force the Senate out of session, a midnight vote.


Anyone had a long talk with with Feinstein or Dianne Feinstein is an unrelated things in the conversation, but they're not going to be able to stop it, especially now. Gallup shows 51 percent want Amy CONI Barrett on the court, only 46 percent do not want her seated. So the public opinion is going against the Democrats on this nomination. Mitch McConnell confirmed it was going to happen yesterday on the five, which airs at 5:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel.


This is Jesse Watters.


Yesterday on the radio, Rush Limbaugh gave his listeners an update on his battle with cancer, which is showing some signs of progression.


It's tough to realize that the days where I do not think I'm under a death sentence are over. It's a blessing. When you wake up, it's a stop everything. And thank God moment.


We are praying for Rush Limbaugh. Wish him a quick recovery. He's right. Ninety nine point eight percent of the time. We hope he continues to be right.


America's anchorman will rush Rushville, and that is Jesse Watters, who is definitely a star in the making, a megastar in the making over at the Fox News Channel. He said, yes, it is a blessing. I'm making my point. Wake up every day. I thank God that I did. And it's the first thing I do, folks, when I wake up is thank God that when I first realize I'm conscious, when I first realize that, yep, I stopped everything and and I thank God that I bet.


But folks, I'm still on second base. I rounded second base. I was on my way to third base and then got a little bit too greedy. On my way to third realized I wasn't going to make it had to make a mad dash reversal of field and had a dash back to second base slotted in there easily. And that's where I am still in the game. Daily Mail TV syndicated tabloid TV show yesterday correspondent David Mark Tasco and the host Thomas Roberts talking about my announcement.


Limbaugh tells his listeners and he claims there are 43 million of them now and he's humbled by all the love. And he tweeted, Thank you so much for your overwhelming encouragement, support and prayers out there. They absolutely work, Fearnot. I plan to hang around a long time to continue to annoy the left close to their members of the left that are wishing him well to Russia, continuing to host that show since the diagnosis, but did admit that there are days where it is really hard and we certainly do wish him the best.


And I wanted to play this to thank these guys again as David Mark Coso, Mark Tasco and Thomas Roberts of the syndicated tabloid TV show Daily Mail TV. You know, and we know we like the Daily Mail, the website publication.


We like it there to a greatest gossip sections that you'll find anywhere in gossip. But they're also solid when it comes to the reporting of straight news.


Finally on Headline News this morning.


Program called Morning Express with Robin Meade, she spoke with Dr. David Spiegel, chief scientific officer, director of lung cancer research at the Sarah Cannon Research Institute, about my cancer update two days ago on this program.


Has his challenges are actually no more special or different than anybody else's? It's a humble way to put it. It's been said that purpose and passion may have the biggest impact on how a patient is doing. So this is a man who certainly loves doing his job and was back on after having some time off here. How much of an impact may that give somebody in terms of going on our own personal drive?


You know, the things that we're excited about doing, whether it's our work or being around our families, are important events, I do think play important roles in helping us push forward. Because when you're fighting, you know, something that is just weighing on you every day, it can make you lose that hope. I think with that support system, with that drive, it gives a lot of people that extra boost.


His listeners obviously mean a lot to him. And so what a frank discussion that he had with them and our thoughts are with him.


So, you know, there were a lot of things in the media regarding my announced today that were just off the charts. But these three were right on the money. And I wanted to acknowledge them and I wanted to thank them.


Well, I'll take a brief time out. We'll come back and continue after this.


All right. Welcome back. You are part of the fastest three hours in media. Rush Limbaugh here behind the Golden EIB microphone. We start on the phones in Atlanta. This is Jerry. Thank you for calling, sir. And it's great to have you. Hi.


Hey, my pleasure. Ross, it's always great to hear your voice. Hey, I had a question for you or suggestion that if you had the opportunity before tomorrow night's debate, I want to see if you can reach out to the president and just remind him what you always, always say to red state residents when they always call and complain about blue states residents moving in. And that is you always tell them you just need to compete with ideas. And if you could do that, I think it would be game, set, match.


And you can almost tell the president you're treating him like a professional golfer in the sense that professional golfers, they don't have coaches, they just need friendly reminders. And if you could remind the president on that, I think this game would be game, set, match.


Well, instead of doing what you want him to compete with ideas instead of what what is he doing that you don't like?


Just just lay off the differences. Here's where I stand. Here's where my opponent stands. And if you can just lay it out. Simple, easy.


Well, you know, I think it's Trump if I've been watching his rallies. And one thing I've noticed in the rallies is he's got he has developed a four to five minute riff on exactly this. He has I don't know if it's part of debate prep or I don't know if it's part of rally prep, but he's not going to get four uninterrupted minutes. But he has been in these rallies. I think doing a great job of explaining his achievements, the accomplishments of his administration to date, and he is doing it within a timeframe of a four to five minutes so he can reduce that.


I think he's going to at least get get two minutes and then Plug's is going to get two minutes at the beginning, you know, answering every question. That's when he needs to be quiet. Let let let Biden take all of his two minutes and don't interrupt him. Because I'm telling you, after about a minute or 90 seconds, that's when it's going to get dicey. But let me share with you another perspective that I've that I've had on this, I, I think every one of us.


Needs to take a moment and remember something. We need to actually. Remind ourselves what we are seeing happen every day. We see it, we take it for granted, but you need we all do to take a moment to appreciate what's going on, because in one sense. It is very sad and strange to watch Donald Trump, who's worn out folks. Donald Trump is still coming off covid-19 he got over covid-19 in a record amount of time. But he still has to be worn out from it and not just covid-19, he's doing three to four rallies a day.


He does not have time for downtime. He doesn't really have time for debate prep. He's focusing on these rallies and he's trying to make them as sharp as he can, he's not doing 90 minute rallies anymore. He's tightening them up. He's getting in there, he's getting it, and he's getting out and in the midst of all this, he's fighting the media. He is fighting the swamp. He's fending off the deep state and their efforts to destroy him while what's going on at the same time Joe Biden sleeps, Joe Biden rests, Joe Biden ostensibly prep's.


And the media puts a wall around him while attacking Trump. If you want to talk about a stacked deck, you could very, very well make the case here. I think that you all need to have. A renewed appreciation for Donald Trump, and I'm not practicing sycophancy here, I don't need to kiss up. To the President Trump, I'm saying this from the from the tip, the bottom of my heart, I think there needs to be a renewed.


Round of appreciation for what this man is attempting to do. For everybody else. What he's attempting to do for you, what he's attempting to do for me by saving this country, and he's doing it in large part. Alone, yeah, he's got a staff, yeah, he's got, but he doesn't have he doesn't have a whole lot of party assistance on out there. We're watching a worn out. He has to be even these indefatigable, even though he has more energy than any president I've ever seen.


There are still limits. He's not doing this for himself. Not strictly. I'm sure he wants the achievement, I'm sure he wants the achievement of being re-elected. I'm sure he wants to serve his second term. But he's doing things that none of us could do. He's doing things that very few of us would even try three to four rallies a day. While worn out folks, no time for downtime, no time for debate prep is fending off the media like Lesley Stahl at 60 Minutes, by the way, that's what was it called me the other day.


Leslie called, Leslie Stahl called. And her question was and she didn't want to talk to me on camera. Will you tell your audience to be nice if the election's undecided on election night? Will you tell your audience to be calm? That's what she was going to ask me. The presumption being that you people are out of control, bunch of zombies, you're just going to run around and raise hell, you're not out of control, you're not zombies.


You are the glue that keeps this country hell together. They are the zombies. They are the people running around setting their own cities and towns and businesses on fire. I resent the implication that you people represent the problem in this country. You're the solution. Get up, go to work every day, do everything you can to play by the rules. Got Donald Trump out there attempting to stand up for you and and make sure that the effort you're making is not wasted, that you have a country where your activity and your desires are going to be rewarded.


And meanwhile, Joe Biden gets the. Sleep, but Joe Biden gets to he gets the rest, he gets to prepare for the debate, whatever that is, the media puts up a protective wall and a moat around the guy. While attacking Trump. 24/7. So I think Trump can do what you want. I think Trump is as got a technique here for. Espousing his achievements, his issue was in a concise and limited amount of time. Here's here's folks.


We've had three years of allegations of corruption against Trump and they have turned up nothing. Three years of absolute nothing, the most investigated. The biggest anal exam of a human being I've ever seen in American politics. The most offensive invasions of privacy we've ever seen, and they have turned up nothing.


Donald Trump, of all the people in that town, is clean as a whistle, and he has every right to make this comparison between himself and Joe Biden.


He just has to be careful how he does it. Got to lower Biden's approval and raise trumps at the same time, I think I'll review some other things Trump could do during the debate. But I have no idea what or how close to accurate I'm going to be. I'm like everybody else out there, I have opinions and thoughts about what he should do. We have your phone calls to mix and match and we'll get back to all of that.


Or, you know, hey, everybody is Ciano Cauldwell, you may know me as a national political analyst, but today I'm here to tell you about my new podcast series OutLoud with General Caldwell, the sworn enemy of PC culture. I'll interview national guests from all walks of life and real people discussing issues on culture and politics, as well as the controversies that have social media blazing.


Listen to OutLoud with General Caldwell every Monday on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast.


And right here we are back at it. Rush Limbaugh, where I was born to be right behind the Golden EIB microphone. The telephone number, if you want to be with us on the program is 800 two eight two two eight eight two. The email address L Rushville at EIB Net Dot. U.S., you know, I was talking about the obstacles that Donald Trump faces. Mere moments ago and I was discussing how I think that you and I and everybody else needs to try to have a renewed.


Sense of appreciation for what Donald Trump is attempting to do and what he's up against. As he tries to do it, he's up against more forces arrayed against him than than most politicians will ever see in a lifetime. He's got the entire deep state of the United States government for four years and counting arrayed against him, trying to destroy him.


He's got the media industrial complex in toto. Arrayed against him, and the only way they can operate the way they do is to lie. Constantly, literally, to make things up. And you know how difficult it is if somebody is lying about you at work. Lying about you and screw will, you know how difficult it is to refute that kind of thing? I mean, you can do it, but but people that think you're complaining about it one well must be something here or you wouldn't be worrying about it.


Were you? Must be something to you, you wouldn't it wouldn't be bothering you. I hate that. I despise that when people tell me. My point is, you know, how challenging this is, all the while the man is worn out, he's doing three to four rallies a day, he have time for downtime, enough time to go to sleep like Biden does all day long and do whatever he does for debate prep. And then, ladies and gentlemen, there is something else.


Democrat Super PAC. Future forward the name of it and one of the co-founders of Facebook. Guy by the name of Dustin Moskowitz. Are now spending 100 million dollars against Trump, this according to Fox, because you see blocking. Him out of their platforms? No, no, that's not sufficient. It's not sufficient that they're blocking all of Trump's supporters out of their platforms. It's not sufficient that they make sure Trump supporters can't talk about Hunter, Biden and his laptop.


No locking him out, locking his supporters out of their platform, not nearly enough. Now they're running a 100 million dollar war chest campaign against him, Silicon Valley mega donors. Have unleashed. A last minute, 100 million dollar barrage of ads. Against Trump, Facebook billionaire co-founder Dustin Moskovitz has put more than 20 million dollars into a little known Democrat super PAC. And it is spending big. It's backed by some of Silicon Valley's biggest donors quietly unleashing a torrent of television spending.


In the final weeks of the campaign and a last minute attempt to oust. Donald Trump. This barrage of late money, including 22 million dollars from Dustin Moskovitz, figures among one of the most expensive and aggressive plays yet by tech billionaires who have spent years studying how to maximize the return they get from each additional dollar they spend on politics. Moskovitz is placing a single biggest public bet yet on the evidence that television ads that come just before Election Day are the best way to get your big bang for the buck.


Now, the Super PAC has called future forward. They've remained under the radar. They are now spending more than 100 hundred million dollars on television and digital in the final month of the campaign. That's more than any other group. And they're doing it on behalf of the Democrat nominee, Joe Biden. Me, but they're doing it outside of the Bite Me campaign. You've been leading a separate, previously unreported 28 million dollar proposed campaign to elect a Democrat to the Senate from Texas.


They're doing all kinds of these little things under the radar out there, but it's all aimed at bouncing Trump.


Future forward's size and strategies now moving more into the public view, it plans to report to the FEC.


That it raised sixty six million dollars in just 45 days between September 1st and October 15th. It is a hall that's powered by Silicon Valley billionaires like 12 year old founder Jeff Lawson. Eric Schmidt of Google and of course, this Moscovitz guy, co-founder of Facebook, been one of the most enigmatic Democrat mega donors. Of the Trump era now, up till now, their money has gone down the bottomless pit. They haven't been able to stop Trump, they haven't been able to unseat Trump.


And I don't know if this is going to work either. I'm just telling you, this is what Trump is facing. On a daily basis, these are the things that Trump is up against every day. Well, I think it's a good question, isn't this meddling in the election? How much of the Russian spin the Russians only spent one hundred thousand, you remember that the ads that the Russians spent? Which ran after the election, by the way, the Russians that that Mueller indicted.


They ran their ads after the election and they ran a hundred thousand dollars worth. And these guys were indicted for meddling in the American election.


So what is this? This 100 million dollars, these these wealthy little guys are dropping.


Their ads are running in places like Fox and Friends. My point is, folks, that there are forces arrayed against Trump that you don't even see. There are forces arrayed against him that you do see. But if there's anybody that has earned your support and your loyalty. Because he's out doing what he's doing for you and your family and for this country, it's Donald Trump, I don't think. That he gets enough appreciation. And I understand why he's a controversial figure.


He says things and does things that a lot of people wish he would say and do differently.


And people get lost, they get caught up in all of that irrelevant minutia. Instead of focusing on the achievements, the accomplishments, the objectives, the future agenda. This election really is about what kind of country this is going to be, and I know we probably make people. What's the word, I guess we might say this so often that people just become. Immune to hearing it. Oh, there they go again, most important election in the country.


We've been hearing this earlier.


Yeah, well, this really is and it's it's I think it's been true of the previous ones as well.


We wouldn't we wouldn't be anywhere where we are if Obama had not won those two elections, but he did. If Obama hadn't won in 2008 and 2012, we wouldn't be in the dire straits we're in now, all these things do matter at the time. And now we have an election where. We have a candidate who believes in the decency and in the goodness. Of the United States of America. Who believes that we are the good guys, that we are the last, best hope of Earth?


He believes it. And we're running against a candidate who is being. Propped up and supported by a bunch of people who don't think that at all, they think the exact opposite. But they're not on the campaign trail, they are not putting their names or faces forward. That they don't believe in the decency and the goodness of America they think America needs to be. Software rewritten and they think America needs America needs to be shut down and rebooted. America 2.0, because America's problems are irredeemable in their world.


Our problems are unfixable. We cannot fix slavery, we cannot fix the injustices done to women, we cannot even though we have. We can't. America, in their view, is forever and permanently flawed, and therefore the founding documents that put this country together must be. Abandoned, that would be the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the United States, including the 10th Amendment, the Bill of Rights. Dire circumstances, dire consequences. And that's what Donald Trump is running to protect.


Now, all these polls, I've been looking at it. In the swing states, they show this race is narrowing. And if the trends that are happening now, if they continue at the current rate. Trump could end up pulling even. In two weeks. In addition to the other polls that show him near there already. Victor Davis Hanson says that Trump's mission. In the final debate on Thursday is to continue to accelerate his momentum, not to take risks.


To melt down Joe Biden with verbal fireworks, not Mr. Hansen believes would be a mistake to try to do anything designed to get Biden to flub up. Leave Biden alone and he will just just need to pretend that Biden is there, but don't make Biden the focus, focus on maintaining your momentum if you're President Trump. Because at this stage of the campaign, every 10 days, the campaign starts anew, this is my often made reminder of that the events shaping this election haven't yet all happened.


Campaign starts anew every 10 days. Trump's rallies are back, for example. He miraculously beat covid-19 in record time. Judge Barrett proved steller. Most voters are polling they are better off than they were four years ago. This is a stunning result to me because we've had the pandemic. And including the pandemic, people say they are economically better off today than they were four years ago under Barack Obama and Biden, including with the pandemic. They think Trump is going to win.


If most voters are saying these things. It's going to be increasingly difficult to believe. The disconnect that they are intent on voting against somebody who will win and who will continue to make things better for them, it just doesn't make sense, are going to vote against the guy that they think is going to win, that they understand has made things better off for them than they were four years ago. It doesn't make sense that voters would vote against this guy.


That's what the media is asking us to believe. Nobody yet knows how to calibrate the data on early voting, the Republican surge in swing state registrations and the effect of the nation's biggest campus. I'm telling you what, though, early voting is leaning in in the Republicans favor in a massive way. It's stunning how early voting is is trending Republican. Stunning how in these battleground states, Trump is surging. All the while, Joe Biden is inert. He may as well be laying down in formaldehyde in the basement in Delaware.


He's running a virtual campaign out of fear of the virus. He's trying to avoid questions about his son, Hunter Biden. And his intention to pack the court. Or stop fracking, he's Trump called him out on it last night, the rally of era.


There's the video, countless numbers of times, Biden admitting that he's going to ban fracking. So I think I think on balance, things are looking up, I want to hear what you think. We'll have a brief, obscene profit break here.


We'll come back and go to the phones. Do not. Go anywhere. OK, OK, back to the phones, as promised. This is Dale in Rochester, Minnesota. I'm glad you called, sir. Hello.


Hi, Rush. Mega dittos, 30 year listener, 70 year old heart surgery with esophageal cancer, stage four. So I had some kind of an idea what you're going through. I have two quick questions for you. OK, question number one is, do you think if Biden is elected, that either the Durham report or the Biden investigation will have any chance of seeing the light of day? And the second question is, do you think there's any possibility that the Democrats, by not showing up for a quorum on Thursday, can block Amy Koenigsberg?


No committee?


No. I'm glad that second question of yours. Problem is, I'm telling you no, but I can't remember where I read that. I can't remember where the problem that they're going to have, if they try it, can be overcome. The fact that Schumer and the gang would try to deny the committee a quorum, it can be overcome. I just it was last week sometime when I read this, I don't remember it had to be a blog post.


I don't remember which one. And I don't remember enough about it to try keyword search on it. And my. Attempts searching things like this that don't have a sharp enough recollection have always proved to be a waste of time, but we'll see what we can do as to the the Durham report. Look, I hate to hate to tell you that they're Dale, but if if Biden is elected, the not only is the Durham report deep sixed, but Durham himself may never be seen again.


I mean, there is there's no way the Durham report's going to survive and there's no way it's going to be released. There's no way that it's going to be. Publicized or any of that, remember the whole point? One of the points of the. Investigation into Trump. Was to cover up what these people had done and what Hillary Clinton had done with her email scandal, the whole point of that was to provide a cover up for Hillary Clinton.


There is no way that the Durham report will ever see the light.


Well, wait a minute. Biden didn't take office immediately.


I mean, Durham could I understand all that? And that would involve some. You know, trickery in the in the transition and so forth, and Trump would still have some say so maybe I should not just in a blanket fashion, suggest that there won't be a Durham report. But my my intelligence, guided by experience, tells me that. Don't get your hopes up. Here's Paul in Charlotte, North Carolina. Great to have you, sir. Hello.


Hey, Russ, I am a devout libertarian. I am a member of the party. I give money. But this year I am voting for Trump because I am really ticked off about the right. I mean, the Democratic reaction to the only function of government is to protect private property. And I so and I've already voted and I voted Trump. I thought it would support Jorgensen's. Then she's a fine candidate. But this year I voted Trump.


And so you're among the early voters out there, so you made up your mind pretty quickly, you're going to do this.


And it's really because of the rioting, the fact that this rioting that just burned my gut so bad because the Democrat reaction was ridiculous. And so I really think that I focus on everything. I mean, let me ask you something. Were you surprised when you saw the in these Democrat states and cities, the rioting take place? Were you surprised when the Democrat leaders in these states and cities did nothing to stop it?


I am because it's so transparent that we're trying to hurt truth. And I don't love her, but I hate disrupting the process. I'm a true libertarian, but the only function of government is protecting property. And these guys turn their eyes for, you know, for political reasons. But I love the libertarians and I hope you know that we will. But a vote against Trump, in my mind, is a vote for. Right.


Well, OK. I just I hope you've learned something from this. One of my objectives hosting this program the last 30 years is to get people to realize 30 years ago, this is sort of Democrats are you finally saw it finally registered with you. And I'm glad that it did.


And I'm glad it resulted in your voting for Trump. Thanks for the call.


I knew this was going to happen. I knew that somebody was going to make a move to try to cover up for Jeffrey Toobin. The New York Daily News has tweeted the following from one of their opinion writers, Jeffrey Toobin. History of bad sexual judgment is really about our unease with masterbation. Jeffrey Toobin didn't do anything wrong. Jeffrey Toobin got the Chalong out there uncovered and he doing whatever he's doing, anybody can see it during the Zoome call and it isn't his fault.


It is his problem. It's simply the fact that we as a backwards bunch of Puritan type busybodies, we have. An unhealthy unease about masturbation. Some guy named Jonathan Zimmerman. Maybe you should stop feeling weird and guilty about that, because the this guy teaches education and history at the University of Pennsylvania, Jonathan Zimmerman. Jeffrey Toobin, is history bad sexual judgment really about our unease with masturbation? He didn't do it wrong. You know, folks protecting your identity online is now a practical reality with the amount of online shopping, the amount of online registrations, online scrolling and so on, the number of opportunities cyber hackers have to obtain your identity illegal and use it are way too numerous.


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That's LifeLock dot com. Here's Patrick in Golden, Colorado. Glad you called, sir. Hello.


Hi, Ross. I would love to hear other Trump supporters weigh in on the simple question. When did you know? And that's in regards to when did people realize that Donald Trump was going to be the single greatest political opportunity of our lifetime during the 2016 primaries? I didn't take Donald Trump very seriously. I thought it was a political stunt stunt. I didn't know who he was. Then when he became the nominee, I was honestly a little disappointed, but I slowly warmed up to him.


I was a big Ted Cruz guy then the second.


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait just a minute. You mean what what disappointed you about Trump at first? Well, I just I guess it was probably more that I just didn't really know who he was, didn't believe he was serious, and I was just I didn't believe he was serious.


That's. Yep, yep. I hear that. And and then a couple of days before the second debate, Access Hollywood hit, I thought, we are screwed. We messed up big time. I tuned into that debate and I did not expect it to go. Well, I thought it was over and. Oh, my gosh, what did Trump do? He sat Bill's accusers in the front row. He immediately dismissed the Access Hollywood video as locker room talk, which is the freaking truth.


And then he proceeded to demolish Hillary. And I could not believe what I saw and heard. I have never seen that kind of strength, spirit, fearlessness and leadership before. And that's when I knew he was going to be the greatest president of my lifetime. And I'm so sorry for what the media and Democrats have done to him and put them through hell. And I just want to say thank you, Donald Trump, for what you've done for us.


Well, that is very kind of you. So it was the second debate. It was after the Access Hollywood video and you saw Trump show up with all these Trump Clinton women who had accused sitting him there in front of Hillary. And by virtue of that, rattling her, taking control of the situation and not letting it have its usual effect on a candidate. That was brilliant, I have to tell you. I just never seen someone fight like that, and that would have taken out anybody else, and I just couldn't believe that he was able to beat that back in that fashion.


And that that's just that's when I knew and I feel like a lot of hardcore Trump supporters warmed up to him. And then there came a certain point when they just knew and it head on and that was that.


It really is. It's a great question. His question is, when did you various Trump supporters out there, when did you know?


When did you know that Trump could win? And thus you we're going to get behind them and vote for it. When did you know that? I'll tell you when I knew it. I have announced this on previous broadcast occasions. I watched, like everybody else did, the June the 15th trip down the escalator at Trump Tower with the ensuing announcement. I watched it in open mouthed, gaping mouthed disbelief. So what is this? There is nobody serious about winning the presidency that is going to do it this way.


But I kept watching. And that whole announcement built and built and built, it did not start off big and taper off it built and built and built. And then I saw within a few days massive supportive reaction to Trump's announcement, introductory speech. And then about a week later, here came the first series of polls. And the first series of polls had Trump dominating the people that saw that announcement literally ate it up. They loved it. And I said at that point, he can win.


This guy can pull this off, this is the kind of thing, the things that he said on June 15th are the kind of things millions of Americans think wouldn't dare say them to anybody.


And here comes some guy running for the presidency on the basis of these outrageous things, the dangers that immigration is causing to our society, our culture, our country. Illegal immigration, the type of people, the criminals that make up illegal immigration. People ate it up when I saw the first series of polls, I said, well, that's it. I think I think he's going to win this if he's serious about it, stays in. And I still wasn't sure, you know, two weeks, three weeks until he was serious about staying in, there was a lot of talk about it was a PR stunt trying to set up a new TV show, The Apprentice, Jr.


, whatever it was. But no, it turned out to be he was he was dead serious. Now, the Access Hollywood video hit. The only thing that scared me about the Access Hollywood video bit was that the campaign people around Trump would have him deal with it the wrong way. And that's when I did something that I had not done, I had never reached out to their campaign. Whenever I had to say or think about the campaign, I said it here.


But I knew who the people were, knew how to reach them, so I fired off e-mails. I said, whatever you do, do not apologize for this. Whatever you do, do not express regret for this at all. And I'll tell you why. This is an October surprise. The American voter is sick and tired of things like this dropping on a campaign with two weeks left affecting the election outcome, this kind of election meddling they hate.


I said if you people in the trunk, if you hang tough, this is not going to hurt you. You can win this thing, you can you can triumph over this thing, I firmly believe it. I really believe the American people are fed up with these October surprises. They're fed up with this stuff. They work on some people. But I knew that they devoted look, I knew the bond Trump had developed with his with his voters and there was no way that anybody was going to break that bond except Donald Trump.


No way the media couldn't do it. The Democrats couldn't do it. We've been there, done. I've said all this countless times and I said this is not going to constitute breaking the bond as long as he doesn't go all wishy washy and apologize and he didn't.


It was tough going in there. It was tough going for a while for for a couple of days inside the inside the campaign because their their instincts that naturally occurred. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my. No, don't.


Whatever you do, don't do it. And I had and three people in the campaign get back to me. Thank you so much for your thoughts. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. We're the biggest fans. When you talk about Rush Limbaugh fans, put me at the top of the list. But that was as far as only the response went. Just acknowledging that I had. Told them, do not apologize, do not back off of this, get past that.


It happened, and that's exactly what they did and it didn't hurt and folks. Ever since Access Hollywood. The Democrats have been totally befuddled. They don't have anything left, they don't have anything else that would get rid of any Republican at any time in American history, the revelation of what was on that Access Hollywood videotape.


The fact that it bombed out to this day has left the Democrat Party nearly insane. That it didn't work. They don't understand it. They can't. And so they keep trying to make it work with add ons, amplifications, but it won't work because they don't understand the bond. They don't understand this unbreakable bond. Donald Trump has with his voters. Hi, welcome back, Rush Limbaugh on the cutting edge of societal evolution. This is Katie in Costa Mesa, California.


Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello. Hello, Rush.


Mega dittos. And I just wanted to tell you, I've been listening to you. I'm 45 years old, and my mom used to listen to you. So it's been 30 years now. And I'm just praying so hard for you and hoping for a recovery and sending you love in life.


Thank you very much. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you so much.


Absolutely. What I wanted to say is I did not grow up in California, but I grew up in Nebraska and I've lived here now for 20 years. And on Saturday I was signing a recall for Governor Newsome at a target parking lot and was verbally attacked and called a racist by a Biden supporter and her young daughter. And to the point where it got so bad I had to call the police and it was horrible and my children thought. But the very next day, I took my kids with no more fear to go down to Newport Beach.


And they saw the president two time and four hours. I stood with my sister and her two children and we showed them the difference between two days. And my question to you is, because of that, it gave me a little hope. I am nervous, but is it time for me to cut bait from this state because I was ready to vote for Donald Trump the minute he came down the escalator? And that is because I saw the difference in the states in this country and how this one is ran and it's been ran into the ground, which was why I was signing the recall.


But let me ask you this. You think if I have hope for my children, do I need to leave California?


These see, these are these are deeply personal questions. And I don't have nearly the information about your life there that I would that I would need to make an honest assessment if you're getting beat up in parking lots simply for attempting to engage in the political process, that that, of course, is not good.


I think the economic circumstances in California, I love California.


I would no more move their. Right now, and I can afford it, I can afford to pay their exorbitant tax rate, I just refused to do it. I have a lot of friends in California and I would love spending time with. But I'm not going to do it. I'm just not I'm not going to go there.


I'm not going to I'm not going to make myself a target of the state government either for taxes or financially or otherwise, and put it in a way.


It breaks my heart that I'm making decisions like this based on politics. But that state's become so politically unfriendly to people like me that I ask myself once, you know, visiting, staying in a hotel, hiding out, that's one thing. But actually living they're moving. They're going on the tax rolls and so forth and becoming an enemy of the state. Because I'm a Republican.


I don't know. I it's not something that I want to do. But I'm telling you to pack up and leave that that is a. Tough thing. I know what your financial circumstances. I don't know how big a burden moving would would be, but I'm not trying to cop out.


I'm actually trying to be responsible about my instinctive answer is to get the hell out.


But I don't I can't say that in good faith because I don't know enough.


It is the fastest three hours in media and we are racing on the second hour is effectively over. But there's another one straight ahead of us.


And we'll take a brief break here at the top and come back and continue. Will stay with us. OK, thank you.


Hi and welcome back. Rush Limbaugh, America's real anchorman. The truth detector, doctor of democracy. Meeting and surpassing all audience expectations every day. So great to have you all with us, telephone number is 800 two eight two two eight eight two in the email address, Rush, Paul and EIB, not not U.S. I mentioned.


Oh, yeah, the Twitter handle, I keep forgetting we got a new Twitter handle it at real Arlynn, but, you know, it still hasn't changed even after 32 years.


I still find it reluctant to talk about myself, promote myself. But this is important. This is worth it. We have we've opened a new Twitter page. We consolidated we had a bunch of Twitter pages out there and we'd never really devoted ourselves to one because I hadn't gotten into it. I hadn't gotten behind it just because social media and you all know what I think of it. But now we've we've drawn here the final push and there is an official Rush Limbaugh Twitter page.


And it does contain a lot of great things, things that that I post, things that I tweet, video updates, video clips that we put up there, other people's read tweets, it's it's loaded. And the handle for it is at real art Limbaugh.


At real are Limbaugh now, I was mentioning here, Victor Davis Hanson has a piece that posted just around noon at National Review Online, and it's it's a guess you describe it as as an advice piece for Trump and the debate.


And when I say it's an advice piece, don't think that Victor is being presumptuous. It's not it's not that at all. It's just he's like every one of us. He wants Trump to excel. He wants Trump to smoke, but he wants Trump to mop the floor with Biden. He wants this debate to be the end of the campaign. That's that's how much we all want this debate to be a win win for Donald Trump.


And I was going through some of the things in Victor's piece earlier, and I touched on one of them. Let me just read what he wrote rather than paraphrase it myself. From his frenetic pace on the campaign trail, Donald Trump has mastered.


Four to five minutes of reviewing his record. And it is one that he can run on and win. And here's what it is, expanding the economy, stopping most illegal immigration, empowering minorities economically in historical fashion, making superb judicial appointments, recalibrating U.S. foreign policy on Iran and the Middle East, confronting the trichomes, restoring the industrial heartland and ending optional overseas interventions.


While increasing the military budget and he can recount all of this with we rather than I.


As he so often does on the campaign trail, let's go through this, because this is this is I think I love Victor Davis Hanson. I marvel at his ability to write like he marvels at my ability to speak.


And this is just. This is just this has everything that Trump needs to say when recounting his record and he's mastered, the point is that Trump can do this off top of his head because he's been doing it in the rallies, four to five minute review of his record. Expanding the economy, there's nobody else that can say this. Trump has the goods, he's got the data, he he expanded a failing economy that he inherited from Obama. Remember, Obama and his team, including Biden, were trying to tell us that there was a new era.


And we had to adjust our expectations in this new era was one of decline that America simply we shouldn't have these grand expectations that every generation was going to do better than the previous generation, no longer, because Obama said that in some cases we don't even deserve that. As a nation, we have we have stolen many of the natural resources that we have. We have come by others in an ill gotten way and that America has enough injustice in its past, racial injustice, gender in general, that we cannot we kind of deserve to take an economic hit.


This was the message that Obama had. So we had economic growth of no more than one percent every year. So Trump comes along is to hell with that. He brings the industrial Midwest back, he brings it brings manufacturing jobs back. After promising to do it, after pointing out how he could do it, Obama during the campaign of 2016 is running around making fun of Trump, saying, how's he going to do it? Wave a magic wand. So Trump has the record, Trump can remind everybody that he did this.


He also stopped most illegal immigration. Now he can he can talk about it with the wall or not. But the fact of the matter is, most illegal immigration, illegal immigration has been brought to a screeching halt. Minorities, African-American unemployment at an all time record low. You can't remind people of this enough now you get 50 cent, 50 cent out there saying I'm voting Trump, I don't want any part of Joe Biden's taxes. Do you realize Joe Biden?


Has promised to raise your taxes, not a lot of people say no rush, he's only going to raise taxes on the wealthy. No, he's not. He's going to repeal the Trump tax cuts, folks. That means your taxes go up. Everybody's taxes are going up. He's going to raise taxes. He's saying four trillion dollars over 10 years, four trillion. You can say goodbye to individual prosperity and wealth. You can say good bye to wealth creation.


Good grief, that is horrible, and it's taxing everybody when when when Biden promises to repeal the Trump tax cuts, that.


Includes everybody, because that's who got tax cuts with Trump, the middle class or lower middle class. Everybody got tax cuts with Trump and Biden comes along and promises. To cancel those, then everybody gets a tax increase and he's lying through his teeth, if he tells you that only the rich.


Are going to be paying the new taxes. So he empowered minorities. He has made great judicial appointments, that is a major, major talking point, this business of a peace deal on Middle East, United Arab Emirates. And Israel and perhaps the Saudis coming down the road without. Involving the Palestinians, this is something they all said could not be done. Trump has a record, he has a braggadocio record if he wanted to brag about it, he's got a huge number of achievements here.


He is getting us out of wars that he doesn't believe we should be in, all the while increasing the military budget. Now, here's here's the potential. Problem area. Biden is going to accuse Trump. Of being Typhoid Mary. This according to Mr. Hanson, Biden will try the accused Trump of murdering tens of thousands because of the worst record on covid-19 in the world. Kamala Harris tried it with Mike Pence, you know, Plug's is going to try it.


They literally accused Trump of murder. Or just short of it, but he's going to accuse Trump because of his irresponsible policies of the unnecessary deaths. Of 200000 plus Americans. So Trump needs. A concise refutation ready? That the U.S. record on the pandemic is comparable with most major European countries and it's even better than some. Now, this is where I perceive Trump to have a problem. Not a problem wrong when Trump sees a lot of things in in a sense of a competition, because that's been his life.


And so when he starts talking about ventilators or masks or any of the other PPE that we had to massively mobilize to manufacture to deal with the first wave of the virus, he loves to talk about how, oh, we have more PPE, we have more ventilators than anybody in the world. We ran rings around and they called me for the. How did you do it? And he because his world is is the world of competition. Winning his world is winning competitive actions.


And he thinks that's how people will reward him if he can portray himself as a winner. And he wants to be shown appreciation as a winner now in this circumstance, what Mr. Hanson is saying. Is forget that aspect of it, he just needs a concise. Reputation to be able to portray the U.S. record on the pandemic as comparable with most major European countries and maybe even better that we have nothing to apologize for. We did the best we could and we are right up there with the best in the world.


He can point out the U.S. leads the world in finding effective drug protocols and vaccinations that will eventually conquer the virus. He can certainly say that it's true. Nobody believes data from China, India or Russia. His arguments that seven months of lockdown's now are doing more cumulative damage to the health and lives of Americans and the virus is increasingly undeniable. And that's just the point he has to make, if you ask me. We've got seven months of lockdowns in some of these Democrat states.


They're still locked down in Pennsylvania for crying out loud. Some of this stuff is ridiculous. It's all being done to hurt him. It's all being done to undermine the national economy, prevent a national economic recovery so as to prevent Trump benefiting from it. All he's got to do. Is point out who is in charge of the current lockdown's? Point out they are Democrat states being led by Democrat governors and that these lockdowns that are still in place are doing more combined damage.


To the health and lives of Americans, then the virus itself is. I think could be such a great point to make. Just throw it right back on Biden and his party, they're trying to get a free pass on this, they're trying to get a free pass on covid-19 and they don't deserve one. It is their actions that are continuing to cause people to suffer. In New York City, Broadway isn't going to open until next July. Good grief, folks.


There's no reason for this. Other than politics. So if Biden brings up covid-19 and how Trump is responsible for all of these deaths, Trump has a built in response, a built in reply. If you ask me, I got to take a brief break, we will continue to get back to your phone calls right after this. Hang tough. OK, audio sound bites.


CNN, Cuomo, primetime. Frido primetime last night, the the host of Frido Cuomo, and he's got the former Obama green jobs czar honors his guest, Van Jones, and they're talking about Vice President Biden's strategery here of sleeping and rehearsing and prepping and sleeping and basically lying down in the basement in one of the four Biden mansions somewhere in Delaware.


Biden is hiden. I know. He says he's getting ready for the debate. But, Van, this is the time to speak, brother. He should be everywhere, but he's not. And I get that he's getting ready for the debate. But it's more than that, Van.


Look, I would love to see him more. I'd love to see Collimore. Trump is doing 27 rallies an hour all over the place. I agree with you. He's on Zoome calls all day. He's shoring up his support in places instead of broadcasting and fighting with Trump. He's narrowcasting to his campaign.


I'm saying he should be here right now and he should be talking to me about this stuff. Kamala Harris should be doing it. Now, look, this is more of an Frido being jealous that Biden's not calling. And this is what these guys understand. There's a problem here.


And folks, the more this campaign. Gets closer to Election Day, the more identical it appears to 2016. It's just incredible. Hillary Clinton couldn't be found it and she had no desire to be found. You remember, she never went to Michigan. It was in the bag, her people told her, you don't need to go to Michigan, Hillary, but we can't guarantee we get you back on the bus if you if you get there. So let's not even run the risk.


So she never went to Michigan. She didn't go anywhere now. Back then, they all believe they're poles and they all believe that she was going to win double digit landslide, that this was a fait accompli.


Trump didn't have a prayer.


The guy was a buffoon. The guy was announced. He was an embarrassment and didn't stand a prayer. And as such, Hillary didn't go anywhere. They've learned nothing. They've learned nothing. Well, I think it sounds like Van Jones has. But he also, you know, where is Comilla, why is she not even out there? I heard a theory about that, and I've forgotten it and it sounded good, and now I'm trying to remember what it was.


No, it was not that she's over staging plugs. It wasn't that. Something it she's got a bad temper as well. What regardless, where is she? These people clearly are running out the clock on something they don't think they have to campaign. And folks, it's down to what I told you yesterday, they are not even taking the time to give people reasons to vote for them.


They are running a referendum election, they're running as though they are generic ballot holders, they're just people with the D next to their name and that's their strength and that's what they're running on. They are the Democrats. That's all they need because they think they have succeeded. In creating massive hatred of Donald Trump, here's Paul Begala, CNN earlier the same, same, same night, Erin Burnett OUTFRONT. She said, are Democrats feeling confident right now? And if so, do they do so at their peril?


They do so at their peril. They're not overconfident. Believe me, they're living in this border town between passionate and panicked. In fact, I talk to Democrats all the time.


The most common thing that Democrats say is scared to death. I'm sorry to screaming your ear, Erin, but that's what they say. Seriously, you call them. That's what they say. A primal scream at the prospect that somehow Trump might get a second term.


So they are in fear. They are in fear, they're not overconfident, they're living in a border town between passionate and panicked. Talks with Democrats all the time, scared to death. Well, they're not acting like they're acting like they've got it in the bag, or maybe they realize there's nothing they can do, the candidate needs to go out there and mobilize and energize and the candidate isn't. Because the candidate can't here is Robert Haley, he runs the Trafalgar Group, I'm with Sean Hannity last night.


Question what are you seeing that other pollsters are not?


These polls are predominantly missing the hidden Trump, what referred to as the Trump voter. There is a clear feeling among conservatives and people that are for the president that they are not interested in sharing their opinions so readily on the telephone. We've seen people be beat up, harassed, have their houses torn up because they express political opinions that are not in line with the politically correct establishment. If you're not trying to give them a poll that they can participate in with a lower threshold that is anonymous.


You're not going to get honest answers. We've been doing a lot of digging around, looking at these low propensity voters. They are clearly in favor of Trump. And these are people that only voted once or twice in the last 20 years. We see a strong enthusiasm for them to turn out and they're not being measured.


That's Robert Haley. He runs the Trafalgar Group. That is the polling unit that came the closest in 2016.


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They want you I DriveCam 90 percent off your first year. Here's Doug in Pittsburgh. It's great to have you, sir. Hi. Hi, Robert.


I just wanted you to know that I've been listening to you since the old days of Pittsburgh. Cuvee followed from that four back.


Holy smokes. You are going back to the 1970s.


Oh, and it was so much fun. It was someone who was still is. I mean, obviously, as Mr. Snootily warned me, I better get right to the point. But let me just say this right to the side of a great leader is a leader that has the courage to make other people laugh while they themselves are in the face of adversity. And you sure do that. You know, it's just it's wonderful. You're so cheerful. Your commentary on Toubon when you were reading that article by Zimmerman had me rolling on the floor.


Your tone of voice was so contemptuous. It was malicious. It was just so great.


Well, right. It's our problem when masterbation Touba didn't do anything wrong. Yeah. And maybe I'm just I'm imagining Michael Jackson singing beat it there in the background.


I think Zimmerman to do a follow up when I write advertising the News Babes on CNN to maybe follow Cuban's example. I don't know. That might be too rude, but my point is my heart jumped a beat with joy when I heard you opening it. It always does that the FBI has a hunter's laptop or hard drive. But then I'm crestfallen because I know immediately I say to myself, and nothing's going to happen. Nobody's going to do anything about it.


Christopher Ray's going to sit on that and he's going to B.S. Congress. People say, oh, we're getting to it or and then bar. OK, Trump had asked somebody, I think it was two weeks ago to deliberately come out with an unredacted portion, something he wanted. And so they resend it back to him, totally redacted again. I mean, it just refusing to obey, you know, the commander in chief. And far we haven't heard from bar.


What are these? What are they doing? I don't understand. The dancing's bad enough, but then Barb won't even say anything about this laptop. I just wanted to know if you had any comment on it.


Well, I don't I don't know what they're doing specifically. You mean with the Hunter Biden laptop? That's what you want to know what I think they're doing with it.


Yeah. You know, it was great that they have it, but so what? They're not. Let me tell you what. I mentioned this yesterday. And I need to warn you out there. It depressed Mr. Standardly. He had not thought of this. He did not consider this seat, we ladies and we all sit here. We're citizens. And we have this antiquated view of our government. And that antiquated view of our government is that it's made up of people just like you and me, that it's made up of people of America want to protect America from our enemies.


They have devoted their lives to it, especially if they're in the law enforcement or. Intelligence agencies and so forth. And we think that they have tools at their disposal that we don't have either the FBI or they are the CIA or they're the Defense Intelligence Agency, so we have trust in all of these years. They're Americans like we are, that they are Americans first, not globalists, if they are, they're there to defend and protect the Constitution. They swear an oath to do just that when they.


Take their jobs. Then something happens. And we are shocked. Into dismay, disappointment and anger. And that is when we find out that the FBI. Was actually running a coup, the FBI, combined with intelligence agencies in the United States, in the U.K., United Kingdom and MI5, MI6, were running an actual coup.


To try to get rid of the duly elected president in 2016, Donald Trump. And that didn't compute to a lot of us. It was a hard thing for people to believe. That's not the FBI does, and so those of us who finally figured out that's what was going on, we started telling people we were met with. Cocked heads and looks of incredulousness, and you're stupid, you're crazy that you're paranoid, you can't possibly believe. Yeah, I do.


I'm sorry. It turned out we were right. The combined efforts of the FBI. And our so-called intelligence community, in conjunction with the American mainstream media, were doing everything they could to invalidate the 2016 election. They were manufacturing evidence that were making things up, they were accusing the president of being a foreign agent and being a traitor. They were conducting investigations, and throughout all of it, we came to learn there was never any evidence, there was not a shred of evidence, there was never even really an investigation.


The investigation was a witch hunt. The investigation was an attempt. To find. So what was the point of this? What turns out? The intelligence community resented the hell out of Donald Trump winning and they didn't want to have to work with Donald Trump. And ditto these people in the FBI, they resented the hell out of the fact. That some buffoon like this. Who didn't have any particularly affinity for them? You know, Trump was famous for running around saying, I don't need to see these people every day, I've got a good memory.


So it's like Chuck Schumer said, you you you go against the intel community, they can they can take you out any way of six ways from Sunday. So the bottom line is. In this case, the FBI and the intelligence community literally made up. Stories and then use the media, the media helped to pass it off as evidence. The trumpet meddled with the Russians and he was a Vladimir Putin agent. All of this was to control Donald Trump, all of that was they couldn't get rid of him.


They have things on him that he could be blackmailed, that's why Comey told Trump about the golden shower story in the Steele dossier. OK, so now let's move to the Hunter Biden laptop. They want Biden to win, Doug. Biden's one of them. Biden's an insider. Biden's Washington establishment. Biden's been there forty seven fifty years. But they've got the laptop. What does that mean they've got that means they've got mechanisms to control Biden. So the short version of my story, Doug, they're not going to prosecute Biden, they're not going to go after Biden on any of this.


They're going to hope that Biden wins and then they're going to use that laptop and whatever is on it. To make Biden do what they want done in the area of foreign policy. Law enforce whatever it is. Whoever these people are. They are not what you and I have always thought. They're not. Just extensions of US citizens, patriotic citizens who work in government. These are people who want the power. Of the government without having to run for office to get it.


They've had the hunter buying a laptop for how long? They haven't done diddly squat with it, don't intend to. They want to be able to control Joe Biden with it and by extension, whoever. Comes and follows him, at any rate, that's my theory, and I think there's a lot of validity to it simply based on what we've seen with the Russian mass.


Let me take a break. We will be back shortly. Hang on.


All right. Now, that last opinion I just uttered was just that an opinion. I don't know anything other than my own intelligence guided by experience. And I know what this Russia Trump meddling scandal was, it was a coup, it was an attempt to overturn the election results in 2016 and that having failed, it was an effort to control Trump.


And to make sure they was not able to run his Make America great agenda, that he was not able to take America back to its historical greatness, they don't want any part of that. They want a globalist government, globalised world where the United States is one of many nations. But beyond the rest of just, this is just my opinion, I have no. Evidence of it just sharing with independent, here's Gary in Marietta, Ohio. It's great to have you, sir.




Hello, Mr. Limbaugh. Thank you so much for taking my call. I just wanted to let you know that I've been listening to you for 30 years and I'm only 45 years old, like your caller from California. So I've been listening to you since I was 15 years old. My wife and I have two very, very young children just reach school age. And this year we're actually buying them for Christmas, the entire series of Russophobia books to help teach them how to read.


Oh, one word that.


God bless you. God bless you, sir. The profound impact that you've had on my life goes on to their life in the next generation.


Let me tell you, when we finish here, don't hang up. I want to get a shipping address so we can send you a goody package for your kids from the Revere neighborhood. We got a special little thing that we put together for just these occasions. So don't.


My gosh, it's so generous. Thank you so much. You bet. The point I wanted to make, I think that President Trump actually won the election last night. I was watching Fox News, which I don't watch very often anymore. I don't watch any media, but I turn to it just to kill some time. And I saw the beginning of his rally. And when he went to the big screen to show the montage, I actually welled up with tears in my eyes.


And I sent my wife a text message that told her that history was made tonight because she had taken a page out of her playbook and had been able to compare and contrast it in. The media can never stop that from getting out. And as long as he does that, I think this election is over. I think she's won it. There are a lot of voters out there like myself that have developed a very emotional connection with President Trump. We watch him every day, get beat up day after day.


And what was it about this? What was it about that video that made you think the election was won? It was put over the top.


It was just finally someone is able to show the two faces of Joe Biden. You know, you did it on your TV show all the time. I think that's one of the things that made you so popular, was that you were able to take a politician and say, you know, you're saying this today, but this is what you said a week ago in Charlotte. So there's truth to it. And President Trump did that. And, you know, I have a very emotional connection with him.


I watch him every day and every day she chooses to get up and do it again when he doesn't have to. He could walk away from this job anytime he wants to go back to a life that I could only dream to aspire to. But he chooses to do this. And I thought of nothing less than pure patriotism and love of his country. And I just I think it was one last night. And if he keeps doing that, I don't think.


Well, let me explain to people what you're talking about. I do not hang up here, Gary. Whatever you do, Mr. Snowden is going to be picking the phone back up here last night, the president Inc. innovation. In his rallies, he played a montage video at Rush Limbaugh, the TV show popularized the montage video back in 1992 to 1996. We had the famous Bill Clinton montage video where he going into the Ron Brown memorial and then sees a camera and immediately starts faking crying.


Anyway, Trump played video of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden promising to end fracking, and they're out there denying it. They're out there saying it's not going to do it.


He played video of it over and over, promising that they would take a break, come back and wrap it up.


Look at this. John Kasich and Jeff Flake, these are two people that Biden says he's going to appoint to his cabinet if he wins. Are you kidding me? This is how he thinks he's going to win. John Kasich and Jeff Flake. Holy smokes, we're going to delve into this tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen, is a big program, arrives and unfolds before your very eyes and ears at noon Eastern. We will see you then.


Hey, everybody, is Jarno Caldwell. You may know me as a national political analyst, but today I'm here to tell you about my new podcast series OutLoud with General Caldwell, the sworn enemy of PC culture.


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