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Candace Owens just knocked out Cardi B in Polk, the biggest hole yet in the stranglehold entertainment and media have on the minds of black voters in this country. I'm Rob Smith, and all the next episode of Rob Smith is problematic. We are going to break down why the left uses idiots to reach black America and how Candice Owens just put them all on notice that they cannot do it anymore. Listen to Rob Smith is problematic on the radio app, on Apple podcasts.


And wherever you get your podcasts, when it comes to what's happening in this country and around the world, the best podcast you can listen to is the Buck Sexton show. Hey, it's Buck Sexton. Here we are in the height of an election season that will determine the future of the country. Who are you going to listen to? Who can you trust? Who could have thought that when people told Democrats they had to treat Wisconsin like a battleground, they would take it quite so literally?


I heart radio is number one for podcasts, and it's easy to see why. Listen to the Buck Sexton show on the I Heart radio app or wherever you get your podcasts.


Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. I wish I could use that too, but I don't dare. I don't dare use either one of them. I would just cracked a couple of jokes here to the to the staff and their reaction is to shake. Their heads are laughing. They're laughing uncontrollably and then shaking their heads at the same time said, you better not you can't say that. And of course, they're they're right. Anyway, how are you, my friends?


It is great to have you with us. It's great to be with you. We have three hours of broadcast. Excellent. Straight ahead, the phone number if you want to join us today is 800 202 282. In the e-mail address, Rushworth IP Network, U.S..


So President Trump, another rally in Moon Township by Pittsburgh last night. You know, folks, I have to tell you something. I watch these rallies, but more than that, I look at these crowds. Do you realize how big these crowds are? These crowds, especially in the past couple of weeks, have rallies. These crowds have been bigger than any of the crowds in 2016. And I find myself I look at it and then the campaign releases photos of the crowd after the event or during the event.


It's massive. And I have found myself asking a question, who are these people?


And I don't I'm not asking about in terms of of being critical at all. I really would like to know who they are.


Who is it? Let me put it this way, who is it that would on it? I know it's the weather's not cold yet, but it's in the 60s and 50s now in late September.


These people are showing up from who knows where.


I'm sure nearby, but they're showing up. And if you don't just drive to the event here and spend a couple hours and leave, you've got to get there early. If you want to get in, you got to go through security. It's pretty much a multiple our commitment to go to one of these things. And you're not going to get close enough to the president to get a selfie photo or a handshake.


Certainly not.


Or at autograph president pretty much Schütz, when these things are over, after he dances to YMCA, that's that's when they play YMCA as the closing music, when the president finishes that and he does his little dance and jive to it and he gets on the plane and splits. But these literally thousands and thousands of people, they're being totally ignored by the media. It's as though they're not there. They are taken for granted. It's not assumed and it's not even questioned what impact all these people are going to have on the election.


It strikes me how how odd it is that there isn't any curiosity about it. And I know why. I just watch television here before the big broadcast began. And there's some Democrats senator on there named Chris Murphy. This is on Fox. And Chris Murphy is going on and on and on about how the Republican Party is just a cult.


It's all it is, is just a cult. Have you all seen the way? The casket of Ruth Ginsburg arrived at the Supreme Court today. You want to see a cult? Take a look at the way the left is handling the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Anyway, so this guy, the Senator, Chris Murphy, says these guys, they're just a cult and he says, I'll give you the proof. The proof is that they are. Already unanimously supporting a nominee that they don't even know they don't know who the nominee is, the president isn't going to announce a nominee until Saturday at five o'clock.


And yet this cult party, the Republicans are in total unity already.


And I said, you know, that's very clever, Senator Murphy, but that's not the way to look at this.


How about you people on the Democrat side, you are already destroying a nominee that you haven't seen yet, you have already begun the process that you engage in every time one of these things happens. You have already begun your attempt to destroy the nominee and you don't know who the nominee is. And yet the Republicans are somehow a cult because they are supporting a nominee that they don't even know yet. But the fact is, they do know Trump provided a list.


And the fact of the matter is, anybody on that list is pretty much going to be accepted. And particularly with the top two that are speculated here. Judge, let go and Judge Barrett, I mean, he's either one of those two will be a grand slam home run. They've been vetted before, Senator. They're on the judiciary as is.


Already out there on the circuit court, they've been through this, you people in the Senate and Democrats know who they are, you've vetted them, that Trump gave us a list. So we know who these people are, but they've they've got judicial track records. So you don't have to be a call. This is not a blind acceptance. It's not as though we don't know who the nominee is going to be. We just don't know specifically which one.


No, I was not just washing my hands. Why do you think I was just washing my watch? Just ask me if I was washing my hands. You know, the watch now, when you wash your hands, it records it, it urges you to do it and it came out long before even covid was a big deal.


I must have been rubbing my hands together here. Like when you wash your hands and the watch the microphone, here's water running and knows that your wife thinks it knows and someone asks you, that has to be what happened here.


So at any rate, they can't stop the nominee. They don't have the votes. Now, one, a clarification about about Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney has not promised to vote for the nominee. Mitt Romney said that he is not going to vote against a floor vote for whoever the nominee is, but he is going to wait. To make sure the nominee is qualified now Romney is like nominee, Romney knows who it's going to be, one of two, one of three.


Romney, if he wanted to, could announce his support. But he's going to wait until Trump actually names the judge.


The Trumps out there say, oh, man, the Republicans have never been more unified than they are now, and that's true in any number of ways you might want to look at it.


I mean, you look at 92 percent of the Republican Party, the voters, the base, if you will, supports Trump, 82 percent are in favor of one of these two judges being nominated.


The Democrats are just frustrated that as it appears on paper, they can't stop the nominee. But you know what, folks? It's not going to it's not going to stop them from trying. They're going to do once these hearings in three days, four days, whenever the limit is, they're going to do what they do. They are going to do everything they can to destroy whoever the nominee is, but I think it's classic, Senator Murphy, these people are a cult.


They're supporting a nominee. They don't even know you had you guys are out trying to destroy a nominee. You don't even know yet. And furthermore, with you guys, it won't matter who the nominee is. The nominee could be Saint Peter and you people would be out there trying to destroy. Him, if the Republicans were trying to put him on the Supreme Court, doesn't matter who the nominee is as far as the Democrats are concerned.


Do you remember earlier this week? What is it what's the data? Is this the twenty third is today, so it's a couple of days ago.


Little story here headline today, I gave my dad a choice, Trump or his grandkids and his son. Remember, we had a discussion over how Donald Trump and support for Trump is breaking up families and how. Children are blackmailing their parents, saying if you if you want to see your grandkids, if you want your grandkids to be part of your life, if you want to be part of their life, you got to renounce your support for Trump.


Remember that. Story was about a guy named Leo Guaman. Leo Guaman.


Wrote the story in a publication called Medium, and it was a piece of sheer emotional blackmail and is a glaring example of how the left is using emotional blackmail on their parents.


We've talked about this for a while. I've shared with you a number of people who are my age, who now have grandkids, and they are afraid to say one positive thing about Donald Trump in the presence of their 30 year old children.


For fear that their 30 year old children will deny them the chance to be a part of their grandkids life, and so my friends or my age do not dare say a word about Donald Trump.


Some of them don't even say a word about me. Some of them have been forced to renounce me.


And the EIB Network, that's how deep. The emotional blackmail. So anyway, Mr. Gwenn writes this piece today, I gave my dad a choice, Trump or his grandkids and his son. Today, I found out my dad put a Trump sign in his yard and I got peed off.


Really paid off, and I sent him and my mom a text and this is what the text said, quote. Due to the signs in your yard, the kids and I will not be down. The current occupant of the White House is preaching hate.


And violence endangering the lives and safety of many of my friends. This is not acceptable to me at all.


It is a complete disregard for women, for minorities, science, ethics and morality. Remember, we we tore this now we we unpacked all this. His tweet concluded, Please consider if you support Trump that much, because I hate him that much, I wanted to be upfront and honest about my feelings and screw you if you don't renounce Trump and take those signs out of the yard.


At this point, it's not acceptable to me, you can vote for whoever you want, but I can choose who I surround myself with. I love my dad, but I can't be around him until he understands how vital I believe this election to be and what is truly at stake, it's not easy, but it was necessary now to see what fallout occurs.


Here's this guy, Leo Guaman, and he's talking about how Trump has total disregard for women. And I pointed out there are more women in the Trump administration in positions of genuine influence and power and relevance than ever were in the Obama administration or any other Democratic Clinton administration to boot. Minorities, Trump has done more. Look at the African-American unemployment rate, prie covid Trump has done more for minorities in this country than you can shake a stick at science.


That's all about climate change, ethics, morality.


Well, anyway, there's an update to the story. Mr. Snowden, we found this.


It's at PIAC Review. It's not at medium. And the headline is I Screwed Up Man's Ultimatum to Parents Over Trump Signs in yard back fires. And now he's sorry. And if you read not very far into the story, you find this the writer who described himself as being toward the liberal end of the spectrum, the liberal end. Toward the liberals can't even admit what he is. Describes himself as being toward the liberal end of the spectrum, noted that he realized the irony of the situation when he found himself the topic of discussion on the Rush Limbaugh Show.


Let me tell you, it's the Rush Limbaugh show that caused whatever change of mind this guy had. Nobody else was talking about this. That's why this program equals cutting edge of societal evolution. This guy, Leo Gweneth, who asked his parents with his hand shaking and tears in his eyes to remove the pro Trump sign in their yard, came back with an apology after his rant backfired.


Leo Guaman penned a personal recounting of the lessons he learned after giving his family the ultimatum on their display of support for Trump.


Explaining in a follow up entry this week that although he wanted to trigger a response with his initial piece, he wanted his apology to go viral as well, meaning this is the apology, didn't mean to do didn't mean to talk to his parents this way.


So anyway, what's the point here? Well, there are many, many points here, that is one, if you're a leftist, be really careful. If I find out about what you're doing. And tend to go public with it because then you're going to be embarrassed when the whole country finds out how cockamamie you are. But then he's had to backtrack and apologize, meaning his parents didn't have to change. Didn't have to remove the Trump signs and this guy caved in is going to make sure that the grandparents are allowed to see the grandkids.


This is a lesson for you out there. You parents who think you're going to not think you're being emotionally black, blackmailed by your 25 or 30 year old kids, tell them to go pound sand. You should have been doing that along their lines anyway.


No, no, no. I did not lose my place. I'm going to finish my thought on who are these people showing up at the Trump rallies? Because I've I think it's deep. I think the answer to the question is, is a profundity in and of itself. It's it's massive. The numbers of people showing up at these rallies. And, you know, they were totally ignored in 2016. They were totally missed back then. If you recall, conventional wisdom was that the size of crowd, the size of the crowd at rallies was irrelevant to elections, to how much strength a candidate had.


It was irrelevant to votes. Conventional wisdom was at rallies. You're going to have beaucoup people. In other words, it didn't matter that Hillary Clinton was only drawing 200 or 250 and Trump was drawing 15000. Didn't matter because crowd size doesn't tell you anything. So they ignored the people. They ignored who they might be. And even to this day. As I have said countless times, maybe so many times, I board many of you, but the professional political class on the Democrat side to this day has not endeavored to find out who those people are.


They have not tried to find out who the Trump base is because their arrogance and condescension has already told them who the Trump base is and who are they. There are a bunch of dumb, stupid hayseeds, and that's all you need to know. There are a bunch of hicks who make up a cult. They're unreachable. They're not worth spending any time on at all. That's. How the Democrats have seen them since 2016 to 2015.


And it's how they see them now, total discount, total ignoring total, and it's so much more than that, particularly the makeup of the crowds in 2016.


There in lies the secret of the Trump victory. Who were those people in 2016 and when you find out, because I'm going to tell you after the bottom of the hour break, when you find out, you'll understand why it's it's relevant. By the way, Mr. Mr. Gwenn Leo Gwenn wrote here that, you know, who am I to wield that kind of power over anyone's behavior?


Who am I to tell my dad he can't see his grandkids. He's got a Trump say, oh, my, I can't do that. I apologize to my dad in person. I screwed up with him. I own that. I'm okay with making mistakes because that's the best way to learn. So I screwed up in a big way.


And I'm going to apologize in a big way. This program made all that happen, I tell you.


Welcome back. Great to have you. Rush Limbaugh, the EIB. You know, I was just reminded it's even worse here. You have the senator, Chris Murphy, talking about how the Republicans are a cult because a unified actually, they're not. Now, Trump said they're more unified they've ever been. And that's true. But we still have two defectors, and that would be Susan Collins and Murkowski that the Democrats, before even knowing who the nominee is, the Democrats are totally unified in opposing whoever the nominee is.


So as is the usual case, the Democrats are the.


They are the gigantic hypocrites, but of course, it's not news that there's hypocrisy and hypocrites in in politics.


Before I get to my in-depth breakdown of my question, who are these people at the Trump rally?


And again, it's not a critical observation. Don't misunderstand. Let me start with line one, because we have some I want to get calls on this now rather than an hour from now when people may not know why the caller is talking about the subject. Well, get the subject of the calls buttressed back to back. So it makes sense. This is this is Nande in The Villages, Florida. It's great to have you. I'm glad you called.




Hey, Reisz, thanks for taking my call. We pray for you every day, OK? You have lit a fire under me, these spineless parents and grandparents that will succumb to threats from their kids about not seeing their grandkids or whatever. If that was my kid, I'd say, fine, you're out of everything. You're not getting a dime. The kids, the grandkids will get everything. I'm so tired of people. Well, you know what would happen?


They just steal it from the grandkids. You know, I make sure that didn't happen. I'm a smart, conservative woman. I love President Trump. I'm in a Trump rally today in the villages. We're expecting over a thousand golf carts. And you know what? I'm not going to be bullied. And thank God for people like you. And, you know, we need to rise up and stop being these little timid. I don't wear a mask.


You know, I'm and I'm a good person. You know, I help my neighbors.


Damn straight you are. Absolutely. There's no reason people like you need to run around thinking there's something wrong with you.


There's not a darn thing wrong with me, Rush. Not a darn thing. I love my country. I love my president. I love my family. And there are so many more people. And I love the EIB Network. I do.


And I love you. And just like, you know, my little grandson had a Skype call with a library in his home school. They said, what are you reading? And he brought out his Rush Limbaugh books that you wrote for kids. He wrote he read every one of those books. It took him less than three weeks.


What is that? The Rush review of books? Yes. How old is he now?


He's learned he is eight. Well, you know what?


Eight years old. I'll tell you what I want. I want you I want you to hang on. Mr. Snowden is going to pick the phone up here and get a shipping address for you because we want to send your grandson some stuff from the Revere neighborhood, from the from the Revere neighborhood of the of the whole operation here, because we got some really cool stuff that.


Goes great with with the books, and we'd be more than happy to do it, and you certainly deserve it. I want to I want to react to something she said. I have to preface this by reminding everybody that I do not have children.


So. I may be all wet here. But I do not have that emotional time in my life and I understand what it is, I understand how deep and strong the emotional bond is. But I have to tell you, as an observer. I have been. Let's just say curious at the way child rearing has occurred. In certainly the last generation, 25 years, and maybe even longer than that. And, you know, you can see it in the pop culture.


You can see how child rearing, the raising of children, if you will, for those of you in Rio, Linda. I can you can see how it has evolved in our culture by watching.


The various ways it's portrayed in TV, I'll give an example. Occasionally, I will watch a program called Law and Order S. v you this program has been on the air for like 20 years and they've yet to run out of storylines. And it's about sexual crimes in Manhattan. It stars Mariska Hargitay or Hargitay, who's the she's a daughter, Jayne Mansfield, if you know who that was.


In anyway, she has become a mom at age 80. I'm exaggerating, she'd become a mom.


I think the adoption, I don't know, but I'm not I'm not exaggerating much when I tell you that she'd be sitting in her office at the police headquarters and her phone will ring and it'll be the school where her son Noah is and the school will tell her Noah is crying, you have to do something and she will stop what she's doing. She will leave the office to go because her son is crying. No one is really upset. He's crying, Owen.


And then then. And then the way they portray it when she gets to the school.


What's wrong, Noah? I hate you, Mommy. I want my real. My own. And then then she goes sulking away in the bathroom.


My kid hates me. Oh, my God.


I'm I'm thinking I compare all this to the way my brother and I were raised, which is my.


Nearest. Mode of comparison. And I'll tell you something, folks, I you know, every parent, every set of parents does it their own way, and there's no school you go to. There's no manual. Everybody. Those are their own way, but I really think that we've we've lost control here, I think Nan from The Villages is right. I think it's I think it's completely out of phase. When I hear. People my age 60 to 70.


Literally say that they don't dare talk about their support for Trump or they will not be allowed to see their grandkids. The first thing I ask myself has did you ever discipline your kids when they were growing up? I just I don't understand it. But it seems like the kids who by definition can't possibly know what the parents know now, that's not true. I mean, parents can be surpassed by their kids in just in book learning like the great Louis Armstrong song.


What a wonderful world. He's talking about some baby just born. And he says the lyric line of the song, he'll he'll learn much more than I've ever known. That's that's, of course, true as we continue to chart knowledge. But I'm just talking about life experiences.


Somebody 40 years old is going to have many more life experiences and thus much more wisdom than somebody 15.


And yet we're letting the 15 year old tell us what's going to happen and how we have to behave, and I just I can't relate to it. If I had tried that with my parents, I.


I would not it would not have flown. And would not have, like I've mentioned to my father. Who was brilliant? And could express his intelligence. I mean, there was no doubt that he was. There was just no way he was going to let some 15 year old high school punk tell him something. About life. It might be polite hearing it, don't misunderstand, but. He was not going to.


Actually, consider that the 15 year old might know more than he did, and but this is not an arrogance thing and it's not, you know, it's about raising kids properly and imparting your knowledge to them in your wisdom, in ways that help them and all that and.


The whole concept of tough love, there's a place for it, even with child rearing, and that's what I think has vanished a lot. So we have Nande here from the village villagers saying, if my kids try to tell me that I can't see my grandkids, fine, they're out of the will. I don't care. They're out of the will. I'm not going to sit there and just cower in fear or what particularly about my political career, particularly when I know more than they do.


About what's good for this country, they can't possibly know what's good for this country if they're supporting Democrats, they can't possibly know it. That's why I look at it, if my kid were aiming or leaning left, I'd be so scared and I would take them.


You can't possibly know what's best for this country, if that's what you think. I tell them that flat out no. You think you would rush when you have your own kids, you wouldn't talk to them? That I have to say, OK, maybe I don't know. Since I don't have that emotional bond, it's hard for me to actually claim what I would do.


But my I'm honestly telling you that that's what I would do. If I'm minding my own business one day and have a kid, the kid comes home. I think I'm really going to vote for my. Why? Because I hate Trump. I don't like Trump treating it like I would ask myself, how the hell did it even get to this point? Is my kid not listening to me, is my kid rebelling against me, and is that why the kid this is is, you know, I'd get to the bottom of it.


I want to know why. What in the world? How when did you lose your mind, son? Tell me at what point and all this crap on the left start looking good to you. Where did I go wrong?


However, I would play it. And I would just tell him flat out, if you think. That Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who put a lid on their campaign, have you ever wonder what's going on? They put a lid on a campaign event. They had nine, 30 a.m. Biden puts a lid on it. That means they shut down. You know what's going on? You know what's going on, you know, what's he doing, debate prep, they are scared to death.


They're they're they're using money and the media to do their campaigning for them. While Biden is obviously doing this debate prep, they're paranoid.


What's going to happen with this debates? And I'm telling you, if you over prep a candidate for anything, you over prep anybody for a debate or a public appearance, you're going to end up causing him to freeze anyway because you're going to overload them with information and with plugs. It isn't going to take much to overload.


And it's just that's the way it is. I mean, putting a lid on the campaign every at nine thirty and where is Harris?


Where the hell is she? She's not after he ever talks about. Plug's not taking questions. Neither is she. She's not she's invisible, she's nowhere out there. Meanwhile, Trump is working himself like nobody's ever worked before, and the contrast is so obvious. I mean, Biden couldn't do one percent of what Trump is doing in any given day, and ditto Kamala Harris. But, you know, I I just back to the kid thing, you know, I go got to go out of time.


Sorry, folks.


All right, so we're back. Rush ball, executing a signed host duties flawlessly. Zero mistakes. I'm going to grab that phone call here. The second. But first, grab somebody. Number two, I want to get this out. There's panic settling it. Remember, folks, I'm the guy who told you. Back on September 15th, I'm the guy who told you the events shaping the election haven't happened yet, you pooh poohed it. Come on, Rasht, it's all baked in by now.


And then we had the death of a Supreme Court justice and it just it changed everything. Now, Colvin's not an issue. Nothing the Democrats were planning on being an issue is an issue. In addition to that, they're panicking on ABC because Trump is now beginning to show leads in battleground states, this Robin Roberts and Cecilia Vega at ABC.


These debates are vital in this presidential election because our new polling showing that the race still so close in key battleground states is not the case. Yeah, exactly. We've got some new polling in. Let me show it to you right now. We are talking about Arizona and Florida states that Trump won back in twenty sixteen. And right now it looks like the president has a slight edge among likely voters in both of those states. In Florida, Biden, he's got tepid support among Latinos right now, Robyn.


And the president, he's really winning on the economy overall. Voters overwhelmingly favor him to handle it over Joe Biden right now.


Oh, no. Oh, no.


Did you hear that in their in their polling? Their polling. Trump has a slight edge among likely voters in these states. Biden support tepid among Latinos. Well, wait a minute. I thought Biden was up eight, 10, 12. What have you now in the. I know Trump losing double digits here, double digits over there, single digits over here now he's leading in the battleground states.


No kidding. That kind of snuck up on everybody, didn't it? All right, let me grab Stephanie here and Swansboro, North Carolina. Welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you with us.


Oh, my gosh, this is the greatest thing that's happened to me in 2020. So I wanted to call because I've been to two Trump rallies. I've attended one Trump boat parade. And I was in a Trump boat parade that had 2500 people, 2500 boats in it. And we know that we're being dismissed by the media. You know, we talk amongst ourselves when you're waiting for six, eight hours and we're all employed. We all took a vacation day.


We've taken our kids and we love that we're being dismissed because the longer the time goes by that they don't have a clue as to who the real patriots of our country are, the hardworking people are, the more they ignore, the longer in the more elections we're going to win. And the one thing that we all discovered is typically the older people, they get the landline phone calls as to who they're going to vote for. The federal 80 and 70 year old people and myself included, we've all lied to the pollsters, we've all said bye bye bye bye.


Oh, yeah, I know that I know the games you're playing. And I hardly applaud lying to the pollsters. I want to say that too loud. I don't want you to quote me on that. But I look, I know who you are.


This is the thing I've I've got a very in-depth explanation of who these people are, you and others at these rallies.


And I'll get to it in the monologue segment the next day.


I'm glad you called Stephanie. We will be back, folks. Don't go anywhere.


All right. The long knives are out now. A bunch of parents sending me caustic notes, telling me it'd be best if I just shut up, since I admittedly am not a parent and they give me examples. I'll share one with you as the program unfolds at the beginning of the next hour.


In the meantime, you sit tight. I remain undaunted. Don't worry.


Hey, it's Buck Sexton. Here we are in the height of an election season that will determine the future of the country. Who are you going to listen to? Who can you trust? Join me in the freedom hunt, the one place where you know you'll get the straight story from a conservative perspective. Joe Biden, somebody who's been a machine politician, the Democrat Party from Delaware for longer than I've been alive. And nobody thought he was impressive. No one thought he had great leadership until about five minutes ago.


They're trying to fool you. They're trying to pull off a con, a fraud against America. And Joe Biden is the con man in chief, the biggest names and the heaviest hitters in politics, trust me.


So we've done a lot. But can we have some great support for your viewpoint is very important to make very, very important. This how we got to know each other.


Buck Sexton, formerly of the CIA. It's great to be back on the Buck Sexton show.


I Heart Radio is number one for podcast, and it's easy to see why. Listen to the Buck Sexton show on the I Heart Radio AMP or wherever you get your podcast.


Candice Owen's just knocked out Cardi B in Poke. The biggest hole yet in the stranglehold entertainment and media have on the minds of black voters in this country. I'm Robert Smith and all the next episode of Rob Smith is problematic. We are going to break down why the left uses idiots to reach black America and how Candice Owens just put them all on notice that they cannot do it anymore. Listen to Rob Smith is problematic on the radio app, on Apple podcasts.


And wherever you get your podcasts, third time's a charm.


Greetings and welcome back. Rush Limbaugh and the EIB Network. It's the fastest three hours in media. It's great to have you here.


By the way, folks, I meant to mention this a name in the first hour, the the mayor of Louisville came out right before the program began, maybe right as the program was beginning, claiming that they're not claiming.


He's saying that a grand jury report on the on the Brianna Taylor murder would be revealed at one thirty.


And the way he made it look like all hell is about to break loose in lool.


Now, the mayor has since put a curfew in place.


For law ahead of the grand jury report, so that kind of tells you what he thinks is going to be the reaction to the grand jury report, doesn't it? We put a curfew in place. So I don't know, I just I remember the grand jury report in Ferguson and it cleared the cop. Remember, what happened in Ferguson is a total lie.


Got its hooks into our country deeply and it survived. Why was hands up, don't shoot the lie was the gentle giant Michael Brown was minding his own business, walking down the street on a Saturday afternoon in Ferguson, Missouri. And what was he doing? Why he was it was August. And he was thinking fondly of how in just a few weeks he was going to be going away to college and.


And a new chapter. In his life, a young life filled with promise, and then this racist cop happened to drive by and the racist cop happened to see that this black kid was walking along on the sidewalk and decided just to shoot him.


And the cop went in there and. Michael Brown saw what was going to happen, put his hands up, don't shoot, don't shoot, pull the trigger that lie. Still exist, it's like the lie in Charlottesville, where Trump supposedly praised skinhead Nazis as being good people. He never did. He never even got close to saying that.


But that's another lie with hooks deep into our society and culture. Same thing happened in Ferguson. Then the grand jury report came out. The grand jury report was the truth.


It said that the guy had held up a convenience store, he had been high on marijuana. He was walking in the middle of the street, not on the sidewalk. And there was no way he was thinking about going away to college. And furthermore, when the cop attempted to get him to stop walking in the middle of the street, he attempted to get the cop's gun. By jumping inside the cop's car and that's why the cop responded the way he did.


Well, no, I mean, even the St. Louis Rams players are being introduced before the game with their hands up, hands in, hands up, don't shoot. And it didn't happen. So now. We have the grand jury report that's going to be announced in less than a half hour, Elul and whatever it is, is probably the mayor there is worried that's going to cause all hell broke loose and he's put a curfew.


On four tonight. But the city I think city law has already, without even a verdict, paid her family a lot of money.


So we shall see. Now, here's here's an example, an email that I got from a I'm an audience member, disgruntled parent. Dear Mr. Limbaugh, you sure do claim to know a lot about something you admit you don't know anything about.


And that is parenthood. Hey, you know what? Let me just tell you.


You don't have to have done something to be knowledgeable of it, like there was there were attempts way back in the late 80s to get people like me to stop talking about the defense budget because we had never served in the military. You can't you're not qualified. Well, wait a minute. I don't have time served in the military to be able to be conversant and knowledgeable about the defense budget. And I don't have to be a parent to know when a good job is being done and a bad job's being done, but.


This is the way our society is also evolve, disqualify opinions you don't like. If you can, by suggesting the person with the opinion isn't qualified to have it. So anyway, dear Mr. Limbaugh, we had dinner with friends recently. They're very conservative. They have a 24 year old daughter. Who was home recently from wherever she is off to? And they were just devastated, Mr. Limbaugh, because their darling, 24 year old daughter accused him of being a racist's.


There were two reasons why. There, there, darling. 24 year old daughter accused of being racist one day had sent her to a private school. Second reason that their darling, 24 year old daughter accused of being racist was. They bought a house in a neighborhood where there were very few black families. So. Mr. Limbaugh, because they wanted their darling twenty four year old daughter to be protected.


And because they wanted her to be well educated in her mind, they are racist. On the other hand, Mr. Limbaugh, their son, 26. Years old. He's a total Trump supporter. He listens to you every day. So tell me, sir, how is that a parenting issue, you bloated bigot? Wait a minute, I'm not bloated anymore, and besides, the perfume on your e-mail reeks. If you must know. I am telling you, Mr.


Limbaugh, there is a war on for the minds of young. I know this. I'm the one telling everybody about this war.


White, college educated women are the foils. They are the ones that are the front line marchers for Black Lives Matter, for example. I know what's going on here. Mr. Limbaugh, there has always been this war in my lifetime. I know, I know the modern era feminism kicks off in the late 60s. I know all about this. I, I, I know how it is torn families and torn our culture. But, you know, feminism, militant feminism has done more.


To wreck our culture and society, it'd be it'd be difficult to find something that has been just as damaged. I'm sure there is.


But off the top of my head, I guess you could probably take pretty much any front facing a left wing issue and say the same thing about it. But, man, militant feminism has just destroyed so much. It's made so many people not happy.


It has been so filled with false promises of contentment and happiness and fulfillment.


It's just been a disaster. It's got people acting. It's got people not knowing who they're supposed to be caught, people questioning who they really are. And one of the greatest things in life is knowing who you are and liking yourself. It's one of the greatest things can ever happen to you. You know how many people don't like themselves? They are too fat. I don't think they're smart enough. They're rob and have good hair. What is it to me when somebody actually likes or loves themself?


It's such a blessing and feminism has made it.


So difficult to like yourself if you're a woman. It's a shame and it's confused men out the wazoo to boot. You had people like Gloria Steinem and Eleanor Squeal and all these other Mollenard, all of these people have been battling for the minds of young women for 50 or more years now, 60. Have you heard, Mr. Sturdily, that the left wing media slobbering all over the place as Cindy McCain has endorsed Biden?


Didn't she do that at the convention? But does anybody care? Nobody cares how many additional voters is going to get Plug's answer zero. This is supposed to be a gigantic blow to Trump that Cindy McCain is endorsing Biden. What's this going to do, depress us? Going to dispirit all of these Republicans out there think Trump is losing sleep over this? I don't think so.


By the way, of. Louisville has been boarding up for days in preparation for riots. Following the release of the grand jury report today. So anyway. You sit there and wonder what a grand jury would, you can almost say there's no way that a sane grand jury should indict a cop for shooting back after being shot at. So we'll have to wait and see what's going to have to bottom line in the Briona Taylor case, the cops knocked down the door, her boyfriend shot at the cops and the cops shot back.


What's that you say, feminism, welfare has done more to damage society than. Well, maybe welfare has been out there for much longer than feminism has. The cops did what? The cops at the wrong at the wrong house in the raid. The cops are raiding the wrong house when they were fired at. Well, then, how did her boyfriend get shot? If there were the wrong. Oh, OK, so in your mind, the cops are guilty here and need to be.


Tragic mistake. OK, well, that's not going to satisfy anybody. Well, I don't care. Maybe what happened is not going to satisfy anybody. It's not going to, like, hands up, don't shoot.


I mean, the only thing that was going to work in in Ferguson, OK, no, I have not lost my place and I've not forgotten these rallies.


The Trump rallies, as I mentioned, have really got me curious. All these people that show up, I mean, tens of thousands, every rally, they are there. They've been every rally for four years, five years now. And. Especially if you go back four years ago, who were they, remember? The Tea Party, the Tea Party was people, and this is 2010, and it was Obamacare that that that gave birth to the Tea Party, it was organic.


The Tea Party was people who had never participated in organized activism before they had voted. But that was that they had they had they had not gone to. Fundraising events or they've not knocked on doors, they've not been official employees of any political operation, but when they saw what was going to happen to health care and their kids and grandkids, they were scared to it over the spending they organically.


Grew out of. Society and it stunned everybody and it scared the hell out of the Democrats, I didn't know where these people came from, they immediately had to be destroyed. And so the Democrats created their own group.


But the difference is they were not actually created a fake and phony group that they tried to pass off as as organic. And the Tea Party scared the hell out of the Democrats. Now, when the Trump rallies began six years later, the same thing did not happen. Who whoever those people were showing up at the rallies did not scare the Democrats, did not scare the Republicans, did not scare anybody in the political class because they were immediately discounted. They were thought of as brainless.


Hayseeds that they were for Trump, I mean, what more evidence do you need it to dump that they're stupid? And remember, for most of 2015 16, nobody thought Trump was going to win, so it didn't matter who they were. But even after Trump wins, there wasn't any curiosity about them. All there was was an attempt to impugn them, to destroy them, their character and their reputations. So the Trump team in 2016, they wanted to find out who these people were.


And they did. They found out that there were a lot of people in those rallies who weren't registered to vote. They would vote for Trump, but they weren't registered. These people really were deeply buried. In our culture and society, they were so turned off of politics for so long that they hadn't registered to vote and they hadn't voted and they hadn't been involved in politics and they hadn't even paid attention to it. And it was Donald Trump who awakened them all.


It was Donald Trump who brought them out of wherever they were lurking in the shadows. They were uninterested in politics. They didn't care. They didn't think it mattered. They didn't think their vote mattered. They didn't think there was anything they could do that would change the course of the country so all they could do was try to find their place in it. And make the best life they could. They had no faith in politics, they had no faith in Washington until Trump came along.


These these new people, these these were not kids. Coming to voting age like the Democrats are, depending on the Democrats, every election, are waiting for this magical turnout among America's youth that never happens. That's not who these people were. They were adults. They lived in flyover country. They were just trying to make a living and have a life.


They never felt included in the political process. There was more. What more? Hang on. Be right back.


Hi. Welcome back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to get to the Senate report on Hunter Biden and Barry's mom. We'll get to that before the program ends. Look, I can't do everything in the first hour. That's why. Why the program is three hours is why you got to listen to the whole thing. I want to I want to finish this business with these people at Trump rally, because this is really key now, folks.


They're being totally ignored. They're not they're not being even now showing proper respect. But these people and it's true today to the same people, these were adults, it's important that of 2016 to remember who they were. They were adults, they lived in flyover country. They were just trying to make a living. They were just trying to have a life. They never felt included in the political process. It's not they felt excluded. It's that they felt it didn't matter.


They were one vote there, one vote didn't matter whatever they wanted. Never seemed to happen. Politicians were hypocrites and liars. It seemed to them like a waste of time.


They used to vote.


They used to be involved, but there was never any. Really? Payback in that investment. So they just tuned out. And Donald Trump comes along and says something about. The way he spoke and the things he talked about. Brought them out of the shadows. They did not fall into traditional political groups that are constantly polled and talk to blacks, Hispanics, lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, millennials, religious, that you couldn't categorize them that way.


And so they were really not very interesting to traditional political consultants and professionals because they couldn't be categorized. They didn't. In fact, nobody really cared. I mean, why would you care about people who don't vote? Why would you care about people not even registered to vote? So they were just ignored. Now. It's probably a lot of people are surprised to have this many people that not be registered to vote. But there's more people like that than you can probably.


Comprehend or more people that feel left out, and I don't mean that they feel rejected. It's not a psychological thing. It's it's an intellectual thing. They just think that there's no read that they thought. In 2016, I do nothing ever really changes there, watching jobs, their jobs leave despite the fact they don't want that to happen.


Hang on.


Hi, welcome back. Rush Limbaugh analyzing the people at the Trump rallies and why they are so influential. And the answer to that is largely because the American political class has taken them for granted or ignored them, the Democrats especially, but the Republicans to.


But I think there are a lot of people fall into the category, they're not registered. A lot of people can't understand that. But like yesterday, I don't know if you noticed that, but no matter what you did on your computer or your phone, you were met with a get out there and register today. It was National Voter Registration Day yesterday. You would not believe the number of people that are not registered to vote. In addition, you wouldn't believe the number of people that Democrats want to register multiple times.


So there's a lot going on.


Remember all those old MTV get out the vote campaigns and they never worked, their objective was to turn out the vote among the youth of America, the teenagers, the 18 year olds, all the way up to 34. It was there.


The Democrats power was that for all the young blue eyed liberals were this is where the future of the Democrat Party was.


Those people never showed up to vote, though. They might have registered, but they'd never shown it. They never knew. But there was Rock the Vote, there was get out the vote, there was, you know, flush the vote. I mean, every four years there was a new campaign. Because there are millions of people who aren't registered. Believe me, there are more people fall into that category. You'd believe. As such, there never talk to.


If you're in politics. Where the name of the game is getting votes, why would you waste time on people that aren't registered to vote? Especially after all the efforts to register voters or voters, why would you spend time you wouldn't. So these people are not talked to.


So nobody cared what their issues were. Nobody cared about their lives politically, they didn't exist, they couldn't vote, didn't vote, weren't going to vote. So what's it matter? But see, it did matter to trump these people watch their jobs leave and they hear people promise in politics, it's not going to happen. They hear all these promises about tax cuts and how you're going to have newfound wealth. None of it ever happened.


Trump spoke to those people in ways no one had even imagined to try before.


And the two things that hit home.


In Trump's rallies in 2016, where trade and his simple way of saying you have all been screwed over by Washington elites and China and I am going to make it right, we've had some of the stupidest leaders in our history make the dumbest deals with China. And that resonated and the political class couldn't believe it. They couldn't believe that people who were not registered and didn't care about politics couldn't care, Whit, about China. Or trade deals. Trade deals, those are really ALLETE things and then, of course, immigration.


And immigration, they didn't want to care, they didn't want to the elites didn't care because it wasn't they weren't going to change their minds about it anyway. Trump says he's going to build a wall to keep illegals out and he's going to get even with the Chinese. And here they came out of the woodwork. So what did Trump and his campaign do?


With this rather shocking realization of all of this untapped political gold, here, you've got thousands and thousands and thousands, maybe millions of unregistered voters who all of a sudden are interested in politics, again, because of one guy, Donald Trump. So what they do, you know what they've done. They've spent the last three years working on these exact people and getting them registered to vote. And this is something the political class has missed. For the past three years, the Trump campaign has been focused on finding as many of these people who go to the rallies and people like them and getting them registered to vote.


They have spent a ton of money. And a lot of effort on this group of people who woke up to politics after a lifetime of being disinterested or uninterested because of Donald Trump. So the Trump camp and the Republican National Committee have a massive grass roots. Campaign that nobody knows about the grassroots campaign is voter registration, the people are all they're qualified leads. They want to vote like a qualified lead in sales. You don't have to close the sale because the qualified lead already wants to spend the money.


You just have to find a way to facilitate that same thing here. These people, they don't need to be sold on Trump. They already are. They just need to be registered. And that's what the Trump campaign has been doing. For the past three years, along with the Republican National Committee. And yesterday, we had a national register to vote day or whatever it was called, every business, every platform, every celebrity was all over your computer all day yesterday, all over your phone, telling you to register to vote, acting like nobody was.


Now, Biden. And Kamala Harris, they don't have anything like this going on, folks, they have no ground game because they don't have to. They have farmed this all out to corporations, to Hollywood, to Michael Bloomberg. Michael Bloomberg giving money away in Florida. To felons or any number of people, and by the way, there is a story in the stack, how what what Bloomberg is doing may be criminal.


I forget. It's not extortion, something, I'll find it in the story, but a lot of people are thinking that what Bloomberg is doing here by stopping off in Florida and paying people essentially to vote the way he wants to vote may not be totally kosher.


Anyway, you got Bloomberg, you got Silicon Valley, all of these get out the vote people. All of these mainstream media people urging the vote. The voter registration drive. They're doing it for Plug's, he doesn't have to do it. He doesn't have to spend any money on it. The left has had sports heroes, they have had Michelle Obama, all of us rock the vote, get out the vote stuff, the Trump people have been working themselves silly for the past three years, getting every one of these people showed up to a Trump rally registered to vote.


And even at that, you look at them and these massive crowds and you still say, who are they? Who is it that takes the time and it's a massive amount of effort to go to one of these rallies and then they buy hats and they shirts, flags and all that.


And the closest they get to Trump, they still need. Binoculars. To see him up close. And yet they do it. I don't even know if the people I'm talking about were members of this audience.


I mean, if they could have been that disconnected from politics, if the powers that be in in politics, Democrat and Republican, if they had a proper understanding who these people are, they would be hustling, like you can't believe, to find out who they are and to get them registered.


This is this is a massive find. People that have been disinterested in all of a sudden one day were. All this new passion and so forth, and Trump has them here, let me grab a quick call before we have to take a break. This is DIAM in.


Vermont, I need to put my glasses on to read to Tom Lunenburg, Vermont. Well, that's I never heard of it, so it didn't look familiar to me. Anyway, how are you out there, Diane?


I'm I'm great. Russ, how are you doing? Fine and dandy. Thank you. Great. Quick shout out to my husband, Jim, for turning me on to you back in the early 90s in Sacramento. My point is, I was trying to answer the question that you asked earlier, when did parenting go awry and why did we start changing our style? And you were right that it is a progression. But my grandmother had told me that she she was a I'm 61.


She was a child of the Depression. And it was very hard on children then. And they never kind of scared them. They never forgot it. I've spoken to a lot of older people since about it and they agree. So they were a little lighter on their kids and, you know, because they remembered how bad it was to be a kid then and and swore they would never do it to their attention.


So that's a good observation. I know what you mean when you say that they were hard on the kids. Yeah.


In the Depression, you have to be they had to grow up fast. They had to learn that there were things larger than themselves and they had to learn that real fast, especially during the Depression. That's what my parents grew up in.


And from that spawned my belief that as a homeschool parent, we thank them both out in fifth and sixth grade at different times for different reasons. But people would always talk about raising children like you're not raising children, you're raising adults. There you. Yes, you want them to be kids at the same time. Isn't that clever? I just I'm a sucker for philosophy, things like that. You're not raising kids. You're raising it's true. You're trying to teach them how to be adults.


That's exactly right. There is some sanity in the state of Vermont, and we had a big Tea Party group here and a shout out to all of them, they'll know who I am and I know who they are. So anyway, I love you. Well, I appreciate.


Thank you. Thanks. No, no. Diane, thanks for the call out there. I deeply appreciate it. I go time just marching on here. It's racing by.


We've still got plenty of it, though. Left so. Sit tight. We'll be right back, having more fun than a human being, which, of course, I am one in good standing, should be allowed to have a household name in all four corners of the world. Here is Elliott in Wilmette, Illinois. I'm glad you called Elliot. Great to hear. It's been a long time since we've had an elephant on the program.


Why, thank you. Trumpet's delight to speak with you. I couldn't be happier, thanks to you for taking my call. And this is certainly I'll be quick. I'd like Trump to win just enough electoral votes on election night so that Walter Mondale could hold his head up high. That kind of a victory as well. I think he can do. But with mail in voting now, I believe the Democrats goal is not so much to win. I don't think they can to win the election, but to spoil the election, which is goes back to what you were saying.


I think they're trying to ruin people's confidence in the election results. And if they drag out the election for days and weeks the way they did with Al Franken, they'll be able to do that. Oh, wow.


Why would the timing of what you're saying is what's got me a little perplexed here first, but what why do you want them to do whatever for Walter Mondale?


Oh, if I was thinking if he would I mean, Mondale lost in a landslide and yet you want a very close election here. That's not decided for, what, two or three days?


No, I'd like him to win overwhelmingly, which he will if everybody comes out. I just meant that if he by Walter Mondale, if he wins by similar numbers as Reagan did, and then perhaps Walter Mondale wouldn't feel so bad about losing so bad. I don't want a close election. OK, I just think OK, I thought I missed it.


I thought you wanted to close. I thought you want him to win, but not by much sequinned. Extend this out and disappoint the Democrats somehow. That's what I thought. I heard you say I'm sorry.


No, I want him to. But I'm afraid with Maylin voting, they're going to be able to say, well, the election's not really over until we finish counting all these ballots. Right. You know, for days and weeks to come, even if they lose. Oh, wait.


OK, so you want a massive landslide so that the Maylin vote doesn't even matter. Got it. I got you.


OK, I'm afraid they're still going to be able to say, well, he didn't really win because we'd never got to count all the votes, you see.


Well, let me tell you something. The reason I got caught short is because your your claim that they they want to hurt confidence in the process, they've already done that.


This is the thing these people, meaning the Democrats, their refusal to accept the results of 2006, they still haven't folks. They are still out pushing the idea that Trump stole that election with the Russians. They are still pushing it. They have done more. To tarnish. The reputation, the image, the sanctity of the American electoral system than any saboteur could, the Democrat Party has done more to ruin the perceived honesty and integrity of our electoral process than anything Vladimir Putin could.


And it's a shame because there is no way and I want you to listen to me here. There is no way.


To rig. A presidential election, the way they are claiming Trump did now. You would need a really close election. Where the Democrats could say we need an additional 50000 votes in Cook County or we need an additional 80000 in West Virginia, and you delay closing in those places and you manufacture the votes. You mentioned Al Franken finding votes in the trunk of our car two weeks later. You can do that, but that you need the election to be over.


You need it to be over and you need to know how many votes you need and where, and then you need to be able to offer a good excuse why the votes have been counted yet, but to go in and rig the election before Election Day.


To make sure that no matter what happens, your guy is going to win. It's not possible, folks. It simply isn't possible and no less than Barack Hussein Obama. Has made this point. And yet the Democrat Party has done everything it can to make people in this country believe that's exactly what happened, that the Russians wanted Trump and so they made it happen and that Trump knew about it and helped them and worked with him. And I'm telling you, the American presidential election is so complex.


It has so many precincts, you can't predict anything about it. You starting with turnout. After turnout, you can't predict how people are going to vote, if you could, then there would never be any drama about this. It's not possible to prearrange.


A winner, not the way the Democrats have tried to convince the American people that it happened in 2016, as a result, there isn't an election going forward that isn't going to be considered dishonest or suspect. If Trump wins on November 3rd, you haven't seen anything yet, the Democrats have already set the stage. They've been doing it for four years. They've been setting the stage for the 2020 election to be rigged, to be stolen. The Trumps already done it.


And they have probably persuaded a lot more Americans than you would think that that's true.


By the way, the Senate report on Hunter, Biden and Burris, you know what it does, among many other things, it proves that Trump was right, asking the Ukrainians to investigate him. And Biden and they impeached Trump over this. He was dead on, right? Asking Ukraine to investigate Biden. We will be right back.


All right. We're back. Rush Limbaugh and the Excellence in Broadcasting Network having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have a phone number 800 two eight two two eight eight two.


And the email address, Ill Rush, Bo and EIB, not DOT USA.


And we're doing our best here to keep what's happening and Lou, in some sort of explainable fashion. So here's here's as best I can explain this to you. Now. A grand jury has indicted one of three officers on criminal charges in the fatal shooting of Briona Taylor six months after her death. In lool, the Jefferson County grand jury has voted to indict Officer Brett Hankerson.


Now, ahead of the announcement, the local mayor announced a curfew and the the local police department said that U.S. National Guard has been activated, so.


The mayor is convinced that all hell is going to break loose because the mayor of Lall is convinced that this is not going to satisfy certain certain segments of the population.


So the former detective, Brett Hankerson, indicted three counts of first degree wanton endangerment. Sergeant Jonathan Mattingly not indicted, Detective Myles Cosgrove not indicted.


So if I understand. What's going on here, the cop who was indicted has already been fired. He was charged with wanton endangerment of the neighbors who lived in apartments around Brianna Taylor's apartment. There are reports that the protesters standing outside the courthouse are confused and livid.


Now, I did not think the live in is probably true, and they may be confused, but I don't I think whatever the grand jury came out with today, these people that everybody is worried about rioting and so forth, we're going to do it anyway.


Now we have an audio soundbite. Here from a CNN reporter by the name of what is his name, Shimon. Pro Coopers. Or maybe it's Kupers or KOPECEK. Now. Pro cupie, except pro pro skippers, pro occupants repairs.


I think I've covered it there anyway.


Here's his report on the on the on the grand jury indicting the former police officer, Brett Hankus, and on three counts. Here's a report. We'll see what he says.


People here are very upset about this, Brianna. We got some folks here. So there's a woman who I was talking to. She was in tears over this decision by the grand jury because they feel that the prosecutors did not go far enough.


And if reaction from here is any indication, this indictment is not going to be sufficient for a lot of the people who have been out here protesting every day, sitting here for weeks, calling for justice. And you can hear behind me already, I think a lot of people, Brianna, are going to be very unhappy about why that sounds like CNN is giving a thumbs down to the grand jury report.


It sounds like CNN saying go ahead and burn it down, gang. Does it sound like that to you? Pretty much. CNN would like to see it burned down. Well, that coverage blame it on Trump, blame everything on Trump, see where they get. So that's that's the status now. I want to move on because this is a story in motion. It has a lot of fluidity to it. So we'll be monitoring it. Is that as it happens?


There is this the Senate report that has come out. On Hunter Biden and the massive corruption. That he was involved in with the government of Ukraine and the energy company Verismo, it is it's a massive story. Senate report slams the Bidens for conflicts of interest and it Flagg's possible criminal activity. Now, granted, it's a Republican investigation. It cites glaring evidence of a Verismo bribe, suspicious foreign money transfers and sex trafficking. A yearlong Senate investigation concluded that Hunter Biden's efforts to cash in on foreign business deals during his father's vice presidency raised alarm among U.S. government officials who perceived an ethical conflict of interest.


And flagged concerns about possible criminal activity ranging from bribery to sex trafficking. The report by the Republican led Senate Homeland and Government Affairs and Senate Finance Committee's. Delivered several blockbuster revelations, less than a couple of months before Election Day, suggesting that Obama regime officials ignored clear warning signs about ethical conflicts and possible extortion risks involving Biden's family. This report makes it abundantly clear that it goes way beyond ethical violations, that we've got serious criminal violations that occurred here between Joe Biden, his son Hunter, the government of Ukraine.


And we've known this. This is the crazy thing. We've known this Joe Biden's own words. They tried to indict Trump.


For trying to meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine, Trump calls the guy on his perfect phone call the president of Ukraine and suggested he could be very helpful if he would start an investigation into the Bidens that Hunter Biden was dirty in his arrangement with Bo Riesman. Energy companies ends up being paid billions or millions of dollars, doesn't know the first thing about energy. It was a clear quid pro quo gig that Hunter Biden got without any qualifications simply because he's the vice president's son.


It got so bad that Ukraine was in the process of prosecuting Hunter Biden and then Joe Biden as vice president went over their.


And we know what comes next, because Joe Biden bragged about it in a speech that he gave a little seminar that he participated in at the Council on Foreign Relations and paraphrasing Biden's telling the assembled crowd in this one hundred and fifty people, their Council on Foreign Relations is a very elitist offshoot of the deep state. And Biden is bragging about what he did, and he claims that he told the president of Ukraine. Then if he didn't fire the prosecutor that was investigating his son.


Then a billion dollars that had been earmarked for Ukraine would be withheld, Biden was going to see to it he's bragging about his ability to do this. And then he told the people at the Council on Foreign Relations, if you don't believe me. Then you can call Obama, this one, he said to the president of Ukraine, if you think I'm making this of you, call Obama, he'll tell you if you don't drop if you don't fire this investigator, if you don't fire this prosecutor, Obama will withhold the money.


He's bragging about this. He's on tape. There is video of Biden bragging about this. We've known that there was corruption. We've known that Biden was intimately involved in it, he admitted it. And the prosecutor was fired and the investigation into his son was stopped. And Ukraine got their billion dollars in aid, but it was held hostage. And Biden indicted Obama in the way he told the story. He made it clear that that that Obama was also willing.


To withhold the one billion dollars says if you don't believe me. What he was really saying, if you don't think I'm high enough here on the food chain, if you think I'm just a lowly vice president, you call Obama, call Barack Kabira Barack or tell you. And this is some of the things that Trump wanted these people to investigate. And it was on that phone call that they claimed Trump was meddling in internal affairs and they impeached Trump over this, and it turns out that Trump.


Like every other instance involving these so-called violations trumps the one that was innocent, Trump, the one that was that was been proven to be on the right side of the law. There was corruption, there was shenanigans going on, Trump wanted to get to the bottom of Trump ends up impeached while Biden ends up the Democrat nominee with everybody ignoring what he did.


And that's the Senate report today makes note of this and other things.


The report raises serious. But I'm going to say that former Vice President Biden needs to answer. There are simply too many. Potential conflicts of interest, counterintelligence and extortion, threats to ignore, said committee chairman Ron Johnson in an interview with John Solomon. Just the news, ma'am. Dotcom.


Here's a pull quote. The Obama administration knew that Hunter Biden's position on Charisma's board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine. Moreover, this investigation has illustrated the extent to which officials within the Obama regime ignored the glaring warning signs when the vice president's son joined the board of a company owned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch.


In all, Hunter Biden received more than four million dollars from Barack Obama during a time when Verismo lobbied the State Department to make long standing corruption allegations go away.


At times invoking the vice president's son's name for pressure. So this is saying they wanted Hunter Biden on the board because of his name, didn't matter, that he was not qualified, didn't know the first thing about the energy business that Verismo was in. They were willing to pay him four million dollars and all they wanted was his name and the name of his dad so that it could be used. To pressure investigators into stopping. Their investigations. It's this is a very, very long news story, but it's.


If it were about a Republican who had been nominated by his party to be the nominee for president, his campaign would be over today. If this report were about Trump and a son of his. That be the end of Trump's campaign, the media would make sure that Trump resign, the media would make sure that whoever the Republican was, but Joe Biden is not even going to be asked about this.


He's not even going to be held accountable. Neither will Hunter Biden. Where is Hunter, by the way, now? Kimberly Strassel, The Wall Street Journal. Has tweeted a lot about this, and here's some of what she has said. The report that Johnson, Ron Johnson, Chuck Grassley report raises the many and disturbing conflicts of interest surrounding Hunter Biden's business dealings while Joe Biden was vice president. But it also makes clear that the Democrat nominee is not being straight with the public.


Joe Biden last year, quote, I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. Pretty definitive, right, I've never spoken to my son about it yet. According to testimony from former Obama official Amos Hochstein, he briefed Biden on his concerns about Hunter and Verismo in October 2015 and.


Shortly after his conversation with Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden contacted Hochstein and asked to meet, according to Hochstein, Hunter became aware of Hochstein West Wing conversation with the vice president who had mentioned. But so Biden's liden lying through his teeth about not having spoken to his son about this, which is a crazy assertion. How in the world does he not speak to his son about this? The idea that he never said a word to him is absurd, nobody would believe that.


So bottom line is Joe Biden was specifically briefed on the United States government's concerns about Hunter and his his role with Verismo. And that Biden specifically did bring up those concerns to his son through this guy Hochstein. Now, how does that comport with I have never spoken to my son about if Joe isn't asked about this at the debate.


It'll be journalistic malpractice. Do you hear that, Chris Wallace, if you don't bring this up? The fact that Biden's lying through his teeth when he says he's never spoken to his son about this, it'll be journalistic malpractice. The report also shows that despite former Secretary of State John Kerry saying he had no knowledge of any of this, that in fact, he, too, was briefed on Hunter Biden.


It seems like a lot of people in the Obama regime knew this was a problem, but nobody did anything about it. There was no reason to do anything about it, was the Obama administration. There was no scandal, the Obama administration, the only one that's ever been scandal free. Right. Obama tells us all the time. This is all relevant because of Biden's claim that he is the more ethical choice in this election than Kentucky attorney general is a Republican.


Daniel Kameron, you've heard he was gray, the Republican convention. He's African-American. No officers have been charged directly in Brianna Taylor's death.


The cops did not go to the wrong house. And in addition to that, there's also a bunch of media garbage out there. It was not a no knock warrant. That was a lie the media ran with for months, but there was not a no knock warrant. Kenneth Walker in the apartment shot at police officers. Police returned fire. Brianna Taylor's death. It's an accident, it's a tragic accident. No officers have been charged directly in her death.


It was not a murder. It was not a murder that's not going to matter, though, the mob's got his mind made up months ago, what happened here?


So this was you watch. This is predictable as what happened in Ferguson, Missouri. Hey, folks. A large number of professional photographers recently suffered a big professional setback, all because the data on their computers was not backed up.


Well, you got to think photographers don't know that they have to have backups.


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That's the Web site. That's the Web address. I drive. Make sure you use my name in the sign up process, that's how you get the 90 percent off on your first year. All right. We have to take a big break here at the bottom of the of the hour, but there's still lots ahead.


And as you know, we get more set and a half hour on this program. The most people in a week.


Yes. Sarabhai, back out. We are Rush Limbaugh meeting and surpassing all audience expectations every day as America's real anchorman. All right. Let's go back to the phones. This is Ann in Greenville, South Carolina. It's great to have you here. Hi.


Hi, Mike. Did I tell you? Thank you. Question is, is now that. The family got 12 million dollars propaganda, and it was an accident. Does this mean every time somebody gets shot accidentally by the police, they're going to start paying out millions of dollars?


Yeah, well, that's because tensions were so high. And as a George Floyd is happening at the same time, the country is being roiled. They I think in law that was wanted to shut this down as quickly as they could and.


Well, that didn't work, did it? Well, no, it never does.


But but that's what knee jerk reactions always end up producing is wrong. Reactions are wrong, wrong, wrong decisions.


I think we'll probably see more of it. But see, you can have a lot of people not going to accept the fact that the cops didn't do anything wrong.


And this is the problem you're going to have you're going to have in Ferguson, Missouri, to this day, hands up, don't shoot is still thought to be what really happened in that town.


And you're right about the grand jury report. There was two of them. Don't forget, they had the first grand jury and then what's his face, Obama's wingman and or what's his name? Holder. Yeah, Eric Holder, the attorney general, went in there and did his own grand jury, and it came back the same way and still. The left is out promoting that the whole thing was hands up, don't shoot at the cops a vile, racist murderer.


Yeah, they all should be in jail.


Well, this is why it's so. I don't want to use a quaint word like unfair, but they're destroying they're destroying our society. They are destroying the media and these constant lies, this business of Trump supposedly saying complimentary nice things about neo-Nazis, that didn't happen. But you take these young twenty twenty four year old white college women, it has ruined them, the ones who believe it. It has destroyed them. They're sitting there thinking the president of the United States got elected and is still supported by a bunch of white racists who probably think the same thing when he never said it.


The media is responsible for so much of the. State of our culture and society right now by promoting. By cementing nothing but a pack of lies, starting with Trump, is not legitimate because he stole the election working with Putin. Despite the Muehler report, despite never been a shred of evidence. Why does anybody believe it? There's only one answer, the media. And people do not question not a not nearly enough people question what they what they see.


So, yeah, 12 million dollars was paid off. And that was.


It was. It's not so much hush money, it was just designed to try to buy peace. Here's Donna in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, your next. Great to have you.


Hi. Hi, Rush. How are you? I'm good, thank you. Mega service prayers for you and Catherine every day.


We both appreciate that very much. Thank you. Being a hero for me, I would like to talk a little bit about Pelosi today insinuating that Trump has some hidden agenda with a Supreme Court pick. And to me, I would like to get your thought on this, because I'm wondering if we're talking about their hidden agenda to possibly steal this election. And by that, I mean they have all this chaos, all this mail in voting. They're pushing all this stuff, contest contests, so that I think they wanted it to go to the Supreme Court where they knew that was their ace up their sleeve and they could take that election away from Trump.


And, you know, a little icing on the cake would have been payback for the decision against the Bush and Gore election, but my my thought is, what do you think about that? Because I know it would have been, what, ballistic over any.


Wait, wait, wait. I don't know. You you you think that they want a four four Supreme Court that can't come to a decision?


No, no. I think they this is before Ruth died. I think this is all part of their plan with a intact Supreme Court. It could have then gone there and got the election for them, but then Ruth passed away and now they're really, really in a bind because they don't have their ace up their sleeve anymore.


OK, so but you started by saying that Pelosi saying Trump has a hidden agenda over the pit.


I'm not a hidden agenda over the court period. And I'm saying they had a hidden agenda over that with the Supreme Court as well, because I'm wondering if this was their plan was to have a go there and steal the election.


What does it matter if Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died and the plan has thus been foiled? What does it matter whether that was the plan or not when the plan is not possible now? Right.


No, I understand that. But I'm I my question to you is, are they capable of such such thoughts and and strategy?


Yeah, they're clearly I mean, they refuse to accept the results of the election in 2016. They're effectively trying to steal that. They're the ones trying to steal it. I mean, they're the ones that ran the coup.


They're the ones that ran this false flag operation that Trump was a spy for for for for the Russians. Donna, thank you. Eric in Duluth, Minnesota. We'll give you a try. How are you doing?


Good, thank you. How are you doing? I'm doing fine, thanks. Good, good. I just had kind of a theory I was going to run by you. I have three young children, one, two and seven. And I kind of came up with something the other day. I think all children are naturally born liberal. They are. They think everything's entitled to them. Everything handed to them, if they don't get what they want, they throw a fit and they still don't get what they want.


They kick and throw stuff.


Well, I don't think they're naturally born liberal. I think in their early stages of life, they can't take care of themselves. And so everything has to be given to them and they then come to expect it and it's no different. Then you can create welfare recipients out of any animal you want. Your dog is probably a big believer in welfare or your cat. These outfits that run feed the fish operations, they create welfare recipients out of the dolphins.


They get fed by virtue of people driving up to them in boats and throwing food, so humans always in fact, you look at flipper eating is cute. It's what it's that's why parenting becomes important because, yeah, the kids I don't think they're naturally born liberal. I think they're created because they can't take care of themselves. You wouldn't expect them to. You wouldn't say to your two year old who can't walk yet. Come on, get out of the crib, you loser, you joker, get out of here, start walking, or else you wouldn't do that.


Here, eat this, Youko, this applesauce garbage that your mother and I wouldn't touch, you eat this and you eat it and treat them that way.


Here, little Johnny, what else can we get? Your little old guy is so cute looking at the throw up all over Mommy. New bra, isn't it Galizia.


What's Johnny going to do if throwing up over Mommy's new bra gets him more applesauce, what's he going to do.


All right. The spontaneous peaceful protest in the mall. That's right. Antifa and Black Lives Matter have recently been seen unloading riot shields and signs from a U-Haul in a parking lot 15 minutes after the grand jury decision.


So they had the U-Haul loaded, it was all ready to go for these spontaneous, peaceful protest, riot shields and signs already loaded in the U-Haul in a parking lot 15 minutes after the grand jury.


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LifeLock dot com slash scam is the website for this one time offer, LifeLock Dotcom can use my name, save 25 percent off the plan that you chose. Anna in Grand Junction, Colorado. I'm glad you wait. It's great to have you with us. Hi.


Hello. Hey. I have a theory about why millennial kids are able to hold their visitations to a limit or deny grandparents in this day and age to see the kids. All right. I'm a baby boomer myself. I there were three kids in my family. I have two millennials myself right now and can see the grandkids. But looking back at my parents and grandparents, there was they have like eight and nine and 12 kids in a family so that grandkids, grandkids ran amuck.


They were everywhere. But I have friends now who all they've got are grand dogs. Sometimes I'm babysitting the granddaughter. So when you're lucky enough to get a human grandkid and only one out of your one or two children that you had yourself, you feel like you've got got to kowtow to the request of taking your Trump sign any minute. Wait a minute.


Why? Why? Whether there's 12 running around or two of them, why does having only two make you think you've got to kowtow to their demands?


Well, because there's plenty of the grandkids to go around and spoil and let the other ones figure out what they're missing. When grandma and grandpa have got a parcel for the watch and take care of them already, I just I feel like having a limited number, like one that grandparents going to do just about anything to see that one. Whereas if they had eight or nine.


Oh okay. Okay, okay.


I finally I find a little Thick-Headed here. I find with 12 grandkids, the odds are you're going to see more of them than you even want to. Because the parents are going to want to do everything they can to offload them on you. But with only one or two grand kids, you're going to have to fight to get their attention or to even see them, because mom and dad are not going to be that eager to offload them because they're not going to be that big a hassle, at least not as big a hassle as 10 or 12.


Well, gee, five or six. OK, so that. Makes a little I'm glad you called, let me squeeze one more in Clarkston, Maryland. This is Andy. Great to have you, Andy. How are you?


Great for you and Tucker Carlson and Hannity every day. I know guys got a special place for you guys because you keep misleading the country that way. Oh, my.


Oh, what a voter fraud.


The only people ever brought up on voter fraud are Republicans. Really the guy in Kansas City, the guy in West Virginia. What guy in Kansas City got a clear divide in this country? Rush what guy in Kansas City?


What are you talking about? Andy, Andy, Andy, would you stop being contentious? You don't have to be contentious already.


Andy, what guy in Kansas City, the Republican freshmen from Topeka, charges for a ballot fraud.


I don't talk about voter Andy.


Andy, here's the thing. Republicans never got caught when they cheat. That's why we can say they don't. The liberals get caught all the time. You're trying to tell me that you clowns on the left don't engage in voter fraud.


That's the only chance you've got. Your people even know it. They admit it, Pelosi admits.


And every time he opens her mouth about this stuff. But we don't get caught at this. I don't know what you're talking about.


I'm still getting a big chuckle out of this thing. The Republicans got caught in Kansas City who was really in Topeka.


Voter fraud. But these leftist, you know, they're going to believe what they're going to believe, the biggest problem they've got is that they just can't tell themselves the truth. And as such, they just can't deal with reality. And so that's what we're up against anyway. We'll be back tomorrow and 21 hours. We'll see you then.


But when it comes to what's happening in this country and around the world, the best podcast you can listen to is the Buck Sexton show. Hey, it's Buck Sexton. Here we are in the height of an election season that will determine the future of the country. Who are you going to listen to? Who can you trust? Who could have thought that when people told Democrats they had to treat Wisconsin like a battleground, they would take it quite so literally?


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Candace Owen's just knocked out Khateeb and poked the biggest hole yet in the stranglehold entertainment and media have on the minds of black voters in this country. I'm Robert Smith and all the next episode of Rob Smith is problematic. We are going to break down why the left uses idiots to reach black America and how Candace Owens just put them all on notice that they cannot do it anymore. Listen to Rob Smith is problematic on the radio app, on Apple podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts.