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Hello and welcome to Six Minute Vocabulary with me, Finn and me, Alice. And today's show is all about by nominals or as some call them, binomial. Yes, those short and sweet phrases English speakers love to use in everyday English.


We'll look at what Bino meals are, what they mean and how to use them. They'll be a cheap and cheerful quiz, and we'll leave you with a quick and dirty tip for learning vocabulary.


So to start off, let's listen to Charlie and his mum talking about football practice.


Here's a question to think about while you listen. What's a good treatment for aches and pains?


What's good for aches and pains? Let's find out.


Hello, love. How was practice today? Horrible. I hate football. Oh, dear.


Why's that? I'm sick and tired of being in. Go look at these bruises. I'm black and blue. Oh, let's have a look. Oh yes. Look, why don't you jump in the bath. Warm waters. Very good for aches and pains.


So that's Charlie and his mum. We asked you what's good for aches and pains. And Charlie's mum says the answer is a warm bath.


That's right. And the phrase aches and pains is our first binomial.


Now, by no means are short English phrases made up of two words that go together. And the two words are often joined with and like aches and pains, aches and pains, which means general pains in the body that usually aren't serious.


OK, now it's important to remember that binomial are always fixed. You can't change anything about them. You can't say pains and aches and you can't say aches and hurts and you can't say hurts and pains.


So, Alice, do you suffer from aches and pains sometimes when when you're around.


Anyway, poor Charlie said he was black and blue.


He's talking about the bruises on his body he got from playing football black and blue.


Must have been a tough game. Yes. No wonder Charlie said he's sick and tired of football, sick and tired.


It means really fed up and bored with something. And remember, we can't say tired and sick.


We can't say sick and bored either. What are you sick and tired of at the moment then?


Well, I'm sick and tired of commuting, travelling to work. Oh, it took me about an hour this morning.


However, it's a really long time. It is.


And another binomial bit by bit.


This time the word in the middle is by instead of and listening to BBC learning English dotcom. And we're talking about Bino meals, and if you were listening carefully at the beginning of the show, you might have noticed that we used a couple of binomial right at the start. Short and sweet was one of them.


It means simple, quick and useful, short and sweet or quick and dirty. That's another binomial with a similar meaning. Quick and dirty means simple, short and basic.


And another similar one is cheap and cheerful.


So three binomial there you can use to describe something as quick, simple and basic.


Now let's hear today's expressions again. Aches and pains.


It describes body pains that aren't serious, sick and tired, fed up, bored and angry bit by bit to describe slow change and to say something is simple, short and basic.


We had three by no means short and sweet, quick and dirty, cheap and cheerful.


Thank you, Alice. And now it's quiz time.


So no one choose the correct answer. I'm learning French, it's difficult, but I'm getting better a bit by bit, by bit by little or C bit and bit.


And the answer is a bit by bit.


Now, number two, Sarah fell over and hit her eye yesterday.


Today, it's a blue and black. B, black and blue. C, black and white.


And the answer is B, black and blue. Ouch.


And finally, number three, at only one minute long, the presentation was a sweet and short be cheerful and cheap or C, quick and dirty. And the answer is C, quick and dirty.


And that brings us almost to the end of the program.


But before we go, here's a cheap and cheerful tip for remembering vocabulary. Play games, making and playing a simple card game where you match up the beginning and ends of by nominals will really help you to remember them. That's right.


And there's more about this at BBC Learning English dot com. Join us again for more six minute vocabulary by.