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This is an all English podcast, episode 15 38 future phrases that you're bound to use instead of at will.


Welcome to the All Ears English podcast downloaded more than 200 million times. Are you feeling stuck with your English? We'll show you how to become fearless and fluent by focusing on connection, not perfection, with your American hosts. Aubrey Carter, the Isles Whiz, and Lindsay McMahon, the English adventurer coming to you from Arizona and Colorado.


USA Today. We finish up our series on The Future Tense. Learn ways to say that something will eventually happen further down the line in English and find out why these phrases are much more native and precise than just saying, well, listen in today.


Hey, Lindsay, how are you? Hey, Aubrey, I'm excited to be on here with you today. You've been on the podcast a couple of times in the last few months, and it's great to have you on the show. I know it's always so fun.


Just can I. And I've been able to be on and you and I have great phrasal verb series. We got so many emails and comments about that. The students really loved that series, which made me happy that it was useful and helpful for people.


That's awesome. I love that. And now we're kind of into another informal series, is that right? Yeah, we're doing what are we talking about in this series?


Yeah. So we've been doing the series about Future Tense. And instead of, like, replacing Will and I'm going to which natives really don't use that often with a lot of more idiomatic expressions that we use to refer to the future. So if you guys missed them, episode 15 25, we talked about the immediate future and fifteen, twenty eight, sort of like the near future. And today's episode, we're talking about the distant future.


I love that. And we'll try to provide links to those episodes in the blog. Come back to the blog, guys, all ears, English dot com and check this out, because what you said before, Aubrey, is the key to this whole series is that natives don't really use will all that much. And sometimes they don't even use going to. They tend to be a little more creative based on when this thing is going to happen. Is that right?


Exactly, yep.


So many fun expressions for these.


And today we're going to teach you for that would really make you sound like a native, help you build those connections in English that you want any time you're going to refer that to something that will happen at a more distant type in time in the future or eventually.


OK, so this is kind of like visioning our futures kind of dream lining that kind of thing, sort of the distant future. So good.


Yes, exactly. And if you miss those episodes, it's probably because you haven't subscribed.


So guys definitely subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And we have our Android app that's almost finished.


We're going to be announcing it very soon and we're going to do a bonus, right, to announce it, which you might get unless you're subscribed.


I know we're going to do a couple of bonuses. This app should be coming out sometime in early March. So, guys, make sure you are subscribed. You never want to miss a bonus episode because that is where the good stuff is. That's how, you know, what's going on at all is English. So get there and hit. Subscribe now on your podcast player.


Just get the latest breaking news for sure. OK, let's get into this. All right. OK, I'm excited.


OK, so let's talk about the first expression, which there's two that are very similar that we're going to talk to, which is sooner or later and bound to happen eventually.


All right. So this is kind of something that's sort of inevitable, right? You can count on it happening at some point, is that right?


Yep, exactly. It's inevitable, but the time is unknown.


It could be kind of soon maybe or very far in the future. Right.


OK, got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. So here's a good sample sentence, guys. Write this down. Eat your vegetables. You're going to have to eat them sooner or later.


Yeah, that's something I tell my kids because there's no getting out of it. Can I have to eat dinner later tonight? All of them.


Sometimes parents won't let kids have dessert, mostly eat their vegetables first, right? Yeah. We're just in my house. It's like this is all there is. Like you don't want to go to bed hungry. I'm not making a different dinner, so get it eaten. Did you ever do that for your kids, like make something separate or did you always just have them eat what you are eating as an adult?


Well, we will let their specific things they can have if they refuse to eat dinner, they have to at least try it and then they can have a yogurt or some like fresh vegetables in the fridge.


Right. If they don't want the cooked broccoli in front of them or whatever.


But it's all healthy stuff. It's not like, OK, then you can have French fries, right? No, let's go. Oh, look here. Sooner or later.


Yeah, go ahead. Here's another example. Sentence using sooner or later, sooner or later, you're going to realize why you need to get to bed at a decent hour.


These are all coming from my mom and I can tell. Oh yeah, I could tell clearly your mom, right? I love that. And then there's this bound to happen eventually. And that was the other part of this, because these are two different phrases, right? Sooner or later and bound to happen eventually. Bound to happen means what?


Yeah, it's the same meaning. Like it's going to happen. It will definitely happen sometime in the future. But the time is unknown. Like, for example, my brother hasn't met the right person yet, but it's bound to happen eventually. Yeah.


And that's what everyone is told when they haven't met the right person. Right. Eventually you'll meet the right person. It's bound to happen. Yeah, it's inevitable. Right. Or I like this one. This idea of adding it. Any verb between bound and eventually. Guys, you can do that. So this is a real Haak for example. That chair is bound to break eventually if you stand on it like that. Yeah. Something is bound to do something else.




And the eventually is actually optional. Right. Could just be like that chair is bound to break if you stand on it like that.


So both work have the same meaning and yeah. Like you said you can add any verb there, like we're bound to leave. Soon, if you don't stop screaming, that's another matter. Yeah, yeah, or if we keep working towards it, we're bound to reach our goals eventually. Yeah. And this is use this word down, guys. You should look into it because it's used in different ways to like people might say, we are homeward bound.


Like that's a movie, right.


The name of a movie, Homeward Bound, meaning we're on our way home. Yeah, exactly.


So something bound mean you're going in that direction.


Yeah, exactly. Yeah, right. Let's get the second one. This is good too. OK, all right. So this is about our lifetime. What is it. Exactly right.


We'll say in our lifetime or in my lifetime, which means, you know, in the span of my life, in the next 50 to 60 years or so, so used in our lifetime for more general things that affect everyone, right?


Hmm, definitely. So, for example, he thinks life on other planets will be found in our lifetime. Yeah, right. I mean, yeah, this is really about breakthrough's scientific things.


Right. So the cure for cancer.


Yep. You could hear that. Right.


I believe, you know, cancer will be cured in our lifetime. And you mean it'll happen in about the next 60 years. Right.


Do you think, Obree, that in our lifetime we'll see autonomous vehicles, just cars that don't need a driver? You could sit there in the car, but the drive, the car drives itself.


Yeah, because my car already basically does that. My we have a Tesla and it has autopilot. So you just plug in the GPS and it drives itself once you're on the freeway.


How does that how does that work? I've actually never talked to someone who uses that feature in a time. Do you guys use that? Ah, you just turn on a movie. It blows my mind. You're supposed to still be alert.


And so the wheel makes you kind of jiggle it every now and then to make sure that you're awake and alert like so it feels that a driver is there, but it will just it changes lanes for you. It exits the freeway for you. It has it has all of these cameras and sensors.


And on the screen you can see a little image of all the cars around you or people or whatever there might be.


So you you really trust it. It actually has faster reflexes than a human. So when I like I just put on the signal down the signal and you see a car lights up as red on the screen if it's too close to change lanes. And once it has room, it changes lanes. Right. So it makes sense. You see the technology on the screen in front of you. You see what it's going to do.


You trust it because it's showing you everything on the road that it senses with its cameras.


That makes my gosh, that's so crazy. So what do you do while you're driving? Do you actually watch TV or watch a movie or like send text messages? I never have. If I did, I wouldn't admit it here, since it's illegal for sure.


But I will admit that there's a hack that people do sometimes where if you put like a weight on the steering wheel, it keeps you from having to actually jiggle it the way it makes you, which is nice. It can be dangerous because then you literally could fall asleep, which obviously is dangerous. And you still have to once your vehicle exits on the freeway, you have to stop at the stoplight.


It can't stop for you. It would stop in front of the car in front of you because it'll slow down or stop if it senses a car in front of you. But if you're the first car at the light, you have to be awake and alert and stop there right now.


Just so OK. So there's some tricks to have the technology to change that so you can stop at the light. So it's going to happen very soon. I believe that people will be able to. Yeah.


OK, so you are convinced that we will all be just hanging out watching movies soon, soon enough? Definitely in our lifetime. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. For sure.


OK, very interesting. So that's a good one. So in our lifetime is there a difference? I mean we could say in our lifetime and in my lifetime we could say both, right? Obery.


Yeah, I feel like the difference is that in our lifetime is something generally that would affect everyone.


Whereas if you're talking about something specific to yourself, you would say in my lifetime, like I'd say, I don't think I'll visit Antarctica in my lifetime.




And this is also used actually, when you're talking to someone who is elderly and you want to know about the things they've seen in their lifetime or you talk about the progress that they've seen in their lifetime, right?


Yeah. I mean, my grandmother died in 2008 and she was born in like the early 1900, I think the first decade of the 90s.


And she saw so much progress, so much change lifetime. So the guys. That'd be another way to use this. Yeah. Yeah, that's right.


And you could even ask her, say, tell me about some of the major changes you've seen in your lifetime.


And it would be fascinating seeing everything in the nineteen hundreds is amazing how far we've come. Right. Wow. Good. OK, let's get numbers back to the future talk. OK. Yeah. So what is it.


Hey guys, go ahead and make sure that you hit subscribe if you love all is English so that you don't miss a single episode of our show and follow us on social media. We are on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, ticktock. And even we chat. Follow us there and hit subscribe now, thanks for listening to all ears English. As our third one is, I'll get around to it, and this means you're going to do something in the future when you have time for tasks that aren't urgent at all.


Yeah. So, for example, I'll get around to fixing my bike once the snow melts because now it's snowy out.


So you're not going to use your bike. Right. Right. That's not urgent. We're in four feet of snow. I'm not riding my bike anywhere. Right. Or what's another one? Now you could say, oh, I haven't gotten around to that yet.


I see this a lot when my husband will ask me about some chore or something they expect me to have done.


I'm not going to say I didn't do that because I'm going to do it eventually. I'm planning on it.


So I'll say I haven't gotten around to that yet.


Oh, OK. So so this really I mean, it's a phrasal verb here to get around to something. It really implies like you're putting something off, like, you know, that it needs to be done, but it's just not super urgent.


Exactly. Yeah. You're going to do it eventually. Not super urgent. Yeah. That's a great way to get around to it.


Guys, write that down. OK, there's one more for our listeners. And what is it.


So it's time will tell. I love this one.


I think it's kind of poetic almost. So this is that something will be revealed in the coming months or years. Like a situation is uncertain, but it will be certain in the future.


Yeah, as like politics. Politics is a really solid example here. I Biden has made all these promises, all these things he's going to do. But time will tell if this is really going to happen, if he'll keep his promises for.


Yes, exactly. Which is that a lot for that was like, well we got to give it some time before we know exactly what's going to happen. And we can use this as a stand alone answer.


So, for example, Lindsey, if I asked you, do you think your puppy will be potty trained soon? Oh, I hope so.


Time will tell. Hopefully that actually is already. But he's a pretty smart dog. He was by trained within a couple of weeks, thankfully, thankfully.


But yeah, you can just say time will tell meaning like we'll see and they'll know. Yeah.


So I like these because they're all about the distant future but they're so different to the differences are so stark when we would use all of these. So let's show our listeners in a role how we would use them.


Right. Awesome. All right. I'll start us up. What's something you think will change in our lifetime?


I think sooner or later, all vehicles will be electric. It's inevitable since oil is a finite resource.


Yeah, that's bound to happen. The auto industry is definitely headed that way.


What about you? Any changes you think will happen in your lifetime?


I think we'll figure out ways to use solar energy, more or more solar panels on the roofs of buildings and homes, maybe solar powered cars.


Oh, have you thought about getting solar panels? Yes. Many homes in Arizona actually have them, but. Well, because it's sunny almost every day here. It's a really expensive up front, though.


But they pay for themselves in time with savings on your electric bill. And there are tax credits, too. I think I'll get around to it eventually. You're probably right.


That will figure out a way to make it less cost prohibitive for businesses and homeowners to have them installed.


Time will tell.


I wonder if that also would it would increase the value of your home.


Was sale value of your home property yes or no? At least in Arizona you are always making payments because they're so cost prohibitive, they're so expensive that you're so then if someone buys your home, the payments are transferred to them.


Oh, right. Yeah. It actually is a little pricier for them sometime unless they're paid off, which is very rare because really set them up, in which case it would increase your home value and they would end up paying more for the home because that has solar panels.


And you're saying, well, you guys certainly do get a lot of sun in Arizona there. Yes, it's funny. Everyone will take advantage of it. Colorado's a little bit like that, too, luckily. I love that. I love that I can count on sun most days.


So anyways, Aubrey, should we go back through it? What do you think? Yeah.


So the first one I asked you, what do you think will change in our lifetime, meaning that some within the next 50, 60 years.


Exactly. Exactly.


And what else did we use here? Let me see. Oh, I said any changes you think will happen in your lifetime. Right? So in that case, I said your lifetime and then we said something else. Right.


And you said, I think sooner or later all vehicles will be electric.


So that is that first one we tortue you, meaning it's something that's inevitable. But we don't know exactly when it's going to happen, right? Yeah, for sure.


For sure. And then what else. Let's see. Did you do. Oh, I'll get around to it eventually. So you said many homes in Arizona have them and then you said something about so you said you would install solar panels eventually. I'll get around to it eventually. Yeah.


It's like that's you know, it's going to happen eventually. It's not really urgent, especially because of the expense. But I'm going to go get around to it eventually for sure. Yeah.


Yeah. Let's see. You asked let's see if you've got a way to make Alaska for habitat. And then I said time will tell.


Yeah. You I like. So it's very native guys just to say that on its own, as we said before, you don't need to. To hook it in to any phrase you say, time will tell. Right, a little intonation there to Aubrey, right? Yeah, exactly. There's a good expression here, too, that I had said. But they pay for themselves in time.


That means not right away. Right. That's got something that's going to happen over the course of some time, at some point in the future. That's a great native phrase to kind of a bonus time.


Yeah. So this idea of eventually to write in time at some point in the future. I love it. Guys, that's a bonus for you today. So write that one down.


So what's the takeaway from today's episode, all these native phrases? This is the last part of our our series about, you know, phrases for the future.


And they all are so great for upping your English level. They add color and interest, which just makes the conversation more interesting and dynamic.


Yeah, they also add relevancy. Right. I mean, to be relevant in the exact phrase that you're choosing to suit what you're saying. Like I said, asking my grandmother about what she's seen in her lifetime, that is relevant to that exact situation. So, guys, to move to that advanced level in English, you want to get more precise. I think this is all about getting more precise when we use the future, don't you think, Aubrey?


Yeah, exactly.


And sounding more native, avoid saying, well, you'll end up listening to natives. Do you hear them say will? Very often when they're talking about the future, I guarantee you these phrases we've been teaching, you'll hear a lot more often. So practiced using them. That is so true.


That is so true. I love it. Guys, go ahead and hit subscribe if you want more episodes like this and to make sure you don't miss a bonus episode because again, you want to know about those bonuses to know what is happening at all.


English class. All right, Avery, great to hang out today. I'll see you soon.


Yeah, thanks, Lindsey. I take care. Thanks for listening to all ears English, would you like to know your English level, take our two minute quiz. Go to all ears, English dot com forward slash fluency score. And if you believe in connection, not perfection, then hit. Subscribe now to make sure you don't miss anything. See you next time.