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The Brendan O'Connor Show on Auti, Radio one with oil care pharmacy discover a team that's always here to support you at all care, taking care of communities across Ireland.


Another way, I suppose, of getting away from all the news. And if we can get out and if there's a chance to get out for a few minutes every day might be to take a little bit of a walk around within five K and explore and explore the architecture in your area, whether you're in a suburban area or whether you're in a country area.


And you might say, what would I find within five kilometres? Well, rather than, I suppose talking about the radius, go right around and you do an awful lot of walking if you went on the circumference of the five kilometres rather than the radius. But Emma Gillis is with me.


Hiyam, good afternoon to you. Hi, Heidi.


You're an architectural historian and you're going to tell us about how we can appreciate architecture no matter where we live. Is there something new for us to discover within our five key radius no matter where we live?


Yes, and I'm glad you started with Radius because it got me thinking I was on the phone call. My friends were all moaning that were restricted within five K and there's nothing to see. And my lovely friend, the cabinet pointed out what we learnt in primary school about the circles that we actually have have there forty one point forty kilometres. So if our home is the middle centre of the circle and the radius is just coming out of the circle, we actually have a lot more areas that we can explore.


So we need to just turn the five K on its head and make it positive.


Yeah, and there is there is, I think, a website that you can actually use to do something like that, isn't there.


Yes. So there's a website to take from home that if you go to that, show you exactly what's in your area. And every time people go on to be really surprised at how big the area is because in their head, five K sounds like nothing coverings for hopping in their car and driving. Yeah.


So that's just repeat again to keep from home dotcom and you can you can see where you can go. And as you said that your friend Mark is right there because if you, if you, if you walk go to the outer limits of the five K and start walking in a circle, you'll do 30 or 40 kilometres isn't if possible.


I want to tell me a little bit more about yourself erm and what you do and how you got involved in historical architecture.


I like to refer to it as a home. My dad's an architect, Becklin, my mom's a primary school teacher, so my father was always zooming in on buildings and looking at the details, the background you to develop your photographs to be myself and my two sisters standing dutifully in front of whatever we throw in the car for hours to see the last three or four photos would be just this abstract, zooming in on a roof or something. And we'd go, Dad, what were you doing?


And it explained what he was looking up and my fault. My mother was the opposite. Then we we spend a lot. I'm from the city and we spend a lot of our summers in the bar and my mom would tell us stories like giants are throwing rocks at each other. And that's why this big boulders around and then all the way over to put the stories with the Ice Age. And I think if you start with kids when they're really small and tell them stories about the land and the buildings around them, until I grew up without being normal and because I adored my father, I was looking for a story in secondary school and learning about this and coming home and telling him.


But it wasn't until my leaving first I did ours and we part of the curriculum was history of art and architecture. And I just such a big gasp. And I hope it's different for younger kids now. And they're learning about this in school. Like I went to an all girls schools. We didn't do inverted commas boys subjects. I didn't do construction studies. And I was the only girl in my school to do technical drawing, but to bring the teacher in, especially for me.


So I think that really should begin in primary school. But because of my parents, I guess. And then I went on to study history and the history of art and architecture. And then when the recession came, my my dad told me about this course and you see the research master's in urban and building conservation. And that's when it began with me. So I spent my life saving people. I'm not an architect, but you don't need to be an architect to be passionate and the to the aspect about the buildings around this.


But for some reason, we love music and literature and arts in this country. But there seems to be a gap when it comes to architecture and that that's what I am I'm here to promote.


Well, what type of architecture are you asking us to go and appreciate a little bit more? Are you talking about historical architecture or contemporary architecture?


Everything. I think Ireland, we're so lucky, like other countries fight off their right arm to have Neolithic ruins around the place. And Renforth and then also like I'm from LYMErix, where George and Sophie, and it's just beautiful. And how domestic the city's laydown famous land and mediaeval architecture, but then right up to the present day, like we've some of the world's best architects in this country, like we've graft in architects that were there were the curators for like the Olympics of architecture in Venice two years ago and with such great talent, like even doing domestic homes and extensions and and, you know, we were architects involved with tourist sites and the public realm and designing our streets.


And we and we just need to open our eyes. It's all around us. And even small little things like booth scrapers and potholes and postboxes, everything around us is something, anything.


And does it make a difference where you're living? Like if you're living in the countryside, you know, within your five K radius, I'm sure there's lots of old mediaeval ruins that you can actually explore and look for. But if you were in the middle of a suburb just surrounded by apartment blocks and concrete, is is it still possible to go out and and I suppose appreciate the architecture that you're talking about and look for us?


Yeah. So in our culture, our website is the Sasko with the link. So any links I mentioned, if you go to that article, you know, you could die straight. And so my friends and I grew up in the suburb of Limerick, and I think that's why I love living in Dublin City. And, you know, when I was small, I thought it was boring. But what am I supposed to write on the river? And I had these these public baths to the core of labour.


So I thought that was normal to have a bath and everyone's down the road. I and there was lots of older houses that were repurposed as, you know, a nursing home or private homes or schools. And it's just about stopping and looking at the signs, you know, going back. It's really old. What was that originally? And again, the link in the article I linked to the GeoEye Mafia to run the Ordnance Survey of Ahlem website.


And you can see, you know, you're in your neighbourhood might be suburban now, but it was in the middle of the countryside at one stage. And you could still see signs everywhere. You could see old place names that might give an indication of all this on your own. Like I grew up on the middle road and the middle was knocked down in the 30s. But when I was a kid, I never thought about that.


That's where the that's where the name came from. So, look, I think it's something particularly with the children, if you're looking for something to do, a bit of a kind of a treasure hunt. So very briefly, if you can just let us know, is there a catch all website again, you mentioned something there, but hour it's going to Naughtie. Just give us that where you can get a links to all of the different ordnance survey of Ireland, JIWA and all of that, rather than giving out a list of names.


Where can we find your article yet?


So it's on the website. If you go to the culture section and you'll see the fantastic northerly building jumping right out and if you click start, all the links are there to be and I and I hate and OWI and they're all there. The government initiatives for people to use, like you said, with the kids. Oh, right.


That is brilliant. Emma Galley's, thank you so much. And we will have retweeted the link to that. We're back after this email.


Brendan Ottati Desai.