Summer S'mores with Conan and the Chill Chums 6
Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend- 1,505 views
- 27 Jul 2020
On the final Summer S’mores special, Conan and the Chill Chums discuss who Conan should expect to see at his own funeral.
So you spent time in your life looking for apartments, right? A lot, yeah, a lot of time looking for apartments, man apartments, dotcom. Isn't that a great site? I've used it and I've gotten the place through there. They've got the most places go to their website. They've the most places. 40 million people have found their apartment there. 40 million. That's a lot. Yes, that's a lot of anything except Atom's. I'm sorry.
It's just not a lot of atoms, but anything else. It's a lot of visit apartments, dot com to find your next place. Seriously, just do it. Let's not fight about this apartment. Dotcom, the most popular place to find a place. Phoneys. Back to school, the bell, the shoes walking on the first. Hello there, this is Conan O'Brien. Welcome to the third installment of our sixth sorry.
Now, I'm not chill anymore. I was so chill trying so hard to keep it know.
Keep it together. You got. OK, I just got corrected by Seona wearing a heart rate monitor. My heart rate went from 45 beats a minute to 210 just because Seona corrected me.
But I'm bringing it down right now. Bringing it down. Here we go. Here we go.
Welcome to the sixth installment of Summer Smores with Conan and the chill chum's jobs to Matt. Tiamat and Seona are trying to bait me and irritate me to tell you it's like someone hitting the Hulk with a pool cue to try and get him mad.
I guess that would be Bruce Banner with a pool cue to get him to turn into the Hulk. But I'm not going to I am going to stay calm. Yeah, because I've been criticized in the past for being too type A to aggro, maybe too funny, too talented. So I'm just going to keep it calm.
And I'm here and I'm talking to some off session. Hey, Conan, how are you? I'm super chill.
And Magali. Hey, I have no comment on how you're behaving in this episode because how you behave is just you doing you. That's right. You can't change that. You know, I suppose you can't heart rate rising slightly, but now let's get it back down again.
We have the hottest time in summer right now.
People are really feeling the heat.
And so this is just an opportunity for us to get together, hang, be, breathe. And that's with the belly. Breathe, use the belly breath. That means. In through the nose, what was that noise? My cat. This cat is that mine? OK, come on. All right.
I feel like you're chill now, but I feel like I can I can very easily test this if you can really be chill. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
That you could do that.
Like, who cares about learning about World War two or uh, isn't it crazy that the CIA killed Robert Kennedy?
Yeah. Robert Caro couldn't write a book to save his life. Yeah. Overrated. Yeah. The Beatles suck. Yeah. These are opinions that everyone's entitled to and pretty good.
Yeah. And, you know, I may not share those opinions, but I respect you guys. I love you. And I'm right now just feeling the vibrations of the earth, the harmony of the planets as they spin and resolve and their cosmic dance. Impressive. And I am me. I am I, I am all I need. Model airplanes are stupid and the people who do them are looser. You know, I only made two I have made to model.
That's one more than you told us about. Yeah. I made about eight years ago a wooden model that's heart rate's rising.
Wright Brothers nineteen No. Three original flyer and it hangs above my desk. And then during quarantine, during quarantine I got an old kilo's model and I made a stop with Hannibal. What do I do this podcast with, you know, so tell. Why do I do with you? Let's go back. Let's talk about happier times.
Well, I think this covid is going to I could talk about how I'm optimistic. What do you think?
Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I like it. OK. That was just do it. Incredible amount of enthusiasm. Sorry.
Yeah, that was you were like a balloon that was slightly inflated, being inflated. Oh, you went you literally went.
Oh yeah. Let's do it. Is that what you said when Tak asked you to marry and did you go, oh yeah, yeah, no.
OK, we could do that and spend our lives together. Sure. Sounds fun. Let's do it. Matt, what do you think? This is our chance to bring joy to people. Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. I like this idea. I'm behind it.
Here we go. OK, I'm going to say something that no one's saying. I'm optimistic. I'm optimistic as as some of you may, may or may not know, my my father is a scientist and he's a very rational guy. And although, yes, we've all been through a lot and there's terrible news after terrible news, I really believe that science is going to come to the rescue.
I really do. I believe that in my heart, I believe that science is going to come to the rescue and that there's going to be something maybe even sooner than we than we think that's going to maybe be, if not a vaccine, than a really good palliative cure. And so I don't know. I've just been trying to feel optimistic lately that, yeah, we've got a social distance, we've got to wear masks. But I'm optimistic. I talk to people, especially younger people, that don't have a lot of frame of reference that just think, well, I guess this is life now.
And I think, no, it's not that's not it's not going to be life.
We you know, terrible things have happened before. And then I always say, cheer up.
Terrible things will happen again. Oh, yeah. And then they start saying, what do you mean like like, oh, all kinds of horrible things that you can't even imagine. Were you thinking of covid a year ago? No, you weren't. And here it is. So don't you worry. Awful, awful things are coming that you could never imagine. So cheer up. Not many people want to keep talking to me after that. But I am I am all joking aside, I am optimistic.
What do you guys think of that message?
Yeah, I love science. I'm a big fan of science. I feel like we should just get out of its way as long as it's doing its thing.
You know, it makes me crazy. I've been thinking about this recently. There are people that are science deniers. Well, I can't see it. So then I'm just I'm not going to take your word for it that it's true. Meaning I can't see covid or I don't know anyone personally who got covid. So screw you. I'm going to a bar. What makes me angry is I would respect people like that more if they were antiscience across the board.
But they're not. They're very happy to jump on a plane and go someplace. Right.
They're very happy to jump in there and they're in their car or their truck. They're very happy to drink beer. They're really happy. There's a million things they're happy to do that are all basically the product of science. So they pick and choose. They're just choosing like, I don't like this part of science, so I'm not going to do it.
But they're more than happy to take advantage of all the science that went into, you know, how complicated it is to make beer. You need a nuclear reactor, you need plutonium, you need a radium.
It's a very complicated kind of beer. Are you drinking? I know. I don't think that's right. Someone told me it was beer and I had it for a while. You're drinking the coolant from a nuclear power plant?
Yeah, and my thyroid came out in my urine stream last night, and my urine stream is like a light saber, so maybe I'm not drinking beer. It was this physicist I met about six years ago and I had never really tried beer before. And he said, try this. And I said, is this beer? And he said, sure, just drink as much of this as you can. And I have and I can travel through time.
I can't get the image out of my head.
Of what? Being like a light saber?
Well, what's really cool is I went to I was at a urinal. This is pre covid at a sporting event and I was peeing in the urinal. And I really try and get up close to the urinal because I get self-conscious about my main stream, which, as we now know, is ionised. It looks like a lightsaber because of the plutonium I've been drinking, which someone told me was was beer as a prank, I suppose. And Nick Cage, Nicolas Cage steps up to the URL.
Next to me is like, Hey, hey, code. And I'm like, oh, hey, Nick Cage is like, Yeah, it's good to see you there, buddy. And I went, Nick, it's good to see you, too. You're looking good. And as I do, I always check out a guy's junk when I'm in a urinal.
Yeah, it's like to take a quick mental note, know what's going on. It's always good to know who's back and what. And I look down and he's got the same beam coming out of his urine stream. And I was like, Nick, are you drinking an ionized fluid that someone told you was beer?
And he said, Yeah. Oh, four years ago. Sure. This wasn't Jimmy Stewart. You're next. Yeah, I know what's happening with urine for years. No, it's him from, you know, whatever. Mary Sue got married, whatever. Oh, I love that movie, Peggy. Well, that's got married. Yeah, well well, sir, I love Wenstrup.
Nicolas Cage. He's my favorite.
OK, well, help me with my Nicolas Cage because I didn't say I did a Nicolas Cage impression, but anyway, he said Yakunin, I drank that stuff, too, and I've been drinking it for years and then for fun, just started to have a light saber battle there, you know, right there in the bathroom like a deck fight.
Well, it was with the urine streams that were ionised.
Does it make the sound to the world? Oh, yeah. Good to swing around. And people were like coming out of the bathroom to use the bathroom and seeing this going on. And people were like, oh, my God, Nick Cage and Conan O'Brien are having an ionised urine saber fight. And word got around and it just it was fucking crazy. It was nuts. Did your dicks touch it? No, they can't. The beams are too long.
It did it accidentally, like flap flap into one another. What are you talking about? Oh, no, they can't.
This wasn't just something this ionized beam that you and Nicholas Cage agreed upon to have an excuse to just do this thing together, that it was touch sticks. You know, I'm telling you what happened. This is an absolute story. And the fact that we later hung out a lot, spent time together at Palm Springs.
We've got a house there together.
But we had to we were kicked out because our our beams set the roof on fire in the master bedroom. So we were asked to leave your beams. It is just something that's interesting. Yeah, I started with a heartfelt expression of optimism. Yeah. About how this crisis will lift and a better time is coming. And then I don't know how this happened, but now it's a Nick Cage. Conan O'Brien, you did a year in ionised laser fight.
So with our, you know, your instrument, that's sullies everything you said before they fell. So used to be a bad word until Sully Sullenberger. So I know you just said you sullied it. And to me, that means I brought the conversation which had stalled into a miraculous landing and saved all three of us. So thank you.
When they make a movie out of this podcast, Tom Hanks will play. Hey, wasn't he nice on the podcast? Oh, I love him so much. And he's the best. He's the nicest guy. And people always say that. I'm telling you, I've known him since nineteen eighty eight. And when you add up all the time that I've been, I've been around him.
I've only see him be a gracious, really nice, fascinating guy.
When you guys were talking about World War Two, I could have listened to you guys go on for hours. Yeah.
No. One, two icons of film are talking. You don't just want to let them go. You're an icon of film. Yeah, I was cut out of the Coneheads movie.
What were you Conehead in the background? That's a true story. Serious Lorne Michaels.
Did they digitally remove you from the background Lorne Michaels wanted?
It was when he was talking to me about doing The Late Night Show and he wont have a meeting with me. And then he just was like, just, I'll meet you at Paramount or whatever. And I went, OK. And I went to Paramount and he went, Just listen, you're at Paramount anyway. Just be in the background of this Coneheads movie. We're making the Coneheads movie because the best time to make a movie about the Coneheads is twenty five years after it's been a huge hit on television.
But anyway, he said just be in the background. And I went, you don't say no to Lorne. And I went, OK. And and then when you know, when you're done doing that, well, we'll talk. The next thing you know, I'm in a trailer and they're putting a big cone on my head and then I walk out and those things are ridiculous. They're really heavy and you can't maneuver. And I'm tall anyway. I'm six four.
But the cone made me about seven four or seven five. And then I, I was like, oh man, this is really painful.
I'm just going to lie down. And this person with a headset and a clipboard said, don't lie down, you can't lie down. You have to keep standing until your scene is shot because you'll ruin the cone. And I'm literally it's like a crowd scene and I'm in the background. You don't even know it's me. And I'm thinking I just was here to talk to get over there and wait. And in forty minutes we'll throw some ground chuck your way.
And so I'm waiting and then I'm in the background and they go, OK, action. I mean I'm so far from the camera that I can't even see the camera and I hear, you know, Dan Aykroyd say yes, Blinda, no, Blendr and Jamkaran goes and they go and cut.
OK, we'll do that one more time. In six hours, everyone leaves. No one lie down. And then finally, I shot the scene. Of course, they never use that scene.
Do any pictures exist of you and you're coming out? Yeah. Look, Lorne, I think kind of as a joke later sent me this black and white photo. And you see me in the background. There's a cone. Do I have it? No, I don't.
Or if I do, it's I have like a Citizen Kane vault where I've just thrown I don't get rid of anything. But honestly, when someone enfin. Lynn, and this is a true story, makes me or Sweden makes me a guitar out of a bathroom scale and sends it to me with a really cool note, I'm not going to throw that out. I'm going to keep that. It's just that it can't stay in my house. So I have a giant warehouse that's filled with the madness of my insane life.
And when I'm gone, someone probably soon is going to be there throwing things into the fire pit to get rid of them. And there's going to be one shot of her lifting a black and white photograph of me way in the background, wearing a cone in an edited scene that was never that never aired from the nineteen ninety three Coneheads movie. And she'll toss it on the fire and next to the next to the guitar, the electric guitar that's made out of a real nineteen sixties bathroom scale and they'll both burst into flame and sun will turn right to camera and say what a wasted life and then the end will come up.
What do you think of that for the ending of my story.
Am I in your will. Yes you are. OK then. Fine then I'll help you. What is she getting? Yeah, what am I getting? It's not what she's getting. It's what's to be done to her.
Really, for an apartment, new apartment, you're probably wondering, hey, is this going to be a good situation for me, right? Yeah, good pizza place in the neighborhood. Yeah. And able to buy those little onions. I like the Elpidio Loco, right. What are you giving them a free shout? I'm sorry. I really I just I really like Opelika and I like to buy places.
OK, well, maybe we'll get an ad from them, but that's not the ad. The ad that we're talking about here is a really good service. It's apartments, dot com, OK, they got more listings than anybody no matter what you're looking for. Two bedroom, six bedroom, one half bathroom, three bedrooms and a bathroom. No bathroom. It doesn't matter. Upgrade, downgrade, bachelor pad. I remember when I had a bachelor pad.
Yeah. No one came to it anyway, doesn't it. Doesn't matter what you're looking for. They got over forty million people on apartments, dot com and they can help you find your new place to hang out. So all the renters who've made apartments, dotcom, the most visited rental listing website in the world, all of them will tell you that's the way to go. But what do you what do you have to believe me for? You know, it's time to just check it out yourself.
But what happened? Why are you laughing? That was it. No, no, no, no. It's working, OK? It's working. It's just you're clearly making it up as you go.
I'm just passionate about apartments, dotcom. It's an easy to use website, isn't it? Sony. You've used it. I have you. I see. I really have actually used this right. I have found a place. It's super easy. You probably use it a lot while you were working for me and you should have been doing stuff for me, but you were on the apartments dotcom website. Exactly. No, it's a great if you're at work.
This was a sting operation. Oh, you caught me.
What are you going to do? I guess nothing for apartments. Dotcom, find your next place. Don't be a chump. Apartments, dot com. The most popular place to find a place. Hey, everybody, it's Rob Lowe here, hopefully you're already listening to my podcast, literally with Rob Lowe is what it's called, but if you're not, get with the program. Come on, we're having so much fun. I've had great guests. I like just unbelievable people.
But I recently sat down with Demi Moore and man, it was more than you can imagine.
It was a trip down memory lane. We got your brat pack. We got your St. Elmo's Fire. You're about last night.
We go back so long and it's we could have talked for five hours, but happily for you, because you have lives and you have other things to do, it's probably going to be only about an hour. So I urge you, listen, wherever you get your podcast.
You want me to empty out your storage unit, you'll be you'll be dead. Why would I do that if I'm not getting a boatload of money? Or first of all, let's keep in mind something. If anyone is going to fake their death, it's yours truly.
Yeah, that is something. It's so up my alley when you hear like, yes, it happened at sea and they didn't find the body, you know, that I'm still alive. That's OK. And so, yes, they'll be because I really do want to attend my own eulogy and be hidden in the background. And I want to watch what everybody says and bitterly take notes. Oh, my God. Like who comes who doesn't show up? What kind of celebrities?
Like what?
Not one legitimate movie star showed up.
It's good to be Kato Kaelin. And yeah, Kato Kaelin is one is hey, Kato Kaelin is one of the pallbearers. I love you. Don't read online comments about yourself, but you want to be at your funeral. That sounds the chances of someone saying something nice are so much better at a funeral. People universally say good things at a funeral. I will be there my first time. You hear I'm gone. It will be faked. And then I'll come back and people are going to be so pissed when I come back.
I'm not even going to be happy because you know what? It's not even going to be like that big a story that I passed in the first place. And then when I do my big guess what, I'm here, after all, they're going to be like, what?
And like half the country is going to be like, we didn't even read the story that you were gone. What are you talking about? And I'll be like, yep, stop your crying. I'm still here.
What are you going to do when in that time when you're dead, where are you going to go and what are you going to do? I'm going to find out what Jim Morrison did when he faked his death and do the same thing. I'll probably be in Paris. I'll probably be walking around in really tight leather pants that don't look good. And I'll just be a sort of a wandering poet.
I might learn a trade.
I might learn to repair air conditioners or something, OK? And I'll just live a very quiet life. And then every now and then someone will say, hey, you look sort of like and I'll go, yes.
And they'll say, that actress and I'll go, no. You mean the talk show host Conan? And they'll be like, Who's Conan? No, I'm thinking of the actress. What's her name? What is her name, by the way? Tilda Swinton. Tilda Swinton. And I'll go. No, no, I'm Conan and I'll get really pissed.
What if you come to your funeral and it's totally against your wishes? We're having a massive Irish wake. Everyone's drunk and having a good time and celebrating and stuff. Wouldn't that hurt your feelings?
Well, first of all, it hurts my feelings a little bit that if you said that about any other culture, you'd get canceled. If I can't be in it, you'd be everyone would be drunk because it's Irish. Yeah. Eating Lucky Charms.
Yeah. Yeah.
Eating Lucky Charms and drinking and pouring pouring scotch and whiskey under there. Yeah. And hitting each other with big Shayla's. But the Irish are a group that we don't care.
Yeah. You won't get you won't get cancelled for that because everyone's like go at it with the Irish. It's probably true. No I hope people are having a good time.
OK, I want people to have a good time and then I want everyone to whatever. I don't know who's going to speak first if it's Spielberg or another extra from Coneheads.
Yeah. And Bill Spielberg. Bill Spielberg, your life insurance. Ron Hanks was a porn star. That be great. I would love it if I mean, I want to live a long time. Let me be very clear about that.
But when I go, I want the newspaper to say Spielberg was there, Hanks was there. All the biggest Beyonce was there. But yeah, it's Joe Beyonce. Anyway, the Conehead story, I don't think I've told that before.
So that's out there now. Maybe there'll be a director's cut someday of the Coneheads movie. Yeah, because that's what people want. Every day I check the paper and online to see if there's a hue and cry for a director's cut of the Coneheads movie.
But no, it hasn't yet.
Can you imagine Sony, if any time anybody came to the show, like my accountant or someone who's just there to maybe talk about doing an internship or something? Yeah, I said, look, I can't talk to you right now, but while you're here, we're going to put you into a very heavy prosthetics and you'll be in the background of a sketch and you won't get paid the comedy on our show, too.
It's like you're just going to get into prosthetics and then someone's going to I don't know their shit at you and then you just have to stand there and they don't do that kind of comedy.
We don't throw throw excrement at people. We might fire a dildo at them. We might dress them as Chewbacca and then have a guy dressed as Gandhi swing down on a rope and tackle Chewbacca and then fire dildoes at both of them. But we wouldn't just throw excrement on someone.
That's not a fair depiction of what we do. You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Apology accepted. Yeah, it's the dildoes. So you have your accountant. Come get it. It's funny when you when you fire. They wobble, they're not it's not an accurate ballistics, they they don't they wobble and then they get the Chewbacca, the Chewbacca and they hit the guy dressed as Ghandi. Anyway, that's a comedy sketch. I hate it when you just say, oh, we throw excrement at people know where we are.
Craftspeople, we are we are dildo people. We are not shit people.
Well, that's now I see what you're doing. Yeah. You're trying to demean what I do and I see what you're doing, but I'm not demeaning what you do. You said dildoes. I'm just saying we're dildo people. I'm part of that machine. So cool. Well, we should we should probably end this episode.
And this really does end the six episodes of Summer S'mores with Conan and the Chill Chum's. And that's been nice.
It's been a nice hang. It's like we're going home from summer camp. Do you have any sadness or is I mean, I'm ready to get back home.
I was always really happy to leave summer camp. Oh, yeah. I was always so happy to leave summer camp. Yeah. I was one of those kids that got homesick, so I was happy to go. I was happy to go home. So I was very excited when I knew that my trunk was packed. All the clothes that my mom had written my name in, my mom still writes my name in my clothes. That's nice. Yeah, I hated going home.
I always got into a depression. Really. Well, you probably liked getting away from the house.
No, I love going home. I just had so much fun at summer camp. It was such a fun time. And I was like, oh, I don't want this to end. So you're going to be depressed after this ends here?
No, not this. Nope, no. Not gonna miss this either.
You know where we're coming to an end, but an end is always just an excuse for a new beginning. That's the way I look at it, huh. And I'm excited about the new season of Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend. And talking to those celebrities, you know. Yes. I like talking to you, too. I really do. But I love talking to people that are famous and important that society has deemed are better than than normal people.
That's my favorite part of the podcast. So because that makes me feel better about myself, you know? Wow. No, no. I like you guys a lot. I really do. I'm just saying, when I get to talk to people who are famous, i.e. better than normal people, it's like a real treat for me and I think a treat for the listener. Oh, he said I'm saying this is not meant to I'm not putting you guys down at all.
As OK as non famous people go as non famous, regular people go, you're fine, you're solid C plus B minus people. But when I get a chance, those are passing grades. When I get a chance to talk to a celebrity, which we do on Conan O'Brien needs a friend you can probably hear in my voice. And then you see the response online. People are like, oh my God, demigods. People. Oh, OK.
People with gold, liquid gold in their veins. The chosen who who are in the tabloids, you know, people that are occasionally mentioned like me occasionally in US magazine. Sorry, I love you guys. I really do.
Oh okay. Yeah. I won't have it. Yeah. Oh no. And I also and I didn't mean it, it was just literally it came up in my, in my chat section of my, my computer. It was mentioned by Adam Sachs that you should probably say something human like you love them at the end and it just came up. So yeah I do love you guys, but whatever I'm just reading off, they tell me every now and then to show human emotion, oh, here comes another one.
Show more human emotion. And don't mention that this is in the chat. OK, anyway, I love you guys. And human emotion. Human emotion, human emotion. Not I can't wait. No, no, I can't wait till celebrities are part of this again. Oh they've been chosen by God. Do you better than showing human emotion is just you saying the words human emotion.
I don't. It says here agree with some of that shows human emotion. Yes. Yes. Oh, I'm reading off these things. Adam is just sending me how to behave. These are social cues because he wants me to seem like really human at the end. Much more so which this next one I'll miss. I'll miss you guys.
Oh, and I look forward to us getting back together, huh? Don't mention that this is that OK? Not to mention that anyway. So you guys here mean a lot to me.
I mean a lot. Mean a lot. I mean a lot. Well so I'm going to miss you, Matt.
I'm really going to miss you too. Yeah, I am. And it's nice that Altadena and Pasadena are both close to each other. Yeah. And how one freeway states what freeway links them is that the one seventy one. Is it the two fifty two. Adam, can you send him another message please to be human. Yeah. Oh yeah.
This is coming across as condescending about it. Seems like you live in a bubble when you talk about not knowing other parts of L.A.. It is not you in the best light. It goes against your good guy brand. So just be happy for people that don't live in your neighborhood and act as if you may someday go there.
You're reading this into the microphone. Stop. OK, OK. I don't know. I love where you guys live.
And once I get adequate, once I get my shots and the correct currency for that area, I'll be by. OK.
How many weeks off do we have till the new episode. Can it be a year. Yeah. Could it. How about a year. How about a year. Fifty two American weeks. Come on.
Yeah I think. Guess what. I don't think people would put up with it. I don't think, I think our podcast and I, I don't mean this to sound self-centered. I think the stock market would collapse if word got out that Conan O'Brien needs a friend was not coming back for a year. We are heroes. Nothing short of American heroes. Adam, Adam, Adam, can you please send him down the message? You know, people talk about these front line workers, Adam, Adam.
And I just want to say I think fast enough. Adam, Adam, I just skied. OK, sure. They're battling covid. Great. But we're making a podcast where we ad Adam Adam is gone.
Adam, let. No, no. It comes as we've lost all our advertisers. All right, well, anyway, I, in all sincerity, dropping my thirty five facades, I don't even know who's the real me anymore.
OK, I'm hoping I get to talk to you really soon because I'd like to I am looking forward to starting up. Conan O'Brien needs a friend. And I again, I hope you guys are, too. Yes, yeah, OK. Wait, are you talking to us or to the audience? I wasn't I was looking I'm in my room.
I go off into the ether. I'm looking to right now. I'll tell you exactly who I'm talking to. And I'm talking to a pop doll. It's a Koenen pop doll that Andy Richter got.
My God, you're talking to yourself. That an artist, then an artist, turned into a zombie.
It's your Dorian Gray. And I was looking right at that when I said, I can't wait to see you again. Oh, my. Yeah, because I can't look at you and say that and channel those here.
I hate it. I know it populates talking about it. This is a true, true confession. But I had to sort of sell the idea that I miss you guys, I love you and you're a big part of my life. But if I'm looking at you on Zoom, I can't do it. I had to go method. So I stared across the room at this pop doll that an artist made that Andy Richter gave me. Its economy has been turned into a zombie.
So this is what I was looking at that enabled me to channel true love and affection as opposed to you guys looking. I'm looking around. It's like you giving a sincere kind thought takes the life force away from something. Yeah, unless there is a representation of me, a three dimensional representation of me in the room, that's half Konan, half zombie, which is after all, the truest representation of me will leave you with that to chew on as you enjoy the rest of your summer.
We will see you very soon. We won't actually see you. That's not how podcasts work and even I know that. But we will join you in the cosmic pod sphere very soon and continue the journey of Conan O'Brien needs a friend. Good night. Good luck. Better times are on the way. Let's hold this silence for two hours. Conan O'Brien needs a friend with Sunim Obsession, and Conan O'Brien has himself produced by me Gali executive produced by Adam Sachs and Jeff Ross, a Team Coco and Colin Anderson and Chris Bannon at Airwolf theme song by The White Stripes, Incidental Music by Jimmy Ravina.
Our supervising producer is Aaron Belayer and our associate talent producer is Jennifer Samples. The show is engineered by Will Beckton. You can rate and review this show on Apple podcast and you might find your review featured on a future episode. Got a question for Conan. Call the Team Coco hotline at three, two, three, four, five, one, two, eight, two, one and leave a message at two. Could be featured on a future episode.
And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend on Apple podcasts, stitcher or wherever fine podcasts are downloaded. This has been 18 cocoa production in association with. This has been 18 cocoa production in association with DeWolfe.