Deadly Cults
Crime Countdown- 2,271 views
- 13 Jul 2020
The Manson Family. Jonestown. Waco. So many cults end in tragedy. But it may be the cults you haven't heard of that are the most brutal. Ash and Alaina explore famous, infamous and lesser-known cults to determine the deadliest.
Everyone wants to be part of the club. The Girl Scouts, Phi Beta Kappa, the local golf course. There's just something about the feeling of belonging, of being part of a group.
Sure, clubs bring like minded people together. But unfortunately, sometimes that leads to dangerous group think and sometimes groupthink leads to murder. Today's crimes were all committed by clubs, but you probably know them by a different name. Cults, deadly cults. That is, we love a good cult.
The thing about cult says they're never initially supposed to be about killing. But somehow in so many cults, people wind up dead. It's horrifying, but it keeps happening. Like I said, everyone just wants to be part of the club. Hey, all you weirdos. Welcome to the podcast Original Crime Countdown. I'm Ash and I'm Aleena.
Every week will highlight 10 fascinating stories of history's most engaging and unsettling crimes, all picked by the past research gods. And today's topic is the top 10 deadliest cults.
Ash, you are part of a cult once, weren't you? If I remember correctly. Not that I can remember. Very sure. Weren't you a high school cheerleader, remember? OK. That does not account.
I'm just saying. But for real though, what's your favorite cult? You know, I love the man. Oh yes. Yes. I would have hopped right on that bus.
How could I forget with flowers in your hair, you'd be on that van. Exactly. Would you go into a cult?
Do you think cults stress me out? And I think it's just all the people involved. Yeah, I could see that you're like an introvert. So I truly am. I don't think I would thrive in a cult. And I'd like to think, even though this is probably false and so many people end up in cults, I'd like to think because they are so predictable with their playbook that I'd like I'd be able to get away from it like, no, no.
But I know what's happening. I got that right. I would think so. I see that for you. I see myself becoming part of one by accident. Yeah.
I mean, as soon as, like, Charlie Manson is like strumming the guitar and handing you a flower crown.
I think you'd be like, well, look, I mean, I'm a sucker for a beach boy wannabe. The only bummer is I like all of these cults, the same message. It's like it's the apocalypse, it's the end times. And that's just fun for me.
They love a good doomsday, these cults. They do. So the fun part about this cult countdown, like always, is that we only know half of the countdown. So we're gonna be learning half of the countdown right along with you.
Let's start the countdown.
Ten. I'll get us started with number 10, the Fall River Satanic cults, specifically its member, Robin Murphy. In 1980, Murphy, along with a man named Carl Drew, brutally murdered Murphy's girlfriend, Karen Marsden, as part of a satanic killing.
I've heard of this one.
This one's like kind of a home, a kind of one. I was going to say, is Massachusetts represent? I guess not. That's not represented.
So this was during that awesome satanic panic time of the 80s, early 90s, where everyone, including Heraldo Rivera, assumed you were the devil.
You are black. You know that funtime where we would have been arrested? I was going to say we would not have survived this time. Definitely not.
The murder of Karen Marsden was horrific. Yeah, it was horrific. It was gruesome. Member Robin Murphy. This is really gross.
Cut Marsden's throat and then Carl Drew literally tore her head off her body. Oh, my God. Yeah. This was no joke. Yeah. Carl Drew was a known violent turd. And you don't say. Yeah.
And he was controlling a small group of local sex workers at the time. Robin Murphy was one of them. She banked on that satanic panic thing and said she was possessed by Satan during the murder or she never would have done it.
Oh, what a good excuse. Yeah, it's a great excuse. It was alleged that Robin Murphy also had a role in other murders and that these were also done as offerings for the soul of Satan.
Oh, good. Just really going for that, say, Tenwick panic thing. Murphy must have had something on her side because she ended up cutting a deal with prosecutors. How so? She did this because she said that she would testify against Drew for a lighter sentence.
She got it. Are you serious? Yep.
She got it and was released on parole in 2004. I don't think I knew that part. Well, here's the good thing.
She quickly violated that. Oh, good. Good. Because all of a sudden you're looking behind you like I'm like, where's she up?
Well, you see, she ended up going back to prison, but she's eligible to apply for parole again in 2000 and twenty two and too soon, says Suzume. That's next year. Don't like it? No, thank you. No, this year has been good enough already. Yeah, we're done. Nine. At number nine is a cult that famously had a deadly exchange with the federal agents at their complex near Waco, Texas.
The Branch Davidian, as they were while sure, originally federal law enforcement agents went to arrest the group's leader, David Koresh, which sparked a deadly shootout that turned into a 51 day standoff. And that ended on April 19, 1993, when the members burned the building down. Not a good outcome, not a good deal at all. They were wild. And from start to finish, they had about one hundred and thirty members that lived on a 77 acre compound instead of starting a call.
They should have just used that acreage for something like a sick bocce ball or just like a little like or a huge petting zoo actually to work. So lots of picnics, just something pure.
Exactly. While David Koresh, the leader of the pack, had about 250 weapons on the compound, which is why the ATF headed out there in the first place to arrest him.
Yeah, it seems excessive. It definitely does. You don't need that much. Their visit sparked a deadly shootout which killed four agents of the ATF and six of the Branch Davidian members.
The shootout ended up turning into a 51 day standoff that finally came to an end on April 19th, 1993. And that's when the members, including their leader, burned the building down. That's intense, right?
Like way too way too well because of the way the FBI handled this. The American people really changed the way they saw the government. They thought that law enforcement had used poor judgment and excessive force. And actually, the Branch Davidian still exists today. Whoa. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? That's terrifying, actually. It's from the last nine that survived. And now they call themselves Branch the Lord of our righteousness.
OK. No righteous has like another meaning and all. But every time I hear it, I just think of someone being, like, righteous, so easily righteous.
Do you just think of, like, the Lord of our righteousness?
Eight number eight on our list of deadly cults takes us back to nineteen eighty nine when authorities found several bodies killed as human sacrifices run off on a ranch in the Mexican city of Matamoras near the U.S. border. When they questioned suspects about an American victim, Mark Kilroy, they led police to Adolpho de Hazes Costanzo, the 26 year old leader of the Colts bar. That's young for. Who's going gonna say getting started really early, like, OK. The other leader was Sarah Andretti, who was a student at Texas s most college.
She was known as, quote, the witch. Oh, say. Yeah. Which is a nickname I can totally get behind. But she is not a person that I can get. Oh, no, definitely not. The cult took their cues from a film called The Believers. I looked this up because I'd never heard of the believers, but I never. Yeah. It's from the late 80s and it's about a cult who sacrifices kids for power and success.
Casual also. You can already see that this is not awesome. They literally organized screenings of this film for cult members. Okay. This cult also looked at human sacrifices in the same way as a method to bring them fortune, protect them from the police, bring them things they wanted. Oh, there was a killing shack at the ranch where all the bodies were found, and it was a nightmare in there. A lot of decomposed bodies. Decapitated, hanged bodies.
Throats slashed, shot, stabbed. Missing organs. Missing limbs. Think of it. And it was happening in there. Yeah.
That's like all the recipe. That's the full on recipe for a nightmare. That's just like here you go.
Sprinkle a little bit of each of those things. Yeah. Just everywhere you look, you're like, oh, it gets worse. The American victim, Mark Kilroy, was found in there and he had had his brain removed and boiled in a pot. No, thank you. Leader Costanzo specifically asked for a, quote, Anglo male because they said that it was going to add sacrificial powers. It's going to make it more strong. OK. That's why they brought Kilroy in and killed him.
OK, gotcha. So there were accouterments of Santeria, which is an underground Caribbean religion and black magic that were found in this in the shack. OK. There was a lot of things that were saying they were not dealing in in good stuff. Yeah, doesn't sound like it. Yeah. No joke. Seven. Well, at number seven this week is the infamous Manson family who in the summer of 1969 committed a series of brutal murders in Los Angeles.
The murders were at the direction of Charles Manson, a wannabe singer musician living in the desert with his, quote, family of devoted young women and men.
For some reason, he always gets lumped in with serial killers. I know. He really does. He does. And he's not. He's just like a dirty little murderous rat.
I know. I have to remember not to call him a serial killer in front of you so that you don't get tied down in a while. This one happens to be my favorite true crime case. So Manson really got full on vicious after having a super messed up childhood and after his rejection from the music industry. It's like everybody who's been turned down for something to just move on. Well, he was turned down by the Beach Boys. So that's like a.
. That's kind of big. Turned down. Turned out. Turned down for that. Yeah. Turned down for that. Well, he would use the Manson girls to lure other men into the group until they formed this big family. The family was living at Spon Ranch, which at fifty five acres used to be a movie ranch where they would film Westerns. They brought it way down. Yeah. As we all know, drug use was instrumental in Charlie Manson's control over this group.
Belladonna is a hell of a drug. Seriously don't recommend. Do not. So was everybody was trippin. Manson would preach about Helter Skelter, which is what he said was going to basically be the start of a race war. Imagine just being like, hey, everybody. So this Beatles song feels like it's telling me to murder a bunch of people and start a race war around everybody. And then the world's going to end. We're gonna be the only ones living like, are you guys in?
And then imagine everybody being like, hell, yeah.
Let's go to and just imagine people being like, I don't question that at all. Absolutely.
That's a cult. That's when you know you're in a cult. Yeah. Call your dad as my favorite writer. Exactly. Well, he thought at the end of this war, the Mansons would rule the world. And the murder of Sharon Tate ended up bringing this case crazy media attention because she was a pregnant movie star at the time.
That's so sad. Yeah, it was really. So she was so beautiful and hurt.
Yeah. For real. So that is number seven. Where we headed to. Six. Also on our list of deadly cults at number six is Marcus Wesson. On March 12th, 2004, police found nine bodies piled in a back room in Wesson's Fresno, California, home. Among them were two adults and seven young children. Oh, no.
Yeah, this one's a real. I mean, they're all boners. It's like a straight up bummer. Sounds like it. So making sure to really hammer home his evil status, Western allegedly had fathered several of those children with his own daughters and nieces. Are you serious?
Yeah. He was like really hitting a home run in the gross. Yeah, that's just like way up there. You don't bring incest into the cult. So how did they all end up dead in a back room in his house?
Well, two of his nieces showed up at his home to get their own children. And somehow this ended up in mass murder. How? Not real. Sure. How does it escalate to that level? Escalated real fast. For real.
During his trial, his sons talked about him like he was this great father, great guy, which like I'm going to disagree.
I feel as though they were confused. I paid off, you know, cult. Yeah. There it is. Therapy. But the rumors were that basically he led his entire family like a cult. I mean, he was making his nieces and daughters sleep with him and fathering children with them. So that's cultish.
So it soon came out that he was holding long and very mandatory Bible studies that lasted for like hours and hours. Oh, no. But this wasn't your typical Bible study, OK? It wasn't just straight teaching. Tell me what happened. He was teaching that Jesus was a vampire. You know, I've never heard that version before. No, I haven't heard that super metal helda like.
Therefore, it's a little weird, but OK, I'm not convinced that he is, you know, the worst person ever.
Are you not going.
I mean, I'm pretty convinced, but. There's more but there's more. Oh, he had staged a DIY wedding with Elizabeth Weston, who at the time was eight years old. Nope. Nope. Gotta go. Bye. I got to leave my Hubers here.
He's a monster of the highest order. Yeah. When police arrested him. He came from the house. Just came out of the house, covered in blood all over his clothes and was just like, what was he, two of empire? Maybe. Possibly even where. I never know. Well, I don't really want to find out. This is really intense. And to be honest, I think the past research gods have done a good job so far.
I think they're killing it so far, especially because they gave me Charlie Manson and they didn't even know. They didn't even know. But they did know because they know they'd be know in the bar. Castries Search Gods. And you know what? I'm really excited that they gave me the Fall River one because, again, not represent or represent Massachusetts.
I was gonna say, like, don't represent. But like, hometown murder.
Exactly. It's fine. So I think we might be heading into the top five. And I'm a little terrified. Are you scared? I'm scared. I'm scared.
I don't know how they're gonna beep all the ones we've already done. I mean, they've done a really good job so far.
I'm terrified. Let's do it. Let's get it. Five. All right. Let's jump back in with number five. I'm Sean Rocchio. During the morning rush hour in Tokyo on March 20th, nineteen ninety five members of Aum Shinrikyo, a doomsday call carried five bags filled with a liquid nerve agent onto the trains of one of the world's busiest underground systems.
That's a nightmare. It really is like liquid nerve agent. That's like a bad Bond villain. And can you imagine you're just on your morning commute like and you get hit with a liquid nerve agent. That's not okay. I don't want to imagine that.
Well, 13 people died and at least five thousand eight hundred were injured. Wow. Insane. Just like every other doomsday call, they predicted an Armageddon where they would emerge victorious. I'm so sick of Armageddon with these called serious. And it's always only them that's going to come out of it. Right? It's like joint or else like it's gonna be real bad for you. But either way, it's real bad. Yeah, it's just bad. It's not good.
This cult wasn't made up of your average everyday cult follower either. These members were some of Japan's top minds and scientists. That just makes me sad. I know. What a waste. And you know what? At MIT now, it's like if they can be, like, sucked into it. I feel like nobody's safe. I mean, I told you in the beginning of this I'm nervous.
I'm real nervous.
Thousands of victims were either blinded or paralyzed in the morning attack and rescue workers had to wear hazmat suits and gas masks to attend to the victims after the deadly attack. Shoko Asahara, who was the cult leader of the Om Shinrikyo, was ordered by Japan to be executed by liquid nerve agent.
I mean, that's what they should have done if they did it. And guess what?
There are still surviving versions of that are legal, but quote, dangerous religions in Japan and are subject to greater surveillance.
This just makes me scared.
Whenever there's certain members that are hanging around doing this stuff because it's like once the head gets cut off, I know is back stronger sometimes.
But at least we know that Japan is like keeping an eye on it. They are. Thank you. Japan for real.
For. Taking the number four spot is Heaven's Gate. In March, nineteen ninety seven thirty nine people in Rancho Santa Fe, California, ritually killed themselves. To outsiders, it was a mass suicide. To insiders. It was a graduation. Oh. It was the culmination of over two decades of spiritual and social development for its members.
So that's what you got at the end. Two very different things. Yeah. Members of Heaven's Gate.
They really went for it. Their core belief was that once they kicked it, their souls would ascend to a spacecraft that was flying behind the Hill BOP comet, which at that point was just passing by Earth. Okay.
Like, did they consult Elon Musk before they get on this SpaceX rocket to a comet? This was also the first called in the Internet age, which is interesting because they made money by designing Web pages and they were recruiting online. Wow. TVT to that. Right. And AOL chat room, some say. So they could reach a lot more people. Now, all cults have a leader who is either a messenger for some higher power or the second coming of Jesus.
All right. That's like the rules. Well, Heaven's Gate. Their leader, Marshall Applewhite, was the second coming of Jesus kind always. So he tells them he's the second coming. And he's also like, oh, hey, I have some insider knowledge as the second coming. God's an alien and doomsday is upon us. God's an alien. Yeah. W. I haven't heard that one before. Yeah. That one, that one makes them a little different.
Everything feels like good good plot twist. I like it now. The cult went by the book with that whole cult rule. But then it totally wrote its own playbook. Oh. So it had you know, usually the leaders are like, oh, in order to ascend, you have to have sex with me. Yeah, that's usually what it is. Well, this one had a strict no sex, no human level relationships, no socializing rule.
So what was that like? What made people want to join it?
Sounds awesome. I guess I don't really know. In fact, some members, including leader Applewhite, went as far as voluntary castration.
What? That's commitment to the core. That's some Game of Thrones shit.
How do you get a whole group of people to voluntarily castrate themselves in the name of riding behind a comment because God's an alien?
That's really impressive. I don't know. The groups also did this crazy diet. It was called the master cleanse. And it was a mix of lemonade, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. And they did this for three months. Sounds like a cold remedy, right? It does. And, you know, it's crazy. I'm fairly certain that this was a diet that like a ton of celebrities were doing.
It's like a juice cleanse. I swear.
I saw people doing cayenne pepper and maple syrup, that heaven's gate diet. I'm saying they just rebranded it. So we better than Kita open. You know what we know. We know and we know it. So after all that B.S., they're told that the comet is approaching the lake. It's come. Guys, are you did your master cleanse you? Krass be castrated yourselves. We're ready. The comments approaching. We're gonna hitch a ride on it because why the hell not why it's on.
Everybody was like, let's do this. The suicides took place over a course of three days. Oh yeah. The members eight applesauce that was laced with barbiturates and washed it down with vodka. Wow. Yeah. And then they just placed bags over their heads to suffocate to death.
What a way to go.
Lot of layers and applesauce as your last meal. Yeah. I don't know. Think you know, if that would be my choice. But not to. Mean you get to wash it down with vodka.
I mean, the thirty nine members that died were wearing black tracksuits and black Nike's and they had purple shrouds over their bodies. There's photos of this and they are spooky as hell. They're just all in like beds, like some bunk beds and stuff. And you just see Nike sticking out. That's like a weird ad for Nike. Yeah, it's a lot. I don't like it.
At number three on our deadliest cults list, the order of the Solar Temple. Woo hoo! Yes. The order of the Solar Temple had 53 members in Switzerland and Quebec, and they were all murdered or completed suicide in October of 1994.
Not going to lie. That name is pretty awesome.
I mean, good band name, I call it. It really is a good band name. So did you just catch that accent I got when I said bad? No. Good. Bad name. Good. And they call it like it.
Well, the order of the Solar Temple was founded in the late 70s, early 80s. That's like the perfect two decades for that name, too.
I feel like a hundred percent.
Yes, right in there. They the group was born as an attempt to renew the military religious organization. The Knights Templar knew that name wishes. Yes.
If you could only the members looked like businessmen like my last one. Businessmen can be crazy, though. Yeah, they can.
And it said that the founder, Luke Shray, had the, quote, air of a gentleman.
Well, you know what? You have you ever seen American Psycho? No, I haven't.
Wow. I know. Wow. I mean, you're older than me.
All right. Well, that landed with everybody else. I mean, also, cult leaders always look like they're so approachable in the beginning. So it makes sense. Yeah, that's part of their thang. Well, just like Heaven's Gate. These members knew the end was coming.
They always known their doomsday predictions, said that the end was going to happen in the mid 90s.
So they had time to prepare. They did. And it didn't happen. So spoiler spoiler alert. We're still here. They clearly had to get on a higher plane before that happened.
So that's why the 53 members killed themselves and others and then set the buildings on fire. That they were in these buildings that they set on fire.
Really go on, by the way.
P.S. side note there, they all died in different locations, including a farmhouse and a chalet with boogie boogie, A.F..
And by the way, the tumble was bringing in a lot of money. So you can't really even blame the murder slash suicides on deprivation. Oh, yeah, that's true. I know it is. And I know you'll like it. It is true as of the early 21st century.
They still have upwards of 500 members. Which is interesting because like you just said, the world still hasn't ended. I know. What do you believe in? And I thought these ones were the ones who got it right. I thought so, too. Apparently not. Because we're at the top to the top two, top two, top two, top two.
It's going to get worse from here and I'm not really sure how it's going to get worse or who's going to get better. Maybe both. Maybe. I don't know. All right. Well, what do you think about the last few? Well, the last I got to say, Heaven's Gate is both my favorite and my least favorite.
I'm kind of confused about how they're not taking number one. I think it's because they're also very lame.
They are very late.
I think it's because no one wants to join that call. That's true. And let me tell you, I have no one. It's real good.
Who I bet it is. I can't actually. I can't. I'm trying to think of what it could be, and I feel like I'm missing a good one. Once you realize what it is. You'll be like, oh, my God. I'm going to eat my hat.
Well, let's get into the top two.
All right. To. And number two is the movement for the restoration of the Ten Commandments of God.
Oh, too long. Way too long, too. That's a mouthful. And it had more than 500 members, so. Well, that's a lot. They they all set it together.
Too many words, too many members. In March 2000, they all died in a blazing inferno in the remote hills of southwest Uganda, making it one of the world's second largest ritual, mass suicides. Why do these things always end in flames? It's got to be a blaze of glory. I mean. Yeah. So the cult began when people claimed to have seen apparitions of Jesus and the Virgin Mary around Uganda and went to see Joseph Kimbe, whether a kept whether they founded the cult.
And he actually went so far as to let it take over his family's house. Oh, man. I'm sure his family was stoked on the show. I was psyched. Well, his wife said that he was actually a totally peaceful guy. They never fought before this all happened. I was going to say until.
Yeah. So it's like he was totally. Can you imagine? No. Your husband is just like a totally nice guy. You never fight. Everything's fine. And he's like, you just can't take over our house.
Yes. Started a cult. Yeah, that's fine. Of course, they predicted the end of the world.
You don't say. And their date was originally December thirty first nineteen ninety nine. Why don't all these people have different dates? Like where did the dates come from. I think it's because they're not real.
I mean that I do think that that's what it is. But they try. Can't fault them for trying. Oldster, in case you're on the edge of your seat. I'm wondering, falling off the world did not end on December thirty first nineteen ninety nine. I had an inkling. But the good, the good news is they revised their date because that's something you can do apparently. I mean there's white out for that.
You don't know. You could be wrong. So they later said that the finale of Earth was gonna be March 17th, 2000.
Oh, very different again. Didn't happen. Yeah. They just bumped it forward a little bit. That was gonna be when the Virgin Mary would appear and she was just gonna scoop up all the members and take them right up to heaven. Just scoop em up. She has a really good upper arm straight.
Yeah, you got it. You're gonna scoop up over 500 members. She's been lifted. Like, wow. So March 17th, it comes around in.
Hundreds of members show up at the church and they are just ready to be scooped. Imagine seeing them on their way there.
You're like, where those people go? Where are you going in the lake. Mary's come in to scoop me. And they're like, OK, my you see a leader. Well, the building that they came to was set on fire with everyone inside. Oh. So that's not how they planned on this happening? No, no. Not the same thing at all. You think you're getting scooped by Mary and you get set on fire, but at the end of the world.
That's just the end of that building. Yeah, that's the end of that building. And it's the end of you. Right. So the day before the fire, some weird things did happen.
There were some items from the cults, including a copy of the Ten Commandments that was sent to Joseph's family. So the leader. They believe that it might have been from Joseph himself, like. To Joseph from Joseph. Joseph from Joseph, Iowa.
Here you go. Laughs I feel like that kind of sounds strange, but when you're living this kind of cult lifestyle, like maybe that's just like a normal package that comes to your house. Nothing is strange and occult strange to us, but they might have been like, oh, great.
My Ten Commandments came to work out. But here's the rub. It's still not known whether that fire was a mass suicide or whether it was a mass murder. Oh, so we might never know.
Or what if it was accidental? It could have been all of the above. Wow. Wow.
I mean, that belongs at number two. I have to take my hat off to the research gods.
I'm excited for number one. I can't believe that you couldn't guess what number one was.
I'm gonna kick myself. One. At number one, on our list of deadliest colds, the people's 10, oh, yes.
If this would not be complete without. No, there's no list of colds without that. I am gonna kick myself, do a big. Do it all.
In November 1978, more than 900 people died in Jonestown after being ordered to swallow a cyanide laced drink at the order of their leader, Reverend Jim Jones. Nine hundred people is a lot. And fun fact. It wasn't Kool-Aid. Certainly wasn't. Wasn't it like flavoring off brand baby cheaper.
Jim Jones began as an integration iList, who passionately fought for civil rights.
Where did you go wrong? I know. It's like how do you go from point A to that Wild's point? That's a great start. Just keep going. Yeah. Well, his ministry for the People's Temple ended up being pretty influential and he rubbed shoulders with famous, influential people for a short time. You're doing great, Jim. Keep going.
He's being influential. He's talking to the famous. So far, so good. But where does it go wrong? I just don't know. Well, he takes it to a darker place. I see the teachings start to include preaching about an impending nuclear holocaust.
Who sharp left turn into Armageddon. You know, that cultural stuff? Always. And he was also on top of that, abusing the members of the top. Oh, no. Good. Yeah, not good at all. So when that abuse became public, he moved them to Guyana and South America. He would have their what were called white knights. And these white knights were like rehearsals where he would lie about why it was time to drink the flavor aid, the poison punch.
And then members didn't know whether or not it was going to be poison this time. Can you imagine being that evil that you are tricking nine hundred people and you're like, baby, it's the drink it.
You're going to have a nice, great treat or you're going to die. And also calling it like white knights, like white parties where like you all dressed in white like that. Such a cruise thing. That's such a cruise thing. Or like it's still a super Bujji.
Weird thing. And it's like that's not what it wants at all.
Not at all what it was. No. Well, Congressman Leo Ryan actually went out to Jonestown to investigate what the hell was going on, and he got killed before he could escape back to America. I remember this. That's wild. You remember this? That is very. No, I mean, I remember, like, reading about.
I wasn't there. But that's double checking the way to say it. Oh, you're old.
But that's a real astray of his original message.
Definitely not. Not on the same level. Well, that same day that Ryan was killed, Jim Jones insisted everybody drink the poison for real this time. Except he reportedly shot himself instead of having to suffer a death by poison like everyone else. So, like, what a guy. That's cowardly as hell. Yeah, but it makes sense. Like you make everyone else drink. You're like shitty off brand Tang Baret and you just do it real quick, right?
Not even get them the real thing. There's also audio of that whole thing. I've listened to it before. I don't recommend it.
I figured I put it in your brain anyway. Let's see. Lee.
That was a good countdown, honestly. They did good.
Like the Park House research, they did good again. Tammet want to beat them some day.
I feel like you'll prove them wrong, but I don't know. Today's not that day. I never will because I'm just too nice and slow is a great deal.
Like I love that guy always. Oh, good. I mean, Jim Jones had to be number one, Ray, on a whole list.
It's just like you'd be so wrong. He's where the phrase don't drink the Kool-Aid or they're drinking the Kool-Aid came from incorrectly. But I mean, what went wrong when you make a phrase like that? Your number one. That's true.
Do you feel like they missed anything? I don't really think the only one that I can think of that's kind of a fun cult is that Edman Critchfield Holy Rollers cult.
Oh, yeah. But he did. Of course he did.
That whole like I'm a messenger from God. So all the ladies have to sleep with me thing. And then he got like tarred and feathered. And I'm pretty sure there's only like a couple of murders in that one.
He also like lived in somebodies floor, which is real weird. He did.
That was a weird one, you know. You know, I think it's like an honorable mention. It's not really. Yeah, it doesn't matter. Yeah. Thanks for listening, guys. And we'll be back next week with another great episode.
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Crime Countdown was created by Max Cutler and as a part cast studio's original, it is executive produced by Max Cutler Sound designed by Kristen Acevedo, produced by Jon Cohen, Jonathan Ratliff and Kristen Acevedo. Crime Countdown stars Ashkali and Aleena Ricard.