Hotel Crimes
Crime Countdown- 2,568 views
- 10 Aug 2020
Is there anything creepier than finding a dead body in your hotel room? Whether you believe they're haunted or not, some hotels have stains that can't be cleaned. Alaina and Ash check into hotels linked to cases of mob hits, arson, and mysterious disappearances.
Checking into a hotel, you're probably thinking of taking a dip in the pool, a nap on the 500 thread count sheets or like me, a breakfast buffet with a waffle maker. But if you're us, you're thinking, is this place on it? It's not just Colorado Stanley Hotel or Disney's Tower of Terror. Hotels across the world have a crazy history of crime, and that doesn't go away after maid service. The count of murders, crimes and mysterious deaths inside hotels is astronomical.
And today we've got the 10 scariest hotel crimes. That relaxing getaway could be the site of a mob hit, or, if your looks really bad, a hideout for a serial killer who's still active.
Hotel walls are thin and you never know who's checked into the room next door.
Hailu Weirdo's, welcome to the podcast Original Crime Countdown, I'm Ash and Emelina. Every week will highlight 10 fascinating stories of history's most engaging and unsettling crimes, all picked by the podcast Research Gods.
This episode, we're counting down the top 10 hotel crimes.
So what's the creepiest hotel you have ever stayed in? The only one that I've known is haunted is the Stanley.
Yeah, that makes sense because the Lizzie Borden house was chill, so we stayed. We definitely did.
I also I feel like I don't think of it as a hotel. Yeah, that's true. And, you know, we also didn't sleep. It was so scary. So I thought that would be burned in your mind. Yeah, I definitely, like, completely forgot about that. Yeah, it's fine. It's fine.
You made me stay up the entire night.
Do you remember the entire night. I was not going to sleep there. Know that that place had bad, bad vibes, bad vibes.
But why do you think so many murders happen in hotels?
I feel like it has to do with the fact that people feel like a weird sense of privacy in hotels that isn't actually there. Yeah, like hotels kind of make it their business to make you feel at home. It's true. This can make you feel too at home.
I mean, that's true. A lot of people definitely took that to heart, like got way too at home.
Well, while you unpack your suitcase brunch but will unpack these cases, remember, Alanah has five scarey hotel crimes and so do I. But we'll be learning right along with you which one's the other one has.
Let's start the countdown. Ten starting off our list of hotel crimes at number 10 is the killing of mob hitman Albert Anastasia in 1956. This New York gangster and one time head of Murder Inc was shot to death while sitting in a barber chair inside the Park Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan. That's more than a haircut. That's a lot more than he bargained for. Anastasiya worked with gangster Lucky Luciano. Do you remember when I did the Thelma Todd case? You love Lucky?
I think he's a babe. He's not OK. Well, Anastacia and Luckie work together to assassinate two of New York's biggest mob bosses. That will probably end up fine. Yeah, you know, it always does. Yeah. So after that, Luciano became head mob boss.
Big deal, big guy. And he put Anastasiya in charge of Murder Inc, which is like a notorious murder for hire organization. I'm not going to lie. They killed it with that name and the pun is intended.
So they did. But it makes me think of Monsters Inc, which is very different.
It doesn't make me think of lots of things at all. Totally separate. Very different. Well, Luciano was taken down by prostitution charges and Frank Costello took over as boss. So Luckies not boss anymore. He got knocked out. He did. But of course, Anastasiya stayed loyal to his allies because it's the mob. You got to be loyal or else you're in big trouble. Loyalty is key. So Nastassja actually joined the Army and worked with the U.S. on war efforts to invade Italy just so that he could get Luciano a lighter sentence.
That's a true friend. And while he was at that, he also received U.S. citizenship. Wow. He was, like, really busy that year. I don't know if it was just a year, but it was a year.
Let's just getting stuff done. But when the murder plot to take out Frank Costello was put into motion, it became super clear that they weren't going to be able to do that with Anastasiya still alive because he's super loyal, he's got that loyalty thing.
They knew that he was going to protect Costello in some way. So they're like, you know what? We're going to take you out, too. Oh, so when they came in, he allegedly tried to fight back, but he was super shocked and unprepared, which I wonder why. I wonder why. But I also feel like if you're in the mob, you should be prepared at all times. You know, you should always be waiting for bullets to fly.
But he was not. And he actually attacked the gunman's reflection in the wall mirror instead of the actual gunman. All right. That's not funny. That's sad because it's a human life, but kind of where it is kind of all at the same time.
You're not wrong.
Nine. At number nine is the almost impossible murder of Greg Finucan, Flanagan was a Louisiana man in the oil business in 2010. He checked into the same Beaumont, Texas, hotel where he stayed every week for work. But this time he was found dead in his room without an apparent cause of death. Well, that's weird. That's no good. So investigators initially believed it was just a simple heart attack. He smoked a lot. He ate a lot of sweets.
You know, same thing happens, you know, so they're like, this is probably what happens.
It happens all the time in hotels. But the medical examiner looked and was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. There's a lot of internal damage here that is not caused by a heart attack. He's like not caused by cupcakes. So he was like, wait a second, this is blunt force trauma, in my opinion. And he ruled it a homicide. OK, so Flannigan had always stayed at this hotel during the week and then went back to Louisiana on the weekends.
What does that equal? A very predictable schedule for a killer to track.
You gotta change your routine, change the routine. We it yeah, we're saying all the time and they're looking and they're like he has no known enemies. Everyone said he was like a really kind man and there was over a thousand dollars in cash left behind. So that ruled out robbery as a motive, is it?
It's so weird that like people go and kill people and then they'll just leave a thousand dollars sitting there. Ethics. I'm like, you're already a bad guy. You got those ethics? I guess so. Well, do you want to know the truth? You want to know what happened? OK, I would like to. A man was throwing a party in the next hotel room over and was playing with his gun. It fired, went through the wall and killed Flannigan.
Are you serious? I am serious as a heart attack, which Flanagan did not have also like reason number like thousand and five, not to play with a gun. It's not it doesn't end well. Well, the medical examiner had apparently missed the entry wound and the bullet wound to his heart and was fired that same day and promptly was suspended. So the bullet hole in the hotel room wall had been filled with toothpaste, toothpaste. So the McGyver of accidental murderers, apparently a little bit of the gum, you know.
Yeah, like a rubber band, a perfect. Eight. Number eight on our list of top 10 hotel crimes is the possible voyeur gate to Lisa's book. The Voyeur's Motel tells the story of his relationship with Gerald Foose, who claimed that he spied on guests at his Aurora, Colorado, roadside motel for decades. But the details are fishy.
The details are horrifying, in my opinion. They already are already. I'm like, no. So Gerald Foos just called up Gay Talese one day to tell him that he has been spying on his own guests for decades. Like, he's like, hey, what are you up to? I'm just spying on my guests. Been doing it for decades. He's like weather outside. Yeah. What are you doing? Eating lunch. Like, it's typical. It's so weird.
Wow. This subject, though, it was right up to Lisa's wheelhouse and he was like, cool, cool, cool. Tell me everything and tell me all you got so far. Says that he built an attic type area above all these rooms and then he installed my worst fear ever false vents so that he could just stand above and observe down on all the people hate that. I'm so terrified that I'm going to find somebody in my van someday.
But I'm also so prepared.
You know, you hear that person and ask his friends, yeah, I'm looking for it. He's prepared. Isn't that so scary? It is. He describes along events. No, they don't blow your lungs. And that's it. It's solely for air. Yeah. He described that he saw every kind of relationship and combination of people, every emotion in all of those things. He kept a detailed journal of. Here's the thing. This is awful.
It's terrible. It's like the worst kind of violence. You want to know? Don't you want to read the book? I mean, it would be cool to know what's in there, but it's like it would be fascinating. You can't be the person who discovers this. No idea what's wrong. I don't want any part of it. No, I don't want to be chilling in a book like it would be a fascinating read. I agree to Lisa also thought so.
But the problem is that he relied solely on fuzzes account to write his book, which we all know is a journalism. No, no, no, you don't want to do that. You need multiple sources. He also originally disavowed his own book because the media poked a ton of holes in the story. All right. So there's that. They're like, yeah, this is not true. And he's like, I didn't write, but you're probably right.
Also, Steven Spielberg bought the rights to this story, but then his production got canceled because he heard about this documentary being made. And the documentary is on Netflix right now. I want to watch it. It's called Voyeur and it dives into the story and the aftermath of public reception and debunking. Sounds interesting.
I'm going to go watch it tonight. Seven at number seven this week is the Las Vegas Hilton fire that happened back in the 80s on February 10th, nineteen eighty one eight people died and 200 were injured when the Las Vegas Hilton went up in flames, thanks to a troubled 23 year old busboy at the hotel who claimed he didn't mean to hurt anybody. Oh, OK. Woops, I just didn't mean to my bad. The busboy, Philip Bruce Klein, tried to claim smoke from his joint, lit the drapes on fire accidentally while he was in the room hooking up with someone.
Oh, OK. What a cool guy.
He's like, I was smoking, smoking a joint, hooking up with ladies, you know, waps lit the place on fire. I am a cool guy. That's the lamest thing I've ever heard. That is.
But during the investigation, firefighters found out that it probably wasn't just a cool guy who accidentally lit the place on fire because they could not imitate the way he said the flames started and they found it didn't happen that way, definitely didn't, because they found four points of origin on four different floors while he was in all of them at the scene, he was running through four floors, smoking joints and hooking up with people, as one does, because he's a cool guy.
So apparently so many people stopped to watch this blazing inferno. It caused traffic problems. The fights broke out in the streets because people are like, whoa, what's happening over there? I think it's this. No, I think it's the silicates, the eighties. What else are we going to watch to watch this building? There we go. Look at this.
Well, the damage was estimated at ten million dollars, so it must have been a crazy inferno. Wow. Klein was found guilty of murder and arson. I yeah. Yeah, I'm glad. And while tragic, the devastation was nowhere near as horrific as the MGM Grand Hotel fire just months prior, thanks to reforms made in hotels after that blaze, you cannot smoke in your hotel room. Silver lining. Six. Number six this week are the golden key motel murders in 2006.
Police came to investigate a murder in the Golden Key Motel in Atlantic City. When they arrived, they discovered four decomposed bodies swaps. That is not what they were expecting. Probably not all four women were doing sex work around the city and they were all found in a drainage ditch near the hotel. Oh, what a terrible place. Is isn't that awful? Yeah, they were all clothed, but their shoes, their pocketbooks, their IDs and their cell phones were never found.
That's especially the shoes that's in their shoes is weird. Right. But you know what? I've read something that says like, think about it. Without your shoes, you're very vulnerable. Yeah. Like, so a lot of killers will, like, take their shoes right away, make you feel more. Because if you think about it, when you're out in the world without shoes, that's a vulnerable shoes. You are. But yeah, you're just jumping on Charlie Manson's butt.
Well, the other thing that people think, too, is that maybe they were taken as trophies could be since there was no identifying evidence, it led investigators to believe that they were likely killed somewhere else and then dumped by the golden key. That makes sense. The killer was nicknamed the E Found Strangler because the bodies were all found in a row, all face down, and they were in shallow water that was facing east.
We got to sub giving these guys cool nicknames. I agree that kind of sucks, though. But like, he probably thought it was cool. He definitely thought it was cool. And official who worked on the case said that the prosecutor's office was hesitant to label it the work of a serial killer since the Atlantic City was so dependent on tourism. Yeah, we don't want to, like, tell the truth. You know, it's like human lives. But I mean, the touristy tourism, tourism, I don't know it well, not that well.
This sounded super familiar to me when I was reading it. And I was like, oh, people thought that it was connected with Lisk, the Long Island serial killer. Yes, it does remind me of that. And he's believed to murdered 10 to 16 people. But then the evidence didn't fully support the two cases being linked.
Just sounds so familiar that just. I had no idea that so many crazy things have happened in tells me either it's insane. I feel like that's all I'm going to think about when I go stay at a hotel. Now it is all I think about when I stay in a hotel because I'm like a paranoid person.
Well, you don't say it a lot. I can't remember the last time I stayed in a hotel. I think the last time we stayed in a hotel was in New York for Gramercy Show.
Or was it Lizzie Borden first and then the Gracie. Yeah. So you're right. So we felt uneasy.
And the Lizzie Borden house, I can tell you that did. We definitely did. I'm personally waiting for one to show up. Me too. And I feel like it's the same one. I feel like it is.
Five, let's jump back in with number five on our countdown of hotel crimes kicking off the second half of our list is the Alaskan memory card murder. In September 2000 19, a woman found a random SD memory card on the street and she decided she was on it.
No, the card contained 39 images and 12 videos titled Homicide at Midtown Marriott, which is like what kind of killers like Dupe do but do? It is like, let me upload this on. My little SD card is very organized. Should I label this file to do to do a homicide at Midtown Marriott like one you don't want to mix it up with another file. Do not get a label it like pizza recipes, you know, like something, something totally like suspicious text documents.
Also, if I ever found an SD card in the middle of the street, I'd be like, well, that's going to stay right there. I would be curious. I know I don't want it in my computer, though, so I'd be like, well, that'll stay there not to go to the library. You gotta go to the library. You got to go to a church lot. Dennis Rader. Yeah. So the card held horrific photos and videos of a brutal torture and slaying of an Alaskan native woman.
Oh, no. So the woman that found this SD card turned it into police, luckily, because, you know, someone else might have been.
Hold on to this. No, no, no, thanks. Two days later, a body was found along a highway and authorities believe that could be the woman in the pics and the videos. Isn't it crazy how that all, like, work together, just all stacked right on top of each other? Officials tracked down Brian Stephen Smith as their prime suspect. OK, when they got him, they were like, oh, look, he's South African.
And he had a very distinct accent that matched the videos. Oh. So that really like I didn't even think of that, that they would hear otherwise from the video, which is horrifying because I'm like, what was he saying?
I don't want to know. I don't even wanna, like, try to think. Well, Smith confessed to the crime and while he was there, he was like, you know what? While I'm here, fellas and ladies, I did commit another murder two. Are you serious? He just he just while we're all gathered here today, might as well let you in on a few more. Let's just lay it all out.
In twenty eighteen, Smith shot another native Alaskan woman whose skull police discovered about a year prior. But until then they had no leads on it. So they're like, oh, thank you, sir. Yeah, thanks for handing that right. Appreciate it.
Now, according to the Sunday Times, Smith family and friends described him as a McMahon loved by all. But he did spout racist tirades on the Internet every now and then. So, you know, meet people are always doing that left and right. You can't really describe a racist as meek and loved by all. Definitely not. Doesn't really go. Not exactly a meek dude, but. All right. Friends and family. Although he confessed to both of the murders, it's really unclear how the women were linked and how he chose his victims.
It seems like he's just racist. I guess so. So Smith was already involved in another investigation, which is authorities haven't disclosed details. So he's like potentially a serial killer. I'm real interested. I want to know more about the.
For. Number four this week is the body in the bed in July, 20, 19, 40 year old Synonomous. His body was discovered stuffed in a bed frame at the roadway in off Highway 290 in Austin, Texas.
That's bad. Not good, that's for sure. You don't want to sleep there. So Janie Winward was her on and off again boyfriend, and he confessed to the murder. And then to corroborate that the daughter alleged that Wingard threatened to kill her mom in the time leading up to the murder. Oh, so they're just like, well, here's all the evidence. Here it is here. Know winglets own sister called the police on him after getting a text from him saying that he really screwed up and he was leaving town.
Imagine getting a text message from your sibling. I'm like, I messed up. No, I got to leave. I me that they murdered someone I'd like you buried the lead with that there. That was you got just gone quietly. She is. Well, luckily police caught up to him before you could skip town. Messiah's body went unnoticed for three days.
Yikes. Three days. Even though multiple people, including investigators and staff, went in and out of the room.
These things always initially I'm like, what? How did you not know? And then I think about the Josh Phillips case. I know where he put Maddie Clifton. He killed her and then stuffed her under his bed for a while. She was there for a week that had already started.
Yeah, she had already. Yes. So it's like it happens. I know.
Three days actually, I guess isn't that long if you think about it. Oh, well, the bed frame was constructed in a way that it created like a box that the mattress sat on top of. So I guess it was good for that kind of creativity. Yeah, like a makeshift coffin. Yeah.
Just awful. Really awful. And guess who is the one to tell police about this Wingfoot himself? No way. He's like just you know, he's like, I already gave you everything else. Right. This is like, really sad. Macias was a mother of six. Oh. And after her death, a go fund me was set up so that it was able to support her children was good, but oh, so sad. And the weird thing is it's unfortunate.
There's a lot of cases of bodies being stored in an under beds, especially at key locations like in this case. Yeah, the bodies are disposed like this and they can go a long time without being noticed. It seems like a good place to hide someone, apparently, because no one finds out that's true until the housekeeper starts to smell a foul smell that little.
Number three on our countdown of hotel crimes is the bizarre murders of Rose Burkhardt and Roger Atkinson. These two Missouri travelers checked into a hotel in Iowa and were found dead in their bed the next morning. Oh. The case remains unsolved, although experts believe revenge was involved. Revenge.
And I don't know why that sound came out, but I mean, I got it. Roger Atkinson was married and had a daughter, and Rose was his mistress. Oh.
So that's why revenge is involved. That's where revenge comes. I get it now. So they were found the next morning lying face down side by side in bed. And their heads had been repeatedly struck with a sharp object, something like a hatchet or a machete or a hatchet or a machete. Those are two rough things.
To get struck in the head was not a good way to go. That's anger. Yeah, that's a lot. That's anger. That's for revenge. Somebody who's real pissed off.
Now, this is weird. Authorities say the chairs in the room were arranged in a way that kind of makes it seem like the killer in the victim's sat across from each other and like chatted.
Do they yell at each other, they chat or did they punch each other?
I don't know. Money was stolen. And the word this had been written on the bathroom mirror. Just this, which the worst note of all time, of all things to write like this, this right here, not even this right here. Just this just this was right here. I don't know. So difficulties in the case arose because it involves people from Missouri for a crime that took place in Iowa.
We all know police departments that don't like to share separate jurisdictions yet. Nine, no arrests have been made. But some suspected Rose Birkerts ex-boyfriend or Roger Atkinson's uncle in law, all sorts of strange.
Yeah, I was thinking more like a woman scorned. Yeah. I mean, especially writing on the mirror. I don't know what you think of like, I immediately thought of it being written in lipstick. Lipstick didn't say that. I actually was just trying to go back in my brain to be like, did she say in lipstick? I don't think so. It was just written there. It was written in shampoo, who knows? Shaving cream. The Iowa county sheriff at the time of the murder, the lead detective and some suspects have since died.
So it's really getting harder and harder to solve this case. Right. And it's just gotten colder and colder since it's over three decades. Old help from retired policemen have been crucial in this case. So retired policemen get on it.
Police. This is making me not want to ever stand out. It's not even making me not want to stay in another hotel, I think I've already decided. Yeah, I've made a decision. I will just never stay in a hotel. I'll stay in my car. Or if I do, I'm checking the bed. I'm checking the closet. I'm putting a blanket in front of the vents. Yeah. You got to pull up that mattress. There's so much to do now.
You can't just relax. Yeah, it's true. It's not at the waffle maker.
It's not a vacation anymore. I hate it. I so far I haven't seen the one I'm waiting for, so I haven't seen it either. And there's only two left and I don't have it. Unless we're not thinking of the same one, we might not be. Let's find out.
To. We're down to the final two spots on our countdown of hotel crimes and landing at number two is the unsolved murder of Rome. Ten forty six. I know this one. I thought that I didn't. But then I read it and I was like, I don't know that this is a good one. On January 2nd, nineteen thirty five, a young man checked into a Kansas City, Missouri hotel. No luggage at all under the fake name Roland T Own.
He was later found beaten and stabbed in his room room. Ten forty six. Done. It's not weird. That is weird. So the staff said that he was weird. He was super odd the whole time he kept his room dark. He seemed nervous and a maid reportedly heard a second male voice in his room. I mean, so far that's not too weird. I'm pretty nervous and I like dark rooms. Actually, I'm safe. And if they called me, they'd hear a male voice.
They wouldn't with me. So she'd be like, well, that was weird. That's weird. And also so is that girl. Everybody's weird. A bellhop also. This is weird, too, was sent to put his phone back on the hook twice. Huh. Which is like, why is your phone off the hook two time. Yeah. And also why does somebody have to go through that for you and that instincts while the second time he was discovered in a blood splattered room and he was wounded but alive.
Oh Frazey, that's not good. He didn't trip. No, that would have been a lot of blood splatter. It's intentional in here. It does. So the police asked Owen, who had been in the room, and he told them nobody. So that's not true. Incorrect. You've arrested in Karachi. That's why your thing is off the you had been found bound and tortured.
So, again, obviously, somebody was the someone else was there. He had a fractured skull and he was stabbed. Right. That's anger, too. Yeah. He was taken to the hospital, obviously, but he later died from his injuries.
Oh, Faycal. And I know of no weird. Again, all the clothes in his room were gone and the only clues left were an unlit cigarette and for fingerprints. Mhm. Right. Your fingerprints are pretty good but was on this like super old. So it's like I don't know.
Now one of the weirdest things in my opinion is that an anonymous donor sent money for his funeral. That's so strange to me.
That's like somebody new to you and feels bad that like your parents or whoever has to pay for it. Yeah, for sure.
I don't know. At one point, a woman named Ruby Ogletree saw a magazine article about the murder and she identified the man as her own son, Artemus. Wow, that's bad. That's real bad. But the killer was never caught and the case remains unsolved, man.
One. And that brings us to number one on our countdown of hotel crimes, the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in 2007 while vacationing in Portugal with her family, three year old Madeleine vanished from her hotel room. And despite being one of the most high profile child abduction cases in history, her whereabouts remain unknown. This case is so sad. I remember when this case happened. I do to stress me out then and it stresses me out now. I know I can't even watch the Netflix thing on it.
I can't. I started to notice too much.
So the parents, Madeleine's parents were on vacation with their friends and their friend's children.
They were known collectively as the top US seven. Did they call themselves that? I don't really know if we really enjoy small plates.
And there's seven of us. We love tiny food. We're here for it and there's seven of us is the perfect name. Madeleine was taken from her bed while her parents, Kate and Gerry, were dining at a restaurant less than 200 feet away. I mean, she was three. I'm not going to lie.
I want to leave my three year old in a hotel. No, I wouldn't expect you to. By no means is it anybody's fault except who did it. But like, you know, don't do that.
Yeah, definitely don't take a no to not do that. Take a note. The Portuguese police did not distribute her photo or information to relevant departments or install roadblocks until late in the morning. Time to take another note to do that right away. This person, Dep't, already, they will go right away. They were absolutely gone. Her parents were suspects because the former head of the investigation falsely claims Madeleine died accidentally and that they covered it up. Oh, that's sad.
And they were like health care professionals, too. So I think they were like, oh, they must know how to do this. Yeah, it was crazy.
So the British tabloids went wild with this crime.
Her disappearance quickly turned into a media circus and the family was heavily scrutinized.
I remember all the news reports. Yeah, there were so many fingers being pointed toward her family.
Of course, when a child either dies or is taken like this. Yeah, immediately the first thing you're going to think of and the weird position of like we were dining down the road there, she was alone. People are going to judge you. Me, it's just going to happen. It's just the way nature. It's unfortunate, though, because the McCann's were able to seek damages on defamation charges from tabloids because they were basically accusing them of murdering her and disposing of her body.
Yeah, literally no evidence that's that's cause for a lawsuit. And it's like they just lost their three year old. That's the other thing. They're having to argue that they didn't do it. I also grieve the loss of their young young child who died.
So sad.
Now, there's many theories, plausible ones and really awful ones like child trafficking, which seems unfortunately to be maybe the most likely. It really does.
There's also, you know, slightly less plausible ones like the government becoming involved in, you know, conspiracy stuff.
You never know. I say slightly less. Definitely slightly less. Well, I agree with you in June.
Twenty twenty, though, and I'm sure a lot of people might have already known about this just happened. A new development arose. A known German pedophile had been in the area at the same time as Madeleine went missing.
I want to know like why a known pedophile was walking around. I know I should be in jail. Sir, you're known German pedophile. You should go to jail. You go back, I.
Honestly, that case, the Madeleine McCann case, I didn't even think of it, to be honest, to be on this list until I saw it and I was like, oh yeah, that's a huge I know I didn't think so either.
I just didn't even think of it as a hotel crime. But it is. But that wasn't the case that I was thinking. That wasn't the case I was thinking of either. What were you thinking of?
Want to say it on one, two, three. Let's see. One, two, three. Olisa lam. Yes. Oh yes.
I was so surprised it wasn't on here. I knew you were going to say that. That's such a good one. That is a good one. Guess research. God we got you. Oh we also got in together. We did kill the first joint on the records of many questionmark. Well I feel like that's the only thing that was left off right now. I really think it is everything.
I mean, there was someone here that I didn't even know me to, so I thought this was a great countdown. You killed it. Well, thanks for listening. We'll be back next week with another great episode. Remember to follow Crime Countdown on Spotify to get a brand new episode delivered. Every week you can find all episodes of Crime Countdown and all other podcast originals for free on Spotify. Spotify has all your favorite music and podcasts all in one place.
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Crime Countdown was created by Max Cutler. And as a podcast studio's original, it is executive produced by Max Cutler. Sound Design by Kevin MacAlpine, produced by Jon Cohen, Jonathan Rateliff and Kristen Acevedo. Crime Countdown starts Ash Kelly and Elena Erkan.