Sean Hayes
Don't Ask Tig- 1,229 views
- 2 Sep 2020
Is a big wedding worth it? Should you get that degree? Sean Hayes and Tig are here to offer some conflicting advice on topics of all kinds. Plus: Tig needs your help with a problem of her own.
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I'm going to hit record now, you guys, good luck where your recording and we are on with Tig Notaro.
She has been at it, as they say, in the business for several years. And Tig was so happy to have you on today. And Tig, tell us, what what do you fear the most?
Let's just start there.
I would say this interview would be the most terrifying thing. This is Don't Ask Tig, I'm Tig Notaro, and you you you asked again, again, you did it.
Keep asking. We are not alone and nobody so everybody goes. Here to help me today is my good friend and neighbor, Sean Hayes. Hi, everybody. What do you mean? Hi everybody. OK? Hi, Lessner.
Thank you, Sean. You are my neighbor.
I know you're so. We live so close to each other, yet we're zooming or we're casting right now. And you'd think we would have had a social distancing visit. But I know you don't like to leave.
I don't like to leave.
But before the pandemic, we had a fun game going where I would text you when I was going down your street and say we're headed down your street, which I won't name right now.
Sure. And and then you come out and you pretend that you don't even notice us while our family honks and waves wildly trying to get your attention. Right. But you don't look up. That's right.
You wanted me to text like I was texting. And so we've done that. It's fun. It's makes me laugh so hard. It's so hard not to laugh as you drive by. And it's even harder not to raise my head and look at you guys drive by.
Yeah, maybe we'll do that since it seems like a safe pandemic game. Sean, you know, a lot of a lot of the world, if we're honest, they know and love you as Jack on Will and Grace.
Not as me, though, but it's Jack. Yeah, you is Jack. Yes. Yes. You played Jack on Will and Grace. People love it.
And I think they'd be surprised how this and I guess I say this because I was surprised how down to earth and authentic of a guy you seem to be, because I think that you're so funny. I kind of fell for and this isn't a backhanded compliment, I promise I could see it coming from a mile away.
I see it coming from your house to mine.
But I, I thought you were going to be somebody that was just nonstop jokes and bits.
Yeah. All the time that. Yeah.
You sit down and you are ready and willing to have a real conversation.
Oh God yes. And I want to get by. Right.
Do you, do you have to deal with people who expect you to be something else. I mean obviously you have to because anyone that's on TV and film, they're surprised when you're not exactly that person.
Well, you know, there is a exhausting, anxiety filled expectation to be something and to be, quote unquote on, you know what I mean?
And OK, this is this is what I equate it to. When you watch a late night talk show and there is a funny person on known for comedy and they don't deliver, the person at home goes, yeah, I saw so-and-so and they weren't that funny.
And it's like, so there goes that expectation. Right.
And then conversely, if there is an actor on a talk show who's known for drama and only drama and they say one thing that's funny on that talk show, people go and they're funny, they can do everything right.
Reminds me of when I watch, like a band or a singer songwriter and they're just singing their songs. And then in between they say one funny quip and the entire theater is just, oh, you're laughing so hard.
I just live my life.
Right. The expectation is to always deliver and always and to me it's kind of exhausting. And people are like, well, just like don't I say that on their screw it. I don't know.
OK, screw it. They're like, let's cut that out. So people are like, screw it. You know, like friends, like just just be yourself. But myself is incredibly boring.
No, no, I know, but also we're going to keep in we're not going to edit out, you try to navigate whether or not you should say screw it, that's staying in it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, you know what? You know how to find good content.
Yeah. And let's look around the neighborhood and I find good content. You're like a metal detector, but for content. Mm hmm. All right.
Well, that's our show, Sean. All right. You you left college. You left.
I didn't even make it to college. You left college with a couple of classes short of graduating and although. That is glaring, I think everybody can see that it has. It hasn't held you back.
Do you do you have advice for anyone who is thinking about leaving school opportunity?
That's how I feel. Yeah. Get out. Yes, I think I think it depends on what your interests are.
I think I think I was I was a piano major, a piano performance major with a theater and minor, neither of which you need a degree to do what you did to to do those.
Right. And so either you can play the piano or not.
It's not like you go for an audition for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and you blow and then they stamp it with a present on your certificate. Right.
Right. Or if you blow it, you don't go.
But I have a degree. They don't care. Right. And it's not like you go in and audition for a TV show or movie or play or whatever, and they go, sorry, you didn't get the part, but I have a degree in it. Well, I don't care.
You either are good or you're not at those kind of performing, you know, abilities. So I would say my my long winded advice is if it's in the performing arts of any kind, art of any kind, you don't need school experience as far as worth far more.
But if you have a specialty like you want to be an, you know, a clinical engineer or like, you know, rocket scientist and yeah, I would I would advise you stay since it seems important.
Well, and if they want to be a rocket scientist, I imagine they want to be in school. Yeah, I failed three grades and dropped out of high school. I got my yes, I got my GED, which I will send you a picture of. My cat ate it because it was sitting on a table and then I have it which is the same expensive in high school year.
And you're super, super smart and super talented. And what would your advice be kind of similar to mine?
I yeah, I think that I really struggle with school. I know it's the right thing to do to tell people to stay in school.
I think I know what I'm talking about. College. Yeah, OK.
I'm talking about anything I'm saying if you are five and you've had a toddle out the door, but I oh I just, I don't know, I, I felt, you know, it was a really special moment in my life.
My stepfather, who is he was military, his an attorney. He very much didn't understand me. And and I dropped out and kind of tried to make my way in the world and in a way that he didn't understand. And we've been down a long road together. And when I had kids, we were driving somewhere. And he said, I hope it's OK, but I started college funds for your kids. And I, I and I said, oh, that's so nice.
And he said, but I I want you to know that the kind of fund that I started, it's just any continuing education. If they wanted to be an artist or wanted to do masonry, whatever, whatever they want to do, it's there for them.
And that was his big acknowledgement that it doesn't have to be a four year college, which is what he really.
Well, that's really interesting. That's that's fantastic. And has he kind of acknowledged to you in the in in both of your older years that, you know, he now sees clearly what you were going after and now sees more clearly what your plan was?
Yes, it took him a long time, I would say. And seven, eight years ago, he still was telling me I should go to business school. And and then after my mother died and we were driving away from Mississippi from the funeral, he he was in tears apologizing, saying that he realized that I should be doing exactly what I'm doing. And he said that.
He finally realized that. It's not the child's responsibility to teach a parent who they are, it's the parent's responsibility to learn who their child is. Wow, I love.
He said I didn't do that. And I am so sorry. And I was just stunned that my mother was not around to hear that.
Right now, I don't know if this is a good a time as any to bring up the fact that I did speak to your father. OK, OK.
He he's my stepfather or my father because my father's dead also. Yeah, I'm an orphan. Yeah. OK, so I spoke to my dead father.
Yes. And he, he was he was still questioning the metaphorical left turn you've taken.
You've reached out to him. Yeah, OK. No, he reached out to me, he reached out to you.
He's busy looking for people.
He have dead parents. He said the most direct route to my daughter is through Sean Henjak from Will and Grace Jackson here.
I've said that you're an authentic person.
I've even gone to a question yet.
OK, all right. But wait. I need to say, all joking aside, that's pretty powerful what your father said. I think that my stepfather. Well, you said father, but stepfather. OK, fine. That's very powerful.
You know, we could rewind and I can prove you wrong as my stepfather. OK, I'm pretty sure. So stay here. What you want to hear. OK, sure.
It is powerful. It's powerful. But wait, but wait, wait. The fact that he said it's the parent's responsibility to learn what they're. What do you say to learn?
He said it's not the child's responsibility to teach the parents who they are. Right. It's the parent's responsibility to learn who their child is.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. That's that's so awesome. And that's so true. Yeah. I couldn't even believe it came from him because he's so, you know, without emotion and buttoned up and and I need you to make eye contact with me.
What do you do child. I have a new child.
My puppy. Seriously. Oh I'm twenty four. Seven is twenty four. Seven. Well listen, should we call you back in time for you.
I know he's fine.
He's all settled down now. OK, let's get to the questions. OK, sorry.
Here comes the first question.
Mattie writes, My boyfriend wants to run away and elope and I want to have a big wedding with all the pomp and circumstance. What do we do? Am I selfish for wanting a big wedding?
Yeah. So elope. Here's why the it's too expensive. It's a bill that you'll have that only lasts for one night. Yes. Is it special.
But this special, this shouldn't be about the about the pomp and circumstance of it. The specialness should be about the future. Yeah.
The the specialist should be about the fact that you two love each other and want to get married and spend the rest of your life. You can shout that out to the world on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter and reach far more people than you would at a wedding celebration. And it costs nothing. So I understand you're assuming that Maddie has a lot of followers on social media.
Even if she doesn't, then then that's a different kind of advice column. But but I would save the money.
It's not important to to throw this big hoo ha. It's only important to have the people who mean the most to you closest to you during your special day.
That's it. And that's the wrong answer. OK, I. I had a big wedding, Stephanie and I were going to get married, just one of those one on one in Hawaii type thing, so this isn't a one sided advice thing.
You're going to go out and say, I was wrong.
Well, we fight. We battle it out until you agree with me because your producers said they want to get advice from you.
The great thing about saying the opposite. But tell me. So you guys had a huge wedding and you would advise that you would do that because it creates memories and it's a celebration.
Well, I just was not ever somebody that wanted to even get married. I always had some rotating dating situation. And I just thought, wow, I'll have a kid someday. And then this spot will always be filled by somebody new, I guess, because I can't seem to pull off a successful relationship until Stephanie.
And then the more we talked about it and then we just ended up having a wedding and it was a destination wedding and there were three hundred and fifty people there.
And I would do it every year of my life, really. It was so off the hook.
But I guess I didn't get my. And you did not wear that.
We only invited three hundred and fifty people so I didn't make the cut. I didn't know.
OK, but I do understand I think obviously. If you're in love and you want to be with somebody, anything you do is going to be. That's right. That's that's the advice. That is correct. Yeah, but I just thought of a great title for a book if you and stuff never are. If you ever want to write a book or a novel, just should be called like a romance novel.
Call it until Stephanie. Next question. I. I am just allowing you time to really calculate your joke. It's not a joke.
I think that's a good title. That's OK, moving on.
Thanks for your question, Matty, send us a picture from whatever wedding you decide on. I know it's going to be beautiful. More questions right after this break. And I want to warn you, Shine, the next question is a real Hellboy.
OK, we're back with what I call a boy question here, boy. Do we like that? I like it. Yeah, they're real sticky ones. All right. Jamie writes, Should I make a Facebook announcement that I'm getting divorced? Should I include that my husband is a cheater? Hmm, I think the answer is no, you shouldn't do it. I'm getting divorced. If you do, I wouldn't do it in a dramatic way of taking someone down.
I would maybe, you know, if you're if you're thinking you want to make the announcement because you'd like to be able to get on with your life in a not anxious and, you know, like, oh, what are people going to think I haven't posted about my husband or who's this random person I'm making out with in a picture?
Maybe let people know that you've.
Gone your separate ways with with your husband, but I wouldn't go to the place of saying why it dissolved or that your husband is a cheater. I think that it's OK to share personal things. This is my feeling. I think it's OK to share personal information.
But I don't think that. When I say going negative. I just don't think. I just don't think you should do that, I think. It's it's best to take the high road. How do you feel? Oh, OK. Do you want to go first? Oh, you went first. So listen, I, I kind of.
Right. Next question. Right. No, I agree with you.
I, I think you have to work against the temptation of getting your anger out in that way, because I know the desire is to smear somebody who's hurt you.
But if you can take a bit breathe and and realize that that only will make, like you said, it only bring more drama into your life and you're trying to get rid of that drama.
So I think that's something to consider.
Yeah. And if you do make a Facebook announcement. I would make it as neutral and authentic because people are going to find out ultimately that he cheated and whatever happen. Right. But I just I think it's best to really try and rise above that kind of stuff. And and it's going to feel better. It will feel better. Yeah.
You won't regret it. You don't you want to you don't want to do something you might regret later, like in a year or two years or three years, whatever.
But I feel for you, Jamie and Sean and I. I would say we will be thinking about you for sure, I'll be thinking about Jamie and I hope it goes well because I know what that's like to go through. I mean, not a divorce, but a breakup of any kind is always difficult.
Next question, Sean. We're going to be talking anxiety.
Oh, that's where I live. Do you have a lot of anxiety on Prozac as you're biting your nails? Yeah, as you are biting your fingernails. Yeah. Liz writes, I'm dealing with some changes in my life. My fiancee, new in-laws, new siblings in law, new house, new job. That's a lot. How do you cope with all the newness without your anxiety swallowing you up? Meditation?
Do you meditate? I did. It got me through some stuff. Yeah. Meditation really does help now.
It really and I thought it was, you know, hocus pocus, dumb crap and I didn't believe in it.
And I was like, but I was at my wit's end and I tried. I would try and get my doctor recommended it. And so I forced myself to do it.
And it's really, really hard if you're not the kind of person to kind of slow down and you do have like an added issue or an anxiety issue.
But it's really just like going to the gym or eating healthy or any kind of thing you don't want to do is to slow down, really do it for yourself, take a few seconds to breathe.
And I tell people who I love very much to just do that.
And they you know, I go, I know it sounds so corny, so stupid. You can make fun of me. We can laugh about it. But if you do take a few seconds to just take a deep breath, maybe three to five in a row, it really helps.
And I don't know why, but it really it's magical. And and if you can do even start with one minute meditation, then work and do that for a week, one minute a day, that's 60 seconds.
And then just like baby steps, just like you do work working out, then you do five minutes and you're and before, you know, it would be like meditating for twenty minutes and your whole life will change. The anxiety does really curb also list making.
Just write out what you're feeling. I do that a lot. I just write it out and it really helps to get it out of your head and onto something so and then wait a day and read it again.
And it really kind of organizes your thoughts.
Yeah, I can't argue with that. I'm like, yeah, yeah, we're not going to fight about this, but I, I don't keep a regular journal. But when I'm going through a really hard time, I will write every day because, you know, with time you can just be.
It just kind of gets gray and confusing when you look back at what was going on or why did I feel that way? And when you really have it right there in front of you to go back and reference it can give you clarity. And do you write down goals? I do, yeah.
I think that's even the dumbest goals. Like, I really got to organize my knowledge or whatever it is, I really want to be president of United States.
I want this is what I want to do after you organize your under before before.
So but that but like from the most inane to the most incredible, just write down your dreams, goals, desires, whatever it is.
I think that's really important and it really changes your life.
Oh, Liz, take some deep breaths. We're going to you're going to get through this. Yeah.
You're going to get through this and be glad you found somebody on this huge planet that's in outer space. You found somebody. Be glad that you have a job. Remember those positive things. Focus on that, too. So hang in there. Liz, next question. We're going to talk coming out. Something I need to know about.
We we don't we don't know anything about, but we will try to help you. I was going to come out on your program just as a boost to your ratings.
Thank you for calling it a program. And Kate writes, How do I come out to my family without making it a big deal? Oh, yeah.
How do you come out to your family without making a big deal in the exact same way you just wrote that question, I think, right? Yeah. It's like you if if you don't put weight on it, I don't think, you know, other people shouldn't put as much weight on it. So if you don't like I have this big news, I need you to sit down.
I need to talk about, you know, if they're just if you throw it away, like pass the salt or, you know, pass the gravy, then I think I think it should be past my sexuality.
Yeah. Over here. Right. I need to put it on top of my pasta.
Don't you think the less weight you put on it, hopefully the less weight the listener will put on it? Well, yeah.
I mean, it goes back to the it's all in the delivery. Yeah. It's so important whether you're delivering a joke or heavy information, you can't you can't build it up. And I think that there must be something in you that knows that it's not going to be that big of a deal. Because your question is how do I. Not make it a big deal, because you're saying if you don't make it a big deal, likely it won't be a big deal.
So it sounds like you probably what I'm reading into that is you probably come from a family that has led you to believe that you would be accepted. I would like it.
Wouldn't that be fun if somebody wrote in with the question, how do I make it a gigantic deal?
And I because I have lots of thoughts about that. I have like party planning numbers.
I have the fun home. Like, sit down, everybody.
Just sit down. Sit down and shut up. Sit down. I've been thinking about this for years. How do I. I don't know where to begin.
I always thought it'd be funny to come out as bi curious to your whole family on a holiday. Sure. And make a grandmother be like, what? What is that? You know, it's just, you know, I'm not even I'm not sold on doing anything about. I'm just curious. Yeah. I just keep thinking about all the genetics.
I just want, you know, what's going on in my head. Yeah. I just want you to know what I'm privately thinking about. I'm just curious about. Right. Just ruined everyone's Christmas for no reason. Right.
But yeah, I, I think you're going to be fine. Plus people are so there's so much going on in the world right now that the perfect time coming out. Yeah. It's just it's going to people are going to fall asleep halfway through. You're coming out. Right.
But I would say if you want to make it no big deal, walk in holding hands. And just just this is this is my person.
Maybe it's better a slow burn if you just say, hey, by the way, I just wanted to let you know I'm gay and doesn't hopefully change anything between us.
But I've been dating so and so. And if you're open to it, I'd love for you to meet them.
You know what? I did my very close of my my friend Shannon and her family. And and when I had my first girlfriend and I go to I used to go to Louisiana every it's the third weekend of August. Every year is Shrimp Fest. And I'd go out for Shrimp Fest, the Cajun country. And so I called my my friend Shannon's aunt Sheila Shrimp Shannon. I just shrimp Shannon called shrimp Sheila and Shrimp Sheila. And I just told Sheila that I just want to let her know that that I had a boyfriend that I was bringing out to Shrimp Fest.
And her name is Molly. And and then Sheila really had a good laugh about that.
That's good. You did it in a clever way. Yeah.
So you can use that, Kate, to take your take your person out to Shrimp Fest and to Louisiana and let everyone know that that's your new boyfriend.
That shrimp isn't just for dinner anymore. Shrimp shot shrimp.
All right. So that's our final question. And let us know how it goes, Kate.
Before we go, we're going to help one more person, but it's a person from the past. OK, this is advice of yesteryear.
When Jerry brags about taking Jenny out, he learns that she dates all the boys. So, as we say now, menstruation is just one routine step in a normal and natural cycle.
How do you choose a date?
Well, one thing you can consider is, look, I did everything you said, but my boss still hasn't asked me to lunch. We take a real question from an old advice column, and we try to be more helpful than the original answer.
OK, this is interesting. OK, this is from 1934. OK, is this real? Mm hmm. This is real. All right.
Dear Miss Fairfax, I'm already on board. That's all we have. OK, so dear Miss Fairfax, I just can't get along with my mother, this is really serious. Sometimes I think I hate her.
We have just had one of our per usual discussions. This is a polite form for it. I am just hateful and mean to her. She says she can understand how I can be so mean when I am so extra nice to folks who don't give a flip for me. Signed. DCR. What's the last sentence she said, I don't want she says she can understand how I can be so mean when I am so extra nice to folks who don't give a flip for me.
I you know, it strikes me about this question because I'm surprised that in nineteen thirty four they used that slang of you don't give a flip for me. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's clearly disguising the other F word.
I mean do you do you have any, any advice for this person who can't get along when the advice is it's probably too late because that's from nineteen thirty four.
Right. Yeah. This person's like just a skeleton in a box.
I kind of don't understand the issue. So she's mean to her mom and she doesn't know why. Is that what it is. She's mean to her mother and she thinks she might hate her.
OK, so I don't see a problem with that. She's hateful and mean to her. You're you're all for take down your mother.
No, I love my mom. But did you ever feel like you hated your mother? No.
She was always the most loving, caring, sweet, kind, hilarious, dark humor, funny woman.
So I don't I can't relate to that. But but, you know, it's interesting that it's not from a son. You know, I think it's always mother daughter.
Relationships are always as interesting as father son because it's always seems the reverse to be a stronger bond.
Right. Than the mother and the son and the father and the daughter.
But so. Yeah, I don't know how to respond to this one only because I need to know more information, like why is she upset? Why does she.
Yeah, I don't think we're going to be able to get the information that we need. Do you want to try with a Ouija board? Sure.
You got in touch with my dead father. Why wouldn't we just get in touch with this bag of bones under the ground bag of bones?
Let's see that. We do have an answer, though, OK? What is it? Mothers and daughters often disagree because mothers love their daughters very much and often try to present them with their twenty or thirty years wisdom gleaned from experience. But alas, the youngsters prefer to find out for themselves, which is only natural. It's easy to be nice to outsiders who do not annoy us about wearing our rubbers and what time are we coming home. But do try to be properly sweet to the only mother you have, right?
I may have to be unless unless the mother has some issues with the daughter and as the daughter behaving, you know, sometimes it's like the daughter is reacting to something that she's not getting from the mom.
Right. A lot of times daughters will react without knowing it because they're not getting the love, appreciation, attention, whatever it is from the mom and the mom, because the mom doesn't know how to deliver that.
So the child will react accordingly, accordingly.
And without communicating what you're feeling or lack thereof, you can't fix it.
But most importantly, Flip is one of the dirtiest words you can say in the 1930s, apparently. And you know what, before we head out, I just have one more thing. Yeah, I give people advice all the time and now I'm realizing I want advice, OK? Because something came up in my life.
OK, ok. We hung a swing in our front yard, in the tree, in our front yard so that we had somewhere to go and something to do.
The first problem. Yeah, OK. It's beautiful. It's so fun. OK, front yard swink. There is a woman, a mother who comes by daily with her precious two year old, they come on to our property and she swings her little girl in my yard on the swing. Without a pandemic, I might go, well, that's sweet. A little weird, but how precious in a pandemic?
I just want to yell surprise attack, you know? OK, so first of all, wait a minute, she does it without asking does. I don't know who this person is. And also, it's not like the swing is right at the walk the sidewalk. You have to walk onto my property up a little hill.
Next thing you know, you're going to be she's going to be in the middle of you and Stephanie in the bed. Exactly. So wait a minute. So now and does it happen often? Near daily. Oh, yeah, and I told Stephanie I was going to mention this, she was like, Oh my gosh, what if she's listening? She's not listening, but what if she knows that we live here and she's like, oh, they won't care?
You know what, though? Then thank God she's listening because this is I think, you know. But yeah, I don't know that it's weird. Right. It's weird. I don't know that that's a thing that one should do.
At least I would just ask, like, hey, do you mind if I come on your property and use your swing set?
I think that's weird.
I, I don't and it's not like you're being selfish, like, oh anybody can use it if they want but at least A ask B don't presume and C there's a pandemic. Yeah.
Because then I'm where I don't want my kids to go on the swing after. Right.
So why don't you say that. So next time she does it go out there. Go. Hi. I'm so sorry I am under any other circumstances. I'm so glad. I'm so happy for you to use our swing. It's just these are unusual circumstances. There's a pandemic and I don't have enough hand sanitizer to keep wiping the things.
They don't care if we hold off until this is settled. Totally reasonable. I'm curious what other people might might say that are listening. Do you have any sort of problem you want people to write in and help about? Oh, gosh, do I have a problem?
Yeah. Yeah. Well, this to the list is too long. There's no time. OK, so much of problems.
I have, I have I have things on my feet that I keep. I keep scratching my feet so much that scabs.
Yeah. Do you want to see them. No you don't. Sean. Sean. We have to go. Sean. Oh. Oh Sean. No. But you're looking at it, that is disgusting. Thank you. All right, this this this episode is done, we want your advice, listeners, especially for my my swing situation, but not my feet.
Sean has scabs all over his face. It's disgusting. Maybe I'll just I'll come over and swing him off.
You swing the scabs off. All right.
Send in your voice memo with your swing advice. And if you want to help Sean with his scabs to send it to, don't ask BTIG. Please help me, Sean. Thank you. Thank you, Terry. I love you. I love you.
Do you want to promote smart lists and to force. Yeah.
Oh, and that way. Yes. Thanks. Just like Sean. Do you. Come on. Yeah. My podcast is called Smart List.
I host it with Jason Bateman and Will Arnett and it's super, super fun.
And it's a nice break from all the nonsense going on in the world. It's not a global sensation like don't ask Tig, but you can send in your own questions that don't ask TIG and we might try and answer them on a future episode. You can write down your question or you can send it to us as a voice memo. Again, that's don't ask Tig to reach us with your questions. Do you want to try it again or not? No way.
OK, so you want to do one for real? No, that was a good rehearsal. Yeah. Let's start at the beginning. Sean, thank you for doing that. Of course. Thank you. I love you. I wish. That's what Joe. If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate and review us, don't ask. BTIG is hosted by me, Tig Notaro. It's produced by Thomas Willette, Mary Knoff and Tracey Mumford.
Our editor is Phyllis Fletcher, executive producer Lauren D. Engineering and Sound mixing by Eric Rachmani, digital production by Christina Lopez, Talent Booking by and Lulu Duban. Our theme music is Friend and Tig by Edie Brickell and Kyle Crusher. And Listen To Your Heart by Univocal. Special thanks to Hunter Seidman, Lily Kim and Alex Shaffer, our executive consultant is Dean Cappello and Gobsmacked Studios Don't Ask Tig is a production of American Public Media. And as always, thank you, Dana.