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Charles Bronson, one of my favorite all-time movies. Hard Times, really made his career or made it continued on his upward trajectory. My next guest lives as a bare-knuckle fighter since he was a kid. He is the best, maybe that ever was. He's an undefeated champion. You probably don't know of him yet unless you follow the underground world of bare-knuckle boxing, where punches are thrown without any pads on their hands. The sport has been around for over 300 years, held underground at secret locations, with fans paying a premium price to watch and bet on each and every fight. In fact, you can't even tell who the fighters are. Everyone is dressed in street clothes in case they got to get out of there right away because of a raid. That is until now, where bare-knuckle boxing is legal in almost half the country. Bobby Gunn is here now. He has never lost a fight. Over 70 victories. He grew up in Canada, which is close to here, moving from hotel room to hotel room with his parents, hustling and fighting to get by. A tough story that you can only imagine. You would think I made it up.


When you read it in the book, you're not going to believe it, but it all happened. His first fight, bare-knuckle fight, age of 13, fighting grown men in a parking lots for cash because his dad would be the matchmaker. He now has a book out about his life, Surviving these underground street fights against biker gangs, white supremacist, and these horrible Irish and Italian people, Russian mobsters as well, and all different shady characters along the way. Joining us right now is the author of this brand new book, Bear Knuckle, Staten Bonner, and the real-life undefeated fighter himself, Bobby Gunn, 73 and 0. Welcome, guys.


Thank you so much, Brian, for having me on.


First off, bare-knuckle fighting. Tell me about what it means to your family and history.


Well, it means everything. It's pride, honor. You fight your heart out. You fight for your blood. You fight for your name. When I I thought I was just not fighting, fighting, fighting. My dad, my grandfather, my race of people I come from. Is this something, sir, that I can't explain to you? You would die for.


Tough as nails. You guys lived almost like a gipsy life going place to place to place, pulled out of school at the age of eight years old. Your dad did that, and just a very tough upbringing in every way. Now, Staten, how did you get attracted to this story and put in perspective what bare-knuckle boxing has meant to America.


Yeah, as a journalist, I got to tell you this is the most amazing story I've ever come across. Bobby Gunn is a true underdog, Rocky Tail. Grew up as father pitting him in bare-knuckle fights against grown men at age 11. Then went on to become a pro boxer. Never got his fair shake, so entered the underground world of mobster-backed bare-knuckle bouts, fighting to put his seven-year-old daughter through private school. When I first met him, I spent some days with him, saw him drop his daughter at school, and he came back and said, The thing I'm most frightened about are not the guys I see in the underground. It's the parents of my child's friends, knowing who I am and judging her for that. It was a A very tender story, and bear-knuckle boxing was a top sport in America in the 1800s. The history is fascinating.


It goes back to John L. Sullivan in prior, and Jake O'Rean. Absolutely.


The history, as we cover in the book, is absolutely fascinating. In the 1830s, three top sports in America, you had baseball, horse racing, and bare-knuckle boxing.


But it's so interesting because in bare-knuckle boxing, you tell us that you don't hit as hard because you can't break your hand, right?


Exactly. Listen, in boxing, in MME, what is it? 16 or 25 fighters die every year? What I know of a bare-knuckle boxing, what I understand, there's only been two that have reported dead. Now, each fighter that really knows bare-knuckle boxing, it's not boxing, it's a different sport, but you don't hit as hard. Hit maybe 30, 40% power in your hands. You don't want to break your hand. Now, It looks more dangerous, but it really is not dangerous. It's way more safer than boxing.


During the day, you're pouring an asphalt. You're just doing everything to make ends meet. Then at the end, you'll go fight in a warehouse somewhere, make some money, and leave. Why do you say that fighting for the mobsters is probably one of the safest things you can do?


Listen, why? Because they all treat me good. I was a former boxman, Cruiserway champion. I fought the best fighters with Roy Jones, James Honey, had a great career in boxing, but boxing was way more corrupted than underground boxing. People think in their mind, Oh, the bad people. They treated me fair. I got paid World Championship for Rotors, give me a sufficient bunch of checks. I love boxing, don't get me wrong, but it's a lot more corrupted than underground boxing.


What makes him great?


Bobby Gunn's heart is what makes him great. I was fascinated because he's a father, he's a Christian, and he's a devoted family man. It was this real dichotomy going into this world with Bobby into these underground matches and seeing him survive in the most rough, extreme environments. But at the end of the day, he just wanted to get back to his family.


Bobby, your dad drank too much. Your dad never gave you a gift, never praised you after a victory. When you're in a fight, your nose is broken. And what did he do?


Listen, he pulled the cartilage out. Listen, he's like Mr. Miyagi. He could do fix things crazy, too. But the old man, you're right. But the old man gave me something nobody ever had. There was only one Bobby gun, and I was able to do what I'd done. Because of his upbringing and hard Training. I was able to get in those corners and come out like a chap. And there was time, sir, a normal man wouldn't have come out. He went in the field position, cried and give up because of that hard upbringing, I was able to overcome these mountains, Sir Brian, that I never thought I could So you look back, do you feel sadness growing up, or do you feel grateful that it made you the person you are, as horrible as that was, water with your cereal, having to drive at 12 years old to get some money because your dad never came Home. Listen to me. You have to step on a plate sometimes. I was 12, I had to put a pill in my little bum and truck and go to work and get a job, act like I was a full-grown person for my mom, bring all money because my dad wasn't able to do it.


So what happens? I become a tag team. Family stick together, surprise. Brian. One's fallen, don't talk about picking him back up on his feet. That was proper men. My dad had some problems. He was tough, but God love him. He give his best. And so, Brian, I would never do what was done to me. To your kids? Yeah, I love my wife and my kids so much love him. My wife, Rose, 30 years married to her. I never want to fight you. I'm not even going to draw. She's the champ. But I love her and I love my kids. And Sir Brian, I would do it over again to give them what I couldn't give because I wouldn't wish on nobody, Brian, what I went through. But as crazy as it is, he's my old dad. I got to love him.


Great job.


Thank you. God bless you guys.


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