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First stage. Someone was still working today. I know that feeling. Let me turn this watch off. Working lunch, wasn't it? Yeah, liquid lunch. Anyway, speaking of working, let's go.


Thank you, Steve. Just starting off with some team news and it's got actually... First of all, how is Dunhillhills after coming off against Brigham?


It's not as bad as what we feared, to be honest. I think when anyone comes off with a feeling that it's a muscle injury, you sometimes fear the worst, especially with the timing of the season and how little time is left. But scan results were fairly positive. We're hoping that we return sooner rather than later.


Do you expect it's been this good for S 11ton?


Not sure, to be honest. But like I said, we was a bit inconclusive really on when he'll be back and the timing of timing of days, if you like, between Brentford and Southampton and also the timing of the season. You're maybe doing things slightly different, but difficult to say a definite yes or no.


Just to check on a few other points. It's Brendan.


Johnson you mentioned earlier. Yeah, similar to Danilo, really. So a little bit inconclusive. But again, everyone's doing everything to get as many players available as possible.


Just checking on Gustavo Scarpa as well.


How's his recovery? Yeah, he's getting closer. Gustavo obviously been out with a calf injury and has proved to be a little while now. But he's back on the grass and he's not in full training yet. But hopefully again sooner rather than later.


Just finally on the players, Dean Henderson, who came in last week about his injuries and operation. It's been quite gutting for him because he was obviously a big part of his team at the end of.


The season. Yeah, and with Dean as well, he's obviously on long front from Manchester United, but he'd really bought into the football club and even the city. Moving here and making it a permanent base for the loan showed that he really wanted to be part of on and off the pitch. So we've had great commitment from Dean, even when he hasn't been available in the last few months. So it's a pity that the season has absolutely ended through surgery, but he has to now focus on his recovery. And we have a good working relationship with United and communication. And obviously it's still fresh after the injury in terms of what the plans will be. But yeah, we wish him well, really, on his recovery.


Just looking at this final stretch of games, you've spoken a lot recently about belief. I wonder how you manage that belief after the highs of Brighton and then after the Predator result with so.


Many games. Yeah, and I think that's the key, the very contrasting emotions in a few days. We were desperate to get that first win for a while against Brighton. And I think you could see that even though we enjoyed the win, of course, we never got too high from it because we knew that the next game was coming quickly. And you could see how we played the game, apart from how it ended, that there was a real determination to try and get another positive result. And obviously that wasn't to be. And it was a difficult one for all of us to take. But as you said in the question, it's keeping the balance between the highs and the lows and carrying on. The next game is still going to be the next game. And the importance is what was always going to be really high. We would have loved to have gone into it with a better result than what we ended up getting at Brentford. But we haven't and we have to. And we have picked ourselves up and get on with it.


Play the answer on the Monday. Is it an advantage playing after everyone or can it be a bit.


Depending on the results? Depends. With this Premier League schedule, you get used to playing at, I wouldn't say abnormal times, but times where you can have a real influence or the results and games schedules, then can have a real influence. So it's just our turn to be last in this round of games. And sometimes we've been first and sometimes we've been the classic three o'clock on a Saturday and it's in amongst everything else. It's just like everything you just have to... You know it's coming. You have to plan accordingly, believe in your plan, stick to it. And when the game comes in the end, when the ref blows the whistle, you still have to go and play. So I'll be honest with you, I wish we were playing soon and not because there's other games being played. They were just we're just being desperate to play. There's a real good mood in the camp again and the game can't really come quick enough.


Just finally from me, Steve, it was announced that Daniel Podent wasn't going to get charged by the FA after the alleged fitting in towards Brendan.


We haven't really thought about it, to be fair. It was dealt with on the day and didn't really become our issue after that. And it's not something we've even discussed. So I wasn't aware of that. And like I said, we're focusing on ourselves and what we're trying to do. Thanks, Dan. Thank you.




Good afternoon. How are you?


Fine, thank you. Thirteen Premier League games without a clean sheet. Obviously, that's making it harder for you to win games naturally. What are you doing to address that? Because that would really help you.


Yeah, I think it's first of all, it's something that you face up to. Like all of the things that I haven't gone to plan this year, it's something you don't hide away from and ignore questions or swerve questions. You say, yeah, that's something that we would have loved to have been better at and would still like to improve on it, even though there's four games left and would be really helpful. But I think you have to analyse types of goals and sources of goals. That's what we're trying to do. Then what you do, you look at the next opponent and try and match it all up. So I think for sure you do get punished in this league for any mistakes, any not being perfect in doing something, talking about conceding goals, so defending. The chances of coming back to punish you is a lot higher than any other league, I think. So they're just constant reminders that we have to be at our very best as much as we can. And if we do that, like you said, you give yourself the best chances of getting the results. And when we have had positive results this year, that's been the case.


So like everything else, we just got to keep going. We got to keep believing. We're home in the next game. Everybody knows that the atmosphere that we've had and even the positivity that we're really grateful to, and it's been a massive help. All the supporters have been this year because it can be and often is very different. But for us, we are always looking forward, learning along the way, not hiding away from things we haven't done well, but always trying to rectify as much as we can to continue to improve. And improving next up is against Southampton at the City Ground, which we know will be the atmosphere that we need. And we've got to do our part on the pitch in terms of creating our own atmosphere on there. And that's where the focus is.


Of course, you found a way to win against Southampton back in January, was it? What do you take from...


That was happened to me. That felt about three years ago.


What do you take from that? Maybe that you can work in your advantage again?


I think a lot of things are different for both teams and the obvious is home and away. Now, I wouldn't say we're looking at that too much. I think it's more about the present. It's more about the context of the situation where the team's at and what we want to do in the game. Not really looking back at that at all, really.


Sam Ellerdice has joined the fray. One of your rivals, they're obviously hoping there's that new manager balance. So it may yet have an impact on you. Have you got any thoughts about his return at this late stage?


Well, I think you're right. They are a rival at the a moment amongst some other teams as well. And of course, we'll all have an impact on each other in terms of what we all do. But what we're just focusing on is ourselves. And in the end, that's going to determine where we end up as will all the other teams around us and even the teams in different parts of the league. We're all still in a position really where we can look after our own business. And that will be the most important thing on final results. So there's enough to focus on internally. And that's what I and we are doing.


Although he is a big presence, isn't he, in lots of ways? And he's not been backwards and coming forwards to express his faith in his own abilities, shall we say? Have you got any thoughts about what he brings to the party, as it were?


Like I said, we're focusing on ourselves. I have respect for every manager and I have to say, particularly the ones who have been doing it for so many games and years because having done it for a few years myself now and I'm trying to understand what it takes. The guys who have done it over a long period of time is at any level, by the way, you'll only get respect from me. However, my focus and our focus here is on us, not the forest on the next game. One of four that we are determined to do really well in. And that's the only thing I'm thinking about.


Last one for me, obviously, we're very aware of the difficulties you've had away from home. Does it therefore put an added burden and added pressure on these home games? I mean, you've risen to that challenge.


You feel it's a burden? No, it's never a burden. It's never a burden to play at the city ground. It's always an honour and a privilege to be part of what the home game at the city ground is. And to think that we're there when games are even more important is something that we have to relish and be proud to be part of. I've been lucky enough now, even though I've only been here 18 months, we've had some big games there last season and this season. And what's been brilliant so far is that everybody in the stadium has risen to the challenge. Whether that's support, what we've got to do is rise to the challenge of the game and dealing with Southampton and our opponent, having the impact that we want to have as our own team. Because we know when we get it right, the supporters always get it right and it becomes a difficult place to play. But that's in our hands to create that and we don't take it for granted. You've already said we've had much more positive results at home than away, but we don't take it for granted. We don't think it's just going to happen because all of them positive results has been really well earned.


But it hasn't been through the lack of support because it's been incredible. Even in the games where we've been fighting back and trying to get results, if anything, in the more difficult games at home, the support has been even better. We're lucky that that's the case. We'll do our very best to honour that and to make sure that we make the fans proud. All the very best. You too. Thank you.


Hi, Steve. Just one touched on the context there. We touched on it being at home. We touched on the being four left. When you look at those four is.


This the match you've got to target? It's the next match. I think there's been a lot of said about a must win game. What we're focusing on, the mindset we've got is how we win because we desperately want to win and that's a massive objective for the group and the only objective. But it's the how we win is the important because that's the bit that will make it happen. So yeah, that's where we're at. So you're right to say there's four games left, but we're only focused on the next one because out of the four, they give you the same, three points or not, one or zero. But everything's now on Southampton, the city ground and doing whatever it takes, whatever that is to get the result that we want and need.


Your joke there that January feels like about three years ago. Have you felt these last few months ageing?


It was a joke, so don't look into it too much. I love working here. Actually, when you don't get the results that you want and you go on a poor run, I always think I want to be more visible, more transparent, and the best version that I can be. And I want the lads to be the same because if you f you... Like Brentford, for example, could be a difficult defeat to take and it was and it is. But the only way to deal with it is to respond in the next game or even before that in the next training session, in the next meeting, in the next whatever at the training ground. And I've said all along this season, for me personally, it's easy to show a good light, show yourself in a good light when you're winning games. And it's been very important to me to show good light in difficult moments and stand up and be counted because I think that's what a real leader does. And I think that's what you should do as well. So I've enjoyed all of that. Even though sometimes you don't enjoy the results. But I've enjoyed standing in it and being counted for this football club and that will continue till the very end.


Thank you very much. You too. Thank you.


Cameras. Oh, Jonathan. Hi, John. Do you remember the possibility of working with Dean again in the future?


Hard to to say. I've enjoyed working with him. We've all enjoyed Dean and the personality that he is. Obviously, what you guys see and the support I see mainly is when he's been in goal for us. But there's more to him than that. He's a real good professional, really cares, fantastic mentality of winning and wanted to be the best. And so we say we've really enjoyed working with him and we're grateful to what he's given us and what he will continue to give us because you see, he's still, I'm sure, will be around and quite visible. Like I said, the medical teams, particularly are working together with United and ourselves in what's right for him and what they want our contribution to be, if anything, because obviously he's a Man United player. But I know that he will be with us until the end in terms of support and what he would want. So I'm sure you'll see him around at some stage.


Is Ryan in a position where he can start? Ryan Yates?


We'll see. We managed to, obviously. It was great to get him on. We could only play him for a certain amount last week, which we maximised in terms of getting his Chris, it was great to get him back in the mix as it has been with one or two others in recent weeks. The likes of CechU as well, Ty Wu. So yeah, you're certainly getting back up to real speed and we'll see what contribution he's allowed to make in the next few games.


Thanks, Jonathan. Can we have cameras off, please? Written section in Glasgow till 10.30..